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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. w DOC TYPE 5( HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ � � � � O � YYYYM M D D Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY August 16, 2017 Lynwood Everett Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading, Inc. 2401 Fred Everett Road Kinston, NC 28504 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Sbcmiary TRACY DAVIS Inrecror I, FAU12011 Y "r ASHINGTON Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Turkey Path Pit COC NCG020920 Lenoir County Dear Mr. Everett: In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on June 16, 2017, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state —NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources, or permits required by the Division of Water Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Richard Riddle at telephone number (919)807-6375. Sincerely, Ougaw digxed 4 Rle(sevrd Z. 7R4(d&, ?x. for Tracy E. Davis, P.E., CPM cc: Ewashington Regional Office Central Files Stormwater Permitting Program Files State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1512 North Salisbury Street I Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 919 707 9200 T f -m, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020920 STORMWATER AND MINE DEWATERING DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Everett's Lot Clearing & Grading, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and mine dewatering-from a facility located at Turkey Path Pit 2112 Fred Everett Road Kinston Lenoir County to receiving waters designated as Gum Swamp Creek, a class C, Sw, NSW water in the Neuse River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV and V of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 16, 2017 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day August 16, 2017. 0%4iC Dd Q gafed 4 ,R"aad .Cr. R4&&, &. for Tracy E. Davis, P.E., Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission ;S 0( /I. J - �l Turkey Path Pit L NCG020920 Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading, Inc Turkey Path Pit N Latitude: 350 19' 28" N �� ' E Longitude: -770 40' 55" W County: Lenoir S ' Receiving Stream: Gum Swamp Creek Stream Class: C, Sw, NSW Map Scale 1:24,000 Index Number: 27-77-3 Neuse River Basin) Facility Location Energy, Mineral ' and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Mr. Samir Dumpor, P.E. Washington Regional Office % 943 Washington Square Mall . Washington, North Carolina 27889 PAT MCCRORY (/nl'2nlOr DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary• TRACY DAVIS July 13, 2017 Oov,lrr Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Turkey Path Pit COC No. NCG020920 Lenoir County Dear Mr. Dumper: Enclosed is a copy of the site plan for the above NOI Mine application for your review. previously sent you the NOI and location map via email. if you need any more information, please give me a call at telephone number (919) 807-6375 or email me at rick.riddle@ncdenr.gov. Thanks, Richard Riddle, Jr. Stormwater Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Attachments t JUL 2 7 2017 nu,luTY SFC r�ON State of North Carolina I Environmental Qahty I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail service Center 1 512 North Salisbury Street I Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 919 707 9200 T PARAMOUNTE JL EN G 1 N E E FRI N G. I N C. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E W I L M I N G T O N, NC 2 8 4 0 3 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 0 7( O) 9 1 0- 7 9 1- 6 7 6 0 ( F) L E T T E R O F T R A N S M I T T A L To: NCDEQ — DEMLR — Stormwater Permitting Program Date 1 6/14/17 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Re: Turkey Path Pit MINE DEWATERING NOI Attn: Stormwater Staff Project No. 17234.PE e ate sendin ® Originals he following items: ❑ Correspondence ® Prints ❑ Shop Drawvags ❑ Calculations ® Plans ❑ Specifications ® Other as fisted below Quantity Date Dwg. No. Description 1 Ml, N12 Mine Maps and Details (24"x36") 1 New Mine Permit Application 1 NCG020000 — NOI — Mining 1 Cover Letter 1 $100 Permit Fee Issue Status: ® For Approval ❑ As Requested ❑ Construction ❑ Bid ❑ For Your Use ❑ For Review and Continent ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ See Remarks ction Taken: ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Make Corrections Noted ❑ Amend & Resubmit ❑ Rejected -See Remarks ❑ approved as Submitted ❑ Other Remarks: Please contact me with any additional information or questions. Thanks. mith a aramounte-en .c m Cc: _ Lynwood Everett Signed: 4YV 77'J. Branch Smith RECEIVED JUN 16 2011 DENR•LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING NCG020000 N.O.I. 0�Y/N�� 1 28) Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers? nX No ❑ Yes If yes, please attach to application submission. Stormwater BMPs and Vehicle Maintenance: 29) Does this facility employ best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No nX Yes If yes, please briefly describe: Flocculant Pumped Device plus sediment 30) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? RX No ❑ Yes If yes, when was it implemented? 31) Are vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this mine site? nX No ❑Yes, If yes, will VMA area runoff discharge into the wastewater treatment system(s)? ❑ No, VMA runoff will discharge separately through a stormwater outfall ❑ Yes, VMA runoff will drain back to the mine pit or other wastewater system Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 32) Will mine dewatering occur? (Yes, we are asking about dewatering again.) ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 33) Will this facility wash mined materials? ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 34) Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur (including possible recycle system overflows)? ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, describe what kind of systems: 35) Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, provide the name, manufacturer, and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive (if known): Note: Please see our website for a list of evaluated polyacrylamide (PAMS) products for use in North Carolina: htto://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/construction-stormwater 36) Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? ❑ Yes If yes, which treatment systems are those? ❑ No, all wastewater treatment facilities will discharge more frequently (i.e., during smaller rain events) Page 8 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 37) Are wastewater treatment facilities (including recycle systems) planned in the 100-year flood plain? ❑ No ❑ Yes E 138) A Wastewater treatment alternatives review is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2) for any new or expanding water pollution control facility discharges in North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. List the types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: ❑ Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater (such as washing or recycle system overflows, other mining activity wastewater) a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? ❑ Dewatering ❑ Process WW b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: i) Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ..................................... ❑ Yes ❑ No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes ❑ No (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) If Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why notT c) Closed -loop Recycle System (meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T .1000): i) Are you already proposing a closed -loop recycle system (CLRS)? ......................... ❑ Yes ❑ No (1) If Yes, for what type of wastewater at this mine site? ❑ Dewatering ❑ Process W W (2) If No, is this option technologically feasible (possible)? Why or why not?' (3) If No, is it otherwise feasible to build a CLRS at this site? Why or why not?` (4) What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge?' d) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray irrigation): i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ..................... ❑ Yes ❑ No Why or Why not?'. ii) Is a surface or subsurface disposal system otherwise feasible to implement?*............ ❑ Yes ❑ No Why or Why not?" Page 9 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Ili) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface or surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters?* e) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options for the wastewaters being considered?