HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG160103_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20130724 (2)- STORMWA TER -DIVISION CODING SHEET RESCISSIONS . PERMIT NO.. DOC TYPE COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL DATE OF .RESCISSION ❑ : d�� 7j p� YYYYMMDD a �o r NZDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Thomas Reeder Governor Acting Director July 24, 2013 William Tomlinson APAC Atlantic Inc PO Box 6939 Asheville, NC 28816 Subject: Rescission of NPDES Stormwater Permit John Skvarla, III Secretary Certificate of Coverage Number NCG 160103 APAC Atlantic Inc Transylvania County . Dear Mr. Tomlinson: On 10/l/2012, the Division of Water Quality received your request to rescind your coverage under Certificate of Coverage Number NCG 160103. In accordance with your request, Certificate of Coverage Number NCG 160103 is rescinded effective immediately. Operating a treatment facility, discharging wastewater or discharging specific types of stormwater to waters of the State without valid coverage under an NPDES permit is against federal and state laws and could result in fines. If something changes and your facility would again require stormwater or wastewater discharge permit coverage, you should notify this office immediately. We will be happy to assist you in assuring the proper permit coverage. If the facility is in the process of being sold, you will be performing a public service if you would inform the new or prospective owners of their potential need for NPDES permit coverage. If you have questions about this matter, please contact Boyd DeVane at 919 807-6373, or the Water Quality staff in our Asheville Regional Office at 828-296-4500. Sincerely, for Thomas A. Reeder, Acting Director cc: Asheville Regional Office Stormwater Permitting Unit DWQ Central Files - w/attachments Fran McPherson, DWQ Budget Office - please waive applicable fees Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Ralegh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807.63001 FAX: 919.807-6494 Internet: w .ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer RECEI EVEV D JUL 2 6 2013 DwQ/Surface W to Protection Scction Aar,...:,, (�ne. r. STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year Z/,,2 General Permit No. NCG160000 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG16 fl /❑ O❑ 3❑❑ This monitoring report summary is due to the DWQ Regional Office no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives laboratory sampling results from the final sample of the calendar year. Facility Name: APAC /PeAtl RC Sp County: 7-/<'AlkJ5 K VAAJIA / Phone Number: ( 8'18) (lt6S /40 Total no. of SDOs monitored / Outfall No. Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Outfall Total Rainfall, inches 00530 00400 Vehicle Maintenance Activities TSS, mg/L pH, s.u. Method 1664A (SGT-HEM) Non -Polar O&G/ total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, m /L New:Motor Oil Usage, gal/month Benchmark N/A 100 6.0- 9.0 15 N/A Sample Collected moldd/yr M YkDate ,YrifT �t"a�'Ad xayY �nt a ub 1 A/D S ND l AG 11 0.3? S. l 9 N D I� is 11 II �i I�r 1 I ' ICI II s: III I f SEP 111 2012 1'L: l R � l AFI-LVILI OR -ICE "•"""LastRevised'7-1=2010 " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature U' Date 9 /-z /Z Mail Annual DMR Summary Reports to: DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 Central Office .........(919) 807-6300 ASHEN ILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828)296-4500 RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 771-5000 ---- — ------ ------ -- --- g FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE j MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 225 Green Street 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (910)433-3300 WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252)946-6481 CENTRAL OFFICE 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919)807-6300 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910)796-7215 10 70 presence, protect and enhartca North Carolina's water..." Last Revised 7-1-2010 Memo To File To: APAC NCG160103 Vulcan NCG020046 Author. Linda Wiggs Date: 2/10/2010 Re: APAC-Stormwater Discharge Outfall Results Exceed Benchmark Vulcan -Penrose agreeable to sample location On Feb.10, 2010 Greg Davis with APAC in Asheville called to report a benchmark exceedance of TSS at the APAC-Penrose facility. He wanted to know what I wanted him to do. I told him to follow the Tier I response, which he had already done to some extent. He explained that the stormwater from the asphalt facility at the Penrose location is collected and directed through an oil separator then discharged through a pipe conveyance to the Vulcan Quarry basin. The asphalt stormwater conveyance joins with the quarry stormwater conveyance system prior to discharging to the basin. This conveyance system is under ground and there is no way for the asphalt facility to sample their stormwater prior to it comingling with the quarry stormwater. I told him since his stormwater goes to the quarry basin that the actual stormwater discharge point is at the outfall of that basin, which is not necessarily representative of the asphalts stormwater since it is combined with the quarry discharge. So I told him to get to go ahead and do another sample event in the next month or two and'sample at the basin effluent. This will have to be worked out with Vulcan. However, the asphalts actual stormwater discharge point is at the basin discharge point. On Feb.10, 2010, spoke with Vulcan facility Mgr, David Cabe and told him what I recommended to APAC. David is ok with APAC sampling at the basin outfall and currently does not have any concerns with accepting APAC stormwater into their basin. I also mentioned to David that TSS is part of their Stormwater Discharge Monitoring requirement and needed to be monitored at Outfall 1. NOTE: Memo for both facilities S:\SWP\TransylvaniaZtormwater\NCG02 Mining\NCG020046 Vulcan PenroseVemo To FileFeb-2010.doc S:\SWP\Transylvania\Sto"water\NCG16 Asphaft Paving Mixtures\APAC Penrose NCG160103Vemo To FileFeb-2010.doc ATF� MlcUae�?Fi,Easleyi,�6nvereor�-..