HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG180063_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20150817STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /V 0 `D 3 DOC TYPE rkHISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ YYYYM M D D CENTURY FURNITURE Au(,ust 17. 2015 NC DENR - Division of Energ-v, Mineral. and Land Resources SVI Individual Permit Coverage Renewal - Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699 -1612 Attn.: Mr. Ken Pickle Re: Follow -Up q(Stormwater Permit Renewal Applications: Facility Name: Century Furniture — Plant I — Certificate of Coverage: NCGI80062 Facilh), Name: Century Furniture — Plant — Certificate of Coverage: NCGI80063 Facility Name: Century Furniture — Plant 3 — Certificate of Coverage: NCGI80064 Dear Mr. Pickle: It was nice meeting you at the NCMA - EEHS School held at NCSU last week. As a follow-up to our discussion regarding the submittal of paper copies of stormwater permit applications for the referenced facilities, the following information is provided. For easier review. I have included: • a brief summary of previous actions taken and • partial copies of applications forms, etc. submitted. I appreciate your assistance in helping facilitate the issuances of the permits for the referenced facility sites. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 828- 326-8376 or 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely. ,as, " "b� RECEIVED Dennis B. Tart 611�� 212015 Environmental Engineer DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWP,TER PERMITTING Enclosures: Century Furniture, LLC PO Boa 608 Hickory, NC 28603 Summary of Actions Regarding the Submittal of Stormwater Permit Applications: • On March 18, 2014, paper copies of Stormwater Permit Renewal Applications (Individual Application Forms) were submitted to NC DENR for the referenced facilities. Refer to the partial copies included in this submittal for details. • On Mav 6. 2014: 1 received a letter from Mr. Brad Bennett of NC DENR reminding Century to renewal its permits within 7 days to continue to coveraee under the existing permits. Upon receipt of the letter. I called Mr. Bennett and explained that Century submitted paper forms for the facilities and that I did not realize that we could submit electronic "group renewal application forms instead of paper copies." At the close of the telephone conversation, it was my understanding that the paper copy submittals would suffice and that Century sites would continue to operate under the old permit conditions — until the new permits were received. • When Century did not receive its new permits (old permits expired August 31, 2014), I called NC DENR and I was directed to continue to comply with the old permits - until the new permits were received. CENTURY FURNITURE» no [E@Pwig March 14, 2014 MAR 1 9 2014 DENR • WATcR DUALITY NC DENR - Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources WEWDSANDST"ATERWRWACtt SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal - Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1612 Attn.: Mr. Bradley Bennett — Stornrwater Permitting Unit Re: Submittal of Slormwater Permit Renewal Application Facility Name: Century Furniture — Plant 2 Certificate of Coverage: NCGI80063 Dear Mr. Bennett: In reference to your letter of .lanuary 16 regarding the August 31 expiration of the referenced facility's stormwater permit, the stormwater permit renewal application is being submitted for your review and approval. The NC DENR renewal application forms were completed as required. Two copies of the application are provided in this submittal. Additionally, since a corporate ownership name change occurred in May 201 3 that involved this facility, 1 have included a copy of the permit name /. ownership change form previously submitted to the NC DENR-DWQ Section in this submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 828-326-8376 or 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely. Dennis B. Tart Environmental Engineer Century Furniture, LLC PO Box 608 Hickorv. NC 28603 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL OF INDIVIDUAL NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT Facility: Century Furniture - Plant 2 General Permit No.: NCG180000 Certificate of Coverage: NCG 180063 Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete: (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Initials _ 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials disposal areas, process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the tern of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data. 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted. -P t 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include information on these BMP's. 6. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. �- 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form). If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results). Additional Information: Best Management Practices: Century Furniture - Plant 2 Finishing Pump Room: Finishing Chemicals The facility has a small room for mixing chemicals that will be used in spray booths. Since the facility uses small quantities of chemicals; no bulk tanks are located on site. Only a few chemical products are ordered in 55 gallon drums. The room has no curbing but houses some spill control supplies. The room is used sparingly by only a few employees. The storage area is periodically nspected by employees familiar with the area. Employees handling chemicals receive annual training regarding safe handling procedures; spill response, etc. The number of employees entering into the pump room area is held to a minimum. Drum / Small Container Storage - (ie. Finishing Chemicals): To minimize contact with the environment, drums of materials (chemicals) are stored inside the facility at all times. The number of drums stored on site is minimized by inventory control. Most chemicals are purchased in small quantities, such as I gallon containers, and stored in fire cabinets inside the facility. The areas where chemical drums and/ or small containers are unloaded and moved into the facility are paved. The employees unloading and relocating drums of material receive annual training regarding spill prevention and response. The chemical storage areas are periodically inspected by employees familiar with the area. Drum Storage - (ie. Hazardous and Non -Hazardous Wastes): Due to the low volume of hazardous waste generated on site, the facility is classified as a small quantity generator (SQG). To minimize contact with the environment. waste chemicals are accumulated in a satellite drum located near the spray booths. Full drums of chemical waste are periodically re -located to a covered outside storage area — which has a concrete floor and diked walls. Periodically, the spray booths are cleaned and the waste generated is shipped out as non- hazardous waste. Drums, with this type of waste; are filled inside the facility and later transported to the outside storage area previously described. Drums of both hazardous and non -hazardous wastes are stored in the outside storage area. Employees handling hazardous waste receive annual training and complete weekly inspections of designated areas. Although the storage area is not gated. unauthorized employees are not allowed in this area. Best Mana-,ement Practices: Century Furniture - Plant 2 (continued): Storage of Wood Dust (wood fuel waste); Wood dust generated from the cutting/ sanding operations of wood at the facility is collected via a cyclone / closed system. Periodically, the stored wood waste is transferred to a tractor trailer - for transport to the Century Furniture Plant 1 site - for use in its Boiler 2 operations. During the transfer operation, some wood dust may fall to the ground around the trailer. To minimize contact with storm water; wood waste on the ground is periodically shoveled up and placed in "wooden "boxes' or into a nearby dumpster. Storage of Wood Waste (wood fuel waste - boxes); Various sized sections of wood (wood scraps), not useable in the process, are collected in a "metal box" located outside the facility. Periodically, the