HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141077 Ver 2_Trenching for Utlities Spec_20200213Description of Blasting Blasting is necessary to fracture the subsurface rock so that it can be excavated by mechanical means when the pipe laying construction equipment digs the pipe trench. It is confined to the pipe alignment, and blasts are sized and spaced to provide the necessary fracturing while maintaining the fracturing within the work area limits. Generally, a drill rig works ahead of the trench excavation equipment (pipe laying crew), and drills pilot holes until the surface of the rock is located. Then, the rig will drill holes to the depth required through the rock to set the dynamite in the proper location. Typically, the pilot hole drilling is completed for a certain length ahead of the pipe laying crew to map out the rock profile. The drilling and blasting crew returns to drill and set the dynamite. The pre-blast effort can take days or weeks depending on how far ahead of the pipe laying the contractor wants to drill before blasting. Blasting is typically performedin an isolated section where blast mats can be laid on top of the ground surface above the blasting area. Setup for blasting may take several days, and a series of blasts in one location will be performed in one day. The blast locations are dictated by the actual subsurface conditions discovered during pre-drilling of the pipe alignment. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 1 00592-0040 JULY 2016 SECTION 02315 TRENCHING FOR UTILITIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Provide labor, equipment, and material to perform required excavating, backfilling, and compacting for utilities and related structures as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. Work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Survey staking as required for construction. 2. Protection of existing improvements. 3. Location of existing utilities. 4. Use of explosives. 5. Dewatering. 6. Excavating, backfilling, and compacting for utilities. 7. Installation of warning / identification tape and tracer wire. 8. Borrow material. 9. Disposal of surplus material. 10. Demolition and removal of existing structures. 11. Soil Testing. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. The following Sections have work that is directly related to this Section. This does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility of proper coordination of all the work: 1. Section 02230 Clearing and Grubbing 2. Section 02370 Erosion Control 3. Section 02510 Water Distribution System 4. Section 02530 Sanitary Sewer System 5. Section 02920 Lawns and Grasses B. The City of Raleigh Public Utilities Handbook, as it relates to this Section, shall be used in conjunction with this specification. All aspects of the project construction shall conform to this handbook unless specifically noted otherwise herein. It is the Contractors responsibility to obtain this document from the City’s Public Utilities Department. It can be obtained by phone at 919-996-3245 or on the internet at http://www.raleighnc.gov/ under Departments and Public Utilities. C. In the event of a discrepancy between this specification and the Handbook, the Contractor shall use the more stringent of the two documents. Notify the Owner and Engineer immediately of the discrepancy. 1.03 REFERENCED STANDARDS A. The latest revision, at the time of bidding, of the publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. 1. N.C. Department of Transportation - Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures (NCDOT). 2. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) a. D698 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49 Kg) Rammer and 12-inch Drop (Standard Proctor). CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 2 00592-0040 JULY 2016 b. D1556 Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. c. D1586 Penetration Test and Spilt-Barrel Sampling of Soils. d. D2049 Test for Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils. e. D2216 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil, Rock, and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures. f. D2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. g. D3839 Standard Guide for Underground Installation of “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Fittings. 3. American Water Works Association (AWWA) a. Fiberglass Pipe Design Manual of Water Supply Practices M45 b. PVC Pipe Design and Installation Manual for Water Supply Practices M23 c. Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings Manual for Water Supply Practices M41 4. Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association a. B-5-89 Recommended Practice for the Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe. 5. Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association (DIPRA) a. 8-08/5M Design of Ductile Iron Pipe 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: A specified material used in filling the excavated trench and placed at a specified degree of compaction. 1. Materials: Materials listed herein include processed materials plus the soil classifications listed under the Unified Soil Classification System, (USCS) (Method D2487 and Practice D2488). The soil materials are grouped into five broad categories according to their suitability for this application. a. Class I: Angular, 6 to 40-mm (1/4 to 1-1/2-in), graded stone, including a number of fill materials that have regional significance such as coral, slag, cinders, crushed stone, and crushed shell. b. Class II: Coarse sands and gravels with maximum particle size of 40 mm (1-1/2 in.), including various graded sands and gravels containing small percentages of fines, generally granular and noncohesive, either wet or dry. Soil Types GW, GP, SW, and SP are included in this class. c. Class III: Fine sand and clayey gravels, including fine sands, sand-clay mixtures, and gravel-clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM, and SC are included in this class. d. Class IV: Silt, silty clays, and clays, including inorganic clays and silts of medium to high plasticity and liquid limits. Soil Types MH, ML, CH and CL are included in this class. These materials shall not be used for bedding, haunching, or initial backfill. e. Class V: This class includes the organic soils OL, OH, and PT as well as soils containing frozen earth, debris, rock larger than 40 mm (1 1/2 in.) in diameter, and other foreign materials. These materials shall not be used for bedding, haunching, or initial backfill. 