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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. /v DOC TYPE ys HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ a b I I D ,C) g YYYYMMOD the Goagt'al f-vertg July 22, 2011 Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section Judith A. Wehner, Assistant State Mining Specialist 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Dear Mrs. Wehner: ,., : AZ Aalre, ,DWG Irnnr G' /I/ow .4 L Q-s I JUL 2 v 20 , �4IE C E9 ''F. I � JUL 2 9 2011 A Ir ILINAR SUBJECI,: THRASHER MINE — CURRITUCK COUNTY — PERMIT # 27-43 On behalf of Elbow Road Farm, Inc., Bissell Professional Group is submitting the following package as it relates to a revised request to expand the existing Thrasher Mining Operation located in the Moyock Township of Currituck Co. As we have discussed, this request is a revision to an original modification application that was submitted to NCDENR DLR in late 2007. 10 offer some background, the original 2007 modification request included approximately 38.75 ac. of additional excavation area in addition to other associative improvements that proposed to increase the mine operation's total affected acreage to 478 ac. Included in the 38.75 ac. of additional excavation were 425 ac, located withi i the 150' wide power easement that crosses the site. A corresponding submission was made to Dominion Power to secure an agreement for this excavation encroachment which we were told was permissible. DLR's review of the modification was completed shortly after the original submission and the proposed expansion activities were approved subject to receiving a copy of the encroachment agreement with Dominion Power. The years following transpired as negotiations were made in an effort to finalize a license agreement that was drafted in June 2009. In January 2011, however, after the employment of a new upper management group and a re -review of the previously approved plan, Dominion rescinded its agreement to allow thine excavation within the easement. They did indicate, however, that the haul road crossings would still be permissible subject to the review of a revised plan. As a result of this decision, our client is requesting that the 4,25 acres of excavation previously proposed within the power easement be relocated to the west, outside of the easement as shown on the updated enclosed mine plans. With the exception of some revised haul roads and recharge ditching around the relocated excavation area, all other proposed expansion activities remain the same as originally submitted. The areas of excavation (38.75 ac. new/123.75 ac. total) and the total expanded affected acreage (178 ac.) have also not changed. All proposed expansion activities stall remain within the existing 313.5 acres permit boundary In support of this latest request we are submitting 5 copies of the following documentation as requested: • Updated Set. of mine expansion plans • Updated Sheets 1-3 of the mining permit application • Updated Sheet 5, Affected Acreage Table • Updated Sheet 18, Land Entry Agreement lic6o)-o VIS VIA t/ /,' Q Jy JUL 2 8 2011 LAN) QUALITY St=CTION WA.SHINGTON REGIONIAL OFFIC P.O. Box 1068 a 3512 N. Croatan Hwy. © Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266a Fax:252-261-1760 m E-mail: bpg@bissellprofessionalgroup.com '•.:�' , — 2 — July 22, 2011 We will also be submitting these updated plans to Dominion Power to obtain their final approval for the proposed haul road and recharge ditch encroachments. A copy of the encroachment contract will be forwarded to you once executed. If upon your review you should require any additional information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. We thank you for your continued time and consideration in this matter. Best Regards, Bissell Profession David M. Klebitz Project Manager ! ¢ ! APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RE CERTE D LAND QUALITY SECTION JUL P. 5 2011 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name of Mine Thrasher Mine County Currituck River Basin Pas uotank Latitude (decimal degrees to four places) 36031'53" Longitude (decimal degrees to four places) 7601 1'35" 2. Name of Applicant*Elbow Road Farm, Inc. _ 3. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** 144 Lazy Corner Rd. Moyock, NC 27958 Telephone (252) 435-6776 Alternate No. 757 547-3900 4. Mine Office Address 144 Lazy Corner Rd. Moyock, NC 27958 Telephone (252) 435-6776 5. Mine Manager Danny L. Thrasher III We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Signature Print Name D. L. Thrasher III Title President This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and reclamation bond (security) that corresponds to this site. Date 7+ i 5- t t ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent *** Signature of company officer required. 4',� J7�-2111 le that must be indicated o the AUI-y SECTION I -AND OU ��r-C'',IONAL OFFI add fess4or'TeIenhone 'number. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 60 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered regarding your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE 1. Answer all of the following that apply: ❑ If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that the "new permit" fee will be based upon): Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: Acres leased: Property owner if leased: ❑ If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): ® If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: 27-43 Total permitted acreage: 313.46 Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ® No ❑. If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): 51.51 Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No Z. If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: . (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (i.e.: disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes ® No ❑ (if no, a "minor modification" fee of S 100.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): 51.51 ❑ If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage: SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Sand 3. Mining method: ❑Hydraulic Dredge ® Front-end Loader & Truck ❑ Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck Self -loading Scraper Other (explain): 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) _ 25'_ (_13' ms_1_ _avg.) Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) Natural Ground Level (12' msl avg.) b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) _ 25' (-13' ms] avg.) - 2 - APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 5. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes ® No ❑ If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Permit 4 27-43 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum):_ 10 years B. MAPS Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six (6) copies of a 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C. Geological Survey: Mailing Address: Physical Address: 1612 Mail Service Center OR 512 North Salisbury Street, 5a' Floor Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 733-2423 www.ueoloay.enr.state.nc.us/ County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C. Department of Transportation: North Carolina Department of Transportation — Geographic Information Systems (G1S) Mailing Address: NCDOT GIS Unit 1587 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1587 Physical Address: NCDOT G1S Unit 3401 Carl Sandburg Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 (919) 212-6000 www.ncdot.or ,,/it/gisContact/default.htiii] 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights -of -way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. - 3 - APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailingslsediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds/Recharge Ditch 7 Stockpiles 11 Wastepiles 0 Processing Area/Haul Roads 15 Mine Excavation (Includes reclaimed & non -excavated areas) 131 Other (Earthen Berms & Miscellaneous) 14 Total Disturbed Acreage 178 NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. - 5 - APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971 pursuant to G.S. 74-56. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as maybe reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: Signature-.Q_t, Print Name: Danny L. Thrasher Ill (Title, if applicable) - Managing Member Company Moyock Prol2erties, LLC (If applicable) Address: 2833 Pungo Ferry Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Telephone: (252) 435-6776 APPLICANT: Signature:* 9-x� z� Print Name: Danny L. Thrasher III Title: President Company: Elbow Roads Farm, Inc. Mine Name: Thrasher Mine Telephone: (252 ) 435-6776 Date Signed: 7 I511i Date Signed: - 71(51((_ *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page 1 of this application. One original and five (5) copies of the completed application, six (6) copies of all location maps, mine maps and reclamation maps, and the appropriate processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) in the form a check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at (919) 733-4574. - 18 - W'4rE9QG O�QF Michael F. Easley, Governor William G, Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 12, 2006 Mr. D.L. Thrasher III Thrasher Mine Moyock 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake, VA 23320 Subject: Stormwater General Permit N00020000 Operations and Maintenance Reminder Thrasher Mine Moyock COC Number NCG020493 Currituck County Dear Permittee: Our records indicate that you have been issued a Stormwater General Permit and a Certificate of Coverage for your facility. These permits have specific conditions that must be met in order for you to be in compliance with your permit. It is your responsibility, as the permit holder, to read and comply with the conditions contained in the permit. It is our responsibility, as the issuing authority, to make sure that the operation and maintenance of your facility complies with the conditions contained in your permit. To assist you in complying with these conditions, we are attaching a Technical Bulletin specific to your permit requirements. We are currently in the process of developing our inspection schedule. Therefore, you should have all of your records up to date as we may be contacting you in the near future to set up an inspection of your facility. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Samir Dumpor, Pat Durrett or myself at (252)946-6481. Sincerely Al Hodge, pe isor Washington Regional Office Surface Water Protection Unit Encl. CC: WaRO files North Carolina Division of Water Quality -Internet h2o.enr.state.no.us 943 Washington Square Mall Phone: 252.946.6481 ta Washington, NC 27889 FAX 252.946.9215 Carol/inaAn Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper llL a��l�/ o�0F w A r�9p� February 7, 2005 D L Thrasher, III Thrasher Mine Moyock. 1400 Elbow Rd ' Chesapeake, VA 23320 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Thrasher Mine Moyock COC Number NCG020493 Currituck County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG020000 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself with the changes in the reissued permit. The general permit authorizes discharges of.stormwater and some types of wastewater. You must meet the provisions of the permit for the types of discharges present at your facility. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG020000 • A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general -permit Five copies of Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Fortes - wastewater and stormwater • Five copies of Qualitative Monitoring Report Form Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree, If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Ken' Pickle of the Central Office Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext.584. . Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. VE® cc: Central Files t ON g 2006 Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Washington Regional Office D WQ AR® North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.uslsulstomtwater.html 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-9612 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper o� iV_ rthf ar rina � a irrrr Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY , GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020493 STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM . In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143=215.1,-other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Thrasher Mine Moyock is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and to operate treatment systems and discharges associated with mine dewatering wastewater and process wastewater from a facility located at Thrasher Mine Moyock Sr 1222 Moyock . Currituck County . to receiving waters designated as UT Moyock Run, a class C SW stream in the Pasquotank River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, lll, IV, V, and Vl.of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective February 7, 2005. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit, Signed this day February 7, 2005 fora Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission :y State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director April 21, 2000 D. L. Thrasher, III 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake VA, 29730 1 • • NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Thrasher Mine Moyock COC NCG020493 Currituck County Dear Mr. Thrasher: In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on August 16, 1999 we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit -is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .l and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Antonio Evans at telephone number 919/733-5083 ext. 584. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens CC! Washington Regional Office Central Files Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper i.. ! a A 277 A/C6 oa oZ/ 3, � ^U6 G STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020493 STORMWATER, MINE DEWATERING, AND/OR OVERFLOW FROM PROCESS WATER RECYCLE SYSTEMS DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Elbow Road Farm, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge mine dewatering and stormwater from a facility located at Thrasher Mine Off SR 1222 Moyock, NC Currituck County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Moyock Run, class C-Sw waters, in the Pasqoutank River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1, I1, III, IV, V, VI and VII of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective April 20, 2000. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit, Signed this day April 20, 2000. for Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission C.- r � f ice._. S f//-'� 7+^•' ° tr x -. � � Y .r y -if ,. ! � ,. / �i>.nd-.�i',3: v._'� rt... yyr"._Y:-f.:•a. w_"r s: A., .r k i :r 1 Gcrp i ya.r✓,�".` ° ��! C +� t.[� I-} 5 _ • / 'i r 1@�A !1 - r y +•• 'i"'- fA'� ' .` ._.... .�,���. I 7• yi' /!�'�r i r-� t l'y� r � hL''j"�- v 5 w - 1} f '! ! � � r } -� -. r �. '��' 4 � r � „• - �� •Ni 1 � r /�' `�..\ � 1\ tt3! S N`C q4 I ( ( .� r 1, I �di.; �.b�Ft �� •M.+ .� -� �- i i •`l.• .i'r }} \ 1.:W. f ! 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Ross Jr„ Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0 C Alan W, Klimek, P.E, Director Division of Water Quality February 7, 2005 RECEOVEIS` D L Thrasher, III FEB 2 1 2005 Thrasher Mine Moyock 1400 Elbow Rd Chesapeake, VA 23320 DWQ-Wr`ARO Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Coverage Renewal Thrasher Mine Moyock COC Number NCG020493 Currituck County Dear Permittee: In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG020000 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. Please review the new permit to familiarize yourself with the changes in the reissued permit. The general permit authorizes discharges of stormwater and some types of wastewater. You must meet the provisions of the permit for the types of discharges present at your facility. This permit is reissued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983. The following information is included with your permit package: • A new Certificate of Coverage • A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG020000 • A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit • Five copies of Cischarge Monitoring Report (DMR) Forms - wastewater and stormwater • Five copies of Qualitative Monitoring Report Form Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Ken Pickle of the Central Office Stormwater Permitting Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext.584. Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files Washington Regional Office one NorthCarolina ,111l71=1111 f North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Intemet: h2o.enr.state.nc.uslsulstormwater.html 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 733-9612 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycledl10% Post Consumer Paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020493 STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Thrasher Mine Moyock is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and to operate treatment systems and discharges associated with mine dewatering wastewater and process wastewater from a facility located at Thrasher Mine Moyock Sr 1222 Moyock Currituck County to receiving waters designated as UT Moyock Run, a class C SW stream in the Pasquotank River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective February 7, 2005. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day February 7, 2005 for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission ELBOW ROAD FARM, INC. 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Telephone: (757) 547-3900 Fax: (757) 547-7364 March 23, 2000 Mr. Robert Tankard Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Mr. Tankard MAR 21 2000 } WASHFNIGTGN REGIO�IA1 OFFICE DWO During your inspection a breach in our water containment system was found. The dewatering pump was immediately shut down and the breach repaired. Our water containment system consist of circulating the mine water in ditches around the mine. These ditches are dammed and bermed to insure no water discharged from this site. Stone dams have also been installed outside of the ditch dams. We have applied for our water discharge permit. We are also inspecting our ditch and dam system regularly to make sure this problem does not happen again. Sincerely D.L. Thrasher II1. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director April 21, 2000 D. L. Thrasher, III 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake VA, 29730 'v +sue NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: General Permit No. NCG020000 Thrasher Mine Moyock COC NCG020493 Currituck County Dear Mr. Thrasher: In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on August 16, 1999 we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Antonio Evans at telephone number 919/733-5083 ext. 584. cc: Washington Regional Office Central Files Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files Sincerely, !', �i? 1I— �� APR 26 2000 Kerr T. Stevens WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE DWO 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-5063 FAX 919-733-9919 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG020493 STORMWATER, MINE DEWATERING, AND/OR OVERFLOW FROM PROCESS WATER RECYCLE SYSTEMS DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Elbow Road Farm, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge mine dewatering and stormwater from a facility located at Thrasher Mine Off SR 1222 Moyock, NC CurTitUCk County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to Moyock Run, class C-Sw waters, in the Pasgoutank River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 11, III, IV, V, VI and VII of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective April 20, 2000. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day April 20, 2000. for Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission a;''+.. 'r .1 `l fJi�i' a -•r' �.a '�;�,i ... r' 4M a �, _ � � �'7-- i �� _:+.-.' El �1' i • � M i:� , r � C ..r�� �� 7 -.... - ! f ! may.:. ri.�c +,g -' a, • .� - a. _ ii _ +>`._ �-... �,�,�_^-�•�-� �_ j� % � \ .Jr/ � f, "'� �xf � ! a j / r'r il•r;�. f �;;s.. �� ti ���� �a-3 � ..: �_ -a-',� . �.' � 1 J � ^ 1.� V '`5. •'�~ i' �� �. i), `S ��'�n� +�f f.�� % j' 1 � j i1 ,I.,`� Y"_ x-*`yF R r a .!. „�-+ 1�� . 'i l .- t. ' ' ,!l\ f` � : -:✓ � � r � J f f � � w .w"- k� � { '{r 4e r �dtirt... � - _y�� _ �A 61. �`' , i" WAN t° ,y��'• � '!�„s' �ax' �r-�...:- _.�'.' y �'`",..;y� rP'-,�� � '� ..+.- "j�s "! ��.-.r::,J�``: Y•.. 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Maotech. 4nc F „0.4104J2000 12:58 2522611760 BPG INC PAGE 01 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: AMM TO: Robert Tankard LOCATIONS: FAX NUMBER f* 5V 9T5--3 7'16 FROM: Donm ORIGINATING FAX NUMBER: M1d1-17bd PAGES TO FOLLOW: I COMMENTS: Horse #ad the &MEE nR toga (s): Re: Pmpo$W 'I'bir=her Mine Curriturk Comty DWQO OM59 ThaRkyore, Dmfwa MoCom 4417 N. Crostan H". a P.O. SM 1088 ■ tgtly Hawk, NC 27948 252-261.UN 0 Pia: 252-281-1760 ■ E-mail: bpg4nc(&Jntarpath.ccm ti ommm yon i ASO 04/04/2000 12:58 2522611760 i BPG INC PAGE 02 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Hoiman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director Thrasher Mine Elbow Road Farms 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake, VA 23320 Dear Sirs: UNUMENWML DEHR NORTH CAROUNA DEpARTMEwr or E?,MROP4mrL r ANo NsauRAL R"OURCES March 27, 2000 Re. Proposed Thrasher Mine Currituck County DWQ# 000359 The Department of Water Quality (DWQ) staff has reviewed the "Proposed Monitoring and Pumping Schedules" prepared by Bissell Professional Group, received on February 15, 2000. This plan is acceptable to DWQ and will not result in violation of wetland standards with the following changes: 1) Written reports must be sent to DWQ at six month intervals or when requested by DWQ. One copy of the reports shall be sent to the Central Office of DWQ, and one copy sent to DWQ's Washington Regional Office. 2) The rim ditch shall be extended to the east of the recharge basin to protect all wetlands on the site. 3) Monitoring shall be on a weekly basis. 4) The water from the recharge basin shall be directed to sheet flow into the wetlands. 5) wells shall be installed following protocols established by the DWQ, Ground Water section. Please contact me at (919) 733-9646 if you have any questions. rReg3ionadl CC: Robot Tankard; DWQ Washine Mark Bissell; Bissell Professional Group Central Filcs WdianW401 Unit "01 Reedy Croat Road RaWzb, North Csraliaa 27607 'telephone 919-733-1786 PAX # 733-W59 An BgW opponvuW Affinmadve Acdon Moyer 509, meydlemo% poor consumer papar - 17 + M 'Il � � - fit• � 1 ry� '. f , . _ , . 1. - .,• t - GcJ m State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY October 15, 1999 TO: Darren England THROUGH: Roger Thorpe/ FROM: Robert Tankardre SUBJECT: Thrasher Mine Moyock, NC . Currituck County QuAM The Thrasher Mine plans to dewater and has applied for a NPDES General permit. After reviewing the mining application, this office recommends that the Division require an INDIVIDUAL Permit for the above mine site. A general permit would not address the following concerns: 1. The mine is approximately 314 acres in size. They plan to mine 94 acres of this mine site to a depth of 65 feet. This office recommends that the mine can only dewater down to 20 feet. The reason for this number is that there is another mine site in the county which dewaters to this depth and there have been problems with the water table in the surrounding areas. The size of this mine and the depths would create a huge cone of depression which could impact a large area. 2. Also, to monitor the cone of depression, this orrice recommends that a series of wells be strategically located to monitor the water levels. Probably two sets of five wells located in a transect away from the mine site would be sufficient. 3. Also, there are wetlands on site which will be impacted from the dewatering of the mine site. The monitoring and dewatering plan should be included in the individual permit. Again, this office recommends an individual permit at this mine site because a general permit will not address these concerns. If you should have any questions concerning this, please contact me. Copy: WaRO Land Quality WaRO ✓ Bradley Bennett, Stormwater and General Permits Unit 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889 Telephone 252-946-6481 FAX 252-946-9215 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. I I - Lq PROFESSIONAL GROUP a Hand Delivered Over-Nite Mail Faxed Mailed TO: Robert Tankard NC Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 PROJECT: Thrasher Mine Moyock WE TRANSMIT: ( X ) herewith FOR YOUR: { } approval (X) review & comments () use O other DATE: 8/25/99 PROJECT NUMBER: 3684 NL AUG 2 6 1999 + _: I WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE Owo Copies Date Description 1 8/12/99 Complete Application Package Thrasher Mine Moyock COMMENTS This application was sent to the Raleigh office, but we wanted you to have a copy as well. Sincerely, Bissell Professional Group Eve Turek Engineering Coordinator 4417 N. Croatan Hwy. ■ RO. Box 1068 ■ Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 252-261-3266 ■ Fax: 252-261-1760 ■ E-mail: bpg-inc@interpath.com I 1 NORTH CAROL INA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTIE AND NATURAL RESOURCES -- LAND QUALITY SECTION D APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERK I AUG 2 6 1999]N (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE APPLICANT INFORn4ATION owo 1. NaalicofN46nc Thrasher Mine Moyock County Currituck 2. NamcofApplic'mit* Elbow Road Farm, Inc. 3. Pennanent address for receipt of oficia! mail ** 1400 Elbow Rd. Chesapeake, VA 23320 Telephone (7 5 7) 5 4 7— 3 9 0 0 4. Mine Office Address Chesapeake VA 23320 Telephone 5. Mine Managcr D. L. Thrasher III (757) 547-3900 We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge, We fully understand that any H'illful niisreprescntatian of facts wil[ be cause for permit revocation. Q� • 'Sigriatul-G Print Namc D. L. Thrasher III -liuc president 'Iliis Will tx the r1:rmc tllm the mrrtin%, ix:rrrul Will lx. isstiod to :snd thc_ nanic ih_u_ rl)ust 1_x indic.tt�xl on t is rcclanirtiun tx>rnd or otlicr s .rtrr)�� 01;it cxJrres;x.mds I') this sue " llrc 1-:Ind Odill, SL(chon niwsl Ix: n ,I�IFt_xi t l ;tn� rlc,n, is In 11w Ix.m%im':nt ;Id&css nr I('1L:j)hOI1c ,, . Sn;naturc of t:1,nrlrtrrY ofl-Ick'i ,c'c;ulwd (i ti 7i-il Irrov0-, Il,:rl Slrc lha,:ntnt.nl ;li:,i1 >>,r:u,t , I<ii u) :gylit:ol(w f'�)r :, lx.rnlal �ill,rr r,lf ,I:rv; �rf r���:�a17t of :, ,xu}�I71cic• :yrl}Lc:rturn ���. �f :� 17�,I�ln ii�:ii��a;� �� E��•I�{ t�.�rlut� ;rl ti:,��s f�tllrs��'in1:, Ilit• lu•:rint}� u�,! Ilic liltii�, �,f ;Ins ��ul>Itilcr,u.:r�l:rl u�'i�u:n;t�i��n i�,,l>>i�r,! l��. ilr� I),Ir:jfliiit:r�l :All rlur'tilirrus nnr�;1 }�c� ,rl,lr'r,.rci and al! rrytrirrtl ,:,al,:. Iir i, i i i Ircl,u �lir. .r�,lilii ;,I n! ;ui Irr cmlr I Jrrrd rurl,l,lrlF Allatrft itclrliSiuu;rt �hrr[', nti ru•rclrcl. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered with regard to your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be (' clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE Answer all of the following that apply: a. If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that the "new permit" fee will be based upon): 313.46 a c . Of this acreage, how muchis ownedand how muchis leased? Acres owned: 313.45 Acres leased: Property owner if leased: b. If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining pen -nit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "rene«,al" fee will 1 be based upon): c. If this is an application fora MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the raining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage -.- Does the ntodification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes No If yes, indicate the acreage to be thi covered by this modification s is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): Does the. modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes No_. If yes; indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modtficatiow (NO'I E1 you must complete ail of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners) Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion ofthis acreage be affected (disturbed, ground cover removed) by the raining operation? Yes__ No (if no, a "minor modification" fee of $50.00 is required, despite the "unc isturbed" acreage to be a(lded). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected Within the acreage to be added to the permit (the total acreage to be added to the hermit is the lcscage that the "major modification" fee will be based u ion If this is an application for TRANSFI?R of a alining permmit, indicate the Itllrling permit ntinlhcr and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Milling, Pcr,mil No 'fatal perimitted acreage: SVIVTIIf l I-',F S(:111Vl)k111; AT TIIV VNI) (W 'I'll IS 11"O NI I (M'I'llV PIZ0111"R AMOt1NT TO 13iV, PAID F(M TIIII; IUi:QUF,1, IT 'D Pf+;11M IT A(:TMNCS) ('ORRFSPONI)IM, A('10"AGI," N'OTVI) AIiOVV liuhc;tttc the ,Ilr1}r�»int itc; I(M6111de ;sad I<1litucfc, in dCQrcc.S-1ni1l11CS-see:c111ds, of lhc: 0C111cl of the mine' silk. H)N(iITI11)f:Icici iluli-ssl 36 - 31 00 Moyock I'ATI'11 i1)1: told -Therm- ;:;j 7G I 1 00 Nimi c (el"ell e1uticte;11:; iltnwd Sind APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 4. Mining niethod: Hydraulic Dredge _ front-end Loader & Truck X Shovel & Truck _ �- Dragline & Truck Self -loading Scraper Other(explain) Fx.ca va r. 0, r 5. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) 65, Reference elevation: 12, ms i b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 50 - 55, 6. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes_ No x if no, proceed to Question 7. a. Acreage of previously affected land(s) at present site that has not been reclaimed: acres (identify all areas on your mine b. When and by w om was this activity conducted? c. Acreage of previously RrEtR landat present site that has bFcn rec arm : acres (identify all areas ort your mine map(s)). d. Ven an by whom was thus activity conducted e. Do you wish to exclude any areas noted in 6a or c from this permit app nation? Yes— No If yes, how much? acres (identify all areas on your mine nrap(.s07- Present (pre -mining) use of the land (estimate acreage for each): Cropland 2 8 2icres Pasture _acres Forestry3 l . ayges Fisli/Wildiife acres Recreation _acres Other acres (Specify use: ) Proposed land use after mining and reclamation has been completed (estimate acreage for each): Cropland acres Pasture acres Forestry acres FisW'rldlife acres Recreation acres OtNer res (Specify use:Golf course development around lake. 9 Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS Four (4) copies of the county highway maps and four (4) copies of all nine maps and reclamation maps shall be submitted with each permit application. County highway maps may be obtained from: Location Department Slate Highway Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919)733-7600 Clearly label and niark the location of your mining operation cm the COU[1tY 11'41\1,1ay maps. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of (lie mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years, thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and nights -of -way. b, Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones (both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g Outline and acreage of ali temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. Ii. Location and acreage of all processin > plants (processing plants may be described as to location and distance rom mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. in, Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100 year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all adjoining land. p. Map Legend Requires: I . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding nariles 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person prc:panng 111ap Map scales must, at a nlinirnurn, erect rlrc guiddincs 11HAMI" TE" D ACRI A('J[H r\9AP (A1J 0-99 Acres I inch 5O feel 100-499 Acres 1 inr.h 100 ii,ei 5001- Acres ;ref) fccl APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings sediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine 1 excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 7.09 Stockpiles Wastepilcs overburden 14.18 Processing Area/Haul Roads 4.41 i n c l . ofc mntrnc Mine Excavation 93.87 Other Buffers 185.90 NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, �. or other waste water handling? Yes x No If yes, briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals tome used. A washing and screening masonry sand plant is expected to be located at the mine in two years. The washing operation will utilize ground water. No chemicals will be used. The plant is a water circulating type, mobile power screen, rated 70 T/hr. Groundwater will be discharged into perimeter ditch and settling pond. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or waste water from the mine or plant? Yes x No . If yes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposercltarge points (along with their method of stabilization) oft your mine nrap(s). Discharge point is located on mine map. Discharge will be for de -watering the site (see c, below). Groundwater will be discharged into perimeter ditch and settling (infiltration) pond, as stated above. c. Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s) extend below the water table? Yes x No_. if yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes x No . If yes, what impact, if any, will mine dewatering have on neighboring weff s? Locate all existing wells on the mine map(s) that lie within 500 feet of the proposed ercal�rrtiran cnea, Provide data to support any conclusions or statements matte. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. Locale is served by public water system. No neighboring water supply wells are in the vicinity. d. If (lie mine wi11 extend below the water table, what is the pre -mining depth (in feet) to the seasonal high and low ground water tables'? }-sigh i ft. 1-ow 6+ fl. What is the source of this information? High: Currituck County Soil Survey, 8/82 Low: McCallum 'Posting Report, 4/27/99 e If you answered ycs to any of the ab OW questions, provide evidence that you lltrve ,1pp11cd tiWr or ohtained the ahhroprmlc water cluality permit(s) (i.e., rlorl- (iischarbe. NI'1)ks, etc;.) born the 01VISK111 of I rivironniental Management, Water 0milliv .s(viion. ApplicaL-ion is being made concurrently. a APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 2. a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes Noy. If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Environmental Management, Air Quality Section, or local governing body. b. How will dust from stockpiles, haul roads, etc., be controlled? A water truck will maintain dust control along access road & mining area. A sweeping broom tractor will maintain residual sand & dir-t from access road entrance. 1 Describe in detail the chronological sequence of land disturbing activities and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed. I. Clearing & construction of roadways 2. Temporary parking & office facility 3. Excavation of settling and recharge basin 4. Preliminary excavation from mine; over -burden used to create berms. 4. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation (include specific pp110M for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste piles, acce&Vmine roads card proce&s areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s) and provide typical cross- sections1construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations shall be required when needed to justi yt' the adequacy of any proposed measures. Final slopes in all graded areas shall not exceed 3:1. All seeding/sodding shall be in place w/in 30 days of land disturbance and/or project completion. Erosion control devices shall be checked attar each significant rainfall and/or bi-weekly. Stabilized areas shall be similarly checked and repaired, re -seeded & mulched asap. Bare spots shall be re -limed, fertilized, mulched & re -seeded asap. See calow for detail as to what species shall be planted/seeded for temporary and permanent vegetation. Silt fencing shall be installed as shown to prevent sedimentation of wetland areas. Roadway swales shall_ have minimum side slopes. Stone silt dam will be constructed to break high velocity flows. Class A stone rip -rap to be placed at all. culvert outlets, with ends protected w/ filter cloth as required. Fertilizer; 3,000 lb/acre ground agriculture limestone & 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer. tw1ch: 1,000 lb./ac. straw, anchored by tacking w/asphalt netting, or mulch anchori.nq tool.. Temporary vegetation seeding: (Winter, earl spring, fall) 1.20 lb/ac,. 1.ye grain. (Summer) 40 lb/ac. German millet/Bermuda mix Permarttnt vegetation: 50 .lb/ac. Pensacola I3ahiagr.ass & 10 lb/ac. German millet between 4/1. & 7/15. 12rfcrti..]ize the following April w/50 lb/ac. nitrogen. If sodding is required, sr.lc=c_t compatible species; install w/longest: dimension perpendiCu.L.ar to 51.01)c-�, staples.[ necessary; roll, immediately; water to /1". N APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT S. a. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any adjoining permit boundary or right-of-way? Buffers must be located within the permit boundaries. Buffers along permit boundaries must be, at a minimum, unexcavated buffers. Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). Approximate widths to property boundaries: W side: 400' N side: 570' S side: 340' E side: 960' b. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any -land disturbing activities within the permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands? Buffers along natural watercourses and wetlands must be undisturbed, Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). 135'. Note: Settling basin connects to a recharge basin constructed wetland which connects to existing wetlands. This will avoid draining existing wetlands. 6. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining permit boundaries during mining. The 8' berm wall shall not exceed 3:1 in all graded areas. As described previously, it shall be stabilized with vegetation. 4' high treed berm w/ 3:1 side slopes along entrance road. b. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine map if they are within .300 feet of arty proposed excavation. As above. Also, mining operation will be greater than 300' from property boundary. C 8 APPI.,ICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT c. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. A construction! detail/crass•-section and locatiorn of each type gjharricacle to lie nrsed rnnust he irndicated otn ilne rnniiie Vegetated 8' earthen berm around mine as described. Treed 4' berm at entrance as described. 6' - 8' high gated entry to facility will also be provided. d• Provide a cross-section on the nninne nnap(s) for all fill slopes (ben•nns•, u,astepiles, overburden disj�)osal areas, etc.), clearly indicating the intended .side slope gradiennt, installation of ann31 hennches widlor slo )c drains (with A711)rr)wrti'lig design infoonatioll) if heeded, and the nlletllod cif jtlal s1a!) r 1 izc71 rot r. See Plan c. In excavat1011(5) of unncotnsolidated (non -rock-) tniaterials, sl)ecify the angle of all cuts )cs rltc lcdltng .sl)ecificatioit.s far benching atnd slopin! Cn'oss- ,rectlonn.s l r all cut .slol)es nnu.st be provided or the nninne nrap(ti5 See Map 3:1 slope above water (vegetated) 2:1 slope below water lrl 11al(fi-0 l: specit�' proposed bench vwidths and heights in feet. 1'r n kle c:rll,�s-sr.c;I1OI1.�" Of the nnille exc,til'otion cleol- y tli)11� the anns;lCs of the (;111 ,tilulx'S, u.ldfh\ of11// ';ofc'n' belwhes anr11 tnille bellches, Plod the e.vo.,cled 111(11:111111111 dCI)1h Of flh' (.' C(11Y111w11. N/A X I I. sr: '•,'.',II „;ic4 .'.'�1111 I)i1�lUl1t111 �I1111! Sik'. t7.1�1\':lll+lil ',1'U'l;l:�ll�,",. .51��'I `.�':1:•I�' :11�.':1'� I!i' ,,��Illl��lllai No acid producing soils present, to our knowledge APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT Describe specific plans (including a schedule of implementation) for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees, bushes or other vegetation, building berms or other measures. Show the location of all Wmial screening on the mine maps) acid provide cross -sections through all proposed berms or proposed slxrcings, sizes and species for tree plantings. 8' berm as described 4' treed berm at entrance as described 9. Will explosives be used? Yes No X. If yes, specify the types of explosive(s) and describe what precaution(pwill be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Locate the nearest offsite occupied stn{cture(s) to the proposed excmiation(s) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excavation. 10. Will fuel tanks, solvents, or other chemical reagents be stored on -site? Yes X No.. If yes, describe these materials, how they wi11 be stored and method —of containment in case of q)i11. Indicate the location(s) of all storage facilities on the mine map(s). 2 3,000 gal. diesel storage tanks (above ground) will be located near the maintenance shop. They will be surrounded by containment facilities. (See map). 11. Are any processing waste, overburden, or other such mine wastes to be disposed of oft' -site? Yes No X . If yes, describe in detail what these wastes are and how they will be disposed. Attach a separate site inap(s) showing the locatioil(s) of the disf)o.sal area(s). Include rill .sl)ecrf cations for erosion and .sediment cowrol. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT D. RECLAMATION PLAN Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. This information must be illustrated or a reclantatiorn ma) and must corre.pond directly With tine information provided on the mine map( ). Golf course development around a lake 2. a. is an excavated or impounded body of water to be ieli as a part of the reclamation? Yes x No_. I f yes, illustrate the location of the body(s) of water on the reclamation neap antd prol,tcle a scaled cross-sectionn(s) through the proposed body(5) of water. The minimum average water depth must be at least 4 feet unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s) of water be stocked with fish? Yes_ No X . If yes, specify species. b. Describe provisions for prevention of noxious, odious or foul water collecting or remaining in mined areas. I'ravide dcicrils crud loeativnns of anry permanu�nnt water outlets oil the reclamation neap. Reclaimed mine will be a lake which, since recharged by rainwater and groundwater, should remain fresh. A permanent spillway will be provided near the southwest corner, as shown on the reclamation map. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 3. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent baricade will be left. Construction details arul locations of all permanent barricades must be shown on the reclamation map. N/A 4. Indicate the method(s) of reclamation of overburden, refuse, spoil banks or other such on -site mine waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. T irurl cross -sections and locations for .such areas must he proOded on the reclamation map. The final section reflected on the plans indicates slopes (3:1 above and 2:1 below the water level) after berms have been removed. Any remaining berm material is to be used in connection with golf course fairway grading. 5. a. Describe reclamation of processing facilities, stockpile areas, and on -site T roadways. The on site access road will become a permanent subdivision road; stockpile areas will be regraded to become integrated into the golf course development; some processing facilities will be removed from the site to an approved location. b. Will any on -site roadways be lefl as part of the reclamation? Yes X No If yes, identijy.wic.'h rcxit1ways orr the reclamaion map cnul provije—detaW.5-5n permanent ditch line stabilization. The access road will become a subdivision road, paved and drained in accordance with NCDQT roadway standards (cross-section provided).. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 6. Describe the method of reclamation of settling ponds and/or sediment control f basins. Pond will be permanent and will become part of the permanent lake overflow plan. Describe the method of control of contanunants and disposal of scrap metal, junk machinery, cables, or other such waste products of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971). No off -site generated waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and either the Division of Solid Waste Management (DSWM) or local governing body. If a disposal permit has been issued by DSWM for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and permanent refuse dispascrl areas Waist he clearly delineated on the mine nrap(s) and reclamation map, along with a list of items to he disposed in said areas. None anticipated Indicate the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. Provide design information, ilOuding typical crosN-sections, of atry permanent channels to he constructed asp art of the reclennation plan. Indicate the Iocatron(s) Of all permrurew chatmelc on the reclamation neap. None proposed, other than settling/recharge pond 9. Provide a schedule of reclamation that indicates the sequence of reclamation and approximate time Irame. I�recicrnration i.s to he aceotrrpli.shecicotic:urrerrtly uitli mirulig, their ch,arlfj itrclicwe oar the mitre rlrap(5) curd rock nratioii tnup each .�egnrent that is ro {te mina! curt! reclailrted durhrif c�crclr )-t'ruof tlte� permit. ; Icld dren+'ilrgs sholwlr r typic ul Cross -sections acid fmal features of the proposed recl imation. The mining operation will progrees from the access road in a clockwise-_ direction at the rate of approx. 10 acres per year.. Reclamation will take place concurrently with golf course development atthe conclusion of mining operations for berms. Banks will be sloped and seeded as mining progresses. a APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 10. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. This plan must include recommendations for year-round seeding, including the time of seeding and the amount and type of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seedin& instructions for permanent revegetation and, if necessary, temporary revegetation. Revegetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. NOTE: The Revegetation flan must be approved and signed by one of (lie following: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District;" b. Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; C. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of forest Resources, Dcpar'rmeni of Environment, H aith, and Natural Resources; f. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIME - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): 3,000 lb/,ac. Ground Architectural Limestone FERTILIZER - ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION. (pounds/acrc)'. 500 lb/ac. 10-10-10 fertilizer. Top dress w/50 lb/ac. nitrogen. SEED - TYPE(S) AND RATES(S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR- ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): Temporary Year-round Wi.nLer, early spring, fall: 4/1.-7/15: 50 ib/ac. Pensacola 120 lb/ac. rye grain bluegrass Summer; 40 lb/ac. German millet- & 1.0 lb/ac. German millet Bermuda mixture MtJLCH-'I'Y1'E AND RATE OF APPI..ICATION (pounds/acre) AND METHOD 01:ANCHORING, 4,000 lb/ac. straw anchored by tacking w/asplialt,neCt•ing or mulch anchorin tool 01'1111'.R VF:G1` I'ATRIF COVERS -TY1'1 (S) AND RATF(S) O A1'i'LICATION INCI-IJI)ING SI-FIANG SC'11F.I)1J1.,1=. (poun(k/acrc Ircesr It lc. sl�acinl c.r1 lrc:es�shrrll�s ctc J. Sodding i f r. eq u i r. cd ; species c_ r rl;. r 1, i. b t e w/ hr,r.mr,nc sit sccJd(�d Lyp<., installed w/.Longest dimension s.lop(w f it-lrc �c�:,sar.y. hol.l, iinmeidat:e1.y & w;�Le[ r,o 4" . llc��csz�'t,llirlrl ,rnlllc>r IcfflrC) , i(}n pkill aIppicrvr(i i)r Sif;nstirirr'. i'rsnt I�l,tl nc' t•l i 1t c + r�gcllt1rV-1I.1�Jfl APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation workrheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond (based upon a range of $500 to $5, 000 per affected acre) for each permitted mine site bayed upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the muting permit. AFFECTED RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 7.09 Ac. X $5 0 0 / Ac. _ Stockpiles 8.01 Ac. X $18 0 0 1 Ac. _ Wastcpiles—Berms 14.18 Ac. X $2000 /Ac. _ Processing Are fliaul Roads 4.41 Ac, X $ 0 / Ac. _ Roads covered under soil erosion control plans Mine Excavation 93.87 Ac. X $ 5 0 0/ Ac. _ Othcr—Buffers & 185.90 Ac. X $ 0 /Ac. _ undisturbed area TOTAL AFFECTED AC.-. 313 .46Ac. RECLAMATION COST 4C '�545.00 $ 14,418.00 $ 28,360.00 0 $ 46,395.0 $ 0 Temd>orary & Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures: Divide tic TOTAL, AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into propesoNexisting excavation and/or b) affected acres that «1111 be graded for positive drainage, measures will be n(x:ded to prevent offsite sediment a) Intenutl Dr vnage 313 . 416. a c . b) Positive DrainaYc -- Ac X Inflation 1-actor: $ 1500 / Ac. _ $ 0,02 X SIJ13T0'1-A1, ('0ST: $_93_,-2.5_$_ X SUBTOTAL COST: $ 93, 258 . on pc113111life: -- 10--- (I to I t1 arc try) INFI.ATION COST: S 18 , 652 . 00 IY)TAL COST SI lI3'I OTAL C OST 1- INI1I,ATION COST = $ Ill , 91 0 . 00 TOTAL 1Z1ICLAMATION BON!) (:{)�"I : `� 1-11_,_9.00_.00_ (round down to die. ncaresl ' 1(NI) Is APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT F. NOTIFICATION OF ADJOINING LANDOWNERS The "Notice" form, or a facsimile thereof, attached to this application must be sent certified or registered mail to all landowners who are Adjoining (contiguous to) the permit boundaries as indicated on the mine map(s). The only exception to the above is if another means of notice is approved in advance by the Director, Division of Land Resources. A copy of a tax map (or other alternative acceptable to the Department) must be mailed with the completed "Notice" farm (the proposed overall permit boundaries and the names and locations of all owners of record of land adjoining said boundaries must be clearly denoted on the tax map). The "Affidavit of Notification" attached to this application must be completed, notarized and submitted to the Department, with the remainder of the completed application form, before the application will be considered complete. NOTE: TIIIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS FOR NEW MINING PERMITS AND FOR PERMIT NIODWICATIONS THAT ADD ADJACENT LAND TO A MINING PERMIT. SEE I'll El Nl' XT "IAN10 PAGES FOR TI[E "NOTICE" DORM AND "I'IIE "Al�'F[[)A1'I"1' OF NO"['IF[CA'I'ION" NOTICE Pursuant to provisions G.S. 74-50 of The Mining Act of 1971, Notice is hereby given that Elbow Road Farm, Inc. (Applicant Name) hasappliedon August 12, 1999 (Date) to the Land Quality Section, Division of Land Resources, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, for (check one)', (a) a new surface mining permit XX (b) a modification to add adjacent land to an existing surface mining pennit ❑ The applicant proposes to mine San d on 31 � - 4 acres located (Mineral, Ore) (Number) 1 _ 5 anut.t, of--N-C/YA border (Miles) (Direction) (Nearest To«vn) off/near road SR 1222 (Road Number/Name) in Curriituck County m (Nae of County) *SEE ATTACHED MAP FOR PROPOSED PERMIT BOUNDARIES AND CORRESPONDING ADJOINING LANDOWNER NAMES AND LOCATIONS* In accordance N�,ntli G.S. 74-50, sire rnine operator is required to make a reasonable effort to notify all o%vncrs of record of land adjoining (contiguous) to the proposed mine site (permit boundaries), and to notify the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which the site is located. Any person may file written comment(s) to the Department at the above address «idiin thirty (30) days of the issuance of this Notice or the filing of the application for a permit, whichever is later. Should the Department determine that a sivuifrcant public interest exists relative to G.S. 74-51, a public hearing \%-ill be held within 60 days of the end of the 30-day comment period specified above. A copy of the pemiit application materials arc on file'and available for public review during norn-ill business hours at the above listed address as well as at the appropriate. regional office. I -or further inforniation call (919) 733-4574 Please note that the Department will consider any relevant \written commcnts/docuiiic,,ttt<ation %kitiin the provisions of die Mining Act of 1971 th_ rouf,,hout tic aptlication review process until a final decision is iliadc on t7�c at��liaition. (Addressee's Munc and Address) _August 12, 1999 _ (D;ilc of Issuance of this No1lcc:JMailul to Aciciressu) -- —�- Elbow Road farm, Inc. (Manic, of' Applic:uil) 1,100 l-lbow Ref. Chesapeake VA 23320 (A(iriress oli 2%ppl1r,inl) Adjoining Owners Thrasher Mine Moyock Peter A. & Donna M. Browning 130 Lazy Corner Road Moyock, NC 27958 William E. & Dolly Creekmore PO Box 101 Moyock, NC 27958 Mollie Winslow PO Box 215 Moyock, NC 27958 J. Martin Jarvis PO Box 173 Moyock, NC 27958 Janet G. Garrett Rt. 4, Box 6 Moyock, NC 27958 G. C. Nicholas, Jr., Trustee Box 377 Northwest Station Chesapeake, VA 23322 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT AFFIDAVIT OF NOTIFICATION 1 Mark S . Bissell , an applicant, or an rent, or employee of an applicant, for a new Mining Permit, or a modification of an existing Mining Pernut tliat adds adjacent land to the Mining Perniit, from the N.C. Department of Environment, I Iealth, and Natural Resources, being first duly sworn, do hereby attest drat the following are knomi m mers of record, both private and public, of the laud adjoining the proposed mining permit bounchrles iuid that notice of the pending appllcmion llas been caused to be malled, by certifiod or registered mail, to said owners of record at their addresses shown below, such notice being given on a form provided by the Department: (Adjoining Landox%mer Mum) (Address) See Attached List (Attach additional list if ncccssary) I do also attest that the following individual is fire chief administrative officer of die county or munrcipaity in \vluch the proposed mining site Is located and !fiat notice of the ]ending application has bccn caused to be mailed, by certified or registered mail, to said office at the following address: (Chief Administrative Officer Flame) (Address) Mr. William S. Richardson (Co. Mgr.) PO Box 39 Curri.tuck IBC 27929 The above attestation was made by me \\bile under oath to provide proof satisfactory to the Department that a reasonable effort lias been made to noti%' the omiers of record of the adjoining land arid the chief adminisirativc officer of the c:oun(Vor municipality in compliance witli N.0 IS.S. 74-50 and 15A N.C.A.C- 513 ,0004(d). I understand that it is the resporrs&1ity of the applicant to retain the receipts of marling showing that the above notices were caused to beViedandtoprovidedicnitodic Depariinent upon request. A�ust 12, 1999Date f A{ p")t r If person CXMIting Affida\1t is an agent or employed: of an applicant, provide the following infomratiom (Name of apt}lic.vrt) Elbow_WRoad Fa rm _I ric (title c.rf Ix•rsolr excCuting Affidavit) � �z f-__-----------------...... ..... — I- MivaAF-ty1- tZi r_r5c>t r a Notary Pub I1c ofthe C ourtty of--DAT-T5� _ �rttc of Nc+r[h C::u��lina, do hercb�' ccrlif�• that tTatzs<_ S . f3.;5; � (.� _ ___ . _ pcxsolmlk ap;X;a1cd Ixa'Orc nre Yids &iv wid undr.r tmil) ,u'�-tumvlcdgcAl th:lt tic abovc Affld:nvit nl;ttic 6 }unl/hcl WItnt;':s my hand arld rso(al-lal seal. 11w; 1 2 7d;1\ of A tAY - 1\1v ( •<+IIIIIISt OII1 W: Hc, lL1 p) C6, N +I0/ Ik APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT G, LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as nlay be reasonably required in the administration of die Mining Act of 1971. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives die right to nuke whatever entries on the land as ii-my be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as niay be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which die operator has failed to complete in the event a bored forfeiture is ord,red pursuant to G.S. 74-59, LANDOWNER: fl 1I Signature z Print Nariic:�_�_. Address: Telephone: APPLICANT Signature * I Print Name: Title: Company: _ Mine lei anie'. *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page I of this application. If several landowners own land within the Kermit boundaries, each landowner must sign a Land Entry Agreement to clarify the Department's right to enter the land. Four (4) conies of the conmicted a[mlication, four (4) conies of all mine mares and reclamation maps, and the appropriate processing fee (see next page for fee schedule) Ili the form a check or - money order payable to the Norlh Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land QUalit)' SCC0011Centr.sl Of1Ece at the address listed on the front cover of this appficalron form. Induirics rcgardilig the stains ofthc review of this appljc:itloii sllould be drrcctzxi to (tic Milling, I'n gr—,i a stall al (1)1 Q) 7,'. -47-1 Mining * A nonrefundable permit application fee when filing for a new mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit as follows: TYPE ACRES** NENV MAJOR RENEWAL PERMIT MODIFICATION Clad' $250 l but less than 25 $500 $250 25 but less than 50 1000 500 500 50 or more 1500 500 500 Sand c,, Gravel, I but less than 5 150 100 100 Gemstone, and Borrow Pits 5 but less than 25 250 100 I00 25 but less than 50 500 250 500 50 or more 1000 500 500 Quarry, 1 but less than 10 250 100 100 Industrial Minerals. 