HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040667 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_200911122DD O C0 to ?r?n?ed from C?ep u f-b S4 non Purlear Creek - Phase II Stream Restoration Annual Monitoring Report Monitoring Year: 2008 Measurement Year: 3 As-built Date: 2005 NCEEP Proiect Number: 010559701 Draft Submitted: November 2008 Final Submitted: May 2009 t I I i21zooq Ca Cb?-Lpu COloc Submitted to: NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 PURLEAR CREEK - PHASE II STREAM RESTORATION 2008 MONITORING REPORT CONDUCTED FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES rAd *•- &O stem PROGRAM Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary / Project Abstract 11. Project Background I . Location and Setting 2. Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives 3. Monitoring Plan View III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results A. Vegetation Assessment B. Stream Assessment 1. Hydrologic Assessment 2. Project Problem Areas 3. Stream Visual Assessment 4. Quantitative Measures C. Wetland Assessment IV. Methodology Section TABLES Table I. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 111. Project Contact Table Table IV. Project Background Table Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Table VI. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates (MY05) Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Table X. Wetland Criteria Attainment Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 8 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page 10 Page I 1 Page 1 1 Page 12 Page 17 Page 18 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 10 NA Page 11 Page 13 Page 15 Page 17 Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 i Summer 2008 - MY03 Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Data Tables 2. Vegetation Problem Area Photos - No problem areas observed 3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix B Geomorphologic Raw Data 1. Current Condition Plan View 2. Stream Problem Area Table 3. Stream Problem Area Photos/Project Photo Log 4. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Tables 5. Cross section and Pebble Count Plots and Raw Data Tables 6. Longitudinal Plots 7. Feature Slope and Length Calculations 8. Channel Pattern Measurements Appendix C Wetland Groundwater Level Graphs 1. Monitoring Well RDS-W 1 b 2. Monitoring Well RDS-W2b Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 ii Summer 2008 - MY03 1. Executive Summary/Proiect Abstract This report represents monitoring year 3 for the Purlear Creek Phase II stream restoration project in Wilkes County, North Carolina. The project background is summarized in Section 11 of this report. The project is comprised of two reaches. The upper reach is Reach 4 and the lower reach is Reach 1. The channel has remained stable since construction. The majority of channel banks are well-covered with vegetation. Study reaches show no significant changes in"channel pattern. The channel profile did not change significantly from the as built condition with the exception of some aggradation along the upstream portion of Reach 4 and just upstream of a beaverdam in Reach 1. The aggradation observed in Reach 4 was likely caused by excess sediment from upstream sources. This aggradation is illustrated in the longitudinal profile and cross sections 1, 2, and 3 in Appendix B of this report. The cross sectional areas and dimensions of the remaining cross sections were comparable to the as built conditions. All of the permanent cross sections appear to be stable. One problem area was identified in Reach 1. Problem area 3 (PA 3) consists of a beaver dam on Reach 1 that was first observed in 2007. The beaver dam was still intact during the July 2008 survey and October 2008 photographs. The beaver dam is backing up water, obstructing flow, and trapping sediment upstream of the dam. It is recommended that the beaver dam be removed so the stream can flow as intended. One problem area (PA4) was noted in Reach 4. Cows'were observed within the fenced buffer on two separate occasions during the 2008 monitoring period. Cows in the buffer area can have a negative impact on water quality, streambank stability, and riparian vegetation. The higher rainfall compared to previous years resulted in much lower vegetation mortality, 1.3%. Only 2 trees were found dead, 3 stems were added to the database, and 1 tree thought missing was discovered. Estimated planted stem density rose to 708 stems per acre. Mortality is expected to be higher next year if cows are not effectively prevented from gaining access to the buffer. The restored wetland along Reach 4 exceeded minimal conditions for hydrology and vegetation survival during the 2008 monitoring period. II. Project Background 1. Location and Setting Phase II of the Purlear Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration project falls within the Hayes Property in Wilkes County, North Carolina approximately 8 miles northwest of the Town of Wilkesboro. Figure 1 shows a map with detailed directions to the project site. An aerial photograph of the project is contained in Figure 2. Project Structure, Mitigation ype, Approach and Objectives Phase II of the Purlear Creek stream and wetland restoration project strived to restore two (2) stream reaches and restore and enhance adjacent riparian wetlands. Both streams lie within an area that is actively used for cattle grazing. The alignments of the channels indicated that the channels had been straightened and channelized in the past. The designer used a Priority 1 approach to restore the upper reach (Reach 4). A new channel was dug into the abandoned floodplain. For the lower reach (Reach 1), the designer used a Priority 11 approach to restore the reach. The existing channel banks were laid back to create an expanded floodplain and new channel alignment was placed within the expanded Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 1 Summer 2008 - MY03 floodplain. For both reaches, in-stream structures such as A-Vane, Cross-Vanes, and J-Hooks were installed to provide additional stability to the channel. Root wads were installed to provide additional habitat. Much of the riparian wetlands had been cleared and cattle grazing severely limited regrowth of woody vegetation. Groundwater and surface water hydrologic components were impaired due to channelization of the adjacent stream. One of the objectives of the priority I restoration of the adjacent stream was to restore the wetland hydrology by increasing the frequency and duration of overbank flows into the wetland and raising the groundwater elevations that are influenced by the base flow elevation of the stream. Most of the riparian corridor (including the riparian wetland) had been cleared and maintained as pasture. The ecological function of the corridor relative to the streams and wetland had been impaired. The restoration effort planted the area with a mix of woody vegetation to help reestablish a viable riparian forest community. The planting plan assumes that there is adequate seed source for herbaceous species to reestablish in the area. The planted area shall be maintained to promote the growth of planted and preferred volunteer species and to limit populations of nuisance and invasive species. Table I lists project structure and objectives while Table II lists project activity and reporting history. The project contact table is listed in Table III and Table IV lists the background information for the project. Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Table Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Project Linear Segment Existing Mitigation Footage or (ft or Type Approach (If) or Stationing Comment Reach ac) Acreage ID ac Reach 1 1100 Restoration Priority 11 1,140 if 00 + 00 - 11 + 40 -- Reach 4 1412 Restoration Priority I 1,480 If 00 + 00 - 14 + 80 -- Improvement Tract of vegetation W 1 0.21 Restoration Rehabilitation 0.21 ac. 307 + 50 - 310 + 50 and hydrology of see wetland Restoration of riverine Tract 0.84 Restoration establishment 0.84 ac. 301 + 60 - 313 + 90 loweand cated along left side of Reach 4 Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 2 Summer 2008 - MY03 Table 11. Project Activity and Reporting History Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Activity or Scheduled Data Collection Actual Completion or Comments Report Completion Complete Deliver Restoration Plan April 2004 Final Design - March 2004 -- May 2004 y 90% Construction Spring 2005 -- Spring 2006 Construction delay due to delay in obtaining easment and mulitple bids Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area Permanent seed mix applied _ Containerized and B&B plantings for -- -- January 2006 reach/segments 1&2 Mitigation Plan / As-built (Year 0 December 2005 -- May 2006 Delay in planting Monitoring - baseline) Year 1 December 2006 October 2006 December 2006 monitoring Year 2 December 2007 October 2007 December 2007 Survey completed in August, photo Monitoring points completed in October Survey completed in July, photo points Year 3 December 2008 October 2008 December 2008 and additional survey completed in Monitoring October Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 5+ Monitoring Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 9 010559701 3 Summer 2008 MY03 Table Ill. Project Contact Table Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Designer P.O. Box 33068 Kimley-Horn and Associates Raleigh, NC 27636-3068 Primary Designer POC Will Wilhelm, P.E. (704) 319- 7684 Construction Contractor 220 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 405 L-J, INC Columbia, SC 29210 Primary Contractor POC Richard Goodwin (803) 929- 1181 Planting Contractor P.O. Box 655 HARP Newell, NC 28126 Planting contractor POC Jim Matthews, Ph.D. (704) 841- 2841 Seeding Contractor UNKNOWN Planting contractor POC UNKNOWN Seed Mix Sources UNKNOWN Nursery Stock Suppliers UNKNOWN Monitoring Performers North Carolina State Campus Box 7625 University Raleigh, NC 27695 Stream Monitoring POC Zan Price 828-712- 9194 Vegetation Monitoring POC Karen Hall 919-515- 8242 Wetland Monitoring POC Zan Price 828-712- 9194 Purlear Creek Phase U Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 4 Summer 2008 - MY03 Table IV. Project Background Table Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Project County Wilkes D i A Reach 1 3.0 mi' ra nage rea Reach 4 , 0.4 mi` Drainage impervious cover estimate Reach 1 <5% (%) Reach 4 <5% St O d Reach 1 3 ream r er Reach 4 1 Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Northern Inner Piedmont R Cl ifi i f A b il Reach 1 C4!1 osgen ass cat on o s- u t Reach 4 C4 Cowardin Classification PEMO 1 E Dominant soil types Chewacla loam (CkA); Pacolet Sandy clay loam (PcC2); Pacolet sand loam PaD ; Wehadkee loam WhA Reference site ID Upstream l; Upper Big Warrior Creek; Basin Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03040101 (All project and reference reaches) NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-07-01 (All project and reference reaches) NCDWQ classification for Project Project Reaches & Upstream I Reference 12-31-1-8-(2) and Reference Upper Warrior Creek 12-29-1 (2) Basin Creek 12-46-2-2 Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? N/A Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A of project easement fenced 100% Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 5 Summer 2008 - MY03 Figure 1. Project Location RENDEZVOUS MTIR,"-. ?. STATE PARK 155 i8 Ir s 1346 1348` 1350 1397 1300 1413 ? - ' j l 1317 1349 w ` ,I 1315 s-.-+- - lT ,.. .?..._. ?.?. 1352 n Purfoor y , 1300 1351 ? 1v111?ers Old Hwy 421 _ Creek,,., 1346 r r SR-1304 f s j -_ y , 130 ` 134 +. r' 1304 ,?- 1309 > ( % 1 .? 1438 1307 4115x4 Congoh °r1 1145 Buck i? S V i 4 ?Sat1Y1 w '", tit 1 t 5 y1a a'M ? ?t - F - t T ti a _ i I w V 1 a I SCALE 1 0 1 2 3 4 MULES Directions from Hwy. 421 in Wilkesboro: From Wilkesboro on Hwy. 421, turn right onto NC-16. Follow NC-16 for 3.5 miles to the Miller's Creek intersection. Turn left onto Old Hwy. 421 (SR- 1304) and follow for 2.6 miles. Turn right onto Purlear Road (SR-1346) and follow for 0.8 miles. You will come to a stop sign at a church, turn left to stay on Purlear Road (also called New Hope Road). Follow Purlear Road for 0.6 miles until the intersection with Vannoy Maxwell Road. Project begins at this intersection and continues through the intersection with CC Hayes Road (SR- 1349). Contact the EEP Project Manager for access and landowner notification instructions. Access is not permitted to this site without prior approval. Purlear Creek Phase II (010559701 )March 2006 - Yearll of `5 2 Kimley-Hmn T \pn\O[ 1795013\Mom ton ngTurlear Creek 11 Yo Mom ton ng Report.doc end Associates, Inc t ? o w N x O p p N Lf) N ? I I o n ?? WD 0 00 W 4 o _. N + O O W m i cO p + N x I J ', k 0 O ?3 k ?O a 1U? ICJ C ? p C O n T v p cn N `2 D - N) N O ?- N co O rn ? ? I I -Ij N 00 n xC? ? ? PCP + D N W W Z O p x ?r m m + + N O O < O.Z1 o O S m D O m ? m N W 00 Z p p O O m O O O OO O Lo U) -0 Lo m 0 I I i O m Z Z D D D m O A m U W D ZO CO mm 0 91 k Z m I N W N X 14, k O E J ? i N O E ? J I Y PURLEAR CREEK - PHASE 2 a -w?wr owe zioio z izaa 4a romN? i v i ,? RFACH a - WETLAND AREA • z ° izeoa ?woroww? u zrinvioe € WILKES COUNTY, N C MONITORINC PLAN SHFCT -i ,uRE 30 ?oHO? e„ elepB^? NCe25695ver O D O O :P z cz F-F] FT] D z7 Fl D n 9+00 , z Z 0 2 PIiRLEAR CREEK - PHASE 2 u A , o uomraa,c ?zioii 1- REACH I - MAIN STEM REACH M e 4w ?,? , si 7 o??o W!LKES COUNTY, N C. ? MONITORNG PLAN SHEET 8 ocu -1 arE cce?NO q q '..M FIGURE 3b No? d9nn NCO]e 95re str L - i III. Proiect Condition and Monitoring Results A. Vegetation Assessment Eight vegetation monitoring plots in the riparian buffer of the Purlear Phase II project were surveyed. All the plots had been previously established and sampled after construction during the previous two monitoring years. Plot numbering is consistent with numbering from the Vegetation Baseline Data post-construction monitoring report. The higher rainfall compared to previous years resulted in much lower mortality, 1.3%. Only 2 trees were found dead, 3 stems were added to the database, and 1 tree thought missing was discovered. Estimated planted stem density rose to 708 stems per acre. Mortality is expected to be higher next year if cows are not effectively prevented from gaining access to the buffer. No vegetative problem areas were observed. Vegetation data is presented in Appendix A of this report. B. Stream Assessment The stream channel is in a stable condition, with only localized problem areas identified in this survey. Hydrologic Assessment One bankfull event was recorded in 2008 as shown in Table V. Overall, three bankfull events have heen recorded in two senarate mnnitnrinrr vearc Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Date o Data Collection ate o Occurrence Method Photo Monthly 6/28/2006 On-site transducer/data logger Monthly 7/31/2006 On-site transducer/data logger 8/27/2008 8/27/2008 Proximal USGS Gage Resource* uaii GVGIIt vci IlICU at two pluxlilia] UJVJ gage sites in W IWes Lounty (Keaches Klvers, North Wilkesboro and Elk Creek, Elkville, NC) using the rural Piedmont regional curve developed by NCSU (Harman et al 1999). Bank Stability Assessment - Monitoring Year 05 Table VI. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates shall be included in the monitoring year 5 report. Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project # 010559701 10 Summer 2008 - MY03 Project Problem Area The problem area Table B1, plan sheet and photographs can be found in Appendix B. Two problem areas were identified in the 2006 monitoring report in Reach 1. Problem area 1 and problem area 2 from previous monitoring reports appeared to stabilize in 2008. Both areas shall continue to be monitored in subsequent monitoring events. Problem area 3 (PA 3) consists of a beaver dam on Reach 1 that was first observed in 2007. The beaver dam was still intact during the July 2008 survey and October 2008 photographs. The beaver dam is backing up water, obstructing flow, and trapping sediment upstream of the dam. It is recommended that the beaver dam be removed so the stream can flow as intended. One problem area (PA4) was noted in Reach 4. Cows were observed within the fenced buffer on two separate occasions during the 2008 monitoring period. Cows in the buffer area can have a negative impact on water quality, streambank stability, and riparian vegetation. Stream Visual Assessment Table VII lists the results of a visual assessment conducted over each study reach. The data used to calculate the percentages listed in this table are found in Table B2 in Appendix B. Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Reach I (1140 Feet) Feature Initial MY-01 MV-02 MY-03 MV-04 MV-05 A. Riffles 100% 69% 69% 60% -- B. Pools 100% 92% 92% 92% -- C. Thalweg 80% 80% 100% 100% -- D. Meanders 100% 92% 100% 100% -- E. Bed General 100% 90% 100% 98% F. Bank -- -- 100% 100% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 100% 100% 100% 100% -- H. Wads and Boulders 100% 100% 100% 100% -- Reach 4 (14 80 Feet) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles 100% 75% 85% 70% -- B. Pools 100% 97% 97% 94% -- C. Thalweg 100% 100% 100% 100% D. Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% -- E. Bed General 100% 83% 100% 85% -- - F. Bank -- -- 100% 100% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 98% 100% 100% 100% -- H. Wads and Boulders -- -- -- -- -- (teach 1 - Main Stem Purlear Creek The channel profile is similar to the as-built survey condition, with bedform features maintaining their locations and depths. The only exception is the area just upstream of the beaver dam where Purlear Creek Phase II Final NC State University EEP Project 4 010559701 11 Summer 2008 - MY03 water is backed up and some sediment aggradation has occurred. This sediment should flush through the system once the beaver dam is removed. Channel cross sections showed no significant changes in cross sectional area and appear to be stable. The typical bed material particle size is comparable to previous monitoring years. A visual assessment of this reach showed a total decrease in number of riffles and pools but those that remain are stable. Meanders are maintaining location and stability throughout the reach. No structures have failed their purpose in this reach. Reach 4 - Upper Middle Tributary The channel profile is similar to the as-built survey condition, with the majority of bedform features maintaining their locations and depths. Some aggradation has occurred in the upstream portion of the reach as illustrated in the channel profile and cross sections 1, 2, and 3. The cause of the aggradation is likely from excess sediment from upstream sources. There is no evidence of sediment from bank erosion along the reach. The downstream cross sections (4, 5, and 6) showed no significant changes in cross sectional area. The channel thalweg is being maintained in the proper location and banks show no signs of degrading. The typical bed material particle size is finer than the as built condition. A visual assessment of this reach showed a total decrease in number of riffles and pools but those that remain are stable. Channel pattern is similar to as-built conditions. Dense vegetation is establishing along the channel banks. This vegetation is providing an excellent root mass to stabilize the banks. There are no areas of visible meander migrations throughout this reach. No erosion areas were observed along this reach. Quantitative Measures Summary Tables The tables below present all of the quantitative surveys, longitudinal surveys, and pebble counts. Appendix B of this report. summary data from the survey cross-sectional The associated raw data and plots are located in Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project # 010559701 12 Summer 2008 - MY03 0 '7 re o0 P P V o0 - O n -' ,p O ? P ?' P - 0 0 - O O _? r m. O O P 00 M N - O ° W N w N - O N - - O N - N E N N ,o ? m N _ N I I ? °o I I P o 0 I P ? N '? ? I I I I I I I I 0 °p 0 ° °o o v l G - - - o o G c I I I I l a l 1 1 - N . I ? 9 ? I I 'O c I I I I N . I I I _ o O 0 O ` U ? I o a; I I v I I I I I ? o O o O y V ?, V x m E v • E a L N ? ? I _ _ O _ O V 0. E - - - o 0 i .. V ? L O ? O O 9 ? P N o a - ? N N O ,? 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N a C 0 ^ ^ ,? O G M O 1? N 1? ,_, C N vl ^ r? C p ^ .G 0 0 0 0 O: El i 0 0 O x x 0 0 O '.J 'O 'O y ?j ,.:J t L 0 O O ctl y 'O O 'O K '?O . 'O r'J ? t p A rJ OC v p XJ' cL C ':J Y? SJ b0 'v, N p v N C ? m G G g '5 G z 0. u 7 j .o y o ,? '.? .? v ? v U m ??. o .. e 7 m u U A 3 E: C tG ao o t d g 9 l yy?-v.. o u. O c x >v '? o "_ ? E > I V L O u vi 0 m ' 3 b Y ? j ' x L ? ? ? L U C v i , a U ? ? ? 3 0. C v? R 0. 4 p. ?o y ? I Q O +N v? vl r.?' py y ? w Q? w C. Wetland Assessment See Table X below for a performance summary of the wetlands adjacent to Reach 4. New monitoring wells (RDS-WIb and RDS W2b) were installed on March 21, 2008. Groundwater levels were within 12-inches of the ground surface for 90 percent of the growing season and 100 percent of the growing season in RDS-Wlb and RDS W2b, respectively. See Appendix A for vegetation survival in plots I and 6. See Appendix C for the monitoring well water level measurement data. Table X. Wetland Criteria Attainment Purlear Creek Phase 11 / Project ID 010559701 Vegetation Well Hydrology Vegetation Plot Tract Well ID Tract Mean Survival Tract Mean Threshold Met? ID Threshold Met? RDS-WIb Y V1 Y W2 100% 100% RDS-W2b Y V6 Y *Note: New monitoring wells were installed in March 2008. Purlear Creek Phase H Final NC State University EEP Project 9 010559701 17 Summer 2008 - MY03 VI. Methodology Section Monitoring methods used are based on US Army Corps of Engineering and NC Division of Water Quality Guides as referenced below. The taxonomic standard for vegetation used in this report was based on "Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas", by Alan S. Weakley. The vegetation monitoring protocol used for collecting vegetation data was the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0 (Lee et al. 2006). References: Harman, W. H. et al. 1999. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. AWRA Wildland Hydrology Symposium Proceedings. Edited By: D.S. Olsen and J.P. Potyondy. AWRA Summer Symposium. Bozeman, MT. Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Rosgen, D L. (1996) Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. USACOE (2003) Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACOE, USEPA, NCWRC, NCDENR-DWQ Weakley, Alan S., Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas Purlear Creek Phase II Final NC State University EEP Project 9 010559701 18 Summer 2008 - MY03 APPENDIX A 1. Vegetation Data Tables Table 1. Vegetation Metadata Table 2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Table 3. Vegetation Damage by Species Table 4. Vegetation Damage by Plot Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species Table 6. Vegetation Problem Area Tables Table 10. Vigor Table 11. Damage 2. Vegetation Problem Area Photos - No problem areas observed 3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Notes: - No separate plan view was established for vegetation conditions. See monitoring plan view for this information. - No vegetation problems areas have been identified on this project. Therefore, those sections have been omitted from the appendix. Table 1. Vegetation Metadata Report Prepared By Nathan Buchanan Date Prepared 11/25/2008 23:26 database name CVS_F:I:P_EntryTool_v220.mdb database location C:AUsers\nathanADesktop computer name IMELT DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data. Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems, for each year. This excludes live stakes and Proj, planted lists stems per acre. Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems, for each year. This includes live stakes, all Proj, total stems planted steins, and all natural/volunteer stems. Listed in stems per acre. Plots list of'plots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems Damage impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. ALL Stems by Count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each Plot and spp plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY----------------------- Project Code Pur12 project Name Purlear 2 Description downstream 3000 feet River Basin length(ft) stream-to-edge width (ft) area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 8 Table 2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Unknown Asimina triloba 1 4 Ce halanthus occidentalis 1 I Cornus amomum 2 14 8 3 1 Dios ros vir iniana 5 4 1 2 Ju lans ni ra I Morus alba 5 2 N ssa s lvatica 2 uercus alba I Quercus michauxii 1 9 2 1 1 2 Quercus hellos 3 4 2 1 2 Salix ni ra I Morus rubra I Comus 4 2 1 Cercis canadensis 2 2 uercus 2 5 3 1 4 2 Liriodendron tuli ifera 1 Platanus occidentalis 1 5 1 5 1 Po ulus deltoides I Unknown 3 3 1 20 TOT: 19 11 35 44 12 2 46 8 h .u a w ro A C O v v M H C M N 00 3 0 c x c C Y 'O O v N d M M V1 -• 7 I' r, .