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- STORMWATER-DIVISION CODING SHEET RESCISSIONS . PERMIT N0.. (�'C b� `A DOC TYPE C COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL DATE OF RESCISSION ❑ �u�1 v3 YYYYMMDD March 16, 2007 Dr. Rose Johnson Haywood Community College 185 Freedlander Drive Clyde, NC 28721 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Z<•""K tx a,,,,.;..aAlanWKtimek PF�D�r�dlor -„o. ,; ---^ .,Division of,WatecQuality ., WATER QUALITY SECTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Rescission of NPDES General Certificate of Coverage NCG210121 Haywood Community College Haywood County Dear Dr. Rose Johnson: Reference is made to your recent request for rescission of coverage under the subject NPDES General Permit. In your letter received on November 21, 2006, you stated that your sawmill operation is closed and you wish to rescind your stormw-ater permit. In accordance with your request, NPDES General Permit NCG210121 is rescinded, effective immediately. Operating a treatment facility, discharging wastewater or discharging specific types of stonmvater to waters of the State without a valid NPDES permit will subject the responsible party to a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day. Enforcement action will be certain for persons that have voluntarily relinquished permit coverage when, in fact, continuing permit coverage was necessary. If, in retrospect, you feel the site still requires permit coverage, you should notify this office immediately. Furthermore, if in the future you wish to again discharge to the State's surface waters, you must first apply for and receive a new NPDES permit. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need for NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Sarah Young at (919) 733-5083 x 502, or the Water Quality staff in our Asheville Regional Office at 828-296-4500. cc: Asheville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Unit Central Files - w/attachments Fran McPherson, DWQ Budget Office Sincerely, CR137INNALSIGNED EY KEN P'CKLE Alan W. Klimek, P.E. NehCarolina �7lnhrrnll� Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-5083 Internet: h2o.encstale.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-9612 An Equal OpportunitylAPirmalive Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper [Fv i [Fwd: Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College]] I ..V Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College]] From: Starr Silvis <Starr.Silvis n ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 08:38:41 -0400 To: Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moonccad a ncmail.net> Starr Silvis - Starr.Silvis@ncmail.net Environmental Engineer North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 26778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Subject: [Fwd: Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College] From: Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moorhead@ncmail.net> Date: TLIC, 09 Jan 2007 15:47:44 -0500 To: Ken Pickle <Ken.Pickle a ncmail.net> CC: Starr Silvis <Starr.Silvis@ncmail.net> Ken, Seems that this is the rescission request that I checked on a while back and you had not received your copy. Didn't I fax it to you? or did 1 send a copy via courier? Laurie Laurie Moorhead - Laurie.Moorhead@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4S00 Fax: 828-299-7043 Subject: Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College From: Wanda Frazier <Wanda.Frazicr a ncmail.net> Date: TLIC, 09 Jan 2007 15:18:44 -0500 To: bndley.bentietta ncmail.net . CC: Ken Pickle <Ken.Pick le@ncmai1.net>, Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moorhead a ncmail.net>, Roger Edwards <Roger.Edwards a ncmail.nct> Hi Bradley! Could you update me on the status of the following: I c. - 3 6/6/2007 9:00 AM [Fled: [Fwd: Status of NCG210121 Maywood Community College]] Thanks, Wanda Request to Rescind Stormwater Permit Stormwater Permit No. NCG210121 Haywood County Haywood Community College (HCC) Stormwater permit NCG210121 was originally issued for an educational sawmill operation on the campus. Currently, this educational sawmill operation is closed with no plans by the college management to use the facility in the future. After discussions with Wanda Frazier and Ken Pickle, at DWQ, we are requesting that our Stormwater permit (NCG210121) be