HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090305 Ver 1_DCM Permit_20091113? ?+n y.e , .. .q i Y4,r s rya ' 4*o!,•FS c-:i^C>nn^? #.err - 5. ? .^.rNa ? i?vr_4 _ .. ?K^5 r _ - ?c .w r _ / as i p, r.rr.?. Y, a n. - i ti PermtE CI s Permit umber NE W 0a-D3o5 STATE Of _%4OR'TH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Re and Coastal Resources Commission RrMIt for 143-09 source No V 1 3 2009 MTER PV" X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Currituck County, PO Box 39, Currituck, NC 27929 Authorizing development in Currituck County at Currituck Sound, 1100 Club Road, Corolla as requested in the permittee's application dated 117/09, including the attached workplan drawings (4), dated 8/28/09 This permit, issued on October 27, 2009 is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Upland Development 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the boardwalk, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. Any additional land disturbing activities and/or construction may require a modification of this permit. Contact a Division of Coastal Management representative at (252) 264-3901 for this determination. 2) All portions of the permitted boardwalk located within 30 feet of the Normal Water Level shall be slatted, wooden and elevated (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on March 6, 2014 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. James H. Greg-son, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee a r..?v rNn, v -:: `0.:.. ,Kr. ?.;*f' -AMKew +r.. , , P.. - KY;a. h^.a. rY, n ..+# _ < .... V_ ...... a Currituck County Permit 4143-09 Page 2 of 4 h ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .r z i 4 Bulkhead r 3) The alignment of the permitted bulkhead shall be done in accordance with the attached workplan } f drawings. X 4) The alignment of the permitted bulkhead shall be staked by the permittee and approved on site by a 14 Division of Coastal Management representative prior to initiation of construction. 5) The bulkhead shall be constructed prior to any backfilling activities. 6) The bulkhead shall be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of backfill materials through the structure. 7) The bulkhead shall be solid and constructed of treated wood, concrete slabs, metal or vinyl sheet piles, or other suitable materials approved by Division personnel. 8) All backfill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 9) All backfill material shall be obtained from a high ground source and confined behind the permitted bulkhead. 10) No backfill material is to be placed within 30 feet of the normal water line, except that which will be used to backfill the area behind the permitted bulkhead. 11) No fill material shall be placed at any time in any marsh or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the workplan drawings. 