2. Backfill Zones: Each backfill zone shall extend the full width of the trench bottom. a. Foundation: Extending down from the bottom of bedding zone as defined below. b. Pipe Embedment 1) Bedding: Extending from 4 inches below the pipe bottom to the pipe bottom for 30-inch diameter and smaller and 6 inches below the pipe bottom for pipes larger than 30 inches in diameter. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 3 00592-0040 JULY 2016 2) Haunching: Extending from the bedding (bottom of the pipe) to the pipe spring line. 3) Initial Backfill: Extending from the haunching (pipe spring line) to 1 foot above the top of the pipe. c. Final Backfill: Extending from the initial backfill to the finish ground elevation. B. Laying Conditions: 1. Type 1: Flat bottom trench with loose backfill. 2. Type 2: Flat bottom trench with backfill lightly consolidated to centerline of pipe. 3. Type 3: Pipe bedded in 4 inches minimum of loose soil and backfill lightly consolidated to top of pipe. 4. Type 4: Pipe bedded on Class I material to 1/8 pipe diameter (4 inch minimum) Backfill compacted to top of pipe a minimum of 80 percent of standard proctor. 5. Type 5: Pipe bedded in compacted Class I material to pipe centerline with 4- inch minimum under pipe. Backfill to top of pipe with Class I, II, or III and compact to 90 percent of standard proctor. C. Compaction: Process of mechanically stabilizing a material by increasing its density at a controlled moisture condition. "Degree of compaction" shall be expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density obtained by the test procedure presented in ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor). D. Excavation: The removal of soil or rock to obtain a specified depth or elevation. E. Lift: Layer of soil placed on top of a previously prepared or placed soil. F. Rock: Solid, homogeneous material which cannot be removed without the systematic drilling and blasting exceeding 1 cubic yard in volume. Material having a standard penetration rate less than 1-inch of penetration over 50 blows across continuous materials is defined as "rock." Rock is further defined as materials and obstructions encountered that cannot be practically excavated with a large track mounted backhoe, such as a CAT-325 or larger, equipped with a 42-inch rock bucket and new rock teeth. Practical excavation is defined as the ability to remove at least 10 cubic yards during one (1) hour of continuous digging. Removal of "hard material" will not be considered rock excavation because of intermittent drilling and blasting that is performed merely to increase production G. Pipe Springline: A line running horizontally through the center of the pipe. H. Topsoil: Natural, friable soil, representative of productive soils in the vicinity of the site. Topsoil shall be free from roots, stones larger than 1 inch, objectionable weed seeds, toxic substances, and materials that hinder grading, planting, and maintenance operations. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01330, Submittal Procedures: 1. Catalog Data: Submit manufacturer's standard drawings or catalog cuts for the following. Clearly indicate equipment to be furnished for the Project including options to be provided. a. Warning / Identification tape. b. Geofabric for trench stone wrap. c. Tracer wire and appurtenances. 2. Test Reports: Submit for the following: a. Moisture-density relations of soils. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 4 00592-0040 JULY 2016 b. Field moisture content. c. Soil classification. d. In-place field density. e. Geotechnical engineer's daily field reports. f. Third-party test reports for pre-construction condition assessments, crack monitoring and vibration monitoring per Section 02300, Earthwork. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE A. Class I material shall be #67 or #78M stone in accordance with NCDOT specifications Section 1005, General Requirements for Aggregate. 2.02 WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE A. Tape shall be a minimum 3-inch wide polyethylene plastic tape manufactured specifically for identification of buried utilities with means of enabling detection by a metal detector to a minimum depth of 3 feet. Tape shall be color coded and continuously imprinted with warning and identification markings in bold black letters to read "CAUTION - BURIED (utility) LINE BELOW." Color and printing shall be permanent, unaffected by moisture or soil and shall be as follows: Utility Color Marking 1. Water Blue Caution – Buried Water Line Below 2. Sewer Green Caution – Buried Pressure Sewer Line Below B. Tape shall be by Blackburn Manufacturing, Joseph G. Pollard Co., or Reef Industries Inc or approved equal. C. Warning tape shall only be installed for pressure mains constructed of PVC materials. 2.03 TRACER WIRE AND INDICATION POSTS A. All non-ferrous pressure mains shall be provided tracing wire and test ports in such a manner as to be able to properly trace all mains without loss or deterioration of signal or without the transmitted signal migrating off the trace wire. B. Tracer wire shall be #12 gauge solid (bare) copper and continuous to the greatest extent possible. The tracer wire shall be securely bonded together at all wire joints with an approved industrial crimp connector to provide electrical continuity. It shall be accessible at all tracer wire test ports. C. Test ports with marker posts shall be located at bends and no further than 500 feet apart. The test port shall consist of a standard valve box (as specified in Section 02530), shall be H-20 traffic load rated flush with grade in non-paved areas and flush with final asphalt or concrete pavement elevation and shall be located over the downstream or outgoing main. The valve box shall be equipped with a lid stamped “TS” and painted green for sewer mains, blue for water mains, and Pantone 522C for reuse mains. At each test port, a loop of wire shall be brought up and looped inside the box. The loop of wire inside the box shall be a minimum of three feet. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 5 00592-0040 JULY 2016 2.04 TRACER WIRE FOR NONMETALLIC WATER SERVICE PIPE A. Where nonmetallic water service pipe is allowed, all new nonmetallic water service pipes shall be provided tracing wire in such a manner as to be able to properly trace all mains and service laterals without loss or deterioration of signal or without the transmitted signal migrating off the trace wire. B. Tracing shall be #12 gauge solid (bare) copper and continuous to the greatest extent possible. The tracer wire shall be securely bonded together at all wire joints with an approved industrial crimp connector to provide electrical continuity. C. The meter box at or near the right of way and or easement shall serve as the test port with the tracing wire brought up into the meter box with the service lateral and looped in the meter box. The loop wire inside the meter box shall be a minimum of three feet. D. For new nonmetallic water service laterals where no tracer is installed on the main, provide an anode (1 pound minimum) for the tracing wire termination at the point of the new tap on the main. E. For nonmetallic service lateral installations less than 8 feet, the tracing wire shall be attached to the pipe. For nonmetallic service lateral installations deeper than 8 feet, the tracing wire shall be installed at a depth of 7 to 8 feet. For nonmetallic service laterals that are installed in encasement pipe, the tracing wire shall be routed through the encasement pipe. F. For nonmetallic service lateral that installed by directional drilling, the tracer wire shall be attached to and pulled through with the service pipe. G. The wire shall be protected from damage during the execution of the work. No breaks or cuts in the tracer wire shall be permitted. Spliced connections shall only be allowed between the main liner tracer wire (if applicable) and the lateral tracer wire. Industrial crimps shall be used to provide electrical continuity and the crimps shall be similar metal to eliminate galvanic corrosion. H. Contractor shall perform a continuity test on all tracer wire in the presence of the Owner or Owner's representative. If the tracer wire is found to be not continuous after testing, Contractor shall repair or replace the failed segment of wire at his own expense. I. Copper clad steel tracer wire (#12) as manufactured by Copperhead Industries, or approved equal is an approved alternative to #12 bare solid copper tracer wire. 2.05 TRACER WIRE FOR GRAVITY SEWERS AND LATERALS AND MANHOLE MARKERS A. In accordance with General Statute 87-121(g), gravity sewers and laterals installed after October 1, 2014 shall be electronically locatable. B. All new gravity sewer main and sanitary sewer lateral shall be provided tracing wire in such a manner as to be able to properly trace all mains without loss or deterioration of signal or without the transmitted signal migrating off the trace wire. C. Tracing shall be #12 gauge solid (bare) copper and continuous to the greatest extent possible. Copper clad steel tracer wire (#12) as manufactured by Copperhead Industries, or approved equal is an approved alternative to #12 bare solid copper tracer wire. The tracer wire shall be securely bonded together at all CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 6 00592-0040 JULY 2016 wire joints with an approved industrial crimp connector to provide electrical continuity. It shall be accessible at all tracer wire test ports. D. For gravity mains, test ports shall be provided at frequency of 500 feet or at every manhole, whichever is the shorter of the distance. The test port shall consist of a standard valve box (as specified in Section 02530), shall be H-20 traffic load rated flush with grade in non-paved areas with concrete collar as shown on Detail W -17, and flush with final asphalt or concrete pavement elevation and shall be located over the downstream or outgoing main. The valve box shall be equipped with a lid stamped “TS” and painted green. At each test port, a loop of wire shall be brought up and looped inside the box. The loop of wire inside the box shall be a minimum of three feet. All tracing wire for branch mains and laterals that terminate into the manhole shall be routed around the circumference of the manhole and spliced to the main tracing line. E. For sanitary sewer laterals, the cleanout at the right of way and or easement shall serve as the test port with the tracing wire brought up outside the cleanout assembly and wrapped around the assembly stack twice at a depth of approximately 12- inches below grade. Extend a loop of the wire to the top of cleanout. F. For new sanitary sewer laterals where no tracer is installed on the main, provide an anode (1 pound minimum) for the tracing wire termination at the point of the new tap on the existing main. G. For gravity main and or lateral installations less than 8 feet, the tracing wire shall be attached to the pipe. Tracer wire shall be laid flat and securely affixed to the pipe at 10 foot intervals. Where lateral taps are made by service saddles, the tracer wire shall not be allowed to be placed between the saddle and main. For gravity main and or lateral installation deeper than 8 feet, the tracing wire shall be installed at a depth of 7 to 8 feet. The wire shall be protected from damage during the execution of the work. No breaks or cuts in the tracer wire shall be permitted. H. Spliced connections shall only be allowed between the main line tracer wire and branch main and lateral tracer wire. Industrial crimps shall be used to provide electrical continuity and the crimps shall be similar metal to eliminate galvanic corrosion. I. Contractor shall perform a continuity test on all tracer wire in the presence of the Owner or Owner's representative. If the tracer wire is found to be not continuous after testing, Contractor shall repair or replace the failed segment of wire at their own expense. J. Where existing branch mains are reconnected to a main line that is replaced or realigned, tracing wire is not required for the section of branch main that is reconnected unless it is replaced from manhole to manhole. All main lines that are replaced or realigned shall be provided tracing wire. K. For gravity sewer mains and laterals that are installed in encasement pipe, the tracing wire shall be routed through the encasement pipe. L. Manhole markers shall be placed adjacent to manholes at the discretion of Owner or Owner’s representative. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 7 00592-0040 JULY 2016 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PROJECT SAFETY A. Contractor is responsible for Project safety. B. Perform work in conformance with applicable State and Federal safety regulations including, but not limited, to the following: 1. North Carolina Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (29CFR 1926 Subpart P and U). 2. NC OSHA Industry Guide No. 14, Excavations. 3. NC OSHA Industry Guide No. 20, Crane Safety. C. Provide barriers, warning lights, and other protective devices at excavations as necessary for safety of workers and the public. D. Provide sloping of bank, shoring, sheeting, or other means of maintaining the stability of the trench in accordance with the requirements of the Associated Contractor's Manual of Accident Prevention OSHA, Part 1926.P. E. In trench depths of 22 feet or greater, provide certification sealed by Structural Engineer certifying that trench box, sheeting and shoring meets OSHA requirements. 3.02 VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC INSPECTIONS A. Provide pre and post construction video inspections of the project area in accordance with Section 01320, Video and Photographic Documentation. B. Submittal shall be in accordance with Section 01330, Submittal Procedures. 3.03 PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES A. Refer to paragraph 4.04 of the General Conditions and SC-4.04.A.2 of the Supplementary Conditions concerning the protection of Underground Facilities. B. Prior to beginning any excavation work or boring, the Contractor shall, through field investigations, determine any conflicts or interferences between existing utilities and new utilities to be constructed under this project. This determination shall be based on the actual locations, elevations, slopes, etc., of existing utilities as determined in the field investigations, and locations, elevation, slope, etc. of new utilities as shown on the Drawings. If an interference exists, the Contractor shall bring it to the attention of the Engineer as soon as possible. If the Engineer agrees that an interference exists that was not apparent from the Contract Documents, or could not have been identified during a site visit during bidding, he shall modify the design as required. Additional costs to the Contractor for this change shall be processed through a Change Order as detailed elsewhere in these Contract Documents. An interference shall be defined for these purposes as a conflict with an existing utility or structure that prevents the proposed utility from being installed where shown or specified after existing utilities and structures are adequately supported by the Contractor. In the event the Contractor fails to complete adequate field evaluations to identify conflicts, or bring a potential conflict or interference to the attention of the Engineer prior to beginning excavation work, any actual conflict or interference which does arise during the Project and could have been avoided with diligent utility location efforts shall be corrected by the Contractor, as directed by the Engineer, at no additional expense to the Owner. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 8 00592-0040 JULY 2016 C. A change in conditions may be considered due to the location of the existing facilities as allowed in the General Conditions. This does not include the cost for repair of damaged facilities not properly located in advance of construction. D. Separation distances shall be in accordance with utilities requirements. 3.04 CONSTRUCTION STAKING A. Provide construction staking as indicated in paragraph 4.05 of the General Conditions. Engineer will only provide electronic design files for Contractor’s surveyor and key reference points and benchmarks as shown on the Drawings. B. Contractor shall report to Engineer whenever a reference point or property monument is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points or property monuments by a registered professional surveyor in the State of North Carolina. 3.05 LOCATION OF INSTALLED UTILITIES A. Contractor shall be responsible for locating contract installed utilities as requested by third parties proposing to dig in the contract area until the date that the entire contract is recommended for final payment by Engineer to Owner. 3.06 WATER CONTROL A. Prevent surface water from entering the trench. B. When trench bottom is below the existing ground water table, install a dewatering system to maintain water table a minimum of two (2) feet below trench bottom. Provide personnel experienced in dewatering work at the job site. C. Maintain dewatering until backfilling has proceeded above the existing ground water level. D. Dispose of water from dewatering operations in accordance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. E. In no case shall trench water or groundwater be pumped into or allowed to enter the sanitary sewer system. 3.07 USE OF EXPLOSIVES A. Blasting is allowable for the removal of rock, as defined herein, unless specifically prohibited by the Owner, Engineer or a Utility Owner with an existing utility within the proximity of the proposed blast site. The Contractor shall review the drawings for specific areas where blasting is prohibited. B. Obtain required permits for blasting (e.g., from City of Raleigh Fire Marshall’s Office) prior to blasting, 24 hours minimum. C. Store, handle, and use explosives in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of the "Manual of Accident Prevention and Construction" of the Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. Federal regulations include, but are not limited to, Title 27, Chapter 11, Part 555 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and OSHA Standards – Part 1926, Subpart U. Explosives need to be stored in a manner to prevent damage from moisture. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 9 00592-0040 JULY 2016 D. Provide seismographic monitoring during progress of blasting operations. A minimum of four seismographs shall be used at each individual structure (such as a single-family dwelling or similar size business) unless the structure is larger (such as a building complex, bridge, etc.) in which case additional seismographs shall be installed based upon the blasting specialist’s recommendations. Seismographs shall be equipped with remote monitors that are capable of transmitting readings directly to the Contractor, Owner, and “third party” testing firm immediately following the recordings. Seismographs shall also be equipped with visual and audible alarms at each installation. E. Take all necessary precautions to protect life and property, including the use of approved blasting mats where there exists the danger of throwing rock or overburden. Keep the explosive materials that are on the job site in specially constructed boxes provided with locks. Failure to comply with this specification shall be grounds for suspension of blasting operations until full compliance is made. No blasting using electronic blast caps shall be allowed unless a galvanometer is employed to check cap circuits. Non-electronic blasting caps shall be utilized in accordance with all manufacturer’s instructions and safety requirements. Where blasting takes place within 500 feet of a utility, structure, or property which could be damaged by vibration, concussion or falling rock, keep a blasting log containing the following information for each and every shot. This log shall be kept in an orderly manner and made available to the Engineer and Owner upon request. 1. Date of shot 2. Time of shot 3. Crew supervisor 4. Number and depth of holes 5. Approximate depth of overburden 6. Amount and type of explosive used in each hole 7. Type of caps used (instant or delay) 8. The weather 9. Seismograph instrument and readings F. Use explosives in such a way to minimize vibration to existing utilities and structures. G. Provide only experienced personnel for blasting in accordance with accepted practices. The personnel responsible for conducting the blasting including transporting of explosives, storage and maintenance of explosives, drilling, installation of explosives and charge equipment, and detonation shall meet the minimum qualifications listed below. The contractor will be required to submit documentation to confirm the personnel assigned to the work meet these requirements as specified in Section 01450 – Quality Control. 1. Personnel must have at least five years of experience with use of explosives for underground rock blasting. 2. The person in charge of the blasting operation should have: a. At least three years of experience as the blasting superintendent. b. Performed a supervisory role for blasting operations on at least ten similar type projects (water and/or sewer utility line construction). 3. Provide a list of OSHA violations (related to blasting) and associate fines issued on projects that the proposed superintendent was involved with. 4. Provide a list of at least five references for projects with blasting completed in the five years. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 10 00592-0040 JULY 2016 H. Contractor is responsible for safety of life and damage to property resulting from the use of explosives. The Owner and Engineer shall be made aware of all blasting activities prior to their occurrence. I. Provide services of a testing firm experienced in monitoring vibrations resulting from blasting operations as specified in Section 01450, Quality Control. J. In addition to the above testing/monitoring requirements required, Contractor shall provide the services of a “third party” geotechnical testing firm experienced in monitoring vibrations resulting from blasting operation as specified in Section 01450, Quality Control. The firm selected shall be evaluated by the Engineer and Owner for approval as the official “third party”. K. Third Party testing/monitoring as related to blasting operations shall include the following: 1. Pre-Construction Condition Assessment a. Prior to beginning construction, the third party testing firm shall perform a pre-construction condition assessment to document the conditions of buildings and other sensitive structures within 200 feet of the proposed blasting area. The assessment shall be performed on all adjacent properties and any other properties as directed by the Engineer or Owner. The assessment should include video and photographic documentation of all exteriors including building foundations, and installation of crack monitors on cracks that might occur or expand due to construction vibrations. Provide all documentation described above to the Owner and Engineer prior to construction. 2. Crack Monitoring During Construction: a. During construction, the third party testing firm shall perform periodic readings of the crack monitors installed prior to construction. Provide readings to the Engineer and Owner within 48 hours of taking the reading. If crack readings monitoring confirm that vibrations are not contributing to crack width, crack monitors may be read once per week. More frequent readings may be required by Owner or Engineer if construction activities could result in greater earthborne vibrations. Testing firm shall notify the Engineer and Owner immediately if monitoring indicates that construction operations have contributed to crack widening. The testing firm shall prepare a detailed plan for repaired the structure and the Contractor shall repair the structure at no cost to the Owner. Contractor shall submit a plan for review that proposes alternate construction methods to address the vibration problems and minimize further damage. 3. Vibration Monitoring During Construction: a. The third party testing firm shall monitor vibrations at no less than four locations along the perimeter of the project and in accordance with paragraph 3.07D above during all blasting activities. The locations shall be based on the location of construction activities and their relative position to offsite structures. Prior to construction, a plan showing the proposed monitoring locations shall be submitted to the Engineer and Owner for approval. Adjustments may be made to the locations upon approval. The sensitivity range of the seismograph shall be selected such that the recording is initiated below the maximum allowable particle velocity as recommended by the U.S. Bureau of Mines with a twenty percent reduction factor applied. Refer to Exhibit 1 at the end of this section for a chart developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines with the modified vibration CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 11 00592-0040 JULY 2016 requirements for the project and extends above the highest expected intensity. Specific activities of the vibration source (i.e., blasting) shall