HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021924 Ver 1_Mitigation Closeout Report_20170526MCINTYRE CREEK AT HORNETS NEST PARK DMS ID (243) USACE ACTION ID # SAW-2003-30326 DWQ 401# 0219-24 CLOSEOUT REPORT: STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT Proiect Setting & Classifications Site Coordinates: 35.319972°N, 80.865133°W County Mecklenburg General Location Hornets Nest Park on the north side of Charlotte Basin: Catawba Ph sio ra hic Region: Piedmont Ecoregion: Southern Outer Piedmont USGS Hydro, Unit: 03050101170020 NCDWQ Sub -basin: 03-08-34 Wetland Classification Riparian Thermal Regime: Warn Trout Water: No Project Performers Source Agency: NCDMS Provider: NCDMS Designer: KCI Associates of NC Monitoring Firm Axiom Environmental Plant Remediation United Construction Approved for Transfer to Stewardship Yes Stewards NCDEQ Overall Proiect Activities and Timeline Milestone Month -Year Institution Date Aril 2002 Restoration Plan December 2002 Construction Plans March 2005 Site Construction and Planting May 2008 As -built Construction Drawings February 2008 Repair Construction January 2010 As -built Remediation Construction Drawings November 2009 Baseline Monitoring Document December 2010 Year 1 (2010) Monitoring Document December 2010 Year 2 2011) Monitoring Document December 2011 Year 3 (2012) Monitoring Document November 2012 Beaver Management May 2013 Invasive Species Management October 2013 Beaver Management November 2013 Year 4 2013 Monitoring Document December 2013 Beaver Management February 2014 Invasive Species Management Aril 2014 Beaver Management May 2014 Beaver Management November 2014 Year 5 (2014) Monitoring Document December 2014 Beaver Management January 2015 Beaver Management August 2015 Invasive Species Management October 2015 Invasive Species Management December 2015 Beaver Management January 2016 Repair Construction Reach 1 March 2016 Year 6 2015 Monitoring Document Aril 2016 Invasive Species Management September 2016 Year 7 2016 Monitoring Document November 2016 Closeout Report May 2017 Invasive Species Management June 2017 Planning Context The McIntyre Creek at Hornet's Nest Park stream restoration project was instituted April 16, 2002 and is therefore a pre- 2003 project. The project is located within the eastern portion of HUC 03050101170020, the Long Creek watershed, which is listed as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the 2007 Catawba River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) plan (amended in 2013 as the Lower Catawba RBRP). The project is also located in the Charlotte Local Watershed Plan (LWP). Currently, this is the only DMS project in this TLW. There are a total of 16 DMS projects in the LWP. McIntyre Creek drains to Long Creek approximately three miles downstream of the project site. Following the publication of the 2007 RBRP, Long Creek was identified on the 2008 NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) 303d Impaired Waters list as exceeding criteria for turbidity and copper. Long Creek is also classified as a Water Supply Watershed (WSW) by the DWR. The 2003 Charlotte LWP identifies the eastern portion of the Long Creek Watershed along the I-77 corridor for its dramatic population increases from 1990 to 2000. The Long Creek Watershed also contains 3 of 6 focus areas evaluated in the Charlotte LWP (Belmeade Drive, Lawing School, and Long at I-77). The 2007 RBRP states that lands in the eastern portion of the Long Creek Watershed are 47% developed, with 42% of streams lacking adequately forested buffers. Goals from the 2007 RBRP include: (1) improve management of stormwater runoff and help restore biology in the watersheds; and (2) protection of the critical water supply reservoirs in the region and their immediate riparian zones The goals of the McIntyre Creek at Hornet's Nest project are consistent with DMS watershed planning goals. The project restores riparian buffers which increase roughness and mitigates the effects of stormwater runoff, reduces erosion by stabilizing and vegetating the streambanks, improves aquatic habitat, and protects waters draining to a WSW through restored riparian buffers and conservation easements. Proiect Setting and Background Summary The McIntyre Creek Stream Restoration Site is located Catawba River Basin 03050101170020. Prior to construction, the Site contained a degraded stream channel with a disturbed riparian buffer located within Hornets Nest Park. Site streams were characterized by eroding