--• 00 V N y C C 4+ R 7 ? x ? ? M M N N O N R A L d N ? N Q N M M N N [? - ?p -- ?n .-+ 0 0 y N ?p O ?p C 'O 00 y vl N V' l? Do N N r N M r N - r N 00 In R Q? v ro w ro ? ? ' a ? ro a=i -o . coa o C 'O p p '? s% ro s% .ro Q u .a ro ? ro ?? U ro O O C id ? T ON b ro ? O ¢ lu o U 0 Table 4. Vegetation Damage by Plot lot All Damage Categories (no damage) Deer Diseased Human Trampled Insects Livestock Rodents Unknown 1 18 6 4 5 2 1 2 27 9 2 1 7 8 3 II 2 5 4 4 17 15 1 1 5 37 20 1 4 5 4 3 6 17 7 2 1 2 1 4 7 25 4 11 3 7 8 6 1 2 3 TOT: 8 158 60 4 20 1 28 21 6 18 Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species Species Total Planted Stems # lots avg# stems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ce halanthus occidentalis I 1 1 1 Cercis canadensis 4 3 1.33 1 1 2 Cornus 5 1 5 5 Cornus amomum 25 3 , 8.33 2 6 17 Dios ros vir iniana 10 4 2.5 3 1 4 2 Ju lans ni ra I I 1 I Liriodendron tuli i era I 1 I I Morus alba 5 2 2.5 2 3 Morus rubra I I 1 1 N ssa s lvalica 2 2 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis 8 3 2.67 5 2 1 Po ulus deltoides I I I 1 uercus Unknown 13 4 3.25 5 3 3 2 uercus alba 1 I 1 1 uercus michauxii 13 4 3.25 2 3 2 6 uercus hellos 11 4 2.75 l 2 6 2 Salix ni ra I 1 I I Unknown 7 4 1.75 1 3 2 1 TOT: 18 110 18 13 20 9 2 20 16 25 5 Table 6. Vegetation Problem Areas No Problem Areas Observed. Table 10. Vigor vigor Count Percent 0 2 1.3 1 12 7.6 2 44 27.8 3 35 22.2 4 11 7 Missing 46 29.1 Unknown 8 5.1 Table 11. Damage Damage Count Percent Of Stems no damage) 60 38 Insects 28 17.7 Livestock 21 13.3 Diseased 20 12.7 Unknown 18 11.4 Rodents 6 3.8 Deer 4 2.5 Human Trampled 1 0.6 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Purlear 1 Plot 01, 19-September-2008 Plot 02, 19-September-2008 Purlear 1 Plot 03, 19-September-2008 Plot 04, 19-September-2008 Purlear 1 Plot 05, 19-September-2008 Plot 06, 19-September-2008 Purlear 1 Plot 07, 19-September-2008 Plot 08, 19-September-2008 Purlear 1 Plot 00, 30-July-2008 Plot 00, 30-July-2008 APPENDIX B Morphology Raw Data 1. Current Condition Plan View 2. Stream Problem Area Table 3. Stream Problem Area Photos/Project Photo Log 4. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Tables 5. Cross section and Pebble Count Plots and Raw Data Tables 6. Longitudinal Plots 7. Feature Slope and Length Calculations 8. Channel Pattern Measurements V? O ?C X D _ k O? CD + ` W k O ?r 10k? FT? z D Fl 0 x D 0 z O O -u v n ?i D N N N r X ?o ?u m r o o o m Z n O O O O CD co (1) n z 00 00 00 Z r r c/) m m m m ? ?o i N m O D = m Z z 0 D D-u n m O m r .. ,l7 2 -i z7 m 00 m m m D z m o O O X Z m i Q x p F PURLEAR CREEK - PHASE 2 qA REACH 4 - WETLAND AREA ICS a uv.,mmc 1 .,i WILKES COUNTY, NC. CURRENT CONDI TION PLAN VIEW 0.11-CAl k > cNCNee - wra E,3U RE Bl Nga,ogl,a NCB -1 \ ni tl A N N Nr ?'? 0 A 0 m r O O O m i '? O O O Z G) O 0 0 O m m U7 m Z co ou m r r n m Z m m ?n m r m O A= m z Z o? A m O O m m O A -I OZ E'l C) k p W o 0 Z m O I D i C7 I C J F O i 47 C' „? I O O t - ° D (-Tl ? D o ;, ? n ? Z vs J U k ,i Z O A = W ±s oxc § $ PURLEAR CREEK - PHASE 2 0 -8i11°'°" 'e/°'?1^ REACrt 1 - ? x ? ?iio?ior ? ? ? MAiN STEM REACH ?? i ?' ? N WILKES COUNEY. N C t,s_ pws uw?mx?xc v'i ,?neioe e CURREM CONDITION PLAN VIEW FIGURE B2 N1.?'caa?as?ai<e1.iy?y`x"` oie?g?, N [J69?Ve Table B1. Stream Problem Areas Purlear Creek Phase 11 / Project ID 010559701 Feature Issue Reach Station numbers Description Suspected Cause Photo number Beaver dam I 7+69 Beaver dam backing up water and impeding flow Beaver activity PA03 C l I i 4 Throughout Cattle observed within the fenced in buffer Inadequate fencing PA04 att e ntrus on 2008 Purlear Phase II Problem Area Photo Log -Reach 1 PA3. Reach 1 - Station 7+69 - Beaver dam Oct. 18 2007 Oct. 6 2008 2008 Purlear Phase II Problem Area Photo Log -Reach 4 Sept. 17, 2008 Oct. 6 2008 ?' s l # ?" kkk ? +? ? y r il .? k ?N q ? MaaYYY t ? kt PA4. Reach 4 - Throughout - Cattle observed in fenced buffer 2008 Purlear Phase Il Photo Log -Reach 1 Oct. 18 2007 '46 44 P1. Reach 1 - Start and X7 looking upstream P2. Reach 1 - Start and X7 looking downstream Oct. 6, 2008 Oct. 18 2007 44, s. P3. Reach 1 - Oct. 6, 2008 ooking upstream " t` y ' a at+. is ya j?j W" P4. Reach 1 - X8 looking downstream P5. Reach 1 - X9 looking upstream Oct. 18 2007 L yw h 4 d 4 1 1} w? ha W aY qp;f 1xv, i° * 9 S FR 3 m !? i Oct. 6, 2008 P6. Reach 1 - X9 looking downstream P7. Reach 1 - X10 looking upstream P8. Reach 1- X10 looking downstream Oct. 18 2007 F . x il , . T k, ?t I WI e ? P9. Reach 1 - End Project looking upstream P10. Reach 1- End Project looking downstream Oct. 6, 2008 2008 Purlear Phase II Photo Log -Reach 4 Oct. 18 2007 Oct. 7, 2008 P11. Reach 4 - Start looking upstream P12. Reach 4 - Start and X1 looking downstream Oct. 18 2007 ?a P',?Ai ej'F =h" "I P14. Reach 4 - X1 looking downstream P13. Reach 4 - X1 looking upstream 441 tttt t ? i i ? ? . t ' &a 4 w? n..r 7 ')nnQ `k ii th 1 JI, ? xa ri § P15. Reach 4 - X2 looking upstream "Pt 7 I(1(1R P16. Reach 4 - X2 looking downstream CF 't ?C ?•, ?? v, Cad r l ? « p JI k $A A^ its k6 t ? v s ,:' L a ? ,;e`er: P17. Reach 4 - X3 looking upstream P18. Reach 4 - X3 looking downstream Oct. 18 2007 Oct. 18 2007 1 n?+ ? ?nnQ .?? w5 i ? ? ?, , ? ? . z8 ,., , ? a:, ? ..E-:' ?' , a ??? ? ? ? ? ?, ? { , RRR§ ap ? ?c`' " ? lll t $p q y? g ? `? ?,? ? S7f S .? ? *? + , ?? r L . y t M a'i ? g£ $ '? ? } y , ? ?? ? ? 4 ? 4 ? `L '? r ? °? $ g 1 p t t k $. , t ? x. Lis ?, P19. Reach 4 - X4 looking upstream ?. ,?? ?,?:. ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? °- ? ? 1 s ?; ?' ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?,? P20. Reach 4 - X4 x, ? .?'. "" .k te' ? d?a B ? ? fri.? ? _P ?u ?? ? ? h ^ ? ? ? 3 4 x 1 Y21. Keach 4 - X5 looking upstream Oct. 18 2007 Z AII .°4y "?w h a a.,. "Y Y W, a a? 94+9 r°^?* r P22. Reach 4 - X5 looking downstream P23. Reach 4 - X6 looking upstream P24. Reach 4 - X6 looking downstream not 7 InnR Oct. 7, 2008 P25. Reach 4 - Bride ?y P26. Reach 4 - Bridge looking downstream P27. Reach 4 - End of rea Oct. 18 2007 P28. Reach 4 - End of reach looking downstream t Table B2. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Purlear Creek Phase II / Project ID 010559701 Reach 1 (1140 Feet Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (N Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per .A,lauilt Total Number/feet in unstable stale % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total I Present? X 11 NA 62"-b 2 Armor stable (e.g. no displacement)? N 11 NA 62"s, A. Riffles 3 Facet grade appears stable? R I? NA 62", 60% 4 Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 13 NA S Length appropriate' N 13 N A G?"+? I Present". (e.g not subject to severe aggrad. or migrat.^.) I I_` N A 0 B. Pools Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6^) ] N A 92% 3 Length appropriate" II C N.-\ '?_"^ C Th l I Upstream n( meander bend (run/inflection) centering^. 5 N9 Intl"•„ l)0o % . a weg 2 Downs tream of meander (glide/inflection( centering? s - N A , 1 00•; a I Outer head in state of limited/controlled erosion^. 4 4 NA IOU. , D M 2 Of those eroding, d w/concomitant point bar formation? - - NA o 100/ eanders - 3 Apparent Rc within spec" 1 4 NA (1"s, 1 0 o 4 Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 4 4 NA IU0"'" B d G l E I General channel bed a radation areas (bar fnrmation) 1100 140 1 4(I* 96°-0 98% enera . e 2 Channel bed degradation -areas of increasing down-cuttingnr head cnttin NA NA 010 1(lo,, F. Bank I Actively eroding, wasting. or slumping bank N A NA 0'0 100" t 100o'o I Free of back or arm scour? ? N A 100",. \ Height appropriate? - NA I(III'Y„ 100% G. anes 3 Angle and geometry appear appropriate? - - - N A ton".