HomeMy WebLinkAbout19991239 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990118S&EC, Inc. Project # 99-4999 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West.MWbruglFRoad,f,.,Ra eigb,40' .Qar4olina 27609 • Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax: (919) 846-9467 Web.Fage: www.SandEC.com I NWIFNT November 7, 1999 I t `? I V E D S&EC, Inc. Project # 9949P9 i Raleigh Regulatory Field Office - USACOE N.C. Division of Water Quality - Attn: Mr. Todd Tugwell Attn: Mr. John Dorney 6508 Falls of the Neuse Rd., Suite 120 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Raleigh, NC 27607 G Dear Sirs: XWi)h The purpose of this letter is to request the use of Nationwide Permit 12 for the construction oft proposed Orange County Elementary Offske Utilities Sanitary Sewer and Outfall, Hillsboro G' Orange County, North Carolina (see attached USGS site vicinity map, UTM Coordinates: Zone 1 , 3997000 N, 0671150 E). Proposed impacts to jurisdictional waters will total 0.25 acres and 134 linear feet of stream channel. Construction of the outfall will comply with all of the general conditions stated within Nationwide Permit 12. S&EC, Inc. believes that Neuse River Buffer mitigation will be required for this project. The majority of the line has been entirely outside of the buffers. The line impacts Zone 2 of the buffer in only a few places r and impacts Zone 1 for only short section. The impacts to Zone 1 total 1250lsquare feet. Our client proposes payment of $1,200.00 into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund fo mitigate for this impact. Included are: (1) a completed Pre-Construction Notification Application, (2) gent Authorization Form, (3) USGS Site Vicinity Map, (3) Construction Plans, (4) Wetland Delineatio Forms and (6) a check for $200.00 to cover the DWQ permit application fee. Please call if you have questions or require further information. Please cc to visit the site so that someone may accompany you. Please contact Mr, correspondences related to this project. Sincerely, Zarzecki, Biologist / S&EC, Inc. bz S&EC, Inc. if you choose n Martin with any future M ', 1 Wetland Delineation/Permitting/Mitigation SoiUSite Evaluations On-Site Septic Systems Environmental Assessments/Audits Neuse Basin and Watershed Buffer Evaluations Groundwater Hydrology Endangered Species Branch Office: 25 North College Avenue • Newton, NC 28658 • Phone: (828) 466-7404 • Fax: (828) 466-7406 I 13 ( - "'9 DWQ ID: Corps Action ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 12 Pre-Construction Notification Applica 51, For Nationwide Permits that Require: I) Notification to the Corps of Engineers ?- 2) Application for Section 401 Certification ;. t 4 3) Coordination with the NC Division of Coastal Management Gs; r. Send the original and (1) copy of this completed form to the appropriate field office o e rps gineer5 use agency addresses sheet). Seven (7) copies should be sent to the NC Division of Enviro en n t (see agency addresses sheet). PLEASE PRINT. + :. , Owner's Name: ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Mailing Address: 200 EAST KING STREET Subdivision Name: N/A City: HILLSBOROUGH State: NC Zip Code: 27278 Project location address, including subdivision name (if different from mailing address above): The proposed Orange County Elementary Offsite Utilities Sanitary Sewer and Outfall, Hillsborough, Orange County, North Carolina, starts at the new elementary school located west of Hwy 57, is gravity fed and runs southeast adjacent to Stroud's Creek to the proposed pump station site located on the north side of Gov. Burke Road (SR1556). The line then becomes a force-main, crosses Gov. Burke Road and begins heading south to Orange High School Road (SR 1588) where it ties into an existing sanitary sewer man-hole. (See attached USGS site vicinity map, UTM Coordinates: Zone 17, 3997000 N, 0671150 E.) 3) Telephone Number (Home): N/A (Work): 919-732-8126 4) If applicable, agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Phone: (919) 846-5900 244 W. Milibrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 5. , Location of work (provide a map, preferable a copy of USGS topographic map or aerial photograph with scale). County: Orange Nearest town or city: Hillsborough Specific Location (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): (see question # 2) 6. Impacted or nearest stream/river: Stroud's Creek and it's unnamed tributaries River Basin: Neuse River Basin 7a. Is the project located near a water classified as trout, tidal saltwater (SA), high quality waters (HQW), outstanding resource waters (ORW), water supply (WS-I or WS-II)? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, explain: Stroud's Creek-is classified as "C NSW'. Construction of the outfall will comply with the Water Quality Standards for "C NSW" waters. 7b. Is the project located within a North Carolina division of coastal management area of environmental concern (AEC)? YES ( ) NO (X) 7c. If the project is located within a coastal county (see page 7 for list of coastal counties), what is the land use plan (LUP) designation? N/A 8a. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, provide Action ID number of previous permit and any additional information (including photocopy of 401 certification). 8b. Are additional permit requests expected for this property in the future? YES ( ) NO (X) If yes, describe anticipated work: 9a. Estimated total number of acres in tract of land: + 7000 linear feet of line with a construction corridor of 25 feet = - 4 acres. 9b. Estimated total number or acres of wetlands located on project site: - lacres 10a. Number of acres of wetlands impacted by the proposed project by: Filling: Flooding: Drainage: Excavation: 0.25 acres Other: Total acres to be impacted: 0.25 (Wetlands&Waters) 10b. (1) Stream channel to be impacted by the proposed project (if relocated, provide distance both before and after relocation): Length before: 134 l.f. After: 0 l. f. Width Before (based on normal high water contours): n/a Width After: n/a Average depth before: n/a After: n/a (2) Stream channel impacts will result from: (check all that apply) Open channel relocation: Placement of pipe in channel: Channel Excavation: X Construction of a Dam/Flooding: _ Other: 11. If construction of a pond is proposed, what is the size of the watershed draining to the pond? N/A What is the expected pond surface area? N/A 12. Description of proposed work including discussion of type of mechanical equipment to be used (attach plans 8 1/2" x I I" drawings only): Construction of a sanitary sewer outfall. Mechanical equipment will include heavy machinery necessary to complete the construction. The installation of the proposed line will comply with all of the general conditions stated within Nationwide Permit # 12. 13. Purpose of proposed work: To construct a sanitary sewer outfall to provide necessary utilities for the new elementary school. 14. State reasons why it is believed that this activity must be carried out in wetlands (include any measures taken to minimize wetland impacts): The sanitary sewer outfall will cross all wetlands and waters as close to perpendicular as possible and in the narrowest point possible. The line has been kept outside of Zone 1 of the Neuse River Buffers when running parallel to the stream except for one small area (1250 sf). The majority of the line has been kept entirely outside of the buffers when running parallel to the stream. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (sec agency addresses sheet) regarding the presence of any federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted: (attach responses from these agencies). N/A (To be contacted by the U. S. Corps of Engineers.) 16. You are required to contact the state historic preservation officer (SHPO) (see agency address sheet) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project. Date contacted: N/A (To be contacted by the U.S. Corps of Engineers.) 17. Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (state) land? YES ( ) NO (X) If no, go to 18. a. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the North Carolina Enviromnental Policy Act'? YES ( ) NO ( ) b. if ycs, has the document been reviewed through the North Carolina Department of Administration State Clearinghouse? YES ( ) NO ( ) If answers to 17b is YES, their submit appropriate documentation from die state clearinghouse to division of environmental management regarding compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Ad. Questions regarding the State Clearinghouse review process should be directed to Nis. Chrys 13aggett, Director State Clearingliouse, North Carolina Department of Administration, 116 West Jones Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-8003, telephone (919) 733-6369. 18. The following items should be included with this application if proposed activity involves the discharge of excavated or fill material into wetlands: a. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, lakes and ponds on the property (for Nationwide Permit numbers 14, 18, 21, 26, 29 and 38). All streams (intermittent and permanent) on the property must be shown on the trap. Map scales should be 1 inch equals 50 feet or 1 inch equals 100 feet or their equivalent. b. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. d. Attach a copy of the stormwater management plan, if required. C. What is land use of surrounding property? Agricultural, School Land & Residential f If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal'? sanitary sewer g. Signed and dated agent authorization letter, if applicable. NOTE: Wetlands or Waters of the U.S. may not be impacted prior to: 1. Issuance of a Section 404 Corps of Engineers Permit, 2. Either the issuance or waiver of a 401 Division of Environmental Management (Water Quality) certification, and 3. (in the twenty coastal counties only) A letter from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management stating the proposed activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management program. 7 ' Si afire ii/,P;r Date [Agent's signature valid only if Agent Authorization Letter from the owner is provided (18 g.)] V? 1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (W?