banks, channel widening, high sediment inputs from construction occurring in the upstream watershed and onsite bank erosion, and channel incision as indicated by bank -height -ratios ranging from 1.4 to 1.9. Surrounding land uses include commercial and residential areas with narrow riparian corridors adjacent to streams. At least 50 percent of the contributing watershed had been cleared and developed. McIntyre Creek is a pre-2003 project that was instituted on April 16, 2002. The project mitigation plan (restoration plan) was completed in December 2002, and site construction was completed in May 2008. As constructed, the project restored 5178 linear feet of stream using Priority I restoration by constructing a new meandering channel within the McIntyre Creek floodplain, incorporating in -stream structures, installing grade control structures at the confluence with two tributaries to McIntyre Creek, and planting with native forest species. Site activities provide 5129 Stream Mitigation Units (49 linear feet of the restored channel is located within a utility easement and therefore was not included in the available mitigation credit). Planting occurred within 10.75 acres of the 17-acre conservation easement including stream banks, floodplain, and wetlands. Repair efforts to reestablish structures, stabilize banks, provide grade control, and dissipate stormwater energy was completed in January 2010. During years 1 (2010) through 5 (2014), bank erosion was in scattered areas across the site, with those at the bottom of the project (Monitoring Reach 1) being the most concerning in that they represented active mass wasting. As a result, DMS repaired Monitoring Reach 1 early in 2016. The areas in Monitoring Reaches 2 and 3 were less concerning in that they are dominated by surficial scour (8 and 5%, respectively) as opposed to mass wasting. Additionally, these features developed earlier in the project and have not advanced in recent years. The bank erosion percentages within these reaches have either remained the same or improved slightly compared to prior years. Erosion was also observed in pool cross -sections 1 and 4 earlier in the projects history; however, these cross -sections have not demonstrated any appreciable change even when exposed to multiple storm flows. The watershed is extremely flashy due to the extensive amount of impervious surface in the contributing watershed and floods quickly even during modest rain events. Therefore, the repairs focused on the bottom reach (Monitoring Reach 1) thereby avoiding unnecessary disturbance of sections that appear to have equilibrated. Repair activities included bank grading, installing geo-lifts and repairing structures. The repair has successfully stabilized the areas of concern throughout 1.5 growing seasons and has withstood several bankfull events. Since five years of monitoring data was collected prior to the repair in 2016, a modified monitoring schedule was developed. The ten vegetation monitoring plots had an average density of 477 planted stems per acre surviving in year 5 (2014); therefore, the site has met the vegetation success criteria. Five years of profile data did not indicate any significant areas of aggradation or degradation of the stream channel, so profile survey was discontinued. After the repair, four temporary vegetation plots were established along Monitoring Reach 1 to assess the areas requiring supplemental planting and three additional cross sections were installed. Monitoring for year 6 and 7 consisted of the four temporary vegetation plots, four permanent and 3 additional cross sections, photo points and visual assessment. Two groundwater gauges were installed within the site in wetland areas created because of stream restoration activities. An additional gauge was placed just outside of delineated wetland. DMS is not seeking any wetland credit; however, there are approximately 1.71 acres of wetland creation at the site. Vegetation areas of concern at the site consist of multiflora rose, Chinese privet, Japanese honeysuckle and kudzu. The site has received multiple invasive treatments throughout the project history. A treatment of all invasive species occurred in late October 2013 and again in early 2014. Additional treatments occurred again in October and December of 2015 and September 2016. DMS is working with City of Charlotte to treat kudzu outside the easement on park property. Beaver activity has been evident throughout a majority of the monitoring years. Sixteen dams were removed in 2013, eight dams in 2014, and one dam in 2016. USDA -APHIS is continuing to monitor the site for beaver and beaver dam removal through project closeout in 2017. Goals and Obiectives 1. Restoring stable channel morphology capable of moving flows and sediments provided by the watershed. 