rescinded. Haywood Community College is hereby requesting a "Conditional Exclusion for No Exposure of Industrial Activities" for permit number NCG210121 per 40 CFR 122.26 (g) for the entire timber products site, as our operation does not fit the Commercial Timber Products definition. The only `timber products' related activity that still remains active is a small wood drying kiln. The dry kiln is part of Building 400 Lumber Product Lab Shop. The dry kiln is used once per year, approximately 3-5 days, as part of a `short course' for other learning institutions for educational purposes only. The kiln operation consists of a drying room, a small natural gas boiler room and wood storage shed. Stormwater from the site is collected in one stormwater drop inlet in front of the boiler room and conveyed in piping to a point approximately 30 yards down grade and then discharged in a wooded area. Previously, our kiln boiler drain down discharge was introduced into this drain. All discharges from the kiln boiler have been eliminated and re -piped to a sanitary sewer eliminating any possibility of a discharge to the storm water drain. Note: this boiler uses no water treatment chemicals or biocides, since it is only used once per year. Haywood Community College has made all necessary repairs to its kiln operation and is also requesting that the North Carolina Division of Water Quality rescind the Notice of Violation (NOV-2006-PC-0406) that was issued on September 18th, 2006 . If you have any questions about this letter or our proposed plan of action, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (828) 565-4228. Sincerely, Dr. Nathan L. Hodges, President Haywood Community College cc: Robert Gaddis, HCC Debbie Trull, HCC Ken Pickle - NCDENR Division of Water Quality; Stormwater Unit 2 of 3 6/6/2007 9:00 AM [Ftvd: [Fwd: Status of NCG210121 I laywood Community C011egel] 1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Terry Albrecht, PE; Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance; 25 Heritage Drive; Asheville, NC 28806-1998 Wanda Frazier - Wanda.Frazier@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Wanda Frazier <Wanda.Frazierpiicnulil.net> NC DE,NR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section Laurie Moorhead <Lamie.Moorhead a,ncmail.net> NC DIENR - Asheville Regional Oil -ice Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section Starr Silvis <Starr.Silvis wricmail.net> (Environmental Engineer NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection Section lFwd: Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College] Content -Type: message/rfc822 Content -Encoding: 7bit C Status of NCG210121 Haywood Community College Content -Type: message/rfc822 o Content -Encoding: 7bit r 3 o: 3 6/6/2007 9:00 AM [Fwd. Request for SW Permit NCG210121 Rescission] i Subject: Re: [Fwd: Request for SW Permit NCG210121 Rescission] From: Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moorhead@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:18:56 -0500 To: Ken Pickle <ken.pickle@ncmail.net> CC: Sarah Young <sarah.young@ncmail.net>, Starr Silvis <Starr.Silvis@ncmail.net> I'll stick it in tomorrow's courier. Laurie Ken Pickle wrote: Hey ya'll, I've just been through several stacks of stuff in my office. I can't find their recission request. They're the ones with a once -per -year short course in sawmill operation, right? I think I verbally concurred that the permit should be rescinded, based on what I heard on the phone. But, I don't remember seeing a subsequent submittal. If it came in to me, it appears that I've lost it. Laurie, could you drop a copy of their request in the mail to Sarah or me? Thanks, Ken [Sarah Young wrote: Ken - Did you get this? I just finished entering the most recent stack of rescissions, and it's not in that. Thanks, Sarah Subject: Request for SW Permit NCG210121 Rescission From: Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moorhead(@ncmail.net> Date Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:27:14 - 050 0 To: Sarah Young <Sarah.Young (�i_)ncmai1.net> To: Sarah Young <Sarah.Young(a)ncmail.net> CC: ^�Starr Silvis <Starr.Silvis(a-_)ncmai1.net> U I c ' 2 6/6/2007 8:58 AM V[Fwd: Request for SW Permit NCG210121 Rescission] J Sarah, We recieved a request in late November to rescind permit NCG210121 from Haywood Community College. Ken Pickle was copied on the request so I assume that you have received it. I don't recall having heard from you requesting verification of this request-, would you mind checking on the status of it at your end? Let me know if you need confirmation. Thanks Laurie Laurie Moorhead - Laurie. Moorhead(aDncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax:828-299-7043 Laurie Moorhead - Laurie.Moorhead@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept f E onvironment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NO 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Laurie Moorhead <Laurie.Moorhead(d)ncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2 c.