HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000008 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20000104..- . , ??SF9 STATES • A • ?q? pR?Gt? UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center W17Z 4NDS/ MqR 401 CRolip wgTE 0,9 2043 '-Q klrys FCrjON 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 - 8960 FEB 2 7 2001 Colonel Charles R. Alexander, Jr. District Engineer ATTN: Mr. Kevin Yates U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 SUBJ: New Hanover County: Proposed Modification to Authorization for Mason Inlet Action I.D. No. 199901052 Dear Colonel Alexander: This is in reference to the above-listed modification request, dated January 17, 2003. According to the information which was faxed to our office on February 19, 2003, New Hanover County has requested a modification for the authorization to relocate Mason Inlet. Along with the relocation of the inlet, the permit authorizes the renourishment of the southern end of Figure Eight Island utilizing sand excavated during construction of the compensatory mitigation area. The applicant has requested that. they be allowed to relocate up to 5,000 cubic yards of sand from the mitigation area to the north end of Figure Eight Island (rather than the south end), to be placed landward of emergency sandbags in front of fourteen houses on Comber Road and Inlet Hook. The applicant would pump sand from the mitigation area onto the south'end of Figure Eight Island, then transport 5,000 cubic yards of it along the ocean beach and dump it on the north end of Figure Eight Island. Some sand would also be stockpiled for future placement behind the same sandbags. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, Wetlands Regulatory Section has reviewed the request, along with letters from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the North Carolina Coastal Federation (NCCF). EPA shares the concerns of the Service, that the proposed action area is well outside the original project impact area that was considered under the permit. Also, the modification request does not include any consideration of direct, secondary, or cumulative impacts of the proposal, and does not include any discussion of alternatives or avoidance and minimization measures that may have been considered. Based upon our concerns, we. cannot recommend approval of this modification request. We recommend that the applicant submit a separate permit application for this activity, and include information concerning alternatives considered, and avoidance and minimization of impacts 0 aquatic resources. 2 Thank you for the opportunity to review this public notice. Should you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact Kathy Matthews of my staff at 706-355-8780. Sincerely, Ronald J kulak, Chief Wetlan egulatory Section cc: Mason Inlet Relocation Mr. Garland Pardue Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service Habitat Conservation Division 101 Pivers Island Road Beaufort, North Carolina 28516-9722 Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. Bob Stroud, District Manager Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 1701 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1701 f AIM APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. April 23, 2002 Mr. John Domey Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Re: Certificate of Completion Mason Inlet Relocation Project Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed is the executed Certificate of Completion for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. I have attached a copy of DWQ Certificate no. 3274, issued to New Hanover County and dated June 27, 2001. Sincerely, Karyn t s (o n, P. E. Vice President Enclosure cc: Keith Harris, USACE Doug Huggett, DCM Joann Steinhuis, DWQ Dave Weaver, New Hanover Co. Greg Thompson, New Hanover Co. Steve Morrison, Land Management Group Inc. 201 North Front Street, Suite 508 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 TEL (910) 762-0800 FAX (910) 762-6250 Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality DWQ Project No.: 000008 County: New Hanover Applicant: _ New Hanover County Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: June 27.. 2001 Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer.lt is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: f Date: Agent's Certification xaryn M_ Erickson, P.E. , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be 'It within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and B ff r Rules, the approved plans and specifi ations, and other support- at ials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, Ka r?Zn M. Fr i rkSnn , P.R. , as a duly registered Professional P . E . (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect., Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substanti ompliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Ru es, a ap ed pans and specifications, and other supporting r'I? erial . Signatu Registration No. NC 022459 Date `f Z Z ate., AA . 0 Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to New Hanover County resulting in 1.9 acres of wetland impact 49 acres of open water dredging and 41 acres of open water fill in New Hanover County pursuant to an application filed on the 4 day of June, 2000 with the final EA/FONSI and letter dated January 8, 2001 from Applied Technology and Management of N.C., Inc. to relocate Mason's Inlet. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Mason's Inlet) and Mason's Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafterset forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: 1. Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or other waters, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities, 5. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as outlined in the final EA/FONSI with the following additions: a) Biological monitoring shall be for three (3) transects rather than the two proposed, b) Biological monitoring shall be for five years. Three copies of annual reports shall be sent to DWQ for review and comment and recommended modifications shall be implemented to ensure success, Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality 6. Applicant shall submit within four mouths for written DWQ approval a plan to monitor marshes adjacent to Mason's Creek. This plan shall included measure, to compare the predicted water velocities to help understand and compensate for any observed impacts to marshes. If this monitoring reveals an additional loss of wetlands in this area, then additional compensatory wetland mitigation will be required. 7. All other conditions of General Certification #3274 are hereby incorporated by reference. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 27TH day of June, 2001 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY tevens :. R Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Jy? > r 2 t??y' ? ?? S?P ?r r 'ell P June 27, 2001 Mr. Greg Thompson New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Thompson: Re: Revised Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Mason's Inlet relocation and associated dredging WQC Project #000008 New Hanover County Attached hereto is a copy of the revised Certification No.3274 issued to New Hanover County dated June 27, 2000. This Certification replaces one issued to you on April 30, 2001. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Attachments i FTcel , teven' cc: Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DWQ Regional Office Doug Huggett, Division of Coastal Management File Copy Central Files Karyn Erickson Applied Technology & Management of N.C., Inc. 201 Front Street, Ste 201 Wilmington, NC 28402 Steve Morrison; Land Management Group, Post Office Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 . 1111111111111-1 DEt Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Michael F. Easley Governor - Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 I Department of Sherri Evans-Stan;, n, ?lcfir Environment and Nai?'ra! k.S NORTH CAROLINA 40 Kerr T. Si I Division of water Q CERTIFIC WATER Q UALITY CERTIFICATION T HIS Laws 92.500 ATION is issued in conformity Water Quality and 95-217 Of the with the re (DWQ) Re United States and sub' qut County resultin gulations in 15 NCAC 2H lect to the rements of Section 401 Pub acres 050 0' It w lic water fill nt New of wetland impact 49 acres Of open water en is issued to Ne acres of of Management the final E'vFONSI and Y Pursuant to an a dredgin Hanover of N•C• letter dated January 8, filed g and 41 acres g 2ca on the 4 da Inc, to relocate anuary Bement The a Mason s inlet. from Applied TeChnolo Of June waters ppltcation provides ode gy and of the Atlantic quote assurance proposed development Ocean (Mason's that the discharge discharge g will not result in Inlet) and Mason's of fill uidelines, a violation of a Creek in material into the the a Therefore violate , the pplicable conjunction if conducted Pn Itcabie Portions of Sections to of North C Water Qualit with the accordance Carolina certifies that thi s Standards and with the applicati3 1, on nd Conk' 306, 307 activit This of PL 92_ Y will not approval ttons hereinafter set for Ottand PL 95'217 application, as described nl vad for send us a the purpose the Public Notice. If and design that given a co new application for a new ce You chan YOU submitted all conditions of the Certification and certification. If the property iproject, You must to Your ge Your approval letter and is thereby s SOId, the notify us and If total wetland fills for this perennial strew y responsible owner must be described in 15 m impact exceeds 150 project (now or in the future) onsible for com the conditions I'stedcAC 2H 0506 feet, compensatory exceed one p acre or e or with (h) (6) and mitigation total before you o ahead below In addition (7)• For this may be re control, Coa with You should approval to be valid quired as ;I sl Stormwater Your Pr°iect including get any other federal ' YOU must follow Non- on-(but not limited to) 'state or local Conditions discharge and Water S Sediment permits () of Certification: apply watershed re gulations.nd Erosion 1. Appropriate sediment and most recent version erosion control Planning and ersi of two manuals practices which e Division of Design Manual" or "' either the "North equal or exceed those Land Resources the North C Carolina Sedi Outlined in the shall be utilized to to the DEHNR RefOltna Surface Minin ment and Erosion ,, ntrol NTUs in all fresh prevent exceedances g1Onal or g Manual co water strew of the a Central Offices). Theacontrol e from the and reservoirs, and all saltwater c asseSers not PPr°priate turbidity water quay Practices 2 All sediment and erosion , and 10 NTUs in trout trout waters); 25 y standard (); NTUs in all lakes es the natural grade restored control measures after the Division of Placed in wetlands or 3• Measures shall be Resources has waters shall be remove waters of the state until taken the to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact waste or borro with Will be re w sites be located in wetlands quired since it is a direct im Or other Compensatory 5• pact from road construction waters, compensatory mitigation shah be activities; ?' mitigation tigation additions: done as outlined in the a) Biological monitoring final EA/FO b) Biological monftoting shall be for three NSI with the following 9 shall be for five Years. I Threes rather than the two prop OSed, ' ended modifications reports shall be sent to hall be implemented to N Wetlands/4oi Unit: (91g) 733-178 fi ;vision of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699.1621 i Michael F. Easley y. Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Actin Secrets ;. n'.. y > Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality 6. Applicant shall submit within four mouths for written DWQ approval a plan to monitor marshes adjacent to Mason's Creek. This plan shall included measure, to compare the predicted water velocities to help understand and compensate for any observed impacts to marshes. If this monitoring reveals an additional loss of wetlands in this area, then additional compensatory wetland mitigation will be required. 7. All other conditions of General Certification #3274 are hereby incorporated by reference Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original. Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. s This the 27TH day of June, 2001 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY e r tevens Xlw. N E' Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 -> DWQ Project No.: County: Applicant: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer.lt is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, w , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, . , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature - Registration No. ` - Date - - [?EI? Michael F. Easley Governor - Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 5WUA, J 6C. &n4wnmei7LLAiL gw Ofiee Ax 2,522 Vd6my&n,, A,owA %iitdma 28402 9d 970-452-0007 g Aid.. °N! ? .?ottioon John Dorney Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1621 tt wile 74 6/13/01 I T..y A.'h ep. yam 3805 V#*4& 1k . wnm VdMuV&a./1'F8 28403 Re: Mason Inlet Relocation Project, 401 Water Quality Certification No. 3274 Dear John, We are in receipt of the Water Quality Certification No. 3274 issued on April 30th 2001 for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The Certification incorrectly stated that 2.9 acres of wetland are to be impacted. The minimized final dredging dimensions within Mason Creek were reduced from a 170' width to a 140' width, reducing the impact from 2.9 acres to 1.9 acres of wetland. This is reflected in the April, 2000 Environmental Assessment and December, 2000 Wetland Mitigation Plan. Please modify the Certification to clarify this reduced area of wetland impact for receipt by the applicant and those copied in the original approval. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Steve Morrison Environmental Consultant Cc: Greg Thompson, New Hanover County Joanne Steenhuis, Wilmington DWQ Regional Office Doug Huggett, Division of Coastal Management Jeff Richter, Corps of Engineers Karyn Erickson, Applied Technology & Management of N.C., Inc. - C14 X33 Z5?7a Michael F. Easley Governor - Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality April 30, 2001 Mr. Greg Thompson New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Thompson: Re: Certification Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Proposed Mason's Inlet relocation and associated dredging WQC Project #000008 New Hanover County Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No.3274 issued to New Hanover County dated April 30, 2000. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Y Sin erely, .Stevens Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Wilmington DWQ Regional Office Doug Huggett, Division of Coastal Management File Copy Central Files Karyn Erickson Applied Technology & Management of N.C., Inc. VN nix Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 by Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary fi a Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to New Hanover County resulting in 2.9 acres of wetland impact, 49 acres of open water dredging and 41 acres of open water fill in New Hanover County pursuant to an application filed on the 4 day of June, 2000 and with the final EA/FONSI and letter dated January 8, 2001 from Applied Technology and Management of N.C., Inc. to relocate Mason's Inlet. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Mason's Inlet) and Mason's Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 2. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3.. -Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or other waters, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as outlined in the final EA/FONSI with the following additions: a) Biological monitoring shall be for three (3) transects rather than the two proposed, b) Biological monitoring shall be for five years. Three copies of annual reports shall be sent to DWQ for review and comment and recommended modifications shall be implemented to ensure success, R=x ?it..L?tLaK; Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500. It is issued to New Hanover County resulting in 2.9 acres of wetland impact, 49 acres of open water dredging and 41 acres of open water fill in New Hanover County pursuant to an application filed on the 4 day of June, 2000 and with the final EA/FONSI and letter dated January 8, 2001 from Applied Technology and Management of N.C., Inc. to relocate Mason's Inlet. The application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean (Mason's Inlet) and Mason's Creek in conjunction with the proposed development will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you submitted in your application, as described in the Public Notice. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre or total perennial stream impact exceeds 150 feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed below. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-discharge and Water Supply watershed regulations. Condition(s) of Certification: Appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent version of two manuals, either the "North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices). The control practices shall be utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in all fresh water streams and rivers not designated as trout waters; 25 NTUs in all lakes and reservoirs, and all saltwater classes; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 3. --Measures- shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 4.. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or other waters, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5. Compensatory mitigation shall be done as outlined in the final EA/FONSI with the following additions: a) Biological monitoring shall be for three (3) transects rather than the two proposed, , b) Biological monitoring shall be for five years. Three copies of annual reports shall be sent to DWQ for review and comment and recommended modifications shall be implemented to ensure success, AN Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Sedretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality '' 3 Michael F. Easley Governor - Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality 6. Applicant shall submit within four months of the issuance of the CAMA Permit for written DWQ approval a plan to monitor salt marshes adjacent to Mason's Creek. This plan shall included measure to compare the predicted water velocities to help understand and compensate for any observed impacts to marshes. If this monitoring reveals an additional loss of wetlands in this area, then additional compensatory wetland mitigation will be required. This plan will require additional written DWQ approval. 7. All other conditions of General Certification #3274 are hereby incorporated by reference. Violations of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above conditions are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certification is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Certification. This request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modifications are made to an original Certification, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Certification shall be final and binding. This the 30th day of April 2000 DIVISION nF WATFR nl IAI ITY ,"A' L71w;'r Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: '(919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Michael F. Easley Governor - Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting SP.cretary' Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality DWQ Project No.: County: Applicant: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer.lt is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification 1, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: if this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date 'QUO Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 'R Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Sgcretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality DWQ Project No.: County: Applicant: Date of Issuance of 401 Water Quality Certification: Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return this certificate to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1621.This form may be returned to DWQ by the applicant, the applicant's authorized agent, or the project engineer.lt is not necessary to send certificates from all of these. Applicant's Certification 1, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: Date: Agent's Certification I, , hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature: _ Date: If this project was designed by a Certified Professional I, , as a duly registered Professional (i.e., Engineer, Landscape Architect, Surveyor, ect.) in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Registration No. Date --- - ------------ ----= -`---. ALA' Nt?L?EAr Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Wetlands/401 Unit: (919) 733-1786 Fax: (919) 733-9959 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and,Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Donna D. Moffitt, Director December 20, 1999 MEMORANDUM: TO: Mr. John R. Dorney, NCDENR Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 FROM: Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator 14 WNWA ?....•-.?.? • f NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: New Hanover County (c/o: Greg Thompson) Project Location: Mason Inlet, between Figure 8 Island & Wrightsville Beach, NC, New Hanover County Proposed Project: To relocate Mason Inlet 3,000 to the north of its present location and to dredge the shoaled Mason Creek to F rovide a sufficient tidal prism to maintain locational stability of the new inlet channel. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by January 25, 2000. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact E.F. Brooks at extension 247. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. v This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 3? 0 J 127 Car mal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 2840° Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT. 1. APPLICANT' S NAME: New Hanover County 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Mason Inlet, between Figure 8 Island and Wrightsville Beach, in New Hanover Co. Photo Index - IM: 11-224 & 2261295:24-291 1989:5 176-21 & 22 1984: 19-283 & 284 State Plane Coordinates - X:2371651 Y: 182526 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 7//29/99, 10/7/99, 10/28/99 Was Applicant Present - Yes (Applicant or agent) 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 11/1/99 (EA rec. in Raleigh; 6 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - New Hanover Co. Land Classification From LUP - Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW,PT,OH,CW. (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public/Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - N/A Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - None Planned - None (Inlet relocation project) (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] MPT)rTPT) PTT T RTl n O'D (A) Vegetated Wetlands 126,324 sqft. (2.9 acres) (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands 2,134,440 sa. 1,800,000 sq. Open water ft. (49 acre ft, (41 acre4 (C) Other - Beach Renourishment 2,550,000 sq. ft (58.5 acres) WI lotai Area 1»sturbecl: 1J4.3 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA-ORW Open: CLOSED 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicants propose to relocate Mason Inlet 3,000 to the north of New Hanover Co./Mason Inlet Relocation Project Page 2 its present location and to dredge the shoaled Mason Creek to provide a sufficient tidal prism to maintain locational stability of the new inlet channel. 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Mason Inlet is located between Wrightsville Beach (south) and Figure 8 Island (north), in New Hanover County. The inlet provides one of the connections to the Atlantic Ocean for Middle Sound, which includes an approximately 13 mile long estuary between the beaches and the mainland, between Masonboro Inlet (south) and Little Topsail Inlet (north). Rich Inlet provides a fourth ocean outlet for Middle Sound. Middle Sound encompasses broad expanses of Smooth Cordgrass (Spanina alterniflora) marsh, tidal flats, and creeks, between the barrier islands and the mainland, including the following major tidal creeks: Howe, Pages, Futch, Mason, Banks Channel (behind south Figure 8 Island), Nixon and Green Channels, as well as, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, between Wrightsville and Topsail beaches. The project area involves an approximately 90 acre area of Mason Inlet and Mason Creek. Over the past five decades, Mason Inlet has migrated approximately 6,500 feet south to it's present location. Since 1980 the inlet throat has moved approximately 3500 feet to the south, and currently presents an erosion threat to the development on the northern end of Wrightsville Beach, including the multi-story Shell Island Resort complex, the terminus of North Lumina Avenue, as well as numerous single-family and multi-family residential structures located to the south of the resort. A public beach accessway, bath house, parking lot, as well as, the northern terminus of North Lumina Avenue have already been lost to erosion. In 1997, authorization was obtained by the Shell Island Homeowners Association to install a temporary sand-filled geotextile tube revetment along the north and a portion of the east sides of the Shell Island Resort complex. The Town of Wrightsville Beach also obtained emergency permits to install conventional sandbags to temporarily protect the end of North Lumina Avenue. The throat of Mason Inlet is currently located at the base of these temporary structures. Historically, Mason Creek was one of the two primary channels between Mason Inlet and the AIWW. Mason Creek provides an east-west channel orientation to the inlet and the north-south orientation of Banks Channel, behind Figure 8 Island, is the inlet's other primary channel. Extensive shoaling along the entire length (approx. 4,500 ft.) of Mason Creek has significantly reduced it's contribution to the hydraulic volume of the inlet. Once over 400 feet wide, the open water area of the creek has been narrowed in some areas to less than 100 feet in width, due to shoal accretion and subsequent emergent stands of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) vegetation. At low water, the creek is not navigable, however, with local knowledge of the narrowed channel, the creek is passable at mid to high water in small, shallow draft watercraft. In contrast, the channelization of Banks Channel in the 1960s, by the early developers of Figure 8 Island, and the continued maintenance of that navigation channel to the present, by the Figure 8 Island Property Owners Association (State Permit # 26-92) have kept the 13,570 ft. long, 125 ft. wide channel open to a depth of -9 feet, at mean low water. Excavated sediments from the maintenance dredging projects are utilized to renourish the chronically eroded beach front of the southern half of Figure 8 Island. At present, Banks Channel is the primary hydrologic component of the tidal exchange for Mason Inlet. New Hanover Co./Mason Inlet Relocation Project Page 3 In the project area, the waters of Mason Creek are classified as SA-ORW, by the NC Division of Water Quality, and they are OPEN to the harvest of shellfish. Although the saltmarsh on either side of the project area are designated as Primary Nursery Area (PNA), by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, the waters of Mason Inlet and Mason Creek are not included in the surrounding PNA designation. The applicants propose to relocate Mason Inlet 3,000 to the north of its present location and to dredge the shoaled Mason Creek to provide a sufficient tidal prism to maintain locational stability of the new inlet channel. The concept of the relocation of Mason Inlet began in the fall of 1996, as a joint venture of the Shell Island Resort Homeowners Association and the Figure 8 Beach Homeowners Association, to address the erosion problems of Shell Island Resort and the beach renourishment needs of Figure 8 Island. A draft Environmental Assessment was prepared for preliminary review in connection with the proposed project, however, when the project sponsors were unable to obtain the necessary rights from the property owners to allow the inlet relocation, plans to submit a permit application were suspended. Direct hits from five (5) major hurricanes over the last four years have exacerbated the erosion threat to both Figure 8 Island and the north end of Wrightsville Beach. The current application is submitted with New Hanover County as the project's sponsor. Their legal agreement with the property owners to allow the project is included in this application. Figure 8 Beach Homeowers Association and Shell Island Resort Homeowners Association, as well as, other property owners that would benefit from the inlet relocation, remain as active parties in the project. Benefiting property owners will repay the County's loan that would provide funding for the project, and Figure 8 Beach HOA would purchase excavated sediments for beach renourishment. An Environmental Assesment (EA) for the project has been prepared by Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. and Land Management Group, Inc. and is being reviewed concurrently with this application by State and federal agencies through the Clearing House review process, as required by the State Environmental Policy Act. Detailed information with respect to the proposed project's purpose, existing environment, need for action, alternatives analysis, environmental consequences, and mitigative measures are presented in this document, as well as, the hydrodynamic modeling data used to design the project's proposed dimensions. The EA's prefered alternative is the proposed project in this application. The proposed new inlet channel would be dredged through the southern end of Figure 8 Island, within the inlet corridor, approximately 3,000 feet north of its present location. The inlet channel would be 2100 feet long, 500 feet wide, and excavated to a depth of -10 feet {NGVDQvILW is -2.09 ft. NGVD)}. The Mason Creek channel would be dredged from the AIWW to the relocated inlet channel. This channel would be 3400 feet long and 170 feet wide, excavated to a depth of -8 feet (NGVD). A sedimentation basin would be excavated adjacent to the new inlet channel, on the inside of the inlet throat. The majority of the basin would be located south of the dredged channel and would function to capture and retain sand flows and reduce shoaling effects in Mason Creek. The basin's combined area would be approximately 1000 feet long and average 500 feet in width. It would be excavated to the same depth as the inlet channel, -10 feet (NGVD). The project would begin with the dredging of Mason creek, excavated material would be stockpiled, above MHW, at the south end of Figure 8 Island and the north end of Wrightsville Beach. The work would proceed, east to west, into the areas of the sedimentation basin and and the new inlet channel, leaving a plug at the west end (AIWR) of Mason Creek and an ocean plug at New Hanover Co./Mason Inlet Relocation Project Page 4 the east end of the inlet channel. Dredging from the near shore ocean bottom, -6 to -12 foot contour, would be utilized to during the initial opening of the inlet. These excavated materials would be pumped onto the beach at Figure 8 Island. The proposed beach renourishment profile provides for the placement of 35 to 50 cubic yards of sand per linear foot of shoreline. Deposition of the material would begin at least 1,500 feet north of the new inlet's position and continue north for approximately 8,500 feet. The resulting beach profile, after reaching equilibrium, is expected to produce an additional 70 to 90 foot width to the upper beach with an elevation increase of 6 feet, that will transition to an elevation increase of 2 feet in the near shore surf zone, on the east side of the approximately 300 feet wide impacted area. Closure of the the existing inlet and construction of the southern fill area would be completed utilizing a rapid mechcanical sand moving operation upon successful opening of the new inlet. The resulting fill area at the north end of Wrightsville Beach would be approximately 1,800 feet long and 1,000 feet wide' at its base. The submitted project drawings show the top width of the fill area to be 400 feet wide, constructed to an elevation of +10 feet (NGVD). 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The excavation of the Mason Creek channel would incorporate 126,324 square feet (2.9 acres) of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) marsh. The applicant's EA states that this impact is necessary to restore an east-west dominant flow to the inlet mouth for stability. The applicant proposes to mitigate for this loss by replanting a 5.8 acre hurricane overwash fan with Spartina altenz flora, to restore the marsh. This tract is located in the southwest comer of the project area. The proposed project's total excavation area, including Mason Creek, the new inlet channel, and the sedimentation basin, would disturb 2, 134,440 square feet (49 acres) of sandy, shallow bottom. The proposed beach renourishment area of the southern end Figure 8 Island has been previously permitted in conjunction with State Permit # 26-92. The deposition of this material would disturb 2,550,000 square feet (58.5 acres) of upper beach and inter-tidal zone along the southern half of the Figure 8 Island oceanfront. And, the infilling of the existing inlet and southern fill area would incorporate 1, 800, 000 square feet (41 acres) of open water and intertidal area. Conversely, the relocated inlet would create 1,050,000 square feet (24 acres) of new open water/intertidal area. The applicant's EA states that a number of positive impacts would result from the project including: enhanced nutrient exchange and productivity, as well as, improved water quality resulting from the restoration of flows to Mason Creek. Also, there would be positive effects on recreational navigation and public access to the inlet area. Their study also concedes that this proposal is not a permanent solution to the southerly migration of Mason Inlet. The inlet channel and sedimentation basin would need maintenance on approximately a five (5) year cycle, as well as, the maintenance of Mason Creek on an as needed basis. Thus, all of the direct impacts of the project would be repetitive in occurrance, presumably indefinitely. The proposed project would provide a privately funded approach to address the beach erosion problems of Figure 8 Island and inlet migration threat to the north end of Wrightsville Beach, without the use of State or federal public monies. Submitted by: E.F. Brooks Date: 12/20/99 Office: Wilmington Form DCM-M -1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark Wriahtsyi 11P RPar`h anA Vit?L1rG 8 1. APPLICANT Island c. Street address or secondary road number a. Landowner: Name New HannvPr C_minty Address 414 Chestnut Street City Wilmington . State NC d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? X Yes No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) Ma a nn T n 1 P t_ Mason' Creek zip 28401 Day Phone 910-341-7139 Fax 910-341-4035 b. Authorized Agent: Name Applied Technology & Mgmt. of North Carolina, Inc. Address 201 N. Front St., Suite 201 City Wilmington State NC Zip 28401 Day Phone 910-762-0800 Fax 910-762-6250 c. Project name (if any) -Mason T n l P t- RPl acati nn Prn? Pr,t N07F. Permit will be issued in nano of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County New Hanover 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. Excavation across inlet corridor easement on Figure 8 Island; excavation at Mason Creek; filling existing location of Mason Inlet;. beachfill at Figure 8 Island b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? New Work c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. See attached 0-4-A n1l" Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire trail _ 79.8 Acres (D r e d g e and fill- areas) b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL Varies -2' MHW to +5' MHW m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. N/A n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Hydraulic dredging with slurry discharges sites for beachfill and Mason: Inlet infilling. d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Shoals are o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. unconsolidated sand (SP & SP/SM). Spit is N/A new an sand unconsoli a e san . Mature C. f. V marsh is silty clay loam. Vegetation on tract S= n r+.i n;; A l +.arn i ? i nra f S. Patens,Borrichia Frutescens, Distichlis pica a, a icornia pp., nio a aniculata, Cakile Endentula, Hydrocotyle Spp. Man-nM?,teatures now on tract 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION g. What is the CAMA' Land Use Plan 'land classification of the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) X Conservation X Developed Rural Transitional Community Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? R20 s i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? x_ Yes No (attach zoning coatpliance certificate, if applicable) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes x No If yes, by whom? SHPO Guidance Letter received no professional assessment k. is, rthre pro JVct rlo edr in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes x_ No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes No Coastal (marsh) X Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? Yes (Aaach documentation, if available) In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 112" by I V white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule V.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the 3 d. Description and Planned Use of Proposed Project The purpose of this project is to protect homes and upland property at north Wrightsville Beach from erosion related losses caused by the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure 8 Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southerly beaches of Figure 8 Island. A hydraulic dredge will be used to excavate material from Mason Creek through the new inlet location across Figure 8 Island. The sand slurry will be pumped through both floating and land based pipeline to the locations of fill placement. Pipeline will be located within established corridors extending to the south end of Figure 8 Island continuing north to the southernmost 8,500 feet of developed beaches on Figure 8 Island. A corridor will be established and marked with flagging to lay out pipeline (floating and fixed lines) between the area(s) of excavation and the stockpile and fill area. The stockpile area is proposed to be located at the south end of Figure 8 Island, contiguous to the channel bank at the existing inlet. Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name See attached list Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. None • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the c2 6 day of Chu a.,t, 19 99 Print Name _ Knryn M_ Frirkrcgn, P_E_ Applied Techno1 y & Mgmt. Signature Of North ?aroli , Inc. . _ Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. X DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. 5. Names of adjacent waterfront owners: 1. Shell Island Homeowners Association c/o Shanklin & McDaniel 214 Market St Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-9400 2. Geo Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 cto David Ward Ward & Smith 1001 College Court PO Box 867 New Bem, NC 28560 (252) 633-1000 3. State of North Carolina Department of Administration State Property Office cto Joe Henderson 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733-4346 4. Bruce Cameron 2219 Blythe Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 763-1054 5. Town of Wrightsville Beach Tony Caudle, Town Manager 321 Causeway Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 256-7900 6. Figure 8 Beach Homeowners' Association clo Edward S. Barclay, Jr., President 15 Bridge Rd Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 686-0635 Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. - Average Fluud F.xis ft Project Length Width Depth Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Inlet Boat basin Boat ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other Beach (Excluding shomline stabilization) 3400 1 70 +2 to , -8 GVD NGVD 2100 500 Varie -10 NGVD : •f •:: •'w<:Jf:.J-:,tom: si•;•cx:3:::? 0,00 50 - +4 to +8 to .100 -6 -6 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards _ 49.1 ,D.Q0 - .y b. Type of material- to be excavated uriconsolidate( fine/medium grain sand, SP & SP/SM' classified soils c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? X Yes No d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 290,000 -c; 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area 1. Mason Inlet and 2. southerly 2 miles of developed shoreline at Figure 8 Island b. Dimensions of disposal area. 1. .3 8.7 acres a n c 2. varies 50 to 10 ' x 10,000' c. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes X No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? X Yes No If yes, where? Construction easements across lands south of-inlet _._-corri-dor will be executed (purchase( Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes X No C Does the disposal include any area in the water? X Yes No If yes, (1) Amount of material to be placed in the waterA) 395,700 cy B) 308,300 (2) Dimensions f fill area A) 1,700, x 1,000' Bg 8,5001x 75' (3) Purpose of fill A) Fi 1 i PY; g+; inlet B) Nourish beach 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Type of shoreline stabilization N/A Bulkhead Riprap b. Length c. Average distance waterward of MHW or NWL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes X No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area (2) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months and erosion controlled? Long d i k g parallel to shoreline (Source of information) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below water level (1) Riprap (2) Bulkhead backfill h. Type of fill material b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Hydraulic dredge, Excavators and Bulldozers c. Will wetlands be cr:,ssed in transporting equipment to project site? . Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. i. Source of fill material 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? X Yes No (Hydraulic Karyn M. ckson, P.E. Applicant r Pmj Sig cure 26-J9-41 placemen '?- Revised 03/95 S l rs' l r x F < s t�r(`+°1�r'5..��f}'� r 9.• 5" t i -;*s ssr: a 5 Y a xa r 4 f¢ a •� � r z N f fi {,?.''tis a � ?iiia � �a&.�' � f �`.� r'( yt ,�2•a%��, � �„- ��t. '-z < t �' �. psi` �. � '� `°� ,T��Pp� '�cx{ ��•�� ��� `�'� � ea x �`� i� y - �, c" .y �n �i soh ,TM '. n C�'1� `�q r• u, i�1 �, £ t, 4 - T ij � t Il'�l�„ .� 'ti L^ - kA• y �' 7 s� 1 i}4 Yv' f E M14 G,. �S ah �+ �c. 4f. s h� t '*r �.. � _ es r � t a t t ssT •..�-f '� -. i �. �. •.� �-�a z �'i ve,+� �'*� ,1�g44 '''�'r<,�, ns .�"t � � yam, r , f R- �'"'k��� �'zv �$ i '��iq 7���m-y.. 1 h4k 4pS ,v,.::. ,i�'•�- �r �fl2� Y3 ; � q x y s � L Appendix H Material Characteristics At Mason Creek.Channei and Figure ".8. Island r n t - V..Q4 t GYJ V r v� .,.. • ..SEP 'Q 2 1999 1: �iVlstF COASTAL MAN GEMENT 'fir x x .H 'Z3 ,04 f< 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 N 1 co CO O CV ? CO .0 r 0 . CO 06 O i 'T (V 'T O O c C. O (O 00 O 0 0 0 0 0 O' v o 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 O' 0 0 0 6 6 0 . O' ( (V O N 4,6O N 46 O N (dO N (oO (O r V: N M r- O r CA cM to c! O r r CO r N O O r to M M- M N N to r r r O r r r O r N r O N r 0 ?- r O a- r O r .-- r r e- r O M (O M M I? M V: CA U? 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CO CO M C,- CO CO I- CD CA OD et CC) 1- 10 CO m O m m m m m m m m O m m mO m NsT r CC) ch mO OR CO CO O W O O Of O O O - O CO O) - m m m m m m m m m m m m m r N Q. r N Cl) V I O_ r N CO -?r tT Cn Cl) O O O m m m CD Ci r CV ?f O CO CC) ?r U') r CV r ^ r r m O M O co ? m m Op O N CR C2 CR m N cT m CO O O? CO CC) W r O C7 Cl) m CO m • N • O to O O o C2 o 10 am o am N fl m . E E ,a' E CV . E ri U U r ? U° r U° r Ym N Cm S Co N N W V p' U m m c 0 of cp m m E f0 co a 00 m co rn Cb lL m Cl) N m N CL Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan Submitted to: North Carolina Division of Coastal Management U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Applicant: New Hanover County Prepared by: 77 '77 7 -7 Applied Technology and Management :of North Carolina, Inc. Land Management Group, Inc. October, 1999 )qm APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. INC. AND BIOLOGICA NITO MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT PROJECT SUMMARY VV E C ziv ?tiJV U 8 1999 -10 ?.,STa n ? ? - E? VTNT On behalf of New Hanover County, Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. (ATM) has submitted a permit application to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) for activities associated with the proposed relocation of Mason Inlet. The purpose of this project is to protect homes and upland property at the northern end of Wrightsville Beach from erosion losses resulting from the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure Eight Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southern oceanfront beaches of Figure Eight Island. An Environmental Assessment (EA) assessing existing environmental conditions and potential project impacts has been prepared and distributed to participating 'regulatory agencies for review. The following plan outlines various components of the physical and biological monitoring that will be used to evaluate potential impacts associated with the inlet relocation project. The EA should be referred to for additional information regarding project design and potential impacts to environmental resources. BEACH AND OFFSHORE PROFILES Beach and offshore profiles shall be measured at 20 reference monuments to be established along the Figure 8 Island, Mason Inlet and Wrightsville Beach shoreline adjacent to the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Area. Profiles will extend along the shore normal azimuths, from the backbeach (west of the existing dune or berm feature) approximately 1,500 feet offshore (to the -25-foot NGVD contour). The average spacing between monuments will range from 250 feet near the inlet to 1,000 feet at distances greater than 1,500 feet from the new and the closed Mason Inlet location. In addition, profiles at the adjacent beaches monuments will also be similarly measured. The adjacent survey limits will extend approximately 3,000 feet north of the relocated inlet monuments (MI-1 to MI-5) and 5,000 feet south of the inlet (MI-11 to MI-20). The adjacent beaches profiles will allow monitoring of sand spreading and movement adjacent to the relocated Mason Inlet. Beach profiles will be performed immediately before and after construction. Additional surveys will be performed at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years following project completion. Additional annual surveys will be performed if the. North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determines them to be necessary. Profiles will also be conducted following significant storm events during the 24-month monitoring period following completion of construction. 201 North Front Street, Suite 201 Wilmington. North Carolina 28401 TEL (910) 762-0800 FAX (910) 762-6250 -1- 99265A-Hydro%BiologMonitoringPlan 102599pce Vertical and horizontal control will be referenced to NGVD 1929 and North Carolina State Plane Coordinate System (NAD 1927), respectively. Survey line azimuths will be identified by magnetic bearing. Survey data will be submitted to the DCM in the form of cross-sectional profile plots and on 3.5" disk in the DCM designated digital format. A report will be submitted for each post-construction survey which will document the results of volumetric and shoreline change analyses to the Inlet, sedimentation basin and the ebb tidal shoal(s) in the Project area and along adjacent beaches. INLET AREA BATHYMETRY Bathymetry at the interior inlet will be measured prior to construction, immediately following construction, and annually thereafter for the 24-month monitoring period. The surveys will consist of 30 lines spaced approximately 150 feet apart. The lines will run approximately 1,000 to 1,500 feet following the long axis of the inlet (east to west). The data and volumetric change analyses will be included in the 1-year and 2-year post-construction hydrographic monitoring reports indicated above. SURFICIAL SAND SAMPLING Surface sand samples will be collected immediately following construction and concurrently with the 12 month beach profile surveys. Sand samples will be collected along eight (8) longshore transects. Sand samples will be collected at elevations +10, +5, 0,-5, -10, and -15 feet NGVD. Samples will be analyzed using standard ASTM procedures to determine the grain size distribution (8 sieves). Results will be submitted to the DCM with an analysis of the longshore and cross-shore adjustment of the beaches and inlet channel banks and the ebb shoal. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Color, vertical aerial photographs shall be flown along the Project shoreline at the time of each monitoring survey. The scale of the photographs shall be 1 inch equals 200 feet. The flight line shall begin 3,000 feet north of the inlet and proceed southward at distance of 10,000 feet, 7,000 feet south from the new inlet location. Each photograph shall include the entire beach, nearshore environment, and sufficient upland features (i.e., beach-fronting buildings, roads, etc.) to determine the location of any photograph. The shoreline location in any image should be approximately half way across the width of the photograph. Consecutive photographs shall have sufficient overlap (approximately 20%) to identify common points of interest. Photographs shall be taken prior to 2:00 PM to avoid building shadows cast towards the beach. Local predicted tides will be used to determine flight times so subsequent photography events will occur during similar times in the tidal cycle. Photographs will not be rectified, but horizontal ground control will be established by setting sufficiently sized aerial targets (4' x 4') on the reference monuments in the days prior to the flight. In the event that a monument is either not visible due to vegetation or located in an area of heavy traffic, the aerial target shall be offset from the monument along the profile azimuth. This offset distance and azimut ill the target-setting party's field notes for use during any subsequent photographic n ?. j 2H V E TWIT h:3 ?! d 8 1999 1 ?: C. 99265A-Hydro\Bio?oy'?ton?o°?f?§P Coastal Engineers, scientists & Management Consultants D1 V! C`II111VK 1 nC S . .ti: • S `nACTAI KAAnlA(,%9: : BIOLOGICAL MONITORING The goal of the biological monitoring plan is to assess and document potential effects of project activities on primary productivity, faunal utilization, and substrate texture/organic content of marsh areas adjacent to the proposed work zone. Pre- and post-construction monitoring will provide quantitative data and qualitative observations that can be used determine if any deleterious effects to the marsh habitat are directly attributable to the inlet relocation project. The extent to which monitoring parameters will be affected depends on various conditions (e.g. the character of the dredged material, tidal and current regimes, etc.) and any system responses will likely be distributed in a linear fashion from Mason Creek. MONITORING PARAMETERS Selection of monitoring parameters has been based upon those factors potentially impacted by project activities and those readily sampled and evaluated. The following monitoring elements have been selected: !LAS ?p (1) Spartina stem density 4 c ?7 (2) Mature (>30 cm height) Spartina stem height (3) Percent sand, silt, and clay of surface substrate Fov 0 8 1999 (4) Percent organic content of surface substrate (5) Sedimentation rate ?I?pseinh? nc (6) Benthic macroinvertebrate utilization n A 0-rA I h ®n1 A Fk"ENT (7) Wildlife utilization Evaluation of each of these parameters is discussed in the following section. BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Sampling efforts will focus on the area of potential impact where biota and physical conditions (e.g. soil texture) are most likely affected by project activities and associated perturbations such as altered flooding regime and sedimentation. As discussed earlier, any perturbations will manifest in system responses distributed linearly from Mason Creek. Therefore, three permanent 300-foot monitoring transects will be established along a north-south axis on both sides of Mason Creek (totaling six transects). Four one-meter square quadrats for each transect (located 50, 100, 150 and 300 feet away from Mason Creek) will be sampled for stem density and height of Spartina. The quadrat located furthest from Mason Creek will serve as the control plot for each transect. (Refer to the enclosed map depicting monitoring transects and plots.) Sediments will be characterized according to percent sand/silt/clay and percent organic matter. A composite sample will be collected for the 50, 100, and 150-foot plots. One sample will be collected for each control plot. In addition, metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface prior to project construction will used to evaluate sediment deposition and/or loss over time for each plot. Faunal utilization of marsh habitat will be evaluated through species lists and relative densities of epibenthic macroinvertebrates and wildlife along transect corridors. Indirect evidence and ...Arm /T 992651-1yd,.XB y zr?i'n 3?k??c.?- Coastal Engineers, scientists & Management Consultants direct observation will be used to document the presence of a species within the transect corridor. Each transect corridor will extend 150 feet away from Mason Creek and will be 3 feet wide. Separate control transect corridors (150 feet by 3 feet) will be established in an east-west orientation as depicted on the enclosed map. Each survey will incorporate photographic documentation depicting site conditions along each transect corridor. During each monitoring period, close-up and panoramic views will be photographed at designated stations. Pre-dredging and the post-dredging mean values of each parameter will be statistically compared using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)/paired t-tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals will be used to determine statistically significant differences of means (means will be significantly different if confidence intervals do not overlap). Proximal and/or distal changes (if any) in sedimentation rates, stem density and/or stem height will also be statistically determined. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING SCHEDULE The effects of any perturbation on vegetative conditions will be most pronounced and detectable during active growth and development. Therefore, monitoring will occur during the middle of the growing season (June/July) once each year subsequent to project completion for a duration of two years. Sampling for baseline conditions will be conducted in the June/July prior to project initiation (provided that there is sufficient time once the project permit has been obtained). An immediate pre-construction survey (conducted within 30 days prior to project initiation) will detect changes resulting from storm events during the elapsed time between June/July and the start of project construction. A total of four monitoring events will be used to determine if impacts are directly attributable to project activities. All the parameters discussed in the previous section will be evaluated during each monitoring event. REPORT DOCUMENTATION Monitoring reports documenting site conditions and findings will be prepared and submitted annually to the Division of Coastal Management, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Division of Water Quality by September 15`x' (following the June/July monitoring event). The following information will be provided in each report: (1) Project overview (2) Site parameters monitored (3) Methodology used to evaluate parameters (4) Data analysis (5) Summary of findings (6) Prints of photographs at specified stations (7) Maps depicting location of transects and sampling plots i? 6CEIVE r""v 0 8 1999 ptrnn?r,?? n? ..."ATA I F n?,??, 99265A-Hldr.\Bi.% 4r.,'n 'fUZ? .8' Coastal Engineers, scientists & Management Consultants MITIGATION PROPOSAL DRAFT MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT NEW HANOVER COUNTY, APPLICANT LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, INC. OCTOBER 1999 8 1-299 ?697lPtet??.s -C![.?` ,SCENE t?OV U 8 1999 D DIVISION OF MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT SUMMARY "O A CTtl 1 11A A NlAr,2 P-1 ENT On behalf of New Hanover County, Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. (ATM) has submitted a permit application to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) for activities associated with the proposed relocation of Mason Inlet (refer to Figure 1, `Location Map'). The purpose of this project is to protect homes and upland property at the northern end of Wrightsville Beach from erosion losses resulting from the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure Eight Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southern oceanfront beaches of Figure Eight Island. An Environmental Assessment (EA) assessing existing environmental conditions and potential project impacts has been prepared and distributed to participating regulatory agencies for review. The following proposal outlines restoration efforts as mitigation for anticipated wetland impacts associated with the inlet relocation project. The EA should be referred to for additional information regarding project design and potential impacts to environmental resources. MITIGATION CONSIDERATIONS Avoidance and Minimization: The project design of the relocation of Mason Inlet has sought to avoid and minimize impacts to existing marsh habitat. However, a continuous 170-foot wide channel will need to be constructed through an area of recently accreting marsh on the south side of Mason Creek. This channel is essential for re-establishing the ebb flow dominance of Mason Creek over Banks Channel, ultimately resulting in a more "stable" inlet location and minimizing the frequency of inlet maintenance activities. Therefore, the proposed design will impact 2.9 acres of volunteer Spartina alterniflora habitat (refer to Figure 2, `Proposed Project'). As described in the EA, this area of marsh is characterized by a lower level of habitat value and overall productivity than the marsh to the north side of Mason Creek (classified asORW). Project design of the inlet relocation has sought to avoid impacts to the mature stands of S. alterniflora. Therefore, no excavation will take place within the mature, well-established marsh habitat on the north side of Mason Creek. Wetlands Impacted: An area of 2.9 acres of recently established S. alterniflora habitat will be impacted. This area represents approximately 5.6 % .of the 51.9 total acres to be excavated for the inlet relocation project. Proposed Mitigation: In order to mitigate for the impacts to coastal marsh area, the applicant proposes to plant S. alterniflora seedlings on suitable intertidal flats adjacent to the project area in coordination with the Division of Coastal Management (DCM). Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio; therefore, a total of 5.8 acres of S. alternflora marsh will be restored. Mitigation Goals and Objectives: The objective of the proposed wetland mitigation is to double the spacial extent of marsh impacted by the planned Mason Creek dredging work (2:1). In _ :•• Of ' .y . C? (1970 location) Project Location and Current Location of Mason Inlet (1999) i 71 Wrightsville ECEN 7e Harbor .. o s Island -1 n pane ^et: o? e r° Atlantic rightsville Beach ocean 0 r6:: N Shill C. V Note: Shoreline features digitized from USGS Wrightsville Q 4000 Beach Quadrangle Map 545211INE (1970) Scale in iFeet APPLICATION BY:HEW NOVEF.' CQIJINTY g a.