2. Improving water quality by reducing soil and riparian vegetation loss resulting from lateral erosion and bed degradation. 3. Improving aquatic habitat with bed variability and the use of in -stream structures. 4. Stabilizing tributaries draining into McIntyre Creek. 5. Providing educational opportunities through Mecklenburg County. 6. Improving the natural aesthetics of Hornets Nest Park. 7. Enhancing vegetation to provide habitat/food sources, shade the stream, filter overland runoff, and remove soil particles and other nutrients from stormwater. 8. Protecting a Site identified in a watershed listed as impaired for elevated levels of copper and turbidity (NCDWQ 2010). Success Criteria Success Criteria Measured Parameter Criteria Met Streams • Cross-section measurements should 4 permanent cross -sections (2 riffle and 2 show little or no change from asbuilt pool); pebble counts (cross-section 2); 3 cross -sections. monitoring reaches; and 10 permanent • Stable bedform features with little photo points; an additional 3 riffle cross- Yes —Site streams are stable. change from asbuilt survey. sections were measured in years 6-7 (2 in Monitoring Reach 1 and 1 in Monitoring • Absence of significant aggradation or Reach 2) degradation of the channel. Yes - Success criteria were 10 vegetation plots measured using the met in year 5 with an average Vegetation CVS Level II protocol; 4 temporary plots of 477 planted stems/acre • Minimum of 260 stems/acre in year 5. were measured in years 6-7 along (excluding livestakes), and within temporary plots in year Monitoring Reach 1 7 with an average of 1427 stems per acre Hydrology Yes — Success criteria were • Documentation of two bankfull channel Documentation of bankfull events met throughout the monitoring period with a total of 19 events documented bankfull events. Asset Table Projects Com onents Project Existing Linear Restoration/ Restoration Component/ Station Footage/ Priority Restoration Linear Mitigation Comment Reach ID Range Acreage Approach Equivalent Footage/ Ratio Acreage Priority I stream restoration along the entire project, McIntyre -- �5000 I Restoration 5178* 1:1 installation of in -stream structures, stabilizing the Creek confluence of two incoming tributaries, and planting with native forest vegetation. *Site activities restored 5178 linear feet of stream; however, 49 linear feet is located within a utility easement and is not included in the SMU calculation Length and Area Summations by Mitigation Category Restoration Level Streams (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non -riparian Wetland (acres) Credited Buffer (square feet) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 5178* -- -- -- -- Enhancement (Level I) -- -- - -- Enhancement (Level II) -- -- -- -- CreationF_- -- -- -- Preservation -- -- -- -- -- Overall Assets Summary Asset Category Overall Credits Stream 5129 Riparian Riverine Wetland -- Asset Map Asset Map Cont. Asset Mao Cont. L69mtcl C;me"*n EwarNT; NYtlsrt Apprmr. St:odoqng ETLrWyes Grammmb.—Smuem OrmmmF.r5J-V2dJoqPhol3Por-l- .2-vs Huts (&- I -EN 116 :!Arl al Pholcqrap MY&Durce: CGIA210150rlhchunarryl. C. 125 250 50-D 750 Feet IL - -reMffed 13r. "c Depn&wt Df EnvirDwantal !2kisiq DrylBlon *T MtlgaZlcn 5,arvlcsa MCINTYRE CREEK RESTORATIGN SITE HORNETS NEST PAR K CAlly plcTt 5: ASSEYMM a-FXRj DME: NOV2M . . . . . . IABDI 12-ON.113 FIGURE 2B Topo Map -.. •s-• _ l 3F Tyro Creek i £. O _ Legend ISRN Roads �w • x Easement • �!' xa ya ` � t�Au1. 4 .e CeT Drainage Area = 3.0 sq. Y i i1930 ac; Oakdale- ' * i e ' Northern Edge 0 1.100 2,200 4,400 6,600 8a of the - Feet City of Charlotte-F , Mites , :.\It 0 0.1250.25 0-5 0-75 1 TOPOGRAPHY & DRAINAG EAREA CLFIKRJ -, SnowAvenue R31 Raleigh, NC 27603 MCINTYRt=CREEK RESTORATION SITE ''•Jan 2017 {919�215-1693 AT HORNETS NEST PARK 3 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 12-004.03 0� Remediation Map Repair Construction January 2010 OAK ------------ Repair Construction January 2010 Cont. Repair Construction March 2016 Reach 1 GkAPNIC SCALE r ag REPAIR AREA 3; INSTALLF.O SOIL LIFT. ADE AREAS A >_ REPAIRAREATI F&MILTSILLAND LEFTARM OF ROCKVANE STRUCTURE. IINSr— SOIL LIFT, REPAIR AREA 2 ORADW INTER PARK TO A INSTALLED CONOTRLIETEb =1 51-O.E• RIFFLE (SOIL FTY:EQTH SIM4 S EA IHT6 Ex rInG POCK VAHEy NLi�F' li nL—IJ F2DM ukAb9b All V.FH= L1Hf'!;N. Y II NSPIAN-FA V47HIM TF I.V LEA PA- P90TTPEE9 MslaI ALL OISTUFS?