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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. NCO oag) D "l �S DOC TYPE Cg/HISTORICALFILE DOC DATE ❑ 3UN01 � YYYYMMDD ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER II SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* II General Permit No. NCG020722 Calendar Year 2018 'Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"1"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 JAN 15 2019 Facility Name: Carolina Sunrock LLC - Woodsdale Quarry CENTRAL FILES County: Person DWR SECTION Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 Total no. of SDOs monitored 4 Certified Laboratory: Contest Laboratory Lab # 652 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. Makeup Pond -1 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Make up Pond 1 Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU I Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks Indicate NO aFtO ab a Circle Benchmark 100150 0.1 circle CBnenchmark 50/25/10 NIA 5 aolar ndard app es N/A Standard applies 15 >55 gallmo. average requires TO&G monitSS and oring Date Sample Collected, molddl r MMEMMMMM 15t Quarter No Flow 4-17-2018 0.66 27 ND 42 NA NA ND 100 8-17-2018 No Flow 15 ND 26 NA NA ND 100 10-11-2018 No Flow 22 ND 52 NA NA ND 100 Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 0722 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. AP Pond VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No N Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No N Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No N If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. AP Pond Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg1l (VMA)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage Stormwafer Benchmarks Indicate NO aRO ebla Circle Benchmark 1 00i50 0 Circle Benchmark 50125110 NIA 5 andard applies NIA Standard applies s 1 >55 gallmo. average requires TO&G m nSS and it rinlar Date Sample Collected, molddlyr No Flow Permit Date 101112015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 0722 Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 6 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. 6 Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgh SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Sformwafer Benchmarks lndecat.No aFco et;;e Circle Benchmark 00150 0.1 Circle Benchmark 50/25/10 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality standard applies 1 5 �55 gaUmo. averagerequlres 0&G monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddlyr No Flow Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 0722 Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 2 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage 9al/mo. Stormwater Benchmarks Indicate NO aF10 pliably Cirrcle Benchmark Benchmark 10 0.1 Benchmark BenchmarkA 50/25/10 NIA Standard applies NIA Standard applies s 1 5 �55 a requires average roquires olar To&G monitoring SS and . Date Sample Collected, molddl r WEEMMMMM Not Constructed 1 s` Quarter Not Constructed 2nd Quarter Not Constructed 3rd Quarter 10-11-2018 2.1 9.0 ND 7.9 NA NA NA Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Required by 40 CFR §122.221 Signature rf� Date Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct - Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 1011/2015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) —WASTEWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020722 Calendar Year 2018 "Report ALL WASTEWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow" No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 RECtIVEL Facility Name: Carolina Sunrock LLC Woodsdale Quarry JAN 15 2019 County: Person CENTRAL FILES Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 Total No. of outfalls monitored: 1 DWR SECTION Certified Laboratory: Contest Laboratory Lab # 652 Lab # Is this an industrial sand mine? Yes ❑ No N Discharge to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No N Discharge to SA waters? Yes ❑ No N Discharge to Tr (Trout) waters? Yes ❑ No N Discharge to SB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No N If HQW, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Tidal, 7010 not available ❑ Wastewater Monitoring Requirements Total Outfall Date Sample Daily Flow pH, Suspended Settleable Discharge Upstream (U) Upstream Non -polar No. Collected Rate, cfs SU Solids (TSS), Solids, Turbidity, NTU Turbidity, (U) Turbidity, O&G, mgll Makeup mgll mill NTU NTU (VMA) Pond-1 !!applicable Industrial Sand molddlyr HOW or ORW 50% of freshwater 6.0-9.0 25145 HOW, ORW, SA, SB, No Limit NIA NIA - or t`NO FLOW" 7Q10 saltwater HOW or ORW 20I30 PNA, or any Trout 0.1I0.2 circle Water Quality Standard Water Quality Water Quality NIA 6•8-8.5 HOW or ORW and Tr or PNA that applies: 5012 5110 Standard applies Standard applies Indicate NO FLOW if 011 a licable