* ❑ Yes ❑ No f) If this review included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types (e.g. mine dewatering) make any of the above non -discharge options feasible for some of the wastewaters? ❑ Yes ❑ No * Feasibility should take into account initial and recurring costs. You may be asked to provide further information to support your answers�to these questions after the initial review. Other: 39) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? PX No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? ❑ No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? ❑ No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport / disposal vendor: _ Vendor address: 40) Is your facility providing appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials? (See permit text for secondary containment requirements.) FX No ❑ Yes 41) Does your site have an active landfill within the mining permit boundary? RX No ❑ Yes If yes, specify type: ❑ LCID (Land Clearing and Inert Debris) ❑ Other: Page 10 of 12 SW U-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. What is the feasibility of employins a suburfade or surface tli charge as compared discharge to surface waters?' E CL t� VIS Ly C iC % FIACI ,4�1-,CNN n .f-n-l-Y1(7Y. --v\nY) ((-\nn e) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options for the wastewaters being considered?' ❑ Yes 19 No f) If this review included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types (e.g. mine dewatering) make any of the above non -discharge options feasible for some of the wastewaters? ❑ Yes 5 No Feasibility should take into account initial and recurring costs. You maybe asked to provide further information to support your answers to these questions after the initial review. Other: 39) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? RNo ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? 19 No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? (9 No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: How is material stored Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport / disposal vendor: _ Vendor address: 40) Is your facility providing appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials? (See permit text for secondary containment requirements.) R No ❑ Yes 41) Does your site have an active landfill within the mining permit boundary? n No ❑ Yes If yes, specify type: ❑ LCID (Land Clearing and Inert Debris) ❑ Page 10 of 12 SWU-NCG02•NOI I Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Mail the entire package to: Stormwater Permitting Program Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee coverage under the NPDES NCG02 General Permit. Upon review of the submittal, the Division may determine that coverage under an individual permit is more appropriate. Also be advised that renewed and continued coverage under NCG02 may be dependent upon the permittee's compliance success and/'or status of the receiving waters. For questions, please contact the DEMLR/Land Quality Section Regional Office for your area. DEMLR/Land Quality Section Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 776-9800 Central Office .........(919) 707-9220 Page 13 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 sr®•`First National Bank - ' .- 1 O'J O PARAM++))OUNTE'ENGINEERING INC. ! - 122 CINEMA DHIVEf 66-967/531 WILMINGTON, NC 29403 _ _/ 6/14/2017 ORDER OF TO E - NCDEO .$ Y•100.00 fflfifNYNNYffffftfYNNYRNRRRfRRfRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRfRRRRHRRRMRRkHfRMRRRYYNINRRRRRNfN1 One Hundred and 00/9.00 DOLLAR: NCDEQ ' 1 C at _ IaShidd MEM0e , - 4- - f� #17234.PE Everett Farms Pit- NPDES Permit. 'a. R o c Permit Number NCG020920 Program Category NPDES SW Permit Type Mining Activities Stormwater Discharge COC Primary Reviewer rick.riddle Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Central Files: APS _ SWP _ 8/17/2017 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type In review New Project Version Permit Classification CDC RECEIpp--I VED Permit Contact Affiliation AUG 17 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Facility Name Major/Minor Region Turkey Path Pit Minor Washington Location Address County 2112 Fred Everett Rd Lenoir Kinston INC 28504 Owner Owner Name Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading Inc Dates/Events Facility Contact Affiliation Lynn Everett PO Box 6025 Kinston NC 28501 Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affiliation Lynn Everett PO Box 6025 Kinston NC 28501 Scheduled Ong Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 6/16/2017 Regulated Activities Requested /Received Events Mine dewatering RO staff report received 8/15/17 RO staff report requested 7112117 Outfall 001 Waterbody Name Streamindex Number Current Class Subbasin Gum Swamp Creek 27-77-3 C;Sw,NSW 03-04-05 Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY August 16, 2017 Lynwood Everett Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading, Inc. 2401 Fred Everett Road Kinston, NC 28504 ROY COOPER ccmern , MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Turkey Path Pit COC NCG020920 Lenoir County Dear Mr. Everett: In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on June 16, 2017, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state —NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources, or permits required by the Division of Water Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Richard Riddle at telephone number (919)807-6375. Si cerely, for Pracy. Davis, P , CPM cc: Washington Regional Office Central Files Stormwater Permitting Program Files State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 North Salisbury Street I Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 919 707 9200 T DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020920 STORMWATER AND MINE DEWATERING DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Everett's Lot Clearing & Grading, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and mine dewatering-from a facility located at Turkey Path Pit 2112 Fred Everett Road Kinston Lenoir County to receiving waters designated as Gum Swamp Creek, a class C, Sw, NSW water in the Neuse River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, 111, IV and V of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 16, 2017 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day August 16, 2017. for Tracy E. Davis, P.E., Direct Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission NCG020920 0 Map Scale 1:24,000 Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading, Turkey Path Pit Latitude: 35° 19' 28" N Longitude: -770 40' 55" W County: Lenoir Receiving Stream: Gum Swamp Creek Stream Class: C, Sw, NSW Index Number: 27-77-3 Neuse River Basin) �i�iOS1►1i�1�:! ��a r+ r:►liry►7�ri�l�V��j ��..iy.� Facility Location 'W' Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources / Land Quality Section - Stormwater Permitting Program National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NCG020000 NOTICE OF INTENT - General Permit Application FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Year Month Da Certificate of Covera Ch # mount Permit Ass' ed to t lli National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage under General Permit NCG020000: STORMWATER ANDIOR WASTEWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code - 14XX Mineral Mining Industry (except as specified below) and like activities The following activities are included: Active or inactive mining operations (including borrow pits —except for NCDOT borrow pits) that discharge stormwater contaminated with or that has come in contact with, any overburden, ra"� f .\er%� to products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of suc14 D er�ll;v u— Stormwater from vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) at mining operations; J{;N 16 2017 Overflow from facilities that recycle process wastewater; and/or Mine dewatering (wastewater) cr DENR-LAND QUALITY The following activities are specifically excluded from coverage under this GeneralC&iiii�i �R PERMITTING Stormwater discharges associated with peat mining, coal mining, and metal mining; Stormwater discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site with stormwater from concrete operations; Stormwater discharges associated with oil and gas extraction operations; and Stormwater discharges associated with tourist gem mines NCDOT borrow pits (covered under individual permit NCS000150) The following discharges are covered by NPDES -general permit NCG520000 instead of NCG020000: Point source discharges of stormwater and wastewater from in -stream sand mining operations (sand dredging or dipping operations) are covered instead by NPDES'General Permit NCG520000, administered by the Division of Water Resources NPDES Wastewater Permitting Program. Please contact DWR for more information. Please print or type all entries in this application form. 1) Mailing address m 11owner/operator official address to which all permit coes ondence will be mail Legal Owner Nam Everett's Lot Clearing and Grading Inc (Attach the most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary of State showing the current legal name or the corporation or entity. Alternatively this permit can be given to an individual or government authority. This name must be the same name as appears on the Division o/ Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources' Mining Permit.) Signee's Name (as signed for in question 41. at end) Lynn Everett Street Address 2402 Fred Everett Road City Kinston State NC _ ZIP Code 28504 Telephone No. (252) 522-5260 E-mail Lynn(a) candg.com Alternate Contact Name' Lynwood Everett (landowner) E-mail (if different) Page 1 of 12 SWU-NCG02-N0I Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Alternate Contact Telephone (if different) (252) 560-1151 'Alternate contact should be affiliated with the Owner/Operator. Consultant information can be provided in question 5. 