12) All fill material to be placed below normal water level shall be confined behind the permitted bulkhead. RipRap Shoreline Protection 13) The alignment of permitted riprap, including the waterward toe, shall be staked by the permittee, and approved by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of any construction. Failure to initiate construction within 30 days, or erosion of the shoreline by adverse weather conditions shall require the alignment to be restaked by the permittee and re-approved by DCM within a maximum of 30 days prior to the new expected start of construction. 14) The riprap material shall be free from loose dirt or any pollutant. It shall be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. 15) The riprap shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as but not limited to granite, marl, or broken concrete. Currituck Countv Permit 4143-09 Pa;e 3 of 4 ADDITIONAL, CONDITIONS Off-Shore RipRap Sills 16) The alignment of off7hore sills shall be staked by the perrzittee and approved by a representative 0F i flip Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of any construction. Failure to initiate construction within 30 days, or erosion of the shoreline by adverse weather conditions shall require the alignment to be restaked by the permittee and re-approved by DCM within a maximum of 30 days prior to the new expected start of construction. 17) The authorized off-shore sill shall adhere to the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings, including location and design to allow for the movement of the aquatic organisms. 18) If the crossing of wetlands with mechanized construction equipment is necessary, temporary construction mats shall be utilized for the areas to be crossed. The temporary mats shall be removed immediately upon completion of construction. 19) The sill material shall be free from loose dirt or any pollutant. The material shall be of a size sufficient to prevent their movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. 20) The offshore sills shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as but not limited to granite, marl, or broken concrete. 21) The sills shall be marked at 50-foot intervals with yellow reflectors extending at least three feet above normal high water level. 22) No portion of the offshore sills shall extend more than 2' above the normal water level. 23) The base of the offshore sill structures shall not exceed a maximum of 8 feet in width. 24) No backfill of the sills or any other filling of wetlands, estuarine waters, public trust areas or high ground is authorized by this permit, outside of the area indicated on the attached workplan drawings. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 25) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 26) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses and property (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales or berms, etc.). 