Pond 1 No Flow 151 Quarter Pond 1 4-17-2018 0.111 7.09 27 ND 42 NA NA NA Pond 1 8-17-2018 0.111 7.53 15 ND 26 NA NA ND Pond 1 10-11-2018 0.111 7.85 22 ND 52 NA NA ND Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 1 of 3 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date / - Y- Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in D WR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 1011/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 2of3 SISUNROCK� CAROLINA SUNROCK LLC Scott Martino Environmental Compliance Manager 200 Horizon Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27615 January 2, 2018 N.C. Department of Environmental Quality ' Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center z n Raleigh, North Carolina 2799-1617 N g v o v t" Re: NPDES Storm Water Annual DMR 2017 fir A °- Carolina Sunrock LLC — Woodsdale Quarry C Q moo_ Permit No: NCG020722 5280Woodsdale Road Roxboro, NC 27574 CERTIFIED MAIL No, 7015 640 0007 8085 0287 Retum receipt Requested Dear Sir or Madam: In accordance with the above referenced NPDES Permit, please find the attached Annual Data Monitoring Reports (DMR) for the above referenced facility. Please note that samples were collected form the represented outfalls for the facilities dewatering activities quarterly for 2017. In Addition, no pit dewatering activities were conducted in the 3rd or 41h quarter 2017 as all dewatering activities were directed towards facility use. Please contact me if you need further information or if this does not meet your requirements. Sincerely, Carolina Sunrock, LLC Scott Martino Environmental Compliance Manager smartino@thesunrockgroup.com Phone: 919,747.6336 Fax: 919.747.6305 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) --WASTEWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2017 Report ALL WASTEWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow'T'No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 9 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 Facility Name: Carolina Sunrock LLC Woodsdale Quarry County: Person Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 Total No. of outfalls monitored: 2 Certified Laboratory: Contest Laboratory Lab # 652 Lab # Is this an industrial sand mine? Yes ❑ No ® Discharge to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No Discharge to SA waters? Yes ❑ No ® Discharge to Tr (Trout) waters? Yes ❑ No Discharge to SIB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No ® If HQW, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Tidal, 7Q10 not available ❑ wastewater monitoring Kequirements Total Outfall Date Sample Daily Flow pH, Suspended Settleable Discharge Upstream (U) Upstream Fecal No. Collected Rate, cfs SU Solids (TSS), Solids, Turbidity, NTU Turbidity, (U) Turbidity, Coliform,. Makeup mgll MIA NTU NTU co11100 ml Pond-1 if applicable SA Industrial Sand molddlyr HQW or ORW 50% of freshwater 6.0-9.0 25145 HOWorORW HOW, ORW, SA, SB, PNA, or any Trout No Limit NIA NIA or r6NO FLOW" 7Q1 0 saltwater e 6.8-8.5 ert1 20130 a 0.110.2 circle Water Quality Standard that applies: Water Quality Standard applies WaterQuality Standard applies NIA HQW or ORW and Tr or PNA 50/25/10 indicate NO FLOW if applicable 1011 Make up 01-20-2017 0.111 7.39 28 0.10 190 NA NA NA Pond 1 Makeup 5-24-2017 0.111 7.29 23 5 19 NA NA NA Pond 1 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 1 of 3 Make up 3rd Quarter No Flow Pond 1 Make up 411 Quarter No Flow Pond 1 Total Settleable Upstream (U) Upstream Fecal Outfall Date Sample Daily Flow pH, Suspended Solids, Discharge Turbidity, (U) Turbidity, Coliform, No. 6 Collected Rate, cfs SU Solids (TSS), m111 , NTU Turbidity, NTU NTU co11100 ml m 11 ifappficable SA Industrial Sand moltldlyr HQW or ORW 50% of freshwater 6.0-9.0 25145 HOW, ORIN, SA, SB, No Limit NIA NIA - Or rrNO FLOW" 7Q10 saltwater HQWorORW 20130 PNA, or any Trout 0.1/0.2 Circle Water Quality Standard Water Quality Water Quality NIA 6.8-8.5 HOW or ORW and Tr or PNA 50Ithat applies: 50l 25110 Standard applies Standard applies Indicate NO FLOW if 10115 applicable 6 V Quarter No Flow 6 5-24-2017 0.111 7.29 74 5 63 NA NA NA 6 3rd Quarter No Flow 6 4th Quarter No Flow Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 2 of 3 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Required by 40 CFR §122.221 Signature 25�� Date l ,1?