HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0001492_Residual Annual Report 2015_20160302CHROMIUM FEDEX Tracking Number 7757 4478 3321 February 26, 2016 NCDEQ - DWR Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: 2015 Annual Report Surface Disposal of Residual Solids Permit No. WQ 0001492 Castle Hayne, New Hanover County Dear Sir or Madam: MAR 0 2 2016 I NFGRA4A CTION � � �RQCESSING UNIT MAR 2 20't6 Non-�,-,�harc32 pgnpliW1g Unit Occidental Chemical and Elementis Chromium have prepared the 2015 Annual Report following the requirements described in the instructions for residuals application annual reporting forms and the permit specific conditions of WQ0001492. The permit holder is Occidental Chemical Corporation, 5 Greenway Plaza, Suite 110, Houston, Texas 77046. The land applier/preparer is Elementis Chromium Inc. located at 5408 Holly Shelter Road, Castle Hayne, North Carolina 28429. As specified in the referenced instructions, the following forms are included in this submittal: • Form ACF — Annual Land Application Certification; • Form DMSDF — Class A Annual Distribution and Marketing/Surface Disposals Certification and Summary — Supplementary Information; • Form RSSF — Annual Residual Sampling Summary; • Form RSSFB — Annual Residual Sampling Summary; • Form MFLSF — Annual Metals Field Loading Summary; • Form FSF — Annual Land Application Field Summary; • Form FSF (Supp) — Annual Land Application Field Summary — Supplementary Information; • Form PVRF — 2T Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction for NCAC 2T Rules; • Form PVRF — 503 Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction for CFR 503 Rules; • Monthly Total Metals Analytical results; ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone: 910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CHROMIUM Weekly Chromium TCLP Analytical results; Annual Full TCLP & ICR Analytical results; Daily Freeboard Measurements. Residuals were not deposited in Quarry 1 Section 1 (QS I) during 2015. It is estimated that 93,661 dry tons of residuals were deposited in Quarry 1 Section II (QS2) during 2015. Collectively, QS 1 and QS2 are permitted for a maximum of 171,000 dry tons per year. Based on the previous residual loading into QS 1, the estimated volume of residuals contained in QS 1 is 3,747,306 cubic yards. The estimated remaining capacity of QS1 is 430,411 cubic yards, which equates to approximately 2.2 years at the maximum loading rate. The total estimated weight of residuals deposited into QS2 during 2015 was 93,661 dry tons. As of December 31, 2015, the estimated cumulative residual volume contained in QS2 was 2,333,186 cubic yards. The estimated remaining capacity on this date was approximately 1,008,631 cubic yards. Based on these estimates, the estimated remaining useful life of QS2 was 5.3 years at the maximum loading rate. In addition, Martin Marietta, Inc. did not dispose of any residuals or limestone tailings from their adjacent mining operation into either section of the surface disposal unit. Chromium ceiling concentrations were exceeded for the entire reporting period; however, footer a of permit condition II.6. states: Residuals that exceed the ceiling concentration for chromium may be disposed of in the surface disposal unit as long as they are determined to be non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachablility as stipulated in Condtion IV.3... ..... Residuals generated were analyzed with respect to chromium leachability on the following sampling schedule: a. Grab sample — once per week b. Composite sample — once per week All samples collected during the reporting period were reported to be non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium. The TCLP sample results were submitted in the annual report and can be found on the Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form B. Under the terms of the permit, ground water within an established Compliance Boundary which generally surrounds the Quarry is monitored for compliance with the 15A NCAC 02L .0202 ground water standards (21, standards) on a tri-annual basis. Ground water samples are analyzed for chloride, total chromium, total iron, pH, and total dissolved solids (TDS) and results of each tri- ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone: 910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 CHROMIUM annual monitoring event are submitted to the NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) on Forms GW-59 and GW-59a in accordance with the requirements of the permit. Historical monitoring of ground water conducted in accordance with the permit has indicated the presence of compounds in ground water above 2L standards. As such, a corrective action plan (CAP) for remediation of compounds of concern (COCs) above standards by processes of natural attenuation pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(1) was submitted on May 28, 1999 and approved by DWR on July 28, 1999. The COCs addressed by the CAP include chlorides, iron, pH, and TDS. During 2015, ground water samples collected from wells located at the perimeter of the Quarry indicated widespread concentrations of TDS above the 2L standard, iron concentrations above site - specific target cleanup concentrations in a limited number of Quarry perimeter areas, and pH levels outside of the 2L standard range samples collected from two wells. COC concentrations detected during 2015 in the wells monitored under the CAP were generally consistent with historical concentration fluctuations and trends and were below historical high concentrations. In addition, concentrations of chloride and total chromium were not detected above 2L standards in wells located at the perimeter of the Quarry during 2015. Note that the CAP does not include several wells which are monitored in accordance with the permit. These wells are located a significant distance from the Quarry and a closed former lagoon or the active chromium manufacturing plant is located between the Quarry and these wells. The CAP is related to exceedances of groundwater or background standards at, or outside of the compliance boundary for the surface disposal unit that receives wastewater treatment sludge from the Elementis Chromium facility waste water treatment plant. The facility instituted source control procedures in 1999 for maintaining COC concentrations in the quarry water that will not create exceedances at the compliance boundary. There were no instances during the reporting period where the COC concentrations in the residuals discharged to Quarry Section II exceeded the values established in the source control procedures. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at (910)-675-7229 Sincerely, dl,",— 15�g Calvin Overcash Regulatory Manager Elementis Chromium Inc ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 Holly Shelter Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Telephone: 910/675-7200 Facsimile: 910/675-7201 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0001492 Facility Name (as shown on permit) Land Application Operator: County: New Hanover Year: 2015 Occidental Chemical Corporation Occidental Chemical Corporation Phone: 972-687-7509 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? 10 Yes ❑ No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in thepermit: 1 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: 1 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 93,661 Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: 166.6 Acres Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2015 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. ❑ Yes ❑� No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .l 105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1 I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." w PermC� and Title (type or pri Signature of Permittee Date ` Signature of Preparer* /Date Signature of Land Applier I bat (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15ANCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM WQ PERMIT #: W00001492 FACILITY NAME: Occidental Chemical PHONE: (972) 687-7509 COUNTY: New Hanover OPERATOR: Occidental Chemical FACILITY TYPE (please check one): p Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) ❑ Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in aneratinn dnrinp the nast calendar vear2 Yes OVn 11 —► If No skin narts A. B. C and certifv form below Part A*• Part B*• Month Sources(s) s) ( include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (drytons Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) January Elementis Chromium N/A 6899 N/A February NPDES # NC0003875 N/A 7133 N/A March N/A 8963 N/A April N/A 8864 N/A May N/A 8300 N/A June N/A 8204 N/A Jul N/A 8751 N/A August N/A 7189 N/A September N/A 8011 N/A October N/A 7738 N/A November N/A 7087 N/A December N/A 6522 N/A Total from FORM DMSDF (sud 0 0 0 0 Totals: Annual (dry tons): 0 93661 0 0 Amendment(s) used: BulkingA gent(s) used: * It -more space is required, attach additional mtormation sheets (tUKM DMSDr (supp)): lotal Number of norm DMNDh (Supp)I Part C: Facility was compliant during the past calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including ❑ Yes but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality: 21 No -1 If No, Explain in Narritive 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 3. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Permittee Date Signature of Preparer** Date (if different from Permittee) **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM DMSDF (12/2006) CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM Supplemental Information WQ PERMIT #: WQ0001492 FACILITY NAME: PHONE: (972) 687-7509 COUNTY: OPERATOR: FACILITY TYPE (please check one): E3 Surface Disposal (complete Part A - "Month", "Source(s)" and "Residual In" columns only) n nistrihntinn and Marketing (complete Parts A. and B) Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources(s) (include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) Totals: Annual (dry tons): 0 Amendment(s) used: 0 0 0 Bulking Agent(s) used: * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): DENR FORM DMSDF (Supp) (12/2006) Total Number of Form D SDF iSupp)i i ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): Permit #: WQ0001492 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: Occidental Chemical Owner: Occidental Chemical Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 166.6 Acres Permitted: 166.6 Site #: N/A Field #: Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): 93661.00 N/A N/A N/A Com- posite Date moms In Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DT/Ac./ 0 ,Y App. y 4 Event Arsenic 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cop er 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Chromium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lead 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Mercury 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 Molyb- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 denum Nickel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Selenium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Lphorus 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". Signature of Land Applier Date DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Occidental Chemical WQ Permit #: W00001492 Field #: N/A Acres Utilized: 166.6 Land Owner: Occidental Chemical Annual Dry Tons Applied: 93661 Site #: N/A Acres Permitted: 166.6 Operator: Occidental Chemical Predominant Soil Series: N/A Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): N/A Crop 1 Name: N/A Crop I Max. PAN: N/A Crop 2 Name: N/A Crop 2 Max. PAN: N/A o .5 a� G p OAnimal Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid 4 Cu. Yds Gallons Solids % S Volume Applied per Acre D Tons/Ac Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet, Moist) Precip. Past 24 firs. inches 9 o ^ > 0 ,� •. m^ N > o. TKN mg/kg Z D o w. °� mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied ( lbs/acre Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop I Crop 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 • 0 0 0.000 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): 0.000 0.000 TOTALS. 01 0 • As Cd Cu Cr Pb Fig Mo Ni Se Zn P 0.000 0.000 Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Date Ibs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** Permit PAN Limit 1 st/2nd Crop . . . . . . N/A N/A "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision to accordance with a system designed it; assuz c that yua..ucu Pc. avilm- PA vpv, q K-i-�., , *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation -1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM Supplemental Information PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Occidental Chemical WQ Permit #: W00001492 Field #: N/A Acres Utilized: 166.E Land Owner: Occidental Chemical Annual Dry Tons Applied: 93,661 Site #: N/A Acres Permitted: 166.6 Operator: Occidental Chemical Predominant Soil Series: N/A Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): N/A Crop 1 Name: N/A Crop 1 Max. PAN: N/A Crop 2 Name: N/A Crop 2 Max PAN: N/A o a p Q Volume applied (enter one) Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre D TonslAc) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet, Moist) Precip.o Past 24 14". inches y v - o ^' ; M > o ,� w' .. = m E5 • °= > C 5' ;o '� w `° N o. TKN mg/kg Z Y . 5 o w 9 o ❑ mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied Ibs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop - Crop I Crop 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TOTALS: 0 0. .. 01000 .,.�., ,,� ,. s;�„,. w x,�';,.,� �, � � a, �`,�,'.., .LAVA\, 0.000 0.000 , "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure uiai yuaiiiieu pet sdudet pi ope y gilL VA v., a..., *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 Signature of Land Applier Date ***C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (SUPP) (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium, Inc NPDES Number: NC0003875 Monitoring Period: From 111115 To 12/31/15 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/temp) ❑ I Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ Alt. C (Prior Testing) ❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Patho ens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost ❑ Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermo hilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: jAlt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air D!Zing ❑ 1 Composting ❑ Aerobic Di estion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ If applicable to alternative performed Class A or Class B complete the follo ng monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge g Pathogen Density Number of Excee- dences Frequency of Analysis y Sample Type Analytical Tech-ni ue q Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CFU 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform) 3 MPN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1107) - Please indicate alternative performed: Alt.1 (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ jAlt. 4 (Spec. OZ uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ jAlt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ INo vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Preparer ame and Title e or print Signature of Preparer* Date Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (503 Rules) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium Inc NPDES Number: NC0003875 Monitoring Period: From 111115 To 12/31/15 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alternative 1 ❑ Alternative 2 ❑ Alternative 3 ❑ Alternative 4 ❑ Alternative 5 ❑ Alternative 6 ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost ❑ Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermo hilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ Class B: Alternative 1 ❑ Alternative 2 ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ If applicable to alternative performed Class A or Class B complete the follo ng monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density g �' Excee- Number of dences Frequency of Analysis Sample Type Analytical Tech -pique Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN CFU 1000 mpn per gram o total solid (dry weight) Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform) 3 MPN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) Vector Attraction Reduction (40 CFR 503.33) - Please indicate option performed: Alt.1 (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) RAlt. lt. 4 (Spec. OZ uptake) ❑Alt. 5 (14-Da Aerobic) [3Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization [3Alt 7 (D in - Stable) 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." C,tt ow o✓'E4C;0Xiy , J' E4. Ate. Preparer Name and Title (type or print 2.d• =0.4 Signature of Preparer* Date Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15ANCAC 2T .1102 (26) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Date DENR FORM PVRF 503 (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source WQ # or NC0003875 NPDES #: WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium x%x3luuuitnualyaia Laaa Parameter (mg/kg) Percent Solids % Arsenic Ceiling Conc. Limit NA 30 Sample or Composite Date 1/7/15 29.8 <0.010 2/11/15 27.2 <0.756 3/11/15 27.4 <0.761 4/1/15 28.1 <0.612 5/6/15 36.7 <0.756 6/10/15 20.9 5.32 7/1/15 23 <0.888 8/12/15 28.2 <0.662 9/16/15 31.9 <0.754 10/14/15 28.1 <0.698 11/24/15 30.1 <0.327 12/9/15 24 <0.772 Cadmium 85 Copper Chromium 4 300 200 8810 9290 12200 6320 7410 5570 8560 10800 7920 10000 5410 11600 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum Nickel 75 210 238 157 199 119 153 126 205 172 130 149 209 141 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 Total Phosphorus NA TKN NA Ammonia -Nitro en NA Nitrate and Nitrite NA ' Fnr enrFarP rlicnneal farilitire the rPilino rnnrrntratinn limite IictPA in thic f rm arP not annlirahlP RPfvrvnrP the mdnntinal rwrmit tnr mata lc hmrtc "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false ' formation, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * ate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source WQ # or NC0003875 3) NPDES #: 4) W WTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) Rrcidnal Analvcic nntn Elementis Chromium Parameter (std. _Sample or CompositeDate Im ------------- ------------- ------------- -------- ---- - ------------ ------- ----- - ------------ , Fnr -nrf �a Ali-nn-al f -;litia- tha �ailina--ntratinn lim;t- het-i in th;- fnrm — nit—Ii—hla Rafaran— tha inlh..irinal 1—itf r .natal- limit - "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, � tion, . luding the po . ility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." zd/,f Signature of Preparer * *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) Date DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Elementis Chromium Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) i?ne.rluol Anolveie note Parameter (mg/1) 1 // 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1• / 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------------ Permit limit 5 �.g/l ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, includin a possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 491" Z'1-Z417 aIx Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) AooM..nl A—h-ie n.f. Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg11) TCLPCrComvosite1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• 1 1: 1 1 ------------ ------------ - --- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------- --- --------- "I certify, certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including t possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." C�� - Z, 4 6 Z eo Signature of Preparer * D to *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: 12uc J-1 Analvcic nata NC0003875 Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg11) TCLPCrComposite ------------ ------------ ------------ ---- -------- ---------- -- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infor�tion, includin the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 2�5w Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use additional WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NC0003875 NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium ao�;a..at enatvc;c nata Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg1l) TCLP Cr Composite Sample or Composite ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ " I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibil- of fin s=a;d imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were an for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Elementis Chromium Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) ysis Data Parameter (mg/1) TCLP Cr Composite Permit limit 5—.g/l ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information ' cluding t e possibility of nes and imprisonment for knowing violations." 5;?126Z Signature of Preparer * ate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: NC0003875 Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) Elementis Chromium 2) 3) 4) 5) Parameter • ®��® ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ MEE! ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fi and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * Dfito *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: NC0003875 Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) Elementis Chromium 2) 3) 4) 5) ' ®�®®® -- - - - ------- - -- - - ------- - - - - - --- ---- - - -- - --- - --- - - --- - - - ----- --- -- ---- --- -- - - - --- - - -- - --- - - - -- - -- "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infor n, incl ding the ibility of fines did prisonment for knowing violations:" G A,2� Signature of Preparer * to *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Elementis Chromium Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTPName: Elementis Chromium 5) Parameter (mg/1) --- --------- ------ ------ ---- - ------- ---- - - - ----- ---- - - - ----- ----- --- ---- ---- --- - - --- ------ - -- --- ---------- -- -- -- ---- - - -- "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, in uding the sibility of fines mprisonment for knowing violations." zG Signature of Preparer * ate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use additional WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: NC0003875 Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg/1) Sampleor CompositeDate TCLP Cr .1 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the poss' ' 'ty o Ines and ' prisonment for ng violations." 7;;A4 Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) Residual Analysis Data Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg/1) ---- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- ---- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibili . f fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES NC0003875 # or WQ#: WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium Residual Analvsis Data Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg/1) . - • • •• s. ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informs ' n, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 4*�-, 34- 4 � Signature of Preparer i gate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation Residual Source NPDES # or WQ#: WWTP Name: Residual Analvsis Data NC0003875 Elementis Chromium Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg1l) Sample or Composite Date 9/21/15 Vinyl chloride <0.00048 1 1-Dichloroethene <0.00053 Meth I Eth I Ketone <0.0015 Chloroform <0.00027 Carbon tetrachloride <0.00031 Benzene <0.00028 1,2-Dichloroethane <0.00023 Trichloroethene <0.00028 Tetrachloroethene <0.00042 Chlorobenzene <0.00027 "1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false inforytalion, including the ssibility of fines d imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer gate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NC0003875 3) NPDES # or WQ#: 4) WWTP Name: Elementis Chromium 5) Residual Analysis Data Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg/1) Sample or Composite Date 9/21/15 Pyridine <0.0011 14-Dichlorobenzene <0.0013 O-Cresol <0.0022 M-Cresol <0.0017 P-Cresol <0.0017 Hexachloroethane <0.0011 Nitrobenzene <0.005 Hexachlorobutadiene <0.005 2,4,6-Trichloro henol <0.00089 2,4,5-Trichloro henol <0.0015 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <0.00084 Hexachlorobenzene <0.00057 Pentachloro henol <0.0026 Total Cresols 1 <0.0056 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, 'ncluding the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer bate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM - B Report all sampling analysis results for parameters not listed in FORM RSSF that are part of the WQ permit or were analyzed for over the past calendar year. Use WQ Permit Number: WQ0001492 Laboratory: 1) Facility Name: Occidental Chemical Corporation 2) Residual Source NPDES NC0003875 3) # or WQ#: 4) WWTPName: Elementis Chromium 5) Residual Analvsis Data Elementis Chromium Parameter (mg/1) • • •• W. ----------- ------------ ------------ "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including t e possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature of Preparer gate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF - B (12/2006) Monthly Total Metal Analytical Results Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223 (Lab) a (910) 392-4424 (Fax) 9M 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252) 473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE ##94. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Jan 22, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2015-00210 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-00487 Site: Cake 1/7/2015 8:20 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.705 mg/kg 01/16/2016 Chromium EPA200.7 8810mg/kg 01/16/2015 Nickel EPA2W.7 238mg/kg 01/16/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 68.2 % 01/15/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-00487A Site: Liquid 1/7/2015 8:20 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01/16/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.012 mg/L 01/16/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 01/16/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-00487B Site: Entire Sample 1/7/2015 8:20 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 29.8 % 01/16/2015 pH SM 4500 H B 9.16 units 0112212015 Comment: Cake results reported onnna dry weight basis. Reviewed by: MaAA OX)z Report#:: 2015-00210 Page 1 of 1 Analytical & Consulting Chemists 4M ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 02Windmill Wg,TyWilmington.-0223 FAX 3 z u5 NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION N 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION S 37729 . COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: u ' b (�L� ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean CouryPHONE/FAX- COPY TO: E-MAIL _.Aean coury@couryse.com Y.: , tee S!I� �• '� y _ "E "° :j� `•��iY::T� •�����.^'CFEI:i.� SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, SL = Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection ; ` o - E Uj m m SZ PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tem x = s o o W o Slurry To Quarry Residual I QT. '" r �C SL X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids H pbr Method 3050 D for Metals C P G G C P G G C P G G C P s ; G C G P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinatsd (a.Y ppm or less) in the field at the time orcoUaction. Sea,,verse for Instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Dateirime Received By: Dateirme 1. 2. Tmmnamfnrn rpppp Environmental Chemists, Inc. LL'envirochem(910) 6602 WindmillWay ® Wilmington, NC 28405 392-0223 (Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Fax) sr+ 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 (252)473-5702 ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DLS CERTIFICATE #37729 Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Feb 25, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2015-01764 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-03981 Site: Liquid 2/11/2015 8:50 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg1L 02/24/2015 Chromium EPA 200.7 0.030 mg/L 02/24/2015 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.010 mg/L 02/24/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 15-03981A Site: Cake 2/11/2015 8:50 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.756 mg/kg 02/23/2015 Chromium EPA 200.7 9290 mg/kg 02/20/2015 Nickel EPA 200.7 157 mg/kg 02/20/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 a 66.1 % 02/18/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-03981 S Site: Entire Sample 2111/2015 8:50 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 27.2 % 02117/2015 pH SM 4500 H S 9.03 units 02/18/2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: VIGAt,0Q t Report #:: 2015-01764 Page 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602WIndmlUWay Wilmington, NC29405 Anatytical S Consufling Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICAT)ON # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 OFFICE: 910.392-0223 FAX 810-392- 424 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury. PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL.__pean.coury@couryse.com 1' Sample Identification2 Collectlon SAMPLE TYPE; 1= Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST =Stream, SO = Boll, SL = Siudg®, Other. a 9 a E$ _e .r; o v c '' o ,�' m = PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tempa z Z = o o iu Slurry To QuQarry Residual T. SL �y 7 ► 1 X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids li per Method 3050 D for Metals C P 1 G G C P G G C P , G C G P G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINAiiON: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dachlodruded (0 2 ppm or leas) in the field at the time of collection. see reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished sr. DateMme Received By: DatefTime 9. 2. 4. . vmF.+5 w Delivered lie Requested: 7�Lt��s� Time: TURNAROUND: FFOO 0 —1 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way • Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 392-0223(Lab) • (910) 392-4424 (Pax) SM 710 Bowsertown Road • Manteo, NC 27954 ANALYTICAL &CONSULTING (252)473-5702 CHEMISTS NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATE #94. DIS CERTIFICATE #37729 Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Mar 26, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer 1D: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2015-02967 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry To Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-06828 Site: Cake 3/11/2015 8:40 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.761 mg/kg 03/24/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 12200 mg/kg 03/24/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 199 mg/kg 03/24/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 63.2 % 03/13/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry To Quarry Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 15-06828A Site: Liquid 3/11/2015 8:40 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 03/24/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.050 mg/L 03/24/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 03/24/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Slurry To Quarry Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-06828B Site: Entire Sample 3/11/2015 8:40 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) pH Calculation SM 4500 H B Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. c Reviewed >Xr`_, 27.4 % 03/1212015 9.43 units 03/19/2015 Report #:: 2015-02967 Page 1 of 1 4=0W ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC. 602VA°,m3z-0VImAoN» 2s Analytical & ConsuHing Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION 84 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION 37729 CLIENT: ELEMENTiS CHROMIUM COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY PROJECT NAME. REPORT NO: .2-1 k i— ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAiL_sean.coury&ouryse.com r Sample Identification .•` `+ «� Collection SAMPLE TYPE: i = Influent, E = EfPluerrt, IN = Well, ST = Stream, 50 = Boll, St.� Sludge, Other. E o o o E " m S z Uj PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp _ = g s Z o o Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. �� SL X Tootal Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids Ii per Method 3050 D for Metals C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G NOTICE . DECHLORINATION: Sam ea for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must he dechiodnated (0.2 ppm or ins) In the field at the ffine of coltection. sea remme for in Uucdons Transfer Relinquished By: DateMme Received BY: DateMme 4. 2. _...r_..,._._ .� . hV�ep�ea: a �e Resample Requested: Delivered By: � Received By: Date: •-(Sj Time: 61 Comments• r TURNAROUND: Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax sM 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wihmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Apr 24, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report M 2015-03956 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-09112 Site: Cake 4/1/2015 9:10 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA2001 <0.612mg/kg 04/08/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 6320mg/kg 04/07/2016 Nickel EPA200.7 119mg/kg 04/07/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2rAO B 68.6 % 04/02/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DateiTime Matrix Sampled by 15-09112A Site: Liquid 411/2015 9:10 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.010 mg/L 04/09/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.012 mg/L 04/09/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 0.022 mg/L 04109/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-09112AA Site: Entire Sample 411/2015 9:10 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 28.1 % 0410212015 pH SM 4500 H B 9.08 units 04/23/2015 Comment: Cake results reporteddry weight basis. Reviewed by: Report #:: 2015-03956 Page 1 of 1 Analytical K Consglting Chemists 4M ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 602 gndm0>aWaVl ingtonK6 NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION * 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION * 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAiL:wsean.coury@couryse.com =t SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluento W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Soil, St.- Sludge, Other: Sample Identification p Collection a 9�� E o` U" `o c o W m °° x PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tem �+ x g c o Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. - �7 99 �7 d i /�� G SL i X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids v H per Method 3050 D for Metals C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P _ G G NOTICE . DECHLORINATION; Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phod and Bacteria must to dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) In ft field at the am* of wieddon. See reverse for Inebuctions Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: DateMme 1. 2. Temperature Delivered Bv� I asted• r9 1.r Time, TURNAROUND: Environmental Chemists, Inc. env 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax irochem 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax snn 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: May 14, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2015-05621 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-13045 Site: Cake 5/6/2015 9:05 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.756 mg/kg 05/12/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 7410mg/kg 05/12/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 153mglkg 05/12/2015 Total Solids (%) SM2540 B 67.5 % 05/11/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 15-13045A Site: Liquid 5/6/2015 9:06 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.8 <0.010 mg/L 05/13/2015 Chromium EPA200.8 0.026 mg1L 05/13/2015 Nickel EPA200.8 <0.010 mg/L 05/13/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-13045AA Site: Entire Sample 5/6/2015 9:05 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) Calculation pH SM 4500 H B Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: 36.7 % 9.02 units 05/08/2015 05/08/2016 Report M: 2015-05621 Page 1 of 1 Analytical & Consulting Chemists 4=w ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 02 E"s,o e�lmingtFAX 1n0.392�s NCDENR: DWO CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: OLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: `S - d ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL:_sean.coury@couryse.com SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = Boll, SL - Sludge, Other: Sample Identification Collection A K `� `o u o CL = E ° 3 PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tem z g o o W ° Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. 4 {' C SL 3� X1 Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids H per Method 3050 D for Metals C P S G G C P G G C P G G C P i G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanlde, Phenol and Bacteria must be dachlorinated 10.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. Sao reverse for inabvctlons Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By. Date/Time 2. Temperature wn n Rece d: n Accepted: ✓ / ejected: Resample R uestl Delivered By: D& Received B . �i . V�.�". t 0, ' C.t' � Date: S �(a 5 Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab /Fax SM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Jun 19, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Sean Coury Report #: 2015-07250 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 15-16880 Site: Liquid 6/10/2015 8:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 06/15/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 06/15/2015 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 06/15/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-16880A Site: Cake 6/1012015 8:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 5.32 mg/kg 06/12/2015 Chromium EPA 200.7 5570 mg/kg 06/12/2015 Nickel EPA 200.7 126 mg/kg 06/12/2015 Total Solids (%) sM2540 a 70.5 % 06/11/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-16880AA Site: Entire Sample 6/10/2015 8:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 20.9 % 06/12/2015 PH SM 4500 H s 8.75 units 06/17/2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: Report #:: 2016-07260 Pagel of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602 V * Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 2"05 OFFIqE: M492-o= FAX 910492-4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM —PROJECT NAME., REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: 120 NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL-,_sean.,Coury@couryse-com ffil SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST =Stream, SO = Sall, SL Sludge, Other. Sample Identification Collection E WE IP E 10 0 0 Q E in 1= PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED I Date Time Temp �._ T-0 z 0 z LU C' 0 Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. 