HomeMy WebLinkAbout20010352 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20010312O?O? W AT ?RQG tj r Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph. D. Division of Water Quality Mr. Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. Insite 201 North Tryon Street, Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Mr. Gaffey: Subject: September 18, 2001 Brookmere DWO Project No. 010352 Mecklenburg County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans-for the subject project and determined that additional - - information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: Discharge to the Level Spreader Please provide the calculations to show that the level spreader would have a maximum lip velocity of 1.3 fps in a 10 year 24 hr storm. Otherwise please provide specific information that would indicate that the down slope conditions from the level spreader would be maintained in a 10 year 24 hour storm. Operation and Maintenance Agreements Please provide a signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the level spreader. Please feel free to call me if you need any suggestions. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o. eh n r. state. nc. us/ncwetlands/. Sincerer hn E Tor-d/ Jo Environmental Engineer cc: Mooresville Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ I SITE .Engginepm,kg & Surveying Mr_ Todd St. John NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27698-1621 Dear Mr. St. John: September 12, 2001 RE: Brookmere Subdivision Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 010352 "VLA. Facsimile & U.S. Mail 919-733-6893 Per your letter dated August 17, 2001, we have revised the ponds for The Brookmere subdivision as follows: Pond 1 a) Revised the Wetland Basin Supplement form to include maintenance for the level spreader. (page 3 of 4 #1c) Per our discussion, we prefer to leave the level spreader as currently designed. This design allows for low lip velocity for the discharge from the 4 inch orifice, plus offers better discharge characteristics for larger storms. Pond 2 a) Prepared planting plan for the revised extended detention wetland. b) Prepared and executed Operation and Maintenance Agreement. If you have any questions or require additional infornnation, please do not hesitate to call. 'Shank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, INSITE Engineering & Surveying Anthony R. Gaffey, F.E. c: Mr. Wayne Stover, Landeraft Properties Mr. Leonard Rindaner, P.W.S. Engineering Surveying 201 North Tryon Street 10801 jol),?Won Road Suite 2670 Smite 207 Gharlotge. NG 28202 Ccarlnlfe. NC 28226 LEE-d 01/10'd E8E-1 9110-sle-ti01 311SN1-MOdd AVZl:80 10-Z1-d3S Permit No. {to be provided by DWO State of North Carolina • Department of Environme.at and Natural Resources Division (if Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICAUON FORM WET DETENTION BASIN ,SUPPLEN ENT Th[i Goan Maybe pboW-apled for arse as' an.arighial' D ? 5tormwaigr Mmam mont Plan yie_ agi:tnent 'plan submittal inobides 'an 'application f9i ro, a wet detwfioli ,basin A complete storm'*water' ma p suppleifient for each basin, tlasign q. Ac stions, 'a'nd plan earl •specifieations slioviring sill.basin and • niittet . ' structure -details. L . ]l" P•C,1rX& OPMATION Px0ject1 ame: T kt r*' an +„ ' Contact Person: eiki't r; a Phone Number: For projects with multiple basins, specify which'basiu'tbi.s worksheet app4es to: -- elevations Basin Bottom Elevation . !? l.l. UG'_ •?, ' ?(flodr:cr}`??as:8asir?) : ; I'ern? nt Pool Elevation ' Q;; Q `? ft. 0 viiud' `of. the ari c) Tem mrf Pool tl?vation, e0z -',4- 1 ft. (eX?vc?liori i??'th?,at'schir structirrq iaVeIflow). areas Permanent ir"oul`Surfade Area ' sq. ft? (ivafersurface arzt dfre oi,s~c elation) ' ' - .. . ; 1 %Omge DIES - j ¦ ?... i _ ac. ?4n-sYt? t?ltCl ?i Si$6• . td 'tFt ?]lf ti`fM? impervious Area .(o)I4ite and off-'ik (tT'R"9L* iq' .W ' vdlurnW 1 permxazterat Pb V•ohime. x--1 . ?" ' ' ' ?, cu. &. (Ct7rtd ]i11ed.1?GYurne; of trrai?t barEn oa?u „?`oi liay) Teinpnraiy, Pool Volume cu. ft. ?vc?7rane;-dei ?above, thg. jne t Ott pooh Forebay Volume ?'Z C.U. its (upprv ly. Zt7 q? f, tofal'vrilt?iie? '. ,. . Z 15 S1?JDA1. i1 • ,_ (SierfaC ata :to itxdire 11iea ox?m;Drbt?;'' nismeter of vri&e ' rfr in. : Q to-5 day tehgwo x.Pr of •-drdty rr ram :l?esigu •?sii?fall ' ? t ? t? • • ?.. '• , ' . ' . • , ' : • ?-'? ? ' Des%gn'TgS Reiuoval2 % ?rniririnum'85% r red)' .. %.'' paYm SWU-I02 Rev 3.99 F? gc 1-of 4 1£S-d 01/ZO•d £8£-1 9110-£2£402 311SN1-1NOdd AVZ1:80 10-Z1-d3S P-0-OW -t-es: i "ea using the Division SAMA tables, the correct SA/C3A ratio for pennanont pool sizing sboaldbe computed based upon the 9caml imporvious % and permanent pool depth. Linear mtotpoladon should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the regttirement for a vegetgfive filter ma be waived if the wet deb melon basin is designed to pmvide 9001* TSS removal. The NCDENR BM? manual provides design tables forbOtk 85°/a TSS removal and 900/9 TSS removal. II. REQTJMED ITEMS CHECXLZT The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stornmater Best Management Praetiges MantW (N.C. Department of Envuonmwt, Health and Natural Resources, February X999) lind Administrative Code Secxion: -15 A NCAC 2H A OO8. initial in the space provided to. inchoate the knowing design ret'l'trireme nts -rave been met and .$uppo' documentation is .attached. If the applicant has designated ail agent in the Sko mwater. Management Stiliit• . A,pplic titian Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirebteiit has not 'bieela. inet, art th jtustiflcat?ion.... :.' Applicants initials a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet ("quiwd•ruinimntn, of 3 feet), Avg b. The forebay voluaw is approldmately equal to 20% ofthe basin volume_. c. The temporary pool controls ,rttnol f fiom the design stci= ey t. CL The temporary: pool draws down in 2 to 3 days. NIA , e. I f regtaimd, g 30-fact vegetative filtor.is provided at the otiitlct (include non-e?tosi ve: flow . k £ The basin length to 'width ratio: is ,greater than 3! L. ± ... g. Time basin side slopes above the pftiinent•.pool- in iio steeper, n 3: l.' , - h. A subm=Vd and vegetated perimeter shelf with .a,slope -of 6.1 of loss (sbww detail).. ; . . L Vegetative cover above the pei?tian+ent pool eXevatienAs $peei&& P_ J. A trash rack or similar device is provioO for-both the ovcifi b,ix md.'orifice: . A P g • k. A recorded drainage easement iis'provided for'each basin iirlttd ng .access. to tieareg right: ' of-way. ; 1 1. Ifthe. basin is used for sediment. wdoosion control•.d cos>stCU?c? cletua oxtf ttf#l?' basin is specified prior to use as a vat defttion bsisfiL -fZ C _ m. A mechanism is spicified wbich•wilf &%in'th-6liasi#i.for n ai teniiee, or' an eme nCY'. '-? •Ft???vga?.-!•?? ? ?`fo.:?.- ..?-t+7.•-a?' ? r^c?•c y? ?d.+., ??p ?r??.A.;?.v;.;?,??;;?.? M. VM*V MENTION BASS OPE"TION A".M `iNU1? 10$.AGMEI NT- The wet dete Lion basin system is defined as the wet dt ntion basin, pre atrnent•including; ?'oiCebgys; `thy . • • ' vegetated filter ifoiie is•provided. This system (check one) 0 daeg .' does not iricorpoi?ate a vegt teO:Til[ter,at4hi-outlet. This system (check vie) Q noes (does not iinrxirpors& pretreatnil at otfiter than s ifo?r+tbay: Form SWLd-1Q2 lieu 3.99 Page 2.oM, 1££-d 01/80A £8£-1 9110-£1£-Vol 311SNAONd NV£1:80 [O-ZI-d3S Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at feast monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated carver, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within2 to 5 days as designed. c. Check the outlet sftwwm and clear the outlet pipe and level spreader of any trash and debris and verify both are operating properly 2_ Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, wow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 1 Inspect and repair the collection systenn (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain propq functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 751/1o of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate marmer and shall be handled m a manner that will not adversely impact water duality (Le.stockpiliug near a wet detention basin or stream!, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate doptix rcading and not readily penetrate into accumulated scdimcnts. When the permanent pool depth reeds ?/. a. feet in the main pond, the sediment shall bd removed.. When the permanent pool depth reads 4-:5 S Q feet in the forebay, the sediment stall be rexrmoved. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blan1a) 110tM rat Pool Elevation 40,40 -°'0 ment Removal Bl.' etliment 14=0val Elevatian 75%. nm Elei?ation G, lam. 6p " 25°fo Sbttam Elcmdon 40J'1•: 25% 1O'R REISAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50"/6 of Am basin stuface_ These platits`A; ll.be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelfand forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform itnaintenance, the flushing of seditiient tltrottgh tyre emergency drain, shall, be minimmed to the. mix mum extent practical. Form SW'CT 102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 1££-d 01/V0'd ON 9110-£1£-VOL 311SN1-WOad MAO 10-U-0 T. All c*wponents of the wet d0=0ou basin sydam shall be *Y+p+ntai cd in goad working ordor. I aclwowledge and agree by my signabxre below that 1 am re-sponsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to aay changes to the system or responsible party. Print name; t Title' r,-?- .Address. 1 14 _-rir arr, V . 2.6 15ra Note: The legally wgxm mo- party should not be a homeomem a ucathm uni oss mane thm 50% rsf the 1cW We beet Bold mda resident of the stubdivlsion has been named the pesklenL a Notary pulblio •forthe State of-*? , County of da h,creby +cert Cam.. C -. ?- . ._ pe monailly appeared before me this /0 day of _ .c. , ! ? } . , /_.___. and navvledg ;t e'due .. l' execution of the fot^ mg wet demon bam maimte=x a requ cements. Witness thy hand and +u ci?l• M4 SEAL My com mission expireswr c ' FO= SVVU-ID2 Rw U" t'age,4 df4 Z£H 01/90A £8£-1 9110-£Z£-k01 PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Brookmere Phase 2 Contact Person: Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. Phone Number: 704-373-0113, ext. 105 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: 2 EX'T'ENDED DETENTION WETLAND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly- a. Inspect the forebay and micre-pool systems for sedimentation accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general, condition- b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs witWn 2 to 5 days as designed. c. Inspect the marsh areas for plant survival along with sedimentation and trash accumulation. 2. Repair eroded areas of embankments immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the micro-pool and forebay when the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near the micro-pool or stream, etc,) The measuring device used to delctmine sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. 5. If micro-pool must be draizaed for an emergency or to perform maintenance, flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized_ 6. All components of the extended detention wetland system shall be maintained in good working order. 2££-d 01/90'd £8£-1 9110-£2E402 311SN1-WONd OW 80 10-21-d3S I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the six maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print Narne: John B. Cassell Title: Vice President Address: 201 N. Tryon Street Phone: 704-332-9340 Signature: Date: 9 " to -0--> 1 Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homcomrneis association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the President. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF f? ode// I, the undersigned Notary Pul>hc for CQUnty quad State, do hcreby oertify that John B. Cassell personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrwnent. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this theldk day of A4?- , 2001 Notary Public N. Y'Com. mission Expires. a,,, '.• " ' 1// 4r SEAL 1 ££-d 01/20'd £8£-1 9110-£2£-Vol 311SN1-MOH M01:80 10-21-d3S Project: Brcokmere Phase 2 Subdivision Basin Two Planting Plan For Extended Detention Stormwater_ Wetlands -Ilse of Existing Hydric Soil Soil from the existing wetland areas that have pcrmitted for impacts will be stopped and stored as feasible for utilization in lining the proposed wetland site. Other topsoil adjacent to the wetlands may also be suitable. Using these existing soils should hasten the development of vegetated cover and hydric soil conditions. This is also an excellent use of atx important natural resource. Many of the recommended planted species currently exist in the vicinity of the area to be utilized for this function. The majority of the species in the wetlands include Obligate (OBL) and Facultative Wet (FACW) vegetation. Herbaceous plant species present include Softrush (Juncus effusus), sedge (Carex $pp.), Duck potato (Sagitaria latifolia, Arrow arum (Peltandra vixginia), Common Three-Square (Scirpus pungens), Touch-me- not (Impatiens capensis), Smartweed (Polygonum spp.), and others. Supplemelatal plantings will be selected from Table 2.2 "Wetland Plants" (table attached) in the Stonuwater Best Management Practices, NCDENIt, April, 1999 }cased on actual field conditions, if required. Being that the site is in the vicinity of other wetlands and floodplain areas it is expected that the area will benefit from the natural seed sources available. It is expected that herbaceous and scrub/shrub wetland species will rapidly volunteer in the area,. Planting shall be in naturalistic 1 random clumps to encourage diversity. Specific plant species, quantities, and size, which will be utilized for the mitigation sites will be dependent on availability, cost, time of year in which planting occurs. Control structures such as sedimentation traps, siltation barriers, and/or at a minimum silt fence will be utilized as necessary. 2££-d 01/80'd 88£-1 9110-£2£402 311SN1-NOH N01:80 10-Z1-d3S Table 2.2 WedUd Plants wed 1ftw Qq +dal inundation WlldllfeValm N to Cron Name Fam AvaflabMW Tolnume • ' Prawam vfrginia Ema m ya up to 1 R liigk Socks ow Full on to putiai *x3c Arnow z= catCtt wow dudm 54 arla l t Yes up W 1 R ? Tubm arA Aggressive colouw 13ac]: into Im- K virgin is es AndnWgcw Puinttter yes np to 3 ia. HWL t to $e s itmtat food lew h # paar?sl' shade • ? t?YCr Andtnpogah glt> wn mus Emugeut yes up tv I IL Requires full sun spp. Emagmt yes up to I fL Low. DwW as cowl' Aggtsive. May dimW to rattail air species. volumun Higbp~ CCem"AyMm Subme[gmt yea yes Low ibod value. Gm d Faee floasttg $Av. sttsde Coontan habitat end shelter Wr tvl=m RVid growth. ' fish and in?rtdn2trs ?p?8 Fsttnt yea op m d int. Seeds. court Fast Colonizer. tin tolerate. Catmon IU*c-Sgme Waadaerfawl. auaagwuh pedalsordtyt m r dl suu wah nets TCMVSL Lama App. SubmetgtaV yes yea rek Food for itigh mew teult val twELNVCW t wgtelsiowl. andfsh Sasrums cants Emmtgmt yea up w I #l. ljo%except kw wood Rabid gtawfiL shack LizaWi Tail duel MR== fi1;6 kWS Awch i&OS Emergent yes . up to 3 in. LOW. NCO*. Full Sun. Can tolsauo bdanh Mbtscm ' l"onfi da h Cur dam T metgmt yes up to t R iK amte. pucks. Fnri Sun to par ial smote Plcloodweed Nectar for bvttetPlies. maxem s SubnK tg?t 3w Y" E*emb hW d Raa*wA hem mdvb Pond Weed Rf mazid l bi ds . Leersla arywides •Fmergent yea up to 3 in. a tme r , High. fttOd odor court Full sm AWw& tarlerant of ctit ass shade. sf t?Iut stgt?tI kwm Ca?art'spap. BametgWt YrA up tD 3 in. High. Wate><fowl and r wdigndand Sc4m iads. *,M ,Se&Pu "aim $mergent 3= up W I f t. Mgdrr- Goad cover Fa swL A,ggaad Suit-stemBulrush and food. alico Sods m F. spp. emuzent yas up t4 i R Ifth. watetibwl, hart coivnia". Ta Sottgbittdb. seals and COW. j tloc"ng wtt,wr l Juncos r es= EMC%Mt yes up to t ft. Moak Tolerated w a or Supkar fat um Emrrgmt yes up to 3 l Moderate bvt'food but Fast eoltem. Ta water l Penferan vergWsm Padmew r yeS up to 3 is High. Snob, Cruet' for Tolembas wet and SwiwhWass WMAM l 2nd Cond d ma. ACOrus oatamus Perimeter yes up to 3 im LOW. Tolerant of dty p e&& Not Swtxt flag a rapid Colonizer. Tolwam acidiccond'itr?s Elm6m dm adms Subm zgmt Yes m JAW. wool m9'B r Wamrtaroed High dutzirnt. auWw- ' Cad tarmoval. Voi Fehr warerticatta Subum gmt yes yes High. ANA for Takrca Ora mky w#Aw 0m Wild Celery w&Wdbwl. Umbitat tbr hgAuudaivntkads. NA SW ittvtrwhates. 2kuda ogtraaflCa F?etgmt yes up to I R Wigh- Fond for blob. Pndas M sue. Wild Rim 1'eb1e defines tic Schudw 1SS-d 0 1/60'd S88-1 Sll0-Sl£-ti01 311SN1-NONA WVI: 80 [O-Zl-d3S Seedirt Spec i tc Won or Iferhaegoas and Cover Crop in Wetland Mitigation Sites Zone I - Wetland areas in tem oraril saturated soils or subject to occasional and brief inundation Dates Dmes Rate April 1 - Jul. 15 Red Top Grass Smartweed 7 Ibs/acre 20 lbs /acre Jul. 16 - Sept. 1 Temporary Crop Jap. Millet or Sorghum 20 lbs /acre (to be followed by permanent mixture) Sept. 2 - Nov. 1 Srnartweed Rod Top Grass 20 lbs /acre 7 lbs/acre Nov. 1 - March 31 Temporary Crop 40 lbs /acre Wheat or Winter Rye (to be followed by permanent mixture) The following species may be substituted: - Bide= connata (Beggar's Tick) and other Hiden's species - Leersia oryzoides (Rice cutgrass) - Panicum'viratum (Switch grass) - Feltandra virginica (Arrow Arum) Seedintx instructions 1) Seed in the dry period 2) Use of filler, such as sand to dilute the seed to ensure uniform ground coverage when broadcasting 3) Free and shrub planting should be completed first before seeding 4) Pure live seed shall be specified and approved prior to piantinS. Herbaceous species may with a wetland seed mix which will result in coverage of at least 100 stems per square meter upon germination. Substitutions may be permitted with approval. Other native grasses or annuals may be selected. No fescue will. be used in wetland areas. Annual grasses skull be utilized for stabilization on surrounding slopes within Mitigation Area rather than perennials to allow natural succession. If a perennial is required for erosion control than a mixture shall be selected that allows natural volunteering to occur. Z££-d 01/01'd £8£-1 9110-£Z£-tol 311SN1-MObd NV91:80 10-U-0 Michael F. Easley Governor O?0? W A T?9QG f William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality Mr. Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. Insite 201 North Tryon Street, Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Mr. Gaffey: August 17, 2001 Subject: Brookmere DWQ Project No. 010352 Mecklenburg County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional . information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: Planting Plan for Wetland A planting plan must be provided for the extended detention wetland. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Discharge to the Level Spreader 2. It is recommended that only the discharge from the 4 inch draw down orifice be directed to the level spreader and that larger events be directed away from the level spreader if possible. Otherwise the length of the level spreader would have to be increased to accommodate a maximum lip velocity of 1.3 fps. 3. Operation and Maintenance Agreements . Please provide a signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the extended detention wetland and the level spreader. Please feel free to call me if you need any suggestions. Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands/. E91 K1 W j Todd'StJohn, P Environmental Engineer cc: Mooresville Regional Office File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.ne.ur./ncwetlands/ Project No. DWQ Brookmere Project Name: 010352 Z SUBMITTED DESIGN: REQUIRED DESIGN. elevations 0.0 average depth Bottom of Basin (ft) 633.7 Permanent Pool (ft) 636.7 3 ft. depth Temporary Pool (ft) 638.6 1.9 ft. depth areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 10350 Drainage Area (ac) 13.63 Impervious Area (ac) 5.452 volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) Temporary Pool (cu ft) 23649 Forebay (cu ft) other parameters SA/DA Orifice Diameter (in) 3 Design Rainfall (in) 1 Linear Interpolation of Correct SAIDA**'" ` Next Lowest VX Impervious 40 Project Impervious 40.0 Next Highest 50 10271 sq. ft. 40.0% 20286 cu. ft. #DIV/0! % status ok ok ok ok #DIV/0! 1.73 - 0.23 cfs drawdown - 1.2 day drawdown check drawl 4:. 3 ft. Permanent Pool Depth SA/DA from Table 1.73 1.73 2.06 ?/ L V r A 1 3) 0 -t4,1/L/ g, '4W 4W?e`? - ob= I SITE Engineering & Surveying Mr. Todd St. John NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27698-1621 Dear Mr. St. John: August 6, 2001 RE: Brookmere Subdivision DWQ VIA Facsimile & 919-733-6893 Per your letter dated July 17, 2001, we have revised the ponds for The Brookmere subdivision as follows: Pond 1 a) Reduced the sediment forebay to 22% of permanent pool size. b) Added a 58 foot level spreader. Plan view and detail attached. Pond 2 a) Converted to extended detention wetland. Revised plan view and details attached. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, INSITE Engineering & Surveying Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. c: Mr. Wayne Stover, Landcraft Properties Mr. Leonard Rindner, P.W.S. Engineering 201 North Ti}'on Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 T.- (704) 373-0113 ? F. (704) 373-0115 Surveying 10801 Johnston Road Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28226 T.• (704) 540-4706 ? F (704) 540-4708 I SITE Engineering & Surveying Mr. Todd St. John NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27698-1621 Dear Mr. St. John: July 9, 2001 RE: Brookmere Subdivision Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 010352 , R l The Brookmere subdivision includes two (2) wet detention basins. Both basins were designed following the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Practices Manual. Per the design guidelines, both facilities were designed to remove 85% TSS. Find enclose copies of the stormwater management plans for wet detention basins one (1) and two (2) for the Brookmere Subdivision. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, INSITE Engineering & Surveying Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. c: Mr. Wayne Stover, Landcraft Properties Mr. Leonard Rindner, P.W.S. Engineering 201 North Tryon Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 T.- (704) 373-0113 ? F.- (704) 373-0115 Surveying 10801 Johnston Road Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28226 T.- (704) 540-4706 ? F (704) 540-4708 -faw I SITE Engineering & Surveying Mr. Todd St. John NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27698-1621 August 6, 2001 RE: Brookmere Subdivision DWQ VIA Facsimile & 919-733-6893 Dear Mr. St. John: Per your letter dated July 17, 2001, we have revised the ponds for The Brookmere subdivision as follows: Pond 1 a) Reduced the sediment forebay to 22% of permanent pool size. b) Added a 58 foot level spreader. Plan view and detail attached. Pond 2 a) Converted to extended detention wetland. Revised plan view and details attached. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, INSITE Engineering & Surveying thony R. Gaffey, 4PE. c: Mr. Wayne Stover, Landcraft Properties Mr. Leonard Rindner, P.W.S. Engineering Surveying 201 North Tryon Street 10801 Johnston Road Suite 2670 Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28202 Charlotte, NC 28226 T.• (704) 373-0113 ? F (704) 373-0115 T.• (704) 540-4706 ? F• (704) 540-4708 NO:T'E= STORM DRA NA?1= EASEMENT Or . ; tS, TO ,.BE' USEQ/TO,, ACCES THE ON FOR MAINTENANCE - (CHARLOTTE- ?E?ERVICES KLENBU%,•STORM ATE .151-NOT R SP,11VON% FO t ft f ?` E - IDAMAGE T?0 THE RIF I rS rRESULTING FROM;"`MA CE f - ' ACCE). POND POND INVERT - 611.00 ___ PE-RM4. POND EL - 620.0 if, RISER EL ,622.40 ? tk :' u f" '.? SPILLWAY ?L?--6,24.00 ``- TOP OF BERM - 'EMERGEI CC -, *IL'L WAY-- z 'RISER RISER '1 ?v? F6 /of V el SPR?ER r r .., k 4 MfA J' `. t 4 l 77 ` ~""} i ?`t \ s\ `• to. s r fi r.., t] I wt,?..,a? .? r _ .. ....... `?""_ o Z V) Q O F- U Of (n ¢ Z y.. F- ? m W Q O X Ln of O W O LL C ¢ NC LAJ cr- J I- Z3 w V) U ? U O Z W of F- of O W Z ? W O O M N CO Q GL O F_ 50 N Z O d 00 O?? M M N N c0 > > W W J J W w ? r O ° 0 M t i Q ° " O ' N w O m Q dS m W LLJ V CnC14LLJ L~ZL¢ O V CL V) V p ?Q O O LLI w J ?WM ?LLJ Lj Z O L` J W W QwO a UZ m m> 0:? w J W N V Z w mm Q z (? 00 J O N I W O _ N F- (.0 Z N c0 c0 V U-i Z ?w I Cl- WF-?C] 1- W (n LL, I } Qo> X CL i C/)?ZZ W w 1 O J _ ¢ ?E F- O I Q _ LLJ oM Cl CD ; I a Of ¢ cy ( o o . SD ? S <t LL O > D Of C14 W z It LL- Ck-- W (0 E <hZ W I J Z O N L[) O Q F- V > N '- Z o 0- z ?