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20200156 Ver 1_Drainage Report_Compiled_20200127
Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra Page i P:\Claris Construction.1373\02. Project Kiwi\02. Civil Engineering Site Design and Feasibility Study\Project KIWI Drainage Report.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.0 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................... 2 2.0 HYDROLOGIC/HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS ................................................................ 2 2.1 Study Methodology ..................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Results of Drainage Modeling .................................................................................... 3 Appendix A Printouts of Model Runs Existing Conditions - 1YR, 24HR Analysis Existing Conditions - 10YR, 24HR Analysis Existing Conditions - 25YR, 24HR Analysis Existing Conditions - 50YR, 24HR Analysis During Construction - 1YR, 24HR Analysis During Construction - 10YR, 24HR Analysis Proposed Conditions - 1YR, 24HR Analysis Proposed Conditions - 10YR, 24HR Analysis Proposed Conditions - 25YR, 24HR Analysis Proposed Conditions - 50YR, 24HR Analysis Appendix B Site Drawing Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Mateenbar project site is an approximate 25-acre industrial site located at 2011 North Carolina Highway 49 South in Concord, North Carolina (Cabarrus County). Proposed improvements to the facility include: Widen the existing 15-foot wide gravel access driveway to a 36-foot wide asphalt driveway with three 12-foot lanes and a center lane striped and designated as a fire lane. Widen the existing 15-foot gravel access lane on the southern side of the building to 26-feet for fire vehicle access. Install two (2) fire hydrants with corresponding water line along the entrance and southern and eastern sides of the building. Extend an 8-inch water service line to the building and proposed fire hydrants from the existing 12-inch water line located along the center of the divided Highway 49. Extend an 8-inch natural gas service line to the building from the existing 8-inch natural gas line located along the northwest side of Highway 49. Extend a 1-GB telecom fiber line to the building from the 1-GB telecom fiber line located along the northwest side of Highway 49. Accommodate approximately 44 parking spaces on the existing gravel parking area to the north. SynTerra has performed hydrologic/hydraulic analyses for the site in both its existing and proposed conditions, and has concluded that through modifications to the on-site drainage system and enlargement of the existing detention basin, the rate of runoff resulting from the proposed construction can be reduced below the existing condition for the 1-year, 24-hour and the 10-year, 24-hour storm events. All proposed construction is outside the boundary of the FEMA Floodway limits, however, proposed widening of the access road does fall within the boundaries of the 100-year and 500-year floodplain shown on FEMA regulatory maps. Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra Page 2 P:\Claris Construction.1373\02. Project Kiwi\02. Civil Engineering Site Design and Feasibility Study\Project KIWI Drainage Report.docx 1.0 BACKGROUND The Mateenbar project site is an approximate 25-acre industrial site located at 2011 North Carolina Highway 49 South in Concord, North Carolina (Cabar rus County). The site is located approximately 5-miles from downtown Concord and 16-miles from downtown Charlotte. The owner’s business objective is to assess and bring the subject site and existing building into compliance with current codes and ordinances. The existing gravel road serving the site is approximately 15-feet wide. In order to meet current codes, this access needs to be widened to 36-feet and paved in asphalt with a 12- foot center lane stripped and designated as a fire lane. In addition, the existing gravel drive on the southern side of the building needs to be widened to 26-feet to provide fire vehicle access. The project will also include the extension and upgrade of various utilities serving the facility, including 10-inch water line and fire hydrant around the exterior of the building. Portions of the site lie within the FEMA designated 100-year and 500-year floodplains. The gravel access road bisects the floodplain area and the mapping depicts floodplain areas on both the north and south sides of the access road. The roadway serves as the downstream embankment for a detention basin lying on the north side of the roadway. The existing outlet structure will be removed and replaced with a 5 foot diameter concrete riser. The riser will have an 8-inch skimmer attached at elevation 542.0’ during construction for sediment control. After final stabilization has occurred, the skimmer will be removed and a new 8-inch orifice will be installed at elevation 540.5’. Additionally, there exists an upstream detention basin lying north of and off the Mateenbar property. This basin is connected to the downstream basin at the access road through a 42-inch pipe. As part of the proposed improvements, this pipe will be truncated at the entrance of the new detention pond and a new headwall will be installed. Because widening the access road will reduce the volume of the existing detention basin lying north of the access road, additional excavation in the area of the basin is proposed to increase the available volume. This additional volume will be used to store increased runoff from the added pavement area. 2.0 HYDROLOGIC/HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS 2.1 Study Methodology Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra Page 3 P:\Claris Construction.1373\02. Project Kiwi\02. Civil Engineering Site Design and Feasibility Study\Project KIWI Drainage Report.docx In performing the hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, SynTerra primarily relied on contours and elevations provided in a previous LDSI December 11, 2019 field survey for the subject parcel. SynTerra additionally created a project map for the area using publicly- available state aerial photography and LiDAR files. SynTerra then developed a drainage model of the project area using the AutoDesk software program Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2017. This software is based on the widely-used EPA SWMM module. The contributing subwatershed area was determined from contours developed from the LiDAR files. The contributing watershed area including off-site properties was determined to be approximately 53.48 acres in size. The Hydrologic Soil Group for the contributing area was determined from examination of the USDA Web Soil Survey mapping tool to be predominantly Type C soils. Mecklenburg Loam soils make up approximately 82 percent of the contributing drainage area. The overall contributing watershed was broken down into six subwatersheds and a time of concentration was calculated for each using Soil Conservation Service TR-55 methodology in the model. Existing drainage parameters were used to develop the existing conditions model and to establish the baseline runoff values. The proposed conditions, including the additional pavement areas and addition of detention basin volume, were then modeled using SedCAD. The existing conditions has approximately 80 percent of the building roof drainage directly to Coddle Creek without the benefit of any detention. The proposed improvements will include construction of a ditch along the south side of the existing building that will intercept the roof drain lines and direct them to the proposed detention area via a proposed 24-inch cross drain to be constructed under the widened access road. 2.2 Results of Drainage Modeling SynTerra used the drainage model to determine flows and resultant elevations for the 1- year, 10-year, 25-year and 50-year, 24-hour, Type II distribution storm events. The cumulative rainfall amount used for the 1-year event was 3.00 inches; for the 10-year event was 5.10 inches; for the 25-year event was 6.00 inches; and for the 50-year event was 6.50 inches. Criteria used in the analysis included achieving 85 percent reduction in the export of total suspended solids for the 1-year and 10-year 24 hour storm events, A minimum drawdown time of 24 hours for the 1-year 24-hour storm event, and reducing the post- Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra Page 4 P:\Claris Construction.1373\02. Project Kiwi\02. Civil Engineering Site Design and Feasibility Study\Project KIWI Drainage Report.docx development peak discharge to Coddle Creek below the existing discharge values for the 1-year, 24-hour and the 10-year, 24-hour storm events. On-site storm pipes and ditches were designed to convey the 25-year, 24-hour storm events. Table 1 below presents the flow values exiting to Coddle Creek from the site for each of the evaluated storm events for both the pre-development and post-development conditions. These analyses show that with the proposed drainage improvements the proposed conditions flows will be less than those for the existing condition. The percent reduction in the export of total suspended solids for the 1- and 10-year 24 hour storm events is 94.1% and 86.6%. During construction the pond will dewater in approximately 72 hours for the 1-year 24-hour storm event. The 1-year 24-hour storm event will discharge from the pond in approximately 33 hours during post-development conditions. Table 1.0 - Storm Modeling Elevation Results Flows to Coddle Creek Rainfall Event Existing Condition (cfs) Proposed Condition (cfs) 1-year, 24-hour 11.53 2.97 10-year, 24-hour 45.44 8.59 25-year, 24-hour 96.90 29.82 50-year, 24-hour 127.45 46.56 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra APPENDIX A Printouts of Model Runs Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra EXISTING CONDITIONS 1YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Description Project Kiwi 7-Jan-20.SPF Project Options CFS Elevation SCS TR-55 SCS TR-55 Hydrodynamic YES NO Analysis Options Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 02, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 0 days 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 1 seconds Number of Elements Qty 1 4 8 5 1 0 0 2 9 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years)(inches) 1 Rain Gage-01 Time Series TS-01 Cumulative inches North Carolina Cabarrus 1 3.00 SCS Type II 24-hr Outlets ..................................................... Pollutants ......................................................... Land Uses ........................................................ Links.................................................................. Channels ................................................. Pipes ........................................................ Pumps ..................................................... Orifices .................................................... Weirs ....................................................... Nodes................................................................ Junctions ................................................. Outfalls .................................................... Flow Diversions ....................................... Inlets ........................................................ Storage Nodes ......................................... Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ..................... Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step .................... Reporting Time Step ........................................ Routing Time Step ........................................... Rain Gages ...................................................... Subbasins......................................................... Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ................. Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ........ Start Analysis On ............................................. End Analysis On ............................................... Start Reporting On ........................................... Antecedent Dry Days ....................................... File Name ......................................................... Flow Units ........................................................ Elevation Type ................................................. Hydrology Method ............................................ Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ............. Link Routing Method ........................................ Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac)(in)(in)(ac-in)(cfs)(days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 5.38 77.27 3.00 1.09 5.84 6.25 0 00:19:59 2 Sub-02 15.03 77.00 3.00 1.07 16.10 9.98 0 00:47:18 3 Sub-03 35.44 78.77 3.00 1.18 41.64 38.97 0 00:25:57 4 Sub-04 3.27 92.20 3.00 2.18 7.13 10.12 0 00:08:00 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : Sub-01 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................5.38 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 5.26 C 77.00 Gravel roads 0.12 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 5.38 77.27 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation : V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft²) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :7.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.15 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :16.74 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :240 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :3.75 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :3.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.28 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :400 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.97 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................19.99 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................3.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................1.09 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................6.25 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:19:59 Subbasin : Sub-01 Subbasin : Sub-02 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................15.03 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 15.03 C 77.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 15.03 77.00 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :200 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.13 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :25.85 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :750 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :1 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grass pasture Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :0.70 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :17.86 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :730 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.60 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................47.30 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................3.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................1.07 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................9.98 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:47:18 Subbasin : Sub-02 Subbasin : Sub-03 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................35.44 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 31.38 C 77.00 Paved parking & roofs 1.56 C 98.00 Gravel roads 2.50 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 35.44 78.77 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :21.52 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :900 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :8.5 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grassed waterway Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :4.37 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.43 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :755 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :3.5 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :12.64 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.00 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................25.95 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................3.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................1.18 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................38.97 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:25:57 Subbasin : Sub-03 Subbasin : Sub-04 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................3.27 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Paved parking & roofs 2.02 C 98.00 Gravel roads 0.48 C 89.00 50 - 75% grass cover, Fair 0.77 C 79.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 3.27 92.20 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override (minutes): 8 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................3.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................2.18 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................10.12 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:08:00 Subbasin : Sub-04 Junction Input SN Element Invert Ground/Rim Ground/Rim Initial Initial Surcharge Surcharge Ponded Minimum ID Elevation (Max)(Max)Water Water Elevation Depth Area Pipe Elevation Offset Elevation Depth Cover (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft²)(ft) 1 Jun-01 539.20 543.20 4.00 539.20 0.00 550.00 6.80 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 541.00 550.00 9.00 541.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 559.00 565.00 6.00 559.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 545.00 550.00 5.00 545.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 560.20 567.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 567.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Junction Results SN Element Peak Peak Max HGL Max HGL Max Min Average HGL Average HGL Time of Time of Total Total Time ID Inflow Lateral Elevation Depth Surcharge Freeboard Elevation Depth Max HGL Peak Flooded Flooded Inflow Attained Attained Depth Attained Attained Attained Occurrence Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (cfs)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(days hh:mm)(days hh:mm)(ac-in)(min) 1 Jun-01 11.54 9.57 540.13 0.93 0.00 9.82 539.52 0.32 0 12:05 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 50.76 44.44 541.15 0.15 0.00 8.85 541.01 0.01 0 12:30 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 9.90 0.00 560.87 1.87 0.00 4.93 559.71 0.71 0 12:30 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 9.89 0.00 545.71 0.71 0.00 4.29 545.12 0.12 0 12:30 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 9.90 9.90 560.20 0.00 0.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-01 45.00 538.00 -1.20 539.20 1.20 -1.20 -2.6700 Trapezoidal 4.000 29.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 2 Link-07 75.00 540.00 -5.00 545.00 4.00 -5.00 -6.6700 Trapezoidal 3.000 34.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-01 11.53 0 12:05 25.52 0.45 2.27 0.33 0.71 0.18 0.00 2 Link-07 9.88 0 12:30 17.17 0.58 1.63 0.77 0.51 0.17 0.00 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-04 31.28 0.00 -541.00 0.00 -540.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 Link-05 590.00 560.20 1.20 541.72 -3.28 18.48 3.1300 CIRCULAR 3.000 3.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 3 Link-06 27.09 0.00 -560.20 0.00 -560.20 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-04 50.76 0 12:15 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.71 0.18 0.00 Calculated 2 Link-05 9.89 0 12:30 92.78 0.11 8.08 1.22 0.69 0.23 0.00 Calculated 3 Link-06 9.90 0 12:29 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.69 0.23 0.00 Calculated Storage Nodes Storage Node : Stor-01 Input Data 540.00 550.75 10.75 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-01 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 3 1794 2691.00 4 11580 9378.00 5 21782 26059.00 6 33509 53704.50 7 44845 92881.50 8 54664 142636.00 9 63950 201943.00 9.75 70915 252517.38 Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Storage Node : Stor-01 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-02 Trapezoidal No 549.75 9.75 100.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 50.76 0.00 3.67 0.00 547.63 7.63 543.72 3.72 0 15:04 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Storage Node : Stor-02 Input Data 560.20 566.00 5.80 560.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-02 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 .8 719 287.60 1.8 1434 1364.10 2.8 3882 4022.10 3.8 8633 10279.60 4.8 13616 21404.10 5.8 19287 37855.60 Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Storage Node : Stor-02 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-01 Trapezoidal No 566.00 5.80 25.