10 but less than 25 1000 250 500 Dimension Stone 25 but Icss dean 50 1;(}(I 500 500 50 or shore: 2500 500 500 Peat k, I a)]- m rrc 25m) 5OU 500 Phosphate Gold (Hcah I or niorr 15t1(1 5(}{1 51tt1 Leach), 1 ila:riurll, ()Ilfcrs • 4 rI•rnn ;unrl.J r1•• ?.'•II 'lll Ire rn,�r .rl,l:I•.,Ir ii lrr,�„.`Irir. irC I:. I.'I Iu II "I I-r rrnn•rr la Ir:nl Ill- li..41-11. :.1 Ill, IT la'r rnll--Ill�I, :r; FL•. n,'lnI •rv%rn:I •.I I III Il :r u•.irr•., :o.,nn , Ir.r uy.�-. .0 I. L, nu1 -.Ir -1111 it II•. IIIlv1 .1 l.,-r nul r rnr,l Ili, ..I n nl :r her ur,'Iu, lr:, I:1 1,1 I r.•rin,nr•t :rrr:r, �nrr.i Jr ,.I Ilr,� rinlnnrini •, �nlyd I„dlrl nvi�' rryun•-r ro•nl�. v•. irrr�� so � Id.nc- I„I mrinnl•� rrL,lr�l .lydln L,,io�,• ,r1 Il,. .n irlrrl I,urJ. !bl �.' h• rn .y oln w rrl •.i} ..lir.-r , l,.n 11 •,, -. :rn • • r,•.I�I••I r,l II1A III I .IT 11 nr, •• .tr � Ian nr: r: In�Ifrotl•, �n i•1 r �i ....I ; rn,n •, i, ir.,I r, rirr I��ial .,, r ulr nl Ilea ,rl.r E�r ,Iw l�•I uv „irli, ullrnl ��I Ir•a nrrt� nrr:nr rILrI .0 r.I .I I,rn•I allrr I•-�I Iry Ilr�� nr •r., •r, , ��Ilnn IL. Ir•�nmrh�•1 nun.-.,r•�.r I .ury .r. i•lrl,nLvl Lnn411 LrI r•. br I�r �lr,lru Lr�l .i nil .� I,Ir�I I,.in �._r.Iny, I�rr,n111,,1 u�.i a inl� '11 LAND QUALITY SECTION HEADQUARTERS Francis,',` `e.•i!s. it _ P c James D Simons, P.E. - Chief Engineer William (Toby) Vinson - Sediment Educa(ion Seciaon 0L.e: S Craig Deal. P,E- - State Sediment Specialist Specialist I 2_ N Salisbury SLrcct David H. %Vard - Ass(stain State Sediment Specialts: PC Box _ 763 : racv E Davis. P.F.. - State .Mining Specialist SecretAriea vlag�, NC _' 761 1 Judy Wchncr - Assistant State htirtirg Specialist Tony L, Samp!e -Assistant State Miring Specialist Roman Evans - Lead Secretary James K Leumas. P.E - Starc Dam Safety Engineer Stephanie Lane Sediment & Darru Jack H. Palmet, ii.i T - Assist, Slate Dam Safely Eng. Susan Edwards - tifining LAND QUALITY SECTION REGIONAL OFFICES Counter - 52-014)0 (919) 733 - 4574 FAX = (919) 733 - 206 ASHEI"ILLF MOORESVILLE W11NSTON - Sa.LE.N1 RALFIGH R!Ciir nf% ?P LIPS. ? E JEJtR Y CGOF, P.E DOUG MILLER P.E. JOH\ HOLLE 1', P E irate c wrlc Bldg 919 North Main Street 585 Waughtown Street 3SC-) Hamer•• Dr.ve 59 u'octi m ?lace Moores lhc' NC 2S! 15 Winston - Salem NC 27107 P O. Bos 276E 7 �she�xile. S'C :SMI Raleigh, NC 276i 1 COLRItFi - OS 75- it COURIER - 13-21.0S COURIER - 09-55-01 T=,—R0FFICE (7C4) 251 - 6220E . (5_) (704) 663 - 1699 - (5:) (910) 711 �-16W (919) 571 - 47Ca7 - (5>I F.AY = (704) 751 . ti5 FAX a (704) 663 - 6,11_:1 FAX u (910) 771 -4631 FAX a (919) 5 71 .471 S Avery l3uncomcc Burke .Ve"ander 1,incoln Alamance Alleghany Ashe ChaCnafn Du-i%&-1 idgccorrtbc Caldue!! Cherokee Clay Cabaaaus Mecklenburg Caswell Davidson Davie Franklin Granville Halitax Graham Ha,ueo% Henderson Catawba Rowan Forsyth Guilford Rockingham Johnston Lee \•asp iac'rsan Macon ``Madison Cleveland Scarily Randolph Stokes Scary Northampton Orange Pcrsor. ,lfcDowell tiS:chel! Poi;. Gaston Union Watauga Wilkes Yadkin Vance Wake Kut.hCr ord Swam anew '-urs•lvania Iredell Warren wiison FA YETTE\7LLE WILSILNGTON wASHINGTON' ;OE Gi ASS, P_ H DAN SAL\4S, P E FLOYD WMLIAIMS, P.G b[•a[i+cv;a Es!dg ! 27 Cardinal Dnvc. Era - 1424 Carolina Avenue S=_ ,I-, tiL':!rm: or. Nc - 35'-15 Washington, N-C 27559 CCii"KIER-04-i6.3? COURIER- Iti-C�tO! ii(_3) ;41U)397-34)0(57) (919)946-6381(56) {?i +; -5r . ?7J7 FAX = (910) 350 - FAX to (919) 975 - 3716 Y.-rsen ..0n', o:nc-_: 5C"d unsuici. Ins'Hannvcr Beaufort Bertie Camden Chouan iajen ,'•:oorc Cutcrr: C?ulow Craven Cutriiuck Dart Crates : ^t ,crixic :chmor.c C.'lurnhus Ptndtr Greene Hertford Hyde Jones canner: ?ohcson Duplon Lenoir \fanin Pamlico Pasquo(ank Howe Jarr.pso:'s Perquirnam Pitt Tyrrell Washington Wayne A:'CH.ART001 .doc 21 Revised 1/95 SCHEDULE OF RECLAMATION COSTS (based upon range of $500 - $5,000 per affected acre) COMMODITY CODES: SG = Sand and/or Gravel, GS = Gemstone, Borrow Borrow/fill dirt, CS = Crushed Stone, DS = Dimension Stone, FS = Feldspar, MT Mica, LI = Lithium, PF - Pyrophyllite, OL = Olivine, KY = Kyanite/Sillimanite/Andalusite, PS = Phosphate, CL = Clay/Shale, PE = Peat, AU = Gold, TI = Titanium, and OT = Other 033 SG, GS Borrow CS, DS, FS, MI, LI, PF, OL, KY PH, CL PE, AU, TI, OT T/S Ponds S.piles $500/ac. (L} $1800/ac. 1500 (FI) 500 (L) 1600 1500 (FI) W.piles P.area/H.R. Mine Excay. $2000/ac. $1800/ac. $500/ac. (L} 2000 (PD) 2000 2000 500 (L) 2500 (PD) 1000 (L) 2500 5000 5000 2000 (L) 2500 TO 5000 (PD) 1000 (L) 2500 3000 3500 2000 (L) 2500 (FT) 5000 VD) reclamation to a lake and revegetating sideslopes reclamation by filling in and revegetation reclamation by grading for positive drainage and revegetating AS PER NCAC 15A 5B.0003, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE BOND AMOUNT DETERMINED BY THE BOND CALCULATION WORKSHEET, YOU MAY SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE OF RECLAMATION COSTS FROM A THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR. SAID ESTIMATE MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS WITHIN 30 DAYS FOLLOWING YOUR RECEIPT OF THIS BOND CALCULATION: Mining Program Land Quality Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ALL ESTIMATES MUST INCLUDE THE rOLLOWING, AS A MINIMUM: F'I NAI. GRAI)ING COSTS PER ACRE — LIME AND FF_RTI LIZER COSTS, PITH ACRE YEAR—ROUND SEEDING MIXTURE COSTS PER ACRE (FROM APPROVED REVEGE'ITATION PLAN IN DOCUMENT) MULCH AND 104CHOPING c.{):ITS PER ACRE ANY OTHER RECLAMATION [:r,));T! NEC1;SSAItY TO CCVI'I.Y WITH THN APPROV)i:D R1 CI.AMATI ON PLAN FOP THE SITE IN QUESTI O14 700 WILL HE NOTIFIED AS ""N AN POS' i "LF; OF 'CITE: D I REC:TO P' N FINAL BON1) :)IST E= NATI UN. y 4�y�• ' f •`�5 . t!, �y4T l''. !�{I t .'u� t 5`' '.I, ,.�Y^f l: r_V' S,1T) yc. A A +, v �' p� 1 7�tdi xr, � �; t �rf•�z�f.ri3..,,x;.' _�... �.'+� r, ,, ; . , ,,,. ,::'�, OFFICE t75Ii ONLY ! Date Received )TefY r'YVXk,, , .. Fee Paid - , 'AA Permit'Nuritberel,0.d�'. ,,�fr.;� ,(if��i, ii-pr I..;) • .. • . •• � , . ,r t � •Sw� c� ' x: � Y y�;�'�v '•: . � tytF-l�a i '"`;State t, ,'r,� ��)';3R i �rt11:� r�`'�-�,:; �"''�`ti•� , t rf of Noah Carolina t.k*1 , . ,..4 y:lri •r%l S^6'r f�.i ,frr.'x ji:l1•NF" �.ic Department of Environment and`Natuial Resources 'i Division, f,W,ateriQuality•rfli'si)FO V'v. STORMWA_TER MANAGEMENT' PERMIT'A'PPLI J This form may be plrolotopied for use as an origin I. GENERAL INFORMATION I. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. wh o ElboW`Road Farm, Iric. :s,,Slr LAU . Li WA�IIePP 6 Dr�i(} AL OFFICE wns e ro ect U''0 :J r 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): D. L. Thrasher III, President 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 14001Elbow Rd. City:_ Chesapeake _ State: VA Zip: 23320 Telephone Number: (757 j 547-3900 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name -should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Thrasher Mine Moyock 5. Location of Project (street address): SR 1222 City: Township of Moyock County: Currituck b. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): Traveling south on 168, approx. 1.5 miles south of the NC/VA border. Turn west- on Sl2 1222. 7. Latitude: 76 deg . 1 1 ' Longitude: 36 deg - 31 ' 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name:•_ Day i d 1� y a n _ Telephone Number: ( 2 S 7 H. PERMIT INFORMATION: I . Specify whether project is (check one) x New Renewal of project 261-3266 Modification Forin SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page i of 4 t w e , , r `r•• ci"i'�+ff�"j+„� a ,���' i'+�',ySi'<ai 3 „ 4r;}, t°� L°dil, �ii ;!r w �J7.L 2. 1f this appl,cation ,s beinglsubrsutted as the result!of,a'renewal;or,modificauon to an existing pesmit,l�sti . r J =: m� 3 #( Y } { �t C�3 o T' t' w -i.,: jh j n' • existtng'permit riurrtber)e' { �.'' c rand, tts issue date «.w14• r�, is I 'S f f - iv tJ � n'' ,. • _ •,� ` ,� Y�,�' �S +: "1tR� S7'1{ii�l l�r,i.+�rl~+-.r•Lt'-��:�nJ�� i! nr ^f,Jf...• ia' '••- K ti n�3,^{ it,7T� 1 ! 7, r 4'Fit ,e r +�� «'G3 SpeclfY146 fy'pe of project (check one): , . �_', ,. }�n . " :w.�.' ,,J a� i ,` ,k t,''h ,r ,A>:�1�� ,a , m+ ,fi• y j t ,• Density High DensiitygRedevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check;appGcable blanks): 1 kbVkoi.-"� _CAMA Major X Sedimentation/ -Erosion 'Control"'404/4t71 Permit N['DE5 5tormwater ;r Information on required. state permits can be obtained by contaciing the !Custamer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748. IIl. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. in the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one tc,two pages) describing stormwater management for the project', Stormwater runoff from'ail impervious surfaces will sheet flow into roadway vegetative Filters and be conveyed into existing drainage 2- Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the _ _Northwest River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 313.46 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 1 .40 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. 'T3asznIriformafxon ;` ' y Drainage ArealArea`2;;f Receiving Stream Name Moyock Run/Northwest Rv Receiving Stream Class SC Drainage Area 313.46 a c . -Existing Irn ervious" Area 0 a c . Proposed Irn ervious"Area 4.41 ac. im ervious" Area (total) 1 .40 Y. Irti eivtou5` Suiace'Area "' " DrainageAreal=< : °; Drainage Area 2 `,. On -site Buildings 53,000 s . f . 12 ac. On -site Streets & parking 105,389 s.f. 2.45 ac. On -site Parking See above On -site Sidewalks N/A Other on -site t-10, 054 s . f- . 1 . 8/1 jc. Off -site Total: 4 . 4 1 c_ . Total: " Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, lyarking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, efc. Form SWU-JOI Version 199 Page 2 WA i•LJtl,j�'ta{4y�'itt�°. dv rc. •. . , t � > t ,r � s �.3ldray, psi 41,t'f�rSf �� hitff�Iria�J.."ZSrii}..'s � ° t.'�k. 7. How was the vff-slte,impervious area,llstedY•abovlc?derlv'e+d7ry"� 1y tfi .• fir, ! � r „• r .1�1I•.iJl) L 4�J:1-�,311 `iS 1a,Fr 1 -w t l + ♦ � r y �i �r�4� ..017 .�5� J�*.��`I� 5 i��tii"ili�� 3�1 �'t�'�4�}f���l�lyl rAa-1�!yay W.af i2 f t 7 },'1 •r ..,�y 3i,i`y 1 •{ ,Y 4f Ai. f.i .{'<oll .1'i�T i{ t V fi�L 1 i, 4 l Y ;C. 1. tl SVL V �.�! I u `r l� ♦.i171f�• L4 i; ---],. "��.�aLvkiL7,J3uISLs�;,,.�=a.PI +, �1. �• ri ';e Crrt,�tr ' 7 � {1 Cql1 t�', S l.Jf •f f'�l [�,}�f �r`Ll i7 �r�ti .�t +.j••�Ft.'�li�'ril�� .l' wr'y I ,f IV. ,,DEED RESTRICTIONS AND -PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ; „ '34iitt11:a7JiL.I7�fJJl'.bfi}ar+r;t'f sr+ ..1.. The following italicized deed restrictions and covenantsare required to be recorded for.'all r•: Y protective subdivisions; outparcels and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If Jot sizes vary -significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -Upon area for each lot must be,provided as an attachment. I f J ,i .+ 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit number as issued by the. Division of Water Quality.,. These covenants may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. , f 2. No more than square feet of any lot shall be, covered by structures or impervious materials. Impervious materials include asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. 3. 5wales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide driveway crossings. L 4. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prior to construction. 5. All permitted runoff from outparcels or future development shall be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. These connections to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SUPPLEMENT FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. Contact the Stormwater and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083 for the status and availability of these forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-105 Off -Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative Best Management Practice Supplement i=orm SWU-101 vemoll 3.99 Page 3 of +�,yr #�+J ._ t �' rr ^� F,��1». `titi �j�i ��i''A l' ut. � r'�+.-r "'• ! &�t � VI, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS . ''f•,`�'����j;,��>j���.4r�11j+;1'�4i�>:t-� �• 1 l�t9c `t i ri'Y { r' Only complete application packages will,be accepted�and review ed'by•,ttie`Divi'sion of WMei Quality (DWQ1. A complete package includes ill of the Items listed bellow:. -Me romplete�application package'shoul4d be ,. submitted to -the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. Please indicate that you Have provided the following requiredfinformation by'initikng'in the space provided next to each item. j +,•. t,..kp�.('. ).Y.•i!i F! •"'cj; , .'ar.5 r�l' r',1 tt7aIst'+!9�•!. • Original and one copy of'the StormwatIor' Management Permit Application Form iRJ1-) t� .'r • One copy of the applicable Supplement Forin(s) for each BMP • Permit application'proce'ssing fee''of WO {payable to NCDENR} • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management —Ti} T • Two copies of plans and specifications, including: _ h 1_ 7-,4-r(� Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - Legend • - North arrow - Scale - Revision number & date' - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers. . - Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Designated agent (individual or firm): Bissell Professional Group, Inc. Mailing Address. PO Box 1068 City: K i t Phone: ( 252 tv Hawk 261-3266 VIII. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION State: NC Zip: 27949 Fax: 52 261-1760 I, (print or type name of person listed in Genera! Information, item 2) certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H r,(ft,1 Signatifre:_ 1-�11sL Date: f �. Form SWl1.101 version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 i'IV. ra AYiS ,iu a:�+'(ln,br_r,rbv dcd by DWQ) ' .. �IIState of No Carolizia ;1 y�i/r"..j ��ixl,r "� 3 + �' -• . .. fL �.� €- '- k. �,..^ _ ', 1�.11•�.7 i1 �y :.r V3 iY.r;iM�' ...,� r }.ti-;r•.} `Department .. ^- of Environment and Natural R..esources ' t�t .R .' ,w3. air'''-� i.° 'F�5k:41i� , r Division of Water Quality ., ,• i r 7i.c; STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM LOW DENSITY SUPPLEMENT 77iis form may be photocopied for use as an original A low density project is one that meets the appropriate criteria for built upon area and transports stormwaier runoff primarily through vegetated conveyances. Low density projects should not have a discrete stormwater collection system as defined by 15A NCAC 2H .1002{1$}. Low density requirements and density factors can be found in 15A'NCAC 2H .1005 through .1007. , I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name : Thrasher Mine Moyock Contact Person: David Ryan Phone Number: ( 252 ). 261-3266 Number of Lots: Allowable Built Upon Area Per Lot*: *If lot sizes are not uniform, attach a table indicating the number of lots, lot sizes and allowable built upon area for each lot. The attachment must include the project name, phase, page numbers and provide area subtotals and totals. 11. BUILT UPON AREA See the Stormwater Management Permit Application for specific language that must be recorded in the deed restrictions for all subdivisions. For uniform lot sizes, complete the following calculation in the space provided below where: • SA Site Area - the total project area above Mean High Water. Wetlands may be excluded when the development results in high density pockets. • DF Density Factor - the appropriate percent built upon area divided by 100. • RA Road Area - the total impervious surface occupied by roadways. • OA Other Area - the total area of impervious surfaces such as clubhouses, tennis courts, sidewalks, etc. • No. Lots - the total number of lots in the subdivision. • BUA/Lot - the computed allowable built upon area for each lot including driveways and impervious surfaces located between the front lot line and the edge of pavement. Form SWU-104 Rev 3.99 Page I of 2 ♦ i. s ,.� i• rv� w' "Ir",`j� i 41 ��` } x,•'', ii`id_ qIN >t4l '1 �'I;'_zi^ S 5r1'�,1y+{: i .' tr 1 � U' ���t�{{��j4��•!!'dkdn'�+ •r'r���i•.t-h � rl�t�h )�%�`��y #5�''��t� 1��+• { t t !riv{ 1 t `fir 4ryi�+' ti )1! qi{14�1,' I�i�r1FF� �'t, rr �� i•' � �J 1p:y ���7�t )e. n,i^r`'T�y i', � � I 1 fi. 4 .x, M�. i r ',L LN r'•i' _�•��+,�!.4 tir y �_ r , } Y ,'F� T�'i �'{�I•" tyry �1� 'SRNSX�.{�' ., y � _11i, ci+ t• �'' °_ u,'f ikr + r S1SA x DF] RA OA ,kBQA '•� : - - '4�t . J:� i �.s i ' 4,w l ,A •rb rNo. 1.A}ts+ , x, 3 { Lot ' v �� +!!rt' ' I Fr. Y. •,. �' �.+ „1 Till,-. • t � � !�ry�iOa,+ .t'1��;�>t�� •�!'•(1� t�".3.'+'s(l►�; � ! ��i<+4��F� � ,S � J +; ,.) ; It r ;y, ; �!, I it<,:�t;.i` f ' err: °,,,.r �,''t?V1 � � ,i:�.�L Calculation: i' r III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate that the following requirements have been met and supporting documentation is provided as necessary. If the applicant has designated an agent on the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. Applicants Initials a. A 30 foot vegetative buffer is provided adjacent to surface waters. Projects in the Neuse River basin may require additional buffers. L7-_Ll�_ b. Deed restriction language as required on form SWU-101 shall be recorded as a restrictive covenant. A copy of the recorded document shall be provided to DWQ within 30 days of platting and prior to sale of any lots. L-T- ]_ _ c. Built upon area calculations are provided for the overall project and all lots. i) C.T-_la: � d. Project conforms to low density requirements within the ORW AEC (if applicable). [I5A NCAC 2H .1007(2)(b)] Form SWU-1(i4' Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 2 '�.yyl•` S '}`- ii}� �'' ';.t�,l ti ~•'I''i . Itifi . •i?y,i \ :•7�Si', h�j . �':''�t}�7;� r •' F [.: •.! r`k ,�' 1 `1 nl. (`'4A �! i• ::.��., rf f . x> u •, �.. 1 �,. ,.,,��, ,. °:� � 1 Y tit k,� I "� ,f..� ti f s. ?d•.�, w,: ,}1. rye ,�,• .,� ;` ,. ,yI�..,.Y, • •I � ! - $`v . 1' 1 . r - ,, r. .�1 f 1 5 t ti t Y' s !�' I f � '�M y�lfY .., rMiti�t ��•}� i t' 151 r 1 ��E` ' THRASHER M NMG OPERATION'' ; MOYOCK TOWNSHIP-CURRTTUCK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINk. NOTES &'SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS ,a, '"` L A. Project Name: Thrasher Mine Moyock B. Developer: Elbow RoAdTarm Inc. Danny Thrasher 1400 Elbow Road Chesapeake, VA 23320 757-547-3900 C. Project Description: Roadway and Drainage Infrastructure Improvements for a proposed mining operation D. Nearest Receiving Stream: Moyock Run / Northwest River E. Classification of Water Bodies: Sc F. Project Area: 13,654,318 ft.' (313.46 ac.) G. Proposed Impervious Coverage: Gravel Parking & Drives — 97,889 ft.' (2.25 ac.) Maintenance Yard — 80,054 ft.2 (1.84 ac.) Asphalt Drive = 7,500 ft.2 (.17 ac.) Maintenance Bldg. = 3,500 ft.2 (08 ac.) Security Trailer — 900 ft. z (.02 ac.) Office Trailer — 900 ft.2 (02 ac.) Total Impervious Coverage: 190,743 ft.2 (4.38 ac.) H. % Impervious Coverage: 1,40% L Allowable Impervious Coverage 30% or 4,096,295 ft 2 (94.04 ac.) � i . *s � ..A , • L ��` � A i'r, 1 � . rij-��t 5(,�� ,Jg j r ` r�•7 r 4rV q r 0•� r • �Y.:r�.r',r�'r -���Y r k:+ �fr. _ , �+,��, ,�t`f � _ ' ; ; �,�' b4wr �µir� 11. Stoffnwater Management Naria#ive y j��r1 ' y �1Yr.4Y � '6 "1 f� [ ' . 