HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991371 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19991214State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Post Office Box 428 Concord, North Carolina 28026-0428 Dear Sir or Madam: February 16, 2000 Cabarrus County DWQ Project #: 991371 You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place temporary fill material in 2.5 acres of wetlands for the purpose of constructing a sewer line along Bach Creek from Rocky River to Hickory Ridge Road as you described in your application dated December 14,1999. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3101. This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater. Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. This approval shall expire when the corresponding Nationwide Permit expires or as otherwise provided in the General Certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-9646. Sincerely, Attachment 11) cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Mooresville DWQ Regional Office Central Files Kelly Boone: Camp Dresser & McKee - 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27612 1 • NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality - Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper DWQ ID: Corps Action ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE NATIONWIDE PERMI # 2,, _;, PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: 1. NOTIFICATION TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2. APPLICATION FOR SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION 3. COORDINATION WITH THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT SEND THE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE FIELD OFFICE OF THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES MUST BE SENT TO THE NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, ATTN: JOHN DORNEY, 4401 REEDY CREEK ROAD, RALEIGH, NC 27607. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE. 1. OWNER'S NAME: Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) 2. MAILING ADDRESS: Post Office Box 428 SUBDIVISION NAME N/A CITY: Concord STATE: NC ZIP CODE: 28026-0428 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE): Proiect site is located along Back Creek from the Rocky River to Hickory Ridge Road in Cabarrus County 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER: (HOME) (WORK) 704-786-1783 (Mark Lambert, WSACC) 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENTS NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Kelly R. Boone, Camp Dresser & McKee 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-787-5620 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: Cabarrus - NEAREST TOWN: Harrisburg (see attached sheets for maps) SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) Parallel interceptor will be located along Back Creek from the Rocky River upstream to Hickory Ridge Road. 6. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: Back Creek RIVER BASIN: Rocky River 7. (a) IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER, (SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER SUPPLY (WS-I OR WS-I1)? YES [ ] NO [ X ] IF YES, EXPLAIN: (b) IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC)? YES [ ] NO [ X ] (c) IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR LIST OF COASTAL COUNTIES), WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? N/A 8. (a) HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROJECT? YES NO IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF PREVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 CERTIFICATION): YES [ ] NO [ X ] (b) ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE FUTURE? YES NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: YES [ ] NO [ X ] 9. (a) ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN 'TRACT OF LAND: Approximately 15 acres (b) ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: Approximately 2.5 acres wetlands plus 0.09 acres stream channel crossings 10. (a) NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: FILLING: EXCAVATION: 2.5 acres FLOODING: OTHER : DRAINAGE : TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: 2.5 acres (temporary impacts from excavation, bedding, backfill for installation of pipe; wetlands restored) (b) (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION: 135 ft LENGTH BEFORE: _ FT AFTER:- FT WIDTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours): - FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: FT AFTER: FT (b) (2) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: _ PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: X* CHANNEL EXCAVATION: CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM/FLOODING: OTHER: *Pipe to be placed in channel for temporary stream crossings; sewer pipe to be placed across channel at least I foot below bottom of stream bed; stream banks to be completely restored to original contours and stabilized with a combination of rip rap and vegetation plantings (silky willow, silky dogwood, hazel alder). _ 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? N/A WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? N/A 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED? (ATTACH PLANS; 81/2 BY 11 DRAWINGS ONLY) Proiect includes construction of 21,821 feet of 18- to 24-inch interceptor parallel to an existing sewer along Back Creek from the Rocky River to Hickory Ridge Road. The new sewer will be constructed entirely underground, and all areas will be restored to original condition. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: The project modifies an existing trunk sewer system that serves the Back Creek drainage basin. Cabarrus County, including this drainage basin, has been experiencing significant population growth in recent years and is projected to have continued growth in future years. A recent study identified the segment of trunk sewer covered by this project as having insufficient capacity to convey flows for the next several decades. This project's purpose is to supplement the capacity of the existing trunk sewer system. The Back Creek Parallel Interceptor will tie into a downstream interceptor that is currently under construction. 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS) The interceptor must be constructed along Back Creek so that wastewater flows can be conveyed by gravity. The interceptor route was selected to minimize impacts to wetlands and streams. All stream crossings by the interceptors will be subaqueous and roughly perpendicular to the streams. The interceptors will be located below grade in all areas. Stream crossings will be restored with rip rap below the ordinary high water mark and vegetation plantings (silky dogwood, silky willow, and hazel alder) above the high water mark. All wetland areas will be completely restored with a wetland seed mix upon completion of construction. Anti-seep collars will be installed at least every 150 feet through wetland areas. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: See attached correspondence 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED See attached correspondence 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES [ X ] NO [ ] (IF NO, GO TO 16) (a) IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES [ X ] NO [ ] (b) IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE YES NO IF ANSWER 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION FROM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. (see attached correspondence regarding EA) QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 18. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OF FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS: (a) WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES, AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAM (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MUST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OF 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OF THEIR EQUIVALENT. (b) IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PRODUCT. (c) IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. Attached (d) ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. (e) WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Residential, pastureland, & utility (f) IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? The new parallel interceptor will be connected to a parallel interceptor along the Rocky River (currently under construction) at the confluence of Back Creek and the Rocky River. Wastewater will be conveyed to the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, where it will be treated and discharged to the Rocky River in Cabarrus County. (g) SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. (NA) NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE US MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1. ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2. EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION, AND 3. (IN THE TWENTY COASTAL COUNTIES ONLY), A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. 7 '-? I 'S SIGNATURE AND DATE Mark E. Lambert, Utility Systems Engineer Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED). Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) Back Creek Parallel Interceptor PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Back Creek Parallel Interceptor project consists of approximately 21,821 feet of 18- to 24-inch gravity sewer along Back Creek. This sewer will relieve flows from the existing Back Creek interceptor. Wastewater will be conveyed to the Rocky River parallel interceptor (currently under construction). The sewer will include the following: 7,682 feet of 18-inch interceptor 8,474 feet of 21-inch interceptor 5,665 feet of 24-inch interceptor The Back Creek Parallel Interceptor will cross a tributary once and Back Creek twice. At each stream crossing, the sewer will be grouted in a continuously welded steel casing laid in a trench crossing the stream. The casing pipe will be supported on each end by concrete collars placed against undisturbed earth. All crossings will be subaqueous, and original stream bank contours will be restored after construction. Rip rap will be used to stabilize the stream banks below the high water mark, and dormant cuttings of silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), silky willow (Salix sericea), and rooted stock of hazel alder (Alnus serrulata) will be used above the high water mark. The parallel interceptor will also cross three jurisdictional wetland areas. In these areas clay or concrete anti-seep collars will be placed at least every 150 feet. Original contours will be restored and the areas will be reseeded with a wetland plant mix. Site Plan and Profile Sheets PURPOSE: VICINITY MAP BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: NTS CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 1 OF 30 777-- z a W m < c_ N O •o V///"* I ti , Y W ,.o`. l.. i ?., r. W W I f_ • .? O m off. Y -J W J . • ,\ -/ \ v 40 4?F c v z $ v ?O W r - Q r O r PURPOSE: USGS/WETLANDS MAP BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 2,000' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 2 OF 30 \ \ ?\,,`• '? ` ??.'s?f" /!/tom' f ;\ \?\., ? ,?,,. ? ? .mow ,,` .'?. ?;:^?'=..-'p'9"°`•? J-1?' x 7225 PVC ?y\ E 1519500 U gqG ?..r-'rte ?r \\ 2i" PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR, i WETLAND CROSSING 1 N 572500 WILKINSON E 1519500 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 3 OF 30 ' r~ s? Gi PROPERTY OWNER. WILKINSON QC ?t~ ? JAMES HEILIG 9 THERSSA GAIL : cD8. 1587 PG. 170 PIN-5517-92-1095 WETLAND CROSSING 1' 36.91 • ??.~.,., ;1`_?,4 ", ^`r`' :..._- _ - ^• (IN) (OUT) EXIST 12" PVC N 572500 48 E 1519250 EXIST MH-010115 RIM 540.19 GROUND 538.91 LE. 534.66 (IN) LE. 534.64 (OUT),--,-,t,.?, N 572594.12 } ^ > `.9?_ ?•. E 1519276.65 -7 MH 19 STA 70+39.98 `? . N 572386.81 c - E 1519361.38 YINTERCEPTORL ?? -? 1iJ-1J..4•..tAr..•..n..?n.S...MA4.?-l^.i..?.nw..\,..?r.a.h.w.. V? ??, :'1^?'•'1"fi't'a'f v'a t ".•Y^f•I ?-'YY`?1^?•y YVi•Y?`IY\^.'.ry'•.•VW?..Y-=•v?v?r lA .v FZl n ". 01 MH 20 STA 72+67.63 N 572607.17 E 1519304.23 12 PROPERTY OWNER: JAMES HEILIG 9 THERSSA GAIL WILKINSON D8. 1587 PG. 176 PIN-5517-92-6557 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: V, = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 4 OF 30 / / ) \ N 5 72 750 E 1519000 PROPERTY OWNER: PERRY L. DORIS T. TEETER PIN-5517-72-6529 WETLAND CROSSING 1 1 Ar -k IV EXIST MH-0/0116 RIM 541.66 ti GROUND 540.20 I.E. 535.60 (1N) I.E. 535.54 (OUT) N 573000 c, \ N 572924.73 E l5/9000 °? E 1519036.02 --- I-ILI Jr MH 21 30' PERMANENT' / STA 76+82.89 N 572750 ` N 572942.93 25' TEMPORARY E 1519250 / E 1519059.87 0 PURPOSE: TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS COUNTY PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) PO BOX 428 CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR BACK CREEK CABARRUS COUNTY, NC APPLICATION BY: WSACC NOVEMBER 1999 SHEET 5 OF 30 SCALE: 1" = 50' 1, y 'J r C4 ci 7 ?. ,k N 573000 ,? E 1518750 '.? ' 7740-H- WETLAND CROSSING 1 BASIC j1T !J \. rte:, 1. ; (IG: `fir .?j ?......! ?~ J?•? ?'"^ EXIST MH-010117 4 RIM 541,64 - G) J \\ ??-_-.?-=Amt ?y A ?k` ,???444++^^ - r..r `N 573250 GROUND 540.5r -- E 1518750 r I E. 536.14 (IN) 536.07 (OUT) N 573211.65 `)' -'' EXIST 30' -- =-' E 1518807.51. '" r PERMANENT ROW ??. ti .A,-1.n.r?4-?'..1.'?.-.i..?.h-'1/_\.1?.1.J...L1^J'•.!.. .?'.J..n.,l?-• ?...-^" •.-? -f?.r-'?y _?,?d P`r'T-Y . 'YV'Y.Y,,'yY^a^Y" Y1'_?^v`('ti•V-V"".^v'Y.?'-.;•1rY.•f.y,... .. MH 22 VER ROW STA 80+52.47 N 573232.01 WER ROW E 1518829.61 N 573250 E 1519000 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR BACK CREEK TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS NOVEMBER 1999 COUNTY PO BOX 428 CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 6 OF 30 SCALE: 1" = 50' REEK r 14 L r ?j,' Oti?ti ?, J? f'• Kc? O V tK 61 ?r w 21" PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR N 573500 E 1518750 MH 23 STA 84+50.81 N 573504.66 E 1518539.21 PROPERTY OWNER: PERRY L. DORIS T. TEETER PIN-5517-72-6529 TOLA YER PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 7 OF 30 WETLAND CROSSING 1 65?cf-` EXIST 12" PVC TPq Ftk PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50'HOR., 1" = 5'VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 8 OF 30 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = V VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 9 OF 30 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 1 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 12 OF 30 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = 5' VERT. EXIST MH-010124 12" PVC RIM 54 7.33 GROUND 545.34 E. 541.23 UN),., ....,,_ .? I.E. 54L22 (OUT) =t,, N 573200.72 E 1516897.98 WETLAND CROSSING 2 STREAM CROSSING N 573000 '? ?z \ U` ) y ` ?\ 1? . E 1516750 12.5' TEMPO y\,??C ? ? ( , ?'Z?i ? -?,, ??f ,I ; ?\,. ? `tom r ? ?,;•+ f 573250 / ?. ?. k:?w 1516750 r;' 30' PERMANENT SEW, ?,. EXIST 30' PERMANENT SEWER ROW ?,`? ` ? ,\ ? \ ,•?;,; , `;?,?., ILI _ "`'`-hrs. EXIST MH-010125 N 573,00 RIM 549.84 -1 -,- ---E 151650 GROUND LE, 542.36 LE. 542.34 (OUT) N 573131.54 ?. E 1516522.81 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 2 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 13 OF 30 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 2 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = 5' VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 14 OF 30 tARY SEWER ROW 21" PARALLEL NTERCEPTOR- E 1516,250 MH 34 STA 126+83.74 IRON 0S q BEAM p ???pOh r. _ ,{•. -- ??,, PROPERTY OWNER: ?r? Y -. _ _-- GARY E. KORDING Q? c) 14 ?' DB. 1476 PG. 102 /?, ?O F, ? •"`-^?1, -`-` PIN-5517-61-1413 All'?q/ EXIST MH-010132 RIM 552.89 %1 ( , GROUND 551.21 ?'b?;?' ^ E.1 545.37 (IN) ( ¢/ /? ,? ?,??? ' ?( f? ! ?? E.I. 545.33 (OUT) N 571440.22 E 1516177.91 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 3 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 15 OF 30 WETLAND CROSSING 3 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 3 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = V VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 16 OF 30 MH 35 STA 130+65.57 • 1 . EXIST EXIST MH '''??