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 9.90 0.00 9.90 0.00 561.61 1.41 560.84 0.64 0 12:30 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra EXISTING CONDITIONS 10YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Description Project Kiwi 7-Jan-20.SPF Project Options CFS Elevation SCS TR-55 SCS TR-55 Hydrodynamic YES NO Analysis Options Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 02, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 0 days 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 1 seconds Number of Elements Qty 1 4 8 5 1 0 0 2 9 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years)(inches) 1 Rain Gage-01 Time Series TS-02 Cumulative inches North Carolina Cabarrus 10 5.10 SCS Type II 24-hr Outlets ..................................................... Pollutants ......................................................... Land Uses ........................................................ Links.................................................................. Channels ................................................. Pipes ........................................................ Pumps ..................................................... Orifices .................................................... Weirs ....................................................... Nodes................................................................ Junctions ................................................. Outfalls .................................................... Flow Diversions ....................................... Inlets ........................................................ Storage Nodes ......................................... Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ..................... Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step .................... Reporting Time Step ........................................ Routing Time Step ........................................... Rain Gages ...................................................... Subbasins......................................................... Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ................. Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ........ Start Analysis On ............................................. End Analysis On ............................................... Start Reporting On ........................................... Antecedent Dry Days ....................................... File Name ......................................................... Flow Units ........................................................ Elevation Type ................................................. Hydrology Method ............................................ Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ............. Link Routing Method ........................................ Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac)(in)(in)(ac-in)(cfs)(days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 5.38 77.27 5.10 2.73 14.69 16.17 0 00:19:59 2 Sub-02 15.03 77.00 5.10 2.71 40.69 26.69 0 00:47:18 3 Sub-03 35.44 78.77 5.10 2.87 101.61 97.90 0 00:25:57 4 Sub-04 3.27 92.20 5.10 4.21 13.76 18.87 0 00:08:00 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : Sub-01 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................5.38 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 5.26 C 77.00 Gravel roads 0.12 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 5.38 77.27 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation : V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft²) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :7.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.15 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :16.74 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :240 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :3.75 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :3.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.28 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :400 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.97 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................19.99 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................5.10 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................2.73 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................16.17 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:19:59 Subbasin : Sub-01 Subbasin : Sub-02 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................15.03 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 15.03 C 77.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 15.03 77.00 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :200 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.13 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :25.85 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :750 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :1 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grass pasture Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :0.70 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :17.86 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :730 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.60 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................47.30 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................5.10 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................2.71 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................26.69 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:47:18 Subbasin : Sub-02 Subbasin : Sub-03 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................35.44 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 31.38 C 77.00 Paved parking & roofs 1.56 C 98.00 Gravel roads 2.50 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 35.44 78.77 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :21.52 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :900 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :8.5 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grassed waterway Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :4.37 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.43 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :755 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :3.5 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :12.64 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.00 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................25.95 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................5.10 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................2.87 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................97.90 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:25:57 Subbasin : Sub-03 Subbasin : Sub-04 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................3.27 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Paved parking & roofs 2.02 C 98.00 Gravel roads 0.48 C 89.00 50 - 75% grass cover, Fair 0.77 C 79.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 3.27 92.20 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override (minutes): 8 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................5.10 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................4.21 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................18.87 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:08:00 Subbasin : Sub-04 Junction Input SN Element Invert Ground/Rim Ground/Rim Initial Initial Surcharge Surcharge Ponded Minimum ID Elevation (Max)(Max)Water Water Elevation Depth Area Pipe Elevation Offset Elevation Depth Cover (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft²)(ft) 1 Jun-01 539.20 543.20 4.00 539.20 0.00 550.00 6.80 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 541.00 550.00 9.00 541.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 559.00 565.00 6.00 559.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 545.00 550.00 5.00 545.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 560.20 567.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 567.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Junction Results SN Element Peak Peak Max HGL Max HGL Max Min Average HGL Average HGL Time of Time of Total Total Time ID Inflow Lateral Elevation Depth Surcharge Freeboard Elevation Depth Max HGL Peak Flooded Flooded Inflow Attained Attained Depth Attained Attained Attained Occurrence Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (cfs)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(days hh:mm)(days hh:mm)(ac-in)(min) 1 Jun-01 45.44 17.94 540.90 1.70 0.00 9.05 539.66 0.46 0 12:46 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 129.30 111.16 541.40 0.40 0.00 8.60 541.02 0.02 0 12:31 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 25.99 0.00 561.32 2.32 0.00 4.48 559.88 0.88 0 12:30 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 25.99 0.00 546.12 1.12 0.00 3.88 545.20 0.20 0 12:31 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 26.52 26.52 560.20 0.00 0.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-01 45.00 538.00 -1.20 539.20 1.20 -1.20 -2.6700 Trapezoidal 4.000 29.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 2 Link-07 75.00 540.00 -5.00 545.00 4.00 -5.00 -6.6700 Trapezoidal 3.000 34.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-01 45.44 0 12:46 25.52 1.78 3.54 0.21 1.39 0.35 0.00 2 Link-07 25.98 0 12:31 17.17 1.51 2.33 0.54 0.83 0.28 0.00 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-04 31.28 0.00 -541.00 0.00 -540.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 Link-05 590.00 560.20 1.20 541.72 -3.28 18.48 3.1300 CIRCULAR 3.000 3.