- <C < O F- - W w U) J o N ? o \ ?L o t 1 O O O F- O m 0 Z O W W W ot:? > w > Q W O Z w S O ck? Li LAJ it O Lj- Q W C) O Z Z => O CL LLJ °Tm(f) 9l'ol9 = 1n0 ANI d3S1d LL- W V O z ` W + O Of V F- I N vwa J0 1 N I ?- I I I CL I N? LO J ' M 1 Z O Dr- Q Q d Q J J 0 V a. w w N o6 X 06 O O O_ t0 u CL V cr: G F - Z:) O > Z O I- U (W V l C/,-) C/') 0 C J I r_ ?z U Jw Z J? J O _ U- N ] ] J = I- r O n 830`d38dS 13A31 4 M - 14JM37 019 - JB3/W1 ?13OV-:QldS 919 30 NO?1V373 NV Ol do N30V-:MdS 30 ON-71V 03,IV7d 39 Ol dV21d1b1'3dO7S 7.0 1V 39 Ol &30V3tldS 731137 31ON ? o f C) Z < ? C> m ? -v morn NO<o'?-N-i?Oprnrn vr^a5gtn ?0 ?? rn ?+ w N tv v r o r<r, r zr' cnr?zrW*+? -8=M%= O morv,r=-a- -Zi°???m-ivOCCnco 0 n C vo??r?mr ?`2 so- m-rtarnv<ocnc) oZOa ?? 'p m?rv_ a m AA°mZmOZC? ?OC <n ?p? ?nrn sp rn m M , \o .o o e ° . O , o V T .o o e O g rn o U e ? \/? J1 e ' O a v < o \ m rn rr r . o ° n mr \o O C ? N 4 Q ? =o ° 00 - 00 , 0) T 1 Z ? Z 'r. m < n N o _I -7 r *m M4 1 r -? Z D z° c? A Q a, rnn 2 C) 'n l J Z e 9 SOT r co co O rn _rn o o is oa m: m --i N v z o ?n C> rn o r ? N r'° r^ m . O .o 0 \ O , e • ' ? A T .o o e ? e ? TT N O n N C ? • ,o ,° \ • . o Z75 o m rn m g rn O C t ° •\ ,o - \° m N O m T 1 0 e \ o , O O Of 1--1 r .o o m \ O / e \ O O O O e • e , O O . O z -P CO 1 7. 2r;v*t= no. Z ? a rn BROOKMERE PHASE 2 POND 2 EXTENDED WETLAND DESIGN DRAINAGE AREA = 13.63 ACRES PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 40 DETERMINE PERMANENT POOL SURFACE AREA: FROM TABLE 1:1 WITH A PERMANENT POOL DEPTH OF 3 FEET AND 40 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS: SA/DA = 1.73 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = (SA/DA)/100 X DRAINAGE AREA REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = 0.235799 ACRES = PROVIDED SURFACE AREA = LOW MARSH AREA = HIGH MARSH AREA = MICROPOOL AREA = 3590 SQUARE FEET OR 3,862 SQUARE FEET OR 1376 SQUARE FEET OR VOLUME TO BE CONTROLLED FROM THE 1 INCH STORM: RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION FROM THE SIMPLE METHOD: 35 PERCENT D t( 37 PERCENT 13 PERCENT Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Rv = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT I = PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Rv = 0.41 VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED DESIGN RAINFALL x Rv x DRAINAGE AREA VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED = 0.465692 ACRE FEET = 20,286 CUBIC FEET VOLUME PROVIDED AT ELEVATION 638.60 = 23,649 CUBIC FEET EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE OUTLET SIZE DETERMINATION: MAXIMUM HEAD AT EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE = 2 FEET PEAK OUTFLOW RATE FOR DRAWDOWN TIME OF 48 HOURS: Qpeak = S/(0.5 x 3600 x 48) WHICH EQUALS: STORAGE x 0.0000116 = 0.274328 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA: A=Qpeak/(0.6 x (64.4 x h)^0.5 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA = 0.040287 FEET DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 2 x (REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA/3.14)"0.5 DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 0.226483 FEET = 2.717798 INCHES USE 3.0 INCH ORIFICE 10,271 SQUARE FEET 10,350 SQUARE FEET r- f e- W Z N r N ?O ~OJtOto? f t a {° {- ter, /f /, to N o0 f r ? ,qs ,` I? R? s f , 01 a_oz(Lrn CL <LLJOC z Or O Z Z _ ?-- O Ld % -j -j Q? CO a.. ?OQ?M !l j } tt p (n O U cr- W) Rt 0, cc :yc ' / 4 f r r _ ?: rr / M? if',? f r i3 e CD ef. m 0 N W,?J ? ?./ ?^?>?,t ? ^_s ? ?.? r? , '• ,; ?, `? f '+?? ?6 f fjj > M LL/ 'x, ire, f z (J, 4X ?ZC'M Ww(f) / t fr o ! L-L Z•+[L'34j+pF 10 cr :r w ? +, > rr EiJ 4? r al Y ? t .+ ? L" < , t ?, A ,,,,,•,,,, f t ?, r, Q QF- 2J2OMJ f r d yl st 11 fI j?e<F / fF J t h, r' f 9` s r' r `` ; LLJ Q M Q 'fQ? 1 ; (• F 7? r 7?Il?l 77 /' t r f g F •`,.?F j':. Q" f? tf?,.f ?` / i 1 , 111??71/ ,f yy]? }`'t.' ?? ji ?';z/?j,f 8 > `? r3i !?AA1*a?? 1p9??>/i` ?! t ?' `i` 1 v r-11 'lv r/ f tar i _ 1 f" y°t' 1 ?. /• .? ? I? / F 1 rr r pF h y rI t 'r r ?t f+? i , ? '?`',?1 ° f 4v M i ? . ...._..r "?` ? l / /e? r ?r y f/ "? • •`r'?: ;? ?: t w?: i 4 1 r t?? j /r -t_. J'?-- ?§ur.Si. "" °`?? ., (: ? l ,?.r •1 •' • •'?•i:v y'•i (/' /1 " l ??'?.?J i ?'j?,? ? t'r ice`` , .... ? ,/ ?? `1 •I •.? / ? F J f r. `- $? ? ?'{ ?? I ?t ? i..P r ..r 'dam . ` rr' / :t / •l:i:.7.• f' .! F? `+ I ? ft ?,` ? / ...,... / ' ? ? ? . J J ,fit/ '? !` ( F Y. + 4. • ? \?. 3 ,. 3 .1 ;> Ito INI r ` +.? ? f,/ ./ '? s,.r` .T. ?A. ~ y '?y •\ ?,\ "mow'! ? 'ti` , L v ?? _ ` ?'` `mot... ` "? .-/" ? ? '? / ,/ / 1 ;.. ?„? 4l ? ? `? '`?,• f' ?,.! V) ?W (n Q =) S -i V) Q CD O ¢ Q LLj Q N U J m :z cr- F-W OW L.) C) W M W = LL- C) C> W J o?S S ~ v C) N p N O Q c Z CD O LL a Q J V °- z ? ?O 3 LAJL, J LLI O J 1- N aW00 L L.J O C7 DD Z ? ?? M ?p ? a O u > > W WW 0 I- `- O I I N i 1 00 I N I I I Z O Q ' ?W N N <5 S J Lj U J LO =i ? .-. _ ER a ER LLB Q W V V) (D U') Z LL- ? O J (/) ?- " z?0 F J !:;E co LL ) W J>- Lj J v M F- Z L. O Q J W W Z Q W O U z W > W 2` = W F 0- LW N 3i C> F- CO Z \ U z a z w \ F- cr- cn = W O\ W 41 W J ' Co m o a Z I Sw n? w oo o d Lr?l ri o co I, U co O ? a U(W = O u cD I?QO Q:ck:: az O , O Q L'JQ cr M Z C.0UD Z v L.L- a O 00 M > Z ` Z O 0 Q I I- ZQ W LLJ N (! ) J u r vivo Jo I I I W o_ U W O N ? M Lr) Lr) to to to n u u ? J n S = F- O tn m O ? ? or_ °z C) _ O O = wi- r- Ck? W 1j J Lj Q Z W Z > D tO ? ? Lj o O O U O > Z ~ Z _ O CL- --j O 1 I ? OL'SZ9 = lno ANI d3SId V Z W M L N O U W V / V / O U ck? ck:: C > U U W QC N V) O a F- ' ? z ? z n O N O Z ' o L[ ) Z m O O U-) N d V cl:f Z co O ?r7 F- Q O ? j ? Z D! W 3: I SITE Engineering & Surveying Mr. Todd St. John NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27698-1621 Dear Mr. St. John: July 9, 2001 RE: Brookmere Subdivision Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 010352 ti ?k The Brookmere subdivision includes two (2) wet detention basins. Both basins were designed following the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Practices Manual. Per the design guidelines, both facilities were designed to remove 85% TSS. Find enclose copies of the stormwater management plans for wet detention basins one (1) and two (2) for the Brookmere Subdivision. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your time and efforts on our behalf. Sincerely, INSITE Engineering & Surveying '?? k ,- Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. c: Mr. Wayne Stover, Landcraft Properties Mr. Leonard Rindner, P.W.S. Engineering 201 North Tryon Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 T. (704) 373-0113 ? F.• (704) 373-0115 Surveying 10801 Johnston Road Suite 207 Charlotte, NC 28226 T.- (704) 540-4706 ? F (704) 540-4708 I t Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (to be provided by DWQ) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: ro o n-?z Pin - Z-Contact Person: Phone Number: (-?o¢)'`X 3 a 13 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: t elevations Basin Bottom Elevation 41 l 1 0? ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 6 2-0, o U ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation tot Z .. +O ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 4-7 y sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 4:(, 21 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume i Z 1 i 4Z cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume <v +, 003 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 2 4 ; -17 Z cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DAI Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal 2 ?, 2- 4,o in. 1,0 in. 815 % (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) (2 to S day temporary pool draw-down required) (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page I of 4 Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90% TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. H. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials Ak-R-CA a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). A 1Z b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. k 12 G c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. AtZ6 d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. NIA e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. kt zG g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. M h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). 12 C-7 i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. APE G? j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. A R C? k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. 7 1? L7 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. 1Z. G7 m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. Ih /i?u 40 17 3 = l rc #,? ci:^, i5 ?C4 _ fo Lgq.,c_r WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT III F . rh e_ ?? ?? ova 5?c/ The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does ID"does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does Vdoes not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads When the permanent pool depth reads 3,3 ° feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. '?0-7 b feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation ('.20,00 Sediment Bottom El. G 13 ,'? on Sediment Removal Elevation &/ 610 750/e --------------------------------------- ---- Bottom Elevation (,I I ' 00 25% FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible parry. Print name: 5c © ++ A , e-4 Title:? .. Vice r<- 51 Address: ?^• o 2 G,150 '-In e4 { Phone: Signature: -cl? , Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. a Notary Public for the State of AXIGz.L a A'61®- ®- - - County of o hereby certify that Ce - Personally appeared before me this ';I day of moo/ , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 C? Z LIJ (Z) J ? Q 6, W Lo N UQ Z ? w ~ W m W W W O X CO F- w w o WoL? L? a Q LLJ Z_ ? J J F- ? ZWV) Q r T- in U = Z t?..l O Cwt O W O? Z W M M c0 ? it O n W L1J W W o° O o O M -{1y N I i I N I 1 1 i Z O Q N Cn O O J W ct? U LC) rn ' . df CEO C-I CL r-) LLJ F- Q <L cl, cfl D Cn Z LL- O C 7 -I ? (/7 ? n F - - J F-- ? J W W W O ~ 1--- J C) -j O:f w = YzUO CD m ~Z ? Q j U ry w- W J LLJ W ? Y Q cl:f 2 Q \ z 0 \ F- U r O V) r- \ !- W N M M O Z ?g:i(0 (.Dm co cflcy; M W it N O I- ? I : r a It (.0 Z Wh-- W Z It LLI C7 ? IN I C3 *QZ:)? O :m LLJ .. I cr- J I J Z Z - V) W W I L °? m 57< m W I? I Z Cl- _ I O W J °w I U-i O0a o 0 0 ??wQ ? } 0 ?-.,j U (/7 Of O a _ W 0 r- PI) I (?o C.0 j 0 W W Q J W M Z Li it o N E5 cfl W I J ? ] c co 0 n O z O >? Z W LA- Cj :z d?? Z I + CO 0:? Li-Lj W Lt- OcnZQ ?O QL`- I-- 4 w ° > OFL U O F- Z Z?O0 w LA- V) v J o O= JO LO Q (n W E- CV t \' m o Nva 3o I I I I ? I a I U cr- I M \ J ? I OL'SZ9 = lflo ANI d3SIN U Z w F- N -I Z O Q Q m O U W V V) U-) ) ck? w U o ° z UU2-5 cry ' w f- z I (wn U O J Z ~ O Co Ck-l I ` v Z X L? I Ln O f- r ? Z O n O O tf) N CD n m U 1- Z W U U > l Q O ° a! w Q O O W V) _j O CL- 3 W Q C) CL d'?Z 00 M j M J Z Cfl Lo O CV 1,e Qj U Z W m<> W Z Of O ? * n W C.L _ O cf = Q Q- O' LLJ F- ck? F- N O W W W o U C7 > T' °•• W °• C7 N C C C C C C C 0 Lc c _c c_ c c c_ c ?W O C9 Q =6 J N U N Q 00 ?2a-ui>~UW p > °? p =? N JO> O W w>~O~Z,W Q w O CIR 0 V) 028==,: LLJ Lj 0 Q Z [r Z W j W OOdF - CL n°b t=° - =ONZZ O CD m Q J O ? m L'Lj J °W O O O ?-N W Q W Q W W Q J Q> > Q ° O Q CO O O Q v CO Q Q u ° ? Z O Z > O Z Q O oi y? N Cn F-- Z N 40 00 C) cfl O uti Cl- c4 " co 11 M o W w J Cr w > Cr w > d- Z Z U O ?o 0 e o ? ° ` p u ? - W °??• • CD / ` O p O ?o o O ? - • p p O i p o ? - O ?O O o o? - ? W - ?l N U _J O ?'- W W U O N D CD n Project: Brookmere Subdivision Phase 2 Basins One(1) and Two (2) Planting Plan For Vegetated Wetland Bench - Use of Existing Hydric Soil Soil from the existing wetland areas that have permitted for impacts will be stripped and stored as feasible for utilization in lining the proposed wetland site. Other topsoil adjacent to the wetlands may also be suitable. Using these existing soils should hasten the development of vegetated cover and hydric soil conditions. This is also an excellent use of an important natural resource. Many of the recommended planted species currently exist in the vicinity of the area to be utilized for this function. The majority of the species in the wetlands include Obligate (OBL) and Facultative Wet (FACW) vegetation. Herbaceous plant species present include Soflrush (Juncus effusus), sedge (Carex spp.), Duck potato (Sagitaria latifolia, Arrow arum (Peltandra virginia), Common Three-Square (Scirpus pungens), Touch-me- not (Impatiens capensis), Smartweed (Polygonum spp.), and others. Supplemental plantings will be selected from Table 11.2 in the Storm water Best Management Practices, NCDENR, April, 1999 based on actual field conditions, if required. Being that the site is in the vicinity of other wetlands and floodplain areas it is expected that the area will benefit from the natural seed sources available. It is expected that herbaceous and scrub/shrub wetland species will rapidly volunteer in the area. Emergent Zone Schedule - if'required Botanical Name Common Name Size Notes Rushes/Sedges* Juncus effusus Smooth Needle Rush 2 yr. peat pot T O/C. Scirp. americanusCommon Three Square 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Acoris calamus Sweet Flag 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Shallow Water Plants Peltandra virginica Arrow Arum 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Sagitaria latifolia Duck Potato 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Saururus cernus Lizard's Tail 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Nuphar luteum Spatterdock 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Planting shall be in naturalistic / random clumps to encourage diversity. Specific plant species, quantities, and size, which will be utilized for the mitigation sites will be dependent on availability, cost, time of year in which planting occurs. Control structures such as sedimentation traps, siltation barriers, and/or at a minimum silt fence will be utilized as necessary. i Seeding Specification for Herbaceous and Cover Crop in Wetland Mitigation Sites Zone 1 - Wetland areas in temporarily saturated soils or subject to occasional and brief inundation Dates Types Rate April 1 - Jul. 15 Red Top Grass Smartweed 7 lbs/acre 201bs /acre Jul. 16 - Sept. 1 Temporary Crop Jap. Millet or Sorghum 201bs /acre (to be followed by permanent mixture) Sept. 2 - Nov. 1 Smartweed Red Top Grass 201bs /acre 7 lbs/acre Nov. 1 - March 31 Temporary Crop 40 lbs /acre Wheat or Winter Rye (to be followed by permanent mixture) The following species may be substituted: - Bidens connata (Beggar's Tick) and other Biden's species - Leersia oryzoides (Rice Cutgrass) - Panicum viraturn (Switchgrass) - Peltandra virginica (Arrow Arum) Seeding Instructions 1) Seed in the dry period 2) Use of filler, such as sand to dilute the seed to ensure uniform ground coverage when broadcasting 3) Tree and shrub planting should be completed first before seeding 4) Pure live seed shall be specified and approved prior to planting. Herbaceous species may with a wetland seed mix which will result in coverage of at least 100 stems per square meter upon germination. Substitutions may be permitted with approval. Other native grasses or annuals may be selected. No fescue will be used in wetland areas. Annual grasses shall be utilized for stabilization on surrounding slopes within Mitigation Area rather than perennials to allow natural succession. If a perennial is required for erosion control than a mixture shall be selected that allows natural volunteering to occur. Pond # 2 Computations I SITE E? S wz? O ? t C ``` ?auj 'sei?edo?d uei?puejm ?9 SSPSd RUSASOOtIS k4' I?. Am AHVONnos 3DVNrVHG Z ONOd a.,u wd.n m. w rr. ?.-.. 2S? are y,?PMO . AX .w.wa..x,r 4 c-, x'i 4&1 z 0 1 ? t \ 1 . r \ la n Y{?l? t '. Jr. ' 1 BROOKMERE PH. 2 POND 2 EXTENDED DETENTION WET POND DESIGN DRAINAGE AREA = 13.63 ACRES PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 40 DETERMINE PERMANENT POOL SURFACE AREA: FROM TABLE 1:1 WITH A PERMANENT POOL DEPTH OF 3 FEET AND 40 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS: SAIDA = 1.73 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = (SA/DA)/100 X DRAINAGE AREA REQUIRED SURFACE AREA= 0.235799 ACRES = 10,271 SQUARE FEET SURFACE AREA PROVIDED AT ELEVATION 637.60 = 10,350 SQUARE FEET VOLUME OF PERMANENT POOL = 26,275 CUBIC FEET 20% OF PERMANENT POOL = 5,255 CUBIC FEET VOLUME TO BE CONTROLLED FROM THE 1 INCH STORM: RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION FROM THE SIMPLE METHOD: Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Rv = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT I = PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Rv = 0.41 VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED = DESIGN RAINFALL x Rv x DRAINAGE AREA VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED = 0.465692 ACRE FEET = 20,286 CUBIC FEET VOLUME PROVIDED AT ELEVATION 638.60 = 23,649 CUBIC FEET EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE OUTLET SIZE DETERMINATION: MAXIMUM HEAD AT EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE = 1 FEET PEAK OUTFLOW RATE FOR DRAWDOWN TIME OF 48 HOURS: Qpeak = S/(0.5 x 3600 x 48) WHICH EQUALS: STORAGE x 0.0000116 = 0.274328 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA: A=Qpeak/(0.6 x (64.4 x h)^0.5 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA = 0.056974 FEET DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 2 x (REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA/3.14)"0.5 DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 0.269335 FEET = 3.232024 INCHES USE 3.0 INCH ORIFICE MAXIMUM HEAD FOR BOTTOM DRAIN = 6.7 FEET TOTAL POND STORAGE = 26,275 PEAK OUTFLOW RATE FOR DRAWDOWN TIME OF 24 HOURS: Qpeak = S/(0.5 x 3600 x 24) WHICH EQUALS: STORAGE x 0.0000231 = 0.606953 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA: A=Qpeak/(0.6 x (64.4 x h)^0.5 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA = 0.048699 FEET DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 2 x (REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA/3.14)^0.5 DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 0.24901 FEET = 2.988119 INCHES USE 6.0 INCH ORIFICE TO AVOID CLOGGING Outlet Structure Configuration Outlet Structure Configuration for Brookmere - Pond 2 Stage 1: Circular Orifice Invert Elevation = 636.7 feet Diameter = .25 feet Discharge Coefficient = .6 Stage 2: Rectangular Weir Crest Elevation = 638.6 feet Length =12.56 feet Discharge Coefficient = 3.1 Stage 3: Emergency Spillway Crest Elevation = 639.5 feet Crest Length =10 feet Discharge Coefficient = 3 Stage 4: Outfall Culvert Invert Elevation = 626.34 feet Pipe Diameter = 3 feet Pipe Length = 67 feet Pipe Slope =.02 ft/ft Manning n =.013 Entrance Condition = SEH Number of Barrels = 1 Basin Rating Curve Outlet Rating Table for Brookmere - Pond 2 Basin Water Elevation Basin Outflow WS) Riser Bog Water Elevation Tailwater Elevation (ft) Outfall Culvert Control 636.70 0.00 626.34 N/A N/A 636.90 0.06 626.34 N/A ORIFICE CONT 637.10 0.12 626.48 N/A ORIFICE CONT 637.30 0.16 626.48 N/A ORIFICE CONT 637.50 0.19 626.48 N/A ORIFICE CONT 637.70 0.22 626.48 N/A ORIFICE CONT 637.90 0.25 626.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 638.10 0.27 626.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 638.30 0.29 626.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 638.50 0.31 626.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 638.70 1.61 626.88 N/A ORIFICE CONT 638.90 6.84 627.49 N/A ORIFICE CONT 639.10 14.26 628.03 N/A ORIFICE CONT 639.30 23.34 628.53 N/A ORIFICE CONT 639.50 33.83 629.00 N/A ORIFICE CONT 639.70 48.23 629.45 N/A ORIFICE CONT 639.90 65.97 629.89 N/A ORIFICE CONT 640.10 86.18 631.64 N/A ORIFICE CONT 640.30 108.52 632.30 N/A ORIFICE CONT 640.50 131.87 632.95 N/A ORIFICE CONT Basin Storage/Elevation Input Elevation Storage 5,,r?r-c e Aec&%? (ft) (acre-ft) (a ert ) 2 o o ¢ ¢ 63 0 .0022 o L v 632 .0357 634 .1395 636 .424 .2 019 O 356 2 l 636.7 .6032 _ . 2 3 7 6 638 .9361 3021 638.6 1.1461 33 ps 640 1.636 3 g? 8 Modified Puls Routing Inflow Hydrograph: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-I\STORM\VTPSUHM\POND2\B2-10YR.HYD Storage/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUHM\POND2\B2VOL.ES Discharge/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-I\STORM\VTPSuHM\POND2\B2.EO Basin Bypass Capacity = 0.0 cfs Starting Pool Elevation = 636.7 feet Time Interval = 6.541666E-02 hours Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.603 636.70 0.22 0.22 20.07 0.85 0.85 0.605 636.71 0.00 0.00 20.13 1.69 1.69 0.612 636.73 0.01 0.01 20.20 2.54 2.54 0.623 636.78 0.02 0.02 20.26 3.38 3.38 0.639 636.84 0.04 0.04 20.33 4.07 4.07 0.659 636.92 0.06 0.06 20.39 4.77 4.77 0.682 637.01 0.09 0.09 20.46 5.46 5.46 0.709 637.11 0.13 0.13 20.52 6.15 6.15 0.740 637.23 0.15 0.15 20.59 15.19 15.19 0.797 637.46 0.19 0.19 20.65 24.23 24.23 0.902 637.87 0.24 0.24 20.72 33.27 33.27 1.056 638.34 0.29 0.29 20.78 42.31 42.31 1.243 638.88 6.22 6.22 20.85 35.57 35.57 1.378 639.26 21.65 21.65 20.92 28.82 28.82 1.419 639.38 27.54 27.54 20.98 22.08 22.08 1.411 639.36 26.34 26.34 21.05 15.34 15.34 1.381 639.27 22.08 22.08 21.11 12.69 12.69 1.349 639.18 17.89 17.89 21.18 10.05 10.05 1.323 639.11 14.50 14.50 21.24 7.40 7.40 1.299 639.04 11.89 11.89 - 21.31 4.76 4.76 1.274 638.97 9.30 9.30 21.37 4.55 4.55 1.255 638.91 7.23 7.23 21.44 4.35 4.35 1.243 638.88 6.20 6.20 21.50 4.14 4.14 1.234 638.85 5.54 5.54 21.57 3.93 3.93 1.227 638.83 5.04 5.04 21.64 3.70 3.70 1.221 638.82 4.63 4.63 21.70 3.46 3.46 1.217 638.80 4.27 4.27 21.77 3.22 3.22 1.212 638.79 3.96 3.96 21.83 2.98 2.98 1.209 638.78 3.67 3.67 21.90 2.90 2.90 1.205 638.77 3.43 3.43 21.96 2.83 2.83 1.203 638.76 3.24 3.24 22.03 2.75 2.75 1.201 638.76 3.09 3.09 22.09 2.68 2.68 1.199 638.75 2.96 2.96 22.16 2.62 2.62 1.198 638.75 2.86 2.86 22.22 2.56 2.56 1.197 638.74 2.77 2.77 22.29 2.50 2.50 1.195 638.74 2.69 2.69 22.35 2.44 2.44 1.194 638.74 2.61 2.61 Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 22.42 2.39 2.39 1.194 638.74 2.54 2.54 22.49 2.34 2.34 1.193 638.73 2.48 2.48 22.55 2.29 2.29 1.192 638.73 2.43 2.43 22.62 2.24 2.24 1.191 638.73 2.37 2.37 22.68 2.20 2.20 1.191 638.73 2.32 2.32 22.75 2.16 2.16 1.190 638.73 2.27 2.27 22.81 2.12 2.12 1.189 638.72 2.23 2.23 22.88 2.08 2.08 1.189 638.72 2.19 2.19 22.94 2.04 2.04 1.188 638.72 2.14 2.14 23.01 2.01 2.01 1.188 638.72 2.10 2.10 23.07 1.98 1.98 1.187 638.72 2.07 2.07 23.14 1.94 1.94 1.187 638.72 2.03 2.03 23.21 1.91 1.91 1.186 638.71 2.00 2.00 23.27 1.88 1.88 1.186 638.71 1.96 1.96 23.34 1.85 1.85 1.185 638.71 1.93 1.93 23.40 1.82 1.82 1.185 638.71 1.90 1.90 23.47 1.80 1.80 1.185 638.71 1.87 1.87 23.53 1.77 1.77 1.184 638.71 1.84 1.84 23.60 1.75 1.75 1.184 638.71 1.81 1.81 23.66 1.72 1.72 1.183 638.71 1.79 1.79 23.73 1.70 1.70 1.183 638.71 1.76 1.76 23.79 1.68 1.68 1.183 638.70 1.74 1.74 23.86 1.65 1.65 1.182 638.70 1.71 1.71 23.92 1.63 1.63 1.182 638.70 1.69 1.69 23.99 1.61 1.61 1.182 638.70 1.67 1.67 24.06 1.59 1.59 1.182 638.70 1.64 1.64 24.12 1.57 1.57 1.181 638.70 1.62 1.62 24.19 1.55 1.55 1.181 638.70 1.61 1.61 24.25 1.53 1.53 1.181 638.70 1.60 1.60 24.32 1.52 1.52 1.180 638.70 1.60 1.60 24.38 1.50 1.50 1.180 638.70 1.59 1.59 24.45 1.48 1.48 1.179 638.69 1.58 1.58 24.51 1.46 1.46 1.179 638.69 1.57 1.57 24.58 1.45 1.45 1.178 638.69 1.56 1.56 24.64 1.43 1.43 1.177 638.69 1.55 1.55 24.71 1.42 1.42 1.177 638.69 1.53 1.53 24.78 1.40 1.40 1.176 638.69 1.52 1.52 24.84 1.39 1.39 1.176 638.68 1.51 1.51 24.91 1.37 1.37 1.175 638.68 1.50 1.50 24.97 1.36 1.36 1.174 638.68 1.49 1.49 25.04 1.35 1.35 1.174 638.68 1.47 1.47 25.10 1.33 1.33 1.173 638.68 1.46 1.46 25.17 1.32 1.32 1.172 638.67 1.45 1.45 25.23 1.31 1.31 1.171 638.67 1.43 1.43 25.30 1.29 1.29 1.171 638.67 1.42 1.42 25.36 1.28 1.28 1.170 638.67 1.41 1.41 25.43 1.27 1.27 1.169 638.67 1.40 1.40 25.49 1.26 1.26 1.169 638.66 1.38 1.38 Event Time (hours) Hydrograph Inflow (cfs) Basin Inflow (cfs) Storage Used (acre-ft) Elevation Basin Above MSL Outflow (feet) (cfs) Outflow Total (cfs) 25.56 1.25 1.25 1.168 638.66 1.37 1.37 25.63 1.24 1.24 1.167 638.66 1.36 1.36 25.69 1.22 1.22 1.167 638.66 1.35 1.35 25.76 1.21 1.21 1.166 638.66 1.33 1.33 25.82 1.20 1.20 1.165 638.66 1.32 1.32 25.89 1.19 1.19 1.165 638.65 1.31 1.31 25.95 1.18 1.18 1.164 638.65 1.30 1.30 26.02 1.17 1.17 1.164 638.65 1.29 1.29 26.08 1.16 1.16 1.163 638.65 1.28 1.28 26.15 1.15 1.15 1.162 638.65 1.26 1.26 26.21 1.14 1.14 1.162 638.64 1.25 1.25 26.28 1.14 1.14 1.161 638.64 1.24 1.24 26.35 1.13 1.13 1.161 638.64 1.23 1.23 26.41 1.12 1.12 1.160 638.64 1.22 1.22 26.48 1.11 1.11 1.160 638.64 1.21 1.21 26.54 1.10 1.10 1.159 638.64 1.20 1.20 -,qq? Total Routing Mass Balance Discrepancy is 0.03% Modified Puls Routing