^ 4 Free of P1Pmg or other structural failures". ? NA Inn" ' I afseour? I I NA IOn"„ 100% I H. N ads/ Roulders IT 2 Footingstable? I NA IOn"" Note Aggradation observed upstream of beaver dam Reach 4 (1480 Feet) Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (a Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As-built Total Number/feet in unstable state "7„ Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform Mean or Total I Present." 29 35 NA 901, 2 Armor stable (e. .nodisplacement)? Is is NA 8011',1 A. Rimes 3 Facet grade appears stable? _'x ?5 NA 80"•„ 70% 4 Min pal evidence of embedding/fining? l0 35 NA 29.6a 9 1 anork a??.??r?are? 'H 7: NA 9011/, B. Pools 2 Sufficiendvdeep (,Max Pnit D.Mean Bkf>1.6^) z4 NA 14"1• 94% 3 Len th a ro note? NA I G stream of meander bend (runonflection) centering? N A ni 1 ??% C. Thalweg Downstream of meander( lide/inflecemn)centering? 27 NA Inu^„ I Outer bend in stale of limited/controlled erosion^. 17 NA Ion"" 2 Of those eroding. 0 w/concomitant print bar formation".. - - NA 190% D. Meanders 3 Apparent Rc within c per' N A Ion"„ 4 Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 77 '7 NA 100 " E. Bed General I General channel bed a radation areas (bar formation) 1040 11 . 440 1? 1 1/440' o,o 717- nn - 85% or slumping hank I Free of back or arm scour? N 2 Hei hta ro riots'. '9 ''-'p A 11111 0 G. A'eoes N.1 inn 100?r 3 An le and etry appear appropriate? 4 IF,,, if piping or rtli,, 1-1-1 failures" -"1 NA 100, I Free of scour? -- F. NN ads, Roulders -- Fortin stable" -- -- Section re XI Run1h4 R?111. I] 2uilp EIMI[ 21NIfi 31N1? 31X1, \+ BuiB .1ur.e1 \I1 -111 \11 -112 11\-113 11x1i.m 11" Nun "'l- Such,. Y;le..nun %wex Y:levx dlun Nude. .ltuliun Elevxnml I'd- 11777 1,33185 PIN 564 132916 )FENCE) 7723 132:83 111,06 11777 1,33163 FP 1723 132883 (X1 LP) 1918 132864 x106 10928 1.33109 FP 1736 13288 ( X1) 2759 132868 x108 9526 1,33052 FP 2376 132876 (X11 Wrpn9 cross section surveyetl 2942 132:71 x108 81W 1.32987 FP 3125 132872 (X11 in the field 3292 132881 x10tl 7569 1.32896 RB 429 132913 (X11 No data fu12007 3842 13289 OR 7035 1,32843 RB 5314 132908 1X7) 4332 1329.07 x108 66.28 1,32815 RB 591fi 132856 (X7) 4682 132908 x108 65 1,32795 R1111 602 132849 (X1 WI 5064 132911 x10: 6368 1.32751 S0 6032 132821 1X1) 541 132893 x108 63 18 1.327 34 SB 62 31 1327 67 (X1) 56 08 1328 62 x108 62 93 1.327 67 SB 62 88 1327 52 (X 1) 568 1328 65 008 6221 1.32802 LEW 6447 132739 (X1) 5819 1328.59 x108 6105 1,32820 LB 6519 132794 1X1) 5:74 132851 x108 5702 1.32868 BKF 6604 132816 (X1) 5934 132833 x108 52.68 1 329 10 FP 68 46 1328 35 (X11 60 88 1326 43 x108 3135 1,32873 FP 6893 132853 (X1 W) 6215 132843 x108 174 1,32862 II' 7021 132855 (Xt) 63.3 132:16 x10: 1723 1.32885 I'INI 7498 132898 (Xt) 6401 13282 x108 1227 132953 (X11 65.06 132845 x108 8895 133003 (Xt) 6599 132838 x108 9372 133048 1X1) 6645 1328.25 x108 led 10198 1330.7 (XI) 66.85 1328.22 x108 1723 1172 133187 (X1 RP) 67.41 132847 x108 11743 133164 (X7) 6813 132679 x1w00 68.98 132854 x10: Adusted 69 96 1328 39 x108 up 1235 77 70 94 1320.48 x108 72.04 132853 x108 7339 132068 x108 74.98 132083 r10B 7704 132919 x108 7:86 132939 x108 6175 132953 x108 I9?ua of /Tort-tiecnun bl - Ixnkink I>nwnxlruxm A.,-Built 21116 200' 21111, \rrx 7 II ' t H Width 173 III I'? \lenn Uepdn 04 .Ixx n.pm I 1 l i n'.J ratio JI.N 1X1 '%H F'P\1 12 72 72 ER (Krexrer thnn) J I 1? J 2 1'Irrxdn 1 l' C 86 27 1320 69 x 108 89 78 1330 01 x 108 93.84 1330 38 x 106 9:97 133051 x101 104 74 1330 92 x 108 11063 133114 x108 1 x108 11542 13' '1 117 37 136 O,p08 J11 8 Reach 4 Riffle Cross-Section #1 - Station 1+20 Purlear Phase 11 1,332 C' 1,331 f z 1,3311 L 1,329 1,328 1,327 NxnkIL11 FI-Ixpp-.l 11 211 411 611 Di,lNnce (feet) M -Built Sun r -+-21X16 +21X18 811 100 124) .xeaHnn X2 R-1, 4 P-i 11 2(X19 1'n"r. Chunh 21X15 21NM 21X1' 21X18 Y .3. Null t 311 -O1 31\' 02 %11 3 Nle. vtion \ntev 1.M1nn HJ vvHnn \olr.. StvHon kale. a Hon \n1e.. tlv Hnn He.vnon Von. ' K A 10011 1 330 72 IN 778 7329 25 (X2LP) 778 132925 XB2LP67 7 78 1729 24 x21p08 l } 6 fl, 99.88 1 730 56 FP 7 98 1329 04 (X2) 9 05 1328 97 XS2 8 7 7 328 97 x200 :' ,330 13 FP 18 22 1328 76 (Xi) 12 73 1328 8 X52 17 71 1328 77 x208 1 1 2 1 329 58 FP 22 73 1328.92 (X2 1936 1328 89 %S2 28 OJ 1328 73 x208 1 $ 73 76 1 J2B 91 RB 32 76 1728 75 (X2) 25 01 1328 88 XS2 36 33 1328 BB x208 7144 1,32867 6 RB 4084 732876 (X2) 315 132886 XS2 4328 132807 x208 t `s` 1 q 69.83 1 327 0 RB 45 94 1328 43 (X2) 38 54 1328 79 X52 47 57 7328 18 x208 69 31 69 12 68 12 1 326 BO 1,326 79 1 326 74 SB SB SB 52 71 60 34 62.44 1327 85 1327 88 1327 78 (X2) (X21 (X2; 44 09 51 57 59 22 1328 57 XS2 1327 B3 XS2 1321 93 XS2 53 03 58 76 58 82 1327 89 1327 92 1327 92 x206 x206 x20A qya ,3 ;a '? Rw P 3 - 1 1 t`•4 vp p3 n 67 64 1 326 88 SB 64 16 1327 64 (X2W) 66 44 1326 94 XS2 80 96 1327 98 x206 67 02 1 32fi 96 LEW 6fi 24 1327 1 (X2) 67 57 1326.93 XS2 61 78 1328 04 x201 ?;. 2) 7 } " 4 5 65 28 6312 1 327 20 1 32185 LB BKF 67 74 fib 2 ' 32fi 81 '32fi 88 (X2) (X2) 88 61 6 973 1321 18 XS2W 132694 XS2 63 25 63 78 7327 87 132717 x20, x201 'a ?f >< '•`'" G. 56.23 46 24 1 327 70 1 328 35 LB FP 69 11 69 35 1326 95 1327 59 1X2) (W) 69 92 69 97 1326 95 X52 1328 28 X52 64 66 65 54 1327 54 1321 84 x208 x208 s 9b 31 83 1 328 75 FP 69 38 1727 64 (X2W) 78 86 1329 54 x32 66 47 1327 56 x206 1 7 86 1 329 03 FI' 11 11 1327 93 (X21 85.87 1330 02 XS2 67 16 1327 5 x208 °' K •' ' f ' 778 132929 I'IN 7093 132889 (X2) 906 133028 XS2 676 132709 x208 t ]2d4 132888 (X2) 9794 133078 XS2 6817 132678 x208 )^' °.„g x 7598 132911 1%2) 9638 133019 XS2 6892 132674 x208 80 54 1329 Sfi (X2) 89 42 1730 76 X52RP07 69 25 1327 B9 0,188 i i .. 86 94 1330 1X2) 69 B2 1327 96 x208 95 87 1330 26 (X2) 70 B5 1328 59 x208 9934 133053 112) 7225 132887 x208 9947 133074 IX2RP1 75'7 132897 x208 16 68 1329 21 x208 83 79 13297 x208 87 53 1330 O1 x208 92 41 1330 23 x208 98.38 1330 53 x208 99 56 1330 74 x2,POB Reach 4 Pool Cross Section #2 - Station 1+60 Purlear Phase 11 1,331 1,330 C' a 1.329 1,328 1,32 1.326 (.Pp.". \?-IN,il1 21NI4 21Xr EINIX \i.Nh V 31.vn 11e Pth iJ ? ?1J 11a. Ilr nli I I I ?] I I 41 IN 20 341 44) 511 fill 711 NO 911 1 IN) Distance ((cel) L-+° As-BuiltSurvcc t21NK + 21X17 ? 24118] 4 inn r Xl X-h4 It11Ilr 17 21111X I'nw. U-1, 2185 21X16 2W7 21111X .\x-Nuill ..\urvvt \I\'-111 Nil 112 111 UJ Xbliun hle.:lion \.m•r \tstinn h:let:lino \alex tilslion h:h•. stun N"'. tilxhon El" 1 1 N. 9167 1,32351 PIN 1576 132223(%3LP1 1576 13221 X53LP07 1532 13221 xs31p06 9118 1,32306 4V 161 132208(X71 2941 1321 B4 X57 2341 132156 x:308 77 99 1.722 45 i P 19 34 1321 63 (43$ 45 06 1321 95 X53 29 06 1721 98 x:306 6363 1.72215 FP 27 75 1321 94 (X3) 4142 1321 66 X13 336 1321 95 xs308 559 1.321 72 RB 34 1321 99 1X31 48 28 1320 36 XS3 37 53 1321 95 x:308 5313 1,32152 BkF 7643 31 43 132191X7) 4984 132058 XS3 4091 132197 x:708 5212 1.32146 RB 4503 1321991X3) 5095 13211 XS3W 9466 732197 x306 5127 1,32106 REW 4665 132195(X3) 5231 132149 XS3 4576 732193 x008 51 19 1.320 98 58 47 79 1321 36 1X31 54 73 1321 89 X53 46 97 1321 85 x:306 5061 1,32084 Ski 4868 13205(X3) 5865 132196X63 4775 132154 xs3W08 50 3214 SB 49 ' 1320 J 1x31 61 92 1322 18 XS3 47 79 1321 55 x,306 493 1.32026 : SB 5101 1320441X3) 6772 1322.16453 48 132125 x:306 4667 1.32024 SB 5133 1321311X3 W) 7434 132228 XS3 4854 132127 x:306 4613 132075 SB 5202 1321581X31 8009 132256 XS3 4913 132098 x:706 461 132109 LEW 531)6 1321631X3) 8599 132286 XS3 4969 13208 x:306 478 1.72158 LB 5449 132176(X31 9065 132337 XS3RP07 5071 132088 x306 41 03 1 321 89 L.B 57 36 1321 64 1%31 50 89 1321 24 x:308 4483 1,32174 II11 625 1322321X31 5177 132134 x:308 42 38 1.321 75 I' 74 83 1322 38 fX31 57 15 1321 6 x1306 15 91 1.322 05 I' 79 14 1322 51 (X 31 55 89 1321 79 x:306 1576 1.32229 I'IN 9072 1323071X31 5825 132164 x:306 9065 132343(X3RP) 6155 13221 x:308 10155 1323.98( FE NCEI 6346 13221 x008 67 41 1322 09 xs308 72 24 1322.01 xs308 77 26 13223 x:308 84 06 1322 87 x:308 87 3 1322 85 x:308 90 46 1323.08 x:308 90 91 1323 42 xs31p08 1.324 1.313 R I,J2' L 1.321 - -- 1,321) ---*- I11 211 Phuro uI ('-. -1n.linn 43 - I.-ki.g Dn.nnt - \?-Ituill 2111. 21X1' 208 A- 491 11 41 \1'iJth 111 3 ] X 7 1 4 u \Ivs11 D"I'lli 1 1) 1, 114 llvx Il?luh 1 1 J 1 4 .r.9 21 12 1 12 I , 72 72 72 h:l<14n•rlrr Ihsnl 7 i1 ? 11 " X 11 u I.w L Reach 4 Riffle Cross Section #3 - Station 4+63 Purlear Phase 11 B,Inkru6 el 1, wnnrnx.l A?.,,,,.