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 3 Link-06 27.09 0.00 -560.20 0.00 -560.20 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-04 129.29 0 12:14 0.00 1.78 0.00 1.39 0.35 0.00 > CAPACITY 2 Link-05 25.99 0 12:30 92.78 0.28 10.78 0.91 1.12 0.37 0.00 Calculated 3 Link-06 26.52 0 12:25 0.00 0.28 0.00 1.12 0.37 0.00 Calculated Storage Nodes Storage Node : Stor-01 Input Data 540.00 550.75 10.75 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-01 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 3 1794 2691.00 4 11580 9378.00 5 21782 26059.00 6 33509 53704.50 7 44845 92881.50 8 54664 142636.00 9 63950 201943.00 9.75 70915 252517.38 Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Storage Node : Stor-01 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-02 Trapezoidal No 549.75 9.75 100.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 129.29 0.00 44.08 0.00 549.93 9.93 545.31 5.31 0 12:46 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Storage Node : Stor-02 Input Data 560.20 566.00 5.80 560.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-02 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 .8 719 287.60 1.8 1434 1364.10 2.8 3882 4022.10 3.8 8633 10279.60 4.8 13616 21404.10 5.8 19287 37855.60 Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Storage Node : Stor-02 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-01 Trapezoidal No 566.00 5.80 25.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 26.52 0.00 25.99 0.00 562.57 2.37 560.99 0.79 0 12:30 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra EXISTING CONDITIONS 25YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Description Project Kiwi 7-Jan-20.SPF Project Options CFS Elevation SCS TR-55 SCS TR-55 Hydrodynamic YES NO Analysis Options Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 02, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 0 days 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 1 seconds Number of Elements Qty 1 4 8 5 1 0 0 2 9 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years)(inches) 1 Rain Gage-01 Time Series TS-04 Cumulative inches North Carolina Cabarrus 25 6.00 SCS Type II 24-hr Outlets ..................................................... Pollutants ......................................................... Land Uses ........................................................ Links.................................................................. Channels ................................................. Pipes ........................................................ Pumps ..................................................... Orifices .................................................... Weirs ....................................................... Nodes................................................................ Junctions ................................................. Outfalls .................................................... Flow Diversions ....................................... Inlets ........................................................ Storage Nodes ......................................... Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ..................... Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step .................... Reporting Time Step ........................................ Routing Time Step ........................................... Rain Gages ...................................................... Subbasins......................................................... Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ................. Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ........ Start Analysis On ............................................. End Analysis On ............................................... Start Reporting On ........................................... Antecedent Dry Days ....................................... File Name ......................................................... Flow Units ........................................................ Elevation Type ................................................. Hydrology Method ............................................ Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ............. Link Routing Method ........................................ Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac)(in)(in)(ac-in)(cfs)(days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 5.38 77.27 6.00 3.51 18.86 20.78 0 00:19:59 2 Sub-02 15.03 77.00 6.00 3.48 52.29 34.43 0 00:47:18 3 Sub-03 35.44 78.77 6.00 3.66 129.57 124.50 0 00:25:57 4 Sub-04 3.27 92.20 6.00 5.09 16.65 22.58 0 00:08:00 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : Sub-01 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................5.38 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 5.26 C 77.00 Gravel roads 0.12 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 5.38 77.27 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation : V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft²) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :7.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.15 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :16.74 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :240 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :3.75 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :3.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.28 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :400 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.97 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................19.99 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................3.51 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................20.78 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:19:59 Subbasin : Sub-01 Subbasin : Sub-02 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................15.03 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 15.03 C 77.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 15.03 77.00 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :200 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.13 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :25.85 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :750 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :1 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grass pasture Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :0.70 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :17.86 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :730 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.60 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................47.30 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................3.48 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................34.43 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:47:18 Subbasin : Sub-02 Subbasin : Sub-03 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................35.44 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 31.38 C 77.00 Paved parking & roofs 1.56 C 98.00 Gravel roads 2.50 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 35.44 78.77 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :21.52 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :900 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :8.5 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grassed waterway Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :4.37 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.43 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :755 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :3.5 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :12.64 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.00 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................25.95 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................3.66 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................124.50 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:25:57 Subbasin : Sub-03 Subbasin : Sub-04 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................3.27 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Paved parking & roofs 2.02 C 98.00 Gravel roads 0.48 C 89.00 50 - 75% grass cover, Fair 0.77 C 79.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 3.27 92.20 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override (minutes): 8 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.00 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................5.09 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................22.58 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:08:00 Subbasin : Sub-04 Junction Input SN Element Invert Ground/Rim Ground/Rim Initial Initial Surcharge Surcharge Ponded Minimum ID Elevation (Max)(Max)Water Water Elevation Depth Area Pipe Elevation Offset Elevation Depth Cover (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft²)(ft) 1 Jun-01 539.20 543.20 4.00 539.20 0.00 550.00 6.80 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 541.00 550.00 9.00 541.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 559.00 565.00 6.00 559.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 545.00 550.00 5.00 545.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 560.20 567.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 567.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Junction Results SN Element Peak Peak Max HGL Max HGL Max Min Average HGL Average HGL Time of Time of Total Total Time ID Inflow Lateral Elevation Depth Surcharge Freeboard Elevation Depth Max HGL Peak Flooded Flooded Inflow Attained Attained Depth Attained Attained Attained Occurrence Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (cfs)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(days hh:mm)(days hh:mm)(ac-in)(min) 1 Jun-01 96.91 21.61 541.57 2.37 0.00 8.38 539.71 0.51 0 12:31 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 163.80 141.02 541.50 0.50 0.00 8.50 541.03 0.03 0 12:33 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 32.49 0.00 561.48 2.48 0.00 4.32 559.95 0.95 0 12:32 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 32.49 0.00 546.23 1.23 0.00 3.77 545.23 0.23 0 12:33 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 34.23 34.23 560.20 0.00 0.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-01 45.00 538.00 -1.20 539.20 1.20 -1.20 -2.6700 Trapezoidal 4.000 29.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 2 Link-07 75.00 540.00 -5.00 545.00 4.00 -5.00 -6.6700 Trapezoidal 3.000 34.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-01 96.90 0 12:31 25.52 3.80 4.38 0.17 2.00 0.50 0.00 2 Link-07 32.48 0 12:33 17.17 1.89 2.54 0.49 0.93 0.31 0.00 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-04 31.28 0.00 -541.00 0.00 -540.