be indexed in time to allow correlation with the arrivals on the vibration. b. The contractor shall notify the Engineer and Owner immediately if monitors indicate that the vibrations are above the criteria established. Activities causing the vibrations shall be suspended until a revised construction plan has been developed by the testing firm to alleviate the problem. The problem shall be resolved by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. c. The vibration monitors shall consist of digital seismographs that display the particle velocities and associated frequencies plotted against the criteria established for this project. Each seismograph shall contain geophones with response capability in three mutually perpendicular axes or components; one vertical and two horizontal (radial and transverse). The frequency response of the geophones shall be linear from at least 4 Hz to more than 200 Hz. The sensitivity shall range from less than 0.02 in/sec to more than 5.0 in/sec. The BlastMate III by Instantel is one type of seismograph that is suitable for this project. d. Vibration monitors shall be field calibrated by the testing firm before each recording period. The transducer shall be positioned with the longitudinal axis toward the vibration source. Transducers must be adequately coupled with the ground. Operation and calibration of all equipment shall be per manufacturer’s recommendations. Vibration records shall be collected in waveform plot or strip chart plot. The peak vector sum of the particle velocity in longitudinal, transverse, and vertical planes shall be shown along with the respective dominant or principle frequencies. The highest recorded particle velocity (i.e., the vector sum of the three orthogonal directions), when indexed to a particle vibration event, shall be reported as the peak particle velocity. The recorded peak particle velocity shall be compared to criteria appropriate for the subject of concern. e. The Engineer and Owner shall be notified immediately of any complaint received by the Contractor. The Contractor shall immediately review those construction activities inducing the vibration and prepare a report documenting all relevant data such as the time and date of the complaint, a description of the construction activities, data from the monitoring instruments for the subject time/date, complaint information (including photographs, if possible) of the alleged damage. The Contractor shall submit for review a detailed plan for repair and revised construction plan to address the vibration problems to minimize further damage and complaints. The Contractor shall perform necessary repairs at no additional cost to the Owner. f. The testing firm shall provide monthly reports containing the results of the crack monitors and vibration monitors during those activities that generate earthborne vibrations, including but not limited blasting operations. The reports shall document that the firm is provided the work described herein. L. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying property owners that own any portion of property within a 1,000-foot radius of the proposed blast location. Notifications shall be made by use of door hangers with wording to be coordinated with the Engineer and Owner. Initial notifications shall be in- place once construction activities are within 1,500 linear feet of the proposed blast location measured along the proposed pipe center line. Notifications CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 12 00592-0040 JULY 2016 should also be made to local jurisdictions such as NCDOT, City/Town, etc. In no case shall initial notifications be made later than five days prior to blasting. Follow-up notifications in the same format shall be made between 24 and 48 hours of the intended start of the blasting for property owners with any portion of property within the 1000-foot radius. M. Submit monitoring reports in accordance with Section 01450, Quality Control. N. Allowance established in Section 01270, Unit Prices, shall be utilized to pay for costs of the third party monitoring. O. The Owner reserves the right to require the removal of rock by other means if blasting operations result in possible hazardous conditions. P. The Contractor shall provide as contingency, on-site, by-pass pumping capability when blasting within 100 feet of existing sanitary sewer infrastructure or where required otherwise as noted on the Drawings or specified in other sections of the project manual. 3.08 EXCAVATING A. Excavation shall be by open cut, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. Other than where specifically indicated on the Drawings, short sections of trench may be tunneled or direct bored with the approval of the Engineer. B. Stockpile excavated material in such a manner that it will not obstruct the flow of runoff, streams, endanger Work, impair the use or appearance of existing facilities, or be detrimental to the completed Work. C. Contractor shall segregate excavated material so as to maintain material suitable for backfill separate from material that is unsuitable. D. Trench dimensions at the pipe embedment and foundation zone, shall be as detailed on the drawings. E. Shape trench bedding to provide uniform bearing for the full pipe length. Bottom shall be free of protrusions that could cause point loading on pipe. Provide bell holes as required for properly making pipe joint. F. Do not over excavate. Excavation below grade without approval of Engineer shall be backfilled with Class I material at no additional cost. G. Undercut soils that become unsatisfactory by construction activity or by being left exposed to the weather shall be replaced with Class I backfill material at no additional cost. H. Remove shoring, bracing, and sheeting, unless otherwise noted, as the trench is backfilled. Engineer shall have the authority to require that the sheeting be left in place. Once the trench box has been removed to the top of the pipe (or initial backfill zone), the stone shall be replenished to have the required stone over the pipe for the entire width of the excavation. This includes area displaced by the trench boxes and any voids outside the box. I. Excavation of trench shall not advance more than 100 feet ahead of the installation. In no case should the excavation extend beyond that which can be backfilled by the end of the workday. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 13 00592-0040 JULY 2016 J. Correct unstable soil conditions encountered at trench foundation by the following method: 1. Excavate below grade as approved by Engineer and backfill with Class I material or approved substitute material at unit price bid as indicated in Section 01270, Unit Prices. K. Rock and Hard Material 1. Excavate rock and hard material to a minimum depth of 6 inches below the pipe. Excavation shall be backfilled with Class I material. 2. Mechanical removal of rock (i.e., no blasting) may be necessary along portions of the project, as noted on the Drawings or as required by the applicable regulatory agencies, where blasting could result in complications with surrounding infrastructure. This method of rock excavation will be used only when approved by the Owner, as the blasting method shall be the typical method. L. Pressure Lines: 1. Provide a minimum 3 feet of cover, unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings. 2. Excavate trenches to provide vertical curve chords that will not exceed the pipe manufacturer’s recommended joint deflection. 3. Provide concrete thrust blocks having a compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days at change in horizontal and vertical direction and reduction in the pipe size, unless other restraint systems are indicated otherwise on the Drawings. Cut trench sides vertical and square to receive concrete. Provide bearing area against trench wall as indicated on the Drawings. M. Gravity Lines: 1. Excavate trench to the alignment and grade indicated on the Drawings. N. Utility Structures: Provide a minimum of 9 inches below subgrade and backfill with Class I compacted to 95 percent maximum density. If the soil conditions are found to be unsuitable for structural stability of the structure, Engineer may require additional depth of Class I material. The additional Class I material will be paid for under the appropriate bid item as indicated in the Bid Form. 3.09 BACKFILLING A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with backfill operations based on the following weather conditions: 1. Temperature must be above freezing and rising. 2. In windy, hot, or arid conditions with a high rate of evaporation add moisture to the material to maintain the optimum moisture content. 3. Do not proceed in rain or on saturated subgrade. 4. Do not place material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost. B. General 1. Maintain backfill operation within 100 feet from pipe laying operation. 2. Backfill trench to existing ground surface with select excavated material at the specified compaction. 3. If excavated material is unsuitable to obtain specified compaction, provide suitable off-site borrow material for backfill as approved by Engineer. 4. Re-excavate trenches improperly compacted. Backfill and compact as specified. 5. Provide appropriate tamping equipment, and water to obtain proper moisture content, to achieve specified compaction of backfill. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 14 00592-0040 JULY 2016 6. Conduct operation of heavy equipment above pipe installation in such a manner as to prevent damage to pipe. 7. Install warning / identification tape over utilities. Bury tape one foot below finished grade above the utility. 8. Install tracer wire for non-metallic pressure pipe. Bury tracer wire one foot below finished grade over the pipe. Wire shall be looped into valve boxes and indication posts to allow access for direct contact location. C. Backfill in pipe embedment zone (bedding, haunching, and initial backfill). 1. General: a. Backfill with material as specified below. Material shall be free from objects larger than 2 inches. b. Where rock and hard material has been excavated below pipe bottom, backfill and compact bedding with Class I material. Class II or III material may be used for bedding with Engineer's approval unless specified otherwise below. c. Place backfill material to assure placement of material under pipe haunches. d. Take care during placement and compacting of material to avoid movement of pipe. 2. Place backfill in bedding and haunching zones in 6 inch maximum lifts in traffic areas and 12 inch maximum lifts in non-traffic areas and compact to 90 percent density. Provide backfill material in pipe embedment zone as specified below. a. Pressure Lines (Flexible and Rigid Pipe) 1) Excavation in Class I, Class II, Class III, and stable Class IV soils suitable for bedding, the bedding surface shall provide a firm foundation of uniform density. Backfill with select excavated material. 2) Excavation in Class V, unstable Class IV soils, running water, and other unstable soil conditions, excavate a minimum of 6 inches below pipe bottom and provide Class I material for bedding and haunch zone. Backfill with Class I, II, or III material in initial backfill. b. Gravity Sewer Lines, Rigid Pipe (ductile iron with liner and reinforced concrete pipe) 1) Depth of cover 0 to 15 ft (Type 4 laying condition with modifications): i) Provide Class I material for bedding and 1/8 pipe diameter (min. 4 inches) up from bottom of pipe. Backfill with Class I, II, or III material in remainder of haunching zone and initial backfill. Refer to details on Drawings for additional requirements. 2) Depth of cover 16 ft to 40 ft (Type 5 laying condition): i) Provide Class I material for bedding and through embedment zone to centerline of pipe. Backfill remainder of embedment zone with Class I, II, or III material. Refer to details on Drawings for additional requirements. c. Gravity Sewer Lines, Flexible (Fiberglass Reinforced Pipe – FRP and PVC) 1) Depth of cover 0 to 40 ft: i) Provide Class I material for bedding and through embedment zone to 6” above the top of pipe. The maximum stone size shall be 1.5” or to 1 times the pipe wall thickness, whichever is smaller. Backfill remaining 6” of initial backfill with Class I, II or III material. ii) Where indicated on Drawings or required by soil conditions, as determined by the geotechnical engineer during construction, the CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 15 00592-0040 JULY 2016 Contractor shall include geofabric lining around embedment zone as detailed on the Drawings. D. Final Backfill 1. Backfill with materials free of stones and debris larger than 6 inches in dimension. Place backfill in lifts not exceeding the thickness and compacted to the minimum density specified below. 