1 . r.r �I� ' ' Y r 1 ` r�. �i;A• . '•. ` � {i�,'F��kSfy,�4� �• d r�}�4 1�,=�1." .fP;. �S �p - '+""�n .„,Z s .:� ' i " The following Is a proposed mining operation consisting of�the construction . gravel drives and parking with associated drainage infrastructure to serve the development of an office, security trailer, maintenance facility, mining pit and stockpile area, The 313—acre site is located along S.R.1222, in Moyock Township, Cunituck County, North Carolina. 'Site soils are mainly composed of Roanoke silty loams described as nearly level, poorly drained surface soils over a loamy or clayey subsoil (as per Currituck County Soil Survey Manual dated 1979). Soil Borings taken by McCallum Testing Labratories, Inc. on 4/27/99 indicate the seasonal high water table to be at an average depth of 52 The site can be described as nearly level with existing drainage ditches running north to south and draining into the wetland area located along the southern property line. The site currently consists of straight row crops. Ali development activities are to be designed in conformity with the requirements for application and issuance of permits for stormwater management systems in pursuant with rules .1003 and .1005 in accordance with G.S.143-215.1 and 15A NCAC 2H .0200 as set forth. These requirements are designed to control pollutants associated with stormwater runoff applicable to development of land for residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional uses. The developmental activities as described above have been designed in compliance with the requirements as set forth in stormwater management within coastal counties Rule .1005, section 3, subparagraph A: (i) Built -upon area of 30 percent or less, or proposes development of single-family residences on lots with one-third of an acre or greater with a built -upon area of 30 percent or less (ii) Stormwater runoff transported primarily by vegetated conveyances that does not include a discrete stormwater collection system (iii) A 30 foot wide vegetative buffer. SrS P ,y a+� E.�1 {�G�b'tyl y ti K jai: ,F �•i J%#i 1 �,i � C 31{" Y• r �' 7! 4_`11.iJ �, i,1.{��Y11� � �r 5 �' •.' J � lot � VWt r :.,I f ]{�,w � �y��h _ .4' �•''s i1 �,`��.1�� i� t}' r '.�.Ji, •", �'4�'� 41 `StoimWdtLrMan'b mintNarrat3v_e�COn'tii '� •hv, M i „4•,Y ��rrr {�� +��ir�+��''�'�,�"�`"f�� !{r. a, ,4. f���u 3�N�'�'ti `'� i �{�.ync', • J �: �: ( .S'n r, i�ti�dr��ti`a ..sµrY''c )'�.s •G+��1�: ..�'��,�.,, �. ;r�..a as��...F d ��i+� ...i •.: : y"+ii..:y t �, i .y,''� �•,�y 'd"�.�, {� y y��:.i ',-�,r i"Jis =. ,• ,`.'Ar-•!•• l.•y Sys. Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces wrll,sheet flow into roadway swales before eventually routed and discharged into the exsting drainage ditches. The proposed swales consist mainly of broad, shallow, vegetative filters constructed with appm)dmately 3:1 side ' slopes. Longitudinal slopes are kept relatively flat, (0.1 % - 0.2% slope), to provide for low velocity flow, thereby aiding infiltration and sediment removal. Enhanced removal efficiency from stormwater runoff will be achieved through a minimum filtration length of 100 feet before being deposited into the detention pond. Vegetative filters have been designed in accordance with the "vegetative filter" definition dgfirred in Rule .1002 of Subchapter 2H Procedures for Permits: Approvals, Stormwater Management Rules, September 1, 1995. Stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces will be collected and conveyed into vegetative filters located along all proposed roadways. The following information is in conformance with the regulations as specified for law density development: 1) Proposed impervious coverage of 1.40% over the total development area 2) Provision of vegetative oonveyanoes along all proposed roadways to collect and transport stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces. 3) Provision of a 3G4bot wide vegetative buffer. The following measures will be provided to control the conveyance of stomrA ater from the proposed low -density development: 1) Proposed impervious coverage of 1.401/6 over the total development area 2) Stonriwater runoff from proposed impervious surfaces draining to existing drainage ditches 3) Provision of vegetative filters with relatively fiat longitudinal slopes aiding in infiltration and sediment removal. Division of Water Quality / Water Quality Section NCDENR Crrw•o-.MLr, Iwo NR,wti t,c�d/�C{S NOTICE OF INTENT National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NCG020000 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage NCG020000: STORMWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as: SIC 14 Mineral Mining Industry (except as specified below) The following activities are also included: I Certificate of Corera•e l IQ eneral-Permit- AUG 12 a "� WASHINGTON REGION', OFFICE 04`1t� • Active or inactive mining operations (including borrow pits) that discharge stormwater contaminated with or that has come in contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of such operations • Stormwater from vehicle maintenance activities at mining operations; overflow from facilities that recycle process wastewater; and/or mine dewatering The following activities are specifically excluded from coverage under this General Permit: • Peat mining, coal mining, and metal mining • Stormwater discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site with stormwater from asphalt operations, and oil and gas extraction operations ' Standard tndustrial Ctassitication Code (Please print or type) 1) Mailing address of owner/operator: Name f`ibow Road Farm, Inc. _ Street Address _11Q9__--_E1h9_w_.-I�9��3 _ City Chesapeake State VA ZIPCode 2332U Te)ephone 757 547-3900 Fax: __ 757 __547-7364 Address to which all p(-q ,il correspondence VJH be maik -xj 2) l_ocatior; of facility producing discharge: FacilnvE ,:rr,e A'hr.asher Plirie, mayock oyock- - - — - - State ---NC_... /If- C;rlrir 271)5t, r:Ilrlll1y Cut`r. i Ltick :i) Physic,,;ll I-oc'.11i0 o Information: I'll::::.r I1lnvlril :r I ::Ir;tllvr rSt:'',:Iylll(srl ui lm lrl 11r;t I(I 11w l;jcthly {11`a! ';tit:(:! rf:llrw:;. ';l:fl,: r„:ill iminlu i VA f,rlrtil_t i:ut;rl wl_: t; r:,ll :;k 12.%..� �r. �q �I n, ��� 11';_, ,.I,,;rrl .lu•e i V1%II Im.d1ly (:;I I •; In1.7i 11111-1 1 11 1n;rlI ju...l ,n ... ....I nilI �•✓Oli II �r, :,IgIL, fvin it l} I I:tt p- I ll) 4 ... , s ! �.k',��j�y s , ' ;sip, � ;'. .,.>x� ��;i+fl'!� "�+ � . •`I'a ; � tiZti+v�, :��, ^ r� a',,. NCGO20000 N.O.{. 'This j 4) NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following �J New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin 1 1 / 1 /9 9 ❑ `existing 5) Standard industrial Classification: Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility SIC Code: ? 4 4 2 6) Provide a brief narrative description of the types of minerals mined at this facility: Sand 7) Discharge Points: Number of discharge points (ditches, pipes, channels, etc. that convey discharges from the property): Stormwater: Mine dewatering: 1 Process Wastewater Overflow: N/A Please provide short narrative description of discharges: Dewatering pump will channel groundwater to perimeter_ditCh and settling and recharge basins. 8) Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek, stream, river, lake, etc.) that the facility stormwater discharges end up in? Ma ock Run/Northwest River It the site stormwater discharges to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer. system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). N/A 9) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? ]KI No ❑ Yes It yes, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: 1 D) Does this facility have any Non -Discharge permits (ex. recycle permits)? KI No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: 1 1) Does this facility employ any best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No KI Yes using vegetative Ii.].ters to convey stormwater runoff If yes, please briefly describe: _ from a31 impervious surfaces. f ongitudirial slopes are keL-ri l-��t ive y flat to provide for low -velocity flow thereby aiding infiltration S sediment removal for enhanced removal efficiency. 12) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? KI No f=1 yes If yes, whoa wr,s it implCmenled? --- -' - -- ---- 13) Are vehicle maintenance activities occurring all this facility? 171 NO IN Yes, 14) Are ,nine dewatering discharges occurring? I l Nu IN Yr!!; Nay i;..r 1 + i�.: 1 .' �. ' F , "fir r .{.; .:.} ,�f;f� o - l r 1 sl, .ttr it rY•n� Ltd-;�11 y -' jar .3,. t;l t '+,,, I rr F 'As 5A L 1 *' ,yt K. a r}y e r i y3 sl$ fl i i �t hil r i :{t t r �t LJ Nor�lt+lq` i"l.: ter MR ;' 4Yr II�Ir " r u 1 i3 t8.• �f?�t`' r _t .y ! r lrl•�, {'' f w'r1 r:. y ?'� + i, h , 7e t1'11' ,I of ❑ 1 el{fl' +I} AS,s } �' . s Y.'r `l i'+`. T f E : �; H� t'Yfa 4,�hs�li�"[Cllr�l �1F1 �.31 r r�l+s r f r?, ,ter ' 1 If yes, answer the following questions an'the wastewater treatment system Nt'`t`t^I� r ' rr� '.k• i . , .1 " f' it{:. e (. -s J t"'.''�11 N t'Jy�17f1'Irr.`5oi.{1};: a) Please describe the type of process used to treat and/or recycle the process wastewater. Give design.... specifics (i.e. design volume, retention time, surface area, etc.). "Existing -treatment facilities should be described in detail and design criteria or operational data should be provided (including calculations) to ensure that the facility can comply with requirements of the General, Permit. [Use separate sheet(s)) Note: Construction of any wastewater treatment facilities require submission of three (3) sets of plans and specifications along with their application. Design of treatment facilities must comply with requirements 15A NCAC 2H .0138. H construction of wastewater treatment facilities applies to the discharge of process wastewater, include three sets of plans and specifications with this application. b) Ddes this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? ® No ❑ Yes If yes, please state the name, manufacturer and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive c) Does this facility overflow only during rainfall events exceeding the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? ❑ No ❑ Yes No overflow 16) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? CR No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per calendar year) of hazardous waste? (3 No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per calendar year) of hazardous waste? [9 No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: NSA_ _ How is material stored: Where is material stored. - How many disposal shipments per year Name of transport 1 disposal vendor:__ Vendor addrr!ss: 17) Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 b (i) provides that: Any It;if:;nn wlu, knowingly rnafkr:s any lake :aala;rn(!nt, n:prri:enhll$tn, of ceadication in any appliC11601%, rc;r;nn1, Ielrort, litan fir uthr,t rlui;urnr:nl Wed ui IL'rtlfln:(t Irl 1w maminined unrlr:l Artide 21 or retgulatiow,; ul thl: rilrvirfntrnent,'tl t,Aanatlernc:nl r,;sornnlis:;itm irnlila':rnentinl} dial Adic;lr:. an who ialsdlra, 1. rolitei ; Milk ur knUwinyly fendr:f inaccutato ❑Iry mm;ordi«u of luundrffiny device, nI Inmlhfoll Ieyuumt bl lie nlieraled of rn;linl;firuttl under Article 21 nr rreltuluGun; nl 1tu: I: nVUUlnnra ilifi Lhirn:s(Jt:lrle,V it 1;nrrinu:;:;j(w wgili?,Twriiviq V,w Amide. shall he 1111illy of a 111isdellt(lanUl IM111shatill: by it Imo pace A 0 4 rV •N�a t } )., 3 y'r//f 1 yi' ` es i i t1w1!Jig" tvvf ,;'NCG02Q000��� {`��1���7 'j ', •S.r����r;t��1 •-a 1' ;'Y �Yr Y, �1:i�`ylm L1k t�'"lr It jh #'1�yNcl'�71 i fli w« F,''"`•,'ir _Iv.:..>r not to exceed S10,000, or by Impdionment'not'to exceed slx rnoriths, or by both. (18 U.S.C.�Sectiori 100S,provides eh"i� punishment by a fine of not more than E t 6pd or Imprtsonrnent not more than 5 years, or both' for a siimll' offense 'r'' � '• �'�'}..-if. y.�,. hereby request coverage Under the referenced General Permit. i understand thatcoverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable iri�thefsame manner as an .'individual permit. I agree to abide by the following as a part of coverage under -this General Permit: 1. I agree to abide by the approved Mining Permit for this mining activity. (A copy of the valid mining permit must be attached to this request. 2. 1 agree to not discharge any sanitary wastewater from this' mining activity except under the provisions of another NPDES permit specifically issued therefore. 3. 1 agree that bulk storage of petroleum products and other chemicals shall have adequate protection so as to contain all spills on the site. 4. 1 agree that solid wastes will be disposed of in accordance with N.C. statutes and rules governing solid waste disposal. 5. l agree that maintenance activities for vehicles and heavy equipment will be performed so as to not result in contamination of the surface or ground waters, agree to abide by the provisions as listed above and recognize that the provisions are to be considered as enforceable requirements of the General Permit i certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: D. L. '„brasher III : President; t� TiL1 Z CC (Signature of Applicant) 1� (Date Sign d) Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for $80.00 made payable to: NCDENR Final Checklist This application will be returned as incomplete unless all of the following items have been included: ❑ Check for $80 made payable to NCDENR ❑ This completed application and all supporting documents Copy of the valid approved mining permit for the facility ❑ Copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with location o1 facility clearly marked on map Mail the entire package to: Stormwaler and General Permits Unit Division of Wat,ir Ouality 1G17 Mail rrlVK:eCot rtes Raloigh. No rih (;, mfirra 217699-1617 Note -I he sr.rhmission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of an NPDES permit. t',),lt; 4 o1 4 NV #i� t 4 �A V r "k r':' Kw . y { �`'i A- { Wei A t �;¢i�;' Sri{ tl�f ,i'4„ 1y t r y 4{y 'SJ7=7A a{ • { L.( h �7• :'fir r 1 t+. F '{ '�., "',,�� r � ( 5'�1 �,'�4 r«. r ��#,+� +a� , ,- �.i�s"�q k;l���,� i �;tt r,�1, `I.1 �tl�,�" � i SlS7 - �`}��✓',.;}.✓y{�aRRR �. �'t�! �7>•r •Fi���ti4(�1 N7.' _ �!1HS � j • � bLM11S7� �3h.%' . 1�#.r ;;I.',,Ikh", '*'� {.�k��i�11 F Vr�'-�,f. ., n 7 Y ,�•Y �' ,, . s r Y4r+ Y r `9 �' - ' ' : ;'` Er� .a. tr}T. ' l " � i ` '`� � , , . •.,� ,�Efi'G �$rx. - 1' rr t�,., • •-Ij, >f tc'+ t i + I ,• i �� ! �+ �, m, y ' '+} .. "+lr ?y, a �"dK. �� r.t✓:;r 1 _ , e iJ + r ..^ y�1x *.' +��+'++'r l- �1� 1 1a�- } jC ��n.' `'. �r3Y `"FINANCI?AL-,$RESPONSIBILITY/.OWNERSEiIP 'FORM _ ;, ,.• r, � tli,t!`{ ti� . ..t .b�, y �{• LLiTSEDIMEATIONPON°AT4~' rROL� ,.lam• +at4.•:�..�r'il•�. 4,IsF'; irb �:-. r � No person may`init'iate4V11 hd-disturbing,activity,on-one or more acres as ' covered by the Act before this form and an acceptable e'rb'sion`and sedimentation control plan -have been completed and approved by the Land Quality Section, N,C, Department'of-Environment and -Natural Re sour cds:,'�(Please,type or•pzint and if question is not applicable, place N/A in the'blank)'. � r:s Part A. 1. Project Name: Thrasher Mine Moyock 2. Location of Land -disturbing activity: County: Currituck 'City or Township Moyock and Highway/Street SR 1222 3. Approximate date Land -disturbing activity will be commenced: 1.1/1/99 4. Purpose of development (residential, commercial, etc.) Mi.nin 5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas) : 127.56 Acres. 6. Amount of fee enclosed: $ 2,570.00 7. Has an erosion and sedimentation control plan been filed: Yes NO Enclosed X f 8 9 Person to contact should sediment control issues arise during land - disturbing activity. Name: Danny Thrasher Jr. Telephone: (757) 547-3900 Landowner(s) of Record (use blank page to list additional owners) Shirr py 12Todd Name ( s ) 528 Gallbush Rd. Current Mailing Address Chesapeake VA- 23332 City State Zip 10. Recorded in Deed Book 190 Current Street city State Page ido . 598 e S s Zip Part D. 1. �Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible (paying the bil lr,) for this land -disturbing activity (Use a blank page to persons or firms) Elbow Road Farm, Inc. 11..,m(' of pet:son(s) or. Firms) 1400 Elbow Rd. (,hesapeake VA 23320 •rr: 1.IrI-,h,1t,1: ( 757) 54.7..3900 St:A nl l'. Addrr t_ i. t, '1'rrLl�I:Ilrul+; I U _ - 'N 1 AUG 2 5 1000- i WASFIfNG10N 4REGIONAL OFFICE .f H < t43if;'' ��ja• i�trr ~•rt} "` z.i''� ` !, ,� �•,'yr s :,, ���;• ��ee�� r 1 7 � nr i i 'Y� �i ail k -�i ° t •rt • r 6 fir- Y y � '" � � i Ip•tS51t �j�,tYR .�`e. �'?�L+e ^ 'r� �r��. � ��.t��4Er�a'.�",�r' 1.i� .!- r - � r Itr{�S - l e. ,, t .. �4F�'�`[;y9i 'r "Y��L�"� ' 1 i�r��#G� r rl �+`��`�5� ! � �. •. i �r f � r' ,>, ryrR X�t` N arxl� •r�� ', ^ rr, , - ,�. � •3,t4-r �"'�'7��. � t 'mil �K. vrC'h�i3f r (a! Ifr ttie Finaricially� Responsible Partyk is -not -a .resident of North �-Carolina give'nairieland"address of a Korth Carolina'Agent. ' �s"7ti:mit �,3:tif��j";Fii ,,wtY.rey , , r� { y_'.. '7'lM4ton R�sSeIZ Urnfr�GGgin1nal Group •� ., °� ' ' - Name !.}0 1.' 4r 7' 1�rr PO Box- '1068 f �z„wn;..r., + . _[='i:' 4417 N Croatan "MHwy' `�: T'ailing Address Street Address _Kitty Hawk'_ NC 27949 Kitty Hawk NC 27949 city State Zip City state Zip Telephone; ( 252 } 261-3266 3. (b) If the Financially Responsible Party.is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach a copy of the .,certificate of assumed name, If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation give name and street address of the Registered Agent. John Cote Name of Registered Agent 411 Cedar Road Mailing Address Chesapeake VA23322 city State Zip Telephone*, (757) 547-5000 411 Cedar Road Street Address .ChesapeakeVA 23322 City State zip The above .information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual or his attorney -in - fact or if not an individual by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person). I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein. D. L. Thrasher III _President Type�..or print name Title or Authority Signature ZZZ���7 pate TA, 4"O a Notary Public of the County of Uflr~� (.ilt�✓y� u c �{ State of !North Carolina, hereby certify that __�__n1�4v"_��_L_ appeared personalJy before me this day and Irr:iud rj uly sworn acknowledged that; the above form was executed by him. q witness my hand and notarial sea], Thin h day of: ��,c.t���.__• It+ f Gr:%•.], Print this form to PDF Retum PDF of this form to DLR CO by email, cc DLR RO and DWQ SPU MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM for the DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY THI5 5ECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY DLR: Project Name: Thrasher Mine DLR Permit #: 27-43 County: Currituck Address:_ bpq bissellprofessionalgroup.com YES NO Date Commencing Is this mine a new mine? r` I✓; 1999 Have land disturbing activities started? Date? r 1 r { 1999 Latitude:36.5167 Longitude:-76.1833 Please return comments to (at DLR CO): Judy Wehner Comments due by: 8119111 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWQ: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? No Comments: Existinq NCG020493 DWQ dewatering permit Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: UT Moyock Run 1 C: Sw DWQ Compliance Status of Mine: Compliant YES NO X •� NPI]S pern3it'required?, s >✓� J 1' NPDES permit existing? r (Permit #NCG020493 ) r p. q �If ari NPDES ermit'is,n"ot re u:red is DWQ • ��u still•concerned about wetland degradation" r , 1, r,..