stored wood waste "box' is transported to the Century 1=urniture Plant 1 site - for use in a wood boiler. Since the wood scraps are not "dust like", the exposure to rainfall is minimal. Above Ground Fuel Tank: An old above ground fuel tank, with an approximate capacity of 500 gallons, is located on the property. However, the tank does not contain any fuel and it has not been used in many years. The fuel tank is housed by a second containment wall around the tank. Waste Dumpsters: (non -recycled materials) To reduce waste sent to the landfill, the facility recycles as much waste materials as possible. However, some waste must eo to the landfill. The facility utilizes several kinds of closed top dumpsters located outside the site's buildings. An open top dumpster is used sparingly for larger items -such as cardboard. Significant Changes in Industrial Activities_ In the last several years, the company has sought ways to increase the quantity of items recycled. Facility recycling efforts / waste disposal information data is summarized annually and reviewed by key site management personnel. In 2011, the finishing of some furniture units was moved from Plant 2 to Plant 3. With this change, less spray booths and finishing chemicals are used at this facility. P Facility: Century Furniture — Plant 2 General Permit No.: NCG180000 Certificate of Coverage: NCG180063 Inspection Type: Storm Water— Rain Event Inspections Summary Date(s) Outfall Parameters Surveyed Observations Numbers 10/7/2013 1-5 Color, Odor, Clarity, Foam, Oil Sheen, See Attachment. Floating Solids, Suspended Soilds 9/25/2013 1-5 Color, Odor, Clarity, Foam, Oil Sheen, Color: Outfalls: 1 - 5: Clear. No foam Floating Solids, Suspended Soilds or oil sheen observed. No suspended solids werer seen. 6/17/2013 1-5 Color, Odor, Clarity, Foam, Oil Sheen, Color: Outfalls: 1 - 5: Clear. No foam Floating Solids, Suspended Soilds or oil sheen observed. No suspended solids werer seen. 10/15/2012 1-5 Color, Odor, Clarity, Foam, Oil Sheen, Color: Outfalls: 1 - 5: Clear. No foam Floating Solids, Suspended Soilds or oil sheen observed. No suspended solids werer seen. 5/9/2012 1-5 Color, Odor, Clarity, Foam, Oil Sheen, Color: Outfalls: 1 - 5: Clear. No foam Floating Solids, Suspended Soilds or oil sheen observed. No suspended solids werer seen. Date: 10/07/2013 Time of Inspection: 0915 - 10:15 AM Facility: Century Furniture — Plant 2 Inspection Type: Storm Water— Rain Event Inspection Summary Inspector: Dennis Tart Time Drainage Area(s) Outfall Comments / Observations Area (No.) 9:15 AM Parking lots and stormwater junctions located adjacent to Brick empties into observed some water flowing from parking lot and/ BLDG (acroos the road from the White BLDG) 5 or junction boxes - runoff nto grassy areas located next to property line 9:25 AM Drainage areas (ditch and tiles) located along road outside White no listed No property outfall - carries storm water from roads BLDG property line outfall / ditches to creek and / or city storm system 9:27 AM Small drain pipe located at creek / ditch drainage areas - located no listed May drain storm water fro m Outfall 4 area(s) along road and White BLDG property line outfall (part located above it of 0-4 ?) 9:29 AM Drainage pipe that carries storm water from parking areas and empties to Small amount of water was observed flowing - clear wood working area White BLDG - flows out pipe thru earth ground / - mound and onto gravel road gravel road (outfall 4) 9:34 AM Drainage areas above / around Dust Collection System - via 3 water flowing - clear, no foam, etc. junction box piped to outfall at creek 937 AM Drainage areas (facility mfg - White BLDG) located above outfall - 2 water flowing - clear, no foam, etc. outfall discharge point located on side of bank 942 AM Drainage areas of facility and other property located above 0 -1 no listed high volume of water flowing - clear, no foam, etc. and drains into stormwater drainage creek with listed outfalls outfall CIENTURY FURNITURE March 14, 2014 NC DENR - Division of Energy, Mineral; and Land Rkmurces SW'Iadiv dual Permit Coverage F, ewai - Sto_rnwate: Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raheia NC 27699 -1612 A=—: ivis. Bradley 3ennet — Stormwater Per tmg Unit Re: Submittal of Stormwater Permit Renewal Applieation Facility Name. Century Furniture — Plant 2 Certificate of Coverage: Tr` C� 063 Dear Mr. Bennett: In reference to your letter of January 16 regarding the August 21 expiry ion of the referenced facility's stormwater permit, the storrnwater perrl.it renewal appsca*son is being subraitred for volur review and approval. The NC DENR renewal application forms were completed as requ ed. Two copies of the application are pro«ded in this ssbrnittah. Additionally, since a connate ownership name change occurred in May 2016 that involved this facildty, I Have included a copy of the perm t name / ownership change fora pre ous17 subrr tted to the NC DENT-,',-DWQ Section in -his srbnia. If von have any questions or neeN additional isformado., please contact me at 828-.26 83?6 01 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely; Dennis B. Tan Environmental Engineer Cenntry Fumuire, LLC PO Box 608 Hickory, NC 286C3 Permit Coverage Penewai Application Form NPDES Permit Number DENR National PoilUt3nt Disci a ge Eliminat on Sysem NCG 180000 i COC 180063 Stormwater Individual Permit ;ease provide your permit number in box in the upper nght hand comer, complete the information in the space provided tieiow and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. Owner Information * Add%s' to which permir cOrresoondence m" tie mailed Owner / Organiation Name: CENTURY FJRNITJRE, ' C Owner Conte¢: TERRY JENNINCS Mailing Address: P. 0. BOX 508 H'ICKORY, NC 28603 Phone Number: 828-325 - 54i8 Fax Number. E-mail address', `ie�ni�cs@ nturyr+unhuz nm FacHity Information Facility Name: Facility Physical Address: Faclity Contact: Mailing Address: Phone Number: FaX Number: E-mail address: Permit Information Permit Contae: Mailing .Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Discharge Information Re -iving Stream: Stream Cass: Basin: Sub -Basin.: Number of C,UtWs 'rac ltv/Activity Changes seoaaa sheet if necessary. Se Aztammerr CERTIFICATION dennisart@cen�r✓fu m'rru re corm DENNIS TART P.O. 30X 608 HICKORY. NC 28603 828- 326 - 8375 office / 828-SS5-5521 call dennistart@ ntu, miture com LONG VIEW .MSSS T O FRYE CREEK CATAWBA RIVER BASIN Please des"ibe tieiow any cange<' to your facility or activities since Lcsjance of your permit Arced a I caty : mat i am amiiiar with the info mi ration tontained in the application and that , t`+e test of my knowledge and 'belief such information is true, .complete and accurate. Date Signaure E r cJ ✓^ //". Print or type name of person siggmg, bo -d' SW individual Pemr Coverage Renewal Please eaim his camplemd application form 5tomwaer Permuting Program and reauested supplemental information to 1612 Mail 5ervice Center Raleigh, North Carolina Z7699-1612 SL�PLEIY SAL LSr ORNL4TIONi RFQTj7R} D FOR M-TWAL OF LYDIVIDUAL NYDES STORNSWATER PERNIlT Facility- Century Fumislre - Plant 2 Omer al Permit No : NCG180000 Cer� ficaie of Coverage: NC0180063 Two copies of each of `lie following shall accompany company this submit`a1 rn order for the application to be considered complete: (Do not submit the site StOrmWater Pollution Preveatiori Plan) initials l . A current Site Map f=om the Stomwater P011utiOa Prevention Plan_ Ile location of industrial ac vJ des (Lcllldna- S`�Ora�e Gi IDaieIIals, d soosal ar as, o ocess eaS had loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, d_-ainage areas for eac out:aL, :)uldia locations and impervious surfaces should be clea ly notP? (7 2. A s-uanmary of Aaa1}bcal MoaiterL-g results d&M' .a the term of the existing Permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do riot submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such tens as outfatl number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm eve -at data_ A Si1rL-IIa:"J Of t`?e t'�1S„ai !