/, \ a ?- ??J?•?II?•?? ?' (1/ 1 ? ? ?? ??? "? ?tom )?) ? >? ?_5 ??•?!??,?I ?. I \ li 1 1 ??/ :? y 1 ,` ?t ove no e? u \ _, c \ r r / OrAW J ` ` _ fff ?y v l . ?. ) v\1 6,5 ge / L gn ?cf, N? ? 1f ty. ?i?? ??av i•• -N (??erofj A- A ?nPU' o 0 ?L O II p' 950 / i I T? ??? 11 111 • ?? ? HILLSBOROUGH, N. 36079-A1-TF-024 l' 1968 REVISED 1994 DMA 5156 It SE-SERIES V842 ?? Delineation Performed by: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road 231 16th Avenue NE Raleigh. NC 27609 Hickory, NC 28601 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Phone: (704) 322-6700 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Stroud's Creek Sewer / 99-4999 Date: 10/5/99 Applicant/Owner: Orange County County: Orange Investigator: Bob Zarzecki State: NC Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes Community ID: Mesic Mixed Forest Is the site significantly disturbed? No (Piedmont subtype) (Atypical situation) Transit ID: Is the area a potential problem area? No Plot ID: (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator I Acer rubrum Canopy FAC 9. Polystichum acrosticoides Herb FAC 21iridendron tulipifera Canopy FAC IO.Smilax rotundi fo lia Vine FAC 3.Quercus alba Canopy FACU 11. 4.Liquidambar styraciflua Canopy FAC+ 12. 5.Pinus taeda Canopy FAC 13. 6.Fagus grandiflora Canopy FACU 14. 7.Cornus florida Shrub FACU 15. 8.Rubus allegeniensis Shrub UPL 16. Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-): 60% Remarks: * community types taken from `Schafale & Weakley 1990' HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (describe in remarks) Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: 0 (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit: >12 (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: >12 (in.) Remarks: No indicators Wetland Hydrologty Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators: (2 or more required) Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC Neutral Test Other (explain in remarks) 99-4999up SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Georgeville silt loam Drainage Class: well drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Hapludults Confirm Mapped Type? Yes Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (ins.) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure etc. 0-5 Ap IOYR 5/4 silt loam 5-9 BI 5YR 5/8 _ silty clay loam 9-30 B21 2.5YR 4/8 clay Hvdric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: * local USDA Soil Survey referenced Wetland Determination (yes or no) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No Is This Sampling Point within a Wetland? No Remarks: Delineation Performed by: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road 231 16th Avenue NE Raleigh, NC 27609 Hickory, NC 28601 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Phone: (704) 322-6700 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Stroud's Creek Sewer / 99-4999 Date: 10/5/99 Applicant/Owner: Orange County County: Orange Investigator: Bob Zarzecki State: NC Do normal circumstances exist on the site? Yes Community ID: Mesic Mixed Forest Is the site significantly disturbed? No (Piedmont Subtype) (Atypical situation) Is the area a potential problem area? No Transit ID: (If needed, explain on reverse.) Plot ID: wetlands VEGETATION Dominant Plant Spp. Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Spp. Stratum Indicator 1. Liquidambar s(yra, tree FAC+ 9. Smilax rotundirolia vine FAC 2. Liriodendron tulip. tree FAC 10. 3. Acer rubrum tree FAC II. 4. Pinus taeda tree FAC 12. 5. Woodwardia areola. herb. OBL 13. 6. Lonicera japonica vine FAC- 14. 7. Carex spp. herb. FAC / OBL 15. 8. Arundinaria gigant. herb. FACW 16. Percent of dominant species that arc OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-): 89% Remarks: * Schafalc & Weakley, 1990 HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (describe in remarks) Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water: Depth to Free Water in Pit: Depth to Saturated Soil: 0 _ (in.) >12_ (in.) >12 (in.) Wetland Hvdroloev Indicators: Primarv Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits X Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators: (2 or more required) X Oxidized Root Channels in X -Upper 12 Inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data _X FAC Neutral Test Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: Project # 99-4999.wf SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Wehadkee silt loam Drainage Class: poorly drained Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Typic Fluvaquent Confirm Mapped Type? Yes No Profile Description: Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture. Concretions, (ins.) Horizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure etc. 0-7 A 10 YR 4/3 N/A N/A loam 7-12 Bgl 2.5 YR 6/2 10 YR 5/4 many/distinct loam Hvdric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _X_ Aquic Moisture Regime _X Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _X_ Reducing Conditions _X Listed on National Hydric Soils List _X_ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (explain in remarks) Remarks: * USDA Soil Survey Wetland Determination (circle yes or no) Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Is This Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Hydric Soils Present? Yes No Remarks: IY V ? Jv ? ?i ? V a V v a v a ? ?, a??.v?. ... ... a i?. .? a i -vv?r vvv V r • V' L Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. i4l 244 West Millbrook Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 , Phone: (919) 846-5900 • Fax. (919) 846-9467 Web Page: www,SandEC.corn AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM All Blanks To Be Filled In By Th!Z C.p>,r'rpnt Landowner Name: Civil Consultants, Inc. Tony M. Whitaker, P.E. Address: 3622 Lyckan Parkway Suite 3003 Durham, NC 27707 Phone: (919) 490-1645 Project Name/Description: Orange County Elementary School/Sanitary Sewer Date: November 5, 1999 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District P.O. Box Wilmington, NC 28402 Attn: MR. JOHN THOMAS Field Office: RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE Ile: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: I, the current propertx owner, hereby designate and authorize Soil & Environmental Consuhants, Inc_ to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of permit applications, to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. from this day forward. The 5 th day of November, 1999 This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this project. NOTICE. This authorization, for liability and professional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter the property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange it site meeting prior to visiting the site. Tony M. Whitaker, P.E. Print Property Owner's Name Property Owner's Signature M Mr. John Domey NCDEH & DWQ, Water Quality Planning 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 cc: Mr. Kevin Martins Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. agentAw Wetland Deli neation/Pennitting/Mitigation Soil/Site Evaluations On-Site Septic Systems Environmental Assessments/Audits Neusc Basin and Watershed Buffer Evaluations Groundwater Hydrology Endangered Species Eir,ncb t?rtl, '1 t 16th Avenue N.E, Hickory, North Carolina 28601 . Phone' (828) 322-6700 Fax- (828) 322-6190 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 11k,WAA 1 0 • A;1 A NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES February 8, 2000 Orange County DWQ Project # 991239 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP and Neuse River Buffer Rules Orange County Board of Education 200 East King Street Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 Dear Sir or Madam: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 134 feet of streams and 1,250 square feet-of stream buffers for the purpose of constructing a sewer line at Orange County Elementary Off-Site Utilities Sanitary Sewer and Outfall as you described in your application dated 7 November, 1999. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3101. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This Certification replaces one issued on January 7, 2000. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Stormwater shall be directed to sheetflow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers. We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund in order to compensate for these impacts to riparian buffers. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0233, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2B .0242. According to 15A NCAC 2B .0242, 3,750 feet of restoration will be required. Until the Wetland Restoration Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: DENR - Wetland Restoration Program), wetland buffer or stream impact shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 1,250 square feet of stream buffer in 030401 river and subbasin and 3,750 square feet of buffer mitigation are required If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper February 8, 2000 Orange County Board of Education DWQ Project # 991239 Page Two This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9646. c re , e . Stevens Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Kevin Martin; Soil and Environmental Consultants NORTH CAROLINA-DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY OF PERMITTED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with 15A NCAC 2 B .0233, Orange County Board of Education has permission as outline below for the purpose(s) of proposed sanitary sewer line. All activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted with the conditions listed in the attached cetification transmitttal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ATTACHMENTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENT RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION FUND LOCATION: STROUD'S CREEK COUNTY: ORANGE BASIN/S UB B AS IN: 030401 As required by 15A NCAC 2B .0233, and the conditions of this certification, you are required to compensate for the above impacts through the restoration, or enhancement of riparian buffers as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact riparian buffers. 