#. Should permittee contact DWQ RO immediately? (e.g. to schedule a site visit if r RO Contact Name: mine has already begun digging or is Contact Reason: dewatering without DWQ permit) 401'.Wetland.Cert'required? ;., 401 Wetland Cert. existing? r Permit # I✓, Does DWQ RO.currently have,enough information to:determ'ine,if a.401 .certificationis re uired?r' Rev September 2010 Print this form to PDF Return PDF of this form to DLR CO by email. cc DLR RO and DWQ SPU YES NO Arewetlarids,disturhed at this'site7 r r Does DWQ RO suspect or know of nearby r as shown on plans r wetlands to the site? 1s"a'wetland.delirieation required prior to` r By: r JD or` r,'Consultant r r r existing del DWQ issuing.the'permit? 2 = onsite?• Oe,-. , Offsite? shown on plans .. Stream Determination Needed? r r Stream Determination .Completed Does DWQ RO need a statement that no wetlands/streams are disturbed r P for this project from applicant? Buffer;D;eteriiiination Needed? .,. ' Buffer Determination Completed? r r ' Recycle system permit existing?*. ': �I'ermit #NCG020493 same -as JDI above,. ' New Recycle System permit required?* r r Enough information to determine? .Non-discharge,permit:existing2* r Permit# r 4 Will, wastewaters discharge to HQW waters r W. 7Q10 Unknown (permittee determine): r with a 7Q10=0? ** Flow: a r , Has •Violatbn `Does'DWQ,require-DLR r O&M Regtiirenients to. -hold the permit . IT so DWQ"can r ' HQW17Q10 Concerns , r (e.g. review'it.furtheror ,. because DWQ requires more,information)? r , Other. Reason:`' _ RO contact:. - rh r .Hold Until: , Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan r r O&M provided is approved? on plans *The NPDES SW and WW Permit NCG020000 covers closed -bon recycle systems, designed to exclude all stormwater run-off from the system and operate at or below two -feet- of freeboard. These systems may be permitted by a Non -discharge Recycle _System Permit from the Aguifer Protection Section (APS), OR may instead be permitted under NCG020000 to eliminate an additional permit. Recvcle systems that do not meet those criteria are considered discharging systems, and are subject to the NCG020000 discharge permit. **To obtain 7Q10 flows, permittees must contact the DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit. If DWQ does not have a flow estimate for a specific stream, permittees will be asked to obtain one. Permittees should contact J. Curtis Weaver at the USGS: 919-571-4043, for more information on obtaining a 7Q10 flow, USGS will not determine a 7Q10 flow for tidally influenced water bodies. Reviewed by: DWQ RO Surface Water: Scott Vinson Regional Office: Washington Date: 8/19/2011 RO Aquifer Protection Section: Regional Office: Date: SPU DWQ Central Office Reviewer (if applicable): Rev September 2010 A SITE SUMMARY THRASHER MINING OPERA] ION OPERATION SUMMARY: CONSTRUCTION W€LL CONSIST OF THE EXCAVATION AREA OF SOIL OF g3.87 ACRES WI MAINTENANCE FACILITY, SECURITY AND OFFICE TRAILER, GRAVEL PARKING, AND ASE DRAINAGE AND GRAVEL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. THE DAILY OPERATIONS AND PROPOSED METHODS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1) THE ANTICIPATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LOAD COUNT iS 100 LOADS, WITH ONE LEAVING APPROXIMATELY EVERY SIX MINUTES. AN OCCASIONAL LARGE JOB WILL INCF TRAFFIC LOAD TO APPROXIMATELY 200 LOADS PER DAY, WITH ONE TRUCK LEAVING THREE MINUTES_ 2) EXCAVATION WILL CONSIST OF STRIPPING OVERBURDEN, DIGGING DEWATERING AN1 DITCHES WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE USE OF AN EXCAVATOR. THE EXCAVATOR WILL STOCKPILE MATERIAL OR USE DUMP TRUCKS TO HAUL MATERIAL TO OTHER LOCATIO THE PROPOSED MINING AREA. 3) LOADING OF SAND ON DELIVERY DUMP TRUCKS WILL BE DONE BY A RUBBER TIRE LOADER AND A EXCAVATOR OPERATING AT THE MINING AREA ENTRANCE. 4) TRUCKS ENTERING THE MINING AREA WILL BE REQUIRED TO STOP AT THE OFFICE RECEIVE LOAD TICKETS AND INSTRUCTIONS UPON ENTERING AND EXISTING THE MININ SPEED LIMITS WILL POSTED ALONG THE ACCESS ROAD TO THE MINING AREA AND WI STRICTLY ENFORCED. 5) A DEWATERING PUMP WILL BE PROVIDED AND OPERATED AS DEEMED NECESSARY (o) A MOTOR GRADER WILL BE PROVIDED AND OPERATED TO MAINTAIN THE ACCESS AREAS OF THE MINING AREA AS DEEMED NECESSARY. A WATER TRUCK WILL BE PRO MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL ALONG THE ACCESS ROADWAY AND MINING AREA, A SWEEP TRACTOR WILL ALSO BE UTILIZED TO MAINTAIN ANY RESIDUAL SAND AND DIRT FROr ACCESS ROAD ENTRANCE. THESE METHODS WILL INSURE THE CLEANLINESS OF THE A , (S.R. 1222) PUBLIC ROADWAY. 7) tT rs PRO.1CG -r-D THAT A WADING ANr> 9CIC ffN1 (Zx NASONRY SAND PLANT WILL RELOCATED TO WITHIN THE MINING AREA iN TWO YEARS. THE OPERATION OF THIS Pt SERVE WASHING, SCREENING, AND STOCKPILING OF SAND FROM WITHIN THE 1•'11NING A RUBBER TIRED FRONT END LOADER WILL BE UTILIZED TO LOAD THE PROPOSED PLAT` DELIVERY TRUCKS. 8) IT 15 PROJECTED THAT THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES OPERATING AT THIS FACILIT 25, GENERAL PROJECT NOTES: 's. PROJECT NA,"E. THRASHER MINE "OYOCK A�"LATIC T CNNSHIP, DARE COUNTY NC 2 DE'✓E -OPER: ELBOfN ROAD FARM INC. C/O D.L. TI- RASHER III 1400 ELBOW ROAD CHESAPEAKE, 1,PRG'NI4, 23320 S.ROJE4T DESCRIPTION PROPOSED EXCAVATION OF q3.8' AC. OF LAND AND CONSTRUCTION OF A MAINTENANCE FACILITY W/ ASSOCIATED ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE 4. NEAREST RECEIVING STREAM: CURRITUCK SOUND 5. CLASSIFICATION SC 6. FEMA INFORMATION: FIRM: 370078 0050C ( NOV_ ZONE: (A) AREAS OF 100-YEE 7. PROJECT AREA TABULATION: 1. TRACT AREA: 313.46 AC, 2. PROPOSED MINING AREA: - �T g3.87 AC. S. ALLOWABLE MI I G REA: 9.4 AC._ 4.- PROPOSED % OF MINING AREA: 30% 5 . 6. 7. TOTAL MINING AREA _ GRAVEL R :. -,D $ PARKING MAINTEVAN� BUILDING 29 , 95% 2,45 AC, .08 AC. T�MAINTENANNCCE YARD AREA q. SECURITY t OFFICE TRAILERS .04 AG. 10. 13HIGH BERM AROUND -- EXCAVATED AREA PERIMETER y ta'XT-' I I�RU r1ROU N7 ROADAY 2. DITCH -4 SWALE AREA T -- ---...._ _.. _ -� - - -- -- 10 AC. . _ .. 4.6I AC. 13. SETTLING POND/ REC--HARGT BASIN_ 12. STOCKPILE AREA 13. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA�� SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES: A. NARRATIVE AND SITE DATA THE THRASHER 1`INING OPERATION CONSISTS OF THE PROPOSED EXCAVATION OF G3.87 AC. AND CONSTRUCTION OF A ^1AINTENANCE AND STORAGE FACILITY NITH ASSOCIATED ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE THE SITE IS LOCATED IN I"10YOCK,GURRITUGK COUNTY NC OFF OF SR 12- SITE SOILS CONSIST PRIMARILY OF ROANOKE FINE SANDY LOAM DESCRI POORLY DRAINED SOIL ON BROAD FLATS IN SL'IGNTLY-DEPRESSED DRA THE EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONSISTS OF STRAIG+-iT ROW CROPS FOR AGR MOYOCK TOWNSHIP CURRITUCK COUNTY, NORTH CARO INA LOCATION MAP B. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: I. INSTALL SILT FENCING IN AREAS AS SHOWN ON PLAN AND OTHER AREAS AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION dF WETLAND AREAS. 2. CLEAR AND GRUB ROADWAY AREAS, REMOVING TREES, VEGETATION, ROOT AND OTHER MATERIAL THAT MAY AFFECT FINAL ROADWAY STABILITY. 3. INSTALL CULVERTS AND CONSTRUCT ROADWAY SWALES. MAINTAIN MINIMUM SIDE SLOPES AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. 4. CONSTRUCT STONE SILT DAM AS REQUIRED TO BREAK HIGH VELOCITY FLOWS, PLACE CLASS A STONE RIP -RAP AT ALL CULVERT OUTLETS. PROTECT CULVERT ENDS WITH FILTER CLOTH AS REQUIRED. 5, PROVIDE TEMPORARY STABILIZATION VEGETATION AS OUTLINED BELOW IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS. ALL TEMPORARY VEGETATION MUST BE IN PLACE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBANCE. 6, CONSTRUCT ROADWAY, UNDERCUTTING AND REPLACING UNSUITABLE SOILS AS ENCOUNTERED. 7. PLACE (V GRAVEL BASE COURSE 8. PERFORM FINAL GRADING AND APPLY PERMANENT VEGETATION AS OUTLINED BELOW. C. STABILIZATION AND LANDSCAPING: FINAL SLOPES IN ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL. NOT EXCEED 3:1. ALL SEEDING AND SODDING SHALL BE IN PLACE W€TWIN 30 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBANCE AND/OR PROJECT COMPLETION. 1. FERTILIZER: APPLY 3,000 LB./ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 5-- LB./ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB./ACRE NITROGEN. 2. MULCH: APPLY 4,000 LB./ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. 3, SEEDING: a. TEMPORARY VEGETATION: IF TEMPORARY SEEDING OCCURS DURING WINTER, EARLY SPRING, OR FALL APPLY 120 LB./ ACRE RYE GRAIN, IF TEMPORARY SEEDING OCCURS DURING SUMMER, APPLY 40 LB./ACRE GERMAN MILLET/BERMUDA MIXTURE. TEMPORARY VEGETATION MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY. b. PERMANENT VEGETATION. APPLY COASTAL MIX CONSISTING OF 50 LB./PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS, AND 10 LB./ACRE GERMAN MILLET. APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING BETWEEN APRIL 1, AND JULY 15. REFERTILIZE THE FOLLOWING APRIL W17H 50 LB./ACRE NITROGEN. c. SODDING: (IF REQUIRED) PERMANENT VEGETATION - SELECT COMPATIBLE SPECIES TO PERMANENT SEEDED TYPE; INSTALL WITH LONGEST DIMENSION PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE AND STAPLE IF NECESSARY; ROLL SOD IMMEDIATELY AND WATER TO 411. D. MAINTENANCE: I. CHECK TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL AND/OR BI-WEEKLY. REPAIR AND REMOVE SEDIMENT BUILD-UP AS NECESSARY. 2. CHECK STABILIZED AREAS AFTER EACH SiGNlFICANT RAINFALL EVENT. RILLS AND GULLIES MUST BE REPAIRS, RE -SEEDED AND MULCHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS MAY BE NECESSARY UNTIL NEW PLANTS DEVELOP. BARE SPOTS MUST BE RELIMED FERTILIZED, MULCHED AND RESEEDED AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. YEARLY REFERTILIZATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PRODUCTIVE STANDS. 3. PERFORM ROUTINE MAINTENANCE (INCLUDING MOWING AND CLEANING OF ROADWAY SWALE) ONCE FINAL STABILIZATION HAS OCCURRED. _. NOTE: TI--IE INTENT OF THIS PLAN IS TO: -- MINIMIZE THE EXTENT AND DURATION OF DISTURBED SOIL EXPOSURE. -- PROTECT DISTURBED AREAS FROM STORMWATER RUNOFF. -- STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. - MAINTAIN LOW RUNOFF VELOCITIES (AND PROTECT AREAS WHERE T015 IS NOT POSSIBLE). -- RETAIN SEDIMENT ON SITE WITH SILT FENCING AND SILT DAMS. THIS PLAN REPRESENTS MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, ADDITIONAL MEASURES AND DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED A5 CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS. g o� V T E" V � U U Ems, V [T� y1 OO U C) U t , 14 DA TE: . 7-20-99 NONE BPG cmmom MSB DMR MSB SHEET. 1 oF3. CAD 36840OC] PROJECT NO: 3684 SITE SUMMARY WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIFF 14 1/2 GAUGE. MAX 6- MESH SPACING) SEDIMENT COLLECTION UNDISTURBED GROUND f POSTS' STEEL EITHER T OR U TYPE OR 2 HARDWOOD �1ow FENCE: WOVEN WIRE,14 1/2 GA. �/ 6'MAX. MESH OPEMNG EMBED FILTER CLOTH Z FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X, MIN 6' INTO GROUND MIRM FOOx,5TA9ILINKA T14ON OR APPROVED EQUAL PREFABRICATED UNIT: GEOFAB, EWROFENCE, OR SILT FENCE JECON APPROVED EQUAL WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MPN, 14 1/2 GAUGE, IG, 4W 6- MESH SPACING) F 36" MIN. FENCE POST. SE DIMLNI COLLECTION - DRIVEN, 16" INTO / GROUND yf *ILL .FEW-.E PERSPECTIVE VIEWP407 TO SCALE NOTES . 1 WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELYGh TO FENCE POSTS WITH WARE TIES OR STAPLES 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WSRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24• AT TOP AND MtD SECTION. 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH AD4M EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER- LAPPED BY 6- ANO FOLDED 4. MAINTENANCE SWILL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN 'BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE 1.5't • �l i 4 1 / T i •MEN TYPIICAL. ATM APPLES TO POWER LINE 91ADED ACCE Ss ROADWAY AFEAS ��� REROUTE EXISTING DITCH AND NOTE, 1 CONNECT TO I EI PA.7 PAV}NG SHALL CONSIST OF FINE GRADING THE AREAS AND INSTALLING � � PROPOSED DITCH A 6" COMPACT CRUSHED RUN STONE BASE COURSE, PRIME COAT, 2" PROPOSED 4' HIGH TREE HOT PLANT MIX BINDER COURSE, AND 1' HOT PLANT ASPHALTIC TOP STOCKPILE LINED BERM SURFACE COURSE. A m" Cm I BROKEN CONCRETE PIECES 12'-b') a 1F R n,UNIM� iM u'.h 1Nl '11. '.,I ,M't rir.Nr. `, Aj wtOtJIW f` fIN151IfU (FAIN - FIUW "kMANI 4' F'OUI III r —GLO- rExTILE FILTER FABRIC SETTLING BASIN INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE APPROX!MA !} ROUND ELEVA ri0ty - !? 111' G` y ,1 PERMANCN r POOL ELEVA T!ON = 7.5' MSL \,tl 2 9 f 1% \ SEDIAlFNT CLEANOU7 .SFC77ON PC) ' M1 Of cCLEANOU7 ilL VAVION = J.0' M51 2 '11 ZONE C ZOd1E AA 100— YR FLOOD PLAIJ M CA r91SCidT MARIM L ANM u.B- 247. m 117 BERM 1 170rr0M OF BASIN ELEVATION = 20' VSt YAMM UP I TO sw_e ' Lf/PM BOTTOM WII VARIES - - TYPICAL N�NE �2ECTIQN N(- S(ALt Hi') REPRESENTS .4 TYPICAL SF CTI0N ., T COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION ANI) HELORF RE.MOVAI OF PERIMF TI I` RIWV 9 s A� `. aRL71M!•/9 PE7plPC. 2M VAL 4' HIGH TREE °'� 1'4 PC' sea / PROPOSED PARKING LOT STOCR'KEA►iE (20) 10'x20' SPACES BERM W/ 3:1 / 510E SLOPES / z Al. PARKING LOT (10) 10'x20' SPACES 40 L.F. 18" DIA. fi' HIGH 250 L.F. OF PROPOSEDTFR POLY CULVERT GATE PAVEMENT OFFICE / TRAILER 40 L.F. 18• DIA. r IN EXISTING OLY CULVERT PORTION OF DITCH .. .. 30' WIDE GRAVEL DRIVE I / 12' x o 4— CONSTRUCTION w / PROPOSED PROPI ENTRANCE tLE DUIdPSTER URIT STKPp, TR fflE �d EL AILER 44 L.F. 18" DIA. CL L DliCN X GAV MAINTENANCE PROPOSED POLY CULVERT' SIGHTTRIANGLE 2ACGCATE / YARD 1.82 AC ` SEPTIC AREA ' I MAINTENAOCE SHOP {50 x70'} I LL LOCATION 1 3 000 GAL 40 L.F. 18" DIA. 1 \ I \ ABOVE GROUND POLY CULVERT ' DIESEL TANKS _ * P R D�KRIS$FNT ' / R QUIRE�AENTS DISCONTINUE ` EXISTING DITCH v - I" — -- -- LIMITS OF � 1-yPIC'�1 S A" SECTION_ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAII. \ LAND DISTURBING ACTI VI TY NaT rO s� NOT r0 SCALE \ ' (LOCATION DENOTED ON SITE MAP) \ \ I SETTLIN \ BASIN TOP WIDTH 57'_ AREA - 46 AC. OF 5 \ \ l I I 3 TOP OF BERM RECHARGE -, \ TOE OF r 60130 GPM 275 HP 1 BASIN \ BERM I STATIONARY CEIMMINS 3 ARFA - 2.02 AC ! PUMP �1 APCENTRInGAL PROVED EQUAL BY RECHARGE BASIN 70 MERc,E 1NTH EXISTING BETLANOS I 1r V. 1.1-y 2`,00 L.F.- EXISTINC WETLANDS SIL_f FENCE \ I Now OR ForrueRtr \ APPROXIMAT JANET G. GARRETT ` IIAM �e x7. ac. ta, BARGE C H ♦(X). PG 69B �� ... \ I WETLAND ' \ I-1MITS _ a a - — 4 TT 114 /FT - ' I I I TYPICAL. GRAV€L ROADWAY 5ECT,ION NOT TO SCALE I DEWATERING PUMP SIDE VIEW \ SCALEMNE EARTHFNED BERM _.. ...... _ _.._�_ INLET E)GSTING PROTECTION WETLANDS AL ILL _ - --- AL i I AL _ _ _ INLET SCALE CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS CLEANOUT EmTING SECTION WE1111-A#IDS j GRAPHIC SCALE 5ETTLN5 BASIN SECTION 1 NOT TO SCALE FOP VFEW 300 0 150 300 600 12DO ( IN FEET ) I inch = 300 ft. CL °f v 0 °f 6- y+ N O L C � P a C v O � U O 0 Z P ?4 �f—ft— r� cn�o: � (ri+4 ic�°w` oS� o atl E a 0 C C W P � G W ray {r O O ti U 1Y1 zo O(I a �N Lal W 0: 4 Gl O 7 DA TE: SCALE: 8112199 1 "=300' arum: APG oozxm MSB aww �MR A•FMM �SB SHEET: 2 3 w CAD 18400SQ PROJECT NO. 3684 0 4 4 3 REAR PROPERTY LINE — IF =r WOLUE L60 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT — — — — — — "A — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 r - — — — — — — — — 25' REAR SETBACK Z TYPICAL /.-(77- z D z j Z La m ix UJ � '<' 0 w- �7 zil p j < p m Lu Lj 1 >- t r w a- W� OVERHEAD POWER LINE 72 w 1 AINETENANCE 01 ZI 0 FACILITY vi I LLJ < z I 71 10 war OR rommm� 68 20' FRONT SETBACK MOLLAE WNSLOW DA 84. Pr. 353 67 6 r. IPT 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 4 RIGH T OF WAY 90, EDGE OF PAVEMENT R/W CIL EDGE OF PAVEMENT RIGHT OF WAY .1 .0 TYPICN- I OT NOT TO SCALE 1.5'± 5' 90n-QU VADTH glug v 201--gal droul CI ASS A FROSiON CONTR(N ':70NV TONI MINIMUM 0! P!!, 1UIHLD SEASONAL HIGH WATER LEVEL VARIES UP TO 50'-65' DEPTH BOTTOM WIDTH VARIES TYPICAL LAKE SECTION NO SCALE \1 N PERM ANEN,&�,7�, SPILLWAY is OR IORWDLY :4� �t JARM D.B. 242, M 317 Ir I + Az Ilm A 7 0� RMANF DVERFLOW BASIN ARVA 2 48 AC EN X .5a APPROXIMA FE 'ROUND ELEVAPON 12' MS' I—T NOW A FORWRty i QC. NKHMWAS,,JL.TRVSTEE �� a El 36'r G 791 45' RIGHT-OF-WAY 10, T i 4'/F I 5 2" 12 ASPHALT COMPACT SUBGRADE 6 A B.C. - TYPICAL ASPHALT ROADWAY SECTION "/F T, JXXET TI- 3 400, PC; b98 3 wtTLANp — LIMITS 29 � 28 3 Q, T F TYPICAL SNALE SECTION NOT TO SCALE PERMANENT POOL ELEVA 770N 7.5' MSI iwawq &ON TO OVERFLOW TQXJU$li4G WXAWS WE" EXfSnNC WETLANDS SEDIMENT CLEANOUT SECTION BOTTOM OF CLEANOUT ELEVA77ON = 3,0' WSL v BOTTOM Of BASIN ELEVATION - 2.0' MSL SETTLING BASIN SECTION Nor 70 SCALE 90E WEW 3 3 WLF COURSE DITCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE GRAPHIC SCALE 30C 0 150 .300 600 1200 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 300 ft. 0 ON O U) A x z mo 7, 72 CL U. (n o o E" �r�ls o qz� z Zc) 0 FA 0 > w z .A tfi 7V StALRr 8 11 99 7.=3001 DESOAM BPG 04rom MSB AUW. AMROWD DMR ms8 SHEET. 3 3 OF CA 0 Ft E- 36840OR1 PROJECT NO: 3684 \ •..i. ,, V l.Sr,..,, r- Y� .. .___.i _'!. .. _,--..� `-_ 1-.. ,,. -..- •______. ,. .. ._.., _... _._- ... - ,. ___.�...- �, _ E [�} _.._ sip__ I _.. . m VLIYGRnL. I1L 1L.7. 1. MINE MANAGER: ELBOW ROAD FARM, INC. OWNER: MOYOCK PROPERTIES, LLC DANNY L THRASHER III. PRESIDENT DANNY L.. THRASHER III, MANAGING MEMBER 14-4 LAZY CORNER ROAD 2833 PUNGO FERRY RD. MOYOCK, NC 27958 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23452 252-435-6776 (Office) 2. SUBJECT PROPERTY: A TRACT OF'LAND LOCATED BETWEEN NCSR 1222 AND 1227 IN THE MOYOCK TOWNSHIP OF CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA TRACT 1:313.46 ACRES, AS RECORDED IN D.B. 483, PG. 419 PIN#:0009-000-053A-D000 3. SITE ZONING : A. AGRICULTURAL 4. EXISTING MINE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY : THE 313.45 ACRE TRACT IS CURRENTLY BEING UTILIZED FOR THE EXISTING THRASHER OR ELBOW ROADS FARM MININING OPERATION. THE STATE PERMIT FOR THIS OPERATION (PERMIT 27-43) WAS ORIGINALY ISSUED IN DECEMBER OF 1999 AND THEN RENEWED ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2009 . THE FOLLOWING IS A DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY PURSUANT TO THE CURRENT STATE MINING AND COUNTY SPECIAL USE PERMITS: (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING VALUES MAY VARY FROM WHAT HAS ACTUALLY BEEN DEVELOPED) 1. TRACT AREA: 313.46 AC. 2. STATE PERMIT BOUNDARY AREA: 313.5 AC. 3. PERMITTED EXCAVATION AREA: 93.88 AC. 4. GRAVEL ROAD do PARKING AREA: 1.75 AC. 5. MAINTENANCE BUILDING AREA: MOB AC. 6. MAINTENANCE YARD AREA: 7-61 AC. 7. SECURITY do OFFICE TRAILER AREAS: 0.04 AC. 8. AREA OF 8' BERM AROUND EXCAVATION AREA: 9.84 AC, 9. AREA OF 4' BERM ALONG ROADWAY & OFFICES: 2.55 AC. 10. DEWATERING/RECHARGE DITCH AREA: 4.80 AC. 13. SETTLING POND RECHARGE BASIN AREA: 0.25 AC. 14. STOCKPILE AREA: 8.20 AC. 15. PERIMETER HAUL ROAD: 2.49 AC. TOTAL AFFECTED ACREAGE: 126.49 AC. IXMINING COVERAGE EXCAVATION ONLY = 29.95% 5. EXISTING MINE RECLAMA71ON/NONEXCAVA7ION SUMMARY. OF THE ORIGINALLY PERMITTED 93.86 AC. EXCAVATION AREA, THE FOLLOWING AREAS WERE EITHER BACK FILLED AS PART OF RECLAMATION OR NEVER EXCAVATED BECAUSE OF UNDESIRABLE SOILS OR SETBACKS TO ADJACENT WETLANDS: (PLEASE NOTE, FOR PURPOSES OF COUNTY APPROVAL., THESE AREAS MAY BE USED AS CREDIT TOWARDS PROPOSED EXPANSION ACTIVITIES) 1. AREA FILLED FOR RECLAMATION: 5.40 AC. 2. AREA NOT EXCAVATED (UNDESIRABLE SOIL): 1.70 AC. 3. AREA NOT EXCAVATED WETLAND SETBACK): 1.80 AC. TOTAL AREA: B.90 AC. SUBTRACTING THE TOTAL RECLAIMED/UNEXCAVIED AREA DETERMINED ABOVE FROM THE ORIGINALLY PERMITTED EXCAVATION AREA ILLUSTRATES THE APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM AREA OF EXCAVATION TO DATE. EXISTING EXCAVATION AREA AFTER REDUCTIONS: 93.88 AC.