�'f.OIlI_tOTl7g results- DO not Slibmii inLivldual monlio= repots. The summary can consist of a table inciudi g such isms as outfall number, Darameters =veyer, Observ'aliO and date mOyn upr�g COIISICL�. �• d.. $1�u-IcSy Oi ��e Ses: �fanc^gemeai t'3cnces iT.tihz%d at �7e perms'- ed aCLIN. Summary should consist of a short narrative descr_paon of each BNfP s In place at he faci 7. L' *he implementation of any BMp`s s pianae plerse include information on these BMP's. f. A shot naranve des jibing any sigalLcan coanges in indrstiai activ.ties a *¢e Per — work facvi , Si cant caa=ges could include ine aac i on or deletion of Drocesses, chances in maierial han hug. practices, chaages n may._.al storage Dices and/or cages . the raw mae ials used by 'he facility. �' -'. Certm-cation of the development and mplemen+anon of a Stomwa er Polution Preveanon Plan for the perinitied faci iry (Sign and ream at=hed form). L he 1 a1 year as y ica mon tD g of the ex sd g perm t t n has not been dompie rd pr or to g the - hewn subrilittal, then the last years monitoring results Should:,submitted within 30 days Of i--,ceipt Of t�1e labo�ory i�porL, (i.e. �10 aoi wi+±�aold renewal submit3l waiting on tab results)- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 9 (CUSTOMER SERVICE): EXPRESS SHIPMENT FORM DATE: 3 I 1 � ) 2 o� Z SHIP TO: AJ - b 2- P— C, � ems` 4, , ,v L DHI./AIRBORNE: ❑ INTERNATIONAL ❑ OTHER: ❑ BILL ALTERNATE ACCOT NT FEDEX: ❑ PRIORITY OVERNR ❑ STANDARD OVERT ❑ 2ND DAY AIR (ES) ❑ 3 DAY XPRESS SAV FEDEX GROUND ❑ OTHER: ❑ BILL ALTERNATE l UPS: J TGY 0 � C-e_ (VERY IMPORTANT!) 03/l6/14 Pkg# R# Trk#026703070222735 Pmt:l, FEXP G 2 6.65 Hnd: 0.000 Wt: 2.00 16 S&H+UerChg: 6,650 ❑ NEXT DAY AIR- BY 10:30 A.M. (ID) ❑ NEXT DAY AIR SAVER- BY 3:30 P.,bl. (1S) ❑ 2ND DAY AIR (2D) ❑ 3 DAY SELECT (3D) ❑ UPS GROUND ❑ OTHER ❑ BILL ALTERNATE ACCOUNT SENT BY: �„ r �,C� cn �� `S cz r� EXT. DEPARTMENT: CONTENTS OF PACKAGE: OUTSIDE ENIArr ADDRESS: (If you or the recipient would like an email confirmation when this ships) CENTURY March 14, 2014 FURNITURE NC DENR - Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal - Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleish, NC 27699 -1612 Arm.: Mr. Bradley Bennett — Stormwater Permitting unit Re: Submittal of Stormwater Permit Renewal Application Facility Name: Century Furniture — Plant 2 Certificate of Coverage: NCG180063 Dear. 'Ntr. Bennett: In reference to your letter of January 16 regarding the August 31 expiration of the referenced facility's stormwater permit, the stormwater permit renewal application is being submitted for your review and approval. The NC DENR renewal application forms were completed as required. Two copies of the application are provided in this submittal. Additionally, since a corporate ownership name change occurred in May 2013 that involved this facility, I have included a copy of the permit name / ownership change form previously submitted to the NC DENR-DWQ Section in this submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 828-326-8376 or 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely, Dennis B. Tar Environmental Engineer Century Furniture, LLC PO Box 608 Hickory, NC 28603 Permit Coverage Renewal Application Form National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Individual Permit NPDES Permit Number NCG 180000 / COC 180063 provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. owner Information Owner / Organization Name: Owner Contact: . Mailing Address: Phone Number Fax Number: E-maii address Facility Information Facility Name: Facility Physical Address Facility Contact: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Permit Information Permit Contac : Mailing Address Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: Discharge Information Receiving Stream: Stream Gass: Basin: Sub -Basin: Number of Outalls: Facility/Activity Changes separate sheet if necessary. See Artachment CERTIFICATION * Add= to which permit mrraSPOndence will be mailed CENTURY =UPNriURE, LLC TERRY JENNINGS P.O. BOX 608 HICKORY, NC 28603 828-326 - 8418 tjenninesaceni uryfuniture con dennistar-@centuryfumiture com DENNIS T P. 0. BOX HICKORY, 828- 326 - denniscar@centuryfumitire.com LONG VIEW MSSS TO FRYE CREEK CA.TA.WBA RPAER BASIN 05 Please descibe below any changes to your faculty or activities since Issuance of your permit. Attache^ a ? certify that I am amiiiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my Vcnowledoe and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. Signature Date E r Print or type n e of person signin bo e Title SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal Please return this complete application form Stprmwat r Permitting Program and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 SL�PLFYjEjNI ,�L i TORNIATION REQU FOR RE,VTW OF L�DIV7DU. �I�DES STOR_NfW_-=I PERNUT Facilirr Century Furniture - Plant OeneralPe=tNc.: NC0130000 Ce �iEcate of Coverage: NCGi30063 Two copies of each of the following shall accompany `his submitral in order for the application tube considered complete: (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) sitial_s 1. A current Site _Sap from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and imperious surfaces should be clearly noted. i2. a summary of Analytical _monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports_ The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data. i 3. A summary of, Visual Mon for rig results. Do not submit indiv dual moni ring reports_ The summary can consist of a Lble �nic.udmg such items as oL*tfall number, parameters surveyed, observations, and date motoring conducted_ 1 4. A summar of the Beni Management Practices a lized at the permitted facility. SttT-nary should consist of a short narrative descnpdoa of each B_T's in place at the facility. if the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include iaformarion on these B_LT's. �. snort -a•; anve des=nbmg any srgnLicaat chalge5 m mQ1Sr"ial acriVlhes at tune permitted faciLry. Sign�cant changes could include the addition or deletion of worn processes, changes in material handLrg practices, c ham -es m material storage practices, and/or changes in raw materials used by the facility. 6. C. cation of the development and mplementation of a Stormwater PoLut on Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form). Lf the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to —amg the r newal submital, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted w thin 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab resrtLu). W \ CENTURY FURNITURE March 14, 2014 NC DENR - Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal - Stormwater Permitting Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1612 Arm.: Mr. Bradley Bennett — Stormwater Permitting Unit Re: Submittal of Stormwater Permit Renewal Application Facility [name: Century Furniture — Plant 3 Certificate of Coverage: IVCGI80064 Dear Mr. Bennett: In reference to your letter of January 16 regarding the August 31 expiration of the referenced facility's stormwater permit, the stormwater permit renewal application is being submitted for your review and approval. The NC DENR renewal application forms were completed as required. Two copies of the application are provided in this submittal. Additionally, since a corporate ownership name change occurred in May 2013 that involved this facility, I have included a copy of the permit name / ownership change form previously submitted to the NC DENR-D WQ Section in this submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 828-326-8376 or 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely, Dennis B. Tart Environmental Engineer Century Furniture, LLC PO Box 608 Hickory, NC 28603 Permit Coverage Renewal Application Form National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Individual Permit NPDES Permit Number NCG 180000 / COC 180064 .se provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided Dw and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. ner Information ier / Organization Name ier Contact: lina Address: ne Number Number: sail address ,ility Information ility Name: ility Physical Address ility Contact: ling Address: ne Number: Number: sail address: mit Information nit Contact: ling Address: ne Number: Number: sail address: charge Information eiving Stream: !am Class: -Basin: nber of Outralls: * Address to wnich permit correspondence will be mailed CENTURY FURNITURE, LLC KEITH NIC:HOLS kn ich ols@centu ryf um itu re. com CEN TURY FURNITURE - PLANT 3 3086 MAIN AVEENUE NW HICKORY, NC 29801 DENNIS TART P.O. BOX 608 HICKORY, NC 28603 828- 326 - 8376 denni5Lart@centuryfumitLre.com DENNIS TART dennistart@centuryfumiture.com LONG VIEW MSSS TO CAIAWBA RIVER T cell :ility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of ,your permit. Attached a arate sheet if necessary. one. RTIFICATION !rtify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief h information is true, complete and accurate. nature Print or type name of person signing above Date 3 // y Titie SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal Please return this completed application form Stormwater Permitting Program and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 SliPPLEIfE V I ? I L�IFORVLATION REQL�IIRED FOR RENEW A-L. OF 1NDfVIDU.A-L NPDES STORNIWATER PERVIIT Facilirv: Century Furniture - Plant 3 General Permit No.: NCG130000 Certificate of Coverage: NC0130064 Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete` (Do not submit the site Swrmwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Initials J 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas; process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures; drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. u L 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as ourfall number, parameters sampled; lab results, date sampled; and storm event data. 1 j 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted. �I 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include information on these BMP's. 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. w 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sian and return attached form). If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results). Division of Water Quality / Surface Water Protection National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Receivetl Year Month Day Please enter the permit number for which the change is requested. N'PDES Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N I C $ 10 N C G I 1 1 8-176 0 6 3 Permit status prior to requested change. a. Permit issued to (company name): CV Industries Century Furniture b. Person legally responsible for permit: Terry Jennings First MI Last Plant Manager 'title 401 11n' Street N"' Permit Iiolder Mailing Address Hickory NC 28601 City State Zip (828)328-1851 Phone Fax c. Facility name (discharge): Century Furniture- Plant 2 d. Facility address: 420 27th Street NW Address Hickory NC 28601 ' City State %ip e. Facility contact person: Dennis B. Tart (828)- 326-8376 First / MI / Last Phone 111. Please provide the following for the requested change (revised permit). a. Request for change is a result of: Change in ownership of the facility.* [� Name change of the facility or owner If other please explain: *please see cover letter attached. b. Permit issued to (company name): Century Furniture, LLC c. Person legally responsible for permit: Tem, .lenninss First MI Last Plant Manager Title P. O. Boa 608 Permit Holder Mailing Address Hickory NC 28603 cilA, Stale Zip (828) 326-8384 terrvjennings(a-)centurvfumiture.com Phone E-mail Address d. Facility name (discharge): Century Furniture - Plant 2 e. Facility address: 426 27`' Street NM' Address Hickory NC 28601 Cite State Zip f. Facility contact person: Dennis B Tar First MI Last (828) 326-8376 dennistartn,centurvfurniture.com Phone E-mail Address Revised 2012Aor23 NPDES PERMIT NAME/OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM Page 2 of 2 IV. Permit contact information (if different from the person legally responsible for the permit) V Permit contact: Dennis B Tart First MI Last Environmental Engineer Title P. O. Box 608 Mailin.- Address Hickory NC 28603 Cite Stale Zip (828)-326-8376 dennistart n,centuryfurniture.com Phone H-mail Address Will the permitted facility continue to conduct the same industrial activities conducted prior to this ownership or name change? IYJ Yes ❑ No (please explain) VI Required Items: TUTS APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED UNPROCESSED IF ITEMS ARE INCOMPLETE OR MISSING: [� This completed application is required for both name change and/or ownership change requests. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as relevant pages of a contract deed. or a bill of sale) is required for an ownership change request. Articles of incorporation are not sufficient for an ownership change. . The certifications below must be completed and signed by both the permit holder prior to the change. and the new applicant in the case of an ownership change request. I -or a name change request, the signed Applicant's Certification is sufficient. PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION (Permit holder prior to ownership change): I. attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. f'G //, A,— G/I\ A-5 Sienature Date APPLICANT CERTIFICATION L , attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that il'all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be returned as Sienature Date PLEASE SEND THE COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKAGE'r0: Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 Revised 71200E Permit No. NCG 180000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVTRONNIENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG180000 TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIVIINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, this permit is hereby issued to all owners or operators, hereafter permittees, which are covered by this permit as evidenced by receipt of a Certificate of Coverage by the Environmental Management Commission to allow the discharge of stormwater to the surface waters of North Carolina or separate storm sewer systems conveying stormwater to surface waters in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. Coverage under this General Permit is applicable to all owners or operators of stormwater point source discharges associated with activities classified as establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing Furniture and Fixtures [standard industrial classification (SIC) 25] or Wood Kitchen Cabinets [standard industrial classification (SIC) 2434]; and like activities deemed by the division of Water Quality to be similar in the process and/or the exposure of raw materials, products, by-products, or waste materials. The General Permit shall become effective on September 1, 2009. The General Permit shall expire at midnight on August 31, 2014. Signed this day July 7, 2009. / Coleen H. Sullins, Director ll Division of Water Quality By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission z &A-*) r *'Z STATE OF NORTH CAROLNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG180000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCGIS0063 STOR-NIWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCFL�RGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CV Industries Century Furniture is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Century Furniture 420 27"' Street NW Hickory Catawba County to receiving waters designated as Longview MSSS to Frye Creek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of the General Pen -nit as attached. This certificate of cove rage shall become effective April 21, 2010, This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 21, 2010_ for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission CENTURY FURNITURE« June 4, 201 NC DENR - Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,. NC 27699-1617 Ann.: Mr. Bradley Bennett Re: Corporate Ownership Change Notification Century Furniture - Plant 2, Pennit No.: NCG 180000 / COC No. NCG180063 Dear Mr. Bennett: Due to a corporate ownership change, a completed Stormwater NC DENR-DWQOwnership Change Form for the referenced facility is submitted for your use and files. Legal documentation supporting the corporate owner change is included in this submittal. Though not provided in the issued permit, for clarification purposes, the facility name provided in Sections 11 c. and III d is listed as: Century Furniture — Plant 2. Effective May 26. 