3750. Square feet of riparian buffer One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements is through the payment of a fee to the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund per 15A NCAC 2B .0242. If you choose this option, please sign this form and mail it to the Wetlands Restoration Fund at the address listed below. An invoice for the appropriate amount of payment will be sent to you upon receipt of this form. PLEASE NOTE, THE ABOVE IMPACTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL YOU RECEIVED NOTIFICATION THAT YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM. Signature Date WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY 1619 Mail Service Center RALEIGH, N.C. 27669-1619 (919) 733-5208 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director \o° 1 ? • NC ENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES January 7, 2000 Orange County DWQ Project # 991239 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, WRP Orange County Board of Education 200 East King Street Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 Dear Sir or Madam: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill material in 134 feet of streams and 1,250 square feet of stream buffers for the purpose of constructing a sewer line at Orange County Elementary Off-Site Utilities Sanitary Sewer and Outfall as you described in your application dated 7 November, 1999. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3101. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 12 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non- Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or CAMA permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. Stormwater shall be directed to sheetflow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers. We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compensate for these impacts to wetlands and/or streams. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R .0402, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h). According to 15A NCAC 2H .0506(h), feet of restoration will be required. Until the Wetland Restoration Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: DENR - Wetland Restoration Program), wetland or stream fill shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 1,250 square feet of stream buffer in 030401 river and subbasin and 2,750 square feet of buffer mitigation are required Please be aware that the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) rules require rounding of acreage amounts to one-quarter acre increments (15A 2R.0503(b)). If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. Division of Water Quality • Non-Discharge Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27669-1621 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper January 7, 2000 Orange County Board of Education DWQ Project # 991239 Page Two This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-9646. Rteve Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program Kevin Martin; Soil and Environmental Consultants NORTH CAROLINA-DIVISON OF WATER QUALITY 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY OF PERMITTED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS In accordance with 15A NCAC 2 H.0233, Orange County Board of Education has permission as outline below for the purpose(s) of proposed . All activities associated with these authorized impacts must be conducted with the conditions listed in the attached cetification transmitttal letter. THIS CERTIFICATION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ATTACHMENTS. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENT WETLAND RESTORATION PROGRAM LOCATION: STROUD'S CREEK COUNTY: ORANGE BASIN/SUBBASIN: 030401 As required by 15A NCAC 2H .0506, and the conditions of this certification, you are required to compensate for the above impacts through the restoration, creation, enhancement or preservation of wetlands and surface waters as outlined below prior to conducting any activities that impact or degrade the waters of the state. Note: Acreage requirements proposed to be mitigated through the wetland Restoration Programs must be rounded to one-quarter acre increments according to 15 2r.0503(b) 3750. Square feet of stream channel One of the options you have available to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements is through the payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund per NCAC 2R .0503. If you choose this option, please sign this form and mail it to the Wetlands Restoration Fund at the address listed below. An invoice for the appropriate amount of payment will be sent to you upon receipt of this form. PLEASE NOTE, THE ABOVE IMPACTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL YOU RECEIVED NOTIFICATION THAT YOUR PAYMENT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY THE WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM. Signature Date WETLANDS RESTORATION PROGRAM DMSON OF WATER QUALITY 1619 Mail Service Center RALEIGH, N.C. 27669-1619 (919) 733-5208 MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch SUBJECT: Regional Contact: Beth Barnes WQ Supervisor: Ken Rctiuster Date: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Orange County Elementary Offsite Utilities County Orange Project Number 99 1239 County2 Recvd From APP Region Raleigh Received Date 11/8/99 Recvd By Region Project Type sewer line Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 12 BLH O Y O N ? 