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 Link-05 590.00 560.20 1.20 541.72 -3.28 18.48 3.1300 CIRCULAR 3.000 3.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 3 Link-06 27.09 0.00 -560.20 0.00 -560.20 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-04 163.79 0 12:14 0.00 3.80 0.00 2.00 0.50 0.00 > CAPACITY 2 Link-05 32.49 0 12:32 92.78 0.35 11.56 0.85 1.26 0.42 0.00 Calculated 3 Link-06 34.23 0 12:25 0.00 0.35 0.00 1.26 0.42 0.00 Calculated Storage Nodes Storage Node : Stor-01 Input Data 540.00 550.75 10.75 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-01 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 3 1794 2691.00 4 11580 9378.00 5 21782 26059.00 6 33509 53704.50 7 44845 92881.50 8 54664 142636.00 9 63950 201943.00 9.75 70915 252517.38 Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Storage Node : Stor-01 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-02 Trapezoidal No 549.75 9.75 100.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 163.79 0.00 94.50 0.00 550.07 10.07 545.52 5.52 0 12:31 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Storage Node : Stor-02 Input Data 560.20 566.00 5.80 560.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-02 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 .8 719 287.60 1.8 1434 1364.10 2.8 3882 4022.10 3.8 8633 10279.60 4.8 13616 21404.10 5.8 19287 37855.60 Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Storage Node : Stor-02 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-01 Trapezoidal No 566.00 5.80 25.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 34.23 0.00 32.49 0.00 563.22 3.02 561.05 0.85 0 12:32 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra EXISTING CONDITIONS 50YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Description Project Kiwi 7-Jan-20.SPF Project Options CFS Elevation SCS TR-55 SCS TR-55 Hydrodynamic YES NO Analysis Options Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 02, 2000 00:00:00 Jan 01, 2000 00:00:00 0 days 0 01:00:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 0 00:05:00 days hh:mm:ss 1 seconds Number of Elements Qty 1 4 8 5 1 0 0 2 9 2 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 Rainfall Details SN Rain Gage Data Data Source Rainfall Rain State County Return Rainfall Rainfall ID Source ID Type Units Period Depth Distribution (years)(inches) 1 Rain Gage-01 Time Series TS-03 Cumulative inches North Carolina Cabarrus 50 6.50 SCS Type II 24-hr Outlets ..................................................... Pollutants ......................................................... Land Uses ........................................................ Links.................................................................. Channels ................................................. Pipes ........................................................ Pumps ..................................................... Orifices .................................................... Weirs ....................................................... Nodes................................................................ Junctions ................................................. Outfalls .................................................... Flow Diversions ....................................... Inlets ........................................................ Storage Nodes ......................................... Runoff (Dry Weather) Time Step ..................... Runoff (Wet Weather) Time Step .................... Reporting Time Step ........................................ Routing Time Step ........................................... Rain Gages ...................................................... Subbasins......................................................... Enable Overflow Ponding at Nodes ................. Skip Steady State Analysis Time Periods ........ Start Analysis On ............................................. End Analysis On ............................................... Start Reporting On ........................................... Antecedent Dry Days ....................................... File Name ......................................................... Flow Units ........................................................ Elevation Type ................................................. Hydrology Method ............................................ Time of Concentration (TOC) Method ............. Link Routing Method ........................................ Subbasin Summary SN Subbasin Area Weighted Total Total Total Peak Time of ID Curve Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Concentration Number Volume (ac)(in)(in)(ac-in)(cfs)(days hh:mm:ss) 1 Sub-01 5.38 77.27 6.50 3.95 21.23 23.33 0 00:19:59 2 Sub-02 15.03 77.00 6.50 3.92 58.90 38.74 0 00:47:18 3 Sub-03 35.44 78.77 6.50 4.11 145.48 139.73 0 00:25:57 4 Sub-04 3.27 92.20 6.50 5.58 18.26 24.64 0 00:08:00 Subbasin Hydrology Subbasin : Sub-01 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................5.38 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 5.26 C 77.00 Gravel roads 0.12 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 5.38 77.27 Time of Concentration TOC Method : SCS TR-55 Sheet Flow Equation : Tc = (0.007 * ((n * Lf)^0.8)) / ((P^0.5) * (Sf^0.4)) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) n = Manning's roughness Lf = Flow Length (ft) P = 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (inches) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Shallow Concentrated Flow Equation : V = 16.1345 * (Sf^0.5) (unpaved surface) V = 20.3282 * (Sf^0.5) (paved surface) V = 15.0 * (Sf^0.5) (grassed waterway surface) V = 10.0 * (Sf^0.5) (nearly bare & untilled surface) V = 9.0 * (Sf^0.5) (cultivated straight rows surface) V = 7.0 * (Sf^0.5) (short grass pasture surface) V = 5.0 * (Sf^0.5) (woodland surface) V = 2.5 * (Sf^0.5) (forest w/heavy litter surface) Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where: Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) Channel Flow Equation : V = (1.49 * (R^(2/3)) * (Sf^0.5)) / n R = Aq / Wp Tc = (Lf / V) / (3600 sec/hr) Where : Tc = Time of Concentration (hr) Lf = Flow Length (ft) R = Hydraulic Radius (ft) Aq = Flow Area (ft²) Wp = Wetted Perimeter (ft) V = Velocity (ft/sec) Sf = Slope (ft/ft) n = Manning's roughness Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :7.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.15 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :16.74 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :240 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :3.75 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :3.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.28 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :400 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.97 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................19.99 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.50 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................3.95 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................23.33 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.27 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:19:59 Subbasin : Sub-01 Subbasin : Sub-02 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................15.03 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 15.03 C 77.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 15.03 77.00 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :200 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4.5 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.13 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :25.85 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :750 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :1 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grass pasture Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :0.70 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :17.86 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :730 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :0.25 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :3.38 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.60 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................47.30 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.50 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................3.92 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................38.74 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................77.00 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:47:18 Subbasin : Sub-02 Subbasin : Sub-03 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................35.44 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Brush, Poor 31.38 C 77.00 Paved parking & roofs 1.56 C 98.00 Gravel roads 2.50 C 89.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 35.44 78.77 Time of Concentration Subarea Subarea Subarea Sheet Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.4 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :150 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :4 0.00 0.00 2 yr, 24 hr Rainfall (in) :3.50 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :0.12 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :21.52 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Shallow Concentrated Flow Computations A B C Flow Length (ft) :900 0.00 0.00 Slope (%) :8.5 0.00 0.00 Surface Type :Grassed waterway Unpaved Unpaved Velocity (ft/sec) :4.37 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :3.43 0.00 0.00 Subarea Subarea Subarea Channel Flow Computations A B C Manning's Roughness :.035 0.00 0.00 Flow Length (ft) :755 0.00 0.00 Channel Slope (%) :3.5 0.00 0.00 Cross Section Area (ft²) :36 0.00 0.00 Wetted Perimeter (ft) :18 0.00 0.00 Velocity (ft/sec) :12.64 0.00 0.00 Computed Flow Time (min) :1.00 0.00 0.00 Total TOC (min) ..................25.95 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.50 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................4.11 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................139.73 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................78.77 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:25:57 Subbasin : Sub-03 Subbasin : Sub-04 Input Data Area (ac) ........................................................................3.27 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Rain Gage ID .................................................................Rain Gage-01 Composite Curve Number Area Soil Curve Soil/Surface Description (acres)Group Number Paved parking & roofs 2.02 C 98.00 Gravel roads 0.48 C 89.00 50 - 75% grass cover, Fair 0.77 C 79.00 Composite Area & Weighted CN 3.27 92.20 Time of Concentration User-Defined TOC override (minutes): 8 Subbasin Runoff Results Total Rainfall (in) ............................................................6.50 Total Runoff (in) .............................................................5.58 Peak Runoff (cfs) ...........................................................24.64 Weighted Curve Number ...............................................92.20 Time of Concentration (days hh:mm:ss) ........................0 00:08:00 Subbasin : Sub-04 Junction Input SN Element Invert Ground/Rim Ground/Rim Initial Initial Surcharge Surcharge Ponded Minimum ID Elevation (Max)(Max)Water Water Elevation Depth Area Pipe Elevation Offset Elevation Depth Cover (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft²)(ft) 1 Jun-01 539.20 543.20 4.00 539.20 0.00 550.00 6.80 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 541.00 550.00 9.00 541.