- -- (?=t,.. FENCE N 571073.86 E 1516060.08 EXIST POWER / '?? C' ?'? , N 571000'--," ;POLE / - ,? / ? ?t E 151600 \ '?^z '/ i ?}, ???? ?`• EXIST 1 i ? , ?w \ i ?``? PVC B-18 STREAM ?•? i? CROSSING ; _ ?Y %' ?•- \\ ''? ? ?•?? is •?"' `j.''.,?"°f•. '-,21' PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR ` ---- _ .?_ _ _ _ __ ? '\ DOT ROW- )w .?a+es+• sty/ Mac _".. _.?. ?C-?:A?^J.J-•"?rr . y.. M . ' \ ? ./ `f ??•? ?.?1. •V+."_. ?,f?'°•?'-°`°`v--"^?`..--...-?-._._.,,,.?.. a C) ' + ; emu,`)" _.._? \ \r??. WETLAND CROSSING 4 B-19 "` -- . N 571250 E 1516000 80 LF 3 I - - MH 36 - ?" MIN ..? .ti. " j THIC ' S O STA 133+17.30 B 1 BORE 8 -EXIST 30' PERMANENT N 571161.26= STALLINI SEWER ROW 1 ; E 1515824.01 nom. PROPERTY OWNER: JOHN CHADWICKE 8 ELLEN L. TURNER N 57!25 DB. 8828 PG. 122 \ PIN-5517-51-5256 E 11519i'7' PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 4 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28028-0428 SHEET 17 OF 30 ..... ............... .. _ ETLAND CROSSING 4 - •- -- W F ... ...... t 777. 77-. ... - - .... ..... :j L -- PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 4 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = V VERT. CONCORD, NC 28028-0428 SHEET 18 OF 30 u c LEL FOR - a? I??,Y N -Y ?.15v y EXIST MH-010137 RIM 554.37 w?"••; GROUND 552.04 LE. 548.90 (IN) ,•? LE. 548.64 (OUT) 41 LE. 550.04 (WI.. _--.N 570592 00;x.--, E 1515105.64 / iri n -, I -` ' WETLAND CROSSING 5 EXIST 12" PVC 1 f 0 N 570750 f? I / 4,?? E 1515250' ? ?'` !EXIST MH-01013611 RIM 553.79 GROUND- f?r(r;', • _ ?j I.E. 548.30 (IN) I. E. 548.26 IOUT) rr / h: N 570790.26 r1 <'> E 1515146.53 ` i -? .` ,.J ?I .k _.i f _ .. ??S 30' PERMANENT SEWER ROW ` SS 25' TEMPORARY SEWER ROW ?` as E• rT.t' rr / J* / 4? i / i i i MH 39 STA 141+21.41 N 570804.80 E 1515123.97 20 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 19 OF 30 '.. EXIST 30' PERMANI EXIST 12" PVC PURPOSE: TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS COUNTY SCALE: 1" = 50' r ? r ? I? PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) PO BOX 428 CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 21" PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR N1 r -N, Ek '0 '' . MH 41 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR BACK CREEK CABARRUS COUNTY, NC APPLICATION BY: WSACC NOVEMBER 1999 SHEET 20 OF 30 i,?'•. ?)j? ?/:3 !/ EXIST MH-010141 RIM 557.67 11? ?f ` ?!,.- ~` , . GROUND 556.46 PROPERTY OWNER: I.E. 550.86 (IN) ? - ES R. 8 LINDA J. SIEGARS./ r, I.E. 550.84 (OUT) ' DB. 996 PG. 031 l/ N 570584.05 r. G E 1514260.73 , •'' P1N-5517-40-4362 N 570500 14-f E 1514500 Z( ? r ,? EXIST ?. 8•• PVC WETLAND CROSSING 5 MH 43'' 7 / STA 151+38.81 / N 570607.58 E 1514273.11 21" PARALLEL NTERCEPTOR :? MH 42 ' STA 148+30.05 \ N 570565.06 f'4 4 E 1514578.93 30' PERMANENT SEWER ROW N 570750 / E 15/4500 25' TEMPORARY SEWER ROW .yr fll.. 21 PROPERTY OWNER: RAY FLOWERS DB. 208 PG. 28 P/N-5517-41-7040 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 21 OF 30 v ? 1 -71 7. 1. ??d 17 140+00 141+00 142+00 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = 5' VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 22 OF 30 WETLAND CROSSING 5 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER. DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = V VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 23 OF 30 ---- -- ---- -- = WETLAND CROSSING 5 _ r PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 5 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = V VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 24 OF 30 G jl CA } 1. ' t. -? EXIST MH-010160 i? RIM 571.31 `TS' \RALLEL' GROUND 567.12 g`~ VTOR I. E. 562.67 (IN) ? U. 562.60 (OUT) r}" LE. 565.93 (IN) J r ?- N 572456.36 OLg E. 1511005.51-; .` -"` ' 1{ r 00 A;o ., IV el? MH 60 STA 203+82.26 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 6 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 25 OF 30 1v PG? _ry WETLAND CROSSING 6 , WETLAND CROSSING 6 i .? =EXIST 41-01016 RIM 571.91-"-,- GROUND 570.35 . ,z:--.ILE. 564.45 (IN) E- 564.41 (OU7 N 572029.43 E 1510387.86- - N 572000 1510500 EXIST MH-010162 RIM 571.58 RESTORE EXISTING FENCE . -?. GROUND 569.91 c, TO ORIGINAL CONDITION - _.r r k-- I.E. 564.14 (IN) I.E. 564.08 (OUT) N 571933.62 E 1510564.00 IV `?- ?.T''r ?,,,,..,?,?i'?t^?-?-,n.-yam.,"--•-- /rte r' rf t' t? S? P .? f. N 571958.52 E 1510560.00 QL`= 1 MH 62 STA 208+89.95 MH 61 STA 20T+39.70 N 572001.25 E 1510704.05 i -18" PARALLEL 'TERCEPTOR 28 PROPERTY OWNER: P.O. SR 8 DORTHY HARRIS DB. 304 PG. 154 PIN-5517-03-8056 L)'? PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 6 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: it, = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 26 OF 30 ?JG i5 5 WETLAND CROSSING 6 war-*^,?-.,^ ` N 572000 E 1510250 --EXIST RIM 571.99 " ?-- GROUND 570.40 ?? ?? _,?.• _ " " , _._ _ . • I.E. 565.25 (IN) ,-, r Y:;:.w mow= " I.E. 565.23 (OUT) N 572139.36.A_, E 1510177.89 Y 1.\? EXIST FENCE _.y I --- _ , N 572250 E 1510250 1 a? 1 MH 63 STA 213+14.26 E 1510185.49 PURPOSE: PLAN VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 6 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 27 OF 30 ...k??.:.T:::-,_-:?:r:_:::f.._?+1r-:f::_.::?::: ?-,::•:.-,-.::•,:...: k::..?-. t i?--??t ???:?1 ?.::1 -C .:.-_?;-_::?--:.:f _•:1_?_-,:._.:.:)::..:.r.::.__,:::_•:.r- -f_ i 1 77 77 k = - . WETLAND CROSSINGS PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 6 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = 5' VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 28 OF 30 PURPOSE: PROFILE VIEW - WETLAND CROSSING 6 BACK CREEK PARALLEL INTERCEPTOR TO CONSTRUCT A PARALLEL BACK CREEK INTERCEPTOR TO SERVE THE ROCKY WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NC RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN IN CABARRUS CABARRUS COUNTY (WSACC) APPLICATION BY: WSACC COUNTY PO BOX 428 NOVEMBER 1999 SCALE: 1" = 50' HOR., 1" = 5' VERT. CONCORD, NC 28026-0428 SHEET 30 OF 30 Relevant Correspondence Supplemental Information for Items 15, 16, and 17b ¦ Correspondence from Ms. Gloria Putnam, NC DWQ (Lead Agency) confirming that the Environmental Assessment comments have been sufficiently addressed (12/15/98 -1 page) ¦ Correspondence from Ms. Chrys Baggett, NC Department of Administration (State Clearinghouse) regarding EA (10/26/98 - 1 page) ¦ Correspondence from Mr. David Brook, NC Department of Cultural Resources confirming that concerns regarding potential archaeological sites have been sufficiently addressed (10/16/98 and 10/28/98 - 2 pages) ¦ Correspondence from Ms. Susan Reece Giles, NC Natural Heritage Program, concerning rare species associated with the project (11/12/97 -- 4 pages); copy of protected species surveys conducted in February 1998 and October 1999 MIL Milk AIL AbL mv- 2w MINA. 7Xr tbrI i u: '. kamLi 1, 1 i-J-11'n 11i IV "CIA P. UI/05 Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Planning Branch P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 FAX. (919) 715-5637 DATE: I.z ?l S'?1? TO:- FAX NUMBER: 7 Q Y - 3 41 g -a a ?4 FROM- r PHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 extension: ?-L 7 NO. OF PAGES (including this sheet): 3 COMMENTS: N'A s wpp WD-0 Wf71 L.