27-2-9 F C NSW 30,401. 0.25 F_ ? I - NBR F__ [U Y _@)N Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? 0 Y 0 N Did you request more Info? 0 Y 0 N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y 0 N Is Mitigation required? 0 Y 0 N Recommendation: 0 Issue 0 Issue/fond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 360619 Longitude (ddmmss) 790557 Comments: Impacts to buffer on map S - S are not minimized, and move sewer line farther into pasture on map S cc: Regional Office Page Number 1 Central Office Facility Name Orange County Elementary Offsite Utilities County Orange Project Number 99 1239 Regional Contact: Beth Barnes Date: Comments (continued from page 1): cc: Regional Office Page Number 2 Central Office i a9A II ' II ?y? ?' ? e II 'N ? " C Ily ? Cl? ? O ,.d O J ?y :, qn f? ? any: ? j O A Z b F J ? O O m ? ? ? b e b 3 a a ~ C O ? m m Op y ? ?J ^ F s? ?? mow, b y ? w °i? S.n A CA o A J 4 Y Ai ? = L Y ys @r T Q C ? T o ? y y € UR pi ro 0 DWW voo j y .7 Ik r R Y L N F?--I u O ? O N d? d k k 3I ffi T8? U M a M iy N r O N r_ G G G ? ? A?- A" c € Cr 4 6' r? x r 0 0 w Or x 1 0 oa z M• ? x?y 1-3 N O ? O Co cn ;4?f?€?Ebbb6b CC FF ?Affff°pAF°°° 44 ?mmF?RR???R Z G?lSlS??9"W'=Y €€ "-3 88 to pry "u W=?> t)>p f }S?SlSSo??utl' 0 o? ? O c7i ?r ?-C z r? V/ m c r O "d \ N O O O N O O O IU O O (1? ID ?, \ ?Sk O\ \ \ \ \ 21+50 555.0 \ ?•`? ;r k? `\ _- - I I t a \\ \ 21+00 555.1 \ : II \ \ \ \\ a / / p/V. IN. 549. _. INY _WTQ 54 7 12' YC .70.12- PYC k\ I ?'% \ .o VG X $R 20+50 854.4 ° 8 20+00 - \ I r ?., I1 ` 111 1 ll ti 1 'I ` / .? I 11' 1 19+50 551.4 \ ? 1 \ 6 I 1 22 1 1 ? mN: 555.2 kl V. IN: 5 I M1V. WT: 49 12" PVC x6.29 12" PVC i E3 '¢ L'' g T - - I 19+00 551.7 V A I A- _ '-t- ?- I I 1 d --? 18+50 - i 55.0 ts I F, V A 16+00 550.6 I I \\ I I; ` I I 1 \ \ 131 \ 11 17+50 iI _ 1 1 / Lk?.. 1 " ' 1 1 1 _ I I - 1 I =?' 1 1 i '9 II 4i /1 1 / g 11 1 17+00 549.7 T 55100 v IN 545.3e 12" V. WT: 545.1e I plc P1C - I f / I I Y 1?., .1 VIII % 1` 1 tr. I 1, }6 I / k 411 ? y GG ? ' 1 n 4? -- 16+50 549,4 I, I ? 1 . 1 I 1 i 1/ I l ??I 1 1 1 1 1 ? i I I I / \ ?G/y\/ I I 1 1 / 2" \ ? ? ? ' 'C I \ I I A e ' I 16+00 - - t3 I b '? 0 n I I ??' r ?J o ! 1 I S ? v '1 1 I? M1 1 e Y 15+50 548.0 h a I, 1 ?'? / t I r r ? ? F? ? ? I 9 ? NN e er `y? / YYr71, I / / 1 i y l I I / 2 x J? I / I 15+00 547.5 l I I 'I ? II I ? 1 I 1 l; - I I I 1 1, I ? I 1 I 1? l; I? ?/ 1 I 1'1 14+50 547.1 I I I II \ I I coVEi .\ I I 11 1 ?' I I I I 14+00 546.4 I \ 1 I I I '' / ?, noP-au I I ", r Al, 1 1 i l 13+50 ?a 1 g 4 * e g?>vy?€ I \ ? I o \ \ RIY. 557.00 MV. M 54]. 66 WV WT: 543. 12" PVC 12- PVC 1 3! 1 N 3 13+00 5az1 I 1 1 4, ?? L?1 I ? 1 ? 1 ?rs _ 12+50 548.7 12+00 551.3 \1 r1l mfRfi ? ? ? b 1, `1< v 11+50 M QQ y 11+DD 545 3 . ------- I RIM: 541.01 INV. M: 542.66 INV WT: 540 1 12" ?'X 12 PVC Cat Q ?, I r ?C 'I . i \ ?? '?4jf yy % o \ gG o?+y 9" aH G / i gG p. 71 10+50 5414 v ? t 10+00 RI IN 550.50 50 12" IN 5]6 ??. t ? ' . . / 1 . 7J I - Jl : IN k ?? ??8p mfRx j 9+50 544 .3 o t o 0 o i o t o , o o ,\ ?,1 v_. o'?-!c Rp ??^ 1 ` REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY F , ip .1_.,625. ISSUED F_ _ CPK ORANGE COUNTY ELEMENTARY ••,r?1 ??++((]] w N• - Q gg aT7 ?? GG SS L s r N CDOT 2 1111/99 NCD0T4)ENRENR 00MMENi9 CPN _ _ - OFFSITE UTILITIES < p?•.•C?R pA?i -CIVIL CONSULTANTS M?'. c;vi,E6&Rhrs g R - HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA . ' o ?to= - ----- - i.6an?d6plICowunl., O T Z O g g 4 ? -- -_ _. _ . _ SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE T ? •. Fq 2",r 3622Lycim Partway Suim3003 Dmh?m,NC27707 Pho- (919) 490-1645 Fm: (919) 4030336 civilmgrQmol.com w F R h $ -.14 - - - STA. 9+50 TO STA. 21+50 S o o o C, 33+50 e 564.3 f 1 RI N: 565.51 .51 . 56 Mv WT: ?3?1 2`. 12 e C PrC V }TC? R f , 33+00 563.5 , 9 ' x D j -"I sc S , i m i / .. n ? E3giyf ;, • , !.___ I -.--.-_._ - RRC 557 03 P R Y ti ?o" Pw^ ] ? ' r / 32+50 562.7 8 / 8., ? i1 ,? ` T .+f•Y? ,,ti ' g I • - __ __ 1 vE 32+00 562 0 M I yx . . 1 31+50 562 4 / - • M IN 5.50 91: 556.69 14• P - +?-? ? ? ? IN W T. 556.89 11 VC ?? ? , T 31+00 562. 2 I I I1 r/ 1? _,- 30+50 561.2 r f / 1 Y 1?, l J 1 1 Ii 30+00 560.1 \ STk + 564.77 RW" wv n: M WT: : WV 1I• 7512* '? PVC 5 1 I :: i r; 1 1 m , / $ 1 I? / ?S ' . . y r - - - i / yy I?i4 Y 1 f l 29+50 559.4 I I - r /* ,y, J t 6 y I „ . I / D I 9 ? I ? 29+00 559.3 1 28+50 559.4 o 28+00 I / / 1 ------ ------ -----•-- 27+50 559.7 I ,..- r t : I. FtN: 581 Mv. U 55446 Wv OUT: 4•pw 12 PAC---- `--"-- q 27+00 558.9 1 I: ? •? j //?F /'^' S-`?'. / IER9`EJ H MG ?J^ /3 / ? I TnL I 26+50 ti ,. 3?r)a, S? 26+00 oN+ n- N ., r bf? h l ? 3TI 1-1 --- I MN 557.9 - wM w r W 2s+50 556.7 1 I u I INV. Wi: 6 PIC 2.43 12 I : I ; \ p t+L f ? I I - / 0 \ ; \ I /I z? 1 -- -- I A v t=? 