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NCG020463_MONITORING INFO_20190128
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT N0. 1v D DOC TYPE El HISTORICAL FILE L� MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ � � 1 � OI a YYYYMMDD DocuSign Envelope 10: 89FAE1 FO-FF6D-4C60-A62B-ADC22CDD28BD `SMITH+GARDNER 11161 EE85-- January 18, 2019 NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ADDRESS ILL WEB 14 N. BDylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27803 919.828A5?7 — — www.smi1hgxdnerinCcom RE: Annual Summary 2018 Discharge Monitoring Report Fogleman R Fogleman Soils, Inc. COD Landfill Durham County, North Carolina CDC #NC6020463 General Permit #NC6020000 Dear Sir/Madam: RECEIVED JAN 2 8 2019 CENTRAL FILE DINR SECTIO�,I Smith Gardner IS+G) is pleased to submit this Annual Summary Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) on behalf of Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc., for monitoring at the Fogleman Landfill and Mine Facility. The subject site is located in Durham County, North Carolina. The Facility is currently permitted to discharger stormwater from mine activities under Certificate of Coverage (COC) NCG020463, General Permit NCG0200001, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality. During the April 2411, 2018 sampling event, turbidity and total settleable solids (TSS) were measured above their respective benchmark thresholds of 50 Nephetometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) and 100 mg/L. S+G provided Fogleman & Fogleman with a memorandum documenting the observed site conditions as well as recommendations for recompaction of specific areas to minimize erosion and ensure runoff is collected. Both turbidity and TSS were measured below their respective benchmarks during the December 2011, sampling event. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact us via phone at (9191 828-0577 or by email. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, SMITH GARDNER, INC. DocuSigned by: '. 1. ,, 6. WW aiy`�11Mlf%ier, E. I. Staff Engineer, ext. 146 maryldsmithgardnerinc.com CC: Jay Fogleman [Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) Linda Fogleman [Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) File Docuoigned by: �. S�'tal�ll, o4'. �Kth, P.E. Senior Engineer, ext. 127 staceyfdsmithgardnerinc_.com Attachment HVrojeciffogleman Landfill (Durham Countyl102 FLCompliancelNPDESINPDES SampLing\20i81Fogleman-NPDES-mine annual-2018.doc■ DocuSign Envelope ID: 89FAE1 FO-FF6D-4C60-A62B-ADC22CDD28BD ,\ i This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: 89FAE1F0-FF6D-4C60-A62B-ADC22CDD28BD ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2018 *Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow"1"No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020463 Facility Name: _Fogleman and Fogleman LCID and Mine County: Durham Phone Number: 919 682-0068 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Certified Laboratory Pace Analytical Lab # 37738 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 001 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. _001 Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mg11 SS, MID Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mgli (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks !ndlcate NO FLOWIf a !cable c1rclaStormwater Benchmark Benchmark E,g4' j50 0.1 Cirri. Benchmark B2511 NIA Water Quality Standard applies NIA Water Quality , standard applies 1$ >SSerequi average requires TSS and Non -polar 0&0 monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddl r 4/24/2018 0.85 124 <0.1 153.9 12/21 /2018 1.0 23.0 <0.1 49.8 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 DocuSign Envelope 10: 89FAE1 FO-FF6D-4C60-A62B-ADC22CDD28BD r' Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020463 CERTIFICATION "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." [Required