2) Location of facility producing discharge: Facility Name TURKEY PATH PIT Facility Street Address 2112 Fred Everett Road, Kinston NC 28504 Facility City State ZIP Code Facility County Lenoir Facility Contact Lynwood Everett Telephone No. (252) 560-1151 Fax: Contact E-mail 3) Physical Location Information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility (use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway intersection). 1.60 miles west from US Hwy 258 on SR 1534 4) Facility Location Coordinates: Latitude 35.3245 N Longitude 77.6820 W (degrees / minutes / seconds or decimal degrees) 5) Consultant Information (if applicable): Consultant: Branch Smith, PE Consulting Firm: Paramounte Engineering, Mailing Address: _122 Cinema Drive City: _ State: Phone:(_910) _791-6707 E-mail: bsmith(a),oaramounte-eno.com Zip Code: Fax: () Permits: 6) This NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following: WX New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin: ❑ Existing Date began mining: 7) Standard Industrial Classification: (Optional) Staple Business Card Here Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility SIC Code: _ _ _ _ I u � 1, � i 8) Provide a description of the types of minerals mined at this facility: I "j 9) Is this a PROCESSING -ONLY facility for materials mined elsewhere? 10) Is this an inactive mine site? ❑ No No ❑ Yes Page 2 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 r NCG020000 N.O.I. RX Yes If yes, have you certified to the Stormwater Permitting Program that all portions of the site where clearing, grading, and/or excavation activities have occurred have been stabilized? ❑ No ❑ Yes (If yes, the site may be eligible for "Dormant Status" and reduced BMP inspections. See the General Permit.) 11) Does this facility already have a valid Mining Permit from DEMLR's Land Quality Section? RX No If no, please indicate the status of the Mining Permit application: _In Process ❑ Yes If yes, please provide the Mining Permit number: . Also provide a copy of the DEMLR Mining Permit with this NPDES application. 12) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? nX No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: 13) Are you applying for a discharge permit in the same location as a previously permitted mine? WX No ❑ Yes If yes, specify permit number and mine name if known: 14) Does this facility have any Non -Discharge permits from DWR (e.g., recycle permits)? nX No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: 15) Does total area of this mine site include ready -mixed concrete plant and/or asphalt plant areas? nX No ❑ Yes If yes, do they have separate NPDES stormwater permits? ❑ No ❑ Yes (provide permit number(s) ) If not owned by the same company, who is the owner? Development Activities and Buffers: 16) Will this mining operation precede development activities at this site? RX No ❑ Yes 17) Is this mine located within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, and will it add more than 10,000 ftZ of impervious surface? ❑ Yes (to both) ❑ No, this mine site IS in one of the 20 Coastal Counties but will NOT add 10,000 ftz of impervious surface. OX No, this mine site is NOT in any of the 20 Coastal Counties. If this site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties, you may be required to apply for an additional State Stormwater Permit. Check with your local Regional Office (see contact information and checklist below). Page 3 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 v NCG020000 N.O.I. 18) Is this mine located the Neuse, Tar -Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins, or the Randleman or Jordan Water supply Watersheds? ❑ No �X Yes If yes, what size stream buffers are included on site? ft. You must show buffers on site plans. Also include information and plans showing diffuse flow through buffers as required. Discharge Points, Receiving Waters & Wetlands: 19) Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek, stream, river, lake, etc.) that the facility stormwater and/or wastewater discharges will end up in? The site drains into an unnamed tributary of Gum Swamp (C: SW7 NSW) in the Falling Creek Watershed of the Neuse River Basin. To find the waterbody, please see the "MAPS" tab on http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq for a map of NC Surface Waterbody Classifications. Receiving water classification(s) for the waters: If the site will discharge to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). Discharge of wastewater to receiving waters classified as WS-II through WS-V, or SA, must be approved by the Division of Water Resources (DWR) or Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). DEMLR cannot grant coverage under NCG020000 without that approval. Also be advised that no new discharges of wastewater are permitted in receiving waters classified as WS-1 or freshwater ORW. Wastewater discharges to saltwater ORW will not be approved under General Permit NCG02 but may be eligible for an individual permit. 20) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to waters classified as High Quality Waters (HQW), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Trout (Tr) waters, or a class with a symbol like "+" or "@" that denotes a special management strategy is in place? �X No ❑ Yes, PNA" ❑ Yes, HQW' ❑ Yes, includes "+" or ❑ Yes, Trout (Tr) 21) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to waters classified as Shellfish (SA) waters? 1X No ❑ Yes, SA` 'For questions 19-20, be advised that the NCG02 General Permit limits the discharge volume of total combined wastewaters to 50 percent of the receiving water in -stream flow under 7Q10 conditions in HQW waters (PNA and SA waters are considered HQW by definition). You maybe required to contact USGS to obtain a 7010 flow. SW U-NCG02-NOI Page 4 of 12 Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 22) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to impaired waters, or to waters with an approved "Total Maximum Daily Load" (TMDL)? To find impaired waters, please see the "Impaired Waters" map on the "MAPS" tab on http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq. To find approved TMDLs in North Carolina, please see DWR's Water Planning Section website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/mtu/tmdl/tmdls. RX No ❑ Yes, these waters are impaired for (list pollutants): ❑ Yes, these waters have a TMDL for (list pollutants): Page 5 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/1012015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 23) List discharge points (outfalls) that convey discharge from the mine site (both on -site and off -site) and location coordinates. Attach additional sheets if necessary, or note that this information is specified on the site plan. Include proposed maximum daily flow rate for each wastewater outfall. You must show all discharge points clearly on the submitted site plan. Be advised that NCDEQ may require you to apply,for an individual permit, based on proposed discharge rates and receiving stream conditions (low flows, impairments, etc.) Stormwater Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): _ N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): _ W Stormwater Outfall No Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W StormwaterOutfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Mine Dewatering Mine Dewatering (Wastewater) Outfall No. _1 Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): 35.325 deg _ N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): 77.682 deg _ W Mine Dewatering (Wastewater) Outfall No. Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Process Wastewater Process Wastewater Outfall No. Wastewater Description: Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Process Wastewater Outfall No. Wastewater Description: Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Page 6 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 24) Help us understand what will happen to the dewatering water at this mine site: ❑ N/A — this mine is not dewatering at all and will not dewater in the future. a) Will this mine be dewatering and discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only if dewatering) ❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, where to? ❑ Surface Waters and/or Wetlands (on -site or off -site) ❑ Other (on -site or off -site) Describe: b) Will this mine be dewatering but not discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only if dewatering) ❑ No RX Yes If yes, explain how you are dewatering, and where that water will be directed: Pumped and Filtered groundwater from the excavation pit will be discharged onto the ground which will drain into farm field ditch. 25) Are there wetlands or surface waters within 400' of the mine pit perimeter? RX No ❑ Yes If yes, what distance are they from the mine pit perimeter? 26) Will mining operations require dewatering near wetlands or other waterbodies, and will dewatering potentially impact any wetlands or other waterbodies? RX No, dewatering will not occur near (within 400') of wetlands or other waterbodies (e.g., streams, lake, etc.) ❑ Yes, dewatering will be near wetlands or other waterbodies Wetlands must be CLEARLY DELINEATED on the site plan. Mine dewatering activities that have the potential to drain wetlands or otherwise impact surface water or groundwater MUST develop and implement a Pumping Operation and Monitoring (POM) Plan that has been approved by the Department. For sites that may drain wetlands — approval of a POM Plan may be required prior to coverage under this permit. The POM Plan should be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office and in all cases must be approved prior to operation. The plan shall include, but is not limited to: (1) Groundwater monitoring strategies to demonstrate the effect of pumping and to establish any pumping regime necessary to reduce impacts, and (2) Detailed plans to maintain surrounding hydrology and respective monitoring to demonstrate compliance. See checklist at the end of the application. Contact the Regional Office for questions specific to your mine. 27) Have you been required to obtain 404/401 Certification permits? RX No ❑ Yes If yes, please briefly describe below (include information such a required mitigation, BMPs, setbacks, and/or O&M plans for on or off -site wetlands or other pertinent information). Attach other sheets as necessary: Page 7 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9110/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 28) Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified: by the US Army Corps of Engineers? RX No ❑ Yes If yes, please attach to application submission. Stormwater BMPs and Vehicle Maintenance: 29) Does this facility employ best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No nX Yes If yes, please briefly describe: Flocculant Pumped Device plus sediment storage bag 30) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? nX No ❑ Yes If yes, when was it implemented? _ 31) Are vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this mine site? OX No ❑Yes, If yes, will VMA area runoff discharge into the wastewater treatment system(s)? ❑ No, VMA runoff will discharge separately through a stormwater outfall' ❑ Yes, VMA runoff will drain back to the mine pit or other wastewater system Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 32) Will mine dewatering occur? (Yes, we are asking about dewatering IX No I"'I JUL 1 2 2017.' ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 33) Will this facility wash mined materials? ® No ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 34) Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur (including possible recycle system overflows)? 9 No ❑ Yes If yes, describe what kind of systems: 35) Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? N No ❑ Yes If yes, provide the name, manufacturer, and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive (if known): Note: Please see our website for a list of evaluated polyacrylamide (PAMS) products for use in North Carolina: http:/Iportal_ncdenr.org/web/ir/construction-stormwater 36) Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? N/A i U Y I� COCA-�M`IN Cd ❑ Yes If yes, which treatment systems are those? CZ No, all wastewater treatment facilities will discharge more frequently (i.e., during smaller rain events) Nl"e� Page 8 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 C NCG020000 N.O.I. 37) Are wastewater treatment facilities (including''recycle systems) planned in the 100-year flood plain? ® No ❑ Yes 38) A wastewater treatment alternatives review is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2) for any new or expanding water pollution control facility discharges in North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. List the types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: W Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater (such as washing or recycle system overflows, other mining activity wastewater) a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? X Dewatering ❑ Process W W b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: i) Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ..................................... ❑ Yes 0 No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes ❑ No (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) If Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why not?' c) Closed -loop Recycle System (meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T .1000): i) Are you already proposing a closed -loop recycle system (CLRS)? ........ ❑ Yes Ur No (1) If Yes, for what type of wastewater at this mine site? ❑ Dewatering ❑ Process WW (2) If No, is this option technologically feasible (possible)? Why or why not?' (3) If No, is it otherwise feasible to build a CLRS at this site? Why or why not?' (4) What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge?' d) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray irrigation): i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ..................... [9 Yes ❑ Nc WhyorWhyri 'Ora-�'j 1�CLA- C)n ii) Is a surface or subsurface disposal system otherwise feasible to implement?*............ 0 Yes ❑ No Why or Why not?` a c,4 S t h \ e hor-r" 0 r 6 C) O +') ©y\ Page 9 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9110/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Final Checklist: This application will be returned as incomplete unless all of the following items have been included and — initialed for. Please show that the following required information has been included by initialing in each space below. _Fee of $100 made payable to NCDEQ. Completed application and all supporting documents. n/,.;- Copy of the valid approved mining permit (MP) for the facility or indication of MP application status. __4.— Copy of a county map or other general location map that shows the mining site and nearest major roads. Copy of USGS topographic map showing the mining site and surrounding areas, or other map that clearly shows site location in relation to nearby streams, wetlands, and other waters, etc. _,,,,-2 copies of large-scale (minimum 24" x 36") site plan with topographical lines with all outfalls, applicable buffers and wetlands clearly delineated, receiving waters, and 100-year flood plain line if applicable, A copy of your US Army Corps -approved wetland delineation if you marked "yes' to question 27 above. ,,W A line drawing of the water flow through the facility or block flow diagram. A pictorial description of the nature of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures. VA- If mine site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties: • Applicant has checked with the appropriate regional office to verify the need for a Coastal State Stormwater permit. Indicate the Regional Office Contact: • Applicant has included a detailed list of impervious surface areas and percentages, sub -drainage areas, and total drainage area. AIA- If the mine is dewatering and near wetlands, or may otherwise impact surface waters or groundwater, include the following and contact your local regional office about a Pumping Operation and Monitoring (POM) Plan. An approved POM plan may be required prior to NCG02 issuance. _2 copies of detailed Full Size Plans (at least 24" x 36") delineating areas on the plans and listing acreage (including: wetlands, ditches, well -placements, pits, borrow areas, overburden storage, stormwater controls/BMPs, vehicle maintenance areas, settling basins, product process (such as screening, stockpiles, waste piles), total drainage area, impervious surface percentages (if state SW programs apply), applicable buffers, and access and/or haul roads). _Pump dewatering size and information on its specifications. _Well information (design, depths, maintenance). _Physical monitoring for the wetlands areas. _Settling pond sizing information, if applicable. _Level spreader design, if applicable. _Details about dewatering method. _Cone of influence calculations. _Description of measures to prevent erosion and flooding. _Description and information about 401/404 permits that have been obtained. _Copy of US Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineations or approved wetland delineation (if applicable). _I have contacted my local regional office about a POM Plan. Regional Office Contact: Date contacted: -OR- ./ I will not impact any nearby wetlands, surface waters, or groundwaters by dewatering. Page 11 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 b (i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document fled or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management] Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). 