HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200096 Ver 1_More Info Received_20200203Strickland, Bev From: Scott Burwell <Scott.Burwell@mcgillassociates.com> Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 4:57 PM To: Johnson, Alan Cc: Ben Yarboro; Nathan Sawyer; Jon Swaim Subject: [External] Plato Lee Industrial Site Attachments: Stormwater Approval Letter for Shell 3.pdf, 19.00153 - C-Site Plans-C-101 Overall Site Plan.pdf External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Alan, Hope you are well! I wanted to follow up from your email last week to outline our design considerations which may help clarify your concerns: In regards to the comment about the wetland to be avoided, due to the future expansion of the first Shell Building and providing 30' of clearance around the building for a fire truck loop, as well as the other future pad site for another 100,000 SF of building plus parking/fire loop, this pushed our toe of slope out for the 29 linear feet of stream impact and .03 acres of wetland impact. We attempted to lower the site to help avoid this situation; however, due to the slope from Plato Lee, the driveways into the site were becoming too steep for large truck maneuvers to the loading dock areas. The area for the sediment basin that impacts the wetland is actually to be installed to also account for disturbance for the future wet pond that will be the BMP to meet stormwater requirements for the future pad site on the northern portion of the site. The gap between the toe of slope and silt fence will be completely disturbed with the future wetpond based on our preliminary sizing with proposed impervious areas. The current wetpond shown will cover both the current Shell Building plus the future expansion to the north, attached is our stormwater approval from the City of Shelby for this set up. I have also attached the overall site plan for reference to help orient the various areas. In regards to the slope and buffers, the unnamed tributary to Beaverdam Creek is a Class C - NC Surface Water with no known buffer requirements. While the stream is deeply incised, it does have mature and dense riparian vegetation along both banks. We included an undisturbed buffer for permanent grading along the stream banks to prevent off -site sedimentation and to aid in preventing further erosion. After several design modifications it was determined that a 25 foot buffer was the maximum allowable due to site limitations and the necessity for stormwater BMPs to the east of the proposed development (currently proposed and future). The only disturbance within the self-imposed buffer is for silt fence required for the sewer line extension from the south of the site to the first shell building shown on the site plan and the sewer line stream crossing as shown in the PCN documents. We are also proposing that for every 10 feet of vertical fill to be installed during the erosion control phase of the project, that North American Green S75 Matting be installed with appropriate seed mix applied to stabilize slopes that may erode. Hope this helps clarify the design decisions that went into our current plans to try and minimize the impacts we have as much as possible. Feel free to give me a call if we need to discuss further. Thanks! MI Scott Burwell, PE Project Manager McGill Associates, P.A. Asheville, NC 28801 T 828-252-0575 C 828-707-6749 scott. burwell(cDmcgillassociates.com mcgillassociates.com We launched a refreshed brand. Please note email / web address changes above. NORTH CAROUNA � ~ Post Office Box 207 - Shelby, NC 28151-0207 January 31, 2020 Nathan Sawyer McGill Associates, P.A. 55 Broad St. Asheville, NC 28801 RE: Stormwater Approval for Shell Building #3- 620 Plato Lee Rd. Dear Mr. Sawyer: On January 22, 2020 the City of Shelby Stormwater Division received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project. Staff review of the plans stamped by Scott Burwell on 1-6-20, specifications, and calculations has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations as defined in the City of Shelby Phase II Stormwater Ordinance and North Carolina General Assembly Session Law 2006-246. In the review, staff determined the proposed stormwater system and wet pond meets all MDCs for wet ponds laid out in