HomeMy WebLinkAbout20001444 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20001106j November 3, 2000 ` - 0= - ? 6 X00 Mr. John Domey t NCDENR Division of Water Quality, , Wetlands 1401 Unit V?PT 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh IBC 27699-1621 Re: Adams Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase One (DWQ project number not assigned) and S Phase Two, (DWQ project number not assigned) Water and Sewer Authority of 'abarrus County City of Mount Pleasant and Cabarrus County, NC. Dear John, !tom Please find enclosed for your file additional correspondence regarding Phase One and Phase Two of a proposed Sanitary Sewer project along Adams.Creek in Cabarras County. Attached also are copies of Corps Determination 'Verification letters as well as-General Permit (Regional and Na tionwide) Verification letters for both Pksses. Subsequent, toy the issuance of these letters an EA has been conducted for the project: A copy of the findings of the EA are attached. A Finding of No Signifi- -cant Impact (FNSI).has, been prodided.by,the NCDENR-DWQ for the, project and'submitted to the State Clearinghouse. The protect will comply with'all GP ,or`NWP conditions and will not,;impact ' wetlands. _ It is my understanding that wr?tten,goncurr ence is not required by'your office for,this project provided -that it is authorized under Corps'Nationwide Permit 12 and complies with all of the condi- tions'ofDivision of Water Quality General Certification 12 (Utility Line Backfall and Bedding Cert cation, General Certification for Projects Eligible for Corps -of Engineers Nationwide Permit Number, 12 or Regional Aermit 198100049 (Utility Line Backfill and Bedding)) ' Additionally, it is my understanding that if written `concurrence or Individual 401 Certification is not required fora project then the normally required ;DWQ application processingfees are waived for the,project. Could you please advise mu if, thisis not the case. Thank you very much for your-review of the enclosed. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, if you should, require any further information, or if there is any way in which I,can " assist you: " Sincetely; Q Craig R. Wyant A Fine Line Design cc: Evander H. Rowell, PE.,?Dewberry-and Davis, Charlotte, NC (Agent for Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County), Craig R. Wyant;'dba c one l UESIG,P.I; 1960 Chapman-Wyant- Lane. LincoInton, NC 28092 (7Q4) 735-1084, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 199831113 county Cabarrus GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Address: P.O. Box 428 Concord, NC 28026-0428 Telephone No.: Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): "Adams Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor - Phase One"; in the vicinity of Mount Pleasant Description of Activity: Install 2.6 linear miles of sanitary sewer line along Adams Creek and unnamed tributaries. The project will require 8 stream crossings (with "important" biological function) and no wetlands will be impacted. The purpose for the project is to connect together 3 existing pump stations and lines which currently serve the Mount Pleasant area. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C.1344). (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 12 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NAP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N. C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N. C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919)733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the .permittee. to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NAP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date October 19. 1998 Corps Regulatory Official Steve Chapin Telephone No. (828) 271-4014 Expiration Date of Verification October 19. 2000 cc: A Fine Line Design U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 199930096 County Cabarrus GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Address: P.O. Box 428 Concord, NC 28027 Telephone No.: Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): Adams Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor - Phase Two Description of Activity: Install approx. 3.8 linear miles of sewer line along Adams Creek (and unnamed tributaries). The new line is necessary to connect together and to upgrade or replace existing pump stations and lines which currently serve the Mount Pleasant area. The proposed alignment of the Phase Two sewer line will cross 21 "important" stream channels and 14 non jurisdictional stormwater channels or ditches. No wetlands will be impacted by the project. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344). (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbor Act of 1899). Authorization: Regional General Permit Number. 12 Nationwide Permit Number. Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the RGP or the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date November 13. 1998 Corps Regulatory Official Steve Chapin Telephone No. (828) 271-4014 Expiration Date of Verification November 13. 