41) Signatory Requirements (per 40 CFR 122.22) All applications, reports, or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified. a. All notices of intent to be covered under this General Permit shall be signed as follows: (I) For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this permit, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of one or more manufacturing production or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding 25 million (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) 'and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. . I agree to abide by the following as a part of coverage under this General Permit: 1. 1 agree to abide by the approved Mining Permit for this mining activity. (A copy of the valid mining permit must be attached to this request.) 2. 1 agree to not discharge any sanitary wastewater from this mining activity except under the provisions of another NPDES permit specifically issued therefore. 3. 1 agree that bulk storage of petroleum products and other chemicals shall have adequate protection so as to contain all spills on the site. 4. 1 agree that solid wastes will be disposed of in accordance with N.C. statutes and rules governing solid waste disposal. 5. 1 agree that maintenance activities for vehicles and heavy equipment will be performed so as to not result in contamination of the surface or ground waters. I agree to abide by the provisions as listed above and recognize that the provisions are to be considered as enforceable requirements of the General Permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: Title: (Signatur of Applicant) (Date Signed) Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for $100.00 made payable to NCDEQ. Page 12 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 PARAMOUNTFE E N G I N E E R I N G. 1 N c,. June 14, 2017 Ms, Judith Weimer NCDEQ — DEMLR — Mining Section 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RE: Request for Mining Application for TURKEYPATHPIT Lenoir County, NC Dear Ms. Weimer, On behalf of Lynwood Everett, we are submitting an application for a mining permit located at 2112 Fred Everett Rd, Kinston, Lenoir County, NC. This property was recently permitted as a one -source permit under erosion control permit LENOIR- 201709 for a single job at the Molter Plant Expansion in Kinston. That was permitted by Everett's Clearing and Grading, Inc. under the name Everett Farms Pit. The landowner, Lynwood Everett, is a relative to the owner of the grading company, but not part of the company. Lynwood is a farmer on the subject property, and he was the one who requested the site be re -permitted into a mining operation for sand and fill dirt. The site will be reclaimed as a private fishing pond for Lynwood Everett. However, a dewatering permit is being requested by Everett's Clearing and Grading to NCDEQ Land Quality & Stormwater Permitting Section for this site, since the sand cannot be excavated without lowering the groundwater. The max withdrawal rate'will be less than 100,000 GPD and will only be temporary. Please find 6 copies of the application and mine maps, along with the property notice return receipts. Let us know if you need additional information. Sincerely, Paramo me Engineering, Inc. J ranch Smith, PE bsmithnnaramounte-eng com Encl: USGS Map Image c ; Avon- tw 000mi7m-4- 2 2 C I N E M A C R I V E, W I L M I N G T❑ N, N C 28 40 3 P N: 49 1 ❑) 7 9 1- 6 7❑ 7 F A X: (9 1 ❑) 7 9 1. 6 7 6❑ 9 Everetts Farm Pit. 2112 Fred Everett Rd Legend Y 2112 Fred Everett Rd L f, _- _ h` .3s"r r • :,. i. :.L ..:.: ..: : :. .. .. _�:r tr, ,i 14 lulu 1` . [.... 15: �53 53910 s t1 514 4 \ stitut 4 540 153 628: 1530 1 / SR i ardlson , Crossr \ / r_ V _.nllllIiill 111111ln... LEGEND 1540 s m 0 1536 VICINITY MAP NTS LOD LOD — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF SF SILT FENCE 100 PROPOSED CONTOURS - - - - 100 - - - -- EXISTING CONTOURS PROPERTY BOUNDARY COUNTY PARCEL: 26239 2112 FRED EVERETT ROAD, KINSTON, NC 28504 ZONING: LENOIR COUNTY (RURAL -AGRICULTURE) TOTAL ACREAGE: 21.96t DEED REFERENCE: DB 1682, PG 825 PROPERTY OWNER: i 151 LYNWOOD EVERETT 2112 FRED EVERETT RD , 4 ` PIT OPERATOR AND EXCAVATION: LYNWOOD EVERETT D MINE DEWATERING PERMIT HOLDER: EVERETTS CLEARING AND GRADING, INC. 1541 Y 1. PARCELS TAKEN FROM LENOIR COUNTY GIS PARCEL SHAPEFILES VIA NC ONE MAP DATED DEC. 2016. 2. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION TAKEN FROM NCONE MAP LIDAR 2-FT CONTOURS DATED 2013. 3. THIS TRACT IS NOT SUBJECT SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS AS SHOWN ON NFIP MAP NUMBER 3720359700K EFFECTIVE DATE 4/16/2013. 4. THE ONE -SOURCE BORROW PIT WILL SERVE A PERMITTED SITE. 5. THE ORTHOIMAGERY SOURCE IS FROM NC ONE MAPS DATED 2016. 20' INGRESS -EGRESS ALONG EXISITING SOIL PATH PER MAP CABINET 6, PG 260 SEQUENCE OF MINING OPERATIONS 1. Obtain NCDEQ erosion control permit and other state and local applicable permits as necessary. 2. Install gravel construction entrance at Fred Everett Rd as shown. If additional drainage or erosion control measures are needed, contact Engineer for confirmation. 3. If necessary, install gate with lock or post "Warning - Open Pit" signs to provide additional safety during non -working hours. 4. Survey and stakeout limits of disturbance (LOD), pit boundary, and silt fence as shown. 5. Immediately begin excavating pit top area to a min. depth of 2-ft for sediment storage. If immediate excavation does not occur, a skimmer sediment basin will have to be constructed per Engineer's design and specifications, and be re -approved by NCDEQ. 6. Ensure all stormwater runoff flows into excavation pit. De -watering is proposed as shown. See details and permit conditions for NPDES NCG020000. 7. Contractor shall use water truck or other means necessary to control dust onsite. 8. After excavation is complete, regrade side slopes to min. 3:1 side slopes. Prepare seedbeds and re -vegetate per the permanent seeding specifications. Reclamation must be complete within 1-yr. MINE PERMIT BOUNDARY ±22.50 ACRES TO BE FIELD LOCATED ALCOKE INVESTMENT, LLC PARCEL 4321 DB 1305 / 807 F� EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH FLOWS NORTHEAST PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED STOCKPILE AND/OR WASTEPILES, SEE TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION PROPOSED TIGERFLOC TUBE WITH SEDIMENT BAG (SEE DETAILS) TRTON, 31298 PAa 1e3- j 3,1 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 40 80 160 SCALE: V = 80' EXISTING GRAVEL ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTA, INED TO PREVENT SAND FROM WA HING INTO I- NCDOT RICE -OF-WAY. F&'g e < V� ' +°op jOaR r Riper EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. CLEAR AND REMOVE FROM SITE ALL TREES, SHRUBS, ROOTS, ROOT MAT, ETC. FROM THE AREA WITHIN DESIGNATED CLEARING LIMITS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING AND RESTORING TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ANY AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS THAT MAY INADVERTENTLY BE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE EROSION MEASURES DURING GRADING AND AFTER GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES UNTIL FINAL RECLAMATION IS COMPLETE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO DIRECT MOST OF THE SEDIMENT RUNOFF INTO THE BORROW PIT OR TO APPROVED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO DRAINING OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. PROPOSED MINE PIT tNOW & P�`15ON FREEMP PP'RC�511 11p7 PARCF LYtvwco Og 1j45 32896 O 670 LF SILT FENCE - FZ,N,ERL31^2 0 PD�,E36 j394 '4?7 T77S, OY IR,FRP`31306 FPR�Ew 1552 -•,„rL ,�2THERINEi om WILLIyML PARCEL DAM OB 28747 1656/177 6i z O w Of 2 0 0 0 z Z I- z w J 0 7l ct O a-) c 4-4 U4-A 00 ✓ti � N WU O �Z w o 44 N r 0 lam/ Z `n I H w � �OZ HZa rr mmmm vlm mll�» 0 0 0 Z o� 0o O F Q 0 Q » O 00 o LL 35 X U< , (D _Z Q v ❑ 0 W azww w 0 w��1INQQJ W z Y Z W QJ f-QtnQ W D_ �U d4 K <UW §U SEAL v�v((nuw(/// \,\O5tN CAR...... \ 13 S/0, z SaL - 034354 6-12-17 O O N I� � Z N W CZO C t� w �- •ti �/f o �� r ✓o �Z A w M-1 -- - - �.