& /q9 DATE: 8/24/99 LOCATION MAP Figure I NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA SHEET f I. ...,?,d ?•,.„".? I DD Ulm*: 1 HORIZONTAL COORDINATES BASED ON TE PLANES, NAD 83 2t TbY SURVEYS CONDUCTED BYA B EE JUNE '1999. 3) TLAND DELINEATION P ED BY LAN IC MA AGEMENT GROUP, INC. ANRS ED 8 AT N AUG1IST 9 AN&13 1999. 4tEL TibN§ ARE`MEASUAD IN FEET k A wA KAY k AN FERENCED TO NGVD (1929<MSL), k 5) MEAN IGH WATERI(MHW) 15-2 1 FT AN A' MEAN E 1 L W WATE€t (ML" IS 9 FTkk k 7G ? E k k k k- k 1:'?? J? E k E k E E k k j E k k k I F k E E - F E E E t E k k E k C -i E (?' E E k k k E k k E %1,.ETLANDAREA E k k- O 6 k E TO BE INIPACPED k k It E k E k E k k k k k 1 4 E k k E k k E E E k E E 1 2 k k -- _ E F E C t k k k F k k E E k k E k E k / E k C' E E E k E E E E E E E E k k E k J E k E kl k I E k E 10 / F k E E k k E E E E E E E E E E k k k k E F E E k k E Q IE tt _..?, i. E ice` E ? E E E E E F E E F E k I E E E E k 7. _ k., __ k F ..... k E .... E ? ??„ k ? E; . E E k •. E E , J E J k 0. F E F -._ -- k ? k k E WETLAND AREA k . J k k E E k k k F 11* ' k k k F k E t TO BE IMPACTED k i E E I F k k E E k F k F E E E k ?+ I k k F k k k k k k k k k E E k E k E k k k E? J E Z"w k E F E E . k E k E k k k E k \ tz?• ? k F E E F , E E t k k E k E k E k E k k l//??6 E E E F k E E E + E E Y ?? E» E kMAPP E 1? E E E k k F E E k E E k E E E E F E E E E E E E E ? I SON D Y ? E F E F E k k F E E E E E F E E E . E E k n k E k E J E E I E k lk 1 E E F E E E E t F E 1 k F k k E N 4 k E k k F E E F -F E F E ? n E E E E E E F F E E k k E k E E E E ?• E k k F f O E E E E F E E E E E E E F E Z k ttj E E F k C E E t E E k k - C •-?/,\ `- J E E E < k k • V F E k k k C IF 1 k I ? E k E E E E E k. ` ls ` ? F E ? E E E kI F F E E k E E k E C ; k kc • l k C F k l I Ji k k E k E k k • ^ V v k k C E E E a? • I G, k E k k k k k k k 0 c k C C k k ; E E IJ E k E WETLANDAR.EA k k C E k ` ?% E J E E k E TO BE IM PACTED k k F k ?k ?k. ?• ; E E EJ E E 'T.._.k E E E E k- 4y Y"? E k E k E J •? k •tk- 1 E ial ?I F k J F 1 ;- k E F k E < ? k F F ' k k E E k k I w kJ l I? I F E h J k I 1 , k { I -31 f 3 to CQ k F E ? J ; w? ? ; ?E k E J? 1 k k k k ,? s k k F E ' ¦ f F k i; E `?_`, E E e ; nt?k a?af'i ww? ? E k k k k k k .... ' ?? ?? E w t k E E E .. `k 1 1 Ik k E k F k E • i???? k E k k ?A k F E E / n k E k E 1 k k E 'T L7 t./ ? E F (? IE E E 1 E F E 1 E O fi••??? E 'm k E 0 1 E E W E E k 0 `r k 400 2 ? E k eet APPLICATION BY:NEW HANO` ER COUNTY PROPOSED PROJECT PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION VERTICAL DATUM: NGVO (MSL 92y) AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND Figure 2 FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC GRI ND 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT S7 STATE: NORTH CAROLINA DATE: 8/24/99 (o q WILMINGTON. NC 28401 AWJ SHEET 9 .a'" addition, planting of S. alterniora on suitable intertidal shoals will help to restore marsh areas severely impacted by recent hurricanes. The long-term goal of the mitigation project ttQ, stablish marsh habitat functionally equivalent to the impacted areas. , (? '! eEIVE a SITE CHARACTERIZATION `p f .?`z B ici99 St,laC"r?4?1 s'1? Intertidal areas suitable for coastal marsh restoration have been identified based upon Tin dal range, substrate characteristics, and exposure to wave energy. Areas recently damaged by overwash events associated with tropical storm systems have been specifically targeted for restoration activities. Collectively, recent storms have damaged or buried approximately 20 acres of productive marsh between the Shell Island Resort and Mason Creek. In light of these considerations, two primary mitigation areas have been selected. As depicted on the enclosed site design map (Figure 3), these intertidal flats are located along the edge of the interior marsh lagoon system approximately 1500 feet south of the proposed new inlet location. The distance from the mouth of the proposed inlet will help minimize exposure to high velocity currents that could threaten the stability and success of the Spartina plantings. In addition, the location of the potential restoration areas are subjected to relatively low wind fetch distances. Wind fetch distances of less than 1.0 nautical mile have been demonstrated to limit damage from wave action significant enough to eliminate the need for maintenance planting (Broome, Seneca and Woodhouse, 1986). SITE ELEVATION Subsequent to project completion and equilibration of channel side slopes, beachfront sediments, and currents; grades in the mitigation area will be confirmed to ensure that surface elevations do not deviate significantly from the pre-construction intertidal contours. Specific planting zones will be selected in areas exhibiting gradual slopes (1-3%) in order to maximize the intertidal area and dissipate wave energy. Extremely flat or irregular surfaces will be avoided, for these areas tend to favor localized hypersaline conditions unsuitable for plant growth (Broome, 1990). Elevations and tidal range will simulate that of natural reference marshes. This type of mitigation will not warrant the use of water control structures or sediment and erosional control measures. PLANTING PLAN Nursery stock seedlings of S. alterniflora grown specifically for wetland creation and restoration projects in this region will be planted on 2' spacings in areas of suitable elevation, microtopography, and substrate characteristics. Mature seeds will be collected from local Spartina stands during the September or October immediately after the permit for the inlet relocation project has been obtained . Seeds will be refrigerated, threshed, and then stored in a container filled with potting soil and salt water (35 parts per thousand) at 35 to 40° F. Seedlings will then be ready for planting on the mitigation site during April of the next calendar year. Actual planting locations will be within sandy sediments of the upper half of the local tidal range. The mitigation area will comprise 5.8 acres (corresponding to approximately 60,000 seedlings). An alternative restoration scheme involves transplanting individual Spartina plants from the existing marsh stand to be excavated. However, this option is considered problematic. The construction sequence involves excavating the Mason Creek segment before closing the existing inlet. Since the proposed mitigation area is situated directly to the west of the existing inlet, transplants would be subjected to direct wave action and high velocity flow, severely compromising plant health. Temporary storage of transplanted Spartina during inlet relocation is not considered a viable option given the inherent difficulties of handling and maintaining transplants. Therefore, planting nursery stock seedlings is considered to be the most advantageous method of restoring Spartina habitat. Once the existing inlet mouth has been closed, flow velocities should be reduced in the primary overwash area. Spartina growth would no longer be hampered by prohibitive flow rates or an excessive shifting sediment load. As such, it is anticipated that the planted wetland area will survive with limited mortality. Recruitment of new Spartina growth within the mitigation area will be promoted by active rhizomal proliferation and seed dispersal of adjacent natural stands. SOIL AMENDMENTS Each seedling will receive a small amount of Osmocote (or equivalent) slow-release fertilizer within the planting hole to accelerate initial growth. Slow-release fertilization is considered particularly advantageous in sandy substrates (which exhibit a lower capacity to retain applied nutrients) and has been demonstrated to be an effective practice in marsh restoration and creation projects (Broome, 1990). No further soil amendments are proposed at this time. The addition of organic matter to the substrate has been demonstrated to enhance rhizome growth within an artificial, controlled mesocosm (Padgett and Brown, 1998). However, the field application of organic material would involve incorporating peat into the upper soil through mechanized tilling over the entire mitigation area. This would disturb the stability of the soil profile, thereby making the sandy substrate more susceptible to erosion during tidal exchanges and threatening the immediate stability of the planted materials. SITE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Site success criteria are used to evaluate the development of a created or restored wetland in relation to stated project goals and objectives. Monitoring of various biological and physiochemical parameters will help demonstrate the relative success of a compensation site. These `performance' criteria are agreed upon by the applicant and the respective regulatory agency(s) as part of the permitting process. Since this compensation project seeks to restore marsh habitat through plantm ,r CyFf VE Spartina seedlings, the primary success criteria will be: I :?_.`i 0 8 1999 y MKIT "Demonstrated survival rate of plantings and naturally colonized individuals to exceed 70% after the second monitoring year. " Additional site success criteria commonly utilized for other wetland compensation projects are not suitable for this project. For instance, soil development (i.e. percent organic matter, nutrient composition, bulk density, porosity, etc.) of created and restored tidal marshes usually can not be demonstrated to simulate the substrate of natural reference marshes within the stated monitoring period (Broome, 1990). MONITORING PLAN Periodic monitoring of site performance criteria will be conducted by the applicant at prescribed intervals to evaluate project development. Parameters such as percent survivorship of plantings and soil texture/organic content will be quantitatively evaluated in three permanent 25 meter- square plots representative of the planting area. The corners of each plot will be staked with metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface. Therefore, relative sediment deposition and/or sediment loss within the mitigation area can be evaluated. Qualitative observations of faunal (including epbenthic and wildlife) habitat use will be recorded. In addition, photographic documentation (close-up and panoramic views) of plantings will occur at specified stations. An initial "as-built" survey will be conducted immediately following completion of plantings. This survey will include the limits of natural Spartina stands that exist adjacent to the planting area. Monitoring will then be conducted once annually during each subsequent April/May for a duration of three years documenting fulfillment of performance criteria. Monitoring reports will be prepared and submitted to the DCM, COE, and DWQ by August 15`x' of that year. The following information will be provided in each report: 1. Reference permit number D5 2. Summary compensation site project goals and objectives ECEHVE 3. Overview of the compensation 4. Site parameters monitored 5. Methodology used to evaluate parameters ??99 6. Data analysis 7. Summary of findings a E^ -KIT 8. Maintenance measures 9. Remedial measures 10. Prints of photographs at specified stations 11. Maps identifying adjacent natural marsh habitat, planting zones, areas monitored, transects, etc., as appropriate. Reports will document annual findings and evaluate the development of the project site with respect to performance criteria and target goals. Annual site monitoring will help to identify maintenance issues as they arise. Successful wetland compensation will require maintenance activities as needed throughout the duration of the monitoring period. Maintenance activities may include plant replacement and/or fertilization. If performance criteria are not met, reasons for deficiencies will be determined and appropriate remedial action will be conducted. DIV!C C."" "= -nne-rf-' 1kAAK1nrc'kAGnIT I':' ? 81999 D5 LITERATURE CITED Broome, S. W., E. Seneca and W. Woodhouse, Jr. 1982. Building and Stabilizing Coastal Dunes with Vegetation. Pub. UNC Sea Grant 85-05. Broome, S. W. 1990. Creation and restoration of tidal wetlands of the Southeastern United States. Pp. 37-72 in Kusler, M.E. (eds.) Wetland Creation and Restoration: the Status of the Science. Island Press, Washington DC. Padgett, D.E. and J.L. Brown. 1999. Effects of drainage and soil organic content on growth of Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) in an artificial salt marsh mesocosm. American Journal of Botany. 86(5). 697-702. 'V ??'?81999 D v n 3 CD D 01 Figure 3 I I Potential Wetland Mitigation Sites ?Pxna? _ j ?, ?,?r? ?NC?ccr 1 WNAGEMEN CF NOR-, -i C?JRCI;N ;NC. "PEND1X V HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING OF MASON INLET AND THE MIDDLE SOUND ESTUARY New HaiEovc,r County, North Carolina Applied Science Associates, Inc. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. `JAN 1 0 2001 appendix O Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle-Sound Estuary, New Hanauer County, North Carolina Mason Inlet Relocation Project PREPARED BY: APPLIED TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. WILMINGTON, NC PREPARED FOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUGUST 2000 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1. STUDY SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES .....................................................................................................................2 1.2. PROJECT LOCATION ........................................................................................................................................2 1.3. REPORT OUTLINE ............................................................................................................................................2 2. DATA COLLECTION ......................................................................................................................................................3 2.1. TIDAL DATA ....................................................................................................................................................3 2.2. FLOW DATA ....................................................................................................................................................4 2.3. HYDROGRAPHIC DATA ...................................................................................................................................5 3. MODEL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................................6 3.1. HYDRODYNAMIC MODEL ...............................................................................................................................6 3.2. GRID GENERATOR ......................................................................................................................................... .. 7 3.3. MARSHES ...................................................................................................................................................... .. 8 4. MODEL SET-UP ............................................................................................................................................. ...............10 4.1. MODEL GEOMETRY ...................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2. BATI-ra ETRY ............................................................................................................................................... 10 4.3. MARSHES ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.4. TIDAL FORCING ............................................................................................................................................. 11 5. MODEL CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................................................13 5.1. MODEL TIME STEP AND FRICTION COEFFICIENT .........................................................................................13 5.2. MODELIDATA COMPARISONS ......................................................................................................................13 5.2.1. GRAPHIC COMPARISON OF TIDES ............................................................................................................14 5.2.2. GRAPHIC COMPARISON OF FLOWS .........................................................................................................14 5.2.3. STATISTICAL RESULTS .............................................................................................................................14 5.3. FLUSHING ......................................................................................................................................................14 6. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................16 6.1. INITIAL ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 17 6.1.1. SCENARIOI .............................................................................................................................................. 17 6.1.2. SCENARIO 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 17 6.1.3. SCENARIO 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 18 6.1.4. SCENARIO 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 18 6.1.5. SCENARIO 5 .............................................................................................................................................. 18 6.1.6. SCENARIO 6 .............................................................................................................................................. 19 6.1.7. SCENARIO 7 .............................................................................................................................................. 19 6.1.8. SCENARIO 8 .............................................................................................................................................. 20 6.1.9. SCENARIO 9 .............................................................................................................................................. 20 6.1.10. SCENARIO 10 ............................................................................................................................................ 20 6.1.11. SCENARIO II ............................................................................................................................................ 21 6.1.12. SCENARIO 12 ............................................................................................................................................ 21 6.1.13. COMPARISON OF INITIAL TWELVE ALTERNATIVES MODELED .............................................................. 22 6.2. ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 22 6.2.1. CLOSURE OF MASON INLET ..................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.2. MASON INLET MIGRATION ...................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.3. BANKS CHANNEL SHOALED TO 4-FT DEPTH ........................................................................................... 23 6.2.4. NARROWER MASON CREEK ..................................................................................................................... 23 6.2.5. SEDoAENT BASIN SHIFTED NORTH .......................................................................................................... 24 6.2.6. SEDmiENT BASIN SHIFTED NORTH AND NARROWER MASON CREEK ................................................... 24 6.2.7. NO DREDGING IN MASON CREEK ............................................................................................................ 25 7. ADDITIONAL MODEL ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 30 7.1. FLUSHING OF THE SEDIMENT BASIN ............................................................................................................ 30 7.2. COMPARISON OF MEASURED AND SIMULATED TIDAL PRISMS ................................................................... 30 7.3. EXPECTED CHANGE IN TIDAL CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................... 31 7.4. EXPECTED AREA OF INFLUENCE OF CHANGE IN HYDRAULICS ................................................................... 31 7.5. CHANGES IN FLOW IN THE VICINITY OF MASON INLET ............................................................................... 32 8. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 36 9. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................37 LIST OF TABLES 2-1 Instrument Specifications and Locations ........................................................................................3 2-2 ADCP Transect Locations ...............................................................................................................4 5-1 RMS Error Results for Water Surface Elevations ........................................................................15 6-1 Summary of Project Alternative Modeling Scenarios ...................................................................26 6-2 Comparison of Predicted Tidal Prism and Flow Distribution for Modeled Project Scenarios .......................................................................................................................................27 6-3 Comparison of Maximum Predicted Depth Averaged Current Velocities for Modeled Project Scenarios ...........................................................................................................29 7-1 Comparison of tidal prism calculated from ADCP flow measurements and from the hydrodynamic model output ....................................................................................33 7-2 Simulated tidal prisms for an M2 spring tide .................................................................................33 7-3 Pre- and post-project flow rates in Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet and Rich Inlet during an M2 spring tidal cycle ......................................................................................................................34 7-4 Pre- and post-project flow rates in the vicinity of Mason Inlet ......................................................35 ?1J LIST OF FIGURES (placed behind each section) 1-1 Project Location Map 2-1 YSI Instrument Locations 2-2 ADCP Transect Locations 4-1 Study Area Digitized Shoreline 4-2 Model Grid for Existing Conditions 4-3 Model Grid at Mason Inlet for Existing Conditions 4-4 Model Bathymetry for Existing Conditions 4-5 Model Forcing Compared to Measured Tides 5-1 Comparison Measured and Simulated Water Surface Elevations at YS101, YS102 and YS103 5-2 Comparison Measured and Simulated Water Surface Elevations at YS104, YS105 and YS106 5-3 Comparison Measured and Simulated Water Surface Elevations at YS107 and YS108 5-4 Comparison of Measured and Simulated Flows at ADCP01 and ADCP02 5-5 Comparison of Measured and Simulated Flows at ADCP03 and ADCP04 5-6 Comparison of Measured and Simulated Flows at ADCP05 and ADCP06 5-7 Comparison of Measured and Simulated Flows at ADCP07 and ADCP08 5-8 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Existing Conditions 6-1 Scenario 1 - Model Grid 6-2 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 1 6-3 Scenario 2 - Model Grid 6-4 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 2 6-5 Scenario 3 - Model Grid 6-6 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 3 6-7 Scenario 4 - Model Grid 6-8 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 4 6-9 Scenario 5 - Model Grid 6-10 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 5 6-11 Scenario 6 - Model Grid 6-12, Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 6 6-13 Scenario 7 - Model Grid 6-14 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 7 6-15 Scenario 8 - Model Grid 6-16 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 8 6-17 Scenario 9 - Model Grid 6-18 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 9 IV 6-19 Scenario 10 - Model Grid 6-20 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 10 6-21 Scenario 11 - Model Grid 6-22 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining over time for Scenario 11 6-23 Scenario 12 - Model Grid 6-24 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining overtime for Scenario 12 6-25 Modeled Current Vectors During Flood Tide Conditions for Scenario 1 6-26 Modeled Current Vectors During Flood Tide Conditions for Scenario 11 (No Sediment Basin) 6-27 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 13 6-28 Flushing Evaluation of Banks Channel, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 13 6-29 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 14 6-30 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 15 6-31 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 16 6-32 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 17 6-33 Scenario 18 - Model Grid 6-34 Scenario 18 - Ebb Current Vectors 6-35 Scenario 1 - Ebb Current Vectors 6-36 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 18 6-37 Scenario 19 - Model Grid 6-38 Scenario 19 - Ebb Current Vectors 6-39 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 19 6-40 Scenario 20 - Model Grid 6-41 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 20 7-1 Flushing Evaluation of Sediment Basin, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 1 7-2 Simulated Changes in High Tide Surface Elevation due to Project 7-3 Simulated Changes in Mid-ebb Tide Surface Elevation due to Project 7-4 Simulated Changes in Mid-ebb Tide Surface Elevation due to Project V Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle Sound Estuary, New Hanover County, North Carolina Mason Inlet Relocation Project 1. INTRODUCTION Applied Technology and Management, Inc. of North Carolina (ATM) performed a computer model study in support of the permitting and design of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The model study is summarized in the report titled "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle Sound Estuary, New Hanover County, North Carolina" (ATM, 1999a). The study included the application of the model WQMAP to the study area, the calibration of the model using measured field data (i.e., water elevation and flow measurements), and the use of the model as a predictive tool to evaluate various project design scenarios. The model was used for the purposes of predicting the immediate post-project tidal prisms, current velocities and flushing characteristics for various design alternatives. The model study was reviewed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wilmington District. Subsequent to this review, additional modeling and analysis was performed to respond to comments by the reviewers and to further evaluate project design altematives. This work was summarized in the report "Additional Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model Scenarios - Mason Inlet Relocation Project" (ATM, 1999b). The above reports were reviewed by the USACE Wilmington District, the USACE Waterways Experiment Station (WES), and Dr. John Fisher of North Carolina State University (as an independent reviewer for New Hanover County). These reviewers found that the model was used appropriately and sufficiently calibrated. However, these reviewers also requested additional modeling analysis to further examine tidal dominance, tidal prisms, flow paths and current velocities in the relocated inlet. ATM (1999b) was revised in April 2000, and it was provided as an appendix to the revised April 2000 Environmental Assessment (EA) document for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The report includes additional modeling scenarios and analysis to respond to the comments of the reviewers. Also, the report text includes a review of the field data collection, model description, and the model calibration with the additional information necessary to respond to the questions and comments submitted by the reviewers. This report combines the original modeling report and the subsequent additional analysis reports into a comprehensive document. This document includes revisions as necessary to respond to reviewers' comments. 1.1. Study Scope and Objectives Applied Technology and Management, Inc. of North Carolina (ATM) performed this study in support of the permitting and design of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The Project will include the closure of the existing Mason Inlet and the reopening of Mason Inlet approximately 3,000 feet north of the existing inlet location. The Project will also include the dredging of Mason Creek to reestablish the creek as a major tributary to Mason Inlet. The study objective was to develop a hydrodynamic model of Mason Inlet and use the model to evaluate existing and post-project hydrodynamics and flushing. The results will be used in the evaluation of the environmental impact of the project and is provided as an addendum to the Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared for the proposed project. The model results will also be used to support the engineering design of the inlet relocation project. The scope of this study includes the following: • Collection of field data (i.e., current, flow, and water surface elevation measurements, and hydrographic surveys) necessary to accurately apply and calibrate the hydrodynamic model Calibration of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and transport model to the Mason Inlet system. • Application of the computer model as a predictive tool to evaluate the hydrodynamics and flushing of various project alternatives for.the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. 1.2. Project Location The project is located at Mason Inlet in New Hanover County, North Carolina. The inlet is bounded by Figure 8 Island to the north and Shell Island to the south (Figure 1-1). Banks Channel and Mason Creek connect Mason Inlet to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICWW). Extensive details describing the project location are provided in Section 2 of the EA document. 1.3. Report Outline Section 2 of this report will provide a description of the field data collection effort performed to provide the data necessary to calibrate the model. Section 3 will provide a technical description of the WQMAP hydrodynamic and transport model used for the study. Section 4 will describe the model set-up and data input to the model. Section 5 will present the model calibration process and discuss the model calibration results. Section 6 will present the various project design alternatives modeled in the first report (ATM, 1999a) and in the subsequent modeling reports (ATM, 1999b; ATM, 2000). Section 7 will present the additional analysis performed in the two later reports (ATM, 1999b; ATM, 2000). Section 8 will present the model study summary and conclusions. 2 Figure 1-1 Project Location Map At A Applied Science ?nl l " YECIINOLOGY R MANA(,i ASSOClate5, Inc, OF NORTH CAROLINA, IN(,. 2. DATA COLLECTION Data collection is a critical part of the modeling process and necessary for model calibration and simulation. For the hydrodynamic model, water surface elevations and discharge are used to calibrate the model before using it as a predictive tool. Water surface elevation comparisons identify the model performance relative to the progression of the tidal wave. Discharge comparisons identify that the model is accurately simulating the tidal prism that passes through the system, its magnitude and distribution. As the mixing of constituents discharged into a coastal estuary is directly proportional to the time dependent passage of water volume and turbulence, accurate simulation of the time dependent nature of the tidal prism is critical Field data collection for the project occurred during the summer of 1999. This field effort included: the deployment of eight YSI instruments which measured water surface elevation, dissolved oxygen, salinity and temperature; the measurement of current velocities and flow at eight transect locations; and hydrographic surveys of Mason Inlet, Banks Channel and the ICWW. The following sections detail the methodology and results of the field data collection. 2.1. Tidal Data The tide gauges were placed the eight strategic locations in shown in Figure 2-1. These gauges have a pressure transducer located at the bottom of the instrument that records the pressure head at user specified time intervals. The gages also measured water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen (DO). The instruments were in operation from June 30, 1999 to July 30, 1999 and were programmed to record data every 5 minutes. The instrument specifications and locations are presented in Table 2-1. • Table 2-1 Instrument Specifications and Locations 'I Instrument Model and Channel Marker/ Identification Instrument Location Name Manufacturer II YSI 01 YSI 6000 Marker G-1 YSI 02 YSI 6000 Jetted pipe on bottom YSI 03 YSI 6000 Jetted pipe on bottom YSI 04 YSI 6000 Marker R-134 YSI 05 YSI 6000 NW of bridge on 2-piling dolphin YSI 06 YSI 6000 Marker G-123 YSI 07 YSI 6000 West fender of bridge YSI 08 YSI 6000 Marker G-105 Masonboro Inlet Mason Inlet Rich Inlet ICWW south of Masonboro Inlet ICWW at Wrightsville Beach Bridge ICWW near Howe Creek ICWW at Figure 8 Island Bridge ICWW north of Rich Inlet The continuous water surface elevation data was measured relative to each instrument's location in the water column. Since the water surface elevation reading is measured at the 3 instrument bottom (transducer) and the instrument's depth vanes at each location, it is important to analyze the data in a consistent reference. The first step was to remove the mean value of each data set by taking an average of the local (instrument specific) data and subtracting it from all of the data points. This produced a continuous data set for all five instruments with a mean tide range value of 0.0. The data the was then adjusted to approximate the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), or Mean Sea Level of 1929, by adding an adjustment of 0.09 ft (based on the National Ocean Service tidal bench mark at Wilmington Beach). This is not an exact representation of water surface elevations relative to NGVD (due to the limited nature of the measured data), but it provides a useful base datum of reference for this project. The YSI instruments recorded the water elevations for various periods between June 30, 1999 and July 30, 1999. Due to mechanical failure of the instruments, there are gaps in the data record at most tide station locations. However, adequate data was collected to properly develop tidal forcings for the model open boundaries and calibrate the model. 2.2. Flow Data Flow measurements were recorded with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) instrument at eight transect locations (Figure 2-2). The instrument was used between July 14 and July 29, 1999 to measure flow rate, cross-sectional area, velocity profiles, and depths. Each transect was measured on multiple days to capture the flows at various tidal phases. Transect locations were selected to capture the flow dynamics present in the study area for use in model calibration. The transect locations are described in Table 2-2. • Table 2-2 ADCP Transect Locations Transect Identification ADCP 01 ADCP 02 ADCP 03 Location Masonboro Inlet ICWW north of Masonboro Inlet Mason Inlet ADCP 04 Banks Channel ADCP 05 ICWW north of confluence with Banks Channel ADCP 06 ICWW south of confluence with Banks Channel ADCP 07 Rich Inlet ADCP 08 ICWW south of Rich Inlet 4 2.3. Hydrographic Data ATM conducted a hydrographic survey of Mason Inlet in July of 1999. The survey also included Banks Channel, Mason Creek, and the ICVWV near the confluence of the ICWW and Mason Creek. The survey was performed using a TrimbleTm real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK GPS) in conjunction with a vessel mounted precision fathometer. The survey equipment was integrated using HypakTM software to provide real-time horizontal and vertical measurements. The tidal elevations during the survey period were recorded using a tide staff. The tide staff elevation was established by measuring the staff elevation relative to a local survey monument. In post-processing, the data were adjusted for the measured tide elevation and referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 17 76 yF??FTTs cl? MASONBORO 1 \ / c? ADCP-08 17 ADCP-05 ADCP-06 ADCP-04 ?P 0 OPT ADCP-03 Cj. ADCP-02 MASON "'-1 INLET ;ARBOR ISLAND ?o OJ ADCP-01 MASONBORO INLET ?P 00 Q' P ADCP-07 RICH INLET ?P 00 P P f?J ? soc?o Figure 2-2 ADCP Transect Locations ATTv.A I ? l l Applied Science Associates, Inc. ? Figure 2-1 YSI Instrument Locations a?? l- Applled Science n rrim?u x ?i AAssociates, Inc. .? 3. MODEL DESCRIPTION The model study used a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model to for the purposes of predicting the immediate post-project tidal prisms, current velocities and flushing characteristics for various design alternatives. The two-dimensional model is a vertically integrated hydrodynamic model, which is appropriate to simulate shallow, well-mixed, tidally dominated barotropic type systems. Three-dimensional analysis is not necessary to simulate flows for the (relatively shallow) Mason Inlet and Middle Sound Estuary system. The model is a hydrodynamic and flushing model only, and was not intended to predict shoreline morphology following completion of the project construction. A morphological model that can accurately predict shoreline change at an inlet does not yet exist. At present, morphological models are being developed, but these models still have large amounts of error and are not reliable for engineering design purposes. 3.1. Hydrodynamic Model In order to accurately simulate the complex geometric and bathymetric features of Mason's Inlet, Richs Inlet, Masonboro Inlet, and the Intracoastal Waterway, ATM chose a boundary- fitted coordinate, hydrodynamic, and transport model system. This system approach uses transformation functions such that all domain boundaries are coincident with coordinate lines. The transformation equations are applied to a user-defined grid of arbitrarily sized quadrilaterals, mapped to the coastal geometry of the water body in the study area. The hydrodynamic model and the mass transport model equations are written and solved on the boundary conforming, transformed grid, using a well-known finite difference solution technique (Spaulding, 1984; Thompson et al., 1977). The boundary-fitted hydrodynamic and transport models are contained within the model system called WQMAP (Water Quality Mapping and Analysis Program). WQMAP includes a state-of-the-art hydrodynamic model and is an appropriate model to apply to the Mason Inlet and Middle Sound Estuary system. The WQMAP model has been applied successfully in many projects around the world, the model has been the subject of numerous technical papers, and it is a well accepted model by engineering professionals and scientists within the hydrodynamic modeling community. The state-of-the-art, boundary-fitted hydrodynamic model (Muin and Spaulding, 1997; Huang and Spaulding, 1995b; Swanson et aL, 1989) was used to generate tidal elevations and velocities. A detailed description of the hydrodynamic model is presented in Muin and Spaulding (1997), which is included in this report as Appendix A. The boundary-fitted model matches the model coordinates with the shoreline boundaries of the water body, accurately representing the study area. This system also allows the user to adjust the model grid resolution as desired. This approach is consistent with the variable geometry and coastal features of the Masons Inlet system. Model development for the boundary-fitted model approach has proceeded over the last decade (Spaulding, 1984; Swanson et al., 1989; Muin and Spaulding, 1997). The boundary-fitted method uses a set of coupled quasi-linear elliptic transformation equations to map an arbitrary horizontal multi-connected region from physical space to a rectangular mesh structure in the transformed horizontal plane (Spaulding, 1984). The two-dimensional conservation of mass and momentum equations, with approximations 6 suitable for lakes, rivers, and estuaries (Swanson, 1986; Muin, 1993) that form the basis of the model, are then solved in this transformed space. In addition, an algebraic transformation is used in the vertical to map the free surface and bottom onto coordinate surfaces. The basic equations are written in spherical coordinates to allow for accurate representation of large model areas. The conservation equations for water mass, momentum (in 2 dimensions), and constituent mass, form the basis of the model. It is assumed that the flow is incompressible, that the fluid is in hydrostatic balance, the lateral friction is not significant, and the Boussinesq approximation applies. The boundary conditions are as follows: • At land, the normal component of velocity is zero. • At open boundaries, the free surface elevation must be specified. • A bottom stress or a no-slip condition can be applied at the bottom. • No water is assumed to transfer to or from the bottom. • A wind stress can be applied at the surface. The set of governing equations with dependent and independent variables transformed from spherical to curvilinear coordinates, in concert with the boundary conditions, is solved by a semi-implicit, split-mode finite difference procedure (Swanson, 1986). The equations of motion are vertically integrated and, through simple algebraic manipulation, are recast in terms of a single Helmholtz equation in surface elevation. This equation is solved using a sparse matrix solution technique to predict the spatial distribution of surface elevation for each grid. The vertically averaged velocity is then determined explicitly using the momentum equation. A detailed description of the hydrodynamic model and its application is presented in Appendix A of the Model Report. 3.2. Grid Generator The WQGRID component of WQMAP was used to generate a boundary fitted grid. The grid is specified by locating grid points along coastlines and bathymetric features such as channels and depth contours. Each point has assigned grid indices to keep track of how each grid point relates to its neighbors. The grid spacing in the domain is roughly determined by grid spacing at land boundaries. Finer grid resolution is specified for increased flow resolution. Once the boundary grid points along the shoreline have been specified, and any bathymetric feature _grid point located, the gridding model generates all the remaining interior points. These points are constrained to obey a Poisson equation and their locations solved iteratively by a Poisson solver. In general the grid aspect ratio reflects a priori estimates of expected flows. This means that the longer grid dimension, if any, is oriented along the major axis of the flow. This approach is necessary because the hydrodynamic model has inherent time step restrictions based on the ratio of grid size to flow speed. Faster model simulations are possible when the grid is optimized in this manner. A depth value must be assigned to each grid. Two methods are generally combined to create the array of grid depths. First, a database of bathymetric soundings with associated latitude and longitude for the area is accessed. Each grid is automatically assigned a depth 7 value by interpolation from the database based on a distance-weighting algorithm. Once all grids have depths assigned, the results are shown graphically and may be edited in WQGRID. The second method is based on the experience of the modeler to more accurately specify depths. Tools are available to the user in WQGRID to select individual grids or groups of grids and specify depth values. This procedure becomes necessary when dredged channels or other bathymetric features are to be accurately represented. 3.3. Marshes The hydrodynamic portion of the WQMAP modeling system was updated to incorporate the ability to simulate the inflow and outflow of water and mass to marsh areas that flood and dry over the tidal cycle. The extensive marsh coverage in the Masons Inlet system plays a key role in the hydrodynamics. The following presents the formulation of the equations, assumptions and terms within this model update. Marsh areas within WQMAP are treated as stand alone storage units connected to the model domain through small tributary feeder creeks. These creeks are representative of the geomorphology found within the coastal region of the southeastern United States. At the end of the creeks, model boundaries are defined similar to existing river inflow boundaries within the WQMAP modeling system. For each of these marsh boundaries the following physical parameters are specified: • Marsh Surface Area • Front Marsh Elevation • Back Marsh Elevation • Manning Coefficient The front and back marsh elevations are used to allow the marsh to fill gradually; i.e. the surface area filled is a function of the elevation of the waters entering the creek. This is typical of coastal marshes that fill through feeder creeks passing through berms along the edge of the marshes. These berms, which separate the marshes from the main channels, are generally of a higher elevation than the areas behind them. Therefore, the marshes tend to fill through the creeks behind the berm areas. The inundated area gradually increases as the water surface elevation increases. The Manning coefficient is used to quantify the roughness due to vegetation and the bed surface. The length is defined as the ramp distance from the tributary feeder bank to the point at which the elevated marsh area is level. This term plays a role in the sensitivity of the marshes. To calculate the flow into and out of the marshes two cases are defined. One is where the elevation in the main channel is above the front marsh elevation. In this case a one- dimensional simple open channel flow equation is solved of the form: Qm = 1 /n Aa R2'31 "' where: Qm = Time rate of inflow/outflow to the marsh, n = Manning's n value, 8 R = Hydraulic radius of flow area, = Surface slope between the open water and the boundary cell, and A, = Cross-sectional area of flow through. For the case where the water surface elevation in the main channel drops.below the front elevation of the marsh, the flow is treated as a weir flow and the following equation is solved: Q. = Cd WL (2g)"2 (Ec _ E J'2 where: Cd = Drag Coefficient (0.577), WL = Width of the flow, g = Acceleration of gravity, Ec = Water surface elevation in the channel, and ER, = Water surface elevation in the marsh. The flow into the marsh areas is then adjusted through manipulation of the friction factor within the flow equation. The surface slope term in each of the equations provides the feedback. For each time step the flow rate is calculated. The volume of water inside the marsh is then adjusted by multiplying the inflow rate by the time step. The surface elevation is then adjusted by the surface area of the inundated marsh. 9 4. MODEL SET-UP 4.1. Model Geometry The model geometry is defined by the shorelines between Masonboro Inlet and Rich Inlet, from the Atlantic Ocean to the ICWW. The base shoreline was generated from the National Ocean Service (NOS) US 1:80,000 shoreline data provided by NOAH. NOS last performed hydrographic surveys in the study area in 1974. The shoreline in the Mason Inlet, Mason Creek and Banks Channel area was revised using 1998 rectified digital orthophotos provided by New Hanover County. Both shoreline boundaries were merged and incorporated into a WQMAP basemap. The basemap shoreline is shown in Figure 4-1. The digital orthophoto was also included in the basemap as a georeferenced TIFF image. The WQGRID program was used to develop the model grid. Figure 4-2 presents the computational grid used for the model study. The model grid includes Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet, Rich Inlet, the ICWW and the tributaries that connect these four main features. The two-dimensional grid dimensions are 1=283 cells and J=75 cells. The grid resolution varies from 30 feet wide in Mason Inlet to 2,000 feet wide at the offshore open water boundary. Figure 4-3 presents a detailed view of the model grid near Mason Inlet. The model grid was overlain on the February 1998 orthophoto to assist the development of the grid in this area of interest. The orthophoto delineates the low tide flow paths, which are the critical flow paths in the Mason Inlet area. Although some water flows over the shoals that are emergent at low tide, a majority of the flow occurs through the main channels which are still flooded during low tide. Therefore, the error caused by using the low tide flow paths is small and spatially localized, and alignment of the model grid with the main flow channels present at low tide will provide good representation of the major flow paths in the system. Additionally, the use of the low tide flow pathways is adequate for the information sought from the model study (i.e., maximum current velocities, flow volumes, and flushing analysis). Since maximum current velocities occur near mid-tide when the flows are channelized, the use of the low tide grid channels is an appropriate representation. Also, the calibrated model well represented the flows in the system using the low tide grid. 4.2. Bathymetry The bathymetry data used for the model included two sources: ATM hydrographic surveys, and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) surveys. -The ATM survey data includes 1999 hydrographic survey data collected at Figure 8 Island, Wrightsville Beach, Mason Inlet, Mason Creek and Banks Channel. The USACE data includes 1998 hydrographic survey data in the ICWW and Masonboro Inlet. These data were merged into one data set and interpolated onto the model grid. Figure 4-4 presents the bathymetry used by the model grid. Areas that did not have data coverage used a default depth of six feet. However, the flow volumes in the model are a function of surface area (in the absence of severe hydraulic restrictions), which is determined by the grid geometry. The default water depth used in areas lacking bathymetry data does not greatly affect the model flow volumes in the study area. For example, the model predicted flows through Rich Inlet agree well with measured values despite the fact that the entire Rich Inlet area uses the default 6-ft depth. 10 The water depth does affect the current velocities; however, these spatial variations do not affect the flushing characteristics calculated by the model within the primary areas of interest. In the study areas where current velocities and flushing characteristics were desired and elsewhere where it was available (i.e., Mason Inlet, Mason Creek, Banks Channel, and the AIWW) measured bathymetric data were used. 4.3. Marshes The model set-up was an iterative process that started with only the model grid and without marsh storage cells. Marsh cells were added incrementally as necessary to increase storage in the modeled system to achieve the desired flows. Upon completion of the model set-up and calibration process three groups of marsh cells had been added to increase storage at Howe Creek, Page's Creek and an area just south of Mason Inlet off the AIWW. The marsh storage at each cell is based on the estimated marsh surface areas measured from aerial photographs. 4.4. Tidal Forcing Boundary conditions are the forcing functions used in the model to drive the circulation. These time-varying functions can be water levels (tides), flows (river flow), density gradients (salinity and temperature) and atmospheric effects (winds, temperature, solar radiation). Not all of the above forcing functions are required for this study of Mason Inlet. Baroclinic forces are insignificant in a shallow estuary with a large tidal range such as the Mason Inlet/Middle Sound Estuary. Except for storms, wind forces are transient and do not significantly effect the flows in the system. Sustained winds caused by storms may affect the flows in the estuary, but storm condition model runs were deemed insignificant to the objectives of this study. In terms of the annual occurrence of conditions that affect the Middle Sound Estuary, storms represent low- frequency events that that, with a few exceptions such as category 3-5 hurricanes and severe nor'easters, result in only short- terms fluctuations to the system. Fresh water input to the system was approximated by multiplying the watershed area surrounding the estuary by the rainfall produced by a typical storm event. This volume of fresh water was compared to the volume of salt water that enters the system through the three inlets. This comparison showed that the fresh water influx to the system is insignificant compared to the tidal prism in the estuary, and therefore fresh water influx is not required in the model. The only forcing necessary for the model application at Mason Inlet is the offshore tidal forcing. The tides were measured at Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet and Rich Inlet to provide the data required for the tidal forcing of the model. Water elevation data was recorded for a 30-day period between June 30, 1999 and July 30, 1999. This data collection did not yield complete one-month tide records most of the inlets due to mechanical failure of the YSI instruments. The number of days collected at each station ranges from 12 to 29 days, with an average of 21 days. However, enough data was collected to allow the composition of a continuous tidal record from the tide records at the three inlets. This continuous tidal record was used as the offshore boundary tidal forcing in the hydrodynamic model. 11 In a tidally dominated barotrophic system, 14 days of data covering one neap and one spring tidal condition is appropriate to calibrate a hydrodynamic model; this time span will capture the spring and neap tidal variations in the system. The period extending from July 14 to July 30, 1999 was selected for the calibration period for the Mason Inlet model. This time period includes a full spring-neap-spring tidal cycle and includes all of the ADCP field measurements. There are gaps in the measured water elevation data during this calibration period. However, sufficient data records are available to evaluate the model performance through both the spring and neap conditions. These calibration simulations were forced using the measured, composite tidal records. The varying alternative channel design simulations also used the measured, composite tidal records. The model output for both a spring tide and a neap tide condition were selected to evaluate the tidal flows and velocities for the various alternative designs. The measured spring tide amplitude was 5.9 feet, and the measured neap tide amplitude was 2.6 feet. A comparison of the measured tides used in the evaluation with the NOAA predicted tidal records shows that the conditions modeled cover most of the range of predicted tidal conditions. The maximum NOAA predicted tidal amplitude at Masonboro Inlet over the past 19 years (i.e. the last tidal epoch) was 5.8 feet. Therefore the measured tidal amplitude used slightly exceeds the maximum predicted tidal amplitude (probably due to atmospheric effects). Additionally, the NOAA predicted tides for the last 19 years show that 95 percent of the tidal amplitudes will exceed 2.6 feet. Therefore, the measured tides we used for the model simulations bracket 95 percent of the predicted tidal conditions for the study area. The model requires a smooth boundary forcing to avoid computational instability. However, the measured data surface elevation data is not smooth. - The YSI instruments measure the water elevation very frequently, these data records represent instantaneous "snap-shots" of the water surface elevation, and do not provide any time averaging. As pressure gage(s) are placed in the open water and not in a stilling well, all changes in water surface elevations are recorded, including boat wakes and short-period waves. Therefore, small-scale events (i.e., such as boat wakes and wind waves) are present in these data records. These short duration events do not affect the entire system as these do not propagate through the system (study area) and are not of interest to this study. A smoothing filter was applied to the data, and the tidal amplitudes were adjusted for any loss due to the smoothing. The model tidal forcing and the measured elevations at the inlets are presented Figure 4-5: The time scale of interest is the semi-diumal tidal cycle, which is the principal influence driving this system. Therefore, the smoothing of the tidal forcing data does not have an impact on the accuracy of the model output. The model was forced by specifying the water surface elevation at the open water boundaries several thousand feet seaward of each of the three inlets and in the AIWW. The model computed the flows at the inlets based on the propagation of the tidal wave from the open water boundaries. The flows calculated at the inlets would be similar whether the model was forced by separate open water boundaries seaward of each inlet, or the model was forced by one continuous boundary seaward of the study area. 12 'DNI 'VNI"IONV7 H1NON JO 'aul seloiooSSy i ?a ,vvvw x ?o ioNU xLi. n iri,i { aoubioS paliddy aullaaoyS pezil!bia eaay Apn}S ?-? aan6i? C U N O O O O N 7 Q 8 N P P Figure 42 Model Grid for Existing Conditions Applied Science ANPLIEDTGCHNOLOGY&MANACFMFNT Associates, Inc. j OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. x a 71AX - •?t 0 m c 0 U 0 °o m a? ?..?yti?, ??jTY.YSf eft -' +4i-0W a 11 ?'? Y ?q?ea'rlfwi ? ? •• ? 4•S ? ?, t ?? Jl..: 9 fir rA; 'cid ,ti ?t y{i ?y? ? ?? ?OV Pbr ifaw'q Figure 4-3 Model Grid at Mason Inlet for Existing Conditions an Aff r Applied Science AITI.II:I) ll[CII\OLOGI' k MANAGLMIAT Associates, Inc. rn ? NOKrII CAROLINA. IN C. C C) U v e 0 0 0 m J Q N P P I Figure 4-4 der, 1w Model Bathymetry Eat for Existing Conditions Applied Science VPPLIED 1'I`CIINOI.OC;1' fi MANAUMENT Associates, Inc. 01; NORIIICUOUNA.INC. 3 2 0 s 1 W - M102 -2- M103 - Boundary -3 0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9136 1200 14:24 16.48 19:12 21:36 0:00 Time a - 2 0 - - - - -2 -- M 104 Boundary04 -I -3 0:00 4:48 9'.36 14:24 19:12 0:00 4:48 936 1424 19:12 0:00 Time 0 m C U U U? a 0 0 0 N m a a 3 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 s -? W -2 BoundaryO8 -3 0:00 4:48 9:36 14:24 1912 0:00 4:48 9:36 14:24 19:12 0:00 nme Figure 4-5 Model Tidal Forcing Compared CIO to Measured Tides i I AW Applied Science Associates, Inc. wuuil_?unin? i?1 - --- - - S. MODEL CALIBRATION The assessment of the accuracy of numerical models is a complex process. The methodical application, testing and evaluation of a model to predict field data for a specific study domain are often referred to as model calibration. The results of this calibration are a good assessment of the model accuracy. Much literature has been published over the past few decades describing various approaches (McCutcheon et al., 1990; Hess and Bosley, 1992; Lynch and Davies, 1995). In general, the calibration process is an organized procedure to select model coefficients within appropriate ranges for the water body, such that model predictions produce the best agreement with measured data. The calibration procedure for the Mason Inlet application included the adjustment of bottom friction to reproduce water surface elevation and flows at selected locations. This section describes the calibration coefficients used for the model and the comparison of the calibrated model with the measured data. The model results are compared graphically and to normalized root mean square (RMS) error. 5.1. Model Time Step and Friction Coefficient The model was used to simulate conditions from July 14-29, 1999 with a 24-hour spin-up of the hydrodynamic forcing. The bottom friction coefficient (Manning's n) was set to 0.03 throughout the model domain. A sensitivity analysis was performed using Manning's roughness coefficients of 0.06 and 0.015. The results showed that reducing the roughness by 50 percent (i.e. from 0.03 to 0.015) causes approximately a 7 percent increase in the maximum flow rate at Mason Inlet. Doubling the coefficient from 0.03 to 0.06 resulted in a 7 percent decrease in the maximum flow rate at Mason Inlet. The time step used in the model was 75 seconds. The time step for the model was gradually decreased from 5 minutes until the model stabilized at 75 seconds. After this point, the solution did not change with decreasing time step, as expected with the semi-implicit solution technique. 5.2. Model/Data Comparisons In order to evaluate the model's ability to accurately reproduce the hydrodynamics of the study area, graphical (qualitative) and statistical (quantitative) analyses were performed. The graphical analyses include a simple comparison of the plotted measured and simulated water surface elevations and flows. The quantitative analyses were carried out through the calculation of the root-mean-squared error (RMS), defined as: 1 2 E= n?