2000 cc: A Fine Line Design CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID: 199831113 County: Cabarrus Notification of Jurisdictional Determination Property owner/Authorized Agent: Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Address: P.O. Box 428 Concord, NC 28027 Telephone Number: Size and Location of Property (waterbody, Highway name/number, town, etc.): "Adams Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Phase One" (2.6 Mile Easement); near Mt. Pleasant Indicate Which of the following apply: X There are waters of the U. S. within the above describedprojectcorridorwhich have been accurately flagged and delineated by your representative, A Fine Line Design. We strongly suggest that the flagged lines be surveyed. It appears from your preliminary plans that your project will be eligible for permitting under Nationwide Permit No. 12 or General Permit 198100049. Because of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wetlands cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to employ a consultant to obtain a k*e delineation of the wetlands. Once your consultant has flagged a wetland line on the property, Corps staff will review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your property without an approved survey. The wetlands on your lot have been delineated, and the limits of Corps jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no wetlands present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed three years from the date of this notification. The submitted survey plat dated * for the above referenced property accurately reflects the limits of waters and wetlands on the property. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination of the limits of waters and wetlands may be relied upon for a period not to exceed 5 years from the date of the survey plat. Placement of dredged or fill material in waters othe U.S. on this property without a Department of the Army permit is in most cases a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A permit is not required for work on the property restricted entirely to existing high ground. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Steve Chapin at Project Manager Date September 4, 1998 Expiration Date September 4. 2003 x?=*: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES O Itober 13, 2000 Mr. John C. Murdock, III, Executive Director Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County PO Box 428 Concord, North Carolina 28026-0428 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY OCT 17 2000 DEWBERRY & DAVIS CK?,??Li;T; t, r;.. c. SUBJECT: FNSI Advertisement Adams Creek Transport Facilities Dear Mr. Murdock: This is to inform you that the Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) and the environmental assessment have been submitted to the State Clearinghouse. The documents will be advertised for thirty (30) working days in the N.C. Environmental Bulletin. Advertising the FNSI is required under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. You will be informed of any significant comment or public objection when the advertisement period is completed. A copy of the documents is transmitted for your record. The documents should be made available to the public. If there are any questions, please contact me at (919) 715-6220. Sincerely, 1,9 Daniel M. Blaisdell, P.E., Assistant Chief for Engineering Branch Attachments cc: Mooresville Regional Office Dewberry & Davis Water Quality Plannning Branch Reg Sutton FEU/PMB/DMU CONSTRUCTION GRANTS & LOANS SECTION 1633 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1633 PHONE 919-733-6900 FAX 919-71 S-6229 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED110% POST-CONSUMER PAPER FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INSTALL ADAMS CREEK TRANSPORT FACILITIES CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AGENCY: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES CONTACT: JOHN R. BLOWE, P.E., CHIEF DENR - DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY CONSTRUCTION GRANTS AND LOANS SECTION 1633 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1633 OCTOBER 13, 2000 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMVACT (FNSI) Article I, Chapter 1 I3A of the North Carolina Gi,meral Statutes requires a project to be subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NCEPA) if it involves a major agency, action which will affect the environment. The proposed project has been evaluated for compliance with the NCEPA and determined to be a major action which will affect the environment and a State permit will be required. Project Applicant: Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) Project Description: The proposed $6.7 million project is to be financed entirely with local funds and no state loans or grants are involved. The proposed Adams Creek interceptor system consists of installing 34,500 114 8 to 30-inch pipes to serve the existing development and the projected growth in the Adams Creek drainage basin. The review process indicated that significant adverse environmental impacts should not occur if mitigative measures are implemented, and an environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be required. The decision was based on information in the preliminary engineering report and reviews by governmental agencies. An environmental assessment supporting this action is attached. 