25+00 I - "_. i 557.7 1V _ v _ N . o g ' ( - - µ 1 I11 1 r11Y Ot. I \\ II r 1 s. . t t ? 24+50 559.5 I ... 1 ?? - .• ? . V <. ?r - V gam, ` 24+00 559.0 , .• - -- Lbid 4 - - - - -- - ' - ` \ \."". o 'r., ti \ \v I RI IN , 23 - 560.47 NI. 351.77 12- p L \ \ / I 23+50 557.1 I • 1\ 1 1 ` r 1 23100 556.4 I. I i - ? \ \ I ? / I I ? ? ? \ ? r• k, 1 \ :I \ I I ? I I\ , 1 t? II - 5 \ \ 22+50 555.7 I I \ 1 ".• \M ?1 p pl 1 1 m I I I m 1 1 „5: - 22+00 555.1 r 1 I fi I 11 I L 21+50 555.0 O U U I Ir I I 1 O U O O N O O O O O O O REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY ENTARY I r `J1 ggg 9 {{{G a ? ? ? b 1 9/17/99 CORRECTTRLEt3TAT10NB_ CPK -z , ISSUEDFOR BID CPK 5 1I/im NCDOTIDENRCOI.M.IENTB CPK ORANGE COUNTY ELEM OFFSITE UTILITIES .r°° -'• '. =CIVILCONSULTANTSINC. 1w,1 e6etRen. - m 7 v , -- - HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA i }> Land Dcvdopmmt Conculunu I gg n W o ii a99? - _- - SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE ??' dunPark y SNile) Ihufiem•NC 27707 PhoM3622 :(9(919)9)490-1645 45 P.:(919)403-0316 civilmg(?iol.cum STA. 21+50 TO STA. 33+50 a v O 0, / 45+50 s94 0 \? / f - // ri 45+00 587.4 I Rim: 566. 7 NV. OD T: 5 5,421 75.22 1 P,C A / 1 / ? r1 r ' 44+50 586.0 44+00 G / / ,{Ao , 43+50 ? L x1 4 43+00 592.1 7 56181 V.' ?E 574.12 Ir V. WP. 573.221 VC P`C mod ' - 42+50 579.7 A / rep qN x ? i o 1 > 42100 579.5 ° n J I RN: 576, yZ Z v 41+50 \ / E•f \ 57x.1 I _ 'to 41+00 575.8 I I I A - -" 40150 574.2 N u b - - J C a // 3f 40+00 572.7 1 a m g 39+50 571.9 > \ i ?s & w - ww: 67 .3 05 5r12 NIL (X)T: 565.32 MPk? _ '.. y \ ' _ \ a r, 1 ?? 39+00 , 571.6 R \ q( 3 N S u c \ r N 7 , 38+50 I 38100 5]1.6 r... I NRIM: 57 V. IN: INV. W .00 5012312•PVC 561.45 12 PVC ` i 9 gTr [. Z) rrI A . m - - - -- -- / ?! \ i ? 37+50 669.5 g p / f - Il': ?' 4 '0 y Z D k? I ( a% n+ A 4 m r , f# 1 I /l I `\ 37+00 565.2 }; __ - - ip \ ? -.-__ - T /Sn./ I >• ?/ 1 I\ 1 -` ,C 1 \ [ I 1 PjCh ?-Y / 1 / I C 41 36+50 566.7 I m IN : 57131 WT: 560.23 2F T - I ? it * A 3 5+00 of ?1 ') \ ---- - - - - - - 0, 35+50 569.6 ! - - s ? ? I ?\ ? 1 {' \\ \y.? * / / I 570.80 1 v. 6/: 552.67 12. V. WP 552.47 12 - VC PVC q Q ? I ? J( 35+00 567.2 - - sr S??VA (mil ? ? / Y 1 g ? ? ? ? I o J\ u s 34+50 565.7 >, G ? cn 6 G \ d 5P ;A y VA ---- ---- - --- - ----- --- a e n ll \ \\ X 11\ \ \ \ 1 d 34+00 ses.o \ \ \ : i \ \ \ \ / ` \I \ ? \ r I' ? 33+50 5 j Y ''Kaf?Mj , 4.. u O O O O O O U O O o s r1 \ \` ?PIS N•f? I A l \ P q REV DATE DESCRIPTION By ENTARY y'W„ N ?? R a i till d !ee E "? CIF pk 1_- 10/2S9B - - I89UED FOR BID CPK 2 IW7N9 NCDOTIDENRCOMMENT3 CPK -- ORANGE COUNTY ELEM OFFSITE UTILITIES HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA •? n o• N L,; s : -CIVIL CONSULTANTS INc ?uleen Lm,1nx-16P616riIC1,N9114?U Z 9 ? 99 F SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE FN ?'' +?f M,- (9J62219) 490Lycknn Putwayy Suite3003 lhufism NC 27787 -1645 F- (91 9 ) 40J-0336 - lengr(oaol com q B ? STA. 33+50 TO STA. 45+50 ^"' - / ? U o V ? ? m U U g b U 8 ? _ U I I \_ / o o o ` 57+50 596.1 1 / ? / /Ar 4 57+00 545 9 41 56+50 592.4 / // / ~o N / 56+00 586.7 \ nv. ooT: 56194 12'P ,. / - / L4 55+50 5x0.2 - \ I - 1 NV 6l X561.66 ,Z' v, OUT: 561 581 a 1 M Nv PVC •" Pac r.? I \ 1 /: / / / . / i E: / 1 55+00 i y p ? I ; ; ,?. ? / /. I of . 54+50 Seo_7 I , ?-? ,/ 1 ,w I / I 2z mp ? 54+00 m I T. 8 uj V I 1 N 666.66 1I1 V MI 660.61 6V OUT. 560.4 2' eVC 12 PVC ??? p I Z iJ'? \ 1 t L \i h9 O ro 53+50 585.7 \ g5 d'aq f h o 53+00 YS I A\ z 4 all -fa?? ?.'V ? -1 52+50 786. a \ IAI \?! RN: 501,41 74 1 ' 2 PVC \ 1 \ 52+00 589.5 I / ,4 MV. WT . 5 \ 6 v \ 3 'd \+.: ?lV '.j $7 A pyC { Rr pf ul , 51+50 589_ ? I / I \ :.:(? '• s \ w• ? I g .. 6? i K , 51+00 586,a I 1 n __ a ?/I v ?'s Rte' 7 11 i I 50+50 sea 6 ._.._ / / / 50+00 58a.9 I (/ MV 14 676 V W . T. 5 IN ? .'1tz-pPVC .1712 3 / 49+50 i,..! 49+00 584.6 i / 48+50 / / 48+00 z 1 J / 4 47+50 i 41. h , 47+00 586.3 1 MY. CUT; 576.42 12' P? ? ? 46+50 585.3 I / f I I _- 46+00 \ ?r / / I \ rr/ / 45+50 sea.o a 0 0 0 0 0 / p REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY Y ELEMENTARY ? f 1 10,26,_ _ISSUED FOR BID _ CP 2__,,,,,,4 NDDOTDENR COMMENTS DPl ORANGE COUNT OFFSITE UTILITIES n 9` CIVIL CONSULTANTSINS Civil E.gi-. m v 6 4 - HILLb'IIOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA o Lord Dcvclopmcnl Caunlunla ? ?4 ? NC 27707 3003 Uufulo S z ? vya 9 ! SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 57+50 45+50 TO STA STA . ;•'r/R?-• ,.+' . um 3627 Lyd- Putwey P6?M;(919)490-I/dS Pu: (919)40?-0?76 cmlengrQaul.com I9 ' . . l x . I ? W WW W U N U u ?. 8 p O O O O 0 0O O O ? O O 66+35 66+00 6t a.2 f". : et .00' - 1 IN,. OU : we 50 e! PVO 1 65+50 617.4 ----- - v / I ! o o? 85+00 i i Y a? 64+50 614.2 x S / - -1---_ - ._- >0 \ v r \ N / ?82 I ? 8 64+00 612.0 63+50 609 6 -- -- 5 ?? wv. w: 50 or Y% \ wv. OUT: 99.50 a PVC 1 \ 62+50 604.0 / N o, ?/ .- _ , 1 Wg X34 / gSN \\' 62+00 5992 h t // fib` / y fi 1, \ 61+50 594,2 61+00 . 59zJO ------- - \ I / Ei._s# 5907 IN: qwy1? I MV. 5e3.T e' PVC I i I ( MK O OUT. M& M 12' PVC/ -- I 60+50 X... .. -- 60+00 )> 569.5 y?,,ryrT?? N ? I i Np• - ? ... :?Q "- 59+50 h 9 569.7 On ? ? •' N 19 rn (7) 59+00 591.2 I ?