HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200172 Ver 1_01.09.20_CR Report_Briarhaven_20200129    5410 Trinity Road Suite 102 Raleigh, NC 27607 P 919.866.4951 F 919.859.5663 www.timmons.com CULTURAL RESOURCES BACKGROUND STUDY: BRIARHAVEN COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, GARNER, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA This cultural resources background study has been provided by Timmons Group for the proposed Briarhaven commercial development project at the southeast corner of Raynor Road and Bricksteel Lane, Garner, North Carolina. Improvements include grading of the property for the development of a 6-unit commercial building. The project area is located within the Piedmont Physiographic Province. It encompasses approximately 2.96 acres of land located in Garner, Wake County, North Carolina (Figure 1). It is bounded by Raynor Road to the west and Bricksteel Lane to the north. To the east and south, it is bound by commercial development and forest. Approximately 90% of the project area is comprised of mixed bottomland forest and the other 10% is made up of early successional herbaceous growth. In addition, one wetland feature is located within the center of the parcel and a stream feature can be found immediately east of the project area limits. Archaeological Resources The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is the United States federal government's official list of districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects deemed worthy of preservation for their historical significance. Archaeological sites and historic architectural resources which are listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP are notable for the purposes of this study. Sites or structures that have been noted but not considered for their significance are listed as “surveyed only” or “not evaluated.” A Timmons Group Secretary of the Interior qualified archaeologist conducted a review of the cultural resources database at the North Carolina Office of State Archeology (OSA) on November 20, 2019. The proposed project area of potential effects (APE) extended one (1) mile from the project’s area of direct effects. No previous archaeological surveys have been conducted within the APE or within a 1-mile radius of the project area. The review of the cultural resources     2    database also revealed there are 12 previously recorded archaeological sites within one mile of the current project area (Table 1). None of which are within or adjacent to the APE and none are considered eligible for NRHP inclusion. Table 1. Archaeological resources located within a one-mile radius of the APE. Site No. Site Type Status WA0004 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA0276 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2034 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2036 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2039 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2040 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2041 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2042 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2043 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2044 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2045 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2046 Prehistoric Not Eligible WA2047 Prehistoric Not Eligible Four projects have been reviewed within a one-mile radius of the project area for environmental compliance (Table 2). None of these included the current project APE. The results of the OSA review of those projects determined that there is a low probability for the presence of archaeological remains surrounding each of their respective project areas. No cultural resources surveys were recommended as part of those reviews. Table 2. Environmental Review Project within a one-mile radius of the APE. Review No. Project 12-2346 TV Tower Road Solar Farm 14-2109 White Oak Solar Farm 15-0956 Duke Energy Readiness, Garner Site 19-2863 N.D. Sauls Waste Site     3    Architectural Resources Based on a review of the NCHPOWEB Online Mapper there are 21 previously recorded historical sites within a 1-mile radius of the APE (Table 3). None of these resources are within or immediately adjacent to the project APE and none are listed or eligible for listing on the NRHP. Table 3. Historical resources located within a one-mile radius of the APE. Site No. Name or Type Description Status WA0325 Richard Burnett House c. 1920 Colonial-Revival- Craftsman Surveyed Only WA0326 John Williams Farm c. 1908 triple-A cottage Surveyed Only WA2251 Hocutt House (Gone) 1840-1860 Triple-A cottage Destroyed WA6348 Tomlinson-Banks House c. 1914 frame house Surveyed Only WA6349 House c. 1960 1-story cross gable brick-veneered frame Ranch Surveyed Only WA6350 House 1890 vernacular house Surveyed Only WA6351 House None Available Surveyed Only WA6352 House None Available Surveyed Only WA7031 American Metal and Parts Co. Building c. 1960 corrugated metal building Surveyed Only WA7033 Mount Herman Christian Church c. 1950 brick Colonial Revival Surveyed Only WA7034 House c. 1890 19th-20th C. trad/vern Surveyed Only WA7035 House c. 1950 Minimal Traditional Surveyed Only WA7036 House c. 1955 brick Ranch Surveyed Only WA7037 House c. 1955 brick Ranch Surveyed Only WA7038 House c. 1955 Ranch Surveyed Only WA7039 House c. 1955 brick ranch Surveyed Only WA7040 House c. 1955 brick Ranch Surveyed Only WA7080 House c. 1910 19th-20th C. trad/vern Surveyed Only WA7081 Office and Transmitter Building c. 1958 brick Surveyed Only WA7082 House c. 1960 brick Ranch Surveyed Only WA7352 House 1-story hip roof frame Ranch Surveyed Only     4    Conclusions Aerial photographs (NETR and Google Earth, accessed 11/18/2019) indicate that the project area has experienced significant commercial development beginning in the late 1990s; however, the current APE has remained forested. The USGS Web Soil Survey (accessed 11/18/2019) depicts two soil types within the APE, Rawlins-Rion complex (RgC) in the northern half, and Chewacla and Wehadkee soils (ChA) in the southern half. RgC soils are well drained with 6 to 10 percent slope. They have a moderate potential to contain buried archaeological materials. ChA soils are frequently flooded and are unlikely to contain archaeological deposits. Considering the number of known prehistoric sites within one mile of the APE, the project, as currently proposed, has a moderate potential to effect archaeological resources in the northern one- half of the APE. Ground disturbing activities in the southern half of the APE are unlikely to have any effect on significant archaeological resources. There are no historical (above ground) resources listed as eligible or potentially eligible for the NRHP within the APE. The nearest resource is WA6352, a house located 0.38 mile to the northwest. Therefore, the project will have no effect on historical resources. This determination is subject to review by the North Carolina OSA and HPO. Once this document is submitted by the project proponent any further actions required will be initiated by the North Carolina OSA and HPO. U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE(S):DATE(S):WATERSHED(S):HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER :PROJECT STUD Y LIMITS:LATITUDE:LON GITUDE: SAAD WAREHO USEWAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINAFIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP 40639 35.674157 -78.549887 2.9 ACRES GARNER2016 03020201UPPER NEUSE (NEUSE RIVER BASIN) These plans and associated docum ents are the exclusive property of TIM MONS GRO UP and may not be reproduced in whole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIM MONS GRO UP. Path: Y:\805\40639 - SAAD Warehouse\GIS\Common Shared Exhibits\40639-VIC.mxd 5 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000Feet Site limits are approximate.Topographic imagery from USGS. Site Limits