(Y,.-y,) where, Y = simulated value, y, = measured value, and n = number of data points. 13 This RMS error is then normalized by taking E and dividing by the range of the signal, which the error as a percent of the overall signal strength. 5.2.1. Graphic Comparison of Tides Figures 5-1 through 5-3 present the graphical comparisons for simulated versus measured water surface elevations at the eight tide gage locations in the study area. Examination of the results shows that the model is generally successful at replicating the measured data. The model is most accurate in representing the tidal elevations at the three inlets (YS101, YS102 and YSI03). The model slightly over predicts the water surface elevations in the ICWW. Overall, the model well represents the tidal amplitude and phasing throughout the system. 5.2.2. Graphic Comparison of Flows Figures 5-4 through 5-7 present the graphical comparisons for simulated versus measured flows at the eight transect locations in the study area. Examination of the results shows that the model well represents the relative distribution of flows in the study area. The model best predicts the flows through Masonboro Inlet, the ICWW near Masonboro Inlet and Rich Inlet (ADCP01, ADCP02 and ADCP07, respectively). The model calculates greater flow through Mason Inlet (ADCP03) than shown by the measured data. This is likely due to error in the ADCP measurements. The ADCP instrument requires a 2-meter depth to function well. A transect cross section with a large percentage of depths less than 2-meters (e.g., the transect at ADCP03) will cause an under- estimation of the flow at that transect. The fact that the model results agree well with the measurements at transect ADCP04 support the conclusion that the model is providing a better estimate of flow through Mason Inlet than the measured data at Mason Inlet. Also, when viewed on the same scale as the adjacent inlets, the model seems to be in good agreement with the measured data. This indicates that the model is successfully representing the tidal flow distribution in the system as a whole. 5.2.3. Statistical Results The RMS error was calculated for the measured water surface elevation data since there were adequate data (i.e., thousands of measurements). However, RMS error analysis is not appropriate for the measured flows because of the sparseness of the data; many data points are required for the RMS analysis to be meaningful. Table 5-1 presents the normalized error results for water surface elevation: The RMS error - analysis demonstrates the model's ability to simulate the dynamics of the tidal wave propagation within 5 percent error, with the greatest error occurring at YS106. The error at the ocean inlets is on the order of 2 to 3 percent, which demonstrates the proper forcing of the model at the ocean boundaries. The error is slightly higher near the ICWW boundaries (i.e., 4 to 6 percent). Overall, the model errors are in an acceptable range and the model is able to capture the tidal dynamics occurring in the system. 5.3. Flushing Upon completion of the model calibration, the flushing characteristics of the existing conditions were modeled to provide a comparison for post-project scenarios. The WQMAP 14 model was used to simulate the transport of a conservative tracer (i.e., without considering any biochemical transformation or settling). An initial tracer concentration of 100 units was applied to a control volume (a 2-mile stretch of the ICWW centered on Howe Creek). Then, the model ran a 7-day simulation under neap tide conditions to obtain a conservative estimate of flushing in the ICWW. Figure 5-8 in the Model Report presents the flushing simulation results as percent of the initial tracer mass remaining in the control area versus time. The results indicate that it takes 2.7 days for the tracer mass remaining in the control volume to diminish to 10 percent of the initial concentration. • Table 5-1 RMS Error Results for Water Surface Elevations Location RMS Error m Normalized RMS Error YS101 0.023 0.016 YS102 0.028 0.019 YS 103 0.042 0.030 YS 104 0.057 0.038 YS105 0.049 0.034 YS106 0.096 0.058 YS107 0.080 0.055 YS108 0.076 0.055 Mean RMS Error 0.06 0.04 15 W F ,a N Cq - T O T 0 N / /? O V ? ? ?/) V - ---- --- _ -..- - - - -= a . - - ----- --------- ------- - ---------- a __.. - ---- -- u? O b r N O N N O N C O C O G 9 O O U 0 00 8 N U O (w) U011-e13 (w) U014-913 (w) -0-13 10111 Figure 5-1 Mr t Comparison of Measured and Simulated Water Surface Elevations Appli- 0 at ed Science at YSI01, YSI02 and YSI03 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 0 4 ? O N ? H O N G O 0 0 C U N O °o N J Q 2 N P (w) -11-913 L0 a. O ?- IA O N O O (w) UOII-813 a 0 c__ W a. O N O N C O (w)UORBA813 o N O O N r 0 Figure 5-2 Comparison of Measured and tit Simulated Water Surface Elevations - at YSI04, YSI05 and YSI06 Applied Science Associates, Inc. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC?MENT O O m C U of 0 °o N J DQ O P i ?v . _ ev ?s s - -- ---- - ------- 0 - N N O • CDP ---- --- ___.__.? ._ N N ... ...:. ------- N ' N O N G O r N O N C Cj (w) UOR-913 (w) U014-813 F Figure 5-3 & IX J Comparison of Measured and Simulated Water Surface Elevations Applied Science at YSI07 and YSI08 Associates, Inc: A APPLIED NTECHNOLOGY ORTH CARO&WA,NAGEMENT OF L INC. 0 0 m c V c 0 0 Q 8 N N P P Figure 5-4 fir -W Comparison of Measured and Ukot r, 0+ Simulated Flows at ADCP01 and ADCP02 Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA. INC. W W ? O G O N 13 v N LU 7 7 W to FA coc £ W E 2 ! o o U7 o I o i i ? LO 1n o O N N V- N CL R (L o v c v c 0 0 a a o O N N &o to U) O O) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N 1n O to O to N N tO O LO 19 O to N Us/£w) a;ea nnold ((s/£w) a;ea M01=1 0 0 m c U N 0 0 m a' N P P SOf p O W p O_ a 3 N V N X16 d E 710 E w 2y e 2W O N o N M IL ? CL 0 c v 0 CD N 0 N Lo O LO O / I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N tp O LO L9 O 2 N N t2 L9 O <n O to N ((sqw) ales M01c1 ((s/£w) a}ed M01d Figure 5-5 Comparison of Measured and Simulated Flows at ADCP03 and ADCP04 Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 0 0 m c U U 0 0 m a P Figure 5-6 Comparison of Measured and - 0 tit Simulated Flows at ADCP05 and ADCP06 Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc, OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. W S O O e N T2 N 7 C W = 7 N W dE mE ?N co) ?I 0 0 N 4 N IL° i4 a° W v c v o 0 0 a a 0 0 N N Ln W Lo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 N O III O t2 U, N N O O b N ((S/£W) 91Ea MOIL ((S/£W) 91Ba MOIL 0 0 m c U U 0 0 m Q N P p o p o 0 N N #A W 7 N to we "' to ' C 2 ca 2 U) 0 0 o O N N CIO a° R °a W v p v p 0 0 a a 0 N N dv ® o W) N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N t2 O LO to O to N N t2 O to L9 O t2 N ((s/ew) alea nnold ((s/£w) a;ea M01:1 Figure 5-7 j Comparison of Measured and C?M Simulated Flows at ADCP07 and ADCP08 Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ti (0 d' C? t--1 C'7 N T O O CF) 00 ? (0 LO d0' t? N T 2ululLUI3-d jugond 0 U 0 0 N C' Q N P P Figure 5-8 Flushing Evaluation, Percent Mass Remaining C?M Over Time for Existing Conditions Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 6. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The model was used to simulate the post-project hydrodynamic conditions at Mason Inlet to establish the project impacts on the inlet system hydrodynamics and flushing characteristics. Variations on this design were also modeled to provide insight to the sensitivity of the inlet system to changes in various project depths and configurations. The proposed Mason Inlet Relocation Project includes the closure of the existing Mason Inlet and the opening of a new inlet 3,000 feet north of the existing inlet. The Project also includes the dredging of Mason Creek and the dredging of a sedimentation basin that is located at the confluence of the new Mason Inlet cut and Banks Channel. The model grid of the post- project scenario was created making the following grid changes: • Deleting the grid cells where the existing Mason Inlet will be filled, • Creating new grid cells where the new, inlet will be cut and where Mason Creek will be dredged, and • Deepening model grid cells where the sedimentation basin will be dredged. The simulations were run for 17 days from July 13, 1999 to July 30, 1999, which includes a spring-neap cycle. This yields model results that are representative of typical tidal variations and conditions within the system on an annual basis. The maximum spring and minimum neap tidal ranges chosen bracket 95 percent of the tidal variations expected annually within the estuary. The various model alternatives were evaluated by four criteria: flow distribution, maximum current velocity in the inlet throat, maximum current velocity in the sediment basin and flushing characteristics. The flow distribution was quantified by summing the tidal prisms passing through Mason Inlet, Mason Creek and Banks Channel. To minimize future inlet migration, a balance of flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel is desirable. Model cells in the center of the inlet and near the center of the sediment basin were selected for calculating the maximum current velocities. Numerous case studies of stable inlets have found that the maximum velocity of a stable inlet is generally 1 m/s (±0.1 m/s) (Braun, 1978). Therefore, a maximum current velocity on the order of 3 ft/s is desirable for the relocated inlet. The sediment basin serves to reduce currents and cause sedimentation in the basin area, thereby minimizing sedimentation of Mason Creek. Therefore, the least maximum currentwas desired in the sediment basin. The flushing impacts to the Middle Sound Estuary were also evaluated for each project alternative. This was accomplished by comparing the flushing results of each project alternative with the flushing results for the calibrated model of the existing conditions. The first twelve model scenarios were conducted for the first modeling report (ATM, 1999a); these scenarios and results are presented in Section 6.1. Following review of the model study, several additional model scenarios were analyzed and presented in the later reports (ATM, 1999b; ATM 2000); these model scenarios are presented in Section 6.2. Table 6-1 summarizes all of the project alternative scenarios modeled in this study. 16 6.1. Initial Alternatives Analysis This section presents the alternatives analysis performed for the first Mason Inlet model report completed by ATM (1999a). The October 1999 study included the first twelve model scenarios presented in Table 6-1. The tidal prisms calculated for each scenario are summarized in Table 6-2. The spring tide prisms in Table 6-2 were calculated based on the tides that occurred on July 14, 1999. The neap tide prisms were calculated based on the July 21, 1999 tidal conditions. The maximum current velocities are summarized in Table 6-3. 6.1.1. Scenario 1 The initial recommended project design was modeled in Scenario 1. The recommended project design has since been revised. Figure 6-1 presents the model grid in the project area that was used to model the post-project conditions for Scenario 1. The model predicted a significant increase in the tidal prism that will move through the new Mason Inlet compared to the existing conditions. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut is 201 million cubic feet for the July 14, 1999 flood tide and 160 million cubic feet for the following ebb tide. The model results predict that the relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel will be 40 percent and 60 percent, respectively. Therefore, in Scenario 1, Banks Channel will still convey a majority of the tidal prism to and from Mason Inlet. The model results show a significant reduction in current velocity between the inlet throat and the sediment basin: the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.5 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.8 feet per second. Therefore, sediments carried through the inlet throat by high flood current velocities will be deposited in the sediment basin where the current velocities decrease. This will reduce the shoaling rates of Mason Creek after project construction. Figure 6-2 presents the flushing results for Scenario 1 in comparison with the flushing results for the existing condition. For Scenario 1, the results indicate that it takes 2 days for the tracer mass remaining in the control volume to diminish to 10 percent of the initial concentration. In comparison to the 2.7 day flushing time required for the existing conditions, the proposed project results in a 26 percent decrease in flushing time for the ICWW near Howe Creek. 6.12- Scenario 2 Scenario 2 varies from the Scenario 1 design by increasing the entrance channel depth to 12 feet and narrowing the entrance channel to a 400-foot width. Figure 6-3 presents the grid used for Scenario 2. The predicted tidal prism results for Scenario 2 show no significant change in tidal prism magnitude or distribution compared to Scenario 1. This is due to the fact that there is little change in the cross-sectional area of the Mason Inlet throat between Scenarios 1 and 2. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.6 feet per second, which is slightly higher than Scenario 1. Also, the maximum predicted depth 17 averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.6 feet per second, which is slightly lower than Scenario 1. Figure 6-4 presents the flushing results for Scenario 2 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 2, the flushing results were nearly identical to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.3. Scenario 3 Scenario 3 varies from Scenario 1 by decreasing the entrance channel depth to 8 feet. Figure 6-5 presents the grid used for Scenario 3. The predicted spring tidal prisms for Scenario 3 are slightly lower than the results for Scenario 1 because of the reduced cross-sectional area of the inlet throat. The maximum predicted depth. averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 3.3 feet per second, which is 32 percent higher than Scenario 1. Figure 6-6 presents the flushing results for Scenario 3 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 3, the flushing results were nearly identical to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1 A,. Scenario 4 Scenario 4 varies from Scenario 1 by decreasing the entrance channel depth to 8 feet and decreasing the entrance width to 400 feet. Figure 6-7 presents the grid used for Scenario 4. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 4 is approximately 17 percent lower than the results for Scenario 1 because of the reduced cross- sectional area of the inlet throat. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 4 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel is similar to that shown in Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 3.4 feet per second, which is 36 percent higher than Scenario 1. Therefore, the model demonstrates that a reduction in channel depth results in increased current velocities in the channel. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.8 feet per second, which is equal to that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-8 presents the flushing results for Scenario 4 in comparison with the flushing results. for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 4, the flushing improvement over the existing condition was slightly less than that modeled for channel Scenario 1. 6.1.5. Scenario 5 Scenario 5 varies from Scenario 1 by decreasing the entrance channel depth to 8 feet and increasing the entrance width to 600 feet. Figure 6-9 presents the grid used for Scenario 5. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 5 is slightly lower than the results for Scenario 1 due to the slightly decreased inlet throat cross-sectional area. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 5 will produce a relative flow 18 distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 40 percent and 60 percent, respectively, which is the same as Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.8 feet per second, which is slightly higher than Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.8 feet per second, which is equal to that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-10 presents the flushing results for Scenario 5 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 5, the flushing results were very similar to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.6. Scenario 6 Scenario 6 varies from Scenario 1 by increasing the Mason Creek depth to 10 feet. Figure 6- 11 presents the grid used for Scenario 6. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 6 is 10 percent higher than the results for Scenario 1. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 6 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 48 percent and 52 percent, respectively. This is a more balanced flow distribution than that modeled for Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.8 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.9 feet per second, both of which are slightly higher than that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-12 presents the flushing results for Scenario 6 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 6, the flushing results were slightly improved compared to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.7. Scenario 7 Scenario 7 varies from Scenario 1 by decreasing the Mason Creek depth to 6 feet. Figure 6- 13 presents the grid used for Scenario 7. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut is slightly lower than the results for Scenario 1. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 7 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 32 percent and 68 percent, respectively. This is a less balanced flow distribution than that modeled for Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.3 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.7 feet per second, both of which are slightly lower than that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-14 presents the flushing results for Scenario 7 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 7, the flushing improvement over the existing condition was slightly less than that modeled for Scenario 1. 19 6.1.8. Scenario 8 Scenario 8 varies from Scenario 1 by increasing the Mason Creek depth to 10 feet and increasing the Mason Creek width to 200 feet. Figure 6-15 presents the grid used for Scenario 8. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 8 is 14 percent higher than the results for Scenario 1 due to the increased flow capacity of Mason Creek. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 8 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 50 percent and 50 percent, respectively. This is a more balanced flow distribution than that modeled for Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.9 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 1.0 feet per second, both of which are slightly higher than that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-16 presents the flushing results for Scenario 8 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 8, the flushing results were slightly improved compared to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.9. Scenario 9 Scenario 9 varies from Scenario 1 by increasing the Mason Creek width by 30 percent to a width of 239 feet. Figure 6-17 presents the grid used for Scenario 9. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 9 is 14 percent higher than the results for Scenario 1 because of the increased flow capacity of Mason Creek. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 9 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 50 percent and 50 percent, respectively. This is a more balanced flow distribution than that modeled for Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.9 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 1.0 feet per second, both of which are slightly higher than that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-18 presents the flushing results for Scenario 9 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 9, the flushing results were slightly improved compared to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.10. Scenario 10 Scenario 10 varies from Scenario 1 by shortening the sediment basin length by 500 feet. Figure 6-19 presents the grid used for Scenario 10. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 10 is similar to that for Scenario 1. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 10 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 38 percent and 62 percent, respectively, which is similar to the results in Scenario 1. 20 The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel and in the center of the sediment basin is equal to that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-20 presents the flushing results for Scenario 10 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 10, the flushing results showed no significant changes compared to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.11. Scenario 11 Scenario 11 varies from Scenario 1 by eliminating the sediment basin. Figure 6-21 presents the grid used for Scenario 11. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 11 is similar to the results for Scenario 1. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 11 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 40 percent and 60 percent, respectively, which is the same as Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.4 feet per second, which is similar to that modeled in Scenario 1. However, the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 1.4 feet per second, which is higher than that modeled in Scenario 1. The absence of the sediment basin is evident by the increased velocities at the sediment basin location, which will result in increased shoaling rates of Mason Creek after project construction. Figure 6-22 presents the flushing results for Scenario 11 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 11, the flushing results were similar to those modeled for Scenario 1. 6.1.12. Scenario 12 Scenario 12 varies from Scenario 1 by shoaling the depth of Banks Channel to 5 feet. Figure 6-23 presents the grid used for Scenario 12. The predicted spring tidal prism through the new Mason Inlet cut for Scenario 12 is 14 percent lower than the results for Scenario 1. Additionally, the model results predict that Scenario 12 will produce a relative flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel of 48 percent and 52 percent, respectively, which is a more balanced flow distribution than that modeled for Scenario 1. The maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the new inlet channel is 2.1 feet per second, and the maximum predicted depth averaged velocity in the center of the sediment basin is 0.7 feet per second, both of which are slightly lower than that modeled in Scenario 1. Figure 6-24 presents the flushing results for Scenario 12 in comparison with the flushing results for both Scenario 1 and the existing condition. For Scenario 12, the flushing improvement over the existing condition was slightly less than that modeled for Scenario 1. 21 6.1.13. Comparison of Initial Twelve Alternatives Modeled The first twelve modeled scenarios were completed for the October 1999 report (ATM, 1999), and the results of the simulations are summarized in Tables 5-2 and 5-3. The results show that Scenario 1 will significantly improve flushing in the ICWW near Mason Inlet. The decrease in flushing time is approximately 26 percent. The project alternatives that produced the largest tidal prisms were Scenarios 6, 8 and 9. All of these scenarios included enlargement of the Mason Creek cross-section either from increased depth, increased width, or both. The project alternatives that produced the smallest tidal prisms were Scenarios 4 and 12, which included the decrease of the entrance depth and the Banks Channel depth, respectively. The alternatives that achieved the best flow distributions include Scenarios 8, 9 and 12, which predicted 50/50 flow distributions between Mason Creek and Banks Channel. Scenarios 8 and 9 caused this by increasing the Mason Creek dimensions and Scenario 12 decreased the Banks Channel depths. The project alternative that created the largest entrance channel velocities was Scenario 4, which decreased the entrance depth and width. Scenario 3 also increased velocities by decreasing the entrance channel depth. The project alternatives that resulted in the smallest flushing times were Scenario 8 and 9, both of which increased the Mason Creek dimensions. The proposed project design results in an acceptable depreciation in current velocities in the sediment basin area (Figure 6-25). However, the project alternative that eliminates the sediment basin (Scenario 11) does not adequately slow the, currents on the estuary side of the inlet throat (Figure 6-26). This may result in the premature shoaling of Mason Creek. 6.2. Additional Alternatives Analysis To respond to comments by reviewers and to further evaluate alternative project designs, several additional model scenarios were evaluated (ATM 1999b, ATM 2000). The additional model scenarios presented in this report include: ¦ Closure of Mason Inlet (Scenario 13), ¦ Mason Inlet without projects migrated south after 5 years (Scenario 14) and after 10 years (Scenario 15), ¦ Banks Channel shoaled to a depth of 4 ft (Scenario 16); ¦ Mason Creek narrower (140 feet wide) and deeper (-10 ft NGVD) (Scenario 17); ¦ Sediment basin extended north of the new inlet cut and shortened on the south side of the new inlet cut (Scenario 18); ¦ Mason Creek narrower (140 feet wide) and deeper (-10 ft NGVD); sediment basin extended north of the new inlet cut and shortened on the south side of the new inlet cut (Scenario 19); and ¦ Inlet relocation with no dredging of Mason Creek (Scenario 20). The results of the additional model scenarios are reviewed in the following sections. 6.2.1. Closure of Mason Inlet The closure of Mason Inlet was modeled by using the calibrated grid for the existing conditions and removing the model cells at the opening of Mason Inlet (Scenario 13). The flushing analysis was performed using the same approach detailed in the model report. The flushing results show that the inlet closure does not result in a significant change in flushing rate of the AIWW behind Mason Inlet compared to the existing conditions (Figure 6-27). However, this scenario will greatly reduce the flushing of Banks Channel. A flushing analysis of Banks Channel was performed in which Banks Channel was initially flooded with a conservative tracer. The flushing model results indicate that the closure of Mason Inlet will result in greatly increased flushing times of Banks Channel compared to the existing conditions (Figure 6-28). 6.22- Mason Inlet Migration Two additional model grids were created to simulate the migration of Mason Inlet after 5 and 10 years (without the proposed project). Scenario 14 is the migration of the inlet 1,750 ft south (5 years at 350 ft/yr). Scenario 15 is the migration of the inlet 3,500 ft south (10 years at 350 ft/yr). The results for both scenarios show slightly increased flushing times compared to the existing conditions (Figures 6-29 and 6-30). 6.2.3. Banks Channel Shoaled to Oft Depth To create the model grid for Scenario 16, the project grid for Scenario 1 was modified by decreasing the model depths of Banks Channel to -4 ft NGVD. The resulting tidal prisms and maximum velocities are presented in Table 6-2 and 6-3, respectively. The results indicate that the shoaling of Banks Channel to a maximum depth of -4 ft NGVD creates a more balanced distribution of flows between Mason Creek and Banks Channel than does Scenario 1. This would reduce the southward migration of Mason Inlet induced by the Banks Channel flows and result in greater positional stability of Mason Inlet. Also, the smaller tidal prism through Mason Inlet associated with this scenario results in reduced maximum current velocities in the inlet throat. The flushing results for this scenario show decreased flushing times compared to the existing conditions, but slightly increased flushing times compared to Scenario 1 (Figure 6-31). 6.2.4. Narrower Mason Creek An alternative with the width of Mason Creek reduced to 140 feet was modeled in Scenario 17. This alternative will reduce the project impact to spartina marsh along Mason Creek. To compensate for the lost width, the depth of Mason Creek was increased to -10 ft NGVD. 23 The resulting tidal prisms and maximum velocities are presented in Table 6-2 and 6-3, respectively. The distribution of flows and maximum velocities for Scenario 17 are similar to Scenario 1. Also, Figure 6-32 shows that Scenario 17 results in similar flushing as Scenario 1. This demonstrates that a narrower and deeper Mason Creek will perform adequately from a hydraulic standpoint, while minimizing impact to adjacent marshes. 6.2.5. Sediment Basin Shifted North The USACE Wilmington District suggested that the sediment basin would be more effective if it were extended to the north of the new inlet cut. An alternative with the sediment basin extended to the north of the new inlet cut and shortened on the south side of the new inlet cut was modeled in Scenario 18. Figure 6-33 shows the grid used for-this model scenario. The resulting current vectors for a peak ebb condition are shown in Figure 6-34. Comparison with the current vectors for Scenario 1 (Figure 6-35) indicate that the sediment basin north of the inlet cut is effective in reducing the current velocities in Banks Channel immediately north of the new inlet cut. This would result in greater positional stability of the new inlet cut. Additionally, the sediment basin configuration modeled in Scenario 18 will be more effective in capturing sediments on the flood tide. This sediment basin configuration would intercept more of the sediments that would be transported into Mason Creek and Banks Channel. The flushing analysis for Scenario 18 indicates that this sediment basin configuration produces slightly increased flushing times compared to the sediment basin configuration in Scenario 1 (Figure 6-36). 6.2.6. Sediment Basin Shifted North and Narrower Mason Creek Scenario 19 includes the narrower Mason Creek cut (140 ft wide) and the sediment basin shifted north. However, because the north end of the sediment basin modeled in Scenario 18 would impact spartina marsh, the sediment basin in Scenario 19 was not shifted as far north. The model grid for Scenario 19 is shown in Figure 6-37. The results for Scenario 19 show a maximum velocity of 2.7 ft/s in the inlet throat. This is close to the 3 ft/s maximum velocity generally observed in stable inlets. If the maximum velocity is not great enough to maintain the inlet cross-section, some post-construction adjustment may occur. Based on the results of Scenario 3, where the decreased entrance depth of 8 ft resulted in a 3.3 ft/s maximum velocity, the inlet would not require a great adjustment to increase the maximum velocity to 3 ft/s. Figure 6-38 shows that the north end of this sediment basin design is effective at decelerating the currents flowing out of Banks Channel during the maximum ebb flow. The flow distribution between Mason Creek and Banks Channel is about a 41:59 ratio, which is slightly better than Scenario 1. This configuration will direct less of the flow through Mason Creek than desired from an engineering perspective (i.e., a 50:50 split), but it is the best possible scenario while avoiding undesirable environmental impacts. The flushing analysis for Scenario 19 indicates that this sediment basin configuration produces similar flushing times compared to the sediment basin configuration in Scenario 1 (Figure 6-39). 24 Since this scenario will perform adequately from a hydraulic standpoint and the scenario will minimize marsh impacts along the Mason Creek cut and avoid marsh impacts at the north end of the sediment basin, Scenario 19 was identified as the new preferred project alternative. 6.2.7. No Dredging in Mason Creek Scenario 20 represents the project construction without dredging Mason Creek. The model grid for this project configuration was created by deleting the Mason Creek grid cells from the Scenario 19 grid (Figure 6-40). The results for Scenario 20 show that the post-project tidal prism passing through Mason Inlet will be approximately 27 percent smaller than that expected for Scenario 1. This decreased tidal prism produces smaller maximum current velocities in the inlet throat (i.e., 1.8 ft/s). Therefore, the project that excludes the'dredging of Mason Creek would necessitate a reduction in the Mason Inlet design cross section to provide for the velocities necessary for a stable inlet cross section. The flushing analysis shows that this scenario would provide little change in flushing of the AIWW compared to the existing conditions (Figure 6-41). This project alternative does not fulfill the goal of creating a more balanced distribution of flows between Mason Creek and Banks Channel. This alternative is not expected to increase the horizontal stability of Mason Inlet, and post-project inlet migration rates on the order of 350 ft per year (i.e., the historic migration rate following the infilling of Mason Creek) would be expected. Therefore, this is not a desirable project alternative. 25 N O M c U Cn cO G f0 Q U O O a 0 m E E U) a? H m ? _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •a 0 U') 0 V 0 LO 0 le 0 W 0 In 0 LO 0 to 0 U') 0 LO 0 U') 0 M 0 LO 0 V) 0 V) 0 Cn 0 LO U?y c c 0 • ? ^ T T T T T T T T T N M T T T W) T N m O O • = Y d (D t 0 0 Cl 0 Cl Cl Cl 0 O O O O O O O Cl i ?r •a I? T T T tI- T fl- T f- T I- T O N M N il- T i- T 1- T I- T d' r 1- T Iq r O 0 d ? ? V t ^ O N co Go co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O Q. ?L+ A [? r T T T r r T T T T T T T C W IL c ?- o 0 0 CD 0 0 CD 0 CD o CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 A T T r T T T T T T T T T T T T r T Q Y ? d y=.. co co co 00 co O r to O r CC) CO co 00 co O r co O r O L? U Q> 0 co i Y aD LO `t U 0 0 .? n Q 70 co 4:f c -° a 0 2 0 T CL a) °co' 4) E E d° ai0 m m ? o E E (D U (a N L "? C6 (h cu N -a . t Q Q- Q 0 o E E ? m O co L t c l cc C Q- N N N - id 0 C o 42) C 0 -0 0 'O 4) N L QD N (B J- (0 L N L C N U) v v 0 U U U U U V r_ c C: : a m ) 32 n se 0 CU -0 M -0 Cc ) o 0 N o cu - cu m - U (D = N N N (a 'm Fn m m p d) E N O E It V c: W N 0 fn to N N N N E to 0 to T 'O O L CL M f0 f0 (6 (n cv W to 4 4) a Ca CB Co ? N N O (A (U O • L T N M ? U-) CD I- CO CA O T N CO t- 00 O O T T T r T T T (?J V N Q 75 O .r ca C U O cn c O Q O Z m N • Table 6-2 Comparison of Predicted Tidal Prism and Flow Distribution for Modeled Project Scenarios S i Tid Tidal Prism (million cubic feet) Percent of Flow Distribution cenar o e New Mason Inlet Mason Creek Banks Channel Mason Creek Banks Channel 1 Spring - Flood -201 -70 -120 37 63 Spring - Ebb 160 59 88 40 60 Neap - Flood -98 -35 -56 38 62 Neap- Ebb 96 35 53 40 60 2 Spring - Flood -201 -69 -121 36 64 Spring - Ebb 161 59 88 40 60 Neap - Flood -98 -35 -56 38 62 Neap- Ebb 96 35 53 40 60 3 Spring - Flood -192 -65 -114 36 64 Spring - Ebb 152 56 84 40 60 Neap - Flood -92 -33 -53 38 62 Neap- Ebb 90 33 50 40 60 4 Spring - Flood -167 -53 -98 35 65 Spring - Ebb 134 48 74 39 61 Neap - Flood -79 -27 -45 38 63 Neap- Ebb 77 28 44 39 61 5 Spring - Flood -196 -67 -117 36 64 Spring - Ebb 156 57 86 40 60 Neap - Flood -95 -34 -55 38 62 Neap- Ebb 92 34 51 40 60 6 Spring - Flood -220 -91 -117 44 56 Spring - Ebb 176 77 85 48 52 Neap - Flood -109 -47 -54 47 53 Neap- Ebb 106 47 51 48 52 7 Spring - Flood -187 -54 -123 31 69 Spring - Ebb 149 46 91 34 66 Neap - Flood -90 -26 -57 31 69 Neap- Ebb 88 26 54 33 68 8 Spring - Flood -230 -102 -115 47 53 Spring - Ebb 183 86 84 51 49 Neap - Flood -114 -53 -53 50 50 Neap- Ebb 111 52 50 51 49 9 Spring - Flood -231 -104 -115 47 53 Spring - Ebb 183 87 83 51 49 Neap - Flood -114 -53 -53 50 50 Neap- Ebb 110 52 50 51 49 10 Spring - Flood -200 -70 -120 37 63 Spring - Ebb 160 59 88 40 60 Neap - Flood -98 -35 -56 38 62 Neap - Ebb 95 35 53 40 60 27 • Table 6-2 (cont.) Comparison of Predicted Tidal Prism and Flow Distribution for Modeled Project Scenarios S i Tidal Prism (million cubic feet) Percent of Flow Distribution cenar o Tide New Mason Inlet Mason Creek Banks Channel Mason Creek Banks Channel 11 Spring - Flood -200 -69 -120 37 63 Spring - Ebb 160 58 88 40 60 Neap - Flood -98 -35 -56 38 62 Neap- Ebb 95 35 53 40 60 12 Spring - Flood -173 -73 -91 45 55 Spring - Ebb 140 61 66 48 52 Neap - Flood -84 -37 -40 48 52 Neap - Ebb 83 37 37 50 50 16 Spring - Flood -160 -75 -78 49 51 Spring - Ebb 131 62 55 53 47 . Neap - Flood -77 -37 -33 53 47 Neap - Ebb 77 37 30 55 45 17 Spring - Flood -207 -76 -119 39 61 Spring - Ebb 166 64 87 42 58 Neap - Flood -102 -39 -55 41 59 Neap - Ebb 100 39 52 43 57 18 Spring - Flood -200 -64 -106 38 62 Spring - Ebb 160 55 80 41 59 Neap - Flood -97 -32 -51 39 61 Neap - Ebb 94 32 49 40 60 19 Spring - Flood -213 -76 -121 39 61 Spring - Ebb 171 65 88 42 58 Neap - Flood -105 -39 -56 41 59 Neap - Ebb 102 39 52 43 57 20 Spring - Flood .-146 NA -132 NA NA Spring - Ebb 116 NA 99 NA NA Neap - Flood -70 NA -61 NA NA Neap - Ebb 68. NA 59 NA NA Note: The spring tidal prisms are calculated for the simulated July 14, 1999 conditions and the neap - tidal prisms are calculated for the simulated July 21, 1999 tidal conditions. 28 • Table 6-3 Comparison of Maximum Predicted Depth Averaged Current Velocities for Modeled Project Scenarios Project Scenario Alternative Description Maximum Entrance Channel Ebb Velocity (ftfs) Maximum Sediment Basin Flood Velocity (ft/s) 1 Preferred alternative 2.5 0.8 2 Increase entrance depth, decrease width 2.6 0.6 3 Decrease entrance depth 3.3 0.7 4 Decrease entrance depth, decrease width 3.4 0.8 5 Decrease entrance depth, increase width 2.8 0.8 6 Increase Mason Creek depth 2.8 1.0 7 Decrease Mason Creek depth 2.3 0.7 8 Increase Mason Creek depth and width 2.9 1.0 9 Increase Mason Creek width 30% 2.9 1.0 10 Shorten basin length by 500 ft 2.5 0.8 11 No sediment basin 2.4 1.4 12 Decrease Banks Channel maximum 2.1 0 7 depth to 5 ft . 16 Decrease Banks Channel maximum 1 9 0 7 depth to 4 ft . . 17 Decrease Mason Creek width to 140 ft, 2.6 0 8 increase depth to 10 ft . 18 Shift sediment basin north 2.5 . 1.0 Shift sediment basin north, decrease 19 Mason Creek width to 140 ft and increase 2.7 1.0 depth to 10 ft 20 No Mason Creek dredging 1.8 0.5 29 . In "? -i- i N t S 9 't i g S i ? t+ LC. 4. ^:1 y y - '.Ili . r LCD i'J u ! C' L, K U LL-? Ltd GL I- -1 f-- LL L CID r LL71 LC - t6 r ,. K Ln Cil f--_ r .Ti " '` ? 111 ?? LCD J 1-j -7 -7 U7j LL ?L rir f - f--_ m -6 r r r r 0 0 m U 0 O m Q N G O- Figure 6-1 Scenario 1 - Model Grid Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. I ti Q C 0 c 0, ? U -L 0 ? CU a LO X U W (n • V, '• ` ? • /? \V • Q C'0 • 4w 4w ?? .•- • 44 . 1 .... . ,16- . . C) O M M M LO d' M N BUIUIPuaa?1 IUGOJ@d c 0 U N O O O P r Figure 6-2 Mr -W Flushing Evaluation of A1WW, Percent Mass ail Remaining Over Time for Scenario 1 Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 0 0 m c U of 0 0 0 m 8 N P P Figure 6-3 Scenario 2 - Model Grid Applied Science APPLIED TECHNOLOGY $ MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ti N C 0 tf c 0N ? ( D)0 0 c6 c0 Aa?im X U U W fn (n ? i ? i CD ?• CU Q M - J. 0 m -ri 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0) 00 ti (D LO 1? M N buiulewgaj Ju90jad °o m O U a a 0 0 m Q N P P Figure 6-4 Mr 1w 1w 's Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass GUFA Remaining Over Time for Scenario 2 Applied Science AW APPLIED TECHNOLOGY R MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc. OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. O O C O V 0 0 0 0 N J Q 8 N P P Figure G-a or 1w Scenario 3 - Model Grid Applied Science U' HLD MCIINOLOGY&MANAGLMHNI' Associates, inc. 01: NORlII CAROLINA, INC. Figure G-6 Mr ?w Flushing Evaluation of AIWW', Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 3 Applied Science Associates, Inc. 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 a a N P P Flgllrc (r% Scenario 4 - Mode] Grid I Applied Science AM ' I 1PPLII:U-f ECIINOLOGI'KMAN (;I.'MNr ?- Associates, Inc, OrnOKrIICAROLINA, INC. 0 U 16 0 m P ti ? CD c 0 a c (0 _5 0 0 ? co co a0i m L0 X U U LU Cn (n 1 1 ? . 1 ? 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 v\/ M '? 1 ? - r. - ---- O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 ti (D Ln 194- M N buiuleWO-H 1u80aad Figure 6-8 Flushing Evaluation of AIWA/V, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 4 Applied Science i \PPIILD I I (IINOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Q .____..._._ ? `ssociates, Inc. Of NORII I CAROLINA, INC. 0 0 m c U P O O O N J Q O d P Figure G-9 Scenario 5 - Model Grid Applied Science Associates, Inc. ?. . 0 0 U 0 00 Q P 0 0- LO U O0 L L - N N Y/ X U U W U) U) ? ? II I . Q ?. . ? i -r O O O O O O O O O O O O (3) 00 (` (D L CO N r BUIUPWGaJ IUGOJGd Figure 6--10 Mr Iw Flushing g Evaluation ofAIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 5 Applied Science '\I I'I 11 I)ARVI (:II\(11.1111 \111\i\(;i-_\11.\"I I I Assoc i 1teS Inc, 0 0 U b 0 0 m 8 P P Figure 6-11 mwr 1w Scenario 6 - Model Grid Applied Science AW Associates Inc. 0 0 c C) U N 0 0 0 m a a N P P Figure (3-12 Flushing Evaluation of MIA' Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 6 Applied Science -- - -- - f 111,111) TI OINOLOGY k MAN'AUN11AI Associates, Inc. OF Noern CAROLINA, INc ?- -- -- -- -- - ---- _ ----- --- -- ?r LO I f f/ 1-,r'- f-?-,t`-rte. ?4_` `,C ? O f 1 ~ ~? /?/M1 'M1r ? `xi? / e f, M1 p ^v ? v ti ?, ff r f?y? --: i i i r- i lfl r lIl T O r yq N lI? f LL7 N lf7 C'7 LP V In In li] (D l17 f?- lfl OO LP O7 117 T Lo (D r,,: cxj m , ? y n ^ n 117 n 117 n ,? n 117 n ,? n ,? n 117 n ,? n 1Il n n n 117 0 0 ? l l'4 ~ E Lfi O LO r r N N (1 M, V V LO LO CA Lo r-- r-- oo Co a) T r f r ^f %?f 0 D U M °o 0 N m Q N P Figure G-14 ?i Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass - fil Remaining Over Time for Scenario 7 Applied Science nPPUfU I MINOLOCV& MANAGI'.MHNI Associates, inc. OPNORIIICAROLINA. INC. - ---- ---- - - --- --- -- --- ----- - [ __ ' o ? m c o + /l J r •I _ `k f x 41 f f 1 - _ I s - / { J JJ , . y J 11 x i - 1 i I - ? Ll r LC) iT T 0 0 if r LO N n LL7 o co M LL 1 ? LO 47 M CO in r-_ if O LO m LO T n n L d n r n N .n M n n L n CD n r? n 00 n 'T y r. n lfi " Lit " Lil " Li? ?` Lil " :, t.C) ', LL7 ^ Lt7 O Lf7 LL + l 0 E T LO O CD ,-- f N CV M C'7 V V U-) W W r-- r- M M M M f r ?? y?_ x 4 0 0 U N O O Q 8 P Figure fr15 Scenario 8 - Model Grid ti / c 0 c ? 0 00 o 0 0) N N L0 X U U W (n (n t • Co N 4 .-- ftft •.• ----- .? 0 O O O O O O 0 O O 0 0') 00 1` cD L0 d' M N ?-- buiulewa?tj JuaOaad 0 0 U 0 0 Q P Figure 6-16 Flushing Evaluation of Af", Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 8 r Applied Science ,u1ri.u:o recnuoi.ocv k mnNnceMi:u r Associates, Inc. OF NOR rH cnkoi.iNn. INC. O O C U 0 0 0 m a a N P P Figure 6-17 °. Scenario 9 - Model Grid Applied Science AITHIAM ECI WOLOGI' & MANAGLA1I V Associates, inc. or NOR-1-11 CAROLINA, INC. ti ?i III CD 7C) I_ % U o 0 U U X ? /? /? / W VJ VJ i ? j ? ' ?'?• M . - • ., • 4w, . . • i I 0 O M Co I` Co U') Co N buiuieuaa?:1 IUGOJGd 0 U U m 0 0 m a N P P Figure 6-18 i Flushino, Evaluation of AnN NA, Percent Mass I ? II I; Remaining Over Time for Scenario 9 Applied Science aPPI II'U I I CIIA'OLOGI A At AA-AGI.A11.A' f ?' Associates, inc OF NOR IH CAROLINA. INC. - --- - c O O C U 0 0 0 N J Q O N P P Figure 6-19 - I )Ufl A, Scenario 10 - Model Grid Applied Science Associates, inc. Wk111cIv 0 0 m c O U 0 N O O O N Q 8 h P P Figure 6-20 Flushing Evaluation of AIMW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 10 Applied Science nl' Vr7H I I I (. Vail I? A. IAC. Associates, inc. ? - - F ??; _? f 71 J, ? r ? 1N7 /^ f f L ?? ? r f rf ?fr 01 LD 1 - r T? r r l , ? 4 - r ' Y . l A , t r ^ ti X I I+ I? L u Ln r U-) l 69 0 Ln T Li, N T O C' T In M In -?r In LO In W Ln L_ In w u7 m U, r ? f ^ L u7 O CO n '- r . N n M n V nU-) n CD n L` n CO n a) n n n x d n ^ n n E Ln LP n n n n n n n n n n Ln LC? lfl In L Ln Ln O ?; , mo -4 u-) m T , ? o `O m v v r .- N CV m u-) Lri co co r- r- x 0o m o; tif 0 0 m U N d O O N 8 P Fio-ure 6-21 Scenario 11 - Model Grid i i Applied Science ------------.__-._- Associates, Inc. L--- OL:NORTLLCAROLINA.,NC. - 0 0 m C) U N 00 m a D a P ti 40 c 0 =a IZ (0 ?o 0 c c0 co C: C N Lr) X U U ? / /? /? C/) W V) ? i ? i U) Q ?•• M ?'o • - r. t ? - - - - - - - - - - . - O O O O O O O O O O O O M 00 ti (0 L0 M N BU I U Puaa?:] lueWed 1,1- Figure 6-22 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario ] ] Applied Science VPPIIIA) FECHNOLOGY&MANAGEMENT Associates, Inc, OF NORTII CAROLINA. INC. - ------------- 0 0 c U Ni 0 0 0 N Q O N P P Figure 6-23 - - I ?I ---- _ __ i Scenario 12 - Model Grid C Applied Science \I'I'I 111) IIClI\I?Ifii;l \11\\?i,l.\11.\I ? AssociateS Inc ?n vu:ini ?.rnu?? ' --------- ---------- ------ °o m U e 0 0 m P - - - --- - - ------- - - - t` i i U O c 0 0 N U I ?0 0 c co co T) m a L0 wind ?• >1 0 c') '0 ? N S • 1 46 - - • i O i O O O O O O O O O O O M 00 ti co LO ? co N buiulewe-H IUGOJGd ? Figurc 6-24 Flushing Evaluation of AI V, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 12 Applied Science AW J \PPLIIiU IT:CIINOLOGY & MANAGI MIA I Associctes, Inc. Of NORTH CAROLINA, INC. - - - ----- - ---- ---- -------- - ------ CO iA r o M ,' I 77, 0 C U N N d O O O J Q O N a z f -?t- 0? t? k i 4 Figure 6-25 Modeled Current Vectors Durin- ail Flood Tide Conditions for Scenario 1 Applied Science I':.111 -? N LIIiI) IT .II. OLOGI' ?R MANAGEMENT ', ASSOCiCIIP..S, Inc. OP NOK?I?H CAKOLINA, INC. Y f V J? / Yt J?_ I f?' 77, 0 U N d O O O N D? O I ? Figure 6-26 Scenario 11 (No Sediment Basin) - Modeled Current Vectors During Flood Tide Conditions Applied Science Associates, Inc. %1 '1)111:1) H CIINOLOGY R MANAGE NT OF NOR 111 CAROLINA INC. 0 0 U N O 0 a' a Cfl c 0 = M U T T V).0.0 co cz W W L X U U W cn cn ? i Cn • ? Cz Q • ? Co ; N i . . C:) O O O C) C ? C) C? C? C) C] O M 00 ' ^ ? (0 LO I;t C'7 N r T bu ufflWOU IuOOaOd Figure 6-27 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time r for Scenario 1 nrlcnu)L? l,v a vI v? u,rvn?v r 3 01 ,\()H Iil 1.\Ro 1.1\\ IV 0 U m 0 0 of Q P P t? r . U o ' t o T 0 . r CO ?. c X U ' W CA • . Cz t ? C) f •• . ` N - O O O O O O/? O O O O O O O 00 A'` CO LO ,;I- M N r T bUIUIBWG uaaJa Figure 6-28 Flushing Evaluation of Banks Channel, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 13 U1 V UI AUH I II C U:ul A'.. iAl 0 U N 0 0 a P c O 0 c U T T OO _ CQ (z N N r L0 X U U W Cn Co 1 1 M? d' ? vJ 10 •. `V , 0 CID i 10, ?i CV --- ---rte O O O O O O O O O O O O O) 00 pl- CO LO Nt M N r T buiuleweld Jua3aad Figure 6-29 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time -UT for Scenario 14 ? n.Ir]Icly0lo. V?ynl?l_VI_,yI' 0 m c U d 0 S a N P P ? c C01 0 a 0T ? ; 0 0' ?' C i cu as N N r O X 0 0 W Cn Cn i ?? v ? i ? •, • ,• 0 `. '•, M -.• 10 N 10 O O O O O O O O O O O O T v, 00 /? ? (0 LO Nt M N T T BUIUIBWGH JUGOjed Figure 6-30 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for Scenario 15 MYLIlu 11101\01LOC) „\N,\GF„6N"I Of N(W HI CAROLINA, INC_ °o U M 0 0 0 m a' P c 0 70 0 cD 0 r U 0) _o 0 Ca Cz C C N ? ? LO X 0 0 W (n Cn i ? i ? i ? C n • • \ . ?, Cz 0 C'7 • N s ? •r? T C) C) O O O C) O O O O C) O M C C) 1? 1-. CC) LO Nt CO N T T buiupwaIj Juaaaad Figure 6-31 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining over Time for scenario 16,i?i ic?? rm?ii n?,? ?t?? v;r?u r 0 U M o° 0 a P P t (0 c 0 0 U T T 0 0 Cz CU T N Q) LO X 0 U W (n CO i ? i U) ? Cr) i ? N T t • O O O O O O O O O O O O rn 00 ? CO LO ? CO N T i T buiul'ew@H IUGDJGd Figure 6-32 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 17 0 0 m c U U ri M 0 0 0 m a v? 0 P P Figure 6-33 Scenario 18 - Model Grid AITI II s, , 1 -0 -0 Al 4 FO-tl ' k A A # ? p A E A A A fi G ? ? Jp 1;7 O O C U e M 0 0 0 m a B N P P Figure 6-34 Scenario 18 - Ebb Current Vectors I ?? \1! V L _ rb Cr) LC7 '4 S 0 0 m 0 U 0 0 0 m a P T f? 4 A ? i A A7 [^I A ' r i 11 ?' r I 14 r I j R R R Figure 6-35 j Scenario 1 - Ebb Current Vectors j APP1,11:1) TFCNNOLOGY & MANAGLMI.NT j 01: NORI11 CAROLINA, INC. 0 m 0 U n 0 0 a P Figure 6-36 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, Percent Mass Remaining Over Time AW! for Scenario 18 rri ? n , „\\u,i \u \ r ti t t c 0 70 c 00 0 T T U 0 0 L L Co Cz - ? W Y X 0 U W CO c/) ? i ? I j• W Cz M 46 r • i i • t ?N • • • A - • •y T . 0 O 0 O O O O 0 O O 0 rn 00 ? (D LO 't M N r T bUIUIBWGH IUGDJGd O O m C U 0 0 0 m a N P P Figure 6-37 Scenario 19 - Model Grid 0 0 U m M 0 0 m P 1 1 { C ? I C 1 'V }f??`/?ff? f f ' t :5 11 0 4 R .-V A ? r r f ? r 1P ° Figure 6-38 I I .? Scenario 19 - Ebb Current Vectors APPLIED I'KII,NOI.OGS & V1AAAGLNLXT OP \OKIII CAKOITO I\C. --- -- ----------------- Figure 6-39 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW, ? Percent Mass Remaining over Time IIAWI for Scenario 19 ITH1:1) 11 (:IINOI.O(,) A MANACi \11 01' NORIII CAROLINA, INC. 0 0 m c C U 0 e 0 0 0 w a a P P Figure 6-40 Scenario 20 - Model Grid it I J?AWI Arrl.u:u recnsoLOeA x ti+nvncenaLNr OF NOR III CAROLINA, INC. - -------- - - ----- - - ----- c C0 0 c 0,.-0 04 ? ( 0)0 0 w co 0 0 X W cn (A ? i '? Cz M r ? • .a ? ¦S • r r 1 O v, w ,_ W LO M N T 6uiuIM98 1U93J9d 0 0 c 0 U v 0 m Q P P Figure 6-41 Flushing Evaluation of AIWW Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 20 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 7. ADDITIONAL MODEL ANALYSIS In response to comments and suggestions by USACE Wilmington, WES, and Dr. John Fisher, additional model analysis was done to further evaluate the effects of the project on the study area. The following evaluations were performed: ¦ Evaluation of the flushing within the sediment basin; ¦ Comparison of measured and simulated tidal prisms; ¦ Evaluation of expected change in tidal dominance at Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet, and Rich Inlet; ¦ Comparison of the pre- and post-project tidal prisms at Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet, and Rich Inlet; ¦ Definition of area of influence of the change in hydraulics expected in the vicinity of Mason Inlet. 7.1. Flushing of the Sediment Basin The WQMAP mass transport model was used to evaluate the flushing of the sediment basin for Scenario 1. This was done by flooding the sediment basin with a conservative tracer and calculating the percent of the initial mass of the tracer remaining in the sediment basin over time. As one would expect intuitively, the basin flushes quickly.. The results indicate that under neap tide conditions, the sediment basin will flush to less than 10 percent of the initial contaminant mass remaining within 5 hours (Figure 7-1). 7.2. Comparison of Measured and Simulated Tidal Prisms The mixed tides at Mason Inlet cause the tidal prism to fluctuate significantly from one tide to the next. Therefore, it is important to use the exact same tidal conditions when comparing tidal prisms calculated from ADCP field measurements and tidal prisms calculated by the hydrodynamic model. ADCP. measurements were performed at Mason Inlet by ATM on February 10, 1998, and July 15, 22, and 28, 1999. The tidal prisms were calculated using these flow measurements and are presented in Table 7-1. The tidal prisms calculated from the hydrodynamic model _ output for the same tidal forcing are also included in Table 7-1. The flow through Mason Inlet was measured using two ADCP transects: one in the inlet throat (ADCP03) and one in Banks Channel (ADCP04). The flow at transect ADCP03 should be significantly greater than the flow at transect ADCP04 since there is significant storage area between these two transect locations. A comparison of the data measured at these two transects in Table 7-1 shows that the prism measured at ADCP03 is not significantly greater and is even less than the prism measured at transect ADCP04. This is the result of error in the ADCP measurements at transect ADCP03. The ADCP instrument requires a 2-meter depth to function well. A transect cross section with a large percentage of depths less than 2- 30 meters (e.g., the transect at ADCP03) will cause an under-estimation of the flow at that transect. ADCP measurements are more reliable for well-defined cross-sections. The cross-section at transect ADCP04 in Banks Channel is better suited for accurate ADCP measurements than Mason Inlet. A comparison of the tidal prisms based on ADCP measurements with the tidal prisms based on the model output shows that they are in the same range. Considering the fact that the model and ADCP tidal prisms for Banks Channel are in the same range, the tidal prism at Mason Inlet calculated from the model results should also be in the proper range. 7.3. Expected Change in Tidal Characteristics Additional analysis was performed to examine the change in the tidal characteristics (i.e., tidal dominance and tidal prism) of Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet, and Rich Inlet expected from the project construction. Establishment of tidal dominance at the inlets using measured data is difficult because of the mixed tides. In this mixed-tidal environment, a flood tide and the subsequent ebb tide rarely have the same elevation range, and therefore, their tidal prisms are not directly comparable for the purposes of determining tidal dominance. Therefore, the analysis was simplified by using the model simulating an M2 semi-diumal tide cycle. The simulations were run with a 4.8 ft tidal range, which is the range associated with the Mean High Water Spring (MHWS) established by NOAA at Masonboro Inlet. The Scenario 19 model grid was used to represent the post-project conditions. The model results also predict that the tidal prism at Mason Inlet will increase approximately 150 percent. This may change as the inlet cross-section adjusts following construction. The project also results in slight reduction of the tidal prism at Masonboro and Rich Inlets (by 3 percent and 5 percent, respectively). This change in tidal prism should not have a significant effect on the inlet dynamics at these inlets. The tidal prisms are summed for the three inlets in Table 7-2. The model predicts that the project will result in a slight increase (i.e., 4 percent) in total tidal flux through the three inlets. 7.4. Expected Area of Influence of Change in Hydraulics The project construction will cause significant changes in the inlet hydraulics at Mason Inlet. Examination of the simulated post-project tidal prisms at Masonboro and Rich Inlets shows that the expected changes in hydraulics at the adjacent inlets are expected to be small. This section will further evaluate the expected changes throughout the system by examining changes in tidal elevation and current speed throughout the modeled area. The model results for the post-project conditions (Scenario 19) were compared to the simulated existing conditions at selected time-series locations throughout the model domain. These time-series locations output current velocity and surface elevation at a user-specified time-step. To evaluate the area of influence of the project impacts, three pre- and post- project comparisons were used: change in surface elevation at high tide, change in surface elevation at mid-ebb tide, and change in current magnitude at mid-ebb tide. Figures 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4 show the simulated changes in high tide surface elevations, mid-ebb tide surface elevations and mid-ebb tide current magnitude resulting from the project construction. As one would expect, the greatest changes occur at the new channel 31 construction location. The changes diminish along Banks Channel out to the AIWW. The changes become small towards the adjacent inlets and the domain boundaries on the AIWW. Since the changes do not go to zero inside the model domain (except for the high tide elevation comparison) an area of influence is not easily delineated. However, it can be expected that significant changes will occur near Mason Inlet, in Banks Channel and in the AIWW behind Mason Inlet. Away from these areas, the expected changes are small. 7.5. Changes in Flow in the Vicinity of Mason Inlet The results of the M2 tide model run for Scenario 19 were analyzed by inspecting the flows at the three inlets and at four other transects in the Mason Inlet vicinity. The transects were located in Banks Channel (at ADCP04), in the AIWW north of the confluence with Banks Channel (ADCP06), in the AIWW south of the confluence with Banks Channel (ADCP05), and in the AIWW south of the confluence with Mason Creek. The transect locations are shown in Figure 7-5. The flow rates were calculated hourly through an M2 spring tide cycle and compared for the pre- and post-project simulated conditions (Tables 7-3 and 7-4). The flow rates in Table 7-3 show a large increase (139 percent) in the maximum flow rates at the relocated Mason Inlet, as expected. The table also shows only very small decreases in the flow rates at the adjacent inlets. Table 7-4 shows an approximate 70 percent increase in the peak flow rates through Banks Channel. The results also show a small increase in the peak flows in the AIWW south of Banks Channel, and there are small decreases in peak flows in the AIWW north of Banks Channel and south of Mason Creek. These data support the conclusion that the increase in flow through Mason Creek and Banks Channel due to the project construction is mostly limited in its effects to the region including Banks Channel, Mason Creek, and the AIWW directly behind Banks Channel and Mason Creek. The additional flow results in increased tidal amplitude in this limited area (as demonstrated by the plot of high tide elevations in Figure 7-2). Outside of this region, the impacts due to the project construction are expected to be small. 32 • Table 7-1 Comparison of tidal prism calculated from ADCP flow measurements and from the hydrodynamic model output Location Date Tidal Range (ft) Tide Direction TidalADPrism CP from Measurments 10x6 ft"3 - Tidal Prism from Model (10x6 ft" 3) Transect 2 - Mason 10-Feb-98 4.2 Ebb 73 1 Inlet . Transect 2 - Mason 10-Feb-98 3.7 Flood 33 6 Inlet . ADCP03 - Mason 15-Jul-99 4.2 Ebb 18 6 54 6 Inlet . . ADCP03 - Mason 22-Jul-99 3.4 Flood 25 4 54 0 Inlet . . ADCP03 - Mason 28-Jul-99 3.4 Ebb 23 7 47 5 Inlet . . ADCP04 - Banks 15-Jul-99 4.2 Ebb 27 4 26 0 Channel . . ADCP04 - Banks 22-Jul-99 4 3 Flood 25 1 31 7 Channel . . . ADCP04 - Banks 28-Jul-99 3.4 Ebb 20 1 24 0 Channel . . • Table 7-2 Simulated tidal prisms for an M2 spring tide (in millions of cubic feet) Location Tidal Prism 1x106 ft3 Tidal Dominance Flood Ebb Pre- ro'ect Masonboro Inlet -706 721 Slightly ebb Mason Inlet -66 58 Slightly flood Rich Inlet -557 433 Flood Total -1330 1213 Post= ro'ect Masonboro Inlet -684 697 Slightly ebb Mason Inlet .-164 150 Slightly flood Rich Inlet -532 410 Flood . Total -1380 1256 33 • Table 7-3 Pre- and post-project flow rates in Masonboro Inlet, Mason Inlet and Rich Inlet during an M2 spring tidal cycle Time Flow Rate (cfs) (hours) Masonboro Inlet Mason Inlet Rich Inlet (ADCP07) (ADCP01) Pre-project Conditions 0 20581 287 -10782 1 42682 3011 15198 2 46679 4255 33434 3 42946 3862 30617 4 30747 2682 22251 5 14111 1565 13999 6 -7809 313 5976 7 -24841 -1613 -8646 8 -37214 -2873 -22104 9 -46097 -4293 -32969 10 -45677 -4763 -37352 11 -31664 -3728 -32451 12 607 -1199 -18824 Post-project Conditions 0 19953 629 -10668 1 41530 6533 14092 2 45087 10077 31859 3 41123 10189 29044 4 29814 7930 21224 5 13513 4826 13349 6 -8629 422 5620 7 -24216 -4875 -8024 8 -35848 -8150 -21307 9 -44532 -10916 -31550 10 -44171 -10989 -35400 11 -30153 -7938 -30725 12 823 -2419 -18119 34 • Table 7-4 Pre- and post-project flow rates in the vicinity of Mason Inlet during an M2 spring tidal cycle Flow R ate (cfs) Time Banks AIWW south AIWW north (hours) Channel of Banks of Banks AIWW south o (ADCP04) Channel Channel Mason Creek (ADCP05) (ADCP06) Pre-project Conditions 0 693 6338 7260 6334 1 -1136 4787 5408 4332 2 -2306 1672 2118 1101 3 -2041 -1230 -2724 -3727 4 -1501 -3175 -5423 -6026 5 -902 -4103 -6345 -6479 6 -190 -4558 -5950 -5395 7 761 -4663 -4310 -3001 8 1378 -3796 -3202 -1747 9 1868 -963 1131 2649 10 2288 3045 5221 6029 11 2218 5878 7817 7728 12 1361 6647 7954 7170 Post-project Conditions 0 911 6069 6523 5977 1 -1494 3521 4238 5920 2 -3513 -488 905 3843 3 -3534 -3635 -3802 -677 4 -2768 -4936 -5966 -3308 5 -1774 -5256 -6512 -4645 6 -522 -4942 -5629 -4885 7 1301 -3756 -3772 -4442 8 2551 -2121 -2626 -4397 9 3582 1508 1864 -927 10 3898 5383 6050 2615 11 3280 7312 8078 4832 12 1767 6895 7550 5801 35 T 1 O L J O Q N O O O N 00 ? COO M 1;T M N T BUIUMWOU IU93JOd C 0 U 0 0 a' 8 N P P Figure 7-1 Flushing Evaluation of Sediment Basin, )%+ Percent Mass Remaining Over Time for Scenario 1 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. o U,o.. v Z 00 QF< a o? l J w o. C , W z o O z C; -* z LL, V Z w z z O N M o-? ? W LLJ o J U O O , LO MCO??