201 3, Century Furniture - Plant 2. was no longer owned by CV Industries; Inc. Century Furniture - Plant 2 is now owned by RHF Investments. Inc. As discussed with Ms. Bethany Georgoulias of NC DENR-DWQ, in Section III b. of the completed form,_ the company name (Corporate Operator) is listed as Century Furniture, LLC. However. the real property owner of the referenced facility is RHF Investments, Inc. The Century Furniture. LLC and R14F Investments. Inc. addresses are provided as follows: Corporate Phvsical Address: 401 11 th Street NW Hickory, NC 28601 Corporate Mailing .Address: PO Box 608 Hickory. NC 28603 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 828-326-8376 or 828-855-5521 (cell). Thank you. Sincerely. B � - Dennis B. Tart / Environmental Engineer Century Furniture, LLC•PO Box 608•Hickory, NCO28603 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: Eloise D. Bradshaw PATRICK, HARPER & DIXON L.L.P. P. O. Box 218, Hickory, NC 28603 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CATAWBA REVENUE $ N/A THIS DEED made this 210'day of May, 2013, by and between CV Industries, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, 401 I1`h Street NW, Hickory, North Carolina 28601, Grantor, and RHF Investments, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, 401 11�' Street NW, Hickory, North Carolina 28601, Grantee. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does remise, release, convey, and forever quitclaim unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, all right, title, claim and interest of the Grantor, if any, in and to that certain lot or parcel of land situate in Catawba County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. The Grantor makes no warranty, express or implied, as to title to the property hereinabovc described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be signed in its company name by its managers the day and year first above written. USE BLACK INK ONLY State of North Carolina County of Catawba CV Industries Inc. By. —�� (SEAL) rd L. eese, Chief Financial Officer 1, a Notary Public, certify that Richard L. Reese personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Chief Financial Officer, a North Carolina corporation, and that he, as Chief Financial Officer, being authorized to do so, voluntarily executed the foregoing on behalf of the corporation. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this L1-�r day of May, 2013. My Commission Expires: 0 M5 Notary's Pointed or Typed Name ?y� \OTAy) z- i AVB 00 �C' '��9�eq COUN�.•�• Exhibit A Tract A PIN 2793-20-91-SI94 1230 3rd Avenue NW Hickory, NC 28601 BEGINNING at a 0.05-foot square rod located at a southwestern corner of that property, now or formerly, belonging to Century Furniture Co. (Deed Book 1643 at Page 815, Catawba County Registry), said square rod being located North 84 degrees 34 minutes 48 seconds West 247.26 feet from a found mag nail at the approximate centerline of the intersection of 3`d Avenue, N.W. and 12`h Street Drive, N.W.; thence from point of BEGINNING and with the approximate margin of 3`d Avenue, N.W., North 88 degrees 18 minutes 03 seconds West 125.06 feet to a 0.06-foot rod; thence South 03 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West 26.48 feet to a point near the northern margin of 3" Avenue, N.W.; thence North 88 degrees 04 minutes 57 seconds West 16.61 feet to a 0.05-foot rebar, said rebar being a southeastern comer of that property, now or formerly, belonging to Century Furniture Co. (Deed Book 1645 at Page 815, Catawba County Registry); thence with the Century Furniture Co. line, North 01 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds East 205.50 feet to a 0.05-foot rebar; thence continuing with Century Furniture Co., South 86 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East 142.46 feet to a set 0.04-foot rebar at a bent 0.08- foot pipe; thence with Century Furniture Co., South 01 degrees 47 minutes 24 seconds West 174.62 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING and containing 0.5885 of an acre, more or less, and being all of Lot Nos. 44 and 45 and a portion of Lot No. 43 of the Town Lots known as H. F. Elliott Property and being shown in Plat Book 1 at Page 15, Catawba County Registry. The above description was taken from a survey prepared by Bradshaw Surveying Company, dated December 03, 2007 and being in Field Book 224, Map File 985. For reference to the chain of title, see the deeds recorded in Book 2995 at Page 400 and Book 2022 at Page 2025, Catawba County Registry. A map showing the above -described property is recorded in Plat Book 1 page 15. Tract B PIN 2793-05-89-3350-0008 1631 101h Street Place NW Hickory, NC 28601 TRACT NO. 1 BEING all that condominium unit shown and referred to as Unit No. 8 of Lakeland Ridge Condominiums, according to a plat prepared by John C. Vaughn, R.L.S., dated June 11, 1982, and recorded in Plat Book 17 at Page 292, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Catawba County, to which plat reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description. 3 TRACT NO. 1I An undivided .76923% interest as tenant in common in and to the common areas and facilities as referred to in "Article V" of the Declaration of The Lakeland Ridge Condonniums, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Catawba County, North Carolina in Deed Book 1290 at Page 133 through 160, inclusive, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said common areas and facilities. This condominium unit is hereby conveyed for use only as a single-family residential dwelling and for no other purpose and is restricted to said use. Further, this conveyance is made subject to the benefits, rights, privileges, obligations, easements, restrictions, conditions, and other terms set forth in the "By -Laws of Lakeland Ridge Condominiums," a true copy of which is recorded in Book 1290 at Page 140 and following, Catawba County Registry, and is incorporated herein by reference. Tract C PIN 2793-14-22-8704 535 27`h Street NW Hickory, NC 28601 Century Leasing, LLC Upholstery Plant - Western Tract - 3.977 acres Beginning at a'/2 inch existing iron pipe set in the western margin of the pavement of 27'h Street Northwest, said point of beginning being located North 04' 04' 52" East 291.67 feet from an existing railroad spike, and said point of beginning also being the Northeastern corner of the property of Fendrich Industries, Inc. described in a deed recorded in Book 1136, Page 592, Catawba County Registry; thence with the line of Fendrich Industries North 86' 02' 45" West 174.96 feet to a '/2 inch existing iron pipe set in the Eastern margin of the property of Fendrich Industries, Inc. described in a deed recorded in Book 955, Page 622, Catawba County Registry; thence with the line of Fendrick Industries (Book 955, Page 622) for two (2) calls: (1) North 03' 55' 45" East 58.20 feet to a iron pipe set; (2) North 86' 04' 15" West 349.40 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set, which iron pipe is located South 80' 49' 26" West 182.00 feet from GPS Point (#CF06), North = 732,604.17, E=1,292,532.77, said iron pipe also being located in the line of the property of the City of Hickory described in a deed recorded in Book 978, Page 377; thence with the line of the City of Hickory for three (3) calls: (1) North 56' 30' 28" East 406.37 feet to a cotton gin spike set; (2) thence North 85' 48' 15" West 148.94 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set; (3) North 04' 15' 00" East 195.41 feet to a concrete monument found, GPS Point (#CF05), N=733,005.16 feet, E=1,292,557.93 feet; thence South 85' 54' 01" East 350.16 feet to a concrete nail set; thence South 850 48' 15" East 26.00 feet to a concrete nail set in the pavement of 27°1 Street Northwest; thence South 04' 17' 45" West 196.00 feet to a concrete nail set; thence North 85' 48' 15" West 26.00 feet to a concrete nail set in the Western margin of the pavement of 27'h Street Northwest; thence South 03' 49' 22" West 75.00 feet to a concrete nail set; thence