HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC200449_ESC Approval Submitted_20200205Iredell County Planning & Development
Erosion Control Section
349 North Center Street
P.O. Box 788
Statesville, NC 28687
Date: August 271h, 2019
Michael Johnson
323 Walnut Street
Statesville, NC 28677
RE: Project Name: Pine Forest II SD
Acres Approved with Modifications: 23.9
Project ID: STVLE-2020-011
Project Location: PIN 4742589712.000
Submitted By: R. Joe Harris & Associates, Inc.
Date Received: August 131h, 2019
Plan Type: New
Dear Mr. Johnson:
This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to
be acceptable with modifications and herby issue this Letter of Approval with Modifications.
Modifications must be received in this office no later than two weeks prior to the project start
date. Failure to submit modified plans can result in a violation and fine under the Iredell County
Land Development Code. The Modifications required for Approval are listed on the attached
page. The Certificate of Approval issued by Iredell County must be posted at the job site. This
plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of this approval as is required by
Title 15A NCAC 413.0129 and Section 9.6.6 of the Iredell County Land Development Code.
Title I SA NCAC 4B 0118(a) and Section 9.6.9 of the Iredell County Land Development Code
requires that a copy of the approved erosion control plan be on file at the job site. Any
amendments and/or revisions to the approved plan must be reviewed and approved prior to
implementation in order for the site to remain in compliance. Failure to submit plans for approval
may result in administrative actions and/or penalties as indicated in the Iredell County Land
Development Code. Also, this letter gives notice as required by G.S. I I3A-61.1(a) and Section
14.2.2 of the Iredell County Land Development Code, of our right of periodic inspection to
insure compliance with the approved plan.
Iredell County's Sedimentation Pollution Control Program is performance -oriented, requiring
protection of existing natural resources and adjoining properties. If, following the
commencement of this project, it is determined that the erosion and sedimentation control plan is
Letter of Approval with Modifications
Pine Forest II SD
August 27`h, 2019
Page 2 of 3
inadequate to meet the requirements of the Iredell County Land Development Code and the
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973, (North Carolina General Statute I I3A-51 through
66), this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure
compliance with the Act and Code.
Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal, State,
and County water quality laws, regulations, and rules. This approval does not supersede any
other permit or approval.
As of March 1, 2019, all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an
electronic Notice of Intent (NOI) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC) under the
NCGO 10000 Construction Stormwater General Permit. This form MUST be submitted prior to
the commencement of any land disturbing activity on the above named project. The NOI form
may be accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCG0L Please direct questions about the NOI form to Annette
Lucas at Annette.lucas@ncdenr.gov or Paul Clark at Paul.clark@ncdenr.gov. After you submit a
complete and correct NOI Form, a COC will be emailed to you within three business days.
Initially, DEMLR will not charge a fee for coverage under the NCGOI permit. However, on or
after May 1, 2019, a $100 fee will be charged annually. This fee is to be sent to the DEMLR
Stormwater Central Office staff in Raleigh.
Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the
Financial Responsibility Form, which you provided. You are requested to file an amended form
if there is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it is required that this
office to be notified of the proposed starting date for this project. Please notify us when you plan
to have a preconstruction conference.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Jonathan Williams
Erosion Control Inspector I
Enclosures: Modifications
Fact Sheet on the New NCGO1 Permit
Letter of Approval with Modifications
Pine Forest II SD
August 271h, 2019
Page 3 of 3
Project Name: Pine Forest II
Project ID: STVLE-2020-011
County: Iredell
Reviewed by: Jonathan Williams
Required changes are designated as "RC" under legal authority from NC
General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4 and the Iredell County Land
Development Code.
Suggested changes are designated as "SC" for improvement of the plan.
l . Provide a statement for offsite work performed at Dependable Dev Inc., Woodlands
North LLC and 104 Carolinian Dr. from the property owners granting the Financially
Responsible Party permission to perform the land disturbing activity and provide a copy
of the deed. —RC
2. Provide a copy of permission from the North Carolina Department of Transportation for
land disturbing activity to take place in the road or road right-of-way. --RC
3. Provide a copy of permission from the City of Statesville for off -site utility work. —RC
4. Adjust Basin 100 Final Phase dimensions to meet the required surface area of 15,547ftz.
5. Adjust Basin 100 skimmer orifice size to 2.25 inches in order to dewater the basin
required volume of 21,330 W in as close to 3 days' time possible. —RC
6. Use North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual silt fence
detail (section 6.62.5) with 12 inch anchor skirt minimum (8 inches down and 4 inches
forward along the trench). —RC
7. Pages EC-1 and EC-5 in Construction Sequence Step 3 note Iredell County Erosion
Control Inspector must inspect measures once installed for approval to proceed with
project development, not Engineer or Inspector. —RC
8. Stockpiles located on this project must be a minimum of 50 feet from all diversions and
basins and protected on the downslope sides. —RC
9. For all off -site disturbance, if there are inlets downslope of disturbance that may be
impacted install silt sack curb inlet or hardware cloth and stone inlet protection as
needed. —RC