by 40 CFR §122.221 D0C Signed by`f, Signatur Date 11, Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct — Central Files is housed in D WR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 z A DocuSign Envelope ID: 12814930-81D74A43-ADFB-3800AE8FEC6F SMITH+GARDNER 1961HEER5 January 4, 2018 NCDEQ Division of Water Resources Attention: Central Files 1617 Malt Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ABBRISS t11 WEB 14 N Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 919.028.0577 www.smitligafdnerinc.com RE: Annual Summary 2017 Discharge Monitoring Report Fogleman O Fogleman Soils, Inc. COO Landfill Durham County, North Carolina CDC #NC6020463 General Permit #NC6020900 Dear Sir/Madam: RFr,F-:II/E® JAN 19. 2018 DWR SECTION INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT On behalf of Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc., Smith Gardner 1S+G1 is pleased to submit this Annual Summary Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for monitoring at the Fogleman Landfill and Mine Facility. The subject site is located in Durham County, North Carolina. The Facility is currertty permitted to discharger stormwater from mine activities under Certificate of Coverage (COC1 NCG020463, General Permit NCG020000, We are providing you with one [11 copy of the report, each including: • Signed and dated DMR Form; [Attached) If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact me at (9191 828- 0577 ext. 146 or by email at maryrdsmithgardnerinc.com. Sincerely, SMITH + GARDNER, INC. EDocuSigneed�by:: i(.Vi Ro'w 382FA548D Mary Kennamer Staff Engineer CC: Jay Fogleman (Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) Linda Fogleman [Fogleman & Fogleman Sails, Inc.l File Attachment H.\Projects\Fogleman landfill IOurham Cauntyl\04 FL Ctosed Projects\Fo9te-12-3 MPOEs-SPPP)\NPOES\momtoring data\Fogleman_NPOES_mine_annual_2076,doc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 12814930-81 D7-4A43-ADFB-3800AE8FEC6F This page intentionally left blank. DocuSign Envelope ID: 12814930-8iD7-4A43-ADFB-3800AE8FEC6F ANNUAL SUMMARY DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (DMR) — STORMWATER SUBMIT TO CENTRAL OFFICE* General Permit No. NCG020000 Calendar Year 2017 *Report ALL STORMWATER monitoring data on this form (include "No Flow' No Discharge" and Benchmark Exceedances) from the previous calendar year to the DEQ by MARCH 1 of each year. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020463 Facility Name: Fogleman and Fogleman L_CID and Mine County: Durham Phone Number: ( 919 ) 682-0068 Total no. of SDOs monitored 1 Certified Laboratory Pace Analytical Lab # 37738 Lab # Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) No. 001 VMA Outfall? Yes ❑ No Is this outfall currently in Tier 2 for any parameter? Yes ❑ No Was this outfall ever in Tier 2 during the past year? Yes ❑ No If this outfall was in Tier 2 last year, was monthly monitoring discontinued? Yes, enough consecutive samples below benchmarks to decrease frequency ❑ Yes, received approval from DEMLR to reduce monitoring frequency ❑ No, turbidity benchmark exceedances did not require monthly monitoring ❑ Other ❑ Outfall No. Total Rainfall, inches TSS, mgll SS, mlll Turbidity, NTU Upstream (U) Turbidity, NTU Downstream (D) Turbidity, NTU Non -polar O&G, mg/1 (VMA) New Motor Oil Usage allmo. Benchmarks lndicateNO FLOW7f('�j a licable CircStormwater nchm Benchmark E'"w 50 0.1 Circle Benchmark 2`511 0 NIA Water Quality 1 Standard appllen NIA Water Quality Standard applies is >St a requires averagcrequfras TSS and Non polar OGG monitoring Date Sample Collected, molddl r IMEEMMMMM 2/15/2017 0.29 76.5 ND 97.4 11/9/2017 0.28 ND 0.2 141 139 Permit Date 10/1/2015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 DocuSign Envelope ID: 12814930-81 D7-4A43-A1)F5-3800AE8FEC6F Certificate of Coverage No. NCG020463 CERTIFICATION " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Required by 40 CFR §122.22) Do uSlgned by: UVJX rboa�& Signature Date 1/9/2018 Mail Annual Summary Stormwater DMR to the NCDEQ Central Office: Note the address is correct - Central Files is housed in DWR (not DEMLR) N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources Attn: DWR Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Central Files Telephone (919) 807-6300 Questions? Contact DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Staff in the Central Office at: (919) 707-9220 Permit Date 10/112015 — 9/30/2020 Last Revised 10-2-2015 SMITH+GARDNER a°a�15S IE1 wl B 14 N. Boylan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27693 919.62B.0577 www.smithgaidnetinc.com Fil61ti[iRS — February 27, 2015 NCDENR Division of Water Quality Attention: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Annual Summary 2014 Discharge Monitoring Report Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc. CEO Landfill Durham County, North Carolina COC#NCG020463 General Permit#NCG020000 Dear Sir/Madam: RECEIVED FEB 2'7 Z015 1NFORMADVVR""' SECTION CE SING UNIT On behalf of Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc., Smith Gardner (S+G) is pleased to submit this Annual Summary Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for monitoring at the Fogleman Landfill and Mine Facility. The subject site is located in Durham County, North Carolina. The Facility is currently permitted to discharger stormwater from mine activities under Certificate of Coverage (COCI NCG020463, General Permit NCG020000. We are providing you with two copies of the report, each including: • Signed and dated DMR Form; (Attached) • Site Map prepared and by S+G; (Appendix 1) • Event explanations and flow calculations prepared by S+G; and, (Appendix 2) • Laboratory Reports. (Appendix 3 in the on -site report only. Not submitted.) If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact me at (919) 828- 0577 ext. 224 or by email at donfasmithgardnerinc.com. Sincerely, SMITH + GARDNER, I Id /I Don senheimer Proj ct Scientist CC: Jay Fogleman (Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) Linda Fogleman (Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) File Attachment KAPIrojectsVogleman Landfill IDurham Coun(y)\04 FL Closed Projects\Fagle-12-3INPDES-SPPPNNPDES\mcnitorin9 data\Fogleman_NPDES_mine_annual_2012.dccx ATTACHMENT �SEolml 1 DUTFALL 0o1v' , 1 ' -BASIN=SB APRRUXIM 1 o P z 0 • • �,� PROPERTY LINE s L r % REFERENCES: 1, TOPOGRAPHY INACTIVE AREAS FROM AERIAL SURVEY PERFORM �EFfFOR=S - � "� w� `,` ��'�'= BY GEODATA CORPORATION, ZEBULON, NC, DATED JULY 1, 2011. - r 1 OVERALL SITE TOPOGRAPHY AS PROVIDED BY NCDOT GIS DEPARTME r ❑ FROM LIDAR DATA RELEASED MAY 2007. 2. COORDINATE SYSTEM 1S NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE GRID, N 83. NGVD 88. ' 3. PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ON DRAWING PROPOSED DEMOLITIO 0 100 200 300 400 LANDFILL, PROPERTY OF JOHN H. FOGLEMAN", PREPARED BY WlLLIA Feet C. WALKER, JR., REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, DURHAM, NC, DATED OCTOBER 15, 1991, REVISED FEBRUARY 2008. PROPERTY LINE N W �� m 0 0 z � m m Q CR N N a� 4 ... � cq a � z l cr \ a z � a � w •� • L ,�r � Q Z a d LL \/ 0 1* N W � � Z Lo u O w L.L J ��l 0 a > Q CL a �] V CV Q C � w p .... z ro cra v � Z D J y w NT . � Z = � � o = � A D © cry � M W APPENDIX 1 I ANNUAL SUMMARY DMR - STORMWATER I t! SEND TO CENTRAL OFFICE * I STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALLS (SDO) GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 *Report ALL STORMWATER Monitoring Data on this form (including No Flow and No Discharge and Pernut Limit Violations) by MARCH 1 of each year. CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02 0463 SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: 2014 FACILITY NAME: Fogleman Landfill Mine and�ec—ycTing