=.(] ARFAg • - w� ............ ....... - J ti II REPAIR AREAk + REPAIR AREAS,— REPAIIII4:— INSTAllFDSTOPE70E RE&ALT SILL AND LEFTARAI REBUILT SILL AND LIST ARM APGIHD E% ILLG ROCK LL AHA RIFFLE, OF ROCRVANE STAIICTURE. OF FI VANE STRUCTURE, $�ATH 8IAE5. INSTALLED SOIL LIFT, QF,I INNER PARK TO A D ] PAHX TOA REBUILT BOU RSILL REBUILT BOULDERSILL 11 SLOPE. 9t 7 SLOPE. INWALLE. IHSTALLED SOIL LIFT, R f0.3./F.f` `i DfH []N 11 F I HA' HS-A.I FQ, Cross Sections Catawba Rivrr Haski, 3iclm yre Creek, YS - 2, Riffle LU1 ------------------------------------------------------.-------- tCo 94 -------------- ---------------- —------- — — — — ----Fbeaa.r.ew.c� 07 NY~kNiO ,may --*-3fY-] 121LO']4 uxkl x=JJ 1 a 94 0 1V 20 30 --- eue x`ia'l6 d0 Catawba River Burin, 3lclstyre Creek. XS - 3, FJMe 111 109 r----emu 108 ---=F1oo-d Flaar JLrca My00bIU':OiO IC6 %AYt2 LR 3011 �!di't5 3 1 L- 1Q5 - MY4)-k 3 :x 13 I MY43333' 1+ 0 10 20 W 461 30 16 30 S�affat QfteU —!dYtS lu 24115 Cross Sections Cont. Cata-aba Ricer Basin, McEntiTe Creek, XS - 4, Pool 115 114------------------------------------- 113 -- —' Ba.kfuu 112 --- . flea PYore a. 111 MY-00 h 1210 A 110 III.MY-01 L11010 E09 + MY-02101011 -6 10$ A t07 MY-03 &YU [� MY-04 3V24Q3 106 - MY-052127114 f05 104 MY-06 33a la 103 MY-07 10r24+16 0 10 20 30 S► tian {feet) 108 107 106 as 4 105 104 v 103 102 101 Catawba River Basin, McIntyre Creek, XS - 5, Riffle ----a�u __--FIoodP—Area MY-06 3+3Q+16 MY-07 10f-14+16 0 10 20 30 Station {feet) Catawba River Basin, McIntyre Creek, XS - 6, Riffle 110 1 1 v 1 1 99 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station {feet) 09 Cross Sections Cont. 109 108 107 y 106 z 105 104 103 102 101 100 Catawba River Basin, McIntyre Creek, XS - 7, Riffle F -----------------------------------s�+ea�ey 10 Station (feet) 20 Flaa Pr —Arcs MY46 3.70i 16 MY-07 10024016 30 Profile 99 97 Z 95 Y 93 c .4 91 89 87 85 0 200 400 500 800 1000 McIntyre Creek Year 5 (2014( Profile -Reach 1 Distance (feet) tA5-built (2010) Bed -*-Year 1 (2010) Bed - Year 2 (2011) Bed - Year 3 (2012) Bed tYear4 (2013) Bed �Year5 (2014) Bed —Years (2014) Water Surface McIntyre Creek Year 5 (2014) Profile - Reach 2 104 102 s 100 98 - NF 96 ir 94 92 1650 1850 2050 2250 2450 2550 Distance (feet) �A,buiR (2010) Bed tYear 1 (2010) Bed - Year 2 (2012) Bed - Year 3 (2012) Bed Year 4 (2013) Bed -"Year 5 (2014) Bed —Year 5 (2014) Water Sarface Profile Cont. McIntyre Creek Year S (2014) Profile - Reach 3 109 108 107 106 e r 105 104 s 103 102 - 101 100 99 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 Distance {het] —M-bull[ (2009) Bed -FYear 1 (2010) Bed tYear2 (2011) Bed —Year 3 (2012) Bed +Year4 (2013) Bed Year 5 (2014) Bed —Year 5 (2014) Water Surface Morphology Table \Iclnt%re Creek at Horoeot \ -rf Part (D%S Proieci tiamber M C€ms 5KtWm 1 Cms Sektion d C€ass Sec(Loo 3 CrG:S Sertim J Paromeker Pool Riflk RifDe Pool DbDeusoo )n-D VA I = MY3 Mi'4 Na:- -iY6 MY7 MYO )cn I NQ2 MY3 'n4 Nn 3 W6 Nfri MYO'kill Nn'_ )n3 ]fi', 'rf5'i VBd 3f5'7 WO MYI VI2' M13 VI- �nD MY6 MY7 Bmkfall Elm= 94.4 D6.4 963 965 M.S 96.i M51 96K51 95.1 g8.1 98 97.9 97.9 97.6 97, .3 97A3 108 IDS 107.2 1073 1073 107.2 1072 10 2 110 110 104 109.4 1D9.4 149.2 1093 1D9' SFR�dth $ 20.0 19.6 19A IDA 19.6 20.3 22M 21.2 16L7 17.0 15.D 16.1 15.2 14.7 15.4 1d.D 17.6 1'•.0 11.1 10.9 10.4 11-2 11.6 11.5 15.5 15.5 13.7 13.1 13.5 14.7 15.0 14.5 F W� K4 NA NA NA NA WA NA NA 150.0. 15D.0 154.0 I50.D 15D.0 159.0 150.D 150.D ISO.D H40 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 NA NA NA NA NA �t NA NA ELF Mem 2.2 3..D 3? 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.1 4A 2A 2.D .2.1 1_.1 2.1 2.3 '_ 2 3,1 1.5 1.5 2.1 11 2.D 1.9 11 2.1 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.5 3 A 3.2 3 ' BF'das 5.0 5.3 6.1 d.3 6.0 63 6.7 6�4 3-2 3.D 32 3.1 3.0 3.D 3.1 38 19 2.8 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.5 19 21 53 5.,'. 4.1 4;6 4,1i 52 4.9 4.9 BF Casa kKumd Area - 55.4 59.5 613 7DA 6d.5 76.1 40,6 95.4 33.9 33.9 33.i 33.9 32.6 33.6 34.1 33.1 25A 25.2 '_3.8 22.4 '.1.9 20.4 '_4.D 34.5 411 47.0 45' 46.1_ 47.6 50.1 47.6 53.} ' NA NA NA NA 9.5 9.6 7.5 7.7 7.1 6.5 7.0 7J 11' 11.4 5.2 5.3 5.5 6.D >.6 54 NA NA NA NA NA -YA NA -- rL'L'�'1.eA r+'1fPfh'bmemr NA NA �A Wj,.Ik:.