\ Uk riL-11 1 1 Lr- n4A.l9U rcaA - jL.,i- i UCH: LD .16 'J-4L r. U2.1w North Carolina Department of Administration James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Katie G. Dorsett, Secretary October 26, 1998 Mr. Ed Buchner N.C. Dept. of Env. & Nat. Resources Division of Water Quality Archdale Building Raleigh, NC 27603 "Ddar Mr: Buchner: Re: SCH File # 99-E-4300-0150; Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact Cabarrus County Water and Sewer Authority • Cold Water Creek and Back Creek Relief Interceptors The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Attached to this letter are comments made by the Department of Cultural Resources during this review. . Because of the nature of the comments, it has been determined that no further State clearinghouse review action on your part is needed for compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act The attached comments should be taken into consideration in project development. Best regards. Sincerely, Ms. Chrys Baggett Environmental Policy Act Coordinator Attachments cc: Region F 116 West Ioncs Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-8003 Telephone 9I9-733-7232 An Equal Opparawity t Af madw Aeson Employer WH I tK UUHL i I. f rLrvvlV i I"vl7 r ax ='7 i 7- f i ??. TTArf a? ue c i ?) ' yij 19:41 P-03/03 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary October 16, 1998 Ed Buchner Camp Dresser & McKee 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte NC 28204 Re: Environmental Assessment, Coldwater Creek and Back Creek relief interceptors project, Cabarrus County, 98-E-4300-0329, 99-E-4300- 0150 Dear M.r. Buchner: Division of Art hffts aad H,stq Jegtey J. crow, nit= We have received information concerning the above project from the State Clearinghouse. Although Section 4.5 of the Environmental Assessment (EA) states the 'Back Creek project area was surveyed in 1984, so it will not need to be.re-examined," this statement conflicts with our comments of September 10, 1998. Our records do not indicate that a systematic survey of the Back Creek project area has been conducted. Lacking information to the contrary, we believe the new alignment should be surveyed to identify potentially significant archaeological remains that might be damaged or destroyed by the realignment of the project. Once we receive more specific information regarding the nature, location, extent, and intensity of the 1989 survey we will provide comments on the EA. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. -Sincerely, 9 David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB.siww " cc: State Clearinghouse Division of Water Quality, DENR 109 East Joncs Stmet • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 A -/ - ?Jli 4di 1 ] 14 d:): J4 ]1 Id r L7L14 UULLJ I EIN 6 µSJUU 1¦? Ub?IN¦? North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt Jr.. oovemor - - Betty Ray McCain. Seactary Post-it* Fax Note 7671 0 To October 28, 1998 ?' CoJDe06 G Robert J. Goldstein P? Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. Fax Fa 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh NC 27616-3175 Re: Environmental Assessment, Coldwater Creek and Back Creek relief interceptors project, Cabarrus County, CH 98-E-4300-0329, ER 98- 8951 Dear Mr. Goldstein: PAGE 8i 01- Thank you for your letter of October 12, 1998, transmitting the archaeologicaf survey report by Thomas Hargrove concerning the above project. During the course of the survey no archaeological sites were discovered within the relocated right-of-way. However, one small prehistoric site (31 CA233) was discovered outside. the area of potential effect This site was evaluated as insignificant because it lacked research potential. Mr. Hargrove has recommended that no further archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. We concur with this recommendation since this project will not involve significant archaeological resources. The report meets our office's guidelines and those of the Secretary of the Interior. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFA Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, / L David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: State Clearinghouse T. Hargrove 1M z... ,--- n-- - - . - 1 L F'? 4 I. 4 E -0 e I State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation Natural Heritage Program November 12, 1997 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Dr. Philip K. McKnelly, Director Ms. Kelly Reiser Boone Camp Dresser & McKee 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28204-2686 NO V 1 3 ?997 ?EHNR CDM-C?ARLOTT2 SUBJECT: Rare Species, High Quality Natural Communities, and Significant Natural Heritage Areas at the Proposed Coldwater Creek and Back Creek Relief Interceptors Project, Cabarrus County Water And Sewer Authority, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Dear Ms. Boone: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program has records of known rare species occurring at the site or within a 1-mile corridor of the proposed construction of relief interceptors project along Coldwater Creek and Back Creek in Cabamts County, North Carolina. The state significantly rare freshwater mollusk, Eastern Creekshell (riIlosa delumbis) has been recently reported in Coldwater Creek 2.5 mules north of the proposed pump station and in the middle of that section of pipeline to be constructed. Approximately 2.5-3.0 miles west of the junction of Back Creek with Rocky River, we have records of four rare species within 0.5 of Back Creek and the proposed pipeline: . Southeastern Bold C; oldenrod (Solidago rigida), state significantly rare plant, south of Back Creek near the SRI 161 briac. Prairie Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia minor), state candidate for protection plant, at site of project north of Back Creek in disturbed pasture next to SR1161. Carolina Birdfoot-Trefoil (Lotus helleri), Federal species of concern/state candidate for protection plant. Adjacent to SRI 161 approximately 0.5 mile north of Back Creek and north of SRI 161. Carolina Creekshell (Tlillosa vaughaniana) state special concern freshwater mollusk- Reported in 1993 in Back Creek west and east of the western end of the project pipeline. Since the pipeline will be crossing these creeks and their tributaries several times, following the US Corp of Engineers Best Management Practices for waterways is greatly advised to prevent erosion and sedimentation into the waterway. Enclosed is a list of rare species that are known to occur in the Caban-us County. If suitable habitat for any of these species occurs in the project areas, then those species may be present at the project sites. The FederaUstate Endangered plant, Schweinitz's Sunflower (Ffelianthus scheinitzii) is often 1 A 1 1 1 e I? ¦ Ms. Kelly Reiser Boone November 12, 1997 Page 2 found in association with the two plants, Prairie Blue Wild Indigo and Carolina Birdfoot-Tr foil listed above. I would recommend that a survey be conducted of those areas where these two plants are known to exist for the possibility of the Sunflower. Contact me at the address below or call me at (919) 715-8703 if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Susan Reece Giles Information Specialist Natural Heritage Program /SMRG Enclosure Figure 2 Back Creek Relief Interceptor Project Location Map 2 0 2 4 Miles Cf /?,, SF 1? i a. 02 - 3rp ?,;t..,,c.Z-4 Sit/1 G i ' ?. (r??'?' . ? C Back Creek Relief Interceptor - • Rocky River WWTP Water Ways Streets , -,.?. ? 4q -- ?3o,?-mac SA I ?-I • 1 Figure 1 Coldwater Creek Relief Interceptor Project Location Map r ?- l ? 