COUNTY Durham PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES Don Misenheimer - S+G PHONE NO. 9{ 19 } 682 0662 CERTIFIED LABORATORY Pace Ana ytica Lab # 07 ADD TO LISTSERVE? YES ❑ NO ® EMAIL: Lab # Part A: Stormwater Monitorine Reuuirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr OR NO FLOW)t In Tier 2 Monthly Monitoring? (y/n) # of Months in Tier 2 Sampling z Total Flow (MG) - Total Suspended Solids (mom) Turbidit a y (NTU) Settleable Solids (m11l) Total Rainfall (in) Event Duration (minutes) - I- I - I- - 100 ' See Footnote ' ` 0.1 001 5.15.14 N N 0.058 MGD 0 28.2 0 3.97 All Day 001 12.22.14 N N 0.058 MGD 38.8 39.3 0 0.39 All Day 'If "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE, Enter "NO FLOW ' or "NO DISCHARGE" for each outfall here and the Date Range. Per NCG02: Tier 2 Monthly sampling shall be done until 3 consecutive samples are below the benchmark or within the benchmark range s If a value is in excess of the benchmark, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement the Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. ° TSS benchmark values are 100 mg/l except in ORW. HWQ, trout. and PNA waters where they are 50 mgll. 5 The discharge shall not cause an instantaneous measurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater streams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs, and all salt waters, 50 NTU for all other streams and surface waters. Turbidity may be monitored at the SDO Alternatively, the permittee may choose to monitor turbidity in the receiving water, directly upstream and downstream of the SDO. Permit Date: 1/1/2010-12/31/2014 Last Revised 0 1 -2 1 -11 Page 1 of 2 i f � I i 1 i { f I I Yn.•t H• Vrfiirin Mo;,,rononr Anriviry R7n� f fnr F—H.r.— mina , SS ..I of n..- mnrnr nil lmnnth nn —.. r 1: Sample Collected o„ r NO FLOW i . � I S YOUR FACILITY H D 4 OR MO ')ANY ONE OUTFALL 1NCLUDINC LVE YOU CONTACTS THE REGIIt I 4 HO AT THE REGION fAVE YOU S1 1 Division of Water Quality IE A tn: DWQ Central files 1 17 Mail Service Center R eigh, North Carolina 27 99-1617 ( 191907-6300 l')U MUST IGN Hl FR FI AT!( hCertif_y, under penalty flaw, that this 1¢ assure that qualified pe onnel propel sI'stem or those persons rcctly reald plete. I am awar t th ' nnti." I � I i ature of Permittee) . &rmit Date: [A12010 12 1 /20 14 1- I 'HMARK EXCEEDENCI:S !I, NIAINTENANCEI? YES ❑ NO 29 I YES ❑ NO irit and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed 'r and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the `g;hering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, !.apt;lienalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing m ) + Last Revised 01-21-1 1 Page 2 of 2 H:\ProjectsTogleman Landfill (Durham County)1Stormwater Design\ HydroCAD Type 1124-hr 1.00 hrs.7 Event Rainfall=0.67" Prepared by Smith Gardner, Inc. Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 sin 001426 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC _ _ 2/28/2013 Pond 4P: Basin 2 Inflow Area = 19.230 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.01" for .7 Event event Inflow = 0.09 cfs @ 2.00 hrs, Volume= 0.011 of Outflow = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af, Atten= 100%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Secondary = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 269.24' @ 15.00 hrs Surf.Area= 12,470 sf Storage= 461 cf Plug -Flow detention time= (not calculated: initial storage excedes outflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= (not calculated: no outflow) Volume _ _Invert Avail.Storage _ Storage Description ___ r #1 269.20' 352,293 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet (sg-ft) (cubic feet) (cubic -feet) 269.20 12,000 0 0 270.00 21,971 13,588 13,588 275.00 33,215 137,965 151,553 280.00 47,081 200,740 352,293 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 269.60' 18.0" x 70.0' long Culvert RCP, groove end projecting, Ke= 0.20.0 Outlet Invert= 268,20' S= 0.0200 ? Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight & clean #2 Device 1 270.50' 0.5" Vert. Orifice/Grate X 12.00 columns X 3 rows with 3.0" cc spacing C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 273.50' 3.0' long Sharp -Crested Rectangular Weir X 3.00 2 End Contraction(s) #4 Secondary 274.50'. 20.0' long x 10.0' breadth Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=269.20' (Free Discharge) L =Culvert ( Controls 0.00 cfs) '-2=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Sh arp -Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=269.20' (Free Discharge) Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) HAProjectsTogleman Landfill (Durham County)15tormwater Design) HydroCAD - Type 1124-hr 1.00 hrs .7 Event 'Rainfall=0.67" Prepared by Smith Gardner, Inc. Page 2 HydroCAD® 9.00 s/n 001426 0 2006 HydmCAD Software Solutions LLC 2/28120/3 Pond 4P: Basin 2 Hydrograph ova.' MQua rft iw ow # , o 0.09 0.os5 0.M i _St606ge=S;1_ c.. 0.075 • t 0.07 k - - -. 0.•-••- ,` + f I 00.04 0.08 0.03 i f 0.02 0.01 0 1 2' 3 4 5 6 1 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 71me (hours} psi ?. u$ 6*1- s I I ►� ANNUAL SUMMARY DMR - STORMWATER 11 SEND TO CENTRAL OFFICE* fl STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALLS (SDO) �y GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG020000 *Report ALL STORMWATER Monitoring Data on this form (including No Flow and No Discharge and Permit Limit Violations) by MARCH I of each Year. 04 6 3 _ SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: 2 015 C D CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02_ _ 0 FACILITY NAME: Fogleman Landfill and Mine _ COUNTY Durham OW PERSON COLLECTING SA\•IPLES Don Misenheimer_ S+G) PHONE NO. (919 )682 -0068 CERTIFIED LABORATORYPace AnalyticalLab # 67 ADD TO LISTSERVE? YES ® NO ❑ EMAIL-. Lab # Part A: Stormwater Monitorine Reauirements Outfall No, Date Sample Collected (mo/dd/yr OR t NO FLOW) In Tier 2 Monthly Monitoring? {}rin) # of Months in Tier 2 Sampling Total Flow. (MG) . Total Suspended., p Solids (mg/1) :Turbidit Y (NTU) . Settleable Solids (mIA) Total Rainfall % (in) Event Duration (minutes) - - - - 100 ` See Footnote:'' 0.1 001 Jan- Aug 2015 ------ -No Flow/ ampleable events--- -------------------- -------------- 001 10/27/15 N N/A .058 MGD 83.5 42.2 0.5 0.34 All Day 'If "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE, Enter '`NO FLOW or "NO DISCHARGE" for each outfall here and the Date Ranee. Per NCG02: Tier 2 Monthly sampling shall be done until 3 consecutive samples are below the benchmark or within the benchmark range ` If a value is in excess of the benchmark. or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must implement the Tier I or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. `TSS benchmark values are 100 mall except in ORW. HWQ. trout, and PNA waters where they are 50 nig/l. s The discharge shall not cause an instantaneous measurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater streams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs. and all salt waters: 50 NTU for all ether streams and surface waters. Turbiditv nrnv be monitored at the SDO. Alternatively. the permittee niav choose to monitor turbidity in the receiving water, directly upstream and downstream of the SDO. Permit Date: 1 / 112010-121311201 d Last Revised 0 1 -2 1 -1 1 Page I of 2 Part li: Vehicle Maintenanee Activitv Mnaiturink Requirements for facilities using > 55 gal of new motor o!1lmonlh on ave age Outfall No. Date Sample . imo/ddlyr OA n NO ErE,t)5Y) In Monthly 2 M- Monitoring" (ln) p of Months in Tier 2 . samplingx New Motor Oil Usnge (alhnonth Total Flow (1IG) TPH using method 1664A SGT-HEM (rnglil Total Suspended Solids I (nt 1 .pH . (Standard Units) Total Rainfall (in) Evenl Duration {minutes is, 10I 1 (1-9 1 1 f I HAS YOUR FACILITY HAI) 4 OR MORE BENCHMARK EXCEEDENCES ATANY ONE OUTFALL (INCLUDING VEHICLE MAINTF.NANCF.)