�� NA NA 9.0 Sl 4.4 9.3 9.9 10.v 9 7 $_4 $_5 8.3 13.5 13.a 13.7 13.4 l'.9 13.D Nd NA NA tiA NA. NA NA. tiA BamkHei°hkRato' 1.0 I.D 1.01.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I.D 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I.D I.D 1.0 1.D I.D 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 la 10 d50 mm' 3.1 0.4 D.3 - - 15-d 11.7 D.4 1.3 9.7 0.4 - - 13.d 8.7 4.4 0.: 0.3 0.6 -- - d3 D.1 O' �A AA A - - * Note: Cass SediDM-Rae eaaolslwdaffErrE*rs condarb23 at theSiae. "#slate: As per NCDMS gum, ba" onms seubo. d area is calouated usmg a fixed ek rAGn Therefore, bae.k.--.:., rrax mum depth and low bank heft are measured frarothefiKed eleuation to- the holtorn of the thahveg GVen diefxed nature of bwkNIl bath aalues of bankMl m4num&-pth and km bank heightfivakote at the same am -um regAirg in a bank *eght rat that does notehange dram-atir-Alyfrarrr yeearto year. Verification of Bankfull Events McInvtre Creek Restoration Site (DMS Protect Number 243) Date of Data Date of Photo (if Collection Occurrence Method available Total of 2.14 inches* of rain reported to fall over 2 days (July 11- September 23, 2010 July 12, 2010 12, 2010), in addition to large wrack/debris piles and evidence of 1-2 overbank flows within the adjacent floodplain. Total of 1.1 inches* of rain reported to fall over 2 days (August 18-19, 2010) after a total of 4.43 inches* of rain the preceding 4 September 23, 2010 August 19, 2010 weeks, in addition to laid back vegetation and evidence of recent 3 standing water within the floodplain. October 18, 2010 September 29, Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 4.04 inches* of - 2010 rain reported to fall over 6 days (September 25-30, 2010). Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.50 inches* of October 21, 2011 August 5, 2011 rain reported to fall on August 5, 2011. 4 Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.77 inches* of August 6, 2012 May 8, 2012 rain reported to fall on May 8-9, 2012. Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.71 inches* of August 6, 2012 May 16, 2012 rain reported to fall on May 13-16, 2012. Debris, wrack, and laid back vegetation observed on the February 21, 2013 January 17, 2013 floodplain after a total of 2.38 inches* of rain reported to fall on 5-6 January 17, 2013. November 18, 2013 April 28, 2013 Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.73 inches* of rain reported to fall on April 27-29, 2013. November 18, 2013 May 6, 2013 Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.13 inches* of rain reported to fall on May 5-6, 2013. Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.52 inches* of November 18, 2013 June 3, 2013 rain reported to fall on June 2-3, 2013 with an additional 3.10 on -- June 4-13, 2013. Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 4.23 inches* of November 18, 2013 July 4, 2013 rain reported to fall on July 4-11, 2013 with numerous small rain -- events (0.1-0.9 inches) in the proceeding and following days. Wrack and laid back vegetation observed on the floodplain after May 7, 2014 April 19, 2014 a total of 2.80 inches* of rain reported to fall on April 18-19. -- 2014. Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.11 inches* of November 10, 2014 May 15, 2014 rain reported to fall on May 15, 2014 Wrack and laid back vegetation observed on the floodplain after November 3, 2014 August 1, 2014 a total of 3.84 inches* of rain reported to fall July 31-August 1, -- 2014 Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.65 inches* of March 29, 2016 April 19, 2015 rain reported to fall on April 19, 2015 after 2.00 inches were reported during the previous week. Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 2.60 inches* of March 29, 2016 November 2, 2015 rain reported to fall on November 2, 2015 after 2.00 inches were reported during the previous week. March 29, 2016 December 30, 2015 Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 3.25 inches* of -- rain reported to fall over 2 days (December 29-30, 2015). September 26, Overbank event likely occurred after a total of 3.89 inches* of October 17, 2016 2016 rain reported to fall on September 26, 2016. -- October 17, 2016 October 8, 2016 Sediment and laid-back vegetation observed after a total of 2.12 7 inches* of rain reported to fall on October 8, 2016. Verification of Bankfull Events Cont. Vegetation Data Sterns pe r p.ot across all years 2T71fi 2015 20i4 zoo 2ni2 2811 2010 PWt Total Stems Total Stems/ac Total Stems Total Rbems�ac P;o-,itei Stems Plart-i Stemt?ac Total Stems Tool