HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG210235_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20090508 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v 35 DOC TYPE R HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ cgool D 50 YYYYMMDD AQ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director May 8, 2009 Joe Dan Manis Crestview Residential Properties LLC 16620 Airbase Road Maxton, NC 28364 Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Manis Custom Builders Inc. COC Number NCG210235 Scotland County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under stormwater General Permit NCG210000 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater General Permit. This permit has been reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated October 15, 2007. "file following information is included with your permit package: • A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of stormwater General Stormwater Permit NCG210000 • A copyof the Technical Bulletin for the General Permit • Five copies of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form • Five copies ofthe Qualitative Monitoring Report Form The General Permit authorizes discharges of stormwater only, and it specifies your obligations with respect to stormwater discharge controls, management, monitoring, and record keeping. Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself with all the changes in the reissued permit. The more significant changes to the General Permit include the following: • Permit cover page, second paragraph —The General Permit now may cover activities that DWQ determines to be similar in either the process, or in the exposed materials, to the Timber Products Industry. • Part I Section A —A new provision that facilities draining to 303(d) listed waters, or in watersheds with an approved TMDL, may not be eligible for continued coverage at the next renewal of the General Permit. Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919807-63001 FAX: 91980784941 Customer Service: 1877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterqualit .org An Equal Opportunity 1 AKrmative Action Employer None rth Caro] i na Natim llJ • Part 1 Section B second paragraph — A new clarification that the permit does not authorize discharges that DWQ determines are wastewaters. • Part 11 Section A —The required contents of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been expanded and clarified. • Part II Section B Table 1 — A new requirement to sample stornnvaler discharges twice per year for those facilities with exposed piles of certain materials remaining on site longer than seven days. • Part 11 Section B Tables 2 and 3 and following — 1=or permittees with exposed piles, there are new provisions requiring the permittee to execute'I'ier One and Tier Two response actions, based on the first benchmark exceedence (Tier One) and the second consecutive benchmark exceedence (Tier Two). Tier Two requires that the permittee institute monthly monitoring instead of twice -per -year monitoring, until three consecutive monitoring events show no benchmark exceedences. • Part II Section B — For permittees with exposed piles, a new provision that four exceedences of any particular benchmark will trigger increased DWQ involvement in the permiltee's stormwater management and control actions. DWQ may direct the permittee to apply for an individual permit, or may direct the implementation or installation of specific stormwater control measures. • Part If Section C — Clarification that under the qualitative monitoring provisions of the permit, the permittee is obligated to respond to repeated observations of stormwater pollution. DWQ may impose additional stormwater management requirements if the permittee is non -responsive, or if the responses are ineffective. Your coverage under the General Permit is transferable only through the specific action of DWQ. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by NCDENR, nor does it relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Sarah Young of the Central Office Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919) 807-6303. Sincerely, for Coleen H. Sullins cc: DWQ Central Files rStormwater PermittingUnil Files Fayetteville Regional Office STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OP WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG210235 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CRESTVIEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LLC is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at MANIS CUSTOM BUILDERS INC. 16620 AIRBASE ROAD MAXTON SCOTLAND COUNTY to receiving waters designated as a UT to the Lumber River, a class WSIV SW HQW stream in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, 111, IV, V, and VI of General permit No. NCG210000 as attached. This certificate ofcoverage shall become effective May 8, 2009. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day May 8, 2009. �/!<t��fr� �1�•rvKi'G4 for Colecn H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director 10/24/2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED REDMAN HOMES INCORPORATED-MAXTON 16620 AIR BASE RD MAXTON, NC 28364 Dear Permittee: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION FAILURE TO SUBMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION REDMAN HOMES INCORPORATED-MAXTON NCG210000 COC NUMBER NCG210235 SCOTLAND COUNTY This letter is to inform you that, as of the date of this letter, the Division of Water Quality has not received a renewal request for the subject permit certificate of coverage. This is a violation of NCGS §143.215.1 (c)(1) which states "All applications shall be filed with the commission at least 180 days in advance of the date on which it is desired to commence the discharge of wastes or the date on which an existing permit expires, as the case may be". Any permittee that has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration or permittee that does not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, will be subjected to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS § 143-215.