� - — FYI �41 rl (' ill • 4�4 l ! 141 I 1 11114 Y%I .l �,( • 1 I r 1 I l 1'�I � ! 1 �'1 1 1 �'l•1r t111J I1.,1 t� is :t Jf�hT' I PEI JOB#: 17244.PE Al 0 0 10.0' Min. 25' Max. I ry ii SPECIFICATIONS: 10% SETTLEMENT EXCAVATION AREA 1. ADD SILT FENCE AROUND STOCKPILE IF NEEDED. 2. CONSTRUCT STOCKPILE TO FULL DIMENSIONS AS NEEDED -ALLOW 10% FOR SETTLING. 3. SEED AND MULCH PER STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES. CROSS-SECTION OF STOCKPILE(S), TYP° NOT TO SCALE EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL, BUT IN NO CASE, LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF EVERY HALF INCH RAINFALL. 2. ALL POINTS OF EGRESS WILL HAVE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES/EXITS THAT WILL BE PERIODICALLY TOP -DRESSED WITH 2-3" COARSE STONE TO MAINTAIN 6" THICKNESS. ENTRANCES/EXITS WILL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION TO PREVENT MUD OR SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT OR PUBLIC ROADWAYS. (NCDENR PRACTICE 6.06) 3. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES HALF-FILLED. THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. STAKES MUST BE STEEL. STAKE SPACING WILL BE 6 FEET MAX. WITH THE USE OF EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC, WITHOUT WIRE BACKING. STAKE SPACING WILL BE 8 FEET MAX. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC AND WIRE BACKING ARE USED. IF ROCK FILTERS ARE DESIGNED AT LOW POINTS IN THE SEDIMENT FENCE THE ROCK WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IF IT BECOMES HALF FULL OF SEDIMENT, NO LONGER DRAINS AS DESIGNED OR IS DAMAGED. (NCDENR PRACTICE 6.62) 4. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO MAINTAIN A VIGOROUS, DENSE VEGETATIVE COVER. THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SHORT, FLAT SLOPES (FLATTER THAN 3:1 AND LESS THAN 501) LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVISES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. ALL OTHER AREAS SHOULD BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER ANY PHASE OF ACTIVITY. Rye Grain Secale cereale Triticum aestiwm SPECIES SEED RATES FERTILIZATION 8 PLANTING Ibstacre LIMESTONE I DATES Nurse Crop 40 By Soil Test 8/15-4/15 Nurse Crop 30 By Soil Test 8/15-4/15 German Millet Setaria italica Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 4/15-8/15 Browntop Millet Urochloa ramosa Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 4/15-8/15 Kobe Lespedeza Kummerwia striate v. kobe Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 5/1-9/1 Sercicea Lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata'Dumont' Non-native 15 By Soil Test 10/1-4/1 Centipede Grass Eremochloa ophiuroic Non-native 5-10 By Soil Test 9/1-5/1 KY 31 Tall Fescue Schedonorus phoenix Non-native 100 By Soil Test 9/30 - 3115 Bermuda Grass Cynodon dactylon Non-native 25 By Soil Test 4/15 - 6/30 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Native 3.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 3.50 w/ 3 other seed species Carthage, shelter, & blackwell 3.00 3.00 w/ 4 other seed species 2.50 2.50 w/ 5 other seed species Rice Cutgrass Leersia cryzoides Native 6.00 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 6.00 w/ 3 other seed species 5.00 5.00 w/ 4 other seed species 4.00 4.00 w/ 5 other seed species Sweet Woodreed Cinna arundinacea Native 2.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Cheyenne 2.00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species Soft Rush Juncus effusus Native 2.50 By Sal Test 12/1 - 4/15 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Eal 2.00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species Shallow Sedge Carexpincidea Native 2.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/15 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Fox Sedge Carexlurida 2.00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species A zL A PERMANENT SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RECLAIMED EXCAVATION AREAS MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS 1. MULCH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEEDINGS IMMEDIATELY. AREAS THAT CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES SHOULD BE MULCHED TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY PROTECTION OF OPEN AREAS, SHRUBS, AND TREES. USE AN ORGANIC MULCH EXCEPT WOOD FIBERS FOR THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION. 2. CHEMICAL STABILIZERS MAY BE USED, BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VEGETATION GROWTH. REFER TO THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR A LIST OF STABILIZERS AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING AND RESTORING TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ANY AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS THAT MAY INADVERTENTLY BE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE EROSION MEASURES DURING GRADING AND AFTER GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 3. THE FOLLOWING TABLE IS REFERENCED FROM NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL SEC. 6-14. MATERIAL RATE QUALITY ORGANICS tons/acre Straw 1-2 Dry; avoid weeds Wood Chips 5-6 Air dry Wood Fiber 0.5 - 1 Bark 35 cy/acre Air dry; shredded; chipped Corn Stalks 4-6 Cut in 4-6 inch lengths Sericea: 1-3 Green or dry; mature seed within lespedeza seed -bearing stems Cover area heavy & uniform NETSIMATTING Jute net Fiberglass net Coverarea Excelsior Cover area (wood fiber mat) Fiberglass roving 0.5 - 1 Continuous fibers with non -toxic agent 8' MAX. STD. STRENGTH FABRIC W/ WRE FENCE STEEL POST TOP STRAND MIN #14 GAUGE z -STAYI AND INE RES)_u11N #'4 UGE x ice. `' .'�'ti•=lir ✓,�%,.!i, i�� Gi'� � ,, �%��� BOTTOM STRAND MIN. #14 3AUGE l i% ii 7 g 1 ii i� 4" X 8" TRENCH LINED W/ 17' l OF FABRIC AND COMPACTED FILL ON TOP NOTES: 1. WIRE FENCE (IF USED) SHALL BE MINIMUM 14 GAUGE WITH A MAXIMUM MESH OPENING OF 6-INCHES. 2. SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF POLYOLEFIN'S OR POLYESTER, WHICH IS CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER AS CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN ASTM D 6461 AND ALSO SHOULD CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS ACCORDING TO ASTM D 4355. 3. SEE THE NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLING SEDIMENT FENCE USING THE SLICING METHOD MACHINERY. SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE GROUND STABILIZATION CRITERIA STABILIZATION STABILIZATION SITE AREA DESCRIPTION TIMEFRAME TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, 7 DAYS NONE DITCHES AND SLOPES HIGH QUALITY WATER ZONES 7 DAYS NONE IF SLOPES ARE 10 FT OR LESS IN SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50 FT IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES NONE (EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS FLATTER THAN 4:1 14 DAYS AND HQW ZONES) NPDES PERMIT NCG 010000 PLAN NOTES: 1. ACCORDING TO NPDES NCG 010000 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011: THE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO GROUND STABLIZIATION REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION II.B.2 GROUND STABILIZATION. 2. ACCORDING TO NPDES NCG 010000 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011: THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL CONFORM TO SURFACE WITHDRAWAL REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 11.B.4 SEDIMENT BASINS. VEGETATION PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE DRESSED TO THE EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION AND TILLED OR RIPPED TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 4-INCHES. THE TOP 2 INCHES SHALL BE PULVERIZED TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SEEDBED. 2. LIME AND FERTILIZER SHOULD BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL PRIOR TO SEEDING OR SOD. FOLLOW SOIL TESTS OR AS FOLLOWS: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONS/ACRE FERTILIZER -1GOO LBS/ACRE (1&10-10) SUPERPHOSPHATE -500LBS/ACRE(20%) MULCH - 2 TONS/ACRE (SMALL GRAIN STRAW) ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT 450 GAL/ACRE 3. FOR OPEN AREAS, USE STRAW MULCH AS A MINIMUM FOR STABILIZATION IF THE AREAS CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES. OTHER MULCHING PRACTICES ARE LISTED IN SECTION 6.14 OF THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR MULCHING. 