2 0 2 4 Miles N Coldwater Creek Relief Interceptor ¦ Site of Possible Pump Station N Water Ways Streets N i i i i PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY BACK CREEK SEWERLINE REPLACEMENT CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 26 MARCH 1998 Project Engineer: Ms. Kelly Reiser Boone Camp Dresser & McKee 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28204-2686 Prepared By: Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 2761 6-3175 Tel (919) 872-1174 Fax (919) 872-9214 RJG&A Project No. 9807 1.0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Robert J. Goldstein and Associates, Inc. (RJG&A) conducted a protected species survey of the proposed Back Creek sewerline replacement project from SR 1166 near Harrisburg to its eastern terminus near the confluence of Back Creek and Rocky River (Figure 1). The project corridor is approximately 24,000 feet long and located in Cabarrus County, N.C. The existing sewerline parallels the north bank of Back Creek. Project engineers Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) propose to install 20,000 feet of the new sewerline adjacent to and upslope of the existing sewer. The remaining 4,000 foot segment, between SR 1161 and SR 1 158 near the middle of the project, will be installed in new right-of-way along the south bank of Back Creek to avoid disturbance in a residential subdivision on the north bank. 2.0. RARE SPECIES PREVIOUSLY REPORTED NEAR THE PROJECT AREA The N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NHP), which requested the survey, reports that four rare species are.known from within 0.5 mile of the project area, including the Carolina creekshell (Vi'l/osa vaughaniana), southeastern bold goldenrod (So/idago rigida), prairie blue wild indigo (Baptisia minor), and Carolina birdfoot-trefoil (Lotus hei/eri). The Carolina creekshell is state protected as a special concern species. This river mussel was reported in 1993 in Back Creek near Harrisburg, within the project area. The southeastern bold goldenrod is state designated as significantly rare and is not legally protected. It was first reported in 1965 along SR 1161 southeast of the Back Creek bridge. The continued existence of this population was confirmed last year in the roadside ditch and on the adjacent embankment along the northeast edge of SR 116 1, southeast of Back Creek (Dr. James Matthews, UNC-Charlotte, personal communication). The majority of these plants are 200 to 300 feet from the bridge, close to the proposed construction corridor. The prairie blue wild indigo is a state candidate proposed for threatened status, and may be formally listed prior to or during project construction. It was reported in 1965 in a scrubby pasture along SR 1161 north of Back Creek, close to the proposed construction corridor. The Carolina birdfoot-trefoil is a state candidate species and is not legally protected. It was reported in 1992 from a roadside embankment along SR 1 161 approximately 0.5 mile from Back Creek, not in the project area. Prairie blue wild indigo and Carolina birdfoot trefoil often occur in association with the federally endangered Schweinitz's sunflower (Heiianthus schweinitzh) at several sites in Cabarrus and adjacent counties. Schweinitz's sunflower has not been reported within 0.5 mile of the project corridor, but the presence of associated species and suitable soils (Enon, Iredell, and Mecklenburg series), prompted NHP to request that a survey be conducted for Schweinitz's sunflower prior to land disturbance. 2 3.0. SURVEY METHODS The proposed construction corridor was surveyed for rare species habitats by RJG&A botanist Robert Coxe on February 16-17, 1998. The plant species of concern were unlikely to be detectable at this time of year. Mr. Coxe walked all accessible portions of the project corridor and noted the condition of areas which were not walkable. He determined that those portions of the proposed corridor not surveyed on foot are not suitable for Schweinitz's sunflower. Where suitable habitat was found in the project corridor, Mr. Coxe assessed whether alternative project alignments could be found that would avoid the suitable habitat areas. Suitable habitat for Schweinitz's sunflower and its associates, prairie blue wild indigo and Carolina birdfoot trefoil, occurs in glades on basic or niafic soils including the Mecklenburg, Iredell, and Enon soil series which occur in the project area. The canopy is usually open or thinly wooded with eastern red cedar (?uniperus virginiana), chinquapin oak (Quercus muhlenbergii), post oak (Quercus stellata), redbud (Cercis canadensis), and eastern hop-hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana). These glades or prairie-like habitats were originally maintained by wildfires, but many of the remaining Schweinitz's sunflower populations are maintained by periodic mowing of road and utility rights-of-way. 4.0. RESULTS 4.1. Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii). Soils suitable for Schweinitz's sunflower occur throughout much of the project corridor, but most areas have been rendered unsuitable for this plant by human disturbance or by shading from dense shrub and tree growth. No suitable habitat remains in the proposed construction corridor west of SR 1161 (Figure 2). Suitable habitat for Schweinitz's sunflower was found along three segments of the proposed construction corridor between SR 1161 and the Rocky River, labelled OCG on Figure 3. RJG&A searched for remains of last year's growth of Schweinitz's sunflower and found none, but winter or spring surveys are inadequate for concluding that this plant is not present. Alternative alignments that avoid the areas of suitable habitat are indicated on Figure 3. If these suitable habitat areas cannot be avoided, they should be resurveyed for Schweinitz's sunflower during September or October. This plant does well,in utility rights-of- way provided that mowing is restricted to the period between December 1 and March 31, and no herbicides are used. If Schweinitz's sunflower occurs in the construction corridor and is unavoidable, acceptable mitigation might include transplanting affected plants to protected areas along the edges of the right-of-way and agreeing to a habitat management plan. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, N.C. Department of Agriculture, and NHP would be involved in negotiating a mitigation plan. 4.2. Carolina Birdfoot-Trefoil (Lotus hellen). The known population of Carolina bird foot-trefoil is approximately 0.5 mile from the project area and will not be directly affected by the project. Unknown populations may occur 3 in the project corridor, most likely in the areas labelled OCG on Figure 3. It is most detectable during summer and early fall. 4.3. Southeastern Bold Goldenrod (Solidago rigida) Impacts to the known population of southeaste bold goldenrod will be minor provided that the construction corridor in the vicinity of SR 1 61 does not extend more than 200 feet southeast of Back Creek, and care is taken not to place soil, construction materials, or vehicles in the area occupied by these plants. If requested, RJG&A will flag the boundaries of this population prior to construction. Unknown populations may also occur in the project corridor, most likely in the areas labelled OCG on Figure 3. It is most easily detected during fall. 4.4. Prairie Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia minor). The area along SR 1161 north of Back Creek where the prairie blue wild indigo was reported in 1965 was evaluated and determined to be no longer suitable. The land east of the road has been converted to residential lawns, and is unsuitable. The land West of the road remains pasture, as it was in 1965, but has apparently undergone more intensive management (seeding, mowing, and perhaps tilling) which has excluded all plants other than grasses and very short herbs. We believe this population has been extirpated, and will not be affected by the project. Unknown populations may occur in the project corridor, most likely in the areas labelled OCG on Figure 3. It is most detectable during spring and summer. 4.5. Carolina Creekshell (Villosa vaughaniana). No survey for the Carolina creekshell was conducted because an extant population is already documented in Back Creek in the project area. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) best management practices for construction in streams will be followed to protect this mussel population from damage during sewerline construction. The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission may recommend additional protective measures. 4 F 1 I tc) t? r ( a ll?l t; >0 r1lo 1' ,/ h f tzp` m, 2t o^ I 1 \ I cu \ m Co 4- i I? PG'E' o I ?000Z C)i cc ?- ? .• r'•?• 1\? . ?? ? ? ; ?• moo, \\ i a.0- i a co E ?? \ f 'j 1' ;• '? i cv m U m (j CD .0 CO tL • lI = m r- p t 1 i- ti V C O? Q •? / 11 0 / 1 cn a`? Cj :II °'Z m m b., ch ol/ at U •-1- l i Vt \? U N :t ••', ,, . ? • 111 ':, -?? ? ,,, )) - ?'?r ?; `?. N /? • • I J ,? - // ,, - ^i•.j' •' .T/\?- ?. 1` 9 ?. _ ?` ; l - -.. .dom.. Ica ? ? • \\\ .?, '? ? ? ?l wd ? __ ' 111 ` ?- . 41 jail ,'?: . ; + ? ???_.:. ? -:;• r .- .. t' s','. ?' `'''?-=`• `• '•?,• .'-\?. ,? ? .