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 559.00 565.00 6.00 559.00 0.00 565.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 545.00 550.00 5.00 545.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 560.20 567.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 567.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Junction Results SN Element Peak Peak Max HGL Max HGL Max Min Average HGL Average HGL Time of Time of Total Total Time ID Inflow Lateral Elevation Depth Surcharge Freeboard Elevation Depth Max HGL Peak Flooded Flooded Inflow Attained Attained Depth Attained Attained Attained Occurrence Flooding Volume Attained Occurrence (cfs)(cfs)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(days hh:mm)(days hh:mm)(ac-in)(min) 1 Jun-01 127.46 23.53 541.88 2.68 0.00 8.07 539.74 0.54 0 12:26 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 2 Jun-03 183.40 158.24 541.54 0.54 0.00 8.46 541.04 0.04 0 12:34 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 3 Jun-04 35.61 0.00 561.56 2.56 0.00 4.24 559.99 0.99 0 12:34 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 4 Jun-05 35.61 0.00 546.28 1.28 0.00 3.72 545.24 0.24 0 12:34 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 5 Jun-06 38.57 38.57 560.20 0.00 0.00 6.80 560.20 0.00 0 00:00 0 00:00 0.00 0.00 Channel Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Shape Height Width Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Elevation Offset Elevation Offset (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-01 45.00 538.00 -1.20 539.20 1.20 -1.20 -2.6700 Trapezoidal 4.000 29.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 2 Link-07 75.00 540.00 -5.00 545.00 4.00 -5.00 -6.6700 Trapezoidal 3.000 34.000 0.0320 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No Channel Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-01 127.45 0 12:26 25.52 4.99 4.70 0.16 2.26 0.57 0.00 2 Link-07 35.60 0 12:34 17.17 2.07 2.63 0.48 0.97 0.32 0.00 Pipe Input SN Element Length Inlet Inlet Outlet Outlet Total Average Pipe Pipe Pipe Manning's Entrance Exit/Bend Additional Initial Flap No. of ID Invert Invert Invert Invert Drop Slope Shape Diameter or Width Roughness Losses Losses Losses Flow Gate Barrels Elevation Offset Elevation Offset Height (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(%)(ft)(ft)(cfs) 1 Link-04 31.28 0.00 -541.00 0.00 -540.00 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 2 Link-05 590.00 560.20 1.20 541.72 -3.28 18.48 3.1300 CIRCULAR 3.000 3.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 3 Link-06 27.09 0.00 -560.20 0.00 -560.20 0.00 0.0000 Dummy 0.000 0.000 0.0150 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 0.00 No 1 Pipe Results SN Element Peak Time of Design Flow Peak Flow/Peak Flow Travel Peak Flow Peak Flow Total Time Froude Reported ID Flow Peak Flow Capacity Design Flow Velocity Time Depth Depth/Surcharged Number Condition Occurrence Ratio Total Depth Ratio (cfs)(days hh:mm)(cfs)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(min) 1 Link-04 183.39 0 12:14 0.00 4.99 0.00 2.26 0.57 0.00 > CAPACITY 2 Link-05 35.61 0 12:34 92.78 0.38 11.90 0.83 1.32 0.44 0.00 Calculated 3 Link-06 38.57 0 12:25 0.00 0.38 0.00 1.32 0.44 0.00 Calculated Storage Nodes Storage Node : Stor-01 Input Data 540.00 550.75 10.75 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-01 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 3 1794 2691.00 4 11580 9378.00 5 21782 26059.00 6 33509 53704.50 7 44845 92881.50 8 54664 142636.00 9 63950 201943.00 9.75 70915 252517.38 Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Storage Node : Stor-01 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-02 Trapezoidal No 549.75 9.75 100.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 183.39 0.00 124.45 0.00 550.14 10.14 545.62 5.62 0 12:26 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Storage Node : Stor-02 Input Data 560.20 566.00 5.80 560.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Storage Area Volume Curves Storage Curve : Storage-02 Stage Storage Storage Area Volume (ft)(ft²)(ft³) 0 0 0.000 .8 719 287.60 1.8 1434 1364.10 2.8 3882 4022.10 3.8 8633 10279.60 4.8 13616 21404.10 5.8 19287 37855.60 Initial Water Depth (ft) ......................................... Ponded Area (ft²) ................................................ Evaporation Loss ................................................ Invert Elevation (ft) .............................................. Max (Rim) Elevation (ft) ...................................... Max (Rim) Offset (ft) ........................................... Initial Water Elevation (ft) .................................... Storage Node : Stor-02 (continued) Outflow Weirs SN Element Weir Flap Crest Crest Length Weir Total Discharge ID Type Gate Elevation Offset Height Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 1 Weir-01 Trapezoidal No 566.00 5.80 25.00 1.00 3.33 Output Summary Results 38.57 0.00 35.61 0.00 563.58 3.38 561.09 0.89 0 12:33 0.000 0 0 0.00 Total Exfiltration Volume (1000-ft³) ..................... Total Flooded Volume (ac-in) .............................. Total Time Flooded (min) .................................... Total Retention Time (sec) ................................. Peak Exfiltration Flow Rate (cfm) ....................... Max HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ......................... Max HGL Depth Attained (ft) ............................... Average HGL Elevation Attained (ft) ................... Average HGL Depth Attained (ft) ........................ Time of Max HGL Occurrence (days hh:mm) ..... Peak Inflow (cfs) ................................................. Peak Lateral Inflow (cfs) ..................................... Peak Outflow (cfs) .............................................. Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra DURING CONSTRUCTION 1YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi During Construction Calculations 1-year 24-hour Storm Event 3.0 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 1 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:3.000 inches Particle Size Distribution: Size (mm)Mecklenburg (0'- 8')Chewacla (0'-8') 1.4000 100.000%100.000% 1.0000 85.000%91.100% 0.0630 50.600%70.700% 0.0440 42.900%59.700% 0.0380 42.900%58.800% 0.0040 8.200%7.200% 0.0030 5.400%4.400% 0.0010 0.000%0.000% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. (mg/l) Peak Settleable Conc. (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) #4 3.310 3.310 6.68 0.61 10.5 23,435 13.41 7.24 #3 15.030 15.030 9.24 1.33 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 46.20 1.13 5.41 3.58 37.4 2.2 12,877 4,040 7.59 0.00 2.99 0.00 #1 0.000 53.640 1.13 3.58 2.2 4,038 0.00 0.00 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #4 (Subbasin 7): Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 91.925% 0.0630 71.340% 0.0440 60.240% 0.0380 59.332% 0.0040 7.265% 0.0030 4.440% 0.0010 0.000% Structure #3 (Subbasin 2): Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 100.000% 0.0630 73.588% 0.0440 62.390% 0.0380 62.390% 0.0040 11.925% 0.0030 7.853% 0.0010 0.000% Structure #2 (Storm Basin): Size (mm)In Out 1.4000 100.000%100.000% 1.0000 93.735%100.000% 0.0630 60.497%100.000% 0.0440 51.222%100.000% 0.0380 50.966%100.000% 0.0040 8.594%100.000% 0.0030 5.563%93.989% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Size (mm)In Out 0.0010 0.000%0.000% Structure #1: Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 100.000% 0.0630 100.000% 0.0440 100.000% 0.0380 100.000% 0.0040 100.000% 0.0030 93.989% 0.0010 0.000% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:6.68 cfs Depth:0.76 ft Top Width:1.94 ft Velocity:6.14 fps X-Section Area:1.09 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.411 ft Froude Number:1.44 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:9.24 cfs Depth:0.77 ft Top Width:2.62 ft Velocity:6.45 fps X-Section Area:1.43 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.450 ft Froude Number:1.54 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Initial Pool Elev:542.00 ft Initial Pool:0.01 ac-ft *Sediment Storage:1.79 ac-ft Dead Space:20.00 % *Sediment capacity was entered by user Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:546.01 ft H'graph Detention Time:16.52 hrs Pond Model:CSTRS Dewater Time:2.99 days Trap Efficiency:94.08 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 541.99 0.949 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 542.00 0.950 0.010 0.000 543.00 1.000 0.985 1.134 10.40* 544.00 1.050 2.010 1.134 10.94* 545.00 1.100 3.084 1.134 11.47* 546.00 1.150 4.209 1.134 12.00* 546.01 1.150 4.219 1.134 0.00 Peak Stage 547.00 1.200 5.384 1.134 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 548.00 1.420 6.693 1.134 Spillway #1 549.00 1.680 8.241 49.829 549.50 1.810 9.113 90.592 Spillway #2 550.00 1.940 10.051 153.318 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit. Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) User- input discharge (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 541.99 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 542.