South 03' 49' 22" West 171.01 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence South 03149' 22"West 58.28 feet to a inch existing iron pipe, the point of beginning, and containing 3.977 acres, more or less, 4 according to a survey dated April 11, 2001, by K. D. Suttles, P.L.S., to which survey reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description. Tract D PIN 2793-14-32-0863 420 27`h Street NW Hickory, NC 28601 Tract 1 Century Leasing, LLC Upholstery Plant - Eastern Tract - 8.497 acres Beginning at a concrete monument located North 49056'47" East 30.35 feet from a PK nail set in the centerline of the intersection of Fifth Avenue Northwest and 271h Street Northwest, thence North 04°10'58" East 587.07 feet to a concrete nail reset; thence North 17°29'07" East 26.03 feet to a point located in the Southeastern margin of the right-of- way for 8`h Avenue Northwest; thence with the Southeastern margin of the right-of-way of 8`h Avenue Northwest for eight (8) calls: (1) North 22°37'17" East 33.55 feet to a point; (2) North 29° l4'20" East 18.95 feet to a point; (3) North 36°48'07" East 35.99 feet to a point; (4) North 45°32'00" East 40.50 feet to a point; (5) North 52043'08" East 27.55 feet to a point; (6) North 52°21'04" East 18.60 feet to a point; (7) North 56°46'52" East 99.44 feet to a point; (8) North 57°08' 11" East 31.45 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in the line of the property of the City of Hickory described in Book 939, Page 497; thence South 84°27'03" East 33.71 feet to an existing 1 inch iron pipe, which iron pipe is located North 17°32'24" East 58.24 feet from GPS Point (#CF08), North = 733,169.09, E = 1,293,189.57; thence South 78°18'03"East 583.55 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in the Western margin of Lauren Place Subdivision, Phase Two, recorded in Plat Book 46, Page 89; thence with the line of Laurel Place Subdivision, Phase Two for two (2) calls: (1) South 01°48'57" West 85.00 feet to a 1 inch existing flat iron; (2) South 01°48'57" West 149.48 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in the Northern mare of the right-of-way of 7`h Avenue Northwest; thence with the rigbt-of-way of 7" Avenue Northwest North 85143'24" West 360.76 feet to a control monument found, a control monument for Block "D" of the Z. W. Brown Subdivision, recorded in Plat Bok 8, Page, 38; thence with the line of Block "D" of the Brown Subdivision for eight (8) calls: (1) North 85°43'24" West 230.00 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set; (2) South 08°49'03"East 46.43 feet to a'`/z inch iron pipe set; (3) South 12°42'03" East 69.91 feet to an existing 3/4 inch iron pipe; (4) South 12°42'03" East 8.24 feet to a'/z inch iron pipe set; (5) South 13°03'03" East 104.04 feet to a''/3 inch iron pipe set; (6) South 02°04'03" Fast 101.00 feet to a'/z inch iron pipe set; (7) thence South 04°53'03" East 101.08 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set; (8) South 029700" West 100.00 feet to a point located in a creek, which point is located North 79°52'08" West 160.06 feet from a concrete nail set in the intersection of 5`' Avenue Northwest and 261h Street N.W.; thence North 86°15'43" West 331.50 feet to a concrete monument, the point of beginning, and containing 8.497 acres, more or less, according to a survey dated April 11, 2001 by K.D. Suttles, P.L.S., to which survey reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description. Tract 2 Century Leasing, LLC Upholstery Plant - Eastern Tract - 0.155 acres Beginning at a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in the Northwestern margin of the right-of-way for 81h Avenue Northwest, thence North 04°10'58" East 117.18 feet to a point inside the airport fence, a corner to the property of the City of Flickory described in a deed recorded in Book 926, Page 61, Catawba County Registry; thence with the line of the City of Hickory South 84°27'03" East 126.60 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe set in the Northwestern margin of the right-of-way for 8 h Avenue Northwest; thence with the Northwestern margin of the right-of-way for 8th Avenue Northwest for four (4) calls: (1) South 56°46'52" West 70.32 feet to a point; (2) thence South 52°21'04" West 20.53 feet to a point; (3) South 52°02'55" West 33.49 feet to a point; (4) South 45'05'11" West 46.69 feet to a 3/4 iron pipe set, the point of beginning, and containing 0.155 acres, more or less, according to a survey dated April 11, 2001 by K. D. Suttles, P.L.S., to which survey reference is hereby made for greater certainty of description. Tract E PIN 2793-20-91-2884 433 12'h Street Drive NW Hickory, NC 28601 Being the same property having a tax map number of 491-1-1-1 and a PIN of 2793-20-91-2884 in the Office of the Catawba County Tax Collector described as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGNNING at an iron stake, the northwest corner of the intersection of 12'h Street Drive N.W. and P.Avenue N.W. in the City of Hickory, North Carolina, and running thence with the northern margin of 3'a Avenue N.W., North 870 36' West 220 feet to an iron stake, Jack Beck's southeast corner; thence with Jack Beck's eastern line North 1° 57' East 175.50 feet to an iron stake, Jack Beck's northeast comer; thence with Jack Beck's northern line North 86' 30' West 252 feet to an iron stake in the line of Century Furniture Company; thence with the line of Century Furniture Company North 701 52' East 369.93 feet to an iron stake in the western margin of 12a' Street Drive N.W.; thence with the western margin of 12'h Street Drive N.W., South 19' 50' East 341.50 feet to the place of the Beginning. Being a portion of Tax Map 4911, Block 1, Lot 1. For reference to the chain of title see deeds recorded in Book 1645 at Page 815, Book 1233 at Page 979, Book 1218 at Page 441, Book 1211 at Page 499, Book 160 at Page 321, Book 370 at Page 495, and Book 292 at Page 447 at Catawba County Registry. 0 TRACT TWO: BEGINNiN'G at an iron pin in the northern margin of 3rd Avenue N.W., Hickory, North Carolina, the southwest comer of Lot 43 of the Town Lots of West Hickory, according to a plat of survey recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 15, Catawba County Registry, and running thence with the eastern line of Century Furniture Company, North 181 36' West 222.49 feet to an iron stake, a common corner with Century Furniture Company and George Realty Company, Inc.; thence with George Realty Company, Inc., southern line (formerly W. P. Austin) South 86' 30' East 109.61 feet to an iron stake, a new corner; thence a new line South V 58' West 205.47 feet to an iron stake in the northern margin of 3`d Avenue N.W.; thence with the northern margin of 3`d Avenue N.W. North 87' 55' West 31.39 feet to the place of Beginning and being a part of Lot 43 of the Town Lots of West Hickory according to a plat of survey recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 15, Catawba County Registry. Being a portion of Tax Map 49H, Block 1, Lot 1. For reference to the chain of title see deeds recorded in Book 1645 at Page 815, Book 1233 at Page 979, Book 1218 at Page 441, Book 1213 at Page 221, and Book 184 at Page 21, Catawba County Registry. TRACT THREE BEGINNING at an iron pin in the western margin of 12d' Street Drive N.W.; the same marking the northeast corner of the property of George Realty Company, Incorporated as heretofore conveyed to the said George Realty Company by the grantor herein and running thence South 39' 05' East with 12'h Street Drive N.W. 105.17 feet to an iron pin; thence South 27' 16' East with the said western margin of 12`h Street Drive N.W. 1034.42 feet to a point; thence continuing with the curvature of the western margin of said 12`h Street Drive N.W., the following calls and distances: South 26' 30' East 49.08 feet; South 24' 58' East 49.08 feet; South 23' 26' East 49.08 feet; South 21' 54' East 49.08 feet; South 20 ° 22' East 49.08 feet, South 18' 50' East 49.08 feet; and South 18' 05' East 44.10 feet to a point in William P. Austin's northern line, which said point is South 72' 23' West 6.85 feet from an iron pin in the western margin of 12d' Street Drive N.W., Austin's northeast corner, the said 6.85 feet representing an offset or variance in the width of 12'h Street Drive N.W.; thence from said point South 72' 23' West with Austin's northern line 363.1 feet, more or less, to an iron pin, Austin's northwest corner thence South 17' 10' East with Austin's western line 222.42 feet to a point in the northern margin of a 30 foot street believed to be a section of 3`d Avenue N.W.; thence North 851 41' West with the northern margin of said 30 foot street 550.18 feet to a point; thence North 00 3.5' West with the eastern line of George Realty Company, Incorporated (known as Merchant Distributors, Incorporated Property) 1322.90 feet to an iron pin; thence with a curve having an intersection angle of 45' 55', a radius of 277.9 feet, a chord length of 222.70 feet and bearing North 22' 53' East 216.79 feet to an iron pin, the said curve being in the eastern line of the George Property; thence North 45° 50' East with the George line 84.84 feet to an iron pin; thence North 530 27' East with the George line 22.5 feet to the point of the Beginning, the boundary so described containing approximately 19.3 acres. Being a portion of Tax Map 49H, Block 1, Lot 1. 