Stems)Bc P7msted Mess Punted StemOc Tool Stems Total Stemsfac Planted Sterns Planted Stemsfac Total Sterns Total Sterns?ac Planked Stems Flenkec Sterns?ac -otal Stemr, Total Stemsfac Planted Sterns Planked 96ems?ac Total 5tems Ttc- Sterr..'ac 1 16 728 5C c313 16 728 0c 3237 29 769 96 395E i9 769 E7 27ii 21 850 67 2:11 27 283 3: it39 7 253 15 7E9 7 221 36 149, 7 253 3t i578 202 2S :oE2 3 17 fi88 7= 29VI 20 509 48 1342 20 849 71 2673 21 8511 4E 1842 22 890 4.2 :-00 4 5 20'_ ioc dod7 5 101 4047 0 0 i117 433-3 - 202 4937 162 56 5 405 118 --S 10 !.05 93 37" 18 OFF ifi5 BE77 10 4 S S999 9 SSA 77 3'i13 25 1013 82 =E_3 '_5 = 72 3157 27 1C93 77 3116 30 1214 11E 4E94 1= E Si -= 7 203 L59 5-i35 7 253 113 4573 7 283 95 38fi5 7 283 2M 6943 4 1fi2 84 3339 3 ill MS 7E y]?fi 10 14 445 io 44S 67 27:: .0 405 122 4S37 o Z42 5— 2iS5 9 9 324 3i 125S 3 32A 18 & 334 21 65c 9 SSA 22 894 3 S24 io 406 i0 _1 1+= 3: 18i1 13 ?:i 34 ?'.s 55- 49 19E3 5E7 7E 3C7E 15 's2fi E8 '_ " T1 40 1619 59 2333 T2 H 2-32 65 4-10 T3 20 849 43 T4 13 526 '_3 == Vegetation Data Cont. Table 9B. Annual Tntal Planted and Natural Recruits Stems bV Species McIntyre Creek Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type MY512014) MY4 (2013) MY3 (20121 MY2 (2011) Myl (2010) MYO (2010) PnoLS P-all T PneLS P-all T PnoLS Pall IT PnoLS P-all T PaOLS P-al[ IT PnoLS P-all T ernegundo boxeldcr Irev 21 2 14S 3 3 60 3 -11 SS 3 3 IS6 3 3 LA 3 3 12' cer rubrum red maple Tree 4 4 40 1 Aoe rsaccharin um silvermaple Tree In us serrulata hazel alder Shrub I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 6 6 9 6 6 1 imina triloba pawpaw Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1ocharis haIimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub 1 2tula nigra river birch free 32 32 3 33 33 a 33 33 3S 3S 5 13 13 2 14 14 6rya ll hickory Trcc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 talpa bignomoides southern catalpa Tree 2 rnusamomum silky dogwood Shrub 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 11 10 10 1 9 9 9 9 9 rnusflorida flowering dogwood Tree 2 Diospyros A rgi ni an a common persimmon Tree S L uonymus; alatus Exotic 1 1 1 F raxinus pennsylvan ica green ash 'free 2s 2S 393 25 2S 296 2S 2S 391 21 21 S13 27 27 2781 2S 2s 1513 uglans nigra blackwalnut Tree 1 3 uniperus vi rginiana eastern redcedar 'free 4 1 3 Lindera benzoin northern spice hush Shrub 2 2 4 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Li quidambar styraciflua swcctgum Tree 42 87 102 57 43 82 Liriodendron to lip ifera tulle true Ire e 6 6 24 6 6 is 8 8 19 9 9 16 9 9 19 9 9 2 Morella bayberry shrub Morelia cerifera wax myrtle shrub 1 2 Morus muiheny Iree Morus rubra red mulborry I rcc S Nyssa tupelo Tree 3 Pinustaeda loblolly pine I ree 44 11 S? 54 4 ?6 Platanus occidental is American sycamore Iree 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 16 1 1 S Pop ulusdeltaides eastern cottonwood Tree 2 13 26 35 Populusheterophyllo swamp cottonwood I ree 4 P run us scrotina blackcherry I rcc 4 4 Quercus oak Irev 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 4uercus lyrata overcup oak f Iree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 4uercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak I ree 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4uercus pagoda cherry Inark oak Irev 14 14 JL4 14 14 14 1S 1S is 1s 15 1' 13 13 13 14 14 14 4uercus pheIIos willow a Iree 9 9 9 91 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 7 4uercus rubra northern -ed oak Iree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 alix willow Shrub orTree Sal ix nigra black willow Tree Ulmus elm 'free 2 2 22 2 3 3 4 S S 6 4 4 4 S S U lmus alata winged elm Tree 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 Lllmus americana American elm Tree 2 2 42 2 1 1 Stem count size (ares size (ACRES Species cou Stems per AC RE 118 118 764 127 127 79 1321 3,321 97 106 106 53 104 104 ill 10 10 10 10 10 10 025 0.2S f]2S 025 0.2S 025 15 15 2 19 19 2 19 19 2 18 18 2 18 18 2 17 17 3 0.11.5 417.5 309 SU1.8 501.8 240 510. S14 320 530..2 534.2 395 429 429 211 42D.9 420-91 855 Colo r for Density PnaLS = Planted stems excluding livesta kes Exceeds requirements by 10% P-all= Planted sterns i%Iuding livestakes Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% T = Planted stems and natural recruits Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Total includes stems of natural recruits Fails to meet requirements by more than 1A96 Vegetation Data Cont. Temp Plots - Total Planted and Natural