HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0040918_GW-1 Forms_20200212��tJ:2'rlB1�� l.-DC�'t�Ir"'t/ G�wR�aca'� t� rr�r W�(W`iU�tl25 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Inmmel Uae ONLY' Thie form can be used for akgle w multiple wells ' I. Well Contractor Information: 10. WATER ZONES Thomas Ammons FaoM To oesctdFrrory Well CwlVdefer Name 2035A NC Well Commctw Certification Nnmher Environmental Hydrogeological Consultants,lnc h. a h' R' 15.011TERCASING for umlti-eeeed wells OR LINER da 8mbk FROM TO DIAMZTSR TmCrcNH66 MATPRIAL o a 10 a z is sDn.4o Pvc Company Neme 2. Well Construction Permit #: Wst o!f appl/cable well consrrucrtmr pennirs R.e. Couny Sara, Yasiorrce, ac.) 3. Well Use (check well use): Id.1NNER CASING OR TUBING eotherraM PROM TO DIAMZTSR elosWdao TMICKNPSS MATF:RLIL ft, h. iv. h � N, 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMa'1'PR SLOT SIZR TNICtN'PSS MATRRIAL Water Supply Weil: ❑Agriculturel OMunicipal/Public OGeothermal (Hea[ing/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Waur Supply (single) ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑kri tion � 10 h' 15 O' 2 ra .010 Sch.40 PVC [L tt iu. IR GROUT FROM TO MATZRIAL QNPWCSM®'H'MEI'HOD&AMOUNT' Neat Cement/Stand-Up 0 ^' 1 h' Concrete Non•Wakr supply well: mMonitoring ❑Recovery 1 h. g R Bentonite Slow Pour Hydrated Pellets fe R. Injection Web: (]Aquifer Recharge []Groundwater Remediation OAquifer Smrage and Recovery ❑Salinity Bazrier ❑Aquifer Test OStormuater Drainage ❑Experimental Teclutolagy OSUbaiderree Control ❑iieolhemrel (Closed LOOP) OTraCer (]Geothermal (Hearin Conlin Retum) OOther ex lain under #21 Remarks 19. SAND/GRAVEL FROM PACK 'f0 a ikabk MATaRNL RMPLACRMENTMRrROD g h• 15 R' No. 2 Filter Media SIOw Pour O R. 20. ))KILLING FROM LOG atkeh TO admdoaal aheeb ifraaeea DIiSCaB'f10N wlsr. bard+ea, rca/mek a 'naix,eee FIDe Sand W/ OCtzsionel Clay bCIuSiDOS 0 f�' 15 fL 12l19/2019 MW-4 B, h. 4. Deh Wells) Completed: Wall ID# B. h. Sa. Well Location: � ft. R. Ag Protein, Ina R. fL FacilityfOwmr Name FacilirylDN lifappliceble) ft ft 420 Bonham Road, Magnolia, 28453 fL h. Piryaical Address City. and ZiP 21. REMARRs Sampsori County Parcel Idemification No. (PM) 56. Latitude and Longitude in degreealmiuutes/secoads or decimeidegrees: 22, Cer rca /� (ifwell fieM, one latgong is aufficien0 L//Y-✓ 78.119284 N 34.86216 N, 12f3112019 c.....M.... .a w.n r•„m.�,em. Dam 6. la (are) the well(s): �Permaoent or OTemporary 7. k this a repair to as eaktirtg well: []Yes or BNo lJrhis is a repaid f!l ou! brown wrfl consrnadan in/ormarion and erplam the rwarc o(rhe fir under ='2! remarks sealan or an the back nJrhlsforrn. 8. Number of walla covsfmcted: 4 Ot 4 hbnnulaple injection ornat-unfersupptywelh ONLY widNGs sanm caufnrcdon, you mn sabmlrone forvn. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15 (tt) pormnh/ple wells ldel all depths ifdifferenl (example-3Q100' and 2®!0!Y) !N signing IMs form, 1 hereby cent Char the ue//(s) was (�rere) cmulrucred m accordurrcr wl/h JSA NCAC 02Q0/00 ar /SA NCAC O2C .0200 Welf Cmrarn¢tiwt Standards and Thal a copy offhis rcrnrdhas bean provided In /he we// mvner. 23. Site diagram ar additioual well detaik: You may use Iha back of dris page to provide additional vrell site details or well cons(mc[ion deails. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24e. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well conslmc[ion ro the following: 10. SM& wakr level below fop of cflsing: ({t,) Division of Water Quality, Informafion Processing Unit, 1617 MeE Service Center, Rakigh, NC 27ti99-1617 /fxmtrr feve/la shove rnsing, rse "��" diameter; 6.25 (iu,) 246. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 11. Borehole above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12. Well construction method: HOIIOW-Stem Auger construction to [he following: (i.e. auger, rorery, cable, direct push, wcJ Division of Wakr Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY W ELLS ONLY: 1ti36 Mao Service Center, Rale(gh, NC 27h99-1636 24c. F W t Sunnly & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to 13fl. Yield (gpm) Method offeat: the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form withitr 30 days of completion of well construction [o the county health department of the county 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: where constructed. porm l7W.l North Caroline Depamnen[of Environment and Naaaal Resawces-Division oCWaterQwlity Revised Jan. 2019 �5'tlPa/�t(t� t�-Oc�t�ffivl� �,wvtcca�'(.a� rYLp' wc>ZIX.)'