- 8.90 AC. 84.98 AC. 6. BUILDING SETBACKS: STREET 20, SIDE- 15% REAR- 25'. VEHICULAR AREA SIDE/REAR- 10' 7. BUFFER YARD REQUIREMENTS: EXISTING LAND USE: ACTIVE MINE ADJOINER ADJACENT USE NURTH FARMLAND EAST FARMLAND/RESIDENTIAL SOUTH FARMLAND/WOODLANDS WEST FARMLAND/WOODLANDS S. PROPERTY ON THIS PLAT CONTAINS 404 WETLANDS THAT HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED BY THE U.S. ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. ADDITIONAL WETLANDS MAY NEED TO BE CONFIRMED WITHIN THE EXPANSION TRACT. 9. FEMA DATA: F.I.R.M. PANEL 370078 8022 J 12-16-2005. CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ALL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WITHIN ZONE X do AE(EL 105 USE OF LAND WITHIN A FLODOWAY OR FLOODPLAiN IS SUBSTANTIALLY RESTRICTED BY ARTICLE 16 OF THE CURRITUCK UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. 10.ALL AREAS VISIBLE FROM NCSR I= AND 1227 TO BE SCREENED FROM PUBLIC VIEW BY USE OF VEGETATIVE SCREENING AND PROPOSED BERMING. 11. THE HOURS OF OPERATION OF ALL MINING RELATED FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES ON THE MINING SITE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY THE CURRITUCK BOARD OF COMMiSSIONAERS.IN NO CASE SHALL THE HOURS OF OPERATION BE BEYOND DAWN TO DUSK NOR SHALL MINING ACTIVITY OCCUR ON SUNDAYS. 12. MINED MATERIALS SHALL NOT BE STORED IN EXCESS OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET IN HEIGHT. 13. ALL TRUCKS HAULING MINED MATERIAL, (I.E. SAND. CLAY, TOPSOIL) SHALL BE COVERED WITH A TARPAULIN. 14. NO BULK WASTE, HAZARDOUS WASTiE, COMMERCIAL WASTE. GARBAGE, CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION WASTE SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE. 15, NO TRESPASSING SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED AROUND THE SITE BEING MINED AT A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 256' APART INDICATING THAT A MINING OPERATION IS BEING CONDUCTED ON THE PROPERTY. 16• DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL NOT BE ALTCRED AS TO CAUSE FLOODING OFF -SITE. EXISTING FARM DITCHES LOCATED WITHIN THE PROPOSED EXPANSION AREA WILL EITHER BE CLEARED OR GATED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE MiNING OPERATION. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THESE MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING FARM DITCHES WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON THE SURROUNDING PERIMETER DRAINAGE. WITH NO CHANGES OCCURRING TO THE EXISTING PERIPHERAL, DRAINAGE, NO DRAINAGE PATTERN IMPACT SHOULD RESULT. 77• NO MINING ACTIVITIES SHAH ADVERSELY AFFECT SURROUNDING IN USE WELLS. ANY PERSON OWNING OR OPERATING A MINING SITE IN A MANNER THAT ADVERSELY AFFECTS AN IN USE WELL. THROUGH CONTAMINATION OR DIMINUTION OF GROUNDWATER SHALL PROVIDE THE WELL OWNER WITH A REPLACEMENT WATER SUPPLY OF EQUAL QUANTITY & QUALITY. SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 EXISTING MINE CONDITION PLAN 2 MINE EXPANSION/RECLAIMATION PLAN 3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS MINING EXPANSION PLAN FOR THRASHER MINE MOYOCK TOWNSHIP CURRITUCK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA OWNER/ ELBOW ROAD FARM, INC. MANAGER/ DANNY L. THRASHER III, PRESIDENT APPLICANT: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION 144 LAZY CORNER ROAD MOYOCK, NC 27958 252-435-6776 (Office) VIRGINIA DIVISION 1400 ELBOW ROAD CHESAPEAKE. VA 23320 757-547-3900 (Office) POM UPEOVERWEAD �`y ^\ i K� 1•'�P` •- za:� x 1 F._ `~ 1 j ENGINEER: Bissell Professional Group Mark S. Bissell, P.E. P.O. Box 1068 Kitty Hawk, N.C. 27949 phone: (252) 261-3266 fax: (252) 261-1760 email: mark@bissellDrofesslonatar-o-ui2 eggm I{QQp�qqgg q��pp-�17yY _ MOL3JE �SLVW r D.B. al. PC. E/4% r l 1 -r` EXISTING pERMR A rmvw � SOUNDARy i D.B. 139, PO.69E I I IXISTING PERMIT BOUNDARY __ I (DITCH TO BE GRADEIX LEVELED. E"SONG I PERMFNEHILY VEGETATED R CCMPLERON W HIGH I DEPM OF MRECN PART OF A RECLAMATION (APPROLOCATOO ,w q GRADED h PERMANENTLY VELETAIED O - �OW CONPLERM OF MINING OPERATION. PART T Y OF RELIAMATION PLAN) {S1W 1LE AREA TO BE GRADED. � EEI�EiEO k PERAIAHE37T1.Y VEGETATED a mely COMKELION OF MINING OPERATION, PART ILL Iw, m m OF RECLAMATION PLAN) - + T �^• t ! r� �. .LY' ;i'•s.*,r ^ni': r•. :i.^x, ."'fit' E16STIN3 •�7�$'�' 4r I SIDE BERM WS # t EL INTO �.,� •1.'+ ` 3:7 S7DE ST.OPES •;.^:: J;� .*v - "•;.h � ;i��.ti. ;•,�:.+_ � � . \ . GRAVEL ENTRANCE - - - - 1 - ' :a-' PACs'• '•t� EERY TD BE LEVELED. / `'� - '•z• <:_"ii.` i.' �r_.�is'r,�•M:="i;f•4^-�T:•.•R'^ +�:y.• (RECLAW D AS EMTFATRCE . I - ='" ='.i • "''• ,4• C ROAD FOR FUTURE GRADED R PERMANENTLY VEGETATED O i' € I - �•�N"f°i COMPLETION OF MWHG OPERATION. PART I , �� ,! .� - . j; •{-, 4'a* AREA DVF10PM1O7 _. of nETa,M.AT1aF1 PLW)- POW O I �Jr 1 1 �1 1 I AL9�n BWt1SON E OF � � z /N, NOW OR FORMERLY / \ '7�T \ „ 1 1 f 4 - \ .^,• I ...'s JAMES MARTIN JARMS // 'Noy'\. 0.9, 242. PC. 31T "11F n4j,7vN g /lf 1 Z RECHARGE OTCER�� / (STOO PILE AREA TO BE _ � � � L �.. ,.y � � f \ / - 00 VEGET�ATEID 0 COMPLETION OF ` �-4� II / MINING OPERATION, PART OF / REGLlILIATION PLAN) � \ aM Rh' v �r � I II 4• -•� . / I I ' / SETiLTNO BASIN '-- --j . / AREA - .128 AGt i E]OSRNCRECH AREA ARM .14 BA * \ \ �� A`I \ / LEVEL SPR60LTt\�-f { .Q�� 1 RECHARGE BASIN rrH SHEET TO - 5 1 LET�£l. SPREADER 1NfiH SHEET FLOW `6 L} INTO ADXXN04G WETLANDS % (SETTLING BASIN TO BE FILM CRABED LEVEL B: PER)AAREW LY VEGETARD O r 70NEX COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATIQI, PART OF RECLAMATION01 / / f prE � \ - N rI _j-..------------------ ---- -----. ---- .--..,..--------� it 11 1 `---------------- 1 ` Boor ! EXISTING DISPOSAL AREA ( ARIM AND PAMMO T VA L BE REMOVED, GRAVED. LEVELED & PERMANOMY VER£TATW O COMPLETION OF UNM OPERATION, PART OF REOAMATION PLAN) HIM FM G.0 NICF(0 OR TRUSTEE LLB 367. m �V7 - I � ASPHALT EHTFLW= \ ! (RE7C1AIMm AS ENTRANCE ` ! 1HNLD F'bR EUIURE �! DEVFLOPLIdRT) JN DARY °4 now OR FORMERIY� i OL.D L]NTERPRISE3 ' D.B. 246. PG 172 I I II II t� I I I I I C�ag�u�.Y �� LIMA U ( I I I I i I I I i! I 1 I I ' I � I I I I L--J 1 Nurm T. NO 7RESSIRAMM SIGHS MILL BE POSTED Ar REGULAR WMWALS 2 ACCESS NU BE TIES M= TO 4WD VENT M ME ATVS BY Y4WT'A/M1AR 070ES AND BARAMRS AS TO PREVENT ILLEGAL WMY WTI) TIRE PROPERTY d TRAPTTD :LOIN t BE iOfSTRA W 70 THE NORTH AMW OF 400 , Ok 5j �._J �..-,. OPERATION SUMMARY: DEVELOPMENT WILL CONSIST OF THE EXCAVATION OF SOIL WITH A MAINTENANCE FACILITY, SECURITY AND OFFICE TRAILERS, GRAVEL PARKING, AND ASSOCIATED DRAINAGE AND GRAVEL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS. THE DAILY OPERATIONS AND PROPOSED METHODS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1) THE ANTICIPATED AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC LOAD COUNT IS 10D LOADS, WITH ONE TRUCK LEAVING APPROXIMATELY EVERY SIX MINUTES. AN OCCASIONAL LARGE JOB WILL INCREASE THE TRAFFIC LOAD TO APPROXIMATELY 200 LOADS PER DAY, WITH ONE TRUCK LEAVING EVERY THREE MINUTES. 2) EXCAVATION WILL CONSIST OF STRIPPING OVERBURDEN. DIGGING DEWATERiNG AND DRAINAGE DITCHES WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE USE OF AN EXCAVATOR. THE EXCAVATOR W;LL EITHER STOCKPILE MATERIAL OR USE DUMP TRUCKS TO HAUL MATERIAL TO OTHER LOCATIONS WITHIN THE PROPOSED MINING AREA. 3) LOADING OF SAND ON DELIVERY DUMP TRUCKS WILL BE DONE BY A RUBBER TIRE FRONT END LOADER AND A EXCAVATOR OPERATING AT THE MINING AREA ENTRANCE. 4) TRUCKS ENTERING THE MINING AREA 'MLL BE REQUIRED TO STOP AT THE OFFICE TRAILER TO RECEIVE LOAD TICKETS AND INSTRUCTIONS UPON ENTERING AND EXISTING THE MINING AREA. SPEED LIMITS WILL POSTED ALONG THE ACCESS ROAD TO THE MINING AREA AND WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. 5) A DEWATERING PUMP WILL BE PROVIDED AND OPERATED AS DEEMED NECESSARY. 6) A MOTOR GRADER WILL BE PROVIDED AND OPERATED TO MAINTAIN THE ACCESS ROAD AND AREAS OF THE MINING AREA AS DEEMED NECESSARY. A WATER TRUCK WILL BE PROVIDED TO MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL ALONG THE ACCESS ROADWAY AND MINING AREA. A SWEEPING BROOM TRACTOR WILL ALSO BE UTILIZED TO MAINTAIN ANY RESIDUAL SAND AND DiRT FROM THE ACCESS ROAD ENTRANCE. THESE METHODS WILL INSURE THE CLEANLINESS OF THE ADJOINING, (SR. 1222) PUBLIC ROADWAY. SEDIMENTATION ANT} EROSION CONTROL NOTES: A. NARRATIVE AND SITE DATA THE EXISTING THRASHER MINING OPERATION CONSISTS OF A MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE FACILITY WITH ASSOCIATED ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE TO SERIVCE THE ONGOING MININIG ACTIVITES THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE OVER THE PREVIOUS 8 YEARS. ADDITIONAL EXCAVATION AREA IS BEING PROPOSED. THE SITE IS LOCATED IN MOYOCK,CURRITUCK COUNTY,NC OFF OF SR 1222 SITE SOILS CONSIST PRIMARILY OF ROANOKE FiNE SANDY LOAM DESCRIBED AS POORLY DRAINED SOIL ON BROAD FLATS IN SLIGHTLY -DEPRESSED DRAINAGEWAYE EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONSISTS OF STRAIGHT ROW CROPS FOR AGRICULTURAL USE B. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. 1. INSTALL ADDITIONAL SILT FENCING IN AREAS AS SHOWN ON PLAN, AND OTHER AREAS AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION OF WETLAND AREAS. 2. CLEAR AND GRUB HAUL RD. AREAS, REMOVING TREES. VEGETATION, ROOT AND OTHER MATERIAL THAT MAY AFFECT FINAL ROADWAY STABILITY. 3. PROVIDE TEMPORARY STABILIZATION VEGETATION AS OUTLINED BELOW IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS. ALL TEMPORARY VEGETATION MUST BE IN PLACE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBANCE. 4. PERFORM FINAL GRADING AND APPLY PERMANENT VEGETATION AS OUTLINED BELOW, C. STABILIZATION AND LANDSCAPING: FINAL SLOPES IN ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL NOT EXCEED 3:1. ALL SEEDING AND SODDING SHALL BE IN PLACE WITHIN 21 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBANCE AND/OR PROJECT COMPLETION. 1. FERTILIZER: APPLY 3,000 LB./ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 5-- LB./ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. TOP DRESS WITH 50 LB./ACRE NITROGEN. 2. MULCH: APPLY 4,000 LB./ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT. NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. 3. SEEDING: o. TEMPORARY VEGETATION: IF TEMPORARY SEEDING OCCURS DURING WINTER, EARLY SPRING, OR FALL, APPLY 120 LB./ ACRE RYE GRAIN, IF TEMPORARY SEEDING OCCURS DURING SUMMER, APPLY 40 LB./ACRE GERMAN MILLET/8ERMUDA MIXTURE. TEMPORARY VEGETATION MUST BE APPLIED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY. b. PERMANENT VEGETATION: APPLY COASTAL MIX CONSISTING OF 50 L.B./PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS, AND 10 LB./ACRE GERMAN MILLET. APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING BETWEEN APRIL 1, AND JULY 15. REFERTTLIZE 'THE FOLLOWING APRIL WITH 50 LB./ACRE NITROGEN. c. SODDING: (1F REQUIRED) PERMANENT VEGETATION -- SELECT rnuneT;RtF SPECIES. TO PERMANENT SEEDED TYPE: INSTAIJ. WITH LONGEST DIMENSION PERPENUICUTA►R ►v Inc d: r.l STAPLE IF NECESSARY; ROLL SOD IMMEDIATELY AND WATER TO 4'. D. MAINTENANCE: 1. CHECK TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL AND/OR BI-Wc'ETKLY. REPAIR AND REMOVE SEDIMENT BUILD-UP AS NECESSARY. 2. CHECK STABILIZED AREAS AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT. RILLS AND GULLIES MUST BE REPAIRS. RE -SEEDED AND MULCHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS MAY BE NECESSARY UNTIL NEW PLANTS DEVELOP. BARE SPOTS MUST BE RELIMED, FERTILIZED, MULCHED AND RESEEDED AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. YEARLY REFERTILIZATION MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PRODUCTIVE STANDS. 3. PERFORM ROUTINE MAINTENANCE (INCLUDING MOWING AND CLEANING OF ROADWAY SWALE) ONCE FiNAL STABILIZATION HAS OCCURRED. E. NOTE. THE INTENT OF THIS PLAN IS TO: -- MINIMIZE THE EXTENT AND DURATION OF DISTURBED SOIL EXPOSURE. -- PROTECT DISTURBED AREAS FROM STORMWATER RUNOFF. - STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. -- MAINTAIN LOW RUNOFF VELOCITIES (AND PROTECT AREAS WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE). RETAIN SEDIMENT ON SITE WITH SILT FENCING AND SiLT DAMS, THIS PLAN REPRESENTS MINIMUM SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, ADDITIONAL MEASURES AND DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED AS CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS. 11MATAFMO SUMMARY CONTINUED DEWATERING OF THE MINE AREA FOR EXCAVATION PURPOSES CONSISTS OF A 2,000 GPM STATIONARY CENTRIFUGAL PUMP WITH AN 8' DIAMETER DISCHARGE PIPE. THIS PIPE DISCHARGES INTO THE VEGETATIVE RECHARGE DITCH THAT IS LOCATED ALONG THE NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN PERIMETER OF THE MINE- WATER FLOW IS CONVEYED FROM THE RECHARGE DITCH INTO A 0.25 AC. SETTLING BASIN LOCATED THE SOUTHERNWESTERN BOUNDARY OF THE MINE SEDIMENT FROM THE GROUNDWATER IS DEPOSITED INTO THE SETTLING BASIN, FLOWS THROUGH A RECHARGE BASIN AND INTO THE ADJOINING WETLANDS VIA A VEGETATIVE FILTER AND LEVEL SPREADER. PUMPING BCHEouLE PUMPING OF GROUNDWATER FROM THE PROPOSED MiNING OPERATION IS LIMITED TO (3) CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF CONTINUOUS PUMPING FOLLOWED BY (4) CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF NON -PUMPING. ON AVERAGE, GROUNDWATER PUMPING RANGES FROM } - 3 DAYS OF CONTINUOUS PUMPING FOLLOWED BY 2 - 5 DAYS OF NON -PUMPING. THIS PUMPING CYCLE WILL OPERATE FOR THE DURATION OF THE MINING PERMIT, OR UNTIL MONITORING INDICATES THAT THE GROUNDWATER PUMPING DEMONSTRATES ADVERSE IMPACTS ON THE ADJACENT WETLAND HYDROLOGY. MCNFTQMNG MONITORING WELLS HAVE BEEN PLANCES ALONG A TRANSECT LOCATED BETWEEN THE EXISTING MINE AND THE WETLANDS AT THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE. THE THREE MONITORING WELLS WERE PLACED APPROXIMATELY 70 FEET ON CENTER ADJACENT TO THE RECHARGE BASIN LOCATION. AN ADDITIONAL WELL WAS PLACED UP GRADIENT, ADJACENT TO THE PUMP STATION LOCATiON,(THESE LOCATIONS CAN BE REFERENCED WITHIN THIS PLAN), WATER LEVELS WITHIN THE WELLS IS MONITORED TO PROVIDE DATA AS TO WHETHER THE GROUNDWATER PUMPING ADVERSELY EFFECTS THE WETLAND HYDROLOGY. MONITORING OF THE EACH WELL TAKES PLACE ON A WEEKLY BASIS, AND WRITTEN REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED TO THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AT SIX MONTH INTERVALS OR UPON REQUEST. ONE COPY OF THE REPORTS WILL BE SENT TO THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF DWO, AND ONE COPY SENT TO DWQ'S WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE. WIETLAiHlS IMPA r IT IS PROPOSED THAT RESULTING IMPACTS TO THE ADJACENT WETLANDS WILL BE MINIMAL, IF ANY, WITH THE PROPOSED DEWATERING, WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REC14ARM DITCH, THIS WILL ENABLE THE SURROUNDING GROUNDWATER TO BE 'REPLENISHED THROUGH INFILTRATION, FROM THE EFFECTS OF DEWATERING. ALSO, BY ADHERING TO STATE STANDARDS ON TEMPORARY GROUNDWATER PUMPING AND MONITORING, IT IS PROPOSED, MINIMAL IMPACTS, IF ANY, WILL RESULT ON THE SURROUNDING WETLAND HYDROLOGY. EXISTING CONDITIONS LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRvTION SYMBOL DESGRIPTION a WOW MWBIORWC WELL FW-OF-WAY =CU D=Ha POWER POLE •-MC-L11E- ODSTWO WERNFAb POWER LINE -w L7ILS m d1L m - - -- - 464 WIIEAW LUIS Cr E)MIUM 404 WERRns Eamm SCREELMLD BERM E704RNG E7(GVATxEI AREA • • • DRL7, E%PTWD FARM DM;H ® STOOMILF,1� AREA FW FLWO LILE Cna m =M WE AILRD ETNyV 99M AREA r+me E73MM PEMM BOUNDARY 0 LOODWAWON E:MAT04 AREA I M � /RF M AIR FASTING DLSNRBWM LUM GRAPHIC S C ALE 0 2130 400 800 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 400 ft.. CL 3 O1 L. >. C4 00 c v � cz c O rj o o ,D p 6T,Z FNEN p % CtoNZP ° mzmx' Rn�tj�°'x mwa:Y-LL ` ., mod• � o W ) S woU, CT m 2 E r^um L d LaL rn� . C C • • � l Ln aF E `� En o� N T� R L) W � aa0zoo� N�-+ 0V�V H U z w o � a °<C0 a �U00 � W 0.rW c,0r�n a tx w as 0 n, z 0 E Z U W U 0 O d 4 m' ZoCL ULL to OL NW ca z 90' a a a A �• Y [ r DATE: 4i 4IL► �T1�+• 8 _ 30 - 07 I,I_400' GE9dkD BPG RffLT•ED: MSB DRAM, APPRDVEBt DMK MSB SHEET- . 1 3 CAL) FILE; 368400S4 PROJECT NO. 3684 s,. DEVELOPMENT NOTES- 1, EXISTING MINE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY: (SEE SHEET 1 FOR EXISTING MINE DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW) THE 313.46 ACRE TRACT IS CURRENTLY BEING UTILIZED FOR THE EXISTING THRASHER MININtNG OPERATION AS PERMITTED. THE FOLLOWING IS A DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY PURSUANT TO THE CURRENT STATE MINING AND COUNTY SPECIAL USE PERMITS: (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING VALUES MAY VARY FROM WHAT HAS ACTUALLY BEEN DEVELOPED) 1. TRACT AREA: 313.46 AC. 2. STATE PERMIT BOUNDARY AREA: 313.5 AC. 3. PERMITTED EXCAVATION AREA: 93.88 AC. 4. GRAVEL ROAD & PARKING AREA. 1.75 AC. 5, MAINTENANCE BUILDING AREA: 0,08 AC, 6, MAINTENANCE YARD AREA: Z61 AC. 7. SECURITY & OFFICE TRAILER AREAS: 0.04 AC. 8, AREA OF W BERM AROUND EXCAVATION AREA: 9.84 AC. 9. AREA OF 4' BERM ALONG ROADWAY & OFFICES: Z55 AC. 10, DEWATERING/RECHARGE DITCH AREA: 4.80 AC. 13. SETTLING POND RECHARGE BASIN AREA: 0.25 AC. 14, STOCKPILE AREA: e_20 AC. 15, PERIMETER HAUL ROAD: Z49 AC. TOTAL AFFECTED ACREAGE 126,49 AC. X MINING COVERAGE EXCAVATION ONLY) _+ 29.95% 2. EXISTING MINE RECLAMATION/NONEXCAVATION SUMMARY: (SEE SHEET i FOR EXISTING MINE DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW) OF THE ORIGINALLY PERMITTED 93.88 AC. EXCAVATION AREA, THE FOLLOWING AREAS WERE EITHER BACK FILLED AS PART OF RECLAMATION OR NEVER EXCAVATED BECAUSE OF UNDESIRABLE SOILS OR SETBACKS TO ADJACENT WETLANDS: (PLEASE NOTE, FOR PURPOSES OF COUNTY APPROVAL. THESE AREAS MAY BE USED AS CREDIT TOWARDS PROPOSED EXPANSION ACTIVITIES) 1. AREA FILLED FOR RECLAMATION: 5.46 At. 2. AREA NOT EXCAVATED (UNDESIRABLE SOIL): 1.70 AC_ 3. AREA NOT EXCAVATED (WETLAND SETBACK): 1.80 AC. TOTAL AREA: 5.90 AC. SUBTRACTING THE TOTAL RECLAIMED/UNEXCAVTED AREA DETERMINED ABOVE FROM THE ORIGINALLY PERMITTED EXCAVATION AREA ILLUSTRATES THE APPROXIMATE MAXIMUM AREA OF EXCAVATION TO DATE. EXISTING EXCAVATION AREA AFTER REDUCTIONS: 93.88 AC.- 8.90 AC. 84.98 AC. 3. PROPOSED MINE EXPANSION SUMMARY: THE EXPANSION ACTIVITIES ILLUSTRATED HEREON AND OUTLINED IN THE FOLLOWING SUMMARY ARE PROVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF OBTAINING A MODIFICATION TO THE EXISTING MINING PERMIT ISSUED BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES, LAND QUALITY SECTION. THESE ACTIVITIES MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL APPROVALS FROM ADDTIONAL FEDERAL, STATE. AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MINE EXPANSION FALL WITHIN THE EXISTING MINING PERMIT BOUNDARY) 1. AREA OF PROPOSED MINE EXCAVATION EXPANSION: 38.75 AC.t 2. AREA OF PROPOSED 8' SCREENING BERM: 5.5 AC.+ 3. AREA OF PROPOSED DEWATERING ECHARGE DITCH: 4.0 AC.t 4. AREA OF PROPOSED STOCKPILE & OVERBURDEN: 5.0 AC.