^ p'n 0 ~ O O M l O - H O N O V In° FN O 0 O N O 0 ) v 0) o ?I ?o ?o F- o_ 01 3 - ? (D ° ...? C, (D cV O o C, Z O i - Q I I ? 0 _ - O O oo_ V r p I 0 O O D V M T Figure 7-2 Simulated Changes in High Tide , A'+ Surface Elevations Due to Project 1 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 0 0 °o Q 09 J J W _ W O U) Z OI C 3 W W 1 1 ? N 0 ,? ^ r W Z t- U w O C) LIJ CD C; I U rn co O o Ln C) M ? ? o o N Q ? O ?I \J N c. c0o °° v cc) ?I a) o ?I Q Q ?a 0o ONO ?l C ) V) z U 0 ? O Z O O O ? O 3 t I r\ N I r I O O O N 2 23 Q I 0 LO N rn Figure 7-3 Simulated Changes in Mid-Ebb Tide Surface Elevations Due to Project O 0 )MN+ APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. OZ o O Q O J w C3 w _Z ?o`p,o N z ww N D F I C C7 I Z V t= U r N p z O M J Z Z - ?I CJ m O H O V1M ~ 'Q Z 11) O O N "co O - Z o co O O O ~ O O o O ?-O'er Z N N J Lo N O " F O M O O' O O I ? Pte. NO _ 3 I i N I r O O O N Q I 0 Ln N 0) O Figure 7-4 Simulated Changes in Mid-Ebb Tide Current Magnitude Due to Project 0 0 00 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 8. CONCLUSIONS This report summarizes the hydrodynamic and flushing modeling performed to determine the changes in hydraulics and flushing expected from the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The report includes the information from the initial modeling report (ATM, 1999a) as well as the information from subsequent reports that presented additional modeling and analysis (ATM, 1999b; ATM 2000). The results of the hydrodynamic and flushing model simulations support the following conclusions: • The relocated inlet will generate sufficient current velocities (i.e., 2.7 ft/s for Scenario 19) to scour deposited sediments from the inlet gorge and maintain the inlet cross-section. • The inlet relocation will significantly increase flushing of the AIWW in the region near Mason Inlet. The additional alternatives simulations determined the following: • A narrower and deeper Mason Creek configuration will both minimize marsh impacts and perform adequately from a hydraulic standpoint; • Shifting the sediment basin northward will reduce the currents in Banks Channel before reaching the new inlet throat, and should also be more effective in trapping sediments; • Both of these elements should be incorporated into the preferred alternative design. The additional modeling analysis also support the following conclusions: • The sediment basin is expected to flush quickly during neap tide conditions; • The project construction is expected to significantly increase the Mason Inlet tidal prism (i.e., 150 percent at spring tide), but changes at the adjacent inlets are expected to be small (5 percent or less); • The project is not expected to change tidal dominance at Masonboro, Mason or Rich Inlets; • Significant changes to the hydraulics of the system are expected to be limited to Mason Inlet, Banks Channel, Mason Creek and the AIWW directly behind Banks Channel and Mason Creek. 36 9. REFERENCES Applied Technology and Management, Inc., 1999a. "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle Sound Estuary, New Hanover County, North Carolina" Engineering report prepared for New Hanover County. October, 1999. Applied Technology and Management, Inc., 1999b. "Additional Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model Scenarios - Mason Inlet Relocation Project." Engineering report prepared for New Hanover County. Submitted as an addendum to the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Environmental Assessment. December, 2000. Applied Technology and Management, Inc., 2000. "Additional Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model Scenarios - Mason Inlet Relocation Project." Engineering report prepared for New Hanover County. Submitted as an addendum to the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Environmental Assessment. April, 2000. Bruun, P., 1978. "The Stability of Tidal Inlets, Theory and Engineering." Elsevier, Amsterdam, New York. Coauthors: A.J. Mehta -'Tidal Hydraulics" and I.G. Jonsson - "Combinations of Waves and Currents." Hess, K.W. and KT Bosley, 1992. Methodology for validation of a Tampa Bay Circulation model. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. Tampa, Florida. November 13-15,1991. pp 83-95. Huang, W. and M. Spaulding, 1995a. Modeling of CSO-induced pollutant transport in Mt. Hope Bay. ASCE J. of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 7, July, 1995, 492-498. Huang, W. and M. L. Spaulding, 1995b. A three dimensional numerical model of,estuarine circulation and water quality induced by surface discharges. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 121: (4) April 1995, pp. 300-311. Lynch, D.R. and A.M. Davies, 1995. Quantitative skill assessment for coastal ocean models. Coastal and Estuarine Studies. No. 47, American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C. McCutcheon, S.C., Z. Dongwei, and S. Bird, 1990. Model calibration, validation, and use, Chapter 5 in Technical Guidance Manual for Performing Waste Load Allocations, Book III: Estuaries, Part 2: Application of estuarine waste load allocation models, Edited by J. J. Martin, R.B. Ambrose, and S.C. McCutcheon,,US Environmental 'Protection Agency, Office of Water, March 1990. Muin, M. 1993. A three-dimensional boundary fitted circulation model in spherical coordinates. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. ASCE. 122(9). Pp 515-521. Muin, M. and M.L. Spaulding. 1997. Three-dimensional boundary-fitted circulation model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. ASCE. January 1997. pp2-212. Spaulding, J.L. 1984. A vertically averaged circulation model using boundary-fitted coordinates. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14. pp 973-982. Swanson, J.C. 1986. A three-dimensional numerical model system of coastal circulation and water quality. PhD dissertation. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island. 37 Swanson, J.C., Mendelsohn, D., Rines, H., and Schuttenberg, H., 1998. Mt. Hope Bay hydrodynamic model calibration and confirmation. Prepared for: New England Power Company, West Borough, MA, prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., Narragansett, RI. Thompson, J.F., F.C. Thames and C.W. Mastin. 1977. TOMCAT - A code for numerical generation of boundary-fitted curvilinear coordinate systems on fields. containing any number of arbitrary two-dimensional bodies. J. Comput. Phys. 24, pp 274-302. Appendix A MUIN, M. AND SPAULDING, M. L. (1997) THREE-DuvmNsioNAL BouNDARY-FrrrED CIRCULAUON MODEL By Muslim Muinn and Malcolm Spaulding' AesT =r- A spherical eoorrdmate, nonottbogonal, boundary-fitted, circulation model (con- travarant formulation) for application to estuarine. coastal sea, and continental shelf" waters is presented. The model cmPloys a split mode Wdmgrte wbm the equations am decomposed 'iota exterior and interior modes, The exterior mode (vertically averaged) described in an earlier paper (Main and Spaulding 1996), is solved using A Stfa implicit solution ttx mkM, The interior me& (vedcal strnc w) Is solved explicitly, awept for the vertical diffusion terms that act: solved implicitly. The temporally athd spatially varying eddy viscosity and dillUsivity are determined fi+om a turbulent ldaedc energy eguanon, and on empirically specified length scale. A series of tests are presented to evehaft model petfotmance v4mo analytical solutions or other exical solutions art available for comparison. The model's altility to podia the plant vatical structuve of tidal flow is tested against analytic solutions employing (1) constam vis jr; and (2) an eddy viscosity varying linearly with depth with a no-slip, bottom boundary ct nftion. The ability of dire model to simalow turn-dimeaslortal tidal flow was tested against an exact solution for on annular section clzoand wide qua4kadcatly varying bathymeory, The model was also tested against analytic sotud= for seedy residual Bow generated by density gnrdl«u, wind, and river flow In a channel. The model predicted turbuloa amV dis tiom Senerated f a bottom boundary were emend to those from a previous numerical st r by Davies and kwas (1990).. No4lip and bottom stress foonWations at the sea bed, and their of act on the vortical stmeture of the dow am analyzed. The model was used to predict the salinity &gtr&jdom in a simple rectattgalw Wm*d to do Rotterdam Wherwway. The computmotW method is very economical, stable, and accurate vvith,tlne CFL stability eandition up to 100. INMOUC TION Numerical Ming techt ues art routinely used to study oitovlation and pollutant transport m emrsutihte and coastal we,- errs. The tnvority of models employ finde-difference arch- nkm on squat gdd systems. Wlak this has proven inn various vplicafic? it becomes ctponsive when die study region is geometrically and bathymebicdly compicx. Such aff culties motivate the use of aiterttadve'solution approaches that allow flexib£Iity in the grid spoci&caatiomt, for example f1- nice elements (Lynch and Werner 1983) and boundary-fitted coordinates; (Johnson 1986. Spaulding 1984; Sheng 1986; Swanson 1986, Muin and Spaulding 1995). This paper presents the cue nsioan of a two-?iemal (213) vertically averaged. bounndary fillet!, spbodcal coordinate, cir- culation model developed by Muitt and Spaulding (19916) to three dimensions. The paper first presetts the governing e qua- dons is spherical coordinates with appropriate Mans and boundary conditions. The equations are further bans- formed to a ecuordilnate. This is followed by ptaatctths of the governing equations in a generalized tmttrfliaeartxn w4 hu to system, turbtnkaw parfrmdarization, the solution mm adwdol- ogy, and model testing for which analytic (Bremer problmus) solutions or other num ricol solutions are read[W avallabk. IU09 emphasues calculations of the vertical structum of the Bow. Testing of the ZD vertically averaged version of the model for a series of horizontal flow problems (see Lynch and Gray 1938) was presented in Muin and Spaulding (19961. GOVERNING EQUATIONS Using a spherical coordinate system, whore + = lon71giuWe positive east; 6 = latitude positive north; and r = positive up, `Jurusan Teknitr Sipil, Institut Tetwologi Bandung, Bandung. Indoae- 'Prof. and Chair. Dept, of Oc. Engrg., Unix of Rhode Island, Narra- gansett Say Campus, Narragansea, III 02882... Note. Discussion open until June 1, 1997. Separi to discussions should be submittal for the individual papers in this symposium. To extend the closing date one month, a written, request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this pares was submitted for review amt possible publication on January 1% 1994. This paper is part of the Journd of 8ydr,>, utte EngWAIng. Vol. 123. No. 1. January, 1997. OASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/97/ODDI-OOM-Ool2tS4.00 + 5.50 per page. Paper No. 7655. the equations of contiaprttity, momentum and conservation of substance can be written as Ctmtlrtu ty 1 etc l av v 1' ar?w r esat$il+ 7 -ae ,.-r- tan S +r_ -ar-- _ © . (1) s? r ti . Momentum won u u at u arc xv au w + +- -tang+w-+ tc--fu a: r cos 8 a? r as i t err r _ 1 ap } a pr cos 8 adr +Sr (A- a ai<r) (2) 8-motion av a av a at, au vw er+rexxm8 +?'-?+-tan8+w-+--+fu a? r ere r ar r --1-.- op- + a (A. iv-) p ,r an 8 e,0 Or err (3) r-dir e'doll _ -pg (4) ?Canselrvatmomt of Substarme tag)] I+rcos0a++lae waar=dr D. t}r! _ 1)A ate ., a2q + r' ?20a,0: + a8x (5) Equation of !State of Sea Water P =I(S e) (6) where t - tithe; u, v and w = velocity components in 46, 0. and r ditectiotas„ respectively; f Coriolis parameter. p = pressurt; g = gravity; p = water density; P. = basin-averaged water den- sity; A. = vertical eddy viscosity; D, = vertical eddy diffusiv- I IrN410MAInc uvnQA1It Ir %=N(''INFERING /JANUARY 1997 ity; D. = horizontal eddy diffusivirr; @ = temperature °C; S = salinity (ppt); and 4 = concentration of a conservative sub- stawx: such as 49 or S. Tbo equations described previously assume the following: the flow is incompressible, density differences am neglected .Wrnkss multiplied by gravity (Boussinasq approximadon). the vertical acceleration is very small compared to gravity (hydro- static assumption), and the horizontal stresses are glccted• Boundary Condlttorts The land boundaries are as macd impermeable where the normal component of velocity is set to zera V• n : o t"7) on river boundaries, the velocities are specified stud at pros- we gradient is set to zero. At open boundaries the water el- evation or vertically vasying velocity as a function of time is known hom field observations or adierwise specified. At dosed boundaries the ttomport of substance is :moo. At an vgcn boundary the ooncentradca, must be specified daring inflow on outflow the substance is acivected out of the rtrodel domain according to aq+ ?.V... .,? tl ( ) at reos ea a4= + Q ) at r ae At the surface, the wind sutras is specified as T,. a at W? ?a + 'r.* - P.C.W# W2+ + (9) where W+ and W. = wind speeds in the + and 8 direc#iotis. p, w density of air; and C. = drag +sttt at =tee MV r. h Tlea kinematic free surface boundary condition is given @3 at a at V at at r cos 64 ;re Two options are available to specify the bottom boundary c oodition 1. Bottom stress c o ndfntion 'rb+ = P-CA,U&V 1' + tr's. -r" - P.Crpr Ui + Wr (I1) where Cy : bottom drag coefficient; and ui and v., _ velocity componem at the bottom in *e and 0 &ec- fons. respectively. 2. No-slip condition a,,=0 and v,=a (12) At the bottom boundary, no momentum flux is allowed and the kinematic condition is specified W= -S4 1 ah - vslah (13) 7 -COS 0 act r ae The governing equations are transformed to a a-erotdirsate system to resolve bathymetric variations with a constant num- ber of grids. The transfitrrnation is defined as +_*', a=e% r=R+{+(Q-ixt+h)/2. t = e (la) The governing equations now become (dropping flue primes E convenience) nulty at I auD I avD vD araD + - --- - -- tan e + --- = 0 (15) at r cos 0 a? r ae r arr Momentum +-direction auD + I auuD + 1 auvD - 2uvD tan Ie + auwD - fvD at r cos 8 a* r ae r aQ - .S? j [A,+ (p, - 2pXi - Q)) aD . at, X-1 !A- am + (4p - 2p,) + D a* + D av (A" acr (lb) -direction SVD + 1 a"D + 1 avuD - au vv D tan 0 rat r cos 9 ac¢ r 80 r + a + fuD = - Ex + (p. - 2pX1 - a,)) SW 2pr + Op - 2pj iai'i + D aake + 't a (A- av o--direction _ -pg {18) 1) aw Cot swation of &d3$tanan +-cos @+ r813 +?aQ D2av [D- 2 8 D, + + r csr7s?de a8r (19) where X= f p do (20a) e cu = - (1 + a) at + Y+= + 7.v + w (lob) 1 1 -- Q ah - 1 -F cr ) - all 7+ _ D r cat 0 i; 7;0 ; 8 4 1 = 1--oah 1+or dt-(20d) Y? D 7e-we a8 _ r tcs a a8 where D = h + ,C = total. water depth. The horizontal velocities and independent variables are next transformed to a curvilinear coordinate system. The equations of motion and continuity equation in a curvilinear coordinate system M 1), in Germs of the contravarian€ velocity compo- nents, are as follows: CwMnutty Jr cos 0 8 + a-, (cos SJVD) + ? (cos IDN"D) +Jrcos0)=0 (21) JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING /JANUARY 199713 Momentum Equation t-direction au'D -00 + D ap at ^ _ p r ccoss e 2 f1k + (p. 2pXl - o)] al w +(4P-2p,)aC+D '\'+0 J+ t+,? ?g fR 11Js r cosle +(P,-2Px1 - W)l +(4p-2p,)LC+Dak' CIA J2r 2e k (+4 coieWseu`D + 4, cosWtev`D) cosai + (¢E cos'BtJu`v`D + coewtevw)] + Js* $„8 l (8t cos8lx°teD + 8„r coa=BJrt`%eD) + a (8E cosWu°v`D + 8„ c os28JtfVD) {WU°I3} + J nos g f (Sis" + + (0.0% + ?'",?V°l + A, Sol (22) Vdirecdon ay°iU ; 00,160, + cos W+ t DS M Sly at J1p r coA 2 + (P. 2RX1 0?l 84 + (4p - 2p,) at + D X1 a aP e 2 " [L+(p.-2pX1 -e)I +(4p-2pj +DaX1 Sh an + !2r as [5at7 % rOsWMVD + *, cosViev`D) Cos% + ( c o$Wu`teD + ?,? cos'BJrfv`D) (8E cos u`D + 8, co8heeD) Jr NIi + a (@E c o$%Ju`v`D + % crsB VteD)] (W V°D) - J COS 8 KBeeE + x`04 d u` + {ate, +,,)??" + 4 a (A, awl D acv . ao? (23) Conservation of Substance t + r at + r an + WA._ aD2 a (D. i?-) }. r'J2 IDe, • + +"0') ta+ dE ) e C065W ta2q it 06 82 ? cos 9 where u` and v` = Contravariant velocities in the (k, q) dbw- tions, respectively, C = water elevation; D = Z + depth; and 4 / JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENaINEER1NGi / JANUARY 1997 the Iacobian, J = ¢,Eti, - +p,BE. The relationship between the contravsriant velocities (u`, v`) and velocities in spherical co- ordinates (u. v) is given by u a COs 4ru, + Cos 60,V, (25a) V = St", + 814v` (256) '" t'tIRSCi1.ENCE PARAMETERIZATION The turbulence paraa3eterization is a key model component for predicting flow and mixing processes in stratified fluids. There is, however, no u vetsally accepted procedure to rep- resent ftubulence (ASCII 1988; Cheng and Smith 1990). In this study, we employ a one equation turbulent kinetic energy model to calculate the vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity. The length scale is specified using the approach suggested by Blac:latdar (1962) that has been successfully used in modeling turbulence for tidal problems (Davies and Jones 1990). The effect of stratification is accounted for by using an empirical wJadc ip similar to the ones employed for the mixing length approach. This model accounts for the convection, diffusion, and time burry of turbulent kinetic energy in unsteady flows. 'turbulent Energy The turbulence idnedc energy equation In spherical and a- coorclinates is given as follows: ab + to b } v 8b + ab = 4 8A. ab ar r?98+ rM acr D'aQ a, as + A. ag"t) I D ; + D (I av 2A, A? t'Itr')t + 13g Dar aQ - tt (26) where tr =ltinetic energy. After transformation to curvilinear coordinates 71), the preceding equation can be written as aab u< a v° ab+ab 4 a A. ab at + r at + r #q as - D: acr a, as 2 au = 2 aw + 0i + (D as I + fig (27) where 11 = volumetric expansion coefficient; cry = empirical diffusion constant; at 0 Schundt number; 0 to mean scalar quantity; and e = ausepation. In this study the interchange between ttabuletu kinetic energy and poteatisl =ergy or pro- dtuctiotifeftssipatioa by bwyant forces is ncglectmL It is as- sumed that the turbulent km w energy is aKdvected and dif- fused in a homogeneous Add while the effect of stratification is accounted for by an empirical- formula using a Richardson number (damping fraction). As argued by Abraham (1988). the reproduction of internal mixing at tidal dock is beyond the capability of present tubulence models and, hence, they should not be used where this aspect is important. Eddy Viscosity and Diffusivity Relationships Based on dimensional reasoning the eddy viscosity is re- lated to the kinetic energy b and mixing length L;. by A. = C„ LM-Vb (28) where C. = empirical constant. In homogeneous water, the vertical eddy viscosity and dif- fusivity are considered to be equal, A. = D,. In the presence of a stable vertical density gradient, both A. and D, arse lower than their homogeneous values. The magnitude of A. is always greater than the corresponding value of D,. The general form for the eddy viscosity and diffusivity arc given as A. = f (RJC„ L,.Vb- (29a) D„ - g(R,)C„ L.Vb (29b) • yr asemumpi rival relations for f(N and g(N have been by Munk and Anderson (1945) and Officer (1976). Munk and Anderson (1948) f(R,) = (1 + 10.0Rd' (30a) g(Ra _ (1 + 3.33N" (30b) offloer (1976) f(Ra _ (1 + R,}"' (31a) g(R,) = (I + R r (31b) where the Richardson tratubm Rt. is defined by 131ss1patioh aP Zg ? Lam 1+ From dimeetmsional analysis die expression for dUs ion, in tams of the turbulent kmm.c ==V and mixing leogtb, a given by e = C,{VIII,.) (33) ;Z9 Q = !ircal constannr LAMQth The mixing length formulation proposed by B1ackadar (1962) is _ KMI + («r - 1 + =I + {Q - 1)f2j k where ,K a 'ion Kat3ttneWs Wit; D = total water depth and in which die, inh ng length. L., increases from the tar bottom to the surface and the valor ofLw is dMazineed by the vertical, distribution of die turbulent energy as fiAbm: (r b'ajl + (ter - 1)rA der L. - yD J a f (35) b'4 dos x The constant y determines the vertical extent of the bound- ary layer and vertical eddy viscosity, and is adjusted to match field observations. The viscosity Watases rapidly with in- creasing y in both amplitude and vertical extent (Mofjeld and Lavelle 1983). The constant y typically ranges from 0.05 to 0.3. The coefficients in (28). (34), and. (35) have values C. = 0.463; C, = 0.1; art, = 137; and K = 0.4 (Davies and Jones 1990). EMoundary Conditlons The boundary condition at the surface is specified as D 'Z Where: U*, = friction velocity due to the wind stress and at, a„ are coefficients. A similar boundary condition is used by Davies and Jones (1988) in which art = 0.73, aid a„ = 2.6. In the absence of wind forcing the flux of turbulence at the sur- face Forr a?slig bottom boundary condition, the turbulent ki- netic energy flux into the sea bed is zero (Davies and Jones 1988) and, therefore ab = 0 (37) acr For the bottom stress boundary condition, the bottom boundary layer is not resolved in detail,. The turbulent kinetic energy, b, at the first grid point near the wall (where the tur- bale nce is assumed in equilibrium and the velocity follows the log: law) is given as follows: b = U*, C„ C. (38) where U*. - hudont vdocky associated with the bottom stress. While this boundary condition is not always rigorously satis- fied unsteady condiidons (Cclik end Roth 1985), it is used as a fast-order a ppt?timatitsa. SOUMON TECMQUE The basic approach is to transtbrta the dependent, as well as independent, vadiables in sphadcal coordi> s co a curvi- linear coordinate system. Ile equation of motion is split into exterm and Interior modes to increase the allowable time step and, hermm reduce d w coal uw- Mw velocity is decoy into re° = tr + se, (39a) VF = V + If, (39b) where (UO, V'`) and (e, V) = vertically averaged velocities and deviation velocity (from the vertically avaned velocity) in %, q) direeetions, ri?vedy. Solution of dw exterior mode using a se"miimplicaitt (space staggered grid) solution. method- ptagy, and pmsetrtationsof the appromch used to generate the boundary conforming grid are presented by Muin and Spauld- ing (1996). The focus here is on three-dim ensionat (3D) as- pects, including the deviation velocity and the turbulence equation. Subtracting the vertically averaged momentum equations from dies 3D momesitum ins gives the vertical. deviation velocity equations of motion -(A- see` D 4 a arc" at _ D w ? -F A (40cr) W acs ?A" aerr +D (40b) atD = 3 where A and B = nonbarotrapic terms in the equations of mo- tion. These terms are solved explicitly: The diffusion term in (40) is solved implicitly using a three-level scheme to damp out spurious oscillations (Fletcher 1988). The algorithm is sec- ond-order accurate both in time and spe ce. A tridiagoaal set of equations in the unknown velocity deviation is solved using a Thomas algorithm. Both the exterior and interior modes are solved at the same time step. The finite difference procedure used to solve the turbulent kinetic energy equations has been described by Davies and Jones (1990). In the present steady, a date-level time discret- irAflon (Fletcher 198g) is used instead of the Crank-Nicholson method of Davies sad Jones (1990). A nonstaggcnd grid is used in the vertical. The C farm of Davies and Jones' (1990) numerical scheme is employed to calculate the dissipation term JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING /JANUARY 1997 / 5 in the energy equation to ease the time stem restrictiom No iteration or filtering is employed The; tithe stop is restricted by the horizontal advection term. As will be shown in model testing, a CFL equal to 100 can be used to predict the vesrtical structure of tidally induced flows. The transport model (24) is solved by a simple explicit taeh- nique, except for the vertical dlffns on that is solved by an implicit scheme to ease the time step restriction due to the small vertical length scales. In the pa+esehit model, two options am available to solve the advection farm. The first optic is a Lax Wendroff scheme. which its consistent with a second-order truncation error (Fletcbesr 1988). The second option is an up. wind-differencing scheme (fimt-ostler agate) that introduces artificial diffusivity. The horizontal diffusion term is solved by a centexred-in-space, explicit technique. The diffusive and ad- vecxive stability criteria, in these numerical techniques arc At < &24240. and At < As/Et,, where As and U, = horizontal grid size and velocity, respectivrly. To avoid spatial oscilla- tions, the Last-We ll scheme requires A > U,t PM This gives approximately the sauce amount of atrfi iiciat viscounty as Inherent in the upwind scheme. MODEL TEL Model formulation and ihzzplemeettmion, in co t4mw code wM+a compared to analytical solutions in which rim air convective acceleration and Coriolis terms were removed and the governing equations solved on a q*e.rical coordinate . testa, which because of the Limited domain approxituate ct a Car. tubm grind. Additional test simulations were perfornned to con- fine the operation, of the turbulent closure equations to predict ft vertical strUCture of tidal flow and compared to a previous n i study by Davies and Jones (1990). The, model was tested in an application to salinity intrusion in a simple sec- channel representative of the Rotterdam Waterway; dual Fleur 'Then ability of the model to predict residual flow was tamed for a basin with vertically constant density and viscosity. The sudaere boundary was forced by a constant wired sums if wind forcing was used. The teat was perfonued in a simple, rectut- gutm and constant depth channel open at one end (west). This model was run for two bottom boundary conditions: (1) no- slip condition; and (2) bottom stress conditie m Following Officer's (1976) approach and neglecting advec- don, tine horizontal diffusion of momentum, and the cmaa channel term (equadoaun laterally avratage4 the steady-ante eatpreasion for the vertical velocity pr e.t with linearized bot- tom Motion can be given as follows A + h2 + h'l (ki s?hi' ?fz?2 +!' I+h+ z p (k A. A) where (41) [-gA QW + 8P h` + h + h' P k 10 ° sc (42j h: hr k k + i;Q here A = horizontal density gradient; g = gravity; e = water elevation slope, -r, = wind stress; u. = river flow per width; and k = linearized bottom fricttion. A similar equation for it no-slip condition at the bottom is given on page 12o of offrear, (1976). Three separate simulations with different forcings we, studied: (1) density gradient flow; (2) wind driven flow; ar (3) density gradient, wind, and river-induced flow. In they simulations. the following conditions were assumed: the der sity increases linearly from the head (closed end) to the mout (open end) A = -0.00036 kg/m'; wind stress z, = 0.01 N/n (L dynect0; river flow w = -o.i mss; depth h = 10 n vertical viscosity A. = 10 cm2/s; and linearized bottom frictio k = 0.05 cm/s. Depending on the case the appropriate forcin parameters were used. Testing was performed rasing five. 1t and 20 vertical levels. The model was started with zero ve iocities and elevation. The density gradient was applied grad wally until a steady state was achieved Deatrity Gradiew Faming Fig. I(a) shows a comparison of the model prediction tc analytic solution for the bottom stress fimmulation under den- sity gradient forcing. Model predictions approach the analytic solution as the gadd resolution is increased. The model over- predicts the currents the bottom and surface at low grid resolution, The maximum errors are about 7% for five levels. 2% for 10 le=vels, and less than 1% for 20 Levels. The model was also rein with a n 4lip bottom boundary condition, as shown in rig. 1(b). When the surface boundary condition was specified using a second-or le r stogy representation, the model tower reached steady state even with 80 Levels. This problem may be cats ed by an utnderestimme of the bottom friction. which Is only first-order accurate. The model, how- ever, reached steady state when the sur€ Ae boundary was re- docesd to Am orft. For this approximation the model over- predicted die velocity near the smfac a by 20% [Fig. l(b)] indgmtdR a of this number of the vertical levels. Wend Forcing C ompar son of model predictions with the analytic solution under constant wind forcing with a bottom stress condition is W eba Fitt. 1. Comparison of Model Predicted V"cal Structure of Wk:eity with Analytic Solution for Density4ndueed Forcing (A. a 10 ems/s, A r -0.00036 kgW, k• 0.05 eaanls) for. (a) Sodom Stress; and (b) No-Slip Bottom Boundary Condition (Model Re- suite Are Presented for 5, 10, and 20 vertical Levels) 6 / JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING /JANUARY 1997 41, s? .nos o cos not " Yd*CW (n>f -0.1 -am 0 OAS W V"00'eem 1.1 82 41 0 U 0.2 OJ v 43 O06 • &W 0 US cis 6Z V6090Y 604 FXL 2. Comparison of Model Predicted Vwgc d Stucture of vitetcl#y With Sdutlon for Wind Driven NOW (A, a 10 ae* I Analytic ? k. OAS aWS) tor: (a) Bottom 80"*; and (b) H"llp Bottom Boundary Condition Oft" Ro- stria Are Pro ed for G, 10, and 20 Yw&M Lw4Ws) shown in Fig. 2(a). It cad be seen that as the resolution in. creases the mold prodiebons approa& the analytic solution„ aspecialty near the bottom. The model ?? the vertical velocity structure more accurately thm for tine dewy induced =11ow problem The maximum errors are about 291'x` for five lev GIs, 0.6% for 10 levels, and 0.2% for 20 levels. A similar problem. as in the deasity4n uc ed flow, was found for the no- slip condition at the bottom said the boundary condition at the surface was modified to fira orlon The results arc shown in Fig, 2(b). Again model won for this ease is mom accu- rate than in the baroclinic forcing problem. Demay Gradient Woad a River Forcing The last test curse considered flow driven by a combination of density gt ent„ wind, and river flow. The model was tun using 20 levels. The results, not shown here, were simulated for bottom stress and nonslip bottom specifications, respw- tively. The agreement is event (4w%) for the bottom sftss bottom boundary condidion. The model undetprediors the verity by about 5% in the mid- epth region for the no- slip bottom boundary condition. ,ncw t)rdvetn Flow Ttvo tests were employed to check the model's ability to simulate the vertical structure of tidal flow. The first test case is a point model in which the bottom boundary is specifies) using a no-slip condition. and the water slope is assumed known. The model was tested against constant and linearly varying vertical eddy viscosities. In the second test a bottom stress condition was employed at the sea bed. The bottom fire- Lion was linearized and related to the vertically averaged ve- locity. ENEWoGtt Model Test Conn4nt Viscosity The analytic solution for this problem was given in article 347 in Lamb (1945). The following data are used in model .U Al N A I I A V W I 05 ?3 _o.a &1 03 0.1 vd**("N M.?rk . 3M p ei7n o TA x ten • 7Tn 0 2Tn 3TA + T RM 3. C4wnparlson of Modal: Pradkftd Moloch Structure with Analytic Soludo n for '!Wally Dttnn Flow Omposad Pres- sure Gradient of OMS HMM with Conalaat VertieslViseoslty, A. n0.011 msisatilaTkmkdwva[sTtwouo0n* tCyclo{T me Sttp, tit= x.45 s) testing. The imposed pine gradient was 0.058 N(m'; period T = 12.42 h; depth k = 20 m; vertical viscosity A, = 0.011 ni%-, and timer step At = 279.45 s (160 stems per cycle). The test was performed using 20 Lovell. 3Lc model was started with zero vel©citm The water slope was applied gradually (linear ramp over 4 cycles) until a steady staitie was achieved. meson between the analytic solution and the model pre- diction is shown in Fig. 3. The agreement is excellent through- out the water column. %scosuy Varying b neariy with Height Iwo simulations were studied with viscosity; one increasing and one decreasing linearly from the sea bed to the sea surface. The analytic solution is presented in Prandle (1982). Simula- tions were performed using the same de)th. grid sire, period, time step, sea surface slope, and initial condition as the con- stant viscosity test case. In the case of viscosity increasing linearly from the bottom (sea surface), the viscosity at dm sea bed (surface) is set at A, = 0.001 n?/s; and the viscosity at the sea surface (bed) A. = 0.021 m%. The awft of time simulat ores am in excellent agreement with the analytic solutions. The bonndmy layer in the linearly increasing case is (vef f vii the sea bed) thinner than the constant viscosity ease due to lltee lower vis- cosity new the bottom. The boundary layer. for the linearly decreasing case its thicker than for rite constant viscosity case and occupies the whole water column due to the fact that the vertical viscosity at the bottom is higher than in the two pre- vio us cases. 3D Testing Lynch and Officer (1985) derived an analytic solution for the 3D Sow driven by periodic forcing, with linearized bottom stress (kub, kva) and linked to the vertically averaged solution for an annular channel. The solutions were assembled from one-dimensional (11)) vertical diffusion and 2D vertically av- eraged solutions of the governing equations. Consider the quarter-circle geometry with quadratically var- ying bathymetry Jr = h,r2. Note r refers to the radius of the annual channel. The sketch of geometry, bathymetry, and grid configuration are shown in Fig. 4. The viscosity is constant throughout the depth. The analytic solution, however; requires that Ad(f2h) and MIA, be constant, and hence A. and k must JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING / JANUARY 1997 / 7 F (i) (b) (C) FIG. 4. TIVee-Diawnslonal Geometry;(b)Saft tr+l, and (Tidally Model Test for. ntlion 14 *11 5O m;rea31,26A an b-6(r/rin 4 .4 's 4 40 -t2 .K -0.3 -03 41 0.1 0.3 03 7 Yeioc3gr (q?) • star a a oa r2= X 4W a 7W a un T PIG. 0. Vertical Structure of Vafocky at him mt orita of i/S of Uz Tidal Pefod at r:16,880 m and * = 39.4.16r Three-13knendotnal Model Test In Annular Section t twnn el, r, w S,98ti m; r: a SIA50 m; A,1(01V? = 0.1; khJA, a 10; At= 858.9 a vary horizontally. Model tests were performed using a coptirse, slightly nonorthogonal 7 x 7 grid system. The following pa- rameters were used: inner radius r, = 9,950 m; outer radius r, = 31,250 m; f2 = 1.4 x 10''s-`; klt/A,. = 10; A.I(nh? =0.1, and h. = 5/r; m-'. The open boundary was sped8ed by var- ying the tidal amplitude 0.1 cos(2*) m, where = rotation angle. The model was run using eight and 20 levels is the vertical and time steps of 279.45, 558.9. and 1117.8 s. Comparison of the model and analytical solution at point (5, 5) or at radius 16.60 m and * = 39.375° for 20 ksvels with a time step of 558.9 s at one-eighth period increment is shown in Fig. 5. The agreement is very good. The largest errors (<10%) are near the surface area. Sensitivity of the model predicted new surface currents (at T/8, 774, 3T18, T/2) to grid resolution and time step in the near surface region is shown in Table 1. The maximum errors occur at slack tide (at TY2). The model predicted errors decrease with decreasing time step. Model errors using eight vertical levels are approximately the same as those using 20 vertical levels. A veer plot of the velocity field at the surface at 774 (not presented) shows that the agreement between model predic. dons and analytic solution is excellent, even though the grid was relatively coarse and slightly nonorthogonal. The errors arc less than 5%, except at the odrm point of the inner radius r = rt. Here they are about 10% due to the fact that the velocity is very small at this location. The errors become much smaller (•c0.6%) at the outer radius new the open boundary. Compar- ison of the model-predicted velocity time series at a radius of 16,660 m. * w 39.375, acrd for 0.35 m and 13.65 m below the sea surface with the analytic soludoa arc shown in Fig. & The bottom velocity leads the surface velocity by 0.85 h. Pre- dictions at again in excellent agreement with the analytic so- lution. Turbulemm Mtn 81muhrtlms .A simulation was paftwed in an open-closed. rectangular channel drivers with tidal forhiag„ and a water depth of 10 m. The tel. length is 51.34 km, and is represented by 20 horizowd Sdds. IU tidal amplitude was 1.2 m, with a period of 1242 h, 7 = OA. A point 5,55 km ft m the open channel, whore time pressure, .sradient has a antguitude that would give a cut with atraptitade to mis in an inviscid calculation, was chosen to study the vertical structure of the velocity, eddy "scos ty, and turbulent entergy. The simulation assumed a ho- TABLE 1. Nkxh 1 P ors Errors (%) of Surface Velocity at r a 16A6fiti m and V . 8ti.4' for Annular Section Channel with tluadtattc Saff nwtry Wing 8 and 20 V+ UCSI Lawn with This Steps of 279.45, 538.9, and 1117.8 a 8 Levi 1 20 Laura! 279.45 s 558:9 a 11174 s 279AS s 558.0 a 1117.8 ? (CFL = (CFL w (CFI- w (CFL w (CFL w (CFL w t o s) 1.0) 2.0) 3.1) 8.2) 12.4) (t) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7l 178 4.1 4.2 4.8 3.9 44 4.6 714 3.7 3.7 4.0 3 3 33 3.9 3278 3r 3A 30 3t 3.9 3.0 7X2 tt.7 10.0 12A 7.6 Ls 11.6 VdK tfa#pPop ragSwlot -1dA40N Ma0W. As47lAk2K-d 9A a.? 0 r..ai 4A _ _ 7%0&0 a FIG. 6. Comparison of Model Predicted Velocity Tlaw Series with Analytical Solution at ra 16,880 m and * = 39.4' for Three- 01manelonai Model Tait in Annular Section Channel Driven by Aft Tide at Open Boundary with Varying Amplitude of ;. = 0.1 cos(2*) m; r, s 9,950 tit; rt a 31,25Q m; AACW5 a 0.1; Ah7A,=10, At a 279.45 a; and 20 Vertical Levels 8 / JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING / JANUARY 1997 W e a7 4 44 42 apt ter r vaodgGNo FKL 7. C+srrgWrloon of (0) Model Pr*dkftd Vettlaal i5;lhslcb" of Veloetty with (t?) 'Num rival Simulations of 0"" and Jot 09100) for lence Model Test T with lImposed r+a G?rehdWd of 0.14 NW; tea Win Boundary tatttdttoen T a 4A; Atw 6S$.9 s; and 401fW*W %viela w o am a,m .;ar 4-f 0 "1 Oar 0M Vr?oe+iKtmih) Vise"" with {b) Numerical r Simulations, Vairtics! SUV*Wm Of Vise"" With (b) Numerical Simulations, of Davies and Janes (1 9W) for One-Dimensional Tudwierm Model Test Driven by Ad, TICIS with imposed Pressure Gn cent of M14 Nh",; N"Ilp Sor- ndary Condi#on; -t = 0.4; At a 55" s; and 40 Vertical NEEksle mO Aeous fluid. The Coriolis, baroclinic, and advective terms were neglected to compare the present results with the circu- lation and turbulence model developed by Davies and Jones (1990). hmnndarv simulations were conducted using 40 levels with a time step of 558.9 s. A comparison between the results of the present model (40 levels) and Davies and Jones' (1994) with 100 levels and a logarithmic transformation is shown in Pigs. 7-10. Results are given atone-eighth intervals during the tidal cycle. The max- imum surface velocity of the present model is about 20% r "apt aaa aaac *= am Tabdoweemnalm 9. t: muperfew of (a) Modd Puled Ver*sl Structure of Turin lenm Eat wit, (b) Nuawdeal Simulations of DavNs and Jones (1o" far Ons4?kmm*lo W Turb Werm Model Test D &A" by A16 Tk*v4 h imposed Pressure Gradlent of 0.14 N/m°; Ka-Slip actlom Boundary Condloon;-1 a Q.4; At= 558.9 a; and 40 Vertical Levels tt S 4 a r 2 7 serascK?7 (b) a s a e i s i saw C'?3 FIG. 10. Comparison of (a) Model Predicted Vertical Structure of Shear Stress with (b) Numerteel Simulations of Davies and Jones (1990) for One-Dirttansional Turbulence Modal Teat Driven by A4 Tkie with Imposed Pressure Gradient of 0.14 N/m'; N"Ilp Bottom Boundary Condttlon; 7 : 0.4; At • 658.9 s; and 40 Vertical t.svels Vs tW* a nom am awn #M am UbalwMawcom lower than their results. The structure of the eddy viscosity, 4mient energy, and shear stress are similar However. the ,om shear stresses arc twice as high in Davies and Jones tiM) than in the present simulation because the present gt'hl structure does not provide sufficient resolution in the near--bed 'oa. 't'his problem is mote severe at low grid resolution. For die bottom stress specification, saxnuiatiomc were per using 10 and 40 levels with a time step of 279.45 s. In these simulations the bottom drag coefficiers wax $et at 0.0025. and Y = OA. A comparison between dinubdons using high (40 levels) and low vertical resolution (10 kmo is shown in Fig. 11 for the vakw ty profile, 'liU mmftm viscosity, shear stress, and energy (not shown) computed using the low resolution grid are apptrc 1mately 259Y higher than simulations using the high ws"on grid. The velocity strucOm 4110- 1 M hovrnen4 is not significa ay acted. Further tests s ell that s stabtc and accurate velocity prediction can be oktailned using di 4 X S ! M t rs at 8 RQ 11, Cottlparfton of #ifoditt`Pr dkated Vft1W StruesU" of Using (a) Open l td hbacAlo"T&dDt!VO ,bV Tithe 0adoM t:lt 0W Candi t%--t s+tl.4; 4a; 0A42 ft A t a ? s • ? •? sow ti?q 0 e • • m r • • E ?t0 • a -FR 0.5 1 1.s velocity (MIS) AQ 12. Compe rism of Modal (Bottom Stress; CaedItIon)Pte- dicted Vertleal Structure of Velocity with Nunvuftsl SimuutatIms of Davies and Jones (1988) Driven by Wield Stress; s,:1.0 Nhn=; a : 0.0025: and y : 0.2 a time step of 1117.8 s (550 CFI., based on the diffusive time shale for 40 levels). The model was also tested against steady wind-induced flow with a depth of 100 m„ a wind stress of i Min', a bottom stress specification; 20 levels, with a friction coefficient of, c = 0,0025, and 7 - 0.2- A comparison of the velocity computed using the present model and similar results by Davies and Janes (1988) with 100 levels and a logarithmic transformation is presented in Fig, 12. 't'he agreement is very good. A max. imura difference of 5% is predicted near the surface and the sm bead. Tice model-Pro dicta vertical structure of viscosity gives excellent: agreement at middepth and air the surface, but Slightly overprteclicts at the bottom- The turbulent energy simulated by the present model is higher than Davies and ,Jones' (15) modal both at the surface and bottom. Differ- ences that occur am the bottom are due to differences in the bottoin boundary condition specification. The present simula. tions employ it bottom stems condition what the turbulent energy at to sea bed is specified while Davies and Jones (1988) we a no-slip bottom condition and specify no energy flux at the sea bed. In gcnl the agreement is exce&nt al. though do VesW wo& uses relatively lost grid resolution compared fa Davies and lam (1988). Salinity k*uslar i Simulaido is Ippen and i arl an (1961) derived an analytical solution for salinity intrusion under the assumption that the salinity distribution can be represented. by the equilibrium of the 1D convmtive-diffusion processes where the time and crass-sec- donaily, averaged fresh wader (seaward) flux of sack is balanced by the horizontal diffusive hurt of salt (landward). The effect of grav to iortal convection by density differeacxs (density in- duded) is negld. Consider a rectangular channel with a lavi t of 105.5 kiu> a river flow velocity of O()00714 mis, and Mental diffusion coefficicats of 4, 6. 8, and 10 uNs. The a3tdve ctive term, in the salt transport equation is solved by the Dane Watdtoff method. 'Tire open boundary is specified by a constant salinity of 30 ppt< Comparison between model pre- dictions and the analytic solution for various values of the borbontal Mksiron coefficient D1, is shown in Fig. 13. The atgre miliza m, -it between the model and atnalytical solution is ex- "Hettt. Finally die irk was used to predict the salinity intrusion in Rsatterdem. Waterway using deantic d conditions to those em- ployed by Smith sad Takhar (1981). The simulation was in- tended to evaluates the ability of the model to predict salinity intrusion. Tic waterway was represented by a rectangular channel with a length of 99 km. Mw width and depth were 30 25 • q. eon=s 20 a Qi't,.xA is A D?.tw?A y 10 ?*rrds 20 40 60 to loo DIM= Gem 0" cM} FIG. 13. Comparison of Model Predicted Sastrtty Distribution with Anatytic Solution for ane•OlmsosionW Salft ty Intrusion ?first (Thm"rt Equation Is Solved by LaxaNendroff Method; River Flow Velocity to 0.000714 m/s; and Horb= tal Diffusion Coefficients of 4, 8, 8, and 10 W/o Are used) s r y e sr r u SOWN kept constant with values of 400 and 13 m. respectively. The river inflow was 1.000 &/s. 'The model was run using 40 grids along the channel and 20 levels in the vertical. The initial coalitions for velocity, elevation, and salinity were set to zero. Along the open boundary (mouth) the salinity distribution is to vary from 30 pppt at the bottom to 20 ppt at the assumed surface on infiow. The model was tun with an U2 tide. The tine step was 558.9 s with a tidal amplitude at the open boundary of 0.9 m The adveective term in the salt transport equation was solved using the upwind method. The Las:-Wen- droll method was not used because it required a large hod- zolad diffusivity (-5000 msls) to mai t ilaia stability. T model was rim for 66 d to achieve steady states. A simulation was performed in wbich the vertical viscosity and diffusivity were calculated by the turbulence model. The bottonn friction, Q, was 0.0014 It was found that the model was very sensitive to the value of 7 in do mulling length spex- dicaum Since the turbulent energy source a fiout the bottom Wundsty, the bottom crag comet: Cr, is also important in dommuning the vertical velocity structure,. Fig. 14 shows the salinity diet ibution along the channel for a - 0.0 and Y :0.0 with the empirical fevInu -mm of (30), which was taicccn f Officer (1976). implemented to represent err cation effects. Smith and'IEalci wen (1981) mtodcl predicdtaas and field. observations are also drown Uft 14(m)]. The ruts show that the model-predicted high tide salinity distribution is in reason- able agreemeiti with and an improvement over Smith and Tale- 33 30,4 tt I$ tut s a 0 I (b) l,5 20 1S 30 3S t bW" rMn mWh pnal 0090, 14, Comparison of Me" Predicted Satkft Oisbibutton - ad- Channel with C. bewvetttons and Nuetterrkal Stmulatton of ittt and Takher (1981) for Rotterdam Watsrway at; (a) High Tlds.- and (b) Low Tide (Vertical VWcosity anti Dilluetvtty Are Ob- tsknsd ft m Turbulence Model Using Bottom Friction; C„ 0- o ; and y a 04) 10 13 20 25 30 35 o?mcus ? atuwdt t?3 saw* okwkrkn at tatty Tue. eb«0.ct?as. lr0e.oa 33 30, t Ob"r,SW(wo +w ota?.wBa g ` -140114 soma e ....5mrtttwkTsklw swraa • • SwA"Ttkkw. Boma ? is `? - C i ,? E ?' g-- - it) a S `. ¦ `. • 4 - . ! _ e 0 har's results. Both the present and Smith and Takhar (1981) models do not accurately predict the low tide salinity distri- bution. As analyzed by Smith and Takhar (1981), the poor model perfa mince for the low water salinity distribution is caused by the dock system in the waterway acting as a source and sink of salt on the ebb and flood tide, respectively. CQNCLUSM A detailed description of the 3D boundary-fitted circulation model is spherical coordinates for coastal waters is presented. Both the dependent and independent horizontal variables are transfmmcd to a boundary-fitted coordinate systcttr. Tres equa- tions are also transformed to a-coordinates to resolve the var- iation in bathymetrry. Both the exterior and interior mode are solved using the same time step. The numerical scheme is second order in time and apace- The time step is not restricted by the shallow water gravity wave and varied diffusion CFL criteria. The eddy viscosity/dilf'usivity can be specified or ob- tained from a one equation turbulence energy model. A series of model tests to Raw problems shows that the present model. Is fully capable of predicting the vertical sttuc- true of the How in response to tidal, wind, riven and density forcing. The 3D =o*4 test in an annular sectim Channel with quadratic bathtymatty under tidal fig box shown the model's ability to resolve a more complicated geometry and bathymctry. The model, with a bottom stress condition, gives good pre diction of the vartical structure of the velocity; shear stress, ice enaV, and eddy viscosity even at modest vertical grid resolutiotis. No iteration or Blteft is en4Aqyed. no- stir bottom boundary condition. version of thepresent model fails to accurately predict the slur stress and eaeW distri- butions at the sea bed for 40 vertical levels because of the lack of vertical resolution. new the sea beef. Agreement. bit the model and analytic solution is c;x- cellent for the ID salinity intrusion problem where the density gradient induced flow is neglected. The model omurately pre- dictrarl, the salinity distribution At high tide in the Rotterdam Waterway where the viscosity/dif usivity were obtained from a turbulence. mrideL Ties poor results at low tide were probably caused by the lack of coon of the effect of the dock system on the salinity field (Smith and 3akhar 1981). The CPU time of the iuterild mode with trrtWence model for each water cell per computational step is 3.1 X 10"5 min on a 48G150 Mfr personal wmputer systen using a L,ahey F7732 Vey 5.1 Fortruttoompilm The. CPU time of the exterud mode is 2.9 X 10"'; min using the Satrle machine and comtpil= APPENINX L REFERENCES Abraham, 0: (19tf10„ ' Tturtmdatcels and miring in stratified tidal Bows, Physiedl processes. in estaa rks. P. Dronkers and R. Lmssen, eds„ Springer-Vaft XG. Berlin. Gennasy. ASC E Thsk Conuniare+e on 7hrhakrrce Models in H;ydiasdiC Compumdom (1988). '*Turbulence modeling of surface water flow and transport: Pact 1." J Hydr. Engrg.. ASCF. 114(9). 970-991. 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NarATION 77u fvttowmg symbols are used in dds paper: A. = vertical eddy viscosity; a = tidal wave ampl=itude; b - turbulence idn edc enerar, C. - empirical pmt in eddy viscosity redadaud*, C. - drag coefficient at stati=on Ci - dmg codf dent at btu Q as empirical coustaut in evert dissipation relalai shin D = elevation + water depth; D,, = horizontal eddy diffusivity; D. = vertical eddy d4f wiv ty; g = gravitation; h = water de=pth; J = Jacobi=n of curvilinear= coordinate; K = Von Karrnan canstaeng . k = linearized bottom friction; L = wave length; L,. = mining length; I = length of channel; n = nod number P pressure, q = concentration of subsunce; R = radius of earth; Re = Richardsort number. T = wave period.; I = tip W. = liver flow; U*, = fric dm velocity flue to wind stress; U,,, = friction velocity due to botto=m stress; U. V = venally averaged velocity is + and 6 direction; U`. Y° = vertically averaged qty in curvilinear coordinate; U. A w= aster velocity in 44 9. r direction; rf as wow velocity in ±ctlrvilinam coordinatt; 4 = bottom velocity 4 won w = bomm velocity is 8 tins=; W* - wind speed in 4s won; Wo = wind speckt in 9 direction; A = volurnetric expansion coefficient; y - constant pct in mixing length formulation. re. = dissipation raw of , - water'QIvW w water elevation ampiitudt at open boundary, $ = temperature *Q P. water nufac:e slope; it = wave number. A horizontal density gra&=M . n = general wd culvilinear coordinate system. P = Wader deelnsitT• P. = air density; p, = water density average; jS = vertically averaged of water density; p' - vertically density diffeueuct; or = vertical coordim t transformation; era = empirical diffusion constant; a. = sclunidt nutlet; T; = bottom shear stress; +!: = wind dxw sit: = mean scalar titgr. 0. r - gnat wowinatt system; tl - wave firoquetlay; sod art - vertical velocity in c transform coordinate. 12 / JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING / JANUARY 1997 l: f A February 5, 2001 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney . FROM: Eric Fleek t/1 SUBJECT: Mason Inlet Relocation (NCDWQ# 12569) 1. RESPONSE TO #2: While their response did expand upon impacts, monitoring, and minimization to i?? Piping Plover and its habitat (as requested), their response did not include similar information (as requested), for Sea Beach Amaranth. Please include this information. 2. RESPONSE TO #10 and #11: While they are conducting wetland mitigation beyond what is required the amount set aside for potential impacts to coastal marsh as a result of increased erosion due to higher water velocities, higher surface water elevation, and increased levels of boat wake is only 0.5 acres. There are approximately 4000' feet of coastal marsh adjacent to Mason's Creek that will be subject to these new physical conditions. Given this large amount of area, they should either increase the amount of mitigation to offset these potential losses, or they should be required to monitor the loss in these wetland areas. Given the uncertainty of requiring them to conduct yet more mitigation than is lawfully required, compelling them to monitor these wetland areas for erosion would likely be the most prudent option. Figures 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 (Attachment D) indicate many areas will experience increases in water surface elevations and Figures 5-4, 5-5, and 5-6 (Attachment D) indicated many areas will experience increased water velocities. Given these model predications, monitoring these wetland areas for loss as a result of these forces seems very reasonable. There were not direct predictions for Mason Creek itself for these parameters. Even if they conducted models for these forces in Mason's Creek itself, I'd argue that the wetland monitoring should be required regardless given model uncertainty and the large potential for damage. 3. RESPONSE TO #16: I asked for vegetative stabilization for their beach berm. Their response is that they would "comply with any forthcoming requests from the stat arding plajngs-€ei'-stabilization purposes". I will assume this is our responsibility (or perhaps AMA? itfer way, perhaps Steve could devise a species list and planting scheme. If not, perhaps we should coordinate with LAMA. I would recommend a combination of American Beachgrass (fast growing groundcover) and Sea Oats- although at what density I'm not certain. 4. RESPONSE TO #18: In my 7/14/00 Memorandum I asked for a definition of what the applicant considered "eroded" versus "not eroded". Their 1/8/01 response does not include this information- only data regarding how much beachfill they are proposing on Figure 8 Island. This information (either photographic or surveyed elevation data) should be required before giving the applicant unchallenged approval for 8,500' of beachfill. Comments Regarding the Physical and Biological Plan t/ is not. p b 3. RESPONSE TO #15: Biological monitoring of the marsh area must be for a minimum of five years. 1 1. REPONSE TO #5: In my 7/14/00 Memorandum I requested that the applicant consider measuring changes in water velocity. Their 1/8/01 response notes "there may be value in comparing the predicted velocities for the WQMAP model simulations (representing the final project design) to the monitoring "point in time" velocity profiles (using an ADCP instrument) to assess and correlate model predictions". I would request that such correlation measurements be required. The frequency at which these measurements are taken could be left to the applicant-subject to our approval. In addition, similar measurements should also be taken for the simulated water surface elevations in order to "correlate" these "model predictions". Given these physical forces and how they can directly impact sensitive coastal marsh, such model correlation confirming measurements seem prudent. 2. RESPONSE TO #7: The applicant is proposing biological monitoring along two of six transects. I would request that a minimum of three (ideally four) of six transects be assessed. While the actual methods used for sam ling the transects themselves is adequate the number of transects being sampled r July 14, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Milt Rhodes THROUGH: John Dorney FROM: Eric Fleek SUB ECT: MASON INLET RELOCATION-REVISED EA COMMENTS (DENR#1019, DWQ#12569) Based on a review of the revised EA and the accompanying comments (Dated 6/23/00 from Chris Gibson), the following additional clarifications are needed before a FONSI can be issued. Experts on coastal dynamics should be given an opportunity to review this revised EA. We plan to contact them directly and ask for their comments. Any additional comments which may be generated by these experts need to addressed by the applicant prior to the FONSI. The numbers below are direct responses of the 6/23/00 letter addressed to Milt Rhodes from the applicant's representative, Chris Gibson. While the revised EA does provide some data on annual erosion rates on Figure 8 Island, the numbers seem contradictory. For example, on Page 3-5 the EA notes: "the southern shoreline of the island experienced an erosion rate of 13.6 ft per year between 1984 and 1989". Then on Page 3-6 the EA notes that "the documented high rate of erosion represents average wind and wave conditions", and that "immediately updrift of Mason Inlet, the island's shoreline eroded at 4.0 feet per year over the 1984-1989 period. In comparison, past long-term shoreline erosion rates on Figure 8 Island were 3 to 4 feet per year adjacent to the island's inlets". Presumably, that portion of Figure 8 Island "immediately updrift of Mason Inlet" is the southern edge of the island. It is also "adjacent to the island's inlet". Is this area eroding at 13.6 ft per year or at 4.0 ft. per year from 1984-1989? In addition, it seems that 4.0 feet per year is not much different than the "past long-term" erosion rate of 3-4 feet per year. Please clarify these points. In addition, are there any data more recent that 1989? 2. The revised EA does provide plan views of the project area in regards to the renourishment project (Figure 3.1-3.3 Appendix P, Sheet 8 of Appendix M). end'x "Q' does address Pining Pli,???rs and Q__ Beach Amaranth irr?nact_ s but no or anisms (while tin habitat are Proposed for impacts to these species. Please elaborate on any mitigation offered for impacts to the_„ sP r___?cnu_rces. A itionally, the information in the EA regarding impacts to invertebrate beach fauna associated with the renourishment project is treated only on the scale of North Carolina as a whole. These calculations are based on 3% of the total North Carolina coast impacted (0.0015%) as a result of this individual project instead of providing data on what percentage of the Figure 8 Island beaches will be impacted versus that which will not be. Please provide this information. The revised EA provides maps depicting generalized habitats (e.g., Sea Beach Amaranth, coastal wetlands, supra-tidal, inter-tidal, and subtidal, etc.) in relation to project activities but these figures do not depict the Water Classifications (e.g., SC, SA, ORW, PNA, etc.)- -as originallyrequested, in relation to project activities. Please provide this information. 4. The EA is correct in asserting that no SAV beds (emphasis added) occur south of Pender County but the statement that "no SAV's are known to occur south of Pender County" is incorrect. As per UNCW researchers, SAV (Zostera marina) does occur in the Wilmington area in small (0.5 m2) patches. In addition, the applicant's 6/23/00 response i necessity for the use of more than one island." The completed delineation and survey of these islands and the proposed mitigation plan (including elevations, plan view maps, descriptive narrative, and monitoring plans) should be submitted to NCDWQ for final approval. 16. By beach berm NCDWQ assumes that this feature is a supra-littoral structure. If so, it will be placed in areas of similar elevation of dunes. Given the highly dynamic and erosive nature of these areas, it seems likely that some sort of vegetative stabilization would be desirable to facilitate stability in the structure and thereby promote additional natural vegetative colonization. Please elaborate on why no stabilization is deemed necessary. 17. Noted. Please include a copy of the physical monitoring plan with the FONSI/Revised EA. 18. Sheet "8" of Appendix "M" does not provide the requested.information. Please reference elevations inside and outside of the proposed 8500' beach fill area. The EA on Page 5-25 noted that the "beach renourishment will occur only in eroded areas". Please define (in map and plan view forms) what is being defined as "eroded areas" and what are not defined as "eroded areas". Please provide full-sized plans (at least 1:200) depicting contours of both current and proposed conditions within the 8500' proposed beach fill area. 19. Noted. 