-�v`til;2S t_k'r 3�E, 8to Zl l2f l Cari6 ^tl8. 14 $ `i � $`� � < `6 2 mPt;�,q b WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Imemel Use ONLY: Thin form can be used far single or multiple wells 1. Wdl Contractor Information: 10. WATER ZONES Thomas Ammons RaDM TO DESCnDn'tON WeE ContmctorNeme 2035A ft. ft h. fL NC WeII CaNrector Certification Number PROM T Environmental Hydrogeological Consultants,lnc o f`• 5 16.INNL7t CA Company Name PnnM T 2. Well Couafrucdou Permit#: list all appltcoble we/I construction permiLr (l.e. Caanry, .Slarc, Varianro, amJ 3. Wdl Use (check well use): ❑Agricultural � ❑Municipal/Public OGeothermal(Heming/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply (single) ❑IndustriaVCommemial ❑Residential Water Suppty (shared) Aquifer Recharge OGroundwater Remediation OAquifer Smmge aM Recovery OSelinily Barrier OAquifer Test OStarmwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology OSubsidence Control OGeothermal (Closed Loop) Tracer mr'a.s.e....ar rue,.:,.atr,,,.u„o Rebiml nOther (explain under #2ll o. Date We6(s) completedo 12I19120t 9 We11 m# MW-3 Sa. Well Lacafion: Ag Protein, Inc. Fuility/Owner Nsnu Facility IDO (ifapplicable) 420 Bonham Road, Magnolia, 28453 Plsyaical Address Ciry, and Zip Sampson Comty Pnrcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. LaBtude and Longitude indegrees/miaotes/seeonds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field, one IeNong u sumdent) 78.119284 N 34.86216 W ti. Is (are) the well(a): ©Permanent or OTemporary 7. D this a repair m an existing well: Yes or BNo ljrhis la a repmr jl/ om known sv¢f! construcsion iryjormaston amJerplainthe rminre ojlhc repair under E21 remarks section or an the back of This form. S. Number of wells consMucted: `3 Of 4 i�ur mu/!Ip/e Drfecrion or non-xnserruPPly wet/s UNLY w/rh !/u: same emraYnrcamr. you cart .ruhmil one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 15. (ft) Fornmlllple w¢!Ls bsi olI depths Ifd�rcnr (aramp(a- J sQ3tm' am12O!(NI') 10. Static water level below top oP casing: (ft•1 ljualerlevel is abets msing•nse "+" 11. Borehole diameter: B'25 (in.) t2. Well constructiau method: HOiIOW-$tem AUger (i.e. auger, ratery, cable, duect push, etc.) FOR WATER 5UPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: _ 13b. Disinfecdou type: Amount: fG R. f`• � 2 IR � Sch.40 � PVC S OR TUBING wmermal dosed -too DIAMETER THICENE55 MATEmAL R, IR f1. �• DLIMETER SLOTSIEE TH[CIWE35 MATERN: R• 2 1O' .010 Sch.40 PVC 0 m 1 D• Concrete Neat Cement/Stand-Up 1 f�• 4 R• Bentonite Slow Pour Hydrated Pellets ft f4 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACIClifaaulicabie FROM TO MATERIAL FAtPWCEMENTMETHOD Slow Pour 4 f`• 15 f0 No. 2 Fllter _Media R. R. 20. DRILLING RROM LOC sIK<h TO admtloaal abe¢O itvecMa DESCRwT10N(eobr bnNneR wlVroekwoe, eadn e'v¢.ae.l Fine Sand w! Occasional Clay Inclusions 0 R• 15 f`• R. ft. R. ff. R ft 2 R. B. R. R. R. 22. Cart �ica�ien: %` �//�l/^/��1^-- 12/31f2019 Signature fled Wdi Connector Date 9y signing INis form. ! hereby cerl� Ihat Ibe xm//(s/ was (were) consnrmreAin nccordonce with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or l3A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Cmxnrncnon Smrtdartls msAihal o mpy ofrNls record has been provldeAla the well mvner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site deuils ar well constmciion details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL IN_ST_U__CTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well wnswcli0n to the following: Div'uion of Wafer Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Ma6 Service Cenfeq Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 246. For Iniectiou Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fomr within 30 days of completion of well consimUion to the following: Division of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, IG30 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c F W t r 3 DDIv & Infection