[ 2 6/6/2007 8:58 AM HAYWO O D COMMUNITY COLLEGE November 14, 2006 Mr. Roger Edwards NCDENR-DWQ-SWPS 2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 President's Office 185 Freedlander Drive . Clydc,,North Carolina.'28721 . (828).627-4516 Subject: Request to Rescind Stormwater Permit Request to Rescind Notice of Violation NOV— 2006-PC-0406 Permittee Action Response Letter Stormwater Permit No. NCG210121 Haywood County Dear Mr. Edwards: �11���� 11, NOV 2 1 2006 L. _ WATER QUALITY SECTION AS'. EVILLE REGIOiJAL OFFICE Haywood Community College's (HCC) Storm water permit NCG210121 was originally issued for an educational sawmill operation on the College's campus:. Currently, this educational sawmill operation is closed. After discussions with Wanda Frazier and Ken Pickle, at DWQ, we are requesting that our Storm water permit (NCG210121) be rescinded. The College is also requesting a "Conditional Exclusion for No Exposure of Industrial Activities" for permit number NCG210121 per 40 CFR 122.26 (g) for the entire timber products site, as our operation does not fit the Commercial Timber Products definition. The cn!y `timber products' related activity that still remains active is a smal! wood drying kiln. The dry kiln is part of Building 400 Lumber Product Lab Shop. The dry kiln is used once per year, approximately 3-5 days, as part of a `short course' for other learning institutions for educational purposes only. The kiln operation consists of a drying room, a small natural gas boiler room and wood storage shed. Storm water from the site is collected in one storm water drop inlet in front of the boiler room and conveyed in piping to a point approximately 30 yards down grade and then discharged in a wooded area. Previously, our kiln boiler drain down discharge was introduced into this drain. As of November 3rd 2006 all discharges from the kiln boiler have been eliminated and re -piped to a sanitary sewer eliminating any possibility of a discharge to the storm water drain.: Note: this boiler uses no water treatment chemicals or biocides, since it is only used once per year. A member of the North Carolina Community College System An Affirmative Action/Equal Opponunity College Mr. Roger Edwards NCDENR-DWQ-SWPS October 24, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Haywood Community College has made all necessary repairs to its kiln operation and is also requesting that the North Carolina Division of Water Qualit� rescind the Notice of Violation (NOV-2006-PC-0406) that was issued on September 18 h, 2006. If you have any questions about this letter or our proposed plan of action, please do not hesitate to give our Facilities and Campus Arboretum supervisor, Robert Gaddis a call at (828) 565-4228. Sincerely, Dr. Rose Johnson President Haywood Community College cc: Terry Albrecht, PE; Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance; 25 Heritage Drive; Asheville, NC 28806-1998 Wanda Frazier, Division of Water Quality 2090 US Hwy 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Robert Gaddis, HCC Ken Tickle - NCDENR Division of Water Quality: Stormwater Unit 1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Debbie Trull, HCC Greg Rutherford, HCC Doug Staiger, HCC April 8, 2008 Roger C. Edwards Regional Water Quality Supervisor Division of Water Quality 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 27778 _J VV ^.TER Please find enclosed copies of letters concerning storm water permits for Haywood Community College. As of this date none of these repairs have been made. It would be in the best interest of the public for you staff to follow up on the issues at the college as there are several areas that would be a contamination to the storm water run-off; auto repair shop (stored vehicles leaking oil and anti -freeze), production crafts (washing out of their kilns and pottery extract) into the storm drains, paper making process (black liquor discharge into building drains and/or catch basins and being dumped), the boiler blow down located at the dry kiln, wash water and spilled oil from the maintenance area being discharged into the storm drain and onto the surface, possible wash water from the washing machine located in the vending discharging into the storm drain, leaking oil drums and paint containers stored in a old brick building next to the sawmill. It is a disgrace how the college is covering these issues up and making everyone remain quite for fear of being discharged from employment, dedicated people have been discharged from employment already due to these issues. The whole campus needs a detailed and in depth inspection. I have been a working student in many areas of the college and have witnessed this pollution going on, it has come to my attention that Debbie Trull has a broad knowledge of what's going on and has threatened many employees with discharge from employment if they say anything about what is going on. I am considering contacting News 13 and some of the local environmental groups for involvement I have since located to another college. I also hope you can save the college from environmental ruin and a hazard to the downstream users. Sincerely Pollution Hurts f , - I : I ; , , 1, 1. i:avh Avvvq. an e. . _ r :IrU1, .50. "4 rp! w !'T fl'r, en1j. C31 1 11" Ul—, J, :4.1, 1 fit' p'l, I, WO CIO A! "P '101, j 'Fp. ,,(I 'rPorlorp. r..pun • in jv;' 1:r I,.A! 1 1 4 40 fj", .,:; , i -o - , " - , q-. a yj , 1, )-P:A- IV Cl rij nr., . '4 :,, , '".: L 04 - J , : I ]HCC letterhead] October 5, 2006 Roger C. Edwards Regional Water Quality Supervisor Division of Water Quality 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 27778 Subject: Action Response Letter to NOV — 2006-PC-0406 regarding Stormwater Permit No NCG210121 Dear Mr. Edwards: Haywood Community College (HCC) Stormwater permit NCG210121 was originally issued for an educational sawmill operation on the campus. Currently, this educational sawmill operation is closed with no plans by the college management to use the facility in the future. The only `timber products' related activity that still remains active is a small wood drying kiln. The dry kiln is part of Building 400 — Lumber Product Lab Shop. The dry kiln is used once per year, approximately 3-5 days, as part of a `short course' for other learning institutions for educational purposes only. The kiln operation consists of a drying room, a small natural gas boiler room and wood storage shed. Stormwater from the site is collected in one stormwater drop inlet on paving in front of the boiler room. This stormwater inlet is conveyed in piping to a point approximately 30 yards down grade and discharged in a wooded area. The kiln operation has no outdoor exposed storage of any kind; all operations are inside enclosed buildings. There is no discharge from the kiln room. The only potential exposure/discharge from this area is a boiler safety blow down pipe, which, if discharged, would enter the storm drain. Note, this boiler uses no water treatment chemicals or biocides since it is only used once per year. Haywood Community College is making plans to relocate this boiler blowdown discharge line to an approved sanitary sewer connection. HCC will provide the state with an estimated date/schedule of repair completion by November 17, 2006. No boiler blow down will be discharged to the storm drain from this day forth. With the kiln stormwater exposure addressed HCC will to seek a "Conditional Exclusion for No Exposure of Industrial Activities." per 40 CFR 122.26 (g) for the entire `timber products' site, both the closed saw mill and kiln operations. HCC currently has plans to clean-up the discontinued sawmill site by removing products and equipment stored outside. HCC also will submit to the state a clean-up schedule for the discontinued saw mill site in the next 90 days to eliminate any stormwater exposure. r t A.1 ,., It! r . �; ,: ; -•,�.:�.r. a: , . d. .ts,^r. `;i; •. ;rii-?fk'; Y. • + • , 3,; ..yr I. ri'J. r � f., .. .,u �+,•, .ir`,n...t•r.t.'I ,; ,., ..L., ,rU.•li. i�'...+.. ..'l•c";JI a. .. .:,f-, rt! , GIS..ct . H; ,:: r,i , + ,J ',r,r •1 ' :, J • io,ic".;t fiP., '.��,:;, 'r ,;•,lu. , , ;Ir.,v . .r ;n .. .,. , ... .:,G r.i.. -. „ _IiI ri .ti IL',1•_ .. )" +:':. 