27) A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within 30 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. tom( .. i.'?t'k. #. ..Pi .. .>n .. P,vr.'.^+r" i.:+. , r.> Y;.? TN. i , rv v m.'+. , .. rr ni i -,.. . Nn , , <}.. o -sY . , r. v rl+'eP .. n. .. v ird -.. n.nd#.' . E' +Y',Q#t'.., , ;>NR>.u`,= .. w "urrituck County Permit #143-09 Page 4 of 4 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS } General Y $ 3) All wetland plantings in Currituck Sound and the man made basin shall take place in accordance with the project narrative dated 1/12/09 and in accordance with that attached workplan drawings labeled C-3 and dated 8/28/09. 29) The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States requires the removal, relocation, or other alteration of the structure or work authorized by this permit, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States or the state of North Carolina. No claim shall be made against the United States or the state of North Carolina on account of any such removal or alteration. E 30) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. 31) The permittee shall maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the f permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. f Y' 32) This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project, and the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage to the authorized structure or work, or injury which may be caused from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. 33) This permit shall not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Quality has authorized the proposed project under DWQ Project No. 09-0305. .f NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project under COE Action Id. No. SAW-200900594, which was issued on 6/18/09. .f , ,,4 , > , ~ I :,;J a ; . r~; F l }~S ue s I ~~f ` l } f ; f -??~r~~^''~ ~ ~ a . ,~i . u ae u ~ :,1 ~i~4' .I~ ~ ~ 1 1 ' , 1te~'~I il Ir ~t~ ~ , ~ NQV ~ 2QQ~ ~ ~ "i; 1< ~ atest ssue 1 Dr in ~t e o. aw - Pan u ust La out Y t ~ y4 Pdl ~ s 1 ~ ; i ~ ~f D tai u ust , < ~ ~ T 1 a actions e s ~ r ~ i - C 9 Y , ~ (E 1 ~ 1 ~ . - , 3 ,~2,1~ ll 1 ~ ~ ~ ACKAY I ~ , k ` y ` f , _ ~ ,J' 1 o>y~r~~n~Tf-. Knr~tt., Is a~~' I ` _ '~~.I ~ j _ r 3 r ' cs~ . - - i f s. ~,~r'`~ 1 ,~~~'~7' ' ~ F.. - i ~ f: r. ~ ` ~ ~~t`! - - ~ i~ t _ , -1' \ ti~ is ~ I n ~ ~ f} n ~ E sr 1 t, p~ 1 N~~ . f ljz~ e ~ , ~t ~ l ~ ~ "m~i i ~ eP~ ibl~,edt,? ~ ~l t ~ rd.. ~ _ ~ ~ . : 3 ~ i.1 y _ ~dor .~j .r, ~ +Mon~ p talnnd ~ ~ z ~r~ c . ; ~ , ~ . ~3,~. ~ , v_ ' Ci t Z ~ , , ~ iJ T,r~~ ~rW~ ~ - 4 - ~ . ~ ' - h ~~e ~ a - 1 ~ r beach lr nt ~us - 1„ Clitt,J~k x ~ Cprti~la ~~a t 'E E - % t t - i ~ ! ~ I,•, ~ ' ` u~ ~ ~ l j _ ~,'n f I - it - `i~ ~ ;,r u c, ~ - u n - _ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G~inf~ock ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ii F~~` ~l'Ji:~ E r ~I flC~~B~ _p U~;! 7 3i ~f - _ ~i_.. t ~ - ~ l i.