Inflow Hydrograph: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUHM\POND2\B2-100YR.HYD Storage/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM 1\STORM\VTPSUIEM"OND2\B2VOL.ES Discharge/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUHM\POND2\B2.EO Basin Bypass Capacity = 0.0 cfs Starting Pool Elevation = 636.7 feet Time Interval = 6.541666E-02 hours Event Time (hours) Hydrograph Inflow (cfs) Basin Inflow (cfs) Storage Used (acre-ft) Elevation Basin Above MSL Outflow (feet) (cfs) Outflow Total (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.603 636.70 0.22 0.22 0.07 1.23 1.23 0.606 636.71 0.00 0.00 0.13 2.45 2.45 0.616 636.75 0.01 0.01 0.20 3.68 3.68 0.632 636.81 0.03 0.03 0.26 4.90 4.90 0.655 636.90 0.06 0.06 0.33 5.91 5.91 0.684 637.02 0.10 0.10 0.39 6.91 6.91 0.718 637.15 0.13 0.13 0.46 7.91 7.91 0.757 637.30 0.16 0.16 0.52 8.92 8.92 0.802 637.48 0.19 0.19 0.59 22.03 22.03 0.884 637.80 0.23 0.23 0.65 35.14 35.14 1.037 638.29 0.29 0.29 0.72 48.24 48.24 1.245 638.88 6.37 6.37 0.78 61.35 61.35 1.441 639.44 30.78 30.78 0.85 51.57 51.57 1.532 639.70 48.43 48.43 0.92 41.79 41.79 1.526 639.69 47.16 47.16 0.98 32.02 32.02 1.490 639.58 39.83 39.83 1.05 22.24 22.24 1.444 639.45 31.34 31.34 1.11 18.40 18.40 1.402 639.33 24.99 24.99 1.18 14.57 14.57 1.368 639.24 20.41 20.41 1.24 10.73 10.73 1.337 639.15 16.38 16.38 1.31 6.90 6.90 1.306 639.06 12.71 12.71 1.37 6.60 6.60 1.281 638.99 10.05 10.05 1.44 6.30 6.30 1.266 638.94 8.45 8.45 1.50 6.00 6.00 1.257 638.92 7.42 7.42 1.57 5.70 5.70 1.250 638.90 6.75 6.75 1.64 5.36 5.36 1.244 638.88 6.34 6.34 1.70 5.01 5.01 1.239 638.87 5.95 5.95 1.77 4.67 4.67 1.234 638.85 5.58 5.58 1.83 4.32 4.32 1.229 638.84 5.21 5.21 1.90 4.21 4.21 1.225 638.83 4.90 4.90 1.96 4.10 4.10 1.222 638.82 4.65 4.65 2.03 3.99 3.99 1.219 638.81 4.45 4.45 2.09 3.88 3.88 1.217 638.80 4.27 4.27 2.16 3.79 3.79 1.215 638.80 4.13 4.13 2.22 3.71 3.71 1.213 638.79 4.00 4.00 2.29 3.62 3.62 1.212 638.79 3.89 3.89 2.35 3.53 3.53 1.210 638.78 3.78 3.78 Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 2.42 3.46 3.46 1.209 638.78 3.69 3.69 2.49 3.39 3.39 1.208 638.78 3.60 3.60 2.55 3.32 3.32 1.207 638.77 3.52 3.52 2.62 3.25 3.25 1.206 638.77 3.44 3.44 2.68 3.19 3.19 1.205 638.77 3.37 3.37 2.75 3.13 3.13 1.204 638.76 3.30 3.30 2.81 3.07 3.07 1.203 638.76 3.23 3.23 2.88 3.01 3.01 1.202 638.76 3.17 3.17 2.94 2.96 2.96 1.201 638.76 3.11 3.11 3.01 2.91 2.91 1.200 638.76 3.05 3.05 3.07 2.86 2.86 1.200 638.75 3.00 3.00 3.14 2.82 2.82 1.199 638.75 2.94 2.94 3.21 2.77 2.77 1.198 638.75 2.89 2.89 3.27 2.73 2.73 1.198 638.75 2.85 2.85 3.34 2.69 2.69 1.197 638.75 2.80 2.80 3.40 2.64 2.64 1.196 638.74 2.75 2.75 3.47 2.61 2.61 1.196 638.74 2.71 2.71 3.53 2.57 2.57 1.195 638.74 2.67 2.67 3.60 2.53 2.53 1.195 638.74 2.63 2.63 3.66 2.50 2.50 1.194 638.74 2.59 2.59 3.73 2.46 2.46 1.194 638.74 2.55 2.55 3.79 2.43 2.43 1.193 638.73 2.52 2.52 3.86 2.40 2.40 1.193 638.73 2.48 2.48 3.92 2.37 2.37 1.192 638.73 2.45 2.45 3.99 2.34 2.34 1.192 638.73 2.42 2.42 4.06 2.31 2.31 1.191 638.73 2.38 2.38 4.12 2.28 2.28 1.191 638.73 2.35 2.35 4.19 2.25 2.25 1.191 638.73 2.32 2.32 4.25 2.22 2.22 1.190 638.73 2.29 2.29 4.32 2.20 2.20 1.190 638.72 2.27 2.27 4.38 2.17 2.17 1.189 638.72 2.24 2.24 4.45 2.15 2.15 1.189 638.72 2.21 2.21 4.51 2.12 2.12 1.189 638.72 2.19 2.19 4.58 2.10 2.10 1.188 638.72 2.16 2.16 4.64 2.08 2.08 1.188 638.72 2.14 2.14 4.71 2.05 2.05 1.188 638.72 2.11 2.11 4.78 2.03 2.03 1.187 638.72 2.09 2.09 4.84 2.01 2.01 1.187 638.72 2.07 2.07 4.91 1.99 1.99 1.187 638.72 2.05 2.05 4.97 1.97 1.97 1.187 638.72 2.02 2.02 5.04 1.95 1.95 1.186 638.71 2.00 2.00 5.10 1.93 1.93 1.186 638.71 1.98 1.98 5.17 1.91 1.91 1.186 638.71 1.96 1.96 5.23 1.89 1.89 1.185 638.71 1.94 1.94 5.30 1.88 1.88 1.185 638.71 1.92 1.92 5.36 1.86 1.86 1.185 638.71 1.90 1.90 5.43 1.84 1.84 1.185 638.71 1.89 1.89 5.49 1.82 1.82 1.185 638.71 1.87 1.87 Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 5.56 1.81 1.81 1.184 638.71 1.85 1.85 5.63 1.79 1.79 1.184 638.71 1.83 1.83 5.69 1.78 1.78 1.184 638.71 1.82 1.82 5.76 1.76 1.76 1.184 638.71 1.80 1.80 5.82 1.75 1.75 1.183 638.71 1.78 1.78 5.89 1.73 1.73 1.183 638.71 1.77 1.77 5.95 1.72 1.72 1.183 638.71 1.75 1.75 6.02 1.70 1.70 1.183 638.70 1.74 1.74 6.08 1.69 1.69 1.183 638.70 1.72 1.72 6.15 1.67 1.67 1.182 638.70 1.71 1.71 6.21 1.66 1.66 1.182 638.70 1.70 1.70 6.28 1.65 1.65 1.182 638.70 1.68 1.68 6.35 1.63 1.63 1.182 638.70 1.67 1.67 6.41 1.62 1.62 1.182 638.70 1.65 1.65 6.48 1.61 1.61 1.181 638.70 1.64 1.64 6.54 1.60 1.60 1.181 638.70 1.63 1.63 Total Routing Mass Balance Discrepancy is 0.02% ? c Rational Formula H_ydrograph SCS 24 - Hour Storm Distribution 10 Year, Type 2 Rainfall: 4.80 inches at b2-10yr Time of Concentration: 15.7 min. Drainage Area: 13.630 acres. Weighted 'C' Factor: 0.600 Rainfall Rainfall Time Incr. Total Intensity Flow (min) (inches) (inches) (in/hr) (cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.11 0.11 0.41 3.38 31 0.20 0.30 0.75 6.15 47 1.35 1.66 5.17 42.31 63 0.49 2.15 1.88 15.34 79 0.15 2.30 0.58 4.76 94 0.13 2.43 0.48 3.93 110 0.10 2.52 0.36 2.98 126 0.09 2.61 0.33 2.68 141 0.08 2.69 0.30 2.44 157 0.07 2.76 0.27 2.24 At time = 393 minutes, the flow is 1.10 CFS. Rational Formula Hydrograph SCS 24 - Hour Storm Distribution 100 Year, Type 2 Rainfall: 6.96 inches at b2-100yr Time of Concentration: 15.7 min. Drainage Area: 13.630 acres. Weighted 'C' Factor: 0.600 Rainfall Rainfall Time Incr. Total Intensity Flow (min) (inches) (inches) (in/hr) (cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.16 0.16 0.60 4.90 31 0.29 0.44 1.09 8.92 47 1.96 2.41 7.50 61.35 63 0.71 3.12 2.72 22.24 79 0.22 3.34 0.84 6.90 94 0.18 3.52 0.70 5.70 110 0.14 3.66 0.53 4.32 126 0.12 3.78 0.47 3.88 141 0.11 3.90 0.43 3.53 157 0.10 4.00 0.40 3.25 At time = 393 minutes, the flow is 1.60 CFS. r ? Permit No. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (to be provided by DWQ) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQStormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: r Oo k me s? c ?- Contact Person: 1 1WL4 i"L . Cam.. c Phone Number: (7o Q-) 3-1 - o t € For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Z elevations Basin Bottom Elevation ft. (floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 3Gp,'7 o ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation x'38 • (oD ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 10 0 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 3 3 ac. (on site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 5,4 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) volumes Permanent Pool Volume 2 (?, Z15 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume Z 3. 6*9 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 5, 2 8 8 cu. ft. (approximately 20% of total volume) Other parameters SA/DA1 t . -7 3 (surface area to drainage area ratio from DWQ table) Diameter of Orifice -3" O in. (2 to S day temporary pool draw down required) Design Rainfall 1,0 in. Design TSS Removal 2 O Z5 % (minimum 85% required) Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 ar- ` Footnotes: When using the Division SA/DA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to determine the correct value for non- standard table entries. In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 901/6 TSS removal. The NCDENR BMP manual provides design tables for both 85% TSS removal and 90% TSS removal. H. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H. 1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Applicants Initials A F-C, a. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). /l 17_G b. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the basin volume. A a- -g c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. fZ d. The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. N 1 A e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non-erosive flow calculations) fZ C-1 f. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. l F (f-1 g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no steeper than 3:1. A Q C-1 h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). .4 t?.. 6 i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified. j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overflow and orifice. A G?r k. A recorded drainage easement is provided for each basin including access to nearest right- of-way. eCl 1. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified prior to use as a wet detention basin. A- 24 m. A mechanism is specified which will drain the basin for maintenance or an emergency. III. WET DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one) 0 does 16(does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does 8"does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 4- ; o feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads ?53 0 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) ?d Permanent Pool Elevation Sediment Bottom El. 133.3 on FOREBAY Sediment Removal Elevation L 34.1 ° --------------------------------- Bottom Elevation G24, o 0 MAIN POND 75% 25% 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 50% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the vegetated shelf and forebay berm. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: 5CC, +f V- Title: levee-, vie--e- W / T?? i . '5 U, 600 Address: Phone: -7 e - 332 - 3 Signature: Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I , a Notary Public for the State of u-?-? County of do hereby certify that - ?1 personally appeared before me this J- day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance req rements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires 'cr d7vco Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 4 of 4 O Z LLJ J C/7 Q ¢ C> N Z r w CL W m W?!;?c C) >< ?- W LL- Z 00 O LYCLQ ZCk:J J H Q Z W Cn = Z U U = Z ?OLL.J O W z Q M _ W W J W M W m LL - C) d O 1- N N J J = N W 11 W ? D Z W O (5Wv Cr Wc G W z O o? O N JwC.? m Cr Qo?S? N Z L.? O J Z Q O W C.7 Q > O m M _ W f.-. W Q C:l Of C.7 0 W N O O CL _ LL C7 = - 11 n ? > W W -I J W W r O O O r 0 W U Q J vj Cl. 13f J W J Q V- J F-- W z J W V) _ LLJ Q = Z N Z P- Ck: I W - W 11 m 11 p M C.D Z I a- ; z QW ELI V) LLJ X a.w I ?4?ZZ W it I w J J Zt! 40 F- w ? W I > ? ? _ CD ? n J > Nc Z ?- P N N j w r ( ? w O M CL! C? ka L \ 1 U I- 00 i i i "Va J0 I w J m 4 F- z 0 w % O L'sJ N 0 1 W J W M O i- O m O z O CL W LJ F-- W (w > W LL-J Z > Z 2 LLj LL. _ w o t- LL_ > o?UO 0=-j0 v m H J Q Z O u W to H Z u O V W n? O LL N x H D Z O CL. Of Y ? W U F-' U m W Z Of O LQ N O- 0 H O d- fV N t0 W J 0 Q p w ?f H UJ V J N Z O U W U c O_ cl? O ° W ai O O O Oi ?w? o Cl. . li Z ? J - i co O O = N ?1- W !- ° W W N U J O 4- U V) 0 p ? 0 ` o` Z O O , O O ` LLJ M O C0 _ \ O e ' \ o ° <p = ° U c=; CD CD O i ° o o O 0, - \ o''' W ° a- ? =3 O z 0 o o o O` U N Z O U \ / O. 0 • ° o ? 0 . ° / O 0' o O o O o O ` • I • ° C O M O • ? W ? O O Z Cp to C-> u O: O- z =>o M ce iy- J Z Z W ° O ? o W 3? •?° o O O = C D 0 0 O w - D ° cry N o ?° W ; • , ° o a , o ? U (n ZO o O o ` O ° w W W w>3 °°° >oo: w wzw V) ° n moazo?w-Q??asV?o Or °° Cflw ?? ZO(DLLJ M? ?- ?wz=pzz? w0 ?m=Ljri mc°as? O 0 ?. o?S co O O J (n w Z W W O W°jW(n W(n cNO WNI- V) >Ocn o cl? w 1 c- c ?c c- c c c-c c c Lc_ c_ c _c 0 _c c_ c _c c_ 0 w w Q 0 w ?v U J 0? co v o v CD -'4 ° Z p > z O o_ 0 W U ? c I CND O U W O 0 n Project: Brookmere Subdivision Phase 2 Basins One(1) and Two (2) Planting Plan For Vegetated Wetland Bench - Use of Existing Hydric Sofl Soil from the existing wetland areas that have permitted for impacts will be stripped and stored as feasible for utilization in lining the proposed wetland site. Other topsoil adjacent to the wetlands may also be suitable. Using these existing soils should hasten the development of vegetated cover and hydric soil conditions. This is also an excellent use of an important natural resource. Many of the recommended planted species currently exist in the vicinity of the area to be utilized for this function. The majority of the species in the wetlands include Obligate (OBL) and Facultative Wet (FACW) vegetation. Herbaceous plant species present include Softrush (Juncus effusus), sedge (Carex spp.), Duck potato (Sagitaria latifolia, Arrow arum (Peltandra virginia), Common Three-Square (Scirpus pungens), Touch-me- not (Impatiens capensis), Smartweed (Polygonum spp.), and others. Supplemental plantings will be selected from Table 111.2 in the Storm water Best Management Practices, NCDENR, April, 1999 based on actual field conditions, if required. Being that the site is in the vicinity of other wetlands and floodplain areas it is expected that the area will benefit from the natural seed sources available. It is expected that herbaceous and scrub/shrub wetland species will rapidly volunteer in the area. Emergent Zone Schedule - if required Botanical Name Common Name Size Notes Rushes/Sedges* Juncus effusus Smooth Needle Rush 2 yr. peat pot 3'0/C. Scirp. americanusCommon Three Square 2 yr. peat pot 3'0/C. Acoris calamus Sweet Flag 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Shallow Water Plants Peltandra virginica Arrow Arum 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Sagitaria latifolia Duck Potato 2 yr. peat pot 3'0/C. Saururus cernus Lizard's Tail 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Nuphar luteum Spatterdock 2 yr. peat pot 3' O/C. Planting shall be in naturalistic / random clumps to encourage diversity. Specific plant species, quantities, and size, which will be utilized for the mitigation sites will be dependent on availability, cost, time of year in which planting occurs. Control structures such as sedimentation traps, siltation barriers, and/or at a minimum silt fence will be utilized as necessary. Seeding Specification for Herbaceous and Cover Crop in Wetland Mitigation Sites Zone 1- Wetland areas in temporarily saturated soils or subject to occasional and brief inundation Dates Types Rate April I - Jul. 15 Red Top Grass Smartweed 7 lbs/acre 20 lbs /acre Jul. 16 - Sept. 1 Temporary Crop Jap. Millet or Sorghum 201bs /acre (to be followed by permanent mixture) Sept. 2 - Nov. 1 Smartweed Red Top Grass 201bs /acre 7 lbs/acre Nov. 1 - March 31 Temporary Crop 40 lbs /acre Wheat or Winter Rye (to be followed by permanent mixture) The following species may be substituted: - Bidens connata (Beggar's Tick) and other Biden's species - Leersia oryzoides (Rice Cutgrass) - Panicum viratum (Switchgrass) - Peltandra virginica (Arrow Arum) Seeding Instructions 1) Seed in the dry period 2) Use of filler, such as sand to dilute the seed to ensure uniform ground coverage when broadcasting 3) Tree and shrub planting should be completed first before seeding 4) Pure live seed shall be specified and approved prior to planting. Herbaceous species may with a wetland seed mix which will result in coverage of at least 100 stems per square meter upon germination. Substitutions may be permitted with approval. Other native grasses or annuals may be selected. No fescue will be used in wetland areas. Annual grasses shall be utilized for stabilization on surrounding slopes within Mitigation Area rather than perennials to allow natural succession. If a perennial is required for erosion control than a mixture shall be selected that allows natural volunteering to occur. Pond # I Computations I SITE EVia l*& S -1-W suu ax •auonrxa ?ecrs wm •uaius xo?xa xarox we •au? ?seiLiedo?d ???PUeI ?o.,?rwd-x 3dVWVNIklJ VAHUVONnOB4NOd ?xcxr4 L Z dSVHd MNAB002l9 a ..e ?4c o•arxr Wz?? O VN, ; ?,? X i 1 I BROOKMERE PH. 2 POND 1 EXTENDED DETENTION WET POND DESIGN DRAINAGE AREA = 41.21 ACRES PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 40 DETERMINE PERMANENT POOL SURFACE AREA: FROM TABLE 1:1 WITH A PERMANENT POOL DEPTH OF 5 FEET AND 40 PERCENT IMPERVIOUS: SA/DA = 1.25 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = (SA/DA)/100 X DRAINAGE AREA REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = 0.515125 ACRES = 22,439 SQUARE FEET SURFACE AREA PROVIDED AT ELEVATION 620.00 = 24,475 SQUARE FEET VOLUME OF PERMANENT POOL = 121,425 CUBIC FEET 20% OF PERMANENT POOL = 24,285 CUBIC FEET VOLUME TO BE CONTROLLED FROM THE 1 INCH STORM: RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATION FROM THE SIMPLE METHOD: Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) Rv = RUNOFF COEFFICIENT I = PERCENT IMPERVIOUS Rv = 0.41 VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED = DESIGN RAINFALL x Rv x DRAINAGE AREA VOLUME THAT MUST BE CONTROLLED = 1.408008 ACRE FEET = 61,333 CUBIC FEET VOLUME PROVIDED AT ELEVATION 622.40 = 64,808 CUBIC FEET EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE OUTLET SIZE DETERMINATION: MAXIMUM HEAD AT EXTENDED DETENTION STORAGE = 2.4 FEET PEAK OUTFLOW RATE FOR DRAWDOWN TIME OF 48 HOURS: Qpeak = S/(0.5 x 3600 x 48) WHICH EQUALS: STORAGE x 0.0000116 = 0.751773 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA: A=Qpeak/(0.6 x (64.4 x h)"0.5 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA = 0.100783 FEET DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 2 x (REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA/3.14)^0.5 DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 0.358219 FEET = 4.298626 INCHES USE 4.0 INCH ORIFICE MAXIMUM HEAD FOR BOTTOM DRAIN = 8 FEET TOTAL POND STORAGE = 121,425 PEAK OUTFLOW RATE FOR DRAWDOWN TIME OF 24 HOURS: Qpeak = S/(0.5 x 3600 x 24) WHICH EQUALS: STORAGE x 0.0000231 = 2.804918 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA: A=Qpeak/(0.6 x (64.4 x h)^0.5 REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA = 0.205959 FEET DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 2 x (REQUIRED ORIFICE AREA/3.14)^0.5 DIAMETER OF A CIRCULAR ORIFICE = 0.512089 FEET = 6.145069 INCHES USE 6.0 INCH ORIFICE Outlet Structure Configuration Outlet Structure Configuration for Brookmere - Pond 1 Stage 1: Circular Orifice Invert Elevation = 620 feet Diameter = .33 feet Discharge Coefficient = .6 Stage 2: Rectangular Weir Crest Elevation = 622.4 feet Length = 25.02 feet Discharge Coefficient = 3.1 Stage 3: Emergency Spillway Crest Elevation = 624 feet Crest Length = 30 feet Discharge Coefficient = 3 Stage 4: Outfall Culvert Invert Elevation = 610.39 feet Pipe Diameter = 5 feet Pipe Length = 39 feet Pipe Slope =.01 ft/ft Manning n = .013 Entrance Condition = SEH Number of Barrels =1 Basin Rating Curve Outlet Rating Table for Brookmere - Pond 1 Basin Water Elevation Basin Outflow (cfs) Riser Box Water Elevation Tailwater Elevation (ft) Outfall Culvert Control 620.00 0.00 610.39 N/A N/A 620.20 0.07 610.39 N/A ORIFICE CONT 620.40 0.20 610.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 620.60 0.27 610.54 N/A ORIFICE CONT 620.80 0.33 610.59 N/A ORIFICE CONT 621.00 0.38 610.59 N/A ORIFICE CONT 621.20 0.42 610.59 N/A ORIFICE CONT 621.40 0.46 610.63 N/A ORIFICE CONT 621.60 0.49 610.63 N/A ORIFICE CONT 621.80 0.53 610.63 N/A ORIFICE CONT 622.00 0.56 610.65 N/A ORIFICE CONT 622.20 0.59 610.65 N/A ORIFICE CONT 622.40 0.63 610.65 N/A ORIFICE CONT 622.60 7.75 611.43 N/A ORIFICE CONT 622.80 20.53 612.13 N/A ORIFICE CONT 623.00 37.04 612.77 N/A ORIFICE CONT 623.20 56.57 613.36 N/A ORIFICE CONT 623.40 78.70 613.92 N/A ORIFICE CONT 623.60 103.16 614.46 N/A ORIFICE CONT 623.80 129.75 614.99 N/A ORIFICE CONT 624.00 158.31 615.49 N/A ORIFICE CONT 624.20 196.77 615.99 N/A ORIFICE CONT 624.40 243.63 616.47 N/A ORIFICE CONT 624.60 296.47 616.94 N/A ORIFICE CONT 624.80 354.39 620.00 N/A ORIFICE CONT 625.00 416.81 620.44 N/A ORIFICE CONT Basin Storage/Elevation Input Elevation Storage (ft) (acre-ft) 611 612 614 616 618 620 622 622.4 624 0 .0876 .5109 1.0869 1.8202 2.7875 3.9972 4.2753 5.3878 Arm ($$' 40 O -//,33 laso? 1+, 40,5 -4, 4.7t ; 'Z g, ZZo 3 2, 3?j2 Modified Puls Routing Inflow Hydrograph: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUHM\Bl-10YR.HYD Storage/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-l\STORM\VTPSUHM\B1.ES Discharge/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM~1\STORM\VTPSUHM\PONDI.EO Basin Bypass Capacity = 0.0 cfs Starting Pool Elevation = 620.00 feet Time Interval = 7.291666E-02 hours Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.787 620.00 0.38 0.38 0.07 2.36 2.36 2.793 620.01 0.00 0.00 0.15 4.71 4.71 2.815 620.04 0.01 0.01 0.22 7.07 7.07 2.850 620.10 0.03 0.03 0.29 9.42 9.42 2.899 620.19 0.06 0.06 0.36 11.35 11.35 2.961 620.29 0.12 0.12 0.44 13.28 13.28 3.035 620.41 0.20 0.20 0.51 15.21 15.21 3.119 620.55 0.25 0.25 0.58 17.14 17.14 3.215 620.71 0.30 0.30 0.66 43.02 43.02 3.394 621.00 0.38 0.38 0.73 68.89 68.89 3.729 621.56 0.49 0.49 0.80 94.77 94.77 4.219 622.32 0.61 0.61 0.87 120.65 120.65 4.736 623.06 43.13 43.13 0.95 100.49 100.49 5.013 623.46 86.11 86.11 1.02 80.33 80.33 5.030 623.48 89.09 89.09 1.09 60.18 60.18 4.955 623.38 76.21 76.21 1.17 40.02 40.02 4.849 623.22 59.29 59.29 1.24 33.33 33.33 4.754 623.09 45.62 45.62 1.31 26.64 26.64 4.687 622.99 36.40 36.40 1.39 19.95 19.95 4.629 622.91 29.50 29.50 1.46 13.26 13.26 4.572 622.83 22.70 22.70 1.53 12.68 12.68 4.527 622.76 18.10 18.10 1.60 12.11 12.11 4.500 622.72 15.63 15.63 1.68 11.54 11.54 4.482 622.70 13.98 13.98 1.75 10.96 10.96 4.469 622.68 12.79 12.79 1.82 10.30 10.30 4.459 622.66 11.85 11.85 1.90 9.63 9.63 4.450 622.65 11.04 11.04 1.97 8.97 8.97 4.442 622.64 10.28 10.28 2.04 8.31 8.31 4.434 622.63 9.57 9.57 2.11 8.10 8.10 4.428 622.62 8.98 8.98 2.19 7.88 7.88 4.423 622.61 8.55 8.55 2.26 7.67 7.67 4.419 622.61 8.21 8.21 2.33 7.46 7.46 4.416 622.60 7.93 7.93 2.41 7.29 7.29 4.414 622.60 7.71 7.71 2.48 7.13 7.13 4.411 622.60 7.58 7.58 2.55 6.96 6.96 4.408 622.59 7.43 7.43 2.62 6.79 6.79 4.405 622.59 7.28 7.28 Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 2.70 6.65 6.65 4.402 622.58 7.13 7.13 2.77 6.52 6.52 4.400 622.58 6.99 6.99 2.84 6.38 6.38 4.397 622.57 6.84 6.84 2.92 6.25 6.25 4.394 622.57 6.70 6.70 2.99 6.13 6.13 4.391 622.57 6.57 6.57 3.06 6.02 6.02 4.389 622.56 6.43 6.43 3.14 5.91 5.91 4.386 622.56 6.31 6.31 3.21 5.79 5.79 4.384 622.56 6.19 6.19 3.28 5.70 5.70 4.382 622.55 6.07 6.07 3.35 5.60 5.60 4.379 622.55 5.96 5.96 3.43 5.51 5.51 4.377 622.55 5.85 5.85 3.50 5.41 5.41 4.375 622.54 5.74 5.74 3.57' 5.33 5.33 4.373 622.54 5.64 5.64 3.65 5.25 5.25 4.371 622.54 5.55 5.55 3.72 5.16 5.16 4.370 622.54 5.46 5.46 3.79 5.08 5.08 4.368 622.53 5.37 5.37 3.86 5.01 5.01 4.366 622.53 5.28 5.28 3.94 4.94 4.94 4.365 622.53 5.20 5.20 4.01 4.87 4.87 4.363 622.53 5.12 5.12 4.08 4.80 4.80 4.362 622.52 5.04 5.04 4.16 4.73 4.73 4.360 622.52 4.97 4.97 4.23 4.67 4.67 4.359 622.52 4.90 4.90 4.30 4.61 4.61 4.357 622.52 4.83 4.83 4.37 4.55 4.55 4.356 622.52 4.76 4.76 4.45 4.49 4.49 4.355 622.51 4.70 4.70 4.52 4.44 4.44 4.354 622.51 4.63 4.63 4.59 4.38 4.38 4.352 622.51 4.57 4.57 4.67 4.32 4.32 4.351 622.51 4.52 4.52 4.74 4.28 4.28 4.350 622.51 4.46 4.46 4.81 4.23 4.23 4.349 622.51 4.40 4.40 4.89 4.18 4.18 4.348 622.50 4.35 4.35 4.96 4.13 4.13 4.347 622.50 4.30 4.30 5.03 4.08 4.08 4.346 622.50 4.24 4.24 5.10 4.04 4.04 4.345 622.50 4.20 4.20 5.18 3.99 3.99 4.344 622.50 4.15 4.15 5.25 3.95 3.95 4.343 622.50 4.10 4.10 5.32 3.91 3.91 4.342 622.50 4.05 4.05 5.40 3.87 3.87 4.341 622.49 4.01 4.01 5.47 3.83 3.83 4.340 622.49 3.97 3.97 5.54 3.79 3.79 4.340 622.49 3.92 3.92 5.61 3.75 3.75 4.339 622.49 3.88 3.88 5.69 3.71 3.71 4.338 622.49 3.84 3.84 5.76 3.68 3.68 4.337 622.49 3.80 3.80 5.83 3.64 3.64 4.337 622.49 3.76 3.76 5.91 3.61 3.61 4.336 622:49 3.73 3.73 5.98 3.51 3.57 4.335 622.49 3.69 3.69 6.05 3.54 3.54 4.334 622.48 3.65 3.65 6.12 3.51 3.51 4.334 622.48 3.62 3.62 .' Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 6.20 3.48 3.48 4.333 622.48 3.59 3.59 6.27 3.44 3.44 4.332 622.48 3.55 3.55 6.34 3.41 3.41 4.332 622.48 3.52 3.52 6.42 3.38 3.38 4.331 622.48 3.49 3.49 6.49 3.35 3.35 4.331 622.48 3.46 3.46 6.56 3.33 3.33 4.330 622.48 3.42 3.42 6.64 3.30 3.30 4.329 622.48 3.39 3.39 6.71 3.27 3.27 4.329 622.48 3.37 3.37 6.78 3.24 3.24 4.328 622.48 3.34 3.34 6.85 3.22 3.22 4.328 622.48 3.31 3.31 6.93 3.19 3.19 4.327 622.47 3.28 3.28 7.00 3.16 3.16 4.327 622.47 3.25 3.25 7.07 3.14 3.14 4.326 622.47 3.23 3.23 7.15 3.12 3.12 4.326 622.47 3.20 3.20 7.22 3.09 3.09 4.325 622.47 3.17 3.17 7.29 3.07 3.07 4.325 622.47 3.15 3.15 Total Routing Mass Balance Discrepancy is 0.01% Modified Puls Routing Inflow Hydrograph: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUBAMI-100YR.HYD Storage/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM-1\STORM\VTPSUHM\B1.ES Discharge/Elevation Curve: G:\PROJECT2\LCP\BROOKM~1\STORM\VTPSUHM\PONDI.EO Basin Bypass Capacity = 0.0 cfs Starting Pool Elevation = 620.00 feet Time Interval = 7.291666E-02 hours Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.787 620.00 0.38 0.38 0.07 3.42 3.42 2.797 620.02 0.00 0.00 0.15 6.83 6.83 2.827 620.07 0.02 0.02 0.22 10.25 10.25 2.879 620.15 0.05 0.05 0.29 13.66 13.66 2.950 620.27 0.11 0.11 0.36 16.46 16.46 3.040 620.42 0.21 0.21 0.44 19.26 19.26 3.146 620.59 0.27 0.27 0.51 22.06 22.06 3.269 620.80 0.33 0.33 0.58 24.85 24.85 3.408 621.03 0.38 0.38 0.66 62.38 62.38 3.668 621.46 0.47 0.47 0.73 99.90 99.90 4.154 622.23 0.59 0.59 0.80 137.42 137.42 4.737 623.06 43.28 43.28 0.87 174.94 174.94 5.190 623.72 118.59 118.59 0.95 145.71 145.71 5.347 623.94 149.99 149.99 1.02 116.49 116.49 5.277 623.84 135.55 135.55 1.09 87.26 87.26 5.149 623.66 110.68 110.68 1.17 58.03 58.03 5.000 623.44 83.93 83.93 1.24 48.33 48.33 4.876 623.26 63.66 63.66 1.31 38.63 38.63 4.792 623.14 51.07 51.07 1.39 28.93 28.93 4.719 623.04 40.79 40.79 1.46 19.23 19.23 4.646 622.93 31.56 31.56 1.53 18.39 18.39 4.590 622.85 24.84 24.84 1.60 17.56 17.56 4.559 622.81 21.22 21.22 1.68 16.73 16.73 4.540 622.78 19.33 19.33 1.75 15.89 15.89 4.526 622.76 18.02 18.02 1.82 14.93 14.93 4.514 622.74 16.89 16.89 1.90 13.97 13.97 4.502 622.73 15.83 15.83 1.97 13.01 13.01 4.491 622.71 14.82 14.82 2.04 12.05 12.05 4.480 622.70 13.82 13.82 2.11 11.74 11.74 4.471 622.68 12.99 12.99 2.19 11.43 11.43 4.465 622.67 12.38 12.38 2.26 11.12 11.12 4.460 622.66 11.90 11.90 2.33 10.82 10.82 4.455 622.66 11.50 11.50 2.41 10.57 10.57 4.451 622.65 11.15 11.15 2.48 10.33 10.33 4.448 622.65 10.85 10.85 2.55 10.09 10.09 4.445 622.64 10.57 10.57 2.62 9.85 9.85 4.442 622.64 10.31 10.31 ,- , . ?' Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 2.70 9.65 9.65 4.440 622.64 10.07 10.07 2.77 9.45 9.45 4.437 622.63 9.84 9.84 2.84 9.25 9.25 4.435 622.63 9.63 9.63 2.92 9.06 9.06 4.433 622.63 9.42 9.42 2.99 8.89 8.89 4.430 622.62 9.23 9.23 3.06 8.73 8.73 4.428 622.62 9.05 9.05 3.14 8.56 8.56 4.427 622.62 8.87 8.87 3.21 8.40 8.40 4.425 622.61 8.70 8.70 3.28 8.26 8.26 4.423 622.61 8.54 8.54 3.35 8.12 8.12 4.421 622.61 8.39 8.39 3.43 7.98 7.98 4.420 622.61 8.24 8.24 3.50 7.85 7.85 4.418 622.61 8.10 8.10 3.57 7.73 7.73 4.417 622.60 7.96 7.96 3.65 7.61 7.61 4.415 622.60 7.84 7.84 3.72 7.49 7.49 4.414 622.60 7.72 7.72 3.79 7.37 7.37 4.412 622.60 7.65 7.65 3.86 7.27 7.27 4.411 622.59 7.56 7.56 3.94 7.16 7.16 4.409 622.59 7.47 7.47 4.01 7.06 7.06 4.407 622.59 7.37 7.37 4.08 6.96 6.96 4.405 622.59 7.27 7.27 4.16 6.87 6.87 4.403 622.58 7.18 7.18 4.23 6.77 6.77 4.401 622.58 7.08 7.08 4.30 6.68 6.68 4.400 622.58 6.99 6.99 4.37 6.59 6.59 4.398 622.58 6.89 6.89 4.45 6.51 6.51 4.396 622.57 6.80 6.80 4.52 6.43 6.43 4.394 622.57 6.71 6.71 4.59 6.35 6.35 4.392 622.57 6.63 6.63 4.67 6.27 6.27 4.391 622.57 6.54 6.54 4.74 6.20 6.20 4.389 622.56 6.46 6.46 4.81 6.13 6.13 4.388 622.56 6.38 6.38 4.89 6.06 6.06 4.386 622.56 6.30 6.30 4.96 5.98 5.98 4.385 622.56 6.23 6.23 5.03 5.92 5.92 4.383 622.56 6.15 6.15 5.10 5.85 5.85 4.382 622.55 6.08 6.08 5.18 5.79 5.79 4.380 622.55 6.01 6.01 5.25 5.73 5.73 4.379 622.55 5.94 5.94 5.32 5.67 5.67 4.378 622.55 5.88 5.88 5.40 5.61 5.61 4.377 622.55 5.81 5.81 5.47 5.55 5.55 4.375 622.54 5.75 5.75 5.54 5.49 5.49 4.374 622.54 5.69 5.69 5.61 5.44 5.44 4.373 622.54 5.63 5.63 5.69 5.38 5.38 4.372 622.54 5.57 5.57 5.76 5.33 5.33 4.371 622.54 5.51 5.51 5.83 5.28 5.28 4.370 622.54 5.46 5.46 5.91 5.23 5.23 4.369 622.53 5.40 5.40 5.98 5.18 5.18 4.368 622.53 5.35 5.35 6.05 5.13 5.13 4.367 622.53 5.30 5.30 6.12 5.08 5.08 4.366 622.53 5.25 5.25 Event Hydrograph Basin Storage Elevation Basin Outflow Time Inflow Inflow Used Above MSL Outflow Total (hours) (cfs) (cfs) (acre-ft) (feet) (cfs) (cfs) 6.20 5.04 5.04 4.365 622.53 5.20 5.20 6.27 5.00 5.00 4.364 622.53 5.15 5.15 6.34 4.95 4.95 4.363 622.53 5.10 5.10 6.42 4.91 4.91 4.362 622.52 5.06 5.06 6.49 4.86 4.86 4.361 622.52 5.01 5.01 6.56 4.82 4.82 4.360 622.52 4.97 4.97 6.64 4.78 4.78 4.359 622.52 4.92 4.92 6.71 4.74 4.74 4.358 622.52 4.88 4.88 6.78 4.70 4.70 4.358 622.52 4.84 4.84 6.85 4.67 4.67 4.357 622.52 4.80 4.80 6.93 4.63 4.63 4.356 622.52 4.76 4.76 7.00 4.59 4.59 4.355 622.51 4.72 4.72 7.07 4.55 4.55 4.354 622.51 4.68 4.68 7.15 4.52 4.52 4.354 622.51 4.64 4.64 7.22 4.48 4.48 4.353 622.51 4.60 4.60 7.29 4.45 4.45 4.352 622.51 4.57 4.57 Total Routing Mass Balance Discrepancy is 0.01% Rational Formula H_ydrograph SCS 24 - Hour Storm Distribution 10 Year, Type 2 Rainfall: 4.80 inches at bl-10yr Time of Concentration: 17.5 min. Drainage Area: 41.210 acres. Weighted 'C' Factor: 0.600 Rainfall Rainfall Time Incr. Total Intensity Flow (min) (inches) (inches) (in/hr) (cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 0.11 0.11 0.38 9.42 35 '0.20 0.31 0.69 17.14 53 1.42 1.74 4.88 120.65 70 0.47 2.21 1.62 40.02 88 0.16 2.36 0.54 13.26 105 0.13 2.49 0.44 10.96 123 0.10 2.59 0.34 8.31 140 0.09 2.68 0.30 7.46 158 0.08 2.76 0.27 6.79 175 0.07 2.83 0.25 6.25 At time = 438 minutes, the flow is 3.07 CFS. Rational Formula Hydrograph SCS 24 - Hour Storm Distribution 100 Year, Type 2 Rainfall: 6.96 inches at bl-100yr Time of Concentration: 17.5 min. Drainage Area: 41.210 acres. Weighted 'C' Factor: 0.600 Rainfall Rainfall Time Incr. Total Intensity Flow (min) (inches) (inches) (in/hr) (cfs) 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 0.16 0.16 0.55 13.66 35 0.29 0.45 1.01 24.85 53 2.06 2.52 7.08 174.94 70 0.68 3.20 2.35 58.03 88 0.23 3.43 0.78 19.23 105 0.19 3.62 0.64 15.89 123 0.14 3.76 0.49 12.05 140 0.13 3.89 0.44 10.82 158 0.12 4.00 0.40 9.85 175 0.11 4.11 0.37 9.06 At time = 438 minutes, the flow is 4.45 CFS. WAT ?9QG > WG y o ? Mr. Anthony R. Gaffey, P.E. Insite 201 North Tryon Street, Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Mr. Gaffey: Subject: July 17, 2001 Brookmere DWQ Project No. 010352 Mecklenburg County The Wetlands Unit staff reviewed the stormwater management plans for the subject project and determined that additional information is necessary to complete the technical review process. The required additional information is as follows: 1. General Certification No. 3287 Requirements General Certification no. 3287 states in part, "7. In order to protect and preserve water quality in the immediate watersheds which drain directly to 303(d) listed waters, as well as watersheds that are classified as nutrient sensitive waters (NSW), water supply waters (WS), trout waters (Tr), high quality waters (HQW), and outstanding resource waters (ORW), the Division shall require that extended detention wetlands (designed according to latest version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual) be constructed as part of the stormwater management plan when a site-specific stormwater management plan is required. Methods such as dry detention basins followed by level spreaders that sheet flow through forested filter strips and that meet the design standards specified in the latest version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual may also be used, if appropriate. Approval of stormwater management plans by the Division of Water Quality's other existing state stormwater programs including appropriate local programs are sufficient to satisfy this condition. This: condition applies unless more stringent requirements are in effect from other state water quality programs;" As such, because this development is in a WS IV watershed, this Office recommends that pond no. 2 be designed. as an extended detention wetland since it has adequate surface area and that a level spreading device be used at the oulet of pond no. 1 so that the existing wetland would function as a forested filter strip. Forebay The forebay for pond no. 1 should be approximately 20% of the total permanent pool basin volume. However, the plans appear to indicate that the forebay is larger than 20% of the basin volume. Reference NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999. Please revise the engineering plans to meet this requirement. The operation and maintenance agreement must also be signed by the responsible party and notarized. An example agreement for an extended detention wet pond is available on line at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/PDF_Files/State_SW_program_forms/SW U102_Wet_Pond_Supplement.pdf Division wetlands unit staff will strive to complete a final technical review within 10 working days of receipt of the requested information. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project, please contact me at (919) 733- 9584. Also, please note that the NCDENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999, and other documents and information can be downloaded from the Wetlands Unit web site at http://h2o.ehnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/. Singl n Toc? St. John PE Environmental Engineer cc: Mooresville Regional Office File Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733.6893 (fax), http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/ Project No. DW Q 0.10352 Project Name: Brookmere ph II SUBMITTED DESIGN: REQUIRED DESIGN: elevations status Bottom of Basin (ft) 611 Permanent Pool (ft) 620 9 ft. depth check depth Temporary Pool (ft) 622.4 2.4 ft. depth ok areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 24475 22434 sq. ft. ok Drainage Area (ac) 41.21 Impervious Area (ac) 16.48 volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) 121425 Temporary Pool (cu ft) 64808 613 . ft. ok Forebay (cu ft) 24752 20. o ok j other parameters SA/DA 0 1.25 - Orifice Diameter (in) 4 0.46 cfs drawdown - Design Rainfall (in) I 1.6 day drawdown check drawc Linear Interpolation of Correct SAMA*** 5.0 average depth Olt Im ervious SA/DA from Table Next Lowest 40 1.25 Project Impervious 40.0 1.25 Next Highest 50 _ 1.5 1 ?49 or 6? Project No. DWQ 0.10352 Project Name: Brookmere ph II SUBMITTED DESIGN: elevations Bottom of Basin (ft) 629 Permanent Pool (ft) 636.7 Temporary Pool (ft) 638.6 areas Permanent Pool SA (sq ft) 10350 Drainage Area (ac) 13.63 Impervious Area (ac) 5.45 volumes Permanent Pool (cu ft) 26275 Temporary Pool (cu ft) " 23649 Forebay (cu ft) 5288 other parameters SA/DA 0 Orifice Diameter (in) 3 Design Rainfall (in) 1 Linear Interpolation of Correct SAIDA"* 0XV impervious Next Lowest 40 Project Impervious 40.0 Next Highest 50 REQUIRED DESIGN. status 7.7 ft. depth check depth 1.9 ft. depth ok 10269 sq. ft. ok - 40.0% 20279 cu. ft. ok 20.1 % ok 1.73 - 0.23 cfs drawdown - 1.2 day drawdown check drawc 0v2.5erage depth SA/DA from Table 1.73 1.73 2.06 _,.0 -, OF W ATFR O? QG co r o ? Michael F. Easley - Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality April 11, 2001 Mecklenburg County DWQ Project # 010352 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Landcraft Properties, Inc. 201 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Sirs: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 1,100 linear feet of streams for the purpose of constructing the Brookmere subdivision as described in your application dated March 12, 2001. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 3289 and 3287. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 14 and 39 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Water shed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all remaining jurisdictional wetlands and streams to notify the state in order to assure compliance for future wetland and/or water impact. These mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 days of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 Permit (whichever is later). 2. An additional condition is that a final, written stormwater management plan shall be approved by this Office before the impacts specified in this Certification occur. The stormwater management plan must include plans and specifications for stormwater management facilities designed to remove 85%. TSS according to the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Also, before any permanent building is occupied at the subject site, the facilities, as approved by this Office, shall be constructed and operational, and the stormwater management plan, as approved by this Office, shall be implemented. 3. The road crossing shall not exceed 150 linear feet in length. : 4. The sewer line along the southern tributary shall be constructed outside the 30 foot stream buffer. NCD. R Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 OF o? W ATFRQG o -c 5. DWQ's Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified in writing of a pre construction meeting with DLR, contractors and the developer to be held prior to any land disturbance. 6. Upon completion of the project, the NCDOT shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify DWQ that all the work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. 'The responsible party shall complete the attached form and return it to the 401 /Wetlands Unit of the Division of Water Quality. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733- 9646. in Stevens Attachment cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office File copy Central Files Todd St. John Len Rindner A Z RCDENR Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 LEONARD S. RINDNER,_PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning Tole: (704) 846-0461 Fag (704) 847-0185 May 28, 2001 Mr. John R. Dorney Division of Water Quality - NCDENR 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite. 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Steve Chapin US Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 - 5006 Mr. Peter Colwell NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Brookmere - Modification of Project Area Only Dear Sirs: On behalf of my client, Landcraft Properties, I am informing you of a change in the project area. As depicted on the attached plans, the proposed project area will be reduced from approximately 154 acres to approximately 100 acres. The area on the map previously identified as "Future Phase" on the Nationwide Permit application will not be part of this development and will be owned by a separate property owner. The remaining information submitted in the permit application remains the same. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your consideration. Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant Professional Wetland Scientist { f i i , ? I1 f , iw z ?-. w J.z Ile, ! y. W CrCrW WWCr 0 z 1 a_ 0 ? - i I ? f ? ,! 941 Ile 1 ? 1 N y I W Q g (n LLI a I LL- ' LLI Z I O ; ` co ::D M 1 LL D 1 I a m { j 0 i e ? w V) a co z rr F- 0W ? j ! d O 1 W rr, >- Q I j <t [Y1 EONARD S. RINDNER, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning TeIe: (704) 846-0461 Fax (704) 847-0185 May 28, 2001 Mr. Steve Chapin US Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 - 5006 Re: Brookmere - Proposed Reinstatement of Permit Application Dear Steve: Based on the attached additional information, Landcraft Properties, is requesting that the Nationwide Permit review process be reinstated. As depicted on the attached plans, the proposed project area will be reduced from approximately 154 acres to approximately 100 acres. The area on the map previously identified as "Future Phase" on the Nationwide Permit application will not be part of this development and will be owned by a separate property owner. This is the area noted by the archaeologist as area of high concern. According to Briece Edwards, our archeological consultant, the project zones noted as Phase 1 and Phase 2 may have areas of archaeological remains, however, given past agricultural practices and erosion there may be little site integrity left in the area. Landcraft Properties intends to follow-up with the recommendations of the State Historical Preservation Office within the new project boundaries. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your consideration. Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant Professional Wetland Scientist FROM : CRAG:ARCHAEOLOGY FAX NO. : 919 828 8100 Apr. 30 2001 03:33PM P2 Cultural Resources Assessment Group: A 1" C JJ LLC) Y-( 28 April 2001 Len Rindner Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 Dear Len - Re: Brookmere: P.O. BOX 12107 Raleigh, NC 27605 919828-8100 eregarch@earthlink.net Here is a map of the Brookmere tract. The key areas represented are the upland fiats, steep slopes (15% slope and greater), floodplain and lowland fiats, and the known site area (31 MK85). The upland flats are the immediate areas of focus from what you have said. These fall within the Phase I and 11 development plans for the tract and may have trace remains of past occupation. Given past agricultural practices and erosion there may be little site integrity left in trie area even thous we are I e v to nd areas The steep areas indicated on the map are probably too steep to have accommodated past settlement in the area. The remaining areas are the known site, flood plain, and lowland flats. Tough they may not be in the areas of immediate construction they will undoubtedly be impacted at some point in the not too distant future. As you know, I met with Dr. Lee Novick last week and discussed this area specifically. We discussed the need to delineate the site extents as they fall within the Brookmere Development Tract, and the need for the state to authorize a scope of work, research, objectives, and protection and/or data recovery strategies related to this site. However prior to any archaeological work in this area the owner and people associated with the cattle/horse grazing should. be notified by the developer (LandCraft). FROM : CRAG' .AWHAEOLOGY FAX ND, : 919 82e 8100 Apr. 30 2001 03:33PM P3 I* It may be easier to focus all efforts (permits, archaeological survey, etc.) on the. areas directly associated with the Phase 1 & if areas and address the. remaining portion separately at a later date. When vi ''ng the tract last week, e saw that elevated portion of the site (31MK85) w z-mostly in tree cower and the surrounding lower area was in pasture/grass. This would help facilitate the use of geophysical survey techniques in recording detailed sub-surface archaeological remains such as pits, hearths, or possible burials. This technique with limited testing would, probably help limit further large scale excavations at the site. Sincerely. -07 ?T niece R. Edwards fl1 W 2 H O m D W z 0 W Q LLI 2 V W N O Q J W ¢ /_UR v O J O W Q 2 U z W w a w, W H H 0° a "•? a j a+? o ? ?' _ •e :LLr CL G fv 4. O a 0 W H a W Z Q J a J J a w O w 8?' W W LL W LL m U C Z O CL z -- - W C __......- - Q 41 J CL CID ~ 0- { 11?,5?- :;.'`rlllltll E 1 \\\ E t : 1 O U ?,,r ?c ? ? /r?-.? _ _ LLI =) LU *AMA dr. [? !lam • A?!I/! ?1\?\\ t Ifr?\\ ?i f'fjf? f 1 + W _ r rr. , / W Cllr r?ilJf//ire»? \\? ??\ti•?:1? f ! iiij \t ?\. ?, y 1 LL f`'.?jllf,`ji-? ?a?, ` jlthl? W t1 ?, t/• ` s' t f ? - ? f l LL it ??` N ' , ! f\ r ? r ill A s l? f. l ?jl 1y\1\ r 11 f Q ri ?? flA? I t Z W I 3 r' 1 - 1 ``ti\?\l1\? _.. „ ? W ? t ? _ ;'?' ?' r , ,-- 3'/j r -•?-, cy1 y }' f r yr 111 _i' i F- f !f i(( u :?? tl p y it i -? W Q f! ' /. }. .L _ ' 'ir },14i j" ` ,.,_,??~????-?;?ryy i} (,?1 i Vr?' V? ? i" ?. ? St ? ?/ ?? ? ?- ;," -.?.>; -',d/ LIJ W y ! y ?? Z -r 1? P 1 W /?f 1, z U. .t• J x •\ •\l\\??h?F t L•'y ?'? a r + i 6\\l ^ J LL 11 -ice ?Q ? \ y ? ? . ;, \ err-= cn g ? I h +?!_ f - QW W \ ! \t\w - ?? S ors 3 (? \\t \ m \. Z r `4? tai C\a`_? ?f. rtit! i• I- y t CL CL ?;.':1 .rll Ty - fr if c, \!r{ =?, Q W W W \ t ,• t 1? ?Y\ „/ LWj f t} l.} ,', {' / W a Z 3 LL1 CL N J J _ Y. Lu `, ? ? i i \ ?\`/, W li ?, a \.-?. ,:'. s,{ 11 !f d%• ? Q If\ yx ." f= LL w J Q W O } W /Iif m 0 0 C\ LL W Q !- J J O z \ t` W\ W W \, J CL m I 3 Z t!? W V1 X W \\ Z m CL Q tY t? C3 1?' D iu {/ i?? ? 2 W Q `, Q uj L W Z z Q p W m W 3 LL i j W I- ? z w N ?; o W O m W W C) pce O J LL z 3 O Z= 3 W w cl cn O c~n ta. a m 3 z 3921 Mountain ro {eland 3910 ower lant ° `7 L /7+ III-- ," ?? ' \ ? • O • I p 3909 '? ? or`?? ;? `,?j?v' S f i ? ??• ?, ? goo 0 't lr? .hl.O-?/ ?? PROJECT AREA 3908 r+y- tu -j \l i• t O Y 7 s? -j (? O 766 •r 39 AREA NOT IN PROJECT )? . ' '?'? ?? ? •r ??.. _ L...S+` 650 ?? , \ "1/ f " ? • i _ o ' of `Cod'rs 1; ,".??? ?'??. ?? _ _ • 3906 i ? •??• ? ?m??"? ? 44 17'30" O6 '? ?U>?? USGS MAP_ MT. ISLAND LAKE 3905 - y??\ \/t\ (\)? ?p ? a; S J!{? ? {(?(./(??v ITS ?nb*ineering, P.L.L. C. . FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 28, 2001 TO: Lin Rindner FROM: Scott C. Doerr RE: Cmud sewer line along creek N OF PAGES 2 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) Lyn, Here is a plot of the sewer trunk line Cmud-is going to build as it passes through our site. Cmud is building this line as part of the Catawba Rivet trunk line. Let. me know if you need any additional plots, or blowups. 201 N. Tryon Street, Suite 2670 4 Charlotte, North Carolina 25202 Phone: (704) 373-0113 Fax: (704)373-0115 In*A b1-71 Inn? 07 n2.1 I 1 I 1 f 1 j f } i Nt: I ! ?d ?'t?' I? F• , ? rl a 1, `• ? 'ir ll v? a•t•+ ??!?a (?,t. •'Y? as a? `\ It. r j r l > ?, t....._-J i_._ ( +- 'tip f r r ??. ?? ? '„•,? -L._._.j i_ f ,...^•?.?+\ ?,i /? f.d/ri ?/ i, .' •??t` [% it ??`b •.:,,` =,.i' ?I t"-' •[ ? /-? i'?'?i.\•K.? err fr?,t `j •"?•*!? (,,. ?••?•• •"?"•.(r !% ???'?.\,ti ' ` t? I ,?{ ?' •r• Tom.^• t t .?a? L ? ? ''? / •• ?, r / ???` `? ?,`? 'r•'' ?, ?'~••-i i i /!?•T'-r•L'. F-..._.? ! I .rte ?'? / %•' ? ?.. 't ?? ?I. t .\ `4 J•{ Ir i i .v', ',?: ' T? , ,-•T• j '1? ! ` ! ! .J i i •t j 'Vf_.?^ r J rr•••+,.?,..<. F;-•_•.? ?,•.-(?"?1 ; i i }t, % y +:?' =? t ? ...._ j I .i r i t s j p•? r -?. 6_. 1 ? pJ ?I % ?,•v• r J , 1,` ? •.??•?._. i 1 i i l '4 ? ti• I i , _•`I i f.- ,,..?. ?•? `'ter ? ,.._ '? _ -•9 ? r+ '•I } ! I j ?'•t?L'*._,? i,_._,1 ?,?.? ? it ri`, '?? _ ...?•.,!'•? - ,, 1; • 1 i ??.k.-6--• y._? t . , ?"'? Brookmere Mecklenburg County North Carolina Joint Application Form and Supporting Documentation for NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQULRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE Prepared for: LandCraft Properties, Inc. 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2650 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-332-9340 INSITE Engineering 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-373-0113 Prepared By: Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Envirownental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 1-(704) 846-0461 Date 3101 1 LEONARD S. RINDNER, PW S Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning (704) 846-0461 March 3, 2001 Mr. Steve Chapin US Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801- 5006 Mr. John R Dorsey Division of Water Quality - NCDENR 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Pete Colwell NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Brookmere_-_ + 154 Acre, Mecklenburg County - NWP #14, #39 Dear Sirs: On behalf of my client, LandCraft Properties, I am requesting authorization to use Nationwide Permits 14, 3 9 to fill + 1,100 linear feet of unimportant intermittent tributaries and cross a perennial stream with a road crossing. Over 97% of the important intermittent and perennial streams have been avoided and will be protected by buffers as depicted in the attached report based on preliminary discussions with Mr. Pete Colwell and Steve Chapin of the USAGE. Storm water treatment facility will be provided to treat surface runoff from developed areas on the site. Storm water will also be treated by the existing wetlands. and spread over buffers where applicable. Based on discussions with Pete Colwell there will be no tail-ditching to existing streams. Tail ditching is not permitted in Mecklenburg County SWIM Buffers. The primary stream is protected by 100 foot Mecklenburg County S.W.I.M. buffers and large preserved wetlands. Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and ErosionControl Plan. General Wetland Classification and Descrintion The wetland and riparian areas on this site can be described as Palustrine Forested Broad Leaved and Scrub-Shrub Temporarily Flooded. The majority of the site is a moderately sloping former agricultural land and woodland. Trees include green ash, sweetgum, red maple, willow oak, black willow, and American elm, alder, silky dogwood, sycamore, and swamp chestnut oak. Understory and herbaceous strata includes smilax, sedges, soft rush, poison ivy, etc. The site includes Monacan soils. These soils are map units, which may have inclusions of hydric soils according to the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Technical Guide-Section II-A-2, June 1991. Methodoloey Preliminary identification of the Jurisdictional Waters on the site were determined according to the Corps Brockmere , Page 3 March 4, 2001 of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, Technicar Report Y-87-1, 1987, with Appendices. Preliminary data gathering included review and interpretation of topographic maps; USDA Soil Conservation Survey; aerial photographs, and preliminary site visits to selected areas. Then the Routine On-Site Determination Method was utilized to determine the upper boundary of the wetlands. In order, to make a positive wetland determination indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology were be identified as described in the manual. SUMMARY OF JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF U.S. Surface Waters Primary Perennial ( ± 3,500 if) + 0.64 ac. Perennial ( ± 1,2001f) + 0.16 ac. Intermittent to perennial (+ 1,000 If) + 0.08 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,100 lf) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 4.90 ac. Approximate Total - Waters of the U.S. + 5.86 ac. SU14L4L4RY OF IMPACTS Surface Waters Primary Perennial ; + 0.00 ac. Perennial + 0.02 ac. Intermittent to perennial + 0.00 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,10011) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 0.00'ac. Total Impacts - Waters of the U.S. + 0.10 ac. H ETLANDS PERMITTING AND MITIGATION Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation The following avoidance and minimization efforts and measures will also be taken: Best Management Practices will also be employed to minimize impacts to Jurisdictional Waters. These will include: a) Siltation Barriers; Sediment Traps and Diversion Ditches b) Barricades to define construction limits to sensitive sites and to protect trees to be preserved c) Preconstruction meetings d) Vehicular access will be restricted to specific areas to avoid disturbance to adjacent wetlands and natural areas to be preserved. e) Methods to prevent short term impacts will be inspected regularly and maintained during construction of the project. f) Wetlands/streams to be preserved will be clearly marked prior to construction to prevent accidental damage. The contractors will be held responsible for unauthorized wetland and stream Brookmere, Page 4 March 4, 2001 damage not permitted according to plans and specifications. g) Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. Best Management Practices will include utilizing siltation trapping ponds and other erosion control structures where appropriate. Impacts from hazardous materials and other toxins to fish and aquatic life such as fuels will be avoided by not permitting staging areas to be located near surface waters. h) As required by the 401 Water. Quality Certification conditions, measures will be taken to prevent "live" or fresh. concrete from coming into contact with waters until the concrete has hardened. Proposed Compensatorv Mitigation - Storm water Management Plan Buffers measured from the. top of the bank will protect the remaining streams. Where necessary due to construction conflicts, the minimum buffer shall be 30'. As depicted on the attached plans, the buffer will be wider than to the extent feasible. A final buffer plan will be provided prior to stream impacts. Required Mecklenburg County 100' SWIM buffers protect the primary creek. A Storm water Management' Plan will be designed and implemented for the project to meet the 401 Water Quality Certification requirements. The planners will utilize information and guidelines provided by the North Carolina. Department -of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Water Quality Section in developing this storm water facility. Storm water will also be treated, utilizing existing wetlands and spreading storm drainage over buffers. As discussed with NCDENR-NCDWQ, tail-ditching of storm drainage to creeks will be avoided- PRO TECTION FROM FUTUREDEVELOPMENT The preserved wetlands and streams will be protected from future impacts by the applicant or by a group designated by the applicant for this purpose. Development of these areas will be deed restricted in accordance with restrictive covenants, which will be developed for approval by the USACE and/or NCDWQ. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Federally listed plant and animal species with endangered or threatened status are protected under the Endangered. Species Act of 1973. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has identified Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) and the Carolina heelsplitter (Mecklenburg County). Schweinitz's, sunflower thrives in full sun characteristic of succession fields, margins, and forested openings. Based on a site reconnaissance, habitat conducive to support the Schweinitz's sunflower is not present in the project area. The Carolina heelsplitter is a freshwater mussel, which prefers shaded areas either, in a ponded portion of a small stream or in runs along steep banks with moderate current. Primary habitat is waters less than three feet deep with a soft mud, muddy sand, or shady gravelly substrate. It is normally restricted to protected silted areas or under banks especially associated with obstructions such as stumps or fallen trees. Its current distribution according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service is limited to portions of two streams -- Goose Creek and Waxhaw Creek - and a small river originating from rural areas in Union County. Therefore it is not expected to occur on this site. Brookmere, Page 5 March 4, 2001 CULTURAL RESOURCES The project site is disturbed from previous agricultural activities. No structures were found on the site. The State Historic Preservation Office may review of the USGS maps at the Office of State Archaeology and the Survey and Planning Office of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources to determine if sites are indicated on the National Historic Register within the study area. AQUATIC HABITAT The aquatic systems in the project area consist of tributaries in the Catawba River Basin. A variety of wildlife is supported by these systems including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish,- insects, mollusks, and crustaceans. Therefore strict adherence to an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be maintained during the construction period in order to control degradation of water quality downstream and protect the areas to be preserved. CONCLUSION This project will provide important economic benefits to the region. Based on the value of the jurisdictional waters and wetlands on this site, the developer has chosen to balance the site's economic viability with its environmental value and permitability. The goal of the Storm water Treatment and Mitigation Plan is to help balance the- environmental consequences of this development by creating a beneficial aquatic resource that will help maintain or minimize degradation of waters of the U. S. -downstream of the project and protect the important streams and wetlands. The mitigation sites will be preserved by the applicant or by a group designated by the owner for this purpose. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your consideration. Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant Profession Wetland Scientist cc: Mr. Tony Gaffey DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID:'- NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): i e g PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR MATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE : 1) NOTIFICATION TO ZEE CORPS OF ENGINEERS Z) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401. CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITS THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPR=ATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) . SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD-BE SENT-TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: 2. MAILING ADDRESS: i . 7.-e v yr SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: STATE: ZIP .CODE: PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE) . ? r R 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (H OME) : (WORK) ?. ZF APPLICABLE: AGENT 'S NAME OR' RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE. OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: ? k6plo,4 A 0 CAad-a Ate 010Z -73 -016 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFER_kBLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGR-kPHIC MAP. OR AE I DG PHY-WITH SCALE): COUNTY: tX ``', NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: CAarl 1 SPECIFIC .?LOCATION I (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) : 4%2 1 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/ RIVER: RIVER BASIN: 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDA?, SALTWATER (SA) , HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW) , OUTS-LANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW) , WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES ) NO [ ] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES [.] NO [ ] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? Sa. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [ IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION): Sb. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE F7T,7TR77 YES f?f NO F 1 IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9b. ESTIMATED TOZ t . ir v zr, NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: to 4^?? ' as -- - r e 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND : trtkoAt(44, 4?+"eAN M4 4% P40fe, co a M. 1 0^ 2 f'i ?" a - 4e. rA IA IM f 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES Q?F WET DS 'MPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLI G: EXCAVATION: FLOODING: OTHER: DRAINAGE: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: -tor 10 `*c4 lob (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, FROVIDEE DIS C" BOTH BEF RE P.ND AFTER RELOCATION) dJqLENGTH BEFORE: :tf 1 Z2Z2 1 4" t A l"ER: lp FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): 0 FT WIDTH AFTER: FT AVERAGE DEPTHS BEFORE: FT . AFTER: FT (2) STREAM- CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF P=PE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DPM,/FLOODING: • a t A OTHER: _ 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS P POSED, WHAT IS THE SUE OF- T? WATERSHED D "INING TO THE POND? f WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFIE AREA? Cal 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK MECHANICAL, EQUIPMENT TO BE USED ONLY) 4o 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF (ATTACH PLANS: 3 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS 3 14. STATE REASONS WHY. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WET S. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES KEN TO MINIMIZE D IMPACTS): 4 ?l 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: (ATTACH RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: - 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [] NO (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [I NO b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH C -LROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [I NO [ IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDIL-4G COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH. CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUE=STIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BF-F DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-636.9. 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR'NATIONWIDB.PERMIT NUMBERS 14., 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL` STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER. MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? -? Af r? m?' 49tngn?J f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION. LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIDR TO: 1)'ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) 11K THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY), A LETTER FROM !THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PRO'E'OSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. ?? ER'S/AGENT'S GNA URE DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATUR VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.)) 1. 5 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Brookmere c/o LandCraft Properties Project Number 01 0352 Recvd From APP Received Date 3/12/01 Recvd By Region Project Type subdivision County Mecklenburg County2 Region Mooresville Certificates Stream Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 14 Stream O T ll-(117) WSIV CA 30,833. ?- 1.200.00'i Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more info? Q Y t0 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? Q Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/Cond 0 Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 351903 Longitude (ddmmss) 805852 Comments: cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Facility Name Brookmere do LandCraft Properties County Mecklenburg Project Number 01 0352 Regional Contact: Pete Colwell Date: 4/2/2001 Comments (continued from page 1): The a lip 'cant proposes to impact the southern tributary with a road crossing below the powerline and 1100 linear feet of the intermittent channel above the nowerline. A sewer line will also be constructed by the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Utilities Department along the southern tributary. The applicant proposes to preserve the remaining stream channels and all jurisdictional wetlands on the tract. In order to offset the stream channel and pond impacts and protect downstream uses two tormwat r quality ponds are proposed above the wetland areas on both tributaries. The larger stream is also protected by a 100 foot wide S.W.I.M. buffer. The applicant also indicates that there will be no "tail ditching" of stormwater directly into streams or wetlands. cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 2 Brookm.ere o 1035 Mecklenburg County North Carolina Joint Application Form and Supporting Documentation for NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE Prepared for: LandCraft Properties, Inc. 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2650 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-332-9340 INSITE Engineering 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-373-0113 Prepared By. Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714'Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 1-(704) 846-0461 Date :3/01 , • 'Pao u A1? O"'^5??7?Ph (y ,? d?'l ('7 . ( ! {J? 'out PAYMENT RECEIVED LEONARD S. RINDNER, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning (704) 846-0461 March 3, 2001 Mr. Steve Chapin US Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 - 5006 Mr. John R Dorney Division of Water Quality - NCDENR 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Pete Colwell NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Brookmere - + 154 Acre, Mecklenburg County - NWP #14, #39 Dear Sirs: On behalf of my client, LandCraft Properties, I am requesting authorization to use Nationwide Permits 14, 39 to fill + 1,100 linear feet of unimportant intermittent tributaries and cross a perennial stream with a road crossing. Over 97% of the important intermittent and perennial streams have been avoided and will be protected by buffers as depicted in the attached report based on preliminary discussions with Mr. Pete Colwell and Steve Chapin of the USACE. Storm water treatment facility will be provided to treat surface runoff from developed areas on the site. Storm water will also be treated by the existing wetlands and spread over buffers where applicable. Based on discussions with Pete Colwell there will be no tail-ditching to existing streams. Tail ditching is not permitted in Mecklenburg County SWIM Buffers. The primary stream is protected by 100 foot Mecklenburg County S.W.I.M. buffers and large preserved wetlands. Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. General Wetland Classification and Description The wetland and riparian areas on this site can be described as Palustrine Forested Broad Leaved and Scrub-Shrub Temporarily Flooded. The majority of the site is a moderately sloping former agricultural land and woodland. Trees include green ash, sweetgum, red maple, willow oak, black willow, and American elm, alder, silky dogwood, sycamore, and swamp chestnut oak. Understory and herbaceous strata includes smilax, sedges, soft rush, poison ivy, etc. The site includes Monacan soils. These soils are map units, which may have inclusions of hydric soils according to the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Technical Guide-Section II-A-2, June 1991. Methodology Preliminary identification of the Jurisdictional Waters on the site were determined according to the Corps Brookmere, Page 3 March 4, 2001 of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, TechnicaTReport Y-87-1, 1987, with Appendices. Preliminary data gathering included review and interpretation of topographic maps; USDA Soil Conservation Survey; aerial photographs, and preliminary site visits to -selected areas. Then the Routine On-Site Determination Method was utilized to determine the upper boundary of the wetlands. In order to make a positive wetland determination indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology were be identified as described in the manual. SUMMARY OF JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF U.S. Surface Waters Primary Perennial (± 3,50011) + 0.64 ac. Perennial ( ± 1,200 lf) + 0.16 ac. Intermittent to perennial (+ 1,000 If) _+ 0.08 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,100 lf) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 4.90 ac. Approximate Total - Waters of the U.S. + 5.86 ac. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS Surface Waters Primary Perennial ± 0.00 ac. Perennial + 0.02 ac. Intermittent to perennial , + 0.00 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,100 It) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 0.00 ac. Total Impacts - Waters of the U.S. + 0.10 ac. WETLANDS PERMITTING AND MITIGATION Avoidance. Minimization, and Mitisation The following avoidance and minimization efforts and measures will also be taken: Best Management Practices will also be employed to minimize impacts to Jurisdictional Waters. These will include: a) Siltation Barriers; Sediment Traps and Diversion Ditches b) Barricades to define construction limits to sensitive sites and to protect trees to be preserved c) Preconstruction meetings d) Vehicular access will be restricted to specific areas to avoid disturbance to adjacent wetlands and natural areas to be preserved. e) Methods to prevent short term impacts will be inspected regularly and maintained during construction of the project. f) Wetlands/streams to be preserved will be clearly marked prior to construction to prevent accidental damage. The contractors will be held responsible for unauthorized wetland and stream Brookmere, Page 4 March 4, 2001 damage not permitted according to plans and specifications. g) Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. Best Management Practices will include utilizing siltation trapping ponds and other erosion control structures where appropriate. Impacts from hazardous materials and other toxins to fish and aquatic life such as fuels will be avoided by not permitting staging areas to be located near surface waters. h) As required by the 401 Water Quality Certification conditions, measures will be taken to prevent "live" or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters until the concrete has hardened. Proposed Compensatory Mitigation - Storm water Manauement Plan Buffers measured from the. top of the bank will protect the remaining streams. Where necessary due to construction conflicts, the minimum buffer shall be 30'. As depicted on the attached plans, the buffer will be wider than to the extent feasible. A final buffer plan will be provided prior to stream impacts. Required Mecklenburg County 100' SWIM buffers protect the primary creek. A Storm water Management Plan will be designed and implemented for the project to meet the 401 Water Quality Certification requirements. The planners will utilize information and guidelines provided by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Water Quality Section in developing this storm water facility. Storm water will also be treated. utilizing existing wetlands and spreading storm drainage over buffers. As discussed with NCDENR-NCDWQ, tail-ditching of storm drainage to creeks will be avoided. PROTECTION FROM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT The preserved wetlands and streams will be protected from future impacts by the applicant or by a group designated by the applicant for this purpose. Development of these areas will be deed restricted in accordance with restrictive covenants, which will be developed for approval by the USACE and/or NCDWQ. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Federally listed plant and animal species with endangered or threatened status are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has identified Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) and the Carolina heelsplitter (Mecklenburg County). Schweinitz's, sunflower thrives in full sun characteristic of succession fields, margins, and forested openings. Based on a site reconnaissance, habitat conducive to support the Schweimtz's sunflower is not present in the project area. The Carolina heelsplitter is a freshwater mussel, which prefers shaded areas either, in a ponded portion of a small stream or in runs along steep banks with moderate current. Primary habitat is waters less than three feet deep with a soft mud, muddy sand, or shady gravelly substrate. It is normally restricted to protected silted areas or under banks especially associated with obstructions such as stumps or fallen trees. Its current distribution according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service is limited to portions of two streams -- Goose Creek and Waxhaw Creek -- and a small river originating from rural areas in Union County. Therefore it is not expected to occur on this site. Brookmere, Page 5 March 4, 2001 CULTURAL RESOURCES The project site is disturbed from previous agricultural activities. No structures were found on the site. The State Historic Preservation Office may review of the USGS maps at the Office of State Archaeology and the Survey and Planning Office of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources to determine if sites are indicated on the National Historic Register within the study area. AQUATIC HABITAT The aquatic systems in the project area consist of tributaries in the Catawba River Basin. A variety of wildlife is supported by these systems including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, mollusks, and crustaceans. Therefore strict adherence to an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be maintained during the construction period in order to control degradation of water quality downstream and protect the areas to be preserved. CONCLUSION This project will provide important economic benefits to the region. Based on the value of the jurisdictional waters and wetlands on this site, the developer has chosen to balance the site's economic viability with its environmental value and permitability. The goal of the Storm water Treatment and Mitigation Plan is to help balance the environmental consequences of this development by creating a beneficial aquatic resource that will help maintain or minimize degradation of waters of the U. S. downstream of the project and protect the important streams and wetlands. The mitigation sites will be preserved by the applicant or by a group designated by the owner for this purpose. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your consideration. Leonard S..Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant Profession Wetland Scientist cc: Mr. Tony Gaffey DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID:- NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #) PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL NANAGEAMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPR=ATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. OWNERS NAME : d / / / e , ?? ?' • 2 . MAILING ADDRESS : 0 j SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: STATE: ,LPG ZIP CODE: PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVF): 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): A-Loft (WORK) : 704- 4. ZF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR' RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE. OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: ' r -7io tekolel.f?? ' ^lc Z,8 2.0 IL_ - og-;-73 °113 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP,'PREFERkBLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGR-APHIC MAP. OR AE I P OGRAPHY WITH SCALE) : '/, ar?4 COUNTY:" NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: 1 SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.): C3 ?c.?i 03?t 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: .pnw= RIVER BASIN:. 