15)1, 30c SL x Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids pHp6rMethod 3050 D for Metals C P G G G P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINAMON: Samples for Ammonli, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlerinaW (0.2 ppm or less) In the field at the time of collection. Sea reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: DaterFime Received By: Daterrime 1. 12. 4 Temperature Delivered By: Environmental Chemists, Inc. • 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Pax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@cnvironmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Aug 03, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2015-09473 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-22429 Site: Cake 7/1/2015 8:45 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.888 mglkg 07127/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 8560 mg/kg 07/2712015 Nickel EPA200.7 205 mg/kg 07/27/2015 Total Solids (%) sM 2540 B 63.3 % 07/27/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-22429A Site: Liquid 7/1/2015 8:45 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.01 mg1L 07/29/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.054 mg/L 07/29/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 07/29/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-22429B Site: Entire Sample 7/1/2015 8:46 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 23.0 % 07/28/2015 PH SM 4500 H B 9.48 units 07/29/2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. e Reviewed by: Report#:: 2015-09473 Page"I of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 602 WWEndMIII 2A FingtAX �KC28M OFF92-4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION S 94 NCDHNS: OLS CERTIFICATION 8 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury. PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL:__.peanicoury@couryae.com lly .:„; . ' -. `. Collection Sample Identification. Date Time Tempy SAMPLE TYPE: 1= Influent, E = Effluent, W - Well, ST = Stream, SO - So0, SL s Sludge, Other. • E is s .. a ° " 2 E z PRESERVATION ;. ANALYSIS REQUESTED $ o o Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. - d 7 � SL � � X Total Arsenic. Total ot llmickel. % Total Solids H per Method 3050 D for Metals C P G G C P G G C P' G G C P G G C IP G G NOTICE - DECHLOMNATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, anlde, Phenol and Bacteria moat be dechlodnated (0.2 ppm or INS) in IM field at the time, collection. See reverse for Instructlons Transfer Relinquished BY: Datemme Received By* DateMme 2. T------ - -- - .�161fm Ewav Delivered By:, Requested: Time: jZ Comments• T` TURNAROUND: 7 [e:nviroichem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax . 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252A73.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Aug 21, 2016 6408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Dean Riggs Report #: 2015-10670 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-25021 Site: Cake 8/12/2016 12:45 PM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.662 mg/kg 08/18/2016 Chromium EPA200.7 10800 mg/kg 08/1712015 Nickel EPA200.7 172 mg/kg 08/17/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 63.4 % 08/14/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-25021A Site: Entire Sample 8/12/2015 12:45 PM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculaaon 28.2 % 08/13/2015 pH sM 4500 H B 9.21 units 08/14/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Daterrime Matrix Sampled by 15-25022 Site: Liquid 8/12/2015 12:45 PM Water Dean Riggs J Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 08/17/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 08/17/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 08/17/2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. 1 Reviewed by: . Report *: 2015-10570 Page 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC oFF! End�mill ayWAImington.NC 28" 10-392-0223 FAX N 2 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWA CERTERlCATION at 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION * 377�9 -4424 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: I 15 — ( 0 Q ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury, PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E-MAIL: seanicoury@couryse.coin Sample Identification ...._r`�1 I+ � €4 Collection SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SA z Soil, SL = Sludge, Other. ® E6 aff 0; c0 " CW x PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED ' Date Time Temp = d i; o a o Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. �/ 8 �'b"(-, SL X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium caK % Total Solids ` 1 l llC`� a H r Method 3050 D for Metals C P G G C P G G C P G G C P I� G G C P " G G NOTICE - DECHLOMHATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyankle, Phanol and Bacteriamust he dechlodnated (02 ppm or less) In the ilete at the am of coliktlon. See rawraa for lnsbvctioes Transfer Resin uiahed By: DateMme Received By: Dat&Mms 1. • 2. Tpmnar2ttrsa auhnn D®wwC..w.i. \ --- - --. -�•.� . t • �t 0%uL;UPLwu; v Kelectea: Resample Requested: Delivered By: Received By: : i.��VtCI Vl Dater is �S Time: Comments: TURNAROUND: :"enviroichem ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Oct 07, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Customer ID: 08110009 Attention: Ric Aguilar Report #: 2015-12382 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Datefrime Matrix Sampled by 15-29307 Site: Liquid 9/16/2015 8:30 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/21/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/21/2015 Nickel EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 09/21/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-29307A Site: Cake 9/16/2015 8:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.754 mg/kg 09/21/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 7920 mglkg 09/21/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 130 mg/kg 09/21/2015 Total Solids (%) SM 2540 B 63.8 % 09/17/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-29307AA Site: Entire Sample 9/16/2015 8:30 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids(Calc) calculation 31.9 % 09/18/2015 pH SM4500 H B 9.18 units 10/01/2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: l Reportk 2015-12382 Page 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC SW2Wi: mill Way 9Z-0:t23FAgWnO.3 T Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION * 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION 9 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY n CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX- COPY TO: E-MAIL:—seanicoury@couryse.com Sample Identification Collection SAMPLE TYPE: I Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO -.Sol[, SL Sludge, Other: o ter'. E °� c ° �' c z '3 c l: ° c m @� �'a PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Teat a J aa s = W c Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. of -� l t 1 SL X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids - H per Method 3050 D for Metals IGG C C P G G C P G G. C P G G C P ' G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Sam so for Ammonia, TKN, grankif, Phenol and Bacteria must he dechlorinatW (Cl ppm or ins) In ew bald at the tlmt, or collactlon. Sat! revarse for tnstructiorm Transfer Relinquished By: DateMme Received By: Datamme 1. 2. Temnarit•rrra ulha►t Dat-aho,a 4. �--_-.-�- --A4%.UPLBu. K lMeM. Resample Requested: - Delivered By: Received B . Date: i 15 Comments: r TURNARDUNI r-7 --. -047 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax SM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Oct 27, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Report #: 2015-13703 Attention: Sean Coury Customer ID: 08110009 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample 1D: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by, 15-32589 Site: Liquid 10/14/2015 8:20 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/20/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.040 mg/L 10/20/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/20/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-32589A Site: Calve 10/14/2015 8:20 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.698 mg/kg 10/21/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 10000 mg/kg 10/21/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 149 mg/kg 10/21/2015 Nickel (SPLP) EPA2oo.7 <0.01 mg/L 10/26/2015 Total Solids % SM2540 a 64.5 % 10/15/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-32589AA Site: Entire Sample 10/14/2015 8:20 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids M calculated Calculatlon 28.1 % 10/15/2015 pH SM4500 H B 4.18 units 10/21/2015 ph was performed on filtered sample Comment: Cake results reported n a dry weight basis. Reviewed by:. / Report*.: 2015-13703 Page 1 of 1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, I N C 6602 VYindmill Way WBmington, NC 28406 OFFICE: 010a02-0223 FAX gl0392.4424 Analytical & Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ GERTERICATION * 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION E 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: Sean Coury PHONEIFAX: COPY TO: E4LML-__jsoanicoury@rouryse.com Sample identification Collection SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = ,Soil, SL = Sludge, Other. a � E " c _ PRESERVATION ,' ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Tern d _ o x o o Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. ^^ff u CAI. 1 aC SL11 X Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium % Total Solids H per Method 3050 D for Metals `TUP NICKEL) STR C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia. TKN, cyanide, Phand and Bacteria must ba dachlodnated (02 ppm or less) In tha field aid time of collactlon. Lae reverm for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: Datemme Received By. Date/Time 2. Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392A424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 14, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer P4 #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Report #: 2015-15705 Attention: Sean Coury Customer ID: 08110009 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-37463 Site: Liquid 11/24/2015 8:00 AM Water Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 11/30/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 11/30/2015 Nickel EPA20o.7 <0.01 mg/L 11/3012015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect DatelTime Matrix Sampled by 15-37463A Site: Solid 11/24/2015 8:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.327 mg/kg 12/01/2016 Chromium EPA200.7 5410 mg/kg 12/01/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 209 mg/kg 12/01/2015 Nickel (SPLP) EPA200.7 <1.0 mg/L 12/02/2015 Nickel (TCLP) EPA200.7 1.15 mg/L 12/02/2015 Total Solids % SM 2540 B 65.0 % 11/30/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-37463AA Site: Entire Sample 11/24/2016 8:00 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) calculated Calculation 30.1 % 11/24/2015 pH SW 846 Method 90451) 9.27 units 12/11 /2015 Comment: Cake results reported on a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: Report*: 2015-16705 Page 1 of 1 Gaw ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Analytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERCCATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405c OFFICE: 910-392-0223 FAX 910-392-4424 j CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER PHONEIFAX:. COPY TO: E-MAIL: - — — Effl W = Well ST = Stream SO = Soil SL = Sludge, Other: Sampled By: Q IA - Gs— Coilection Sample Identification Date Time Tem Slur To QuarryResidual 1- 1 Slurry 1 QT. l�,$N- 01 CL ~ SL SAMFLt= n' ro E° 0 I T rt;: ;; .. ;] i5 u I — influent, d 0 E E — m °1 5 z � � uent, — PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, 1 Total Chromium w z X a M = o w % Total Solids pHer Method 3050 D for Metals TCLP and SPLP for Nickel C P G G C P- G C G P G G C P J I ' G C G P G G NOTICE - DECHI.ORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0.2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. See reverse for instructions Transfer Relinquished By: DatelTime Received By: Date/Time 1. 12. Temperature wh Delivered By: Comments: 7 rll� -- 77 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way, Wilmington, NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway, Jacksonville, NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL & CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Elementis Chromium Date of Report: Dec 29, 2015 5408 Holly Shelter Road Customer PO #: Castle Hayne NC 28429 Report #: 2015-16429 Attention: Dean Riggs Customer ID: 08110009 Project ID: Slurry to Quarry Lab 1D Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-39090 Site: Liquid 1219/2015 8:05 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/14/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 0.019 mg/L 12/1412015 Nickel EPA200.7 <0.01 mg/L 12/14/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-39090A Site: Cake 12/9/2015 8:05 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Arsenic EPA 200.7 <0.772 mg/kg 12/14/2015 Chromium EPA200.7 11600 mg/kg 12/14/2015 Nickel EPA200.7 141 mglkg 12114/2015 Nickel (TCLP) EPA200.7 <1.0 mg/L 12/16/2015 Total Solids % SM 2540 B 62.3 % 12/10/2015 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 15-39090B Site: Entire Sample 12/9/2015 8:05 AM Solid/Sludge Dean Riggs Test Method Results Date Analyzed Total Solids (%) calculated calculation 24.0 %. 12/10/2015 pH SM4500 H B 8.45 units 12/24/2015 Comment: Solid results reported o a dry weight basis. Reviewed by: Report #:: 2015-16429 Page 1 of 1 • ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC Analytical &Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTERICATION # 94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION # 37729 COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28401 OFFICE: 910-392.0223 FAX 910-392-4424 CLIENT: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM PROJECT NAME: REPORT NO: ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: WALT GREER —PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: S 1 An ' SAMPLE TYPE: I = Influent, E = Effluent, W = Well, ST = Stream, SO = So)[, SL = Sludge, Other: amp e Identification Slurry To Quarry Residual 1 QT. Collection N~ SL y g o e J eSample s o w gm z E, %0 PRESERVATION ANALYSIS REQUESTED Total Arsenic, Total Nickel, Total Chromium Date ,C1-�5 Time �1i Temp o C Z X s* ` z2 z = o o I % Total Solids pH per Method 3050 D for Metals TCLP and SPLP for Nickel C P i G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G NOTICE - DECHLORINATION: Samples for Ammonia, TKN, Cyanide, Phenol and Bacteria must be dechlorinated (0,2 ppm or less) in the field at the time of collection. see reverse for instructions i Transfer Relinquished By: DatelTime Received By: Daterrime 12. Weekly Total Chromium Analytical Results -1�T�31.1,y -ink L/� L /_L/_ Method 1311 LQ.�C� Page 52 of too Analysis -Date: Notebook No. 1 �9 Continued from page PROCEDURE {TCLP) TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC, LEACHING " " Date and Sample Name Y" - t 1 5 S_ Initial Sampis Volume {ml) / OV OV b•0 �. Initial Sample eight {grams) A W -,/ . $ ° �5 Hang -Up in Graduate ' "(gram%}` ."'Q-40 11.0 Corrected Sample Volume, ,(mi} ° n �. Corrected Sample Weight (grams) : Liquid Volume Extract "A" {ms)' ; 33 Liquid Weight g rams) r Solid Volume O Solid Weight r Solid Density Solids on filter :( ` Welght.of.Solids Used. (grams} oL3 Theoretical Extract..B B),: Total Volume Calculated,0k _ Calculated Amount 12 Fluid;- (ml),,`: j,0 0 `' I Date & Time On Rotatl . ;Mixer. ' ,' i b - Dateb Time Off Rotating Final pH •A Concentration (mg/L) GD• - �- .B Concentration ,(mg/L) s,"< Reported irig/l:° Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) - 'OF k Balance.Standardization PH Stand , Sample w. Relative % Difference _ (� v 4.00 Buff 1g-_ 7 P� Spike Recovery SU 7.00 Buffers P ` 50 g �0. s k 9 = L O0 10.00 Buffet D•v0 L - , Lab Relative 96 Diff®ranee � :. 100 Dd 3.�I / D3-1 Solid Phase Efficiency (6 �O�• a0 == Composite SlopeGrail `7: 1 0 Initial(Q- 7.00 Buffer after sample pH n_ Final pH " Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: 3 I + (Vol. B thea.} x (Cone. `B')] ol. A'Vol._'B' theo.) m9/L Total ChftSme §y , [(Vol. A ), x (Cone. `A') (V 050 . Calculations:` `' - , 142) Continued bn Paget�� gi Date. iewed by Signed by i ; Da of amplelion Rev lysis Date:—L! 121—LY Me01od 1311 Page 53 of 100 ook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name � � S" Initial Sample Volume (MI) Initial Sample Weight (grams) , - . d8 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Jh4 3 ' : �v ., . XZ) Corrected Sample Volume (MI) g Corrected Sample Weight (grams) IO • d Liquid Volume Extract "A' (MI) Liquid Weight gramg) •7 • t?O (01 r Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids an filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) : Theoretical Extract'B .a Total Volume Calculated ("A+'B) : .. Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 1 I hahr10 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer j s- DS! 0f5(S !S ."yal pH 'A Concentration (mg/L) ti .C7 O -0' 0.O D ' /• b -01 'B Concentration (mg/L) Q, ( Reported mg1L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) -011 1 Balance Standardization ���-� tlo pH Stan a 1 n a�/ j�� kL C 1 g = 4.00 Buffer 50 g = 7.00 Buffer 7 % Co 100 g = /W 10.00 Buffe(D )o -0' Efficiency /'0-2- 121 Slope 60 •?S 7.00 Buffer after sample pH e Irdy)!� -R.y-r roicki-1 ar\ Sam�te . Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery 1. nr2 .� Lab Relative % Difference.-1 - (09 Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial 6 • (e(�,,/��o,, Final pH A Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')JVol. 'A' + Voi. 'B' theo.)) = Cm1g/L Total Chrom,e^ Calculations: �� `1 �.� • �� �P C`1 1 'v�� b' �l ��`"t� 3 Continued on page_ 1 �135- Signed by Dot or C repletion Reviewed by Oal® „ i Method 1311 Page 54 of I Analysis Date: — Continued from pegs Notebook No.109 TOXICITY CHARAGTERISTlC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ..., ,. - ...,... ' -770 ThAt �W,ro�-ka� ; 3a Balance Standardization pH Stand /s�'s L611S Sampie � a:ao'Bufferz ..ba a .�” Relative °k Difference j gam--' /off 3 QD 7.00 Buffer OD -7. oo "% Spike Recovery' 50 g =L�- Jb.� q7 10.00 Buffet O Lab Relative %Difference 100 g =. /�' Solid Phase - Efficiency $lope—(c! „ Composite Grab ��• . 7.00 Buffer after sample pH Initial pH Final pH3Z� —= Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts:' rnglL Total Chrome; . [(Vol.'A'}'x (Cone. 'A') + Nol. 'B' theo.) x (Cone. '1311 (Vol. A + Vol. B theo.) . Calculations: . Continued on, page— - qqr�" D' ate . k SI ned Dat of C pie6n Reviewed by 9 by , Analysis Date: 1 / ;L-1/ 15- Method 1311 Page 55 of 1 oo Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample blame [ors-P -aS S r 1 S- Initial Sample Volume (ml) o DV Initial Sample Weight (grams) f 3.3 0 .� Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) .� $ C)-*b y Corrected Sample Volume .(nil)' a , -! Corrected Sample Weight (grams) 1 Liquid Volume Extract "A° (mi) Liquid Weight grams) -SU 05. , `t3 Solid volume • b 1 Solid weight - �� • a Solid Density,. Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) ate: b S. Theoretical Extract'B a® Total Volume Calculated ('A+'B) ., :7 D.i C7 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 10 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 11-7. R10 : Wills t pri1 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer [ Uk RM5 i , In I is-ciw aib is cets- Final pH 'A Concentration (mglL) ,' Q a. I' =6'• v 1 O Z 'B Concentration (mg/L) ' L b_ a1 0 Reported mg/L Total Chrome 0. a t7• D) .0 Extraction Pressure (psi) c50 150 Balance Standardization pH Stj1 �lza-tI j g = / • 00 4,00 Buffer � 50 g = Sb- D� 7.00 Buffer -_y -7,W 1 00 g=100420 1.0.00 Buffedo -cp 100 Efficiency Slope `60•W W19. 7.00 Buffer after sample pH -7•bl -CD / L'—F r pl u- 17v i 0 a-r r" • - Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery �dp? • D Lab Relative % Difference ® S Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH U-5� Final pH �' Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' lheo.) x (Conc. 'B')j �V 1. 'B' theo.) = rn UL Ta7 Chrome l � Calculations: TGLP to rL f05-) � - jrig' 0 a 1 -3 S 0 -f ' /fig —FCC,f Co^-po5;4e-'D ��c� e (�.aaa ��.so�tfsb� 1�a b- Continued on page i aq D e of Cbmplation Reviewed by Date Analysis Dater Method 1311 Page 56 of t00 z Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) _.® Date and Sample Name ) AG .al � l�- a/W qLa s Initial Sample Volume (MI) 0 / Initial Sample Weight (grams) / 8 &C j _ Hang -Up In Graduate (grams) 0. Q6 -a _ p Corrected Sample Volume (ipl) 1;L I (p .70 Corrected Sample Weight (g(ams) 117. Liquid Volume Extract "A' (MI) $(o. 6 =' Liquid Weight grams) U37,LVV 9.1-? 0 D Solid Volume $ , 13. Solid Weight 3fW .3 ),3 Solid Density 04 a.3 Q- Solids on filter (grams) .,95' .01 3103 . 1 Weight of Solids Used (grams) • .3 o- p Theoretical Extract'B .20 Total Volume. Calculated ('A+'B) o?a .} 010 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid . (ml) , 0 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer ;r / )Q ) )Q : + ) Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer 3 s 496/L'r ,�"bL Y DBI Final pH "A Concentration (mg/L) a. 01 C) 0. 0) O p •B'Concentration (mg/L) b. (J . U) D 0414 Reported mg/L Total Chrome ,p)17 b •010 0- 019 Extraction Pressure (psi) .50 S D Balance Standardization pH Stand r�(� atI`o��f 1 g = �� 4.00 Buffer 4-//f� 50 g = .SD - 00 7.00 Buffer-7- 00 -7- GO 100 g = /Cb- b0 10.00 Buffer&, W ) b . Efficiency /Da- lb 109 •�P Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH00 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: mle Sap Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference /) . 5-3 Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH a, Jr _ 0,55 Final pH0.� o -C Of I [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B'))I(Vol ' ,}/ theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: %L. �. -O b %I ` I.00) a(' )CO �)0 = o. (R1448545 �gned by Continued on page Datq of ompletlon Reviewed by Date Analysis Date:° � I / V lL-5 Method 1311 Page 57 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) and Sample Name Liquid Weight SolidDate _ .ht �r-� Solid Density .= L�M1102�='•� M[��.r _ANEACP MINN p _ _ - • . - I - EM =11 i" ,:2 • t W W f I. ` Ci ' AO ttri' n L I % ON ' gIMM WAKPM Concentrationr ♦+.ice �� Extraction • i �� • �!-5b .W Balance Standardization pH St n tl n Sample 3• 1 g - L�.w_ .4.00 Buffer,Relative % Difference 50 g = 7:00 Buffer7.� it- % Spike Recovery rr,��_.. 100 g - W 10.00 Buffer Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency fol - 'A Solid Phase Slope (co Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH'7 b I L220 Initial pH Final pH A •� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Vol. 'A' x Conc.'A') + (Vol. 'f3' theo.) x Conc: 'B' mg/L Total Crlro I( } _ ( ( , )),(Vol, A + Vol. B �theo.) - jj Calculations tz (fit o• b3t �c3 �C LOJU, -((%-0D1t00) (A L Continued on page 4 ICAa 0 pletl®n Reviewed Date Signed by Da C tiY ' $t Analysis Data: 1,;�1 �5 Method 1311 Page ss of too Notebook No.109 Continued from page _ TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Sample Name r2' - /T ahtdfr ple Volume (ml) ple Weight (grams)", rHang-Up 5 3 -7 ! • in Graduate (grams)ei.;_,'U�. SampleVolume Sample Weight,(grams) lume•EWatt "A" ." Liquid Weight grams) •� Solid Volume Solid Weight r Solid Density , Solids,on,fllter (grams) 0 •� _ _ Weight of Solids Used (grams). > 'Theoreticai'Extract'B nA P,D Total Volume Calculated ('A+'B) " ..71 aoL7 Calculated Amount az Fluid `(mq Q, Date & Time On Rotating Mixer IS Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer : $ Final pH 5 O iv „30 "A Concentration (mg/L) , C7 •' .f �' •D 10 d" 'B Concentration (mglL) , • b Reported mg/LTotal'Chrome, Extraction Pressure (psi) pw0 Balance Standardization pH Sta`�ty�rd�ati��I`$��� g . t 4.00 Buffer!• 50 g = 7.00 Buffer i 100 g .UU Ly� .� j o.00 auffedo.tb 1 D.Gb Efficiency 10 0- 122-- Aqt Sample f vD{ -1 yx rp M0_ Relative °% Difference `f °% Spike Recovery- 1-7• 5 Lab Relative % Difference ftl . Solid Phase Slope 41•� (�b��l Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pffl oD �' 0�-• Initial pH Final pH-�J7 • % Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'Al x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo. x (Conc. 'B')],(Vol. 'A' + Vol 'B' th ) = mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: 6 . �. �� Continued on page+_ -ys Reviewed by Date . Signed by De of Cimplation a4 S mvulod 1 %-P Page 59 of 100 Analysis Date: �Z LP a/ Notebook No. 09 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP.) Date and Sample Name &""'PN ` initial Sample Volume Initial Sample Weight (grams), _ Z. D Hang -Up in Graduate (gratas)tx Corrected Sample Volume; (ml) .} Corrected Sample Weight (grams) . i:iquTd-V *u ' Eiitracf"P►'LL (rrilj - . Ub D 4 Liquid Weight grams) ,. . $ ' ` Solid,Volume Solid Weight aZ Solid Density Solids on filter Weight of Solids Used -(grams) Theoretical Extract *B a Calculated ('A+'B) Total VolumED (� . = mount #2 Fluid '(ml) �; On Rotating Mixer ,� Off Rotating Mixer,; ,' , GSA$ b s" 2, •. 'A Concentration . (mglL) L©• ( . d'1 Lt?. ' •B Concentration (mg/L) `. "::..w .�304 d • �-� y ' v Reported mglL Total Chrome , Extraction Pressure (psi) ' _<p U YPm Balance Standardization PHSte Sample { _ _/-0� 4.d0 Buffer Relative % Difference g 50 g = c�6 • De 7.00 Buffer -T OJ^ % Spike Recovery d 3 • " 100 g = Am "Dry .10.00 Buffer jvOo %0•b0 Lab Relative %Difference �• '83 - .: Efficiency `Oa .1 5 Solid Phase Slop &d' 0a composite {Grab �j 7.80 Buffer after sample pH%• �o Initial pH Final PH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: 11 [(Vol.-W) x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' iheo.) x (Conc. 'B'j� (Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) mg/L Total Chrome Calculatlonst�c 0Y k6 a7 t Xb �� ' j t(lI S� f -1 U 0) 461e �. � !q• �o� 6.A l�l5 014 /,6 511f J �. Continued. on pages , 49Apet or C pleiion Reviewed by Analysis Date: 3 1Method 1311 Page 60 of too Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP} Date and Sample Namej� 3 `3" --411s 43-3 li 3 a S. Initial Sample Volume (ml) 1196 zoo'lobOa Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (ml) •{ 51 Corrected Sample Weight (drams) Liquid Volume 1_xtract,"A° (ml) Q Liquid Weight grams)" 7 W0Va. Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) p, Theoretical Extract "B Total Volume Calculated ('A+`B) _a,7/0 9 o Calculated, Amount #2 Fluid .. (ml) ,: C Date &.Time On Rotating Mixer, .. Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer- Final pH O " , (53 (01 'A Concentration _(mglL) " p• 'B Concentration (mg/L) p , p ] V Reported mg/L Total Chrome b • i _ Co 'W)L Extraction Pressure (psi) 0 v o Balance Standardization"' pH SZ� SjQ Sample 1 9 = Db 4.00 Buffer Relative%Difference 50 g = So • DD. 7.00 Buffers � i � y � %Spike Recovery DO g 10.00 Buffed D-0 jD•OD Lab Relative g6 Difference Efficiency " Solid Phase Slope ; 9_0.73 (AU Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH (v9 . -7i Q L Initial pH �y Wiathematical formula for Combined Extracts: l� _ J Final pH L7.r"J3 [(Vol. 'A'j x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x. (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A` +.Vol. 'B' t a.)- m611- Total Chroff ��" ^e 11 ,( 2alculatlons: LPj - �0� CC�3�. �•� o. tv0� LAP b4 00 .1,P) 7=0-- 099) a Fcq �a�— gn b.oa"A' q'c . �o D-ba15R 05�1 Continued on page Sgned 6Y Dap of clompletI n Reviewed by ' Date Analysis Date: -3/9 �_J�5- 1-Method 1311 Page 61 of tOO Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name t4%-Fjq US, 17 Initial Sample Volume (MI) b 60 /00 Initial Sample Weight (grams) Cy a 717- F3 Hang -Up -in Graduate (grams) ----AD 34, . 0-sl Corrected Sample Volume (nil) cM .14- 991(A . Corrected Sample Weight (grams) if.G1`18 Liquid Volume Extract"X . - (ml) 50 C)D Liquid Weight grams) W- 05 Wo .51 Solid Volume M,?4 j0_15 Solid Weight Solid Density D-. 0(e Solids on filter .(grams) 2-2, 9 a Weight of Solids Used (grams) 1b -,Bq Theoretical Extract *B 4154 to-0 _1_47 lot) Total Volume Calculated (*A+*B) o ba6 F0 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid , (mi) 4 1 j6-40 0 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer, CD 19 co 3 11V Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer Ad S- 3116&ow Final pH (Q-9T__ _ (.11 -, `A'Concentration (mg,L) Z0_ 0 1 *13 Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome Q-71 Extraction' Pressure (psi) Cal 0 Al )h D 7_ J n'bly Balance Standardization pH Standa t5' 1 g 4.00 Buffe 4 ±Ub .A- .50 g 7.00 Buffer 7 ACP -1 - 00 100g = 00- 'W 10.00 Buffer to -CD 10 - 07 Efficiency 10A.15 i_Ooll Slope ' &0-6 W-33 7.00 Buffer after sample pH7-01 695 ILA-F f0-1rA-t-1Ur) Sample Relative % Difference %tpke Recovery 10,37 3 Lab Relative% Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH _0 Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'N) (Vol. 'B'thec.) x (Conc.-'B')]/(Vdl. 'A'* Vol. 'B'theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: _76Lf 10AL1,905.4'e- do Xp- coa) (Tw4. 7b) 6, O� rip le C)yb,.o �)) (�.4 1.;&0) = 6-67t96664 I TU(35.r-11 _P 5 Continued on page y Dalof C"Ietion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: 3 Method 1311 Page 62 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name -/S" e 1� Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) / _ (. �$ Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 0,) b. 0L Corrected Sample Volume (ml)19, Corrected Sample Weight (grams) . Liquid Volume. Extract *A' .' (ml) 1 Liquid Weight drams) .L;L Solid Volume Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) oZ of Weight of Solids Used (grams) a-- µ a� 2 Theoretical Extract'B , Total Volume Calculated (A+,B) t« Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) , O Date & Time On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer,.j Final pH SIB 'A Concentration (mg/L) , to 1 a [ 'B Concentration (mg/L) , p 10 . 0 t V , l O Reported mg/L Total Chrome 0- QV7N 2- 0 - OL D - 01 Extraction Pressure (psi) S O 0 Balance Standardization pH - a 1 g = 4.00 Buffer I7� �•l� 50 g = 50,0 7.00 Buffer �_i OD 100 g = L ,00 10.00 Buffelad) Efficiency 0.3 _ 1013 Slope 61172 7.06 Buffer after sample pH 0 L�i r'� / "_r r v r ,_aP ffrrZ Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery / _ate 1 Lab Relative % Difference 0_91 Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH VO° 31 —"a . A15 Final pH 16 " 4 ^3 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(V01. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Continued on page 3 igned try NOGA- pletian Reviewed by Date 0�3 �7 . .Method 1311 Page' 0 of 100 Analysis Date: L I !. . Notebook No.109 Continued from page Tr.v��rTv f%-WA RocTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) . Balance Standardization PH $t zM5)/5 . "Sample 1 % . D g.00 Buffer OD d� Relative % Difference ` 9 $ •� 7.00 Buffer Do 50 g 7-ab % Spike Recovery ' . = . 100 g _ ���"� 10.00 Buffeg •y /0 0 Lab Relative % Difference s i 0 . Solid Phase EfciencY ,�._. Slope . 73 Q'.� Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after, sample PH • �� initial pH 8 39 Gz � to Final pH 13,4 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: d • l!ma [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc.,'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. ,W)],(�/ol, ' + Vol. 'B' theo.} = rrglL Total Chrome ( so ;. + �64 De. Calculatlonw- Qq r CA 1 ( G,o o•u�8 k7 fi�•l`�s C Q�.�+��P 16 Continued on page= S ned DailA&C' rivon Reviewed by _ Date I A 11 Page 64 of 100 Method 1311 Analysis Date: Continued from page Notebook No. 109 1 FACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Balance Standardization t PH S TY YDTIZ Buffer g L 509 = 6-22 4.00 7.00'Buffer 7 7 CE) 100 g = -Io.00 Buffei 2-29 —0-6 -- Efficiency Slope 622L 7.00 Buffer after sample PH-1-00 owupl- LW Y-b -.� -,P- Relative % Difference — 'r' 4 % Spike Recovery i-0-1 Lab Relati4e % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial PH Final'PH 17. Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: cj) = mg/L Total Chrome 'A-!) x (Conc. N) + (Vol. B' th6o.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vdl. -A" + Vol. 'B' the o33 I I A- Calculations: Spa. 0,- 00 b,)4- . 4"P:3 C-4 WT-Lf Du-p b 0 �q-) r Continued on P290----n Date Raviewad by Analysis Date: A -7 1 1 15 Method 1311 Continued from page Page 65 of 1,00 Notebook No. 109 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) I A Date and Sample Name -7- U ,q 1. r tor qb-41 In) 'P Initial Sample Volume (mg -7 Initial Sample Weight - (grams) 7 1.3.5 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 7 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) , -corrected Sample Weight (grams),, Uq6IdVo-r61mi8_5Wact A m DU C) .0 Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume (bcD Solid weigh Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of SolidsUsed (grams) ®B D Theoretical Extract Total Volume Calculated (*A+!B)' Calculated Amount #2 Fluid , (ml) -I",- tea Date & Time On Rotating Mixer D ,Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer -.,A 221/ff 10 AAA 6'- 090 Final PH *A Concentration (mg/L) D' 613 Concentration (mgiLl n. I A-1 'Q-191 Z_b, 0 1 V Reported mg/L Total Chrome &taL Extraction Pressure (psi) 4 ' *7- Balance Standardization PH Sta tign I g = 4.90 Buffer 50 g = 7.00'Buffer 7_-0116_9 100 g = J00-00 10.00 Buffelq.0 I O-CO � L t-T I U IOU" lA I 5000LX fly N Sample Relative % Different r_gTP2 %Spike Recovery Q Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample Initial PH Final PH Solid Phase composite Grab Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: J�' ffigil- Total Rr' ,A(Vol. 'A!) x (Conc. 'N) + (Vol. Wtheo.)x (Conc.'B')j/(VoI. W + Vol 'B' theo) + (4A.A, (G3 6_'61cuiations:—fCLf "DS;Ae Golvrz -&. , k V�k cam- �(. Cox 0 -C)Gt Continued on page A Date Da of ompletion Reviewed by Analysis Date:'l 1 0.1 is. Method 1311 Page 66 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page" :- : TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC,-LEACHINGdP} P.CC�iPOE (TCLP) (, , Date . - Nam _ r —�� - -- , r.-•-� ►'�� del. R.-� up s 0;IeMlluwi O � Liquid Weight grams) �7� �� In �i ry,g Solid - .. GA ��3� OMeM- . +1 ... _ Solids on I'liter Theoretical Extract *B'- • _ • a = �i �f�fi�'�= - i WOM *BConcentration. e ��sCr�r'r�i-iri�t • Extraction - Balance Standardization ° ' pH SUR i !� `Sam 1 g = � 4.00 Buffed Relative % Difference 50 g 7.00 Buffer7100..1•Lb % Splice Recovery /[7�<<o� 100 = �W • 10.00.Buffer�V 0V J0 to Lab Relative %Difference 9 EfficiencyW.11v 162.3 Solid Phase Slope W•Q!3 &b.0' Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pO _7-0 Initial pH Final pH i Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc.-'A') + (Vol: 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]!(V0i 'A' + Vvl. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: / T -L L5Sas Continued on page . . Signed by Da of CWellon Replevied by = Date I 'wo 16 Method 1311 Page 67 of 100 Analysts Date: � continued from page _ Balance Standardization pH S o 1 a�I� ps �< 1 g = �00 = VO 4.00 Buffer 7.00 Buffer i.GO TL r, 50 9 1 � 10.00 BufFertp.QD 1p,tD *r£ . �? 100 g = r D 0�3 Efficiency a>u; Slope Qm: 7.00 Buffer after sample pH io1116 Sample 9.10 Relative °% Difference °% Spike Recovery Lab Relative °% Difference Solid Phase Composite 3� $ Grab `6.39 Initial pH Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: = mg/L Total C r b. t j(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. ' B')]/(Vol. Ar + Vol. B theo.) a. ta�� /��V(_p� 02D)-� 15. 00X Calculations: �t✓(,p � Q. ) C�a� 90) a - _ ev Continued on page --- A A. `' r fiate - �.. red by Dal of C pletion Reviewed by -Sig LE Analysis Date: 1r/L Method 1311 Page 69 of too Notebook No.109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHAR�CTF�RISTIC LEACHING PROC�DURE (TCLP) it 7n_li 91.hr" a17n_nz.I1' LlII-1 /C Date and Sample Name 'T P Cu Pte T i r t c A jros e -ram p y Initial Sample Volume (ml) J 00.0O I no .O%! . 0 Initial Sample Weight (grams) P8,53 1 .1 tf 3 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 0. y8 0. 0.51 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) I q . Sa q • 514 Corrected Sample Weight (grams) ,OS. "j, 7. $'2• Liquid, Volume Extract "A" (ml) ? .�00 • 00 T1,00 Liquid Weight grams) "'� O 73 • & Solid Volume (3.7 . Solid Weight 3149 8-q .f Solid Density a. q p Solids on filter (grams) 3 . 21 36 •rI 34.4 D.,= Weight of Solids Used_ . , (grams) 3 a . 33 • Theoretical Extract `B . (o S• 0 Total Volume Calculated ('A+`B) 3. 0 $ .90 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid - (ml) 7 .00 0 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer,', 101115 ., • MAD 07 5 11410 Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer H ag 5 0 7.30 q i5 00W ;4 IS 003u Final pH to, 35 1917(n 'A Concentration (mg/L) •B Concentration (mg/L) n 0062 IDt7 0• Reported mg/L Total Chrome O V - 0 17 Extraction Pressure (psi) -. Balance Standardization pH Slanda i�atl o 054115 1 g = • DD q, !l 4.00 Buffer ,00 50 g — 6-c' 00 7.00 Buffer -7•00 -00 100 g = 100 . tab 10.00 Buffer 10.00 L-00 Efficiency 101.3 Slope 5q• Jr 59.95 7.00 Buffer after sample pH Mg.. ,` Sample � Irv"i� Relative % Difference Oi `o % Spike Recovery Blja. U _ Lab Relative % Difference O: Solid Phase Composite' Grab Initial pH Final pH ! .'O 75- Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Zp/ 6 -M [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. W theo.) x (Cone. 'B')OVol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrom C—rc•��.b.�l�ql.