the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact Tyler Brooks at (704) 669-2064 or via email at tyler.brooks@cityofshelby.com. Respectfully, I Tyler Brooks Stormwater/Engineering Coordinator www. 1 coni I 60 0 30 60 120 GRAPHIC SCALE DIVISION VALUE = 60 FEET I Fri 55 Broad Street III Asheville, NC 28801 828.252.0575 McgNC Firm License # C-0459 m cg i l l associates. co m r D / D O~ / o � 1.0 C Zo O n x o z I v v--M-----M-----M----- — — z PROPOSED EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE EXISTING 60' DOT ROW ,�I �_ I �'---M--- Q ❑ D — — BUILDING r --�—ROWS cr �g< -�M— r —MBLUE PAINT _M _J ---G-- BUILDING — --- _ _ = — — — - — — -- —n s= n--_4 - =M o —c-- -n— —n-- •-- —n— �—_ m BUILDIN--- ----- _ _,-- G--- ---- — --- — n � m — W 1 'dd _ � — — G -rs c Flow-7 o- � �_--R@WH-" _— Asa ---�� c z —n_-- --- - G— � --Raw— ROW LDING_—ROW—=n=——w-----W _--M--— --- ----_ ZF ---- Row—— m v --ROW--_—n—ROW---n— --- W— —w__ Row- -ROW— R9wTr_—_ n —,0 < ---E—ROW _ __ _n — ----M W �— —_-- ----- — — -----ROW-- oW—�--- D _ _M — — ' v _ cam— — ROMP :BROW — _ — —M — — — — — / < 1NIVd 3n�8 — G— � ROW I 1 _ G _ — —ROW— — J PROPOSED -- m R r --� -- PLATO LEE RD/SR 1315 __G--_--G-----G-- YELLOW PAINT —Row-----Row-----Row— — TRUCK 1NIVdl3nl8 M -- <<M---- M --- —G-- ---ROW-- i�---n—YEC1-���— ----ROW ----ROW-----ROW-- I ENTRANCE \ / _-- �— —ROW- -ROW— ow—----ROW __--9----_n ow— ----ROW— -- I I I I / / — 9ROW-----ROW---- ---n---- C PROPOSED RET INING WALL O co II III I -O -'� �8 FUTURE PARKING I II III II / / / / BUILDING mZ0� EXPANSION AREA m zo0 ,8 FUTURE TRUCK I j AZ0Zr� 5 _ _ _ I FUTURE BUILDING AREA I LOADING AREA I // MWm PROPOSED PARKING AREA _ _ _ FUTURE I om 70 M — _ I PARKING AREA C 9 OH OH OH �F7 Nam 9 I I I I I �JL PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL ON SHEET C-503) c FUTURE BUILDING I PROPOSED SHELL EXPANSION AREA PROPOSED HEAVY BUILDING #3 100,000 SF DUTY ASPHALT 100,000 SF I I • _ — — — — / / / / (SEE PAVEMENT 250' X 400' SECTION DETAIL FFE = 910.0 / / // c ON SHEET C 503) / / / �� �7� / / F I o. 4 ° ° PROPOSED FUTURE EXPANSION LIMITS /'y110, / ��/ PROPOSED 20' WIDE TEMPORARY GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD ) ( TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C-503) \ / j / / CENTERLINE OF LITTLE EXISTING WETLAND I� PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE (TYP.) J/ / 7/ BEAVER DAM CREEK PROPOSED RAMP (TYP.) / (SEE ARCHITECT PLANS) � - / / 68' WIDE DUKE ENERGY / , — / RIGHT—OF—WAY PB 34/ PG 172 C, APPROXIMATE 25 STREAM BUFFER / \ FROM TOP OF BANK / , co CENTERLINE OF UNNAMED TRIBUTARY.001 >Il000 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) ,:7 BUILDING �\ co \ . / Tc _ 5—G—s --_— _ s— / — s—s—s ---- _---_ s—sus S� //aa SAS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — —S� _ _ _ — — �-'"�/'-• WASHBURN SWITCH RD/ 7ZSys ' SR 1313 s ST s 070 •. ?M �• / m �' DO Z / KSM Castings USA Jn� ngs LITTLE BEAVER DAM CREEK PROJECT SITE PROJECT INFO PARCEL AREA: 47.4AC DISTURBED AREA: 23.3AC PERVIOUS AREA: 14.2AC IMPERVIOUS AREA: 9.1 AC (INCLUDES FUTURE BUILDING AND PARKING EXPANSION AREA) IMPERVIOUS %: 19% OF PARCEL AREA N1aca Inc BLUE BROOK DR PLA70 LEE RD/ SR 1315 N 0 0 a) co o X E �N Q� O �z NN -C 0 _ 00 � r� O 0 O n=_ 00 nU F­F `\\`\\\\t,lill - � Q 7 SEAL 039177 - 4NGNE�'�`\� o ....B6 Seals She V ..---, NORTH CARDLIN { City of Shelby City Hall 300 S. Washingtaa Su=t Shclb�-, NC 28150 Phonc: 704484-6800 Fax: 704-484-6971 Owner L O ILL cD Z_ 0 J_ m J LU 07 LU Of m O z Project No �rH CAR 0�@ 4-� O N F==1111 19184 O T_ oo N C6 �_ O .O (1)U J _r O O Mz N U) Date Issued: JANUARY 6, 2020 Revisions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OVERALL SITE PLAN Sheet Title CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS C-101 WHN ARCHITECTS hereby reserves their common law copyright and other property rights in these plans, ideas and designs. These plans, ideas and designs are not to be reproduced, changed or copied in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining the express written permission from WHN ARCHITECTS. Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions on the job and WHN ARCHITECTS must be notified in writing of any variations from the dimensions, conditions and specifications on these drawings. MI SCALE 1 " = 2000'