± & AREA OF PROPOSED PERIMETER HAUL ROAD: 6.25 AC. TOTAL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: 59.5 AC.i TOTAL" NET ADDITIONAL AFFECTED ACREAGE51.5 AC.� (•PORTIONS OF THE PROPOSED DISTURBANCES FALL WITHIN EXISTING DISTURBANCE LIMITS. THE 51.5 AC.* REPRESENTS THE NET ADDITION.) 4. OVERALL DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY INCLUDING THE EXPANSION: THE FOLLOWING SUMMARY IS AN OVERVIEW OF THE OVERALL MINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS IT RELATES TO EXISTING CONDITIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROPOSED EXPANSION. 1. STATE PERMIT BOUNDARY AREA: 31146 AC, 2. TOTAL EXCAVATION AREA: 123.75 AC.4: 3. TOTAL AFFECTED ACREAGE: 178 AC.f 1. FOR CONTINUED GENERAL OPERATION NOTES PLEASE REFERENCE SHEET 1. 2. DOMINION POWER EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT NOTES: 2.1. THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROPOSED WITHIN THE 150' POWER EASEMENT: 2.1.1. THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO GRAVEL OR EARTHIN HAUL RDADS CROSSING THE WIDTH OF THE POWER EASEMENT AT AT THE NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN ENDS OF MINE OPERATION AS INDICATED ON THE PLAN. THE ROADS WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 30' IN WIDTH AND TOTAL APPROXIMATELY 400 LINEAL FEET OF CROSSING LENGTH. 2.1.2. THE INSTALLATION OF A TEMPORARY CULVERT AND AN OPEN DITCH ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE POWER EASEMENT IN THE GENERAL VICINITY INDICATED ON THE PLAN. THESE CONVEYANCES ARE PROVIDED TO ROUTE PROPOSED MINE DEWATERING DISCHARGES GENERATED WEST OF THE EASEMENT TO THE EXISTING SETTLING AND RECHARGE BASINS LOCATED EAST OF THE EASEMENT. A CULVERT CROSSING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE EASEMENT TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 25' WIDE ACCESSWAY ALONG EASEMENT AT ALL TIMES. THE CULVERT(S) MUST BE RCP SIZED AS REQUIRED WITH A MINIMUM OF 1' OF COVER. THE CULVERT AND SWALE SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED CLOSER THAN 50' FROM ANY POWER STRUCTURE AND WHEN NO LONGER BEING UTILIZED MUST BE REMOVED, BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED WITH CLEAN SAND FILL 2.2 POWER EASEMENT IMPROVEMENT CONDITIONS: 2.2.1 NO BERMING, STOCKPILING, OR MINE EXCAVATION ALLOWED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE POWER EASEMENT, NO EXCEPTION.. 2.2.2 NO OTHER MINING OPERATION IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE ALLOWED EXCEPT THOSE SPECIFIED HEREON AND APPROVED BY DOMINION POWER. 2.2.3 IN NO CASE SHALL ANY ACTIVITY RELATED TO THE MINING OPERATION COME WITHIN 50' OF ANY POWER STRUCTURE, INCLUDING HAUL ROADS. EXPANSION LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 0 EXIS[ING MONITORING WELL -- RIGHfOF-WAY EXISTING POWER POLE - L1HE MiE - EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER UNE 404 WETLAND LIMITS EXISTING CULVERT C r EXISTING 404 WETLANDS PROPOSED SCREENING BERM ® PROPOSED EXCAVATION AREA "' RECHARGE/DEWATERING DITCH ® STOCKPILE/OVERBURDEN AREA -�� PROPOSED SEDIMEWr FENCE EXISTING PERMIT BOUNDARY "` .•.' .i RECLAIMED EXCAVATION AREA PROPOSED DMRMNCE LIMITS UNMINED EXCAVATION AREA ® PROPOSED HAUL RD. GRAPHIC SCALE 300 0 150 300 600 ( IN FEET ) I inch = 300 ft. 12DO ayfi fi 6� OVERHEAD POWER LINE POSSIBLE LOCATION OF PROPOSED 8' HIGH BERM W/ 5' TOP WIDTH & 3:1 SIDE SLOPES t^ + (SEE DETAIL) boy I (BERM TO BE LEVELED, l GRADED & PERMANENTLY VEGETATED O COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION, PART OF RECLAMATION PLAN) f i P STING STRUCTURE #269 80 i R2087 136 1 \ $ UNDISTURBED SUFFER - \11 a`L UNEXCAVATED BUFFER - 200.1 EXISTING J POWER 1 STRUCTURE (#2087 137; PROPOSED HAUL ROAD POWER EASEMENT CROSSING (NORTH) WIDTH: 30';t LENGTH: 250* (SEE "POWER EASEMENT NOTES` THIS SHEET FOR DETAILS AND CONDITIONS) f EXISTING J POWER NOW OR FORMERLY STRUCTURES MOWE WINSLOW #269 81 ---- aI2087 138 D.B.DB84, PG. 3S3 1 m � a l 1 Z" IN, t I r � 4 I DEWATMc (DITCH LEVELED VEGETATE MINING a -SCR. 14Q��1j,Qg ,Q ���t�1��gt1�,.Yv IULLIk F1LLiIRNS1.Uw r Q.B. 81. PG. E/49 I 278.06'- UNDISTURBED BUFFER f , I 361.04'•- UNEXCAVATED BUFFER EXISTING PERMIT BOUNpgRY f NOW OR FORMERLY ORMERWINSY i i D.B. 139, PC. 696 i i EXISTING EXISTING PERMIT BOUNDARY DEWATERING/RECHARGE i DITCH PROPOSED 8' BERM (DITCH TO BE GRADED, LEVELED, & INTO EXISTING 8' BERM PFRMANENTLY VEGETATED A COMPLETION EXISTING 8' HIGH BERM W/ 1 UNu15lunaru rre !I nnu L,urrtn - 10u I X „ U..Z' (SEE -POV �L�S�a`, SHEET Fa NOW OR FORMERLY JAMES MARTIN JARVIS // 40 e�C!WETILAND \ D.S. 242, PG. 317 Ck RUN �OqR uMI'rs Y fi / (STOCKPILE AREA TO BE GRADED. / LEVELED & PERMANENTLY \ VEGETATED ® COMPLETiON OF ` o MINING OPERATION, PART OF / RECLAMATION PLAN) / PROPOSED � / SILT FENCE. 1,350 L.F. \ / (SHOWN OUTSIDE DISTURBANCE / BOUNDARY FOR CLARITY) ' TIE PROPOSED / PROPOSED RECHARGE DITCH INTO / DEWATE7RING/RECHARGE DITCH & CULVERT EXISTING AT THIS POINT / POWER EASEMENT CROSSING. EXISTING (SEE -POWER EASEMENT NOTES- THIS SETTLING BASIN / SHEET FOR DETAILS AND CONDITIONS) AREA - .128 AC.± / EXISTING RECHAR/ E BASIN AREA - .1 AC.± / EXISTING LEVEL SPREADER NOW OR FORMERLY / JANET G. GARR�ETT / D.B. 40D. PG, 698 i i i -------------•---------------------------------------�� 'I 1 1 1g {� UNDISTURBED WETLAND I UNEXCAVATED WETLAND BL oyfi fi (SETTLING BASIN TO BE FILLED. GRADED LEVEL & PERMANENTLY VEGETATED 0 COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION, PART OF RECLAMATION PLAN) OVERHEAD POWER LINE \ o 1 � ay ` %JAD G, r -(ALL APARKING BUILDINGS, TANKS, D AREAS WILL BE REMOVED, GRADED. LEVELED & PERMANENTLY VEGETATED O COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION. PART OF RECLAMATION PLAN) NOW OR FORMERLY G.C. NICHOLAS, JR.,TRUSTEE D.B. 367. PG. 791 PROPOSED `DEWATERING%RECHARGE DITCH (SEE DETAIL) TO BELEVELED (DITCH&PERMANENTLY AVEGDETATED O COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION, PART OF RECLAMATION PLAN) PROPOSED OVERBURDEN & STOCKPILE AREA (5.00 AC.) (STOCKPILE AREA TO BE GRADED, LEVELED & PERMANENTLY VEGETATED O COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATION, PART OF RECLAMATION PLAN) 164.51- UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 50.18'- UNDISTURBED BUFFER PROPOSED 8' HIGH BERM W/ V TOP WIDTH & 1:1 SIDE SLOPES (SET: DETAIL) TO BE LEELED, GRADED (BERM & PERMANENTLYVVEGETI COMPLETION OF MINING OPERATIOI OF RECLAMATION PLAN) LED A5 ENTRANCE I FOR FUTURE VELOPMENT) .X DITC 1 ZY NOW OR FORMERLY w , OLD ENTERPRISES cq D.9. 246, PG. 172 N C4 i N i ( lk i I NOW OR FORMERLY CpUNTY OF CURRITU K D.B. 291. PG. 709 i i{ I i f tl i I 1 I I � i i CL � O A N CD #c c 5 `o O C p 0 �Ur D M1 t N8 �'Ql a�'ozMN L `�; O x W DI D Ur Zm�Nv urn a a, m mod a tfy to 0 tz c M� o � c w G C w � • �prn Op QI Q p _ w CD dpo d N im 0 0 O LI V 0 0 c+44vr U � O w � � z o §4 o U 00-1 H U Qr Zy_ p�t>a O m W a z 0 U W a o z x Z E� W U 0 i� Q m Wdi I..., V) z cc 4a V �N Lai W Q ..,_.'. p6 DATE: "SCi9CE ' B - 30 - 07 amcmm BPG MSB MAW APMWM DMK MSB SHEET 2 3 OF CAD FILE: 36840as4 PROJECT NO. 3684 7, - -r.'. �'T TrT'r a A � � � �` •.�, } 5 irr ,� z, � ! r _,i• I l.,'s: , i � �A �, 4ir� �. ��'��� 'I r�� 1�� .. ._ � ., �'. .. .... ...�'....•t -.,. .� .r �.ff aI ..: '.I .. ,..I.. ! I'. ? ;�,• .i�+.X�i n:,.�. �.I 'r �� .11 -vr 5' _ S. TYPICAL GRAVEL ROADWAY SECTION NOT TO SCALE w Z ¢fin (n J ij DEWATERING PUMP 5' (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) fasa:snk 1.5'dr 2.0'f SEASONAL HIGH WATER LEVEL ,/ ;, ..:�/r/,�/ �/,/�/\�r/♦\/\�r/\\ j �/ ,/ �/ //\y \\ \\\\\\ \\\\♦ \\\\\ \\♦\\ ♦\\\\\\\ ♦ \ \ // N ils.\ \ \ l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SCREENING BERM /\ \ \ram RECHARGE DITCH rGHT:%//\//\//\//\/f\//\///�` 25 AVERAGE i\//♦/ // GRAVEL HAUL RD. STOCKPILE/OVERBURDEN RECH E CH SIDE SLOPE:3:3: (H:V) \�` \/Z� D1. ..... /\/♦/�\j/\\ ` W1DTW: 30't MAX. WEIGHT: 25' (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) TOP WIDTH: 5' SIDE SLOPE: 3: i (H: V) /�\�Y\\�\�j/�\/\j� � �•\�• •BOTTOM WIDTH VARIES' �� �/r\\�r\\j\♦j'\y\�*� TYPICAL MINE SECTION NOT TO SCALE SIDE VIEW 1.5'f TYPICAL RECHARGE BASIN SECTION NOT TO SCALE LOCATTOL AS HOME) ON PLAN INLET PROTECTION INLET SWALE GR ODUNDMANA17CW ¢ 12' MSL STATIONARY CENTRIFUGAL. 8A 85.W* 97.0't SETTLING 6s.a' RECHARGE BASIN BASIN IEARTHENED BERM 85.0' TYPICAL RECHARGE DITCH SECTION NOT TO SCALE LEVEL SPREADER SETTLING/RECHARGE BASIN SECTION (TO WETLANDS) (SEE DETAIL) NOT TO SCALE TOP MEW 97.0' SETTLING/RECHARGE BASIN SECTION NOT TO SCALE SLOE VIEW 3E BASIN TO MERGE STING WETLANDS :v - &O' MSL GEO-71 TO TYPICAL LEVEL SPREADER SECTION NOT TO SCALE BROKEN CONCRETE PIECES (2'-6') 2 LAYER MINIMUM DEPTH ]MOUND ON SLOPE BANKS AS REQUIRED SETTLING BAS:17 INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE 9" FREEBOARD MIN. � O o �o od' d° 2: i SIDE SLOPE NATURAL 2 FT �!!�� ��0 c'O` Q �°4, �,. GROUND MAX AT CENTER \\p0��0© FILTER \ MAX i FABRIC cm IC FRONT VIEW 1.5' -� p9" FREEBOARD MIN. 2 FT do MAX AT CENTER 0 0 �a 12" OF ##5 OR CLASS B FILTER #57 STONE RIP RAP FABRIC 4' TO 6' SECTION VIEW IEMEORARY STONE CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTION NOT TO SCALE LOCATIONS AS NOTED ON PLAN TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. CLEAR, GRUB, AND STRIP THE AREA UNDER THE EMBANKMENT OF ALL VEGETATION AND ROOT MAT. REMOVE ALL SURFACE SOIL CONTAINING HIGH AMOUNTS OF ORGANIC MATTER AND STOCKPILE OR DISPOSAL OF IT PROPERLY. HAUL ALL 09JECTIONABLE MATERIAL TO THE DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA. 2. PLACE STONE TO THE LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THE PLAN ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION. 3. KEEP THE CENTER STONE SECTION AT LEAST 9 INCHES BELOW NATURAL GROUND LEVEL WHERE THE DAM ABUTS THE CHANNEL BANKS. 4. EXTEND STONE AT LEAST 1.5 FEET BEYOND THE DITCH BANK TO KEEP WATER FROM CUTTING AROUND THE ENDS OF THE CHECK DAM. 5. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHOULD BE 21 OR FLATTLR. B. PROTECT THE CHANNEL AFTER THE LOWEST CHECK DAM FROM HEAVY FLOW THAT COULD CAUSE EROSION. 7, MATERIAL USED IN THE STONE SECTION SHOULD BE A WELL -GRADED MIXTURE OF STONE WITH A d5D SIZE OF 9 INCHES(CLASS B EROSION CONTROL STONE IS RECOMMENDED) AND A MAXIMUM STONE SIZE OF 14 INCHES. THE STONE MAY BE MACHINE PLACED AND THE SMALLER STONES WORKED INTO THE VOIDS OF THE LARGER STONES. THE STONE SHOULD BE HARD, ANGULAR, AND HIGHLY WEATHER -RESISTANT. S. STABILIZE THE EMBANKMENT AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE SEDIMENT POOL AND DOWNSTREAM FROM THE TRAP IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. 9. ENSURE THAT OTHER AREAS OF THE CHANNEL, SUCH AS CULVERT ENTRANCES BELOW THE CHECK DAMS, ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DAMAGE OR BLOCKAGE MGM DISPLACES STONES. MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY STONE CHECK DAMS: INSPECT CHECK DAMS AND CHANNELS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (J' OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. CLEAN OUT SEDIMENT, STRAW, LIMBS, OR OTHER DEBRIS WHEN NEEDED. REMOVE SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION BEHIND THE DAMS AS NEEDED TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO CHANNEL VEGETATION, ALLOW THE CHANNEL TO DRAIN THROUGH THE STONE CHECK DAM, AND PREVENT LARGE FLOWS FROM CARRYING SEDIMENT OVER THE DAM. ADD STONES TO DAMS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN DESIGN HEIGHT AND CROSS SECTION. NOTES, 1) THOSE AREAS, AS DENOTED ON THE PLAN, INDICATE THE PROPOSED REGION TO BE RECLAIMED. THE RECLAMATION PROCESS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS; STOCKPILE AND PROCESSING AREAS, SETTLING BASIN, RECHARGE DITCH, AND BERMS TO BE LEVELED, GRADED, AND STABILIZED W/ PERMANENT VEGETATION. ALL SLOPES ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXCAVATED AREA OF THE MINE SHALL BE STABILIZED AND VEGETATED W/ PERMANENT VEGETATION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF COMPLETION. THE PROPOSED RECLAMATION AREA WILL PROVIDE AVAILABLE LANL =0R FUTURE HOME SITES, IF SUITABLE. 2) OFFSITE FILL MATERIAL, PRIMARILY TOPSOIL AND CLAY, WILL BE HAULED ON -SITE, TO BE UTILIZED AS BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR THE INDICATED AREA. 3) THE AMOUNT OF OFF -SITE MATERIAL TO BE TRANSPORTED ON -SITE WILL AVERAGE BETWEEN 10---20 TRUCK LOADS PER DAY. 4) ONCE THE BACKFILL MATERIAL HAS BEEN DEPOSITED AND COMPAr.TED ON -SITE, THE DISTURBED AREA WILL BE VEGETATED AS PER THE STATE REQUIREMENTS AS LISTED BELOW. PURSUANT TO REGULATIONS OF THE STATE THE MAXIMUM TIME TO COMPLETE RECLAMATION WILL BE (2) YEARS FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE MINING OPERATION. 5) ANY DISTURBED LAND NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE DAILY OPERATION OF THE MINE SHALL BE STABILIZED AND VEGETATED W/ PERMANENT VEGETATION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF DISTURBANCE. SEEDING NOTES: The minimum requirement for reclamation is that all disturbed areas must be stabilized with a permanent ground cover. Staged seeding is generally the most economical and efficient reclamation practice. The following table provides seeding specifications for the Coastal Plain Region; Seeding Mixture Species (Ibs./ac.) Pensacola Bohiagross 50 Sericea Lespedezo 30 Common Bermudogross 10 German Millet 10 Seeding Notes; Where a neat appearance is desired, omit Korean of Kobe Lespedezo Use Common Bermudogross only in isolated areas where it cannot become a pest. Bermudogross may be replaced with 5 Centipedegross (5 Ibs./ac.). Nurse Plants: Prior to May 1 or after August 15, (temporary winter seeding) Seeding of Rye (grain) 0 40 Ibs./oc. Seeding Dates: Aug 15-May 1, (see nurse plants above) Apr 1-Aug 15, Seeding of German Millet ® 10 Ibs./ac. Year Round, Seeding of Korean or Kobe Lespedeza ® 30 Ibs./ac. Soil Amendments: Apply lime and fertilizer according to sail tests, or apply 3,000 lb/ac. ground agricultural limestone and 500 Ib/ac. 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch: Apply 4,000-5,000 Ib./ac. grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulching material. Anchor mulch by tacking with asphalt, roving, or netting, or by crimping with a mulch -anchoring tool. A disk with biadeg set nearly straight can be used as a mulch -anchoring tool. Maintenance: Refertilize the following April with 50 Ib/ac. nitrogen. Rev sat, as growth requires. May be mowed only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit Sericea Lespedezo and mow as often as needed. LOCKING CAP STEEL OUTER CASING (IF PLASTIC INNER CASING) EXISTING GRADE WELL CASING (Z OR LARGER DIA ) LO NEAT CEMENT GROUT PELLETIZED BENTONITE iV I CLEAN WASHED SAND X' OR GRAVEL in 5' WELL SCREEN (SLOTTED PVC) GROUND WAIER MONITORING WELL N.T.S. POSTS MUST BE 1.33 LBILINiEAR FT. STEEL WITH A MIN. LENGTH OF 5'. POST SHALL HAVE PROJECTIONS TO FACILITATE FASTENING OF FILTER FABRIC. INSTALL POSTS V O.C. MAX WHEN STANDARD FABRRC & WIRE SUPPORT FENCE ARE UTILIZED. INSTALL POSTS W O.C. MAX WHEN EXTRA STRENGTH FABIRC WITHOUT WIRE FENCE IS UTILIZED. AI STEEL POSTS ONLY 36" 'v N In NOTES_ 1. BOREHOLE TO BE SIX INCHES LARGER THAN OUTSIDE DIA. OF CASING. 2. CASING AND SCREEN TO BE CENTERED IN BOREHOLE, 3, TOP OF WELL SCREEN SHOULD NOT BE ABOVE MEAN HIGH SEASONED WATER LEVEL. 4. CASING AND SCREEN MATERIAL TO BE SCH. 40 PVC, 5. WELL HEAD TO BE LABELED WITH HIGHLY VISIBLE WARNING SAYING: "WELL IS FOR MONITORING AND NOT CONSIDERED SAFE FOR DRINKING". 6. WELL TO BE AFFORDED REASONABLE PROTECTION AGAINST DAMAGE AFTER CONSTRUCTION. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS UTILIZED WIRE FENCING MUST ALSO BE INSTALLED ON UPSTREAM SIDE OF POSTS. EXTNED MAX. 24" ABOVE EXISTING GRADE TO BOTTOM OF TRENCH. MIN. 14 GA. 124" CONSTRUCT 4" W X 8'D TRENCH ALONG ENTIRE UPSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE STEP 1 STEP 2 FASTEN THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE UPSTREAM BACKFILL THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THE SOIL SIDE OF POSTS OR WIRE FENCE IF UTILIZED. FIRMLY TO ANCHOR THE BOTTOM OF THE SILT EXTEND FABRIC 8" DOWN & 4" FORWARD ALONG FENCE, BURIED FABRIC SHALL NOT BE VISIBLE. THE TRENCH. STEP 3 5 TEP 4 1. USE SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC OF AT LEAST 95% BY WEIGHT OF POLYOLEFINS OR POLYESTER, WHICH 1S CERTIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER AS CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS IN ASTM D 6461. FILTER FABRIC SHALL CONTAIN ULTRAVIOLET RAY INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS OF EXPECTED USABLE CONSTRUCTION LIFE AT A TEMPERATURE RANGE OF 0 TO 1207. Z CONSTRUCT THE SEDIMENT BARRIER OF STANDARD OR EXTRA STRENGTH SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC. ENSURE THAT THE HEIGHT OF THE SEDIMENT FENCE DOES NOT EXCEED 24 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND SURFACE. 3, CONSTRUCT THE FILTER FABRIC FROM A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARE NECESSARY, SECURELY FASTEN THE FILTER CLOTH ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST WITH 4 FT MINIMUM OVERLAP TO THE NEXT POST. 4. SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO EACH FENCE POST WITH MIN. 50 LB. TENSILE STRENGTH WIRE OR ZIP TIES AT TOP, MID -SECTION AND BOTTOM. FABRIC HEIGHT SHALL BE BETWEEN Ili' MIN. TO 24' MAX, ABOVE GROUND LEVEL ON THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE POSTS, EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC W/6' POST SPACING SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED DIRECTLY TO POSTS. 5. 12 INCHES OF FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE BURIED IN AN EXCAVATED TRENCH APPROXIMATELY 4 INCHES WIDE AND 8 INCHES DEEP ALONG THE PROPOSED LINE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. BACKFILL TRENCH WITH MECHANICALLY COMPACTED SOIL PLACED OVER THE FILTER FABRIC. DO NOT ATTACH FILTER FABRIC TO TREES. 6. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK & AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT. MAKE ANY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. SHOUD THE FABRIC COLLAPSF, TEAR, DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 7. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT. B. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. STEEL POSTS WIRE FENCE FILTER FABRIC N WIRE: OR PLASTIC TIES Z I- BOTTOM OF WIRE FENCE AND FILTER FABRIC BURIED w IN EXCAVATED TRENCH LOW qWSTEEL POST DRIVEN 24INTO GROUND SECTION A -A TYPICAL SILT FENCING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LOCA77ON AS NOTED ON PLAN CL US 0 n L 3t n O c [' in so n Out�OZN� Qom. t o X 1 .-. 0 x oto - Z (i1 C%l d v W Cj Do 0 i v W U �n r q ry _ In .5 w � • O . F 0 wa Z M d ^ Q E7 ° No� N W 0A� � A o Z� 0 tEaRg wtt0° w o ad U)ZL,00MM'- 0 HM,Pd U0ZPW 0 GC r o 0. O 0 C O 7� +�--i 0 o Z V ^ W 1� O O i` w 4 Ln Z O a � IL U � W w W a I O O Z a1a�i N f h ot r � F DATE: sir{ SCA -' i 8 - 30 -OBI'`•• L-AS'NOTED Drso o r BPG C EUMM MSB DMK MSB SHEET.• 3 3 OF CAD ERE: 368400S4 PROJECT NO. 3684 T* r 1 J r' ; .'` � 5, Y. :h..,. <. c. ..} U-1.... •,, {, i' .rai:pY .•..Ii ;:r:, L�.:1 ,511: ' . I, .,.i .. .�. ... .... . ..-.. ... .... ..�, .a... .. .... ..., .. .... ... �.. . e. J. ,. ,•. .., .., .al..�t.l.i. . ,.. ... ::. r�. ,, ...�.. .�. , .. r, rrr .... ... .�A ..ra r.�... ... ., .,a v,. .. � ,��r. .n n,v