20. There is no data provided supporting any assertion that there is a water quality problem existing in the immediate project area. Claiming that dredging Mason's Creek will improve water quality in areas where it is apparently not impaired should not be claimed as a "positive cumulative impact' as is contended on Page 5-51 on the revised EA. 21. Again, there is no data provided suggesting that any shellfish beds in or near the project area (whether they are in PNAs or not) are impaired due to restricted flows from Mason's Creek. As above, claiming that dredging Mason's Creek will improve shellfish beds when there are no data supporting that nearby/adjacent PNAs/shellfish beds are impaired is inappropriate. In fact, dredging Mason's Creek will directly destroy the PNA/shellfish habitat observed during DWQ's earlier site inspection. 22. As the revised EA notes, the increased tidal prism of the proposed project will (as per model simulation) "result in a slight increase (i.e., 4 percent) in total tidal flux through the three inlets" (i.e., Masonboro, Mason, and Rich Inlets). Please translate what an approximate 4 percent increase in tidal flux means in terms of increased/decreased tidal heights. In other words, will tidal ranges increase 4 percent for high tides and decrease 4 percent for low tides? Please clarify. Tidal height information is important for determining potential impacts and alterations in coastal marsh habitat. Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan Comments 1. Noted. However, NCDWQ believes that an annual monitoring frequency (after the I't year post- construction quarterly monitoring period) is more appropriate than the 18 month and 24 month monitoring (again, after the 1S` year post-project). Is this 18/24 month monitoring frequency (preceding the final annual sampling for the project's life) a standard period for this type of project? 2. Noted. 3. Appendix "P", Section 3.2.2 Page 27 of the Revised EA does not address absence of finfish monitoring. Please see #4 below. 4. NCDWQ understands the ephemeral nature of finfish. However, a species list before and after the project would be useful. Please conduct such a study. Please explain the "benthos utilization" methodology more completely. For example, how will these areas be sampled, at what seasonal AIM APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. January 8, 2001 10 2001 Mr. John Dorney l - - Division of Water Quality 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1621 Re: Mason Inlet Relocation Project, DENR #1019, DWQ #12569 Dear John: This letter is to respond to your Revised EA Comments sent in a memorandum to Milt Rhodes on July 14, 2000. Unfortunately, we did not receive a copy of these comments from the State until December 21, 2000. Many of the issues and concerns you expressed in this July 2000 letter have since been addressed during the federal EA review process with the various federal agencies as coordinated by the USACOE. Additionally, 15 copies of the final wetland mitigation plan were submitted on December 14, 2000 to the USACOE for distribution to all the state and federal review agencies. Please contact Jeff Richter if you have not received a copy of this Plan. The voluntary expansion of the wetland restoration area, flushing channel design and other aspects of the proposal were discussed in meetings with the USACOE and USFWS during final plan development. The following items correspond to the numbered comments within your July 14, 2000 memorandum: 1) The most recent, comprehensive monitoring data set at Figure 8 Island beaches is the May 1990 study conducted by William Cleary, Ph. D. for the period between 1984 and 1989. In reviewing your comments concerning the erosion rate documentation for Figure 8 Island, we agree that the values presented in the text discussion were confusing and need further clarification. In this regard, we offer the following clarification. The southernmost 4,100 ft of Figure 8 Island eroded at rates between 7.5 and 19.5 ft per year for the dune line and the mean high water line, respectively, between 1984 and 1989. The 8,000 ft shoreline segment immediately north of the aforementioned 4,100 ft segment, eroded at a rate of 4 and 15 ft per year for the dune line and the mean high water line, respectively, between 1984 and 1989. On Page 3-5 of the EA as you noted "the southern shoreline of the island experienced an erosion rate of 13.6 ft per year between 1984 and 1989" which erroneously averaged the actual range of rates given by Dr. Cleary (i.e. 7.5 and 19.5 which was averaged to equal 13.6). Further, on Page 3-6 of the EA as you noted "immediately updrift of Mason Inlet, the island's shoreline eroded at 4.0 ft peryear" this should read "further updrift of Mason Inlet, the island's dune line eroded at 4.0 ft per year". . 201 North Front Street, Suite 508 992651-Domey-010801 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 TEL (910) 762-0800 FAX (910) 762-6250 Mr. John Dorney January 8, 2001 Page 2 As you noted, past long-term erosion rates of 3 to 4 ft per year (using the dune/vegetation line movement as a reference point) is consistent with the changes documented by Dr. Cleary in this study. nThe final Biological Assessment for the project was submitted to the USACOE and I 1 determined to be complete for purposes of the Section 7 Consultation process now jrn underway with USFWS. USFWS is currently preparing their Biological Opinio 5ILyr Ja/` addition, as a result of consultations with USFWS, the applicant is ro mg to reduce the width of the sedimentation basin by 100 ft in order mi ' s atial im ac s to intertidal shoal areas utilized y s orebir s inclu ing piping plover. T e app is also coordinatin an ex anded i in lover monitorin ro ro ' "mil ?ahlP nPPded data on the usage of this and other suitable habitat areas, alo_..3r n +hP row unty shoreline. l At 4vt = % IS d ? Sjce? ??' S r Mt ?a/? / ,, moc4in3 be N1ccoG2 { S4% \ '{ar The length of the beachfront on FiguretiIs and is 5 miles. The length of the proposed beach nourishment area is 1.61 miles. Therefore, with regard to the comment on A^c{ invertebrate beach fauna, the percentage of the island's oceanfront to be impacted oA by the project is 32.2%. "?9 3) All of Middle Sound is classified as SA/ORW according to the North Carolina 04mayj,;? Administrative Code. Land Management Group (LMG) has requested and received 6*0*- from North Carolina Marine Fisheries (NCMF) information on the limits of Primary Nursery Area for the Mason Creek area. The enclosed PNA boundary line mapping was drawn by NCMF staff on a February 1, 1998 aerial photograph and then digitized by LMG for presentation (Attachment "A"). 4) No SAV beds or small SAV patches have been observed by our firm within the project area. It is acknowledged that only shellfish resources were surveyed and quantified within the Mason Creek Project area and that this does not represent the overall benthic community. However, our observations indicated that within the heavily shoaled main run of Mason Creek, benthic organisms overall were visually sparse in comparison to the small adjoining tidal creeks where shoaling was less evident. It is also acknowledged that the dredging within the Mason Creek project limits will indeed destroy infaunal and epifaunal benthic organisms present. 5) Noted 6) N/A 7) N/A 8) Noted 9) N/A 99265J-Domey-010801 rld, ('AfOL A yowl-- ro c?h v I Mr. John Dorney January 8, 2001 S Page 3 C1 (? Oft- 10) The final wetland Mitigation Plan contains an additional 0.5 acres of wetland restoration based on the potential for indirect impacts to the remaining marsh edge within Mason Creek by boat wakes and other undefined secondary impacts. There is an additional proposed 2.8-acre voluntary restoration area in excess of the required 3.8 acres and the 0.5 acres above, bringing the total restoration area up to 8.7 acres. .?- r. 'd f'II /f 1 r 'ksr 5 w+-?- Mcn ! 11 See # 1 o abov a Mo-5A,', at t e cV( or-- 1 ) N/A Q( 5 ?o / -e/vv bz A. eve o e a o-4 l??,,? O c ,p ?a Ca n? c j f } (?c?sLY f zp?ti,? , 13) It is agreed that the planned sediment basin will convert shallow JVal habita to sub- / tidal habitat. Consideration should also be given to the proposed minimization of wk6 er basin width in item # 2 above as well as the amount of shallow sandy bottom created landward of the inlet fill area as part of the project. i /t (?I?-. 14) N/A z 15) Agreed. The final Mitigation Plan, currently in distribution by the USACOE to 1D? commenting state and federal agencies, is available for DWQ review. ?e 06 (V&V ry) -5 -to ?•i'`Pl? i (16)? The filled Mason Inlet area below the mean high water line will beco?e?property of E- n v the State of North Carolina and as a result, the Count intends to comply with an Igya - Vu(u ?Q Y Y forthcoming requests from the state regarding plantings for stabilization purposes. water vd(outr 0? 17) The physical monitoring plan is shown in Figure 3-1 of the Inlet Management Plan 5?1G2 kioA (Appendix P of the EA). These figures have been attached for your reference. In S4v?''?` a? Fn;?6' addition to the physical monitoring for inlet management shown in this figure, profiles ` A S ,y !t will be conducted in Mason Creek at 200-ft intervals near the entrance to the AIWW -A s 5 L ??y ? to the sedimentation basin, and at 100-ft intervals across the Intracoastal q ? stn Waterway extending 1000 feet north and south of the AIWW entrance to Mason r\ \CV1t1N ctee 6?>>t Creek. Refer to Attachment "B", modified Figure 3.1 (sheets 1 through 3). Q,/e t 1 Although portions of the Figure 8 Island beachfill area are more highly eroded than others, the entire 8,500 feet of beachfront is considered eroded and in need of renourishment. The fill area will be constructed such that the seaward edge of theU berm is uniform in shape and fill quantities will vary from 35 to 50 cubic yards per `R<y2 ?? t d linear foot in order to produce a consistent seaward alignment of the shoreline. Plan r(, view drawings, at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 ft, illustrating the proposed beachfill K h cX templates are attached. In addition, a sheet showing typical cross sections is S-rf" L n attached in lieu of the requested contour maps. The beach profiles surveyed provide enough information for planning purposes and volumetric analysis, but do not extend far enough seaward to provide complete documentation of nearshore contours. ?d \ Refer to Attachment "C", Project drawing sheets 7, 8, 9, & 18. e? Ofo. r 19) N/A .-l 99265!-Domey-010801 S'z\ ?,JOAO, rr, s 5( Mr. John Dorney January 8, 2001 Page 4 20) Agreed. Positive cumulative impacts should not be claimed relating to water quality without supporting data. However, the discussion relating to the enhanced and maintained estuarine flushing through the Mason Creek channel from Atlantic ocean waters is still relevant. 21) There is no reference within the EA to impaired shellfish beds caused by restrictive flows from Mason Creek. The extremely limited shellfish population (as documented by two shellfish surveys and by NCMF staff observation) within the Mason Creek bed is due to the dynamic sand shoaling which provides a poor substrate for shellfish. As stated above, it is agreed that within the Mason Creek project area, dredging will destroy this limited shellfish resource. Following the project, it is anticipated that the functioning sediment basin will serve to significantly reduce the shoaling potential within the creek that will provide for a more stable shellfish substrate environment outside the immediate dredged area. It is acknowledged that the dredged area itself may be subject to maintenance as required by conditions over time that would eliminate any shellfish population in that particular area. 22) To clarify, the 4 percent increase in tidal flux refers to the volume of water passing through the inlets during a given tidal cycle. There is not a direct correlation, (i.e. one to one relationship), between the change in tidal flux and the change in surface water elevations. Projected changes in water surface elevation for high tide and mean tide levels at various locations within the estuary are diagramed in Figures 7-2 and 7-3 of the attached Hydrodynamic Modeling Report, Attachment "D" (ATM, August 2000). Copies of these figures are included for your convenience. Re: Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan Comments ,-'" ally for the second 1) The in fre uency will be quarterly for the first =oc=cuonths, Year and aljLLth??er__eafter. us, moni o s 9 months, 12 months; T$-months, 24 months, 36 months, 48 months, etc. after completion of the project. Please accept our apologies for ny confusion in the wording of the June 23 response. -- 2) N/A 3) Monitoring of finfish populations is not proposed. The intensive nature of such a study is considered beyond the scope of the proposed biological monitoring. Most of the finfish utilizing these waters are transient with high temporal and spatial variation corresponding to a wide range of physical and biological parameters. Covariance of these factors would make it extremely difficult to identify a species response to project activities. Therefore, a pre- and post-project survey or `species list' would yield little viable data relating to population responses to project activities. 4) Refer to Number 3 for response to comments regarding finfish populations. The EA states that epibenthic utilization will be evaluated via species lists and relative abundance. These are qualitative observations to be conducted at or near low tide 99265J-Domey-010801 Mr. John Dorney January 8, 2001 Page 5 during each monitoring event. Observations of epibenthic organisms will not be statistically analyzed. Again, due to the intensive nature of epibenthic sampling and the variability of these populations in response to a wide range of parameters, statistically valid quantitative studies of population responses to project activities will not be conducted. DWQ comment regarding potential disturbance to quadrats from monitoring is noted. Due to the frequency of vegetative sampling (once per year), we believe there will be no sampling disturbance to the vegetative quadrats. Infaunal assessments (described in Response #7) will be conducted outside of the permanent vegetative quadrats at randomly-generated distances and bearings. The randomized selection J 5)of these areas will ensure minimal disturbance and sampling artifact. Noted. Yes, "point in time" velocity profiles for a single tidal cycle can be collected during the physical monitoring events, in the immediate project area, at a reasonable expense. However, collection of data to include "... Mason Creek and its tributaries..." as requested in the DWQ comments dated December 22, 1999 for a full neap and spring tidal cycle woul be costly and of limited value to assessing post-cons Project Performance. here may va ue in comparing pre acted velocities forth fWdMMD,e simulations (representing the final project design) to the monito "point in time" velocity profiles (using an ADCP instrument) to assess and correlat the model predictions. [•y? I ?d I (Jov-, d0o(4t-- f(NI'+G/ ___-_0CQn)q t Ii J dt l.pa 7 Biological monitoring will include a b thi m2 area will be sampled at ea observati 300 ft from creek edge) al g two of the field and subsequent lab wo es sa lk? Sampling the two transects once annually will yield a total 30 samples to be analyze at arandomly-generated distance and quadrat. The upper two inches of the square-ended spade and sieved through from sediment and vegetative material. I formalin solution with Rose Bengal stain identification to the lowest reliable tax0 organisms utilizing the marsh substrate vi be provided in each monitoring report. Species richness and abundance will be 8) N/A c infaunal urvey. Three rep'l'icates-ofD._- on{i at 5 it, 50 ft, 100 ft, 150 ft, and six transe s. The intensive nature of the all six transects cost-prohibitive. coinciding with other biological sampling) each year. The replicates will be located bearing from the permanent vegetative marsh substrate will be removed with a 0.5 mm screen mesh to separate infauna faunal species will be preserved in a 5% nd transferred to a benthic laboratory for omic level. A species list of infaunal cal ated from these data. 1; ? 1 i,Gc? 3 d ? 2.- e< pcr 4W" ? ? 9 L -M/ 9) Noted. Pre-construction baseline monitoring of existing conditions is the preferred method. If the sequencing of the permitting process does not allow for baseline biological monitoring, an adjacent undisturbed marsh area will be monitored as a reference site. 99265]-Domey-010801 v )% Mr. John Dorney January 8, 2001 Page 6 10) N/A11) N/A 110 Noted. If it is determined at an alternative time that transplanting of Spartina is necessary, the formula/methodology prescribed in DWQ's comments will be employed. 12? N/A 134 Noted. See the final mitigation plan to be distributed by the USACOE. C14)S iological monitoring of the marsh area will be conducted for a minimum of three to a yip maximum of five years post-construction. Benthic infaunal sampling and qualitative observations of epibenthic and wildlife species will be conducted once per year to coincide with the vegetative monitoring and sediment sampling. If no significant S? perturbations are evident in the sample plots, then monitoring will be concluded at the end of the second year. / Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding this information. /W $ 0? Enclosures: Attachment "A" - PNA boundary map Sincerely, Karyn M. Erickson, V.P., P.E. Applied Technology and Management, Inc. Steve Morrison, Environmental Consultant L?l Land Management Group, Inc. d}O Sam/ Attachment "B" - Modifed Figure 3.1 Attachment "C" - Project Drawings 7, 8, 9, 18 Attachment "D" - Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle Sound Estuary cc: Doug Huggett, NCDCM Dave Weaver, New Hanover County Greg Thompson, New Hanover County Jeff Richter, USACOE 99265J-Domey-010801 1/09/2001 99-265 IMP Fig 3-1 w Mason Creek.dwg I r 00+SZ 1 3 ,00,00.09 S V L90 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 Q 1 I 3 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 3 ,00,00.09 S 09 0019L 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 3 .00.00M S yJpg 0010L I ; I I I 1 1 I 1 1 ZS09 1 00+$ 3 .00,00 S I i C?C? I 4IO?? 1 I 09 3 ,00.00 o"D 1 3 ,00,00.65 S ; I I Xy I I .?.I Z 1 1 I I Z Z 1 3 ,00,0015 5 I s? ? I a I I I 1 3 ,00,00.95 S v ZC I I I I / 1 1 I I -3 ,00.00.45 S I t-9J 1 > O I I I I 3 ,00,00.49 5 _ J I T C 1 c p •_ 9 9 I Y `.`J _•i _.? 1 _ Z i ---- a AI k N? Z a I' D -23 C"n ost 73 N3?__r.? 3 .00,00.99 s tl 1035 FLLZJO 3 ,ao,oo.9s s J IDID/ 3 .00.00.45 S /'`•t# 4 ''?.?? ?? , 3 .00,00.45 S 3 .00,00.95 S A I u CD 1 1 ? 1 I ;, rn ?• r 1 3 ,00,00.45 5 \ \ « ` e\ b ? 1 1 LJIfl X30 --? ____ • } -` __+-------------- 3 .00.00.45 S 77 3.00.00.bs 1 I 11 - -t. i If 1 1 V ------- I? ?- ;. Q 8 ' Z 0 00 0 7 ? C 0 T t ' CD J 3 ,00,00.95 M 5 e co r D Z L Figure 3-1 (Sheet 1 of 3) Physical Monitoring Plan Survey Monuments and Lines Attachment "B" PPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Shell Island ?? OF NORTH CAROLINA. INC. Figure 3-1 (Sheet 2 of 3) ya,,zd r Physical Monitoring Plan ' Survey Monuments and Lines ' PPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Shell Island ?YLrv%/tO??JYIPiJ2?p?i ?df2blG?pl??6 OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 04 Figure 3-1 (Sheet 3 of 3) yand Physical Monitoring Plan ?/ Survey Monuments and Lines e7??Ll / '9"? . PPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT Shell Island ?YG10f2dt?lYlP?lL?C?/ reo""I 4wdd- OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I 1 I I N O 00 0) ? N O N P 0) 00 O /\\//\\// / \\ \\ \\//\\ O O \ \ Y \ \ D \ \ C7 z Z - C) O \ \ \ / / C7 O \ \ \ \\ \\ , \ \ \ is W N Z m^cnz 0 x D / / \ \ \ / / / • a zr co m O m m m ? \\\ a a ?w ;a> \\\ m r, =m a O O z \ \ \ m m -1 xm z 0 ?n i \ \ \ mN O r N z a a a D /// \\ • n m vz -? m mm cmo m co C-) v cn O ? o \\ \\\ \ \ \ ? -?` M m y Za O - >':' \\\ /\ \ / / • > r v z \ \ ?n N p m w m c w Z y cc w V4 a co) v o 'X V L n 0 V n APPLICATION BY:NE:W HAti4VER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION M-M' AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUH: NGVD (MSL?n1 S29) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZON ATUMS NC GRip I AD' 83 s COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA ArM n 414 CHESTNUT ST Lim, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE 201 '6 (o DATE: 8/20/9 a ' SHEET 22 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (910)762-0800 FM(910)762-625 -r ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I I N O O O N O N P m co O ? I 1 I I I 1 <<<I? I I I I O O O --i mZ G7 N O O .A O O Z m^dJZx zr, °c \ \ m m nom / /- m m;O ' ,x ..i \ \ zz < / ?< m a \ m nl r m a wm z \ \ O ® to G) m0 m M -a \ \ xmz c?? \ \ m O r N Z z a a oo C1 a cn 0 vz ///:• 0 \ \ mmmm"cmo -4 M Xl X/ < w m \///\?/j ca m (a V CIA O 00 r n D V V n APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVFR COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: Nvl"D MSL 1829) SECTION L-L FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: N RID NAD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER j NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST 2 /9 5 ?( r, / q WILMINGTON, NC 28401 201 NO FRONT SHEET 21 SURE 201 •- WILLMI MINGTON. NC C 2 6401 D ATE 8/ (910)762-0600 Fr1X(910)762-625 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I 0 co m -P N O N ? rn 00 O N P rn O O O N O O (n p m N o z z ? m m ^ I cn ... C4 0 O J J `n 0 v n n v v v v Z bmpmzx0 mr . m w?vm Z?W? co) << <?'-.. zz? 0x-n-v<-1 *QmocwN z :E*my O r Z>Coz?0 n O > o ;mom toyv m ?co -omzo v z o rXZ(AA v v n o M >w(A oj?Z 3 D co co y co -n -n 21 -q 3 m v w -q 0 «v z vv Y z v U1 O O 09Z9-Z9L(016)X J OD9.'+-UL(0l6) 1Dre4 OH 'NO1DN-M Z£ 133HS 102 3110S '"1S t.0tl! M1i10n 104 VN1108V3 HlaON :31ViS 83AONVH M3N :d0 AiNf100 ONVISI 8 38nou ONV HOV38 3111AS1HE)INM :iV NOIIVO013M 131N1 NOSVYV :03SOdONd LO-VSZ ON `N0i9NM-11M 1S inN1S3HO 'VLt, 1.1Nf10O N3A0NVH M3N Z--d8 N01103S -1-113 H0d38 31VO 1--- ) £4: OVN 0?i:)N, :W(liVO lV1NOZIMOH ?iLF L l ) GAJN .rIniVO 1V011213A u?Af10^i b3AONVH M3N:J.8 N01iV311ddV Q z 2 O W U) Z Z y LL Cq co CD \\/ m Z ..CD CD E r .N N z°m az=_j 0 to 0 0, Z °°- Q'(Wj?F- f \// O I\/ O U zeh QzQQ g ?ti ?/\, zE.N° OU.- m I \\ NFUJ Q?Q=QQJ ?Vg WOC>>z u ui tiutm O=ZU)O wQzz \I LU /\\ o -1 0 -i LL v QT t= m m CD Z / m •//\, LLI L) z Q 0 U) L) LLI O O t:::::;\\/\\\i `x \\/\\ Lu C) w / x X, F5 0 co -t- N O c0 CO 't N O N cD 00 O r f ? I I I I T OAD N (4J) N0LVA3-13 Ic Lr U S tr IT n; c 1,0 ELEVATION (ft) N GVD I I I I I O co O -P N O N -P. O) OD O N p Q) O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 N O O (n p M n -_-I O z z 0 M I w w 0 0 J `n D V n n zt z cc>m owz=oo D?zvm z?° m n Mc ZZ?D Cm-jN.. rSm.i o.<Do 0c)m0 cNmz =wz y?om? * 0 m Z> WZ?0 * > O > mm0 m??yp o m ° m z G =Z ° z U) vv Wo?> 0 y vm Dwai o N Z co C6 CD m G fA -1 <<'" z vv a z v o O G) M m G) Zom \\ `'?''''' =1 t o o f1 \\/ - 2 0 m ?f 1 m 0 >c m r! ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I O 00 0) 4, N O N _F? O 00 O N 41 0) O O O N O O cn p m - n ? =I D O Z Z C7 m I L14 O O v v .N.. v Z cc>mowZXo >?vm zXnXcco > C4 ZZ;uD Cm--4N.. G=m? G) <D0 5 m5 N < m3 ggmu' 00 -r rD- o DMZ>z 0 O __10;0- g v z 0 mmmvm i a m 0 mzo ==N 0>Z vv v Gm D`aco Z D comm co) '?-"-13m v G) z vv Z 01 v ° O V 0 n APPLICATION BY:NEW Hki()VE? (COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM- NGYD (L. 1929) HORIZONTA. D. TIIM: NC R?D NAD 83 I J/ . DATE: 8/20799 BEACH FILL SECTION BP-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA J. JLL J. ft SHEET 29 201 LM NORTH FRONT ST., SURE 201 WIINGTON, NC 2B101 (910)762-0800 FM(91D)762-6250 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD O en 55 1 2 O 0 Z m y v v v v Z 3?DM CO) a z = 4 WTUMMOMW ZZXD m-nqN.. 0-m- m-4z my -<>T> >>ZD > 0 mmmm --(m0 ?MOm OMZv =zw "Mb> UOc c cxw-j rA v0m Mr. cmn U C- o??Z C n co !< N I cm m v zzCA -I m O < <v iO z vv 'a z v O7 A N O vi ?? N O N A O? O) O N A ELEVATION (ft) NGVD -- O O O CJ Lf N O N a co w O N A N O ' C /j\ O \ / \ / o O C ? m ? O n Z m /\ / o / m ° \ o /• / v ca vi .ji Z \ ?vc co (A z 0 .< ?o 0--n- M-j vm> ?2mZ v ': -< o o /.. 0 ?mmm?am 2-Om omzv >:-. >z / =zw c--+v> °c cmw-I <X zOwm v;r,vm mr. CA ' om c Z c D co) .01 ME zzw-1 O o <V ? z < v v :? Z / v V I . 0 V n APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY FILL AREA PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD ?hiSL 1929) SECTION R-R FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC R?D MAD 63 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA A"I 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 27 201 NO FROM Si., SURE 201 DATE: 8120 99 rtx- WILMI LMIN4TON, NC 2) 8401 '?- (910)762-0800 F"(910)762-625 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD m bf ?. N O N A 01 OD O N A O O mZ \ i 0 o ` o° i o °o 1 g QM O n Z m \ 0' i i :0; \ o \ Z: co cc>MCA'a Zx00 \ DT zm mO(oxai ZZ?D m- n -j N' E` Jo rxm-1 ?m>0 *=mm -< D.ar ayza -DI>D0 -?-av;v C-q Z0 o mmmm- nm0 -Im nmzv xoc c` -"vn y <x ZOwm Mr. co toz C n m m°Dm-n 11m 13m o v zzCc -1 to 0 C CZ m z 3 _ vv a o ` Z W v w APPLICATION BY-NeW HANOVER COUNTY PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION FILL AREA AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (.*b 1929) SECTION Q-Q FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC R! NE1D 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA tiZ 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON NC 28401 201 NORTH FROM ST., SUITE 201 DATE: 8/20/99 a q ' SHEET 26 WILMINGTON. Z 28401 (910)762-0800 " 910)762-625 -111 n\' y it L J) ELEVATION (ft) NGVD O ao 01 N O N . cn m O N A N O W 0 r . r / C) o ? \i / r r o co) 0 Z o ° r r\i Z m 0 o :Pr': :O z Cl rr\ rr\ vZ cm>m c/J"D zx0 r \ .. 0 m ?m m m ° ?° c a > a xO ZZ > M - N• rxm? r>O \ =` OQmO Wmmz '\\.. > > 0 - I- -Inm C-i° O imam zxyx 'o o ° TTY r \\ ?vx -1 m omzv ?m0 > z - > Z ' m? xzcn ? -n ' p ,nc Coo->•? z G1 <X ZOwm mwom m3 N v L Z C > m ° r r apto m m -G co) m ? v zzO i° z <<.. v v '_ z v °o n o --- n APPLICATION BY:NEW H.ANOVER COUNTY FILL AREA PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION P - P e AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: 14G-VD SL 1929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC G ID NA(D 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 / CHESTNUT WILM NGTON NC 28401 L 201 DATE: 8/20/99 ' SHEET 25 201 WILMNC ONTNC 28401 (910)162-0600 -(910)162-625 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I I I A N O co m -p? N O N -r? O I I I I I I I Ill. I I X N O? mz 0 3 S O O N O O ? N -n{ Z O O 0 O z m O O O micDm ocnzx0 Mr- mr-oom r- = m --4 3 m > 0 1 0-n- m O men m * \//\\//\\ =;a z ;a 0 V ** m z?l Z m m vm m " C-) N p ?o m o o? v m Z o \\\/\\j\\\ = z to c W' im f/! cn v my ?°o co z v m m n v ///\/// \\j \j? ""' co o z Z ca -1 v Z V J J n O V APPLICATION ©Y:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION O-O' AT. FIGURES81ISLANDACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NG'YG q?u151- :929) HORIZONTA 1.47UM• ID NAD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA [ 4 1(/k4, 414 CHESTNUT ST A DATE: 8/20i9 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 24 201 WNORTH LLMNGTFRONT NCC 28401SUITE 201 (910)762-0800 FM(910)762-6251 n ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I i I I P N O w o' •P N O N P 01 O \ ca 1 mz \ \ O \ \ \ A W N v v v Z /0 vym mzx / / / \ \ \ \ v m zr cn m O m m m v / / \ \ \ - < < zz ma mm-qnt ' O \ \ \ \ \ \ rxm..r m O WdJ z G1 O m rn -I m \ \ \ \ x z mw v \\ \\ cc 0 m v m to OW o o \\j\\j :ti ;': ; .' ::: ; ; ti : : ': ; :' `: `=: !' :::: ` ' ' ' ;' . • . . • . . rxz rd 0 co -I m Cc co z to .n G) G) 0 z / a \ ? \\\/\\\/\ ; ;:; h v y `n D V 7 APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION N - N AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD •.11929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZO L ATI; NC G IL trAD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA - 414 CHESTNUT ST DATE 8/20f99? WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 23 zol NORTH FRONT ST., SUITE 701 WILMINGTON, NC SUIT (910)767-0800 FA%(910)76z-6z5 v w c? -?i z o0 zm - Z -t 2 -N LWZ=O m3z? ccoom Z rZ =v< m?< N y > Mm a0 OOmO-lNrn-q ==z oom> **mw >0 r aana cozo -I ...I mG7 O m?vm ccnnNO CEO>jmzo r=zcan w00Z a waom s>wcmn o to Z > cooomm m co) :14 C m v zz?-1 z < < 'r vv 'a z v ?I APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (MS}'? 1829) HORIZONTAL DATUV- NC GI;'D? NAD 86 CHANNEL SECTION SECTION K-K' PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA J. JL.L J. T.L 201 NORTH FRONT S .,_ SURE 201 DATE: 8/20%99_ zL-(- NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 20 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I ? I I I I I A N p 0) 0) A N O N A 6 :1 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I I •P N O M m 41 N O N O : p % G1 En O \ mz G) N : j\ Oj / v 00 (n En m z m o ' o Z 0 mZz? ccoOm >TOM m?NZa) zzmy ?Mno• O 0 n - :,\f omo -Ivymz o\?\ vo:zo ? m C D O G) 0 m m m m c c m 0 X 212 0 20 "mZO G) r- vra <vm I>wm / c -&W Z a m m K) co) z z co) 0 0 O z 01 i PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER CUI RT- CHANNEL SECTION SECTION I-[' AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (M 19.- FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC GRI AD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST 1 NORTH FROM ST.' DATE: 8/20/99 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 (B 0)761 MO800 FN 0 6, zs' SHEET 18 r ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I O 00 0) -41 fV O N F? O 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,.s1. 1 ?co 0-4 mZ 0 0 0 m Lo c/) ?/ : it > N n D p 0:::`::::::: O o Vii, ............. •v' ..... _. . w 0 0 m 0 y T ?z 'mo m >Tv , zxwmwi , ZZM> MM-IN rxm-i V > .< o?mp..icnm? ?r ?x w D0 / . o 0;0 G) 0 Z C) mmvm cnyo o /\\ =Z? wool "cmn vyvo > 3 co co co m to m m v Do j\\\/j\\\ y v APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION H- H e AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NG1; L iMSL 1929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DAT M: N 1twD N.AD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER ? NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST DATE: 8/20/59 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 17 St 201 P VKE nD eneez.a 3 xoi C1UM69R0IAOA 1®10)336 (HWA639O 50kAWGW45289250 ELEVATION (ft) N GVD i 0 00 N O N P O ?\ • G) MX \\ : m z O x i •-I z Iv ? ' n o oz m o 0:.: j :••O Z rn G) jj m w j o a m c- CO) z M r-coom \'\\i\\/i;\?//\\/\\\ z v< m<. mm sm-II z \//\\ r 0--n- cc Qmo--l M-4 aaZa coz0 mmfnmrcmo 210m smzF- o a Waz \ r- x z COP n NyO <;a 40 m ?Oaw N / 0 N (O 0 a \?//\\ p a cm com m ZZN-4 O < <v z D ?a z v S APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: N,-,VD (tASL 1329) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC? RiP NAA 83 ? r CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MA5UN INLLI KCLVliH11V1\ s AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND SECTION G-G FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 z°' WIMNCTO7 NC2 B 01 SHEET 16 9tnV67-OBOD F0(910)762- DATE: ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I O I I I I Co 0') ? N O IV ? ? mmX // . m z / O 00 / vIlzI ' \/ / \//\? / / i Z fV O m 0 \\ \ -TI \ p 0 LA o / :•m ::'::1:::• o = M CA .q Z cc> ? TOM ;q c' ;° cmn .. < Z z;u m -1 R a Z =m 1 N - i 0 im z ? a> \\\ ?\ co) O n*Z> ° z / %\\ o o 4- X o D gG)c m no' < v i ?ny °m ? °mCDmm m '-j-1 ic m ° (0) -4 O zz z v D .? _? z APPLICATION BY:NE%V Hb.•NOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION F-F' AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD SL ? 9<9 j FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC Ir NAD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA ArTTPt 414 CHESTNUT ST AA. ( !?7 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 21 WILMINGTON. S RE 2D1 26 SHEET 15 8 95 Z ( TE 20 / p (910)762-DBDD F"(91 : / p ! % 0)762-625 DA ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I 0 00 rn -P N O N O / 00 •???i\/i\/ice i' rn D :• ::::::::::: >`• :`• ::': C7 O ;•.• . :• •.? m '. m /W Z O m \ \ zz <m<wN.. vmo -gwrnz **mw >o?r- mmmmaamo .01>11 mzo r o c W ° ao m / \ NN-v m 0 0 ??co? m m v s zzC -? z < < a vv > z w v N u) APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (MSL jAZ9j SECTION E-E FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATU : NC GRID?4AL b3 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER • NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA ,A?T?11 ? k4 414 CHESTNUT ST ZYM WILMINGTON NC 28401 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE 201 DATE 8/20/99 SHEET 14 WILMINGTON, NC 26401 (910)762-0600 FM(910)762-62501 n a ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I O f I i I Co O ? N O fv •? O cl) . 0-4 /\\ ME / o w N z rn i j \ \ O Z i >?vm zCvzcmn D 0 rl=m Nr<rt j ?< m? r" j\ *i z oo za CZn 05 0 C> \ 0 =0 4 I C ) \ j \ E C D C X ;a C m -4mzv \ ?xza wvoz ° cc 0m ?awcmi? m o P 3 a o?mZ ma mm m 3 N -i z zz v < < vv • a z v APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION D-D' AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (W- K, 10s) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATA NC G D NAD 83 ? COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA USACE 414 CHESTNUT ST tim DATE: 8/20?9S b a G °` ? WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 3 201 NOWH MOW ST., SUFTE WILMINGTON, N (910)]6 D20Go7AX 9C2Bf00)]621-6251 Z) V n D v r ELEVATION (ft) NGVD i O I ! ! { Cu rn .P N O N -;h. O j/ x m %\ / o ' m"`'''' cn cn : C7 O O Z m O m : . czi :CD j\ ?z x m m m c> ° \ \\// o Zcz ?f m1 zr- < \\ ZZMDC -IN m- m>o \ 1 v rx oomo ammz ::E ? > v x z anzn z \ n vzo w mmmm"cmo boa oaz rxzc vvD 3 a ;o O Z 1?3m c r < <v z vv z v APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER !-CUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION SECTION C-C' AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (tCL ??2?) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DA UM: N: ?'R u NAD 3s COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST DATE• 8/20/99 b q WILMINGTON, NC 28401 zoi NORTH rN FROM SL. SURE 201 SHEET 12 WI F ON. NC SURE • (910)762-oaoo Enx(sio)7sz-szs 39L8--9L(ol 0080-L8L(0,6) / 66/^Z/9 •31V0 tins- a. s moe•jN1 GL 133HS 10-V8Z ON `NOIJNIWIIM (b •/ 6 ,oz aims "u moaj ,uao n ,oz TAM-= is N f 1S3H0 tlt? VNnoaVO HiaoN :31Vis J.1Nft0o a3noNVH M3N j , 83AONVH M3N :30 A1NnoO £8 Oek ?!?J ON 'YSOiVC IVINOZIaOH ONVISI 8 3unou ?r-r N01103S (ZS: ,§W, GAJN gWn1V0 IVOI183n ONV HOV38 3111ASIHD18M :iV NOIIV00I3a 13INI NOSVW 03SOd08d N01103S 33NNVHO AiNnoo 63/l.ON.VH M3N:),G N011VOIIddV c ° ^> > a /Il\\/Il\?i?? ?l ?1 / p G Q N p W ~EI.-I- 0 LU LU LL LL. W N 00 0) W Z 0) r 0 m f \?\? m N N aWi\ WMQ°? Wpy? 00 Z Z Z W I W F \\\ \\\ \ \ \\\/\\\\ \?\ \ O MMVwZCW2 OWMDW / \/ \\.. Jg Q V Q ? MIR '/&z Q z '??//? Q a v O zw 2 >a OQ WN ~LU W aza z W 2y 2z WpLL1W z a) N M • Z z T Z / O /?/\ \?l\\T\ O "Z co 0 C-) Z U) \\? O O W O f (D o p o ?\?ii?M??>\//' ' \\`,` o / N °O O O N to 00 d N O N 1 1 1 On9N (;d) NOUVA313 I - ----- - ------------- Shinn 11 -1 rightsville Beach C? Note: Shoreline features digitized from USGS Wrightsville Beach Quadrangle Map 545211INE (1970) N 0 4000 Scale in Feet N ?. PROPOSED: MASON INLLI KtLU%,A"%Jw1 m APPLICATION BY:NtWn>,?EFr ;:Ot!NTY LOCATION MAP AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND fff FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER tE NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA (o l ?? 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 '°' WNORTH IIWINOTON? C za o"` 2°' DATE: 8/24/99 SHEET 1 910)762-0800 FW (910)762-625 Mason Inlet (1970 location) Project Location and Current Location of Mason Inlet (1999) ELEVATION (ft) NGVD I I I I I O co 0) ? N O N P O / . \\ co) o `/ O 0 O (n cn c) 0- O O / > 21 ?. \\j \j / (A O r/Z 3cmam mcnz/?= 4 mDzr mcoOm vm ?N?cn w \ p=-mn={ mw?z >\\ \\ \\ \ 0 m O z m-4 /X//X// g-cmN cO?r \\/j a•I>czim mvzo \ ;0;, 0c zopM P \ r-=Z> cvoz o c rv a ?<;a <<wm _ cn?vm s? cn .? •? W co K) tO co m m ZZV3i--I O a v 3 < <v z o vv w N APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: NOVI) HORIZONTAL DATUM NC GRIP iNAD 83 - DATE: 8/20/99 CHANNEL SECTION SECTION A-A' NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA Ak" 2D1 NORTH FROM ST.. SURE 201 SHEET 10 ELEVATION (ft) NGVD p I I I I 00 rn -A N O N ? / m G) X cn m o o 1 • 1 D :: ?T1 C7 Z N n O m: • • ?.?-1 W : ;:; :::: •z m::; \ i O N v v . ,i v Z ?w m q 33DmOWz/ - ? \ ? zcooom mm >Tom zzr -i i/\\ \ N am r- m - - C ?-i \ // O n cii z G?mO N m-q \ ??mm -?+0 //\\ aDza wzZC) m m m m v ?0ca oT mzv N ° z =z v a o wm virA cm D co o -LWz D so ao h* .n m co) zzvi.4 o < <'C z a0 a z v `n n D V n APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHANNEL SECTION PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (4pL 1929) SECTION B-B FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC Gplp NAC 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER 0 -m NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA rIff"TR .md 414 CHESTNUT ST rrrr•z O , C 406 201 IWI MOW O I d WILMINGTON NC 28401 SHEET 11 201 NO H DATE: 8/20/99 i 011 __ c91m7 2-M D NM(910)762-6250 OTES: 1 HORIZONTAL COORDINATES BASED ON TE PLANES, NAD 83 2t TkY SURVEYS CONDUCTED BY A B EE JUNE Y,1999. W TLAND DELINEATION P ED BY LAN ?NI)gq? AUGIfSTOUP, IN39NPD S ED B STAB WA AT ON RWgY 4tELF? TIONS' ARE-MEASURED IN FEET A F AND FERENCED TO NGVD (19291WISL). A' 5) MEAN IGH WATERgMHW) ISF2.1§ FT NdVp ANE MEAN L kW WATE? (MLM IBS -2.0 FT,-NGV e E F? ; . E E E n E e e 81 e E k o E E e e z r E E E F E E E 4- E F ??? r D'F k k E E E E E S F E E F ?? ? F F E E E k e e km"PEP WETLA? D e ? e E e e k F BOND Y e k k E e e k r ?, e e e k+ s k k Irl E k ? F E E F F E e k e t l< s e e k l< e e e " A 0 E e E e e c r E F e e F k E % ? E E ? ? Cr F ? E ? r F F ? E r E AI? c ? E ! r E CIE A? .. ? k E E k ! l % 1 j* 4f /< k ,?.Lj ! vim` ' ? ? E ?I Lu a? T ? E 1 E F 1 E ? E i ? Q r??r cp F o ?0 of E 400 /< eet APPLICATION BY:NE\N HANOVEn COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (MSL?929) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC G IIIy HD 83 DATE: 8/24/99 a (o PROPOSED PROJECT NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA .L JLJL.LT.L 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE 201 SHEET 9 WILMINGTON, NC 78401 (910)782-0800 FM(910)762-625 -V y ?? { { I Y y y { ? rI y ?` y{ 1 . yI t? v NORTH SEDI ON BASIN f4 y z +y 1 ?? y y 1 y t , CHANNE ?TOIOFT GVD y y ' HANN L GUT TO 40 FT N y 1 S TO .....f -V { y y y ? i y p y y -vMAPP D WETLAND FIGURE 8 ISLAND y BOUN Y y y ' y y J -V y y y y y 5p. J y y y i • o • O F?- Q 0 y -V J y , y y y y y y • y y y J P Y , y O y y O J P' o. y y -V , J ?V) y y y y y y y y y y R y y CD app y y o Q' 1? 9 y * ? y y 1• ?o 0o MASON INL y ? y y y y R a? y y \ / ES: I4 HO,RIZONTAIL COO NATES BASED ON NC STATE_PLANES,-k 83 O BATHYMETRIC-SUJ13VEYS NDUCTED BY A BETVIEENbJUNE AND JULY, 99. 3) E:T?AND DELINEATION PERF MED BY ND NAGEME T GROUO, INC. AN RVEYED yA ON AUGUST-9 A„ND 13, 1999. S. 4) EL VATION$ ARE MEASUREQ IN E - AND EFERENCED30 NGVD (1929 L). y -- MEA IGlpi WTER (M 6S 2.18 NGW D 0 400 MEAD L W WATER (MAW) IS -2.b9 y SHELL is y -V y ISLAND* cale in Fee y v / -V ?I y y y y' y 0 n APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROPOSED PROJECT PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (MSL?1929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUM: IjC GRl AD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER NEW CNOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA A DATE: 8/24/99 g ' &p Q WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 7 2 uN°10N. NC 28 0? 201 (910, 762-0800 F"(910)762-62 8,500 FT a O a °' ? :. Co. id Z TES: -•' .. •-• ... '-•_ . ' ; I. ORIZ - TAC RDINAT S SF-D•Q ST NA6 93 2 BA H TRIO S VEYS' COND D Dy)4'I m b EIS JU1jE• :!LILY ET D-DBL•INEA O ORM D jBY LANiD - MAMA MEN?:GRO Ibis AND SIB D: ATM ELEV N •M• 17ED" IN:FEET : AND GED TQ-N ND I't S O 800 M LGH TAR OHM LOW T'ER (MC -Z cale in Feet b ll L n D v r APPLICATION BY:NEW HANO`JER C:)Ut::TY PROPOSED PROJECT PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD SL 1929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORI TAL DAT' M: N rZ10 NAD 83 COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER ArM .A, 41NEW4 HA CHESTNUT ST COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA rrx- 824 99 a ?? WILMINGTON, NC 28401 SHEET 8 zof NORTH FRON fit., SURE 201 6 F NO 26401 DATE: (910)]622--0800 0600 FAX(910)762-625 J Q U L iJ S n a T LLI a • a a a a r = L O ,'r ' 'r r'. ','' yv'a"a •y a'. =+'r• a' '''a' Yay+'r±+""a = "a a r. ,' " yrr a '• • • •r` yar' , ''r•' •r ar •' r' ' y • F y .y IL U • • Ned ., • • as •r .. • •?- ate' im" Feet: _ v a::S, N INLET APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (',t4Ln1225} HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC GRI AD 133 USACE # \ DATE: 8/20/99 PROPOSED PROJECT SHEET INDEX NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE SHEET 6 WILMINGTO%)N9 C 28401 (910)762-0800 10)762- NOTES: HORIZONTAL COORDINATES BASED ON 26ATE PLANES, NAD 83 , 2) ATHY SURVEYS CONDUCTED BY M ETWEEN JUNE Y, 1999.e 3) TLAND DELINEATIO P ED Bil-A 'Cl M NAGEMENT GROUP, C. ANp S E.- ED B AT ON AUGUST 9 AND 1 1999. 4) EL ATIONS ARE MEASU DIN FEETe - AND EFERENCED TO NGV (1929 M§L). 5) MEA HIGH WATER (MHW) I 2.a8 FT GYD A MEAN OW WATER (MLI IS - . 9 EST N { r ? -mow ? F ? ? ? ? = y ° ; F F E: 1 ? E /<? k e { E 4 %? E 4 F 1 e 11 e k if e k e vl? E 1? E E F e f ? e ESN E E ! 1 i I477t4COASTAL WATFRK'AY E '? 1 E r k ?? of 1 F I l< ?? E I 1 E E F E k F S I ° k 0 400 r?? J I ? E F? •r 1 E Scale in Fe t k It - E /< MAPP LA? D t l b BOUND eY e ? ?{ ; E ?k l< { E `? ?n • e F? - E t to 'I ? ?° C A n V T W° J { Sr E E ` o P`, F vo b /< E t% l< 40 ft l< b 4 41' 1% l< % d VE - v rr,_j 1° E E v ago -?• E l< k I 41F % l< % mA, U? ?/< % m _ %? APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXISTING CONDITIONS PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND VERTICAL DATUM: NGVJ (MSS, 1929) FIGURE 8 ISLAND HORIZONTAL DATUR NC G ,O ; COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER R NEW HANOVER COUNTY A" I STATE: NORTH CAROLINA DATE 8/24/99 &/q 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE 201 SHEET 5 WILMINGTON. NC 28401 (910)762-0800 FA%(910J]62-625 -r 'I d y y y NOTES: y e 1) HORIZONT COORDINAT ASED ON NC STATE P NES N 3 S C NDUCTED BY ATM y ?e \ 2)' BATHYMETRI SU a?E a? BETWEEN JU ND JULY 999. y e' . 3) WETLAND TION P. FORMED BY LAND MANA EN? OUR, IN AND SURVEYED BY AUG S 9 ND 13 1999. y -95 y h g"IONS SU ED IN FEET y y a> N REFERS ED T NG D (1929 MSL). 5)?IAEA HIGH AI •ER IS 2.18 FT NGVD AND y ?' M N (ML IS -2.09 FT NGVD. T O I SUffSIElf F FIGURE 81SLAND y y \ ---------? , ' m WA ERP MED pr, ICKSON DEC 28, 1998 ° I 1• y eb r -- ----- ?R 1 9tit . y c ------------ -V -" y •I r y ---------- ?. rst ----------- --------------- ssl y I I ----------- ------ r i 1 091 y ? i ?? nr ? I ? d9l F -_ I y y - (' '--` t { i "I „ / •' ---oil-- y ,96 ; i r I .. ; II ' ?? 'r4i zLl \ I I SLI / •z' 91 1 , 1, \\ I I - .t 1 I f 1 • I i __ ///?°9 LZI 9,, 9 ??F ? ?fY?, UgE 8 ?L?7Y,`. I \ r ` . 1 ----- , 1 V se ?` 111? \}? ? Q )} '10 1$ 19.16} 1 } 1 •\\\\°g, Wa ``\\ . V m '?C 1 q''• 9?' 09 h •° \\6 3g 1 °' ,7 yt \h `}y ,F F .°? }, 0 °, • 9' 0'1 ,p. 0 po \`}? 9 U • \\ i JI ` 1° \ I . 1 -v °`' 1a 24,°? 0?6?}? 31 }9 }F 0s `?? 0? 6 6??\\?3 ``'\\ j .4, 6 19 1 ?I, J/ ° } ?'}0 trb no- h9 64 00 ?0;06 ? . ply y 1?'S,' , ,'ae?` ?H ??:??agz?' ?b 20 9\? 6 i 1' '1 6 rte. L;1:F. F} 1`?1} 15 ^?°'I.h q }6 hg•?h 6\\ .% h5 hb ?- 01 } \\?9 % ? \. F ,F 0 `? `° r1 ':'?:?,R,'a38s? 1gi6 •hx }? }? '51 y ,' .', ° 1 `Sy ? p 1h,Sp 10 }°•30 } ? }$ }89 69 n F 6} 00'10 p0 01 M \\I - i • ($ ? w `? p4 0? '69 Yi Y' S °? .O6 91 1 1905 II" 'q 0 1 \\ 1??` Al 1° \F ?\9 ;; 6. °6 6h • 9q 90 ,1A 0? 6? h115 . 0 0 400 i 9 4 \} \b h5 VS 00 ° p Fh 6., }? 00 F6.00 06 h'I? 'I6 0? y9 4?j."h Vii" ?1 ?? °? F 5 6 . \ Scale in Feet \ 91 nl Y ` r• op 40 ° M e u ,1 Is t t' ` Aa 6 Y Y ?9 11 1 • Y y / ,0 Y 1? ' ,1 Y ,6 Y Y Y IN 1g 1? 1 h ? `6 Ay A6 f?i??1N \° t '+ 1 '1'}X{1,09 °:1 IN 1. yb S } , 6 } y YID; ?? .hob}h' 4A y°'LS`?,. 01 A^ .° y.c.I ? y 00 °1 11??I y •, h.by111` ,? O'°'p1A9 .°? °" os Y Y r 1 f h I? 1 `S A?pp1o Y y °: `'? `? meld? Y o1y ? ?? 9:?Oq' rf 1 4* 10k Y Y 4,a ?'. os o'46 ° -Y YNFPP D LAND A9 BOLAM Y ? Y M1n ? 6 6 Y ?, ,16 'v J ,g Y y Y ? .y0 19 ?S y ss Y Y 1E h J Y y'? Y Ow Y p9 Y ,6 .y 5 Y °'1 Y "Ah App J Y Y Y s?. Y Y °? Y -1E .\ y y J '?F Y 1t` Y -, ,,v Y Y J " °? Y `- Y h Y Y Y Y ';E Y 'yo Y Y .? Y ,i9 Y .s v Y .1'9 y '1h y 4 Y Y Y %1 Y Y ' Y Y Y y.N S: HORIZONTAL ORDINATES BASED O Y SIC STATE PLaAN NAD 83 •?, Y 2) BATHYNlETRIC S R S CONDUCTED B ATM YBE'TWEEN JUNE-AND J Y, 1999. °o- 3) W&LAND DELINEATIO FORMED BY -GRQP Y AMANAGEMIfNT M ON ?JGUST 9 ?NPDI 3,.19 D SURVEYED y4) D REFERENACED TO"NGYD (1929 ET y 5)-M HIGH 'WATER (MHW) IS 2.18 ET NG D M N L®W 11VATER (i9kVMAIS -2.09 FT RY 0 6y TOP GRAPHIC SURVEY OF FIGURE Y ND Y W Y WAS WORMED BY W:K. OIC Y N E@'28„199 w Y Y Y _?L. y N N _ APPLICATION BY:NEW HA' O ER COUNTY m VERTICAL DATUM: NGV MSL 1929) ONTAL DAT;JM: C RID MyA 8:3 DATE: 8 4/9 f0 1 A 0" 65 6f, 6 6? 1 A "?h 1?p g9 }6 }l 60 A} ?\ 60 Al bb 9 1l 0' q! 9g 1 p q, bt 6? 6•, A5 \1 %N hg bh 6° bb 90 OS 6 \ 06 66 60 66 bh 1? 16 6? b9 \ng '*' IN 1 11 }9 0 \ y?0 ` bh b5 IN by S6 79 bh 6` 60. 6A 0 66 bh 1b y7 b1 b9 b; ,O }1 p9 ,y A }4si? °cJ 'I IN be pb g} h9 ?} +?9 Oq 9h 61 10 1 N 66 60 60 b1b1 i` ip ` 1V Ory 4 S pA ,O 0 0 py {?Q b. 10 09 1` 09 61 g0 6, 65 `'? bs p h6 } 56 ,9 04 ?4? ,p. 1 ,y, b1 56 hb A hI 60 11 6 9 ..1 Q 5 .,? h5 p9 p.}.P O6 ? "e qq 9 }0 6 pb }? ?\ ? 9b h5 ? S6 96 56 bb b1 "} ?5 1 ° Sy o _o N 1' 6 p. }6 1 1p }b IN 9p 9y h} 99 1 5 y ?y h p pgp ? ?` 60 9 p It - 05 B1 S to ? 1 0 - 0 ?1^p75 p0 gy hOh, 90 90 p9 60 A.°' A9 pb p0 I. ON ,`h ON FIGURE 8 ISLAND 9 p2 ^ v ?7. 1'y7 }? p0 p1 p? 65 A6 c g0 p9 pq pb. It pb p0 p5 h1 1y }. , p? 3 6? ?i0 S0 6 0} bb q? G, be A? 45 "} p° p96`1 JO pb p1 69 h9 67 y6 p9 6h S6 0 N . p p I °? N1 o ? ?' OS ?bq -6 9 . }B p9 p6 bb b1 bb b9 q ,0 ppb bb by by b} 0.6 i p} y I .}6 0.5 pb 4? b9 43 p1 }9 Abpp 6 1 1 6 sp ?I a c 1 ? III -?, ; ry i ° O°- y SHELL g ISLAND: \ Y ' EXISITING CONDITIONS NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 0 C\? 1 r i \\\ ` le Fee PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER ." r STATE: NORTH CAROLINA fycl 201 NORTH FRONT ST., SURE SHEET 3 a 1'WILMINCOc: NC1n840; EE I - T ' p• y - " ; ' -H r = o r r ` ?y ?S ? +Y Y "" ''+.',' `' r ° - - r".• ' Jam. .v, S Jo .Ya YY•?..Y J,•• cf) `r ++ r r' '' "r '` r yr+ '" ry '` + yy a ?J ° a ?O ? x' WJ?eYYJ Qi , r , - r ? . ?" r ., r? r , -fir • ? ' _ ? €?' ?-? M ? J ' y y' - . ?? Jsr.r.. +?•J.w w.,.,?yfw•,?i Yr y R ;t ? ?J? +' ' y' "r` , - .' ,y -' •-y-_ ,' ,''y+r .' , r ''? ,•+ y '?' •. ' ?? I ?I. \ J ,Lr ,.,,y..'wY ?° •" ," +r ', ""'",+ ,r `, `, ' , :''. ,r , +''y r Y, " r y ' `r ""y'y y? j .I i ' ` ? ? • ? ?/ qa M N N LET foo©" 5C Je' M- Fget O U F- Z g Q V i n n n r APPLICATION BY:NEW HANOVER COUNTY VERTICAL DATUM: NGVU, !!: SI- 1329) HORIZONTAL DATUI N?'CRiD NAD 33 DATE: a EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET INDEX NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER STATE: NORTH CAROLINA rTm SHEET 2 201 NORTH FROM ST.. SUITE HL'xul 71 All BANKS &Awe- (aAw z&- 1011� I,p _nw� II %L Z < 0 < 0 WW 80Z zff2 F o0 kj";4AW J�w 452 .4 z F_ 0 z C) 0 _j LLJ LAJ IY > _ 0 Lj -X Lj Z< T Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION:" (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name New Hannvor ('rnin+y Address 414 Chestnut Street City Wilmington . State NC Zip 28401 Day Phone 910-341-7139 Fax 910-341-4035 b. Authorized Agent: Name Applied Technology & Mgmt of North Carolina, Inc. Address 201 N. Front St. , Suite 201 City _ Wilmington State NC Zip 28401 Day Phone 910-762-0800 Fax 910-762-6250 c. Project name (if any) -Mason T n l 6,t Ref drat i nn Prn3er•i- NOTE: Penrd! will be issued in name of landowner(s), and/or project name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County New Hanover b. City, town, community or landmark Wriahtsvi 1 1 P Raarh and Island E1r° °' C. Street address or secondary road number d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? _ X Yes -No e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g, river, creek, sound, bay) Macon T n 1 pt Mason-Creek 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT a: List. all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. Excavation across inlet corridor, easement on Figure 8 Island; excavation at Mason Creek; filling existing location of Mason Inlet;. beachfill at Figure 8 Island b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? New Work c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is -needed, please attach additional pages. _ See attached vo A-v nzroc Form DCM-MP-1 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. N/A a. Size of entire tract _ 79.8 Acres (D r d q e and fill- areas) b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL Varies -21 MHW to +51 MHW d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Shoals are unconsolidated sand (SP & SP/SM). Spit n. Describe location and type, of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Hydraulic dredging with slurry discharges a sites for beachfill and Mason Inlet infilling. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. is N/A new an san unconsolidated sand. Mature t1dal,marsh is silty clay loam. e. Vegetation on traces G= a r t. i n ;q A l t a rn i f l n r a, S. Patens,Borrichia Frutascens, Distichlis pica a, a icornia pp., nio a aniculata, Cakile Endentula, Hydrocotyle Spp- f. Man-nRjeN features now on tract 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION g. What is the CAMA, Land Use Plan 'land classification of the site? (consult the local land use plan.) X Conservation Transitional X Developed Community Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? R20 s i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? X Yes - No (Attach zoning caornpliance certifiaue, if applicable) j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes X No If yes, by whom? SHPO Guidance Letter received/no professional assessment k. is rtlrie project relo& edr in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? Yes x No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes No Coastal (marsh) X Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? Yes (Anach documentation, if available) In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If- the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the 3 d. Description and Planned Use of Proposed Project The purpose.of this project is to protect homes and upland property at north Wrightsville Beach from erosion related losses caused by the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure 8 Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southerly beaches of Figure 8 Island. A hydraulic dredge will be used to excavate material from Mason Creek through the new inlet location across Figure 8 Island. The sand slurry will be pumped through both floating and land based pipeline to the locations of fill placement. Pipeline will be located within established corridors extending to the south end of Figure 8 Island continuing north to the southernmost 8,500 feet of developed beaches on Figure 8 Island. A corridor will be established and marked with flagging to lay out pipeline (floating and fixed lines) between the area(s) of excavation and the stockpile and fill area. The stockpile area is proposed to be located at the south end of Figure 8 Island, contiguous to the channel bank at the existing inlet. r.1 7 7 "J, T ?j `rte j Form DCM-MP-1 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days is which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name See attached list Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. None • A check for $250 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the c2 6 day of a-u , 19 9q Print Name Kar34n M- Fri rkcnn. PK Applied Technol y & Mgmt. Signature Of North ?aroli Inc. Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. X DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the-bottom of each form. z i% 5. Names of adjacent waterfront owners: 1. Shell Island Homeowners Association c/o Shanklin & McDaniel 214 Market St Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-9400 2. Geo Henry HutafF Trust No. 2 c/o David Ward Ward & Smith 1001 College Court PO Box 867 New Bern, NC 28560 (252).633-1000 3. State of North Carolina Department of Administration State Property Office Go Joe Henderson 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733-4346 4. Bruce Cameron 2219 Blythe Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 763-1054 5. Town of Wrightsville Beach Tony Caudle, Town Manager 321 Causeway Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 256-7900 6. Figure 8 Beach Homeowners' Association c% Edward S. Barclay, Jr., President 15 Bridge Rd Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 686-0635 i ? ?? : ? V 1' r_ ^ ` 2 1999 J r ?••° •v cam. Il•'1P ;i ?:."'S -M ENT Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. . Average Final Existing Project ' Leneth Width Denth i]rnth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Inlet Boat basin Boat ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other Beach (Excluding shoreline stabilization) Revised 03195 3400 70 +2 to -8 GVD NGVD 2100 500 Varie -10 NGVD - ' ' f;litM J:, 1,, ??a[,t..-• C} ,t-V?Jii?.: 0,00 50 - +4 to +8 to .100 -6 -6 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards ag.i ,.0.00 _ Y b. Type of material. to be excavated urnconsolidated fine/medium grain sand, SP SP/SM' classified soils c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? X Yes No d. Highground excavation in cubic yards _ 29.0, 000 c? 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area 1. Mason Inlet and 2. southerly 2 miles of developed shoreline at Figure 8 Island b. Dimensions of disposal area 1. 38.7 acres anc 2. varies 50 to 10 ' x 10,000, c. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes X No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the -owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? X yes No If yes, where? Construction easements across lands south of inlet Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes X No f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? X Yes No 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Type of shoreline stabilization N/A Bulkhead Riprap b. Length c.- Average distance waterward of MHW or NWL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months (Source of inform Pion) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed-below water level (1) Riprap (2) Bulkhead backfilI h. Type of fill material i. Source of fill material 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? X' Yes No (Hydraulic If yes, (1) Amount of material to be placed in the waterA) 395,700 cy B) 30-8,300 c (2) Dimensions f fill area A ) 1, 700 - x 11000, B3 f 75' (3) Purpose of fill A) F; i , Px; g+ ; „ inlet B) Nourish beach b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? - Yes X No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area (2) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Long dikes parallel to shoreline- b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Hydraulic dredge, Excavators and Bulldozers c. Will wetlands be cr;,ssed in transporting equipment to project site? Yes X .No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. Karyn M. ckson, P.E. Applicant r Proj Sig cure placemen Revised 03/95 GO w W m O (O N fD O CD O A W N -+ 'C 'tT A W N --+ '6' (T A W N" -6- 1 cm A co N" 'C 1 (T A W N co (O tD (D -O (O (D Co to (D w w (D co to CO (D CD CO (D co co (D CD co (D CO (O CO tD (D Oo CD O to co O to w co 00 ?D CO CO V V co (D (O co W (D (D co co (D CO O VtDtnCOO t0 tDC]co co (D IV WtDO)O -+ W ?Lnm:-. O W ODaDfV IV tD CD co (D (D C. w co to (O co (D (D (D (D CO Co (O (D CO co co (D (D (D co CD co (D CD OD (0 V CD O ?O ?D (D cD t0 ?D tT V OD W A (A cD OO W OD (D OD 00 00 W tD tD to (O. IV O CD O (D co co Co (D A co w OD " V la OD A W N 4) " O) to .P OD CD co (O to !O co CO co co (D Co (D co co to to co CO co co (D co CO (D CD CO CO CO (D OD (D V OD O (O to (D CO fD CD tT 9) OD O) N N W (D OD W OD co -1 V (T OD V CD CT N CT t0 O CO V OD V V OD O W -+ tJ O Co On W O) N IV O Cb W r C tT Oo CD co CD CD CO to co co CO CD Co OD co OD to CD OD to CD co co co CC) co co (D (D CC) Co co 0) OD (D . CD CO CD Co co --l co CT :V C)) O N 00 CO OD V OD 00 0) V A V CD CO W 6 W W CD N to C) b) in CD (D V O W CA CT N O W C» O CT OD W W A A -? CO (D CO CO CO CD (D CO OD CO OD OD OD CO (T 00 CO CD Co Co Co O OD V OD V OD CO -? CT N W (D W O) V CA v O CO O O N N CJ) W A W 9) 9) N W N N O N <T O OD CO W IV CO W N W tT .A CD - W .A. Cl A W N W W O -? A 3a co fJ ? W CT O W O A V N' V'+ N N N Np 8 W H O :A OD CD r OD CO O O CJt N CT A W V O O CO 6 O to O CO V CA A O A V Oo 'p OD A O) ' O v tr .ta W iT 0) A O A O W tT W CT tr CT A O A O (r W A N CA V A W N W A O CO OD CT IV V 6) A -0. OD CO N CA CJ Co N) O N - O 0 O N) O W tT is co A (T 'i -+ 7- - - p - - - .... 7- "' ? N O -- N ' O ' N ' O - 3 '' O W CT A 0) A OD N co CT s A A O CT W co (T CD 0(D A Cl) W O) W O W co W '' CA K) N W W W O 7' ' i O _' Cr -? 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CO ,-4 W O W CO W -+ W O O C)t A O A (T V CT O) A CO Co CT A (D W A V W ,p V CO V O O) OD Ol V CD (D Cp ?` V N - - ? ? - O ?I W N N (A O V O A A w -' 4? -' W CO N ao A CO N V i.1 n W O ? p N N O -1 N) V W CD :-a in A O O p A O W W W W W N N W A A A A CD 0 J O) f-- PD Oc " 4 O) A CD N V A N co ? N w Ch CO C> V Ul b. O cn O O A A V in c) CO N in N A W N -? 7' W O- -- '' O O '' ' 1 .... 7 W V OD W N ?? _s ? -+ E O -' -•? O ,A -l CT W K) O O V A CW N3 A O V O it oo :ta A O in W 'CO W W s 0 7' W O' O O O .? . p 7' O W O W '- - '-' O i N O W A C" W Cn A A IV O OD A. A N -+ O -+ V- N V N W A N -? CO -+ W a) -S? to 0 O A N 9) A N p W A O W A N W (P cP oh 'A N 000.tV QO QOOON QOOO N OD6.L N O O W CA 4 O 8(5) O OD 0) ""' OD 666 O O O 0 0 0 p 0 p 0 0 0 0 Q 000 0 V L l ? L%- E 2 1199 COASTAL d CC O W W M (Q W CD - OD _ CL CD W 01 N CD tD O CL w oo o O 0 W 2 2) W N @ ^D m CD m . 3 I CD 7( 0 W L N 3 0 O CD W N W m O LA. O y IS N A m (n N W W ?O PD FD tD W V O to v (C) 9) V co Cn CA (D co 9) co V ? O CD A tJ co w Q0 co co IV Cl O CD CD W A co Oo " w cn co s V N ? -? Cn 1a Cn W Cn O A W Ol V J J 7' 7'1 O) W A A ca W CA co O C07C A O O A W N -D A W N co (D co (D (D co co CD (D (D co co CD OD OD V p p (D (D (D p p p m OD O co W mJ N K) co OD co co (D CD co co CD (D (D to CD CD (D OD V V1 A OD O O V O OD V CD 0) ? CO V A Co CA OD A la O co CD (D CD co co co CO co co (D CD co CO V A W. co co OD C) OD V CYV CD NCrn CW O rn6(D rn (W Oo V co (D co co co co O CD O co (D :-t OD OD UC V 9) -N (D - OD A N O CA W CO CO V (D O V CD (D 00 OD co (D co OD co (D OD co A N Cn p A 9) OD A W 9D pp 0) (71 N -+ O CoM 00A Cn Co V 8 W OD O> Ut (JC V tD V -'- A N p -' V CD V - V N « V O A (7t -? 9) ? W 'ta W sn A N p A OD V N O Cl) Cn CJ w W" r ." O r _a .a - -? N O O A O A N W s-- N Ns OA - --)_a O OP tV O O CD co -? A s 0 0 V CO A 9) :A N 9) 'A N N O G O O N O 0 0 0 N O D 6) .p O 00 A .? N O O O C) O 60 O O Y l `J ti! i `. 199 -2 COOS E ri_ f?fi^il?Lt"i: er?ENT1 Appendix I O^ O North Carolina Department of Cu tural Resources Jamos B. S9tfl Je, rovcmor j. Dkelskm of Ardt4= sud Hiptory Betty Ray MdCAin, Seaaeeoty kff=Y 3_ Ctow. A'ueetor December 13, 1996 r Steve Morrison Environmental Consultant Land Management Group, Inc. P.O. Box 2522 Wilmington, NC 28402 Re: Request for Information conjoerning the preparation of environmentO assessment for the relocation of Mason's Inlet,. New Hanover County Dear Mr. Morrison: At your request, members of our Underwater Archaeology Unit reviewed the proposed relocations of Mason's Inlet. Historically there has been an inlet in The general project location. It has beim known as Mason's Inlet. Queen's Inlet, and Barren Inlet. ' In the Underwater Archaeology Unit's Shipwreck research files there are references to two vessels lost in The Inlet: The Caldwell, a schooner lost in 1848, r.tnd The Marea, a gasoline-powered freighrfboat lost in 1926. In 1993, staff members inspected the remains of a wooden sailing ship, 0002MA1, in Masons Inlet approximately two hundred yards north of the Shell Island resort- Other unrecorded shipwrecks may exist in the project area. A review of historical records indicates that Mason's inlet was shallow and seldom used for navtgaition. In addition, the inlet has been very unstable and prone to move rapidly north and south between Shelf Island and Figure Eight Island- It appears that during the nineteenth century the inlet was most often in its current location. Based on this information, the proposed excavation of the inlet approximately 3,500+ feet north of the Shell Island resort occurs in an area than holds only low to moderate potential for containing submerged cultural remains. We, therefore, recommend that no underwater sojohaeoiogical investigation be conducted in connection with the dredging portion of the project. The closure of the existing inlet m15y affect shipwreck site 0002MA3. While in the long term this may benefit the eito by covering it with protective sands, we are concerned about the methods whi)Ch may be used to close the inlet- In some cases, construction activities mayid1sturb or destroy historic shipwreck remains- We, therefore, recommend that wr: _ be provided with detailed plans for closure as 109 E=t Jones Strict -lltaldgh, North Carolina 27541-2847 1 - E 2 11199 i JL COASTAL 101ANAGEMVIENT 1 a Jl I f I N ? J! 7i? Steve Morrison December 13, 1996, Page 2 .I they become available. Staff merriibers will attempt to pinpoint the present location and nature of site OOO2MAl to asst project engineers in avoiding damage to the shipwreck. We would tike to notify you that tijiis project should be undertaken with extreme caution, both during excavation of tithe new inlet alignment and irt-fif}ing of the Current alignment. If during construction submerged rhsterieis are encountered, work should move to another ar"*Iahd our Underwater Archoerology Unit be contacted immediately (918-468.2). A staff member will be sent to make an assessment of tha remains and d ••ermine the proper course of action. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 108 of :the National Historic Preservardon Act and the Advisory+jCouneil on Hietoe#6 Preservation's Regulaf ions for Compliance with Section 106 dodified at 36 CFR Part 600., Thank you for your cooperation ar4d consideration_ if you have questions concerning the above comment, piss contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, erivironmernal review coordinsto?r, at 9191763-4263. cerely, , t?'?+r acs"' , David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservratiorr'Officer DB;sfw cc, H. F. Vlok. North Carolina Dijspartment of Transportation .r ? i RD9 C'©A : - '? ATM APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. November 5, 1999 Mr. Edward Brooks NC Division of Coastal Management 127 N. Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Mason Inlet Relocation Project Dear Mr. Brooks: 7 t V n '?7 ?-w 3 r? The Mason Inlet Relocation Project's proposed Mitigation Plan and proposed Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan are enclosed for your consideration. If you have any questions or require supplemental information for either of these plans, please feel free to call Steve Morrison or me. Sincerely, Karyn M. Ericks , P.E. Vice President Cc: Doug Hugget, NC Division of Coastal Management Gregory R. Thompson, P.E., New Hanover County 201 North Front Street, Suite 201 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 TEL (910) 762-0800 FAX (910) 762-6250 Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan Submitted to: North Carolina Division of Coastal Management U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Applicant: i I ?? 1` { y i? in r\ New Hanover County Prepared by: Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. Land Management Group, Inc. October, 1999 )qh+ APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA. INC. MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT PROJECT SUMMARY 8 1999 ' ,?? S D1? '0I'?' OF MANAGEMENT On behalf of New Hanover County, Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. (ATM) has submitted a permit application to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) for activities associated with the proposed relocation of Mason Inlet. The purpose of this project is to protect homes and upland property at the northern end of Wrightsville Beach from erosion losses resulting from the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure Eight Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southern oceanfront beaches of Figure Eight Island. An Environmental Assessment (EA) assessing existing environmental conditions and potential project impacts has been prepared and distributed to participating regulatory agencies for review. The following plan outlines various components of the physical and biological monitoring that will be used to evaluate potential impacts associated with the inlet relocation project. The EA should be referred to for additional information regarding project design and potential impacts to environmental resources. BEACH AND OFFSHORE PROFILES Beach and offshore profiles shall be measured at 20 reference monuments to be established along the Figure 8 Island, Mason Inlet and Wrightsville Beach shoreline adjacent to the Mason Inlet Relocation Project Area. Profiles will extend along the shore normal azimuths, from the backbeach (west of the existing dune or berm feature) approximately 1,500 feet offshore (to the -25-foot NGVD contour). The average spacing between monuments will range from 250 feet near the inlet to 1,000 feet at distances greater than 1,500 feet from the new and the closed Mason Inlet location. In addition, profiles at the adjacent beaches monuments will also be similarly measured. The adjacent survey limits will extend approximately 3,000 feet north of the relocated inlet monuments (MI-1 to MI-5) and 5,000 feet south of the inlet (MI-11 to MI-20). The adjacent beaches profiles will allow monitoring of sand spreading and movement adjacent to the relocated Mason Inlet. Beach profiles will be performed immediately before and after construction. Additional surveys will be performed at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years following project completion. Additional annual surveys will be performed if the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determines them to be necessary. Profiles will also be conducted following significant storm events during the 24-month monitoring period following completion of construction. 201 North Front Street, Suite 201 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 TEL (910) 762-0800 FAX (910) 762-6250 -1- 99265A-HydrolBiologMonitoringPlan102599pce Vertical and horizontal control will be referenced to NGVD 1929 and North Carolina State Plane Coordinate System (NAD 1927), respectively. Survey line azimuths will be identified by magnetic bearing. Survey data will be submitted to the DCM in the form of cross-sectional profile plots and on 3.5" disk in the DCM designated digital format. A report will be submitted for each post-construction survey which will document the results of volumetric and shoreline change analyses to the Inlet, sedimentation basin and the ebb tidal shoal(s) in the Project area and along adjacent beaches. INLET AREA BATHYMETRY Bathymetry at the interior inlet will be measured prior to construction, immediately following construction, and annually thereafter for the 24-month monitoring period. The surveys will consist of 30 lines,spaced approximately 150 feet apart. The lines will run approximately 1,000 to 1,500 feet following the long axis of the inlet (east to west). The data and volumetric change analyses will be included in the 1-year and 2-year post-construction hydrographic monitoring reports indicated above. , SURFICIAL SAND SAMPLING Surface sand samples will be collected immediately following construction and concurrently with the 12 month beach profile surveys. Sand samples will be collected along eight (8) longshore transects. Sand samples will be collected at elevations ±10, +5, 0, -5, -10, and -15 feet NGVD. Samples will be analyzed using standard ASTM procedures to determine the grain size distribution (8 sieves). Results will be submitted to the DCM with an analysis of the longshore and cross-shore adjustment of the beaches and inlet channel banks and the ebb shoal. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Color, vertical aerial photographs shall be flown. along the Project shoreline at the time of each monitoring survey. The scale of the photographs shall be 1 inch equals 200 feet. The flight line shall begin 3,000 feet north of the inlet and proceed southward at distance of 10,000 feet, 7,000 feet south from the new inlet location. Each photograph shall include the entire beach, nearshore environment, and sufficient upland features (i.e., beach-fronting buildings, roads, etc.) to determine the location of any photograph. The shoreline location in any image should be approximately half way across the width of the photograph. Consecutive photographs shall have sufficient overlap (approximately 20%) to identify common points of interest. Photographs shall be taken prior to 2:00 PM to avoid building shadows cast towards the beach. Local predicted tides will be used to determine flight times so subsequent photography events will occur during similar times in the tidal cycle. Photographs will not be rectified, but horizontal ground control.will be established by setting sufficiently sized aerial targets (4' x 4') on the reference monuments in the days prior to the flight. In the event that a monument is either not visible due to vegetation or located in an area of heavy traffic, the aerial target shall be offset from the monument along the profile azimuth. This offset distance and azimut ill the target-setting party's field notes for use during any subsequent photographic n -c V E I rov U 8 1999 ,Ml & 99265A-H drolBior vi?o Coastal Engineers, Jcientists & Management Consultants DI \/I L??OA1 OF pce y oglAon onn b VON d ?i BIOLOGICAL MONITORING The goal of the biological monitoring plan is to assess and document potential effects of project activities on primary productivity, faunal utilization, and substrate texture/organic content of marsh areas adjacent to the proposed work zone. Pre- and post-construction monitoring will provide quantitative data and qualitative observations that can be used determine if any deleterious effects to the marsh habitat are directly attributable to the inlet relocation project. The extent to which monitoring parameters will be affected depends on various conditions (e.g. the character of the dredged material, tidal and current regimes, etc.) and any system responses will likely be distributed in a linear fashion from Mason Creek. MONITORING PARAMETERS Selection of monitoring parameters has been based upon those factors potentially impacted by project activities and those readily sampled and evaluated. The following monitoring elements have been selected: (1) Spartina stem density (2) Mature (>30 cm height) Spartina stem height (3) Percent sand, silt, and clay of surface substrate (4) Percent organic content of surface substrate (5) Sedimentation rate?' (6) Benthic macroinvertebrate utilization (7) Wildlife utilization R 'ECEHVIR t: V 0 199 1, . D DIVISION! OF UAKIAGEVIENT Evaluation of each of these parameters is discussed in the following section. BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Sampling efforts will focus on the area of potential impact where biota and physical conditions (e.g. soil texture) are most likely affected by project activities and associated perturbations such as altered flooding regime and sedimentation. As discussed earlier, any perturbations will manifest in system responses distributed linearly from Mason Creek. Therefore, three permanent 300-foot monitoring transects will be established along a north-south axis on both sides of Mason Creek (totaling six transects). Four one-meter square quadrats for each transect (located 50, 100, 150 and 300 feet away from Mason Creek) will be sampled for stem density and height of Spartina. The quadrat located furthest from Mason Creek will serve as the control plof for each transect. (Refer to the enclosed map depicting monitoring transects and plots.) Sediments will be characterized according to percent sand/silt/clay and percent organic matter. A composite sample will be collected for the 50, 100, and 150-foot plots. One sample will be collected for each control plot. In addition, metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface prior to project construction will used to evaluate sediment deposition and/or loss over time for each plot. Faunal utilization of marsh habitat will be evaluated through species lists and relative densities of epibenthic macroinvertebrates and wildlife along transect corridors. Indirect evidence and .Arm I 99265A-HydrolBioRSglilZZon7UZS?J?c?" Coastal Engineers, scientists & Management Consultants direct observation will be used to document the presence of a species within the transect corridor. Each transect corridor will extend 150 feet away from Mason Creek and will be 3 feet wide. Separate control transect corridors (150 feet by 3 feet) will be established in an east-west orientation as depicted on the enclosed map. Each survey will incorporate photographic documentation depicting site conditions along each transect corridor. During each monitoring period, close-up and panoramic views will be photographed at designated stations. Pre-dredging and the post-dredging mean values of each parameter will be statistically compared using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)/paired t-tests or Wlcoxon signed rank tests. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals will be used to determine statistically significant differences of means (means will be significantly different if confidence intervals do not overlap). Proximal and/or distal changes (if any) in sedimentation rates, stem density and/or stem height will also be statistically determined. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING SCHEDULE The effects of any perturbation on vegetative conditions will be most pronounced and detectable during active growth and development. Therefore, monitoring will occur during the middle of the growing season (June/July) once each year subsequent to project completion for a duration of two years. Sampling for baseline conditions will be conducted in the June/July prior to project initiation (provided that there is sufficient time once the project permit has been obtained). An immediate pre-construction survey (conducted within 30 days prior to project initiation) will detect changes resulting from storm events during the elapsed time between June/July and the start of project construction. A total of four monitoring events will be used to determine if impacts are directly attributable to project activities. All the parameters discussed in the previous section will be evaluated during each monitoring event. REPORT DOCUMENTATION Monitoring reports documenting site conditions and findings will be prepared and submitted annually to the Division of Coastal Management, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Division of Water Quality by September 15"' (following the June/July monitoring event). The following information will be provided in each report: (1) Project overview (2) Site parameters monitored (3) Methodology used to evaluate parameters (4) Data analysis (5) Summary of findings (6) Prints of photographs at specified stations (7) Maps depicting location of transects and sampling plots. TM (C TM IV Im L__' t''v 0 1 R 1V' 8.1999 C)F ",n?eras w?eAKIAr-'MR! =NT 99265A-Hydro18io1k5g7lFn,r,9 4oA Coastal Engineers, scientists & Management Consultants MITIGATION PROPOSAL DRAFT MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT NEW HANOVER COUNTY, APPLICANT LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. OCTOBER 1999 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, INC. ECEIVE 1:13v u 3 '2.99 ECENE R Nov 0 8 1999 MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT SUMMARY DIVISION "`r)AQTA1 ??4?!AGFRI ENT On behalf of New Hanover County, Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. (ATM) has submitted a permit application to the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE) for activities associated with the proposed relocation.of Mason Inlet (refer to Figure 1, `Location Map'). The purpose of this project is to protect homes and upland property at the northern end of Wrightsville Beach from erosion losses resulting from the continued southerly migration of Mason Inlet. Sand will be excavated from Mason Creek between the ICWW and Figure Eight Island and transported via pipeline to the existing Mason Inlet and the southern oceanfront beaches of Figure Eight Island. An Environmental Assessment (EA) assessing.existing environmental conditions and potential project impacts has been prepared and distributed to participating regulatory agencies for review. The following proposal outlines restoration efforts as mitigation for anticipated wetland impacts associated with the inlet relocation project. The EA should be referred to for additional information regarding project design and potential impacts to environmental resources. MITIGATION CONSIDERATIONS Avoidance and Minimization: The project design of the relocation of Mason Inlet has sought to avoid and minimize impacts to existing marsh habitat. However, a continuous 170-foot wide channel will need to be constructed through an area of recently accreting marsh on the south side of Mason Creek. This channel is essential for re-establishing the ebb flow dominance of Mason Creek over Banks Channel, ultimately resulting in a more "stable" inlet location and minimizing the frequency of inlet maintenance activities. Therefore, the proposed design will impact 2.9 acres of volunteer Spartina alternij7ora habitat (refer to Figure 2, `Proposed Project'). As described in the EA, this area of marsh is characterized by a lower level of habitat value and overall productivity than the marsh to the north side of Mason Creek (classified as ORW). Project design of the inlet relocation has sought to avoid impacts to the mature stands of S. alternfflora. Therefore, no excavation will take place within the mature, well-established marsh habitat on the north side of Mason Creek. Wetlands Impacted: An area of 2.9 acres of recently established S. alterniora habitat will be impacted. This area represents approximately 5.6 % .of the 51.9 total acres to be excavated for the inlet relocation project. Proposed Mitigation: In order to mitigate for the impacts to coastal marsh area, the applicant proposes to plant S. alterniora seedlings on suitable intertidal flats adjacent to the project area in coordination with the Division of Coastal Management (DCM). Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio; therefore, a total of 5.8 acres of S. alternflora marsh will be restored. Mitigation Goals and Objectives: The objective of the proposed wetland mitigation is to double the spacial extent of marsh impacted by the planned Mason Creek dredging work (2:1). In Project Location and Current Location of Mason Inlet (1999) i;uc a? I", 111 ,Ill ,{+1 @ ,., h I Tf. f Note: Shoreline features digitized from USGS Wrightsville Beach Quadrangle Mop 5452IIINE (1970) APPLICATION BY:HEW MOVE I.! :OuNTY LOCATION MAP PR N i?4000 Scale in Feet AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND CDOT k_ Figure I FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF. NEW HANOVER 1 1 C1q NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE: NORTH CAROLINA 414 CHESTNUT ST DATE: 8/24/99 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 _ SHEET 1 R v1ca: 1 HORIZONTAL COORDINATES BASED ON PLANES, 21 TpY SURVEYS CONDUCTED BY A B E JUNE Y,1999. S) LAND DEL INEATION P ED BY LAN MA AGEMENT GRdUP, INC. ?IN?S ED B C AT N AUGUST 9 AN[;`13 1999. 4fEL NS ARE`ME!?SUR?D IN FEET KA ?w k AN FERENCED TO NGVD (1929EMSL). k MEAN A qy IGH WATERI(MHW) ISE2.1 FT w AN l A' MEAN L W WATE€t (ML" IS -2.0 FTENG k k E E k E k E k 1 of Fri ?? E E E E E E E E E E k E I k E k k " - E E k k E E E E k k k E E 11•ETLANDAREA k E E E 0 9• E k k k k k k k k k TO BE IMPACTED E E t 6 E k k k E E k k- i k k E k E k k E E E k k E --. _. E k k c t z k E k k E k E E k E E k k " E k k k k 177? k k / E k C• k E E k k E E k E E E k k k E1- i I k ? E E. k k k E E k I? / E !- E k• k E k. -- _ E .. k F E k E E k k k k k k k2 - ; E.. _.i- . E . k E k k k k . E k k k k k E k k k k I k E -- k ' E - !? ?k? .Y•=-L. k k k E ` ? E E D. E k i-. E k E k k WETLAND AREA E k E k TOBE IMPACTED E k k k k k k k ' k k k k E k k E k k E E ? k j E k E k k E E E E E k k E k+ J E ! k k k k k - k k k k k kr k E k k E E k E k E k k E E E E E E E E ; E E E k E E k k k E E E E E E E E E + E E ..... .._.... E E 11 k k kAwP WETLA . k ?\ C' E t? k k E k E E E k E E E E E E k k k BOUND E i -(( E h k E k E k k k k k +. I k k E E E k E E ? k n .E. k k E E k k E E k k. E k k t k k E k lk I E - ` E E k k 4k k k - k E E k k E P a m k E E k k E k k E k n k E F E E E _ E E E E E E k k E k E E E F E k k E k- F• E 0 E E k E k E k k k E E F _____ bO I E E E k E ?C ?. t •I E 5 k k k C E • k E E k k E k k k ? k E k E E E E h ,- ?, . •a I E E k E E k E _ E ' C E E E I E ? E E E E E ?. k k E C. V\ t k k C E I E ? \ t E ? I E E k E E k k _ E E C E E E E C k I k k E ? • I C k E a k k k k E 1 ` Z S 0 c k ?I k k t ; E E WETLAND AREA k ' { c k k I k k k k k kl E ___'f?k ?\ k \ k TO B E IMPACTED k k ??yy Q E E k ? k ?"-- k • k ? • 'mot i• E E E E k E E: LJ I k k E ? E E E E t t E i??4fI t • ? - \ E t •? t k E E E CD E k E 1 E f E k k E ? / ?? I 1 I' 1 , , ? E k! k ` k E k f `? ? ?E k E k E k j k ?.. • ?? /{ `? 1 k k \ ,? E k k k 6 -n I S I \ ;\k t k r?? ?.? E E ?? ?i i• E E E E IS l • E r E ,t E E k U J * j r •k r \t ?.? t lk 1 k k k k k k E E k o.k k k E k _ .. t ? . k E E k L7 t I l? I i E E k k k E E t k k E O •L•? 1 ••? E 'm k E k c / E \ k E W k 0 k E 400 C \ 2 S \ ? E k . ..a APPLICATION BY:NEW HANO':=R COUMn VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD (MSLA929) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NC GRI MD 83 T DATE: PROPOSED PROJECT Figure 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT ST WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PROPOSED: MASON INLET RELOCATION AT: WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND COUNTY OF: NEW HANOVER ? STATE: NORTH CAROLINA OLINA i s-a<-.LT1 SHEET 9 addition, planting of S. altern jlora on suitable intertidal shoals will help to restore marsh areas severely impacted by recent hurricanes. The long-term goal of the mitigation - r04.ect is tom, establish marsh habitat functionally equivalent to the impacted areas., SITE CHARACTERIZATION 1999 Intertidal areas suitable for coastal marsh restoration have been identified based upon tidal ?range, ?? substrate characteristics, and exposure to wave energy. Areas recentl niT y damaged by overwash events associated with tropical storm systems have been specifically targeted for restoration activities. Collectively, recent storms have damaged or buried approximately 20 acres of productive marsh Between the Shell Island Resort and Mason Creek. In light of these considerations, two primary mitigation areas have been selected. As depicted on the enclosed site design map (Figure 3), these intertidal flats are located along the edge of the interior marsh lagoon system approximately 1500 feet south of the proposed new inlet location. The distance from the mouth of the proposed inlet will help minimize exposure to high velocity currents that could threaten the stability and success of the Spartina plantings. In addition, the location of the potential restoration areas are subjected to relatively low wind fetch distances. Wind fetch distances of less than 1.0 nautical mile have been demonstrated to limit damage from wave action significant enough to eliminate the need for maintenance planting (Broome, Seneca and Woodhouse, 1986). SITE ELEVATION Subsequent to project completion and equilibration of channel side slopes, beachfront sediments, and currents; grades in the mitigation area will be confirmed to ensure that surface elevations do not deviate significantly from the pre-construction intertidal contours. Specific planting zones will be .selected in areas exhibiting gradual slopes (1-3%) in order to maximize the intertidal area and dissipate wave energy. Extremely flat or irregular surfaces will be avoided, for these areas tend to favor localized hypersaline conditions unsuitable for plant growth (Broome, 1990). Elevations and tidal range will simulate that of natural reference marshes. This type of mitigation will not warrant the use of water control structures or sediment and erosional control measures. PLANTING PLAN Nursery stock seedlings of S. alternflora grown specifically for wetland creation and restoration projects in this region will be planted on 2' spacings in areas of suitable elevation, microtopography, and substrate characteristics. Mature seeds will be collected from local Spartina stands during the September or October immediately after the permit for the inlet relocation project has been obtained . Seeds will be refrigerated, threshed, and then stored in a container filled with potting soil and salt water (35 parts per thousand) at 35 to 40° F. Seedlings will then be ready for planting on the mitigation site during April of the next calendar year. Actual planting locations willbe within sandy sediments of the upper half of the local tidal range. The mitigation area will comprise 5.8 acres (corresponding to approximately 60,000 seedlings). An alternative restoration scheme involves transplanting individual Spartina plants from the existing marsh stand to be excavated. However, this option is considered problematic. The construction sequence involves excavating the Mason Creek segment before closing the existing inlet. Since the proposed mitigation area is situated directly to the west of the existing inlet, transplants would be subjected to direct wave action and high velocity flow, severely compromising plant health. Temporary storage of transplanted Spartina during inlet relocation is not considered a viable option given the inherent difficulties of handling and maintaining transplants. Therefore, planting nursery stock seedlings is considered to be the most advantageous method of restoring' Spartina habitat. Once the existing inlet mouth has been closed, flow velocities should be reduced in the primary overwash area. Spartina growth would no longer be hampered by prohibitive flow rates or an excessive shifting sediment load. As such, it is anticipated that the planted wetland area will survive with limited mortality. Recruitment of new Spartina growth within the mitigation area will be promoted by active rhizomal proliferation and seed dispersal of adjacent natural stands. SOIL AMENDMENTS Each seedling will receive a small amount of Osmocote (or equivalent) slow-release fertilizer within the planting hole to accelerate initial growth. Slow-release fertilization is considered particularly advantageous in sandy substrates (which exhibit a lower capacity to retain applied nutrients) and has been demonstrated to be an effective practice in marsh restoration and creation projects (Broome, 1990). No further soil amendments are proposed at this time. The addition of organic matter to the substrate has been demonstrated to enhance rhizome growth within an artificial, controlled mesocosm (Padgett and Brown, 1998). However, the field application of organic material would involve incorporating peat into the upper soil through mechanized tilling over the entire mitigation area. This would disturb the stability of the soil profile, thereby making the sandy substrate more susceptible to erosion during tidal exchanges and threatening the immediate stability of the planted materials. SITE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Site success criteria are used to evaluate the development of a created or restored wetland in relation to stated project goals and objectives. Monitoring of various biological and physiochemical parameters will help demonstrate the relative success of a compensation site. These `performance' criteria are agreed upon by the applicant and the respective regulatory agency(s) as part of the permitting process. Since this compensation project seeks to restore marsh habitat through plant' r ?U ?e? INVE Spartina seedlings, the primary success criteria will be: .?1d 0 8 1999 t 1i 0a ?.. ..,, "Demonstrated survival rate of plantings and naturally colonized individuals to exceed 70% after the second monitoring year. " Additional site success criteria. commonly utilized for other wetland compensation projects are not suitable for this project. For instance, soil development (i.e. percent organic matter, nutrient composition, bulk density, porosity, etc.) of created and restored tidal marshes usually can not be demonstrated to simulate the substrate of natural reference marshes within the stated monitoring period (Broome, 1990). MONITORING PLAN Periodic monitoring of site performance criteria will be conducted by the applicant at prescribed intervals to evaluate project development. Parameters such as percent survivorship of plantings and soil texture/organic content will be quantitatively evaluated in three permanent 25 meter- square plots representative of the planting area. The comers of each plot will be staked with metal rebar installed flush with the sediment surface. Therefore, relative sediment deposition and/or sediment loss within the mitigation area can be evaluated. Qualitative observations of faunal (including epbenthic and wildlife) habitat use will be recorded. In addition, photographic documentation (close-up and panoramic views) of plantings will occur at specified stations. An initial "as-built" survey will be conducted immediately following completion of plantings. This survey will include the limits of natural Spartina stands that exist adjacent to the planting area. Monitoring will then be conducted once annually during each subsequent April/May for a duration of three years documenting fulfillment of performance criteria. Monitoring reports will be prepared and submitted to the DCM, COE, and DWQ by August 15'' of that year. The following information will be provided in each report: 1. Reference permit number 2. Summary compensation site project goals and objectives ECEHVE 3. Overview of the compensation 4. Site parameters monitored i 5. Methodology used to evaluate parameters C-mow X999 - 6. Data analysis 7. Summary of findings ?, S a e c4 R r,. ?` -' •-a .rA1T 8. Maintenance measures 9. Remedial measures 10. Prints of photographs at specified stations 11. Maps identifying adjacent natural marsh habitat, planting zones, areas monitored, transects, etc., as appropriate. Reports will document annual findings and evaluate the development of the project site with respect to performance criteria and target goals. Annual site monitoring will help to identify maintenance issues as they arise. Successful wetland compensation will require maintenance activities as needed throughout the duration of the monitoring period. Maintenance activities may include plant replacement and/or fertilization. If performance criteria are not met, reasons for deficiencies will be determined and appropriate remedial action will be conducted. ECEHVE t';'; 0 81999 I D DIVISION OF -%nne-rnl hAAK1nr-%CAPNT LITERATURE CITED Broome, S. W., E. Seneca and W. Woodhouse, Jr. 1982. Building and Stabilizing Coastal Dunes with Vegetation. Pub. UNC Sea Grant 85-05. Broome, S. W. 1990. Creation and restoration of tidal wetlands of the Southeastern United States. Pp. 37-72 in Kusler, M.E. (eds.) Wetland Creation and Restoration: the Status of the Science. Island Press, Washington DC. Padgett, D.E. and J.L. Brown. 1999. Effects of drainage and soil organic content on growth of Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) in an artificial salt marsh mesocosm. American Journal of Botany. 86('5). 697-702. e rsyy ,04, OF AGEME T Figure 3 Potentiai Wetland Mitigation Sites 1999 4 ¢_ °=' ~c T a ? ,^? '? , l?1'tdNOlMf?l{? ?7C7??FOILKIi/t?b? APO/-'ED 77C?-,N GY MA4ACF.VFN" : ?'- NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY BILL HOLMAN I?.-SECRETARY k- K E R R T. STEP $ - DIRECTORµ January 11, 2000 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Greg Thompson • New Hanover County 414 Chesmut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 r: J R, _' v Subject: Mason Inlet Relocation New Hanover County NCDWQ# 991112 To Whom It May Concern: After a review of the Environmental Assessment, site visits, and discussions with the applicant's agents the North Carolina Division of Water Quality has determined { as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h) } that the wetland mitigation proposed as part of this project does not meet the definition of restoration and is rather wetland enhancement. Therefore, the requirement for 1:1 restoration or creation (15A NCAC 2H .0506(h)(6)] would not be met. Secondly, after careful review of the proposal and a comprehensive site inspection we believe that this project cannot be permitted with the proposed dredging of Mason's Creek as is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0507(e). Since a practical alternative exists-namely relocation of the inlet without dredging Mason's Creek, this alternative either removes or drastically reduces the need for wetland mitigation. As a result, if you cannot submit alternative information as detailed above for your proposed project the North Carolina Division of Water Quality will have to move towards denial of your 401 Water Quality Certification once the SEPA process is completed. If there are any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Fleek at 919-733-6946 or myself at 919-733-1786. - x Y` Cc: Wilmington DWQ Regional 9flice Wilmington Office, Corps of Engineers Central Files File Copy Wilmington Field Office Corps of Engineers Doug Hugget, North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Steve Morrison, Land Management Karyn Erickson, ATM Gloria Putnam, NCDWQ. Ron Ferrell, NCWRP 1N. AMERILA. 2 0 1 0 1621 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1621 website: esb.ehnr.state.nc.us PHONE 919-733-9960 FAX 919-733-9959 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 December 20, 1999 Colonel James W. DeLony District Engineer, Wilmington District ;.a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ?ie, Post Office Box 1890 50 QJ Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Richter (k5l Dear Colonel DeLony: Per our November 29, 1999 letter to you, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is pleased to provide the District Engineer with documents describing the "no project" environment related to Action I.D. No. 199901052. The applicant, New Hanover County, proposes to stabilize Mason's Inlet; mine sand, and nourish adjacent beaches by maintaining an artificially dredged channel, installing a sand plug in the existing channel, and establishing sediment traps and storage sites between Shell Island and Figure Eight Island north of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This document provides supplemental information submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The Environmental Analysis (EA) submitted in conjunction with the application significantly misstated the reasonably foreseeable environment without the project. As implied in the proposal's purpose and need, the current environment is transitional. If no project is authorized, according to the applicant, Mason's Inlet will continue migrating to some point between the current location and Moore's Inlet. The structures and infrastructure in the path of the migrating inlet will be relocated or otherwise removed at the expense of the county and private property owners. The "no project" baseline from which all other alternatives must be evaluated is that of a restored barrier island with all human structures and infrastructure removed, and with partial restoration of the integrity of the soundside marshes and ecosystem (i.e., in addition to the restoration of the barrier islands' undisturbed form and structure, natural processes would be largely unimpeded). Thus, the future "no project" environment is a restored barrier island, unstabilized inlet, and partially restored sound. To describe this future environment, we are attaching two reports: (1) the Service's 1981 Final Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (Report), written prior to the development of this portion of Shell Island; and, (2) selections from the Department of Commerce's and North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development's (now Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management) 1984 Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Management Plan for the Proposed Masonboro Island Component of the North Carolina National Estuarine Sanctuary (FEIS). We include the Masonboro Island report because it describes a nearby undeveloped barrier island adjacent to Wrightsville Beach. However, the jetties at Masonboro Inlet, maintenance and expansion of the authorized channels, beach nourishment of Wrightsville Beach, and mismanaged sediment bypassing scheme mean that Masonboro Island's ecosystem must be considered degraded. While the FEIS describes an undeveloped barrier island, reviewers should bear in mind that the FEIS is describing an ecosystem which has less functional and structural integrity than the system which is reasonably foreseeable on Shell Island under the "'no project" alternative. Further, scientific advances have been made in the 20 years since the Report and FEIS were prepared. Additional references are available and barrier island/sound ecosystems in general can supplement the two documents. We believe the combination of the Report (pages 2-6; and 9-22; and the attached Planning Aid Report), FEIS (pp. 54-67; and appendices 5,6, 7, and 8 [pp 293-330]), and literature synthesis provided below establish a reasonable information base for evaluating the environmental impacts of the proposal. In our opinion, the "no project" alternative provides significant benefits to fish and wildlife resources, federal trust species, water quality, and the human and economic environment. The "no project" alternative will restore the ecological integrity of aquatic resources of national importance and could partially fulfill loggerhead sea turtle recovery objectives in North Carolina'. We note that the FEIS states that "Masonboro Island is the best example for its typology in the state of North Carolina" (pp. 45). The significance of the reasonably foreseeable future environment under the "no proj ect" alternative is nowhere more clear than in that statement. Natural processes are impeded on Masonboro Island by sand mining, jetties, inadequate sand bypass schemes, and maintenance of navigation channels. We can only speculate on the unproved example the restored Shell Island ecosystem and partially restored sound could provide. The environmental baseline will enhance educational and research opportunities for local educational facilities, as well as provide additional study areas for birdwatching and other recreational pursuits (see especially FEIS, pp. 127-131). Based on the available information, we believe the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will recognize that the "no project" alternative provide opportunities which they have unanimously endorsed in the past. As recorded 'National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Recovery Plan for U.S. Population of Loggerhead Turtle. National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C. 2 in the FEIS (pp. 109-110), the Commissioners supported efforts to keep Masonboro Island undeveloped and "pristine" because of it's "unique" and "significant value" in educational, economic, recreational, and scientific terms. They recognized that the provision of "public services on undeveloped barrier islands would ... be prohibitively expensive when compared with service costs in other areas of the county;" and the unsuitablitiy of barrier islands like Shell Island for development ("Masonboro Island is dynamically unstable due to inlet migration and long-term erosion, which would endanger the establishment of permanent communities"). We stress that through the 'imaginative use of mitigation banks, tax credits, and hazard mitigation grants, the "no project" alternative need not adversely affect the current property owners of the affected area. If designed to allow current owners the use of existing structures until death or erosion limits the habitability of the structures, and if payments are made at currently assessed values, the environmentally preferable "no project" alternative would be realized with little or no social dislocation. The "no project" alternative is consistent with Executive Orders 11988 Floodplain Management and 11990 Protection of Wetlands. The environmental baseline provides additional benefits to fish and invertebrates not described in the Report and FEIS. These include unquantified improvements in water filtration efficiency and the diversity and integrity of habitats. The restoration of diverse habitats, linkages, and the diversity and abundance of life forms which havelevolved with such an assemblage are very important attributes of the "no project" environmental baseline with which all other alternatives must be compared. The environmental baseline provides benefits to water quality. Aside from the reduction of waste water to the public treatment facilities, a restored barrier island will not be a source of non- point runoff (e.g., lawn or household chemical runoff; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon runoff from roads and driveways; deposition of volatized elements from internal combustion engines; suspended sediments caused by construction runoff; and erosional scour associated with bulkheads, boat channels, personal piers, and over-water gazebos). The restoration of a natural inlet and overwash deltas should improve circulation and water quality in the vicinity of Mason's Inlet; while some water quality criteria may not measurably improve, the restoration of the inlet and island will be much more consistent with the objectives of the Clean Water Act -- to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters -- of which specific criteria are merely indicators. Furthermore, filtration of organic material and nutrients by interstitial communities, including microbial mats, and micro- and meiofauna, should be more efficient and the capacity increased as human influences on beach plan, profile, and sediment grain size are reduced. We have not quantified the water quality benefits attributable to the baseline environment, but in our opinion they are considerable. The environmental baseline adds to the complexity and broad stability of the ecosystem by reducing anthropogenic stressors on the diversity and integrity of habitats such as hardbottoms, swash zones, and sandy bottoms. While it is unknown if the nearshore hardbottom and surf zone habitats associated with Shell Island are obligate or facultative for this diverse array of fish 3 species that frequent hardbottom, nearshore and surf zone habitats, we anticipate that the restoration of the system's natural pattern, dimension, profile, and ecosystem functions should provide significant benefits in addition to the inlet and sound-side marsh habitat nursery functions covered in the Report and FEIS. Apparently, nearshore hardbottom habitat preferentially attracts and supports early life stages of many fish species. Wrightsville Beach has significant areas of limestone hardbottoms just offshore, as well as mud outcrops that can sometimes act very similarly to hardbottoms. These hardbottoms are covered with only a thin veneer of modern sediments that averages 30 centimeters in thickness'. Hardbottom habitat in Florida, similar to that of Wrightsville Beach in that it is composed of limestone, provides important nursery habitat for 34 species of fish', and 192 species of fish are recorded in association with nearshore hardbottom habitat. Hardbottoms can provide very important habitat for fish and invertebrate species in North Carolina. According to Burgess', "Some of these rocky hardbottoms are veritable oases covered with algal meadows, sponges, soft whip corals, tropical fishes and territorial and predatory animals. These habitats provide shelter and food to sustain valuable commercial and recreational fish such as groupers and snappers, worth millions of dollars to the state's economy. More than 300 species of fish and hundreds of thousands of invertebrates call these reefs home." The nearshore benthic environment supports a diverse ecological assemblage regardless of the presence of hardbottoms. Van Dolah and Knott' sampled the benthos, including some hardbottoms, offshore the South Carolina coast, and found 167 species representing nine major taxa. McCrary and Taylor' studied benthic macrofauna assemblages approximately 0.5 to 2.0 miles offshore of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and their grab samples included many polychaete 2Thieler, E. R., A. L. Brill, W. J. Cleary, C. H. Hobbs III, and R. A. Gammisch. 1995. Geology of the Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina shoreface: Implications for the concept of shoreface profile of equilibrium. Marine Geology 126:271-287. 'Lindeman, K. C. and D. B. Snyder. 1999. Nearshore hardbottom fishes of southeast Florida and effects of habitat burial caused by dredging. Fish. Bull. 97:508-525. 'Burgess, C. B. 1993. A hard rock oasis under the sea. Coastwatch. North Carolina Sea Grant Program. Raleigh, NC. March/April 2-7. 'Van Dolah, R.F. and D. M. Knott. 1984. A biological assessment of beach and nearshore areas along the South Carolina Grand Strand. Marine Resources Division. South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, Charleston, SC.. 59p.. - 'McCrary, A.B. and A.Y. Taylor. 1986. Macroinfauna study - Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Unpublished report. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. Submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, NC. 25p. 4 species, isopods, amphipods, decapods, molluscs, echinoderms, many nematodes, and a few Amphioxus (Brachiostoma caribaeum). Specifically, although hard substrate was not found in the sediment samples of one of the closer sampling sites, they concluded it was obviously in the vicinity because they found 33 individuals of Chrysopetidae, a family predominately associated with coral or other hard substrates. The surf zone itself is also a valuable habitat fora variety of fish and wildlife resources that would be restored under the environmental baseline. Ross and Lancaster' found that juveniles of at least two fish, the Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) and Gulf kingfish (Menticirrhus littoralis), exhibit strong fidelity to surf zone nursery habitat, and some surf zone fish appear to feed on many invertebrates found in the substrate. Hackney et al.' state that "Apparently, many surf zone fishes not only exhibit ontogenetic changes in diet, but also shift diets in relation to prey availability... Such opportunism has great advantages in a variable environment like the surf zone." The prey base thus becomes a vital part of the ecosystem and environmental baseline. Invertebrate species appear to be very sensitive to the wave energy. Donoghue 9 found that the coquina clam (Donax variabilis) and mole crab (Emerita talpoida), the two dominant swash zone invertebrate species in North Carolina, prefer the downdrift horns of beach cusps; some of these organisms "surf' the swash from cusp to cusp to move down the beach. The coquina were also documented to move offshore in anticipation of a7 storm, and the prevailing theory is that the clams sense a shift in the wave harmonics indicating an approaching storm system. The abundance and dynamic stability of these beach invertebrates, and the birds and fishes that depend upon them, would be restored and largely unperturbed by human activities under the environmental baseline. Both Donoghue' and Peterson' found that beach invertebrates were adversely impacted by beach 'Ross, S. W. and J. E. Lancaster. 1996. Movements of juvenile fishes using surf zone nursery habitats and the relationship of movements to beach nourishment along a North Carolina beach: Pilot project. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA570Z0318. 31p. 'Hackney, C. T., M. H. Posey, S. W. Ross, and A. R. Norris (eds.). 1996. A review and synthesis of data on surf zone fishes and invertebrates in the South Atlantic bight and the potential impacts from beach nourishment. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Wilmington, NC. 111 p. 'Donoghue, C. R. 1999. The influence of swash processes on Donax variabilis and Emerita talpoida Ph.D. dissertation; University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. 197p. 9Peterson, C. H., D. H. M. Hickerson, and G. G. Johnson. In press. Short-term consequences of nourishment and bulldozing on the dominant large invertebrates of the sandy 5 nourishment activities. In the former of the two studies, Donax sp. and Emerita sp. populations took longer than the two to three year nourishment interval to fully recover. Numbers of coquina and mole crabs were depressed by 86-99% on Bogue Banks one to two months following nourishment in the latter study. These invertebrates serve as the prey base for many other beach macrofauna, surf fishes, and shorebirds. The environmental baseline condition would allow this vital coastal food web component to be restored to its historic level by eliminating recurring nourishment and other construction activities on the beach, and by allowing the natural beach plan, profile, and sediment grain size distribution to reassert itself. The Northeast New Hanover Conservancy currently manages 88 acres of marsh and sand flat habitat adjacent to Mason's Inlet. This conservation effort is a de facto acknowledgment of the value of protecting even a portion of the fish and wildlife resources in the project impact area. The environmental baseline, if associated with actions that place Shell Island in conservation status as well, not only restores, enhances, and protects habitat used by Federally-listed sea turtles, piping plover, and seabeach amaranth, but is an important step in meeting the Nation's loggerhead turtle recovery objectives. Under the recovery plan, North Carolina's populations will not require stringent protection when beaches which encompass 50% of the nesting activity in the state have been placed in protected conservation status. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this matter. For the purpose of providing as complete an administrative record as possible, we are providing the District Engineer with the additional references cited in this report. They are being mailed under separate cover. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Tracy Rice, David Rabon, or Kevin Moody of this office at (919) 856-4520 extensions 12, 16, or 19, respectively. Sincerely, ??, we Garland B. Pardue Ecological Services Supervisor attachments (2) cc: Applied Technology and Management, Inc., Wilmington, NC (Karyn Erickson) Land Management Group, Inc., Wilmington, NC (Steve Morrison) New Hanover County, NC (Greg Thompson) NC DCM, Raleigh, NC (Doug Huggett) beach. Journal of Coastal Research. 6 NC DCM, Wilmington, NC (Bob Stroud) NC WRC, Marshallberg, NC (Ruth Boettcher) NC DWQ, Raleigh, NC (John Dorney) NMFS, Beaufort, NC (Larry Hardy) EPA, Atlanta, GA (Thomas Welborn; Kathy Mathews) FWS/R4:DRabon:DR:12/16/99:919/856-4520 extension 16:\lnewhan.wpd t 7 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 December 20, 1999 Colonel James W. DeLony 41 District Engineer, Wilmington District (SA U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Attention: Mr. Jeffrey Richter Act Dear Colonel DeLony: Per our November 29, 1999 letter to you, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is pleased to provide the District Engineer with documents describing the "no project" environment related to Action I.D. No. 199901052. The applicant, New Hanover County, proposes to stabilize Mason's Inlet, mine sand, and nourish adjacent beaches by maintaining an artificially dredged channel, installing a sand plug in the existing channel, and establishing sediment traps and storage sites between Shell Island and Figure Eight Island north of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina. This document provides supplemental information submitted pursuant to, and in accordance with, provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The Environmental Analysis (EA) submitted in conjunction with the application significantly misstated the reasonably foreseeable environment without the project. As implied in the proposal's purpose and need, the current environment is transitional. If no project is authorized, according to the applicant, Mason's Inlet will continue migrating to some point between the current location and Moore's Inlet. The structures and infrastructure in the path of the migrating inlet will be relocated or otherwise removed at the expense of the county and private property owners. The "no project" baseline from which all other alternatives must be evaluated is that of a restored barrier island with all human structures and infrastructure removed, and with partial restoration of the integrity of the soundside marshes and ecosystem (i.e., in addition to the restoration of the barrier islands' undisturbed form and structure, natural processes would be largely unimpeded). Thus, the future "no project" environment is a restored barrier island, unstabilized inlet, and partially restored sound. To describe this future environment, we are attaching two reports: (1) the Service's 1981 Final Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (Report), written prior to the development of this portion of Shell Island; and, (2) selections from the Department of Commerce's and North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development's (now Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management) 1984 Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Management Plan for the Proposed Masonboro Island Component of the North Carolina National Estuarine Sanctuary (FEIS). We include the Masonboro Island report because it describes a nearby undeveloped barrier island adjacent to Wrightsville Beach. However, the jetties at Masonboro Inlet, maintenance and expansion of the authorized channels, beach nourishment of Wrightsville Beach, and mismanaged sediment bypassing scheme mean that Masonboro Island's ecosystem must be considered degraded. While the FEIS describes an undeveloped barrier island, reviewers should bear in mind that the FEIS is describing an ecosystem which has less functional and structural integrity than the system which is reasonably foreseeable on Shell Island under the "no project" alternative. Further, scientific advances have been made in the 20 years since the Report and FEIS were prepared. Additional references are available and barrier island/sound ecosystems in general can supplement the two documents. We believe the combination of the Report (pages 2-6; and 9-22; and the attached Planning Aid Report), FEIS (pp. 54-67; and appendices 5,6, 7, and 8 [pp 293-330]), and literature synthesis provided below establish a reasonable information base for evaluating the environmental impacts of the proposal. In our opinion, the "no project" alternative provides significant benefits to fish and wildlife resources, federal trust species, water quality, and the human and economic environment. The "no project" alternative will restore the ecological integrity of aquatic resources of national importance and could partially fulfill loggerhead sea turtle recovery objectives in North Carolina'. We note that the FEIS states that "Masonboro Island is the best example for its typology in the state of North Carolina" (pp. 45). The significance of the reasonably foreseeable future environment under the "no project" alternative is nowhere more clear than in that statement. Natural processes are impeded on Masonboro Island by sand mining, jetties, inadequate sand bypass schemes, and maintenance of navigation channels. We can only speculate on the improved example the restored Shell Island ecosystem and partially restored sound could provide. The environmental baseline will enhance educational and research opportunities for local educational facilities, as well as provide additional study areas for birdwatching and other recreational pursuits (see especially FEIS, pp. 127-131). Based on the available information, we believe the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will recognize that the "no project" alternative provide opportunities which they have unanimously endorsed in the past. As recorded 'National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Recovery Plan for U.S. Population of Loggerhead Turtle. National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C. 2 in the FEIS (pp. 109-110), the Commissioners supported efforts to keep Masonboro Island undeveloped and "pristine" because of it's "unique" and "significant value" in educational, economic, recreational, and scientific terms. They recognized that the provision of "public services on undeveloped barrier islands would ... be prohibitively expensive when compared with service costs in other areas of the county;" and the unsuitablitiy of barrier islands like Shell Island for development ("Masonboro Island is dynamically unstable due to inlet migration and long-term erosion, which would endanger the establishment of permanent communities"). We stress that through the 'imaginative use of mitigation banks, tax credits, and hazard mitigation grants, the "no project" alternative need not adversely affect the current property owners of the affected area. If designed to allow current owners the use of existing structures until death or erosion limits the habitability of the structures, and if payments are made at currently assessed values, the environmentally preferable "no project" alternative would be realized with little or no social dislocation. The "no project" alternative is consistent with Executive Orders 11988 Floodplain Management and 11990 Protection of Wetlands. The environmental baseline provides additional benefits to fish and invertebrates not described in the Report and FEIS. These include unquantified improvements in water filtration efficiency and the diversity and integrity of habitats. The restoration of diverse habitats, linkages, and the diversity and abundance of life forms which have evolved with such an assemblage are very important attributes of the "no project" environmental baseline with which all other alternatives must be compared. The environmental baseline provides benefits to water quality. Aside from the reduction of waste water to the public treatment facilities, a restored barrier island will not be a source of non- point runoff (e.g., lawn or household chemical runoff; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon runoff from roads and driveways; deposition of volatized elements from internal combustion engines; suspended sediments caused by construction runoff; and erosional scour associated with bulkheads, boat channels, personal piers, and over-water gazebos). The restoration of a natural inlet and overwash deltas should improve circulation and water quality in the vicinity of Mason's Inlet; while some water quality criteria may not measurably improve, the restoration of the inlet and island will be much more consistent with the objectives of the Clean Water Act -- to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters -- of which specific criteria are merely indicators. Furthermore, filtration of organic material and nutrients by interstitial communities, including microbial mats, and micro- and meiofauna, should be more efficient and the capacity increased as human influences on beach plan, profile, and sediment grain size are reduced. We have not quantified the water quality benefits attributable to the baseline environment, but in our opinion they are considerable. The environmental baseline adds to the complexity and broad stability of the ecosystem by reducing anthropogenic stressors on the diversity and integrity of habitats such as hardbottoms, swash zones, and sandy bottoms. While it is unknown if the nearshore hardbottom and surf zone habitats associated with Shell Island are obligate or facultative for this diverse array of fish species that frequent hardbottom, nearshore and surf zone habitats, we anticipate that the restoration of the system's natural pattern, dimension, profile, and ecosystem functions should provide significant benefits in addition to the inlet and sound-side marsh habitat nursery functions covered in the Report and FEIS. Apparently, nearshore hardbottom habitat preferentially attracts and supports early life stages of many fish species. Wrightsville Beach has significant areas.of limestone hardbottoms just offshore, as well as mud outcrops that can sometimes act very similarly to hardbottoms. These hardbottoms are covered with only a thin veneer of modern sediments that averages 30 centimeters in thickness'. Hardbottom habitat in Florida, similar to that of Wrightsville Beach in that it is composed of limestone, provides important nursery habitat for 34 species of fish', and 192 species of fish are recorded in association with nearshore hardbottom habitat. Hardbottoms can provide very important habitat for fish and invertebrate species in North Carolina. According to Burgess4, "Some of these rocky hardbottoms are veritable oases covered with algal meadows, sponges, soft whip corals, tropical fishes and territorial and predatory animals. These habitats provide shelter and food to sustain valuable commercial and recreational fish such as groupers and snappers, worth millions of dollars to the state's economy. More than 300 species of fish and hundreds of thousands of invertebrates call these reefs home." The nearshore benthic environment supports a diverse ecological assemblage regardless of the presence of hardbottoms. Van Dolah and Knott' sampled the benthos, including some hardbottoms, offshore the South Carolina coast, and found 167 species representing nine major taxa. McCrary and Taylor' studied benthic macrofauna assemblages approximately 0.5 to 2.0 miles offshore of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and their grab samples included many polychaete 2Thieler, E. R., A. L. Brill, W. J. Cleary, C. H. Hobbs III, and R. A. Gammisch. 