•:-? --... _ .. 30 40 511 60 711 NO 911 1 IN) Ui\INpcl'I)cel) --- - A -Built Sun-c3 ?21N16 - 2007 +-21X181 XA Mcnch A v n xwB pn.a.cnmmh 21X15 21MM 21X^ 2o11M a.- Null. Mrn e? \11 . 01 }11 . 02 '11'- W ,. Station Fir',Nrm 1 -6- Flex•Nan Nn1e, S.x.lon El" fial No.ex SI.Ii- El-Nun III- 86 06 1 319 58 PIN 16 74 1317 58 (XS4LP) 16 74 1317 54 XS4LP07 16 9 1317 58 xs41p08 13 A 85 66 1 319 38 FP 17 07 13174 (X54) 17 59 1317 2 XS4 18 2] 1317 32 .5408 h . 656 171858 RB 1998 131731 (XS4) 2392 131708 XS4 2341 131725x11408 51 23 t 317 95 RB 25.97 131714 (%S4) 27 B6 1317 17 x54 26 92 771] 26 x11406 4221 131721 RB 2777 131712 (XS4) 3151 131645X54 2851 131]01x11408 1 i( ' t @, 398 131673 RB 3099 737651 (XS4) 32 131631 XS4 2923 131684x11408 p p b v ;4 e 3893 3854 1,3145 316600 1 RS REW 3188 324 131641 13 41 (XS4W) 3279 137599 XSd 3021 13167x11408 i 38.45 , 131578 SB 3282 16 137812 (N) (XS4) 732 3 3332 7 3759d 6 XS 131598 XS4W 7122 3748 1716 61 x11408 1318d5 xsdw08 i E, tv..( 9P" 7l V ;'x +,"~67?\ ]798 1,77507 SB 3412 1)1518 (%S4) 3358 731538 X54 3218 171637 x5408 7693 3598 J7d 71 1 314 % SB SB 3817 3187 131462 11113144U (%S4) (X547 3378 35 01 131519X54 177d 92 X54 32 BB 33 51 131617 zs408 1315 88 x1408 ? gq .^p«x t 5 ?'+, , f $ 3527 3408 171506 131536 SB SB 38 47 3911 131552 131647 (XS b) X84W 7601 3661 1314 fit%Sd 1]1435%5 3d Od 137507 x11408 $ ?° ? ' 3292 131600 LEW 3916 131643 ) ( (W) 3735 4 131454 XS4 7464 3566 3150411408 1 131478 x:%408 • 5. r Xp - a 'w dg{„*-? 32 d5 131630 LB 3912 131659 (XS4) 3856 131598 XS4W 1126 131489x%408 rx ,? t t G 1005 171695 BKF 4142 131683 IXS4) 40.29 131664 XS4 3708 131448x,408 t 'R'f & " A tp 26 57 1,717 78 -I' dd 62 1317 11 (XS4) 42 32 3; 11 3 X1 4 JB 74 131d 62 x11408 1674 171]8fi I'IN 5085 177754 (X541 4507 ' 1313X54 3848 131614x1408 608 1318 2 (XS4) 47 82 1317 36 XSd 39 7 1316 45 x11408 R."?l. 4 5rr .ss"? "77fb7 ,.* 78 19 1718 53 (XS4) 49 29 1317 58 XS4 40 39 131fi fi5 x408 8518 13191 (XS4) 5283 171785 XS4 417 171692x11408 85 21 1319 35 (X4RP) 57 51 1318 12 XS4 43 1317 21 15408 8201 171827 XS4 449 131718 xs408 69 14 1318 53 XS4 46 07 1317 25 x11408 .5 72 1318 5 XS4 51 12 1317 52 :1408 B0 ]5 13188] %64 57 11 13179 vs408 BS 1 1319 34 %SdRP07 62 131824 xsAOB 69 23 1318 5 v00B 76 5 1310 57 x,408 A2 B7 1319 Ot x,408 85 22 1319 34 xs4rp08 Reach 4 Pool Cross Section #4 - Station 7+60 Purlear Phase 11 1,3211 1.319 1 1,318 1,317 1.316, W 1,315 1,314 NMNII F.1-(app-.) \a-IHrll. 21MIA 21111' 21MIM I'.I I1: Ir r 11 r? \\I^I rli II 1 II' lip 1 Ili \I,?va IHi,rli I I I ?? I i I ?? x. IH ,rn \I III 211 311 111 50 611 711 811 911 Dulw- (fall Loa-DuIIISunM ?2(MI6 21)(17-21NINI ox. Vrrtinn v r V Nruvh 1 Itil llr u 173n0X 1'riuc Chuivh 21X11 21MM 21X1 2U1 1N t5. \a HU?ll-lurre? \I1 111 IN 12 .\11 IIJ i`f l-iun I Irv anon \olrx N1x11un F'IrxaUun VnRr ti1ali,m hlev ut a VU1e. tiulion h:lr h u Vutea Y ?x r 11002 131820 pln 10 B3 131357 (XSLP) 1083 131146 XSSLP07 1083 131353 ,51,18 yi 10275 131564 lp 1091 1313P (%5) 1163 131328 XS5 1227 131342 r' 4 8218 1,31495 fp 1777 131328 (XS) 2079 131312X55 1716 171327 rs7D1' 81 44 1,314 59 tp 23 07 1312 94 1X5) 33 37 1313 31 X55 22 89 1312 98 SSE 7422 1,31433 fp 3097 171318 1X5) 38.89 131302 XS5 277 131307 xsOr •, fi a ! 66 38 ,31372 1 fp 3495 131326 1%5) 4133 131234X55 3202 131731 .'Jl 4: L 61 91 1.31355 fp 3793 131313 fX51 4753 131217 XSSW 3491 131333 10 ^ r, Q , Y v 591 1.31740 tp 3965 131301 1X51 427 131189 XS5 3842 131319 5578 53 39 1,31332 1 31303 fp bank 4054 42 01 731253 1312 21 (X5W) 1X51 4349 44 58 131181 X15 1311 45 XS5 4035 41 65 1712]3 1312 38 1608 '* Fs 5129 , 1,31271 bkf 4308 131163 1X51 4509 131134X55 4285 131219 x,508 48 64 1.312 32 bank 44 24 1311 2 1X51 45 93 1311 49 %S5 43 15 1311 8 x,506 47 5 1.312 04 45 97 1311 49 (X5) 47 07 1311 58 XS5 43 99 1311 42 x1506 46 58 1,311.78 sb 47 65 1311 95 1X51 47 2 1311 7 XS5 45 09 1311 45 xs5D8 44 D5 1,31173 sb 494 131238 IXS) 4756 131219 XS5W 458 131147 x5508 4113 1,31196 law 5024 131233 (XS) 5013 131251 XS5 4586 131175 x,508 4116 1.312.48 bkt 5045 1312.59 (W) 52.53 1312.66 XS5 4711 131154 x,508 39 69 1.313 09 fp 50 6 1312 53 (X5W) 54 53 1313 18 X35 47 47 1312 05 x,508 38 51 1,313.20 fP 51 5 1312 M (%5) 58 42 1313 22 XS5 47 57 1312 44 xs5w08 34 85 37 31 3 tp 53.37 1313 M (X5) 62 83 1313 45 X55 411 1312 48 x,508 3028 , ' 1,31 Fp 5963 131324 (X5) 68.06 131391 XS5 4952 131242 xs508 238 1,313 05 tp 77 14 1314 23 IXS) 75.46 1314 56 X55 50 62 214 x,508 Phoro Uf l'nnu-Nrrtiml p5 - I.,u,kins Downxrreum 17 1.313 36 I'p 92.2 1714 89 (XS) 80.78 1314 41 XS5 52 31 1312.77 x,508 10 83 1.313.67 pln 106 85 1315 43 (X" 116 72 1314 67 X85 53 6 1317 04 x,508 107 92 1315 74 (XS) B6 84 13147 %SS 57.31 1313 29 x,508 109.86 1315.83 (X5) 9279 131505 XS5 6271 131359 x,508 1101 1316 05 (X5RP) 97 55 1315 33 %SS 67.62 131364 x,508 103.86 1315 54 XS5 73 57 1714.11 x,508 11001 1316.06 X55RP07 7995 131433 x,508 87 59 1314 59 x,508 94 74 1315 07 x,508 10007 131547 xs508 106 67 1315 77 x,508 110 11 1316.06 xs5rp08 \x-Nuill 206 20 U? 21MIN .\rva JI 70 h2 Su %A ialh 10I vV XX II) ..\Iran Depth 11.5 117 117 , 11ax I)gth II9 J 1 1 1 . w'6 ratio 300 I41I 125 IN2 1'X' 46 46 46 46 h:R (errarcr Ihan) 1 5 41, - ? 4 h tilrrem Iv w C C C' C Reach 4 Riffle Cross Section #5 - Station 10+75 Purlear Phase II 1,317 1,316 c 1,315 i 1,31J v 1,313 1,312 1,311 Nunkfull Fl .. I•PPn'x;l "' /? III 21) 31) 40 51) 61) 70 80 91) 11X1 IIII Dislancc lfcep L-__-_As-Built Survey -21NK -+--21X17 -+1-21X18 f' '.xllnn a It 'h J 1' ? I I I1 I 1!N - 2X115 21NM 21111- 21111M 2 ?1 , A. Nut X , an'-III NY Ol \I7 IIJ Sbnon 41amnn \oles SI.M1nn Eleee Hon cuter S-m. FI-Non \'olen M.6". FI-Ii- 1 317 03 P,n B 38 1312 56 (X6LP) 8 38 1312 58 %S6LP07 8 42 1312 53 s51r, + 814 1.71676 It 866 171234 (X6) 91 131223 XS6 1021 131277 C 58 5 1 315 85 Itr 19.08 1312 32 1X81 10 76 1312 X56 26 15.51 1312 31 fi 1 ' 3 ;2 1,71515 Itr 2498 13118 (%6) 248 19118 8 XS6 229 131201 .- y N ` b r 68 35 1 714 59 Itr 28 31 1312 42 (VPI 31 31 1312 17 XS6 27 15 1311 BB ` 3 6662 1,31385 IV 32.95 131231 1X6) 3429 131178 XS6 2943 171216 63 33 1.313 45 Ip 311 1311 98 (X6) 35 Sfi 137 7 37 XS6 31 47 1312 18 6021 131298 fp 3525 131173 (X6l't7 38.38 731121 116W 3269 131216 ? - " 54 73 1,312 81 fp 36.27 1311 08 1X6) 36 47 131062 XS6 34.25 1311 81 - f d „, P 1 C ly 6A S4 k 48.7 131259 fp 37 737038 (%6) 3711 131023X56 3576 737147 } y* 44 76 1.312.46 fp 38 41 1310 63 (X61 37 fit 1310 34 XS6 36 12 1310 74 J a4 ` 5 _ - 42 6 40.3 1 312 18 1,31131 bM w r 395 4057 1310 67 131093 (%6) (X6) 30.89 3978 1310 83 XSB 131089 XSfi 36 7 3fi B8 1710 16 731051 f i t 3:4 8 131124 sb 4098 171156 1X6) 3894 131114 XSBW 37 318 1.310 79 sb 41 22 1771 66 (XBVY) 40 19 1317 54 %Sfi 38 54 1310 92 7 $ ° 3585 1.31734 lew 4151 131177 (V\0 4222 177202 XS6 3847 131115 48¢?' ". 34 24 312 03 bM 42.22 1311 BB (X81 44 77 1312 7 %S6 39 58 1317 46 3285 1.71243 11, 4262 171212 1X6) 4777 1)1242 XS6 3985 13116 , 29 48 232 I(• 44 48 1712 48 1X6) 50 04 1712 57 XS6 41 39 1311 75 2586 731211 Ip 5178 131255 1X81 52.96 7312.59%S6 4252 131212 2004 1 312 71 ip 61 93 1313 13 (X6) 56 14 1312 75 XS6 43 77 1312 3 x:608 111 i 312 43 11, 65 97 1313 54 1X6) 56 25 1312 75 XS6 45 64 1312 38 x:608 I'no1n ..I eli„n a/, I.,„ kinp Itor, nxtreem 8 38 1,312 74 pin 72 1315 14 1X6) 112' 1312 73 %Sfi 48 28 1312 4 x608 8156 171669 (X6) 5975 731287 XS6 503 131249 x:608 81 72 1316 85 (X6RP) 5996 1312 96 XS6 52 32 1312 58 x:608 63 53 1313 39 XS6 54 76 1312 6 xs608 1-WI. 2- 21X1' 21NI9 66 39 1313 6 XS6 57 57 1712 73 x,608 6641 13136 XS6 6001 13129 x:608 66 55 1313 55 XS6 62 67 1313 11 x:608 68 28 1314 24 XS6 84 99 13136 x:600 70 95 1314 74 XS6 66 B1 1773 99 xsfi08 73 14 1315 26 %S6 68 92 7314 52 xsfi08 76 31 1315 65 XS6 70 68 1314 72 xsfi00 80 24 1316 55 XS6 72 56 1315 21 -608 81 85 1316 88 XS6RP07 76 34 1315 79 xs608 81 9 1316 85 %S6 ]8 fi 1716 18 x:608 80.97 1316 54 x:608 81 78 1316 84 xs6r 08 Reach 4 Pool Cross Section 46 - Station 11+45 Purl ear Phase 11 1,317 1,316 Z' 1315 t 1,314 i 1.313 1,312 4 1.311 1.3111 1309 _l M \iJN, i I i •? \In. 11e.1h I t I' I '? I 0 111 20 311 46 511 61) 711 81) 90 -^ As-Built Sunc\ -21NN --•- 211117 -2 Ihujrn sane (Ynav 9vcfiml 4'eat.rr uale Purloa. thus II X711...hI Hillle ] I]zn.X 21ro5 20, 21X17 2. \.