�..,, William G. Rass�Jr., Secretary QG North Carolina Department of Environrrl� at�jetal R ources \\Klimef�P.E Jar for Y Asheville Regional Office SURFACE WATER PROTECTION February 14, 2006 Mr. Greg Davis APAC — Atlantic, Inc. Post Office Box 6939 Asheville, North Carolina 28816 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspections APAC Atlantic Inc -Penrose Permit No: NCG160103 Transylvania County APAC Atlantic Inc -Hendersonville Permit No: NCG160104 Henderson County Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection forms from the inspections conducted on February 10 2006. Larry Frost of the Asheville Regional Office conducted the Compliance Evaluation Inspections. The facilities were found to be in Compliance with permits NCG160103 and NCG160104, respectively. Please refer to the enclosed inspection report for additional observations and comments. If you or your staff have any questions, please call me at 828-296-4500. Sincerely, La Frost, CPE vironmental Engineer Enclosure cc: Central Files NPDES Unit Asheville Files 0�' Nu)thCwohna �irtdrr�rl/� 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, NC 28778 Telephone: (828) 296-4500 Fax: (828) 299-7043 Customer Service 1 877 623-6748 Unitetl States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved. Washington, U.C. 20450 PA OMB No. 2040-0057 WaterCom Compliance Inspection Report Approval expires8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 I_1I 2 IsI 31 1ACG15ri1 C., I11 121 p5; O'i10 I17 181c1 191 201 I LJ Remarks 21IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII6 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA---------------------------Reserved- - 67I 169 70I II 711 I 721 n I 731I I 1 1 74 75I I I I I 180 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date POTW name and NPDES permit Number) LPhC `nr Penrose LG:00 AM G5/OY!1:1 oA /pi7/0'1. Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date fi.d; 61 r•.,. Penrose Quar r: Penrc::e NC i8?5r 10:`5 AV, OF 02i U1 09; n'ii it Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Numbers) Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Hit 1, PC ar.z 6?39 As he: ilie NC 98d15 2 Contacted Yes Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit ■ Facility Site Review Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Larry Frost ^: V1Q%;N°:?-?P6—d SGn 7r_t.4658/ Z. Signature of Managemen O Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Leviewer la ' c ...,_ ia•Ji li 1D-_...-45en; a • ��'� � EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page # 1 NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type [d(a31>ol OJ �11 12c/02/l0 � _ 17 18 _.. Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) The plant is very well maintained. The stormwater structures are excellent. The SPPP is very good and site specific. Documentation needs to be improved, 5 years are required. Page # 2 Permit: NCG160103 Inspection Date: 02/10/2006 Permit Owner - Facility: APAC Atlantic Inc -Penrose Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application? Is the facility as described in the permit? # Are there any special conditions for the permit? Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? Comment: Yes No NA NE nn■n ■nnn n■nn ■nnn ■nnn Page # 3 United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA Washington D C 20460 FOfm Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Water Compliance Inspection Report Approval expires 8-31-08 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yrlmo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 _'I 2 151 3 NCGLgr l0,1 111 121 05i02/10 17 181 r:I 19I1 ,,I 201 I Remarks 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 CA --------------------------- Reserved---------- ---- --- 671 169 701 I 71_I 72_1II 731 I I 74 75L I I I I I 80 I I Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date POTW name and NPDES permit Number) A[i,C to Lanr. c: *rc-Hencerson;dlle 1.1:15 AH 06/02/in 011;0e/01. Exit Time/Date . Permit Expiration Date Ciear Creek .d Herdersonci..Lle `C 20739 11:;.5 A.. 01,/02/10 09/01/3i Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/rilles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) Other Facility Data Name, Address of Responsible Officialfrille/Phone and Fax Number Al Hi11,170 Buz 6939 Asheailie NC Contacted Yes Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit ■ Facility Site Review E Storm Water Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Larry Fresc ARC .'.xt.44,L'.11! Z1113 at Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Seit.h Haynes l.T:0 41rZi /A19-?'iC-4$IJn/ EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page # 1 NPDES yr/mo/day 11 12 17 Inspection Type 181 t 1 Section D. Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) The plant appeared to be well maintained, clean and operated properly. The stormater structures were excellent and well maintained. Records need to be improved (5 years are required). Page# 2 Permit: NCG160104 Inspection Date: 02/10/2006 Owner - Facility: APAC Atlantic Inc -Hendersonville Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application? Is the facility as described in the permit? # Are there any special conditions for the permit? Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? Comment: Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ ■ 0 ■nnn nn■n ■nnn ■nnn Page 4 3