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ] NO [ ] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL M_aVAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES [. ] NO [ ] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 F(OR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? Sa. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS B TEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [ IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION): Sb. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE 7r7TTMr') vF'G rte'( No r 1 IF YES. DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9b. ESTIMATED TOT .t,lr ?.? 6_4 ER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: j?.csc_ C l av.c.t C. 20 dr? t - <cc nn ?„ Im tl c 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES QQF WETLANDS BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: jCt jp:031 f11oo IF ?..-l-..s?'t"t4.• tJ?r.til .o?a,',?Jrr NwplI&f lip If _ EXCAVATION: ?'. S ?.?a1'V1 :t Acr? FLOODING: DRAINAGE: OTHER: TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED : too to "4 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DIS IVC,- BOTH BEr PRE ;21D AFTER RELOCATION) is 0 L?OWLZNGTH BEFORE: :t f O nT, 14: M'\?GG?PW1 ER: -P FT (y' ??? - WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): FT -0 -- WIDTH AFTER: AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: ?t FT AFTER: ? FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL _IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK P AL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS P POSED, WHAT IS THE S E OF WATERSHED D "NING TO THE POND? WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFIE AREA. 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED ONLY) 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: oooeo -- INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS 3 14. STATE REASONS WHY. IT IS BELIEVED THAT. THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WET S. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES EN TO MINIMIZE ET D IMPACTS) : rr? l?d1 1!'OtM{'?EJr OX'ej ' I?'COC?'1?'ltlt.C CA?1_ v 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY-BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: (ATTACH RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.-) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE..PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [] NO (IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [ ] NO [ ] b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [ ] NO [ ] IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL, MANAGEMENT REGARDII-7G COUPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD Ba DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-636,9. 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL-STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHP_T IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? 1 g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION. LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND/ 3) 11N = TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY) , A LETTER FROM 2HE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 3/0 d ER'S/AGENT'S GNA URE DATE (AGENT'S SIGNATUR]f ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.) ) 5 f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOP OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? J? w ?cl Q ?,V ?fl Z sQ ? ? C? 7 H 7 i d% CL Q Z 0 F- Q v 0 J 3911 ,,,171 + I? ( J' _ , P Mountain ?s° MoD t + o° `?` ` 11 Island .. 3910 `owerplant ° ? ''t 1 _?Z (< -? , , j.. ? -ref ?i 2 ? ^ ?,? '? ?;-? Ji M09 i ' N A N, r• j f4 3907 • ?,.. 650 ? ?' - ?ie 1 _ 11? ?' _.?\'? ?, L-.\ 1 ' ?t? /? ? y ?` V ?? Ifl { 1 3906 !.• 'a-,`` ; U ` \A 27 Jay???i ! ?(•'-?-?''?`\?? ?ko ?C o?r l\ ..' r} ???_ ? '?.:_/T , ?^ ??\ ? 1. -. ,??`L ?? ?!?-?" ??. !t, ;t , ', f•..-° -- tom';- \\1` _.r--V \, ~17'30" USES MAP- MT. ISLAND LAKE 391i4P) A- ?z r P W N \ A??y Q 'co a) L1Q, U _ i su? LLJ v ? ' / o ? ? ,? y W kE ?? ! Lfj wkp Y Q f f ray ' <' f ?? \ { ?j Lli \\ qua a LLJ ?- t • ra' ? W W LL W LL m U Z O CL z W Uj ___._._...:._ _ J 41 E ,r!( ?jJ}1)?`iit?l\\\ ,2"'`I t = /?•? Q ` f ?- :.` r, Z C I ll?s ..yrr?frllll! t l ?i r i: J O U ,.r ?` _ r Q! W r J - r'? \ Imo' `r_.? .: .i?lr lJ`\4 ?- ?• ?..<` \ r?§.\?. i J??. /t ,tip ? ;_ ar =.. ... c ??`??+ r_j%?`` ? .?` ; ?I?It,?L??\?^d ?` t ti ??•?-•-cr-r. W ??L(, .? r? L?? ? G 'JI-MOV d ,ilT?flr?? Et.:-? ?? ? ? "? ?• 11`` `. \.* `? ?' , ??'"? t1\ CL? ?.• ?1 ?) ?t'?rf !j J?f oz? ti\?~ ti\\t ? j#f :.? \lt L' _- \ `'? t. s` '.. tltt ?? t r`? 1 f. ' `?'?\?y,?\\•`-ir'.........?.r {t11 ? tE \ ` ? 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F! j / / i I I 1 I(1"` \ ? `_.-'?"ix,.? / ?': t T ,) I_ ?+ I f - ! 1 LLI ' ///, / ,;: `) , 11ik I (?}, t1 ?`y^ \ 1f 111 f ?? + \ y: r r ' J f ! V `3 11 r i I I I V \ ?\\\ ! 1 1'% 1'/•\-ft'`I?ifii litl' 1\\\ :. / '.Tl-I ?P \< )iii ?J , J ~, J ' G'-' \ - __, r t / I !I I l it l 1 t\+ ?/J/ / J - ` -_- ,I? " i/ r';, \\\ ' I • if !I r l ?' ? I ?--?? S\\, -J/J •c ? - ..'y.f " 'S"'4 it "'i Rl ', I` -r 1%,Y7/ / rp/ ?ul I t ?'•'?. u C? / I - - - l' /r'^--•.^ /?Jy ? \ ?//?! /fur / alr: :1 ?i , fl /tl!in { •^ t? ?:; *? s'` w - ` ?-?? V `----- - 111'f( /?,/ r \ r 11 t\\V.\\ I tli? W .a°.. Z W tv t- a W Z LEONARD S. RINDNER. PA'S Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist _ Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning. Tele: (704) 846=0461 Fax (704) 847-0185 October 22, 2000 Mr. Tony Gaffey INSITE Engineering, PLLC 201 N. Tryon Street, Suite 2670 Charlotte, N.C. 28202 Re: Brookmere - Mt. Holly/Huntersville Road, Charlotte, NC Dear Tony: I visited the proposed project site to conduct a wetland and stream determination and delineation as requested. An area is determined to be a wetland when it exhibits Hydric Soil, Hydrophytic Vegetation, and Wetland Hydrology characteristics. These characteristics are required to be in accordance with the definitions in the U.S. Army Corps Wetland Delineation Manual, 1987. Areas, which exhibit these three characteristics, are identified as a wetland and permits may be required for development activities within these areas. Surface waters such as perennial and intermittent creeks are also subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Wetland Survey The delineation should now be surveyed to verify the extents, however, there may be modifications (usually minor, if any) based on USAGE verification. These areas are approximately indicated on the attached map, however this map should not be used as an accurate representation of wetland and stream extents. A survey would determine the actual extents more accurately and clarify the regulatory issues and potential mitigation conditions if necessary. The attached map is for illustrative purposes only. A survey is required for the USACE to make a final jurisdictional determination on the property. The flags used to define the wetlands are yellow and blue tied together numbered sequentially as roughly depicted on the attached map. A slash (/) next to the number indicates a connection. All notes on the flags should be recorded. The point numbers must appear on the survey in a clear and legible manner. Once the preliminary survey is conducted it will need to be reviewed by me to make sure that the connections are as intended. Additional site visits and coordination with the surveyor may be required if areas need to be extended to meet the property lines. The flag numbers must be on the map and legible. The centerline of all streams must be surveyed with approximate width identified The map will need to be produced based on the following requirements. 1. Metes and bounds tied to a property corner or other known point or listing of the northings and eastings (NC Coordinate Grid). 2. Location of each point identified to be included on the map. Property lines of the entire property or parcel. Floodplains limits and contours should be included on the map, if possible. The map should also include locally required stream buffers, if required. Brookmere, Page 2 October 22, 2000 4. Wetland boundaries should be closed into distinct polygons. Acreage should be indicated for each polygon. It is helpful to have the polygons identified (i.e. Area "A', etc.). Surface waters such as perennial and intermittent channels should also be identified calculated in acreage and linear feet. The areas should then be listed in a table and totaled. 5. The map should have a vicinity map, north arrow, and scale, project name property owner and/or developer including name, address, telephone number, and size of tract. 6. The surveyor must seal the survey 7. The following note needs to be shown on the map for the USACE to sign: Wetland Certification This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of jurisdiction of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is a change in the law of our published regulations this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five (5) years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Name: Title: Date: (signed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) I would like to review the plan before it is finalized. Once complete I will need a sealed mylar and three sealed prints to forward to the USACE with supporting documentation. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further explanation. Thanks. SiQZ- qrd rlS. Rindner, PWS mental Planning Consultant ?k lit r? C). )a.. ,.,I _ i tintsrPPaFit t3 20''' ?? C ?a ? ?? ?J`,J ? f r ?\l '1?? •jl\ ???? 3??f ? ? w• ? ? t Y-L x.. .????-'-_?, b,.' ??r?. ?;? ?{ t,l '.;1l? ?',?,?, \{ ?.. r r?ri?.,`Y '??{ ???j ?\? Gti•? 1? y j c ?' ? ? J'7j?{ ? ??- r? / J? -?^? ? ? ,?? r.' f J f'''(?(?? ? 4f' r ??' ' \yq t7?7?• r ?`_ ? •/% ?!k1?;i L? 1J•y'`??L:'? { 1?',~? u? ? /??. `U? ? ? J?1',}?{?????t?,_ f.?'? ? i •'?(? .`! J' / °? 99( r f I, lr ti?+rfi?Ji:! f f {`r llri,!/ `6?. ! rf? s?? j?? h /t) /? r + l zz? ,.Z.\'o J„i F V", NO, f /?? /l C?i"b ?//?-•?.? ??"?? }1C?/"'+1t? /• '? / /?? _??? f r,?4ll? .?//''?-,^' r? ? 3y? J???? ri)r J ? ( l?l _ '? ?' )(+r O? Q C\? 11 ?{ ,?. j` ? ?LS\ 't. - _.(y7?f8$ ? • T/4(.?? +i l ?, ?•1\ {? J' '`? ?. t.,,` 1 ?Z __ ? ?. ???? • J j ??.?! ?. \?llt n _ r (l a ??? , .? ? t ' I ?? ? ? ?f r?.? r- v ?3 ` . ? t ? ? ? ? f ? y ?: VIA bi ?/?,'?':: ??'"?r' S-frl^1 ??+15_ J-yy •,. r?? ;. 1f t SITE 71 +c}1C, l J ?r?: 1.11 ti's-'???q,`?-? r [ _ t.?--?,.. C !' ??'--\..? ` ?\?? '`•, 3907 A??[ ? ? ? rl t ? ? y.,}'+rl r"'? \??? ? ? ? ? ? ?? /t•1/? r 1' II + ? 1 `1 }? i.l r ,.ru- 4j -' ? ?`.'?l` ?.- ? ?. F `•- ,? ?.- ? / i?'/?' - _ ?"..-?,? y 1 l •, ,+ 41 . , } , 1 ` ?• I / ?.?? ?'i'f?? ?? .r _•'>? tom- .: '14 27 ,.,4 f ` ?i r.l Py?? y?._.1??f J14?`•,?11?, U?R ?i ?`?"?`1G .t.-,r``L,7r 1 1?`l(?y!`,f ?1( , r- r/ ?I?'l?^-?r? ?? C?•^?,?,'-?/-l f. ?1? `'^-,"??z`?31 ? > ?T .. ?F.', f ?? ft ? ?t 'a ?,! .. zoom USCS QUAD-RANT. ISLAND LAKE 17'30" INSFUE, L neering, P.L.L. C, FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 28, 2001 TO: Litt RinAner FROM Scott C. Doerr RE: Cmud sewer line along creek # OF PAGES _2 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) Lyn, Here is a plot of the sewer trunk line Cmud is.going to build as it passes through our site. Cmud is building this line as part of the Catawba River trunk line. Let me know if you need any additional plots, or blowups. 201 N. Tryon Sheet, Suite 2670 + Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Phone: (704) 373-0113 Fax: (704) 373-0115 in a w 71 inn7 a7 naj i ; i ,t IV 1 ?• wl.w . ,'• ' a •' N? ., 1 r`> • 1 / `C !?,N "' ? . ' ale ?? • ! a r 1 I ?? f ••'? ••%..., / ; ^? :;;??- --; , `'??-; ? '? '.._•?.- 'rte .• ? ?`i ?,!! it j ? ?^?71 rr?? _ ?? _ ,? ? -•? 4r•_.. i 1 1 ?\r-`?.*•' ?! fir' .1 Brookmere Mecklenburg County North Carolina Joint Application Form and Supporting Documentation for ',s 4f? '' ry-rn 1 1 2 2MI '016352 NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE Prepared for: LandCraft Properties, Inc. 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2650 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-332-9340 INSITE Engineering 201 N. Tryon Street Suite 2670 Charlotte, NC 28202 1-704-373-0113 Prepared By: Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 1-(704) 846-0461 Date : 3/01 PAYMENT RECEIVED 1 LEONARD S. RINDNER. PW S Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning (704) 846-0461 March 3, 2001 Mr. Steve Chapin US Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 - 5006 Mr. John R Dorney Division of Water Quality - NCDENR 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Mr. Pete Colwell NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Brookmere + 154 Acre, MecklenburLy County - NWP #14. #39 Dear Sirs On behalf of my client, LandCraft Properties, I am requesting authorization to use Nationwide Permits 14, 39 to fill + 1,100 linear feet of unimportant intermittent tributaries and cross a perennial stream with a road crossing. Over 97% of the important intermittent and perennial streams have been avoided and will be protected by buffers as depicted in the attached report based on preliminary discussions with Mr. Pete Colwell and Steve Chapin of the USAGE. Storm water treatment facility will be provided to treat surface runoff from developed areas on the site. Storm water will also be treated by the existing wetlands and spread over buffers where applicable. Based on discussions with Pete Colwell there will be no tail-ditching to existing streams. Tail ditching is not permitted in Mecklenburg County SWIM Buffers. The primary stream is protected by 100 foot Mecklenburg County S.W.I.M. buffers and large preserved wetlands. Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. General Wetland Classification and Descrintion The wetland and riparian areas on this site can be described as Palustrine Forested Broad Leaved and Scrub-Shrub Temporarily Flooded. The majority of the site is a moderately sloping former agricultural land and woodland. Trees include green ash, sweetgum, red maple, willow oak, black willow, and American elm, alder, silky dogwood, sycamore, and swamp chestnut oak. Understory and herbaceous strata includes smilax, sedges, soft rush, poison ivy, etc. The site includes Monacan soils. These soils are map units, which may have inclusions of hydric soils according to the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Technical Guide-Section II-A-2, June 1991. Methodolonv Preliminary identification of the Jurisdictional Waters on the site were determined according to the Corps Brookmere, Page 3 March 4, 2001 of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, Technical- Report Y-87-1, 1987, with Appendices. Preliminary data gathering included review and interpretation of topographic maps; USDA Soil Conservation Survey; aerial photographs, and preliminary site visits to selected areas. Then the Routine On-Site Determination Method was utilized to determine the upper boundary of the wetlands. In order to make a positive wetland determination indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology were be identified as described in the manual. SUMMARY OF JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF U.S. Surface Waters Primary Perennial (± 3,50011) + 0.64 ac. Perennial (± 1,20011) + 0.16 ac. Intermittent to perennial (+ 1,000 If) + 0.08 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,100 lf) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 4.90 ac. Approximate Total - Waters of the U.S. + 5.86 ac. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS Surface Waters Primary Perennial + 0.00 ac. Perennial + 0.02 ac. Intermittent to perennial , + 0.00 ac. Unimportant intermittent (+ 1,100 it) + 0.08 ac. Wetlands + 0.00 ac. Total Impacts - Waters of the U.S. + 0.10 ac. WETLANIDS PERMITTING AND MITIGATION Avoidance. Minimization, and Mitigation The following avoidance and minimization efforts and measures will also be taken: Best Management Practices will also be employed to minimize impacts to Jurisdictional Waters. These will include: a) Siltation Barriers; Sediment Traps and Diversion Ditches b) Barricades to define construction limits to sensitive sites and to protect trees to be preserved c) Preconstruction meetings d) Vehicular access will be restricted to specific areas to avoid disturbance to adjacent wetlands and natural areas to be preserved. e) Methods to prevent short term impacts will be inspected regularly and maintained during construction of the project. f) Wetlands/streams to be preserved will be clearly marked prior to construction to prevent accidental damage. The contractors will be held responsible for unauthorized wetland and stream Brookmere, Page 4 March 4, 2001 damage not permitted according to plans and specifications. g) Project construction will strictly adhere to an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. Best Management Practices will include utilizing siltation trapping ponds and other erosion control structures where appropriate. Impacts from hazardous materials and other toxins to fish and aquatic life such as fuels will be avoided by not permitting staging areas to be located near surface waters. h) As required by the 401 Water Quality Certification conditions, measures will be taken to prevent "live" or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters until the concrete has hardened. Proposed Compensatory Mitigation - Storm water Management Plan Buffers measured from the. top of the bank will protect the remaining streams. Where necessary due to construction conflicts, the minimum buffer shall be 30'. As depicted on the attached plans, the buffer will be wider than to the extent feasible. A final buffer plan will be provided prior to stream impacts. Required Mecklenburg County 100' SWIM buffers protect the primary creek. A Storm water Management Plan will be designed and implemented for the project to meet the 401 Water Quality Certification requirements. The planners will utilize information and guidelines provided by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Water Quality Section in developing this storm water facility. Storm water will also be treated utilizing existing wetlands and spreading storm drainage over buffers. As discussed with NCDENR NCDWQ, tail-ditching of storm drainage to creeks will be avoided. PROTECTION FROM FUTURE DEVELOPMENT The preserved wetlands and streams will be protected from future impacts by the applicant or by a group designated by the applicant for this purpose. Development of these areas will be deed restricted in accordance with restrictive covenants, which will be developed for approval by the USACE and/or NCDWQ. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Federally listed plant and animal species with endangered or threatened status are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has identified Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) and the Carolina heelsplitter (Mecklenburg County). Schweinitz's, sunflower thrives in full sun characteristic of succession fields, margins, and forested openings. Based on a site reconnaissance, habitat conducive to support the Schweinitz's sunflower is not present in the project area. The Carolina heelsplitter is a freshwater mussel, which prefers shaded areas either, in a ponded portion of a small stream or in runs along steep banks with moderate current. Primary habitat is waters less than three feet deep with a soft mud, muddy sand, or shady gravelly substrate. It is normally restricted to protected silted areas or under banks especially associated with obstructions such as stumps or fallen trees. Its current distribution according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service is limited to portions of two streams -- Goose Creek and Waxhaw Creek -- and a small river originating from rural areas in Union County. Therefore it is not expected to occur on this site. Brookmere, Page 5 March 4, 2001 CULTURAL RESOURCES The project site is disturbed from previous agricultural activities. No structures were found on the site. The State Historic Preservation Office may review of the USGS maps at the Office of State Archaeology and the Survey and Planning Office of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources to determine if sites are indicated on the National Historic Register within the study area. AQUATIC HABITAT The aquatic systems in the project area consist of tributaries in the Catawba River Basin. A variety of wildlife is supported by these systems including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, mollusks, and crustaceans. Therefore strict adherence to an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be maintained during the construction period in order to control degradation of water quality downstream and protect the areas to be preserved. CONCLUSION This project will provide important economic benefits to the region. Based on the value of the jurisdictional waters and wetlands on this site, the developer has chosen to balance the site's economic viability with its environmental value and permitability. The goal of the Storm water Treatment and Mitigation Plan is to help balance the environmental consequences of this development by creating a beneficial aquatic resource that will help maintain or minimize degradation of waters of the U.S. downstream of the project and protect the important streams and wetlands, The mitigation sites will be preserved by the applicant or by a group designated by the owner for this purpose. Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your consideration. Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Environmental Planning Consultant Profession Wetland Scientist cc: Mr. Tony Gaffey DEM ID: CORPS ACTION ID:'' NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMIT #}:? r_ PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1) NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2) APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401.CERTIFICATION 3) COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SR.-LET) . SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT-TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. t _ 1. OWNERS NAME: 2. MAILING ADDRESS: W/ 14. Try voi SAed-, SUBDIVISION NAME: STATE: CITY 1?PG? ZIP CODE: : , ____ PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVr) r 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME) : (WORK) 4. ZF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE, OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, Ai?71?7R NTTMRF'R • - __ ___ -roAl &v?44 rc:,V, INS17W /e?t,??? Plc/ 700 1 4J , te, 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC NAP. OR AE I P 0 OG _PHY - WITH SCALE) : COUNTY:NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: CA Z SPECIFIC LOCATION/ (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) : a&g /o 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: UPAM41(2 RIVER BASIN: 7a. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDA?, SALTWATER (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-II)? YES [ ] NO [ ] IF YES, EXPLAIN: 7b. IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COAST-ALL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES [ . ] NO [ ] 7c. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A*COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? Sa. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [ ] NO [---?IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION) : Sb. ARE ADDITIONAL, PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE . 771TTT"Prl YFs Loor NO f 1 IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: 9b. ESTIMATED TOT1 ;NUMBER OF ACRES OF,jWETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: t-4-700 j + 100 9a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: Woo; t ,?a t -mac rn fA lm r "rr? t 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES QF WETLANDS MPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: jUt# `/FILLILJG: ! EXCAVATION: I &f If FLOODING: OTHER: DRAINAGE : TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED : -tOw 10b (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DIS .C BOTH BErPRE PJID AFTER RELOCATION) dIULENGTH BEFORE::tj-j p" 1 '''TER Z-* FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): For WIDTH AFTER: FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: AFTER: ® FT (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RISULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: PLACEMENT OF PIPE. IN CHANNEL: CF-ANNEL'EXCAVATION: ,C?OyNSTRUCT70N OF A DP-M/FLOODING: OTHER : ??