~S - ~ , u~ 2 ` ~ ,.',115.. Site Location IVIa p ~ , 0 1000 2000 Feet 2000 Feet a s I tes ssue l ra i e o. w _ Nov. In ento Environmenta v Yanasse Ilan en rustlln Inc. Trans ortation p Land evelo ment P Environmental Services ~ 0 ~ U 351 McLaws Circle, Suite 3 Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 U ~ U .O Z e- 757 220 0500.757 220 8544 W p"' ~ b o ~ o U ~~Vhb~proj\Wiiliamsburg\32473.00\cad~ev~planset~32473-EC.dwg _ r. 2 ~ 4 i - _ APQ STATE OF NORTH ~ \ ~ ~ - - - - ~ CAROEINA 2S E%ISIING BASIN Y O assnNC l ~ aaDC~/eoaNOWAUC I oasnHO ~ ~ ~ 4 (y ~O I BUUOIEAD ~ ~ ~ V A / ~ NcwRC ~Inu~ EOUCAIIpV CENTER SNOREUNE ~p ® PER qS INFO, , . - - ~ ~ ~anasse Ha~gera Brusttin, .inc. P - - ~ - / E%lS?NG UOCKS 1 A4FIENT ~ as iNw Transportation E%IS11NG PIIfS i ~ , Land Development PIER k GA2EEB0 ; , , PERgSINFO ~ - ,"i~ n . y r ~ s ti Environmental Services EfO371N6 J~ y - _ BPoDf~~BOARDWAIJ( : ~ ~ - - - E%ISIINC - ~ 351 M~cLaws Circle, Suite 3 ~LKNEAD ~ ~ ~ Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 t 4` _ - ~ 757-220-0500 • FAX 757-220-8544 F \ ' E%ISTC~G 't - BUWiEAD y~ , ti' - j ~ ~ ~ . - - J% - _ _ i .:9~ ~ ~y i N~ t, ~u N i 4 ~ ~ , ~ ~ i .f, - , - wn ~ 7 t / f~ 3 1, ~_~T i ~ W k b`t; 4 / ~ ~ Q EpsnNG / Z CONCRETE PA1H-~ 1 , / ~ v i ~ ~ Q ~ / f- W . ~ ~ EgSiWG GAA1rl. PAiH . - _ ~ EYJStIN6 PAiH tij y ~ ~ ~ ti ~j~ / ~ .~e~< ~ U F- ~ ~ Q ENISnNG Q Z HEADWALL & J U CULVERT r ~ ~ / = CL' h O ' ` IXISIWG BOAC RAMP ~ = - ~ O ~l'r- p U - TUCK COUNTY PROPERTY LINE . CURRI , ~ - ~ Z I , \ ~ , ~ - ~ EYJSTINC PERNOUS PAffNENT ~ ~ ~ / \ ` j t ~ _ Ewsnr~ ' r y, a~~~r ~ Elevations at Nail Set # 1 o ti ~ d ® i s E%ISTINC DOCK ~ - EpS1ING PA7H -EpS1ING PA7H ~ \ ~ y ~ - ~ WNAUrEAD CLUB ~ PER pS INFO ' ® 0.50 ELEV. = 3.19' NAVD 88 ° ~ ' \ 0.00 ELEV. = 3.69' NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) \ r i ~ ~ ~ \ / ' C~//!L?aZl V 1~/g L7{i~ ~ (N.T.S.) E%ISiRVG YMALEHEAD 0.UB _ r~' - EgS11NGPAIH a ELEVATIONS ON PLAN VIEWS ARE BASED \ v coRO~~A ucHr ~ ADJUST TO NAVD88, SUBTRACT 0.50" APO ON NORMAL WATER LEVEL (0.00"). TO coMMUNirY ~ FROM ALL PLOTTED ELEVATIONS. VERTICAL Assoc. DATUM IS BASED ON A FIELD ADJUSTMENT ~~yn \ s"oREUNE BASED ON GEOMORPHOLOGIC CONDITIONS. PER GI3 WFD 1 ,yr K g SURVEYED NOVEMBER, 2006 \ i ~ ~ t T ~ -.a, ' , i ~ No. Revision Date Appvd. 2 ~ ~ Designed by Drown by Checked by Z \ CAD checked by Approved by 1S \ Scale 1 „_SQ, Date August 28, 2009 Project Title ~v_i ® r ~ ~Vhalehead Club ~ ` Shoreline Protection oas~+c „ ~ AE6EIMFNT ~ - ~.~~M~ coNa~E _ _ ,T VVhalehead Preservation Trust ~ ti ~ Corolla, North Carolina ~I_ r4"~- Issued for ~ f Agency Review ~J 1 ,a ~ r ~ - ~ - . _ d _ + _ g Not Approved for Construction "_y a ~ti= , 0~. Drawing Title r _ = ~ r~ _ xm r r ` „ z ~ e ~ e - t ~ i ~ r ~ x i a" EX15ting COndltlonS 4 ~C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , ~I ~ a ~~~/,I~AdL UI~~a~®IJdm~ Drawing Number ~ ' ~ 1 ~,u 4 k ~ y ~i E tl 50 0 50 100 e crni ~ ir.i ~rc-r wnLl_ It 11 1 LL i Sheet of 3 ~m Project Number 32473 32473-EC.dwg \\Vhb\proj~Williomsburg\32473.00\cad\ev\planset\32473-LM.dwg i ~ 2 1 4 ~"o APO STATE OF NORTH ? ~easnecaasN-~ i i ~ x'" t ' ~ ti CAROLINA S~ ~ \ EXLSIINC BPoDGE~BOARDWALIf Eg511NG TO BIAKHEAD~ Eg511NG BWfHEAD ~ ~ A / ~ Ncu~cc wtDUFf mucanoN cENiER s~oREUL€ PER ps In'FO T~anasse Ilangen Brustlin, Inc, E INTO ExlsnecoocKs EXISTING TIMBER BULKHEAD. \ ` ~ ` P R q5~ NFO Transportation -TIE INTO E ~ p ~ Land Development swsnNO wlES PIER R GAffE80 ~ EXISTING TIMBER ~ PFR CIS INfO r EXIS71N0 ~ oo ~ BULKHEAD ~ ~ Environmental Services ~~x ~ ~ r7 N eRlocE/eoaROwux -PROPOSED D ' REGRADE BANK SLOPE ON 351 McLaws Circle, Suite 3 ~O BULKHEAD 25k00 ~asie+c / ' , 4 ~ PLACED NO MORE auLKHEao / ~ ~ 8:1 SLOPS AND PLANT w ~ ~ ~ .THAN 3" FROM h ~ - ~ ' o _ _ ,_u EXISTING BANK h ~ f~ ~ WITH WETLAND PLANTINGS Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 a a ` 757-220-0500 • FAX 757-220-8544 ~ z z ~ SCARP E>nSnNG ~ k ~ \ ~ Q ~ BULKHEAD ~ ` _ ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED 8' \ ~ 0 ~ a r WIDE BOARDWALK , 2 ~ ~x0 ~ z ~ off' z N ~ ~ ~ 0 6xo ~ ~ SGT ~ ~ ~ ~ z F N ~ o, r ~ PROPOSED ~ ~ o ~ ~ PROPOSED / i, z " ~ ~ ~ ~ j " y„~ , P S. BULKHEAD ~ c.; BULKHEAD ~ m`~~ ~ ~ PLACED NO MORE. W ~h q~ 312 LF. ~I THAN 5' + ~ XQO I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ kl~ CHANNELWARD OF ~ i ~ t EXISTNG BANK , ' Q ~%~X / ~:.I. i ~ D; PROPOSED ' PROPOSED AT TREE SAVE ' I ~ ~ A BULKHEAD ` t ~ TIE NEW 262 LF. ~ SIIN BULKHEAD AREAS ~ 4 262 LF. snNC ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BULKHEAD AND c~ , CREff PAtH~.. I~ / i, ~ BOARDWALK I - - 2 I' ~ ~-EbsneccRaubPAiH INTO EXISTING - ` W c~P~ I 1 j ~ I EXISnNG PA1H _ ~ ~ ~ T ' ~t m ~ j PROPOSED 8' rn ' c i i WIDE BOARDWALK _ ~ t I - 1 ' , o ~4 / I 1 ~ IXIS71N0 t / sr~ "w. HEADWALL G ~ gILVERT I i i z \ N t . ' ~ 1 / 1 ~ i r ~ ~ f ti 1 , ~ a. I . . EXISINC 80AT RANP N 's ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ i p ~ r ~ I ( a . _ _ ~ a+ _ + ~ ~ t TIE INTO ~ 'V ~ A - ~ + + * P i ~ EXISIINC PERNOUS PAYd1ENi ~ ' ~ + 1 + a ~ EXISTING TIMBER ~ to ~ ~ \ ~ HEADWALL ` ; ~I ~ ^r ~ .y±.+~`~`~ ~ ~ b a a a a;-~ ~ _ ~t ~ _ _ . u; o~ ~ ~ii 3 a ~ ! . _ ; ~ ~ I HEADWALL & ~;v CULVERT EXISTING Elevations at Nail Set #1 t I BULKHEAD A .a ~ , i Q . ~ : ~ . o i ~ E%ISnNC DOCK ~ i ~ I , ~ E>nStING PA1H PA1H ~ it ~ ~ ® ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ + NHAffHEAD CLUB PER p5 INFD ' ~ 0.50 ELEV. = 3.19" NAVD 88 ~ ~ ; 1 ¢`0 LF.t SILL a~'+ ~ ~ ESTABLISH AND ~ , ~~2EST ELEV.=2.0' ,~f (IMPROVE VEGETATION ~ x~ ~ o0 4+: I 1 ~ ® 0.00 ELEV. = 3.69" NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) ~ 1 L BEACH ~ 1 n i + + it ~ A M . w , ~ ~ (N.T.S.) C~ ~ ~ ~ G' . ~ ; ; ~a . . ~ ~ E%IBnNC N}iALEHEAD CLUB \a~' ~ k~ ~ O ELEVATIONS ON PLAN VIEWS ARE BASED. ~ ~ APO ON NORMAL WATER LEVEL (0.00"). TO f e .-+a~a 7 C'•''''` Y!. \ , , coROLLA uGHT ~ ADJUST TO NAVD88, SUBTRACT 0.50" 37 LF.t SILL i a ,."s~ w~,;~: ~ CREST ELEV.