HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031534 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20030128Wetlands Tracking 401s Facility Name Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project (CIP) Project Number 03 1534 ? Express 71 Project Type purpose of streambank stabilization I County INIecklenburg Location located west of Providence road and north of 1 County2 Received From APP Received Date December 8, 2003 Sent to Region Date 12/9/2003 1 Rcvd Region Date Last Action Date February 3, 2004 Last Action Issue General 1 Latitude 0dnu71a3) 35 06 13 Longitude (d(Imm<S) 80 47 32 Public Notice Written 1 Date COE ID # Region Mooresville COE Susp Date Reg. Contact Alan Johnson DCM Susp Date 1 APPLICATION FEE INFO TIP Number Payment Date 12/8/2003 More Info Requested I Amount Paid $475.001 More Info Received 1 Payor Noirin Quillen 1 Mitigation ? 1 Check # 1057 1 COC Received Date 1 Public Notice 1 Comment Period ReceivedDate Ends Date Certificates Stream Area Area Length Length Permit Wetland Wetland Stream Class Wetland (acres) (acres) (feet) (feet) Cert Score Index Prim. Su pp. Class Req. Appr. Re q. Type Type Impact PP• ' q• PPr. 3399 Stream 0Y O N 13 3399 1 Stream O Y O N OY ON Mitigation MitigationType I1-137-9 C 030831 stream 1.231.0 1.231.0 030831 l stream 1' 11 ?1 90.0d 90.001 WRP Project Wetland Wetland Area Length Number Type Class (acres) (feet) Total for 401: 1.321.0 i Mitigation Stream Impacts (ft.) Completion Peren- Inter- Date Subbasin nial mittent 1.231.0 90.00 Total Mitigation: MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Non-Discharge Branch Regional Contact: Alan Johnson WQ Supervisor: Rex Gleason Date: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Name Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project (CIP) Project Number 03 1534 Recvd From APP Received Date 12/8/03 Recvd By Region 12/11/2003 Project Type streambank stabilization County Mecklenburg County2 Region Mooresville Certificates Stream Stream Impacts (ft.) Permit Wetland Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. ;;r_rr. F 1,231.00 1,231.0 90.00 Stream PT _&N 11-137-9-? 30,834. 13 Stream PT -@N F_F__F_F__ 30,834. 90.00 F_ F__OY ON F__F_F_F_F__F__F_ F_ Mitigation Wetland MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetland Rating Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more info? O Y @N Have Project Changes/Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? 0 Y O N Is Mitigation required? O Y O N Recommendation: v0 Issue O Issue/fond O Deny Provided by Region: Latitude (ddmmss) 35 06 13 Longitude (ddmmss) 80 47 32 cc: Regional Office Central Office Page Number 1 Comments: Staff visited the site on Januar?t 3Q, 2008= Urban stream enhancement/stormwater control project. Two culverts are to be replaced with bottomless culverts. Located in the Rea Rd. area- . . jrnately 3 miles north of Rea Rd. intersection with 1-485 Less than 1510 linear feet of hard 17) r Triage Check Dist Date:. to d3 . To: ? ARO ? FRO ? RRO Project Name: DWQ#: O 3 I'?3y County ?AQ Mike Parker Ken Averi_tte an Johns r ? Steve Mitchell From: CSC ??? ?' WaRO Tom Steffens ? WiRO Noelle Lutheran ? WSRO Daryl Lamb Telephone : (919) '43 3-q:t 3LG The file attached is being forwarded to your for your evaluation. Please call if you need assistance. ? Stream length impacted ? Stream determination ? Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps ? h inimization/avoidance issues ? Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) ? Pond fill ? Mitigation Ratios ? Ditching ?. Are the stream and or wetland mitigation sites available and viable? Check drawings for accuracy the application consistent with pre-application meetings? Cumulative impact concern Comments: MACTEC MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. J R rQ 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Date: December 5, 2003 Project No. 6229030639. Phase 06 Charlotte NC, 28220 Project Name: Silver Stream CIP (704) 357-8600 FAX (704) 357-1622 Attention: Mr. John Dorney Re: Nationwide Pennit Pre-Construction Notification TO: Mr. John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center J Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL n WE ARE SENDING YOU ®Attached ?Under separate cover via = llowin items: _ffi ?Plans ?Samples ?Specifications ?Copy of letter ?Change order Other COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 7 12/4/03 1 Silver Stream CIP - PCN for Nationwide Pennit Nos. 3 and 13 1 12/5/03 2 DWQ PCN Review fee- check # 1057 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ® For approval ? Approved as submitted ? Resubmit copies for approval ? For your use ? Approved as noted ? Submit copies for distribution ® As requested ? Returned for corrections ? Return corrected prints ® For review and comment REMARKS: Hi John, Enclosed please find seven copies of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) for the Charlotte Stonn Water Services (CSWS) Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project (CIP) CSWS is submittinythe enclosed Pre-Construction Notification for Nationwide Pennit Nos. 3 and 13 The DWO Den-nit review fee for this project is enclosed Should you have any questions please contact Mr. Jarrod J. Karl at (704) 432-0966. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, and have a great day! RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. Joshua K. Ellinger Staff Scientist Copy to: File WETLANDS 1401 GROUP DEC 0 8 2003 WATER QUAL17ySECT70N Duloffe-Uccden6arg .' c` • ? S°rvtces ..