'I . ,., 'r• ; i t+Ii.! .'rL' J.1: J I „Y •'I_ ...rU,' ..r ., r nC! '.I t,'D17r ;r rl; 'r .. ., I,' . ,aii 'JI .I�ifl t r.,� r •ii' L' , ..r .Lr ., .f..l. . R' :•1 a i'': t' - ) (,. ' ,'..rr•r n r ,.' ! .'(�'Ir __; I,nifl'. WR 1!�`:1.,`IJ + �-,•l�lilj':� r •'e iirL :a': •'J; r r i. '�, .ilYi' 1.'. i.: . � .. M1 i. r.. ra : l a,"�! i Ji u.r" ..I ! 1 - '. 1.1� ;'I r ltil t!I":., �.n I '•�N' .., .. f'i 1f- r l+' 7vl;t; ,,, 'e ',J•;'•lfu t'1!< _•..I '1 �,.. . 1'.. :: F. `'�.. .'1 .�..r r%. .1 '.'1','t! :I�,f; t.+,; n,'.� tl 7•rl1'r' .. t7� ,. !JL -i• r.:IJ,Ir. I„ 'rti rt+ iur1 ,IJ u�T !;.'•!, b;rla.KJ v -. nl IJ•,'_ ;,,:lu ,�d'.;'i ..in _ Js,, .�•,1' ;+14 i,. �t.;'.','.••fJ:r• �t r. ;>, ''r. ,::..I1 t 'Jll ( 1`I' , T.i', i.., ! :'It 4111 r ... '0."111 y(I' .. ... •.11i1 Ir , i lu �, r•J': , rtY. �, ':!, �Ir• ., r , ri,,;, ;,,;1,. .1'i •,•,„*-..,.. r.l •I , •,:,',';r a ,ir.IC , „;. .'! 'r i'i' %'•a !u. , n r',1 •+,. ': L. 1!: •l 'iJ .. ', ., ..r.1 rff_a'+.'fr. . a,! JIGif J " /.' •i .. }' i :I '•�.. ,'+ i �' vl ';III. U! :,, J. r.t r• ,•,�I !r 1. , rJ 1:+fit ,.' . '!�. � � ... J'. •Yi (' ,i' ,�t'!V` .. ,.� .+. r)..i' , .. ,'. ..t: rj � , ttd . •J"U: _ Nl+ ,^( 0...'I L. Yi+i r,. :. 1i, 'r, iv'. �N. I'd ..J •'!I-•L. ..'..1 Iu�l+. +!�lr„ :` a `t ,� ,. iM i 1:. �. .'Y'. ttlN .1 .Nl1 r . .., •,TI .:r .t .' li", r.�l rIl.a_ ..:.: i ,r _. ... .�, � '�• 11'.•IV a (+'P .'J+. I I. , IJ '! ✓ -US fi•i' il. . I'..}• Ii JI+! .1, '� . .. ",i•i' .,Ir r1111t11 '. .. u 1•..'LJ:' .a �Jr .. ., t. J .I: �f a JI •.i 'Irr lu.'. \ .. �II1!1 rIi a r. p. .. .., li .''..il�. �I: lyi rt'.uL' i� • iil nl 1. �,+(• I.r..l With all stormwater exposure eliminated on this site, HCC will likely request the Stormwater permit No. NCG210121 be rescinded at a future date. Haywood Community College representatives met with Land -of -Sky Regional Council's Waste Reduction Partners staff on -site on September 29, 2006 and are working cooperatively with them to address the storm water issues. If you have any questions about this letter or our proposed plan of action, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (828) 627-4615 Sincerely, Debbie Trull Director of Facilities Haywood Community College Cc: Dr. Johnson Wanda Frazier IIrI rt.yr.r: �'I %�J.�II ilI _' J IC 1 rCfq .CI 11 i I II�1')'111 i•.IJ•' .1 "1.1 11.'i air' 1 /: . ..,i �r^.1".V:. ,r .. ;i�:i: 1:. .. _I�i.. �,i'✓, .11'� r�r ��rr ..`r.'r.. ICI 01•) J 10104 w1 Ne ;01 I, .I, . j.SO ._, rt ! '!I; .... -'.� Ir fl �.. �! 1.1.1t! a_:rr_. lr Q;, . ., r .Y ! .'C!1 ._ ..7 n. :C' r r P r 0 F October 24. 2006 Mr. Roger Edwards NCDENR-DWQ-SWPS 2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 Subject: Request to Rescind Stormwater Permit Request to Rescind Notice of Violation NOV— 2006-PC-0406 Permittee Action Response Letter Stormwater Permit No. NCG210121 Haywood County Dear Mr. Edwards: Haywood Community College (HCC) Stormwater permit NCG210121 was originally issued for an educational sawmill operation on the campus. Currently, this educational sawmill operation is closed with no plans by the college management to use the facility in the future. After discussions with Wanda Frazier and Ken Pickle, at DWQ, we are requesting that our Stormwater permit (NCG210121) be rescinded. Haywood Community College is hereby requesting a "Conditional Exclusion for No Exposure of Industrial Activities" for permit number NCG210121 per 40 CFR 122.26 (g) for the entire timber products site, as our operation does not fit the Commercial Timber Products definition. The only 'timber products' related activity that still remains active is a small wood drying kiln. The dry kiln is part of Building 400 Lumber Product Lab Shop. The dry kiln is used once per year, approximately 3-5 days, as part of a 'short course' for other learning institutions for educational purposes only. The kiln operation consists of a drying room, a small natural gas boiler room and wood storage shed. Stormwater from the site is collected in one stormwater drop inlet in front of the boiler room and conveyed in piping to a point approximately 30 yards down grade and then discharged in a wooded area. Previously, our kiln boiler drain down discharge was introduced into this drain. As of ? all discharges from the kiln boiler have been eliminated and re -piped to a sanitary sewer eliminating any possibility of a discharge to the storm water drain. Note: this boiler uses no water treatment chemicals or biocides, since it is only used once per year. Haywood Community College has made all necessary repairs to its kiln operation and is also requesting that the North Carolina Division of Water Quality rescind the Notice of Violation (NOV-2006-PC-0406) that was issued on September 18th, 2006. .vrt!1'-ii'7')-'.f,-(,t:f.lI!r's ail �'fof'i�%:•d!IVI '; ..')i. .. 