=2.0"~~ ~ f ~ .+t+.`+~ as ; i ~ coMMUNITY ~ FROM ALL PLOTTED ELEVATIONS. VERTICAL ASSOC. Q ~i ~ PROPOSED ~ x DATUM IS BASED ON A FIELD ADJUSTMENT a;syq , _ r" ~ ~ BULKHEAD ~ e °o \ ~ ~ ~ ~ BASED ON GEOMORPHOLOGIC CONDITIONS. 374 LF. - SURVEYED NOVEMBER, 2006 ~ _ / - ~G\ ~ ~ 1 i i / `s. t ~ I 'off ~ x 9~ / /,moo, ~ \ \ \ ~ ~ ~X w / Q ~ ~ o~ ~ , ~ i / r. ~ ~ U ~ ~ TIE INTO ~ ~ PROPOSED ' ~ o / BULKHEAD ~ ~ ~ 57 LF.f SILL ~P o_..~:~- :'i 34 ~ CREST ELEV.=2.0' p ~ SAND BERM { l DUNE GRASS _ - 7 ` rox _ - - _ ~ I No. Revision Date Appvd. -75' AEC-----;-_ I - - - - - x'~' _ PLANTINGS _ - - -75~ AEC '75> AEC- - _ _ _ ~ \ p { x~' ~ ~ ~ ~ Designed by Drown by Checked by y, ~ i, r } ~ _ - - ~ ~ a ~ ~ , l + SF E ++~ti~~ SF .R,+j ~ CAD checked by Appr ved y r ° a ` ' 5+00 BEACH ' i + + 6+00 _ ~ ~ 0.5 CLOSURE ,r" r 9+00 8+00~'++'+~`+ 7+00 B SF _ _ - - ' ~k _ ~s--"~+' .~-+~+~+'0 # ;X~~i+^,3'~-__ 2 I~~ - _ \ Scale In=50~ Dateo A b t + + + + s ;=.,r. _ ~ / UguS 28, 2009 ~ + + } . e ;~;tr ! ~ IMPACT - I - - - R =-k:-- : + + j 30 BUFFER - r ~ Project Title 30 BUFFER ' +~t..;y-~~-' +..y ~ I_ _~TEP~ 285 SF UFF -----___,..--~-F~-,-{,~.ti+~ 0 ~ ~ ~ - 6 a a a a + ,rya ~'i _+%rra-x- ~ 1 ~ ~ a + wy~k~ ~ - r ~ r.. 0 ~ + _ _ `4 + 4 _ a 4 + _ ~ i \ ~ + + + a a + a ~ ~ ~ 1- / ~ ~ + + + + a a a ? a h T i a + 4 + a + 4 a / } + + + a iaa „1\ ~ ~ + + i a a a + + + +++a+a+ a t ~ ~ +a + + r 1 a a a 4+++ i++ a a 4 a a..~ ~ ~ Whalehead Club ~ I ~ , ~ ~ - _ i SAV _ ~ ~ ~ _ „r SPA ' _ _ ~ Shoreline Protection ~ ~~IMPACT 27 SF. ~ x '~'oosmuc - / - - 'SAV- _ . ~ E~snNC ~ V IMf A ~ ~ ~ ~ acs -SPV ~ ~ / ~ / - ~ _ , _ ~ IMPp IMPACT 26 SF. -R~'r ~ I Whalehead Preservation Trust .5, i REVEn"EN - w , i ~ IMPACT 19 SF. 200 LF.t REVETMENT n . J. ,~~k- ~ ~,I _ ^ ' CREST ELEV.=3.5" (NO APRON) ~ I Corolla, North Carolina ~ ~ 1,077 LF.t REVETMENT ENT Issued for =~~t~ ~ CREST ELEV.=3.5' E v '~~F ~ ~ c:~ j, kph g MAINTAIN ~ REMi~VE"`BROKEN CONCRETE X Agency Review ~ t~ k% ~ EXISTING j ~ ~ DEBRIS FROM BEHIND EXISTING 300 LF.t SILL ~ , gP VEGETATIONS WETLANDS, GRADE AND ~ ~ : I; / 1,077 LF.t REVETMENT CREST ELEV.=2.0' ~ ~ ~ . ,I -~F ~ SMOOTH CLEARED AREA AN>~ ~ y ~ ~ I CREST ELEV.=3.5' ~ - x~ r , ~ ~ ~ ~ REVEGETATE WITH Spartlna . - ~,a, ~ Patens a ~ . a, ~ ~ _ ~.__e.~.. ~ _ o aa, ~ _ _ ~ Not Approved for Construction a, , Drawing Title a., , ~ , ° _ _.e. i V~ 't / I ' 0 ~ ~ t ~ - ~ 1,077, LF.t REVE1'tvfENT - ' ~ / n:.R'', CREST ELEV:=3:5~ 1 a~ ay,>~r,' ~~E Layout lan Yvl ~ ~ i 'a~ p0 k ~ / x~ 1~ ° ~ ~ ~S ! i? , ~ \ . ~ r ~ ~ ' BEACH ' ~ ~ Drawing Number ~ ~ ? ' 60 LF.f SILL x,~~~. ~ . ~ --,<n:. ~ ~a~~~ CREST ELEV:~-2.0" °'~x'_.. ~ fy~ g 50 0 50 100 w u ~t a SCALE IN FEET a~ Sheet of i~ 3 Project Number 32473 32473-LM.dwg - - \\Vhb\proj\Williamsburg\32473.00\cad\ev\planset\32473-sections.dwg ~anasse .