HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000593 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20000427Willis s. April 14, 2000 ?s GAS PIPELINE - Transco 2800 Post Oak Boulevard (77056) P.O. Box 1396 Houston,Texas 77251-1396 Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Wetlands and Technical Review P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 000593 RE: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation (Transco) Cathodic Protection Groundbed Replacement at Lake Norman Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Dorney: Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation (Transco) is proposing to replace approximately 550 feet of existing cathodic protection groundbed at Lake Norman in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The groundbed, powered by a rectifier onshore, supplies DC current to more than eight miles of Transco's natural gas mainlines "A" and "B". Supplying DC current to metal (pipeline) below ground greatly reduces the tendency of the metal to rust. Therefore, the groundbed reduces the risk of pipeline failure. The proposed replacement groundbed section has been identified on the enclosed location map (Lake Norman North, N. C. Quadrangle (USGS) topographic map). The new groundbed will be installed using a directional drill. It is estimated that approximately 2,500 square feet of disturbance will occur onshore and 900 square feet of disturbance will occur to the lakebed of Lake Norman. The disturbed area onshore will be re-seeded, mulched and stabilized. No wetlands will be impacted. Enclosed is a copy of the Application for a Conveyance, which is concurrently being submitted to Duke Power Company (Duke) for approval. Prior to Duke processing this conveyance, Transco is required to have NCDENR-Wetlands and Technical Review Section approval. Any effort to expedite your review would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact me at (713) 215-2469 or Allen Wynn at (713) 215-2827. Sincerely, ??- KV David R. Beckmeyer ?`' 9 U' Environmental Specialist Enclosures 825_ _ J JJ J08iX? JJ 1-??: J 6- 3932 D? `v ?y Work Creep N 300 3931 N O R M A N - ?. C:E IV77 ? \J /7 u C' u 769 IREDELL CO MECKLENBURG II Project Location Co 760 %iiiil e e k Davao 55' 1 508 I MILE I QUADRANGLE LOCATION 3930 \ 1 ?. II 1 3929000- N. Pumping Stationti ^ 775 '. , , C. I J \\ N v I V? 35°30' 509 f INTERIOR-GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON. VIRGINIA-t9)) J 510 '511000rRE 80°52'30" ROAD CLASSIFICATION o Primary highway, .Light•duty road, hard or tms??'FC hard surface improved surface Secondary highway, hard surface Unimproved road J Interstate Route 0U. S. Route 0State Route 32'30„ 5co 110 1181 0 f LAKE NORMAN NORTH, N. C. N3530-W8052.5/7.5 1970 AMS 4855 111 SW-SERIES V842 APPLICATION FOR A CONVEYANCE REQUEST FOR CONVEYANCE WITHIN A LICENSED PROJECT 0 0 3 5 9 3 TO SERVE Williams Gas Pipeline-Transco Mecklenburg COUNTY SUBMITTED BY: David Beckmeyer-Transco 2800 Post Oak Boulevard, Level 10 Houston, Texas 77056 TO: DUKE POWER COMPANY LAKE MANAGEMENT - EC 12Q P. O. BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1006 CONVEYANCE PROGRAM "USER'S AGREEMENT" LETTER (Prepare your letter using the sample format and fill in the requested information) (Please Print or Type) Date TO: Duke Power Company c/o Lake Management - EC 12Q P. O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006 RE: Project Name Lake Norman Cathodic Protection (Applicant's full name) David Beckmeyer-Transco hereby agrees to comply with all requirements and conditions set forth by Duke Power's Lake Management office, or any federal, state or local agencies pertaining to our application to construct a groundbed which supplies cathodic protection to natural gas pipeline on Lake Norman In addition, Uwe have read and agree to comply with Duke Power's Shoreline Management Guidelines' (SMG) and understand that written authorization must be obtained from Duke's Lake Management office prior to beginning any activity/construction within the project boundary. The construction will be completed as described in the approved application and within eighteen (18) months from the date of approval by Lake Management. Uwe attest to be the owner or lease holder of the tract of land immediately adjoining the project boundary. Uwe agree to be fully responsible for the permitted reservoir use including maintaining structures in good repair. If the facility is deemed unsafe by a Lake Management Representative, Uwe agree to repair or remove the facility at my/our own expense and within the specified timeframe. This responsibility is considered to transfer automatically along with ownership and leases of the adjoining tract. 