't'his FNS1 completes the environmental review record, which is available for inspection at the State Clearinghouse. No administrative action will be taken on the proposed project for at least thirty days after notification that the FNSI has been published in the North Carolina Environmental Bulletin. Sincerely, Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A. Proposed Facilities and Actions Figures 1 and 2 identify the location of the proposed Phases I and II Adams Creek collection/transport facilities. Transport Facilities. The proposed project will be constructed in two phases to serve the town of Mt. Pleasant and growth in the Adams Creek drainage basin. Phase I consists of installing 15,500 l.f. of 30-inch gravity lines along Adams Creek. Three additional lines (5,200 l.f. of 8-inch, 4001.f. of 10-inch, and 1,500 I.f. of 30-inch gravity pipe) will be installed to connect to the 30-inch pipe so that the existing Food Lion, Summer Street, and Pasture pump stations can be eliminated. The Phase II project will consist of installing 11,600 l.f. of 24-inch interceptor along Adams Creek to connect to the Phase I 30-inch gravity pipe listed above. An additional 3001.f. of 8-inch pipe will be provided to connect to the 24-inch line so that the existing Mt. Pleasant High School package treatment plant can be eliminated. In addition to installing the proposed interceptors to eliminate an effluent discharge and overloaded pump stations, the proposed collection/transport facilities will facilitate growth in the Adams Creek drainage basin. The flow from the proposed interceptors will be discharged into an existing pump station, and treatment will be provided by WSACC's treatment plant. A FNSI was signed September 3, 1999 for the approval of the Rocky River regional treatment plant to be upgraded and expanded from 24 to 34 mgd. B. Existing Environment Topography and Soils. The proposed project is situated in the Adams Creek drainage basin, which is located in Cabarrus County. The topography is primarily rolling uplands with elevations from 500 to 600 feet above mean sea level and slopes ranging from 1 to 40 percent. Most of the upland soils are well drained with a clay or loam subsoil. Soils associated with the streams and valleys are characterized by floodplain and wetland conditions. Septic tank drainfields are primarily restricted due to impermeable soils in the Adams Creek drainage basin. Surface Water. Cabarrus County is located in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Adams Creek, a class "C" stream with a 7Q10 of 3.37 cfs, is the major stream in the project area. Adams Creek drains into Dutch Buffalo Creek, which flows into the Rocky River. According to water quality data, the supporting use of Adams Creek is threatened due to stream degradation caused by growth and development in the area. Water Supply. The town of Mt Pleasant receives its water supply from the Dutch Buffalo Creek. Residents and commercial establishments that are not connected to the town's central water system must rely upon groundwater. C. Existing Wastewater Facilities The town of Mt. Pleasant is located in two drainage basins: the Adams Creek basin to the west and the Dutch Buffalo Creek basin in the east. All of the town's flow is treated at the 24 mgd Rocky River regional wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater collected in the Adams Creek basin is pumped to the Dutch Buffalo Creek basin via three submersible pump stations owned by Mt Pleasant. An additional pump station, which serves the Mt. Pleasant Elementary School, is also located in the Dutch Buffalo Creek basin. The Town has problems with overflows at the two oldest pump stations (Summer Street and Pasture). Cabarrus County operates the 0.012 mgd package treatment plant which serves the Mt. Pleasant High School, and the effluent is discharged into Adams Creek. The package plant is experiencing equipment problems, and NPDES violations have been documented. Most of the town's collection system was installed in the 1930's and the clay pipes with mortar joins are in poor condition. An infiltration and inflow (I/1) analysis was performed and significant problems were documented. The town is planning to implement a comprehensive sewer rehabilitation program. D. Need for Proposed Facilities and Actions The project area is experiencing a demand for residentiat development that is being driven by the growth from the cities of Charlotte and Concord and Mecklenburg County. Accordingly, the proposed interceptors will permit the collection of wastewater in the Adams Creek drainage basin so that the flow can be conveyed efficiently to the Rocky River regional wastewater treatment plant. The project will allow flows from the western portion of the town of Mt. Pleasant to be collected by gravity, and, thus, eliminating three pump stations. The project will also allow Cabarrus County to remove the effluent that is being discharged from the package treatment plant serving the Mt. Pleasant High School. Therefore, the proposed project needs to be constructed to provide the necessary collection/transport facilities to serve the existing and future needs of the service area. E. Alternatives Analysis A facilities plan was prepared, and several choices were considered in the evaluation of wastewater collection/transport facilities to serve the existing and future needs of the Adams Creek drainage basin. The "no-action" alternative would require