~Iangen ~3rustlin, Inc. Transportation Land Development Environmental Services 351 McLaws Circle, Suite 3 Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 757-220-0500 • FAX 757-220-8544 w~ N N O ~ PEAT PLUG , . BACK FILL ILL ~ : " SOILNDED WITH SAND FILL _ 4ND FILL ~ er e t lant~n etai tiny Detail N.T.S. HORIZONTAL 6 , _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ _ 6 0 5 10 200 LB TO 600 LB SAND PLANTING ~ ` ARMOR STONE 4 _ _ - _ - ~ _ - _ CREST ELEV ~F2 MEDIUM 1" THICK ~ EXISTING GROUND 5 ~ 5 1 O _ . ' 4 ~ EXISTING GROUND a I VERTICAL ~ ~ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ i___ ~ SCALE IN FEET ~ 2 .1 ~ NORMAL WATER LEVEL _ ~ _ _ _ . ' _ _ ~ - ~ 0 2" AT 3:1 PATENS PLANTING E 2 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M..___ _ . _ . _ 2 1, SET THE STAKES, 2. EXCAVATE A 4°X 4"' TRENCH ' UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF ( FILTER FABRIC -10' AT 10:1 STAKES. - _ _ USE',EXISiiNG-~--- BLACK NEEDLE RUSH I SE EXISiiNG-~----- _ _w_..__ _._.._PLANTING TERRACE _ _ _ i - 4 CONCRETE AS 6'MA CORE MATERIAL- ONCRETE AS ORE MATERIAL . - 6 - - ~ _ ~ ~ _ ~ / ~ i ~ -60 -40 -40 -20 0 ~ / I ~ 1 111 do - Ipi - No. Revision Date ppvd. FLOW r- r- Designed by Drawn by Checked by TOP OF TOP OF BERM ELEV.=+5 PLANT SPARTINA PATENS _ _ _ ___m~ 6 ___....t, _ _ . CAD checked by Approved by 6 I_-- - _ III - fll ' 4" CREST ELEV.=+3.5 ~ 5' E / Sacle , Date - _ ~ ~ ~ ~I i 1 -5 August 28, 2409 3. STAPLE FILTER MATERIAL 4. BACKFILL AND COMPACT 4 " -300 L8 TO 900 LB 1f/ - Project Title TO STAKES AND EXTEND THE EXCAVATED SOIL. ~ ARMQR STONE r' IT INTO THE TRENCH. ' ~ ~ SAND FILL ' . ~ III LL ~ EXISTING POND ~ ~ _y= W - - ~ _ _ _ 2 Whalehead Club Q ® ® ~ - ~ I I NORMAL _ _ ~ 15" BERM WATER LEVEL 0; ~ - - _ --.~--1- ~ ~ v o Shoreline Protection ti / / ~ EXISTING BROK - 2 _ _ _ _ _ . I EXISTING BROKEN ~ C, ONCRETE ' - 2 Whalehead Preservation Trust ~ II ~ FILTER FABRIC , _ , _ . _ ~ _ - _ 4 Corolla, North Carolina - ~ • FLOW I l Issued for. 6 Iii = iu - 6 0 - 40 - 2 0 0 Agency Review SHEET FLOW INSTALLATION 1 (PERSPECTIVE VIEW) e t ctl - NotApproved for Construction FLOW Drawing Title A A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . PLANT SPARTINA PATENS \ B ~ PLANT SPARTINA PATENS BLACK NEEDLE RUSH ~ Typical Sections PROPOSED GRADE _ _ _ _ _ _m~__ _ 4 PLANTING TERRACE 4 1~ 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1111! EXISTING ~ ~ - - ° - j GROUND ~ - - ~ ~ And Details _ _ ___I__~ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.1 _ _ - f ~ ~ ~ NORMAL V ~ ` ~ $.1 POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. O'~ , O WA F WATER LE EL E DRAINAGEWAY INSTALLATION -EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED GRADE (FRONT ELEVATION) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i i 1 __.w._ ~ € Drawing Number • a I E Construction Of A S~It Fence ~thout Wire Su ort ___.il _4 _4~_______ _ _ _ s______~____ _4 PP _ _ - _ _ . _ . _ I 4 4 N.T.S. ~ c I -40 -20 0 Sheet of 1\4~1Clli~ C11 ?~111 G ?.~G~lltJll 3 3 Typical Bay Beach Section C-C Project Number 32473 32473-SECTIONS.DWG