-?1:?'?.. •'?:. JI `3 - - Vii; ??? ,?`•1 .. ? mss: ?ti..1 - ? .•%! ?-?.-r ?rs••. .??`•? q, i. ti M r ? t S70 _ 0 » yi• ) ! t Vii' e e lf?:' /O:? V ti^ n N vQ m OJ(1) co N n N Z 0 r U CD C C4 -1 2: v 2t7U.-- w p L D q Z V cr z 03 Oa ? ?p ? x m m a-i U a) N Y p N C m CO 'r C cdm? ca E 2 m z o° C M Y N •a+ G r Q m cc 0 C) V z 0 N C it •?. a. LU C1 cc J • 3m Q a- (a u N r 0 C1 1 ?` - --?? Al C \ i - - % r Q w. t co •? ,-?••? ?ti?.: ?'?. ? 1??• ASS ?'? , -?.??-'"-. ??--- / co v cn go; F- c? Oka h ~ > 2 0 co co V- U m C N J ? ? n c co m 00 vzC7U. w -C M oo 0 co z ?? W 01 V Y Z U U o m H aa l0 c ? m ca E (a 0) U m ? LL 2 0 O mac) C O a ac n cn 3 a m r- CD cn ca V Y V ? J r 2 2 oC Q U a U cn Cl) CV) m Of LL v rs °' p ?c v c m 4) a? - .` p •?-? t i w m ° O rn c % Cc, 0 m .o m co cc CDMCamp Dresser & McKee consulting 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 engineering Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 construction Tel: 919 787-5620 Fax: 919 781-5730 operations November 1, 1999 Ms. Susan Reece Giles North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Division of Parks & Recreation Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1615 Subject: WSACC Back Creek Parallel Interceptor Project Protected Species Follow-Up Survey DENR 9 905; DWQ # 11868; SCH # 98-E-4300-0329 CDM Project No. 10606-22503-DNBC.ODC Dear Ms. Giles: The Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) proposes to construct an interceptor parallel to an existing sewer along Back Creek in Cabarrus County. During review of the Environmental Assessment for the project, several threatened and endangered species were identified as being potentially affected by construction of the interceptor. An initial protected species survey was conducted along the project corridor in February 1998, and the following conclusions were made: ¦ Solidago rigida - A population was found along Stallings Road, beginning 250 feet east of Back Creek. The population will be avoided completely during construction of the interceptor. ¦ Helianthus schweinitzii - Potentially suitable habitat was found along project corridor. Area to be resurveyed in late summer and fall for evidence of the sunflower. ¦ Villosa vaughaniana - No crossings of Back Creek will be made in the area where the creekshell has been reported. An erosion and sedimentation control plan will be followed to minimize erosion and siltation of the creeks. ¦ Lotus helleri - Population is located outside of project corridor. ¦ Baptisia minor - Population is believed to have been extirpated. In October 1999 a follow-up survey was conducted for Helianthus schweinitzii and Solidago rigida. Enclosed please find a copy of the follow-up survey report. No Helianthus schweinitzii was found during the investigation, and the Solidago rigida population was flagged and will be avoided during construction. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about the follow-up protected species survey. I can be reached at (919) 787-5620. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, CAMP DRESSER & McKEE Kelly R. Boone cc: Sandy Tripp, CDM File 398 i. PROTECTED SPECIES FOLLOW-UP SURVEY BACK CREEK SEWERLINE REPLACEMENT CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 21 OCTOBER 1999 Project Engineer: Ms. Sandra L. Tripp, P.E. Camp Dresser & McKee 301 South McDowell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 282042686 Prepared By: Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 Tel: (919) 872-1174 Fax: 872-9214 RJG&A Project No. 9940 1 BACK CREEK SEWERLINE -- PROTECTED SPECIES FOLLOW-UP SURVEY - 21 OCT 1999 The Water & Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County proposes to construct a 24,000 foot long gravity interceptor sewerline along Back Creek from SR 1 166 in Harrisburg eastward to the confluence of Back Creek and Rocky River. Most of the new sewerline will be installed adjacent to and upslope of an existing sewerline right-of-way along the north bank of Back Creek. From the SR 1 161 bridge to a point approximately 2,800feet downstream (northeast), in the middle section of the project, the new sewer will be installed in new right-of-way on the forested south bank of the creek to avoid damage to residential lawns on the north bank. In February 1998 Robert J. Goldstein and Associates, Inc. (RJG&A) surveyed the project corridor for federally and state protected species (E, T, and SC) known from Cabarrus County. We also examined previously reported sites containing unprotected rare species (FSC, C, and SR) in or adjacent to the project area (Goldstein & Associates, 1998). The 1998 survey revealed apparently suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz's sunflower (Heiianthus schweinitzii) in the eastern half of the project corridor (Figure 1). Schweinitz's sunflower is only detectable during late summer and fall; consequently, this follow-up survey was required to ascertain its presence or absence. On 20 October 1999, RJG&A biologists Gerald Pottern and Christopher Hopper re- surveyed the areas identified as suitable for Schweinitz's sunflower during the 1998 survey. No Schweinitz's sunflower was found, and we conclude that this species will not be directly affected by construction in the proposed sewerline corridor. Furthermore, the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NHP) has no records of this plant within 0.5 mile of the project area. Two rare species are known in or adjacent to the project corridor: the Carolina creekshell (Viiiosa vaughaniana) and the bold goldenrod (Soiidago rigida). The Carolina creekshell is state protected as a special concern species. It was found in Back Creek near Harrisburg by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) in 1993. The stream was moderately turbid during our 1999 survey, and we did not attempt to confirm its presence. Minimizing disturbance to riparian vegetation and replanting with woody species at stream crossings will help mitigate construction impacts to this mussel. The bold goldenrod is state designated as significantly rare and is not legally protected. It occurs in a scrubby field along the north edge of SR 1611, beginning 250 feet east of the centerline of Back Creek and extending about 100 feet eastward to a gravel driveway and mowed lawn (Figure 2). Nearly all of the plants are within 30 feet of the road. RJG&A marked the boundaries of this population with pink survey flagging so that construction contractors may avoid it. While surveying for Schweinitz's sunflower we looked for additional populations of bold goldenrod along the project corridor, and found none. Reference: Goldstein, R.J. & Associates, Inc. 26 March 1998. Protected Species Survey. Back Creek Sewerline Replacement, Cabarrus County, N.C. Project No. 9807. Raleigh N.C.- 7 pp. .. 111 Z I O ar V In j n r- l ?? Z go (? 0 _ ?. N O - ,> _.. ---- f• - • _ y ?U ?Oc C ct, 200 LU Z '--/ w ?:' m QG oC „; ul go (no • \ jam----?`, '?__-• '??`.?-•,II _?-, ' ' •) ? f : . 1. 1 , All E moo, h ? :•. ,? ', ? ----. os? C?l oc / m C7 Cl) • Ir - O W CO 0 O Cl J W V \ .-? -__ M . r1 ? • 1, r1 r, 1 \ . ? 1 ? . I 1 • ? .? ' v [ i i E1515900.000 E1516000.000 E1516100.000_ E1516200.000 E1516300.000 N571300.00+ N571200.00 I' I N571100.00 4e/ I N571000. i i N570900. i' Ij i N570600. N570700. Figure 2. Location of Bold Goldenrod (Solidago rigida), a Significantly Rare Plant Species, near the Back Creek Sewerline Corridor, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27616-3175 S7'-9`L,??S -}- -}- 4- 4- -= - -}- -?- Back Creek Solidago rigida Occurence Site ` i; United States State Plane 1983 Scale 1 in : 100 ft r102014a.cor North Carolina 3200 N p 150.0 10/21/1999 NAD 1983 (Alaska) Pathfinder Office Feet ® Trimble Wetland Delineation Field Data Sheets DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODI Field lnvestigejor(s): _MOQjY"- Date: _ Project/Sfte• Mirk rUN ?2ranC.1 In-Trr(ff+.rrrnr State:- rv*-- Coun Applicant/Owner: W S?C-r-- Plant Community SIName: M1? - ?