HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024911_approval_19840620J DIVISION OF ENVIRONWMAL MANAGEMEtff June 20, 1984 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Walter Taft FROM: W. Lee Fleming, Jr. S[&JECr: Standby Power Requirements for Dunoombe {munty MMSD Due to the present and future standby power capabilities of the Buncombe County MSD's wastewater system and the distance before effluent involvement with A-fI waters, the MSD has met the equivalency of Standby Power Requirements. WLF':cs cc: dandy Dom. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT June 13, 1984 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Forrest Westall FROM: Randy Dodd THRU: Randy Williams R E, V E D i Ij Pi ' ci 1984 VIATER 01JAJjTY SECTION OPF: !, Z. ,wr,., SUBJECT: Standby Power Requirements for Buncombe County MSD WWTP The Construction Grants Section has requested that the Operations Branch provide a decision regarding the necessity of standby power at the Buncombe County MSD WWTP. Based on a fecal coliform modeling analysis, it appears that the release of untreated sewage could impact the French Broad River at the "A -II" classification 33 miles below the outfall under "worst case" conditions. However, the only potential user of the French Broad in this reach is the Tbwn of Hot Springs. Hot Springs is currently using a well system. The French Broad enters Tennessee 4 miles below the A -II classification boundary. A major CP&L sub -station is located adjacent to the treatment plant. This substation is fed from three separate power sources. The MSD is also in the process of procuring their own power source from the Craggy Dam Hydroelectric facilities on the French Broad River. During the past three years, one outage of about 15 minutes duration occurred. Raw wastewater did bypass during this period. After completion of the hydropower project, the MSD will essentially have a source of standby power from CP&L. The 201 plan has been updated to include the procurement of power from the hydropower facility, and contractual arrangements have been made with CP&L. Analysis and Results Standard fecal coliform modeling procedures were used to assess the impact of the discharge of untreated sewage in the event of a power outage. This analysis was performed for the 40 mgd wastewater treatment plant and the Weaverville (0.6 mgd) and Carrier Bridge (10 mgd) lift stations. The analysis was performed under "worst -case" assumptions (7Q10 flow, low disappearance rates, high waste concentrations) and "liberal" assumptions (average flow, high disappearance rates, low waste concentrations). A background concentration of 760/100 ml was assumed. This level is the median value reported at the USGS gaging station roughly two miles above the discharge. The 7Q10 and average flows in the French Broad are 419 cfs and 2090 cfs respectively. Forrest Westall June 13, 1984 - page two - Impact of Treatment Plant Because of the large design wasteflow (40 mgd) and high concentrations of fecal coliforms present in untreated domestic waste, the discharge was predicted to cause instream levels at the outfall to increase 8 times under liberal assumptions and 200 times under "worst -case" assumptions. Under liberal assumptions, concentrations should return to background levels before the water intake at Hot Springs. Under "worst -case" assumptions, concentra- tions should still be roughly 40 times above background levels. It should be noted that this would occur if 1)6a discharge of 40 mgd occurred with waste fecal concentrations of 2 x 10 /100 ml; 2) the river was at or near 7Q10 conditions, and 3) little decay occurred between Asheville and Hot Springs (i.e., K = .8/day). These results should be considered as very crude approximations because of the variability observed in input parameters and the assumptions which had to be made to perform the analysis (e.g., steady- state conditions). Impact from Lift Stations A discharge of raw waste from the 0.6 mgd Weaverville lift station would raise the instream fecal level by roughly 4 times under "worst -case" assumptions. Concentrations would reach background levels well before the A -II reach of the river. Under average flow conditions, little or no elevation of the instream fecal level is anticipated. A discharge of raw waste from the 10 mgd Carrier Bridge lift station would raise the instream fecal level by roughly 50 times under "worst -case" assumptions. Concentrations would still be roughly 10 times above background conditions at the A -II classification boundary. Under average flow conditions, levels would increase by 10 times at the outfall, but would be close to back- ground levels by the A -II segment. Conclusion Under current DEM policy, reliability requirements should be analyzed for A -II waters at the water intake; and for B waters, at the classification boundary. With this in mind, a "worst -case" modeling analysis predicts that a discharge of raw sewage from the Buncombe County