- H.H. lur, e9 \I\' .1 \I1 - 112 \1) -03 tita n F:I" ,iun Intex tila 1 f:le, alion \o1e. .titalinn f:lr, , I'- %ranon Eler n \ol 414 129888 PIN 414 129695 (xs7lp) 414 1296 87 XS7LP07 414 12969 XS7LP08 10 94 1,296 OB FP 4 35 1296 75 1X57) 55 9 1296 68 X57 4 58 1296 62 %57 14 60 1,296 00 BKF 441 1296 68 (X57) 12 56 1296 1 XS7 10 36 296 34 X57 1 1792 1,29553 LB 444 1296 1x,71,1 1189 129567 X17 1367 129617 XS7 1992 1,29467 LEW 447 % 129666 (xs7) 1988 129486 XS7 1666 129605 XS7 2073 1.29426 BB 1635 129594 Ixs7) 2022 129469 XS7W 1816 129555 XS7 21 43 1.294 15 SB 19 81 1294 83 1x0.) 20 75 1294.19 117 18.19 1295 66 X57 22 51 1 294 14 SS 20 84 1294 55 (xs7) 22 18 1294 2 XS7 2038 1294.53 XS7. 25 25 1,294 52 SB 21 6 1294 27 (xs7) 24 17 1294 5fi %57 21 19 1294 18 XS7 27 08 1,294 55 REW 221 6 1294 2 (x.7) 26 01 1294 64 XS' 22 58 1294 2 XS7 2964 1 294 55 BAR 24 19 1294 4 (xs7) 26 33 1294 72 IS7W 24.48 1294 51 X57W 3081 1,29445 REW 25.22 129456 (xs7) 2893 12946 XS7 25]9 129463 XS7 31 63 1.294 03 RB 26 4 1294 79 (xs7) 31 51 1294 97 1 S7 29 5 1294 77 XS7 33 31 1 295 29 RB 29 1 1294 72 (xs7) 32 17 1294 99 1S7 32 1295.11 XS7 361 3 1,29595 BKF 3053 129485 (xs7) 3386 129554 XS1 364 129602 XS7 53 39 1, 29627 TOB 3114 129478 (xs]) 3482 129587X57 4344 1 29674 XS7 46 18 1.296 88 FP 31 78 1294 84 Ix,7w) 36 67 1296 25 X57 532 1297 19 XS7 5326 1,29707 I- P 33.61 129528 (xs7) 3933 12965X57 5368 129725 XS7RP08 5335 1,29716 I' F 361 129585 (zs7) 416 1296.65X57 1026 1,29675 PIN 3676 129594 11,71 4418 12969 XS7 46.41 1296 86 (xs7) 47 37 1296 99 %S] 52 03 1296 B1 (xs7) 49 42 1296 97 X57 5348 129714 Ixs7rpl 5165 129719 XS7 5361 129] 16 1X571 53 05 1297 23 XS7RP07 \.-liuill 21NNr 211.7 UNIX .\rra 4111 1111 411 l? I 15; 421 {??il 111 M1lav I)r,lh ' 7 21 xl. ralin 2411 IS 2 14 1 12 N FI'\1 Inu 100 100 100 F:12 (Klvalrr than) ? N 2 J 2 C 2 1 Urr n'rv C, ` C 1 Reach 1 Riffle Cross Section #7 - Station 1+65 Puricar Phase 11 1,298 C 1,297 1,296 1,294 k 11 III 211 30 411 511 66 Distance (feet) As-Built Sunk) -216)6 ----2187 - 20()N Prnjeel 1- ('nrn. -lion Pexmre Uxte ('rex. Purleur Ph., 11 Xx KC.Ol I wulx ? 1721xIN (irnr c Ilwr?xwk 21NI< 21NNi 21X1' MIS .\.- liuill S.- AI\' -81 \11 -112 111 113 sufinn El,, X \nlex .titxfinn tale. n \ nl Sulinn F.1 n \ntex tilxfinn Nlexxtinn \nle+ 8 13 1,29715 FP B 02 1297 31 (798; 813 1297 27 XS8LP07 813 1297 04 XSBLPOB 12 7 1296 87 TOB 804 1297 07 (xs8) 8 52 1297 15 XS8 B 5 1297 16 XS8 112 29fi 17 LB B 13 1297 19 (xs81p) 11 41 1297 01 XS8 11 55 1297 02 XSB 17 31 1,295 55 BKF B 48 1297 31 (xsBlp) 15 04 129fi 34 XSB 13 09 12968 XS8 2004 . 1 294 44 LB 13 33 1296 61 (n8) 18 1 1295 03 %S8 16.3 129584 XS8 21 04 1293.58 LB 20 27 1294 29 (.s8) 21 )5 1293 82 %SB 17 31 1,295 55 XSB 215] 129715 LEW 2145 129311 (xs8W 2191 1293.04 XSBW 1978 129469 XSB 22 43 1.29 2.75 SB 21 13 1292.86 (.W 22 01 1292 73 XS8 21 23 1293 5 XS8, 28 17 1 292.20 SB 23 43 1292 23 (xs87 23 02 1292 28 XS8 22 01 1292 83 XSB 30 67 1 292 78 SB 24 95 1292 04 (xs8) 25 45 1292.16 XSB 22 21 1293 07 XS8 3227 1.29278 SB 265 129217 (xs8) 2824 129208 XS8 231 129244%S8 3306 1,29312 REW 292 129211 (xs8) 2049 129207 XSB 2462 12922X58 3447 129382 RB 3034 729204 (xs8) 2905 129206X58 211 78 129202 XS8 Sfi 58 1 294.43 RB 32 5 1293.06 (xs8,) 035 1292.24 XS8 28 71 1292.11 XS8 J839 1,29473 RB 3324 1293.28 (xs8) 3259 129262 XS8 302 1292.21 XSe 41 OS 729527 RB 37 d 729458 (xs8) 33 14 129306 XSBW 31 82 129264 XSB 461 129597 RB 406 1295.05 (xs8) 3367 1293.19 XS8 3203 129274 XS8, 5269 1,29635 PP 4977 729678 (mB) 3422 1293.82 XS8 3205 129303 XS8 Sfi 9 1 296 31 I'P 56 87 1296 55 (XS8) 363 1294 23 XS8 32 85 1293 67 XS8 Sfi 99 1,29655 PIN 5698 129642 (xsBrp) 3825 129466 XS8 335fi 129369 XS8 5] Ot 1296 21 (xs8) 40.93 7295 03 XSB 35 4 1294 18 XSB 43.22 129545 XS8 401 129509 XS8 46 93 1295 96 XS8 47 43 1296 12 XSB 4965 129627 XS8 5668 129623 XS8RPOB 55 7fi 129fi 36 XSB 57 17 1296 53 1 56 98 296 49 XSBRP07 \.-Nuill 2MN 2110 21NIX \rex IN "1 c, i Sfl ( \\iJlh 11 ! 2X X Vlexn uepm i x i ? I x \1xx nepm 1 I !• Cd rw xl II1, 1 ? ? 1 ' 111 1 98 98 98 F.It ICrexter Ihxnl t 1 I I 1 3 1 J .Nlrnxnl I'\ r L L C C Reach 1 Riffle Cross Section # 8 - Station 4+60 Purlear Phase II I,z9e I ,z9x 1.297 1,296 1.295 1,294 v 1.293 1,292 1291 NxnlmrB EJe.. xppn x 0 10 20 311 41) 511 60 711 Distance ffecll 4s-Built S.- -2106 ----21X17 +21NIN Xv R-1, I I'ruil 1 17 3(X18 51x171.1. ZIN15 \?-I1ui11 tiur.r? N:Ir. Xn1ex 1 .ltatinn 211411. 111-NI F:I.? . \ u1 X11417„1. 30' 111 113 F3e4 1 \al lxlian 1 MIN 111-142 F.1" n Xu1ea r 15 04 1 297 97 PIN 14 99 128] 97 (%59) 15 04 1297 91 XS9LP07 15 04 97 XS9LP08 1297 15 23 1297 66 FP 15 00 1297 82 Ixs91p) 1fi O6 129] 55 %58 15 75 1297 67 X59 19 23 1.297 36 TOB 15 32 1297 95 (xs91p1 19 27 1297 26 XS9 19 BB 1296 95 x59 21 42 1.296 18 LB 15 59 1297 7 (xsB1 22 34 1295 51 XS9 21 31 1296 2 XS9 22 24 1295 34 LB 16 96 1297 46 (xs9) 24 56 1294 52 XS9 22 25 1295 18 XS9 23 72 1295 00 LB 22 51 1295 34 (xs91 26 43 1294 W XS9 24 11 1294 66 XS9 24.86 1,29413 LB 2416 129494 (xs9) 2853 128386 XS9 2731 129366 XS5 2698 129374 LB 2593 129397 (xs9) 3025 729372X59 2845 729363 XS9 28 67 1,293 59 BKF 29 1293 62 (xs9) 31 53 1292 33 X39W 293 1291 54 AS 2 1.29182 SB 3036 129196 (x59) 3188 129243 X59W 3156 129307X59 : 31 16 1 291 56 SB 30 45 1291 83 (xs9) 32 35 1290.15 XS9 32 44 1291 89 XS9 3201 . 1291 44 SB 30 93 1291 6fi (xs9) 33 12 1290 18 XS9 32.96 1291 B3 X59w 32.31 1,29018 SB 3141 129133 (xs9) 3534 129041 XS9 33.7 129049 XS9 33.77 1,29024 SB 3145 129123 (xs8) 31 32 129087 XS9 3432 129027 XS9 356 1,28108 SB 31 B4 1291 23 (xs8) 3744 129125 XS9 36.97 129046 X59 37 26 1.291 68 SH 32.42 1291 59 (xs9) 38 22 1291 62 XS9 36 7 1291 48 X59 38.26 1 291 99 SH 73 11 1290 36 (xs9) 36 72 1292 39 XS9W 38 78 1291 76 %S9 39.11 1,292.20 RI :W 3362 129046 (xs9) 40.79 1292.64 XS9 3884 129189 XS9.v 401 1,292.43 M 34 77 1290.67 (xs9) 41.64 1292.99 XS9 39.45 1292 3 AS' 45.22 1 293 09 PB 36 27 1291 3B (.s9) 43 56 1293.23 XS9 44 06 1293.34 AS' 5249 1.2" 11 PB 3826 129199 (x0w) 45.73 129341 X59 5268 1293.11 XS' 55 08 1,293 18 P11 397 1292 45 (xs9) 49 19 1293 25 XS9 61 26 1293 93 XS9 6339 129414 RH 4005 129243 (XS9) 4966 129324X59 6931 129474 X 71 129488 11tH 4119 129274 (xs9] 5321 129311 XS9 7979 12955 XS9 J4 7 I2v1 11 " 57 79 1293 57 XS9 87139 1295 73 XS9 Js lX I39l Iru IXSO) 607 129387 %S9 679 129612 XS9RP08 X241 1311 ItN IXS91 649 129452 ASS 53 3 1293 OB (xs91 65 21 1294 48 XS9 5504 129316 (XS9) 6702 129460X59 5777 12936 (xs91 7053 129508 X59 I.w n; 1291 129507X59 X': I3uJ 4 75 39 1295 33 AS I_'ra 7689 129543 XS9 x7 J4 I--"ir, lu ?X-vii 7857 129547 XS9 6776 12%2 xs9r) 831 129556x55 146 01 1295 59 XS9 Bfi 07 129561 ASS 1,298 _ 1,297 .. 1 296 v 1.'_95 g 1,294 1,293 1,292 1.2'11 1,291) 1,43 l1 21NM 311117 21HIN \rea llX 115 3%e \VIJ1N 2J. 3X% 3'11 ?N rr .\lexn Urplh ' l u ..\lax Ih.18 Reach 1 Pool Cross Section # 9 - Station 5+98 Purlear Phase 11 61,. u.nNrun Fa,? 111 211 311 40 511 60 71) 80 90 DO-, (feeD *-AS-81.711 Sunc3 -+-21N1G-21NI7 121X18 Prulrcl ?vme (-ra?•-Xearinn Fea r, Unte ('re., 1',irlear Phxxe II \P, Keaxh 1,?1 17211118 c. Ilunr,nk 21X15 21X, 21X1' 21 IN .1.- Nuill tiurvel \11--111 \I\ -n N1-113 \tv Hun 43e1 atian \nlc. st.Hnn 47ervlion \nlc. \laliun 1.Ie1•Hun \alea ?tv Han El r. afl- Nine. 20 66 1 291 11 FP 2066 1290 64 (xs101p) 20 fib 1290 79 X510LP0 19 47 1290 84 X510 23 41 1 290 38 20 79 1290 84 (xs701p1 21 4] 1290 fi4 X510 20 66 1290 P XS10LP0 30 71 1 289 00 BKF 21 02 1290 71 (xs101 24 39 1290 12 XS10 27 56 1290 22 X510 32 26 1 288 49 LB 242 1290.22 (xs 107 28 27 1269 34 XS 10 26 18 1289 3X510 33 14 1 288 08 LB 31 52 1288.9 (xs 10) 34 36 12879 %510 70 69 1288 84 %S 10 3625 128800 PB 3317 128814 (n 10) 7607 126779X510 7322 728799 XS10 3916 128771 PB 352 128797 (xs10) 4136 128751 XS 10 4021 128793 xS10 4058 128]54 LEW 3524 1288 (XS101 423 128]72 %S70W 4176 12673%510 4162 1.28743 3814 128771 (X510) 4261 1267 JJ X510 4251 128727 43]3 126713 SB 7835 128]82 Ixs10) 4468 128673 XS10 4279 128708X510 XS 471 728689 SB 4087 128753 (xs10) 4504 128665 XS10 4384 128683XS10- 4989 128fi 55 SB 4146 128743 (xs10) 484 126603 XS70 4566 128657 XS10 51 74 1266 09 SB 42 OB 1287 38 (xs10) 50 07 1285 87 X510 48 15 1286 43.X510 52 67 1286 52 50 42 93 1287 22 (xs10) 50 94 128fi 3X510 49 75 1266 05 X510 5293 728735 REW 4503 128884 (xs10) 5214 128669 XS70 5017 128607x510 541 1,28780 RB 4114 128fi 77 (xs10) 5711 12872 XS10W 5203 128591X510 5581 128826 Rli 4773 128fi 58 (xs10) 544 728769 XS 70 52.2 128fi 38 XS70 1211 1,289 83 XB 49 21 1286 38 (xs10) 58.21 1288 33 X510 53 15 1287 31 %510 65 O7 1,290 78 RR 499 1286 36 (xs10) 58 3 1288 86 XS10 53 48 1286 93 X510 6878 729169 TOB 5168 1286.06 (.s10) 6073 128923X510 5667 128789 XS 70 7309 129224 FP 5252 7286 (xs10) 6316 128979 XS10 5756 128782%S10 7712 1292 fit IT 5326 728749 (xs10) 64]3 129049X510 80.27 128919x510 8049 129287 PP 511 12N7` 1,+lowi 6708 129111 XS10 64.02 129005 XS 10 8055 129333 P1N 11 1288118 1xx1H) 691 1297 53 X570 6] 19 1291 %510 5786 1288 94 11)1 7026 129189X510 8929 12916 XS10 5871 728884 (x510) 7312 1291 94 XS 10 72.12 1291 77 XS10 6196 126986 (xs10) 754 129223 XS70 7655 129236X510 6743 129137 (xs10) 7751 129241 X510 80.82 129271 X510 702 129179 (xs10) 7971 129274 XS10 8104 129319 XSICRP08 7797 7 129225 (xs10) 8082 129318 XS10RP07 7a 1 iX51111 xH 7 12'11 221.114, \.