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't.J •y F't, jCl.1l'n! .'i Sr[r%' Mr. Roger Edwards NCDENR-DWQ-SWPS October 24, 2006 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions about this letter or our proposed plan of action, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, Debbie Trull Haywood Community College 0c; JJ")Cl", 1":', Gr HAYWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 185 Freedlmider Drive • Clyde, Noah Cr Roger C. Edwards Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa. NC 28778 Dear Mr. Edwards: Academic Services ina 28721-,(82A):627-282,1 �, ��G, l5 D r; July 25, 20074> AUG - 2007 ; WAT ER QUALITY SECTION ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE This letter is a formal response to your letter dated June 22, 2007 concerning an onsite inspection at Haywood Community College on June 19, 2007. All of the violations and recommendations have been addressed in the following Ways: • A blowdown separator has been ordered and is being shipped for the boiler for the dry kiln. We anticipate having it hooked up and tied into the septic system within the next 2-3 weeks depending on the shipping date. The boiler is not scheduled for operation until October and everything will be tied into the septic system before that date. I discussed this with Ms. Moorhead and received her approval. • Foliowing research, a clay pit was discovered which services the ceramics room in the Professional Crafts area. All sinks are fed into this pit. The pit was found to be full and has been pumped out. There is now a posted schedule for routine pumping in the maintenance area and the clay division. Signs have also been posted in the classroom explaining that the clay pit exists and that there is a schedule for routine pumping. This has also been discussed with Ms. Moorhead. • All the wash water used to clean the ceramics room floor is now being vacuumed and properly disposed of. It is no longer being discharged into the storm drain. A member of the North Carolina Commtmily Collcge System An Affirmative Action/Equal OpportunityCollege • The floor drain in the ceramics room has now been permanently concreted. appreciate your willingness to work with us in addressing these issues. This process has raised our awareness, and we will be striving to improve water quality where possible in the rest of the campus. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Page at (828) 627-4167. Sincerely,, William darme Vice President of Academic and Workforce Development cc: Scott Page Debbie Trull jp ��Y yM.'J.ta �.. cam. .•nvY... �-wun -�-. t Y �ivichae F. ELM over_ William°G"Ro`ss'Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Asheville Regional Office SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SECTION June 22, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7006 3450 0002 7064 8013 Dr. Bill Rhodarmer Vice President of Academic Services Haywood Community College 185 Freedlander Drive Clyde, NC 28721 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION NOV-2007-SP-0016 Haywood Community College — Lumber Products Lab Shop/Crafts Building Haywood County Dear Dr. Rhodarmer: In response to a citizen complaint, on June 19, 2007 Nls. Laurie Moorhead and Mr. Roy Davis of the Asheville Regional Office visited the professional crafts building and the lumber products lab shop of Haywood Community College. Investigation of the complaint noted the following violations and recommendations: Boiler blowdown at the lumber products lab shop, while capped with a manual valve, still. allows a discharge of blowdown to the storm drain if untrained personnel open the valve. It is recommended that either permanent connection be installed to the sanitary sewer or that some other method be instituted to insure that no boiler blowdown will be discharged to the storm drain. Of the three sinks located in the ceramics room of the professional crafts building, only one has a sediment trap and it was completely full at