1995. Geology of the Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina shoreface: Implications for the concept of shoreface profile of equilibrium. Marine Geology 126:271-287. 'Lindeman, K. C. and D. B. Snyder. 1999. Nearshore hardbottom fishes of southeast Florida and effects of habitat burial caused by dredging. Fish. Bull. 97:508-525. 'Burgess, C. B. 1993. A hard rock oasis under the sea. Coastwatch. North Carolina Sea Grant Program. Raleigh, NC. March/April 2-7. 'Van Dolah, R.F. and D. M. Knott. 1984. A biological assessment of beach and nearshore areas along the South Carolina Grand Strand. Marine Resources Division. South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, Charleston, SC. 59p. 'McCrary, A.B. and A.Y. Taylor. 1986. Macroinfauna study - Fort Fisher, North Carolina. Unpublished report. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. Submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, NC. 25p. 4 species, isopods, amphipods, decapods, molluscs, echinoderms, many nematodes, and a few Amphioxus (Brachiostoma caribaeum). Specifically, although hard substrate was not found in the sediment samples of one of the closer sampling sites, they concluded it was obviously in the vicinity because they found 33 individuals of Chrysopetidae, a family predominately associated with coral or other hard substrates. The surf zone itself is also a valuable habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife resources that would be restored under the environmental baseline. Ross and Lancaster' found that juveniles of at least two fish, the Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) and Gulf kingfish (Menticirrhus littoralis), exhibit strong fidelity to surf zone nursery habitat, and some surf zone fish appear to feed on many invertebrates found in the substrate. Hackney et al.' state that "Apparently, many surf zone fishes not only exhibit ontogenetic changes in diet, but also shift diets in relation to prey availability... Such opportunism has great advantages in a variable environment like the surf zone." The prey base thus becomes a vital part of the ecosystem and environmental baseline. Invertebrate species appear to be very sensitive to the wave energy. Donoghue' found that the coquina clam (Donax variabilis) and mole crab (Emerita talpoida), the two dominant swash zone invertebrate species in North Carolina, prefer the downdrift horns of beach cusps; some of these organisms "surf"the swash from cusp to cusp to move down the beach. The coquina were also documented to move offshore in anticipation of a• storm, and the prevailing theory is that the clams sense a shift in the wave harmonics indicating an approaching storm system. The abundance and dynamic stability of these beach invertebrates, and the birds and fishes that depend upon them, would be restored and largely unperturbed by human activities under the environmental baseline. Both Donoghue' and Peterson' found that beach invertebrates were adversely impacted by beach 'Ross, S. W. and J. E. Lancaster. 1996. Movements of juvenile fishes using surf zone nursery habitats and the relationship of movements to beach nourishment along a North Carolina beach: Pilot project. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA570Z03.18. 31p. 'Hackney, C. T., M. H. Posey, S. W. Ross, and A. R. Norris (eds.). 1996. A review and synthesis of data on surf zone fishes and invertebrates in the South Atlantic bight and the potential impacts from beach nourishment. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Wilmington, NC. 1 I Ip. 'Donoghue, C. R. 1999. The influence of swash processes on Donax variabilis and Emerita talpoida Ph.D. dissertation; University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. 197p. 'Peterson, C. H., D. H. M. Hickerson, and G. G. Johnson. In press. Short-term consequences of nourishment and bulldozing on the dominant large invertebrates of the sandy 5 nourishment activities. In the former of the two studies, Donax sp. and Emerita sp. populations took longer than the two to three year nourishment interval to fully recover. Numbers of coquina and mole crabs were depressed by 86-99% on. Bogue Banks one to two months following nourishment in the latter study. These invertebrates serve as the prey base for many other beach macrofauna, surf fishes, and shorebirds. The environmental baseline condition would allow this vital coastal food web component to be restored to its historic level by eliminating recurring nourishment and other construction activities on the beach, and by allowing the natural beach plan, profile, and sediment grain size distribution to reassert itself. The Northeast New Hanover Conservancy currently manages 88 acres of marsh and sand flat habitat adjacent to Mason's Inlet. This conservation effort is a de facto acknowledgment of the value of protecting even a portion of the fish and wildlife resources in the project impact area. The environmental baseline, if associated with actions that place Shell Island in conservation status as well, not only restores, enhances, and protects habitat used by Federally-listed sea turtles, piping plover, and seabeach amaranth, but is an important step in meeting the Nation's loggerhead turtle recovery objectives. Under the recovery plan, North Carolina's populations will not require stringent protection when beaches which encompass 50% of the nesting activity in the state have been placed in protected conservation status. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this matter. For the purpose of providing as complete an administrative record as possible, we are providing the District Engineer with the additional references cited in this report. They are being mailed under separate cover. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Tracy Rice, David Rabon, or Kevin Moody of this office at (919) 856-4520 extensions 12, 16, or 19, respectively. Sincerely, Garland B. Pardue Ecological Services Supervisor attachments (2) cc: Applied Technology and Management, Inc., Wilmington, NC (Karyn Erickson) Land Management Group, Inc., Wilmington, NC (Steve Morrison) New Hanover County, NC (Greg Thompson) NC DCM, Raleigh, NC (Doug Huggett) beach. Journal of Coastal Research. 6 NC DCM, Wilmington, NC (Bob Stroud) NC WRC, Marshallberg, NC (Ruth Boettcher) NC DWQ, Raleigh, NC (John Dorney) NMFS, Beaufort, NC (Larry Hardy) EPA, Atlanta, GA (Thomas Welborn; Kathy Mathews) FWS/R4:DRabon:DR:12/16/99:919/856-4520 extension 16:\lnewhan.wpd 7 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGFAMiT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: New Hanover County .2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Mason Inlet, between Figure 8 Island and Wrightsville, Beach, in New Hanover Co. Photo Index -124$: 11-224 & 22619.9.1:24-2911M:5 176-21 & 22 19-BA: 19-283 & 284 State Plane Coordinates - X:2371651 Y:182526 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4• INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 7//29/99, 10/7/99, 10/28/99 Was Applicant Present - Yes (Applicant or agent) 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 11/1/99 (EA rec. in Raleigh) Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local land Use Plan - New Hanover. Co. Land Classification From LUP - Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW,PT,OH,CW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public/Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Ei j?ta - N/A . Planned None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - None Planned - None (Inlet relocation project) (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED 1ILLED (A) Vegetated Wetlands 126,324 sgft. (2.9 acres) (S) Non-Vegetated Wetlands 2,134,?? 1.800.Onn Open water ft. (49 acn. ft_ (4l acrecl (C) Other - Beach Renourishment 2,550,000 sq. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 154.3 acres ft (58.5 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA-ORW Open: CLOSED 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicants propose to relocate Mason Inlet 3,000 to the north of it New Hanover Co./Mason Inlet Relocation Project Page 2 its present location and to dredge the shoaled Mason Creek to provide a sufficient tidal prism to maintain locational stability of the new inlet channel. 9. PROJECT DESCRIMON Mason Inlet is located between Wrightsville Beach (south) and Figure 8 Island (north), in New Hanover County. The inlet provides one of the connections to the Atlantic Ocean for Middle Sound, which includes an approximately 13 mile long estuary between the beaches and the mainland, between Masonboro Inlet (south) and Little Topsail Inlet (north). Rich Inlet provides a fourth ocean outlet for Middle Sound. Middle Sound encompasses broad expanses of Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina altem flora) marsh, tidal flats, and creeks, between the barrier islands and the mainland, including the following major tidal creeks: Howe; Pages, Futch, Mason, Banks Channel (behind south Figure. 8 Island), Nixon and Green Channels, as well as, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, between Wrightsville and Topsail beaches. The project area involves an approximately 90 acre area of Mason Inlet and Mason Creek. Over the past five decades, Mason Inlet has migrated approximately 6,500 feet south to it's present location. Since 1980 the inlet throat has moved approximately 3500 feet to the south, and currently presents an erosion threat to the development on the northern end of Wrightsville Beach, including the multi-story Shell Island Resort complex, the terminus of North Lumina Avenue, as well as numerous single-family and multi-family residential structures located to the south of the resort. A public beach accessway, bath house, parking lot, as well as, the northern terminus of North Lumina Avenue have already been lost to erosion. In 1997, authorization was obtained by the Shell Island Homeowners Association to install a temporary sand-filled geotextile tube revetment along the north and a portion of the east sides of the Shell Island Resort complex. The Town of Wrightsville Beach also obtained emergency permits to install conventional sandbags to temporarily protect the end of North Lumina Avenue. The throat of Mason Inlet is currently located at the base of these temporary structures. llistorically, Mason Creek was one of the two primary channels between Mason Inlet and the AIWW. Mason Creek _Provides an east-west channel orientation to the inlet and the north-south orientation of Banks Channel, behind Figure 8 Island, is the inlet's other primary channel. Extensive shoaling along the entire length (approx. 4,500 ft.) of Mason Creek has significantly reduced it's contribution to the hydraulic volume of the inlet. Once over 400 feet wide the open water area of the creek has been narrowed in some areas to less than 100 feet in width, due to shoal accretion and subsequent emergent stands of Smooth Cordgrass (Spart;na.alterniflora) vegetation. At low water, the creek is not navigable, however, with local knowledge of the narrowed channel, the creek is passable at mid to high water in small, shallow draft watercraft. In contrast, the channelization of Banks Channel in the 1960s, b the early developers of Figure 8 Island, and the continued maintenance of that navigation channel to the present, by the Figure 8 Island Property Owners Association (State Permit # 26-92) have kept the 13,570 ft. long, 125 ft. wide channel open to a depth of -9 feet, at mean low water. Excavated sediments from the maintenance dredging projects are utilized to =nourish the chronically eroded beach front of the southern half of Figure 8 Island. At present, Banks Channel is the primary hydrologic component of the tidal exchange for Mason Inlet. New Hanover Co./Mason Inlet Relocation Project Page 3 In the project area., the waters of Mason Creek are classified as SA-ORW, by the NC Division of Water Quality, and they are OPEN to the harvest of shellfish. Although the saltmarsh on either side of the project area are designated as Primary Nursery Area (pNA), by the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, the waters of Mason Inlet and Mason Creek are not included in the surrounding PNA designation. The applicants propose to relocate Mason Inlet 3,000 to the north of its present location and to dredge the shoaled Mason Creek to provide a sufficient tidal prism to maintain locational stability of the new inlet channel. The concept of the relocation of Mason Inlet began in the fall of 1996, as a joint venture of the Shell Island Resort Homeowners Association and the Figure 8 Beach Homeowners Association, to address the erosion problems of Shell Island Resort and the beach renourishment needs of Figure 8 Island. A draft Environmental Assessment was prepared for preliminary review in connection with the proposed project, however, when the project sponsors were unable to obtain the necessary rights from the to allow the inlet relocation, plans to submit a P property owners permit application were suspended. Direct hits from five (5) major hurricanes over the last four years have exacerbated the erosion threat to both Figure 8 Island and the north end of Wrightsville Beach. The current application is submitted with New Hanover Coun as the project's sponsor. Their legal agreement with the propefty owners to allow the ?' in this application. F baure 8 Beach Homeowers Association and Shell Island Resort Homeowners Association, as well as, other property owners that would benefit from -the inlet relocation, remain as active parties in the project. Benefiting property owners will repay the County's loan that would provide funding for the project, and Figure 8 Beach HOA would purchase excavated sediments for beach renourishment. An Environmental Assesment (EA) for the project has been prepared by Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. and Land Management Group, Inc. and is being reviewed concurrently with this application by State and federal agencies through the Clearing House review process, as required by the State Environmental Policy Act. Detailed information with respect to the proposed project's purpose, existing environment, need for action, alternatives analysis, environmental consequences, and mitigative measures are presented in this document, as well as, the hydrodynamic modeling data used to design the project's proposed dimensions. The EA's prefered alternative is the proposed project in this application. The proposed -new inlet channel would be dredged through the southern end of Figure 8 Island, within the inlet corridor, approximately 3,000 feet north of its present location. The inlet channel would be 2100 feet long, 500 feet wide, and excavated to a depth of -10 feet {NGVD(NLW is Mason Creek channel would be dredged from the A1WW to the relocated inlet channel. NGVD)}. The would be 3400 feet long and 170 feet wide, excavated to a depth of -8 feet GVD This channel basin would be excavated adjacent to the new inlet channel, on the inside of the inlet throat. Them onon of the basin would be located south of the dredged channel and would function to capture and retain sand flows and reduce shoaling effects in Mason Creek. The basin's combined area would be approximately 1000 feet long and average 500 feet in width. It would be excavated to the same depth as the inlet channel, -10 feet (NGVD). The project would begin with the dredging of Mason ereek, ex material would be stockpiled, above MHW, at the south end of Figure 8 Island and the north endtof Wrightsville Beach. The work would Proceed, east to west, into the areas of the sedimentation basin and and the new inlet channel, leaving a plug at the west end (AFWR) of Mason Creek and an ocean plug at , ? New Hanover CoJAWon Inlet Relocation Project Page 4 the east end of the inlet channel would be . Dredging from the near shore ocean bottom, -6 to -12 foot contour, utilized to during the initial opening of the inlet- These excavated materials would be u onto the beach at Figure 8 Island. The proposed beach renourishment profile provides for the placement of 35 to 50 cubic yards of sand per linear foot least 1,500 feet north of the new of shoreline. Deposition of the material would begin at inlet's position and continue north for approximately 8,500 feet. The resulting beach profile, after reaching equilibrium, is expected to produce an additional 70 width to the upper beach with an elevation increase of 6 feet, that will transition to an ele ationore0 foot of 2 feet in the near shore surf zone, on the east side-of the approximately 300 feet wide impacted r eae Closure of the the existing inlet and construction of the southern fill area would be completed utilizing a rapid mechcanical sand moving operation upon successful opening of the new inlet. The resulting fill area at the north end of Wrightsville Beach would be approximately 1, 800 feet long and 1,000 feet wide at its base. The submitted project drawings show the top width of the fill area to be 400 feet wide constructed to an elevation of +10 feet (NGVD). 10. ANTICIPATED IlVIPACTS The excavation of the Mason Creek channel would incorporate 126,324 (2-9 acres) Of th Cordgrass (Spanina ahem flora) marsh. The square an east applicant's EA states that this impact t is necessary t osrestore -west dominant flo w to the inlet mouth for stab' ' '- The applicant proposes to mitigate by replanting a 5.8 acre hurricane overwash fan with sparlina alrerni, flora, to restore the h or this loss is located in the southwest corner of the project area. The proposed project's total excavation This tract area including Mason Creek, the new inlet channel, and the sedimentation basin, would square feet (49 acres) of sandy, shallow bottom. The 2, 134, proposed beach renourishment area of disturb the e souther 440 end Figure 8 Island has been Pn Previously permitted in conjunction with State Permit # 26-92. The deposition of this material would disturb 2,550,000 square feet (58.5 acres) of zone along the southern half of the Figure 8 Island oceanfront. And, the ' upper beach and inter-tidal southern fill area would incorporate 1,800,000 square feet (41 acres) of open wa eOf the- existing inlet rr and intertidal area. Conversely, the relocated inlet would create 1,050,000 square feet (24 acres) of new open water/intertidal area. The applicant's EA states that a number of positive impacts would result from the project including: enhanced nutrient exchange and productivity, as well as, improved water quality resulting from the restoration of flows to Mason Creek. Also, there would be positive effects on recreational navigation and public access to the inlet area. Their study also concedes that this proposal is not a permanent _ to the southerly migration of Mason Inlet. The inlet channel and sedimentation basin would lneed maintenance on approximately a five (5) year cycle, as well as, the maintenance of Mason Crete as needed basis. Thus, all of the direct impacts of the project would be x epe ebi A , occurk on an Presumably indefinitely. The proposed project would provide a privately funded approach t address rence, beach erosion problems of Figure 8 Island and inlet mig e ration threat to the north end of the Beach, without the use of State or federal public monies. Wrightsvill Submitted by: E.F. Brooks Date: 12/20/99 Office: Wilmington APPENDIX "A" NEW HANO'VER COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 284014045 7ELE.PHONE (910) 341-7139 WYATr L R1ANC9ARD, P:& Couaty Emgizteer August 2, 1999 Karyn M. Erickson, Vice President Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. 201 North Front Street - Suite 201 Wilmington, North-Carolina 28401 RE: Ackn-Owle-dgment and Authorization Mason's Inlet Project Dear Ms. Erickson- New Hanover County authorizes Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Incorporated to act on -its behalf for the specific and limited purpose of Notice Agent. The Federal and North Carolina State governments and their entitles are hereby authorized to deliver responses, notifications, or other documents to said Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. in lieu of direct service on the principal, Yew Hanover County. This Acknowledgment and ,(authorization does not in any way create, delegate, sanction, or permit any decision maldng power or undertaking by Applied 'T'echnology and Management of North -Carohrlaa, Inc:. on behalz of New Hanover County. Best regards, 2,", ,:"4 Gregory R. Thompson, P.E_ Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County cc: Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney GRT/aj (? i 7 ! v? SEP G 2 19,919 COAST) ??eT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AGREEMENT FOR Pt7RCgASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL, PROPERTY THIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY (Agreement) made as of ??`,? Z? 1999 by and between the George Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 by OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR. and TABITHA H. McEACHERN, Trustees (Seller) and FIGURE 118" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation (Buyer). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Seller is owner of an undeveloped upland tract of land located at the southern end of Figure Eight Island in New Hanover County, North Carolina which is bounded on the east by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the waters of Mason Channel, on the north by lots and common area of Figure Eight Island and on the south by the waters of Mason Inlet; and WHEREAS, the Buyer and others are undertaking a project to relocate Mason Inlet to a more northerly location in an effort to improve the navigation.of Mason Creek from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the relocated inlet and into the Atlantic Ocean; and to use the sand from the related dredging activities to close the existing channel of Mason Inlet and rebuild the ocean beaches at Figure Eight Island (the Project); and WHEREAS, the Seller is willing to convey the property rights described in this Agreement to allow the Project to be undertaken, provided the terms and conditions of this Agreement are met ; and I a r 177" 7 D!2`hSk _ IS TAL WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover has been approached by Buyer and others to be a sponsor of this Project and to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire the necessary property rights from Seller if a voluntary sale cannot be accomplished; and WHEREAS, for purposes of this Agreement, the Seller's- property is divided into three tracts of land in which-different property rights are to be conveyed, which tracts and the interest to be conveyed as to each are described generally as follows: (a) Inlet Corridor. A 1,000-foot wide corridor extending from the high water mark of the Atlantic ocean to the high water mark of Mason Channel (aka Banks Channel) between parallel lines that are approximately perpendicular to the ocean shoreline with the northern parallel line beginning at the high watermark of the Atlantic Ocean 200 feet south of the southernmost point in the southern boundary of the southernmost lot at Figure Eight (Inlet Corridor). This property is to be conveyed in fee simple without warranty and with conditions and right of re-entry. (b) Temporary Construction Easement South Tract. A temporary construction easement over all of.the upland property lying south of the southern line of-'the Inlet Corridor and north of the high water mark of Mason J Inlet at the time of grant (South Tract) together with cam, - , an option to secure future temporary construction _ easements for future inlet maintenance projects as described in this Agreement. 7Z ? 0 0 2 ; (c) Permanent Construction Easement North Tract Ocean Shoreline. A permanent construction easement along the ocean shoreline for that portion of Seller's property remaining north of the Inlet Corridor for purposes of Project construction and maintenance and for pipeline placement for future beach Aourishment projects on Figure Eight Island subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to various terms and conditions regarding this sale, all of which are consideration for the agreement between the parties as contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the funds, covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of °Whereas" clauses. The "Whereas" clauses set forth above in this Agreement are incorporated in this Agreement by reference. 2. Sale of Inlet Corridor. Seller agrees to sell and Buyer or its assigns agrees to buy the Inlet Corridor as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The conveyance will be by non-warranty deed in the form and substance of Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.. 3. Conveyance of Temporary Construction Easement for South Tract. Seller agrees to convey to New Hanover,.County-, 16r-ot-h-6i,, entity acceptable to Buyer and Seller, a temporary construction! easement over all of Seller's property now located on the south end of Figure Eight Island that lies south of the Inlet Corridor. The description of the area covered by the easement is set out in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The value of the easement is $55,000.00 per calendar year or part thereof and the easement will expire twenty-four (24) months after ttfe easement or a memorandum of the easement is recorded in the New Hanover County Registry by Buyer or Seller except as specified in Exhibit "D". The current Temporary Construction Easement or a memorandum thereof shall be recorded by Buyer when this transaction is closed. The Temporary Construction Easement will be in the form and substance of Exhibit "D" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4. Option for Future Temporary Construction Easements. Seller agrees to convey to Buyer or its assigns an option to acquire annual construction easements over the South Tract in the future for purposes of reconstruction or maintenance of the Project. The option will extend for 30 years and will be in the form and substance of Exhibit "D" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 5. South Tract Access and Claims to Filled Areas. In the event the current inlet channel is filled in connection with the project thereby connecting Seller's South Tract to Wrightsville Beach, Buyer and its assigns will support Seller's request for -a 60- foot wide non-exclusive access easement connecting'the South Tract to the public streets of Wrightsville Beach and will actively assist Seller in its efforts 'to acquire such an easement. In addition, if Buyer, its successors or assigns proposes to engage in a maintenance 4 Project or any other dredging or filling. project which involves raising land that was within the boundaries of the South Tract at the time of the closing but which has become submerged since the time of closing due to erosion or avulsion, Buyer will allow Seller to be a co-applicant for required governmental permits and will recognize Seller, its successors or assigns, as the appropriate `person or entity to make any claims to title to land raised within the former boundaries of the South Tract under the provisions of Chapter 146 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 6. Permanent Construction Easement on Oceanfront North of Inlet Corridor. Seller agrees to convey to Buyer a permanent non- exclusive easement over and across the oceanfront portion of Seller's property lying immediately north of the Inlet Corridor and extending from the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean 75 feet landward. The easement is for the purposes set out in Exhibit '?E". The - easement will be in the form and substance of Exhibit "E" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7. Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Inlet Corridor and the permanent construction easement north of the Inlet Corridor is $340,000.00. The temporary construction easement over the property south of the Inlet Corridor is valued at $55,000.00 per calendar year or part thereof and will be donated by the Seller to New Hanover County or other entity acceptable to.Buyer and Seller for the initial 24 month period. Seller shall not unreasonably withhold acceptance of an entity selected by Buyer. The purchase price will be paid by a $ 40,000.00 non-refundable (except on failure of Seller 5 to perform) payment to be made upon the execution of this Agreement, and the $300,000.00 balance will be paid in cash at closing. In addition, the Grantee of the Temporary Construction Easement shall pay the total ad valorem taxes assessed against the easement property and/or on any taxable property related to the Temporary Construction Easement for each calendar year, including the year in which the closing occurs, during which the easement is either available or in effect for all or part of the year. 8. Inlet Corridor Boundaries Fixed. The deed of conveyance of the Inlet Corridor will be in the form and substance of Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Within two weeks of the execution of this Agreement, the Inlet Corridor will be surveyed and mapped at the expense of the Buyer using the description in Exhibit "A The northern and southern parallel boundaries of the Inlet Corridor will be fixed as of the date of the survey and the parties' respective rights to accreted land or losses of land due to erosion will be governed by extending or shortening the parallel lines to account for fluctuations in the high water mark. Within two weeks prior to the closing, the entire property (all three tracts) will be surveyed at the expense of Buyer. The northern and southern boundaries of the Inlet Corridor will remain as specified above and all of the instruments of conveyance will reference the high water mark at the time of the second survey. Upon approval by the parties, a map of the current survey will be recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds by the Buyer at the time of closing. The boundaries for the Inlet Corridor shall remain fixed regardless of erosion or accretion in accordance with 6 the terms of Exhibit "B however, if the inlet migrates outside of the Inlet Corridor, the Seller shall be entitled to re-enter the property in accordance with the terms of Exhibit "B". 9. Reaffirmation of Seller's Easement and Development .Rights on Figure Eight Island. Buyer will reaffirm and more clearly specify Seller's rights of access across the bridge and roads serving as access to and over Figure Eight Island to Seller's property, and Seller will acknowledge its obligations to the Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association in the form and substance contained in Exhibit "F" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. This provision of this Agreement will remain the obligation of Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc regardless of its assignment of this Agreement to another party, or failure of-it or its assignee to perform and shall be done and made effective at the time of the execution of this Agreement. 10. Conditions to be Met Prior to Closing. (a) The membership of the Buyer must approve any special assessment required to be approved by the membership for the closing of the transaction. This approval, if required, will be submitted for a vote by the membership within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date that New Hanover County declines to sponsor the Project. If New Hanover County agrees to- sponsor the Project, this condition shall be deemed met. 7 (b) Approval by New Hanover County, or some other entity acceptable to Seller, to serve as grantee of the temporary construction easement valued as indicated hereinabove. Buyer must immediately undertake and use its best efforts to accomplish acquiring an acceptable grantee within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date that New Hanover County declines to be the grantee. (c) The acquisition by Buyer, or by any other entity undertaking to sponsor the Project, of all permits and approvals required to proceed with the Project and all approvals and- permits necessary to accomplish the requirements of this Agreement. (d) The reasonable satisfaction of the Seller that the performance of the terms of this Agreement will be forthcoming. 11. Closing. (a) TUT? r7711 7- SEP 0 2 1999 DIVI&)ASTAL MIANkGrAEtJ,"ti The parties agree to execute any and all documents necessary in connection with the "Reaffirmation of- Seller's Easements and Development Rights in Figure Eight Island" (Exhibit "F") simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement. The parties agree to execute any and all documents and papers necessary in connection with closing the transfer of title and the 8 C1 199i _ documentation of the other agreements herein within twenty-four (24) -months of the full ,OASTAL execution of this Agreement; provided, however, that the time can be extended for an additional twelve (12) months upon payment of an additional non-refundable $25,000.00 which will be applied to the purchase price if the transaction is closed. At least five (5) business days after the conditions to be met prior to Closing have actually been met, the Buyer shall give Seller notice of such completion. The Closing shall take place no later than..two (2) weeks after such notice is actually received by Seller. The Survey of the property shall be completed by Buyer, submitted to the Seller and accepted by both Buyer and Seller no more than seven (7) calendar days before Closing; but in no event shall the Survey be commenced by Buyer more than two (2)-weeks before Closing. 12. Acknowledgement of Effects of the Project on Remaining Lands of Seller. The Seller acknowledges that the Project could have unknown and unanticipated effects on the Seller's remaining property on the north and south side of the Inlet Corridor. The Seller further acknowledges that erosion is likely to occur on one or both banks of the new inlet and that such erosion may not be confined within the Inlet Corridor. Seller and Buyer agree that, as between Seller and Buyer and their successors and assigns, the parallel 9 boundaries of the Inlet Corridor will remain fixed regardless of erosion. and accretion, except as specifically provided to the contrary in this Agreement or the documents associated with the closing of this Agreement. 13. No Objection by Seller. Seller agrees not to object to the Project provided the Project occurs within the time.-specified herein. 14.. Time for Project Completion. The Project must be substantially completed within twenty-four (24) months of the closing. If the Project is not substantially completed within twenty-four (24) months of the closing, the Buyer or its successors or assigns will reconvey all property rights conveyed under this Agreement back to Seller, and Buyer and Seller will be relieved of any further obligations under this Agreement, except the obligations in Exhibit "F" which will remain in force. Any money paid prior to that time will not be refunded. The twenty-four (24) month period will be stayed for up to 36 months during the pendency of any restraining order or injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction which prohibits any essential part of the Project from proceeding. 15. Prorations and Adjustments. Ad valorem taxes on the Inlet Corridor real property shall be paid by Buyer for the calendar year in which the closing occurs. 16. Title. Title must be delivered at closing in the form specified in Exhibits hereto, free from any encumbrances which affect the ability of the Buyer to accomplish the Project. Buyers sole 10 remedy for failure of Seller to deliver title as specified above is recission of contract. Acceptance by Buyer of the title documents as specified in the Exhibits shall evidence satisfaction of this requirement. 17. Labor and Material menIs Liens. Seller shall furnish at closing an affidavit and indemnification agreement in form satisfactory to Buyer showing that all labor and materials, if any, furnished at the direction of Seller to the property within 120 days prior to the date of closing have been paid for and agreeing to indemnify Buyer against all loss from any cause or claim arising therefrom. 18. Closing Expenses. Seller shall pay for the preparation of the deed or other instruments of conveyance prepared by Seller or its attorneys and for the excise tax required by law. Buyer shall pay for preparation of other instruments of conveyance prepared by Buyer or its attorneys and for the recording fees for all instruments that are recorded. 19. Assignment. This Agreement may be assigned by Buyer to New Hanover County. Any other assignment requires the written agreement of the parties. If assigned by Buyer to New Hanover County or any other party, the Agreement shall be binding on the assignee and its successors. Assignment does not relieve Buyer of its obligations under the Agreement; except that, upon closing of the transaction, the obligations established in the documents attached hereto as Exhibits B, D and E will be the obligations only of the parties to those documents. 11 20. Notice. Whenever, under the terms of this Agreement, notice is required to be given or a.document is required to be sent by one party to another, it shall be directed to the individuals at the address specified below, unless those individuals or their successors give notice of a change to the other party. Notices must be in writing and may be sent only by certified mail return receipt requested, by courier service where the recipient signs for receipt, or by personal delivery with a written acknowledgement of receipt. Seller: George Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 c/o David Ward Ward & Smith, P.A. 1001 College Court P.O. Box 867 New Bern, NC 28563-0867 Buyer: Figure 11811 Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. Attention: Administrator 15 Bridge Road- Wilmington, NC 28411 21. Parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their successors and assigns. As used herein, words in the singular include the plural and the masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders, as appropriate. The exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference may be amended to reflect changes in the parties that occur - due to assignment or succession. 22. Survival. If any provision herein contained which by its nature and effect is required to be observed, kept or performed after the closing, it shall survive the closing and r' mamma b1ndin D C 2 1999 12 COASTAL MAN' ;GEVIENT upon and for the benefit of the parties hereto until fully observed,. kept or performed. 23, Entire Agreement. The Buyer acknowledges that it-has inspected the property. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no representations, inducements or other provisions other than those expressed in writing. All changes, additions or deletions hereto must be in writing and signed by the parties. 24. Counterparts. This Agreement shall become binding when it is properly signed by both Buyer and Seller. It is to be signed in two counterparts with a signed counterpart being retained by each party hereto. 25. Neadi.ugs. Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret or construe its provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed under seal the day and year first above written. BUYER: FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMANNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (CORPORATE SEAL) By: Edw S. Barc a Jr. r ident Atte ?•' . Secretary ip 13 2 79°9 n? tF'k€? GEtl1iEN i SELLER: GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 (SEAT,) BY : 4 Uz'e_ J (SEAS, ) Oliver C. Hutaff, Jr., Trustee r BY : Tabitha H. McEachern, Trustee (SEAL) ?'R? IFoR/?i,q STATE OF wooW -?Ci 5 l/inn ?G s COUNTY lic, Notary hereby certify that OLI R C. HUTAFF, JR., TRUSTEE UNDER PEO RGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this Z(v 1999. day of --7- My Commission Expires: Notary Publ c (SEAL) MOLLY LEE FAULKNEt Commission # 1225793 z Notary Public - Colifania Loa Angeles County MY Carom. EPies J m24,M03 14 NORTH CAROLINA i ' MO 40-ria V GV' enrnwrv I r , do hereby Certify that en TABITHA . enc , H. MCEA , TRUSTEE a Notary Public, UMER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. acknowledged the du 2, personally appeared before me this day and e execution purposes therein set forth. of the foregoing instrument for the 4UA'& a WITNESS my 4- , I i4l"L My Commission Expires: to- a - ZvoD SEAL) NORTH CARD) INA ca- M 1uc.f a'?'ZCOUNTY I, Public _. of me hand and notarial seal this 5th day of 1999. Notary Public a Notary he R. C. a oA i t State and County, certify that personall appeared daY an acknowledged that he is f? Secretary of Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., a K' C. Corporation, and that by the authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed its name its in President, sealed with its corporate-seal and attested by Lj/.. aas its _4 _Adz? t Secretary. WITHESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of ?Gto f 1999. My Commission Notary Public Expires: (SEAL) X"\= VIRM\R7C-233 - I7S 15 ?1? I I 2 9 9 9 TOTAL P.03 EXHIBIT "A" TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 AND FIGURE "8," BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Being a tract of land in New Hanover County near Mason Inlet. To reach the point of beginning, extend the western boundary of the Chapel Hill Electric Company, Inc. Tract Three, as depicted on a map in Map Book 23 at Page 93 of the New Hanover County Registry, to the point where it intersects the mean high water mark of the Atlantic ocean; thence with the mean high water mark of the Atlantic ocean southwestward to a point 200 feet from the preceding point, straight line measurement; said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING. Thence with the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean southwestward to a point that is 1,000 feet from the preceding point, straight line measurement; thence North 56 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West approximately 900 feet to the mean high water mark of Mason Channel, also known as Banks Channel; thence with the mean high water mark of Mason Channel or Banks Channel northeastwardly to-a point that bears North 56 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West from the beginning point; thence South 56 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds East approximately 1,000 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property being a corridor 1,000 feet wide between parallel lines extending from the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the mean high water mark of Mason Channel, also known as Banks Channel, and being located such that the Grantor retains 200 feet of ocean frontage between the southernmost lot on Figure Eight Island and the northeastern boundary of the inlet corridor. For purposes of conveyance in the deed of conveyance, this description will be shown on a map of survey that is in recordable form to which reference is made for the description. The parties agree that the mean high water mark is an ambulatory boundary and that the description will be located on the ground with reference to the high water mark at the time specified in paragraph 8 of the Agreement to which this exhibit is a part. WAR\SNVIR0N\R96-233-175 i ' j WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee wish to maintain fixed. boundaries for the Inlet Corridor for purposes' of establishing a location in which Grantee its assigns or others may perform future projects to maintain or relocate the inlet, subject to a right of re- entry by Grantor if all or part of the inlet channel moves entirely outside of the Inlet Corridor and the Grantee or others fail to restore all or part of the inlet to a location within the Inlet Corridor within two years after notice from the Grantor; and WHEREAS, the Grantor, by separate instruments, vjill convey additional temporary and permanent construction easements to Grantee or its assigns to enable Grantee or its assigns to use remaining lands of Grantor for construction of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is acknowledged, has and by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple all of that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in New Hanover County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: [Property to be described in accordance with survey map and by reference to a recorded survey map.] The parties agree that the northeastern and southwestern parallel boundaries that run from the Atlantic Ocean to Mason Channel, also known as Banks Channel, will remain fixed regardless of whether the high water mark of Mason Inlet erodes completely into the adjoining properties such that either or both of said parallel lines are located below the mean high water mark of navigable waters or tidal waters. By way of example, but not of limitation, if the waters of the relocated Mason Inlet erode the northern shoreline of the new inlet such that the mean high water mark of the inlet extends beyond the entire northern boundary of the Inlet Corridor into property of the Grantor, and if the northern shoreline then begins to accrete and builds southward such that upland property once again appears between the northeastern boundary of the Inlet Corridor and the high water mark of the inlet; then the land accreting into the Inlet Corridor south of the northern boundary of the Inlet Corridor would vest in the Grantee regardless of any legal principles that might lead to a different ownership, subject to termination as specified herein. It is the intention of the parties that the Grantee, its successors and assigns, will continue to have the necessary property rights to engage in excavation and filling activities within the Inlet Corridor regardless of shoreline changes and subject only to the right of re- entry hereinafter specified. The parties further agree that they will execute and record any documents necessary to give effect to this provision should it be reasonably necessary to do so in the future. The provisions of the previous paragraph notwithstanding, the parties agree that the Grantor has a right of re-entry Inlet Corridor upon the occurrence of all of the following events and 2 upon said re-entry, title shall revest in the Grantor, its successors or assigns: (a) There exists within the Inlet Corridor an area of land above the mean high water mark of navigable or tidal waters that reaches entirely-from the northeastern to the southwestern Inlet Corridor boundaries; and (b) The Grantor or its successors or assigns gives written notice to the Grantee or its successors or assigns that the condition described in (a) above exists, such notice being (i) by certified mail or (ii) by personal service in accordance with rules for service of summons in civil actions in the General Court of Justice of North Carolina and being accompanied by a survey map by a licensed surveyor showing the condition described in (a) above; and (c) The notice and map are recorded in the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; and (d) An area of submerged land below the mean high water mark- extending from Banks Channel to the Atlantic Ocean at least 200 feet of which lies within the Inlet Corridor, as measured perpendicular to the northeastern or southwestern boundaries of the Inlet Corridor, is not reestablished by act of man or act of nature within two (2) years from the recording of the documents described in (c) above as. evidenced by a notice from Grantee to Grantor in accordance with (b) above accompanied by a survey showing the submerged land within the Inlet Corridor and recorded in the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County within two (2) years of the document recorded pursuant to (c) above. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described lot or parcel of land, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, in fee simple forever, subject to the following: the lien of New Hanover County ad valorem taxes for and subsequent years; utility easements and restrictive covenants of record; all applicable zoning and land use ordinances, statutes and regulations; the provisions regarding fixed boundaries and the right of re-entry specified herein. The Grantor makes no warranty, express or implied, as to title to the property hereinabove described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be duly executed under seal the day and year fir, above written. V ?? ?;, ? sJ(l\`i j 7 P G r 1999 ? . ?i Y 1 ?et?:?.E .?.- 3 COASTAL MANAGIPMEE i n ss ro GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 (SEAL) BY : Oliver C. Hutaf, f , Jr . , Trustee(SEAL) a. STATE OF HAWAII BY : (SEAL) Tabitha H. McEachern, Trustee COUNTY I a Notary Public, do hereby certify that OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR., TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand 1999. and notarial seal this day of Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that TABITHA H. MCEACHERN, TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and 4 acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of ,' 1999. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) WM\ENVnMN\R96-233-177 -1 07 1D y\vl ? SEEP C 2 1999 MV tsit- c;,4 COASTAL Mf=NA?G--':--iV`EN i 5 EXHIBIT "C" TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 AND FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Being a tract of land in New Hanover County near Mason Inlet. BEGINNING at the point where the southwestern boundary of the Inlet Corridor described in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement intersects the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence following the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean in a southerly direction and continuing with the mean high water mark of Mason Inlet in a westerly direction and continuing with the mean high water mark of Mason Channel, also known as Banks Channel, in a northerly direction to a point in the high water mark of Mason Channel or Banks Channel that bears North 58 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 58 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds East with the southwestern boundary of the Inlet Corridor to the point of BEGINNING. Said property is all of Seller's property above the mean high water mark on what is currently the south end of Figure Eight Island and which lies south of the Inlet Corridor referenced in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. For purposes of conveyance of the temporary construction easement, this description may be shown on a map of survey that is in recordable form to which reference may be-made for a description of the property. The parties agree that the mean high water mark is an ambulatory boundary and that this description will be located on the ground with reference to the high water mark at the time of conveyance, rather than the location of the mean high water mark as of the date of the execution of the Agreement to which this Exhibit is a part. WAR\MMTR=\R96-233-176 I - _ `'J EXHIBIT "D" TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 AND GGP`c FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Prepared by: -NC 28402. W. A. Raney, Jr., Attorney, P.O. Box 1049, Wilmington, Parcel #: Part of R05200-003-001-000 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNPY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AND OPTION FOR FUTURE.CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS daTTH of DEED OF EASEMENT AND OPTION made and entered into this HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, by OLIVER C. HMAFg, by THE GEORGE HENRY JR. and TABITHA H. McEACHERN, TRUSTEES , Grantor; and FIGURE 118" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a. North Carolina non-profit corporation of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Grantee. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Grantee and others are undertaking a project to relocate Mason Inlet to a more northerly location, to improve the navigation of Mason Creek from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the relocated inlet and to use the sand from these dredging activities to close the existing channel of Mason Inlet and rebuild the ocean beaches at Figure Eight Island (the Project); and WHEREAS, through which the the Project; and the Grantor, is the owner of the upland property new inlet channel is to be cut in connection with WHEREAS, the Grantor is willing to convey a 1,000-foot wide Inlet Corridor to Grantee for the excavation of a new inlet channel provided certain conditions are met; and WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee wish to maintain --fixed boundaries for the Inlet Corridor for purposes of establishing a location in which Grantee its assigns or others may perform future projects to maintain or relocate the inlet, subject to a right of re- entry by Grantor if all or part of the inlet channel moves entirely outside of the Inlet Corridor and the Grantee or others fail to restore all or part of the inlet to a location within the Inlet Corridor within two years after notice from the Grantor; and WHEREAS, the construction of the Project will require the Grantee to stockpile material and to undertake construction activities on the Grantor's remaining property lying south of the Inlet Corridor; and WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to convey a temporary construction easement to Grantee for purposes of undertaking the Project and to convey an option to Grantee to acquire additional temporary easements for future Project maintenance. NOW, THEREFORE, the Grantor, in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a temporary construction easement for purposes of constructing the Project over, across, under and above the property described as follows: (Property to be described in accordance with survey map and by reference to a recorded survey map.) The rights conveyed by this easement include, but are not limited to, the right to utilize the property for storage or stockpiling of sand to be used in closing the existing channel of Mason Inlet; the right to operate and park all types of equipment and machinery used in connection with the Project; the right to grade and slope the property to meet the design standards for the Project; and the right to engage in all other activities reasonably necessary for construction of the Project; provided the overall elevation and quantity of sand remaining above the mean high water mark on the tract after the Project is equal to or exceeds the amount that existed on the property prior to the Project. The easement specifically does not include a right of access or use by the general public. All equipment, tangible personal property, and structures must be removed within thirty (30) calendar days after the completion of the Project and within a like time upon the completion of the maintenance or reconstruction of the Project which led to the exercise of any one or more periods within the Option. The easement expires upon completion of the Project in accordance with all regulatory permits, but in no event longer than twenty-four (24) months after recording of this easement in the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; provided the twenty-four (24) month period will be stayed for up to thirty-six (36) months during the pendency of any restraining order or temporary injunction which prohibits any essential part of the Project from proceeding. The Grantor also conveys to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, an Option to acquire future temporary construction easements on the property on the same terms and conditions as this easement except as to price and payment. The easements shall be for the sole purpose of engaging in maintenance or reconstruction of the Project 2 from time to time. Maintenance and reconstruction shall include a right to fill or place sand on the property but not the right. to reduce the overall size or elevation of the property as it exists at the time of maintenance or reconstruction. The Option shall extend for thirty (30) years from the date of the recording of this easement and option. The option may be exercised by notice to Grantor, its successors and assigns, by Grantee, its successors and assigns, certified mail or personal delive by Grantee to Grantor at least sixty Such notice shall be given by maintenance or reconstruction are scheduled to begin on the property. The price for the initial twenty-four (24) months of the easement shall be $55,000.00 for each twelve (12) month calendar year period or portion thereof that the easement is in effect. The per year consideration of the initial twenty-four (24) months shall be donated to New Hanover County or alternate sponsor approved by Grantor. The price for subsequent easements shall be months or portion thereof that the easement0 is for in ceffect twelve (12) easement will expire at the end of the term or upon the completionTof the Project as indicated above, whichever occurs sooner. The Option will expire and be void and of no further effect if the Grantor exercises the right of re-entry of the Inlet Corridor property conveyed by Grantor to Grantee by deed recorded in Book at Page of the New Hanover Count Re which property lies immediately north of the property that is subject to this easement. The Granteeand its successors, assigns and licensees, and contractors or agents of Grantee utilizing said easement, to the extent authorized by law, fully indemnify and hold the Grantor, its successors and assign, harmless from all claims, expenses, costs and liabilities arising out of the use of the easement area under the terms of this easement and Grantee executes this easement to accept this obligation. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described Temporary Construction Easement and Option unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantors have caused this Temporary Construction Easement and Option to be signed by themselves as Trustees under the George Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 and sealed the day and year first above written. f L ? ?`. 