� eT Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 3 of 3 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2017 *Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow" P'No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 0722 Facility Name: Carolina Sunrock LLC - Woodsdale Quarry County: Person Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 Total no. of SDOs monitored 3 Certified Laboratory: Contest Laboratory Lab # 652 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. Makeup Pond -1 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ � No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Make up Pond 1 Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA)(gal/Mo.) New Motor Oil Usage Stormwater Benchmarks fndicataNO FLOW fi a licable Circle Benchfmar�kl 1 D0 50 0.1 circle Benchmark 50/25/10 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies 1 $ >55gallmo. average requires TSS and Non polar 0&0 monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddl r 01-20-2017 0.49 28 0.10 190 NA NA NA NA 05-24-2017 0.66 23 5 19 NA NA NA NA 3rd Quarter No Flow 4th Quarter No Flow Permit Date 10I112015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. AP Pond VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Out Po AP Pondd Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Stormwater Benchmarks Indicate NO Flotvlr a licable Benchmark Benchmark 100150 0•1 cle>55eaequi Benchmark Benchmark 50/25/10 NIA waterGuallry Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies �5 BYarA�a ragUlfaa TSS andNon-polar O&G monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddlyr MEEMMMMM No FLow Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. N0002 ❑❑❑❑ Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 6 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks indicate NO Ft ow;r a licablo CircleStormwater Benchmark Benchmark t 00151} 0.1 CffG1e Benchmark 501251i 0 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality Standard applies >55erequi average requires TSS and Non polar O&G monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddlyr MEEMMMMM 05-24-2017 0.66 74 5 63 NA NA NA NA Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ❑❑❑❑ CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date 1/z.ZZ,;!C Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 101112015 — 9130/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 JISUNROCK a CAROLINA SUNROCK LLC January 20, 2017 Ms. Bethany Georgoulias Environmental Engineer 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 2799-1617 Re: NPDES Storm Water DMR 2016 Carolina Sunrock LLC — Woodsdale Quarry Permit No: NCG020722 5280 Woodsdale Road Roxboro, Person County, NC 27574 CERTIFIED MAIL No. 7015 640 0007 8085 0034 Return receipt Requested Dear Ms. Georgoulias: JAN 2 5 2017 ST D Er;`R-LA,ND OL°,3,LIT OR.-'IVVATEF? "ER!"01 ,"!NG Scott Martino Environmental Compliance Manager 200 Horizon Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27615, NC 27615 In accordance with the above referenced NPDES Permit, please find the attached Annual Data Monitoring Reports (DMRs) for our Facility. Please note that this facility did not operate within the calendar year of 2016, nor were there any pit dewatering activities. Please contact us if you need further information or if this does not meet your requirements. Sincerely, Carolina Sunrock, LLC Scott Martino Environmental Compliance Manager smartino@thesunrockgroup.com Phone: 919.747.6336 Fax: 919.747.6305 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE' General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2016 "Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"1"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020722 Facility Name: Woodsdale Quarry County: Person Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Certified Laboratory Contest Lab # 652 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 6 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring Other Nog No ®� D- ✓441 � f a J, STC�����C,a� 6 Outfall No. 6 Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mill Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgll (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks fndlcate NO ap10able CircleStormwater Benchmark Bencfimark 00150 0.1 ..hmrcle Benchmark 50/25/10 N/A Standard appWater lies s N/A Standard appWater lies s 15 >saereclu average requires olar To&G monSS and itoring Date Sample Collected, molddl r MEEMMMMM No Flow Permit Date 1011/2015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020722 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature -- Date / — -,�, 4 -- /7 Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — WASTEWATER II SUBMIT TO REGIONAL OFFICE* Il General Permit No. NCG020000 'Use this form if any wastewater samples have EXCEEDED A WASTEWATER LIMIT for any parameter. Send sample results to the DEMLR Regional Office within 30 days of receipt from the laboratory. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020722 Facility Name: Woodsdale Quarry Sample Collection Period: Qtr 1 ❑ Qtr 2 ❑ Qtr 3 ❑ Qtr 4 ❑ Calendar Year 2016 County: Person If Monthly Monitoring. Month Phone Number: (336) 599-4147 _ Person Collecting Samples: Scott Martino Certified Laboratory: Contest Lab # 652 Lab # Is this an industrial sand mine? Yes ❑ No ® Discharge to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No Discharge to SA waters? Yes ❑ No ® Discharge to Tr (Trout) waters? Yes ❑ No Discharge to SI3 or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No ® If HQW, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Tidal, 7Q10 not available ❑ Wastewater Monitoring Requirements Total Date Sample Daily Flow pH, Suspended Settleable Discharge Upstream (U) Downstream Fecal Outfall Collected Rate, cfs SU Solids (TSS), Solids, Turbidity, NTU Turbidity, (D) Turbidity, Coliform, No. mgll mill NTU NTU co11100 ml if apprioable SA HOW or ORW freshwater Industrial Sand 25145 molddlyr 50% of 6.0-9.0 HOW or ORW HOW, ORW, SA, SIB, PNA, or any Trout No Limit NIA NIA - or "NO FLOW" 7Q10 Q saltwater 6•8-8•JGr 20/30 0.110.2 Circle Water Quality Standard that appties: Water Quality Standard applies WaterOuality Standard applies , NIA lrtdicate NO if HOW or ORW and Tr or PHA 10115 50/25/10 a livablebi" 6 NO Flow 15t Q 0 6 NO Flow 2nd Q 0 6 NO Flow 3rd Q 0 6 NO Flow 4th Q 1 0 Permit Date 101112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 1 of 3 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020722 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.22] Signature Date / -.W Mail Limit Violation DMR to Your DEMLR Regional Office Land Quality Section: ASHEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 GIONAL OFFICE 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919)791-4200 WINSTON-SALEM REGIONAL OFFICE 450 Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27103 (336) 776-9800 FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 225 Green Street 1 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (910) 433-3300 WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 ENTRAL OFFICE Questions for The Central Office Stormwater Permitting Program? (919) 707-9220 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 WILMINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910) 796-7215 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 11-18-2015 Page 2 of 3 0 ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT DMR — WASTEWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year zee "Report ALL WASTEWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No FloverNo Discharge" and Limit Violations) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. N/CG02 ®Q©© Facility Name: N/ sr�Vj� wav✓e/ County: Phone Number: ( qlk Total no. of outfalis monitored 1 Certified Laboratory ['o,JLs t" Lrr� s Lab # 5 Lab # ... Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No. —6! C= Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR §436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ No Ej Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ No a Li Does this outfall discharge WW to SB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No E;�-1 Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No I:D-- If so, what is the 7010 flow rate? or Tidally influenced waters, 7010 not availat Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout (Tr) designated waters? Yes ❑ No [3' Were there any limit violations in the calendar year? Yes ❑ No Outfall No. Daily Flow Rate, cfs pH, SU TSS, mgll SS, MIA "Applica°" Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, coll100:ml SA Effluent Mo. Aye J Daily Max.Indicate HQW or ORW 50% of 7Q10 NO FLOW rr.ppruaGro fnshwatar :altyaer 6.8-8.5 induatriai Sand 25145 HQW or ORW 20/30 MOW or ORW Ed Tr. or PNA 10/15 tigW, OAW, S`Qw, Rw,PNA oraryTut 0.110.2 No Limit Circle 0u Sw4t,d that apptlaa: f 501251.) NIA W:da StndrpplW* NIA a�a �aLimitations Standard . NIA Date Sample Collected, mold, r t�r 3 _ _ - -----�'�'� r Am =' FMM u )- .z Permit Date 1011/2015 — 913012020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 ��[r Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional outfalls) Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No. Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR §436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SIB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ If so, what'is the 7010 flow rate? or Tidally influenced waters, 7010 not available ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout (Tr) designated waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Were there any limit violations in the calendar year reported? Yes ❑ No ❑ Oritfall No. r Daily Flow Rate, cfs pH, SU TSS, mgll SS, rrit/l ffapocob1e Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, co11100 ml SA Effluent Limitations Mo, Ave I Daily Maio. NOW or CKW 50% of 7Q10 Indicate N6 FLOW tra.hwatar 6.0-9A sattwatar U-8.5 InduatM1al Sane 25145 HOW orORW 20130 Flow or o w its Tr or PNA 10115 NOW, ORw, SA SO, PMA, or anyTTmtn 0.110.2 No Limit 4 irdoW5tanwM that aPPtwa: 50/25110 NIA sWWaterrdp adit+. N/A Standard all+va NIA Date Sample161 Collected, mold r;,€��4'� ;,. a x � x?� ; Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Q©©[a- Additional Outfall Attachment (make copies as needed for additional ot,tfalls) Wastewater (WW) Discharge Outfall No. Is this an industrial sand mine (See 40 CFR §436 Subpart D)? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SA waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to SB or PNA waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to HQW or ORW waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ If so, what is the 7Q10 flow rate? or Tidally influenced waters, 7010 not available ❑ Does this outfall discharge WW to Trout (Tr) designated waters? Yes ❑ No ❑ Were there any limit violations in the calendar year reported? Yes ❑ No ❑ Outfall No. Daily Flow Rate, efs pH, SU TSS, mg/I SS, mill "aAP'ice01i Discharge Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Fecal Coliform, co11100 ml SA Effluent Limitations Mo. Ave ! Da4y Max. HQW or ORw 50%of 7010 bdlcate NO FLOW n aWlcable freshwater25145 6.0-9.0 saatme ltw 6.8-8.5 tndustrkal Sand Howa,BRw 20130 HQworoaw &ad Tr a PNA 10115 Haw, oRW, JA,SB.PNA, oranyTrout 0.110.2thatapokes: No,Limit Quality rd4j Vl t8f 5012511 0 N/A Standard.ppaa NIA Standard pty NIA Date Sample Collected, moiddtyr t i Permit Date 10/112015 - 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 Certificate of Coverage No. NCG02 Q©Q� CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." jRequired by 40 CFR §122,221 Signs Date Mail Annual Summary Wastewater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Fifes is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 1011t2015 -- 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) ANNUAL SUMMARY DATA MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Calendar Year _2015 Individual NPDES Permit No. NCS❑❑❑❑❑❑ or Certificate of Coverage (COC) No. NCG20722 This monitoring report summary of the calendar year should be kept on file on -site with the facility SPPP. Facility Name: _Carolina Sunrock LLC — Woodsdale Quarry County: Person Phone Number: (_919_)_ 688-6881 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Dewatering Activities only Outfall No. _6 No Stormwater Sampleable events in 20151 Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No [� Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No [� If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No E SWU-264-Generic-13Dec2012 Additional OutFall Attachment Outfall No. Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 (monitored monthly)? Yes ❑ No ❑ Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 (monitored monthly) during the past year? Yes ❑ No ❑ If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, why was monthly monitoring discontinued? Enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Received approval from DWQ to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ Other ❑ Was this SDO monitored because of vehicle maintenance activities? Yes ❑ No ❑ SWU-264-Generic-I3Dec2012 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signatul� Date _12/21 /2 For questions, contact your local Regional Office: DWQ Regional Office Contact Information: EVILLE REGIONAL OF. 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (828) 296-4500 RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 (ETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFF 225 Green Street Systel Building Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 (910) 433-3300 WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 (252) 946-6481 WINSTON-SALEM_REGIONAL OFFICE 1 CENTRAL OFFICE 585 Waughtown Street 1617 Mail Service Center E Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 E (336) 771-5000 _ (919) 807-6300 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 610 East Center Avenue/Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-2845 (910) 796-7215 "To preserve, protect and enhance . 00, North Carolina's water.__ SWU-264-Generic-13 Dec2012 A 01 in MCDENR Stormwater Discharge Outfall (00) Qualitative Monitoring Report Forguidance on filling out this form, please visit. http:/(/lQrtal,nccleiu',org/WO-UZI /ilpd s�-sXornnwateJ Permit No.: Facility Name: .t-f, County: _ 9L-4C-r Inspector: _�'-, Date of Inspection, Time of Inspection: . or Certificate of Coverage No.: I[/C/L/ ILI Phone No. `/2 - 46 / - 6AN 7 _ Total Event Precipitation (inches): Was this a "Representative Storm Event" or "Measureable Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See information below.) ❑ Yes 52-<o Please verify whether Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a "representative storm event" or "measureable storm event" (requirements vary, depending on the permit). -------- — - --- -._ _-....... ... Qualitative monitoring requirements vary. Most permits require qualitative monitoring to be performed during a "representative storm event" or during a "measureable storm event." However, some permits do not have this requirement, Please refer to these definitions, if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a storm event that results in an actual discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling period, and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature, I certify tha eport is accurate and compiete to the best of my knowledge: Designee) Page 1 of 2 5WU-242, Last modified 7/31/2013 1. Outfall Description; Outfall No. ,�- Structur �(pipe.ditch, et .) _ Receiving Stream: _ 77n-� vl . _ ce)`�-- Describe the i.ndustrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area:�t 2. Color: Describe the color of the dischar e using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium , dark) as descriptors: 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e„ smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.)