? YES ❑ NO HAVE: YOU CONTACTED THE REGION! YES ❑ NO WHO ATTHE REGION HAVE YOU SPOKEN WITH? MAIL ORIGINAL AND ONE. COPY OF THIS ANNUAL SUMMARY !INCLUDING ALL "NO FLOW". "NO DISCHARGE" & LIMIT VIOLATIONS) RY MARCH I OF EACH YE AR TO: ' Ilivision of Water Qualily AM): I)WQ Central files 1(117 ry ail Servicc Ccnrcr Raleieh. North Carolina 27699-1617 i 1919) 907.6300 YOU MUST SIGN JHI.S' CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORMATION RF_PORTFD: "1 certify, under penally of law, 1him this t and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in I mordmnce with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel pro y gnthe and evaluate the information submitted. Rased on my inquiry of the person m• peranus who utanage the sySten those. prrsuns direr11 ' • ,onsible f gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the hest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, ud pfete. I am apt arc t t e arc s' i Cnaltte$ for suhmiltinp false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing (Sr (Dot nature of Perntitree) P witl)atc:1 /112010-12/3V2nla Lam Rcviacd0l-2l-I] Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT SEDIMENT -BASIN; -SE OUTFALL ool\>< 9 M 0 0 all z o z a- rk i max m N Wt Z� �--� ----------------------- a PIEE_AREAS —�' • �F; N co 1 4141 CN LL M1 CD UARMUSE Li a� \ �r. PROPERTY LINE _ C= U5 REFERENCES: W v Z 1. TOPOGRAPHY IN ACTIVE AREAS FROM AERIAL SURVEY PERFORMED = - BY GEODATA CORPORATION, ZEBULON, NC, DATED JULY 1, 2011. CM 6.6J ~ OVERALL SITE TOPOGRAPHY AS PROVIDED BY NCDOT GIS DEPARTMENT a Z = u7 FROM LIDAR DATA RELEASED MAY 2007. C= 2. COORDINATE SYSTEM IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE GRID, NAD a C� 83, NGVD 88. PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ON DRAWING PROPOSED DEMOLITION act3. � 0 100 200 300 400 LANDFILL, PROPERTY OF JOHN H. FOGLEMAN , PREPARED BY WILLIAM Feet C. WALKER, JR., REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR. DURHAM, NC, DATED cm OCTOBER i5, 1991, REVISED FEBRUARY2008. PROPERTY LINE � fi ADDRESS SMITH+GARONER 14N.WEB N. Raglan Avenue, Raleigh NC 27603 919,82e.0577 vrwwsmiingardnerinc.cam END IHEERS February 26, 2016 NCDENR Division of Energy, Mining and Land Resources RECENPE—� Attention; Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center MAR 0 4 2016 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CENTRAL FILES RE: Annual Summary 2015 Discharge Monitoring Report DWR SECTION Fogleman G Fogleman Soils, Inc. CEO Landfill Durham County, North Carolina CQC #NC"uG20463 General Pei mit#NCG029LQ0 Dear Sir/Madam: On behalf of Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc., Smith Gardner (S+G) is pleased to submit this Annual Summary Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for monitoring at the Fogleman Landfill and Mine Facility. The subject site is located in Durham County, North Carolina. The Facility is currently permitted to discharger stormwater from mine activities under Certificate of Coverage (COC1 NCG020463, General Permit NCG020000. We are providing you with two copies of the report, each including: • Signed and dated DMR Form; [Attached) • Site Map prepared and by S+G; (Appendix 11 • Event explanations and flow calculations prepared by S+G; and, (Appendix 2) • Laboratory Reports. (Appendix 3 in the on -site report only. Not submitted.) If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact me at (9119) 828- 0577 ext. 224 or by email at don(dsmithgardnerinc.com. Sincerely, SMITH+GARDN R NC. /Onnis; nheimer Project cientist CC: Jay Fogleman (Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.] Linda Fogleman (Fogleman & Fogleman Soils, Inc.) File Attachment H:\ProjeclslFogleman Landfill [Durham CounSyAN FL Closed Projed5lFogle-12-31NP0ES-SPPPHNPDES\monitor1n9 6ata\Fogleman_NPDES_mine_annual_2015,dccx