2 19 9 ?J GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 (SEAL) BY (SEAL) Oliver C. Hutaff, Jr., Trustee BY: (SEAL) Tabitha H. McEachern, Trustee FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BY: President (Corporate Seal) Attest: Secretary STATE OF HAWAII COUNTY I' , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR., TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this 11 1999. My Commission Expires: (SEAL) day of Notary Public NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, do hereby certify that TABITHA H. Mc RN, TRUSTEE 11 a UNDER Notary Public, GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set.forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this 1999 . day of Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, 11 Public of the aforesaid State and County a Notary , certify that before me this day and acknowledged that he p issonally appeared Secretary of Figure 118" Beach Homeowners Association, _Inc., a Corporation, and that by the authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by self as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of 1999. M Notary Public y Commission Expires: (SEAL) NAMM MM\R96-233-178 7,77 1009 Z?L-? ? i EXHIBIT "E" TO AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN ? GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF 'T'RUST NO. 2 AND FIGURE "S" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Prepared by: W. A. Raney, Jr., Attorney, P.O. Box 1049, Wilmington, NC 28402. Parcel No. Part of !., NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEED OF EASEMENT (751 Beachfront) THIS DEED OF EASEMENT made and entered into this day of 1999 by the GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, by OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR; and TABITHA H. McEACHERN, TRUSTEES, Grantor; and FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation, whose address is 15 Bridge Road, Wilmington, NC 28411, Grantee. W I T N E S S E T H: That the Grantor, in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to it in -hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a certain 75-fo6t wide easement landward from the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean across the lands of the Grantor located in New Hanover County and described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The easement shall be for the purpose of enabling the Grantee, its successors, assigns and licensees to lay dredge pipeline, operate equipment and machinery, temporarily stockpile materials and equipment, place soil in connection with beach nourishment and undertake related activities to engage in beach nourishment within the easement and on oceanfront areas north, east and south of the easement property. This easement is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Any activities undertaken by the Grantee, its successors, assigns or licensees shall be performed in accordance with all applicable governmental regulatory programs and permits issued pursuant thereto. 2. The Grantee, its successors, assigns and licensees may not construct any permanent structures within the easement area. Any temporary structures, pipe or other items placed within the easement area must be removed within two months after cessation of active pumping or related activity over or on the easement area for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days related to any authorized project utilizing the easement area. 3. The Granteeand its successors, assigns and licensees, and contractors or agents of Grantee utilizing said easement, to the extent authorized by _law, fully indemnify and hold the Grantor, its successors and assigns, harmless from all claims, expenses, costs and liabilities arising out of the use of the easement area under the terms of this easement. - 4. The Grantor, its successors and assigns are not prohibited from constructing structures within the easement area. If structures are built within the easement area by Grantor, its successors and assigns, the Grantee shall undertake all activities 2 permitted by this easement in an area at least 20 feet seaward of such structures unless permission is given by the owner of the structure to work in closer proximity to the structure. 5. To the extent authorized by law, this easement will continue to exist within the area described on Exhibit "A" even if one or more of the boundaries of the easement becomes submerged-below the mean high water mark of navigable waters. 6. This easement shall terminate if the 1000' Inlet Corridor conveyed by,Grantor to New Hanover County by deed recorded in Book at Page of the New Hanover County Registry is re-entered by Grantor or its successor under the terms of said deed. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement and right-of-way unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever; it being agreed that the easement hereby granted is appurtenant to and runs with the land owned by the Grantee, or parts thereof which may hereafter be conveyed by the Grantee. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor, GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, has caused this Deed of Easement to be signed in its name by its Trustees and the Grantee, has caused this instrument to be signed by the President, attested by is Secretary and its corporate seal attached the day and year first above written. FIGURE 118" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (CORPORATE SEAL) By: President -?" 71 COASTAL M pp A"VriEIN i ATTEST: Secretary GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 (SEAL) c. By (SEAL) Oliver C. Hutaff, Jr-, Trustee By : (SEAL) Tabitha H. McEachern, Trustee STATE OF HAWAII COUNTY I' a Notary Public, do hereby certify that OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR., TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal .this 01 1999. My Commission Expires: ( SEAL ) day of Notary Public 4 - - -? emu :.'. lJ99 ---i NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that TABITHA H. McEACHERN, TRUSTEE UNDER -THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and_ acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of 1999. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, . Public of the aforesaid State and County a Notary 11 , certify that before me this day and acknowledged that he P issonally_appeared Secretary of Figure 118" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., a Corporation, and that by the authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by self as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of , 1999. My Commission Expires: (SEAL) WAR\MVZR MX96-233-008 - 77T of T ? '? fI ?` ?} `! ' 5 lz ° rt:.' `?C'4V E!"L?•!?•E ril yi.'?i ? v EE NIT EXHIBIT "A" to Deed of Easement (75' Beachfront) between George Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 and Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. BEGINNING at the point where the northwestern boundary of the Inlet Corridor as described in an instrument recorded in Book Page . of the New Hanover Count Re at gist inters-e`ctls-?the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean Y the nce northwardly with mthe mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the point where the western boundary of the Chapel Hill Electric Company, Inc. Tract Three as depicted on a map in Map Book 23 at Page 93 of the New Hanover County Registry intersects the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean; thence- with said western boundary of the Chapel Hill Electric Company Tract Three to a point 75 feet from the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean measured on a line bearing South 56 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds East. Thence southwardly along the line lying 75 feet from the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean to the northern line of the Inlet Corridor as described in Book Page of the New Hanover Count Re at with the northern line of said Inlet Corr gitry; idor toe the ep intr of BEGINNING. Said property being a 75-foot wide strip bounded on the southeast by the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean and extending from the Inlet Corridor referenced above on the southwestern end to the Chapel Hill Electric Company Tract Three as referenced above on the northern end. The parties agree that the mean high water mark is an ambulatory boundary- and that the description will be located on the ground with reference to the high water mark as it may move. 6 ?.. - EXHIBIT "F" LTO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 AND FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Prepared by: W. A. Raney, Jr., Attorney. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AGREEMENT This Agreement, effective as of the day it is fully executed and recorded in the office of the New Hanover County Register of Deeds, by and between FIGURE "8" BEACH HOXEoww R3 ASSOCIATION, INC., a North Carolina non-profit corporation (Association), and GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 by OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR. and TABITBA H. McEpcmM, TRUSTEES (Trustees). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Figure Eight Island has been subdivided by various developers who have imposed various restrictive covenants on the subdivision property and have granted various rights to the use of common property which has not been subdivided into building lots; and WHEREAS, the last in a succession of developers of Figure Eight Island assigned the rights and obligations of the developer/ declarant for Figure Eight Island subdivision to the Association by instrument recorded in Book 1248 at Page 1665 of the New Hanover County Registry; and WHEREAS, the Trustees hold in trust real property located on the southern end of Figure Eight Island which has never been subdivided or incorporated into the Figure Eight Island Subdivision or made subject to the restrictive covenants applicable to Figure Eight Island Subdivision (the Property or Trustees' Property); and WHEREAS, the Trustees predecessors in title, Oliver C. Hutaff et al, and one of the Association's predecessors in title, B. B. Cameron et al, granted mutual easements establishing rights-of-way over their respective properties for the purpose of buil8ing roads and bridges, said easements being recorded in Book 600 at Page 67 of the New Hanover County Registry; and WHEREAS, the Trustees and The Figure Eight Island Company, another predecessor in title of the Association, entered into an Agreement recorded in Book 954 at Page 255 of the New Hanover County Registry by which the parties released certain easements and established certain rights and obligations of the parties with respect to access to and development of Trustees' Property on Figure Eight Island (herein the 111972 Agreement"); and WHEREAS the parties wish to reaffirm, clarify and amend the 1972 Agreement to more precisely identify and expand the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to each other. - NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and conditions set forth and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) paid by each party to the other, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The "Whereas" clauses set forth above in this Agreement are incorporated in the Agreement by reference. . 2. The Association and the Trustees affirm the provisions of paragraphs 2., 3. and 4. of the 1972 Agreement recorded in Book 954 at Page 255 of the New Hanover County Registry. 2 3. In order to clarify and expand on the agreements set out in Book 954 at Page 255, the parties agree as follows: a. The Association will provide at no cost all required utility easements to any utility company or utility provider to enable such company or provider to provide utility services to Trustees' property as may be necessary or"-desirable for development of Trustees' property for single family residential uses. b. In addition to the right to connect to the water system of Figure Eight Island as specified in paragraph 3 of the 1972 Agreement, the Association will make available and provide to the north property line of the Trustees' property at the point where the access easement described in the 1972 Agreement adjoins, or if extended would adjoin, which access easement is confirmed to adjoin, the -Trustees' property, the following utilities which are now available or which may become available in the future, at no additional cost, except the same connection fees as would be charged an owner of a lot in Figure Eight Island Subdivision for the same service,, and without any assessment or additional charge for construction or availability fees: (i) potable water; (ii) sewer to the extent provided to lots in Figure Eight Island Subdivision; (iii) electricity; (iv) cable television and telephone lines; 3 (v) all other utilities available to owners of lots on Figure Eight Island. The provided utilities would have the capacity to service and accommodate reasonable single family residential development of the Trustee's Property. c. Prior to improvement of the Trustees R- Property for single family residential use, access to the Trustees' Property over the easements described in the 1972 Agreement is available only to the Trustees, the Trustees' immediate family, the beneficiaries of the Trust, any guests of the Trustees or beneficiaries when accompanied by a Trustee or beneficiary, any other person who becomes an owner of any part of the Trustees' Property, and any agent or employee of the Trustees who is engaged in business related to the Property. The Trustees will provide to the Association-a list of those entitled to access and shall update the list periodically. d. Prior to improvement of the Trustees' Property for single family residential use, the Trustees shall obligated to pay assessments levied by the Association against lots on Figure Eight Island. At such time as a building permit is issued for construction of each single family residence on the -,Trustees' property, such single family residence will be subject to assessments by the Association in an amount necessary to fund a pro-rata share of any expenditures by the Association relating to maintenance, repair and operation of the bridge and roads owned and operated by the Association. Such assessment shall be calculated annually and paid in arrears. All users of 4 the bridge and roads owned by the Association will abide by any rules and regulations regarding their use to the same extent as lot owners in Figure Eight Island Subdivision. e. The owners of single family residences on Trustees' Property shall be entitled to trash removal services to the extent and under the same terms as the lot '-owners in Figure Eight Island Subdivision upon the payment of applicable fees. f. The Association will not object to the Trustees' development of the Trustees' Property into single family residential use in accordance with all applicable governmental statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. 4. This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns, is effective immediately upon being signed by both parties, and shall be appurtenant to and run with the property owned by the Association and the Trustees as identified herein. 5. The provisions of the 1972 Agreement recorded in Book 954 at Page 255 continue in effect except to the extent they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, in which case the provisions of this Agreement will prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association has caused this instrument to be signed by its President, attested by its Secretary, and its corporate seal attached, and the Trustees have hereunto set their hands and seals, effective as indicated herein. v SEP C2 1999 5 9,QASTI-A `&MANAGEMENT FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (CORPORATE SEAL) By: President ATTEST: c Secretary GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2 (SEAL) By' (SEAL) Oliver C. Hutaff, Jr., Trustee By : (SEAL) Tabitha H. McEachern, Trustee u t 2 I.E9? 6 STATE OF HAWAII COUNTY I, , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that OLIVER C. HUTAFF, JR., TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this 1999. ---E-_Y of Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I' - , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that TABITHA H. MCEACHERN, TRUSTEE UNDER THE GEORGE HENRY HUTAFF TRUST NO. 2, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this day of 1999. Notary Public My Commission Expires: (SEAL) 11 12 1-99 7 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, Public of the aforesaid State and Count a Notary y, certify that before me this day and acknowledged that he P issonally appeared Secretary of Figure "8" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., a Corporation, and that by the authority duly given and as the act of the Corporation, the foregoing instrument waste-signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by self as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of 1999. My Commission Expires: Notary Public (SEAL) AR\MMnM\R96-233-160 I` f l 77, S F P C 2 '1999 8 COt S T P"IL ttIANAC.,CMENT :TH CAROLINA ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT :W HANOVER Freement made this day of 1999, Hanover County, a unit of government of the State of North )unty), and Figure 118" Beach Homeowners Association, Inc., )lina non-profit corporation (Association); W I T N E S S E T H• IEREAS, the County is pursuing an erosion control project in part 'of relocating Mason Inlet to a more northerly i depositing excess sand on the ocean beaches of Figure I (the Project); and IEREAS, the' Association has negotiated a contract to operty rights from the George Henry Hutaff Trust No. 2 are necessary for the construction of the Project, a copy attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as ind IEREAS, the Association wishes to assign its rights and under the contract to the County and the County wishes to rights and obligations; and iEREAS, the Association has made the $40,000.00 down payment the contract which sum is part of the total project cost ie allocated to the properties benefited by the project; and IEREAS, it is appropriate for the County to reimburse the for its expenses when and if the transaction is closed and $40, 0,000 with the other project costs in determining the (?) to be recovered from the benefited properties through ',0A E i NOW, THEREFORE, the parties in consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations agree as follows: 1. The Association hereby conveys all of its right, title and interest,in the contract to the County with the exception of those matters relating to agreements between the Trust and the Association involving access to and development of the Trust property on-the south end of Figure Eight Island as addressed in paragraphs 9, ii(a), and 19 of the contract and in Exhibit F of the contract. 2. The County hereby accepts the assignment of the contract and assumes the rights and obligations of the Association under the contract except as set forth in paragraph 1 above. 3. The county will reimburse the Association the $40,000 non-refundable deposit paid by the Association upon the closing of the transaction but will not be obligated to make such reimbursement if the transaction does not close. 4. If the County decides not to close the transaction it will assign the contract back to the Association, if the Association so requests. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto executed this agreement in appropriate form effective the day and year above written. FIGURE EIGHT BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION CORPORATE SEAL By: Edward S. Barclay, III President jli? L V11 LL I? I' SF t 2 1999 J COASTAL (v AINAG=DAENT ATTEST: Secretary NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: ATTEST: WAR\ENVIRON\R96-233-183 < <i 2 F FIGURE "8" BEACH HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 • Telephone (910) 686-0635 FAX (910) 686-1558 August 18, 1999 Mr. Allen O'Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Mason Inlet Relocation Project Dear Mr. O'Neal: APPENDIX "C" As you know, the Figure "8" Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc. (Association) has been an active participant in the planning of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. The Association has a vital interest in the portion of the project which will result in the placement of sand on Figure Eight's ocean beaches. Accordingly, the Association approves the placement of sand resulting from the project on the ocean beaches at Figure Eight. It is the understanding of the Association that the sand will be placed on the southern portion of Figure Eight Island and that the rate of placement will not exceed fifty cubic yards per linear foot of beach. We understand that the linear extent of placement and the rate of placement will be somewhat dependent on the quantity of sand available. The Association would like to continue to work with the County's consulting engineer concerning the rate of placement and the linear extent of placement. If you require further information from us, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Island Administrator, Art Poineau. Sincerely, Figure "8'' Beach Homeowners' Association, Inc. Edwa . Barcla , Jr. Pres' ent cc: Dave Weaver 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Karyn Erickson 201 N. Front Street, Suite 201 Wilmington, NC 28401 ' 1 _ '` _ COA?'- t, NT ?. '- ?'^.r y+?: ?.? ,d?? 4~ ? `?' r ' t A' A _ ... •T ?? _ ? 1.? Y ?..?y? ^ y °'?tY ? _ ? - -?lR?? -y'[ v ?? QS•' j '.' ? ? 'G y K j' ? ? • Z•R,R r?t,+'?1?, r r. ? : `" ,1s .l i ? k... `?T" ? ?• fY +.r n ? ' ?„µ r"'?I }.l z -i3 ? ?` . '.'17 ?t?„'e?:,'T`Y. • ? ,-,,. ? ,?0'? ? j an. _. "-rx.`w.. '* '"?+k? ; ,.te. ... ...r1?t;a... rnt' ?c??, ? '=,tv. NI j k > 4M S@ i* AYE w,}}•• ?'S. _k? f ? 1 Y . ?, . _ ?fYTRAC.G9g3TgL yy ? ? ,? „? s. " ?- - ? ATERINAY jw- ve-i L v?, ?` .?'{((((s•: '/.y' ^`??pi•4 ?°. ?yyr ?fi/l. ?.• ..k ? Y?' h? F. I?t ry ? ' ,h. t1? 1w D Z Olt '.cc =7 ZD mz o -- ;m rn i` 00 c ?z o< z~y. 0 m Rex m r m m F- m a e a C) _ ?2 m m rn x 0 SL 3 z xa wm:. ?s r h ? A .v ` AMID! y Z ? fn y? _1n I r, I , 1?iRL:T CORRIDOR x i DREDQE i 74 I` FILL 11-1 - l1 .: 507 '5 V db Ch? l??aflrisvn Jr n ?O sS a Oro kjo l -wit ? Qf ?r U ? 1 Ake 7 7 /l a M,; ~ ...0. . -? 3 5ti w -i - v T ?V kilo { D VIOIUA?- iou j I' ' 464\-- s w PL i i ct. ? i L%X4 LAte t.* j { r , ram .:. ?.._ ? 5•. ,. 7. ,+ `? s '? _ i ' N _ ..: :?- _.., ,._...x . .. ., .. AGENDA MEETING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW EMOVER COUNTY AND REPRESENTATIVES OF DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT FEBRUARY 22, 2000 ?1 . '/2. V3 . Introductions Status Report on Federal Agencies Comments and County responses Status Report on State Agency Comments and County responses Raney and Smith Erickson Erickson V 4. `/5 . L,6 1J4 . Plan for developing revised EA Procedure for evaluation of EA and permit application by the State Water quality certification issues introduced Water quality certification - "Practical alternatives" discussion Mitigation discussion ?. Division of Marine Fisheries Additional issues `1`0. DCM additional issues -?1. WRC additional issues LA2. Conclusion Erickson Moffitt or designee Raney Erickson/group discussion Morrison/Erickson/group discussion Marine Fisheries Rep DCM Representative WRC Representative WAR\environ\R96-233-191 JLA -7 -7 4i'Z )?12- TYd n C, k o --1 eo - b ii c 9(o-762-7Y7. -,vi _ -7 i 2u JJ- rnecl-b It S Technical Review Mason Inlet Relocation Project Prepared by John S. Fisher, Ph.D., P.E. January 2000 For New Hanover County Engineering Department Wilmington, NC 105 White Oak Court Chocowinity, NC 27817 252 946 1839 j ohn_fisher@coastalnet. com Technical Review Mason Inlet Relocation Project I. Background At the request of the Engineering Department, New Hanover County, I have been retained to review the engineering aspects of the Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared by Applied Technology and Management of North Carolina, Inc. (ATM) for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. This review includes the EA, the Hydrodynamic Modeling Report, and related Comments and Responses of the various state and federal reviewing agencies. IL Summary of Review The objectives of this proposed project are to remove the immediate threat of the loss of the north end of Wrightsville Beach due to the south migration of Mason Inlet and to nourish the beach on Figure Eight Island. The project proposes to shift the current position of Mason Inlet approximately 3,000 ft to the north, fill the existing inlet, dredge Mason Creek, and use a portion of the dredged material$ to no s?the > > p? Figure 8 Island beach. ?(tl vr'a C? ?I In simple terms the project is desi ed to mimic what might be expected to ha en ' a severe storm ' the current spit on the sou en of Figure Eight Island were overwashed, resulting in the na a s i mg of S ( ACC TG Mason Inlet back to the north. In addition, the project is designed to restore the flushing through M son +?A s C3oek that is presumed to have been in place prior to the shoaling of this connection to the Intracoastal 0 c t Waterway. The placement of sand on Figure Eight is a logical use of the excess dredged materials, and can "O'V(, ( W0.1 L b viewed as a restoration of this erod' g shoreline. u W (? V t+?,} ?/?p? S n ?9 W ??es i{ ???? C aack,o 9c ?aa n fit, ? U t lob ?uP `2 . Un rtunately, our current level of understanding of coastal processes and tidal hydrodynamics precludes + ?? s our ability to construct exact computer models of these complex flows and sediment transport mechanisms. ?? Coastal engineers have to rely on a combination of experience, computer simulations, analysis of the historical changes at the project site, and to some degree, a willingness to "fine tune" the project after initial AaG -f OIR71 ?1 c? 8 construction. This is the general approach used by ATM for this project. In general, it is my opinion that the project design and analysis prepared by ATM for this project meets or ?d ccQ. t exceeds what one could expect from a qualified coastal engineering fum with extensive experience dealing with these kinds of projects. The hydrodynamic-model used is recognized as being appropriate given our AJ current level of understanding. The analysis of the inlet dynamics is consistent with the known behavior of I (? ?(q this inlet as determined from the historical record. There are a few items in the EA and the supporting documents that could be enhanced in order to clarify ?d 57a?1 CZQ the reasons cited for some of the design decisions and the expected outcomes. Specifically: ?- 5 } 1. The choice for the design width of 500 ft for the relocated inlet is not well documented. 2. The probable changes in the Figure 8 Island shoreline after nourishment are not adequately discussed. 3. The impacts of one or more severe storms (greater than Category 2) are not discussed, either on the relocated inlet or the nourished shoreline. The impacts of the project on the shoreline south of the Shell Island Resort are not adequately addressed. 5. Wa quality modeling should be used to document the suggested improvement in water quality due to roved flushing in the estuary. j Da? iG sin t S Sty/M.t ?C??iJ rt {' `? Lr- ?eO- 6. Given the anticipated delay in proceeding with the project, additional focus should be placed on the consequences of this delay to the threatened shorelines. These suggestions for additional information could be readily incorporated in a revised EA. III. Detailed Comments for Each Document Reviewed Reports Reviewed and Detailed Notes: (Dates are either on Reports or Letter of Transmittal to JSF) Environmental Assessment Mason Inlet Relocation Proiect ATM - October 1999 1. Purpose The stated purpose of the EA is to provide an analysis of the environmental consequences of the proposed relocation of Mason Inlet and the dredging of Mason Creek. The EA also considers the proposed environmental affects of the beach nourishment of a portion of Figure 8 Island. The plans call for relocating the inlet 3,000 ft to the north, to approximately its 1986 position. The goals of the project are listed as: 1. Halt inlet migration, and thus remove the threat to the property south of the inlet, 2. Reopen Mason Creek, 3. Restore beaches for recreational use, 4. Minimize sand coverage of biological resources, 5. Nourish Figure 8 Island The EA presents a comprehensive analysis of a plan to achieve these goals. This analysis includes hydrodynamic modeling of the tidal flushing in the inlet and estuary, review of the history of the inlet's migration patterns, compilation of the storm and wave climate for the study area, and a discussion of the alternatives considered and the reasons for the proposed design. 2. Existing Environment An important part of the engineering analysis is the collection of the historical data and the acquisition of the field data needed to develop the final design --These data included tide measurements, wave data, - - bathymetry, topography, and historical aerial photographs. ATM has done a reasonable job in this data collection, and the data appear to be adequate to do an analysis of the proposed design The field measurements of the tidal elevations are needed for the development and calibration of the computer model of the tidal hydrodynamics. While the time period for the data collected by ATM was limited, it appears to have been adequate based upon the comparisons between model simulations and recorded tides. This issue is discussed later in this review. The ATM discussion of the current and historical geomorphology of the study area is an important part of the EA. It is fortunate that there is such a rich database of aerial photography. These photographs coupled with the earlier report by Cleary and Hosier (1990) "A Long Range Plan for Channel Maintenance and Beach Restoration Figure 8 Island, North Carolina" enable ATM to do a thorough analysis of the migration patterns for Mason Inlet. The discussion and the conclusions regarding the nature of this inlet migration, the rates of migration, and the relationship between the inlet and the flow in Mason Inlet appear to be reasonable. In particular, the conclusion that Mason Inlet is unstable, that it is a sink for sand moving to the inlet from the north, and that the inlet can be expected to continue to migrate to the south (if the structures are removed) is warranted. 3. Need for Action A. Wrightsville Beach The EA concludes that something must be done to stop the continued migration of Mason Inlet. Otherwise, one can reasonably expect the present geotextile tubes protecting the Shell Island Resort to fail, and this would in turn lead to the ultimate structural failure of the resort and the eventual loss of other downdrift properties. Both engineering judgement and common sense suggests that this is a valid conclusion. In fact, there should be considerable thought given to the maintenance and repair of these geotextile tubes given the fact that this project, if approved, will not be initiated until after the next hurricane season. One can only speculate if a Category II or III hurricane might cause significant damage to the Shell Island Resort even if such repairs are made. Given that the data suggest that North Carolina is experiencing a period of frequent and intense hurricanes, this action needs to be given serious consideration. B. Figure 8 Island The use of beach nourishment as an effective tool to protect oceanfront property is a well-established fact in coastal engineering practice. Figure 8 Island has used nourishment many tines in the past, and this project will provide an excellent opportunity to nourish this beach once again. Discussion of the Need for Action The EA is based in part on the premise that if there is an economically justified opportunity to alter the natural process of inlet migration and to undertake beach nourishment in a way that does not have significant adverse environmental consequences, then such action is warranted. Obviously, as discussed in Section 4 of the EA, "Alternative Analysis", one could always let the natural processes proceed without intervention. The decision to do this is not a question of engineering design, but rather one of societal judgements. While some might conclude that there is a greater long term good from letting the system proceed without interference, others elect to use engineering works to modify the natural processes. 4. Alternatives The EA presents 7 alternatives. These alternatives include no action, inlet closure, inlet stabilization and a number of inlet relocation scenarios. The Preferred Alternative is inlet relocation. A. No Action The EA concludes that just letting the inlet migrate with the eventual loss of the property on the north end of Wrightsville Beach is not appropriate. Again, this conclusion is based upon the assumption that in this case it is better to use engineering works to alter the natural processes. The economic consequences of this "no action" plan would seem to justify this conclusion. This is not an engineering decision. It should be noted that the EA assumes that if the inlet is not relocated by overt action then it will continue to migrate to the south unchecked. While this may indeed happen, one could also speculate that a major storm would cut through the prograding spit moving south from Figure 8 Island and thus halt this migration. If and when this might occur is impossible to predict. B. Training Groin The EA discusses the use of a terminal groin to arrest the migration of the inlet. This is the type of structure that was constructed to halt the migration of Oregon Inlet on the Outer Banks. There is little doubt that this type of structure could be used successfully at Mason Inlet. However, as correctly presented in the EA, it is unlikely that a CAMA permit could be obtained for this structure due to the fact that it would be primarily used to protect private rather than public property. C. Inlet Closure The EA states that if the inlet were closed several of the project objectives would be realized. Namely, the threat to the north end of Wrightsville Beach would be resolved and sand would be able to move from Figure 8 to the adjacent downdrift beaches. The closure of Mason Inlet would not provide for additional flushing of the estuaries. The EA argues that the reduction in flushing would lead to adverse environmental impacts. While this conclusion is speculative, it is probably correct. In addition, all recreational use of the inlet would be lost. Thus, in the context of the stated objectives of the project, inlet closure is not an appropriate alternative. D. Preferred Alternative - Relocation of Mason Inlet The EA presents the results of the analysis of a series of possible combinations for relocated inlet dimensions, dredging options for Mason Creek and a proposed sedimentation basin. A major portion of this analysis is based upon a computer model for the hydrodynamics of the inlet and the adjacent estuary. A discussion of the model, calibration and application is presented in a later section of this review. The present section considers the scenarios presented in the EA. Several additional scenarios are presented in an ATM supplement to the EA, and are discussed later in this review. There are three principal design components of the project: the dimensions of the relocated inlet, sedimentation basin location and dimensions and the depth of dredging of Mason Creek. The EA assumes that all three components are needed for a successful project. The need for the new inlet is self-evident. The need for the dredging of Mason Creek and the construction of the sedimentation basin are less obvious. Mason Creek Dredging One of the principal explanations for the relatively rapid migration of Mason Inlet in recent years is the shoaling of Mason Creek and the subsequent reduction in tidal prism. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of the historical aerial photographs of the study area. I agree with this conclusion although the presentation in the EA would benefit from additional supporting documentation. The EA argues that the increase in tidal prism realized by the dredging of Mason Creek is essential if the relocated inlet is to have a lower rate of migration than present. I agree with this conclusion as well, although here too the EA would C benefit from a more thorough discussion of this relationship. ? i o ?p ?5Cpsf k CC P'l Sedimentation Basin r6 Cp ?ks¢ 5 ln?( /ld c7v W5 J, The EA states " A sedimentation basin is critical to capturing and containing sand flows entering the inlet to reduce sand losses to Mason Creek and the interior marsh areas." The basis for the decision to add the sedimentation basin to the project appears to be based upon the historical analysis of the geomorphology of the study area. It is entirely logical to assume that if Mason Creek is to be dredged and kept open, then some action must be taken to trap sediments moving through the inlet on flood tide and therefore restricting these sediments from reaching Mason Creek. The sedimentation basin will also serve as an efficient source of nourishment material for Figure 8 Island. Given the multiple objectives of the project, and the assumed relationship between Mason Inlet and Mason Creek, the stated importance of the sedimentation basin is reasonable. The EA is correct in that one can only speculate as to how long it will take for the sedimentation basin to fill. The stated period is 3 to 5 years, and this is a reasonable estimate although the actual time will depend upon the storm climate for this period. Design Scenarios for the Relocated Inlet A total of 12 scenarios are presented in the EA. These alternative computer simulations vary the dimensions of the relocated inlet, the dimensions of the sedimentation basin and the dimensions of the dredging of Mason Creek. These scenarios are evaluated in terms of the tidal prisms, flow patterns in the estuary and the velocities in the inlet. The recommended design (Model scenario 1) was selected based upon consideration of "inlet cross-sectional and locational stability, total tidal prism, environmental impacts (marsh impacts, changes in flushing, etc.), permitting constraints, maintenance requirements, 4 political achievability, and anticipated workability." These are very subjective criteria, and one could make an argument than one or more of the other scenarios might be suitable as well. In fact, the supplement to the EA presents at least one other scenario that might be considered acceptable. The methodology used to develop and evaluate these scenarios is based upon sound engineering concepts. The actual differences between them are often relatively small. Therefore, it seems reasonable that ATM should meet with the various interested parties, reviewers and regulatory agencies and try to achieve a consensus for the "Preferred Plan". Plans for Dredged Material The project calls for the placement of dredged material in the present inlet (to close it) and on the beaches of Figure 8 Island. The dredging schedule will be designed to attempt to actually close the inlet in less than 72 hours. The overall plan and sequencing of activities appears reasonable. The specifics of the volume of material to be dredged and the actual location where the material will be placed on Figure 8 Island are presented in general terns. The EA does not present a detailed analysis of the anticipated behavior of this beach nourishment, its life expectancy, probable redistribution or effectiveness in adding protection to the property on the island. Of course, it is reasonable to assume that the placement of 35 to 50 cubic yards of sand will be an improvement to the Figure 8 Island shoreline. However, given the stated goal of using beach nourishment for storm protection, the EA might have presented a more thorough analysis of this aspect of the project. There are a number of coastal engineering tools that would enable ATM to model the behavior of the beach fill as it responds to the wave climate (including storms) at the site. Inlet Shoal Adjustments The EA presents a general discussion as to how the existing ebb tide shoal will adjust and how the new shoals will form and adjust at the new inlet location. This is a very qualitative description based upon generally recognized ideas for inlet dynamics. There are no models for inlet mechanics suitable for design at present. Engineers have to use experience and judgment to anticipate how the modified inlet will behave. The history of the inlet morphology is often the best guide in this regard. The uncertainty of storms and waves make these forecasts even more difficult. The discussion and predictions in the EA seem reasonable. However, as noted several places in the EA, post-project monitoring, and a willingness to make adjustments is critical to the overall success of this project. Future Maintenance The plan calls for a 1000 ft corridor for the new inlet. The EA states that it expects the inlet to remain within this corridor for approximately 5 years. This assumption is based upon the overall analysis of the site and its recent history. There is no way of knowing in advance if this is correct. If the current hurricane climate (with a significant increase in both storm frequency and intensity) remains for the next several years, than the 5 year assumption may prove to be optimistic. Again, one can only wait and watch. One needs to be prepared to take action if the inlet begins to migrate out of this corridor sooner than the assumed 5-year period. 5. Environmental Consequences Tidal Hydraulics - See discussion of hydrodynamic model Waves and Littoral Processes The EA concludes that the new inlet location will result in a localized change in the wave refraction pattems and a resultant change in the longshore transport of sediment. This is correct. These anticipated changes are expected to be well within the range of the natural dynamics for an inlet and no adverse impacts are expected as a result of these changes in the littoral processes. 'A j (? Shellfish ' and their va? &0 ` t `acf S is Chi ? ( / ? A ?i`'P? The EA discusses the potential environmental impacts of a proposed beach nourishment. This Still CS presentation correctly states that any short-term impacts of placing sand on a beach are resolved relatively b5 quickly. Beach nourishment is a recognized coastal engineering procedure in North Carolina and its use and impacts have been frequently studied. As long as the timing for nourishment is such that it does not interfere with well known nesting periods, the potential adverse environmental impacts have been shown to be minimal. Cumulative Impacts Due to the lack of an appropriate model for inlet dynamics, coupled with the fact that it is not possible to predict the future wave and storm climate, it is not possible to exactly predict the changes in the project after construction. The EA presents a reasonable forecast for what can be.expected to occur based upon the history at the site and general coastal engineering principles. The need for periodic inlet maintenance is certain. How often and what volumes are unknown. The 5-year interval speculated in the EA is probably reasonable. The EA speculates that the improved tidal flushing will result in an improvement in estuarine water quality. While this conclusion is consistent with general ideas regarding the relationship between water quality and flushing, the EA does not provide a detailed analysis to substantiate this claim. If potential water quality improvements were important to the overall purpose of the proposed project, then additional water quality modeling would seem justified. Hydrodynamic Modeling of Mason Inlet and the Middle Sound Estuary ATM - October 1999 Purpose The hydrodynamic model was used in this study to determine the changes in tidal flows with the inlet relocation, dredging of Mason Creek, and the dredging of the sedimentation basin. The model was used as a tool to evaluate the various scenarios with-different dimensions. This is a reasonable methodology to investigate this type of problem. Hydrodynamic Model The hydrodynamic model selected for this flushing analysis (WQMAP) is one of several currently being used by the coastal engineering profession. The model is based upon a set of established physical principles and computer algorithms. The model is two-dimensional with the flow averaged over the depth. The use of a two-dimensional model for this study is appropriate. The assumptions regarding boundary conditions are reasonable. The grid used to describe the project area is sufficiently dense to yield computed results with a density acceptable for the desired analysis. Model Calibration All hydrodynamic models must first be calibrated before they can be used for design purposes. When possible, this calibration should be done with field data collected at the study site. ATM collected tide and current data adequate for this purpose. This conclusion is based upon the presented comparisons between the model predicted water surface elevations and the recorded elevations (Figures 4-5 through 4-12). The claim that "the model is successfully representing the tidal flow distribution in the system as a whole" is justified. As noted by a number of comments by the reviewing agencies, the Modeling Report does not present any details of the sensitivity analysis for model parameters such as bottom friction (Manning n) and time step. These issues are resolved satisfactorily in the Comments/Responses. It would have been preferable to resolve these issues in the Modeling Report itself. Model Application Once the model was calibrated and shown to adequately reproduce the tidal hydraulics of the present inlet/estuary system, ATM used it to model the flows for each of the alternative scenarios. Tidal prisms and tidal (depth averaged) velocities were used to evaluate the different scenarios. Both spring and ebb tides were modeled. Tables 5-2 and 5-3 summarize the results. ATM concludes that Scenario 1 is the preferred alternative. This conclusion is somewhat speculative in that some of the differences between scenarios are small, and probably beyond the actual ability of the hydrodynamic model to replicate what. will actually occur should the scenario be constructed. Nonetheless, the choice of Scenario 1 is consistent with the overall objectives of the proposed project. Physical and Biological Monitoring Plan ATM - October 1999 As noted previously in this review, a comprehensive monitoring program is essential to the overall success of the project. The current ability of coastal engineers to predict the consequences of the proposed changes in the inlet and adjacent estuary are limited. A monitoring program will facilitate intervention should it become necessary to modify one or more aspects of the project. The physical monitoring program proposed by ATM includes beach and offshore profiles, inlet bathymetry, sediment sampling and aerial photography. Beach and Offshore Profiles The spatial density of the profiling program as currently proposed seems adequate. However, the proposed schedule calls for profiles to be collected 6 months after the immediate post-construction surveys. I suggest that it would be prudent to monitor the changes more frequently. Three or perhaps even 2 months after construction would be a better interval to re-survey the project. In addition, the current plan calls for annual surveys for only the first 2 years. given the fact that the EA makes it clear that this project will ' need periodic maintenance, plans should be made to undertake the surveys twice a year for as long as the project is consider viable. In addition; there should be plans to continue to survey the project after severe storms beyond the proposed 2-year limit. Inlet Area Bathymetry For the first two years of the project it would be better to survey the inlet twice a year as opposed to the annual schedule proposed. In addition, the annual surveys should continue beyond the 2-year period proposed. This project site may be an excellent place for the Corps of Engineers to experiment with a relatively new technology for using lasers to remotely map shallow water bathymetry. This new technology (SHOALS) is scheduled to be evaluated by the Wilmington District of the Corps of Engineers. They should be encouraged to explore the use of SHOALS at the project site. Surficial Sand Sampling The design of the sand sampling program is reasonable. The annual sampling program should be extended beyond the proposed 2-year limit. Aerial Photography The use of controlled aerial photography will be an important element in the monitoring program. While the ATM proposal would be useful, there are a number of things that could be done to improve the ultimate utility of this photography. The photos should be collected with sufficient overlap that a proper rectified digital model could be prepared. It may be appropriate to install permanent ground targets to facilitate this process. The frequency of the photography should match the ground surveys with the proposed schedule modifications. Most (if not all) of the photographic missions should be processed with the construction of a digital elevation model (DEM) and a digital orthophotograph. The latter will be valuable tools when concerns and or changes are discussed. Additional Hydrodynamic and Flushing Model Scenarios ATM - January 3, 2000 Six additional Scenarios were evaluated in this supplement. ATM seems to imply that Scenario 18 may be another candidate for the preferred alternative. However, this is never formally stated in the report. This needs to be clarified in the revised EA. Comments/Responses Note: unless otherwise stated, I consider the Response provided by ATM appropriate. US Fish and Wildlife Service December 22, 1999 In general the issues raised by the USFWS with regard to the hydrodynamic model would appear to place far too much emphasis on the model which is only one part of the overall investigation. The ATM modeling work appears to be more than adequate to answer the questions regarding tidal prisms and flushing. Since water quality is not the primary focus of this design analysis, the modeling activities described in the ATM reports seem reasonl&le. -However, many of the issues raised by the USFWS could have been resolved if the original reports had provided greater detail. Comment 5: While it is not unusual to leave out the sensitivity analysis for parameters such as bottom roughness and time step, the Modeling Report would have been more complete if these had been included. The ATM response is nonetheless sufficient to answer these questions. Comment 9: While three-dimensional models are available, they would produce far more details of the flow field than Age evaluate this project. C Comment 15: The ability of the model to reproduce storm induced flows for this inletlestuary system is marginal.. (? s°? X171 Comment 16: The ATM response needs to be repeated. The hydrodynamic model cannot predict changes in the morphology of the inlet. There are no models currently available that can make reliable predictions for these systems. ATM's use of the past inlet history as a way to forecast future migration is reasonable. However, it must be recognized that this empirical approach is limited and this is why the monitoring program is an essential element of the project. US EPA January 3, 2000 Comment 1: The EPA is correct, there is no sure way of knowing if the inlet will behave the way ATM has anticipated. The ATM response does not clearly acknowledge this fact. However, the fact that we cannot know for sure what will happen should not be a reason not to proceed if there is a reasonable, sound engineering rationale for the project. As with all such projects, one needs to weigh the risks that the project will not perform as planned with the benefits if it will. ATM has done a reasonable job in presenting these risks. Comment 3: The EPA's suggestion that more details should have been presented in the EA is appropriate. The ATM response should be incorporated in the revised EA. This response is also a good explanation as to why the alternative that does not include the dredging in Mason Creek is not likely to succeed. It is important to recall that the fundamental philosophy of this project is to attempt toztslare the inlet and estuary to a nat?at condition similar to what it was in the past when the inlet was more stabTF- TFe 1 Mason /J Creek would a ear to have been an important element in this regard. LgA4I t ?dA ndf 0. 0 /l2 Comment 5, part 3:,y i L J ('? /` y l ATM has not shown how it was determined that 1.5 ft/sec is the minimum flow needed to keep the channel stable. A detailed discussion of this conclusion should be presented in the revised EA. Comment 8: This ATM study is clearly not intended to examine water quality. The suggestions that water quality will be improved are highly speculative and probably should never have been raised in the EA. If water quality issues are important, than water quality modeling needs to be undertaken ??1 a-6y ?'J jai Wilmington District, USACOE M(t Technical Services Division ?r?5 n I January 5, 2000 CJ?1 lP / Comment 2: 1?J The Corps' concern about the reversal of dominance from ebb to flood is not clearly answered by ATM. The implication is that this change would adversely alter the morphology of the inlet. This should be discussed in a revised EA. Comment 3: The Corps' request for an analysis of the flow throughout the entire modeled area has not been resolved by the ATM response. Comment 5: The use of the O'Brien and Bruun method to analyze the inlet channel geometry is reasonable given that none of these empirical inlet models are considered to be highly accurate. The request to use the Escoffer Method could be easily added to the revised EA. Regardless of the method employed, it is not clear how ATM decided that the desi the inlet should be 500 ft. A more detailed explanation of this would Comment 6: _I It is not clear if ATM is now suggesting that this Corps proposal, Scenario 18, is the new Preferred Alternative. Comment 9: The ATM response should be incorporated in the revised EA. This response should be further amplified to explain more clearly why ATM does not think the conditions that led to the high rates of inlet migration in the mid 1980s will not be repeated after the inlet is relocated. Comment 11: There is no way of knowing in advance what the actual volumes of sediment trapped in the new ebb tidal shoal will be. The ATM estimates are based upon a reasonable analysis of the system. This is why the monitoring program is an important element in the project. Comment 12: The development of the proposed Mason Inlet Management Plan should be a requirement for this project. Wilmington District, USACOE Regulatory Division January 5, 2000 I have no additional input to the ATM respionses'to these comments. US Fish and Wildlife Service January 7, 2000 Comment 1: Measures to Prevent Project Failure During Inlet Closure I do not understand what "Project Failure" means. The ATM construction plans for closing the inlet seem reasonable. The stated intention of having careful construction supervision during the closing will help to prevent a failure of inlet closing. Comment 2: The USFWS concern about the maintenance dredging required in the future is a valid concern. The ATM estimate that it will be 5 years before this dredging is needed (as pointed out in the ATM response) is based upon a number of assumptions. One or more of these assumptions may prove to be false, and therefore the need for the monitoring program is well founded. All of the parties involved in this project need to recognize that there is a real potential for inlet dredging to be required before the 5 years have elapsed. 10 Comment 3: It is not clear what the USFWS means by "less environmentally damaging alternative." Comment 9: The USFWS suggests that if left to its own devices the migrating inlet and subsequent erosion of the north end of Wrightsville Beach will result in a natural barrier island with all of the structures eventually lost. Perhaps, but over what time frame? tizens of New Hanover County be prepared to deal with the loss of the structures and the s In the meantime, while all of this is taking place, what will be the impacts on, the na en ' ? This is an old debate, and it does not seem particularly relevant to the present evaluation o the proposed project. National Marine Fisheries Environmental Assessment January 2000 Comment 4: ATM's assertion that the increase in flushing in the estuary will lead to an improvement in water quality is probably correct. However, as noted by a number of reviewers, there has been no water quality modeling of the proposed project. Given the nature of the project, there is no reason to assume that this increase in flushing will cause any adverse water quality impacts unless the suggested increase in salinity is considered to be an adverse impact. As stated elsewhere, if water quality is a concern, then water quality modeling needs to be undertaken. Comment 6: Given that there will be sand available to nourish the beaches on Figure 8 Island, there is no engineering rationale for not including beach nourishment as a part of the inlet relocation. Comment 7: The NW is correct in stating that periodic dredging of the relocated inlet will be required. The concern that this activity will interfere with the migration of fish through the inlet is an important issue in coastal engineering design today. This project would seem to be an excellent opportunity to study this problem through biological monitoring during dredging and non-dredging periods. National Marine Fisheries Project Design and Environmental Impacts January 2000 Comment 11: The NMF notes that the hydrodynamic model used to evaluate the flushing and changes in tidal prism does not specifically evaluate water quality. This is correct. If there is sufficient concern regarding the water quality impacts of the proposed project then it would be appropriate to undertake a formal water quality analysis. This additional modeling activity could be readily added to the existing hydrodynamic model. 11 Re: Mason Inlet Subject: Re: Mason Inlet Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:45:51 -0400 From: Milt Rhodes <milt.rhodes@ncmail.net> Organization: NCDENR-Division of Water Quality, Local Government Assistance Unit To: Cyndi Karoly <cyndi.karoly@ncmail.net> Eric Fleek provided some comments on the project several weeks ago. They are a long way from being through. Please do not issue anything yet. John is aware of the situation. I will speak with Melba McGee about the status of the project, but we had some issues that needed to be addressed before the SEPA process was completed. Again, Eric and/or John know best as to what the issues are. Thanks for letting me know. Milt Cyndi Karoly wrote: > Milt, we have a CAMA application for the Mason Inlet Relocation project > sponsored by New Hanover County. I noticed a note in the file saying > this project is in the SEPA process. Do you know where it is in the > process at this time? Please let me know if I need to get more info to > you. > Thanks. CK. Community Planner North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality Local Government Assistance Unit 1 of 1 7/31/00 1:38 PM MEMO TO: k 6n a TO' 6? L/I t-I e___ .5 ,, j,e /VO Y) <!-?* 1? d 4 my DATE: SUBJECT: wee.-? D/aa-Sic r-(' From: Le- r C.?'?-`SOT ill North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources eo Printed on Recycled Paper MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: J. Steenhuis Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Bick Shiver Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name New Hanover Countv Mason Inlet Relocation Project Number 00 0008 Recvd From DCM Received Date 1/4/00 Recvd By Region Project Type New inlet County New Hanover County2 Region Wilmington 0_1\ Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft,) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. CAMA SM O Y O N F- 18-87-24-3 SA ORW 30,624. 2.90 F_ F_- F_F__OY ON ??????? F F_ Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? O Y O N Is Mitigation required? O Y O N Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 341440 Recommendation: O Issue * Issue/Cond O Deny Longitude (ddmmss) 774618 Comments: This office agrees in particular with one major condition outlined in the NC Wildlife Resources letter dated 5_31-60 The letter would Ijke the dredgjng of banks channel behjnd Figure 8 to stop. Thjs office highly supports this condition due to the potentjal of stabiljzing the inlet somewhat jf thjs were clone. This office is also concerned about the turbidjty that may be caused by thjs eject and would limjt jt to 25 NTU in waters outside the project area. The mjtigatjon for any wetlands also needs to be worked out to the satisfaction of water quL ljty. cc: Regional Office Page Number Central Office 1 Facility Name' New Hanover County Mason Inlet Relocation County New Hanover Project Number 00 0008 Regional Contact: J. Steenhuis Date: 7/25/2000 Comments (continued from page 1): cc: Regional Office . Central Office Page Number 2