-Buill 21X, 21111' 21X IX \rex leis !'J 1•' IM1I \51Xth x )lean Ilepth I l 12 I ! I G \l.s Ile lh 1 Reach I Pool Cross Section #10 - Station 9+93 Purlear Phase 11 1,294 1,2'93 1.272 1,291 1,2911 1,289 3 1,288 L2%7 1,286 1,285 21) Distnncc Ifecq -TM- M-Built Survey ? 2416 -' 2417 t 21X1% 311 411 541 641 70 811 911 e ? - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - _ ' I I t i 4 P, t ? - o c - _ a - . _ c o 0 6 _ t s Y F z R m ___ _ c _ _ a _= E k w Y<< - E' y C - f 4 1 .. H O 0096009 00'6VDZ .v ot DDZts 00'ZD[ DO'8SZ DO'DVt 00'BZt 00'08 00'48 oD'so E DDzc E a oD zz n 0091 'C a oo'u 009 oc's Do 'o 00'z 00 1 09 0 sZ'0 C t'0 90'D 900 a" z r 2: g 6 V fi O v 4 4 t 1 ? . -T - T _ _ E Y E ?' E E C r 1 F z? 3 e - E E C u. E u E _ ! J 0 ? U m m C , I u K E d N o C N f ? J 'u d K N L c o. O d V d d j v a d a 0 H )099000 )0'BOOZ )0'OZO1 )0'L LS )0'Z90 )0'9SZ )0'091 )0921 )0 09 )009 )090 E )0'Z6 E A zz N d 7091 .Y DZ'll 0 009 0L S 000 00'z 001 090 9Z'0 ]900 900 e b b fa $ °° b b o % an)lelnwwno - F i _ - ` _ _ - _ ` = - - S E _ U --- E E 9- Y - c C c y O H c v V? 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Xii J X x Ix xl • i X1 X x x x r x I E co co Q1 O O N fD N a 00 N !O `- N N O t - a) m m oo N N N N (/Gej;lgje - aaaj) u01len813 0 0 o _ o w 0 c co co 0 N o .4 O m m 0 F- oc) 0 0 o X O co ro 0 0 N O O n rn m m 3 r d F- u co O c O o ;? 0 l0 y N 10 O L U N C o E co o co co oo o 0 N O M 3 m t F- 0 0 N O i O N O O r + - O O N 00 N co r N I d O -r R ? R C. V L ? A C L ? ? A T d ate. ? j y C ? L 0. p s h 0 M g ? - u 0 w ? o O R R °0 0] r O O N N P o o°e c R 3 ? N N X C OL R v 3 ? r o Y O j N N 0 0 0 r r '^ r r ? r r r r r r r r ),C?e?l[gax - laa?) imilonal3 X ? X X, 7 X I I N I I X X X X a ! I j X I X X X J ,? I O N b N N OE b Q O O O Project Name Purl ear Creek - Phase II Task Feature Slope and Length Calculations Date Nov 2008 Crew C George, Z Price Reach 4 - 2008 Reach I - 2008 Riffle Water Riffle Water Station Change Elev change slope Station Change Elev change slope 17 1 329 89 24 1295 88 48 31 17 1329 S9 0 3 096% 46 22 19 1295 S l 0.37 1 o' 1329 53 72 1294.87 96 34 79 1329 19 0 34 098% 0 106 34 46 12947 0 17 0.49% 140 132824 146 1294.75 158 17 94 1327 9 0 34 1.90% 172 25 69 1294 5 0.25 0 97% 190 13^_7 49 2 12 21 86 1327 05 0 44 2 01'. 331 1325 539 1292 15 354 22 34 1324 73 0 27 1 21% 570 30 59 1291 89 0.26 0 a , 288 1325 81 776 1291 48 306 18 53 1325 53 0 28 1.511/. 800 24.61 1291 13 035 1 4 ' 309 132549 849 1288 42 326 17 35 1325 01 0 48 2 77° 0 869 1984 1287 99 0 43 2 , 365 1 324 42 931 1287 3 379 14 49 1323 72 07 4 83% 957 25 88 1287 22 0.08 0 i I 404 1323 27 1072 1286.37 425 21 41 1322 59 0 68 3 18% 1120 48 38 1285 69 0 68 1 41 468 132146 478 1002 1321 21 015 2 35% Pool Station length p-p spacing 508 1320 88 Reach I - 2008 517 8 83 1320 73 0 15 1 70% 3 668 578 1319 92 24 21 776 108 114 5 S94 16 65 1319 63 0 29 1 74% 57 825 656 1318 69 71 14 50.5 868 43 124.5 671 14 89 13 17 98 0 71 4 77-?. 172 878 738 1317 01 276 104 160 927 49 56 760 2196 1316.61 0.4 1.82% 282 957 791 1316 47 395 113 114 5 1038 81 9S 816 24 25 13 15.85 0 62 2. S6% 399 837 13 15 77 497 98 1095 855 18 58 1315 47 0 3 1 61% 520 879 1315 46 557 37 90 5 910 309S M4 72 0.74 2 391,n 575 938 1314 67 640 65 b9 956 1841 13143 0.37 201°0 998 13 13 37 Reach 4 - 2008 1019 21 53 131304 033 153"?. 96 740 1036 1312 99 122 26 797 57 5; 5 1045 94 131278 021 223 u 1_19 816 1097 1312 33 141 12 26 842 26 60S 1 106 8 75 13 1 I S 0 18 2.06% 164 854 IIIS 1311 96 194 30 44 895 41 455 1 126 11 131 1 71 0 25 2 27ro 212 910 1146 1311 % 231 19 42 5 934 24 475 1157 11 131141 015 136% 247 958 1179 1311 35 285 38 44.5 992 34 S3 1 190 1 1 15 1311 06 0 29 260% 295 1018 1224 13104 311 16 37 1039 21 535 1232 8 1310 1 0 3 3.75% 329 1047 1244 1309 73 364 35 43 5 1082 35 36 1257 13 1309 54 0 19 1 46% 378 1094 1354 1308 21 397 19 41 1109 15 37 1375 21 1307.52 0.69 3 29% 414 1 123 1404 1307.53 434 20 36.5 1147 24 33 5 1412 8 1307 43 0 1 125% 446 1 161 465 19 31.5 1178 17 34 5 479 1191 498 19 33 1224 33 38 S15 1232 539 24 38 5 1247 15 32 547 1264 568 21 30.5 1298 34 415 588 1333 598 10 35.5 1352 19 61 5 610 1375 651 41 37 5 1401 26 41 5 672 1449 698 26 54 5 1460 I1 66 701 729 28 30 Reach 4 min max median Reach I min max median Riffle Length 8 0 34 8 17 6 RiMe Length 19.8 48 4 25 8 Riffle Slope 0 96°ro 4 83% 2 01% Riffle Slope 031"% '_ 17% 1 19% Pool Length 10 0 57 0 140 Pool Length 14.0 1 13 0 65 0 Pool Spacing 16 67 40 Pool Spacing 51 160 102 Project Name Purlear Phase 11 Task Channel Pattern Measurements Date Crew C. George, Z Price Reach 4 2008 Radius of Curvature Meander Wavelength Channel Beltwidth 41 111 24 38 97 20 68 76 26 26 62 17 45 117 18 16 171 21 29 133 41 13 132 41 112 88 36 17 74 42 25 64 38 33 69 31 18 71 28 21 97 30 15 66 22 13 77 29 25 98 34 22 20 30 21 37 21 49 49 37 13 62 17 112 171 42 26 88 29 min max median Reach 1 2008 Radius of Curvature Meander Wavelength Channel Beltwidth 38 201 36 50 255 44 88 38 201 36 88 255 44 50 228 40 min max median APPENDIX C 1. Wetland Groundwater Level Graphs rl 3 rr 3 L O C O ?t N O O rn? C N OO C7 C O o h a M 00 O O ? N I I O T i 00 0 0 N O N 00 00 O O N tl- N_ I 00 O O N 00 O O N co O N M Cp '. U Cn CI ? I O' I f0 U -0 cC C I? 1 .n I O N It CO 00 N O O O O i (aaepng punojE) mola8;aa=l) Jana-1 aa;eM N 3 I 3 C O C O r- O O O N O N -- ? - (O -- -- 00 - N M N O O O O O M rn? C N 00 w C O N cc c Q) W U) ' 1 1 ------ ---- -------t------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 i 1 1 p?? 1 C 3 ' o Q 1 0 i a o 1 N f0 co 1 1 ------- ----------------r------- 00 O O N O w O O N O N 00 00 O O N ti w O O N N OD ' O } N O U C D 0 C? I fC U c m a? 1 1 i m la 0 (ooejjng punoaE) mola8;aad) Jana-1 aa;eM "t Stream Restoration Reaches As-Built Wetland Areas -inf. r3?! t;•-G??????y? ?` m'?? Mer r . .._ ,. -r .cq., a •, .:- -' i Preservation ' _ i F halt { ??n c jif? Enhancement Restoration Ft Feet %*r MEL Prepared For Purlear Creek Phase II Stream and Wetland Restoration - Year 0 Monitoring 2006 Project Wilkes County, North Carolina Date Project Number T,COSySteill 6/5/06 010559701 Purlear Creek Phase II (010559701) March 2006 - Year 0 of 5 2 /ZFJ lrrlq-H- T:\pn\011795013\Monitonng\Purlear Creek II YO Monitoring Report.doc \? and Aseodeles, Inn --- J------------ng- ----------_ ? ? S89LZ JN 'Y6iel°8 y ----------------------------1-- SZ9G ?°g anewoJ cao't .•no•M ?A? ----1__L------------------------------- JNItl33NYJN3 lVtll11lnJ1lYJV B3VJI?Ol016 1331-C J Nd1d ONC y?lINOl1 I I "ON',dNnoo S3N1Pd A? saie?m?r•?sl __________________>?wnnon-vaozl • °ian? eR I B I n z°ozl z ¦ tl3Ntl ONV?1 - b HOV3H o a d r-------------------------------r ?- Z 3SVHd A3 - N33d0 21tl378fld ?' E e sv,at? c r I (n N I p C O 0_ I 4 I ? \ b I o_ b c I a_ \ v 00 F- N `1 ° 00 \ 3 a ,p w z X ?? o O c? w m z p <M o P z 33:: LLI o m 3 o w V)° 0 (n (n p p ~ w m oo oo z 0 (n ° P o! ly- U b W un U1 d N J 0 0 C ¢ ? 0 a- > Ln Z4? (n 2 c0 O (nU --i H N Z 0<0 a+ cD O a'WO W F- U 0' 0_ > U D -1 0 Z 4 O 0 a UL, m Ow? ry W r M Z a C) U o -zL " Q I I- p LC) LLI \ W W O a, r LL 01 D ? J X d Q z ` ? O ?W ? I? J O O m C) I C14 W ¢ N 3 V) " \ (n N 0 a_ LL (n 2 W p O U a p ° (n -j OQW dl ? ? 0' > Q\ z o I4 O O zttz zit L'i Cf) d ZO _o a U) F- U rn 0a0 Li TWO U o o u? 0 ? 0 < OQ0 0'WO O U a a k d I c? 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