- I? P? ?1('? Note. M a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook. ------7-------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditIons exist at the plant community? Yes No (If no, explain on back) Has the vegetation soils. and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No 7L (If yes, explain on back) --------------------------------------------------- Dominant Plant Species 1. -l ??ivice o,n • ca 2 n t A iCtti 3. }Dv?u ncC?? 4. C ?Ue+rGUS M?ChQUrt? i 5, t 8. nQ 7. 0.v 8. 9. 10. Indicator Status VEGETATION Stratum Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, Is the h droh6lc vegetation criterio met? Yes Rationale: rtfr -W\0? ?D n/o Qe Dominant Plant Species 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ' 19. 20. ir FAC 5? °ID .,_ Indicator Status Stratum SOILS Series/phase: Okk ,o nla a- Subgroup:2 Is the soil on the hydriC soils list? Yes No K Undetermined o h a?:l?e? t? as ? O V\S Is the soil a Hstosol? Yes No =-Histic epipedon present? Yes No X Is the soil: Mottled? Yes No X Gleyed? Yes No .Y? Matrix Color. 7P-5 Mottle Colons: Other hydric soil indicators: Is the hydric soil criterion met? Yes No Rationale: ?S6; I r,n I o r 6 an p S r, CL Qa fe, h u d1r i n i _ HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No Surface water depth: - ts the soil saturated? Yes No = I i i Depth to frse•standing water in pit/soil probe hole: Ust other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation. Is the well Rationale: met? Yes No JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale for jurisdictional,decisicp: t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 CWwHication according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODI Field Investigators : Date: 9 Project/SRe: L L11-, 17P 1 Tv?+e Zy"r&P±DZSIate: Coun V_ Applicant/Owner: W SA CC- Plant Community #/Name: 2 _ ? Now a a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook --------------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes X_ No (If no, explain on back) Has the vegetation sails, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No 7L (If yes, explain on back) --------------------------------------------------- VEGETATION 1. 2. 3. 8. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dominant Plant Indicator Status Stratum V_ *7A _Z Dominant Plant Species 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. it FAC (.Ooq0 No t< Percent of dominant species that are OBL. FACW, Is the hydrophytkve9et? n ctdea? met?,? Rationale: q ?n4R_ `-t-? `'iU (o1o Indicator Status Stratumr SOILS Series/phase:e1n1 a Subgroup? Is the sail on the hydric soils list? Yes No Undetermined nGiesi ov\S Is the soil a Histosoi? Yes No Histic eprpadon present? Yes_ No K _• Is the soil: Mottled? Yes _ No Gleyed? Yes No ? Matrix Color. 110 \I S. Mottle Colors: tJ ik_ --------- Other hydric soil Indicators: Is the hydric soil criterion met? Ye No Rationale: "!161 C-60 f \,n TJJr? ?n_ Sok I HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No x Surface water depth: N Is the soil saturated? Yes No= Depth to free-standing water in pit/soil probe hole: _ZQ) List other field evidence of surface inundation or sail saturation. Is the wetland hy?rolody ct#o.on met? Yes No Rationale: NO -P'j k c?P' A c e. ate- ? +t ns"`? ?? ? ? `4 JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale for'jurisdictional decision: rY' 1 k r t 0. fl?ylo_ 1/) V%11\2fi t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODt Field Investigator(s): Ack) Date: __1b1)flq1 - - County: Project/Ske: V'r'^vW S?f State: NC_ Applicant/Owner: Plant Community aeMams: KA -Al Note: a a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook --------------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes No (N no, explain on back) Has the vegetation soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No E (if yes, explain on back) VEGETATION 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 8. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dominant Plant Indicator Status Stratum Dominant Plant Species 11. 12. 13. 14. I& 16. 17. 18. ' 19. 20. it FAC 1 Do '% No _ , _ _ FA C, 'FMA Percent of dominant species that am OBL. FACW. b the hydrop ytb e?ationqftenoon met? Yeas Indicator Status Stratvar SOILS Series/phase: Subgroup-.2 - Is the soil on the hydrc soils list? Yes No dndetermined- L e- \`ftiClu S Is the soil a Hlstosol? Yes No =H•istic epoedon present? Yes No Is the soil: Mottled? Yes Nc Gleyed? Yes No Matrix Color. 0- Mottle Colors: ?- Other hydric sail Indicators: Is the hydric soil criterion met? Yes _ o t Rationale: ? In aA (1 15 1'O "i "nn ? 1 ? f?j e HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundat ? Yes _ No 5urtace water cap Is the sol saturated? Yes No-'--?`? 12y2 fs S ?i'?? W I f1 Q.Y?O Depth to free-standing water in pit/sail probe hole.. ,99 List Other n(1ei evidence of su11" Inundation soil saturation. '(1v 111 ? '?s-Ta lv . ? y1 C T? u,n 1LS 1 I on?/P S - Is the wetland hydrology lxitedan mall Yes _)L . No Rationale: 1 ?, n d a ct?n = Cjv ?rn0.v 64. 10N ' JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the giant community a wetland? Yes No ?y fr le --? V- LA. Ogre ; A CA; wc+ej _ t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Ptah Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHOD' Field Investigators : Date: 5 Projec!/Ske: L 'L'State• -C7 Co Applicant/Owner: W SPt CC. ' Plant Community x/Nam. M? late Note: If a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook `_A ++- -::5 3 Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? _,&,_ No (if no, explain on back) Yes I Has the vegetation soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No (if ye. explain on back) VEGETATION Dominant Ptah 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 8. 7. 8. 9. 10. Indicator Status Stratum - T-Percent of dominant spades that are OBL. FACW. Is the hydroph fc vegetation canon met? Yes Rationale: -(,1}7y 4EM ':M`?o Dominant Plant Species 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 18. 17. 18. ' 19. 20. it FAC indicator Status Stratum SOILS Series/phase: S U I At P1. a Subgroup:2 is the soil on the hydre soils list? Yes No X_ Undetermined 1?nG1 u s o?ri5 Is the soil a HLstosol? Yes No =Histic epipedon present? Yes -- No _ C - is the soil: Mottled? Yes No Gleyed? Yes No Matra Color. Mottle Colors: .-_--- Other hyd& soil Indicators: -- is the hydric soil criterion met? Yes No X. Rationale: h i I C do %f Jt ragnu a ric HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No Surface water depth: Is the sod saturated? Yes No= Depth to free-standing water in pit/sail probe hole: List other field evidenca of surface Inundation or soil saturation. Is the wetland hXdrok4y crite lon met? Yes Rationale: l O P.J ? UA.C P JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Ratlonalli ff'Jurisdictionaloecisiott. (7r \-71 a? Cl i/ irlh 1 %1, ?ni? n I rY This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHOD1 Field Investigators : ?r ? Date:. ) q Project/Slte: W SE, C C., oyakrel Kr& ate* --- _ S Coun - -111:11 b ApplicanVOwner: Plant Community #/Name: Note: 8 a more detailed site description is necessary. use the back of data form or a field notebook. ------7-------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes _ X No (If no, explain on back) Has the vegetation soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No (if yes, explain on back) VEGETATION Indicator Indicator Dominant Plant Spe cies Status Stratum Dominant Plant Species Status Stratum 1. Y a, C-W it. 2 12. 3. 5 s IMU t -T7 13. 4. ?_. 14. 15. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. Percent of dominant species that are 08L, FACW, and/or FACE Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? Yes 7q ?? _ p No ,-Q FACE ca/ i ??0.vr1's 0. ` - Rationale- -r- r a t- e-%-. ?