7. Included in this conveyance are all rights', privileges, duties and obligations pertaining to a certain easement more fully described in the deed recorded in Book 632 at Page 153, Catawba County Registry. EXCEPTED from the foregoing conveyance are the tracts described in the deeds recorded in Book 968 at Page 390, Book 862 at Page 272, and Book 1234 at Page 375, all of which have been previously conveyed by Valdese Weavers, Inc. to George Realty Company, Inc. For reference to chain of title see deeds recorded in Book 1645 at Page 815, Book 632 at Page 153, Corporation Book 5 at Page 171, Book 377 at Page 55, and Book 274 at Page 74, Catawba County Registry. AGM NC® NR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Dee Freeman Director Secretary April 21, 2010 Kim Wiles CV Industries Century Furniture PO Box 608 Hickory, NC 28603 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Century Furniture COC Number NCG 180063. Catawba County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under the Stornlwater General Pennit the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued Certificate of Coverage and stormwater General Pennit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended.) The following information is included with your permit package: • A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of the stormwater General Permit • A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the General Permit • Five copies of the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form • Five copies of the Annual Discharge Monitoring Report Form (if applicable) • Five copies of the Qualitative Monitoring Report Form The General Permit authorizes discharges of stormwater only, and it specifics your obligations with respect to stormwater discharge controls, management, monitoring, and record keeping. Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself with all the changes in the reissued permit. The significant changes made are outlined iu the Technical Bulletin, which is attached. Your coverage under the General Permit is transferable only through the specific action of DWQ. Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807.63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877 623-6748 Internet: w .ncwaterquality.org North Carolina An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR, nor doe it relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact the DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit at 919- 807-6300. Sincerely, h�/& for Coleen H. Sullins cc: DWQ Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Mooresville Regional Office STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALI"I'Y GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG180000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCGIS0063 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL 13OLLUTANT DISCHARG E ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CV Industries Cenhiry Furniture is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Century Furniture 420 27'h Street NW Hickory Catawba County to receiving waters designated as Longview MSSS to Frye Creek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, 111, IV, V, and V1 of the General Permit as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective April 21, 2010. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 21, 2010. for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission t ,Mate of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director August 27, 1999 TERRY JENNINGS CUINDUSTRIES-CENTURY FURNITURE IND. PLT 2 P.O. BOX 608 HICKORY, NC 28603 Dear Permittee: NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: Reissue - NPDES Stormwater Permit CUIndustries-Century Furniture Ind. Plt 2 COC Number NCG180063 Catawba County In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCGI80000, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1981 The following information is included with your permit package: * A copy of general stormwater permit NCG180000 * A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) Certification Form. Completion of this form is required to certify that you have developed and implemented the SPPP as per the conditions of the permit. This form must be completed and returned to the Division within 30 days of receipt of this letter. DO NOT SEND the SPPP with the signed form. * Five copies of the Analytical Monitoring form and five copies of the Qualitative Monitoring form * A copy of a Technical Bulletin on the Stormwater program which outlines program components and addresses frequently asked questions * A corrected Certificate of Coverage if you indicated a name change on the Renewal Application Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Bill Mills of the Central Office Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 548 Sincerely, for Kerr T. Stevens Director, Division of Water Quality cc: Central Files Mooresville Regional Office 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919.733-5083 FAX 919.733.9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG180000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG180063 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CUINDUSTRIES-CENTURY FURNITURE IND. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at CUINDUSTRIES-CENTURY FURNITURE IND. 420 27TH ST. NW HICKORY CATAWBA COUNTY to receiving waters designated as Longview MSSS to Frye Creek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, II. III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG180000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 27, 1999. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day August 27, 1999. for Kerr Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 9, 1995 Steve Lockhart Shuford Industries Plant 2 P.O. Box 608 Hickory, NC 28603 EWA AAE&JA Wk IL EDFEE HNR Subject: General Permit No. NCG 180000 Shuford Industries Plant 2 COC NCG180063 Catawba County Dear Steve Lockhart: In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on March 24, 1995, we are —=-- - forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any question concerning this permit, please contact MR. BILL MILLS at telephone number 919/733-5083. cc: Mooresville Regional Office P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely, Original Sig`ed By Coleen H. Sullins A. Preston Howard, Jr. P.E. Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG180000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG180063 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Shuford Industries/Century Furniture Industries is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Plant #2 (Upholstery) 420 27th Street, N.W. Hickory Catawba County to receiving waters designated as the Town of Longview Storm Sewer System and Frye Creek in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I,11, 111 and IV of General Permit No. NCG180000 as attached. This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective June 9, 1995. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day June 9, 1995. Coicen a. r5L! 715 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission I\Vl\111 VHRVLI IN 7.5 MINUTE.SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) °62 25' ,.p�°63 {°64 1290000 FEET 1°65. 811*22'30 j�> 't.Tf o MlliS ..1I n55 D / - V'y. �� .%Reciea k3wnr i 7300 FEET .FEET '(�� — V� � \ ,���`Sf 1,;tOS* .. ' =� 3-'`\\7t11 ❑. „'+ w � .,� 3 T1 ilk U�. . �`1'ii ��..`� � -� ¢ MAI •.� � 3 i� y�/4„V ,� � F� 1 f iJ° 1 ^:. � / l._ ✓+' 4 i yra f�t oJ 'S: NIR— \\\5 h v� ��� �1 42'30 1 � cd •1 �� 2. '� L� o• !� t: _ :s\ (( `J ` t �\. �� 3951 ��•"V1,�— FACILITY CO.UPTY eat ba Y NPDES NEAP f 6 13 A(IJ DSN FLOW r�/fi SUB BASIN LATTITUDE LONGITUDE RECL'.iV!fvG STREAM dacJ �{drm �e�.iec B o STRF:;; l CLASS DISC;- ARGE CLASS EXPIRATION DATE 0-6.31-q% A i CLNTUR ' I U-RNITUR Iune4. %0i3 NC DENR - Division of Ware- 012,ali7v Sur:ace wale -?rote -ion Sectoa i 61" Mail Service Center naleicd NC 27699-1617 Atni. Mr. Bradley Beanert Fe: Corporate Ownership Change tio:: ficaiio.n Cenry Fummiure - Plant 2. ernut No.: NCGISS0000 ,' COC' NG.'.CG.SOOSS a Dear. M,. Benner Due to a comorare ownership change, a completed Stornwai— NC DEti'R-DWO Owmers',ip Chanae ^Orin for the referenced faclliry is submitted for 4OnT use and Isles. Legal documentauon supporiina the corporate owner change is 'mcludcd in this subPa-1`u31.-lb0'-'ah not provided in the issued pe ai for clarification pu_poses, the facility name provided in Sections II c. and III d is listed as: Cen-, ry Fumiti:re — Plant 2. E�iective Mav 26. 20I3. Cenh� ,' Fursi ure - Plant 2, A,ar no longer owned by C�' Industries, Inc. Cent: ry Furniture - Piani 2 is now ow ed by R: Investmen,s, Inc. a-s digcLL—,sed cith Ms. Be,hanv Geo-Qouhas of NC DEN: -D wQ, it Section a! b, of the completed form, the company name (CornOrate OD-aior) is listed as Cent':.i}' FLLI711nire, LI.C. HOweVei; the real y710 pe<<y owner OF the referenced facility is R--TL Investments, inc. ? ne Century Fumiwe, LLC and PELF nvecunents, L-tc. addresses re provided as follovvE: Ceroorate Phvsicai Address: 401 i Itb Street Nrn- ilicko-v'. NC 28601 Coroorate Mailing Address: PO Box 608 Fickory. NC 28603 f vOu hive any questions or need aidinonai irfoTmahon, picas, contact me ai 828-326-S376 or S28-S33-;;21 (cei ) Thank yorL S ncerei�'. Dennis B. Tar. i Er_vuo=enta! Eng nee-, Ceniury Furniture; LLC•FO Box b08°Hickor; tiC°23b0= Dnisiou of Water Quaiir Surface' ater P: utec ioe : 7r+GENCY use cNr. r ace ze=v� ar NCN 1. .:av I e� � ......... a:iOn-1 Pohl?ta t DiS_�1cSce-n1L.:i7aiiJ4i... I ......... ... :$�.�1_.. PERMIT NAMEIOWNERSNIP CHANGE FORM Please enter the Werra;: number for waica the caan2e is requested. NPDES Permit on Cer 5cse of Covm-ae NL,C!S!01 ! l NIC GI':j8'0;0 61.3' II. Permit status pr'or to requested change. a_ Permit issued to (comoary name): b. Person legaLv responsible for Perm:-. c. Facility name (discharge): d. Faciii address: e. Facility contact person: C� ndus Is CenPury Furniture Ter: v fetlIIiL25 Firs. �v� Las - Plant yi naize: P,r'e 401 11 a Sheet -VW ?=u Bolder Maihniz Address Hickory NC 285Gi Cir: Stare Lm Phone FaN Century Fu7uirure — Ptant 2 20 2?rh Street \W ,ddress ckory NC 28601 ciry Sra.Ce Zip Dennis B. Tart S)- 326-8376 First % N7 l Last Phone M. Please provide the foiloweng for the requested change (revised permit). a. Request for change is a result of: � f✓ Cbarge in ocvner';ip of the faciht,;. LVName change of the faci ;ry or owner ljor,her please explain: '-lease see cover letter attached o. Permit issued to (company name): Cencurn FurmmTe, LLC c. Person legally responsible for Permit Terry Jennings First Mi Lau. Plan: Manager Tide P. O. Box 608 Permh nold>_r Mailk.� Address 'rLick:o INC 28603 city Stan Zip (828)326-8384 tervleanin_ssnccenr=4u,aue.com Phone E-:ail Address d_ Facd r, name (d;scharp): Century Fut-urure — Plant 2 Facility address: 420 27'b Street YW 4ddress F ckO N NC -8601 S�e Zip :. Fac lir: contact oe,,on: Dennis B Tart rrs. :vfl T 8 8i =?^ 8=76 dennsascaceanuvumn�e om Phone E-mai: .".ddr-ss N 'nE_ =EE,;yll NAMEOWNEP.Si'i^r NGE :_: RM 1ti . Permit contact informanOn Y r d1i '^L Om mepeSJ^ ie_Q'a�i! resi)OIIS Ole tOr �ihe permit) Perm: contact: Dennis B Tan F,rs K Lasi cnvi-onmen'aJ `ille P. O. Box 603 `faiiinz Address biickory NC 7-&6v Cih stale Zip 323}326-3376 dens szJ�,Dcentur-w i, n ru*e.com P4one E-mail Address F ili the permitted facility continue to conduct the same imiustrial activities conducted prior to this ownership or name change' e<_ No (please explain) `,q Required Items: THIS APPLICATIOti WML RE RETLP�NLD UNPROCESSED IF ITEMS .j.RE LNCOMPLETE OR NLISSENG: This completed appllcaiion 1s r-quired for both ❑2^e change aodior ownership change requests. _ I-e_�al documentation of the transfer of ownership (such as relevant pages of a contract deed; or a bill of saie) is required fcr an ownership change request. Articles of Zlcorporation are of suftcient for an ov nersiiip change. . ..................................................................................................................... The certifications below must be completed and signed by both the permit holder prior to the change; and the new applicant hi the case of an ownership change request. For a ❑ame charge request, the signed Applicant's Certification is sufficient. PER UTTEE CERTMCATIOR' (Permit holder prior to ownership change): ?, . attest that this application for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and comple.-- to the best of my knowledge. t understand that if all required pars of this application a e not completed and that if all required supporting information is not included, this application package will be retuned as uncoratilere. . /%z, Signature Date 42PLIC _ T CERTIFICATION an--st Thai this aoplicanon for a name/ownership change has been reviewed and is accurate and compiete to the best of my knowledge. 1 unde sand.ha: if all required parts of this application are not completed and that If all. reauired supoortmg information is not includev this application package will be -erurned as incomplete. A ji=t;ature C�i\\f\-�� Date PLEASE SEND THE COtNTLETE APPLICATIOiN PACKAGE TO: Division of water Quality Surface WaL.r Protection SectlOn 1617 Mail Service Center leivh, North Carolina. 27699-161 7ATE OF 140FAH GUTOLYA Df-sioN Gr "7q*,-7-R Qu_ 71 GIN RAL PE NFIT NO. NCGIS0000 i_ RTIMlylOFCOti-EB.kGTNo.tiCGIM05S TOR(W !_RDISC:-`.RG:S ti-�IIOit_ii. POL:L�CT-.T DIS&LiRC EIMM" kllO i lYS7715 in wrnp&nCe w-ith dle orovislo❑ cf NCGi 'Ca-,oiina General StENTe i'=r- 15crl;er iah'U standards aid Te^.liatic CS 'pToi-,uNne^ and adoped Ov u e NQnn Wo1ina Envwonnaenia •' Management COliimission, and t,e Federal ware, ?cif icn CC7-.73i ?ci, as amencea, c; 1Ldus-=es CenuunYta.'1:IDre. is hereby amhcri2`c.. io d:schaSge sIolcT:'%v3t`_r .i Cm 2 `acilJt', locateC at Cennary FurnizuTe 4')0 2T" SueetNW Hickory Catawba County io receivin_ waters dwig hied as 1,0119v ievI I'YtSSS to PNe Greet: in the Catawba RNeT Basin is accordance ,with the eiiweni llmitahons, moih:ioring TegUire,ments, and other conditions Set Porch in Pal -Ls :, II M, lV, V, and VI o`the General Permit as attacked. This ceaificate o`coverLV shali become effective .April 21, 2010- This Ce; d:cate of Coverage shalt Temain in 010 for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 21, 2010. fur Col --en 1;. Sullins, D rector Division of Waxer Qdaliry By , _u horicv of the -nvironmenal Management Commission North Un—Named Branch flowing to Fry Creek I�f Gt des '.vel Hickory Regional Air Port Paved 4r%b �nkrn MN 40 it Pav c I i Grass I I Paved i i i Grass �I kale ;' 1;%32" Fit'. i Ou fall µ 1 Outfali �-2 Outfall 3 Sq. FFootage`3�_8 >;� :Sc�. 1''oota�;e i 0� C)0_- - Sq. Footage < < 22_,68E�_--_ Irn ervioizs p 28,.E : Irt;Y�er°vious r '' --I t�==-- Impervious -7T,252--- Pervious 24,_9_; Pervious -8,' �8. -- Pervious 155 �3 - % Impervious lrriperviol�s _-- 1 _"�- - . Imperviouso__-_-- Single family Housing Grass Oi,Lf 11 #4 4 c l ) o t are 1 2?6 677 Iir r,c vious _68,079- F e b8,598 r i� aervious _ 0 7 Grass Surface flow / eventually / to Fry Creek Out} III MN 4@@IgS L1442 �I r'�1 ss �rra S