-?e:d ( 1 ^c ?/? i ? / L S ?LJ1r''? 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS P POSED, WHAT IS THE SI E OF T1"- WATERSHED D INING TO THE POND? 7na WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND'SURF?IE AREA? amrs 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED ONLY) 41 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRkWINGS 3 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WET f . (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES ?xKEN TO MINIMIZE WETWD IMPACTS) : tee I?ls1 11?Ot M {Ze i?h?/ A.`??C/C ??'it/?..? 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: (ATTACH RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE. PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: -- 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES j] NO i(IF NO, GO TO 18) a. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [ ] NO [ ] b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CPLROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES [I NO [ ] IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD Ba DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-636.9. 4 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: - a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL-STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR I_ INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION, LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) UN TIM TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY) , A LETTER FROM `SHE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 6 ER'S/AGENT'S &GNA7URE (AGENT'S SIGNATUR VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (18g.)) DATE 5 f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? - u ? cn 0 H 111 a z 0 a 0 cam, ? 1; tp 3911 ti ?7„?;.? f G 1 •J? V l; '/ 1_ ?_ f I Mountain / ? ? .. Esland 3910 '0 0 1 ?ll L ._? ?werplant `? S? /? !, - ??`1• • •' g 0 , It / •'%:. Nt? 3908' '"'?_ O Ny yp f' ? . x ?, r, i" a h, .? 1 ?•-?..? §: 71 3907 19 U 3906 ?? , • 1 !. •? ?? ? ? `'; '`^?-,? «..` ; viOE // `COtIIS t,' l..• 1 ? ( _ = r___ 1 « '-. .,< r? ^l. '.?f "? i?? ?-- ? ? (i 1 `--'?? j _•?f??RdS?.•-:J f ?1 t '?•. ? ?`? .. al?^" 17'30"\.1? USGS MAP-MT. ISLAND LAKE ?103,??rr? 14 LLJ V/ r� � ♦ n.§, flrk kd. r1 � f ' � F r,,,��'� .n' f''s+ � � '4 vax w°r :JLUt ob iV ' PNIFuj b t c � �r �: V•�� n i„ .�. i� 1�Y f't' ! .l `°r ?r �" r s. v�E �� Coo i 1 '* 3 r t: B »� , `d �✓ 7� i1.� r ",y" :: to 7 r 1� t1 1.� ►��„� it 'M t:.' a � „p �� a a "�"'�' -r E.p 'r. t , y_ � � a. I i tY K `� � J/, �'C^� r �� A �•fw"�r 8 .req � 7"0^ ,S lYs - ,•� k .m i`�.J CJ�(y%'V,,J r' fi.. _ �h y Y I, ! M i[ } f••MMIT \ �Y � � �A f� �. � �� Z9 ' 00 CL r r � r �CIV. $ L w LO E 4 J C ., x..,_..1....... .�._._. ._.„..,..,........._. ... ._ - .,.�..a,., ,. _ ,......�_�.,..�,. .... .t.`.`r..� w.."•� .m...,�..�.. mob,_. e s? W W LL W LL m LL O ( ?? cn o tl El?? ,? ? ; J o V , \`-`? yt W U( ?fJ / Jf {tti?\.?•`?\.???`'?.?'? it W 1 r riJ .? , LL LL > Jlf {!? i? - ?? \litff `"?i ell ° F tt ?ii4 ?? ? }it i tiff 't 1 t Y W t t l E(W ti`r ?t11t t ;=-, t,?? 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X, 0 ,1,11\\\t\ O l c / ~ ) IIYI'I ,! 1 \ TI11111 1r / i ! 1 !? {il\i, \ `?? - `• "r-J(I ? t 1? I I'll I-It I'll FiP li r 6-7 _'` r , t c rar/r /i ,\, a s: / ? n/ 1 \, I`" cn 1 t I \? -- ?i ?\?IC „In //'-..._ t, t`O-'' Qy ^?f-f ?\??` ` ````?\??:'`? ?/ \•Il```??,".? _ ;?.???i /'i !i ? rl\tl tttt m , '. U\?.Y I!`. / --- / S, \,\ \, „\?` "`\? -- ?• ., / /\\ ;QI Ill, , I :? \\`\`??~X'G_'_ ?.\,,.\,\ '\?. ????i,,,,_`. J ,ti"'?r_,'1 /,' ?' ,: .\?,i 1\1;11 N r + ,/?a __,• i + q\t,l \' 1 1 T1 1 \I 1'1 71 1 1 ,- 1\t .\ `,A\1 , , I / ! r t \\?\, `, \\ 1 + I T`I\\ / j ?? \`i??\ J^ it \ 1 11 -- ',j •`,?? It I t i.__..,__•--- '' Q M :=ZZ_- ^\iil °"C l"\•-- i/4 ii/i,r `i'cy= i(r`\\\,-` LLJ ilia 7/1 11j1,1 `' \; 1 / CO :? - a ab I ,yam- --' !,- Q 3 ';ii t. is *" c j- '4 Z-9 LLJ W Z LEONARD S. RINDNER. PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning. Tele: (704) 846-0461 Fax (704) 847-0185 October 22, 2000 Mr. Tony Gaffey INSITE Engineering, PLLC 201 N. Tryon Street, Suite 2670 Charlotte, N.C. 28202 Re: Brookmere - licit. HollylHuntersville Road, Charlotte, NC. Dear Tony: I visited the proposed project site to conduct a wetland and stream determination and delineation as requested. An area is determined to be a wetland when it exhibits Hydric Soil, Hydrophytic Vegetation, and Wetland Hydrology characteristics. These characteristics are required to be in accordance with the definitions in the U.S. Army Corps Wetland Delineation Manual, 1987. Areas, which exhibit these three characteristics, are identified as a wetland and permits may be required for development activities within these areas. Surface waters such as perennial and intermittent creeks are also subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Wetland Survey The delineation should now be surveyed to verify the extents, however, there may be modifications (usually minor, if any) based on USACE verification. These areas are approximately indicated on the attached map, however this map should not be used as an accurate representation of wetland and stream extents. A survey would determine the actual extents more accurately and clarify the regulatory issues and potential mitigation conditions if necessary. The attached map is for illustrative purposes only. A survey is required for the USACE to make a final jurisdictional determination on the property. The flags used to define the wetlands are yellow and blue tied together numbered sequentially as roughly depicted on the attached map. A slash (/) next to the number indicates a connection. All notes on the flags should be recorded. The point numbers must appear on the survey in a clear and legible manner. Once the preliminary survey is conducted it will need to be reviewed by me to make sure that the connections are as intended. Additional site visits and coordination with the surveyor may be required if areas need to be extended to meet the property lines. The flag numbers must be on the map and legible. The centerline of all streams must be surveyed with approximate width identified. The map will need to be produced based on the following requirements. 1_ Metes and bounds tied to a property corner or other known point or listing of the northings and eastings (NC Coordinate Grid). 2. Location of each point identified to be included on the map. 3. Property lines of the entire property or parcel. Floodplains limits and contours should be included on the map, if possible. The map should also include locally required stream buffers, if required. Brookmere, Page 2 October 22, 2000 4. Wetland boundaries should be closed into distinct polygons. Acreage should be indicated for each polygon. It is helpful to have the polygons identified (i.e. Area "A", etc.). Surface waters such as perennial and intermittent channels should also be identified calculated in acreage and linear feet. The areas should then be listed in a table and totaled. 5. The map should have a vicinity map, north arrow, and scale, project name property owner and/or developer including name, address, telephone number, and size of tract. 6. The surveyor must seal the survey. 7. The following note needs to be shown on the map for the USACE to sign: Wetland Certification This certifies that this copy of this plat accurately depicts the boundary of jurisdiction of Section 404 of . the Clean Water Act as determined by the undersigned on this date. Unless there is a change in the law of our published regulations this determination of Section 404 jurisdiction may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five (5) years from this date. This determination was made utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Name: - (signed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) Title: Date: I would like to review the plan before it is finalized. Once complete I will need a sealed mylar and three sealed prints to forward to the USACE with supporting documentation. Please let me know if you have any questions or require further explanation. Thanks. Sincerely, Ord S. Rindner, PWS -rental Planning Consultant 101555, < S ;? `?\, ?' `' { ? fib' ?/ ?_? ? .?w? ??av?-_ ?? a ?• •. ,?-?; 50 39 10 ?, t, t? O1fr?8 IARt ?' i ? •\ `!' fi ?l ??? ?: t??""? fZl r` ) ?-?-?'-`?'r•.` ?i / ll,?] ++ rr i1 1 ?tlf tr?3 o \? yrll 1? 3909 ? '* _:..` ( P `yam. ?1??? „v, ?? ?? ?a ? ,1 v`?;:\'???-?n? \ ?rl f??-^•-?`l??i\?/,?-`?.?„ ?„' I?? 4 -'?_} ?t ?(fJj??l\ l ^N'? ?'?' ~ r?}) 1?. ?! I .. .?"`e?hug 1t r? 1 -n,?' ,??"?r?? p•. • (i ??1._A,ln?? ?._,G,.jS?? 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M t 1-- ??l`I ? ?'? `:,rr? iil ?, ., ,.t ?}F.: ?.J??,. ??. eve "? .. ?1 -y '? ?-•. "'? t'f-C?Sr ?r.?''? f? ??,+1? ?'4?-? 1 ??r?`?•.J r Y L ?r?'k ` _r??" (• 1 ---_?? ?'? ? ; i t`? .?.cBS . v `, a c1? • ?? _ ) ,? ) ?! . ;.ice ?. ' t,?{t ?' ' b l , r `fib Xs ? ??I ?, 76 a -, N. ,r??'' ?, ?~i ?* f --?.1? ` ?1 i? >. " ,',?°rti'•'.! f`•`"?: E 'r- ??1 ?(C??._?,?•- ?. __ _- 1 Her i./?` -_? her ?I q i USGS QUAD-MNT. ISLAND LAKE zb. 17'30" , ,F 4j+)? ,b ?1 i Y: . ' J Lr.. \_ i .! s .? i a 8 TFYn•eow?lte \ j?(''?` INSrFE. ?ncering, RL.L.C, FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 28, 2001 TO: Lin Rindner FROM Scott C. Doerr RE: Cmud sewer line along creek # OF PAGES 2 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) Lyn, Here is a plot of the severer trunk line Cmud is going to build as it passes through our site. Cmud is building this line as part of the Catawba River trunk line. Let me know if you need any additional plots, or blowups. 201 N. Tryon Street, Suite 2670 # Charlotte, Noah Carolina 28202 Phone: (704) 373-0113 Fax: (704) 373-0113 in•.i ni 'n 1 nn? 07 naj L I ?? i ? i Nt: I r ? ? ? 1 i 111/ _ j - i. • I I ., I r i I I o, , j 114 i ^, ? ? ?rrJ/,t l^%r %'? ``•r' fem. j rr?` /F y t-7,14 14? i ? 7 1 •. d g ~ $ a r v Q ~ ~ LL ° q O ~ a w z ~t t z z w U Z W w z Y~ w~ W J ~ ~ Q U = u p js,.t ~ f U N d ? Vl l 4' x ~ # 1 ~ d~•~num4jh a;~ _ ~ _ _ 'tic-` _ _ _ t..._._ . _ _ O ~1 J/ 0 ~ P p r~~'I/d l ~ ~ ~ x. ~ ~ .~~rr,~ y a rig 0 v' ~ ~ , ~ . ~ t 1 ' ~ ~ , - ~ / v _ ~ J / ~ t /lit '~/~1~1r M'~,o~, ~ ~ ,~i:~a 1 w,~l ' r , ~ ` ~ ~ A ~ ~~:'ti J°~ . M ~f, ~%Ir /,,P~/. ~t fr,/i ~ O 1~ 9 '~`t;~ V 1`3' l~~! / 'i"-~ ;j '~~N W~ ti, a r ` _ -d.----..._.. _ yew- ~ a-.~ ~ ~ ___i_. 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I I r 5~ 4 8 'I t .I -I I o = ~ b w ~ ~ Q ° a r F• Hi O W r P eq m ~ o p~~f a~ Stii ~o `Y s T ~ w / J F~ a~~ ~ ~ti o Z m Z I- Q ~ F ~0P R eF<< U w U Z W ~ Z Y W W W w x ~ 3 ~p QR~pO <~p RA \ a w I v~ rc Z 1 \ ~ ~ F ~ rn a o 04 p ~N ~ ~ ~0 ~ 5~~~ SITE EP~y ~y ~ti b; Ov ~ y c Q J~~ ~ o ~'i II ;N v z~~: t_ ~~~c~ J~~ ~0 . y ~o ~ b d ~ I:. ~ , a~,. Mp~N r MOUNT NOLLY RO H~~Y 1 Rp I r 1 100 100 S. W. I . M. BUFF - \ NTS N H l ~ rn w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ \ \ ~ W ~ ~ Z 2 _0 fn U / \ t F N w W ~ \ ~ JAMES Y. ROSS AND WIFE, ~ a N/F VIRGINIA L. ROSS ~ W 10211 HARWOOD LN N HUNTERSVILLE INVESTMENT, LLC ' CHARLOTTE, NC 28214 ~ 10100 PARK CEDAR DR SUITE 130 ~ ~ ~ \ DB 5809 PG 358 CHARLOTTE, NC 28210 PARCE ID#03117110 ~ \ L w DB 10641 PG 534 Q j ~ a \ PARCEL ID#0311630 ~ 3 ,x , \ °z~NMV~~~ ~ M.. - x - - ~ ~I ~ ~ „ p k p.~ :u ~ J{- I~:~ i k.,',.` Lfr". as~ W _ .nom- ~ I O PI' ~ ~ \ ,~S ~N4/4' R - - - °p' \ / 1 f ,(S" ` N k . - l,. 1E., _ z-e .rte,;, ~ ~ t~ ~ ~ s; D r ~ ~ : t ~ N ,r°~,°, ~ ~ D Z O k., ~ _ a V ~ r ~t,' t ~ ~ xro Z - I U I 1 ~ ;y - m r LAKE WYLIE CRITICAL AREA D ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ - I I ~ ~ , y LAKE WYLIE CRITICAL AREA I- --~----r- ~--I ----j------------------ o ,oaa LAKE WYLIE PROTECTED AREA ~ 1 ` J ~ ! ~ i LAKE WYLIE PROTECTED AREA (q ~ ~ fi'r' ~'~~I !r. 3 E ~1 ~,i~~ I I, o I ~ ~ Q I,.:. I I I I I I I I I ~ l , I ; ( ~ U TO AL PHASE 1 AREA 5.53 AC ~ ;1 t ,~'"~y , I I ~ \ ~ ; / c PH 1 iTl AL AR A - AC ~ i ` ~ < I ~FI ; I ~ i I I I ASE CR C E 8.35 s ~ , ~ ~ I~I III; I I I I I i I ~l,I~ E ~ T ~ 1 ~ " ' ~ ~ C~'P ~ Vd fp PHASE 1 PROTECTED AREA = 43.18 AC 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ' ~t 6! _ _ _ _ _ _ HIGH DENSITY OPTION ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ - _ ' ' / 2\ N/F N ~ MAX. IMP RVIOUS % (CRITICAL) = 50`/. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - w E ~ ` ~ ~ ~~~w~=~ W . E . H AR T I S AND WIFE , Z w TORY DRIVE - 50'RNV / ~ HAZEL HORNE HARTIS w ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ , ~r'~ ~~~:•.~40 WW -TORY DRIVE 50 WW MAX. IMP RVIOUS % (PROTECTED) = 70/. ~ .w~, , ~ ~ ~ 1/v ~ 7~`'''~-==-~ - ....._..__..m_...~....__._._...._...~_mm~ ._......_„~,.,~.~.~,,,._e.~~..,. 1 / 10437 HARWOOD COVE CT U L. ~ DESIGN IMPERVIOUS % (ENTIRE PHASE 1) = 40/. r r - _ ~ f1 u ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F r ~ ~ ~ tt ~ ~ ~ MAX. I N IMP RVI = 51. A 4 % = 0.61 AC ` ~ ~ I I I i I ~ s. / ti CHARLOTTE, NC 28214 DES G E OUS 53 C x 0 2 I, v / , F€1 , ~ / i} ~ .e ,r IMPERVIOUS ROAD CURB SIDEWALK = 5.6 AC ~ ~ ~ \ ~ , ; ~ I ~ , ~ I `~~ti y:'~- . ~ OB 3644 P ~ ~ t ,,4, b~ G 955 ~ TOTAL ~ OF LOTS = 189 ~ ~ t< ~ r ill ' I ~ ` I a / ~ ~ l i ~ I I ~ I 1. I ~ ~ , ~ ~ PARCEL ID#03117117 w I ~ s~, ~ ,@ it`s / ~ ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS AREA PER LOT = 3459 SF/LOT v ~ ~t,, ;tF;~ ~ \ ~ ~ , h ~j :;w ~ ~ , "V L, Vii.. ~ / \ \ \ t I J~ j L I 6`I I ±i't / ~ ~ 0 yy6 N/F W ~ 1 V - - - - - ~b~ 1tt~ , ~ ~ N/F ~ o BROOKMERE, LLC / a, r vyz~~, a ~rr~ 1, ~ , 125 SCALEYBARK RD. w,R, ,~k, b,. ,;gip if,,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ;~tt '~:'s~1 ~ } ~4.~~ HARWOOD LANE BAPTIST CHURCH ~ CHARLOTTE, NC 28209 / u,~. / / ~ / r ~ ~ ~ ~I~t 10301 HARWOOD LN ~ DB 9951 PG 024 / / >~E ~ ~ a~, lr, ` ~ ~ ~ rv ~ ~ ry ~ t~ ` - ~ ~ f } ~ CHARLOTTE, NC 28214 /'w / ~ ~ 't'~' / ~ s ,i DB 10706 PG 851 ~ PARCEL ID#03148247 Y ~H~ ~ , ~ ~ E I ~ \ J~ 1 ~ / ,i - '~ll1~ PARCEL ID#03117125 111 / ~1, t5~ ~ ~ ~ ~r G ~ .f / ~1t. sti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , z i ~ t, ~,Yv .r 1 ~ ~ 1,.. ~'t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~ i / } ~ ~ to ~ V 9~",~.`'" _ ~ / ~Y / \ / ~t m / ~ ~ C ~ ` ~;I ` ~ 0 ~ ~ . ~ T ~ .fr, ~t'+ "a'=. GREENWAY DEDICATION ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ \ i,., ~Ey ~ ~ ~ t , 1~ 3' ' _ t6, ~ A~ s ~ . / \ ~ ~sy 1stS \ ~ ~ ~ ~,P ~ sift ,~f •s~t ~ ~ ~ ~ {i ^ ~ I ~ 44 \ ~ ~1 l V - / COMMON. OPEN SPACE E.,, / ~~.e ail ~ / s,^ ,-^',^,a ~ ~ ~i~ V ' ~ ~ ~ "f' ~ . y ~ o~~. / ~ III, ~,I~~, (5.02 AC. RE UIRED 12.92 AC. ACTUAL) - 1 .r.~ - / Q ~ ,,_I ~ `"a ~ I; , ~ 1 , . , i I I ~ ~ ~ / ~ I ir,t i , ~ '1„ ~ 1 t.t~~, I D I ~ ~1 / ~ Its r t,. A / I~Is ~ t~° ~ * ~ ai , e T.r f % \ ~~)j as' r~ r ~s~~. . ~ . ~ ~ ~P a ~ Z 4~, O t vtk, Y , t ~ 1 ~ / ~ti ~ x i ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , J ~ I - ~I ~ / / ~ . I I,:.~~;; ~r ~ ;~r \ ~ / ' x, ' ~ \ \ 1. OVERALL SITE PLAN J i i ~ 1 ~ 1~ r~; 1 / i / -,1 r:! ~ t r' ~ i ~ - ~ < - ;i ~ ~ IT PAN H \ ti ' ~ ~ ~ \ 9 ~ . 3 3. SITE PLAN NORTH W \ / 9 ` ~ ~ ~ / \ ~ ~ ~ ~ BUFFER , ~ ~ ~ I,!; hl y r~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ I,, I , I ~ ~ \ ~ / ~ ` ~ 'tip, h ~ \ 1 ~ ~ , . \ \ 93 ~ ~ m 4. GENERAL NOTES & DETAILS w 5 l v I ~ ~ ~ ~ ` 5. HOLLY PARK DRIVE (10F 2) ~ ~ I 'I sl I / v~ i I I I ~ I \ ~ i 1O ~ ,~x~~ ~ ~ PLAN P FI I s I I II ~ ~ ~ _ j\ \ i' i ' I I / ~ r~v. ~ ~ i 6. HOLLY PARK DRIVE (2 OF2) & CARNSORE PRELIMINARY ~ , , \ / -n # FUTURE ~ _ ,I ~ / \ T„ ~ \ ~ COURT PLAN & PROFILE BROOKMERE PH. 3 4__>'-=',~ ~~_-,~--~r tJ~,-=' ~ _ - , ! I{I ~ I i ~ \ ~ y i r/' f C, ' ~El. f ~ ~ ~ N/F / ~ ~ 7. TORY DRIVE (1 OF 3) PLAN & PROFILE / W s"~ ~ L ~ 9~ ~ , ~ BARRY BROWN ~ -1 ~ ~ r ~ 11.x, ~ - ~ , + ' s't1 ~ ~ ~ I it ~ ~ Y / PO BOX 683 ~ T 8. ORY DRIVE (2 OF 3) PLAN & PROFILE i I ? ~ ~ I I r' ~ - ~ ~ ,tip, PROPOSED ~ ~ ~ u ~ , ~ ? ~ ~ ' ~ v ~ PAW CREEK, NC 28130 / - , ~ ~ v W ~ s ~ ; ~ , BROOKMERE PH . 2 ~ ~ , . II~-~ I I ,,I ~ ~ ~ / DB 8 84 7 PG 3 7 9 9. TORY DRIVE (3 OF 3) PLAN & PROFILE ° ~ ~ DB 7 9 4 3 PG 009 v ~ ~ ` , PARCEL 1 D#03117114 ~ \ / 10. BALLINA WAY PLAN & PROFILE * " ~ ` ~ ~ ` ~ \ 11. KILRUSH DRIV PAN P FI I , S y r E L & RO LE gall AI's ~ I I i l ' I ~ I v ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~ N 1 f s{' . I I i / IS+"~ i}:I ~ ~ ~ V 1 ~.I~ ~ f I j3 i~ I I „ ~ v A 12. LAR E C RCLE & CASHEL COURT u i ~ ~ / \ PLAN & PROFILE I .1 I OKMERE PH ~ ,I~ , ~ 1 / - r. r ;~I, ~ l ~ ` / / ~ 13. CAVAN DRIVE PLAN & PROFILE ~ `z ~ ~ a , I _ I r~`~ i ~ ~ 14. STORM DRAINAGE & GRADING PLAN SOUTH N ° c \ ~~i / 1 STORM DRAINAG R IN P A o ~ ~ \ \ / 5. E&GAD G LNNORTH ~eV~~ ~ ry M ~il~'~i a t ~:~y`•3-s'~~~~'~-.% \aj,1 V I ~ 3~~: 'y~sy ,,,,r.~ i /F ~ / h r-, N ` / 16. EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SOUTH w of o ~ - _ ~.,.-._.~.~.a-- i BROOKMERE, 3ROOKMERE, LLC \ N/F x w ` ~ ~ ~ 1.25 SCALEYBAI ,1 ~ ~ N/F 5 A Y ARK R `,MARSHALL W, SAWYER AND WIFE, o y SC LE B D 17. EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NORTH Z ~ ~RLOTTE, NC 28209 ~ ~ CYNTHIA H. SAWYER 1C+! ys r.? t„~{, t , ~ , ~ , CHARLOTTE, NC i_ .e ,I^~ 1~t, ~ nnnnvurnr i n I \DMUUNMLNL i L l ~l ? DB 9951 PG QB 9951 PG 024 i u i D~) nArcrvuUu uv 18. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS N w 125.,SCALEYBARK;RD. r o i C.O.S. CHARLOTTE. NC 282{}9 C.O.S. CHARLOTTE. NC 28214 DB 5809 PG 1352 PARCEL ID#03i17112 19. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS & 0 50 100 200 STORM DRAINAGE CHART W T7-7-ALLEN COURT - - _ 1 KEYAL-4P f f - YJ S- TIN ADDENDUM L•~ L GRAPHIC 1 PHASE SCALE NTS SCALE: 1 „ _ 100 CMUD (GRAVITY) COVERSHEET W / J ~1i B 0 OKA f E-\ E' l - R E I ' CMUD (PUMP STATION) COVERSHEET t L K` ~1' F - ,1^ n ~e ~ :F { _ s g. fi;, i - r.`: r 'r ~ b V' o m to ' ~ ~ ~ ~ '~rt,~' y ~ it r~' i~.~ r t. t. ~ ~ ' ~ d Q N ~ ~ r t i ~ f ~t~;~ y' , r > r~, a ~ ~ ~ f r t s ~1 tir ; Y , f , : e ~ i~.::»~° ~t rr ° t ~ p1..,:~ r ~""yi. 'P `s ~.,1. ~tii "S- 'O r i. k3 6' ;4 h~. ,5 i ~ .3' JE ~i4 { ~ «c. '.'1 f / d ' ~ ~ z , ~ t 61 ~ m wr yr>- r~ r ~ _ o fi, ~ a ~1 r ;i ~y a~~ t r7:~" r , ~ . ~A ~i , ~~xe'y, of a~ ~ , or ~ , r rv 't ~ - 4.J ti . ; ~1`%; .r t~ -~r " r x r. t r .M`~ r. n i pp § • '6 A r r r f,, t~ m o ~ ~ t r ~ ~ z z c., .d - . s.r' `J~ A; ~ . • - / a ~ ~ ~ s t ~ _ w V Z ~ ~ ~ ;y:~ , ~ ,t . 1r S .a~,. _ , _ ' ~t ~ r tG`~ Z Y W W W i... 7t?,J, x tet~~t W I U J~? 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F i / ~ rf - ! ~ ~ ~ ~l , i i4.,' ~ ~ ~ 'Kf ` \ ~ i ~'.ye`~ 9 ; ~ } , ~y~ rib ~ ~Q~ C % ./i ~ ~ ~ 1 ' ~ ~ y ~ i ~ \ ' f', ' ~ ~ i i i t l i i V ~ ~ 1~ 1 1's ' ~ } V ~'t 1 1 r'ti. - \ y / t t c ~1~ ~ ^l j V 1 ! ~ ~ ~ 1 /{t A ~ ! ~ i ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ t ~ \ ~ ~w ~ `,`7 i i mod. ~ ~ 1 ~t ~ , / ~ ~ v ~ ~v l ~ ,F~. ; ~s / i' ~ ~ .may t ~ 1 ~ ~ t / I 't ~ v fir. ~ , ~ : ~ ~ 113 ~ x ~ ~ l „ ~ ~ ~ \ ?P w ~ w-! - 1 ~..a a'' .s 1 ~ a sl: i fl ~3 ~ . \ ,;`If ~ y via ~ y ~ , f!' r / ` i ~ W fA ~m + ~ ,x r ~ ~ . \ ~ ` 4^`" t` 'e J Vo. ` l ~ ~ I ,C t ".f,~,"; t - r ~ y r / ~ r ` / r'' !,I r n .a ~ a t ; L / a t ~ L B II~J .A' - ~ ~ W t A r ~ -'`~y~^~",t r .-a ~r, ti z r ,'..y' ,r` ~ : k \ l`', ._..-r' "-k' ~ ,..r~ s ~ / ~'v - ~ ~ w ~ dy x~. ~ ti ~ ~ ~ 40 , ~ / ~ v - , ~ ~r`_ ~ L _ t`~ i i , v ~ ~ § _ .,gym-.. ~ . P' i !1 i C ~ i ~r! ~ k . ~ 4 i ~ \ F ~ ~ •5~;;.~'v ? ~ 's'4 ~ ~ ~ i ~ ids . ` ~ t.~ ~".A~`~ t i ri i ~it~ ~ lam" a«°~ ~j /1 . q t. ~ , f . ~ - _ r° CC,~J~.../ ~ ~ - ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a • r '~~r'" Sl. y `'~t,~, f tti ~ i ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ B&08fE?u1~RE, LLC i i ~ ~ i a\ 1-25 SCALE~`~$ARK~, RD y.. / r " a ° r li ~ i t ~ i 3 1 f r` ' QaO, ,f`. z ' t T , g r ~ f':~`° AR OTTE ~ NC 28209 1 ~z ~ ~ ~ Jr ~ DB 99 51 P G ; 02 j Jyy,~?NY wi 1 , , _ lP t~ ? r`r ~-~~,~c--.. _ A~ 3~~, . ..r. `ti ti d ;~j ~ ~ \ \ ~ 1 i ,p~ v / ~ ~r~ r t'•.,0. L~ ~ - \ ~a ~ ~ ` DRAINAGE SWALE FROM LOW POINT „`I L. ~ Cf P 1 r ~ ~ ~ A ~e~' ,r `,ti ~~l ~ \J % ~ l~;,l y;,,~,i ~f \ r, ..4~^, "i a d r r f 1 ~ _ `^w °a . ! ~ q ti t ti.. ~ ~ t, C .A , / . =~i~-~`"-.__ ~ ~ TO THE CREEK/HW`~~~ 212. CONTRACTOR , r~ ~ ! ¢ i ~ ( f 1 1~~ r' ,..i Mfr i ~ C~'' j ~ ~ `-`n.. ~ S / a 1. ~ "a` 1 ~ _ ~ ~ 1 4 ~ t A, ~ ~ r F~ i~, \ • ~ ' 'v' ~ ~ ~ P NSIBLE FOLD PREVENTING .-ANY ~ ~ N RAINED LOW AREA. ~ s . " r I ~ / 1 y~ ' , ~ -'„r ~r ~ t , ~ t ~ ~ i ~ , h ; s'• d~T r of r ~ , ~~7, y ~ f~ ? I J. ' rI tiri rS ~ ri^ ~ A ~ ~ ~i ~ 1? ~~1 j i , i ~ r;,! ~ r-. ~ , , r / a. '*w e'_k t ,cam ~1 1 C ~ ^'i~ \ a '9,°.J~' ~ ~ ` ~ _ ^ r ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ . F ~LD~v St)RVEYED°: CREEK 'LOCATION ° ~ ` qq r 's 1 k 'k` ~ rj s - ~ ~ r'r Qr ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ V `C. \ 't ~ ~ r ~ y¢ R i A ~ ~ ~r ''ta. ~ ~ e `b ~ ~ 1 ! ~ s ~ A l i~~ ~k ° ~ 3 . ~ A fr t~. v`~: s, ~ ,t , ~ i; ~ i ~ V'~-\: :y " ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,yg ~ ~ ~ i t 1 ' ~ ~k r~ ~ i ~ /gyp E. '``t ~ i / y f,~` , ~ ~ , . t f •I \ f ~ ~ ~ ~ a f ~p j 1 ~ i ' t `~'y .,,+'y j J' ~ \ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ 7~ ~ \ ~^`q ~ ~ ~ . fi"'~r,r ~ ~ - i ".1 ~ , i \ ; ~ ~ ` \ 9 a i ~ ? 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Y `4 ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ C~IAF~LOTT~'~ N 2'8.20 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ',y ~ t r ~ t~ 1\ t` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f" ' ` ~ 4 ~ D 9~51'•PG \024; ~ j \ 1 ~ , , PARC L f~D 0,3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi `t l ! s ' ~ I , ~ 1~ q,. \ i : r ~ ! I ~ e / ik : - ~ i t ~ - , , Q ,i r - 'i , ~ . t ~ ~ l ~ _ ~ A 5 ~^b ~i ~\.ey ? tl _ i ` ~ r ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ '°E , _ ~-A ~ E , ~ ~ - , s - ~ ~ ~ a G ~ r ~ \ { ~ I 4 r ~I_.j Tc j v ~ - J t / ~ ~l` ~ ~ t y ~ ; ( j ~l s , ~ ~ ~ t i M e t ti `'"'a ate.,,. .~S 1 x „ , . ~ , y ^ ,h a ~ , VJ a0 O y t 3 r ' v ~ w . +a, e. '"ro"+.. ~ &rTMe D ~ .e ~~`T i `~i ~ SSi~*vP" w 'W sva" s~Y~rzJ ~ , _s.. ~ ~ r I , ~ ~ y { _ 3 A, m, °,.Y J ~ x"Pn ~ '~W~ '^~~y ~ F ~ ! ` ~ .v .e. ,t~ Ya+'A ^ rw"wr 1 i $ ; ~ f ` ' A - ~ ~ O Mi _ ~ ~ .-r`~"~~+' r .,yam .r~,,~ _ ~sr~». 0 ~ a _ _ ~ , . 4 ! ~ -r _ - ~ _ _ IN P TfONS OF PONDS ARE REQUIRED BY _ ~ w ° ~ ~ ~ _ - ~ _ NOTE' ANNUAL SEC x „ ~ o , a ' ~ ~ ~ --~R ~°f;~:~.,~.~ _ - , ' OWNER. WHEN PONDS ARE CLEANED OUT AND o 3 4, y ~ q ~ Y "4..... ~ . ~ ti_ _ ~ ~ r - v. p.~°' - _ ~ ~ ` , ' INSPECTED STORMWATER SERVICES IS TO BE c " k ~ ~ ? e_ _ .r. , \ '1 _ ~ i~ ~ , 4. ( - 44 \ \ ~ \ t.1 i".0.. ~ 4 ` _ ' ~ I IAIFf1RA~~11 PRIf1R T(1 (`i F~NINf: .4Nfl INSPFrTInNS- o U ~ R, A c \ r. EXISTING , BR©OKMOO E PHASE I , ` 1=`~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ € 1_ \ t 4 h `w ~ , ~ ~?bl,? " i 7 ~ 'fit, G j # " T" p w . _ v _ 4 c;n~ t , 1 1 , i ~ f qp. \t ~ ~„^"n ~ ~ `j ~?e' ~t \ 'Ile S-ALE: A" - ° 0' \ S n~ ,p \ \ \ .R t 4k 1 t, '`5 '~b 'A„ J 1. r -ONION E ~ ' t t~ t ~ a' \ ~ ~ ~ + ~ 0 2 (7 » Q7 ; ~ , " C \ ~ r i ~ - r / A i~ - ~ ° n a ¢ a ~ ( ~ Q II ~ ~ Z ~ _ , . r d r , \ . r s i t ~ ~ a ! r ~ 0 f 'c` t' ~ t s t r I 'l f i r 1 Lt') ~ mi ~ 1 ~ i l t tits, r „ ! w \ r , ~ / ~ ! 1~~t 1 ~ '1 a n ~ W m . ~ i x ! x' l , ! f'j i ~ , 1 ~ ~ ~ f w z {r ! , ~ f i l f \ ~ r i r' ~r ~ i ~ ` i J ~ t ~ , f ° r ? 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RQ~S ' 1 0`' H AR W00[~~ L N ,e ~ P 'o,~ ~ , t , , ~ ` i ~ `.A ~ ~ ~ , _ ` ~ ~ r"',CHARLO'~'~ T~E, • NC• 28214 ~ , ~ ; P~ ~ ; 4 , ti y\ v ~ ~ b, ~ ~ ~ t ~ Q8 580 P~' 358 ' \ s i "y. ` ' , s~~,r°r of ~ ~ £ : 80~`~P~` 358 ~ ; c ~.o~ d~. ~ ! ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ __w y ~ ~ ~ "ARCEL ID#031171 ' J a , r , , j < 1` / ~ r p ID#03117110 "~~n z;~: ` ~ f ~ a d' ~ 1 i t ` D s ~ t ~ r` i rr P / r l b,. ~ s® - d c~: ~-e ~ ' .y yo ; v r i ; ' i ' r . a ~ 4 r' A ~ ~ ~ _ , 4 ~ + ~ / v t r ~ r. _ , y~ ~ ~ M~... r r p a ~ , .a O,~ ~ _ \ i , ` ~~9a ~ li • ~,F R.4n r fir / !l • ~ , \ 5 1 ~ r i' J it ~ ..W...,» '3a:, ~ \ ` ""mot _ - • m , y " - \ t ti ~ ~ , _ e i , 's ,.U ' ~ . r ~ M _ ! ~ ~ E . _ - \ _u ~ r ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~r,~ ~ i f, ' ' \ Lq ,n fJ J !'f rah ~ ~ ~ g / ~r,~ i ~ t F ~ ~ , 'S _ .M, ' r ' ~ ' ~ ,,.i i' ? ,r/ \.ir a ' ; is _,V f„ ~4y-.' s ~k , . ~ ~ r r .,r r ~ _ r , ~ ~ _ ~ N W ~ ~ r , e ,a . , _ \ 4 ~ _ , 3 4, r ~ , ~ ~ ~ _ , a / - _ ti ~ ' y ~ \ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ` vro.~...,,~ ~ , i t , - ~~w,r ~ ~ ~ Z ~ U / Y.. l i 7 ~ r _ 1 r. ~ ~ 0 ` ~v'I ~ _ _ % y"; ~ ! 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A~~i_ ~ ~ ~ ` - °h'°'^.,L Yom, : ~y~ t a, 4 ~ ~ ~ t 4 Y ~,y~. ; fti' i 'y+~ `l- 'Y~ t t g _ `i \ \ k ~ l ~ , m ~ ~V~ \ ~ I'.