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. In order to prevent continued, escalated action, including the assessment of civil penalties you must submit a completed permit coverage renewal application to the attention of the "Stormwater and General Permits Unit" at the letterhead address within ten (10) days of your receipt of this letter (renewal application enclosed). If the subject discharge has been terminated, please complete the enclosed rescission request form. A valid reason for requesting rescission is required, incomplete forms will be returned and you will still be subject to possible escalated action. Mailing instructions for submitting rescission request are listed on the bottom of the form. You will be notified when the rescission process has been completed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this situation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Bill Mills of the central office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at 919-733-5083, ext. 548. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director, Division of Water Quality cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper V�ArF Michael F. Easley, Governor Q WilliamG. Ross Jr., Secretary OCR QG North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources c r Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director > —{ Division of Water Quality o � September 4. 2002 CONNIG BARIT-00T REDMAN HOMES INCORPORATED-MAXTON 16620 AIR BASE RI) MAXTON, NC 28364 Subject NPDI S StOT'111WOICr Permit Covmttge RCncwul Redman Honks Incorporatel-nutxtun COC Number ncg210235 Scotland County Dour Permute: Your facility is currently covered for sue'mwater dischuraC under General Permit NCG210000. This permit expires on March 31, 2003. The Division stall is currently in the process of rewriting this permit anti is scheduled to have file permit rcissucd by early spring of 2003. Once the pernk is rcissucd, your futility would be cligihle for confirmed covcragc under the rcissucd pu'n111. In Order to assure your continued coverage under the gcncral perntil, YOU must apply to the Division of WulCr. Quality (DWQ) lOr rCnCWtlI of your permit covcragc. To make this renewal process easier. we are informing you in advance that your permit coverage will be expiring. Enclosed you will litt(I to Permit Coverage Renewal Application Form. The application must he complctcd and returned by October 2, 2002 in order to aSSurC COntlnmed covcragc under the gcncral permit. Due to staff and hudget constraints, letters confirming our receipt of the completed application will not he senl. Fuilure 10 rcqucsl rcncwal within the time peliod specified, may result in a civil asscssirem of at ICust $250.00. Larger penalties may be assessed depending on the delinquency of the request. Discharge of slonnwaler 110111 your Iacilily without covcragc under a valid stonnwaier NPDES permit would cgrs't WIC to violmion of NCGS 143-215.1 ;md could result in aSscSSnlents of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. Please note that recent federal legislation hus Cxtcndud the "no exposure Cxclusion" to all Operuutrs nl industrial facilities in any of the I I categories of "storm water discharges associated with industri:d octivily." (except consu'uction uctivitius). If you feel your facility can certify a condition of "no expusm'c", i.e. the Iacilily indusu'ial materials and operations arc not exposed to stormwatcr. you can apply for the no exposure exclusion. For additional infornmtion contact the Cenlrll office Slurnlwal Cr Stall nlentber listed below or check the Slonnwhier & General Permits Unit Web Site at htlp://li2o.err.staIC.ne.us/su/StOrntwater.litnll If the subject stornlwater discharge to waters of the store bus been lerntinuled. please complete the Cnclosed Rescission Request Form. Muiling instructions tiro listed un Ihu bottom of the titan. You will he notified when die rescission process has been completed. II VOL] havC uny questions rogardin the perntil rcncwal procceluics please contact Ricky Revels of the Fuyclleville Regionl Off ice al 910-486-1541 or Bill Mills of the Central Office Shnrnnvatcr Unit at (919) 733-5083. ext. 548 Sincerely. Bradley Bennett. Supervisor Slorntwalel and General Pciimits Unit cc: Cenn;tl Files Storntwatcr and General Pcrmils Unk Piles I-ayelleville Regional Office F*�► A;A NCDENR N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1- 800-623-7748 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director January 24,2003 GLORIA S"rUTTS CRESTVIEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LLC 16620 AIRBASE ROAD MAXTON, NC 28364 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: NPDES Permit Modification -Name and/or Ownership Change Permit Number NCG210235 Manis Custom Builders Inc Redman Homes Incorporated - Maxton Scotland County Dear Permittee: In accordance with your request received November 25, 2002, the Division is forwarding the subject permit modification. This modification documents the change in the ownership of the subject facility. All other terms and conditions in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued under the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. This permit modification does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local government permit that may he required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Valery Stephens at the telephone number or address listed below. Sincerely, r• %2 fnr Alan W. Kliinck, P.E. cc: Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section Sto`rmwater and�General"Permits Unit -Files / 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG210235 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CRESTVIEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LLC is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at ' MANIS CUSTOM BUILDERS INC 16620 AIRBASE ROAD MAXTON SCOTLAND COUNTY to receiving waters designated as a UT to the Lumber River, a class WSIV SW HQW stream, in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, II, 111, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. as attached. This certificate of -coverage shall become effective January 24, 2003. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day January 24, 2003. cawpoasp �.. for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director May 1, 1998 JAMES E. EBERHARDT REDMAN HOMES, INC-MAXTON 2550 WALNUT HILL LANE DALLAS, TX 75229 Subject: Reissued Stormwater General Permit for Certificate of Coverage No. NCG210235 Scotland County Dear Permittee: A4 IL C) E N R In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under the General Permit NCG040000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the General Permit NCG210000 which is a new General Permit to cover most of the Timber Products Industry. You have now been given coverage under NCG210000 and your coverage under NCGO40000 is hereby terminated. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: ■ A copy of the stormwater general permit NCG210000. ■ A new Certificate of Coverage under general permit NCG210000. ■ A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification Form. This form certifies that you have developed and implemented the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) required in your permit (both NCG040000 and NCG210000). This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of this letter. DO NOT send the SPPP with the signed form. ■ Five copies of Analytical Monitoring forms. ■ Five copies of Qualitative Monitoring forms. ■ A copy of a Technical Bulletin on the stormwater program which outlines program components and addresses frequently asked questions. Your certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DWQ or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Division of Air Quality, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit or other attached documents, please contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at telephone number (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, t5 for A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG210000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG210235 STORMWATER DISCHARGES In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, REDMAN HOMES, INC-MAXTON is herby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at: 16620 AIRBASE ROAD MAXTON,NC SCOTLAND COUNTY to receiving waters designated as UT To Lumber River in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV of General Permit No. NCG210000 as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective May 1, 1998. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day May 1,1998 fo r A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authorization of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Mr. James E. Eberhardt Redman Homes, Inc. 2550 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Dear Mr. Eberhardt: INA IL IDFEE HNR July 1, 1994 Subject: General Permit No. NCG040000 Redman Homes, Inc. COC NCG040235 Scotland County In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on April 15, 1994, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Jeannette Briggs at telephone number 919/733- 5083. Sincerely, Original Signed 113 Coleen H. A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E. cc: Fayetteville Regional Office P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT �SION OFONMENT, HEALTH, AND AL MANAGEMENT RESOURCES GENERAL IERSIIT NO 0� 40235 nF COVER �RTI-M A AE NO N STORMW ATER DISCHARGES ds and In compliance with the provision o by �e No r<b Carolina Carolina Envirotmtental Management CommiStatute 143-215.1, other lawful ssion, and the regulations promulgated and adopted Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended, Redman Homes, Incorporated is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Redman Homes, Incorporated Airbase Road Maxton, NC Scotland County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to the Lumber River in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, and IV of General Permit No. NCGO40000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective July 1, 1994, This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day July 1, 1994. ti 1 t ( A. Preston Howard, Jr., PE., Director (. Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission l•Cd i �/�J {� ` U�`J •i �l� ~ N / (\WnG'. l � tit r ell, 191 + y4C ( }spa tlt ASS q- INS / .1�L �M ~,� �� / yYj py •ty,? �.� �.��iNS'a-{�� -`� .�"s'+o � �N \�. V arc. �\ ��� ♦ �(, Ix �iSA l '`fit aotxvw n�neHlanvi. ..-� .. I 1 .v.�rr w _ l Y C 9E�Av. -I:t 3 � y:L�}(„'y °t'_ �.. Y•� [:��'4.Fr� �w #. �.j .. �v�""'r. �,� hen � ttl is tl 1 y:. �^ `i.H £��S ''P`7,1 � �/ a- _ n •G1 � \ � .. .O � • I� .�. 9 4Cv:. J I i o _ y i -t+�i ec .r ('F hli P. T �� �{ � >iL /.� :. % ,,� 3 a(.`'. 53 a�e 4��}S`•Y p � S� 1' ♦ 'u'� i� '"1 � „,axyY � �'°• P Y� /. f: �v , �ye.l � �, • >, j 17 #ow$ A '�`... Yd;, (.r sn A , *its a , \` I 7 �,� � J 6' lu.l# y I»4 '• / ••\/,� 1 > • • �/ ) Y �-y( ��S}� ��n p C1 a 011 i1 yi}a� Y{ ��^ ��yJ 1f i.G 1 r ':' y5 ' u/\�(I `l Y!] N 41 �'�7� _�/��\.' C•� � �y � a i �L Y *Y 34 -Z, �� �TL �—' � �µ V�'/ .• ��to V � T�. �'.•'� %�i' Af7 �ti. '1fV© t `1 v .Y� ��'. >- �) �✓ � .Ij�'� � v��C/al�xv 7.q,f' FACILITY 2� Inc COUNTY NPDES NCC-1 0 q-o �) 3 S MA=' DSN FLOW OlA SU`2 CAS IN `3 G-7 -- S LATTITUDE °41 �p LONGITUC.`E `I 0 a I RECEIVING STREAM Unr�Q� �r � �}� � iG LuV'V\Lz�- IZwe-+r STREAM CLASS Q1 - S w l ICE w DISCHARGE CLASS s ♦a m w �{ e EXPIRATION DATE - g _ � I _ 9 -