4. FOR DITCHES AND SLOPES, USE EXCELSIOR MATTING AS A MINIMUM FOR STABILIZATION IF THE AREAS CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES. OTHER MATTING PRACTICES ARE LISTED IN SECTION 6.14 OF THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR MULCHING. 5. CHEMICAL STABILIZERS MAY BE USED, BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VEGETATION GROWTH. REFER TO THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR A LIST OF STABILIZERS AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 6. THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE REFERENCED FROM NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL SEC. 6.10 AND 6.11, AND THE STABILIZATION TABLE IS REFERENCED FROM NPDES NCG 010000. y •e y •e e• ,e e0 #e •7 . ee HAUL RD •i . q e eie to a (Typ) eve to e tie � 15-20FT � ♦ ye ♦ t .. r _. ..";;Ll.-. ...-. SILT FENCE, TYP, FARM PATH/HAUL ROAD NOTE: 1. RE -COMPACT ROAD WITH MIXTURE OF GRAVEL, SILT, AND EXISTING SOIL IN SPOTS AS NECESSARY ALONG PATH. 2. VEGETATE PER STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES. CROSS-SECTION OF HAUL ROAD NOT TO SCALE A) Tigerfloc Tube: 84" (L) x 4" (W) Layflat hose secured with 2%4" camlock fittings; with Tigerfloc Belts which are inserted individually or two at a time into the Tigerfloc Tube. B) 2" Pump Hose: min 50' length for optimal unit performance. C) Dewatering Bag: 15' x 15' size manufactured by Floc Systems Inc. The Dewatering Bags are custom cut and assembled with seam fold to ensure sediment material does not escape at the seam as it does with other dewatering bags. NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWING TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVED EQUAL SETUP OR PRODUCT(S). TIGER -FLOC TUBE AND SEDIMENT BAG DEWATERING TREATMENT DEVICE NOT TO SCALE TOP OF BORROW PIT= 1 00't TOP POND= 96' t MAX. BOTTOM = 90't :I RECLAMATION NOTES: 1. RECLAIM SLOPESTO 3:1 OR FLATTER. 2. VEGETATE PER PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS. 3. IF ANY GROUNDMTER IS PRESENT, AND A POND IS DESIRED, THE WATER DEPTH MUST BE MIN. 4-FT PER STATE RECLAMATION STANDARDS. CROSS-SECTION OF EXCAVATION PIT & FINAL RECLAIMED POND NOT TO SCALE Z 0 Q G_ O z Z H Z W 0 66 Z O W W G yrW �O ` Z p � N 0 Z N p U OQ ll E74S�4t C) 'au (LI0O a CJ2� w yyu N L" O H z 'z Z C H �oz W^ CFO H H � �zW r" r¢mmul m 0 o N N O O Z O O O Q Z O tL F U) 00 o Z U CY < , (D � ZZ_ -Wi W SOW > z w O of zwQ3 O�Zw Ww�QQU QU W a'M CL 0 Ow00c- SEAL ���w a uuiir� \p p�ZN CAROZss �N . L = 034354 __ S ` 1BRAN& 6-11-17 M-2 TPT,� ' i I IVY O114 I PEI JOB#: 17244.PE I ' �':,..'.' .I'�.: ..__ .1 i.. �.—._��_'��� �.1 `,. _. _.. _......'i __�.t�'�.1�_ 11'�. J'..11:5•L i�.]_��il.�.'. r 1538 i COUNTY PARCEL: 26239 2112 FRED EVERE7T ROAD, KINSTON, NC 28504 15.3 539 ,Ao — 1540 a ZONING: LENOIR COUNTY (RURAL -AGRICULTURE) TOTAL ACREAGE: 21.96± , 256 DEED REFERENCE: DB 1682, PG 825 1.1 ` _ PROPERTY OWNER: i sNtuf 540 00 eEt . 15 " LYNWOOD EVERETT 14 4` I / 2112 FRED EVERETT RD / 1 1' ` PIT OPERATOR AND EXCAVATION: LYNWOOD EVERETT 153 ,, 628 �- sf [�i �z� D 1�d1 MINE DEWATERING PERMIT HOLDER: EVERETT'S CLEARING AND GRADING, INC. r- f(-lardison , Crossr, / I Gal , Crc VICINITY MAP NTS LEGEND: LOD LOD — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SF SF SILT FENCE 100 PROPOSED CONTOURS -- -- --- -'-- --- 100 - -'- -- --- -- EXISTING CONTOURS PROPERTY BOUNDARY GRAPHIC SCALE 0 40 80 160 SCALE: 1" = 80' 1. PARCELS TAKEN FROM LENOIR COUNTY GIS PARCEL SHAPEFILES VIA NC ONE MAP DATED DEC. 2016. 2. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION TAKEN FROM NCONE MAP LIDAR 2-FT CONTOURS DATED 2013. 3. THIS TRACT IS NOT SUBJECT SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS AS SHOWN ON NFIP MAP NUMBER 3720359700K EFFECTIVE DATE 4/1612013. 4. THE ONE -SOURCE BORROW PIT WILL SERVE A PERMITTED SITE. 5. THE ORTHOIMAGERY SOURCE IS FROM NC ONE MAPS DATED 2016. 20' INGRESS -EGRESS ALONG EXISITING SOIL PATH PER MAP CABINET 6, PG 260 EXISTING GRAVEL ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT SAND FROM WAINd INTO NCDOT RIE$ -OF-WAY. SEQUENCE OF MINING OPERATIONS 1. Obtain NCDE erosion control permit and other state and local applicable permits as necessary. Q P PP p rY 2. Install gravel construction entrance at Fred Everett Rd as shown. If additional drainage or erosion control measures are needed, contact Engineer for confirmation. 3. If necessary, install gate with lock or post "Warning - Open Pit" signs to provide additional safety during non -working hours. 4. Survey and stakeout limits of disturbance (LOD), pit boundary, and silt fence as shown. 5. Immediately begin excavating pit top area to a min. depth of 2-ft for sediment storage. If immediate excavation does not occur, a skimmer sediment basin will have to be constructed per Engineer's design and specifications, and be re -approved by NCDEQ. 6. Ensure all stormwater runoff flows into excavation pit. De -watering is proposed as shown. See details and permit conditions for NPDES NCG020000. 7. Contractor shall use water truck or other means necessary to control dust onsite. 8. After excavation is complete, regrade side slopes to min. 3:1 side slopes. Prepare seedbeds and re -vegetate per the permanent seeding specifications. Reclamation must be complete within 1-yr. MINE PERMIT BOUNDARY ±22.50 ACRES TO BE FIELD LOCATED ALCOKE INVESTMENT, LLC PARCEL 4321 DS 1305 ! 807 �� roO be, 4-2 EXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH FLOWS NORTHEAST Owe 7�0/3301 PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED STOCKPILE AND/OR WASTEPILES, SEE TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION PROPOSED TIGERFLOC TUBE WITH SEDIMENT BAG (SEE DETAILS) 3RTONI 1298 Pp9,E3A 1311 P PRGE� 31l A'1 p8.1094 I , .. EROSION CONTRO NOTES 1 CLEAR AND REMOVE FROM J ALL TREES, SHRUBS, ROOTS, 00 , ROOT MAT ETC. FROM THE AREA WITHIN DESIGNATED CLEARING LIMITS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESP )NSIBLE FOR CLEANING AND RESTORING TO PRF-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ANY AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS THAT MAY IN, DVERTENTLY BE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE EROSION MEASURES DURING GRADING AND AFTER GRADING HAS BEEN CCMPLETED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINLG TO MAINTAIN PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES UNTIL FINAL RECLAMATION IS COMPLETE. 4. CONTRACTOR TO DIRECT MOEr OF THE SEDIMENT RUNOFF INTO THE BORROW PIT OR TO APPROVED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO DRAINING OUTSIDE HE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. Rgj?c LY,yN; s3289 7688 �D PN CE 30 2 8 P 01�3613g4 IR,FRN�3�308 P B 1�3A 1552 PARCEL 8 Kq. D` 1 1209 WOODS TO RE� UNnISTI)RBED PARCEL Ill ANI pg 8747 656 / 111 6 z O w X ^� l Z C N v, CI q r- 17V r Z '✓ p r % N L. `oJ r- �~ - �z �w < G0,0 aN0 R� � �oz �HP4 Z C� Z ;~ �4 nr nO�VJ ��mmm UJ 0o 0 0 Z O_ o� F- U) Q 55 Z 00 O LL O Z (3<,O� ¢ U O Z_ 0 O 0 WhLEI oa Z_,< ZWaJ wZzw ul Ir n a x 0 <Ww p WOOL) SEAL \\ o�\H CARoZ 034354 - :9 •FNGINE�Q f �R %FS /&RANCN\C�_ � 6-12-17 M-1 PEIJOB#: 17244.PE I l;lf,�,i, Al 0 A SPECIFICATIONS: _1�1 1. ADD SILT FENCE AROUND STOCKPILE IF NEEDED. 2. CONSTRUCT STOCKPILE TO FULL DIMENSIONS AS NEEDED -ALLOW 10% FOR SETTLING. 3. SEED AND MULCH PER STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES. CROSS-SECTION OF STOCKPILE(S), TYP. NOT TO SCALE EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL, BUT IN NO CASE, LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF EVERY HALF INCH RAINFALL. 2. ALL POINTS OF EGRESS WILL HAVE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES/EXITS THAT WILL BE PERIODICALLY TOP -DRESSED WITH 2-3" COARSE STONE TO MAINTAIN 6' THICKNESS. ENTRANCES/EXITS WILL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION TO PREVENT MUD OR SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTO THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT OR PUBLIC ROADWAYS. (NCDENR PRACTICE 6.06) 3. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES HALF-FILLED, THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. STAKES MUST BE STEEL. STAKE SPACING WILL BE 6 FEET MAX. WITH THE USE OF EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC, WITHOUT WIRE BACKING. STAKE SPACING WILL BE 8 FEET MAX. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC AND WIRE BACKING ARE USED. IF ROCK FILTERS ARE DESIGNED AT LOW POINTS IN THE SEDIMENT FENCE THE ROCK WILL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IF IT BECOMES HALF FULL OF SEDIMENT, NO LONGER DRAINS AS DESIGNED OR IS DAMAGED. (NCDENR PRACTICE 6.62) 4. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RE -SEEDED AS NECESSARY AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO MAINTAIN A VIGOROUS, DENSE VEGETATIVE COVER. THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SHORT, FLAT SLOPES (FLATTER THAN 3:1 AND LESS THAN 50') LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVISES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. ALL OTHER AREAS SHOULD BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER ANY PHASE OF ACTIVITY. IMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SPECIES SEED RATES FERTILIZATION & PLANTING Ibslacre LIMESTONE DATES Grain Secale cereale Nurse Crop 40 By Soil Test 8/15-4/15 at Triticum aestivum Nurse Crop 30 By Soil Test 8/15-4/15 German Millet Setaria italica Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 4/15-8/15 Browntop Millet Urochloa ramosa Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 4/15-8/15 Kobe Lespedeza Kummerwia striate v. kobe Nurse Crop 10 By Soil Test 5/1-9/1 Sercicea Lespedeza Lespedeza cuneata'Dumont' Non-native 15 By Soil Test 10/1-4/1 Centipede Grass Eremochloa ophiuroic Non-native 5-10 By Soil Test 9/1-5/1 KY 31 Tall Fescue Schedonorus phoenix Non-native 100 By Soil Test 9/30 - 3/15 Bermuda Grass Cynodon dactylon Non-native 25 By Soil Test 4/15 - 6/30 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Native 3.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 3.50 w/ 3 other seed species Carthage, shelter, & blackwell 3.00 3.00 w/ 4 other seed species 2.50 2.50 w/ 5 other seed species Rice Cutgrass Leersia cryzoides Native 6.00 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 6.00 w/ 3 other seed species 5.00 5.00 w/ 4 other seed species 4.00 4.00 w/ 5 other seed species Sweet Woodreed Cinna arundinacea Native 2.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/1 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Cheyenne 2,00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species Soft Rush Juncus efrusus Native 2.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/15 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Eel 2.00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species Shallow Sedge Carexpincidea Native 2.50 By Soil Test 12/1 - 4/15 2.50 w/ 3 other seed species Fox Sedge Carexlurida 2.00 2.00 w/ 4 other seed species 1.50 1.50 w/ 5 other seed species zLA A PERMANENT SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RECLAIMED EXCAVATION AREAS MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS 1. MULCH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEEDINGS IMMEDIATELY. AREAS THAT CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES SHOULD BE MULCHED TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY PROTECTION OF OPEN AREAS, SHRUBS, AND TREES. USE AN ORGANIC MULCH EXCEPT WOOD FIBERS FOR THE TEMPORARY PROTECTION. 2. CHEMICAL STABILIZERS MAY BE USED, BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VEGETATION GROWTH. REFER TO THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR A LIST OF STABILIZERS AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING AND RESTORING TO PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS ANY AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS THAT MAY INADVERTENTLY BE DAMAGED DUE TO THE FAILURE OF THE EROSION MEASURES DURING GRADING AND AFTER GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 3. THE FOLLOWING TABLE IS REFERENCED FROM NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL SEC. 6-14. MATERIAL RATE QUALITY ORGANICS tonslacre Straw 1-2 Dry; avoid weeds Wood Chips 5-6 Air try Wood Fiber 0.5 - 1 Bark 35 cy/acre Air dry; shredded; chipped Corn Stalks 4-6 Cut in 4.6 inch lengths Sericea: 1-3 Green or dry; mature seed within lespedeza seed -bearing stems Cover area heavy & uniform NETS/MATTING Jute net Fiberglass net Cover area Excelsior Cover area (wood fiber mat) Fiberglass roving 0.5 -1 Continuous fibers with nontoxic agent F B' MAX. STD. STRENGTH FABRIC W/ WIRE FENCE I 1 TOP STRAND MIN. #14 GAUGE I BOTTOM STRAND MIN. #14 GAUGE ' 4 fV STEEL POST q� N 4` X S' TRENCH LINED W/ 12' OF FABRIC AND COMPACTED FILL ON TOP NOTES: 1. WIRE FENCE (IF USED) SHALL BE MINIMUM 14 GAUGE WITH A MAXIMUM MESH OPENING OF 6-INCHES. 2. SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF POLYOLEFIN'S OR POLYESTER, WHICH IS CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR SUPPLIER AS CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN ASTM D 6461 AND ALSO SHOULD CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS ACCORDING TO ASTM D 4355. 3. SEE THE NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLING SEDIMENT FENCE USING THE SLICING METHOD MACHINERY. SILT FENCE NOT TO SCALE GROUND STABILIZATION CRITERIA STABILIZATION STABILIZATION SITE AREA DESCRIPTION TIMEFRAME TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, 7 DAYS NONE DITCHES AND SLOPES HIGH QUALITY WATER ZONES 7 DAYS NONE IF SLOPES ARE 10 FT OR LESS IN SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50 FT IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES 14 DAYS NONE (EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HQW ZONES) NPDES PERMIT NCG 010000 PLAN NOTES: 1. ACCORDING TO NPDES NCG 010000 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011: THE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO GROUND STABLIZIATION REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION II.B.2 GROUND STABILIZATION. 2. ACCORDING TO NPDES NCG 010000 EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3, 2011: THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL CONFORM TO SURFACE WITHDRAWAL REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 11.B.4 SEDIMENT BASINS. VEGETATION PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE DRESSED TO THE EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION AND TILLED OR RIPPED TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 4-INCHES. THE TOP 2 INCHES SHALL BE PULVERIZED TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SEEDBED. 2. LIME AND FERTILIZER SHOULD BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL PRIOR TO SEEDING OR SOD. FOLLOW SOIL TESTS OR AS FOLLOWS: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONS/ACRE FERTILIZER - 1000 LBS/ACRE (10-10-10) SUPERPHOSPHATE - 500 LBS/ACRE (20%) MULCH - 2 TONS/ACRE (SMALL GRAIN STRAW) ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT 450 GAUACRE 3. FOR OPEN AREAS, USE STRAW MULCH AS A MINIMUM FOR STABILIZATION IF THE AREAS CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES. OTHER MULCHING PRACTICES ARE LISTED IN SECTION 6.14 OF THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR MULCHING. 4. FOR DITCHES AND SLOPES, USE EXCELSIOR MATTING AS A MINIMUM FOR STABILIZATION IF THE AREAS CANNOT BE SEEDED ACCORDING TO THE PLANTING DATES. OTHER MATTING PRACTICES ARE LISTED IN SECTION E.14 OF THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR MULCHING. 5. CHEMICAL STABILIZERS MAY BE USED, BUT IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VEGETATION GROWTH. REFER TO THE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL FOR A LIST OF STABILIZERS AND FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 6. THE FOLLOWING TABLES ARE REFERENCED FROM NC EROSION CONTROL MANUAL SEC. 6.10 AND 6.11, AND THE STABILIZATION TABLE IS REFERENCED FROM NPDES NCG 010000. 'e 00 r e� HAUL RD OP •• (TYP) .e 15 - 20 FT e t � � • t SILT FENCE, TYP. FARM PATH/HAUL ROAD NOTE: 1. RE -COMPACT ROAD WITH MIXTURE OF GRAVEL, SILT, AND EXISTING SOIL IN SPOTS AS NECESSARY ALONG PATH. 2. VEGETATE PER STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES. CROSS-SECTION OF HAUL ROAD NOT TO SCALE A) Tigerfloc Tube: 84" (L) x 4" (W) Layflat hose secured with 2"-4" camlock fittings; with Tigerfloc Belts which are inserted individually or two at a time into the Tigerfloc Tube, B) 2" Pump Hose: min 50' length for optimal unit performance. C) Dewatering Bag: 15' x 15' size manufactured by Floc Systems Inc. The Dewatering Bags are custom cut and assembled with seam fold to ensure sediment material does not escape at the seam as it does with other dewatering bags. NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWING TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVED EQUAL SETUP OR PRODUCT(S). TIGER -FLOC TUBE AND SEDIMENT BAG DEWATERING TREATMENT DEVICE NOT TO SCALE TOP OF BORROW PIT= 100' t it I� v lli TOP POND= 96' t l IIIIi �� II' MAX BOTTOM 90't RECLAMATION NOTES: 1. RECLAIM SLOPES TO 3:1 OR FLATTER. 2. VEGETATE PER PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING SPECIFICATIONS, 3. IF ANY GROUNDWATER IS PRESENT, AND A POND IS DESIRED, THE WATER DEPTH MUST BE MIN. 4-FT PER STATE RECLAMATION STANDARDS. CROSS-SECTION OF EXCAVATION PIT & FINAL RECLAIMED POND NOT TO SCALE Z 0 0 O LL z z z W zi C) 6 Z O rn W W WO Z C Co N 0 v ti 00 00 2 N �RS" 0 � Y � w G O ^2 W �1 Z ~ v U 0 Z � o - A W z c/� a � O HU Q �xx P-4 HOZ W CFO Q 00 n z M M h lm o»� 00 O N o Q C 55 00 z O L L o 'S3 ~ V 0<5o 0 Z d WOfaitzo O 0 whoa ZwZJ WJ03U WzzY d L)aEir O oaiooc=) SEAL \llnllln/� \\ o�1N CARP �y ? : O S`L 034354 = %9�F :FNGINE�� s BRANCH \ ` 6 I�I I1117 M-2 ( I PEI JOB#: 17244.PE I