-- i December 4, 2003 WETLANDS/ 401 GROUP Attention: Ms. Amanda Jones U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 ® Asheville, NC 28801-5006 DEC0S2003 WATER QUALITY SECTION Subject: Section 404/401 Application - Nationwide Pernut Nos. 3 and 13 City of Charlotte Storm Water Services Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Charlotte, North Carolina CSWS Project No. 671-98-706 LA _ LJ MACTEC Project 30100-0-0639, Phase 06 ?- - CK. Na DATE Dear Ms. Jones: On behalf of the City of Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS), enclosed please find a completed Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Joint Form (Attachment A), along with figures (Attachment B), and an accompanying request for jurisdictional determination (Attachment C). This PCN is being submitted for Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 3 and NWP No. 13 for the above-referenced Capital Improvements Project (CIP). CSWS has retained MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) to provide permitting services for this project: This submittal is the product of a cooperative effort between CSWS, MACTEC, and the Isaacs Group (IG). IG is providing design/engineering services to CSWS for this project. CSWS understands that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) conducted a field review of jurisdictional waters in the Silver Stream CIP study area on December 5, 2000. CSWS requests that the USACE and the DWQ consider the following document as the PCN for. project coverage through NWP No. 3 and NWP No. 13. Proiect Overview CSWS, in conjunction with MACTEC, is submitting this PCN for authorization under NWP No. 3 - Maintenance (Water Quality Certification [WQC] 3376) and NWP No. 13 - Bank Stabilization (WQC 3399). Since the proposed project will result in over 500 if of streambank stabilization activities and may require minor changes in riprap extent (at culvert replacement locations), this PCN is beipg provided in accordance with Nationwide Permit "notification" requirements for NWP No. 13 and NWP No. 3, respectively. CSWS is proposing storm drainage acid conveyance improvements in the Olde Providence and Wessex Square neighborhoods, along Rea Branch and several unnamed tributaries (in the McAlpine Creek watershed). The proposed project area is generally bordered by Rea Road to the Charlotte Storm Water Service"00 East Fourth Street Charlotte North Carolina 28202-2844 Telephone (704) 432-0966 FAX. (704) 336-6586 To report drainage problems: 336-RAIN Printed on recycled paper. Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 A]ACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 north and west, Pineville-Matthews Road to the south, and Providence Road to the east, in Charlotte, North Carolina (Attachment B, Figure 1). Inadequacies in the local drainage conveyance system are currently resulting in streambank erosion and the flooding of streets, homes, and property. The proposed storm drainage improvements will involve channels located east of Rea Road, west of Providence Road, and north of Pineville-Mathews Road. L .2 To minimize property flooding and enhance the natural benefits of local waterways, CSWS is proposing streambank stabilization along approximately 1,290 linear feet (If) of jurisdictional stream channel and culvert replacement extensions (maintenance activities) along 31 If of jurisdictional stream channel in the study area (Attachments A and B). Without the proposed improvements, streambank erosion and localized flooding will continue to be a problem in the affected study area neighborhoods. The proposed culvert maintenance/replacement activities are necessary to improve hydraulic conditions and drainage conveyance beneath several roads in the project area, in order to reduce flooding of adjacent properties and structures. Repair and/or augmentation of riprap aprons will also be necessary to satisfy city standards. Proposed culvert maintenance/replacement projects have been designed to achieve current City of Charlotte design standards for conveyance of the 25-year storm event. Pipe system maintenance efforts have been designed to meet design standards for conveyance of the 10-year storm event. Riprap aprons at pipe outfalls have been designed to be the minimum size required for energy dissipation. Completion of this project should result in improved streambank stability, reduced flooding impacts, reduced sedimentation, and improved aquatic habitat availability. Photographs of the project area channels are included in Attachment D. An alternatives analysis, along with the project's purpose and need, are discussed in the PCN Joint Form (Attachment A). In general, channel stabilization and storm pipe installation are necessary along stream reaches that have become significantly incised or which are actively contributing to adjacent property flooding. Whenever practical, `soft' soil bioengineering stabilization of streambanks is planned (including streambank grading, coir fiber logs/matting, and native riparian seeding). Impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. will occur in accordance with the conditions of both federal (USACE) and state (NCDENR DWQ) regulations, pursuant to Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), respectively. Streambank stabilization activities and culvert maintenance/replacement efforts are proposed under USACE Nationwide Permits No. 13 and 3, respectively (pursuant to conditions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act). Activities affecting jurisdictional waters of the U.S. will not begin prior to receipt of the requisite Section 404 permit and corresponding Section 401 WQC. .Iurisdictimml Waters of the U.S. Approximately 8,5001f of jurisdictional waters of the U.S. are located within the anticipated study area. Project activities will primarily be conducted within the bed and bank of these stream channels. Possible wetland areas have been evaluated using the Routine On-Site Determination method as described in the 1987 "Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual" (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). Field reconnaissance conducted by MACTEC revealed the presence of one potential wetland area along Channel C (Attachment B, Figure 2). 