2. Lifts and density: a. Undeveloped areas (i.e., forests, fields, and, croplands): Trench may be filled with bulldozer blade provided material fall will not damage pipe. Mound soil over the trench area sufficiently to settle level over time. Degree of compaction shall be 85 percent. b. Lawns: Backfill in 12-inch lifts and compact to 90 percent. Top 12 inches shall be free of material with a dimension over 2 inches. c. Roads (including Rights-of-way), drives, parking areas (including areas within 20 feet), and adjacent to existing utilities: Backfill in 6 inch lifts compact to 95 percent. Compact the final 8 inches below finished subgrades beneath pavements/sidewalks to at least 100% of the soil’s Standard Proctor maximum dry density within 2% of optimum moisture. d. Within 20 feet of foundations: Backfill in 6-inch lifts compacted to 95 percent. E. Utility Structures: Bring backfill to grade in even lifts on all sides. Lift depths and compaction densities shall be as specified according to area of installation for pipe above. Backfill against cast-in-place concrete structure only after concrete has attained the specified 28-day compressive strength. 3.10 ANTI-SEEP COLLARS A. Anti-seep Collars: Provide anti-seep collars to prevent groundwater flow along pipe in wetlands as indicated on the Drawings. Collars shall extend past trench walls and bear against undisturbed soils. Dimension of collars shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Do not place stone in area of anti-seep collars. B. Concrete Collar: Provide Class B concrete with minimum cement content of 5 sacks per cubic yard (5.5 sacks for angular course aggregate); 6.8 gallons of water per sack water-cement ratio; 2-4 inch slump range; and 28-day strength of 2,500 psi. C. Clay Collar: Provide clay of medium to high plasticity with a soil classification of CL or CH and a permeability of 10-5 cm / second. Place clay in 6-inch lifts and compact by use of a mechanical hydraulic tamper to 95 percent. 3.11 SOIL TESTING A. Provide services of a soil-testing firm as specified in Section 01450, Quality Control and Section 02201, Special Construction Requirements. B. Testing laboratory soil specialist shall be at the project site, upon request of the Owner, to perform inspection and in-place density testing as specified in Section 02300 Earthwork. C. Density tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM D-698, Standard Proctor Method. D. Submit test reports and soil specialist daily logs in accordance with Section 01450, Quality Control. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 16 00592-0040 JULY 2016 E. Allowances established in Section 01270, Unit Prices, shall be utilized to pay for costs of the initial tests. F. For each test that fails the compaction requirements, the testing firm, at the direction of the Engineer, shall make two additional tests. Contractor shall pay for cost of additional tests due to failure of compaction/density test. G. Based on test results, make corrections, adjustments, and modifications of methods, materials, and moisture content for proper trench compaction. H. Refer to Section 02201, Special Construction Requirements for requirements dealing with contaminated soils and groundwater from trench excavations. 3.12 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND PATCHING A. Repair damaged pavement structure. B. Cut existing pavement for utility installation in straight lines generally parallel to the utility. Properly dispose of removed pavement structure. C. Extend pavement patch 1 foot beyond each side of trench on firm subgrade. Slope new surface to drain. D. Asphalt Pavements: Replace asphalt pavement with a pavement structure equal to existing but no less than as detailed on the Drawings or as indicated in the Encroachment Agreement, whichever is more stringent. E. Concrete Pavements: Replace concrete pavement with pavement structure equal to existing but no less than as detailed as Drawings. Concrete shall be minimum 3,000 psi. When existing concrete joint is within 5 feet of trench remove existing concrete to joint. Provide expansion joint at edge of existing concrete. Surface treatment shall match existing. For overlays, as indicated on Drawings, set new driveway elevation at overlay depth and transition to existing driveway elevation. F. Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks: Replace curbs and gutters, and sidewalks removed or damaged with similar sections to match the existing. Remove to nearest existing joint. G. Approval of Other Authorities: Pavements under the jurisdiction of the NC Division of Highways shall be subject to the approval of a representative of that Division. H. For overlays, coordinate final limits with Owner, Engineer, and NC Division of Highways. Perform in accordance with NCDOT Encroachment Agreement. I. For overlays, as indicated on Drawings, raise existing and new manholes and valve boxes to finished pavement grade. Excavate around top of existing manhole and valve box as necessary. Remove existing top ring, and install new grade ring(s) as necessary. Install existing cover. Raise existing valve box. Provide concrete collar around manhole ring and valve box per details on the Plans. J. See Section 02700, Pavement and Appurtenances for additional requirements. 3.13 GRADING AND CLEAN-UP: A. Provide for testing and clean up as soon as practicable, so these operations do not lag far behind the pipe installation. Perform preliminary clean up and grading as soon as backfill is complete. CRABTREE BASIN WW SYSTEM CONVEYANCE IMPROVEMENTS - PH II 02315 - 17 00592-0040 JULY 2016 B. Provide positive drainage of finished grade and drain away from structures. Finished grade shall be reasonably smooth, compacted, free from irregular surface changes and comparable to the adjacent existing ground surface. C. Seed disturbed areas in accordance with Section 02920, Lawns and Grasses. D. Upon completion of backfilling, remove and properly dispose of excess material and waste. Surplus materials shall be disposed in an Owner-approved facility. A list of approved facilities is available from City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. The Contractor may submit an alternate facility for Owner approval, prior to utilization, in accordance with the Contract Documents. END OF SECTION