using individual septic tanks to serve residential developments. However, the soils are not very conducive for utilizing septic tank drainfields, and inadequately treated wastewater could cause public health problems and degradation to surface waters. Package treatment plants are also not an acceptable alternative because the individual treatment systems with surface discharges do not generally function well enough to protect water quality. The "no-action" approach was rejected due to the wastewater limitations of meeting long-term growth needs in the Adams Creek drainage basin. The preferred choice of action is to provide the necessary collection/transport facilities -2- to convey efficiently the wastewater generated in the Adams Creek drainage basin to the Rocky River regional wastewater treatment facility. It is the selected alternative. F. Environmental Consequences, Mitigative Measures The proposed 24 and 30-inch gravity interceptors will be installed primarily along Adams Creek and in proximity to unnamed tributaries. The 8 to 15-inch connecting lines are to be located perpendicular and away from streams. Approximately 85 percent of the sewer corridors consist of alluvial forest with trees estimated to be thirty to forty years old. The remaining sewer corridors include agricultural fields, pastureland, and residential yards. The interceptors will be located in the floodplain, and numerous stream crossings will be required. Some of the stream banks are deeply incised with steep to vertical banks. There are no documented wetlands that will be impacted except the steam crossings, and all construction activities will take place in accordance with the Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit Number 12 and the Division of Water Quality's 401 Water Quality Certification. The Department of Cultural Resources reviewed the proposed plan and determined that there were no properties of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance which would be affected by the project. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission evaluated the proposed project and requested that mitigative measures be implemented to avoid or minimize adverse impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed wastewater collection/transport facilities. All of the review comments from the agencies are attached. Responses to the comments and mitigative measures are provided to assure the project will be implemented in a manner to eliminate or minimize adverse impacts to the environment. G. Public Participation, Sources Consulted A public hearing was held May 20, 1999 on the proposed project to install collection/transport facilities in the Adams Creek drainage basin, which includes the town of Mt. Pleasant. The hearing covered problems of the existing package treatment plant and pump station facilities, need for the proposed improvements, and cost to implement the selected alternative. No opposition to the proposed project has been expressed, and a resolution has been adopted to implement the proposed project. -3- Sources consulted about this project for information or concurrence included: 1) Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County 2) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources -Wildlife Resources Commission -Division of Parks and Recreation -Division of Air Quality -Groundwater Section -Division of Environmental Health -Water Quality Section -Division of Pollution Prevention & Environmental Assistance -Division of Forest Resources -Mooresville Regional Office -Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs 3) North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 4) North Carolina State Clearinghouse 5) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -4- ' J• _.'?...I: ,?:.'? (` ''.? \' •,..?? /. ._:,,• ,its, ,? r_ FOOD LION f'. ;;`•r ?, 3 ?'. - \•' PUMP STATIOPJ J(._ ' 1% ? ; :?•. •'• •'??? ?'' ? ?? . -_V :'? . `; ; /(,.,: ?',??_ , !! ?• • :i? ?'..t ;, :;;•.. `SUMMER STREET 1 + = PUMP . ?" ?:.i .••t ./='?=J?• -r " Mount. /X"%:;y? ` STATION -> ' P168an 1,500"`-',:;;,<?? .?,,, ;?, •A , r.?.:,. ;.'?:,' f•; i,i r ?' `.?I1,` ; J/?','`? •;? f ? ;r -_rn; O .C. \. Q?? ?:?? i i .. i J •'? ? % _ -`` J1`?\ `JS?'/ ,?.^?. ? _ : 1Y 'rte _ •R •' :?. ? •?: )• ! _ -:!.?;:f• ': <.:,.h 5;200 ???. `''??,??,? ;,;•:;.: i i . ; ; ? .. i '• w ` . • 571 • ~iI _- •/ PASTURE ;.PUMP STATION ` - , _ _ _ ?'' `.• ;ttt 400 101, 15 500'; ?- ..`..;.y?;-?-:,?`-?? \\.t4i,i' i i? li\ \ r ` rr . _?';L 1 i i.. '?;'f? i=-!?' ,'i`.'i r 4.( i'.i ,• f? fi% (!. ? '?-' - - =IiJJi ?:\V,??i ':i, r'//??•" ?.:? 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PLEASANT HIGH SCHOOL,` .30 IX,;y •,It PUMP STATION ... ?..?, ,\``1.,t1?? 1ty i t ? ?• ?. ?..' -..-:? '`?L/' ,\\?,.:/..• '/' ?.'. ?? :?I,• >trkuRa?.V-'i;•''•..`:??-a ? ?•C.(. •ri -.r .' 11 .. a >oj 'r' i ??.'?i!• .?%f ,`=?:????•??• ;l:t`',4?; .,X,,.•Llrj ,.``• •?,, .:,: .??;fr.,?:,\ -1,160 24 p:. North F. fir; ?? - 6>M"' ' Scale: V=2000' Note: All areas indicated as wetland waters or 1: `, ,; ?" t'• jurisdictional are subject to field survey and to verification by U.S. Army Corps, Wilmington District. FIGURE 2 ADAMS CREEK SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL 1 Z m Project Location Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Quad Mount Pleasant, NC (1980)