-. 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 1 2 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: / 1/ 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids; Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the;stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 2 3 4 5 7. Is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes 8. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: 6,0') KNo No Yes List and describe 72, J� %ter // .1z-z-j �r'� Z 6eA1/V11,'-.i -AD 4r i.u� ' -:; f-'n rc'/nt tµ+ ---- - -44,T55-- - 70 Note; Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposition may be indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 SWu-242, Last modified 7/31/2013 PROCESS/MINE DEWATERING WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) Please Mail Original and One Copy to Mailing Address Below GENERAL PERMIT NO- NCG020000 Part A: Facility Information Samples Collected in Quarter. �Q 3Q 40 (all samples shall be reported within 30 days following monitoring period) (C-1. t.) Certificale of Coverage No. Facility Name Facility Contact Facility Contact Phone No. NCG020722 Coanly of Facility VV00DSDALE QUARRY Name of Laboratory WESLEY EVERLY Lab Certification # (919)669-6187 Part B: Process Waslewater and Mine Wastewater Monitoring Requiremena PERSON Contest Labs 652 ,oatfall. Number ... Receiving Stream Name. Date Sample Col[ected; 50050 00400 1. 00530':. 00076 - : 'Y00545 .- Dly'Ptow t pH Total Suspended Solids Turbidity' r Settleable S61ids moldd/ N1GD.`.:. .,..unit m NTUs`. -�JMiii 001 CASTLE CREEK 3111115 0.40 7.55 37 66.0 ND I Measured continuously using a flow measuring device or estirnaZM using manufactures numo cones and ROMP 10 Part C: Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violation." 03/23/15 ignat e o er it (Date) Part D: Mailing Address Attn: Central Files, DENR. N.C. Division of Water Quality, 1617 Hail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 SWU-244-012005 V } ANALN I ICAI. I.AF$0PAl" RY 39 Spruce Streal " East Longmeadow, MA 01028 'FAX 4131525-6405 'TEL. 413/525-2332 Project Location: Woodsdalc Q Sample Description: Work Order: 15C0452 Date Received 3112/2015 Field Sample q; WQ-1 Sampled: 3/11/2015 11:50 SRmnle ID; 15C0452-0] Samolc Matrix: Water Conveotioual Chemistry Parameters by EPAIAPHAISW-846 Methods (Total) Date Datemme Analyst Results RL DL Units Dilatlon FIaglQual hlcthad Prepared Analyzed Analyst Scltleable Solids ND 0.10 ntL/L I SM21.22 2540F 3/12/15 3/12/15 12:00 LL Total Suspended Solids 37 5.0 3.6 mglL 1 SM21-22 2540D 3/16/15 3/16/15 12:30 LL Turbidity 66 ]0 NTU 20 EPA 180.1 3/12/15 3/12/15 21:55 D. m Page 5 oP 13 Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For guidance on filling out thisform, please visit: l:kOcumetit s.him#miscConi Permit No.: NI I IAI_I I�I_hl or Certificate of Coverage No.: N/CI-I 0Z0722 -/—/ I Facility Name: Carolina Sunroek LLC - Woodsdale Quarry County: _ Inspector: aoia- .� Phone No. Date of Inspection: Time of Inspection a Total Event Precipitation (inches): Was this a Representative Storm Event? (See information below) ❑ Yes 2-No Please check your permit to verify if Qualitative Monitoring must be performed during a representative storm event (requirements vary). A "Representative Representative Storm Event" is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rain h fail and that � is preceded by at least 72 hours (3 days) in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. By this signatwe, [certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: orbesignee) 1. Outfall Description: Outfall No. �4 G Structure pip ditch, etc.) Receiving Stream: Describe the industrial activities that occur within the outfall drainage area: �. 2. Color: Describe the color of the discharge using basic colors (red, brown, blue, etc.) and tint (light, medium, dark) as descriptors: C/. -r _ 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have (i.e., smells strongly of oil, weak chlorine odor, etc.): /- ' '' Page 1 of 2 SW U-242.112609 4. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes the clarity of the discharge, where I is clear and 5 is very cloudy: 2 3 4 5 5. Floating Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of floating solids, in the stormwater discharge, where I isnonosolids and 5 is the surface covered with floating solids: i) 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 2 3 4 5 7. is there any foam in the stormwater discharge? Yes No S. Is there an oil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Yes ii Nb J 7 9. is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfall? Yes No 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwater Pollution: List and describe Note: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the presence of foam, oil sheen, or erosion/deposiition maybe indicative of pollutant exposure. These conditions warrant further investigation. Page 2 of 2 S W U-242-1 126H I SUHROCK & CAROLINA SUNROCK LLC BMP's Riser basin Basin 1 Water Color? Water level? Basin 2 Water Color? Water level? Basin 3 Water Color? Water level? Basin 4 Water Color? Water level? Basin 5 Water Color? Water level? m 6 Water Color? _%i1 Water level? sin 7 Water Color? Water level? Basin 8 Water Color? Water level? Basin - Asphalt Water Color? na Water level? na Filter Basins H F Basin 1 Holding water? Y I N Sediment level? H >= Basin 2 Holding water? Y I N Sediment level? H F Basin 3 Holding water? Y I N Sediment level? H F Basin 4 Holding water Y/ N Sediment level? Dewatering pit since last inspection? Y 1 N Plant- Housekee ing. Fluid Spills? Y / N: Type: Amount: Secondary Containment Areas/fuel storage and dispensing areas If repair/maintenance/actions required, date completed? Comments: Quarry Weekly Stormwater Inspection Form Woodsdale Date:k 7 Inspected By: / C Has it rained since the last inspection? C!I N: Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y I N NCY Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y 1 N NCY Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y / N NCY Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y 1 N NCY. Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y / N NCY �7/ Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y 19 Make up water pond north of pit Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen?" Y 1 N Basin closest to shop area. Condition of Dam? Oil Sheen? Y / N NCY Condition of Dam? na Oil Sheen? Y I N Basin below asphalt plant. Condition of Basin? Oil Sheen? Y / N NCY { HF Basin = Horseshoe filter Condition of Basin? Oil Sheen? Y I N basins at rr spur area.) Condition of Basin? Oil Sheen? Y 1 N NCY (NCY = Not Constructed Yet) Condition of Basin? Oil Sheen? Y / N NCY Need Attention? Y / N Yes on Oil Sheen - Notify Tony Sample immediately. 919-669-6187 How Cleaned Vater Color? Clear Water level? High Condition of Dam? Good Sediment level? OK Condition of Basin? Good Milky Normal Needs maintenance 112 full - needs Maint Needs maintenance Muddy_ Low Needs repair Full Needs repair_ TLS- 414114 PROCESS/MINE DEWATERING WASTEWATER DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) 11 Please Mail Original and One Copy to Mailing Address Below Part A: Facility Information Samples Collected in Quarter: Certificate of Coverage No. Facility Name Facility Contact Facility Contact Phone No. GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 10 2 4 (all samples shall be reported within 30 days following monitoring period) (Ci.k Ore) NCG020722 County of Facility WOODSDALE QUARRY Name of Laboratory 1VESl,HY EVERLY Lab Certification 9 (919)669-6187 Part B: Process 11'astewater and Afine 11'astewater Aloniloring Requirements PIERSON Contest Labs 652 Outfall Number Receiving Stream Name Date Sample Collected 50050 00400 00530 00076 00545 Daily I -low t ' pH Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Settleable Solids mo/dd/vr MGD unit m I NTUs mill 001 CASTLE CREEK 10/7115 0.40 7.24 17 19.0 ND I Measured continuously using a Flow measuring device or estimated using manufacturer's pump curves_and purnp_1W. Part C: Certification "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violation." 10/19/15 (Signature of Permitee) (Date) Part 1); Mailing Address Attn: Central Files, DENR, N.C. Division of Water Quality, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 S W U-244-012005 Table of Contents ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street " East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ' FAX 413/525-6405 ' TEL, 413/525-2332 Project location' - Sample Description Work Order: I SJO317 Date Received: 101712015 Field Sample 4: Woodsdale AI Sampled: 10/712015 13:00 Samuie ID: 15JO317.01 Sarnalc MaLix: Waste Water Conventional Chemistry Parameters by EPAlAPHAlSW-846 Methods (Total) Date Datel7'ime Anulyte Results RI. DL Units Dilution FiaglQual Method Prepared Analyzed Analyst Settleable Solids NO 0.10 ml 1, l SM21.22 254OF 1018/15 10/8/15 16:00 DJM Total Suspended Solids 17 5,0 3.2 mg/L. 1 SM21-22 2540D 10/12/15 10/12/15 13:10 VAK Turbidity 19 2.5 NTU 5 EPA I80,1 1018115 10/8/15 22J 5 DIM Page 5 of 16