MSD WWTP could result in fecal coliform violations 33 miles downstream of the outfall at the A -II classification boundary. Nb raw water intake exists in this segment. However, the probability of this occurring is extremely small. Similarly, the 10 mgd s Forrest Westall June 13, 1984 - page two - Carrier Bridge lift station could impact this reach in the event of a power outage under worst -case assumptions. The 0.6 mgd Weaverville lift station is not expected to impact the river under any feasible operational and environmental conditions. It is important to note that the MSD currently has a very reliable power source, and will, in fact, increase this reliability in the future. I hope this information is useful in determining if additional reliability requirements are needed for the Buncombe County MSD system. RD:cs DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAA7AGEMENT May 15, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: Randall Williams NCDEM Operations Branch FROM: Bill _Hoffman i" NCDEM Cdnstruction Grants Section Engineering Management Unit SUBJECT: Buncombe County MSD WWTP Standby Power Requirements for Wastewater Treatment EPA Project No. C370391-08 NPDES Permit No. NCO024911 This is to advise of our determination in regard to standby power for the subject facilities. Due to the limited monies which the State/EPA have to fund wastewater facilities, we are required to determine the reasonableness and necessity of the proposed facilities, including standby power. Based on our review of the attached information received May 14, 1984 from the Grantee's Consultant Engineer (AE), Harry Hendon and Associates, we cannot determine additional standby power generation to be necessary or EPA eligible for this facility. Please review the enclosed information, and provide us with your decision. If you have questions, please call Larry Horton at 919/733-6900. LH:tn Enclosures cc: Mr. Roy Davis Mr. Larry Horton Harry Hendon and Associates I N C O R P O R A T E 0 ENGINEERS \� TELEPHONE 4041 274-7711 ` ADDRESS REPLY TO P. O. BOX 5176 25 REED STREET • ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28813 HARRY H. HENDON May9, 1984 11904 -1973) A. B. JOWERS H. D. HUGER P. L. BENTLEY Mr. Larry Horton NCDEM Construction Grants Section P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Re: MSD of Buncombe County EPA Project No. C-370391-08 Standby.Power Requirements Dear Mr. Horton: D. W. BERRYHILL S. G BOYD H. E. BYAS, JR. During our meeting in your office on April 27, 1984, you requested information regarding the reliability of electric power for the MSD wastewater plant. In this regard, we offer.the following comments numbered the same as the items are numbered in the draft memorandum of March 27, 1984, to Randall Williams. Only the applicable items are addressed. Item 2. History of Power Outage Three previous years of.power outage.records are kept at the plant. During this previous period, one outage of about fifteen minutes duration occurred. Several "blinks" occurred during this period but the frequency was not recorded since these "blinks" are of a momentary duration and do not cause any serious problems or bypassing. Raw wastewater did bypass during the one fifteen minute outage. Item 4. Detention Time .in System y"J y em detention time in the i Systs stem at s estimated to be less - - ---than five minutes: Due to grades, wet well size, and structure design at the wastewater plant,very little volume in the gravity system is available for storage. Item 5..Lift Station Two lift stations (Carrier Bridge @ 10.0 MGD and Weaverville @ 0.6.MGD) do not have standby power. These stations have a combined r� fated capacity of 10.6 MGD. 1 � - MAY 14 1984 CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROGRAK ENGINEERING REVIEW UNIT Mr. Larry Horton May 9, 1984 Page 2 In full consideration of power requirements, it should be noted that a major CP&L sub -station is located adjacent to the MSD treatment plant. This sub -station is fed from three separate power sources and with the automatic switchgear, a very reliable source of power is provided. The MSD is also in the process of rebuilding the Craggy Dam Hydro Electric facilities on the French Broad River. This dam site is also ad- jacent to the MSD wastewater plant. Proposals for procurement of the generators and switchgear will be received by MSD on June.8, 1984. Con- struction of the facilities is scheduled to be completed in about two years after ordering of the equipment. The firm order for the equipment will occur on or before December 1, 1984. This facility will generate a minimum of 2400 KW and will become the primary power source for the plant. Thus, upon completion and activation of the hydro facility, the wastewater plant will, in effect, have four sources of power. Please advise if you have any questions. Very .truly yours, HARRY HE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By n e W. Be'Yryhill, P. DWB/pc cc: Bill Mull Dean Huber