0 s Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 AIACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 The primary perennial stream located in the study area is Rea Branch. This stream generally flows southwest through the project area until converging with McAlpine Creek. The Rea Branch channel is approximately ten feet wide (below ordinary high water mark [OHW]), and has substrate composed of sand, gravel, and riprap. Vegetation associated with study area stream channels varies from maintained lawns to forested riparian corridors. MACTEC scientists completed a series of stream assessments on the subject channels utilizing the USACE Intermittent Channel Evaluation Form and the DWQ Stream Classification Form on October 26, 2000, and re-visited these assessments on November 19, 2003 (Attachment Q. Figure 2 in Attachment B (Approximate Waters of the U.S. Boundary Map) identifies the stream segments assessed by MACTEC and the findings of those assessments. Impacts to Waters of the U.S. Completion of the proposed project will result in unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional stream' channels. These impacts will include `soft' soil bioengineering streambank stabilizationi (approximately 1,070 if of perennial channel and approximately 75 If of intermittent channel),! 'hard' soil bioengineering stabilization (approximately 145 if of perennial channel), and culvert '. replacement extensions (approximately 16 If of perennial channel and approximately 15 If of intermittent channel). A detailed description of project impacts is included in the PCN Joint Form (Attachment A). Proposed stabilization locations are identified in Attachments A and B, and are detailed in Attachment E (Construction Plan Excerpts). Reaulatory Implications As part of its Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Program, the Mecklenburg: County Department of Environmental Protection (MCDEP) has established riparian buffer protection areas along streams throughout Mecklenburg County (including McAlpine Creek and its tributaries). SWIM buffer widths of 35 feet, 50 feet, and 100 feet have been established for portions of Rea Branch and its tributaries in the study area watershed (Attachment B, Figure 4). Following project implementation, disturbed areas will be stabilized, to comply with SWIM buffer regulations. CSWS will replace buffers where practicable. According to October 30, 2000 SWIM buffer guidance documentation (Section III-E-h), projects characterized as "Drainage Improvements/Repairs for Maintenance ([including] projects completed by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services)" require post-construction stabilization, but not mitigation. Protected Species A search of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database provided information concerning the potential occurrence of threatened and/or endangered species within Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (NCNHP, 2001). This database indicates that there are seven federally and/or state threatened or endangered species which may occur in Mecklenburg County, namely the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Carolina heelsplitter (Lasntigona decorata), Georgia aster (Aster georgianus), tall larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum), smooth coneflower (Echinacea laevigata), Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii), and Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii). These species are not anticipated to occur in the study area, due to existing land uses and the extent of previous disturbance and development associated within the project area. J J4. n Your expeditious attention to and processing of this permit application will be greatly appreciated. Seven copies of this Nationwide Permit application package have been forwarded to the DWQ. Please do not hesitate to contact Jarrod J. Karl at 704.432.0966 (or ikarl e,ci.charlotte.nc.us), if you have any questions. Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 MACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 Closine Sincerely, u CHARLOTTE STORM WATER SERVICES Jarrod J. Karl Charlotte Storm Water Services Wetland Specialist Joshua K. Ellinger MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Staff Scientist Enclosures: Attachment A - Pre-Construction Notification Application Form Attachment B - Figures Attachment C - Request for Jurisdictional Determination Attachment D - Photo-documentation Attachment E - Construction Plan Excerpts Attachment F - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Request for Evaluation Attachment G - N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) Correspondence Attachment H -N.C. Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) Correspondence cc: John Dorney, DWQ n 5 L- Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 A1ACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 r p E u n u u, I: I J Attachment A PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM u OF W A7'FR Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Application Form For Section 404 and/or Section 10 Nationwide, Regional and General Permits, Section 401 General Water Quality Certifications, and Riparian Buffer and Watershed Buffer Rules This form is to be used for projects qualifying for any of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Nationwide, Regional or General Permits as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, and for the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) associated General 401 Water Quality Certifications. This form is also to be used for any project requiring approval under any Riparian Buffer Rules implemented by the N.C. Division of Water Quality. This form should not be used if you are requesting an Individual 404 Permit or Individual 401 Water Quality Certification. The USACE Individual Permit application form is available online at http://www.saw.usace.army.miI/wetlands/Perm app.htm. The USACE is the lead regulatory agency. To review the requirements for the use of Nationwide, Regional or General permits, and to determine which permit applies to your project, please go to the USACE website at httn://www.saw.usace.army.miI/wetlands/regtour.litm, or contact one of the field offices listed at the end of this application. The website also lists the responsible project manager for each county in North Carolina and provides additional information regarding the identification and regulation of wetlands and waters of the U.S. The DWQ issues a corresponding Certification (General or Individual), and cannot tell the applicant which 401 Certification will apply until the 404 Permit type has been determined by the USACE. Applicants are encouraged to visit DWQ's 401/Wetlands Unit website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetiands to read about current requirements for the 401 Water Quality Ing Certification Program and to determine whether or not Riparian Buffer Rules are applicable. The applicant is also advised to read the full text of the General Certification (GC) matching the specific 404 Permit requested. In some cases, written approval for some General Certifications is not required, provided that the applicant adheres to all conditions of the GC. Applicants lacking access to the internet should contact DWQ's Central Office in Raleigh at (919) 733-1786. Trout Waters Coordination - Special coordination with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is also required for projects occurring in any of North Carolina's twenty-five counties that contain trout waters. In such cases, the applicant should contact the appropriate NCWRC regional coordinator (listed by county on the last page of this application). 0 Page I of 16 r t CAMA Coordination - If the project occurs in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on the last page of this application) the applicant should also contact the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM) at (919) 733-2293. DCM will determine whether or not the project involves a designated Area of Environmental Concern, in which case DCM will act as the lead permitting agency. In such cases, DCM will require a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) Permit and will coordinate the 404/401 Permits. s 0 t C! I J Li i fl n C J USACE Permits - Submit one copy of this form, along with supporting narratives, maps, data forms, photos, etc. to the applicable USACE Regulatory Field Office (addresses are listed at the end of this application). Upon receipt of an application, the USACE will determine if the application is complete as soon as possible, not to exceed 30 days. This PCN form is designed for the convenience of the applicant to address information needs for all USACE Nationwide, Regional or General permits, as well as information required for State authorizations, certifications, and coordination. Fully providing the information requested on this form will result in a complete application for any of the USACE Nationwide, Regional or General permits. To review the minimum amount of information that must be provided for a complete PCN for each USACE Nationwide permit, see Condition 13, 65 Fed.Reg. 12893 (March 9, 2000), available at http://Nvww.saw.usace.anny.mil/wetlands/nwpfinalFedReg.pdf. Processing times vary by permit and begin once the application has been determined to be complete. Please contact the appropriate regulatory field office for specific answers to permit processing periods. 401 Water Quality Certification or Buffer Rules - All information is required unless otherwise stated as optional. Incomplete applications will be returned. Submit seven collated copies of all USACE Permit materials to the Division of Water Quality, 401/Wetlands Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. If written approval is required or specifically requested for a 401 Certification, then a non-refundable application fee is required. In brief, if project impacts include less than one acre of cumulative wetland/water impacts and less than 150 feet cumulative impacts to streams, then a fee of $200 is required. If either of these thresholds is exceeded, then a fee of $475 is required. A check made out to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, with the specific name of the project or applicant identified, should be stapled to the front of the application