Recruits by Species McIntvre Creek (DMS Proiect 243) Scientific Name Common Name TSpecies MY7 MY6 (2015) Fraxinus enns lvanica Green ash Tree 61 77 Betula ni ra River birch Tree 5 44 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore Tree 49 77 uercus rubra Northern red oak Tree 0 5 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum Tree 0 4 Ulmus Americana Slippery elm Tree 16 0 Liriodendron tuli i era Tulip poplar Tree 5 4 Acer negundo Box elder Tree 2 2 N ssa. Sp. Gum Tree 1 0 Celtis laevi ata Hackberry Tree 1 0 Corunus amomum Silky dogwood Tree 1 2 Stem Count Size (Ares) Size (Acres) Species count Stems per acre 141 215 4 4 0.10 0.10 9 8 1427 2175 DMS Recommendation and Conclusion DMS recommends that the McIntyre Creek Site be closed out as proposed to generate 5129 Stream Mitigation Units. During years 1 (2010) through 5 (2014), bank erosion was scattered across the site, with those at the bottom of the project (Monitoring Reach 1) being the most concerning in that they represented active mass wasting. As a result, DMS repaired these areas in Monitoring Reach 1 early in 2016. The areas in Monitoring Reaches 2 and 3 were less concerning in that they are dominated by surficial scour as opposed to mass wasting. Bank erosion within these reaches has either remained the same or improved slightly compared to prior years. The watershed is extremely flashy due to the extensive amount of impervious surface in the contributing watershed and floods quickly even during modest rain events. Therefore, given the lack of change within the last 3 years, the repairs focused on the bottom reach (Monitoring Reach 1) thereby avoiding unnecessary disturbance of sections that appear to have equilibrated. The repair has remained stable for 1.5 growing seasons. Based on the number of stems counted, average densities were measured at 477 planted stems per acre (excluding livestakes) surviving in year 5 (2014); therefore, the site has met its vegetation success criteria. Four temporary vegetation plots were established along Monitoring Reach 1 to assess the areas requiring supplemental planting after the repair. Counts and speciation of all stems within these plots was performed. Year 7 (2016) results indicate an average of 1427 stems per acre with 4 to 6 species per plot, including natural recruits, within this reach. Vegetation areas of concern within the Site include several patches of multiflora rose (Rosa multijora), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), and kudzu (Pueraria lobata). Invasive species treatments occurred in late October 2013, early 2014, October 2015, December 2015, and September 2016. The most recent treatments appear to be successful with significantly less invasive species populations observed during year 7 (2016) than previous monitoring years. Beaver activity observed on the Site during previous monitoring years has lessened due to proactive measurements taken by DMS. Some signs of recent beaver activity were observed throughout the Site during monitoring year 7 (2016), however, no dams were observed during monitoring activities. Beaver activity is controlled as much as possible, and evidence of beaver activity should not be seen as a threat to Site success. In addition, 19 bankfull events were documented throughout the course of the monitoring period with at least one event occurring in each monitoring years. Contingencies None. 'ir .. - k . Sly �srr! •��{ r �' ' . N. 13, f w M• . � .ram+ !6y .� y^ •,"r.0 71 may, Pre -Construction Photos Cont. Phew S: NniA iri but am enl eri ng NId nt}ae Owk hxon the soul In, Note: The hasele vI ol'Ilie trdhulan is hnrcring 01 b he.l.ard migr.lin" up tlie ,allcy- Photo 7: Ellgh HEiE EI scores are common in the upper portion or thr project reacli Photo & Large debris jam, near station 38+K disrupts flow In McIntyre Creek at This location. Photo & Crow section #„ Iookinst dowxtstmanL 4 Pre -Construction Photos Cont. Constraints Photograph Log McIntyre Creek Photo 1. Exposed ABS conduit near the Photo 13: Crass wtion #3 mar existi iig .t:iti tk 15+5it Photo 2. Hole 7 of the flying disc golf course adjacent to the right bank near Photo 3. View of sanitary sewer easement that parallels the left bank of the entire upstream portion of the site. Photos 4-5. View of private properties adjacent to the left bank from existing Station 34+00 to Station 41+00. Photo 6. Gas pipeline crossing near existing Station 42+30 in the downstream portion of the project site. Pholn l- : Water level -logging iaetrum t installed at crass section 93 to gauge disrhargrs in Mefithre (reek. 4i 3 �f 9 �y P 1 sr v t y s H iAf lk re ", t qp 1 M N�93`h4 ley — � ,� -• FF 1 y 6 i� 3 iw OWN r .. y \ t QAI q' t. _ Appendix A: Property Ownership Information & Verification of Protection Mechanism The site protection instrument for this mitigation project includes the following document(s), available at the specified County Register of Deeds office, and is linked to the property portfolio at: htto://ncdenr.