HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200235 Ver 1_Signed_MCDC_and_Project_Commitments_20200213DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST WBS No.: 17.13P.IO.R.151 Project Location: Bridge No. 145 carrying SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) over Little Richardson Creek in Union County Project Description: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division 10, plans to replace Bridge No. 145 carrying SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) over Little Richardson Creek in Union County, North Carolina. The existing bridge is a timber deck steel girder bridge and was constructed in 1966. It has two 8 '/2 - foot lanes, no shoulders, and is an approximately 25 feet in length with a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour (mph). The existing right-of-way of SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) is approximately 60 feet wide. There are no existing sidewalk or bicycle facilities. Bridge No. 145 has a posted single vehicle weight limit of 15 tons and a truck tractor semitrailer weight limit of 21 tons. Bridge No. 145 carries an average of 350 vehicles per day with 700 vehicles per day projected for the future. SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) is functionally classified as a rural local facility with a 35-mile per hour design (mph) speed and 45 mph posted speed limit. The proposed structure would have two 10-foot travel lanes and 3-foot paved shoulders and would be approximately 30 feet wide and 62 feet long; the existing structure would be replaced in place. The proposed horizontal and vertical alignment would match the existing horizontal and vertical alignment. The proposed right-of-way width varies from 60 feet to approximately 85 feet in width and would require approximately 0.12 acres of new right-of-way and approximately 1,158 square feet of permanent drainage and utility easement. The total length of project is 1,115 ft. Improvements also include a tie in to an eight -foot gravel driveway. The roadway approaches would include two approximately nine -foot wide travel lanes with approximately 3-foot paved shoulders. An off -site detour of approximately 5 miles will be required for the full duration of construction. The detour route will take travelers on SR 2102 (Medlin Road), Belmont Church Road, and SR 2115 (Stack Road). Residential and business relocations are not anticipated. The project is scheduled for right-of-way in January 2020 and has a LET date of January 2021. Little Richardson Creek is designated as Class WS-IV water from its source to apoint 0.6 mile upstream of Buck Branch. As defined by the N.C. Division for Water Resources (NCDWR), Class WS-IV waters are "waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a WS-I, II or III classification is not feasible." These waters are also protected for Class C uses. WS-IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watershed or "Protected Areas". There are no designated trout waters, anadromous fish waters, or Primary Nursery Areas (PNA) located in the study area. Additionally, there are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), or water supply watershed (WS-I or WS- II) within the study area or within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. Little Richardson Creek within the study area is included on the most recent approved North Carolina 303(d) list of impaired waters (2018) for having high levels of Chlorophyll -a. 02/10/2020 1 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 The project is anticipated to require right-of-way acquisition from parcels owned by the City of Monroe; these parcels border Lake Monroe, which is north of the project area. The parcels are located north and south of the eastern side of the bridge along SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road). The parcels were not identified as a Section 6(f) Land and Water Conservation Fund site. Section 4(f) is not applicable because the project is state - funded. Minor impacts relating to right-of-way acquisition and temporary construction activity are anticipated. The City of Monroe was contacted on 7/26/2019 and 7/30/2019 and informed of the project and anticipated minimal right-of-way impacts; the city expressed no concerns. Purpose and Need: NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 145 has a sufficiency rating of 45.92 out of a possible 100. The bridge's status is identified as Functionally Obsolete in the Structure Safety Report published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on 08/18/2017. The purpose of the project is to replace the functionally obsolete bridge. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: It is anticipated that a Section 404 Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 3 Maintenance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will be needed for the incidental discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. associated with the project. It is estimated that there will be 0.061 acres (85 linear feet) of temporary stream impacts. Stream relocations and/or channel modifications are not anticipated. Due to a Section 404 NWP No. 3 being needed, a corresponding Section 401 Water Quality General Certification No. 4132 from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) would also be required. Pre -Construction Notification to the USACE and NCDWR will be completed, as needed, based on the temporary impacts to streams resulting from final design. No mitigation is required for this project, so it is not anticipated that the N.C. Division of Mitigation Services' (DMS) in -lieu fee program will need to be used. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) GIS Database indicates that the bridge location and proposed project are not within a FERC Site Boundary. Floodplain: This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to a FEMA- regulated stream, Little Richardson Creek, which is classified as an AE floodplain and is at high risk of flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program. Due to this, the Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine the project status regarding applicability of NCDOT' S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Cultural Resources: On 10/12/2018, a Historic Architecture and Landscapes "No Survey Required" form was provided through ETRACS by a NCDOT Architectural 02/10/2020 2 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 Historian. Additionally, on 12/13/2018, a "No Archaeological Survey Required" form was provided by a NCDOT Archaeologist. Special Project Information: Environmental Commitments: Greensheet Commitments are located at the end of the checklist. Estimated Costs (FY 2019): Utility $0 Right -of -Way* $4,750 Construction** $1,150,000 Total $1,154,750 (Sources: *NCDOT Right of Way Appraisals Unit, July 2019. ** STV, 2019) Traffic Information: Current (2015) 350 vpd Year (2040) 700 vpd TTST N/A Duals N/A (Source: National Bridge Inventory Structure Inventory and Appraisal, August 18, 2017) Design Exceptions: A design exception is required due to the vertical curve in SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) north of the bridge. The design speed for the vertical curve is up to 10 mph less than the overall design speed as per the sub -regional tier design guidelines. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations: There are no pedestrian or bicycle accommodations for this project. SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) is not an NCDOT bike route and there are no existing sidewalks. Evidence of bike and pedestrian activity was not observed during the site visit. Alternatives Discussion: No Build — The no build alternative would not replace a deficient bridge, and thus is not a viable option. Rehabilitation — Rehabilitation would only provide a temporary solution to the structural deficiency of the bridge. Onsite Detour — An onsite detour was not evaluated as an off -site detour was deemed acceptable. The detour route will route vehicles on SR 2102 (Medlin Road), Belmont Church Road, and SR 2115 (Stack Road). New Alignment — Given that the alignment for SR 2106 (Macedonia Church Road) is acceptable, a new alignment was not considered as an alternative. 