package. For more information, see the DWQ website at http://h2o.ellnr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/fees.litm1. The fee must be attached with the application unless the applicant is a federal agency in which case the check may be issued from a separate office. In such cases, the project must be identifiable on the U.S. Treasury check so that it can be credited to the appropriate project. If written approval is sought solely for Buffer Rules, the application fee does not apply, and the applicant should clearly state (in a cover letter) that only Buffer Rule approval is sought in writing. Wetlands or waters of the U.S. may not be impacted prior to issuance or waiver of a Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Upon receipt of a complete application for a 401 Certification, the Division of Water Quality has 60 days to prepare a written response to the applicant. This may include a 401 Certification, an on-hold letter pending receipt of additional requested information, or denial. Page 2 of 16 u [1 uisr Office Use Only: Form Version April 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Section 10 Permit ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 3 and 13 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Jarrod J. Karl, Wetlands Specialist Mailing Address: _ City of Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) 600 East Fourth Street, 14th floor Charlotte NC 28202 Telephone Number: 704.432.0966 Fax Number: 704.336.6586 E-mail Address: ikarl ci.charlotte.nc.us 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: N/A Company Affiliation: N/A Mailing Address: N/A Telephone Number: N/A Fax Number: NIA E-mail Address: NIA 11.1 Page 3 of 16 F J E n III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project:_ Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project (CIP) 2. T.I.P. Project Number (NCDOT Only): NIA 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): Multiple properties and property identification numbers (residential properties) 4. Location County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town: Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): The study area includes portions of the following existing subdivisions: Olde Providence, Springs Farm Swans Run Ridgeloch Chadwyck Farms, Cedarwoods, and Wessex Square. Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): From Interstate 1-77, take Exit 2 and proceed east-southeast on Interstate 1485. From Interstate 1485 take Exit 57 and proceed north on Providence Road (N.C. Highway 16). Proceed north approximately 2.5 miles. Cross over Pineville-Matthews Road (N.C. Highway 51). The study area is located west of Providence Road and north of Pineville-Matthews Road. 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): The center of the project area is located at 35.1035 degrees North, 80.7922 degrees West (35 degrees, 06 minutes, 13 seconds North and 80 degrees, 47 minutes, 32 seconds West) (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: Land use in the protect area is approximately 95% residential, with a golf course (Cedarwood Golf Course) and commercial development (Arboretum Shopping Center) located to the south along Pineville-Matthews Road. 7. Property size (acres): N/A 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Rea Branch, a tributary to McAlpine Creek Page 4 of 16 0 L' 9. River Basin: Catawba (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: To minimize property flooding and enhance the natural benefits of the waterway, CSWS is proposing streambank stabilization at various locations along approximately 1,290 If of jurisdictional stream channels within the study area. In addition, CSWS plans to conduct culvert replacement activities at three locations (approximately 31 If of culvert extension) in the study area. During project implementation, 1 aesthetically unpleasing debris, such as clothing, trash, and bicycles, will be removed from stream channels within the project area. Without the proposed improvements, erosion and pollution will continue to be a problem. Left in their current state, eroding streambanks and flooding conditions will jeopardize public safety by impacting property, structures, and roadways, and will perpetuate the continued degradation of the aquatic environment and associated riparian habitat. The proposed project will help to satisfy CSWS's goal of maintaining and improving area storm water drainage systems in the interest of local communities, wildlife, and natural resources. Completion of this project will result in positive, long-term benefits to: storm water drainage, streambanks, stream channels, adjacent properties, and habitat resources (both aquatic and terrestrial). Short-term adverse impacts during construction should be offset by long-term benefits to the watershed. 1 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Track hoes, back hoes, bulldozers, dumptrucks, and hand tools 1 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Primarily single-family residential land use in the vicinity of the project area. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. n- D r L u A iurisdictional determination site visit was conducted by the USACE on December 5, 2000. V. Future Project Plans Are any additional permit requests anticipated for this project in the future? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: No future project plans are known at this time. Page 5 of 16 H- C VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State it is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Wetland Impacts L Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres Located within 100-year Floodplain** es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Type of Wetland*** N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://wNvNv.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes xvetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: Approximately 1.4 ac., along Channel C, between Sheffingdell Drive and Swan Run Road (Attachment B Figure 2) Total area of wetland impact proposed: No wetland impacts are anticipated Lj Page 6 of 16 E F"I LI I? U 0 i.7 is F 0 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secif ) 1 Soft Stabilization 470 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 2 Hard Stabilization 50 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 3 Soft Stabilization 135 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 4 Soft Stabilization 75 UT to Rea Branch 3 Intermittent 5 Soft stabilization 240 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 6 Hard Stabilization 95 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 7 Soft Stabilization 185 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 8 Soft Stabilization 40 Rea Branch 10 Perennial 9 Culvert Replacement 16 Rea Branch existing 40' culvert Perennial 10 CulvertReplacement 15 UT to Rea Branch existing so' culvert Intermittent * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditch ing/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at I-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapquest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: Cumulative impacts will include: 1) approximately 1,070 If of 'soft' streambank stabilization impacts to perennial streams, 2) approximately 145 If of 'hard' streambank stabilization impacts to perennial streams (articulated blocks filled with soil and seeded, see Attachment E) 3) approximately 75 If of 'soft' stabilization impacts to intermittent streams, 4) approximately 16 If of culvert extension and riprap replacement along perennial stream (natural bottom culvert replacing approximately existing conventional culvert) and 5) approximately 15 If of culvert extension and riprap replacement along intermittent stream (Attachment B, Figure 5). 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. NIA NIA N/A N/A N/A * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Page 7 of 16 0 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): N/A Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): N/A Size of watershed draining to pond: N/A Expected pond surface area: N/A VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. 1 Several alternatives were considered for the proposed storm drainage improvements associated with the Silver Stream CIP. To determine the appropriate methods for addressing the existing storm drainage inadequacies (resulting in streambank erosion and flooding) the project area and existing storm drainage system were evaluated by CSWS in cooperation with the Isaacs Group (IG) and MACTEC. A 'no action' alternative was also considered for the proposed culvert replacement activities However, this alternative would allow continued flooding and degradation of the existing culverts This alternative would not offer public safety benefits and would not satisfy CSWS responsibilities to the affected communities in the study area. An upstream detention alternative was also initially considered, but was determined to be unfeasible due to an absence of sufficient land/parcels available in the study area. Streambank stabilization alternatives included 'no action' 'hard' stabilization soil bioengineering, gabion installation, stream enhancement, and stream restoration. F P?o' n 1 0 The project area poses a number of challenges including_ existing riparian habitat, steep vertical streambanks, buried utility lines, and residences/structures in close proximity to stream channels Additionally, some local property owners have expressed concerns regarding potential loss of trees and canopy cover during storm water improvement efforts. Considering these constraints and the necessity of the proposed improvements, some impacts to Rea Branch and its tributaries in the proiect area will be unavoidable. A. No-Action Alternative A no-action alternative was initially considered for the study area. As discussed earlier, if improvements are not made within the project area drainage system continued flooding of neighborhood streets, crawlspaces, basements, and yards will likely occur. Additionally existing channel erosion will continue and will exacerbate sedimentation and clogging of stream culverts Ultimately, this alternative could result in the threat of structural damage along with public Pa-e 8 of 16 F11 health/safety concerns regarding continued flooding of low elevation areas. After evaluating conditions of the decaying roadways, culverts/pipes, and eroding streambanks, the no-action alternative was eliminated from further consideration (since it is not consistent with the proiect purpose and need, and would fail to solve existing storm drainage problems). The no-action alternative would have allowed existing stream conditions to continue to degrade in the project area, leading to further bank erosion, downstream sedimentation, private property loss, and public safety risk. B. Culvert Replacement - Partial Repair The partial repair alternative, involving replacement of undersized culverts and pipe systems was determined to provide greater conveyance capacity beneath