~ ~ , ~ li art ~ t t ~ " ~ ~ ` f / ~ ~m_. ~ r-, ~ - X O ORANGE FABRIC e ~ ~ ~ FENCING ~ ~ ~ ~ A l ~ ~ p ~ I ~ ~ 0; ~i .Yry ~ A* ~ , r r` ri.- ~ ~ ~ 9\~ ~ wTp~ ~ Tp~ . o - E ~ ~ TEMPORARY CLEAN WATER DITCH f` J / r ~ ti ! , ` ~ _ !STABILIZE IMMEDIATELY) 1 1 ~'o / i ~ \ 1 ~ ~ J , ~ , ~ , , ~ 1 r ~ ~ • 1 " ~ ' ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ -E-~-~- SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ , I,r , ~ ~ _ / ~ y ~ ~ - IP? STONE INLET SEDIMENT TRAP , : , ~ ; - , ` ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ _ W . ~ ~ /i \ - . % TSD ~ -TEMPO Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RAR SILT DITCH Q I " 3_ ' • ~ . _ i --1~ TEMPORARY PIPE 8" HDPE =._s._ s.~w ~ ~ Y• 1 ~C F \ ~ ~ , ~ r l I ) ~ ; _ _ _ : ` ! STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ,y ; , ~ ~ 1 Y f ' ` \ 4 .r _ ~ ~ t ' t r A 1' ~ q ~ ~ l A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y~' , s ~ , - _ , ,h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UMITS OF CONSTRUCTION d F, r, , l t~ A~'w,. :S - _ , 'y~ ~ ~ 650 EXISTING CONTOURS ° \ ~ rte- ~ ; , \ , ~ ~ ~ 650 PROPOSED CONTOURS ~ . . , ~ _ _ ~ ~ - ~ - RI - - - ~.r b ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ . ~ . _ ~ ; " ~ PRAP APRON ~ ~ ~ ~ r-- ~ - ~ i ° . - it l i f ~ ~ i a tP~.., ~ ~ , I _ , m. x , , - ~ _ - ~ i \ . w ~ , j a , . ~ , i~~ i ~ ; M ORARY SLOPE DRAIN , ~ , ~c ~ ~ ~ \ / L , 1 , , ' ~ / ~ L ~ TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM ' " yam. / ,.c,. - ( ; . ~ , ~ e ~ v _ ~,r° ""e ~ 'ti ~ r' M GRAVEL & RIP RAP SEDIMENT BASIN ~`~d~` w /ice ~ ! ~ `a~ - ~ v N ~ ~n ~ ~ ~ i ~y~. ~ ~ ~ O N i ~ f ! ' ....+w' TM' 1 _ - - r. ` _ ~ ~ _ i l f ~ ;1 is ~ N n1 - - ~ , , a , ~ , o ~ _ ; _ i r ~ l ~M1 r , t 4 w ~ ~ _ i q~ „tea _ , ~ ~ i a : y., _ • r y 4 • e. ~ - ~ ~ 1 ~ ' ~ ~ 'h. , °e. , , , ~ , - - 2 i , - ~ ~ , r~ ~ ~ - ~ v. M. . w f. ry , r s f~ _ ~ . 5 ; i a ' - so-....... ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ 1 A, , 0 30 60 120 4 t .._r _ r - ~ - - - o t ~ y4, . y_ (1 A \ x Y. .u t a~ ' . vim. ~ ~ ~"'s l { Y , ..n a a ~ .q. .,v' v u_ - r GRAPH I C SCALE f f ~ ry { f y,` ~ ~ W SCALE: 1 - 60 ~ ~ "'ro ~ ~ 1 ~1 ,i ~ ~j o = ~ b m d? i Q ~ a ~ o zl u. m O CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 7. STABILIZE SITE AS AREAS ARE BROUGHT TO FINAL { EROSION CONTROL NOTES T TO FINAL GRADE. SEEDBED PREPARATION NOTES: ~ n " i TAIN GRADING/EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVAL FROM THE CITY 8. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRI i. SURFACE WATER CONTROL', MEASURES TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING L BE CONSTRUCTED IN i, ALL "STD. NUMBERS REFER TO THE CHARLOTTE/MECKLENBURG LANO OB MANUAL. OF CHARLOTTE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. ACCORDANCE WITH THE NC EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONT :DIMENT CONTROL PLANNING TO PLAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND OESIGN MANUAL, US DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, US SO I N RVATION 0 .TURF, US SO L CO SE 2. SET UP AN ON-SITE PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH EROSION SERVICE, CITY OF CHARLOTTE EROSION CONTROL ORDIN~ 2, TOTAL DISTURBED AREA 45.38 AC SHALL BE RIPPED AND SPREAD WITH AVAILABLE ~ ~ Z VTROL ORDINANCE, AND THE 2. AREAS TO BE SEEDED Pb " ; a ~ (ENT, TOPSOIL 3" DEEP. TOTAL SEEDBED PREPARED DEPTH SHALL BE 4 TO Q m z ~ CONTROL INSPECTOR OF THE CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (PH. 336-4528) CITY OF CHARLOTTE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, 6" DEEP. ~ W ~ Z w 3.a. GRADING & CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE TO BE PHASED SUCH THAT TO OiSCUSS EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, FAILURE TO SCHEDULE SUCH 2 U ~wi 3 ~ VD CONTINUOUSLY MAINTAIN ALL ~ ~ W a o ~ _ MAXIMiZED AND REMAIN IN PLACE FOR AS LONG CONFERENCE 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY IS A 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DILIGENTLY AND CONTINUO) THE SEDIMENT BASINS ARE TION IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 16 OF THE CITY CODE AND IS SUBJECT TO FINE. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AND STRUCTURES TO MIN1M1 ES TO MINIMIZE EROSION. THE 3. LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS AN~ OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE REMOUED a ~ U ~ d o ~ AS POSSIBLE. DURING CONSTRUC , TALL ADDITIONAL DIVERSIONS AS NECESSARY T4 CONVEY CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THI CONTRACTOR TO INS ACT WITH THE CITY OF FROM THE SURFACE SO T AT THEY WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH ESTABLISH- IN , 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAPS, DIVERSION DITCHES, SILT FENCE, INLET PROTECTION, CHARLOTTE EROSION INSPECTOR SO THAT PERIODIC INS ALL POSSIBLE RUNOFF INTO THE BAS S 'ERiODiC INSPECTIONS CAN BE MENT AND MAINTENANCE F VEGETATION. SURFACE FOR FINAL SEEDBED ~o,,~ IN i TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION, AND OTHER MEASURES AS SHOWN ON PLANS, CLEARING ONLY PERFORMED AT APPROPRIATE STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION b. NO SEDIMENT BAS S ONSTRUCTION. PREPARATION, AT FINISHIGRADES SHOWN, SHALL BE REASONABLY SMOOTH ~ 'y : ~ AND UNIFORM. ,•~ti ~ b~ UNTIL THE ENTIRE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN STABILIZED AND THE AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THESE DEVICES. A TIN AS ~ o~ b • JT DRAINAGE BASINS C G IVEN HIS APPROVAL. 10. ALL SEDIMENT DEPOSITED IN PERMANENT DRAINAGE INSPECTOR HAS G 4. CALL 336-2291 FOR ON-SITE INSPECTION BY ENGINEERING INSPECTOR. SEDIMENT TRAPS DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE REMO UST BE REMOVED BEFORE 3. I F NO S01 L TEST I S TAK N, FERTILIZER AND L 1 ME TO BE ACCORDING TO ~ : ~ Z = ~ 4 ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE TO BE DEMOLISHED AND DISPOSED OF WHEN APPROVED, ENGINEERING INSPECTOR ISSUES THE GRADING PERMIT. NORMAL OPERATION OF BASINS. SEEDING SPECIFICATION , ON PLAN. N s ACCORDING TO MECKLENBURG COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING AFTER PERMIT ISSUANCE. ~ b': T IS TAKEN ~ROVIDE LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO 'sd ~ 5. IF SOIL TES ,~0 SOIL TEST REPORT. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE, SEDIMENT BASINS, 5. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS NEEDED. AND TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCHES PRIOR TO CLEARING OPERATIONS. DURING CUT/FILL OPERATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-ESTABLISH DEVICES AS 6. FOR PHASED EROSION CONTROL PLANS, CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET WITH 6. LIME AND FERT 1 L I ZER SHALL BE APPLIED UNIFORMLY AND MIXED WITH REQUIRED. ALL CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE ENO OF EACH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH EACH PHASE THE SOIL DURING SEEDBEp PREPARATION. WORKDAY. OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES.lA MEETING SHOULD OCCUR BEFORE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: SEDIMENT TRAPS ARE REMOVED.) 6. ON-SITE BURIAL PITS REQUIRE AN ON-SITE DEMOLITION LANDFILL PERMIT FROM THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. GRASS KENTUCK FESCUE #31 80 LB/AC (MAR. THRU OCT,) {ADD 30LB/AC RYE RAIN TO THE PRESCRIBED FESCUE -NOV. THRU FEB.) ~ 7. ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS 10-10-10 1000 LB/AC `i W FERTILIZER ~ ~ A VIOLATION OF THE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND IS 0-20-0 ' 509LB/AC ~ o LIME ' 2T/AC z Q ~ SUBJECT TO A FINE. MULCH SMALL GI~A I N 1 <T/AC o ~ EMULSIFIED TACK 225 GAL/AC 8. GRADING MORE THAN ONE ACRE WITHOUT AN APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PLAN IS A VIOLATION OF THE CITY/COUNTY EROSION CONTROL PERMANENT aASIN No.2 sHALL , I w w ~ ~ a ORDINANCE AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. BE USED AS SEDIMENT TRAP \ ' I 0 I W DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ f' r'/~ N zr f ( ~ ~ ~ I w NT TEMPORARY . ~s~E eRwINC ANO DRNN~GE- 'v ~ ~ ` ~ ` . 9. STABILIZATION IS THE BEST FORM OF EROSION CO ROL, ' ~ ' ; , q ` ` - - ~ \ ~ t PLAN FOR POND Gf2ADING). ~ ~ ~ v ~ , ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ / ? SEEDING IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE EROSION CONTROL ON LARGE DENUDED - ~ - _ ~ , A T F THE - _ _ ° INt!ERT 629.b t ` ~ ~ ~ . ~ s , AREAS AND ESPECIALLY WHEN SPECIFICALLY REQU 1 RED AS P R 0 ~ ~ ~ / ` _ ~ _ .RISER, CREST 636.7 ~ t ~ ~ \ ' \ t\ X~`'~ I P AN. ALL GRADED SLOPES MUST A~~~ ~ . ~ , ; ~ , ' ~ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHOWN ON THE L - ~ , , , r- TOQ.dF QAM`; 641.0 ~ \v ~ ~ . \ ~ k' X ~ h1 ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ Q a WITHIN 15 DAYS OF COMPLETION Of GRAD 1 NG. _ . y 4~. - ; - - ~ ~ , \ ~ s BE SEEDED AND MULCHED _ ~ ~ - R~QIRED~, 6ltAf~`,- 5$80 ';CF ~ ~ ~ , 1. ` o H D W I TH IN 30 DAYS. a ` ~ ~ ~ k~' ALL REMAINING AREAS ARE TO BE SEEDED AND MULC E -PRVauDED s RA~ 675 CF ~ a m a~~ n . ~ ~ _ ` \ v f - sir + r , \ ~ ~ ti TA I I USING NORTH _ 1 ~ ` / ; ~ - - y 1 10. ALL SLOPES MEASURING 3:1 OR STEEPER ARE TO BE S B L ZED N EROS) ON CONTROL MAT (OR APPROVED EQUAU. ALL ~ , ~ , r .n ~ a ,y~ ~ ~ _ , AMERICAN GREEN S75B - ~ ,rte 6 I NSTALLEO PER MANUFACTURER SPEC I F )CAT I DNS. - ~ . - SEDIMENT `TRAP 5 ; ` ' ' - " EROSION CO _ t _ ~ NTROL MAT IS TO BE _ r4STD. N~3b..Op) ~ I k ~ ~ ~ r ~ ` / ~l R , N 11. ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MAY BE _ SPAL1!lA~f' ~R~`sT ~ r'~ t ~ ~ y ~m ~ " ~ i PARTMENT. . l , . \ - - r r. ~ , - ~ i~ E REQUIRED BY A REPRESENTAT i VE OF THE CITY/COUNTY ENGINEERING OE ToP F'DAlvf •.,63..5:0 ~ ~ ; ~ , l - _ , i _ J r / / 1 Y 12. SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED NO STEEPER THAN 2:1. ~ ~ ,rte . , ' , ?y _ .1 't ~ ti;,~, ~ , U PROV ~Ot ~ 7 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 4p , ~ ~ l 1 ~ i i ~ ~ ` t ~ W l r ~ \ A ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' . ~ AN MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR ANY LOT GRADING EXCEEDING ONE (SEE ERbSlt~t`CONl~NOj~ ~~;;,i , ; , ; , / ~ , - ~ 13. A GRADING PL ~ , ~ ~ i e-~ kr : / A IN PLAN. ~ ~,1 ; :I~ J ~ 1 r , ~ , _ ~ ( \ ACRE WHICH WAS NOT INCLUDED iN A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED GR 0 G _ . ; , ; ~ ; ~ Ty,~,t ~ ~ 4 t~ ,rte` 'a ti~ ~ 1 1 ! i 1r ~ ~ ~ J HALL BE CONSTRUCTED I N ACCORDANCE ~ r'` ` ~ ~ , ~ ~ , : ~ > a~._ 14, ALL SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL DEVICES S ~,.i ~ HARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG LAND DEVELOPMENT ~ ~ , WITH THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH iN THE C \ ~ .t ~ ~ , \ ~ ' ; S , yr ~ # , ~ ~ ~i~ 1, l`i' / i A~ ~ ~ _ i _ > , it Y 7 ' r 's, ,,;3' r r r E, 1 ~ ~ ~r ~ 7 J' the , ~ r ~ _ _ t Ir ~ ~ \ ` ` ~ ~ ~i-' ' _ ~ to ~V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A \ ~ ? _ ~ t0 r r t ~ ` yam-""i ~ I rL sT~. ~ _ tel. ~ ~ V ~ N ti w . ~ - . ~ e a f ~ 8 ~ ; , \ 1 j r " ~ c` y~ ~ f 'y i~ ~ . 041` i` / } j `I i'`•- , ~ t ~ V - ~ w. .bt. 1, ~ ~ t \ ~ ~ 1 ~ / F 't i gg I i { ; ~ ~ t r~4,.i`~i 4~' ~ ~ ~ f ~5 3~ ~ it ,4 ~ c - d ~ ' ~ ~ ~ A,- ',,r i i Pp4 "t"om ~ ~ •:ti \ ~ w U N ~ ~ a R i i ~ ^ ~ . ~ ~ , , , ; LL . ~ ~ , , it`. i - s ~ _T" - } + t t~ S~~"e~ t,.~ ~kr T•'V~, b ~i , p, s - ~ / `f • r -w~ ` a ; ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ ' O't;'_ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ,1.,,~„~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ a~-+ f ~5~ ~-r , E,~....u- - . ~ i ~ 1 r ~ ~ \ , ~ ~ . n~ _ A ~V,. . ,.a i ~ J , • ; ~ a ~ _ ~ ~ f ,'mac a~qi, ~ / `y.x~ .•Y, ~ r r „A , } y ~ ~ ~ ~ . L- r , , , ' d 1 7 . / s F I ! i ° f , o ~ ' ~ I ENT TRAP ~ 4 ,'1 ` ~ `r, ~ A < ~ ~ ~ ~ ' SEd1M6'~i,IT, i~~AP 3 , ~ SED.M a ~ , a ' ~ . , ~ r' r ~ ~ % . ~a.~ ~ ''~4U ~ ~ „ "a, i ~ ~ ~ rT . N 36.02) ` ti. ~ 1 ~ (~TDk obi ~ ~ ~ , - .F ~ ; _ , i / ~ ; ~ INV T 68:4 / I s : ~ ; \ \ . ~ ~i,' 4fl.0 , ~ , SRILLV~AY? CREST 627.0. r 1 v ~ A E ~ ,f , • l $~ILIWAY' CRE,S7 ~ - _ - j ~ I' i ~ s. ~ TOP OF DAN' 6 .0 ~ ~ ~ ~ . i TOR_OF, bAM 7 f , ;SPILL AYE WJDTN ' 1 ~ % \ ~ I .SPI~.LWAY'~~QiT ; • 10. ~ W - ~ ~ r 1 , t : / ' i , of ,P yHJ' Ott ~ ~ i Y t 1 CF E ~ h~~~- . ' c i' ~ i, r ~ _ Z STOR `.48 4,`CF ~ REQUIRED STORAGE 119 6 ~ ~ ' , a~ ~ RE-Qt11RED i~GE a + : , ~ \ i ~ € , f. r~ I TORAGE . 1,4135 CF' s ~ ,s~~ ~ ~`a ~ r' _ ~ F~ P~ou ~E~ s ; ~.l ' 'PROVIDED,,-STORAGE C ' ~ . ~ . i ~ t # ~ ~ i f - x °~~`~r'' ~%"7 i l.. 1 \ r `I y i , 2 / _ ; 5101 C TRO 'NOTE 3) ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i;, us f~UTE" 1 ~ '`t'S~E`'t~4 ~ ~ n~ ~ fia o t (SEE,.ERISSION CON'Ti~01. , f' s r . ~ f , ~ , } I ~ r,1.,.,,°Ai..., ' ` I ' r' ' Vim. ~ N - r , ~ , ~ , _ 4 v. : ~ ~ ~ - e ~ .1 - !4 Af ~ ~ f ; ( t( ~S, 1 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :fir r^~ ~ r ~ ems. 7;. ~ ~a , , • , . i , 'l ~ r ~~:~..~f , ~ , 3 : I ~ ~ ~ LEGEND ' / C..i- to°' r i ! ~ / ~ r \ 1. ~ - l` ~i ~ t~7 ' ~ _ 1 ~'r ~ ~ I i ~ . '1 11~, ,'A ; ~``\V V ' ~ f i 1 . t t /.Fly, t / ~ A . ~ ~ ~r ~ ;i~ 1 ~ n:,J~ is . ~ r'i', i ~ ~ ` / `a ~ ~ ~ /R~ X ` i ~ \ f t ~ f r'~ JA'. ~ 'V ~ ~ `i, ~ r ~ ( u,. ~ ~ ~ r ~ , s . v f"° - ~ f ~ 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ - - - - - DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY , , ,p: I ,~r; ~ ~ ~ 1 t , V / r - ~ 8j l ~ r • ~ ~ ~ - tl t ~ .~_~r fly' ~.,;°'Y'~ ~'s/Y ~ , A,. `J'~' ~ ? /'/ray r - ,n ` r r ~ "l~ ~`i J ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ / R, ' , - - r ~ is v~ ~ ~.fj'a~ i ~ Y \ R ~ i ' 1 - 1 ~f ; ~ ~ ; ~ , . , t ~ ~ , - X ~ ORANGE FABRIC FENCING ~ i ~ 1 i ! ~ ~t i~ / j ~ ~ - , / , I ~ , ~ ~ f ' ' ~ - ~ ~ TD ~ ~ TEMPORARY CLEAN WATER DITCH ` /f ~ 1 `1 ,+s.~,. l ! 1 v'. . j i tr JAA~ i t"~.M' f / ~ 1 3 i , E € : ~ ~ r `may, / / ~Y r'. iV " ~"Y,... ,p'~p y ~ it ~ ~ ~ -r,~pi ~ V V ~R. i r..~_. , w, ' ~ r ~ , ~ , . (STABILIZE IMMEDIATELY) , ~ , , _ - _ r r ~ ~ ~ ~ - f 111.. M~` ~ ~ i ~ ;4 v Z M .f ~ - / E- I i / ! I. 's, % ; -t--;~~-" " ~ ~ ~ SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE W I~' t .,-r,- f C~ ~ - f. ~iy ;z ? _ x I ,1 ,~J ~ •~t~ , , 1 ! ~ , ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ f ~ ~ ` ` ~P STONE INLET SEDIMENT TRAP ~ ~ r i E t . ~ ~ l l 1 z , t I ~ n, i .,_,N 1 / i ~ ~ ~ I ~t t - ~ ? ! w. ~ i i ' ~ TSD ~ ; r~.,; ~ ~ , ; ; ~ - TEMPORARY SILT DITCH ~ W I ~ ~ _r ~ J ~j I .k'' ' - 1 ~ i ~~+t. / ~ ' ' ~'I + I ~ TEMPORARY PIPE (8 HDPE) . r ~ _ ` t ,r / ~ , j STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE _ ~ 1 ,'~r L r ~ ~ ~ tr ~J i J ~ , • I t , ~ ~ , ~ Z I ~ r-;,. < ; ~ ~-~6-~-- LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION f ~ //~1 ~ f a /irk, j /'%1 t` . ~ l ~ : i~ ~ j~ ~ ~r t t - t ~ ~ ~ t = t, Z ll.r~` ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ; • ! ) 65Q EXISTING CONTOURS -......t` ~ I % ~ sir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • r ~ ~ ~ f': / r i ~ ~ - iii , i >h ~ f/t ~ r ~ / F.A 1 / i d . ' t J~; ' d x' / " yr i 1 l s k~~! ~ ~ ' 1 , 1 ~ ~ lit ~ , -65Q- r : ~ ! ~ ~ ; ~ ~G ; l ' ; ; l ~ , PROPOSED CONTOURS I i ~ ~ i j ~ r ~ .w~ ~ r t J mom. / P AP ~ d' ~ 4 „>9 ~ , - / / lr, a:, J ~ W ,i + ir.~ 1 a~'r"" n, i~ ~ i gyn. _ , 7 d rat ~ , : , & r; R RI RAP RON j I % r ~ ~ / a r P l ~ ~ ~ i 1 TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN J ` r` ~r~ 3 1~ i ~ y l 1, ~ 1 ` i r f ~ C.~;.x' ` i h° r' ~,l' r k' y ' 1 ~ i • ~ r, F . t / r _ r xi ~ ~~a('t''~.`;~ °"r` s /f'~' ~ ~ ~k!~ _;,.r~ 1 ~ r° r ~,a„~~-,, tt f~i - : ! ~ , ' tr' " _ v ~ ~ ~i. ~ ~ / ~ , - J ~ ~ TEMPORARY ROCK CHECK DAM t N ij ~ ~ ~ ' w ~ d r A ~ 9~ t i ! N iy tie I ~ h ' 1 7` t ) ~ ~ ( ' ~ r W ~ p ~ ~ I r ; \ .i' .i i ~ :`a~ ~Y. Irr-, r/ 1 i 'a'''.. `y ' ~1 ~ 1 ~ ~ t 1: ~ ~ _ cC X \ ^ `P° r s` ° , . t \'l' !r. %l ~i ~ L7 •,1 ~ E.. r ! °"r ' I f ~ 1 - w ~ j ~ r ~ I 1 ~ ; a y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , 1 GRAVEL & RIP RAP SEDIMENT BASIN << 1. R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , t' 7 . ' - .f - - i t ~ r' r r' i} ~ ,.F....._..., q /J`rJ,' ~l\ 1~. 1 Ii t., v~ f \ , . ,sf t a. _ y., .,M a , J \ f- t ~ - ~ 1 ~ . r ! . i ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 ~ V) N r d' r l ~ / ~ ~ r , ~ ~ ~ w^ a A x ~ n o ~ " ~ T -i ~i r ~ _ ~r;''~ * . O ~ ~ , it ~ r fi~.,. i a..rt_a ~ Ss3 w I` /i i, v iRti a. t .;i~ ASE GRAPHIC - 60 SCALE- T' Az, b a ~ ~ y ~ y Q z a e- ~ ~ ~ W (6' MIN.) ° ~ O y~ 0 00 F_-QW m ~ TOP OF BERM 2' MIN. 1' FREEBOARD (MIN.) i w DESIGN HIGH WATER 1' MIN. ~ z F SPILLWAY CREST GENERAL NOTES z m z ~ 1. AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF SEDIMENT STORAGE 1'MAX. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED. ~ ~ W STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. z Y w w z lJJ ~ v W 4 0 Q = MAXIMUM LEVEL OF SEDIMENT CLEAN OUT `,)TAKE 12" "5 WASHED STONE 2 8' M~• 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS OR C o ~ ~ ~ a o Cn )F ROOTS OR OTHER WOODY VEGETATION AS WELL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THE EMBANKMENT SHALL COLLECTED (CLEAN BASIN OUT H ~ 1 AS OVERSIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL OR OTHER OBJECTIONABL WHEN THIS LEVEL REACHED) Z BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE BEING CONSTRUCTE 1G CONSTRUCTED. SPILLWAYS SHOULD NOT BE '"'o,~~ CONSTRUCTED THROUGH FILL SECTIONS. Z/2 s " yb,, , 3. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMEN ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED ~ O~ P b c9 ' ~ TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL >EDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA IN SUCH FILL SLOPE ~ 4, ~ M • ~ ~ A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. RIP RAP 4. THE TRAP SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS P ~ SECTION THROUGH BASIN AND FILTER 5. CONSTRUCTION OPERATION SHALL BE CARRI OUT IN H N R THA~ 41RS MADE AS NECESSARY. ;y~, N~~'y: ~ p~ 6 ED SUC A MAN E b ~ A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION IS MINIMIZED. P,~a~ SIN (SEE STD. N0. 30.03 FOR GENERAL NOTES) 6. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2~1OR FLATTER. 2' MIN nui•'~ F 7. IF SEDIMENT BASIN IS IN USE 30 DAYS OR LONGER, EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BENTS SHOULD BE SEEDED OR OTHERWISE PROPERLY STABILIZED. COMPACTED BERM COW 8. STORAGE AREA IS SHOWN AS RECTANGULAR FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES C JE PURPOSES ONLY, AND MAY BE CONSTRUCTED IN ANY SHAPE NIN/SH GR ATUR~ ~E PROVIDED THE MINIMUM 1 STORAGE VOLUME REQUIREMENT IS MET. THE BASIN x ET. THE BASIN SHOULD ALSO BE ORIENTED SUCH THAT THE OUND / ~ FILTER AND THE MAIN FLOW OF WATER AND SEDIMENT ARE ON OPPOSITE E ON OPPOSITE ENDS ON THE LONGER BASIN DIMENSIONS. OW ~ SILT FENCE F~ ~ x 9. REQUIRED STORAGE IS 1800 CUBIC FEET OF STORAGE VOLUME PER DENUDEI dE PER DENUDED ACRE. RECOMMENDED STORAGE IS 1800 CUBIC 3 FEET OF STORAGE PER ACRE OF DRAINAGE AREA. ~ ~ ~ CARRY RIP RAP UP L (10' MIN.) CLASS 1 OR 2 N 3 ~ X SIDES OF SPILLWAY-~ RIP RAP 10. THE LENGTH OF THE STONE OUTLET (SPILLWAY) IS TO BE BASED ON A 10 RIP RAP APRON ~ IASED ON A 10 YEAR STORM. - m z Y w EARTH ~ " x 11. WHENEVER TOPOGRAPHY ALL WS TH A I BERM 0 E B S N LENGTH SHOULD BE TWICE (2X BE TWICE (2X) THE BASIN WIDTH, TO ALLOW FOR SETTLING. BAFFLES NApU Q ~ 6 SEE BASIN SECTION ABOVE SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN THE BASIN WHERE THE LENGTH IS LESS THAN TWh LESS THAN TWICE THE WIDTH. WIDTH AND Rq(G cn ~ ~ DEPTH TO BE DESIGNED RDUND z ¢ U 12. CLEANOUT STAKES SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL SEDIMENT BASINS AT THE LOVu OTC SHOWING THE HALF FULL) CLEANOUT POINT OF THE BASIN. er o~ , VS AT THE LOW POINT IN THE BASIN. THE STAKES SHALL BE MARKED BY ENGINEER (P MIN) ~ fn U ray W w ~c "5 WASHED STONE 13. SAFETY FENCING 3' HIGH SHOULD BE PLACED AROUND ALL SEDIMENT BASINS `DIMENT BASINS. ~ a ~x~x/ H 14. FOR DESIGN OF RISER TYPE SEDIMENT BASINS REFER TO TH N RTH CAROL SILT FENCE E 0 HEALTH. AND NATURAL RESOURCES EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNII E NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, NOTE m ONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. RIP RAP APRON TO CONTINUE - > 1. DITCH SHOULD HAVE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF 1Y. w TO LIMITS OF DISTURBED AREA w o Q X (7' MIND O m 0 Z ~ N M a~~ n ELEVATION OF BERM AND FILTER DATA BLOCK N O SEDIMENT SEDIMENT BASIN NO. X L H Z W STORAGE STORAGE N REQUIRED PROVIDED N 3 7' 10' S' 4' 10' 6840 1CF17181 (CF) ' U 4 11' 14' 5' 4' 10' 5580 (CF) 5673 (CF) UZ ~ ~W ~o J REVISIONS REVISIONS `r~ V / ~ _ d Q REVISIONS ~ _ NO. DATE DESCRIPTION NO. DATE DESCRIPTION U NO. DATE DESCRIPTION ,1..~ L- o Q~ ~ APPROVED DATE N APPROVED DATE APPROVED DATE ~ u w z QF w ~ _ CHARLOTTE -MECKLENBURG CHARLOTTE -MECKLENBURG ~ L ~ STD. N0. LAND DEVELOPEMENT GRAVEL AND RIP RAP SEDIMENT BASIN LAND DEVELOPEMENT N A N T CHARLOTTE - MECKLENBURG ~ ~ STD. N0. STD. N ~ 30.02 GE ER L O ES STANDARDS STANDARDS - LA~JD DEVELOPEMENT O• ~L NOTES SEDIMENT BASINS TEMPORARY SILT DITCH 30.03 30.05 STANDARDS +r W 4- ~ t6 ~ LN GENERAL NOTES: ~~~~s~a~°~ man ~o „oo Uz O o 1. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE. TRAP. ~ ° ~ 0 WOOD STAKES 2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN A SUITABLE AREA AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT IT WILL NOT ERODE. ~ _ 3. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY ~ OR HIS AGENT AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE AS NECESSARY. ~ a ~ Z 4. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIDNS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT I EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION ARE MINIMIZED. o a e b s I 5. THE SEDIMENT TRAP SHALL BE R M V N E 0 ED AND THE AREA STABILIZED WHEN THE DRAINAGE BASIN HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 100' MIN. c PUBLIC STREET ~o o 6. ON LARGER DRAINAGE AREAS R[P RAP MAY BE REQUIRED UNDER THE WASHE6 STONE. ~ ~o ~ oo EXISTING GROUND .p Z ~p o~ 0~ otlJOO A°~ Qv cj~p°DOy~ °wUVp eAOO~ o0v-p gOOe ~ SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC ooa$ oo°° UNO~ER #5 WASHED STONE #5 WASHED STONE J 100` MIN. f W wool #5 WASHED STONE WOOD STAKES 0 w (1/4" TO 1/2" GRID OPENING) / w z ~ ~ ~ WIRE ~ °o e ° ; • °°°Wo eO eO WIRE MESH r CONCRETE BLOCK °°°:°;oe U J 0 A ~ o A ~ :;°a°° m ~ O p o o e°QO: ~ ~ 0 0 ~ a dd Cg o~ ~~0° Q ; o o e=~:e ~ Z 0 0 00 ~ STORAGE AREA o ~ a Oo~ aCb ~ ° o ° °°°°e i0e° •'0a°0°0a~o°; NOTES: J ~ 1. A STABILIZED ENTRANCE PAD OF #5 WASHI_D STONE OR RAIL ROAD BALLAST SHALL BE LOCATED WHERE ~ • z ~ a TRAFFIC WILL ENTER OR LEAVE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONTO A PUBLIC STREET. CATCH BASIN R N T NE MAY BE USED AS A BASE F R T T 12" 2. FILTER FABRIC OR COMPACTED CRUSHER U S 0 0 HE CONS RUCTION ENTRANCE. ••a DROP INLET 3. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT •~a WITH GRATE ONTO PUBLIC STREETS OR EXISTING PAVEMENT. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS WARRANT AND REPAIR OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 4. ANY SEDIMENT SPILLED) DROPPED WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC STREETS MUST 8E REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. W PLAN VIEW 5. WHEN APPROPRIATE, WHEELS MUST BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTERING A PUBLIC STREET. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE [N AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT BASIN SEE STD. N0. 30.116. 6. SOIL STABILIZATION FABRIC (AS SPECIFIED BY THE DESIGNER) SHALL BE USED. #5 WASHED STONE z_ 7. COOT MAY REQUIRE A STANDARD COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY (STD. 10.24 8 10.25) TO F ~ ~ ACCESS THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IF THE DRIVEWAY [S ON A THOROUGHFARE. SPECIFIC APPLICATION: THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTI( FLOWS ARE EXPECTED AND WHERE LET PROTECTION IS APPLfCABLE WHERE HEAVY ZOw ~ ~ ~ c ~ D AND WHERE OVERFLOW CAPACITY IS ~ ~ N ° o NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE TR T R 12" MIN. N I ENT EXCESSIVE PONDING AROUND THE S UC U E 'il o° nK, ~'N°~"'~ dZa-. s x ~°o 2 r . s REVISIONS REVISIONS H W, REVISIONS NO. DATE DESCRIPTION NO. DATE DESCRIPTION NO. DATE DESCRIPTION rr"1 W SECTION A-A APPROVED DATE APPROVED DATE APPROVED DATE .E CHARLOTTE - MECKLENBURG CHARLOTTE - MECKLENBURG V~ w CHARLOTTE - MECKLENBURG STD. N0. BLOCK AND LAND DEVELOPEMENT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LAND DEVELOPEMENT 3LOCK AND GRAVEL STD. 0. STD. N0. LAND DEVELOPEMENT STONE INLET SEDIMENT TRAP 30.11A STONE INLET SE STANDARDS STANDARDS INLET SEDIMENT FILTER 30.07 STANDARDS 30.08 H