the time of inspection. It is recommended that this trap be cleaned and that sediment traps be installed at all sinks within the ceramics room. Floor wash water from the ceramics room is being discharged to the outside parking lot storm drain where it flows to surface waters untreated. Discharge of untreated wastewater is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1(a)(1) which requires a permit before making an outlet into waters of the State. It is recommended that all ceramics room wash water be discharged outside either directly onto a grassed surface so that it may infiltrate into the ground and not run off into any surface waters, or that it be discharged to 2090 U.S, IIigimay 70, Swimminna, N.C. 28778 'rulephone. 92SP96-1500 FAX: 828299-70=13 Customer Service: 871/623-6748 one NoilhCarulum 0 Dr. Bill Rhodaimer Haywood Community College June 22, 2007 Page Two • an interior sink that contains a sediment trap. It is also recommended that signs be posted within the ceramics room informing students that wash water be disposed of properly, not outside into the storm drain as this drain flows to surface waters. • Note that there is a.floor drain in the ceramics room that has an unknown destination. It is recommended that the floor drain be tested to ensure that it is not connected to the storm drain network.. This floor drain should be connected to the sanitary sewer. Should It be determined that this floor drain is connected to the storm drain network, you are advised to permanently cap the floor drain. To prevent further action, carefully review these violations and recommendations and respond in writing to this office within thirty (30) working days of receipt of this letter. You should address the causes of noncompliance and all actions taken to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. This office requires that violations, as stated above, be abated immediately. Please note, these violations and any future violations may be subject to civil penalty assessments of up to $25,000.00 per day, per violation. Your response and any questions you may have should be directed to Ms. Laurie Moorhead of the Asheville Regional Office at 828/296-4500. Sincerely,, _ '�v�-+ G . c'ccrtc.tx Roger C. Edwards, Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section cc: Mr. Stephen Lloyd, Professional Crafts Building, Haywood Community College Ms. Deborah Trull, Facilities Coordinator, Haywood Community College Danny Srnith, NPS Assistance & Compliance 01,ersight ARO Files Central Files 9e�C,Y,_ee, s Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete - ( I(/ A9f Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑ Adc ■ Print your name and address on the reverse _ Orpate of [ _so.that_we.canieh trnthn.^arrl to v^"-- North Carolina Department of ad Name) , l 2ActiP� t'f ©�� • A Environment and Natural Resources7- I j/_ 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, Nc 28778ry rent address Item I? ❑ No NCDENR BILL RHODARMER *-VICE- PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC SERVICES 1Cerypa HAYWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE nisi= Mailpress ed m Receipt for Merchandise 185 FREEDLANDER DRIVE tt 7RCted red Mail 01) ,.CLYDE NC 28721 DeliVW (Extra Feee) o yes � 71706 3450 61702 7064 8013 PS Form 3811, Receipt 10259502-M-1540 I Complaint Form DateReceived/By: (o�S/3-7 3:3o�.,. Time: Caller Name (optional) Phone Number (optional) Nb—d-9 �,e ���A ca49t� '13V- 3354 Comity: wu".� Address of Complaint: CC Directions to complaint: R64 5P-00l(0 Type of complaint: BIMS Incident P app�p lg 1b W WTP Major W W'l'P Minor �otecitonSystem ��"y�,�, A �,�Qp p�p� 401 Issues`1Q ` Stream Complaint: (" �D �• Muddy/Discolored Digging in stream Strange color/odor �C . (1 ^ _^n_ � Solid material in stream s Cux w U).L6 w a�— t o�l4'ZO:;5Ul�d_ Digging on stream bankSo Removing vegetation Storm Water: Runoff fruit neighbor moff to slre Emergency Response: Train Derailment �tst�-�tC Eire/Explosion � �• I1 f_4 Motor Vehicle Accident with fuel spill/ chemical spill 1 ram" 6 Ngk- & ` - Liquid Dry Bulk/Bagged 70y0,6 3450 0002 70L4 8013 a oa a North Carolina Environment and Natu 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannan NCDENR BILL RHODARMER VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC SERVICES HAYWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 185 FREEDLANDER DRIVE CLYDE NC 28721 t I