roadway crossings (and developed areas). Analyses indicated that this alternative could provide a means of reducing localized flooding at various locations in the study area, with minimal need for additional culvert/pipe length. Upsizing culverts and not doing stabilization would increase erosion due to increase volume and velocities along stretches of channel not directly impacted by the culverts. C. Streambank Stabilization - Alternatives Stream restoration (natural channel design) was concluded not to be feasible throughout the study area due primarily to urban constraints, including the close proximity of utilities homes and other structures to channels in the proiect area. In urban settings where structures are located within the former floodplain, stream restoration is often not feasible because it could result in flood damage to existing urban development or could require the relocation of existing structures. Urban stream restoration is also often constrained by: 1) insufficient belt width (needed to restore natural stream meanders), 2) the presence of structures near the top of streambanks (preventing stream relocation), and 3) buried adjacent utility lines (restricting stream restoration gradients). Due primarily to these urban constraints, stream restoration was determined to be impractical for the proposed project. Soil bioengineering/stream enhancement was therefore determined to be the preferred alternative for the proposed channel stabilization and flood control project. During project planning efforts, however, some stream restoration elements (e.g., 'floodplain bench') were incorporated into the proposed stabilization/enhancement activities. In addition, extensive ripraplgabion stabilization of streambanks was considered. This alternative was determined to be undesirable due largely to the potential for aquatic habitat impacts. The use of riprap and/or gabions has permanent impacts to aquatic habitat. However, initial assessments did indicate that riprap (or other hard stabilization measures) would likely be required at two streambank stabilization locations, due to high anticipated high shear stresses. Further evaluation indicated that articulated concrete blocks could provide the necessary stabilization required at these locations, and could then be back-filled with soil and seeded (n order to vegetatively 'soften' this hard stabilization approach). Impact minimization measures included: 1) usinq coir fiber loqs instead of rock for streambank toe protection, 2) reducing total stabilization length, in order to address localized stabilization needs, 3) use of articulated concrete blocks (that could be seeded), rather than cast-in-place concrete or grouted riprap, 4) use of 'soft' stabilization techniques (rather than 'hard' stabilization techniques for the majority of stream stabilization areas, and 5) substitution of soil for the #57 stone originally proposed between coir fiber logs and streambanks. d"- U Page 9 of 16 H- RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVES/PROPOSED PROJECT ACTIVITIES The preferred alternative for the Silver Stream CIP involves a combination of streambank stabilization (utilizing soil bioengineerinqlstream enhancement methods) and culvert replacement. A. Streambank Stabilization While each method of streambank stabilization provides positive benefits neither the exclusive use of soil bioengineering nor the exclusive use of riprap/gabion/concrete streambank stabilization was determined to be a feasible option. However, using a combination of 'soft' stabilization measures (soil bioengineering) and limited 'hard' stabilization measures (attenuated concrete blocks) was determined to provide a feasible alternative for streambank stabilization with minimal impacts. It is anticipated that soil bioengineering will be used where vegetative stabilization is a feasible option (i.e., where the streambank is shallow and slopes are gradual). Restoring and improving the streambank corridor with vegetation will improve habitat resources will shade the stream (reducing water temperature), will increase the availability of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), and will provide aesthetic benefit. Typical construction details of proposed bioengineering techniques and hard stabilization are illustrated in Attachment E. Stabilization activities will begin at the upstream project limit and will proceed to the downstream project limit. Contractors will be directed to operate equipment from the top of the streambank rather than in the streambed, in order to minimize potential construction impacts. Stabilization of the eroding streambanks is proposed utilizing a soil bioengineering/stream enhancement approach. This approach can be implemented despite urban constraints and should decrease bed and streambank erosion through the combined use 'hard' and 'soft' soil bioengineering methods. The land needed for such improvements is minimal additionally making this approach appropriate for the proposed project. Urban constraints (e.g. close proximity of residences) would be a restricting factor for other alternatives. Soil bioengineering is a relatively un-intrusive, low-impact technique that utilizes plants to re- establish natural streambank protection that has been damaged or lost Soil bioengineering will be used in areas that provide adequate width for appropriate bank slope and will include approximately 1,070 If of perennial stream channel and approximately 75 If of intermittent stream channel. Final bank slopes will generally