��� Calculations: -T r f �-7 C Co,r►,.. � ,.�,p-C(?9-o0)(0•�">-4-(775,VO)(0•035) ��95�i. -TN,9 Halo,o o.oto c8`d. o) o.ols) 70-LID=0-b1'7X3505 by Dale142tion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis'Date: Method 1.311 Page 69 of 100 ` Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 7G1.:P ir3la.1L., com Gl. mp S a --6 3 5 H 3 -,s 3 15 "TGt- G 5 Initial Sample Volume (ml) : 16 j 0b Initial Sample Weight ' ° (grams) ' 19.3 -j dD. d o I , ;. Hang -Up in Graduate -(grams) - 0 , b 0 : 72-- 3 Corrected Sample Volume . (ml) ' 199.9 --T qrg.40 qq, 2f(, 99 • � ' Corrected Sample Weight (grams) ; , a q , 43 119 ; 5'0 , JD Liquid Volume Extract "A' (ml).. , QO . 80. 00 7 «D Liquid Weight grams),'-. , 7 q8ig,777, "j ,0(0 77.`"Qfo;(o5 Solid Volume Solid Weight 0.31 Solid Density Solids on filter r' (grams)` Weight of Solids Used .(grams)39. Theoretical Extract •B ,: = Total Volume Calculated ('A-tM) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid �(ml) Date &,Time On Rotating Mlxer.".,,;,:. 100 i000--_ 14 tt na " o x ::. _gag , �D . S ,23. a a'g� 7q S 4 445 'Date& Time Off Rotating Mixer;;.. ti;, 5pt�-y15, Final pH 7• SAf "A Concentration �(mgil) a " :' 1.0 :.:p to" ,z , p j O w ' �40:0 110 0• O l (� ..- ` . •B Concentration .. , (mg/L) 0 -01 D ". 0: ! 5 0•'! (o I „ zp: 010 Reported mg1LTotal Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) 0 Q, ( 5'0 . Q. J St) d 50 - �-yY y m �I tJ�' [ c71a17h\7f j Balance Standardization pH Standrcliztl Sample 1 g = ' 1' bo 4.00 Buffer 4, I00I L-00 Relative % ,Difference � • � a �� 50 g _ 50• d 7.00 Buffer 7.00 7.00 °,6 Spike Recovery 3 • r 100 g = . 100_+�c� . 10.00 Buffer lQ�00 /0 -DO lab Relative % Difference Efficiency IN, 101.1 Solid phase ,Slope T7.9 5 51? 1.3 Composite Grab " . 7.00 Buffer after sample pH k -9� Initial pH Ig f�!G 8+ &7. Final pH • w . r. (r; Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A')-+ (V01: 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B`)1 Vo .,'A' :# Vol ` theo.} mg/L Total Chrome. _ Calculations: .2 0)(0.154) ��J�: a0 =• d IN 073?�! a T Colr+n(fo5i•�ep�'ce�a9���Co-1bl �Ro?�av D��Iy� 1S1tiOI Tc.? Grab C(?1.0 (G-01.0/579 50P.. d.00il 5o 5 Continued on page Y, Date f Completion Reviewed by Date ` _ . Si ed b . { 1.5 Method 1311 Analysis Date: 1 l� NotebaokNo.169 Ar%wnTt'oiCT t* Page 70 of 100 Continued from page EACHING PR®URE (TCLP) CED Analysis Date: Method 1311 Page 71 of 100 .,.- Continued from page , Notebook No.109 -�_ TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING ,PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name 1S • 5 j8l Initial Sample Volume (MI)'°I VC) b 8 Initial Sample Weight .•(grams). d Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) d• Corrected Sample Volume (ml) wo1 " orrected:Sample Weight (grams) I 1A, I A Liquid,Volume Extract "A' ° (ml) ".', ~ 4 - �' 3 Liquid Weight grams)-- �- Solid VolumeIR ' Solid Weight .� (VA •p O• ' 3 Solid Density �: - _ Solids on filter (grams) : p- Weight of Solids Used Theoretical Extract'B Total Volume Calculated Calculated Amount #2 Fluid ::; (MO Date & Time On Rotating Mixer __ I I (b.%" g Date &Time Off 5ptatN Mixer -1 _ - Final pH`=: ,77 `A Concentration (mgIL) r "B Concentration. (mg Reported mg1L Total Chrome ."" D . of b D-1 5Rb - LD -'O 1 Extraction.Pressure (psi) D r�rn' ro Balance; Standardization pH Starldardlza�jS Sample `Relative %Difference rf 1.g = 4.00 Buffer— `�- 50 g _ 7:00 Buffer 7-e° °� Spike Recovery r o.aa b, 100 g = Oj E? 30 10.00 Buffer) Lab Relative %Difference 1! >w4 Efiiciency, Solld Phase . .. - Grab . Slope` (wo! L bfp Composite ` '] &0 '70) Initial W t 7 G t 7.00'Buffer after sample pH P Final`pH _04 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: . 9 ' ., - ; .... mg/L Total Chrome A) x. (Conc.:A1) + (Vol 8 theo.) x (Cone.. B IAVol ; + Vol. B theo.} -. ' Caiculatlons:.. x 1 Umn IN i , _ Gontinuetl on page i z fll111 17-3 s Signed y Da of omplelion ;.Reviewed by Date •i Analysis Date /��/ !r `� Method 1311 Page 72 of WO Notebook No: 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name initial Sample Volume, (ml).- 2a-� InitialSample Weight... (grams) Hang -Up in Graduate;_ `(grams}:: to Corrected Sample Volume . (mly kali 'Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume ExtractoA' (ml) = n Liquid Weight grams) lip Solid Volume 13- LOA " Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter,; (grams 111Wk ' Weight of Solids Used . (grams) . Theoretical 'Extract `B, -,, ; °_ ` Total Volume'Calculated A+'B Calculated Amount #2 Fluid--.(ml) Date S Time`On Rotating Mixer Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer `"' / a1 U ' Final pH 77 tio •A Concentran (m9�L) . bD1 O •4 ' alb 'B Concentration (mg7L) b - l b 0 010 . D--.Qt O •. ( Reported mg/LTotal Chrome ;.' , ,, rJ_o 2-D •010, U(C7 D .Extraction Pressure (psi) '., u Balance Standjlizatlon pH jr Sample g = 4.00 Buller 4.- " Relative 96 Difference 50 g- 7.00 Buffer%-21 96 Spike Recovery : % ba , O 0VLab Relative % Differences 3 100 g (=.-OD 10.00 BuffeliQ__ID- Efficlencyr Solid Phase Slope �D• G�0 0� - Com�poosite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample off D� Initial pH Final pH . MOT Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A!) (Conc.-A') + (Vol.'Wjheo.) x (Cone.'B')l/(Vol.'A'+.Vol.'B' theo.) _ m9iL,Total Chrome. 9: 0. �..� Caiculatlone: Continued on page " Signed by Dat t C pledon Reviewed by - Date Lin 'm Analysis Date Il1� Method 1311 Notebook No.109 . TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC Page 73 of 100 Continued from page LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Mz&�� _MEN 01 Mr 101A IM _• I��.. eo . M G�j "M wit Concentration (mg/L Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardlzatlon 1g = f..L70 50 g = Ka Dp 100 g 00 pH St t"t s 4.00 Buffer . - 7.00 Buffer`�•b� 10.00 Buffer/ O) IU •00 Efficiency%F' 3 f D (-.9 �d rpm "%L�-V.t UVL-IN 1 SampleSl{1� Relative WDIffere.,h e 613 % Spike Recovery . _:3 Lab Relative % Difference 6. 77f . Solld Phase Slope 4�1l �• KD Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample POO '-OD Initial pH Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Cone.. 'B')jl(Voi. 'Ay' + Voli. 'B' theo.) =1mgg/L Total Chrome .,�1 t Calculations:T(C .� C( ) a�!! b- l3� / �A�0,70)I�tTi a !'P TCW -ke-Li`7 CC39-9lpy 0..113J f(40P-10)=b.�aoa��g"l ��� lib=�{��.�o1�'b.2�a)� ��s'4o� � b •a�t,.�333 - Continued on page Signed by oat& of 1pompletion Reviewed by Date Analysis Dater Method 1311 Page 74 of t 00 Notebook No: 109 Continued from page . TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name �Q n ! Initial Sample Volume (mh • 0 RIDL319 Initial Sample Weight . (grams) I It O• Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) .,a$ 3y Corrected Sample Volume (ml) , Corrected, Sample Weight (grams) 1igdiid Volume i_ictract "A" (ml) ,' 0. 5D a:$b Liquid Weight grams) 11P Solid Volume j vti • i Solid Weight Solid Density p Solids on filter (grams) aU.'k'ci C.z Weight of Solids Used (grams) 19.p w7 Theoretical Extract `B'414-40 Total Volume Calculated (•A+'B Calculated Amount #2 Fluid ' (� Date & Time On Rotating Mixer �( ( 9 / 16 .1'O Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer bBIS� (o o(51s G ! Final pH 'A Concentration (mg/L) D:O I �p:.i710 �U O1 'B Concentration OWL) p. 0;p- D O �- • b Repor#ed mglL Total Chrome • 0 01 Extraction Pressure (psi) ' Balance Standardization pH Star�a�yl tlLcc ��(�i� 1 g = - U d 4.00.BufferVV 50 g = .�j �. 7.00 Buff er 100 g D� 10.00 Buffer/D '00 10 - CO Efficiency %Di, 0 i b). $ Slope qq_ �i7 0. fB 7.00 Buffer after sample pHm - ,ate'.. I,., .. � .�.I:• , ,, ,. _.. ,. - Sample t Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery O!. & Lab Relative % Difference 0 & Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH 13- (el Final pH e. 53 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') is (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo:) x, (Conc. 'B')] (Vol. 'A' + Vol. '/B' Theo.) - mg1L Total Chrome Calculations: C�� wglz ,� if( q (�-�l?�( b.C>�a)j t (ALAS_ �b=a10?�;73��1�1 - � cep cc�e. �.�t�— C(���.�Iv�b����»� C ��..q°� = �•�����r��s. Continued on page �Q14 Date Signed by Da of pletion Reviewed by r '`r , t.0 Page 75 of u:., �G S 5 Method 1 s1 l Analysis Date: Continued from page Notebook No.,1 09 ' TOXICITY, CHARACTERISTIC. LEACHING PROCEDUREITCLP) - m Balance Standardization € . - -PH Starzd�t}Q�lt Sample 4 CY Relative °�6 Difference (:. , 4.00 Buffer ... 1 g + w - -760 % Spike Recovery t� D Relative % Difference s ' 100 g = 10.00 BO4 .6 _ Efficiency.t �. =`F= Solid Phase -Slope Composite �p�Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH lnitial pH Final pH "MatFrematical formula far Combined Extracts:,, mglL Total, Chrome N) x (Coil 'A') + (Vol.'B' theo.} x (Conc: 'B')J/(V�, 'A' ;+ Vol. t�h 0, calculations:" ' a Continued cn page!_ } a >. Revievrod by Data by :'Oat of dmpletl6n � ,, � � A Analysis Date: - tuie Method i311 f Continued fmm 1339c Page 76 o100 Notebook No. 109 1wffV0%%"rV f%UADAMPRISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Balance Standardization PH StUX V%15 -60 4.00 B 00 g Buff -7 -7- CO3 50 g 7.00 Buffer 1009 16D - 10.00 Buff ek-W-10 Efficiency'/.otff /0/- 13 Slope , 7.00 Buffer after sample VHa Sample Relative % Difference %Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial PH Final - PH (0. 77 Lj� Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: B')]/(Vol. 'A'+.,Vol. 'B' theo.) mg/L Total Chrome [(Vol. 'A') x (Cone. N) + (Vol."B' the6-) x (Cone. 'I -7) picullationsCq3C'LVox3) 4-1P�-q, Continued on Page-� Data D le of on Re Wed by Signed by Analysis Date:& 130 Method 1311 'Page 77 of 100' Continued from page Notebook No. 109 -re%V11%-1TV r-14ARACTERISTiC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Balance Standardization pHS g 4.60 B u f I 7er —W 50 g OD 7.00 Buffer- - CO - OD �. 10.00 Buffed 2�W—Jq&—V 00 g Efficiency IQL-" ok- Sample I Relative % Difference O%, Spike 114coverY Lab Relative % Diderence, Solid Phase slope 1lob Composite Grab Initial H 7.00 Buffer after sample pH P Final pH tW thernatical formula for COmbined, Extracts: b.aaaX"(Co'nc.'N) t W91-9,'It'jeo.) x (Conc.'B')]/(Vol. 'A' Vol. 'B'theo.) mgfi- Total Cnro ff 333-t�d�b• �� l ��aa� ��� culations: (37 6 Continued an page._ --7 )_ ReW Wd by Date '0 pleflon D e I Analysis Date:i�1 Method 1379 Page 78 of t0l) - atebook No. 109 Continued from page ,,Y TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name _ u Initial Sample Volume - (m4*7,� / O a Initial Sample Weight (gram M.- /'O41• 55 . 4Z 0- Hang-Up in Graduate (gram 6. Corrected Sample Volume (m Fj Corrected Sample Weight (gram1✓. Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) 97: UP `93, bb 31 Liquid Weight grams) r 6S - ga.5b Solid Volume-'. ; -10... 3 . 16.151 Solid Weight 3 Solid .Density I lb 9-1 '� -1 of - a Solids on filter ;- - . (grams) Weight of Solids Used - (grams)' .t} _ Theoretical Extract `B Ij ag 3.. -71 C[- D" Total Volume Calculated ('A+'B) - AP-40 Calculated Amount#2 Fluid (ml) ' I.f)0 I �t� D. �`l•"l�°D Date &Time On Rotating Mixer 7 L- i bD , - . CO L Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer, 10 15 _ O 5 b 15 6 )o Final pH' .'i3� (d • 4 Concentration (mg/L) • (� 10 f� & 'Concentration (mg/L)6,111�- Reported mg/L Total Chrome, ,' I V `' L7 Extraction Pressure (psi) p . 5 C.150 71, Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery iy b • a•' Lab Relative % Difference 0, e� Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH `g� ZS U •3 Final pH' �0,21 - Matheinatical formula for Combined Extracts: i INoL'A') x (Conc.="'A') + (Vol.'B' theo.) x (Conc.'B')j (Vol. ' ' + Vol."'B',theo:) - mg/L Total Ch ome ;Calcutations: ~-P _ �^- S 1 ` �l �"lf'j�� . b•. ��1Wo'�..; �C410.31oX 1-71.A110- C41��1��,'�.`�o� :�,..v 371080 Continued on `page r Sign ~ Da o mpletion Reviewed by , Date j Balance Standardization pH Stan ar izatlon ` 1 g = 4.00 BufferL7D 50 g = 7.00 100 g = i( fferl0•GD jO ' 90.00 a- ul Efficiency '/!a,,�� jt Slope' 7.00'86ffdf after sam pie pHZ�-1= C0 5 Method 1311 Page 79 of 100 Analysis Date —IL-1 I — Continued from page Notebook No.109 a -TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Dat�--and Sample Name Balance,Standa�dlzation pH S�dj{aq��f� Sample (� 1 �A Relative % Difference '' 1 g = �, 4.60 Buffer y 500 -� � 7.00 Buffers CV % Spike Recovery - �a 10.00 Buffer�'_Ia Lab Relative %Difference 1006 = � Solid Phase -Ef iciency MI. a ! d ti - - Slope Composite Grab . r7. 7.00 Buffer after sample pHd X Initial pH p = Final pH. Mathematicat formula for Combined Extracts: z - mg = /L Total Chrome k��[(Val. `A'} x (Conc.'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Cone. 'B')]/Nol.'A + Vol. B theo.) CaNlkl,lduiations:_M- p C.O(q Cj�� 1 �1�-'� � Continued on page <.-Orate Reviewed by . �. . Analysis Date: -7 / A/ 15 Method 1311 ... Page do of Ioo Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (ml) p Frk I nitial Sample Weight (9 s) IS. 0 •Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) O:+ 0. S . as Corrected Sample Volume (ml) q. *79 Corrected Sample Weight (grams) ..I Liquid Volume Extract W (ml) a, 00 .00 IT50 Liquid Weight grams) g (:. p Solid Volume Ila.146• Solid Weight j 0 5.79 Solid Density a.09 .4 Solids on ,filter (grams) .. 31 + .H O 3 7 23?-5 (tr Weight of Solids Used (grams) . _,3 0. 3 X 360&0 3,14 Theoretical Extract •B ; OQ " �3; p . . •• Total Volume Calculated (•A+•B) : *- 0 S " Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) a.QO Date & Time On Rotating Mixer :` : ;, IS .1qq5 Ili l{ S:."..112ali5 q5 - Date & Time' Off Rotating Mixer "" ` ` I 5 0 r0` ' . 0 ' Final pH 3 U •A Concentration (mg/L) • 0. ID •B Concentration (mg/L) ; , 03 0.0 :C 0.O ( D s Reported mg/L Total Chrome 1-9-ra l n 0.004 'Extraction Pressure (psi) $'p 5-0 5-0 w 4 Balance Standa"olzatlon pH Standard tlon Y ; ' 1 g = �� 4.00 Buffer �j•o0 ...ia 50 g J� 7.00 Buffer 2.00 r00 1000 = �DD.��9- 10.00 Suffer JD•0071� Efficiency /00.7 LOJ q Slope 59.51 �e99 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 7 01 100 Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery • �l' Lab Relative % Difference • 33 Solid Phase Composite Initial pH • aq Grab V A 5 Final pH . S-7 & • 73 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: (Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A) + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')1/(Vol. A. + Vol. 'B' theo.) LL Total C me ?cFP��Q 9a00}(0•�I) •� (�3fo•00)(D.03 �`� 0.0330.0367i518' Calculations. r--�--r' � � yJ� ��t3•yo 0.039 ; 6311971 � J p }� I- / 1J /1 // ./ • �ls . Com � \\-1 51 00yo zz 01 Signo by �JZ is Continued on page_,___ Date of Cbmpleflon Reviewed by Data Analysis,Date:-7/�-� / i� Method 1311 Page 8t of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (MI) Q (j Initial Sample Weight (grams) I Go. (05 IQR, JIVAI I V7 • 5 Hang -Up In Graduate (grams) p , 1 . a, &. a.7 Corrected Sample Volume- (ml) TIC, 3 9 ; 15' Corrected Sample Weight (grams) j 1 D. ; Liquid Volume Extract 'A" (MI) Q. p Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume ZDa Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) oZ �,3cY Theoretical Extract •B Total Volume Calculated ('A+ ,B) 0 . ) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) -10011000 - . tg ;_ •OD Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 410 r 7 O Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer ' S Final pH `A Concentration (mg/L) _ O j 0 Z p p j l� 4v,oj p Z0, p *B Concentration (mg/L) L 0. O'L 0 , t?1 C7 0- (71 j Reported mg/L Total Chrome ' . 0 • 0,1 O 0 b Extraction Pressure_( psi) Balance Standardization pH Stqj 13at Q1! 1 g 4.00 Buffer �la'_����r�s 50 g = 'SD 7.00 Buffer-7•00 _ 100 g = 10.00 Buff ei1O•W Efficiency/o--.9-101-�_ Slope_ 59192 WI-ai 7.00 Buffer after sample pHZ07_]AD �a rpm �Gc,p ►ate Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery __ 9 S ,% Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH (Q (O. ck tP Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Canc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc.-'B')]/(Vol. 'A' +Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome <. Calcula�oip0 ��•. �tJ d -6000 3 / 777 7 . Continued on page Signed by Dat at *Coptetlan Reviewed by Date VIR-P Analysis Date' 'me . thod 1311 Page 82, of 100 Notebook No 1 109 Continued fTdm page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC I-bbHING'PROCEDURE (TCLP) —Date and sample Name Initial Sample Volume (ml) 0,9 Initial Sample Weight (grams) J0 0. 5,6"':7" Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 7— -111 Corrected Sample volume (ml) (r&-1, — - 12 - W.- - .1 -,11 . I'll Sample Weight (grams) V. &-'3 77 ,Corrected w ­ Liquid Volume Extract GA! CV Liquid Weight grams) Cl OL- Solid Volume - &7 -s;8iid Weigh t , -7 - do—OdDensity ----------- Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract *B ItA 1. +0 )I A 0 Total Volume Calculated (7At.*B)-- —#2 0 -T) 11' Calculated Amount Fluid. ,�, (rnQ-,, -bate &Tiin-e On Rotating Mixer -,15V0� Date & Time,Off Rotating Mixer Final pH *A Concentration Zo.-010 *B Concentration (mg/L) D i0l 0. —/V Reported mg/L Total Chrome 40- 01 0 -6 Friction Pressure (psi) 6b 55 7 r Balance Standardjzgtjoil pH S Ilzatl Sample g .0 4.00 Buffer Relative % Difference J 0- 1 uffer?DO 6A Spike Recovery B 100 g 10.00 BUffj�d�-_Vb �0-176 Lab Relative % Difference Efficien6oba"?, LQL.A Solid Phase Comp6site Grab Slope cq5' . 7.00 Buffer after sample PH Initial pH F pH trial Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts' wol.N) x (.Q0 nc. 'A') + (Vol. theo.) x (Conc. 'B') I(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B'. theo.) mgf.L,Total Chrome Calculations: VIL P try.. L r Z'? Q-.0401 1.05 Continued on page, 314 Date Date 61 CInPlatiOn. Reviewed by i A 311 Page 83 of too Analysis Date. C) Method '11' Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE,(TC LP) Date and Sample Name will -9 IJ5 Initial Sample Volume (MI) Initial Sample Weight - (grams) 00 -b - fa zoo J oc--j Hang -;Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected sample volume -(mQ Corrected sample eight §!PMS) Liquid Volume Extract W i - (MQ Liquid Weight .,,grams) Solid Volume 5.1 7 Solid Weight De SolIdnsity '2 Solids on,fiIter,----,,.' Weight Is Used (grams),-, -B Theoretical Extract1)•0 11, jl L 22 L.9 Total Volume Calculated (M!B) CalculatedAmount#2 Fluid (MI) -0 —Date —&Tirhei0rf!RqtatIng Date& Time Off Rotating Mixer I 4)' 7 'Final pH- (9. *A Concentration -(Mqfl) o! 3 *8 Concentration (mg/L) 47. 0 4D -ZQ, 0 10 Reported mg/L Total Chrome 6. Extraction Pressure (pqi),�,, 1 0 :5 Saw Balance Standardization -pHV ,S t) ,Sample 1. ON r Relative % Differerice g 4.00 B, to 50 g 7.00 u Merl : v 77 % Spike RecoveryB , CV i00- 10.00 BufferL*�C� -p-Do 9 Lab Relative Diffirence.'��-', EfficiencySolid Phase Slop. Composite Grab 7. 00 Initial pH 7.00 Buffer after sample pH -7 FinalpH MathernaUcal formula for Combined Extracts: JWS 4 [(Vol. hrome, 15`2 - �N) (Conc.- 'A') + (V61:'B' th �.-B')]/(Vol.'A'+Vol4"'B'the6.) rngll-., a��Da°o�b�j��� S eo.) x (Conc -7 Calculations; VC —MLf COn&rN J,( -:tK4AfW1;E0 -OW44.944,Ud" 338 �) Continued on page Date Sign by —:_Da7jof fdrliple1joh Reviewed by M -7 Method 1311 Page g4oflOO r% 'MAnalysis Notebook No.- 1W Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC. LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name o-4W I S_ Initial Sample Volume, (MI) 6 V 10 Initial Sample Weight (grams) Hang-Upin Graduate (grams) ItI.9 ZX 3-S - - Corrected Sample volume jMI) , .ft6�0 aj Corrected Sample Weight (grams) _L07. M, 11 (m Liquid Volume Extract "A'. l) Liquid Weight grams), L? f2 S. Solid Volume t1v 0, Solid Weight Solid Density 91 PIE) Vq Solids on'filter (grams} Weight of Solids Used,-',, (grams) 0 Theoretical !a-74. IV! 'Extract Tota !,Volurrie-Calculated, Calculated Amount #2 Fluid ". _(m 21ey-5, V?' M xe' Date & Time' On,Rotating Mixer I ri Date &Time Off Rotating Mlxer,,,,�e Mixer M Final pH �OA Cdhc6ntratIon �,(mg/ Y (mg *B Concentration (mg/L)­,,, (Mgj IX 10 D-,C) 3U_ 0 TU rome Reported-mg/L Total, Chrome traction Pressure -(psi) 11 71 D 10 b.' Q 3 0 tlo - Balance Standardization -,pH St! Sample 4.00 tluffW Relative % Differe nc6 56 g 0 7.00 % Spike Repovdry bl-1 Relative 00 CO 10-CD Difference 1 00 g 10.00 BuffeQ�_ jo.21 , I Solid Phaas Efficiency 7.00 B Slope 1�6-�n .4A Composite Grab 4 uffer, after sample pl­I7-2_� �J.00 Initial pH 970,71il Final P, r. Mathematical fornriula for ComblMid Extracts: b.Bx 4 39 [(Vol.INx (Cone. 'A') + (Vol:(Vo 'B',thdo.) k,'(CLone. B-) Ovo1. 'A'+ Vol.'W mgI /L— Total Chrome So COcs�, Calculation ' &) .6 +-t, C'f � 91 0-0 ,_ Continued on page Dale f Co*leuoh, Date Rev Igned by Analysis Date:�a4 )IT Method 1311., Page 85 of.100- Notebook i,o.1o9 Continued from page, TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample;Name7V oZ� f initial Sample Volume (MI) Initial Sample Weight (grams) , :'/ 1.% -d(? Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample.Volume (ml} -�°�-,-�- —79 _Corrected Sample Weight (grams);, Liquid Volume'Extract "A" (mq Liquid Weight grams) LA 0a0.qAAV pa - b a. Solid Volume... - :Solid Weight=' Solid Density :_ :33 Solids on filter (grams) 'Weight of Solids Used ; (grams) D ~ _ Theoretical Extract `B Total Volume Calculated {•A+•B} • Caiculated Amount#2 Fluid (ml) Date &_Time`On_ Rotating Mixer Date & Time. Off Rotating Mixer1S- , b 'a;, „ • a - - - .Final pH ' - 'A Concentration (mgJL}' ' -b-091 01'. 9 - t7 D- : 3 'B Concentration Reported mg/L Total Chrome', • O Extraction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH $ -Sample s Relative % Difference 'r g _4 - o 4.00 Buffer, _ .. " �. 50'9 _ . t�= 7.00 Buffer `'t :_' 7 % Spike Recovery 100 g ° 10 Lab Relative % Difference =_= 10.00 BufferlU. Efficiency ID GU•S Solid Phase 3 j Slope t D•b7 59 Qbi- Composite Grab --t 7.00 Buffer aster sample pH ! -bi Inilial pH . Final pH �Q. Mathematical formula for Combined EXtracts: Vol. 'A'} x (Conc._'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo:) x (Conc. 'B')j�(Vof 'A+Vol. 'B'theo. -mg/L Tota Chrome�(- o.�p�.73g3) Calculations- T(-N-. etc; f c ttr�,pr� lile C o •off X qq •s)) -av 3 "-co-(D-b!3x"la� Continued on page Signed by - - Date oion Reviewed by Date page 86 of 100 ialysis Date: � � -/ Method 1311� - - otebook No..1 O9.. Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP)q ite and 'A 'B Extraction H S a d144 Sample Balance Standardization P t g �f.O�i , 4.00 Buffer ~ .. ,"(�" Relative % Difference 50 g = g 7.00 Buffer. '/o Spike Recovery %? - u,. _ " 10:00 Buffer(+i+�� �)b•�� Lab Relative °Ib'D'ffference 100 g 1�� -, Solid Phase /p EM'ciency1.1- .. = pa(j fj, Composite Grab $lo e- ! — Initial pH- 7.00 Buffer after sample pti a Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined, Extracts. ' (Conc. 'A' +(Vol. `B' theo.) x (donc. 'B')} (Vol -'A' + Vol. - B' then.) mgfL Total Chrome b'04� r -I(Vol. A) x (C ) N-H Calculations: olooq�(,i13 n Continued on page— f, Analysis Date: ' ! '' / Method 1311 Page 87 of too Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name i �i:t!1 i�jji 1? Initial Sample Volume (nil) Initial Sample Weight (grams) it, Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Corrected Sample Volume (nil) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (nil) Liquid Weight grams) Solid Volume Solid Weight !) t; ,.. > t i ' i' "a• C'; Solid Density Solids on filler (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Exlract `B Total Volume Calculated ('A+`B) rz L' ti's' -y-� 4; j r, i °,��• Jt Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (nil) 4.!° ( Date & Time On Rotating Mixer i0, Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer : j ,z� •-' , � i't' ► r ` ' +°,_ 3 t '' s � ,r Final pH L,! ,;.( "A Concentration (mg/L) 1�4 , ` 'B Concentration (mg/L) Reported mg/L Total Chrome k,. Extraclion Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH �Sta�t¢ardlzatlon Sample 'jrf,. 1 g = 4.00 Buffer i t.t Relalive % Difference 50 g = 7,00 Buffer % Spike Recovery j " 100 g = 10 00 Buffer f •r ` Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency Solid Phase Slope f' L rj { Composile Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH t (.t Initial pH Final pH Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol, `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' lheo.) x (Conc. 'B')j/(Vol 'A' + Vol 'B' theo) - mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: Signed by Continued on page )'I Date of Completion Reviewed by Date Page ss of too talysis Date _! ,3 Method 9311 ;�� . Continued from page atebook No109 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) de and sample name tial Ti a—] 3rrecteu oai+ii— Drrected Sample 'heoretical txtract o otal Volume Calculal )ate & Time can i )ate & Time Off =inal pH i+���.... 4...♦:ran 'B Goncenirauun Balance Standardization pH StI.anda liiza1! _tt_�!S i. W 1 9 � c • 4.00 Buffer ' 50 g =i Ci 7,00 Buffer ..ram 100 g = L ` ! a 10.00 Buffer Efficiency='� F j 7 Slope GAL " 7,00 Buffer after sample pH 1 1 Sample 1 z Relative % Difference , % Spike Recovery �,411 Lab Relative %Difference < Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH- 4 Final pH 62.1.Z u, Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: = mglL Total Chrome ((Vol. `A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' then.) x (Cone. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo,) Calculations: � � ''� [ �� ;- +�-���'•� ! C Continued on pa9e Date Signed by Da-t-e-bfcoiyiplebon Reviewed by Analysis Date:/�Method 1311 Page 89 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name T .^'i C(�M '?Coo 0 ► 6r`� Initial Sample Volume (ml) j 10100 Initial Sample Weight (grams) 1 m- ! Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) an 0,4D Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) -77-00 Liquid Weight grams) ) 6 Solid Volume Solid Weight 51.01 Solid Density ,9-7 VZIA 11 G Solids on Filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (grams) AtAbQ 48•3 Theoretical Extract 'B Total Volume Calculated ('A+`B) 9G15a to Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer ! 9,6 1 ( Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer joao ram! `! 1S 1000 Y)a2- 6 Final pH •A Concentration (mg/L) 6,11 6, L0- 01 b sa'' LU-010 'B Concentration (mg/L) 0- 012 Q - 04 Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) ' Balance Standardization pH Starrr� r 1 g = 1,0� 4.00 Buffer "0) Wr 10 50 g = _ 50.0U 7.00 Buffer 100 g = ICQDO 10.00 Buffed b -� 0 Efficiency / b I Ia;,4 Slope vie 0, 5t 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-2. oL- 7.0` cl / ?%—La T%.l l r It l L-" Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery % b� Lab Relative % Difference _ d 3 7 Solid Phase Composite cGrab � Initial pH Final pH 0 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: r- [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')J/{Vol. 'A' +Vol. 'B' theo } = mg/L Total Chrome �'��°u Calculations: iq ��,e lcdz - C �.� b.a« �� i (��3 a� b 0110+b&98 i �p {.post � C � Continued on page 19�k !99A 01 j Signed by Dh(eectiftlefion Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: "1 / g% Is- Method 1311 Page 90 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name S' Go 7 Initial Sample Volume (ml) pv V tial Sample Weight (grams) �j $ Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) . a 1 Q 3% &X 3 D• 5 3 Corrected Sample Volume (ml) } r (Q _ c -.41 Sample Weight (grams) 1D� Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) / a/ �`b 00 . W d B9 Liquid Weight grams) ZVI, 3 a- 67. 70 0. Solid Volume to Solid Weight a Solid Density 1 Solids on filter (grams) 0 - 31 1 g Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract "B d`9)0 Total Volume Calculated (`A+'B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) I COQbd 0 0 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer ( $ E 4 Pj Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer �, 1b j'DQ,(d p�31D ov I) Final pH2,1610 "A Concentration (mglL) 0- V1 d Q. "� 010 0-D 10 •B Concentration , (mg/L) ZO Dl 0. -Id41P_ 6 . i Reported mg/L Total Chrome ZO • vl D Extraction Pressure (psi) p SU U Balance Standardization pH Stand r}�jz011-RIls Sample 1 g = 9 00 4.00 Buffer lt ot(te _�� �-f � Relative % Difference ' 50 g = �P,00 7.00 Buffer W -7-W % Spike Recovery /t7a 7 100 g = (7� 10.00 Buffer V.0 It) -OD Lab Relalive % Difference '� • 10a Efficiency 01'1 /01-� Solid Phase Slope G0-i��� '� Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH -1-0 Initial pH Final pNi�- _ (o• Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: O. 13S5hg%�) ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')J/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Tolal Chro Calculations: ,-k - �bS 00 X 0.011)1- 30-010 7 CLf 0-7 4 Y 0 , n 0 V / (J� �50i,11'9 7 `TCt,p cry b —�(Sq�, ���(013�� 1�8�. �) = D. / a a e7,303 5 Continued on page S� Dalf of C mptetion Reviewed by Data 'i Analysis Date: /1, I S / Method 1311 Page 91 of toff Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name Initial Sample Volume (ml) t 7 Initial Sample Weight (grams) ' 3 7�i Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) a� G, t (�•' Corrected Sample Volume (ml) `1 `�` , C ` Corrected Sample Weight (grams) j j• J3 /A } Liquid Volume Extract "A" {mi} (�, . �:C� - L i Liquid Weight grams} Solid Volume Solid Weight j S •2 -!T7 14 Solid Density L qli'3 5 Z L Solids on filter (grams)�- Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract 'B 5 3.i.s r40 V Total Volume Calculated ('A+'B) X-) r'' + , W ,G Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 00 41110. �. L 0 j . I t._ Date & Time On Rotating Mixer /Li � C j �° L� 5- 3 L, Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer p . fi ' v 5 aj' lc i Cb Final pH I, .'Z�l I, e- 'A Concentration (mg/L) 40. V to LA • b 0 L 0• 0 j 0 'B Concentration (mg/L) p, 0 073 G 0. Ol D Reported mg1L Total Chrome D. 06 V Z L D. 01 O Extraction Pressure (psi) (' _.3C Balance Standardization 1 = L pH Standardization./ S, 4.00 Buff er `tc�� i,om= Li g 50 g = C C 7.00 Buffer _7LL 100 g 10.00 Buff erz� t 1 L Cl� Efficiency Slope tG���1'' 0 0 � L*�! 7.00 Buffer after sample pH'-7 Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: Sample Relative % Difference -7• -3 % Spike Recovery 10 2 • 7 Lab Relative % Difference /• 1y Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH l� ((Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')jl(Voi. 'A' + Vol. 'B' ttheo.)/= mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: 1 (DVIAQ0S,Je- ��Li55.2ux�•O J f `J���.�0) 4.0�4tD�{Q�D��� TCUV tPN41Y5l�e'bgVCc e —((q- 19.4a�13,6137��{ Continued on page Signed by Date f mplelion Reviewed by Date .nalysis Date:/ / Method 1311 Page 92 of 100 totebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) ate and Sample Name , itial Sample Volume (MI) itial Sample Weight (grams) i ) j j -i ) ang-Up in Graduate (grams) orrected Sample Volume (ml) orrected Sample Weight (grams) 1 L quid Volume Extract "A" (ml) quid Weight grams) ( '2:[ 7 slid Volume % "'}L •._� 7 !i •`zt." slid Weight `� J I - �. 7 Y� :)lid Density '.J ` j) Aids on filter (grams) Jeight of Solids Used (grams) j Lf ; •'-; ieoretical Extract 'B Aal Volume Calculated ('A+-B) alculated Amount 92 Fluid (ml) " ° . (i ` (, (� 1 ate & Time On Rotating Mixer Ir 1,:) 21 1 it,7 ` j / - • t, ) I ate & Time Off Rotating Mixer I p 13 O 3 Q b nal pH 1 Concentration (mg/L) L6 . V) ti G o. o i (D a• O I O i Concentration (mg/L) tED . (fig . V24 b • p 19 eported mg/L Total Chrome (j 6, b xtraction Pressure (psi) `, �ti 7• `� -- m G Balance Standardization pH Standardlzati&,)�fjs Sample 1 g = ' 4.00 Buffer, , l t 2; Relative % Difference 50 g = `r 7.00 Buffer t' I.� '7.00% Spike Recovery 100 g = 1 + t 10.00 Buffer 0 '00 Lab Relative % Difference D ,::7y7 Efficiency �' !Ol Solid Phase Slope ro 4 Composite Grab� 7.00 Buffer after sample pH - 7 D, Initial pH �� ��:10 Final pH (.0.-j !e b •`1S Aathematical formula for Combined Extracts: or') [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo) - mg/L Total Chrome :alculations: , Cq &o\N! %Ae.-e( w 0bj0-b6q )� (= b •oWW�153 .� t.,��t�•��St�-e`�`� i.(.�, `'� l �f ' ��(� ' o� � � j { �3� •�d) , b ' � l4(o151-7 V 03 (I ned by Dale of ampletion Continued on page - Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: /� q i15' Method 1311 Page 93 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERI�,TIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name td1 ,sqj 1 12 T s Initial Sample Volume (ml) j 00 t7 o ,C) Initial Sample Weight (grams) oa p0 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) �j• a- b D _ i'a Corrected Sample Volume (ml) Corrected Sample Weight (grams) p . / i O % ia_ 3 VS. 51 Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) .0(2 Liquid Weight grams) {�-'7 `rag 03 Solid Volume t V1 q. t!a © 3 Solid Weight 22.42 • S 49 - ? Solid Density Clai 2. to-2-13 Solids on filter (grams) C;V. �2 (. . 3 Weight of Solids Used (grams) Pa . 47 Theoretical Extract "B 41 (). U Total Volume Calculated ('A+"B) •) 0 2 Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) ( 00 1 po v , $ d 3006 'D Date & Time On Rotating Mixer g KID b 11T 14)V (6119 1,1T Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer p a .j Dos- p 0b T / DR�1S / o r-Final pH S9 E-Y ) •A Concentration (mg/L) 0. p l L, D I a • bt D b •B Concentration (mg/L) D, D I t7 L V. p t 0 -1 D. O I D G a- Ol D Reported mg/L Total Chrome V• O t 0 <' b_ 010 p. U I Z6.01 Extraction Pressure (psi) SO 50 Sv 5 Balance Standardization pH Stan ar ization jo�A, Ia W11� 1 g = -00 4.00 Buffer Q' W co - 50 g = Sb•DO 7.00 Buffer7Lw -1.cb 100 g = 100•C70 10.00 Bufferl0•a� 10•tP Efficiency /DZ • (yZ• 2 Slope k44 LL-44. 7.00 Buffer after sample pH T00 70) Samp e Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery % Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Q • 2-� i�� • 3 i Final pH %• T`I Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B'))/(Vol, 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: r Signed by d. Continued on page Reviewed by Date n Analysis Date: 2� Method 1311 Page 94 of 100 / 1 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Balance Standardization pH Sta9�1 lizILn 1 = 1. pD 9 4.00 Buffer 50 g = 5-0 IV 7.00 Buffer I• V6 2V 100 = tDO 00 10.00 BufferlyCo 0*0 g Efficiency /pa, —I( Slope led +C1 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 0 Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH - 3 2 Fina{ pH (d. $b Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. °A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) - mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: ba Continued on page_ 10 1 z" S pat f C mplebon Reviewed by Date o I� Method 1311 a 95 of too Pa Analysis Date:,! / g Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) )ate and Sample Name ( La J&"n nitial Sample Volume (MI) vvi��iA nitial Sample Weight (grams) 7, j -tang-Up in Graduate (grams) nBI 30 Q41 .,orrected Sample Volume (MI) cn.-7 '.orrected Sample Weight (grams) j -iquid Volume Extract "A' (ml)�' �% g , DU -iquid Weight grams) 0., 43Z 03,1019 Solid Volume . D Solid Weight I G. 6A$. D Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) 533-91, Neight of Solids Used (grams) (% Q- a- rheoretical Extract 'B D rota) Volume Calculated (`A+'B) D l 'alculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) • 00 late & Time On Rotating Mixer Q 11.1 lk Z 1, 14, late & Time Off Rotating Mixer IOBtS L ( 3 US1S� tl �$b =final pH 1 .1 'A Concentration (mg/L) Q 'B Concentration (mg/L) I 19 0 Reported mg/L Total Chrome Extraction Pressure (psi) 77 —A_,. Balance Standardization pH Sta���iFjdIzat�p3r� r Sample 1 g = . pb 4.00 Buffer.�li(�J• 7 _ 11 jttj��AA� Relative %Difference �� 50 g = "00- 7.00 Buffer -LIDO • 00 % Spike Recovery I QU• -7 100 g = i' 00 •Q� 10.00 BufferiDJOD / p , 0 Lab Relative % Difference d ' �3 Efficiency lai`7_-% 2- b Solid Phase Slope �•� �(J,(�13 Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH7 00 Initial pH Z.3\ Final pH 6-W (0�Z Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: D• 3L9 ) (ba -7 g [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B'))/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome v o,o. 4b Calculations: ��--� 5 'ic ' � � - D x ��� �" a34)�/(3 ( „"pvs; "��•-pti cue Cqs cx��C D 91 b 4 ls�i +C l,,1(0. cY 6-no i ( -1no. D)7a aDaV37 IN "`UUU���•••��, Signed by Date pietion Continued on page Reviewed by Date Analysis Date: Method 1311 Page 46 of 100 , / 1 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Balance Standardization pH Stal, a!,ratl �iS A 0 1 g = �(� 4.00 Buffer 4-- Lei 50 g = 7.00 Buffer'E' �t� _ 100 g = �� " �� 10.00 Buffer,[) Efficiency I&E V _JLZ-� Slope to A� -(; , 7.00 Buffer after sample O I I - W Sample Relative % Difference _ % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite G�rabb Initial pH �vt _ -(-.�I ( i Final pH i 1 6 - �— Mathematicat formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. `A') x (Conc. `A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')] J(Vol. 'A" + Vol. 'B` theo) = mg/L Total Chrome Calculations: f Signed by Datl—of—C-4nipletion Continued on page Reviewed by Date M ialysis Date: 1.1 /II/ 1'� Method 1311 Page 97 of I oo 3tebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) to and Sample Name ial Sample Volume (ml) °,L, L �, r _h ial Sample Weight (grams) L itr •r �•'. ng-Up in Graduate (grams)' y .3 LAY rrected Sample Volume (ml) rrected Sample Weight (grams)�� uid Volume Extract "A" (ml) L uid Weight grams) YI.4 lid Volume id Weight 7� id Density -'� t, n{ ids on filter (grams) j tJ eight of Solids Used (grams) /1:. c :oretical Extract 'e 21i� al Volume Calculated ('A+•B) culated Amount !#2 Fluid (ml) 1 �C' " _; =, � � 2- L r-, 1 4C :e & Time On Rotating Mixer I j/] 7 s- ' IC I } �PV t (I I ; 41 � :e & Time Off Rotating Mixer 1' i5 y"6 Ir /` G� - ,f) al pH ri (o l L (F loncentration (mg/L) rat , i i / i , k. .:oncentration (mg/L) L l L ' ► (. it )orted mg/L Total Chrome raction Pressure (psi) C''C 60141111tiv Qianuara1iau0n prn aianaatzaa n 1 g = i i. 4.00 Buffer ,r• —�f.'� 50 g = r.;t: {,l 7.00 Buffer 1009 = t , �, %fir 10.00 Buffer L Efficiency Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 1 -7.0 Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery ! { Lab Relative % Difference l t Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH V-16,39_ Final pH -N &. SLR thematical formula for Combined Extracts: Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome culations: Signed by Dale & CtOtetion Continued on page Reviewed by Date I Page yo ul I vv 23 j� Method 1311 alysis Date: i — Continued from p38e TCLP) tebook No. 109 CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE ( TOXICITY ` S ..'