- - ------?" ?----?-- ---.-- ---- -\2,\ ?? >? ? v -II, 7q 7Pn? _ 58+50 594 a \ f NCUgf/?R z l \` < BUr]T. a I - .5? ?qvf '?\ -, at 58+00 597.(I / -_ ... RIN: 59735 e N „V N: 5e374 12' PVC . T: 563115 PVC 1 ?'1 - --„i 1 1 a R /1? V OV 57+50 696.7 v i I \ 9? y REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY ORANGE COUNTY ELEMENTARY ••• 102SR9_ ISSUED FOR BID CPK- •• $ F 11/189 NCDOTDENRCOMMENTS CPI CIVIL CONSULTAKS ac • cjf] OFFSITE UTILITIES civa ED m pip HILLSHOKOUGH, NORTH CAROLINA p1z ? o! WlDenloperlcemwrams 0 ME 27707 Z SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE s"/q +? Phunr (gl4)Y490 61p' f1 M4?I MW 1 ?? ??y{ QI _ 3 ?99dI ?, '? - --' •...,.., STA. 57+50 TO STA. 66+35 Y m \ N 1 ? 9+50 / 595 A \ \\ _ NN IT \ ? , ' E>FsisYx _J. 10+00 . •.. } ?, ? 591.7 \ R9/: 593.2 NV N: N .e6 1;• e5 8 PVC r8N \ .. - \ \ : NV. V. Wi: 1,46 12• PVC / •6 10+50 595.1 /'1 ____ i . M / J / ? '. . . ? \ ' 6u 1 v3nr s none, (f 8N % 11+00 597,13 9C.?5.A I \Pa .? I1 0 v r I p dJ . ? 11+50 59x.8 I ? Cos rn t I 3?y I I - - 'ss \ INNV INV "" N? 5855 e• P 45 CIUT: N o. 5 J AP __ S j - \\\ 1 ?(N'/ l j• 1 'I N 12+00 / 1 ? I U / ' ? I 1 I , I 1 I i ? II 12+50 5925 ±€ / 13+00 597.1 yyI ? I/:1 ? I , 1 I I N ? NM Si ? ' / I ? rc ? l? I I - - + I / 13+50 59za I -- -- - ------ - ---- ? ?, ? )" ?J J I I I 1 m r 1 \ n o ?+N I Ii ? 14+00 99.6 Rw NV NV - 600.17 N. 591.38 e• OUT: 5191.2a SEP ---- •} '?' 1 I , ri 1 S 1 I' PVT - tt` x j --- 14+50 596.7 j 6 ' - qo? / / / I 11 I I ` I a I 15+00 597,9 ? n ? ( --- --- --- - - - Y ? ? I I --.... - - -- _ - ---- y 6 mB g _u ;0 rn 6 A„ $ 1011. 15+50 596.4 X 2 Z rv ? ° ? ?F ?.? I I \\1 1 m 16+00 596.6 it 1 m N IN 59266 IY P WT: 592.58 e• / 11 I: I / xuly ? I -_ - - - - - ------- ` 16+50 59e.e I' ? - N8 \ • 17+00 599.1 - __-. _.'-__ ?v `\?\ 77tt \ 17+50 600.4 q . ?. o 1 1 a 4? _ I, A;4 `L M rn I I r ? £H ? I 16+00 18+50 603.6 v BID v -N y .( T y ?? :tE 19+00 605.7 _ t LL o 19 50 - --- ?+w 06---- - - - - - - a9 asl $ + sos.1 / INV IN: INV W eooeo a pP 50 8 PVC :600 81 ) v / . , 3, 0 A8 NY 9fa „_. ?--'?' Jl 99Y9t 20+00 -y s w _11 U - SSd 8 N2131S3M O]S0d021d --- ------- _--. E) _7 21+00 609.7 RI so jRY OTH 615.50 ERS) Ea?4 ' $ IN IN IN: 801.38 e' r WT 601.26 B P $ km - 2 $ 21+50 606.7 N ? p 8 U T O 2! U O O U O O O O VN O i q $ b ?? Q ? REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BV 1 9117/99 ADD SANMH0356636 DPK 2 ,020/99 _REVISE BAN MR 035437 _CPK.. QPK 10/25/99 ISSUED FOR BID 3 ORANGE COUNTY ELEMENTARY OFFSITE UTILITIES ' `'•;`... q?O' k CIVIL CONSULTANTS INC. - - -- - - m tp 4 1 6 - . _ 4 11/1199 KDOT/DE_NROOMMENTS CPK HILLSHOROIIG14, NORTH CAROLINA r _ n Il ? ? - - -. .. __-_ civil Po 11ms _. - - -- C- -- 1?drxvblo Io.?wu O W Z c) 9 9 d fill 1g g ----------._ -.-...--- SANITARY SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE 50 21 ? of ` ' 'rye' ,, '•.,,,A. 3622 Lyck.n P.rkw Suite 3003 Durh.m, NC 21707 Pnu91,:(919),190-1645 F.., 1919)403-0336 ri?lmgea.9l.?om g ? - STA. 9+50 TO STA. + LINF. D q -4 ? J ,-_ r?, r?44N I ' r ` J ` U N + U ? PO (rnj, O ,ry .,y J b ?. ?l HF? ; \NC ? ? 'rJ N I O O O O ? v x Jl N J0 T \ f G 0f l t. - N vb 9+50 542 c 1 Ft? eqs ?. `o <ooFr ehr rys'?tf ?rfo \' t>:1 ?fp 1 1 ' SN1 l5 r J S H ? 9 TC r0J 0 0 p 0l j H ? ? ? J S aY 7 ti O H 7 - M t '- N / n ,, 1 ? h e ' a1' N / J ? ? .,K YNAT I N?: W SJS CC. _ _. ? Or A 44 41N,. ? r J C? N ' I 10+00 RIM: 950.30 MIV. IM: 538.50 12' PAC J q \ . H Z' ?S , L? pf 1 i '/ J r e - RcP ---- -- -Y ---- _ --- 1 JR EivR'" c ?t}?? y?, 6c? 10+50 56' i s p ?6 .qp f I I I j 547.-1 I i y 11+50 7433 0 y> \ D Z? xQ _ '- _ -'----- ------- - ----?- m W qR LL 4 12 u? I r - -- --- 12+50 sa3.3 t -- - - - - 13+00 542.0 - -- 13+50 sa$.9 v ? ro e. 14+00 555.0 \ 14+50 55s.7 ', ?? jl , 15+00 5s9.$ I 1 --- 1 1 \ - 25M IC SNIISTRr / 8 SEWER EASEM T / 16+00 564.5 t0' ! 5 16+50 566.5 m d 5 . vp A > > 1 i 1 V w I - - __- ? C] 17+00 567.5 Ell b P V R I C m _. mm ? 1 1 ? ? 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(919)407-031A clvilmgr(iAeol.com Fho PyZ I r -- STA. 9+50 TO STA. 21+50 . gi g i U O O b O '.U pU O O O U O O U O O O U O O 21+50 600.3 \ 22+00 603.4 \\ --- i' 22+50 606.3 s ? cbun -- 23+00 6oe.7 -- n 23+50 610 8 \ s? 24100 612.6 ? i '1' 90? s ? ? 1 EE 24+50 613.3 - S v\ 25+00 615.9 i ? i , _ I I ?t J ?V 9 C ' If 25+50 676.4 ,a 1 AN RE EASE VALVE yp'? fiM- --l1l.1T 26+00 617.0 I, 26+50 / 27+00 61 a.7 o'u 0 9 A ?$e 1 m m 27+50 676.s o x x~ ;5 \ \ D N D r p \ \ \ , g \ m CJ I --- b j A - 28t00 616.7 oo y I I m? I I \ I I ? \ m2 I / \\ \\ i \ 28+50 676.6 z11 "z ° IL 29+00 614.9 \ 4 ___.. - - ) 29+50 673.1 \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ 30+00 615.3 4 - ----- 30+50 \ i R 677.9 \ y °$ ? n o \ _ 2999 o 31+00 622.0 k ?- -- -- - - -- m\ 31+50 625.7 D > m A J• ? ? \ \ i _ -_ m 2 K'u 3. t \ q p ---- - - - - / 32+00 629,3 m O ?8 \ \ \ ? m ? \ L z -- --- - - P 32+50 632.4 ? y m z \ 1 ?ct \ yy \ I - - 4 33+00 635.7 \ \ 33+50 638,1 O U I O U O N S U \? / o O O O O \ 4 4 REV. DATE DESCRIPTION BY ? p "? 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