-+ Fi.? o C) . ` ?r?n r SOILS Series/phase: Subgroup-2 Is the soil on the hydric soils list? Yes No Undetermined Will e I ?rl u5i errs Is the soil a Hh tosol? Yes No X_ Histic spoodon present? Yes No -1? Is the soil: Mottled? Yes No Gleyed? Yes No I , Matra color. yT? Mottle Colors-= y -- µ2 Other hydric soil indicators: Is the hydric soil uiteriop met? Year No Rationale: M C? 1 P G1 S o 1 4-lel rr -m4-A ? a rK- I•PSS 1 yNd-i `J HYDROLOGY N Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No _? Surface water depth: Is the son saturated? Yes No= Depth to tree-standing water in pk/soil probe hole: - Ust other field evidence of surfacp.inundagon q( soil 3a4rr tion. Is the wstland?ydrok4y criterion met? Yes No Rationale: llro ir)aae Vi V I,k.1 f +S R ?.? Apr? 3r 1?5 ay-,, ha JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATIbN AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale for jurisdictional decision: t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classi(kation according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODt 2- 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. Field Investigator(s): Date: 11 I nrfc_ lYeel? rnl ?I htt??P ?._... Project/SRs: "P, ?. L .,.a.v. UC- Coun kk ty: Applicant/Owner: W SA C Plant Community X/Name: Note: M a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook ------ -------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes No (if no, explain on back) Has the vegetation soils. and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No 7 (If yes. explain on back) Dominant Plant VEGETATION Indicator Indicator Status Stratum Dominant Plant Species Status Straturrr 11. BkAti-t C 12 ' S_ 13. L. r 14. '44- 15. 18. EWL 17. 18. ' 19. 20. Percent of dominant spades that are 08L. FACW, and/or FAC is the hydropz is veg ion critenon et? Yes No Rationale: --1 5 - a-n ?inpiu (--I v?ni inl vl SOILS Sedes/phase: ?hCIA u` 10. Subgroup-.2 . is the soil on the hydric soils list? 3e- '1 nej u S DAS Yes No Nndeteawnee - 0703 Is the soil a Histosol? Yes No =Histic epipedon present? Yes No Is the soil: Mottled Yes No Gleyed? Yes No Matrix Color. p=' Mottle Colors-t? Other hydric soil lndicatorV Is the hyd& soil criterion met? Yes No I Radonale: CQ? a f 717-20S 7 ?Cate n C _ Sol HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No Surface water depth: Is the sag saturated? Yes No= ir 7 I f Depth to free-standing water in pit//soil probe hole: List other held evidecice of surface inundation At soil saturation. , Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? Yes No JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATI Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale for jurisdictional decision: . t This data form can be used for the Hydric Sail Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Ctassification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' 8-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODI Field Investigators • `?DO Date: 11 9 n 7Yef.1? vnl c1 jh L/CP fc,?.• v- Applicant/Own tWSf'?GC? •••? - Co 3?ryPtwee?? M Y- In-?? Mame: l ot a- Plant Community Note: a a more detailed site description is necessary, use the back of data form or a field notebook. Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes X No (N no. explain on back) Has the vegetadin soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No 7" (If yes. explain on back) 1. 2 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dominant Plant Stratum _Z Percent of dominant spades that are OBL, FACW, Is the hydrophytic vogetatipn criterion n t? , Yes Plant Species 11. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ' 19. 20. it FAC? ?°) n Sodas/phase: 2 Is the soil a Histosol? Yes No ?Histic epipedon present? Yes No K_• Rationale: EIA SOILS Is the sail on the hydric soils list? Yes No ndetermi?n? 2e. l?^.C_Q.l:?-`?il?? is the soil: Mottled? Y @s No Gleyad? Yea No 4 ` Matrix Color: 1..0- y- -;' ? Mottle Colors: ??., Other hydric sob indicators. - - Is the hydric sod Grit rion met? Yes No r Indicator indicator HYDROLOGY VEGETATION Status Dominant Status Stratum JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale for jurisdicxional decision: Assessment Procedure. 2 Ctassifkatlan uxardlnq to 'Soil Taxonomy.' -4, Surface water depth: 1"J t'`'• - is the ground surface inundated? Yes No ' List other field evi46nce of surface inundation or sail pawration.' ,. t This data loan can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community b the sod saturated? Yes No= Depth to flee-standing water in pit/soil probe hole: - Is the wedar?iy?rgjo?y mfterion met? Yes Rationale. _ IIJ,Y ? tt--''-tt---_i vt n ? ? ('in 8-2 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHODI Field Investigator(s): Date: ProjecttSke: ? C?eE.1L State: Coun u -••? C3 7 AppllcanUOwner: , W 1,"'11:f-- Plant Community #/Name: 514 Now il a more detailed site description is necessary. use the back of data form or a field notebook --------------------------------- ----------------- Do normal environmental cond'dlons exist at the plant community? Yes _,&_ No (if no. explain on back) Has the vegetation soils, and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No 7E (it yes, explain on back) VEGETATION 1. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 9. 10. Dominant Plant Indicator Status Stratum FAN -I- S_ Dominant Plant Species 11. 12- 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ' 19. 20. it FAC? L --r- rmhL- taw Percent of dominant species that are OBI.. FACK is the hydrophyft vegetation criferion_met?_Ye , Indicator Status Stratum SOILS Series/phass: Subgroup:2 \ V-CJVSiQA4 Is the sail on the hydric soils list? Yes No UcdatWMW" We ?i Is the soil a Histosoi? Yes No :]EHistic spipedon present? Yes No ls the soil: Mottled? Yes No Gleyed? Yes No ?r Matra Color. ?. - Mottle Colors. Other hydric soil indicators. Is the hydric soil criterion met? Yes No _ Rationale: HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No Surface water depth: Is the sod saturated? Yes No= It --7 R Depth to free-standing water in polsoil probe hole: List other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation. is the wetland hydro c#t rion met? Yes No Rationale: O J C e a.P- 7,Aho J- l a ?p T JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE Is the plant community a wetland? Yes No Rationale far j ic4qnal decision: ?F t??fPt V\12 e- v 10. QY'P t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' B•2 DATA FORM ROt1TINE ONSITE DETERMINATION METHOD1 Field lnvestigator(s : Date: 1 Q Project/Ske: (Y- State: Coun . / u Applicant/Owner. W `'11NCt _ • Plant Community 8/Name: Note: M a more detailed site description is necessary. use the back of data form or a field notebook --------------------------------------------------- Do normal environmental conditions exist at the plant community? Yes _X No (N no, explain on back) Has the vegetatio soils and/or hydrology been significantly disturbed? Yes No ;t- (If yes. explain on back) --------------------------------------------------- VEGETATION Indicator Indicator Dominant Plant Species Status Stratum Dominant Plant Species Status Straturrr 11. 2. , 00i (I k I V1 p % 'f V 12. 3. ACU-_-7 13. 4. _17 14. 15. 8. 16. 7. 17. 8. is. 9. 19. 10. 20. Percent of dominant species that are OBL. FACW, and/or FAC Lzo_ CIO Is the droph lovs?statio iterion met? Y s No Ratonn i• t()yP av) jM2 rac tkrr''!?r7r t?}P.t? SOILS Series/phase: 1JAQUATICAm Subgroup:? Is the soil on the hydric soils list? Yes No - --Un-&TeMrIr ate' V '\%r\C AU'5\0?1 s Is the sod a Histosol? Yes No Histic epipedon present? Yes No Is the soil: M ? Yes No Gleyed? Yes No ?- Matrix Color.ott Mottle Colors:.IW Other hydric soil indicators: Is the h dric soil rfterign met? Yes No Rationale: `? 0 r a 06= ' ap 4. c a+e C HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? Yes No Surface water depth: Is the sod saturated? Yes No = 11 Depth to free-standing water in pit/soil probe hole: Ust other field evidence of surface inundation or soil saturation. Is the wedanq Rationale N1 g ?ydrolo?? yk V-1 es t.a n q A j T..r - 416a SDICTIONAL DETERMINATION AND RATIONALE ?? JU e v??5 Is the plant community a wetland? Yep o l?y2r Rationale for jurisdic clonal decision: 'I 6k-t 0 1-< t This data form can be used for the Hydric Soil Assessment Procedure and the Plant Community Assessment Procedure. 2 Classification according to 'Soil Taxonomy.' 8.2