11we understand that I/we must execute this user's agreement letter and enter into a conveyance agreement for the area within the project boundary. The proposed Instrument of Conveyance (Permit) for the project land will be provided by Duke Power. I/we understand that the proposed facilities will be used only for the purpose described in the information submitted for approval by Lake Management and other appropriate governing bodies as applicable. Duke Power Company CONVEYANCE APPLICATION DATE: 2/11/98 If during construction an extension period is needed, Uwe must file a written request with Lake Management explaining why the additional time is needed. If the extension is granted, the new construction may be required to comply with any additional guidelines which are imposed due to regulatory and/or business requirements. 1/we understand that this lake is open for use by the general public and that maintaining safe and lawful public use is one of the primary lake management objectives of Duke Power. 11we understand that the use for which we are applying must not interfere with the general public's safe and lawful use -of the lake. Uwe agree to notify Lake Management when construction is initiated and completed. During the construction period, the weather-proof " Duke Power Approved Lake Use Activity" sign (to be provided by Duke Power) must be posted at the job site, visible from the water's edge. Uwe agree to provide and maintain appropriate signage and/or warning devices necessary for the safe operation of proposed facilities. 11we agree to notify Lake Management if the property is sold and provide the name and address of the new owner. Uwe have included a check for any applicable fees and/or security deposits. I/we understand that the security deposit will be refunded when construction is completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. I/we understand that Lake Management representatives may issue Stop Work Directives for any violations of the SMG and that other consequences may result from such violations, including but not limited to suspension or cancellation of approved applications, increase in fees, modification or removal of non-complying structures and restoration of disturbed areas at the owner's expense or loss of any consideration for future reservoir use applications. Sincerely, David Beckmeyer-Transco L Jc.. (Applicant's Name) Applicants Signature Duke Power Company CONVEYANCE APPLICATION DATE: 2/11/98 APPLICATION FOR A CONVEYANCE: 1.) A statement describing the proposed use of the project property, along with the amount of project property involved, the name, address and tat identification number of the party or parties to whom the rights are to be conveyed, and the name and address of the person Duke Power should contact regarding this application. The proposed use of the project property will continue what it has been since the creation of Lake Norman, a cathodic protection groundbed for Main Lines "A" and "B". The amount of property involved will be an area no bigger than 50-foot x 50- foot onshore and due to directional drilling (if allowed to cut the angle to the point at which the anodes begin) 5-foot x 180-foot in the lake. (Explanation: The header cable currently travels 213 feet down the right of way between main lines then turns perpendicular to the main lines heading in a northwesterly direction for 335 feet. If allowed to "cut the corner" with directional drilling, we will reduce the bore from 548 feet to 397 feet and minimize disturbance.) The amount of property is 2500 ft2 onshore and 900 ft2 in the lake. All correspondence pertaining to this conveyance should be addressed to: Dave Beckmeyer Williams Gas Pipeline-Transco 2800 Post Oak Boulevard, Level 10 Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 215-2469 Tax ID# 741079400 b. 2.) A detailed written description and map showing the location and type of proposed facility. E+m )"dt Fp,d Route Yaw lo* I(eb .. _ ' i- -. Q ?R fQ Beck p?,tvotl RmAkV W6t Nearby I WebLaikt - 1 Fnd iv Pe Place or address pdaicel :, . Mao '-Dlrectkxx . Recbn®r 149•:9 Reeter Iocaletl be hind - residence•addess. Z 1 N-5 Country Club Drive Daldscn, NO 28036 6 . 9. ' 'h 21501 Co,.nl, -I,b D., D-d%- NC 2803 ?; 3 .p t r ' ? 21681 .J _ aT n ?q .$QS I .? ' .2297 282, . . .:::•,. 2151: r 'I2195: AS .. a S ? Ho1th Coo", United st t- ' • -` ?? _:- ? ...4288 Let rude ?'3i7203 Nwh W a ? , fGM T n. Z- 51 1 1! -pip-ne _ ?g+ ?l ? . ec mrn ? ? Jr Written description is as follows: I-77 Exit 28 heading west on NC 73 for 175 yards, turn right heading north on Torrence Chapel Road for 1.4 miles, turn right onto Country Club Drive heading north for 0.4 miles. The rectifier sits behind the residence at 21501 Country Club Drive in Davidson, NC 28036. The rectifier is a box 24" x 24" x 18" sitting at a height of 6 feet in the back yard of the aforementioned residence. Note: Latitude and Longitude are +/- 5 seconds on the enclosed maps. III _ x Ede E& FM Rike Yew loob help 4 -i Beck F- Roulin What's Naarby Web LirJk ' I F.a ? IIMAI Po17 . Map cq.tl.= United States Narth Carolina Davld5olt J mi T2 ?J.R D.6 6.6 1 7-1 If5 I Country Club Drive `2156 '2298 r 2157 (297 2195 Scho(ner.D, T 2os9 ,2272 t 7T 'I 2159 2189 ?? ???? 