02/10/2020 3 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 Offsite Detour — An offsite detour of approximately 5 miles is preferred and would be required for the full duration of construction. The detour route will take travelers on SR 2102 (Medlin Road), Belmont Church Road, SR 2115 (Stack Road) and SR 2218 (Autumn Drive). Other Agency Comments: An EMS Input Form was sent to the Union County Emergency Services Management Coordinator on 4/16/2019 and 5/18/2019. Comments were received 6/21/2019. The EMS Management Coordinator indicated that there would be a low impact on emergency services if the bridge were closed for up to one year. Response: Comment noted. A School Input Form was sent to Union County School System Transportation Director on 4/16/2019 and 5/18/2019. No comments were received. A Planner Input Form was sent to Union County Planning on 04/16/2019. Comments were received on 5/20/2019; the input form was received with no special concerns or comments regarding the project. Public Involvement: Public involvement is not required for this project. 02/10/2020 4 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA Item I to be completed by the Engineer. = YES NO 1. Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed under ® ❑ the Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? If the answer to number 1 is "no", then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state environmental assessment is required. If yes, under which category? #9 (Reconstruction of existing crossroad or railroad separation and existingstream crossings, including, but not limited to, pipes, culverts, and bridges.) PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS Items 2 — 4 to be completed by the Engineer. YES NO 2. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ M concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? 3. Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative ❑ Z impacts that may result in a significant adverse impact to human health or the environment? 4. Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed ❑ activity have such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its environmental effects has been expressed to the Department? Item 5-8 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. " 5. Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on wetlands; ❑ surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? 6. Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the ❑ Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list? 02/10/2020 5 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 7. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that would be expected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? 8. Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on long-term recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats YES NO ❑ N El PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS Items 9- 12 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. YES 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its N habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? NO El 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent N ❑ fill in waters of the United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of ❑ fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental ❑ N Concern, as defined in the coastal Area Management Act? Items 13 —15 to be completed by the Engineer. 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? ❑ N Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the ❑ N National Register of Historic Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of ❑ N way from publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? Response to Question 9: STV Engineers, Inc. (STV) conducted field reviews of an approximate 3.5-acre study area on October 3, 2018, May 22, 2019 and June 21, 2019. Four federally protected species are listed for Union County; Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata), Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthis schweinitzii), Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii) and the Atlantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni). As of May 29, 2019, the NCNHP lists no occurrences of federally protected species within one mile of the study area. The biological conclusion for the Michaux's sumac, and Schweinitz's sunflower is "no effect". The proposed rule and 12-month finding for the Atlantic pigtoe was published in the Federal Register (83 FR 51570 51609) on October 11, 2018. The Atlantic pigtoe is 02/10/2020 6 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 expected to be listed as a "Federally Threatened" species and has been included in the species list for the project. A mussel survey for the Atlantic pigtoe was not conducted. Suitable habitat for the Atlantic pigtoe is not present in the project study area (PSA). Little Richardson Creek has little to no flow in this portion of the stream due to the presence of Lake Monroe just downstream which has created a ponded condition in this stream segment. A review of NCNHP records on May 29, 2019 indicates no known occurrences within one mile of the PSA. Based on the lack of suitable habitat, lack of permanent impacts to the creek, and the proposed construction methods, no effect to Atlantic pigtoe is anticipated. A mussel survey for the Carolina heelsplitter was not conducted. Suitable habitat for the Carolina heelsplitter is not present in the PSA. Little Richardson Creek has little to no flow in this portion of the stream due to the presence of Lake Monroe just downstream which has created a ponded condition in this stream segment. A review of NCNHP records on May 29, 2019 indicates no known occurrences within one mile of the PSA. Based on the lack of suitable habitat, lack of permanent impacts to the creek, and the proposed construction methods, no effect to Carolina heelsplitter is anticipated. Response to Question 10: It is anticipated that a Section 404 Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 3 Maintenance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will be needed for the incidental discharge of fill material into waters of the U.S. associated with the project. It is estimated that there will be 0.061 acres (85 linear feet) of temporary stream impacts. Stream relocations and/or channel modifications are not anticipated. Potential permanent fill impacts due to bridge construction may occur to Little Richardson Creek but will be avoided if possible and minimized if necessary. 02/10/2020 7 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 DocuSigned by Prepared by: �,E,,ID9,c-rr, Date: 2/10/2020 Kathryn Curry, AICP STV Engineers Inc., Transportation Planner DocuSi��Sbin, gned by: Reviewed by: p Date: 2/10/2020 Larry Thompson, PWS, LSS Division PDEA Engineer F�D�ocM` uSigned by: 1566-� Date: 2/10/2020 6JA6664BD� 34EF... Tim Boan , r� Division Project Development Engineer 02/10/2020 8 of 8 DocuSign Envelope ID: 635E580C-E5A9-4DB0-B6DC-C74C203817E6 PROJECT COMMITMENTS WBS No. 17.BP.10.R.151 Bridge No. 145, SR 2106/Macedonia Church Road over Little Richardson Creek Union County FEMA Coordination The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine status of project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100- year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. Stormwater NCDOT "Best Management Practices for the Protection of Surface Waters" will be utilized throughout the life of the project. Erosion and sediment will be controlled through the specification, installation, and maintenance of more stringent erosion and sedimentation control methods. Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist Page 1 of 1 Green Sheet February 2020