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 543.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 544.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 545.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 546.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 547.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 548.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 549.00 48.695 0.000 1.134 49.829 549.50 89.458 0.000 1.134 90.592 550.00 133.702 18.481 1.134 153.318 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 6.68 0.608 3.310 6.68 0.608 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 9.24 1.331 15.030 9.24 1.331 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 5.29 0.508 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 20.53 2.155 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 8.51 0.804 53.640 46.20 5.406 #1 53.640 1.13 3.584 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS #Soil K L (ft)S (%)C P PS # Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. (mg/l) Peak Settleable Conc (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) #4 1 0.280 500.00 2.00 0.4500 1.0000 2 10.5 23,435 13.41 7.24 10.5 23,435 13.41 7.24 #3 1 0.280 100.00 0.01 0.0005 1.0000 1 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 #2 1 0.280 180.00 3.00 0.0030 1.0000 1 0.1 163 0.10 0.05 2 0.280 360.00 3.00 0.0030 1.0000 1 0.4 223 0.13 0.07 3 0.280 300.00 4.00 0.4500 1.0000 1 26.5 44,343 26.47 14.26 37.4 12,877 7.59 2.99 #1 2.2 4,038 0.00 0.00 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra DURING CONSTRUCTION 10YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi During Construction Calculations 10-year 24-hour Storm Event 5.1 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 10 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:5.100 inches Particle Size Distribution: Size (mm)Mecklenburg (0'- 8')Chewacla (0'-8') 1.4000 100.000%100.000% 1.0000 85.000%91.100% 0.0630 50.600%70.700% 0.0440 42.900%59.700% 0.0380 42.900%58.800% 0.0040 8.200%7.200% 0.0030 5.400%4.400% 0.0010 0.000%0.000% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. (mg/l) Peak Settleable Conc. (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) #4 3.310 3.310 12.34 1.18 21.5 24,865 14.27 7.65 #3 15.030 15.030 24.65 3.36 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 114.53 21.14 12.97 8.64 88.0 11.8 11,903 3,315 7.11 0.58 2.97 0.22 #1 0.000 53.640 21.14 8.64 11.8 3,314 0.58 0.22 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Particle Size Distribution(s) at Each Structure Structure #4 (Subbasin 7): Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 91.053% 0.0630 70.663% 0.0440 59.669% 0.0380 58.769% 0.0040 7.196% 0.0030 4.398% 0.0010 0.000% Structure #3 (Subbasin 2): Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 100.000% 0.0630 68.600% 0.0440 58.161% 0.0380 58.161% 0.0040 11.117% 0.0030 7.321% 0.0010 0.000% Structure #2 (Storm Basin): Size (mm)In Out 1.4000 100.000%100.000% 1.0000 90.670%100.000% 0.0630 57.998%100.000% 0.0440 49.113%100.000% 0.0380 48.893%100.000% 0.0040 8.359%62.259% 0.0030 5.421%40.378% 0.0010 0.000%0.000% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Structure #1: Size (mm)In/Out 1.4000 100.000% 1.0000 100.000% 0.0630 100.000% 0.0440 100.000% 0.0380 100.000% 0.0040 62.259% 0.0030 40.378% 0.0010 0.000% Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:12.34 cfs Depth:1.07 ft Top Width:1.99 ft Velocity:7.20 fps X-Section Area:1.71 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.522 ft Froude Number:1.37 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:24.65 cfs Depth:1.29 ft Top Width:2.97 ft Velocity:8.47 fps X-Section Area:2.91 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.678 ft Froude Number:1.51 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev:542.00 ft Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Initial Pool:0.01 ac-ft *Sediment Storage:1.79 ac-ft Dead Space:20.00 % *Sediment capacity was entered by user Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:548.41 ft H'graph Detention Time:8.15 hrs Pond Model:CSTRS Dewater Time:4.52 days Trap Efficiency:86.57 % Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 541.99 0.949 0.000 0.000 Top of Sed. Storage 542.00 0.950 0.010 0.000 543.00 1.000 0.985 1.134 10.40* 544.00 1.050 2.010 1.134 10.94* 545.00 1.100 3.084 1.134 11.47* 546.00 1.150 4.209 1.134 12.00* 547.00 1.200 5.384 1.134 12.54* 548.00 1.420 6.693 1.134 13.96* Spillway #1 548.41 1.539 7.329 21.136 36.90 Peak Stage 549.00 1.680 8.241 49.829 549.50 1.810 9.113 90.592 Spillway #2 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 550.00 1.940 10.051 153.318 *Designates time(s) to dewater have been extrapolated beyond the 50 hour hydrograph limit. Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) User- input discharge (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 541.99 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 542.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 543.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 544.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 545.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 546.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 547.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 548.00 0.000 0.000 1.134 1.134 549.00 48.695 0.000 1.134 49.829 549.50 89.458 0.000 1.134 90.592 550.00 133.702 18.481 1.134 153.318 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 9 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 12.34 1.176 3.310 12.34 1.176 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 24.65 3.363 15.030 24.65 3.363 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 13.39 1.256 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 52.95 5.374 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 19.06 1.799 53.640 114.53 12.969 #1 53.640 21.14 8.637 Subwatershed Sedimentology Detail: Stru # SWS #Soil K L (ft)S (%)C P PS # Sediment (tons) Peak Sediment Conc. (mg/l) Peak Settleable Conc (ml/l) 24VW (ml/l) #4 1 0.280 500.00 2.00 0.4500 1.0000 2 21.5 24,865 14.27 7.65 21.5 24,865 14.27 7.65 #3 1 0.280 100.00 0.01 0.0005 1.0000 1 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 0.0 2 0.00 0.00 #2 1 0.280 180.00 3.00 0.0030 1.0000 1 0.2 182 0.11 0.06 2 0.280 360.00 3.00 0.0030 1.0000 1 1.0 251 0.15 0.08 3 0.280 300.00 4.00 0.4500 1.0000 1 65.3 48,940 29.59 15.90 88.0 11,903 7.11 2.97 #1 11.8 3,314 0.58 0.22 Filename: Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 10 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra PROPOSED CONDITIONS 1YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi Post-Development Calculations 1-year 24-hour Storm Event 3.0 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 1 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:3.000 inches Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 3.310 3.310 6.68 0.61 #3 15.030 15.030 9.24 1.33 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 46.20 2.97 5.41 5.26 #1 0.000 53.640 2.97 5.26 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:6.68 cfs Depth:0.76 ft Top Width:1.94 ft Velocity:6.14 fps X-Section Area:1.09 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.411 ft Froude Number:1.44 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:9.24 cfs Depth:0.77 ft Top Width:2.62 ft Velocity:6.45 fps X-Section Area:1.43 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.450 ft Froude Number:1.54 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev:540.50 ft Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Initial Pool:0.43 ac-ft Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:543.87 ft Dewater Time:1.38 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 540.00 0.850 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.850 0.009 0.000 540.50 0.875 0.431 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 541.00 0.900 0.875 0.596 9.00* 541.50 0.925 1.331 1.395 5.90 542.00 0.950 1.800 1.846 3.50 542.50 0.975 2.281 2.206 2.90 543.00 1.000 2.774 2.515 2.55 543.50 1.025 3.281 2.790 4.00 543.87 1.043 3.660 2.974 5.30 Peak Stage 544.00 1.050 3.799 3.041 544.50 1.075 4.331 3.272 545.00 1.100 4.874 3.488 545.50 1.125 5.430 3.691 546.00 1.150 5.999 3.884 546.50 1.175 6.580 4.068 547.00 1.200 7.174 4.243 547.50 1.308 7.801 4.412 548.00 1.420 8.482 4.574 Spillway #1 548.50 1.547 9.224 17.216 549.00 1.680 10.031 48.695 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 549.50 1.810 10.903 89.458 Spillway #2 550.00 1.940 11.840 152.184 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 540.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.50 8.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 541.00 0.596 0.000 0.596 541.50 1.395 0.000 1.395 542.00 1.846 0.000 1.846 542.50 2.206 0.000 2.206 543.00 2.515 0.000 2.515 543.50 2.790 0.000 2.790 544.00 3.041 0.000 3.041 544.50 3.272 0.000 3.272 545.00 3.488 0.000 3.488 545.50 3.691 0.000 3.691 546.00 3.884 0.000 3.884 546.50 4.068 0.000 4.068 547.00 4.243 0.000 4.243 547.50 4.412 0.000 4.412 548.00 4.574 0.000 4.574 548.50 17.216 0.000 17.216 549.00 48.695 0.000 48.695 549.50 89.458 0.000 89.458 550.00 133.702 18.481 152.184 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 6.68 0.608 3.310 6.68 0.608 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 9.24 1.331 15.030 9.24 1.331 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 5.29 0.508 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 20.53 2.155 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 8.51 0.804 53.640 46.20 5.406 #1 53.640 2.97 5.259 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra PROPOSED CONDITIONS 10YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi Post-Development Calculations 10-year 24-hour Storm Event 5.1 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 10 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:5.100 inches Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 3.310 3.310 12.34 1.18 #3 15.030 15.030 24.65 3.36 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 114.53 8.59 12.97 11.98 #1 0.000 53.640 8.59 11.98 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:12.34 cfs Depth:1.07 ft Top Width:1.99 ft Velocity:7.20 fps X-Section Area:1.71 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.522 ft Froude Number:1.37 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:24.65 cfs Depth:1.29 ft Top Width:2.97 ft Velocity:8.47 fps X-Section Area:2.91 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.678 ft Froude Number:1.51 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev:540.50 ft Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Initial Pool:0.43 ac-ft Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:548.16 ft Dewater Time:2.03 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 540.00 0.850 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.850 0.009 0.000 540.50 0.875 0.431 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 541.00 0.900 0.875 0.596 9.00* 541.50 0.925 1.331 1.395 3.96* 542.00 0.950 1.800 1.846 3.07* 542.50 0.975 2.281 2.206 2.85 543.00 1.000 2.774 2.515 2.55 543.50 1.025 3.281 2.790 2.30 544.00 1.050 3.799 3.041 2.15 544.50 1.075 4.331 3.272 2.05 545.00 1.100 4.874 3.488 1.95 545.50 1.125 5.430 3.691 1.90 546.00 1.150 5.999 3.884 1.80 546.50 1.175 6.580 4.068 1.75 547.00 1.200 7.174 4.243 1.75 547.50 1.308 7.801 4.412 1.90 548.00 1.420 8.482 4.574 5.75 Spillway #1 548.16 1.466 8.718 8.592 3.90 Peak Stage 548.50 1.547 9.224 17.216 549.00 1.680 10.031 48.695 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 549.50 1.810 10.903 89.458 Spillway #2 550.00 1.940 11.840 152.184 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 540.