( t it T- l1 S to and Sample Name le volume ;ial sample y tial Sample Weight {grams) 11 & S`t U in Graduate (grams) �rrected Sample volume (m� l M 2 to. u J `L! Sample Weight {grams) l C, , c- orrected Samp �z . D quid Volume Extract "A" (ml) 'U J iquid Weight grams) 5 W ;olid Volume iL iolid Weight iolid Density 1 % CO L solids on filter {grams} .ci Jtleight of Solids Used (grams)0 a`� �„� {✓- Theoretical Extract -B Total Volume Calculated ( ount#2 FEuid Calculated Am(ml} 4 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer pate & Time Off Rotating Mixer ( �, Final pH (mglL) l• 'A Concentration (mg/L) -B Concentration �; ` U Reported mglL Total Chrome =-. rnntiOn Pressure (psi) pH S f� a �l ?ak1 ,Gp Balance Standardization rs J;''.G'—cY- } �; c► 4.00 Buifer4 - _. 1 g 7.00 Buffer 7_ ('�-L 50 9 ---r G' L ► c� l i • 10.00 Buffer(�� — 100 g -ram Efficiency Slope 7.00 Buffer after sample pH' 110 . s� 41 L, Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery--- C Lab Relative % Difference Solid Phase Composite �G� rab� Initial pH- -- Final pH ��— Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: - mg/L Total Chrome ((Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')jhVol. 'A' + Val. 'B' theo.} Calculatlons: Continued on page-- S t 1 ! Date eion Reviewed by Date Compf igned by Analysis Datej_ka�j!� Method 1311 Page 99 of too Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) late and Sample Name BiAnIL TG+-� (L� T 3o SIsm -8`1 (.- 11 3 - l 30 iitial Sample Volume (ml) p v D iitial Sample Weight (grams) // o. a 3 a tang -Up in Graduate {grams} b , ,5 .orrected Sample Volume (ml) SS' c S orrected Sample Weight (grams) 9 8c1 j q 1 a3 b iquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) (e_ pv o. SQ j. , 06 iquid Weight grams) 5 5 .00 olid Volume r? .5-0 1 a olid Weight olid Density a. ? olids on filter (grams) /eight of Solids Used (grams) qp 04 ieoretical Extract "B b :)tal Volume Calculated (•A+'B) aiculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Qb p Q b ate & Time On Rotating Mixer t ` I a ate &Time Off Rotating Mixer e 2 i t7$� c�rzr nal pH � l ,Concentration (mg/W 0, ) (} b Di V , D t V L o 01 Concentration (mg/L) Lb. p I D -Ip 1 p --,, D p LtZ Of D ;ported mg/L Total Chrome .Gb. I Q b. b l D l :traction Pressure (psi)5f2 D v 6 Balance Standardization pH Stop „it� tip, 1-r 1`�f/D 1 9 = TOO 4.00 Buffer 4' u 50 g = 5,00 7.00 Buffer 1-Co pU 100 g = 00,CO 10.00 Buffed DX)) /b. &D Efficiency ! D1.T ' -S Slope 0.0i 00.0 7.00 Buffer after sample pH1-�-�'Q1 athematical formula for Combined Extracts: ram' WY) 'a Z-Cf rvf6&-tzv1 Sample Relative % Difference �— % Spike Recovery _ %OO. 01 Lab Relative % Difference 6 -7 V Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH g- rota g-jo Final pH �j�� &, iip-:1 ;(Vol. `A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')1/(Vot. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome ticulations: &AA0W- Signed by Continued on page q ate f C p etion Reviewed by Date -P, nalysis Date/2_/j_/%r Method 1311 Page too of Ioo otebook No.109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) tie and Sample Name 7 tial Sample Volume (ml) /vU pJ tial Sample Weight (grams) tng-Up in Graduate (grams) )rrected Sample Volume (ml) wrected Sample Weight (grams) • / ,`(, 4 11 tuid Volume Extract "A' (ml) qV 60 la tuid Weight grams} 07.7.f} (07 S )lid Volume )lid Weight )lid Density ,C1 I �- ?.$U )lids on filter (grams) /S.70 I b 019--) 0&. eight of Solids Used (grams) ieoretical Extract 'B stal Volume Calculated ("A+•B) VU`30 rlculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) .SCE so )te & Time On Rotating Mixer ? 14 t a 1 a ? 1S ite & Time Off Rotating Mixer S b'20 a- g Y Cr6 's j.r oeu ial pH (bl I Concentration (mg/L) p. Dk -0} L0-OkD Concentration (mg/L) 0 p, o4u D Ol D :ported mg/L Total Chrome (� p- tJ Z O - traction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH S �h Sample 1 g = % ° 6c, 4.00 Buffer ! 4 Relative % Difference 50 g = 5 00 7.00 Buffer 'IV -7 00 % Spike Recovery 100 g = 10.00 Buff�aLO /y'W Lab Relative % Difference D - Efficiency tttil 0' %_I•� Soidd Phase t Slope vo-I ir04 Composite Grab q 7.00 Buffer after sample pH L..v — ^7• tD Initial pH 2 •a 2 2 f Final pl-�,Ij� I athematicai formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B'))%(VoI. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Total Chrome alculatlons: j C (--� �N�r ��re. �/.3�q•DOXD.030) � J � �b�. �0�� ►, TLLf f,� os;�e � ��� -'�(3�0�u)( 0 u'to) Continued on page Reviewed by Analysis Date: 1� / !4 / 15, Method 1311 Page I of 100 Notebook No. lag Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name fcq VI kP Initial Sample Volume (ml) OC7 00 Initial Sample Weight (grams) _ Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) 4 Q. Corrected Sample Volume (ml) 6)'1 (p$ Corrected Sample Weight (grams) I 11. V 113 - L1� Liquid Volume Extract "A" (MI) jp, Liquid Weight grams) -79 lb Solid Volume 19 Solid Weight Solid Density ] '� Solids on filter (grams) Weight of Solids Used (gra 401b Theoretical Extract 'B t� �`� Total Volume Calculated (`A+`B) O Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) Date & Time On Rotating Mixer I0 12 JA4 MR) Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer b$ f 6 r ' Z Final pH "An SAD *A Concentration (mg/L) (0 0.0(1 40 . G 1 'B Concentration (mg/L) d { W9 0- Reported mg/L Total Chrome P. jt5JS 0 / D Extraction Pressure (psi) S C ' • Balance Standardization pH Sla dhardiatM s Sample 1 g = 1-C)d4.00 Buffer// 6 Relative % Difference •5-7 50 g = So •DD 7.00 Buffer-V)Z % Spike Recovery 100,0 100 g = j0o r,� 10,00 Buffef O.L17 10 -CO Lab Relative % Difference Efficiency i.2 i -`� /CZ Z ' Solid Phase Slope &d. ).S (00L6 Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH-1-ip 7-01 Initial pH ��_ 1 IF Final pH (0• 1YI _ Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: D; 1ya-457531 ((Vol. 'A') x (Cone. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo_) x (Cone. '8')]/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' thefo.) = mg/L Total Chrome ) j Calculations:—, u -Tccp - Ttq Uy,-� &H, dMA 2 Signed by Date of m letion Continued on page_ Reviewed by Date , Analysis Date: /� 1.21 1 /5— Method 1311 Page 2 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and Sample Name ``"p' " °,27�11` S• I Initial Sample Volume (ml) Initial Sample Weight (grams) Co ;) r,1 j, A 3 /Co 13.75 Hang -Up in Graduate (grams) Q. a q Corrected Sample Volume (MI) S Corrected Sample Weight (grams) Liquid Volume Extract "A" (ml) ij Q 1 Q, 5 W 5 Liquid Weight grams) bZ q. b Solid Volume i Solid Weight Solid Density Solids on filter (grams) .O a Weight of Solids Used (grams) Theoretical Extract 'B 9D- Q2 AZ r�3 "� b� Total Volume Calculated ('A+'B) Calculated Amount #2 Fluid (ml) 70 2 Date & Time On Rotating Mixer 174 [ k I� 2 L I Date & Time Off Rotating Mixer osls- G$15 1 Final pH 'A Concentration (mg/L) 'B Concentration (mg/L) -- Reported mg1L Total Chrome I vl Extraction Pressure (psi) D �` Balance Standardization I g _ /, C)D 50g = 5C�'0" pH Sta,S%rd I fQ�l1�/S 4.00 Buffer Co 7.00 Buffer 7 0 100 g = %c.'C' 10.00 Buffe% w to-UL) v•�1 Iv\��t l.+' t Jam.. i Sample Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery Lab Relative % Difference_ h `W Efficiencio;L-3 l� Solid Phase Slope ca5-1 51-M Composite Grab 7.00 Buffer after sample pH 101 1.01) Initial pH a 3o )-!S�� Final pH �� CqcM Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: 11FBC,to4614L, y ,z,1. [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')J/(Vol. 'A' + Vol. 'B' theo) = mgl"hromeCalculations: t0 Uhl � ' UT7 •UQ �• 1445)+ l.`Tr�I, Q c� � � j C�,Ptt b-".31)j L� r J Da�11 4,C on Continued on page v Reviewed by Date it i Analysis Date: jot 10-q / �'S Method 1311 Page 3 of 100 Notebook No. 109 Continued from page TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE (TCLP) Date and S�m`pleName- ` WWA _ i rl I •' U. Ir—C'i-q—u—id Weight grams) Solid Volume -:� Solids an filter (grams) Theoretical Ex- i � Cum e - . .• l�r/ ' � �_ _ ' � A � lam Fiinal PH Concentration —&—traction Pressure (psi) Balance Standardization pH StI,llyl�a�rc�iE�I�� 1 g = , by 4.00 Bufferr(( /,��D J-t 50 g = 9- tea 7.00 Buffer -----0�-� '11 100 g = /0Q - tV 10.00 Buffer%o -OU a-W Efficiency 1D/- ( jy,? Slope 0 -V�A 60-'-3 7.00 Buffer after sample pH7-t)b sw - %-vt . -. 1 --• . v- , - -.0 1 Sample S. `-1 Relative % Difference % Spike Recovery I b &. 4 Lab Relative % Difference _y. 3. Solid Phase Composite Grab Initial pH Final pH--- ti Mathematical formula for Combined Extracts: [(Vol. 'A') x (Conc. 'A') + (Vol. 'B' theo.) x (Conc. 'B')J1(Vol. IN + Vol. 'B' theo.) = mg/L Tc p 0 Calculations: -TCLp6- 0-7921 Aw-� I Signed by Dalf of Cqnpletion Continued on page Reviewed by Date ,s Annual Full TCLP and ICR Analytical Results 0 l_1bPrfiy ^r-ia1yt-1cc=31 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project: SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379.4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Water 09/16/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample Id: Analysis: Lab Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY EPA 9034 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY 9014 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY EPA 1010A 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY EPA 9040B/9040C 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Signature: Name: Susan Bass Date: 10/05/2015 Libc rYy Ar-�a�ytica� Title: Chemist III �N ACCO9 Q � U 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 Page 1 of 28 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 28 Liberty Analytical Corp. 501 Madison Avenue Cary, NC 27513 SDG NARRATIVE SDG # 1509040 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 20I I+ The 1 liquid sample was received intact, at 23.5°C, with proper documentations, in sealed shipping containers, on September 17, 2015. The samples were scheduled for the requested analysis of corrosivity, ignitability, reactive cyanide, and reactive sulfide. The sample was analyzed, in accordance with current EPA methods, for the analytes requested as per the COC, with the exceptions and/or additions requested by the client. SA.MPLE EDs: The cover page contained in this package lists the client ID's and the associated CompuChem numbers which are part of this SDG. INSTRUMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL: All calibration verification solutions (ICV & CCV) and blanks (ICB &CCB) associated with this data were confirmed to be within allowable limits. SAMPLE PREPARATION QUALITY CONTROL - The sample preparation procedure verifications (LCS & Blank) were found to be within acceptable ranges. The sample was analyzed within holding time. IV14T RELATED QUALITY CONTROL: No matrix spikes were requested for this sample. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Furthermore, I certify that the tests used in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standards unless otherwise stated in the SDG narrative or QA notice. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the computer -readable data submitted on diskette has been authorized, y the Laboratory Manager or his/her designee, as verified by the following signature. Susan W. Bass Senior Chemist October 5, 2015 Page 3 of 28 Liberty Analytical Liberty AnaMical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 10013, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 4 of 28 Liberty Analytical WET CHEMISTRY DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS_ On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for, not detected and is reported as less than the Method Detection Limit (MDL) (or as defined by the client). The Reporting Limit (RL), or Limit of Quantitation (LOQ), and the MDL will be adjusted to reflect any dilution or concentration of the sample and, for soils, the percent moisture. This flag indicates the reported result is an estimated value. The flag is used when an analyte is detected and the result is less than the adjusted RL/LOQ but equal to or greater than the MDL. Q : This flag denotes that one or more quality control criteria have failed (e.g., LCS recovery, Continuing Calibration Verification, or CCV) and reanalyses can't be performed. The Q flag is applied to all specific analyte(s) in all samples associated with the failed quality control criteria. B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated method or calibration blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. D: This flag is applied to an analyte when the reported result is based on a dilution. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. The extensions: D, S, and SD ' are added to the end of the Client ID and represent the following: D — Matrix Duplicate S — Matrix Spike SD — Matrix Spike Duplicate Revision 0 (03-15-2011) Page 5 of 28 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples in the Work Order/SDG. Page 6 of 28 CHAIN OF CUSTODY 13343 Page of _ CompuChem 501 Madison Ave. a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Cary, NC 27513 Phone: 919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 Courier Airbiu No. Sampling Com lete? Y or N w, ..� ,-.A, r;?a,•,� -'.,. .�,-,-, �G. <�z�, btf49iii�'o`�r�a::�t :,�';t .����f�Rr. Sis`�+iJf'cJ,�rder."• r3dalt�';hoftict 't c.'. �j�r Company m ^ Project Name _ } . Q t(J GW - Ground water WW - Waste water SW - Surface water SO - Soil/Sediment TB - Trip Blank RI - Rinsate WP - Wipe 0 - Other Address 5y I I �w 'SpSampling L Location City State Zip Turnaround time Project ontact t Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID? Phone # ' a .7 Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals? Y or N Sampler's Name Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? a• a a`h � r_ti Field ID Collection Matrix 5 #of bottles Number of Preserved Bottles Date Time U x z z x N x w O WIZ' WIG-K 0TZ, 3C 11616 011G QT5 NIL Ss' Sample Unpacked By: Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine? Y r NA 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine? Y A LW4 Im Npif'9092241V Sample Order Ent B eJ 1 Samples Received in Good Co ttio ? Y r N 609 samples checked for H between 5.0-9.0? Y NA Samples Received in Good Covt-ovIf no explain:§. d 1+ si>Sam 7e'Cnstod Relin uished b Date/Time: Received by: Dateffime: Relinquished b Daterl ime: Received by;,,Date/Time: Subcontact? Y o N f es, where? Custod Seal(s) intact Y r N On Ice? Y N Cooler Temp: °C Samples stored 60 ays cr date report mailed at no extra charge. `/ White -ow copy to lata • I'InK copy for customer ., C,N I fO 2008 THU 01:23 PM NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 if residuals Senerated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are insufficient to require a surface disposal events during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit (e.g. no surface disposal occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The Permittee shalt submit an annual report, as required in condition IV. 9., even in the event that no surface disposal events occur during an entire year, the annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Only residuals that am generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt fmm this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. Tlva TCLP analysis shall inchide the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in millisrarns per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichloroba=m (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroetha= (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichlomethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) F idrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (,rod it. hr4a-we) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0). Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) TrichImethylerle (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroetbane. (3.0) 2,4,5-Tiiehlorophenol (400.0) in -Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Tzichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindan (0.4) 2,4,5-17 (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxycblor (10.0) 2,4-D-(10.0). Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approved residuals source -generating fhallity listed in Condition 1. 4. shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability (Le., leaehate frout a TCLP analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. Kjab sOne per month, minimum. b.Co=osite samule: One per month, minimum. The results of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years and shall be submitted on it yearly basis to the following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office NCDENR-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Shod Version 070815 Page, 6 of 10 Page 8 of 28 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received: 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By: Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 IJ & B Flags?: YES I TICS?: NO I Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only I EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL I Metals ND to? MDL Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!!*TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC, PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081B Pest 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList =GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 9 of 28 METHOD DETECTION AND REPORTING LIMITS Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: WATER Instrument: Buret Analyte MDL RL Units Method Reactive Cyanide 18.7 250 mg/L 9014 Reactive Sulfide 27.8 250 mg/L EPA 9034 Liberty .Ar�alyfilcal O �N ACC09 O Q � c.� v � Page 10 of 28 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 9014 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092208-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: WLCSNN Batch: 5092208 SPIKE LCS LCS QC ADDED CONCENTRATION % Q LIMITS ANALYTE (mF/L) (mg/L) REC. REC. Reactive Cyanide 1000 62.4 J 6.24 2 - 37 LlbPrty Ar�alyticai N A C C p 90-1 U � Page 11 of 28 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 9014 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092208-BSD1 Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: WLCSDNN Batch: 5092208 SPIKE LCSD LCSD QC LIMITS ADDED CONCENTRATION % % ANALYTE (mom) (mg/L) REC. # RPD # RPD Q REC. Reactive Cyanide 1000 74.9 J 7.49 18.2 20 7 2 - 37 w LidG rty Analytical ACCp9p9� U 3 Page 12 of 28 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092209-BSI Matrix: Water EPA 9034 SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: WLCSNO Batch: 5092209 SPIKE LCS LCS QC ADDED CONCENTRATION % Q LIMITS ANALYTE (m8L) (mg/L) REC. REC. Reactive Sulfide 1000 351 35.1 32.3 - 75 t_Ib2rYy Ar�r�lytical ��O N A C C p 909 U x = Page 13 of 28 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY EPA 1010A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092210-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: WLCSNP Batch: 5092210 SPIKE LCS LCS QC ADDED CONCENTRATION % Q LIMITS ANALYTE (degree F) (degree F) REC. REC. Ignitability by Flashpoint 81.00 81.3 100 97 - 103 4� 1 l_IbPrry A�alytical ��O N A C C p 90q� Page 14 of 28 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092220-BSI Matrix: Water EPA 904OB19040C SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: WLCSMP Batch: 5092220 SPIKE LCS LCS QC ADDED CONCENTRATION % Q LIMITS ANALYTE (pH Units) (pH Units) REC. REC. Corrosivity-pH 6.820 6.80 99.7 97 - 101 LII�Prty Ar�c�lyfiical A C C p 909� U w U � Page 15 of 28 DUPLICATES EPA 1010A SLURRY TO QUARRYDUP Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092210-DUP1 % Solid: NA Matrix: Water Lab Source ID: 1509040-01 Source Sample: SLURRY TO OUARR) SAMPLE DUPLICATE CONTROL CONCENTRATION CONCENTRATION RPD Q ANALYTE LIMIT (degree F) (degree F) % METHOD Ignitability by Flashpoint 20 >140 >140 0.00 EPA 1010A Libc rfiy Lir�alyfilCal �N ACC09 U U � Page 16 of 28 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY 9014 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092208 Matrix: Water Preparation: Chapter 7 Prep SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (mL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 PBNN 5092208-BLKI 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 WLCSNN 5092208-BS 1 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 WLCSDNN 5092208-BSDI 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 w LlbPrty Ar-ialytical �N ACCp9 Q � Page 17 of 28 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 9034 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092209 Matrix: Water Preparation: Chapter 7 Prep SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (mL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 PBNO 5092209-BLKI 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 WLCSNO 5092209-BSI 09/30/15 09:05 10.0 10.0 t_IbPrty Ar�alytical �N ACCOR F U Page 18 of 28 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 1010A Client: ELEMENCIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092210 Matrix: Water Preparation: Default Prep WC SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/25/15 14:20 WLCSNP 5092210-BS 1 09/25/15 14:20 SLURRY TOQUARRYDUP 5092210-DUPI 09/25/1514.20 Lib�rfiy Arialytical �o �N ACCOgO9 2 tea. U U � Page 19 of 28 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 904OB19040C Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 201 l+ Batch: 5092220 Matrix: Water Preparation: Default Prev WC SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/22/15 15:45 WLCSMP 5092220-BS l 09/22/15 15:45 Libc-=rfiV Arialytical \ N A,� C O 9,, � F Q � U Page 20 of 28 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 1509040-01 % Solid: ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 201 l+ Matrix: Water Sampled: 09/16/15 SLURRY TO QUARRY Received: 09/17/15 CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (pH Units) NIDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed CORROSIVI Corrosivity-pH 8.78 1 EPA904013/9040C 5123005 9/22/15 15:45 CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (mg/L) MDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed RCYAN Reactive Cyanide 18.7 250 l U 9014 5130007 9/30/15 13:47 RSULF Reactive Sulfide 27.8 250 l U EPA 9034 5130008 9/30/15 905 CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (degree F) MDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed IGNIT Ignitability by Flashpoint >140 1 EPA 1010A 5125010 9/25/15 14:20 Libc rty Ar�alyilcal \N Acco9 ti io U 'Lr U Q = Page 21 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PBNN Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092208-BLKI Matrix: Water CAS NO. Aealyte COOL (mg([.) MDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed RCYAN Reactive Cyanide M7 250 1 U 9014 5130007 1 9/30/15 13:41 w t_IbPrty Ar�alytical �O �N ACCO�gp! F U U � Page 22 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET WLCSNN Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092208-BSI Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (mg/L) NIDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed RCYAN Reactive Cyanide 62.4 18.7 250 1 J 9014 5130007 9/30/15 13.43 Llbt t'ty Ar�alytical \N ACC09 U � U -{ 2 Page 23 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET WLCSDNN Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092208-BSDI SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte Conc. (mg/L.) NIDL I Rt, 1 1).F. I QJ Method Sequence I Analyzed RCYAN Reactive Cyanide 74 9 18.7 250 1 J 9014 5I30007 9/30/15 13:45 (yam 1 LIbF+rty Ar-�c9lytical \N A,CCO 9o9 O tiL v ¢ 2 Page 24 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET PBNO Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092209-BLK1 Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (mg/L) MDL RL D.F. I Q I Method Sequence Analyzed RSULF Reactive Sulfide 27.8 250 1 U EPA 9034 5130008 9/30/15 905 Lit�c sty Ar�alytical \N ACCO9 U a _ Page 25 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET WLCSNO Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092209-BSI SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte Conc. (mg/L) MIJL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed RSULF Reactive Sulfide 351 27.8 250 1 EPA 9034 J5130008 9/30/15 905 (Z� 1 Liberty Ar�alytical 0� \N ACCOgo9 c.� U � Page 26 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET WLCSNP Client: ELEMENtIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092210-BSI Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte COOL. (degrees NIUI. NI. ILF. Q Method Sequence Analyzed IGNIT lgnitability by Flashpoint 81.3 1 EPA 1010A 5125010 925;15 1�20 Ltt�Prfiy Ar,alyfiical �N ACC09 U � _ Page 27 of 28 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET W LCSMP Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5092220-BSl Matrix: Water CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (pH Units) MDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed CORROSIVI Corrosivity-pH 6.80 1 EPA 9040B/9040C 1 5123005 1 9/22/15 15.45 Liberty Ar-ialytical �N ACCp C- Page 28 of 28 0 L1bPrt-y Arialyl-ical 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project: SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Water 09/16/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample Id: Analysis: Lab Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY EPA 7470A 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY EPA 6010C 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. C`'� Susan Bass Signature: Name: Date 10/05/2015 Liberty Arialyfiical Title: Chemist III \N ACCOR r 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 Page 1 of 20 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 20 Liberty Analytical Corp. 501 Madison Avenue Cary, NC 27513 Client: ELEIMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ The indicated Sample Delivery Group (SDG) consisting of one (1) sample was received into the laboratory information management system (LIMS) on September 17, 2015 intact and in good condition with the Chain of Custody (COC) Records in order, unless otherwise noted in any attachments or Quality Assurance Notices. The sample's temperature was 23.5 degrees Celsius. Temperature was recorded by IR temperature gun. The sample was prepared and analyzed in accordance with SW846/60 I OC/7470A methodology for the requested RCRA metals and mercury. EQUATIONS FOR LIQUID SAMPLE CALCULATIONS: Equation for obtaining metals sample results in ug/L as presented on Analysis Data Sheet data sheets from ICP instrument acquired results in µg/L (ppb). C x F I Where C = concentration (ug/L) F = final volume in liters after sample preparation I = initial volume in liters Example: Barium for sample SLURRY TO QUARRY 48.7376 µg/L (C) x 0.05 L (F) = 48.74 ug/L reported as 48.7 ug/L 0.05 L (1) INSTRUMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL: All calibration verification solutions (ICV & CCV) and blanks (ICB, & CCB) associated with this data were confirmed to be within SW-846 methodology. Page 3 of 20 SAMPLE PREPARATION QUALITY CONTROL: The sample preparation procedure verifications (LCSW & PBW) were found to be within acceptable ranges and the field sample was prepared and analyzed within the contract specified holding times. MATRIX RELATED QUALITY CONTROL: No matrix spikes were requested for this sample. A five -fold serial dilution of sample, CCN = SDI1509040-01 (SLURRY TO QUARRYL) was performed in accordance with SW-846 requirements for ICP analysis. The adjusted sample concentration was inside control limits. I certify that the tests used in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standards unless otherwise stated in the SDG narrative or QA notice. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the computer -readable data submitted on CD has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his/her designee, as verified by the following signature. Susan W. Bass Senior Chemist October 5, 2015 Page 4 of 20 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 5 of 20 Liberty Analytical INORGANIC DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. In the absence of specific qualifiers in the analytical method requested, the laboratory utilizes EPA CLP qualifiers. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for, not detected and is reported as less than the Method Detection Limit (MDL) (or as defined by the client). The Reporting Limit (RL), or Limit of Quantitation (LOQ), and the MDL will be adjusted to reflect any dilution or concentration of the sample and, for soils, the percent moisture. This flag indicates the reported result is an estimated value. The flag is used when an analyte is detected and the result is less than the adjusted RL/LOQ but equal to or greater than the MDL. Q : This flag denotes that one or more quality control criteria have failed (e.g., LCS recovery, Continuing Calibration Verification, CCV, and interference check standards for ICP-AES/ICP- MS) and reanalyses can't be performed. The Q flag is applied to all specific analyte(s) in all samples associated with the failed quality control criteria. B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated method or calibration blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. D: This flag is applied to an analyte when the reported result is based on a dilution. This flag is applied to a target analyte when any QC acceptance criterion has not been met for that analyte. The flag appears on the reporting form of the associated QC analysis. The flag is applied if matrix spike recoveries are out of control limits and the sample result is < 4X the spike added. The flag is also applied if duplicates are out of control. If both sample and duplicate values are > 5X RL, then the RPD must be < 20%. If either value (sample or duplicate) is < 5X RL, the absolute difference between the values has to be < CRQL to be in control. This flag is also applied to outliers in the serial dilution test. Any analytes with a sufficiently high concentration (minimally 1 OX RL after a 1:5 dilution) will have the flag applied if the dilution analysis doesn't agree within t 10% of the original determination. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. The extensions: D, S, SD, L, and A are added to the end of the Client ID and represent the following: D — Matrix Duplicate S — Matrix Spike SD — Matrix Spike Duplicate L — Serial Dilution A — Post Digestion Spike Revision 3 (08-11-2015) Page 6 of 20 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples in the Work Order/SDG. Page 7 of 20 CHAIN OF CUSTODY 13343 Page of CompuChem 501 Madison Ave. = a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Cary, NC 27513 Phone: 919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 ," -, o ar •- "" r"''r Thfgir4tio aa: a. _ Company ' m Project Name L-L& Courier Airbill No. Sampling Com al sis0961W:ztiiddaR3'.b1itleC lete? Y or N GW - Ground water WW -Waste water SW - Surface water SO - Soil/Sediment59CS TB -Trip Blank RI - Rinsate V P Wipe O - Other Address `� u I Sampling Location City State Lip Turnaround time _ Project ontact Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID? }�- Phone # r I � V� Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals"? Y or N a �'• r° ' r f Sampler's Name Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? ## e b se : ti Field ID Collection Matrix # of bottles Number of Preserved Bottles Date Time x O z O x 5(,U'RQ `1-IG 3C X t LabUsaOnl Sample Un aeked B n , tG;S 7 ;{ ."�,tiJ. ;. ` Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine? Y i NA 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine? Y A t Comments �'Y G G J %o Sample Order Ent B (J r -1 VSamples Received in Good COVIt-0r N 608 samples checked for H between 5.0-9.09 Y NA If no, explain: 1• 'I, •ti 77T.�: ; x,r i-. ...,:.� w '� 1 1. .i. - r`' - Relin uished by: I Received by: Date/Time: Relinquished b : Date/Time: Received by;,, Date/Time: Subcontact? Y o N [f es, where? Custod Seal(s) intact Y Pr N On Ice? Y N Cooler Temp: °C Samples stored 60 ays cr date report mailed at no extra charge. White low copy to lab • Pink copy for customer . j (L GUN- %6016 0 N 2008 THU 01:23 PSI NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are imufficient to require a surface disposal events during a. required sampling period as specified in the most rmently-certified Attartunent -A of this permit (e.g. no surface disposal occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), no smnpling data is required during the period of inactivity. The Permittee shall submit an annual report, as required in condition IV. 9., even in rho event that no surface disposal events occur during an entire year, the annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenio (5.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzme (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentaahlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitmtoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endriri (0.02) Silver (5.0) Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (pw u, bya ) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0). Hexxachloro-1,3-butadicne (0.5) Triolalaroethyl=e (0.5) Chromium (5.0) 11exacbloreethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Tiichlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,E-Txicb1ompbonol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Liudan (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Metbnxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D,(10.0). Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approved residuals source -generating facility listed in Condition 1. 4. sisal" be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability (i.e., lewhatc from a TCI.P analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. b s : One per month, minimum. b.QgMosite sample: One per month, minimum. The results of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years and shalll be submitted on a yearly basis to the Following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office NCDENR-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina. 28405-3845 Sho11 Version 07081 S Pap 6 of 10 Page 9 of 20 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received. 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 I J & B Flags?: YES I TICS?: NO I Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only I EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL MDL Metals ND to? Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!!*TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC, PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08 30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081B Pest 09/30/2015 16.00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09 11 SubList =GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16 00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16 00 13 09/30/2015 0830 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09 11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 10 of 20 METHOD DETECTION AND REPORTING LIMITS Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Instrument: P5 Analyte MDL RL Units Method Arsenic 2.48 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010C Barium 2.35 200 ug/L EPA 6010C Cadmium 0.321 5.00 ug/L EPA 6010C Chromium 0.743 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010C Lead 2.8 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010C Selenium 2.65 10.0 ug/L EPA 6010C Silver 1.52 5.00 ug/L EPA 601OC w t_Itac rty Ar�alytical �N ACC09 Page 11 of 20 METHOD DETECTION AND REPORTING LIMITS Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SD(;: 1509040 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Instrument: V4 Analyte MDL RL Units Method Mercury 0.054 0.200 ug/L EPA 7470A A C C p RO92 c� 1_�taPrry ar,�iyti�ai Page 12 of 20 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY EPA 6010C Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM LabID: 5092110-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: MLCSNG Batch: 5092110 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (u8/-) LCS CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCS % REC. Q QC LIMITS REC. Arsenic 1100 1110 100 80 - 120 Barium 550.0 544 98.9 80 - 120 Cadmium 550.0 560 102 80 - 120 Chromium 550.0 563 102 80 - 120 Lead 1100 1110 101 80-120 Selenium 1100 1110 101 80 - 120 Silver 550.0 548 99.7 80 - 120 �y 1� LIt�Prfiy Lir��lytical , N ACC 0 9 pq2 Page 13 of 20 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY EPA 7470A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092111-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: MLCSNH Batch: 5092111 SPIKE LCS LCS QC ADDED CONCENTRATION % Q LIMITS ANALYTE (ug2) (ug/L) REC. REC. Mercury 4.000 3.67 92 80 - 120 t_Ib�rfiy Ar�alyfilcai U Page 14 of 20 SERIAL DILUTION EPA 6010C SLURRY TO OUARRYL Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Lab ID: 5I24002-SRD2 Matrix: Water Lab Source ID: 1509040-01 Source Sample: SLURRY TO QUARRY Sequence: 5I24002 Dilution: 5 Report to MDL: YES Analyte Initial Sample Result (I) Serial Dilution Result (S) RL I % Difference I Q Method QC Limits % Difference Arsenic 10.00 U 50.00 U 10.0 EPA 6010C 10 Barium 48.74 J 48.55 J 200 0.385 EPA 6010C 10 Cadmium 0.34 J 25.00 U 5.00 EPA 6010C 10 Chromium 7429.40 7797.55 100 4.95 EPA 6010C 10 Lead 4.71 J 50.00 U 10.0 EPA 6010C 10 Selenium 10.00 U 50.00 U 10.0 EPA 6010C 10 Silver 5.00 U 25.00 U 5.00 EPA 6010C 10 ACC0,9 P Llbc �'fiy A�alyfiical Page 15 of 20 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 6010C Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092110 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 3010A SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (ml-) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/21/15 09:07 50.0 50.0 PBWNG 5092110-BLK1 09/21/15 09:07 50.0 50.0 MLCSNG 5092110-BSI 09/21/15 09:07 50.0 50.0 w Liberty Ar��lytical ,N ACC0,9 O O� U =- Page 16 of 20 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY EPA 7470A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092111 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 7470A SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (mL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/21/15 09:20 100 100 PBWNH 5092111-BLKI 09/21/15 09:20 100 100 MLCSNH 5092111-BS 1 09/21/15 09:20 100 100 L ibPrty Ar-»lytic�l ID XA AACC�C090 Q .y U Page 17 of 20 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SLURRY TO QUARRY Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 1509040-01 % Solid: SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Sampled: 09/16/15 Received: 09/17/15 CAS NO. Analyte Cone. (ug/L) MDL RL D.F. Q Method Sequence Analyzed 7440-38-2 Arsenic 2.48 10.0 I L EPA 6010C 5124002 9/23/15 17:14 7440-39-3 Barium 48.7 2.35 200 1 J EPA 6010C 5I24002 9/23/15 17:14 7440.43-9 Cadmium 0.340 0.321 5.00 1 J EPA 6010C 5124002 9/23/15 17:14 7440-47-3 Chromium 7430 0.743 10.0 1 EPA 6010C 5124002 9/23/15 17:14 7439-92-1 Lead 4.71 2.80 10.4 1 J EPA 6010C 5I24002 9/23/15 17:14 7439-97-6 Mercury 0.0540 0.200 1 L EPA 7470A 5123001 9/22115 17:37 7782-49-2 Selenium 2.65 10.0 1 U EPA 6010C 5I24002 9/23/15 17:14 7440-22-4 Silver 1.52 5.00 1 U EPA 6010C 5I24002 9/23/15 17:14 LlbPrty Analytical �N ACCpR P c� v U a � Page 18 of 20 BLANKS Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Sequence: 5I23001 EPA 7470A SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Instrument ID: V4 Client ID Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MDL RL Units Q Method ICB 5I23001-ICBI Mercury -0.0220 0.0540 0.200 ug/L U EPA 7470A CCB 5I23001-CCB1 Mercury -0.197 0.0540 0.200 ug/L J EPA 7470A CCB 5123001-CCB2 Mercury -0.0900 0.0540 0.200 ug/L J EPA 7470A PBWNH 5092111-BLK1 Mercury -0.101 0.0540 0.200 ug/L J EPA 7470A CCB 5I23001-CCB3 I Mercury -0.0400 1 0.0540 1 0.200 ug/L U EPA 7470A A C C p 9p9� t_idc rty Ar�alytical Page 19 of 20 BLANKS Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Sequence: 5124002 EPA 6010C SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Instrument ID: P5 Client ID Lab Sample ID Analyte Found MDL RL Units Q Method ICB 5124002-ICBI Arsenic -0.442 248 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC ICB 5124002-ICBI Barium -0.728 2.35 200 ug/L U EPA 601OC ICB 5I24002-ICBI Cadmium 0.0497 0.321 5.00 ug/L U EPA 6010C ICB 5124002-ICBI Chromium 0.0887 0.743 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC ICB 5I24002-ICBI Lead -0.490 2.80 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C ICB 5124002-ICBI Selenium -1.03 2.65 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C ICB 5124002-ICBI Silver 0.453 1.52 5.00 ug/L U EPA 601OC CCBI 5124002-CCBI Arsenic -0.676 2.48 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5124002-CCBI Barium -0.726 2.35 200 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5I24002-CCBI Cadmium 0.0545 0.321 5.00 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5124002-CCBI Chromium 0.0870 0.743 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601OC CC131 5I24002-CCBI Lead -1.59 2.80 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5I24002-CCBI Selenium 1.34 2.65 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601OC CCB1 5I24002-CCBI Silver 0.113 1.52 5.00 ug/L U EPA 601OC PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Arsenic 2.48 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Barium 2.35 200 ug/L U EPA 601 OC PBWNG 5092110-13LKI Cadmium 0.321 5.00 ug/L U EPA 601OC PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Chromium 0.743 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Lead 2.80 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Selenium 2.65 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC PBWNG 5092110-BLKI Silver 1.52 5.00 ug[L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5I24002-CCB2 Arsenic -0.880 2.48 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5I24002-CCB2 Barium -0.716 2.35 200 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCBI 5124002-CCB2 Cadmium 0.0300 0.321 5.00 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5124002-CCB2 Chromium 0.179 0.743 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5I24002-CCB2 Lead -1.04 2.80 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5124002-CCB2 Selenium 0.584 2.65 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5I24002-CCB2 Silver 0.0401 1.52 5.00 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCBI 5124002-CCB3 Arsenic 0.408 2.48 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCBI 5124002-CCB3 Barium -0.554 2.35 200 ug/L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5I24002-CCB3 Cadmium 0.0192 0.321 5.00 ug/L U EPA 601OC CCB1 5124002-CCB3 Chromium 0.0692 0.743 10.0 ug/L U EPA 6010C CCB1 5124002-CC133 Lead 0.184 2.80 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601 OC CCB1 5124002-CCB3 Selenium 1.15 2.65 10.0 ug/L U EPA 601OC CCB1 5I24002-CCB3 Silver 0.0248 1.52 5.00 ug/L U EPA 601OC l_ib�rty Ar�alyticai �O \N ACCOgD9 QO �N N4�s1 U a � U ?! i ¢ p S Page 20 of 20 0 Lib�rfiy Ar-�aiytical 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project. SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Water 09/16/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample ld: Analysis: Lab Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY SW8270D 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Signature: Name: Quentisha Forrester Date: 10/06/2015 Title: Chemist III O �N ACCO9 O e � t_Idc rty Ar�alytical � --� 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-3794100 Fax: 919-3794050 Page 1 of 21 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 21 CompuChem A division of Liberty Analytical Corporation 501 it-Iadismt Avenue Cary, N.C. 27513 Tel: 919/379-4100 Fax: 919/379-4050 SDG NARRATIVE SDG # 1509040 PROTOCOL: SW-846 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS: SLURRY TO QUARRY The 1 aqueous sample listed above was received intact, at 23.5°C, with proper documentation, in sealed shipping containers, on September 17, 2015. The sample was scheduled for the requested analysis of the semivolatile fraction. SW-846, 3rd Edition, Update 3, Separatory Funnel extraction (Method 3510C), and Method 8270D were used to prepare and analyze the sample, with the exceptions and/or additions requested by the client. This portion of the narrative deals with the semivolatile fraction only. Semivolatile Extraction and analysis holding time requirements were met for this sample. There were no Semivolatile project analytes identified above the Reporting Limits (RL) in this sample. There were no Cresols identified above the Reporting Limits (RL) in this sample. Manual integrations were performed on one or more of the process files associated with this SDG. All decafluorotriphenylphosphine (DFTPP) abundance criteria were met for tunes associated to this SDG. Tailing factor criteria were met for pentachlorophenol and benzidine. The breakdown criterion was met for DDT. These three compounds have been added to the DFTPP solution and analyzed together. All QC criteria were met for all initial and continuing calibration standards associated to this SDG. All of the surrogates met recovery and retention time criteria in the analysis of this sample. All of the internal standards met response and retention time criteria in the analysis of this sample. The associated method blank met all quality control criteria. Duplicate matrix spikes were not requested with this SDG. The Laboratory Control Samples (LCS/LCSD) prepared and analyzed along with the sample met all quality control criteria. An uncertainty of these test results may be estimated from the recovery of the surrogates added to the sample prior to sample preparation or from the recovery of spiked compound(s) in the associated laboratory control sample. Further information is available upon request. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Furthermore, I certify that the tests used in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standards unless otherwise stated in the SDG narrative or QA notice. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the computer -readable data submitted on diskette has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his/her designee, as verified by the following signature. Quentisha Forrester Chemist III October 6, 2015 Page 3 of 21 GC and GC/MS Column and Trap Specifications Table COLUMNS Columns Brand Name Coating ID Film Thickness Length Utilized Material (mm) (um) (m) GC Laboratory DRO/ORO Restek RTX-5 0.53 1.0 30 Restek RTX-SMS 0.53 1.0 1 30 Restek cipest 0.32 0.5 30 Restek clpest2 0.32 0.42 30 J&W DB-210 0.53 1.0 30 RSK J&W GS-GASPRO 0.32 N/A 30 GC Volatiles Laboratory GRO Restek RTX-Volatiles 0.53 2.0 30 GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-VMS 0.18 1.0 20 Supelco SPB-624 0.32 1.8 60 Supelco SPB-624 0.53 3.0 75 Phenomonex ZB-624 1 0.32 1.8 60 GC/MS Semivolatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-5S11 MS 0.32 0.25 30 HPLC Laboratory PAH Supelco Supelcosil LC-PAH 4.6 5.0 15 cm PAH Supelco Discovery RP Amide C16 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Pinnacle Cyano 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Allure C18 4.6 5.0 25 cm TRAPS GC and GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Supelco J (BETXTRAPTM) *'7.7 cm Carbopack C * 1.2 cm Carbopack B Supelco K (Vocarb3000) 10 cm of Carbopack B (Graphitized Carbons) * 6 cm of Carboxen 1000 (Carbon molecular sieves) * 1 cm of Carboxen 1001 (Carbon molecular sieves) Rev. 30 This table contains the GC columns (and volatile organic trap) used for the analysis of volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides, and Aroclors by the requested analytical methods. Please see the SDG Narrative(s) for the specific fraction(s) relative to this SDG. Note: This table also contains HPLC columns. Page 4 of 21 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytical's Pagination .Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 5 of 21 Liberty Analytical Notification Regarding Manual Editing/Integration Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GUMS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GUMS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GUMS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. MH - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GUMS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GUMS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GUMS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision 8 (01/29/2011) Page 6 of 21 Liberty Analytical ORGANIC DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. Up to five qualifiers may be reported on the appropriate reporting form for each compound. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL), or reporting limit, will be adjusted to reflect any dilution and, for soils, the percent moisture. J : This flag indicates an estimated value. The flag is used as detailed below: 1. When estimating a concentration for tentatively identified compounds (TICs) where a response factor of 1:1 is assumed for the TIC analyte, 2. When the mass spectral and retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the volatile and semivolatile GC/MS identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero, and 3. When the retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the pesticide and/or Aroclor or other GC or HPLC identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero. For example, if the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) is 10 µg/L, but a concentration of 3 µg/L is calculated, it is reported as 3J. N : This flag indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. This flag is only used for TICs, where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search and must be used with the J flag. For generic characterization of a TIC such as "chlorinated hydrocarbon" (or for an "unknown," with no matches > 85%), the N flag is not used. P : In the EPA's Contract Laboratory Program (CLP), this flag is used for a pesticide/Aroclor target analyte, when there is greater than 25% difference for detected concentrations between the two GC columns. The lower of the two values is reported on the Form I and flagged with a P. For SW-846 GC and HPLC analyses, when the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) is greater than 40% and there is no evidence of chromatographic anomalies or interferences, then the lower of the two values is reported and flagged with a P on the reporting form. When the RPD is equal to or less than 40%, our policy is to also report the lower of the two values, although the choice could'be a project specific issue. These SW-846 policies are consistent with Method 8000C. If Method 8000B is required, the higher of the two values is reported. For certain HPLC analyses, if one of the HPLC columns displays co -elution of target analytes, all results are reported from a primary column displaying no co -elution. Results are still flagged with a P if the RPD between columns is greater than 40%. C : This flag applies to GC or HPLC results where the identification has been confirmed by GC/MS. If GC/MS confirmation was attempted but was unsuccessful, this flag is not applied; a laboratory - defined flag is used instead (see the X/Y/Z qualifier.) Page 7 of 21 DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS (continued) B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. This flag is used for a TIC as well as for a positively identified target compound. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. E : This flag, identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument for that specific analysis. If one or more compounds have a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range, the sample or extract will be diluted and reanalyzed. All such compounds with a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range will have the result flagged with an E on the appropriate reporting form for the original analysis. D : If a sample or extract is reanalyzed at a higher dilution factor, for example when the concentration of an analyte exceeds the upper calibration range, the DL suffix is appended to the sample number on the appropriate reporting form for the more diluted sample, and all reported concentrations on that form are flagged with the D flag. This flag alerts data users that any discrepancies between the reported concentrations may be due to dilution of the sample or extract. NOTE 1: The D flag is not applied to compounds which are not detected in the sample analysis i.e. compounds reported with the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) and the U flag. NOTE 2: Separate reporting forms are used for reporting the original analysis (Client Sample No. XXXY—X) and the more diluted sample analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXXDL) i.e. the results from both analyses are not combined on a single reporting form. A: This flag indicates that a TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product. S: In the SOM01.2 SOW document, this flag is used to indicate an estimated value for Aroclor target compounds where a valid 5-point initial calibration was not performed prior to the analytes detection in a sample. If an "S" flag is used for a specific Aroclor, then a reanalysis of the sample is required after a valid 5-point calibration is performed for the detected Aroclor. The "S" flag is not utilized for non CLP analyses. This flag is applied to a target analyte when any QC acceptance criterion has not been met for that analyte. The flag appears on the reporting form of the associated QC analysis. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. Revision 14 (02-10-2014) Page 8 of 21 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples in the Work Order/SDG. Page 9 of 21 CHAIN OF CUSTODY 13343 Page of CompuChem 501 Madison Ave. a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Cary, NC 27513 - Phone: 919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 mull Courier Airbill No. Sampling ComTlete? Y or N GW - Ground water ! WW - Waste water SW - Surface water SO Soil/Sediment TB - Trip Blank RI - Rinsate WP - Wipe O - Other Company m UftKm Project Name r. Q Address 59 Sampling Location City State Zip Turnaround time Project Contact f Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID? Phone # �� -70 Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals? Y or N Sampler's Name Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? J l 1 ? Field ID Collection Matrix bottles Number of Preserved Bottles D t Date] Time x cn O � O N x O � � O _ Sww , %IG-KIOM 3ctm X .. .. ... ._. ... ..... dr. .:. _ . ,. , ,... � •:::;:; ...... ,..,. Vx�., M�, s:,... c `w�.}3,•c-o' w,:.:7. y.,. �n.�F,..::7�tf.,s ,a.,. ri .;:i� 'e .a, .ht':�,.. . .: :^y:' a a, r.�'AI':at7.USC:�iII :. .. 3:. ... ...., . u, -Ft .^C.c' �a4,a+1,;r:'. ....-.,. .,.... r- ,.f+ .. . .: ,..,. n, ._.. ^,-A" .4•� ••1`:'D' ,� : ,�:,.: ..ti� �„CY;•,i::w9. :-5 'P:J:F.. -+.r. �. ';S^..iT-, •4�6s. `r a:": .q::r' U•.:..wp: - `Si•^ "-i:fii _ _ n.:�� .�T ` _.1. v. ;a:.�« <H" C'Htti .:.yy .:'I;.: _ J}?ill (�y ''i .. - _ i' .; ..L w`9v xs: n ,,.a,. . n��' .� -r ,,::."s:. h�., Sample Unpacked B Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine?'Y' NA 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine? Y VFA LM U 90ifVRIGIEW Sample Order Entry By: ovilio Y NA Y r N 6 - -sam les checked for H between 5.0-9.0?Samples Received in Good C If no explain: ..1 {.. _ e "Sapid. r :':'•!:. ':� '{a,�'v .+.�b•:'y,� ^..:.{ _ : # . h�. grit .�_., 1.. Relin ished by; N& JDate/Time: Received by: Date/Time: Relinquished by: Datefrime: Received b Date/Time: Subcontact? Y o N f es, where? Custod Seal(s) intact(Y r N On Ice? Y N Cooler Temp: °C Samples stored 60 lkzys er date report mailed at no extra charge. White &-allow copy to lab • Pink copy Tor customer , ° GUN • SIV6010 008 THU 01:23 PH NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are iusuffident to require a surface disposal events during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attarta+t 'A of this permit (e.g. no surface disposal occur during an entire year when arinual monitoring is required), no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The Permittee shall submit an annual report, as required in condition IV. 9., even in the event that no surface disposal events occur during an entire year, the annual report shall include au explanation for missing sampling data. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this conditiou in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall inchuie the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory ravel in milligrams per liter in parentImm): Arsenio (5.0) 1,4-Dichlombenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzone (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2Dicbloroad are (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) Bwzene (0.5) 1,1-Diehlomethylene (0.7) Pyrldine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Ewlrih (0.02) Silver (5.0) Cblordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetracblorooti ylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Hoptachlor (xw it. hydras &) (0.008)'Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0). Hexamhloro-1.3-butadicae (0,5) Triebloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Rexachlorcethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Tiiehlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Thcbloropbenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methanchlor (10.0) 2,4-D,(10.0). Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approver residuals sourct-Sea acing facility listed in Condition 1. 4. shall be aaelyzod to demonstrate that they are non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability (i.o., Iawh to from a TCL,P analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. QOb sgWVk: One per month, minimum. b.CCMosite s e: One per month, minimum. The rendta of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Pe7rn dnee for a minimum of five years and shall be submitted on a yearly basis to the following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor wftn von Regional office NCDENR-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension WOmingtoa, North Carolina 28405-3845 Sbotl Version 070913 page 6 of 10 Page 11 of 21 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received: 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By: Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 J & B Flags?: YES I TICS?: NO I Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL Metals ND to? MDL Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!!*TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 '09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081 B Pest 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 12 6f 21 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 Sequence: 5I28002 Instrument: 5972hp62 Calibration: 5092903 Surrogate Compound Spike Level % Recovery Recovery Limits Q Blank (5092102-BLK1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 5092102-BLK162.d Analyzed: 09/28/15 12:19 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 60 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 106.0 40 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenyl 50.00 79 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 88 42 - 119 Terphenyl-dl4 50.00 83 59 - 110 LCS (5092102-BS1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 5092102-BS162.d Analyzed: 09/28/15 13:38 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 56 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 36 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenyl 50.00 81 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 94 42 - 119 Terphenyl-dl4 50.00 85 59 - 110 LCS Dup (5092102-BSD1) ug/L Lab File ID: 5092102-BSD162.d Analyzed: 09/28/15 14:17 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 59 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 40 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenyl 50.00 82 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 =42 - 119 Terphenyl-dl4 50.00 88 59 - 110 Liberty Ar-l.�lytical Page 13 of 21 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY S W8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 Sequence: 5I28002 Instrument: 5972hp62 Calibration: 5092903 Surrogate Compound Spike Level % Recovery Recovery Limits Q SLURRY TO QUARRY (1509040-01) ug/L Lab File ID: 1509040-0162.d Analyzed: 09/28/15 14:57 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 56 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 39 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 89 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenyl 50.00 81 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 81 42 - 119 Terphenyl-d14 50.00 81 59 - 110 w t_Ib�rfiy Ar-�ai�filcc�l A C C p 9p9� c, Page 14 of 21 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092102-BSI Matrix: Water SW8270D SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: SLCSFA Batch: 5092102 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (uB/L) LCS CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCS % REC. Q QC LIMITS REC. Pyridine 40.00 20.4 51 20 - 100 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 40.00 24.9 62 31 - 103 2-Methylphenol 40.00 29.1 73 56 - 100 3 & 4-Methylphenol 40.00 25.8 64 52 - 100 Hexachloroethane 40.00 23.8 60 32 - 100 Nitrobenzene 40.00 34.2 86 59 - 100 Hexachlorobutadiene 40.00 27.5 69 38 - 108 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 40.00 36.5 91 62 - 113 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 40.00 36.5 91 58 - 120 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 40.00 42.4 106 58 - 123 Hexachlorobenzene 40.00 34.4 1 86 58 - 118 Pentachlorophenol 40.00 44.9 112 53 - 150 A C C p 909� Lit�c sty Ar-�,�I�fiicai Page 15 of 21 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092102-BSD1 Matrix: Water SW8270D SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: SLCSDFA Batch: 5092102 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (ug/L) LCSD CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCSD % REC. # % RPD # QC LIMITS RPD Q REC. Pyridine 40.00 21.4 54 5 30 20 - 100 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 40.00 24.3 61 2 30 31 - 103 2-Methylphenol 40.00 31.4 79 8 30 56 - 100 3 & 4-Methylphenol 40.00 29.0 72 12 30 52 - 100 Hexachloroethane 40.00 23.2 58 3 30 32 - 100 Nitrobenzene 40.00 33.5 84 2 30 59 - 100 Hexachlorobutadiene 40.00 25.2 63 9 30 38 - 108 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 40.00 35.8 90 2 30 62 -113 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 40.00 35.1 88 4 30 58 - 120 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 40.00 41.0 102 3 30 58 - 123 Hexachlorobenzene 40.00 33.4 84 3 30 58 - 118 Pentachlorophenol 40.00 42.0 105 7 30 53 - 150 Libc=rty Analytical �O ,N ACCO,9 Q tea. U U � Page 16 of 21 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092102 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 3510C SVOA SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (uL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/22/15 09:00 1000 1000 SBLKFA 5092102-BLKI 09/22/15 09:00 1000 1000 SLCSFA 5092102-BSI 09/22/15 09:00 1000 1000 SLCSDFA 5092102-BSDI 09/22/15 09:00 1000 1000 l_It�Prty Ar�dlytical \N ACC09 U Page 17 of 21 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C SVOA File ID: 1509040-0162A Initial/Final: 1000mL / 1000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 1509040-01 Dilution: 1 p11: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092102 Sequence: 5I28002 Calibration: 5092903 SLURRY TO QUARRY Sampled: 09/16/15 08:30 Received: 09/17/15 09:11 Prepared: 09/22/15 09:00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 14:57 Instrument: 5972hp62 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC. (ug/L) MDL RL Q I10-86-1 Pyridine 1 1 5.0 U 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.3 5.0 U 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 2.2 10 U 106-44-5 3 & 4-Methylphenol 1.7 10 U 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1.1 5.0 U 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1.3 5.0 U 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.2 5.0 U 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.89 10 U 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.5 10 U 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.84 5.0 U 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 0.57 5.0 U 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 2.6 10 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) %REC QC LMM7 Q 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 55.74 56 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 39.40 39 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 44.34 89 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenvl 50.00 40.34 81 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromovhenol 100.0 81.31 81 42 - 119 Terphenvl-dl4 50.00 40.30 81 59 - 110 (1) - N-nitrosodiphenylamine cannot be separated from diphenylamine. It is acceptable to report the combined result. (2) - 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and converts to azobenzene. (3) - 3 & 4-Methylphenol cannot be separated for quantitation. Lib�rYy Ar�c�lyticai \N A iCO.9 c� S Page 18 of 21 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C SVOA File ID: 5092102-BLK162.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 1000ul- Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092102-BLK1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092102 Sequence: 5I28002 Calibration: 5092903 SBLKFA QC Type: Blank Column ID: RTX-5Sil MS Prepared: 09/22/15 09:00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 12:19 Instrument: 5972hp62 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 110-86-1 Pyridine 1.1 5.0 U 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.3 5.0 U 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 2.2 10 U 106-44-5 3 & 4-Methylphenol 1.7 10 U 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1.1 5.0 U 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1.3 5.0 U 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.2 5.0 U 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.89 10 U 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.5 10 U 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.84 5.0 U 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 0.57 5.0 U 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 2.6 10 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 60.45 60 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 40.31 40 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 45.06 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobivhenvl 50.00 39.33 79 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 88.41 88 42 - 119 Terphenvl-d14 50.00 41.64 83 59 - 110 (1) - N-nitrosodiphenylamine cannot be separated from diphenylamine. It is acceptable to report the combined result. (2) - 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and converts to azobenzene. (3) - 3 & 4-Methylphenol cannot be separated for quantitation. Lldarfiy Arealyfiicai Page 19 of 21 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C SVOA File ID: 5092102-BS162.d initial/Final: 1000mL / 1000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092102-BSI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092102 Sequence: 5I28002 Calibration: 5092903 SLCSFA QC Type: LCS Column ID: RTX-5Si1 MS Prepared: 09/22/15 09:00 Analyzed: 09/28/ 15 13:3 8 Instrument: 5972hp62 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 110-86-1 Pyridine 20.4 1.1 5.0 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 24.9 1.3 5.0 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 29.1 2.2 10 106-44-5 3 & 4-Methylphenol 25.8 1.7 10 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 23.8 1.1 5.0 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 34.2 1.3 5.0 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 27.5 1.2 5.0 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 36.5 0.89 10 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 36.5 1.5 10 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 42.4 0.84 5.0 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 34.4 0.57 5.0 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 44.9 2.6 1 10 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q 2-Fluoroohenol 100.0 56.41 56 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 36.06 36 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 44.89 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobiphenvl 50.00 40.58 81 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100.0 94.38 94 42 - 119 Terphenvl-dl4 50.00 42.30 85 59 - I10 (1) - N-nitrosodiphenylamine cannot be separated from diphenylamine. It is acceptable to report the combined result. (2) - 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and converts to azobenzene. (3) - 3 & 4-Methylphenol cannot be separated for quantitation. O �N ACCpRo c�� F Q � i_Ib�rfiy Ar�alytical Page 20 of 21 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW8270D Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C SVOA File ID: 5092102-BSD162.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 1000ul- Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092102-BSD1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092102 Sequence: 5128002 Calibration: 5092903 SLCSDFA QC Type: LCS Dun Column ID: RTX-5Sil MS Prepared: 09/22/15 09:00 Analyzed: 09/28/ 15 14:17 Instrument: 5972hp62 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 110-86-1 Pyridine 21.4 1.1 5.0 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 24.3 1.3 5.0 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 31.4 2.2 10 106-44-5 3 & 4-Methylphenol 29.0 1.7 10 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 23.2 1.1 5.0 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 33.5 1.3 5.0 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 25.2 1.2 5.0 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 35.8 0.89 10 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 35.1 1.5 10 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 41.0 0.84 5.0 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 33.4 0.57 5.0 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 42.0 2.6 10 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q 2-Fluorophenol 100.0 58.95 59 33 - 110 Phenol-d5 100.0 40.47 40 20 - 110 Nitrobenzene-d5 50.00 45.12 90 45 - 110 2-Fluorobinhenvl 50.00 41.15 82 46 - 110 2,4,6-Tribromonhenol 100.0 91.95 92 42 - 119 Terphenvl-d14 50.00 43.77 88 59 - 110 (1) - N-nitrosodiphenylamine cannot be separated from diphenylamine. It is acceptable to report the combined result. (2) - 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine is unstable and converts to azobenzene. (3) - 3 & 4-Methylphenol cannot be separated for quantitation. (_Ibc rty Ainala�tica�i ID \N ACCp ,90 � atat s Page 21 of 21 0 l—itbt--rty A"alyfiical 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project: SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Matrix Date Sampled Water 09/16/2015 08:30 Date Received 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample Id: Analysis: Lab Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY SW 8260B 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Signature: Name: Quentisha Forrester Date: 09/23/2015 Title: Chemist III p \N Acco,Oo LlbExty Ar-�alytical c.Ui =� 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 Page 1 of 18 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 18 CompuChem A division of Liberty Analytical Corporation 501 Madison Avenue Cary, N.C. 27513 Tel: 919/379-4100 Fax: 919/379-4050 SDG NARRATIVE SDG # 1509040 PROTOCOL: SW-846 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS: SLURRY TO QUARRY The 1 aqueous sample listed above was received intact, ambient at 23.5"C, with proper documentation, in sealed shipping containers, July 10, 2015. The sample listed above was scheduled for the requested analysis of the volatile fraction only. SW-846, 3rd Edition, Update 3, 8260B was used to prepare and analyze the sample, with the exceptions and/or additions requested by the client. All pertinent Quality Assurance notices are included in the narrative section, and all pertinent Laboratory notices are included in the sample data sections. VOLATILES Analysis holding time requirements were met for the sample. The pH value of sample was equal to 6. No Volatile Project/Target Compound List (TCL) analytes were identified above the Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL) in this sample. Manual integrations were performed in one or more of the files in this SDG. All of the surrogates met recovery criteria in the analysis of this sample. All of the internal standards met response and retention time criteria in the analysis of this sample. All Bromofluorobenzene (BFB) abundance criteria were met for tunes associated to this SDG. All QC criteria were met for all initial and continuing calibration standards associated to this SDG. The associated method blank met all quality control criteria. Duplicate matrix spikes were not requested with this SDG. The associated Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) met all quality control criteria. I certify that this data package complies with the tenns and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Furthermore, I certify that the tests used in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standards unless otherwise stated in the SDG narrative or QA notice. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the computer -readable data submitted on diskette has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or his/her designee, as verified by the following signature. Quentisha Forrester Chemist III September 23, 2015 Page 3 of 18 GC and GC/MS Column and Trap Specifications Table COLUMNS Columns Brand Name Coating ID Film Thickness Length Utilized Material (mm) (um) (m) GC Laboratory DRO/ORO Restek RTX-5 0.53 1.0 30 Restek RTX-SMS 0.53 1.0 1 30 Restek clpest 0.32 0.5 30 Restek clpest2 0.32 0.42 30 J&W DB-210 0.53 1.0 30 RSK J&W GS-GASPRO 0.32 N/A 30 GC Volatiles Laboratory GRO Restek I RTX-Volatiles 0.53 2.0 30 GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-VMS 0.18 1.0 20 Supelco SPB-624 0.32 1.8 60 Supelco SPB-624 0.53 1 3.0 75 Phenomonex ZB-624 0.32 1.8 60 GC/MS Semivolatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-5Sil MS 0.32 0.25 30 HPLC Laboratory PAH Supelco Supelcosil LC-PAH 4.6 5.0 15 cm PAH Supelco Discovery RP Amide C16 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Pinnacle Cyano 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Allure C18 14.6 5.0 25 cm TRAPS GC and GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Supelco J (BETXTRAPTM) * 7.7 cm Carbopack C * 1.2 cm Carbopack B Supelco K (Vocarb3000) 10 cm of Carbopack B (Graphitized Carbons) * 6 cm of Carboxen 1000 (Carbon molecular sieves) * 1 cm of Carboxen 1001 (Carbon molecular sieves) Rev. 30 This table contains the GC columns (and volatile organic trap) used for the analysis of volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides, and Aroclors by the requested analytical methods. Please see the SDG Narrative(s) for the specific fraction(s) relative to this SDG. Note: This table also contains HPLC columns. Page 4 of 18 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 5 of 18 Liberty Analytical Notification Regarding Manual Editing/Integration Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GUMS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GUMS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GUMS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. MH - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GUMS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GUMS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GC/MS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision 8 (01/29/2011) Page 6 of 18 Liberty Analytical ORGANIC DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. Up to five qualifiers may be reported on the appropriate reporting form for each compound. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL), or reporting limit, will be adjusted to reflect any dilution and, for soils, the percent moisture. J : This flag indicates an estimated value. The flag is used as detailed below: 1. When estimating a concentration for tentatively identified compounds (TICS) where a response factor of 1:1 is assumed for the TIC analyte, 2. When the mass spectral and retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the volatile and semivolatile GUMS identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero, and 3. When the retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the pesticide and/or Aroclor or other GC or HPLC identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero. For example, if the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) is 10 µg/L, but a concentration of 3 µg/L is calculated, it is reported as 3J. N : This flag indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. This flag is only used for TICS, where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search and must be used with the J flag. For generic characterization of a TIC such as "chlorinated hydrocarbon" (or for an "unknown," with no matches >_ 85%), the N flag is not used. P : In the EPA's Contract Laboratory Program (CLP), this flag is used for a pesticide/Aroclor target analyte, when there is greater than 25% difference for detected concentrations between the two GC columns. The lower of the two values is reported on the Form I and flagged with a P. For SW-846 GC and HPLC analyses, when the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) is greater than 40% and there is no evidence of chromatographic anomalies or interferences, then the lower of the two values is reported and flagged with a P on the reporting form. When the RPD is equal to or less than 40%, our policy is to also report the lower of the two values, although the choice could be a project specific issue. These SW-846 policies are consistent with Method 8000C. If Method 8000B is required, the higher of the two values is reported. For certain HPLC analyses, if one of the HPLC columns displays co -elution of target analytes, all results are reported from a primary column displaying no co -elution. Results are still flagged with a P if the RPD between columns is greater than 40%. C : This flag applies to GC or HPLC results where the identification has been confirmed by GC/MS. If GC/MS confirmation was attempted but was unsuccessful, this flag is not applied; a laboratory - defined flag is used instead (see the X/Y/Z qualifier.) Page 7 of 18 DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS (continued) B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. This flag is used for a TIC as well as for a positively identified target compound. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. E : This flag identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument for that specific analysis. If one or more compounds have a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range, the sample or extract will be diluted and reanalyzed. All such compounds with a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range will have the result flagged with an E on the appropriate reporting form for the original analysis. D : If a sample or extract is reanalyzed at a higher dilution factor, for example when the concentration of an analyte exceeds the upper calibration range, the DL suffix is appended to the sample number on the appropriate reporting form for the more diluted sample, and all reported concentrations on that form are flagged with the D flag. This flag alerts data users that any discrepancies between the reported concentrations may be due to dilution of the sample or extract. NOTE 1: The D flag is not applied to compounds which are not detected in the sample analysis i.e. compounds reported with the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) and the U flag. NOTE 2: Separate reporting forms are used for reporting the original analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXX) and the more diluted sample analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXXDL) i.e. the results from both analyses are not combined on a single reporting form. A: This flag indicates that a TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product. S: In the SOM01.2 SOW document, this flag is used to indicate an estimated value for Aroclor target compounds where a valid 5-point initial calibration was not performed prior to the analytes detection in a sample. If an "S" flag is used for a specific Aroclor, then a reanalysis of the sample is required after a valid 5-point calibration is performed for the detected Aroclor. The "S" flag is not utilized for non CLP analyses. This flag is applied to a target analyte when any QC acceptance criterion has not been met for that analyte. The flag appears on the reporting form of the associated QC analysis. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. Revision 14 (02-10-2014) Page 8 of 18 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples Jn the Work Order/SDG. Page 9 of 18 CompuChem = a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Phone CHAIN OF CUSTODY 501 Madison Ave. Cary, NC 27513 hone:919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 Project Name . Sampling Location State Zip Turnaround time ntact Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID? Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals? Y or N Name TUN Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? Collection Number of Preserved Bottles ° #of x p m zOz 0 O I ;:_,• Field ID Date Time Matrix bottles x x C SWV %,G-K 0%Z1 13- �RAII&'Ama )a (),WMI IqQri ig 13343 Page of r o No. o ng Com lete? Y or N - - �• " ti.�, L•i .•z,wr-• .may. r (U tT GW - Ground water W W - Waste water w SW - Surface water SO - Soil/Sediment TB - Trip Blank RI- Rinsate WP - Wipe O - Other Sample Unpacked By: I Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine? Y fr NA 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine? Y A G't/ I er 1 - Sample Order En B 1 Samples Received in Good Co tti0 Y If no, explain: r N 608 samples checked for H between 5.0-9.0? Y NA Q .l. f.. 4v -A + ti Iri •'i r' k 4 ii•+�' �. Relinquished b DatelTime: Received b Date/Time: Relinquished by: DatelTime: Received b Datefrime: Subcontact? Y o N f yes, where? Custod Seal(s) intact Y r N On Ice? Y N Cooler Tem : f °C Samples stored 60 ays er date report mailed at no extra charge. L/ White &40 11ow copy to lab • Pink copy for cus�ti ; '% fo10 h08 THU 01:23 PIS NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 If residuals gencrated by a particular residuals source -generating facility art: insufficient to require a surface disposal events during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attachment -A of this permit (e.g. no surface disposal occur during an endm year when annual monitoring is required), no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The Permitter shall submit an annual report, as required in condition IV. 9., even in the event that no surface disposal events occur during an entire year, the annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The MY analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic 0.0) 1,4-Dicblorobenzew (7.5) Nitrobenzone; (2.0) . Barium (100.0) 1,2Dicbloroedm a (0.9) Padchlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) EndriA (0.02) Silver (5.0) Cblordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (wj4 as hydrositJe) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chtdroforbi (6.0). Hexachloro-1,3-butadiane (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Rexachloroetbane (3.0) 2,4,5-Tiichloropbenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Tricbloropbmal (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) 1 Jvdane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4D-(10.0). Methyl ethyl ket= (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approved residuals source -generating facility listed in Condition I. 4. s'bsil. be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to obromium leachability (Lo., leaehate from a TCLP analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. QMb_ samale: One per month, miniznsm. b.Cgposite s e: One per montli, minimum. The results of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Perminee for a minimum of five years and shall be submitted on a yearly basis to the following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Ptoteation Section Regional Supervisor Wilmington. Regional Office NCDENR.-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Sboll Version 07081 S Pap 6 of 10 Page 11 of 18 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received: 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By: Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 J & B Flags?: YES TICS?: NO Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL Metals ND to? MDL I Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!! *TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC, PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081 B Pest 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList=GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 12 of 18 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY SW 8260E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 Sequence: 5I22007 Instrument: 5972hn59 Calibration: 5091802 Surrogate Compound Spike Level % Recovery Recovery Limits Q Blank (5092226-BLK1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 5092226-BLK1R59.d Analyzed: 09/22/15 20:22 Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 99 66 - 128 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 113 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 92 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 91 70 - 132 LCS (5092226-BS1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 5092226-BS159.d Analyzed: 09/22/15 20:54 Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 100 66 - 128 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 108 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 91 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 92 70 - 132 SLURRY TO QUARRY (1509040-01) ug/L Lab File ID: 1509040-0159.d Analyzed: 09/22/15 22:09 Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 101 66 - 128 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 120 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 95 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 95 70 - 132 �N A,C C o V Llbc rtt� Ar-�alyticc9l Page 13 of 18 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY SW 8260B Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092226-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: VLCSTC Batch: 5092226 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (ug/L) LCS CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCS % REC. Q QC LIMITS REC. Vinyl chloride 50.00 67.8 136 54 - 136 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.00 50.9 102 72 - 129 2-Butanone 125.0 145 116 64 - 127 Chloroform 50.00 56.7 113 65 - 133 Carbon tetrachloride 50.00 54.2 108 70 - 139 1,2-Dichloroethane 50.00 53.4 107 67 - 133 Benzene 50.00 52.2 104 66 - 130 Trichloroethene 50.00 51.3 103 72 - 130 Tetrachloroethene 50.00 54.9 110 78 - 136 Chlorobenzene 50.00 48.8 98 76 - 121 Ew Lit�c �'ty Ar-�c�lytic�l Page 14 of 18 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY F-3"AWPZO-10L Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092226 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 5030B SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (mL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/22/15 20:22 5.00 5.00 VBLKTC 5092226-BLKI 09/22/15 20:22 5.00 5.00 VLCSTC 5092226-BSI 09/22/15 20:22 5.00 5.00 Ew Libc rty Ar�c9lytic�l \N A.CCpR Page 15 of 18 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW 8260E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG 1509040 Project: SLURRY 20l l+ Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 5030B File ID: 1509040-0159A Initial/Final: 5mL / 5mL Lab ID: 1509040-01 Dilution: 1 pH: 6 % Moisture: NA Batch: 5092226 Sequence: 5I22007 Calibration: 5091802 SLURRY TO QUARRY Sampled: 09/16/15 08:30 Received: 09/17/15 09:11 Prepared: 09/22/15 20:22 Analyzed: 09/22/15 22:09 Instrument: 5972hp59 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC. (ug/L) MDL RL Q 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 0.48 5.0 U 75-35-4 I,1-Dichloroethene 0.53 5.0 U 78-93-3 2-Butanone 1.5 13 U 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.27 5.0 U 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride 0.31 5.0 E EU 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.23 5.0 71-43-2 Benzene 0.28 5.0 U 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 0.28 5.0 U 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 1 0.42, 1 5.0 U 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 0.27 5.0 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 50.31 101 66 - 128 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 60.00 120 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 47.33 95 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 47.73 95 70 - 132 @w Lir�c rfiy Ar�alyticc9l �N ACC4.1 pR C3it- Page 16 of 18 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW 8260E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 5030B File ID: 5092226-BLK1R59.d Initial/Final: 5mL % 5mL Lab ID: 5092226-BLKI Dilution: 1 pH: % Moisture: NA Batch: 5092226 Sequence: 5122007 Calibration: 5091802 VBLKTC QC Type: Blank Column ID: SPB-624 Prepared: 09/22/15 20:22 Analyzed: 09/22/15 20:22 Instrument: 5972hp59 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 0.48 5.0 U 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.53 5.0 U 78-93-3 2-Butanone 1.5 13 U 67-66-3 Chloroform 0.27 5.0 U 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride 0.31 5.0 U 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.23 5.0 U 71-43-2 Benzene 0.28 5.0 U 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 0.28 5.0 U 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 0.42 5.0 U 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 0.27 5.0 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 49.31 99 66 - 128 1.2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 56.55 113 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 45.75 92 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 45.63 91 70 - 132 Lids rfiy Ar"�alyfiical A.CCpq� s Page 17 of 18 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET SW 8260B Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 5030B File ID: 5092226-BS159.d Initial/Final: 5mL / 5mL Lab ID: 5092226-BS1 Dilution: 1 pH: % Moisture: NA Batch: 5092226 Sequence: 5122007 Calibration: 5091802 VLCSTC QC Type: LCS Column ID: SPB-624 Prepared: 09/22/15 20:22 Analyzed: 09/22/15 20:54 Instrument: 5972hp59 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride 67.8 0.48 5.0 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethene 50.9 0.53 5.0 78-93-3 2-Butanone 145 1.5 13 67-66-3 Chloroform 56.7 0.27 5.0 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride 54.2 0.31 5.0 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 53.4 0.23 5.0 71-43-2, Benzene 52.2 0.28 5.0 79-01-6 Trichloroethene 51.3 0.28 5.0 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 54.9 0.42 5.0 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 48.8 0.27 5.0 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q Dibromofluoromethane 50.00 50.24 100 66 - 128 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 50.00 53.84 108 55 - 147 Toluene-d8 50.00 45.53 91 50 - 150 Bromofluorobenzene 50.00 45.85 92 70 - 132 Llbc rty Ar-ialytical �p1 ACCp 9.b O U � Page 18 of 18 Lir'F-=rfiy Ar-�alyi�icail 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project: SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation 0 Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Matrix Date Sampled Water 09/16/2015 08:30 Date Received 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY Analysis: Lab Sample Id: 8151A 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Signature: Name: Quentisha Forrester Date 09/28/2015 Title: Chemist III �-�� �O � N• A C C p qo9 Liberty Ar-�fytical � �,. � 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 Page 1 of 25 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 25 C®mpuChem A division of Liberty Analytical Corporation 501 Madison Avenue Cary, N.C. 27513 Tel: 919/379-4100 Fax: 9191379-4050 y SDG NARRATIVE SDG # 1509040 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS: SLURRY TO QUARRY The 1 aqueous sample listed above was received intact, ambient at 23.5°C, in sealed shipping containers, on September 17, 2015, with proper documentation. The sample listed above was scheduled for the requested analysis of the Herbicide fraction. SW-846, 3rd Edition, Update 4, Method 8151 A was used to prepare and analyze the sample, with the exceptions and/or additions requested by the client. All pertinent Quality Assurance notices are included in the narrative section and all pertinent Laboratory notices are included in the sample data sections. Herbicide Extraction and analysis holding time requirements were met for the sample. No Target analytes were confirmed above the reporting limits in these samples. No Manual integrations were performed in this SDG. . All QC criteria were met for the initial and continuing calibration standards associated to this SDG. The associated method blank met all quality control criteria. All of the surrogate recoveries were within the quality control limits. The Laboratory Control Samples (LCS/LCSD) met recovery criteria with the following exception. In the analysis of PLCSFB/PLCSDFB the %RPD was outside of the QC limits for 2,4-D and 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) both on the clpest column. I certify that this Sample Data Package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy Sample Data Package and in the electronic data deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. Quentisha Forrester Chemist III September 28, 2015 Page 3 of 25 GC and GC/MS Column and Trap Specifications Table COLUMNS Columns Brand Name Coating ID Film Thickness Length Utilized Material (mm) (um) (m) 11 GC Laboratory DRO/ORO Restek RTX-5 0.53 1.0 30 Restek RTX-SMS 1 0.53 1.0 30 Restek cipest 0.32 0.5 1 30 Restek cipest2 0.32 0.42 30 J&W DB-210 0.53 1.0 30 RSK J&W GS-GASPRO 0.32 N/A 30 GC Volatiles Laboratory GRO Restek RTX-Volatiles 0.53 2.0 30 GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-VMS 0.18 1.0 20 Supelco SPB-624 0.32 1.8 60 Supelco SPB-624 0.53 3.0 75 Phenomonex ZB-624 0.32 1.8 60 77 GC/MS Semivolatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-5Sil MS 0.32 0.25 30 HPLC Laboratory PAH Supelco Supelcosil LC-PAH, 4.6 5.0 15 cm PAH Supelco Discovery RP Amide C16 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Pinnacle Cyano 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Allure C18 4.6 5.0 25 cm TRAPS GC and GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Supelco J (BETXTRAPTM) * 7.7 cm Carbopack C * 1.2 cm Carbopack B Supelco K (Vocarb3000) * 10 cm of Carbopack B (Graphitized Carbons) * 6 cm of Carboxen 1000 (Carbon molecular sieves) * 1 cm of Carboxen 1001 (Carbon molecular sieves) Rev. 30 This table contains the GC columns (and volatile organic trap) used for the analysis of volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides, and Aroclors by the requested analytical methods. Please see the SDG Narrative(s) for the specific fraction(s) relative to this SDG. Note: This table also contains HPLC columns. Page 4 of 25 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analvtical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 5 of 25 Liberty Analytical Notification Regarding Manual Editing/Integration Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GC/MS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GC/MS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GC/MS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. MH - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GC/MS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GC/MS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GC/MS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision 8 (01/29/2011) Page 6 of 25 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the, event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 7 of 25 Liberty Analytical Notification Regarding Manual Editing/Integration. Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GUMS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GC/MS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GUMS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. MH - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GUMS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GC/MS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically, done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GUMS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision S (01/29/2011) Page 8 of 25 Liberty Analytical DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. Up to five qualifiers may be reported on the appropriate reporting form for each compound. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL), or reporting limit, will be adjusted to reflect any dilution and, for soils, the percent moisture. J : This flag indicates an estimated value. The flag is used as detailed below: 1. When estimating a concentration for tentatively identified compounds (TICS) where a response factor of 1:1 is assumed for the TIC analyte, 2. When the mass spectral and retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the volatile and semivolatile GUMS identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero, and 3. When the retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the pesticide and/or Aroclor or other GC or HPLC identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero. For example, if the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) is 10 µg/L, but a concentration of 3 µg/L is calculated, it is reported as 3J. N : This flag indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. This flag is only used for TICs, where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search and must be used with the J flag. For generic characterization of a TIC such as "chlorinated hydrocarbon" (or for an "unknown," with no matches > 85%), the N flag is not used. P : In the EPA's Contract Laboratory Program (CLP), this flag is used for a pesticide/Aroclor target analyte, when there is greater than 25% difference for detected concentrations between the two GC columns. The lower of the two values is reported on the Form I and flagged with a P. For SW-846 GC and HPLC analyses, when the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) is greater than 40% and there is no evidence of chromatographic anomalies or interferences, then the lower of the two values is reported and flagged with a P on the reporting form. When the RPD is equal to or less than 40%, our policy is to also report the lower of the two values, although the choice could be a project specific issue. These SW-846 policies are consistent with Method 8000C. If Method 8000B is required, the higher of the two values is reported. For certain HPLC analyses, if one of the HPLC columns displays co -elution of target analytes, all results are reported from a primary column displaying no co -elution. Results are still flagged with a P if the RPD between columns is greater than 40%. C : This flag applies to GC or HPLC results where the identification has been confirmed by GUMS. If GUMS confirmation was attempted but was unsuccessful, this flag is not applied; a laboratory - defined flag is used instead (see the X/Y/Z qualifier.) Page 9 of 25 DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS (continued) B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. This flag is used for a TIC as well as for a positively identified target compound. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. E : This flag identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument for that specific analysis. If one or more compounds have a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range, the sample or extract will be diluted and reanalyzed. All such compounds with a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range will have the result flagged with an E on the appropriate reporting form for the original analysis. D : If a sample or extract is reanalyzed at a higher dilution factor, for example when the concentration of an analyte exceeds the upper calibration range, the DL suffix is appended to the sample number on the appropriate reporting form for the more diluted sample, and all reported concentrations on that form are flagged with the D flag. This flag alerts data users that any discrepancies between the reported concentrations may be due to dilution of the sample or extract. NOTE 1: The D flag is not applied to compounds which are not detected in the sample analysis i.e. compounds reported with the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) and the U flag. NOTE 2: Separate reporting forms are used for reporting the original analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXX) and the more diluted sample analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXXDL) i.e. the results from both analyses are not combined on a single reporting form. A: This flag indicates that a TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product. S: In the SOM01.2 SOW document, this flag is used to indicate an estimated value for Aroclor target compounds where a valid 5-point initial calibration was not performed prior to the analytes detection in a sample. If an "S" flag is used for a specific Aroclor, then a reanalysis of the sample is required after a valid 5-point calibration is performed for the detected Aroclor. The "S" flag is not utilized for non CLP analyses. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. Revision 13 (01-12-2011) Page 10 of 25 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples in the Work Order/SDG. Page 11 of 25 CHAIN OF CUSTODY 13343 Pate of CompuChem 501 Madison Ave. Courier A Airbill No. = a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Cary, NC 27513 Sampling Com�.11ete? Y or N Phone: 919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 WE —A no Mai - - Company m Project Name GW - Ground water WW - Waste water Address Sampling Location I-I�, 5 . City State Zip Turnaround time SW - Surface water SO - Soil/Sediment TB - Trip Blank RI - Rinsate Project Contact Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID? WP - Wipe O - Other Phone # ' � Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals? Y or N Sampler's Name Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? TOM ail Collection Number of Preserved Bottles t #of o z Field ID Date Time Matrix bottles x x `''C O �LU'RQ �16 3 X - .%I:Yir'.N'sp. ' :"i '. `rA'..y: -<. [i': -'1`a::r{.:r,•} •ro'� 'l, r,§ .1' f'!:y ',x3': dhe �� s''..:V�'i, 'tY's'-m - ..5t • ;:?;.G,fS.'.`}9f,c.r'it� -ai: .i.. a. .} i�:21t"jlS`B'.Qll�l '"-ak•.c.1is` ,.'Src�'x,eC:,+.itk�''f .. c�TJf�,.1S.c •.S•..x., _ 'a`i�''�•�.= ':-.„f,_a;r�t'4':.�t'�9. �y �l:�::e7•,t ,.�y_.,.A. ..a - 'iti�;;•�:-n.�C�. r..& ::�CN�; .:,ir�,'.v+` : - Sample Unacked By: Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine? Y r NA Sample Order Ent B 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine? Y 4rAr Samples Received in Good C& ttio Y r N 1608 samples checked for pH between 5.0-9.0? Y NA IIF.V',..`Ih�i.:.:tia.' r+t?Y _ .,_ #"' IF;, . S ., �.:Y. �.'a�'^•s. _:.}.` ..twch'r.:%:r-,.• �: IY.h:._^`':�'::%Y.'F�S.:J:!N _•': i''L. •:3�>�'� �ettta`, .' 1y� '»iLV%�! t� .: r k`ri ::li-..:e, �a: , 7 � r ..J• .i%eG1tt' • 9': V��.p� + A;'�9k �1 �T�t•'; ff J �'r -r t!� If no, explain: _ �•�v�} µa: -.:d,. .•• y., :.,,, !iP: "P '.:is_n- •s'. r, 31: :/.r, ,.:,. T �r: ..q..r :_':,... :x' ,-.,4^..: r,..,,�. .<.. ,...>•x`°:a; :.$.>. F,r,y'v'• w'ar=::• ..q'.:2:Trti: 1��5. �r , y r:.. • r ;ao;�a1;ir.T - - ;t,: g k'.'-.: r : :$i�'`.; ...nR . .'.::.4?'t;b2�: :,-+'yiv.+ ' :iF::•:i Relinquished b : Date)Time: Received b : Date/Time: Relinquished by: Date) Time: Received b Date/Time: Subcontact? Y o N f es, when ? Custod Seal(s) intact Y r N On Ice? Y N Cooler Temp: t °C 0 L, .. ., a..... r�.....,e. Samples stored 60 ays er date report mailed at no extra charge. •""� _ —1. "N7 — — ' ""' ""''' T "" GUN k . s)N00 - (L V !U 008 THU 01:23 PH NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 if residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility arc insufficient to require a surface disposal events during a required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attachment •A of this permit (e.g. no rzfam disposal occur during an entire year when adnual monitoring is required), no sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The Pemrittee shall submit an annual report, as required in condition 1V. 9., even in the event that no surface disposal events occur during an entire year, the annual report sball nuclide an explanation for missing sampling data. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per Liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) IA-Dichlombenzcne (7.5) Nitrobenzone (2.0) Darium (100.0) 1,2Dichloroethane (0.5) pentachlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.$) 13-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5A) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endriui (0,02) Silver (5.0) Cblordane (0.03) Hexwhlomb==e (0.13) Tettachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (mot it. hrkae le) (0.008)'Tmcaphene (0.5) Chtdroform (6.0) . Hexaehloro-1.3-butadicne (0.5) Triehlorvethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hwmchloroetbaue (3.0) 2,4,54iiehlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Metboxychlor (10.0) _ 2kD-(10.0). Methyl ethyl ketome (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approved residuals soureagenerating facility listed in Condition 1. 4. shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non hazardous under RCRA with respect to chromium leachability (Le., leachatc from a TCL,P analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. Qn- b samvle: One per month, minimetm. b.Ca=osite e: One per month, minimum. The results of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Perminee for a minimum of five years and shall be submitted on a yearly basis to the following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office NCDENR DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 S11011 Version 07081 S .. page 6 0£ 10 Page 13 of 25 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEN ENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received: 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By: Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 J & B Flags?: YES I TICS?: NO I Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL Metals ND to? MDL Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!! *TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081B Pest 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList=GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 14 of 25 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 Sequence: 5124008 Instrument: tracegc84 Calibration: 5092501 Surrogate Compound Spike Level % Recovery Recovery Limits Q Blank (5092122-BLK1) ug/L Lab File ID: 01 ld5092122-BLKI.d Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:04 DCAA 50.00 101 50 - 148 DCAA [2C] 50.00 94 50 - 148 LCS (5092122-BS1) ug/L Lab File ID: 0120092122-13SIA Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:30 DCAA 50.00 107 50 - 148 DCAA [2C] 50.00 57 50 - 148 LCS Dup (5092122-BSD1) ug/L Lab File ID: 0136092122-13SDIA Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:56 DCAA 1 50.00 67 50 - 148 DCAA [2C] 1 50.00 63 50 - 148 SLURRY TO QUARRY (1509040-01) ug/L Lab File ID: 020dl509040-01.d Analyzed: 09/24/15 23:57 DCAA 50.00 74 50 - 148 DCAA [2C] 50.00 70 50 - 148 �O �N ACCpR� Libc rty Ar��lytic�l Page 15 of 25 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092122-BSI Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: PLCSFB Batch: 5092122 ANALYTE SPIKE LCS ADDED CONCENTRATION (ug/-) (ug/L) LCS % REC. Q QC LIMITS REC. 2,4-D 25.00 26.6 106 50 - 150 2,4-D [2C] 25.00 24.8 99 50 - 150 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 5.000 4.86 97 50 - 150 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) [2C] 5.000 4.51 90 50 - 150 w LlbE+rty Aric9lytic�l Page 16 of 25 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092122-BSD1 Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: PLCSDFB Batch: 5092122 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (ug/L) LCSD CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCSD % REC. # % RPD # QC LIMITS RPD Q REC. 2,4-D 25.00 16.9 68 45 * 40 50 - 150 2,4-D [2C] 25.00 16.5 66 40 40 50 - 150 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 5.000 3.16 63 42 * 40 50 - 150 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) [2C] 5.000 2.99 60 40 40 50 - 150 @w LIdF+rty Ar1..!31yfiica1 a � z Page 17 of 25 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092122 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 8151A GC SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (uL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/21/15 17:00 1000 10000 PBLKFB 5092122-BLKI 09/21/15 17:00 1000 10000 PLCSFB 5092122-BSI 09/21/15 17:00 1000 10000 PLCSDFB 5092122-BSD1 09/21/15 17:00 1000 10000 \N ACc0-- Libc rfiy Ar��tyfilcc�l Page 18 of 25 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Matrix: Water Initial/Final: 1000mL / 10000uL Dilution: 1 pH: % Moisture: NA Batch: 5092122 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A SDG: 1509040 Extraction: EPA 8151A GC Sulfur Cleanup: N Florisil Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup: N Sequence: 5I24008 Project: SLURRY 2011+ File ID: 020dl509040-Ol.d Lab ID: 1509040-01 GPC Cleanup Factor: N Calibration: 5092501 SLURRY TO QUARRY Sampled: 09/16/15 08:30 Received: 09/17/15 09:11 Prepared: 09/21 /15 17:00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 23:57 Instrument: tracegc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC. (ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D 3.4 5.0 U 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 0.59 1.0 U SYSTEM MONITORING COMPOUND ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCAA 50.00 37.16 74 50 - 148 DCAA F2C1 50.00 35.04 70 50 - 148 * Values outside of QC limits O �N A.CCp9O Liberty Ar-i.�lytic�l Page 19 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: Ol ld5092122-BLKI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 10000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BLK1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5124008 Calibration: 5092501 PBLKFB QC Type: Blank Column ID: clpest Prepared: 09/21 /15 17:00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:04 Instrument: traceac84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D 3.4 5.0 U 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 0.59 1.0 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCAA 11 50.00 1 50.54 1 101 1 50 - 148 w LibPrfiy Ar-��lyfiic.�l ..�➢, , . -:mil V. ..tiff ;sg::� Page 20 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: Ol ld5092122-BLKI.d Initial/Final: 1000ml- / 10000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BLKI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5I24008 Calibration: 5092501 >PBLKFB QC Type: Blank Column ID: clnest2 Prepared: 09/21 /15 17:00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:04 Instrument: traceQc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D [2C] 3.4 5.0 U 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) [2C] 0.59 1.0 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS 1 Q DCAA [2C1 50.00 46.87 1 94 50 - 148 �O �N A.CGoRo Liberty Ar�alyfilc�l Page 21 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIiJM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: 0120092122-13SIA Initial/Final: 1000mL / 10000ul- Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BSI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5I24008 Calibration: 5092501 PLCSFB QC Type: LCS Column ID: clnest Prepared: 09/21 / 15 17: 00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:30 Instrument: tracegc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D 26.6 3.4 5.0 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 4.86 0.59 1.0 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS 11 Q DCAA 11 50.00 53.52 107 50 - 148 Lid�rty Ar-��lyfilc�i Page 22 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: 012d5092122-BSI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 10000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BSI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5I24008 Calibration: 5092501 PLCSFB QC Type: LCS Column ID: clpest2 Prepared: 09/21 /15 17:00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:30 Instrument: traceQc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D [2C] 24.8 3.4 5.0 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) [2C] 4.51 0.59 1.0 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCAA [2C] 50.00 1 28.65 57 50 - 148 �N ACCp9 O � _ I—It�Prty Ar»lyticc9l Page 23 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: ' 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: 013d5092122-BSDI.d Initial/Final: 1000ml- / 10000ul- Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BSD1 Dilution: ' I pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5I24008 Calibration: 5092501 PLCSDFB QC Type: LCS Dup Column ID: LIVest Prepared: 09/21 / 15 17: 0 0 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:56 Instrument: traceac84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D 16.9 3.4 5.0 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 3.16 0.59 1.0 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONIC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCAA 11 50.00 33.45 67 50 - 148 Ew Lidprty Ar-�c9lytic�l �N A.CCC9. Page 24 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8151A Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 8151A GC File ID: 013d5092122-BSDI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 10000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092122-BSD1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092122 Sequence: 5I24008 Calibration: 5092501 PLCSDFB QC Type: LCS Dun Column ID: clpest2 Prepared: 09/21 /15 17:00 Analyzed: 09/24/15 20:56 Instrument: tracegc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 94-75-7 2,4-D [2C] 16.5 3.4 5.0 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) [2C] 2.99 0.59 1.0 SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCAA [2C1 50.00 1 31.37 63 50 - 148 Ew LIG�rty Ar-�alytic�l "\N ACCpR . � O a Page 25 of 25 P 10/6/2015 DEAN RIGGS ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Subject: Report of Data - Project: SLURRY 2011+ WorkOrder: 1509040 Attn.: DEAN RIGGS Enclosed are the results of analytical work performed in accordance with the referenced account number. This report covers sample(s) appearing on the listing. Thank you for selecting CompuChem for your sample analysis. If you should have questions or require additional analytical services, please contact your representative at 1-800-833-5097 Sincerely, Compuchem a division of Liberty Analytical Corporation Attachment TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-379-4100 Fax: 919-379-4050 CompuChem, a division of Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Work: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Sdg: 1509040 Lab ID Client ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY Water 09/16/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 10/6/2015 ANALYSES DATA PACKAGE COVER PAGE Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ Laboratory: Liberty Analytical SDG: 1509040 Client Sample Id: Analysis: Lab Sample Id: SLURRY TO QUARRY 8081B 1509040-01 I certify that this data package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions addressed in the narrative. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy data package and in the Electronic Data Deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. a� Signature: � �" Name: Quentisha Forrester Date: 10/06/2015 Title: Chemist III �N ACCp9 533t. � Libc fty Ar�lyticcgl ¢ �� 501 Madison Avenue, Cary, NC 27513 Tel: 919-3794100 Fax: 919-3794050 Page 1 of 25 A. SDG Narrative Page 2 of 25 CompuChem A division of Liberty Analytical Corporation 501 Madison Avenue Cary, N.C. 27513 Tel: 919/379-4100 Fax: 919/379-4050 SDG NARRATIVE SDG # 1509040 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATIONS: SLURRY TO QUARRY The 1 aqueous sample listed above was received intact, at 23.5°C, in sealed shipping containers, on September 17, 2015 with proper documentation. The water sample listed above was scheduled for the requested analysis of the Pesticide fraction. SW-846, 3rd Edition, Update 4, Method 8081 B was used to prepare and analyze the sample, with the exceptions and/or additions requested by the client. All pertinent Quality Assurance notices are included in the narrative section and all pertinent Laboratory notices are included in the sample data sections. Pesticide Extraction and analysis holding time requirements were met for the sample. No Target analytes were confirmed above the Reporting Limits (RL) in this sample. Manual integrations were performed on one or more of the process files associated with this SDG. All QC criteria were met for the initial and continuing calibration standards associated to this SDG. The associated method blank met all quality control criteria. All of the,surrogate recoveries were within the quality control limits. Duplicate matrix spikes were not requested with this SDG. The Laboratory Control Samples (LCS/LCSD) met recovery criteria. An uncertainty of these test results may be estimated from the recovery of the surrogates added to the sample prior to sample preparation or from the recovery of spiked compound(s) in the associated laboratory control sample. Further information is available upon request. I certify that this Sample Data Package is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hardcopy Sample Data Package and in the electronic data deliverable has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or the Manager's designee, as verified by the following signature. 107 Quentisha Forrester Chemist III October 6, 2015 Page 3 of 25 GC and GC/MS Column and Trap Specifications Table COLUMNS Columns Brand Name Coating ID Film Thickness Length Utilized Material (mm) (um) (m) GC Laboratory DRO/ORO Restek RTX-5 0.53 1.0 30 Restek RTX-SMS 0.53 1.0 30 Restek clpest 0.32 0.5 30 Restek clpest2 0.32 0.42 30 J&W DB-210 0.53 1.0 30 RSK J&W GS-GASPRO 0.32 N/A 30 GC Volatiles Laboratory GRO Restek RTX-Volatiles 0.53 2.0 30 GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-VMS 0.18 1.0 20 Supelco SPB-624 0.32 1.8 60 Supelco SPB-624 0.53 3.0 75 Phenomonex ZB-624 0.32 1.8 60 GC/MS Semivolatiles Laboratory Restek RTX-5Sil MS 0.32 0.25 30 HPLC Laboratory PAH Supelco Supelcosil LC-PAH 4.6 5.0 15 cm PAH Supelco Discovery RP Amide C16 1 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Pinnacle Cyano 4.6 5.0 25 cm EXP Restek Allure C18 4.6 5.0 25 cm TRAPS GC and GC/MS Volatiles Laboratory Supelco J (BETXTRAPTM) * 7.7 cm Carbopack C * 1.2 cm Carbopack B Supelco K (Vocarb3000) * 10 cm of Carbopack B (Graphitized Carbons) * 6 cm of Carboxen 1000 (Carbon molecular sieves) * 1 cm of Carboxen 1001 (Carbon molecular sieves) Rev. 30 This table contains the GC columns (and volatile organic trap) used for the analysis of volatiles, semivolatiles, pesticides, and Aroclors by the requested analytical methods. Please see the SDG Narrative(s) for the specific fraction(s) relative to this SDG. Note: This table also contains HPLC columns. Page 4 of 25 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytical's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 5 of 25 Liberty Analytical Notification Regarding Manual Editing/Integration Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GUMS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GUMS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GC/MS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. MR - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GUMS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GC/MS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GUMS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision 8 (01/29/2011) Page 6 of 25 Liberty Analytical Liberty Analytieal's Pagination Convention As required by the EPA CLP Statement of Work (SOW) documents, data to be delivered must be paginated (by machine or hand). In the event that the initial numbering is incorrect (a page numbered twice or a page skipped, for example), it is Liberty Analytical's policy to add an alphabetic suffix to a page number when necessary (e.g., 100A, 100B, etc.). This policy is also applicable to non-CLP data packages. Revision 7 (01/12/2011) Page 7 of 25 Liberty Analytical Notification Re ag rding Manual Editing/Integration Flags In some instances, manual adjustments to the software output are necessary to provide accurate data. These manual integrations are performed by the data reviewers, GUMS operators, or GC/HPLC chemists. An Extracted Ion Current Profile (EICP) or a GC/HPLC chromatographic peak has been provided for the manual integration performed on each compound to demonstrate the accuracy of that process. The manual integrations are flagged on the quantitation report in the far right column beyond the FINAL concentration for GC/MS analysis, and in the "Flags" column for GC/HPLC analysis. The manual editing/integration flags are: M - Denotes that a manual integration has been performed for this compound. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. The most common reasons for performing manual integrations/editing are: the compound was not found by the automatic integration routine, the compound was incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine, and the co -eluting compounds were incorrectly integrated by the automatic integration routine. H - Denotes that the data reviewer, GUMS operator, or GC/HPLC Chemist has chosen an alternate peak within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ME - Denotes that an alternate peak has been chosen within the retention time window from that chosen by the software for that compound and also a manual integration of the chosen peak has been performed. The manual integration was performed in order to provide the most accurate area count possible for the peak. L - Denotes that a data reviewer or GC/MS operator has selected an alternate library search. This is typically done when an additional tentatively identified compound (TIC) has been added to the number of peaks searched. No manual integration is performed in choosing an alternate peak. The software still performs the integration. ML - Denotes that an alternate GC/MS library search has been selected and a manual integration has also been performed. This is typically done when an additional TIC has been added and the TIC peak also required a manual integration. These codes will appear in the GC/MS and GC/HPLC raw data. Revision 8 (01/29/2011) Page 8 of 25 Liberty Analytical DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS On the appropriate reporting form, under the column labeled "Q" for qualifier, each result is flagged with the specific data reporting qualifiers listed below, as appropriate. Up to five qualifiers may be reported on the appropriate reporting form for each compound. The qualifiers used are: U : This flag indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected. The Contract Required Quantitation Limit (CRQL), or reporting limit, will be adjusted to reflect any dilution and, for soils, the percent moisture. J : This flag indicates an estimated value. The flag is used as detailed below: 1. When estimating a concentration for tentatively identified compounds (TICS) where a response factor of 1:1 is assumed for the TIC analyte, 2. When the mass spectral and retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the volatile and semivolatile GUMS identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero, and 3. When the retention time data indicate the presence of a compound that meets the pesticide and/or Aroclor or other GC or HPLC identification criteria, and the result is less than the adjusted CRQL (or Reporting Limit) but greater than zero. For example, if the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) is 10 µg/L, but a concentration of 3 µg/L is calculated, it is reported as N. N : This flag indicates presumptive evidence of a compound. This flag is only used for TICs, where the identification is based on a mass spectral library search and must be used with the J flag. For generic characterization of a TIC such as "chlorinated hydrocarbon" (or for an "unknown," with no matches > 85%), the N flag is not used. P : In the EPA's Contract Laboratory Program (CLP), this flag is used for a pesticide/Aroclor target analyte, when there is greater than 25% difference for detected concentrations between the two GC columns. The lower of the two values is reported on the Form I and flagged with a P. For SW-846 GC and HPLC analyses, when the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) is greater than 40% and there is no evidence of chromatographic anomalies or interferences, then the lower of the two values is reported and flagged with a P on the reporting form. When the RPD is equal to or less than 40%, our policy is to also report the lower of the two values, although the choice could be a project specific issue. These SW-846 policies are consistent with Method 8000C. If Method 8000B is required, the higher of the two values is reported. For certain HPLC analyses, if one of the HPLC columns displays co -elution of target analytes, all results are reported from a primary column displaying no co -elution. Results are still flagged with a P if the RPD between columns is greater than 40%. C : This flag applies to GC or HPLC results where the identification has been confirmed by GUMS. If GUMS confirmation was attempted but was unsuccessful, this flag is not applied; a laboratory - defined flag is used instead (see the X/Y/Z qualifier.) Page 9 of 25 DATA REPORTING QUALIFIERS (continued) B : This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated blank as well as in the sample. It indicates probable blank contamination and warns the data user to take appropriate action. This flag is used for a TIC as well as for a positively identified target compound. The combination of flags BU or UB is not an allowable policy. Blank contaminants are flagged B only when they are detected in the sample. E : This flag identifies compounds whose concentrations exceed the upper level of the calibration range of the instrument for that specific analysis. If one or more compounds have a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range, the sample or extract will be diluted and reanalyzed. All such compounds with a concentration greater than the upper level of the calibration range will have the result flagged with an E on the appropriate reporting form for the original analysis. D : If a sample or extract is reanalyzed at a higher dilution factor, for example when the concentration of an analyte exceeds the upper calibration range, the DL suffix is appended to the sample number on the appropriate reporting form for the more diluted sample, and all reported concentrations on that form are flagged with the D flag. This flag alerts data users that any discrepancies between the reported concentrations may be due to dilution of the sample or extract. NOTE 1: The D flag is not applied to compounds which are not detected in the sample analysis i.e. compounds reported with the CRQL (or Reporting Limit) and the U flag. NOTE 2: Separate reporting forms are used for reporting the original analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXX) and the more diluted sample analysis (Client Sample No. XXXXXDL) i.e. the results from both analyses are not combined on a single reporting form. A: This flag indicates that a TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product. In the SOM01.2 SOW document, this flag is used to indicate an estimated value for Aroclor target compounds where a valid 5-point initial calibration was not performed prior to the analytes detection in a sample. If an "S" flag is used for a specific Aroclor, then a reanalysis of the sample is required after a valid 5-point calibration is performed for the detected Aroclor. The "S" flag is not utilized for non CLP analyses. X/Y/Z : Other specific flags may be required to properly define the results. If used, the flags will be fully described in the SDG Narrative. The laboratory -defined flags are limited to X, Y, and Z. Revision 13 (01-12-2011) Page 10 of 25 Chain of Custody Records The laboratory shall include a copy of the Chain -of - Custody (CoC) documentation for all of the samples in the Work Order/SDG. Page 11 of 25 13343 Ln CHAIN OF CUSTODY Page of N CompuChem 501 Madison Ave. Courier o a division of Liberty Analytical Corp. Cary, NC 27513 Airbill No. N - Phone: 919-379-4100 Fax 919-379-4040 SamplingCom lete? Y or N Company Project Name cc 7� )z r �• GW - Ground water W W - Waste water SW - Surface water SO - Soil/Sediment TB - Trip Blank RI - Rinsate WP -Wipe O -Other w Address 5y Sampling Location City State Zip SrAg? Turnaround time Project Qontpct Batch QC or Project Specific? If Specific, which Sample ID?N. Phone # -70 Are aqueous samples field filtered for metals? Y or N Sampler's Name �C%1 711 Are high concentrations expected? Y or N? If yes, which ID(s)? ° z •.. c Field ID Collection Matrix #of bottles Number of Preserved Bottles Date Time � � zz x d• x � O ZWV ` IG-K O T 3C X -I G' QT5 -•.4.: a . Pie. F.y �..,.yY�..1.dr.. ��E..,. ,... Y:....t _ %P.=s•-o- P.. 9„.1 .,Y..„ �.7I >.,... ». a ...•, '�,,•'.�3, Sf, � ii!'s3 �> .• �. .h _••.l.r..•.L.F L ..a ..... ,. P4ha .x .. �VILL q";:rr ... T-,5�•e 4,. ..=ti`•Tr7?r .1 . >x `" �1 `: "'i::: � �� 4�Y." �:, ��,Y�y 'ti`'.lai% ..f•i{t.1u'1 .+4"T p .Si � }IJ :k.�l1%ti.: T� .�,.:,. 'F�`i ...@{: t�:� - {`r ' .I.cT ".4. f,. .,�].., ; , :.31: '. �.•is�r.'.'i_~`o�.'�....o•,14i �% ��t:x ly.:y . �,.1'. ::r,, R'. .-v.F...r....� nra(.�.•PP,.y� �t� -,"r : .r}i >. 7 y.,iJ'P v.7 •' r,•,xl �t•�t. s"7 �. Jk Sample Unpack d B Cyanide samples checked for sulfide & chlorine? Y NA 625 & Phenol samples checked for chlorine. Y A rr J Sample Order Ent BY: t�., `r 1 Samples Received In Good Co ttio Y r N 608 sam les checked for H between 5.0 9.0? Y NA If no, explain: :. .P.3 , ...'.:..: :... .. ,v. rt.rt.... ..,5<..:. <.�,T ;-�Y: •i!. ::'••:l;t.�i N:d>r1 �." ..F ?, yr �,- Relin uished b : Nfc JDateiTime: lReceived b : Date/Time: Relinquished by: Datefrime: Received b Date/Time: Subcontact? Y o N f es, where? Custod Seal(s) intact Y r N On Ice? Y N Cooler Temp: °C Samples stored 60 ktys er date report mailed at no extra charge. White IOW copy to lab • Pink copy for customer, s��O ((L6UN• 10 008 THU 01:23 PH NCDENR FAX NO. 9103502004 P. 09 If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are insuffiicimt to require a surface disposal events during it required sampling period as specified in the most recently -certified Attarh.bment -A of this permit (e.g. no surface disposal occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is required), no sampling data a required during the period of inactivity. The Permittm shall. submit an am anal report, as required in condition 1V. 9., even in the event that ao surface disposal events occur during an entire year the annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt 8mm this condition in the most randy -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be requited to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall inehule the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in pare;idmes): Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichlombenzwe (7.5) Nitmbenzone (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2Dichloroethime (0.5) Peutachlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Diehlorocthylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) EmMil (0.02) Siivar (5.0) Cblordam (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachlozoethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (hod a. hydroxide) (0.008) Tmcaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) . Hexaehloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) TricbloroAylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-THehlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Tricb1ompbenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200A) T Wan (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxycblor (10.0) 2kD,(10.0). Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) 3. Residuals generated by the approved residuals source -generating facility listed in Condition 1. 4. efiell be analyzed to demon t rate that they are non -hazardous under RCRA with respect to obromium leachability (i.o., leachate from, it TCL,P analyzed for chromium only). The following sampling schedule shall be followed: a. Q b s : One per month, minimum. b.Qggosite s e. One per month, minimum. The results of all analytical determinations shall be maintained on file by the Perminee for a minimum of five years and shall be submitted on a yearly basis to the Following address: WQ0001492 Version 3.0 Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office NCDENR-DWQ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, Noah Carolina. 28405-3845 Sihotl Version 070915 page 6 of 10 Page 13 of 25 WORK ORDER Printed: 9/21/2015 9:53:02AM 1509040 Liberty Analytical Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project Manager: Cathy Dover Project: SLURRY 2011+ Project Number: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 CASE: Status: Batched Report To: Invoice To: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM DEAN RIGGS DEAN RIGGS 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD 5408 HOLLY SHELTER ROAD CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 CASTLE HAYNE, NC 28429 Phone:910-675-7248 Phone:910-675-7248 Fax: - Fax: - Date Due: 09/30/2015 00:00 (13 day TAT) Received By: Cathy Dover Date Received: 09/17/2015 09:11 Logged In By: Cathy Dover Date Logged In: 09/17/2015 17:33 J & B Flags?: YES I TICS?: NO I Deliverable: Level 2 E-mail Only I EDD : 68) LATA EXCEL Metals ND to? MDL Spike Level: FULL Spike LCS FOR QC*DO NOT REFRIGERATE SAMPLE!!*TOTAL ANALYSES, BUT RPT. VOC=8260ZHE.SUB (7 day ht-unpres); SVOC PEST & HERB=TCLP.SUB*6010C/7470A MTL/Hg=RCRA*CLIENT NEEDS TOTAL CRESOLS RESULT NOTED IN THE SVOA CASE NARRATIVE Analysis Due TAT Expires Received Comments 1509040-01 SLURRY TO QUARRY [Water] Sampled 09/16/2015 08:30 Eastern 6010C METALS 09/30/2015 16:00 13 03/14/2016 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 7470A 7471B Mercury 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 CORROSIVITY 904OB-9040C 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/28/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 GC-8081B Pest 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= GC- 8081 TCLP (10-24-11) GC-8151A-HERBICIDE 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList = GC- 8151 TCLP (10-24-11) IGNITABILITY 1010A 09/30/2015 16:00 13 10/14/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE CYANIDE 9014 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 REACTIVE SULFIDE 9034 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SVOC 8270D 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/23/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= SV- TCLP (10-24-11) VOA-8260B 5PPB 09/30/2015 16:00 13 09/30/2015 08:30 09/17/2015 09:11 SubList= VOA- 8260ZHE (10-24-11) Page 14 of 25 SURROGATE STANDARD RECOVERY 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Project: SLURRY 2011+ SDG: 1509040 Sequence: 5I28006 Instrument: tracegc84 Calibration: 5092905 Surrogate Compound Spike Level % Recovery Recovery Limits Q Blank (5092101-BLK1) ug/L Lab File ID: 015e5092101-BLKI.d Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:28 DCB (A) 0.6000 45 43 - 141 DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 45 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 77 42 - 115 TCX.(A) [2C] 0.3000 75 42 - 115 LCS (5092101-BS1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 016e5092101-13S Ld Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:56 DCB (A) 0.6000 43 43 - 141 DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 44 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 80 42 - 115 TCX (A) [2C] 0.3000 77 42 - 115 LCS Dup (5092101-BSD1 ) ug/L Lab File ID: 017e5092101-13SDIA Analyzed: 09/29/15 00:25 DCB (A) 0.6000 47 43 - 141 DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 47 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 84 42 - 115 TCX (A) [2C] 0.3000 82 42 - 115 SLURRY TO QUARRY (1509040-01) ug/L Lab File ID: 018e1509040-0l.d Analyzed: 09/29/15 00:53 DCB (A) 0.6000 83 43 - 141 DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 81 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 68 42 - 115 TCX (A) [2C] 0.3000 62 42 - 115 Lilac ri'y Ar-�alytic�l A C t ¢ a's Page 15 of 25 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092101-BS1 Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: PLCSEZ Batch: 5092101 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (ug/L) LCS CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCS % REC. Q QC LIMITS REC. gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.3000 0.331 110 62 - 145 gamma-BHC (Lindane) [2C] 0.3000 0.328 109 62 - 145 Heptachlor 0.3000 0.288 B 96 58 - 132 Heptachlor [2C] 0.3000 0.287 96 58 - 132 Heptachlor epoxide 0.3000 0.315 105 58 - 131 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.3000 0.305 102 58 - 131 Endrin 0.3000 0.329 110 68 - 134 Endrin [2C] 0.3000 0.326 109 68 - 134 Methoxychlor 1 0.3000 0.392 131 77 - 150 Methoxychlor [2C] 0.3000 0.400 133 77 - 150 w Llb2rty Ar�alytic�l �N ACCp 9 Page 16 of 25 LCS / LCS DUPLICATE SUMMARY 8081B Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Lab ID: 5092101-BSD1 Matrix: Water SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Client ID: LCSEZ Dun Batch: 5092101 ANALYTE SPIKE ADDED (ug/L) LCSD CONCENTRATION (ug/L) LCSD % REC. # % RPD # QC LIMITS RPD Q REC. gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.3000 0.333 111 0.6 40 62 - 145 gamma-BHC (Lindane) [2C] 0.3000 0.330 110 0.7 40 62 - 145 Heptachlor 0.3000 0.294 B 98 2 40 58 - 132 Heptachlor [2C] 0.3000 0.296 99 3 40 58 - 132 Heptachlor epoxide 0.3000 0.317 106 0.7 40 58 - 131 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.3000 0.309 103 1 40 58 - 131 Endrin 0.3000 0.339 113 3 40 68 - 134 Endrin [2C] 0.3000 0.330 110 1 40 68 - 134 Methoxychlor 0.3000 0.394 131 0.6 40 77 - 150 Methoxychlor [2C] 0.3000 0.408 136 2 40 77 ;N, ACC09 O O (Y�1- Llt�c rty Ar�c9lyfiical Page 17 of 25 PREPARATION BATCH SUMMARY 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Batch: 5092101 Matrix: Water Preparation: EPA 3510C GC SAMPLE NAME LAB SAMPLE ID DATE PREPARED INITIAL VOL/WT (mL) FINAL VOL/WT (uL) SLURRY TO QUARRY 1509040-01 09/21/15 10:00 1000 5000 PBLKEZ 5092101-BLK1 09/21/15 10:00 1000 5000 PLCSEZ 5092101-BS 1 09/21/15 10:00 1000 5000 LCSEZ Dup 5092101-BSDI 09/21/15 10:00 1000 5000 �N ACCO, l_IdPrYy Ar�c�lyticc9l Page 18 of 25 Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM Matrix: Water Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Dilution: 1 pH: % Moisture: NA Batch: 5092101 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081B SDG: 1509040 Extraction: EPA 3510C GC Sulfur Cleanup: N Florisil Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup: N Sequence: 5I28006 Project: SLURRY 2011+ File ID: 018e1509040-01A Lab ID: 1509040-01 GPC Cleanup Factor: N Calibration: 5092905 SLURRY TO QUARRY Sampled: 09/16/15 08:30 Received: 09/17/15 09:11 Prepared: 09/21 / 15 10: 00 Analyzed: 09/29/15 00:53 Instrument: traceec84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC. (ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.0019 0.025 U 76-44-8 Heptachlor 0.0024 0.025 U 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 0.0028 0.025 U 72-20-8 Endrin 0.0069 0.050 U 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 0.015 0.25 U 8001-35-2 Toxaphene 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane 0.24 0.80 U SYSTEM MONITORING COMPOUND ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) 0.6000 0.4953 83 43 - 141 DCB (A) F2C1 0.6000 0.4855 81 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 0.2031 1 68 42 - 115 TCX (A) F2C1 0.3000 0.1867 1 62 42 - 115 * Values outside of QC limits Libc f't'y Ar�..�tytical \N ACCOq�9 c.� Page 19 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 015e5092101-BLKI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BLK1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5I28006 Calibration: 5092905 PBLKEZ QC Type: Blank Column ID: clnest Prepared: 09/21 / 15 10: 00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:28 Instrument: traceec84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.0019 0.025 U 76-44-8 Heptachlor 0.0029 0.0024 0.025 J 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 0.0028 0.025 U 72-20-8 Endrin 0.0069 0.050 U 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 0.015 0.25 U 8001-35-2 Toxaphene 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) 0.6000 0.2684 45 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 0.2314 77 42 - 115 �� \N ACC09O Llb2rty Arialyticc9! Page 20 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 015e5092101-BLKI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BLKI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5128006 Calibration: 5092905 PBLKEZ QC Type: Blank Column ID: clpest2 Prepared: 09/21 /15 10:00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:28 Instrument: tracegc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) [2C] 0.0019 0.025 U 76-44-8 Heptachlor [2C] 0.0024 0.025 U 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.0028 0.025 U 72-20-8 Endrin [2C] 0.0069 0.050 U 72-43-5 Methoxychlor[2C] 0.015 0.25 U 8001-35-2 Toxaphene [2C] 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane [2C] 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 0.2704 45 43 - 141 TCX (A) [2C1 0.3000 0.2256 75 42 - 115 w Llbprty Ari�lyfilcal ACCp9Oq �c U r. Page 21 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 016e5092101-BS1.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BSI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5I28006 Calibration: 5092905 PLCSEZ QC Type: LCS Column ID: clnest Prepared: 09/21 / 15 10: 00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:56 Instrument: tracesc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.331 0.0019 0.025 76-44-8 Heptachlor 0.288 0.0024 0.025 B 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 0.315 0.0028 0.025 72-20-8 Endrin 0.329 0.0069 0.050 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 0.392 0.015 0.25 8001-35-2 Toxaphene 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) 0.6000 1 0.2603 43 43 - 141 1 1 TCX (A) 0.3000 0.2389 80 42 - 115 �N ACCp9 Llbi2rty Ar-�alytic�l Page 22 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 016e5092101-BSI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000ul- Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BSI Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5128006 Calibration: 5092905 PLCSEZ QC Type: LCS Column ID: clnest2 Prepared: 09/21 /15 10: 00 Analyzed: 09/28/15 23:56 Instrument: traceec84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) [2C] 0.328 0.0019 0.025 76-44-8 Heptachlor [2C] 0.287 0.0024 0.025 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.305 0.0028 0.025 72-20-8 Endrin [2C] 0.326 0.0069 0.050 72-43-5 Methoxychlor [2C] 0.400 0.015 0.25 8001-35-2 Toxaphene [2C] 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane [2C] 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) [2C1 0.6000 0.2637 44 43 - 141 1 1 TCX (A) [2C] 0.3000 0.2315 77 42 - 115 Lldc rty Ar-�c9lytical n Page 23 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SKEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 017e5092101-BSDI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BSD1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5I28006 Calibration: 5092905 LCSEZ Dup QC Type: LCS Dup Column ID: clpest Prepared: 09/21 / 15 10: 00 Analyzed: 09/29/15 00:25 Instrument: tracegc84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) 0.333 0.0019 0.025 76-44-8 Heptachlor 0.294 0.0024 0.025 B 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 0.317 0.0028 0.025 72-20-8 Endrin 0.339 0.0069 0.050 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 0.394 0.015 0.25 8001-35-2 Toxaphene 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) 0.6000 0.2804 47 43 - 141 TCX (A) 0.3000 0.2526 84 42 - 115 %N ACCp9 T azs Liberty Ar��lytic�l Page 24 of 25 ANALYSIS DATA SHEET 8081E Client: ELEMENTIS CHROMIUM SDG: 1509040 Project: SLURRY 2011+ Matrix: Water Extraction: EPA 3510C GC File ID: 017e5092101-BSDI.d Initial/Final: 1000mL / 5000uL Sulfur Cleanup: N Lab ID: 5092101-BSD1 Dilution: 1 pH: Florisil Cleanup: N % Moisture: NA GPC Cleanup: N GPC Cleanup Factor: N Batch: 5092101 Sequence: 5128006 Calibration: 5092905 LCSEZ Dup QC Type: LCS Dun Column ID: clnest2 Prepared: 09/21 / 15 10:00 Analyzed: 09/29/15 00:25 Instrument: traceac84 CAS NO. COMPOUND CONC.(ug/L) MDL RL Q 58-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) [2C] 0.330 0.0019 0.025 76-44-8 Heptachlor [2C] 0.296 0.0024 0.025 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide [2C] 0.309 0.0028 0.025 72-20-8 Endrin [2C] 0.330 0.0069 0.050 72-43-5 Methoxychlor [2C] 0.408 0.015 0.25 8001-35-2 Toxaphene [2C] 0.48 2.5 U 57-74-9 Technical Chlordane [2C] 0.24 0.80 U SURROGATE RECOVERY RESULTS ADDED (ug/L) CONC (ug/L) % REC QC LIMITS Q DCB (A) [2C] 0.6000 0.2834 47 43 - 141 TCX (A) [2C1 F 0.3000 0.2450 82 42 - 115 �o %N ACC09O9 Llb2rty Ar-ic9lyticc9l Page 25 of 25 Permit Condition IV. IO.a Dates and Freeboard Measurements Quarry Sections 1 & 2 Levels & Freeboard Levels SAMPDATE QUARRY#1 LEVEL FEET QUARRY#2 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #1 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET Permit Limit FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET 1/1/2015 1 /2/2015 8.20 9.48 4.13 2.85 2 1 /3/2015 1 /4/2015 1 /5/2015 8.28 9.58 4.05 2.75 2 1 /6/2015 8.26 9.58 4.07 2.75 2 1 /7/2015 8.25 9.57 4.08 2.76 2 1 /8/2015 8.23 9.56 4.10 2.77 2 1 /9/2015 8.21 9.55 4.12 2.78 2 1 /10/2015 1/11/2015 1/12/2015 8.17 9.54 4.16 2.79 2 1/13/2015 8.50 9.64 3.83 2.69 2 1/14/2015 8.64 9.50 3.69 2.83 2 1/15/2015 8.75 9.35 3.58 2.98 2 1/16/2015 8.87 9.20 3.46 3.13 2 1 /17/2015 1 /18/2015 1/19/2015 9.02 9.12 3.31 3.21 2 1 /20/2015 9.10 9.00 3.23 3.33 2 1 /21 /2015 9.10 8.96 3.23 3.37 2 1 /22/2015 9.19 8.83 3.14 3.50 2 1 /23/2015 9.18 8.78 3.15 3.55 2 1 /24/2015 1 /25/2015 1 /26/2015 9.35 9.02 2.98 3.31 2 1 /27/2015 9.34 9.03 2.99 3.30 2 1 /28/2015 9.30 9.00 3.03 3.33 2 1 /29/2015 9.27 8.99 3.06 3.34 2 1 /30/2015 9.25 8.99 3.08 3.34 2 1 /31 /2015 2/1 /2015 2/2/2015 9.20 9.00 3.13 3.33 2 2/3/2015 9.20 9.05 3.13 3.28 2 2/4/2015 9.17 9.04 3.16 3.29 2 2/5/2015 9.18 9.08 3.15 3.25 2 2/6/2015 9.15 9.07 3.18 3.26 2 2/7/2015 2/8/2015 2/9/2015 9.07 9.07 3.26 3.26 2 2/10/2015 9.04 9.07 3.29 3.26 2 2/11/2015 9.00 9.07 3.33 3.26 2 2/12/2015 8.99 9.07 3.34 3.26 2 2/13/2015 8.95 9.06 3.38 3.27 2 2/14/2015 2/15/2015 2/16/2015 8.96 9.03 3.37 3.30 2 2/17/2015 8.90 9.091 3.24 2 2/18/2015 8.89 9.101 3.44 3.23 2 2/19/2015 8.86 9.091 3.47 3.24 2 Quarry Sections 1 & 2 Levels & Freeboard Levels SAMPDATE QUARRY #1 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #1 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET Permit Limit FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET 2/20/2015 8.84 9.07 3.49 3.26 2 2/21 /2015 2/22/2015 2/23/2015 8.85 9.10 3.48 3.23 2 2/24/2015 8.85 9.12 3.48 3.21 2 2/25/2015 8.88 9.16 3.45 3.17 2 2/26/2015 8.98 9.30 3.35 3.03 2 2/27/2015 8.98 9.30 3.35 3.03 2 2/28/2015 3/1 /2015 3/2/2015 8.89 9.34 3.44 2.99 2 3/3/2015 8.87 9.34 3.46 2.99 2 3/4/2015 8.88 9.35 3.45 2.98 2 3/5/2015 8.86 9.37 3.47 2.96 2 3/6/2015 8.84 9.40 3.49 2.93 2 3/7/2015 3/8/2015 3/9/2015 8.76 9.41 3.57 2.92 2 3/10/2015 8.74 9.41 3.59 2.92 2 3/11/2015 8.72 9.42 3.61 2.91 2 3/12/2015 8.69 9.42 3.64 2.91 2 3/13/2015 8.64 9.41 3.69 2.92 2 3/14/2015 3/ 15/2015 3/16/2015 8.64 9.50 3.69 2.83 2 3/17/2015 8.60 9.48 3.73 2.85 2 3/18/2015 8.55 9.47 3.78 2.86 2 3/19/2015 8.51 9.46 3.82 2.87 2 3/20/2015 8.53 9.49 3.80 2.84 2 3/21 /2015 3/22/2015 3/23/2015 8.51 9.53 3.82 2.80 2 3/24/2015 8.47 9.52 3.86 2.81 2 3/25/2015 8.55 9.40 3.78 2.93 2 3/26/2015 8.73 9.34 3.60 2.99 2 3/27/2015 8.83 9.22 3.50 3.11 2 3/28/2015 3/29/2015 3/30/2015 8.80 9.19 3.53 3.14 2 3/31 /2015 8.90 9.04 3.43 3.29 2 4/1/2015 9.00 8.89 3.33 3.44 2 4/2/2015 9.06 8.74 3.27 3.59 2 4/3/2015 9.15 8.60 3.18 3.73 2 4/4/2015 4/5/2015 4/6/2015 9.07 8.54 3.26 3.79 2 4/7/2015 9.15 8.41 3.18 3.92 2 4/8/2015 9.15 8.351 3.18 3.98 2 4/9/2015 9.14 8.361 3.191 3.97 2 4/10/2015 9.12 8.391 3.211 3.94 2 Quarry Sections 1 & 2 Levels & Freeboard Levels SAMPDATE QUARRY#1 LEVEL (FEETJ QUARRY#2 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #1 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET Permit Limit FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET 4/11/2015 4/12/2015 4/13/2015 9.00 8.38 3.33 3.95 2 4/14/2015 8.98 8.38 3.35 3.95 2 4/15/2015 8.93 8.38 3.40 3.95 2 4/16/2015 8.91 8.38 3.42 3.95 2 4/17/2015 8.88 8.38 3.45 3.95 4/18/2015 4/19/2015 4/20/2015 8.85 8.46 3.48 3.87 2 4/21 /2015 8.81 8.46 3.52 3.87 2 4/22/2015 8.77 8.45 3.56 3.88 2 4/23/2015 8.72 8.43 3.61 3.90 2 4/24/2015 8.67 8.41 3.66 3.92 2 4/25/2015 4/26/2015 4/27/2015 8.56 8.40 3.77 3.93 2 4/28/2015 8.52 8.38 3.81 3.95 2 4/29/2015 8.47 8.37 3.86 3.96 2 4/30/2015 8A7 8.40 3.86 3.93 2 5/1/2015 8.46 8.40 3.87 3.93 2 5/2/2015 5/3/2015 5/4/2015 8.38 8.40 3.95 3.93 2 5/5/2015 8.34 8.39 3.99 3.94 2 5/6/2015 8.28 8.37 4.05 3.96 2 5/7/2015 8.24 8.37 4.09 3.96 2 5/8/2015 8.20 8.37 4.13 3.96 2 5/9/2015 5/10/2015 5/11/2015 8.45 8.69 3.88 3.64 2 5/12/2015 8.44 8.70 3.89 3.63 2 5/13/2015 8.40 8.70 3.93 3.63 2 5/14/2015 8.36 8.69 3.97 3.64 2 5/15/2015 8.31 8.67 4.02 3.66 2 5/16/2015 5/17/2015 5/18/2015 8.19 8.66 4.14 3.67 2 5/19/2015 8.14 8.64 4.19 3.69 2 5/20/2015 8.14 8.65 4.19 3.68 2 5/21 /2015 8.10 8.65 4.23 3.68 2 5/22/2015 8.08 8.66 4.25 3.67 2 5/23/2015 5/24/2015 5/25/2015 Holiday Holida 5/26/2015 7.89 8.59 4.44 3.74 2 5/27/2015 7.851 8.581 4.481 3.75 2 5/28/2015 7.80 8.56 4.53 3.77 2 5/29/2015 7.75 8.55 4.58 3.78 2 5/30/2015 Quany Sections 1 & 2 Levels & Freeboard Levels SAMPDATE QUARRY #1 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 LEVEL FEET QUARRY #1 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET QUARRY #2 FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET Permit Limit FREEBOARD LEVEL FEET 5/31 /2015 6/1/2015 7.64 8.54 4.69 3.79 2 6/2/2015 7.60 8.52 4.73 3.81 2 6/3/2015 7.64 8.58 4.69 3.75 2 6/4/2015 7.69 8.65 4.64 3.68 2 6/5/2015 7.68 8.64 4.65 3.69 2 6/6/2015 6/7/2015 6/8/2015 7.60 8.64 4.73 3.69 2 6/9/2015 7.55 8.63 4.78 3.70 2 6/10/2015 7.61 8.69 4.72 3.64 2 6/11 /2015 7.56 8.69 4.77 3.64 2 6/12/2015 7.55 8.65 4.78 3.68 2 6/13/2015 6/14/2015 6/15/2015 7.37 8.64 4.96 3.69 2 6/16/2015 7.32 8.62 5.01 3.71 2 6/17/2015 7.25 8.60 5.08 3.73 2 6/18/2015 7.20 8.58 5.13 3.75 2 6/19/2015 7.22 8.64 5.11 3.69 2 6/20/2015 6/21 /2015 6/22/2015 7.29 8.76 5.04 3.57 2 6/23/2015 7.26 8.76 5.07 3.57 2 6/24/2015 7.21 8.74 5.12 3.59 2 6/25/2015 7.18 8.73 5.15 3.60 2 6/26/2015 7.12 8.71 5.21 3.62 2 6/27/2015 6/28/2015 6/29/2015 7.13 8.72 5.20 3.61 2 6/30/2015 7.08 8.69 5.25 3.64 2 7/1/2015 7.01 8.66 5.32 3.67 2 7/2/2015 6.96 8.65 5.37 3.68 2 7/3/2015 7/4/2015 7/5/2015 7/6/2015 6.82 8.61 5.51 3.72 2 7/7/2015 6.77 8.6 5.56 3.73 2 7/8/2015 6.72 8.58 5.61 3.75 2 7/9/2015 6.67 8.56 5.66 3.77 2 7/10/2015 6.65 8.55 5.68 3.78 2 7/11 /2015 7/12/2015 7/13/2015 6.42 8.48 5.91 3.85 2 7/14/2015 6.48 8.56 5.85 3.77 2 7/15/2015 6.44 8.56 5.89 3.77 2 7/16/2015 6.39 8.54 5.94 3.79 2 7/17/2015 6.33 8.5 6.00 3.83 2 7/18/2015 7/19/2015 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Q r uj -I O LL m J W U- WJ u- co co m co0)0)O f-- 0) 00 M 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Dates, Volumes, and Useful Disposal Life for Quarries Quarry Section I Annual Report QUARRY I SECTION I TRACKING ACTIVITY LOG START DATE FOR QUARRY I SECTION I TRACKING ACTIVITY LOG YEAR 2015 MONTH 1 DAY 1 BASIS: DRY RESIDUALS FACTOR = 1.054 DRY TONS OF RESIDUE PER TON OF BICHROMATE PRODUCTION s i Remaining Volume Available 12/31/2014 = 430,411 Cubic Yards of Residue I E Cumulative Sludge Volume 12/31/2014 = 3,747,306 Cubic Yards of Residue NOTES: PERMITTED ALLOWABLE WT. OF DRY TONS PER YEAR = 171,000 SODIUM BICHROMATE PRODUCTION REPRESENTS PRODUCT TONNAGE WHILE USING QUARRY SECTION I. SODIUM BICHROMATE PRODUCTION HAS BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDING TO MONTH -END INVENTORIES TO INSURE ACCURACY. I 4 RESIDUE CY(fON FACTOR HAS BEEN KEPT CONSTANT AT THE 2002 VALUE = 1.45 CUBIC YARDS PER TON BE I i SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE i DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS 31-Dec 1-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 A. 0 0 1.450 0 B. 3747306 3747306 C. 430411 430411 D. 2.2 2.2 i 2-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 4-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 9-Jan 10-Jan 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 0 0 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 2.2 11-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Jan 14-Jan 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 0 0 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 2.2 15-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 1 3747306 430411 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 1 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. 