'eq,' Lr -Sq i Kq0,,,e R ASP .F 2159 77 Exit 30 CeVw9 3,. d I ?. ?zaoz? )s+ / Oavldeon° - n, 7I 11 1' 2,97 'ye` I? r ' Ye L5 North Carolina, United States , 1 % Latitude 35'X20.1'Na1h ?itl z Lonykude 60' ` 93 dTWak TineZona Eao mtGMT 51 - Srrvlhvltle ?' -_(' - rCoroellus 1 Dtgi _es ,., ..e ?, 3.) A copy of all correspondence to and from any federal, state, regional and local agencies, including any required permits or other approvals or comments which have been obtained from these agencies regarding this activity. Attached are Transco's consultation letters with all applicable federal, state and local agencies. Upon receipt of all responses, they will be submitted to your office. 4.) A detailed written description and a technical drawing (I inch = 400 ft. min. scale) of the proposed facilities. See attached Drawing No. B-4636 and response to number 5. 5.) Outline how the proposed construction will be designed to avoid or minimize conflict with the natural, historic, and scenic valued and resources of the project area. Onshore: One directional drilling machine will be boring to the point at which the anodes begin and pulling back three (3) 1/0 cables with HMWPE insulation to tie into the rectifier. Offshore: Two divers will work utilize a barge to install the anodes and make the connections with the 1/0 wire to the rectifier. The divers will 4¢ B Re ctilie, located behind 11,111,111, residence - adders: Davidson, NC 28036 take the three (3) 1/0 HMWPE wires and attach them to the drilling head so that the directional-boring machine can pull them back to the rectifier. Then, the divers will make the connections necessary to the twenty (20) anodes on the barge and the crane on the barge will lower the assembly into place. If this is not possible, the crane will lower the anodes in one at a time and connections will be made under water. The cable will be tied into the beginning, midpoint, and end of the anodes to power them at separate points so that one point is not depended upon. Tranco will ensure that the cable and/or anodes will be buried to a depth of two (2) feet below the lake bed to an elevation that is five feet below the draw down point. Beyond the elevation that is five feet below draw down, all wire and anodes will be anchored to the floor of the lake. 6.) A statement concerning any proposed changes in project operation. There would be no change in operation except that the new groundbed would have less resistance and therefore the rectifier output voltage could be lowered to supply the same amount of current. 7.) A discussion of any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented and how such adverse effects are proposed to be minimized Due to the minor nature of this project, no adverse environmental impacts are anticipated. Any areas that are disturbed onshore will be re-seeded and mulched. Also, there should be no adverse impacts to Lake Norman due to this project. 8.) A statement as to why the proposed action is in the public interest. The purpose of the proposed action is to replace a groundbed in the lake that is being powered by a rectifier on the shore of the lake. This rectifier, through the groundbed, is supplying do current to more than eight miles of 30-inch Mainline "A" and 36-inch Mainline "B" natural gas pipeline. It has been proven in the 1950's that supplying do current to metal in below ground situations greatly reduces the tendency of metal to turn to ferrous hydroxide (rust). When a rectifier puts out do current it does so through sacrificial anodes that rust in place of the piece of metal that is being protected. The positive side of the circuit is connected to the anode and the negative side is attached to the structure (ie. the pipe) that is to be protected. The path of current flow then is from the rectifier to the anode, through the soil, to the pipe (where there are gaps in the coating), and back to the rectifier. The effect on the pipe is that its voltage or potential is lowered in respect to ground. The department of transportation in the 491h Code of Federal Regulations Part 192 (192.463, Appendix D, Part I, Section A, Item #1) sets this voltage at a negative 0.85Vg potential on a pipeline with respect to ground. This potential ensures that any gaps or holidays that do exist in the pipeline's coating do not rust and thus weaken the pipe which would in turn could lead to a failure of the pipe. This failure would pose a significant threat to the public in close proximity to the pipeline. r r ? h p 0 o U?? Z 7 oa LD J Q o ? ? w? v ? d Q W p o I,; `3 Ll ..a 6 W.) crj o Z a x W ? Q X -It w 7 o r a ?Q z J O 4 U 2 O z F- z D O U z J U LLJ G 0 z _ L-0 00 L0I Z Z n v rn .a N .? tia Q- V :Q ?m Z a. << O ? Z c I- Q Q ? Z o cD . C..2 W z J J In o : I Q Z ca -' o cn Q m Z Z U IM a. a Z W I W ; J w 2 a a i C.-3 S _ M a 1 0 am C9 m Z rr) U a4 0, 0 g W _ I Z Z s cr Q n 00 (? r W l r W . (may ` W W w 3 Z a ? N m o 0 o 1 C o F= o Z o c Z a w em u, W C=) z W 1 `I 9 ,. U z C-2 W COO W Y > UN C w fY w Z? ?. C) ?- W Q s o m" z o V W V W \ R W c a rcr om W z) u (L s s 4 <0 o 3 AN NO I?IA7Y 71Y0 ON n v c N N x ono, ? :? W ,1 ?_ L D .y 01, O m M + d 14 rh:.,?..,.. 45'. r? I r -. _ Sys N a ? Q -_ N Z II O H Q U O J v