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.50 8.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 541.00 0.596 0.000 0.596 541.50 1.395 0.000 1.395 542.00 1.846 0.000 1.846 542.50 2.206 0.000 2.206 543.00 2.515 0.000 2.515 543.50 2.790 0.000 2.790 544.00 3.041 0.000 3.041 544.50 3.272 0.000 3.272 545.00 3.488 0.000 3.488 545.50 3.691 0.000 3.691 546.00 3.884 0.000 3.884 546.50 4.068 0.000 4.068 547.00 4.243 0.000 4.243 547.50 4.412 0.000 4.412 548.00 4.574 0.000 4.574 548.50 17.216 0.000 17.216 549.00 48.695 0.000 48.695 549.50 89.458 0.000 89.458 550.00 133.702 18.481 152.184 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 12.34 1.176 3.310 12.34 1.176 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 24.65 3.363 15.030 24.65 3.363 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 13.39 1.256 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 52.95 5.374 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 19.06 1.799 53.640 114.53 12.969 #1 53.640 8.59 11.984 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra PROPOSED CONDITIONS 25YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi Post-Development Calculations 25-year 24-hour Storm Event 6.0 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 25 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:6.000 inches Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 3.310 3.310 14.74 1.42 #3 15.030 15.030 31.78 4.32 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 145.73 29.82 16.49 15.39 #1 0.000 53.640 29.82 15.39 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:14.74 cfs Depth:1.20 ft Top Width:1.96 ft Velocity:7.50 fps X-Section Area:1.97 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.555 ft Froude Number:1.32 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:31.78 cfs Depth:1.49 ft Top Width:3.00 ft Velocity:9.05 fps X-Section Area:3.51 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.748 ft Froude Number:1.47 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev:540.50 ft Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Initial Pool:0.43 ac-ft Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:548.70 ft Dewater Time:2.13 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 540.00 0.850 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.850 0.009 0.000 540.50 0.875 0.431 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 541.00 0.900 0.875 0.596 9.00* 541.50 0.925 1.331 1.395 3.96* 542.00 0.950 1.800 1.846 3.07* 542.50 0.975 2.281 2.206 2.90 543.00 1.000 2.774 2.515 2.55 543.50 1.025 3.281 2.790 2.30 544.00 1.050 3.799 3.041 2.15 544.50 1.075 4.331 3.272 2.05 545.00 1.100 4.874 3.488 1.95 545.50 1.125 5.430 3.691 1.85 546.00 1.150 5.999 3.884 1.80 546.50 1.175 6.580 4.068 1.80 547.00 1.200 7.174 4.243 1.70 547.50 1.308 7.801 4.412 1.75 548.00 1.420 8.482 4.574 5.55 Spillway #1 548.50 1.547 9.224 17.216 5.85 548.70 1.602 9.547 29.825 0.85 Peak Stage 549.00 1.680 10.031 48.695 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 549.50 1.810 10.903 89.458 Spillway #2 550.00 1.940 11.840 152.184 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 540.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.50 8.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 541.00 0.596 0.000 0.596 541.50 1.395 0.000 1.395 542.00 1.846 0.000 1.846 542.50 2.206 0.000 2.206 543.00 2.515 0.000 2.515 543.50 2.790 0.000 2.790 544.00 3.041 0.000 3.041 544.50 3.272 0.000 3.272 545.00 3.488 0.000 3.488 545.50 3.691 0.000 3.691 546.00 3.884 0.000 3.884 546.50 4.068 0.000 4.068 547.00 4.243 0.000 4.243 547.50 4.412 0.000 4.412 548.00 4.574 0.000 4.574 548.50 17.216 0.000 17.216 549.00 48.695 0.000 48.695 549.50 89.458 0.000 89.458 550.00 133.702 18.481 152.184 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 14.74 1.423 3.310 14.74 1.423 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 31.78 4.323 15.030 31.78 4.323 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 17.13 1.607 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 68.03 6.886 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 23.71 2.250 53.640 145.73 16.490 #1 53.640 29.82 15.395 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra PROPOSED CONDITIONS 50YR, 24HR ANALYSIS Project Kiwi Post-Development Calculations 50-year 24-hour Storm Event 6.50 inches L.Lotrakul Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 1 General Information Storm Information: Storm Type:NRCS Type II Design Storm: 50 yr - 24 hr Rainfall Depth:6.500 inches Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 2 Structure Networking: Type Stru # (flows into) Stru # Musk. K (hrs) Musk. X Description Null #1 ==>End 0.000 0.000 Null Pond #2 ==>#1 0.000 0.000 Storm Basin Channel #3 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 2 Channel #4 ==>#2 0.000 0.000 Subbasin 7 #4 Chan'l #3 Chan'l #2 Pond #1 Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 3 Structure Summary: Immediate Contributing Area (ac) Total Contributing Area (ac) Peak Discharge (cfs) Total Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 3.310 3.310 16.06 1.56 #3 15.030 15.030 35.82 4.87 #2 In Out 35.300 53.640 163.30 46.56 18.49 17.34 #1 0.000 53.640 46.56 17.34 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 4 Structure Detail: Structure #4 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 7 Subbasin 7 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Concrete Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:16.06 cfs Depth:1.27 ft Top Width:1.93 ft Velocity:7.64 fps X-Section Area:2.10 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.570 ft Froude Number:1.29 Structure #3 (Nonerodible Channel) Subbasin 2 Subbasin 2 Nonerodible Channel Inputs: Material: Metal, Corrugated Nonerodible Channel Results: w/o Freeboard w/ Freeboard Design Discharge:35.82 cfs Depth:1.60 ft Top Width:2.99 ft Velocity:9.32 fps X-Section Area:3.85 sq ft Hydraulic Radius:0.782 ft Froude Number:1.45 Structure #2 (Pond) Storm Basin Pond Inputs: Initial Pool Elev:540.50 ft Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 5 Initial Pool:0.43 ac-ft Enhanced Perf. Riser Riser Diameter (in) Riser Height (ft) Barrel Diameter (in) Barrel Length (ft) Barrel Slope (%)Manning's n Spillway Elev (ft) Number of Holes per Elev 60.00 8.00 54.00 83.00 1.30 0.0110 548.00 1 Emergency Spillway Spillway Elev Crest Length (ft) Left Sideslope Right Sideslope Bottom Width (ft) 549.50 18.00 3.00:1 3.00:1 100.00 Pond Results: Peak Elevation:548.97 ft Dewater Time:2.15 days Dewatering time is calculated from peak stage to lowest spillway Elevation-Capacity-Discharge Table Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 540.00 0.850 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.850 0.009 0.000 540.50 0.875 0.431 0.000 Low hole SPW #1 541.00 0.900 0.875 0.596 9.00* 541.50 0.925 1.331 1.395 3.96* 542.00 0.950 1.800 1.846 3.07* 542.50 0.975 2.281 2.206 2.85 543.00 1.000 2.774 2.515 2.55 543.50 1.025 3.281 2.790 2.30 544.00 1.050 3.799 3.041 2.15 544.50 1.075 4.331 3.272 2.05 545.00 1.100 4.874 3.488 1.95 545.50 1.125 5.430 3.691 1.85 546.00 1.150 5.999 3.884 1.85 546.50 1.175 6.580 4.068 1.75 547.00 1.200 7.174 4.243 1.75 547.50 1.308 7.801 4.412 1.75 548.00 1.420 8.482 4.574 5.20 Spillway #1 548.50 1.547 9.224 17.216 6.35 548.97 1.671 9.976 46.563 1.20 Peak Stage 549.00 1.680 10.031 48.695 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 6 Elevation Area (ac) Capacity (ac-ft) Discharge (cfs) Dewater Time (hrs) 549.50 1.810 10.903 89.458 Spillway #2 550.00 1.940 11.840 152.184 Detailed Discharge Table Elevation (ft) Enh. PerfRiser (cfs) Emergency Spillway (cfs) Combined Total Discharge (cfs) 540.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.01 0.000 0.000 0.000 540.50 8.00>0.000 0.000 0.000 541.00 0.596 0.000 0.596 541.50 1.395 0.000 1.395 542.00 1.846 0.000 1.846 542.50 2.206 0.000 2.206 543.00 2.515 0.000 2.515 543.50 2.790 0.000 2.790 544.00 3.041 0.000 3.041 544.50 3.272 0.000 3.272 545.00 3.488 0.000 3.488 545.50 3.691 0.000 3.691 546.00 3.884 0.000 3.884 546.50 4.068 0.000 4.068 547.00 4.243 0.000 4.243 547.50 4.412 0.000 4.412 548.00 4.574 0.000 4.574 548.50 17.216 0.000 17.216 549.00 48.695 0.000 48.695 549.50 89.458 0.000 89.458 550.00 133.702 18.481 152.184 Structure #1 (Null) Null Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 7 Subwatershed Hydrology Detail: Stru # SWS # SWS Area (ac) Time of Conc (hrs) Musk K (hrs) Musk X Curve Number UHS Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) #4 1 3.310 0.133 0.000 0.000 92.110 TR55 16.06 1.561 3.310 16.06 1.561 #3 1 15.030 0.788 0.000 0.000 77.000 TR55 35.82 4.870 15.030 35.82 4.870 #2 1 5.380 0.333 0.000 0.000 78.090 TR55 19.23 1.807 2 23.390 0.433 0.000 0.000 77.670 TR55 76.53 7.748 3 6.530 0.338 0.000 0.000 83.490 TR55 26.30 2.505 53.640 163.30 18.490 #1 53.640 46.56 17.344 Filename: Post Construction Sedimentary Basin - 10 yr 24 hr.sc4 Printed 01-22-2020 SEDCAD 4 for Windows Copyright 1998 -2010 Pamela J. Schwab Civil Software Design, LLC 8 Project Kiwi – 2011 North Carolina Hwy 49 S January 17, 2020 Claris Construction SynTerra APPENDIX B Site Drawing