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs- public/Mitigation%20Services/Document%20Management%20Libra ry/Property/Property%20Portfolio/243 MclntyreCre ekatHornetsNestPark PD 2006.Ddf Project Name I County IGrantor Name Deed lnf I Property Rights McIntyre Creek IMecklenburg IMary Mowry IDB 20412, P 857 Construction Easement McIntyre Creek iMecklenburg iMecklenburg County DB 20987, P 694 Conservation Easement McIntyre Creek iMecklenburg 1University Park Baptist Church IDB 20052, P 680 Conservation Easement McIntyre Creek iMecklenburg IPaul David Blakey DB 19787, P 311 Conservation Easement McIntyre Creek iMecklenburg iDaniel E. Onisor IDB 20021, P 124 Conservation Easement McIntyre Creek iMecklenburg Lee Monroe Kerns Trust DB 21225, P 486 lConservation Easement Long-term stewardship of this property is managed by the NC DEQ Stewardship Program. Appendix B: Permits & Jurisdictional Determinations Physical permits could not be located. 401 permit number: 0219-24 404 Action ID: 2003-30326 0 '? Mrhad F F891Ek C-.7mmV {+} Wil mil Si RuE. Jr., Sm ewy _ — D4arialm' or 1r iraimcrll nij r+ldlurdl Reeou-(:es hlmllUi.lrarc.r'E January7, 0)00 Mr_ Ran Petrel elrands Reabaraiion Pragrarn 1619 MSC Rai Digh, NC 2769$-1$19 Sublect, Strewn ReetgratiorvEnhanuaneni Mr:lrr yre Cmek Maoklenburrq-County, NC CWO# 021924 Dear k1r. Ferrell: Thla Ofks is in receipi of Ilha plans for the Mre-arri rttdratbn }roods of approoumat* 5400 fact 0 Mdrdfyr¢ Crook In Hornets Nast Park in the Catawba River 9asirr origi nerty submitted to this orrice on DooernbPr Pa, 02_ DV'fQ StaN ravtewsd zhe Plana arrd determined thal scream rostmation and+or enharxvmsmt v,ouId be IAchPgved_ Tho atream Impacts a�rocrallod with Ilhe project may pm sod without wntt&n appro-Ml tram the Diwieion. Please be advised thaa &*von wpies of a cornpbw, farmsj appimatlon and a $475.00 reP is rNuirp.d fcr projocts intended for cornpEmwwlpry rM ga#ion credit (sae General Certtfiaation No, W&3, ig wed rkUrch 1 8, 2002). Any reque3t for rutigetlorl credit shall Wa addrassad and -Dr wnamm n,,"r. If you hove anyquestions regarding this-rlouer, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (9119) 733-2564_ may e nl¢ pa Isor ac: Mr. Tcd+$t. Jahn. ant NGrrhC"r:RMiRMDrVYatOrGrrerty,�1Wulbn7sGaroficumrrunn, W�CI7SIIFpru1cgC6ft9r. Rai9�6,HC 2rdgg-1659 (MailrghtlW®j g;j27 Grahlrru ar+d.Ralelpr, NO 279W-22W {L ii l _�—_� APPENDIX C: Debit ledger Mitigation Project Name DMS ID River Basin Cataloging Unit McIntyre Creek @ Hornet's Nest Park 243 CATAW BA 03050101 Applied Credit Ratios: 1:1 1.5:1 2.5:1 5:1 1:1 3:1 2:1 5:1 1:1 3:1 2:1 5:1 1:1 3:1 2:1 5:1 c ° 10 c R = m o - c c o c o m c aci o c .- c o c c c rs c p rs ._ ;n c o ^L c m y ;n o U! E 16 OC l0 f6 (� O N 10 l0 a o 0 a ! R y O R Q f6 N O l0 R l0 CC1 l0 id'_ a' c10 N N c co L R IV C O N C O U @U O L N O 10 N A U A L A iV a1, W O a a' C W a Z K Z Z W Z a O a' f O U O W U O a f� Cn W Beginning Balance (feet and acres) 5,129.001 Beginning Balance (mitigation credits) 5,129.00 NCDOT Pre-DMS Debits (feet and acres): Not Applicable EEP Debits (feet and acres): DWR Permit No USACE Action IDs Impact Project Name 2003-1080 2003-31287 Northlake Centre Parkway 188.72 2003-0870 2003-30960 Gilead Ridge Subdivision 237.00 Berewick Residential 2003-0249 2003-30598 Community 103.82 NCDOT TIP R-2248AC / AD / BA - Charlotte Outer 1999-0337 1999-30776 Loop 442.46 2006-0799 2006-30620 Paradise Harbor 235.00 2005-0653 2006-32297-349 Woodburn Crossing 230.00 2005-0007 2005-30965 Mirror lake Estates 385.00 2007-1207 2007-02249390 Wesley Village 245.00 2006-1168 2006-32285-360 Carolina Golf Club 362.50 NCDOT TIP R-2248AC / AD / BA - Charlotte Outer 1999-0337 1999-30776 Loop 1,910.50 Paddy Creek Dam 2004-1583 2003-31252 Improvements 189.00 2007-0936 2007-01932-390 Lakeview Road Site 300.00 Ashleigh Drive 2007-1376 2007-02662-349 Commercial Center 300.00 Remaining Balance (feet and acres) 0.00 Remaining Balance (mitigation credits) 0.00 Information from DMS Debit Ledger dated 05/16/2017