Wells: In addition to sending the farm to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of This form within 30 days of completion of well constmctien to the county health department of the county w7aere constructed. Porm GW-1 North Carolina Depenment ofEnviranaunl and Nabirzl Resomcea-Division of Water Queliry Reeised Jan. 2013 ✓vswv Ovi wv-vv.,. a�u�"'ry •--t�v r•�y q t %4T3`P,$b'ig2�s2 L�'t�-`�iSrd2o(rllo$ , WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: Thie form can be used for si�Ie armulliple wells 1. Web Contractor Information: 1/. WATER ZONES Thomas Ammons FaDa, 'trr Dr3CRIPTION Well Commcwr Name fr' 2035A - ^ " NC Well Contractor Cenification Number Environmental Hydrogeological Consultants,lnc Company Name 2. Well Conatruction Permit#: IJst all applicable welt caretrneaon permld (f.e. Camrry, Smte, Yarimrce, eml 3. Well Use (cheek well use): OAgricultural OGeothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) Olndus[riel/Commercial OAquifer Recharge OAquifer Smrage and Recovery ❑Aquifm Test ❑BxperimenWl Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) Municipal/Public oResidential Water Supply (single) Residential Water Suppy (shared) i 0 R• i 10 ra i 2 is � Sch.40 � PVC i R a. R. a 10 n � 20 ft• � 2 td � .010 � Sch.40 i PVC i R. ft. im 0 �' 1 fr. Concrete Neat Cement /Stand -Up 1 *'• 9 rc 8entonite Slow Pour Hydreted Pellets I— n. tti Groundwater Remediation 1 OSalinity Bmrier P 9 OStonnwater Drainage Subsidence Control 2 OTmcer a G nftther lexolain under #21 Remarks) 4. Dare wen(a) Completed: 12/19/2019WreD tD# MW-2 Sa. Well Location: Ag Protein, Inc. Fadlity/Owrres Neme Facility IDk (ifapplicable) 420 Bonham Road, Magnolia, 28453 Phyeicel Address, City, aM Zip Sampson County Pucel Idemificetion No. (PIN) a• i No. 2 rc i20 m I Fine Sand w! Occasional Clay Inclusions h. R n. R. ik fr. rt. a n. n. u. rt. 56. Latitude and Longitude in degreealminutee/seconds or decimal degrees: 22. Certificalrolt: (ifwell field, ono leNlonghsufficirnt) � A� � 78.119284 N 34.86216 w 6. to (are) the we6(s): �Permanenf or �Temporery 7. is this a repair m an existing weD: OYes or �No {jlhis Isa mparr, frll orst krmrwr well cxrulmetlxn it farmatian and arplam the Holum ujdie mpatr uMer d21 remarkr senlmr or on the hack of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 2 Of 4 hbr muh/ple irJection anion-xnterneppty wells ONLY x�idt the smm conshxraan, you cart sabmn one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 20 (R.) Far nmhiple wells lisi xfl dePrhr ifd�emnl (eranrfde- 3Q200' and 2(a3/0d) 18. Static wafer Ievei below top of casing: (ft.) {jwalerlmeiis abo,re ca.Wng, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 6.25 (in.) l2. Weu consMuciion method: HOIIOW-Stem AUger (i.e. augen rotmy, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY W ELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of rest: 13b. Dfalnfection type: Amount: \�,�1 J 12l31/2019 Signature of 'fi ell Contracmr Dare 9y signing This form. 1 hereby certify dm1 the sval!(s) was (mere/ ronnn¢ted iu attrorrfance mith l3A NCAC dIC.0100 ar 15A NCAC 01C .0200 Well Cfmrrpumion Smndardr mid that a ropy of this mrord imr been provided m thx well turner. 23. Site diagram or additional well demils: You stay use the back of [his page to provide additional w+eil site details or well consiroctien details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit [his form within 30 days of completion of well constmction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Meil Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-16t7 246. For Inieetion Wails: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well constmction to the following: Division of Water Quality, Ilndcrground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27499-I(r36 24c. For Water Sunoly &Inieetion Wells: In addition to sending [he form to the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion. of well construction to [he county health department of the county where constructed. Fonn GW-I North Carolins Depamnent of Environment and Natural Resouroes—Division of Wakr Qtwlity Rer•ised lan. 2llli �SuRve��D ������tv�-��,a�w',,p w�w1-euw 4a i_�r 3'tr�'6z�groy umG -'��. tzt��b�t WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'Y`� t2 � ��� �� Forin[emelUseONLY: This roan eenbe used for einglo or multiple walls I. Well Contractor Information 14. WATER ZONES ' Thomas Ammons maoM To DEscRaT�oN WeR Covtmctor Name 2035A NC Well Contractor Cettificedon Number Environmental Hydrogeological Consultants,ine R. ff. rL ff' IS. ODTERCASING tormNtlsexd weW ORI.WER sta 61e FROM TO DNMRfER TRICKIS833 MATBRIAL o R• 10 R z is Sch.40 Pvc Company Neme 2. WeE Construcfioa Permit #: LGI al(applicable well mnstruc/ion permi(s (i.e. CmmN. Smte. Parlance. etc) 3. WeD Use (eheekwell use): 16.INNRR CASDVG ORTURDiG mal rloxddoo PROM TO DIAMETER THIC8NP53 MATERIAL R. tL '"' i6 ff. in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZR THICRN893 MATERIAL Water Sappy WeD: ❑Agriculmml oMunicipal/Public ❑Geothermal Heatin Caolin Su 1 �Residentiai Water Su I sin le) ( g/ g PP Y) PP Y ( g OIndtistriaVCommercial ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) ❑Irri tion � 10 ff' 20 tL 2 a°' .010 Sch.40 PVC ff. it in 1E.CROIIT BROM TYI MATBRNL EMPLACBMRNr MRTHOD&AMOUN Neat Cement /Stand -Up 0 ff• 1 R• Concrete NoD-Water Supply Well mMonitoring Recovery 1 D. 9 ff. Bentonite Slow Pour Hydrated Pellets ff. PL IujeeOon WeD: ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwe[er Remediation ❑Aquifer Stange and Recovery Salinity Barrier Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage ❑Experimemal TechnDlogy OSubsidewe Control OGeothermal (Closed Loop) - 17Tracer �Geothennal (Head Cooling Retum) Other ex lain under#21 Remarks) 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK Ra bk FROM TO MATBRW. EMPIACEMBNTMETR00 g ff• 20 rL No. 2 Filter Medic Slow Pour ft a . tA. DRR.LIXG LOG etfaeh additiarelahxbifnecuaa PIIOM TO DESCRR`TION edonaaMocy wtrmak ' sue,ee 0 ff• 20 fL Fine Sand W/ Occasional Clay Inclusions 12J19/2019 MW-1 4. Dah Weil(s) Completed: Well ID# Sa. Well Location: A9 Protein, Inc. Facility/Owner NMne Facility lDa (iEappBceble) 420 Bonham Road, Magnolia, 28453 � � R, (L R a 2 rL D, ff. . R. rc Plrysicel Address, City, and Zip Sampson 2I, REMARKS County Parcel ]dendficution No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifweli fteld, one Iallong is sufficient) 78.119284 M 34.8621 ti 6. D (are) the weD(s): ©Permanent or OTemporary 7. Is tbis a repair to an ex(sdng weD: OYes or 0No Iflhis h�a repair, fill out prawn well cansbucfipn Infarmatbn and esp/ain the rmmre ojlhe repots udder a2/ remarks seellon or on the back oflNtrfonn. S. Number ofwells conafrneted: � Ot 4 1% Ir' l "eetlmr or pore-seatersa pl wells ONLYwNh the same eamm�etian you con 22. Cerli ca n: 12/31/2019 Signawreo C W ell Contractor Dere IIY signing Mfs faros, 1 hereby arrrjy (Nat the wel!(sJ ryas (we J connrucred ftt accordance wfrh l5A NCAC 02C .0f00 or /SA N(.'AC tl2C.0200 Well Cmas(n¢timr Slonrkrds and that o copy of this rewrd has been provided ro the wel(awner. 23. Site diagram or additional well demils: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well wnstmction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. ar mu rpemJ P Y submit mse fornr. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9. Total well depth below laud surface: 20 tft.)' 24a. Far Ail Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Pannuhiplewe/ls list a((depdrs ifdpererrt (era �e-3(�200'andlrsCl00') cons[metion to the following: 10. Sta0e water level below tap ofcasing: (ft.) Division or Water Quality, Information PracessiRg Unit, JrwarerlesNlls abosre casing, are "+•• 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borehole diameter; 625 (im) 246. For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well Hollow -Stem Au er 12. WeD construction method: g consimction to the following: Q.e. auger, rotary, cable, duct pmh, etc.) Division of Water Quality, Underground InJeedeu Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24c. Fnr Water Snnnly & [uicefion Wells: in addition to sending the form to 13a. Yield (gpnr) Method of teat: the addresses) above, also submit ono copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well cons[metion to the county health department of the county 13b. Disinfection Amount: rye° where canstmcted. FonnCW-I Nonh Carolina Department ofEnvirdnmem and Naltual Remnrws-Division of Water Qnaliry Ravued Jm,. 20I3