16-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 17-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Jan 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 19-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 22-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 24-Jan 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 25-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 30-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 31-Jan 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 1-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 2-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 4-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 s 5-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Feb 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 9-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 14-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 15-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 •, 17-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 24-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 1 747306 430411 2.2 25-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Feb 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 2 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING i BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS j A. B. C. D. I 1-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 2-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 3-Mar 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 4-Mar 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 8-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 9-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 11-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 12-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 € 14-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 15-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 1 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 17-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 21-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Mar 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 24-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 27-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 30-Mar 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 31-Mar 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 1-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 2-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 4-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 9-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Apr 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 3 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING j BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE i DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS f A. B. C. D. f 14-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 15-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 € 16-A r 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 19-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 20-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 21-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 23-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 24-A r 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 26-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 30-A r 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 1-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 2-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 4-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 < 5-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 6-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 9-MaV 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 0-MaV 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 11-MaV 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 14-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 15-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 16-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 18-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Mav 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 22-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 24-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Ma 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 4 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE IWEIGHTOF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING i BICHROMATE DRY USE IDISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE I DATE 1PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. I 28-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 29-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 30-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 31-May 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ; 1-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 2-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 3-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 4-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 37 77306 430411 2.2 6-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 8-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 9-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 f 12-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 13-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 14-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 15-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 18-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 20-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 23-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 24-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 26-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Jun 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 30-Jun 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 2-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Jul 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 4-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 9-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3147306 430411 1 2.2 10-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 1 3747306 430411 1 2.2 Permit No. W00001492 Page 5 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE JDAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING I BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS 11-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 A. 0 1.450 0 B. 3747306 C. 430411 D. I 2.2 12-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 13-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 14-Jul 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 15-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 20-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 72 I 21-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ; 22-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 T-2-11 23-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 24-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 374730E 430411 2.2 25-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 27-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 28-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 30-Jul 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 31-Jul 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1A50 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 2-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 3-Aug 4-Aug 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 0 0 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 2.2 5-Aug 6-Auq 0.0 1 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 0 1 0 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 1 2.2 I 7-Auq 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 11 -Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aua 15-Aua 16-Auq 17-Auq 18-Aug 19-Au 20-Au 21-Au 22-Au 23-Aug 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 1.054 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 1.450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.._____j 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 374730E 3747306 1 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 3747306 374730E 374730E 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 430411 4 2.2 I 2.2 I 2.2 I 2.2 2.2 2.2 I 2.2 ! 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 I 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 i 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 6 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE } DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. I 24-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 J 25-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 26-Aua 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 28-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 J 29-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 } 30-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 31-Aug 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 } 1 -Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 2-Sep 1 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 4-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 5-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 6-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 7-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Se 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 9-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 10-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 J 11-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 12-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 13-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 1. 3747306 430411 2.2 i 14-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 { 15-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 16-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 18-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 19-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 20-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Sep 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 24-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 26-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 27-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 1 28-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 J 29-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 30-Sep 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 1-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 J 2-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 l 3-Oct 4-Oct 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450V1111 1.450 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 2.2 5-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 3747306 430411 2.2 Permit No. W00001492 Page 7 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE -11 DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. 7-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 9-Oct 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 43041 1 2.2 § 10-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 14-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 F 15-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Oct 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 24-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 I 28-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Oct 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 30-Oct 31-Oct 0.0 0.0 1.054 1.054 0 0 0 0 1.450 1.450 1 0 0 3747306 3747306 430411 430411 2.2 2.2 1-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 # 2-Nov 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 3-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 4-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 € 5-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 6-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 72 1 9-Nov 0.0 1.054 1 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 14-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 15-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 j 16-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 1 747306 430411 2.2 17-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! Permit No. W00001492 Page 8 of 9 Quarry Section I Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING. USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS 3 A. B. C. D. 20-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 22-Nov 1 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 24-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 29-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 30-Nov 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7 1-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 2-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 3-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2 2 4-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 ! 5-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 6-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 7-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 8-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 i 9-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 10-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 11-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 12 Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 13-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 14-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 15-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 16-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 1 0 3747306 430411 2.2 17-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 18-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 19-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 20-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 21-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2 2 22-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 23-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 1 2.2 24-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 25-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 26-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 27-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 2.2 28-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 1 430411 2.2 29-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 37473061 30411 2.2 30-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 1 2.2 31-Dec 0.0 1.054 0 0 1.450 0 3747306 430411 1 2.2 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 9 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report QUARRY I SECTION II TRACKING ACTIVITY LOG F START DATE FOR QUARRY I SECTION II TRACKING ACTIVITY LOG E YEAR 2015 r MONTH 1 DAY 1 BASIS: ' DRY RESIDUALS FACTOR = 1.054 DRY TONS OF RESIDUE PER TON OF BICHROMATE PRODUCTION # i Remaining Volume Available 12/31/2015 = 1,008,631 Cubic Yards of Residue I Cumulative Sludge Volume 12/31/2015 = 2,333,186 Cubic Yards of Residue NOTES: PERMITTED ALLOWABLE WT. OF DRY TONS PER YEAR = 171,000 1E SODIUM BICHROMATE PRODUCTION REPRESENTS PRODUCT TONNAGE WHILE USING QUARRY SECTION 11. i SODIUM BICHROMATE PRODUCTION HAS BEEN ADJUSTED ACCORDING TO MONTH -END INVENTORIES TO INSURE ACCURACY. R RESIDUE CY/TON FACTOR HAS BEEN KEPT CONSTANTAT THE 2002 VALUE = 1.45 CUBIC YARDS PER TON BE 3 ]DRY SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING i BICHROMATE USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE I DATE 1PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS 31-Dec 1-Jan 211 1.054 222 A. 60447 222 1.450 306 B. 2,204,368 2204674 C. 1,137,449 1137143 D. ; 6.0 6.0 2-Jan 211 1.054 222 445 1.450 306 2204979 1136838 6.0 i 3-Jan 211 1.054 222 667 1.450 306 2205285 1136532 5.9 4-Jan 211 1.054 222 890 1.450 306 2205591 1136226 5.9 5-Jan 211 1.054 222 1112 1.450 1 306 2205897 1135920 5.9 6-Jan 211 1.054 222 1334 1.450 1 306 2206203 1135614 5.9 ; 7-Jan 211 1.054 222 1557 1,450 306 2206509 1135308 5.9 8-Jan 211 1.054 222 1779 1.450 306 2206815 1135002 5.9 i 9-Jan 211 1.054 222 2002 1.450 306 2207121 1134696 5.9 10-Jan 211 1.054 1 222 2224 1.450 306 2207427 1134390 5.9 11-Jan 211 1.054 222 2446 1.450 306 2207733 1134084 5.9 12-Jan 211 1.054 222 2669 1.450 306 2208039 1133778 5.9 13-Jan 14-Jan 211 211 1.054 1.054 222 222 2891 3114 1.450 1.450 306 306 2208345 2208651 1133472 1133166 5.9 5.9 15-Jan 211 1.054 222 1 3336 1.450 1 306 2208957 1132860 5.9 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 1 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING 1 BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. 16-Jan 211 1.054 222 3558 1.450 306 2209263 1132554 5.9 ; 17-Jan 211 1.054 222 3781 1.450 306 2209569 1132248 5.9 18-Jan 211 1.054 1 222 4003 1.450 306 2209875 1131942 5.9 ; 19-Jan 211 1.054 222 4225 1.450 306 2210181 1131636 5.9 ? 20-Jan 211 1.054 222 4448 1.450 306 2210487 1131330 5.9 21-Jan 211 1.054 222 4670 1.450 306 2210793 1131024 5.9 1 22-Jan 211 1.054 222 4893 1.450 306 2211098 1130719 5.9 i 23-Jan 211 1.054 222 5115 1.450 306 2211404 1130413 5.9 24-Jan 211 1.054 222 5337 1.450 306 2211710 1130107 5.9 25-Jan 211 1.054 222 5560 1.450 306 2212016 1129801 5.9 l 26-Jan 211 1.054 222 5782 1.450 306 2212322 1129495 5.9 ! 27-Jan 211 1.054 222 6005 1.450 306 2212628 1129189 5.9 28-Jan 211 1.054 222 6227 1.450 306 2212934 1128883 5.9 1 29-Jan 211 1.054 222 6449 1.450 306 2213240 1128577 5.9 30-Jan 211 1.054 222 6672 1.450 306 2213546 1128271 5.9 { 31-Jan 211 1.054 222 6894 1.450 306 2213852 1127965 5.9 i 1-Feb 242 1.054 255 77149 1.450 351 2214203 1127614 5.9 ; 2-Feb 242 1.054 255 7404 1.450 351 2214554 1127263 5.9 # 3-Feb 242 1.054 255 7659 1.450 351 2214905 1126912 5.9 4-Feb 242 1.054 255 7914 1.450 351 2215256 1126561 5.9 5-Feb 242 1.054 255 8170 1.450 351 2215607 1126210 5.9 i 6-Feb 242 1.054 255 8425 1.450 351 2215957 1125860 5.9 7-Feb 242 1.054 255 8680 1.450 351 2216308 1125509 5.9 I, 8-Feb 242 1.054 255 8935 1.450 351 2216659 1125158 5.9 9-Feb 242 1.054 1 255 9190 1.450 351 2217010 1124807 5.9 j 10-Feb 242 1.054 255 9445 1.450 351 2217361 1124456 5.9 11-Feb 242 1.054 255 9700 1.450 351 2217712 1124105 5.9 s 12-Feb 242 1.054 255 9955 1.450 351 2218063 1123754 5.9 13-Feb 242 1.054 255 10210 1.450 351 2218414 1123403 5.9 14-Feb 242 1.054 255 10465 1.450 351 2218765 1123052 5.9 15-Feb 242 1.054 255 10720 1.450 7351 2219116 1122701 5.9 i 16-Feb 242 1.054 255 10975 1.450 351 2219466 1122351 5.9 17-Feb 242 1.054 255 11230 1.450 351 2219817 1122000 5.9 j 18-Feb 242 1.054 255 11485 1.450 351 2220168 1121649 5.9 j 19-Feb 242 1.054 255 11741 1.450 351 2220519 1121298 5.9 20-Feb 242 1.054 255 11996 1.450 351 2220870 1120947 5.9 i 21-Feb 242 1.054 255 12251 1.450 351 2221221 1120596 5.9 22-Feb 242 1.054 255 12506 1.450 351 2221572 1120245 5.9 # 23-Feb 242 1.054 255 12761 1.450 351 2221923 1119894 5.9 j 24-Feb 242 1.054 255 13016 1.450 351 2222274 1119543 5.9 i 25-Feb 242 1.054 255 13271 1.450 351 2222625 1119192 5.9 I 26-Feb 242 1.054 255 13526 1.450 351 2222975 1118842 5.9 ! 27-Feb 242 1.054 1 255 13781 1.450 351 2223326 1118491 5.9 i 28-Feb 242 1.054 255 14036 1.450 351 1, 2223677 1118140 5.9 ; Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 2 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING I BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE j DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. I 1-Mar 274 1.054 289 14325 1.450 397 2224075 1117742 5.9 I 2-Mar 274 1.054 289 14614 1.450 397 2224472 1117345 5.8 3-Mar 274 1.054 289 14903 1.450 397 2224869 1116948 5.8 i 4-Mar 274 1.054 289 15191 1.450 397 2225266 1116551 5.8 5-Mar 274 1.054 289 15480 1.450 397 2225664 1116153 5.8 6-Mar 274 1.054 289 15769 1.450 397 2226061 1115756 5.8 # 7-Mar 274 1.054 289 16058 1.450 397 2226458 1115359 5.8 8-Mar 274 1.054 289 16346 1.450 397 2226856 1114961 5.8 I 9-Mar 274 1.054 289 16635 1.450 397 2227253 1114564 5.8 10-Mar 274 1.054 289 16924 1.450 397 2227650 1114167 5.8 11-Mar 274 1.054 289 17213 1.450 397 2228048 1113769 5.8 12-Mar 274 1.054 289 17502 1.450 397 2228445 1113372 5.8 i 13-Mar 274 1.054 1 289 17790 1.450 397 2228842 1112975 5.8 14-Mar 274 1.054 289 18079 1.450 397 2229239 1112578 5.8 f 15-Mar 274 1.054 289 18368 1.450 397 2229637 1112180 5.8 ; 16-Mar 274 1.054 289 18657 1.450 397 2230034 1111783 5.8 i 17-Mar 274 1.054 289 18946 1.450 397 2230431 1111386 5.8 1 18-Mar 274 1.054 289 19234 1.450 397 2230829 1110988 5.8 19-Mar 274 1.054 1 289 19523 1.450 397 2231226 1110591 5.8 20-Mar 274 1.054 1 289 19812 1.450 397 2231623 1110194 5.8 1 21-Mar 274 1.054 289 20101 1.450 397 2232021 1109796 5.8 ! 22-Mar 274 1.054 289 20390 1.450 397 2232418 1109399 5.8 23-Mar 274 1.054 289 20678 1.450 397 2232815 1109002 5.8 24-Mar 274 1.054 289 20967 1.450 397 2233212 1108605 5.8 25-Mar 274 1.054 289 21256 1.450 397 2233610 1108207 5.8 4 26-Mar 274 1.054 289 21545 1.450 397 2234007 1107810 5.8 27-Mar 274 1.054 289 21834 1.450 397 2234404 1107413 5.8 28-Mar 274 1.054 289 22122 1.450 397 2234802 1107015 5.8 ; 29-Mar 274 1.054 289 22411 1.450 1 397 2235199 1106618 5.8 30-Mar 274 1.054 289 22700 1.450 1 397 2235596 1106221 5.8 31-Mar 274 1.054 289 22989 1.450 397 2235994 1105823 5.8 1 1-Apr 280 1.054 1 295 23284 1.450 406 2236400 1105417 5.8 2-Apr 280 1.054 1 295 23579 1.450 406 2236806 1105011 5.8 3-Apr 280 1.054 295 23874 1.450 406 2237212 1104605 5.8 1 4-Apr 280 1.054 295 24169 1.450 406 2237618 1104199 5.8 5-Apr 280 1.054 295 24464 1.450 406 2238024 1103793 5.8 1 6-Apr 280 1.054 295 24760 1.450 406 2238430 1103387 5.8 280 1.054 295 25055 1.450 406 2238836 1102981 5.8 280 1.054 295 25350 1.450 406 2239242 1102575 5.8 280 1.054 295 25645 1.450 406 2239648 1102169 5.8 47-Apr 280 1.054 295 25940 1.450 406 2240054 1101763 5.8 280 1.054 295 26235 1.450 4062240460 1101357 5.8 280 1.054 295 26530 1.450 406 2240866 1100951 1 5.8 13-Apr 280 1.054 295 26825 1.450 406 2241272 1100545 5.8 Permit No. W00001492 Page 3 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING 1 BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS i A. B. C. D. i 14-A r 280 1.054 295 27120 1.450 406 2241678 1100139 5.8 i 15-A r 280 1.054 295 27416 1.450 406 2242084 1099733 5.8 ! 16-A r 1 280 1.054 295 27711 1.450 406 2242490 1099327 5.8 1 17-A r 280 1.054 295 28006 1.450 406 2242896 1098921 5.8 f 18-A r 280 1.054 295 28301 1.450 406 2243302 1098515 5.7 i 19-A r 280 1.054 295 28596 1.450 406 2243708 1098109 5.7 P 20-A r 280 1.054 295 28891 1.450 406 2244114 1097703 5.7 I 21-A r 280 1.054 295 29186 1.450 406 2244520 1097297 5.7 1 22-A r 280 1.054 295 29481 1.450 1 406 2244926 1096891 5.7 i 23-A r 280 1.054 295 29777 1.450 406 2245832 1096485 5.7 1 24-A r 280 1.054 295 30072 1.450 406 2245738 1096079 5.7 1 280 1.054 295 30367 1.450 406 2246144 1095673 5.7 1 280 1.054 295 30662 1.450 406 2246550 1095267 5.7 1 280 1.054 295 30957 1.450 406 2246956 1094861 5.7 ft 280 1.054 295 31252 1.450 406 2247362 10944555.7 280 1.054 295 31547 1.450 406 2247768 1094049 5.7280 1.054 295 318421.450 406 2248174 1093643 5.7 254 1.054 268 32110 1.450 368 2248542 1093275 5.7 2-May 254 1.054 268 32378 1.450 368 2248910 1092907 5.7 ? 3-May 1 254 1.054 268 32646 1.450 368 2249278 1092539 5.7 4-May 254 1.054 268 32913 1.450 368 2249647 1092170 5.7 E 5-May 254 1 1.054 268 33181 1.450 368 2250015 1091802 5.7 j 6-May 254 1.054 268 33449 1.450 368 2250383 1091434 5.7 I 7-May 254 1.054 268 33716 1.450 368 2250752 1091065 5.7 1 8-May 254 1.054 268 33984 1.450 368 2251120 1090697 5.7 1 9-May 254 1.054 268 34252 1.450 368 2251488 1090329 5.7 I 1 0-May 254 1.054 268 34520 1.450 368 2251857 1089960 5.7 j 11 -May 254 1.054 1 268 34787 1.450 368 2252225 1089592 5.7 1 12-May 254 1.054 268 35055 1.450 368 2252593 1089224 5.7 13-May 254 1.054 268 35323 1.450 368 2252961 1088856 5.7 14-May 1 254 1.054 268 35590 1.450 368 2253330 1088487 5.7 I 15-May 254 1.054 268 35858 1.450 368 2253698 1088119 5.7 j 16-May 17-May 18-May 254 254 254 1.054 1.054 1.054 268 268 268 36126 36394 36661 1.450 1.450 1.450 368 368 368 2254066 2254435 2254803 1087751 1087382 1087014 5.7 j 5.7 i 5.7 19-May 20-May 21-May 254 254 254 1.054 1.054 1.054 268 268 268 36929 37197 37464 1.450 1.450 1.450 368 368 368 2255171 2255540 2255908 1086646 1086277 1085909 5.7 5.7 5.7 22-May 254 1.054 268 37732 1.450 368 2256276 1085541 5.7 1 23-May 254 1.054 268 38000 1.450 368 2256644 1085173 5.7 1 24-May 25-May 254 254 1.054 1.054 268 268 38268 38535 1.450 1.450 368 368 2257013 2257381 1084804 1084436 5.7 5.7 1 26-May 27 May 254 254 1.054 1 054 268 268 38803 39071 1.450 1.450 368 368 2257749 2258118 1084068 1083699 5.7 1 5.7 j Permit No. W00001492 Page 4 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING; BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. 28-May 254 1.054 268 39338 1.450 368 2258486 1083331 5.7 29-May 254 1.054 268 39606 1.450 368 2258854 1082963 5.7 30-May 254 1.054 268 39874 1.450 368 2259223 1082594 5.7 31-May 254 1.054 268 40142 1.450 368 2259591 1082226 5.7 1-Jun 259 1.054 273 40415 1.450 376 2259966 1081851 5.7 j 2-Jun 259 1.054 273 40688 1.450 376 2260342 1081475 5.7 3-Jun 259 1.054 273 40961 1.450 376 2260717 1081100 5.7 4-Jun 259 1.054 273 41234 1.450 376 2261093 1080724 5.7 5-Jun 259 1.054 273 41507 1.450 1 376 2261469 1080348 5.7 { 6-Jun 259 1.054 273 41780 1.450 376 2261844 1079973 5.7 7-Jun 259 1.054 273 42052 1.450 376 2262220 1079597 5.7 j 8-Jun 259 1.054 273 42325 1.450 376 2262595 1079222 5.6 ! 9-Jun 259 1.054 273 42598 1.450 376 2262971 1078846 5.6 10-Jun 259 1.054 273 42871 1.450 376 2263346 1078471 5.6 11-Jun 259 1.054 273 43144 1.450 376 2263722 1078095 5.6 i 12-Jun 259 1.054 273 43417 1.450 376 2264097 1077720 5.6 i 13-Jun 259 1.054 273 43690 1.450 376 2264473 1077344 5.6 1 14-Jun 259 1.054 273 43963 1.450 376 2264849 1076968 5.6 1 15-Jun 259 1.054 273 44236 1.450 376 2265224 1076593 5.6 16-Jun 259 1.054 273 44509 1.450 376 2265600 1076217 5.6 17-Jun 259 1.054 273 44782 1.450 376 2265975 1075842 5.6 18-Jun 259 1.054 273 45055 1.450 376 2266351 1075466 5.6 19-Jun 259 1.054 273 45328 1.450 376 2266726 1075091 5.6 20-Jun 259 1.054 273 45601 1.450 376 2267102 1074715 5.6 g 21-Jun 259 1.054 273 45874 1.450 376 2267477 1074340 5.6 22-Jun 259 1.054 273 46147 1.450 376 2267853 1073964 5.6 23-Jun 259 1.054 273 46420 1.450 376 2268228 1073589 5.6 24-Jun 259 1.054 273 46693 1.450 376 2268604 1073213 5.6 25-Jun 259 1.054 273 46966 1.450 376 2268980 1072837 5.6 26-Jun 1 259 1.054 1 273 47239 1.450 1 376 2269355 1072462 5.6 i 27-Jun 259 1.054 273 47512 1.450 376 2269731 1072086 5.6 28-Jun 259 1.054 273 47785 1.450 376 2270106 1071711 5.6 j 29-Jun 259 1.054 273 48058 1.450 376 2270482 1071335 5.6 30-Jun 259 1.054 273 48331 1.450 376 2270857 1070960 5.6 i 1-Jul 268 1.054 282 48614 1.450 389 2271246 1070571 5.6 j 2-Jul 268 1.054 282 48896 1.450 389 2271635 1070182 5.6 P 3-Jul 1 268 1.054 282 49179 1.450 389 2272023 1069794 5.6 j 4-Jul 268 1.054 282 49461 1.450 389 2272412 1069405 5.6 5-Jul 268 1.054 282 49744 1.450 389 2272800 1069017 5.6 i 6-Jul 268 1.054 282 50026 1.450 389 2273189 1068628 5.6 i 7-Jul 268 1.054 282 50308 1.450 389 2273578 1068239 5.6 8-Jul 268 1 1.054 282 50591 1.450 389 2273966 1067851 5.6 9-Jul 268 1.054 282 50873 1.450 389 2274355 1067462 5.6 10-1ul 268 1.054 282 51156 1.450 389 2274743 1067074 5.6 i Permit No. W00001492 Page 5 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING £ BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE I DATE 1PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS I A. B. C. D. i 11-Jul 268 1.054 282 51438 1.450 389 2275132 1066685 5.6 I 12-Jul 268 1.054 282 51721 1.450 389 2275521 1066296 5.6 [ 13-Jul 268 1.054 282 52003 1.450 389 2275909 1065908 5.6 f 14-Jul 268 1.054 282 52286 1.450 389 2276298 1065519 5.6 15-Jul 268 1.054 282 52568 1.450 389 2276686 1065131 5.6 j 16-Jul 268 1.054 282 52851 1.450 389 2277075 1064742 5.6 1 17-Jul 268 1.054 282 53133 1.450 389 2277464 1064353 5.6 i 18-Jul 268 1.054 282 53416 1.450 389 2277852 1063965 5.6 19-Jul 268 1.054 282 53698 1.450 389 2278241 1063576 5.6 20-Jul 268 1.054 282 53981 1.450 389 2278629 1063188 5.6 21-Jul 268 1.054 282 54263 1.450 389 2279018 1062799 5.6 22-Jul 268 1.054 282 54546 1.450 389 2279407 1062410 5.6 23-Jul 268 1.054 282 54828 1.450 389 2279795 1062022 5.6 f 24-Jul 268 1.054 282 55110 1.450 389 2280184 1061633 5.6 25-Jul 268 1.054 1 282 55393 1.450 389 2280572 1061245 5.6 ? 26-Jul 268 1.054 282 55675 1.450 389 2280961 1060856 5.6 j 27-Jul 1 268 1.054 282 55958 1.450 389 2281350 1060467 5.6 ! 28-Jul 268 1.054 282 56240 1.450 389 2281738 1060079 5.5 29-Jul 268 1.054 282 56523 1.450 389 2282127 1059690 5.5 30-Jul 268 1.054 282 56805 1.450 389 2282515 1059302 5.5 31-Jul 268 1.054 282 57088 1.450 389 2282904 1058913 5.5 i 1-Au 220 1.054 232 57320 1.450 319 2283223 1058594 5.5 2-Au 220 1.054 232 57552 1.450 319 2283542 1058275 5.5 # 3-Aug 220 1.054 232 57783 1.450 319 2283861 1057956 5.5 I 4-Aug 220 1.054 232 58015 1.450 319 2284180 1057637 5.5 j 5-Aug 220 1.054 232 58247 1.450 319 2284499 1057318 5.5 i 6-Aug 220 1.054 232 58479 1.450 319 2284818 1056999 5.5 i 7-Aug 220 1.054 232 58711 1.450 319 2285137 1056680 5.5 ; 8-Aug 220 1.054 232 58943 1.450 319 2285456 1056361 5.5 i 9-Aug 220 1.054 232 59175 1.450 319 2285775 1056042 5.5 i 10-Aug 220 1.054 232 59407 1.450 319 2286094 1055723 5.5 i 11 -Aug 220 1.054 232 59638 1.450 319 2286413 1055404 5.5 12-Aug 220 1.054 232 59870 1.450 319 2286732 1055085 5.5 13-Aug 220 1.054 232 60102 1.450 319 2287051 1054766 5.5 14-Aug 220 1.054 232 60334 1.450 319 2287370 1054447 5.5 15-Aug 220 1.054 232 60566 1.450 319 2287689 1054128 5.5 16-Aug 220 1.054 232 60798 1.450 319 2288008 1053809 5.5 17-Au 220 1.054 232 61030 1.450 319 2288327 1053490 5.5 18-Auq 1 220 1.054 232 61262 1.450 319 2288646 1053171 5.5 19-Au 220 1.054 232 61494 1.450 319 2288965 1052852 5.5 20-Aug 220 1.054 232 61725 1.450 319 2289284 1052533 5.5 21-Aug 220 1.054 232 61957 1.450 319 2289603 1052214 5.5 22-Aug 220 1.054 232 62189 1.450 319 2289922 1051895 5.5 23-Aug 220 1.054 232 62421 1.450 319 2290241 1051576 5.5 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 6 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING i BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CW/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS A. B. C. D. i 24-Au 220 1.054 232 62653 1.450 319 2290560 1051257 5.5 25-Au 220 1.054 232 62885 1.450 319 2290879 1050938 5.5 26-Au 220 1.054 232 63117 1.450 319 2291198 1050619 5.5 27-Au 220 1.054 232 63349 1.450 319 2291517 1050300 5.5 28-Au 220 1.054 232 63580 1.450 319 2291836 1049981 5.5 { 29-Au 220 1.054 232 63812 1.450 319 2292155 1049662 5.5 30-Au 220 1.054 232 64044 1.450 319 2292474 1049343 5.5 i 31-Au 220 1.054 232 64276 1.450 319 2292793 1049024 5.5 1 1-Sep 253 1.054 267 64543 1.450 367 2293160 1048657 5.5 i 2-Sep 1 253 1.054 267 64809 1.450 367 2293527 1048290 5.5 e 253 1.054 267 65076 1.450 367 2293893 1047924 5.5 e 253 1.054 267 65343 1.450 367 2294260 1047557 5.5ep e N 253 253 1.054 1.054 267 267 65609 65876 1.450 1.450 367 367 2294627 2294994 1047190 1046823 5.5 5.5 e253 1.054 267 66143 1.450 367 2295361 1046456 5.5 e 253 1.054 267 66409 1.450 367 2295728 1046089 5.5e 253 1.054 267 66676 1.450 367 2296095 1045722 5.5 253 1.054 267 66943 1.450 367 2296461 1045356 5.5 253 253 1.054 1.054 267 267 67209 67476 1.450 1.450 367 367 2296828 2297195 1044989 1044622 5.5 5.5 M 253 1.054 267 67743 1.450 367 2297562 1044255 5.5 253 1.054 267 68009 1.450 367 2297929 1043888 5.5 253 1.054 267 68276 1.450 367 2298296 1043521 5.5 16-Sep 253 1.054 267 68543 1 450 367 2298663 1043154 17-Sep 18-Sep 253 253 1.054 1.054 267 267 68809 69076 1.450 1.450 367 367 2299029 2299396 1042788 1042421 5.5 f 5.5 ; 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 253 253 253 1.054 1.054 1.054 267 267 267 69343 69609 69876 1.450 1.450 1.450 367 367 367 2299763 2300130 2300497 1042054 1041687 1041320 5.5 5.5 i 5.5 22-Sep 253 1.054 1 267 70143 1.450 1 367 2300864 1040953 5.4 23-Sep 253 1.054 267 70409 1.450 367 2301230 1040587 5.4 24-Sep 253 1.054 267 70676 1.450 367 2301597 1040220 5.4 25-Sep 26-Sep 253 253 1.054 1.054 267 267 70943 71209 1.450 1.450 367 367 2301964 2302331 1039853 1039486 5.4 5.4 27-Sep 253 1.054 267 71476 1.450 367 2302698 1039119 5.4 28-Sep 253 1.054 267 71743 1.450 367 2303065 1038752 5.4 29-Sep 30-Sep 253 253 1.054 1.054 1 267 267 72009 72276 1.450 1.450 367 1 367 2303432 2303798 1038385 1038019 5.4 5.4 1-Oct 237 1.054 250 72526 1.450 1 344 2304142 1037675 5.4 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 237 237 237 1.054 1.054 1.054 250 250 250 72776 73025 73275 1.450 1.450 1.450 1 344 344 344 2304486 2304829 2305173 1037331 1036988 1036644 5.4 5.4 5.4 5-Oct 237 1.054 250 73525 1.450 344 2305517 1036300 5.4 6-Oct 237 1.054 250 73775 1.450 344 2305860 1035957 5.4 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 7 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE I DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS i A. B. C. D. 7-Oct 237 1.054 250 74025 1.450 344 2306204 1035613 5.4 8-Oct 237 1.054 250 74274 1.450 344 23065 88 1035269 5.4 i 9-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 74524 1.450 344 2306891 1034926 5.4 i 10-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 74774 1.450 344 2307235 1034582 5.4 11-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 75024 1.450 344 2307579 1034238 5.4 E 12-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 75274 1.450 344 2307922 1033895 5.4 13-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 75523 1.450 344 2308266 1033551 5.4 14-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 75773 1.450 344 2308610 1033207 5.4 15-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 76023 1.450 344 2308953 1032864 5.4 5.4 16-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 76273 1.450 1 344 2309297 1032520 17-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 76523 1.450 344 2309640 1032177 5.4 18-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 76772 1.450 344 2309984 1031833 5.4 19-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 77022 1.450 344 2310328 1031489 5.4 1 20-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 77272 1.450 344 2310671 1031146 5.4 t 21-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 77522 1.450 344 2311015 1030802 5.4 t 22-Oct 1 237 1.054 250 77771 1.450 344 2311359 1030458 5.4 23-Oct 237 1.054 1 250 78021 1.450 344 2311762 0030115 5.4 f 24-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 78271 1.450 344 2312046 1029771 5.4 # 25-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 78521 1.450 344 2312390 1029427 5.4 26-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 78771 1.450 344 2312733 1029084 5.4 1 27-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 79020 1.450 344 2313077 1028740 5.4 28-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 79270 1.450 344 2313421 1028396 5.4 29-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 79520 1.450 344 2313764 1028053 5.4 1 30-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 79770 1.450 1 344 2314108 10277M 5.4 1 31-Oct 1 237 1.054 1 250 80020 1.450 1 344 2314452 1027365 5.4 f 1-Nov 1 224 1.054 1 236 80256 1.450 1 325 2314776 1027041 5.4 2-Nov 1 224 1.054 1 236 80492 1.450 325 23151 11 1026716 5.4 s 3-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 80728 1.450 325 2315426 1026391 5.4 { 4-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 80964 1.450 325 2315751 1026066 5.4 5-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 81200 1.450 325 2316016 1025741 5.4 6-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 81436 1.450 325 2316400 1025417 5.4 7-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 81672 1.450 325 2316725 1025092 5.4 8-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 81908 1.450 325 2317050 1024767 5.4 9-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 82145 1.450 325 2317375 1024442 5.4 1 10-Nov 224 1.054 236 82381 1.450 325 2317700 1024117 5.4 j 11-Nov 224 1.054 236 82617 1.450 325 2318024 1023793 5.4 i 12-Nov 224 1.054 236 82853 1.450 325 2318349 1023468 5.4 13-Nov 224 1.054 236 83089 1.450 325 2318674 1023143 5.4 i 14-Nov 224 1.054 236 83325 1.450 325 2318999 1022818 5.4 15 Nov 224 1.054 236 83561 1.450 325 2319324 1022493 5.4 16-Nov 224 1.054 236 83797 1.450 325 2319648 1022169 5.4 17-Nov 1 224 1.054 236 84033 1.450 325 2319973 1021844 5.3 18-Nov 224 1.054 236 84269 1.450 325 2320298 1021519 5.3 19-Nov 224 1.054 236 84506 1.450 325 2320623 1021194 5.3 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 8 of 9 Quarry Section II Annual Report SODIUM RESIDUE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS RESIDUE DAILY END OF DAY END OF DAY EST. REMAINING I, BICHROMATE DRY USE DISPOSED DAILY DISPOSED CUMULATIVELY CY/TON RESIDUE CUMUL VOL REMAINING USEFUL LIFE I DATE PRODUCTION TONS FACTOR DRY TONS DRY TONS FACTOR CUBIC YDS CUBIC YDS VOL CUBIC YDS YEARS I A. B. C. D. 20-Nov 224 1.054 236 84742 1.450 325 2320948 1020860 5.3 21-Nov 224 1.054 236 84978 1.450 325 2321272 1020545 5.3 22-Nov 224 1.054 236 85214 1.450 325 2321597 1020220 5.3 ! 23-Nov 224 1.054 236 85450 1.450 325 2321922 1019895 5.3 24-Nov 224 1.054 236 85686 1.450 325 2322247 1019570 5.3 ; 25-Nov 224 1.054 236 85922 1.450 325 2322572 1019245 5.3 p 26-Nov 224 1.054 236 86158 1.450 325 2322896 1018921 5.3 27-Nov 224 1.054 236 86394 1.450 325 2323221 1018596 5.3 i --7 28-Nov 224 1.054 236 86630 1.450 325 2323546 1018271 5.3 29-Nov 224 1.054 1 236 86866 1.450 325 2323871 1017946 5.3 30-Nov 224 1.054 236 87103 1.450 325 2324196 1017621 5.3 1-Dec 200 1.054 211 87313 1.450 290 2324486 1017331 5.3 2-Dec 200 1.054 211 87524 1.450 290 2324776 1017041 5.3 1 3-Dec 200 1.054 211 87735 1.450 290 2325066 1016751 5.3 4-Dec 5-Dec 200 200 1.054 1.054 211 211 87946 88157 1.450 1.450 290 290 2325356 2325646 1016461 1016171 5.3 { 5.3 6-Dec 200 1.054 211 88367 1.450 290 2325936 1015881 5.3 7-Dec 200 1.054 211 88578 1.450 290 2326226 1015591 5.3 8-Dec 200 1.054 211 88789 1.450 290 2326516 1015301 5.3 ¢ 9-Dec 200 1.054 211 89000 1.450 290 2326806 1015011 5.3 10-Dec 200 1.054 211 89211 1.450 290 2327096 1014721 5.3 11-Dec 200 1.054 211 89421 1.450 290 2327386 1014431 5.3 12-Dec 200 1.054 211 89632 1.450 290 2327676 1014141 5.3 i 13-Dec 200 1.054 211 89843 1.450 290 2327966 1013851 5.3 j 14-Dec 200 1.054 211 90054 1.450 290 2328256 1013561 5.3 { 15-Dec 200 1.054 211 90265 1.450 290 2328546 1013271 5.3 16-Dec 200 1.054 211 90475 1.450 290 2328836 1012981 5.3 17-Dec 200 1.054 211 90686 1.450 290 2329126 1012991 5.3 18-Dec 200 1.054 211 90897 1.450 290 2329416 1012401 5.3 19-Dec 200 1.054 211 91108 1.450 290 2329706 1012111 5.3 20-Dec 200 1.054 211 91319 1.450 290 2329996 1011821 5.3 21-Dec 200 1.054 211 91529 1.450 290 2330286 1011531 5.3 22-Dec 200 1.054 211 91740 1.450 290 2330576 1011241 5.3 23-Dec 200 1.054 211 91951 1.450 290 2330866 1010951 5.3 i 24-Dec 200 1.054 211 92162 1.450 290 2331156 1010661 5.3 25-Dec 200 1.054 211 92373 1.450 290 2331446 1010371 5.3 26-Dec 200 1.054 211 92583 1.450 290 2331736 1010081 5.3 i 27-Dec 200 1.054 211 92794 1.450 290 2332026 1009791 5.3 28-Dec 200 1.054 211 93005 1.450 1 290 2332316 1009501 5.3 29-Dec 200 1.054 211 93216 1.450 1 290 2332606 1009211 5.3 30-Dec 200 1.054 211 93427 1.450 1 290 2332896 1008921 5.3 i 31-Dec 200 1.054 211 93637 1.450 290 2333186 1008631 5.3 Permit No. WQ0001492 Page 9 of 9