average 2:1 in order to minimize the necessary corridor width. Soil bioengineering techniques to be utilized for this project will include turf reinforcement matting installation, coir fiber log toe protection, and floodplain bench construction While these measures are anticipated to provide a degree of stream 'enhancement' they are not being proposed for separate mitigation credit. However, these efforts are anticipated to make the proposed Silver Stream CIP'self-mitigating.' While soil bioengineering is generally the most desirable streambank stabilization method with regards to aquatic and wildlife habitat, the use of vegetation alone in the study area is not feasible due to high anticipated shear stresses along some channel reaches. Along approximately 145 If of perennial channel, articulated concrete blocks will be used to armor the streambank. The extent of this hard stabilization has been minimized to the extent necessary for streambank stability at these locations. The articulated blocks should provide protection against excessive shear stress, and will be back-filled with soil (then seeded). The void spaces in the articulated block matrix will allow vegetation to eventually become established along these streambanks thereby vegetatively 'softening' these limited areas of hard stabilization. B. Maintenance Activities Culvert maintenance activities including associated riprap inletloutlet protection placement will be performed in iurisdictional channels at three existing roadway crossing locations These replacements should increase conveyance capacity to minimize/eliminate "bottlenecks" at existing undersized culverts. The new culverts will address "bottlenecks" by lowering upstream Page 10 of 16 C water surface elevations during storm water discharge events and minimizinq street/structural flooding. These maintenance efforts will include approximately 31 If of culvert replacement extensions at three locations (approximately 16 If of perennial channel impacts and approximately 15 If of intermittent channel impacts). At one location, a replacement natural bottom culvert (60 If) will be shorter than the existing conventional culvert (88 If). At the two impact locations, one natural bottom replacement culvert (56 If) will be 16 If longer than the existing conventional culvert (40 If), and one replacement conventional culvert (65 If) will be 15 If longer than the existing conventional culvert (50 If). The proposed culvert replacements may also include replacement of existing inlet/outlet protection riprap. In order to minimize potential impacts associated with culvert maintenance and replacement activities, two replacement culverts on perennial streams will utilize natural bottom (three-sided) pre-cast designs, rather than conventional culverts. These natural bottom culverts include a 241x10' pre-cast concrete arch at Sheffingdell Drive and a 28'x5' pre-cast three-sided concrete box culvert at Swans Run Road, and will replace conventional culverts at the these locations. Natural bottom culverts have non-structural bottoms that allow for the restoration of a natural streambed. The proposed natural bottom culverts should improve aquatic habitat in the streams by reducing barriers to aquatic life movement (in comparison to conventional box culverts). Additional culvert/pipe system replacements in the study area will largely involve direct in-kind replacement along non-jurisdictional channels. Culvert maintenance construction activities will qeneraliv begin at the downstream vroiect limit and will proceed to the upstream project limit, so that increased stream flow volume resulting from pipe upsizinq is accommodated. However, minor variations may occur to accommodate construction schedules, easement acquisitions, and property owner requests. Streambank stabilization measures will be implemented both from the top of streambanks and within stream channels. Erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented to reduce the risk of downstream impacts during construction. Summary A combination of storm water management measures was determined to be the preferred alternative for the proposed CIP. These storm drainage improvement measures will include: 1) approximately 1,145 If of 'soft' soil bioengineering streambank stabilization (1,070 If along perennial channel and 75 If along intermittent channel); 2) approximately 145 If of 'hard' soil bioengineering streambank stabilization (along perennial channel); approximately 31 If of culvert extensions (16 If along perennial channel and 15 If along intermittent channel); and 3) riprap replacement at culvert maintenance/replacement locations. Significant efforts have been made to minimize anticipated project impacts, including: 1) selection of 'soft' soil bioengineering streambank stabilization (on the basis of its low environmental impact and habitat benefits), 2) minimization of 'hard' soil bioengineering to only 145 If of attenuated concrete block placement, 3) minimization of culvert/pipe system replacement to direct 'pipe for pipe' replacement wherever practical, and 4) replacement of two conventional culverts with natural bottom culverts. Following project completion, CSWS will monitor stability and success of the proposed measures. CSWS anticipates vegetation monitoring from one year following construction completion. 1 Page 11 of 16 fl n II VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwet]ands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. In general, it is anticipated that the proposed Silver Stream CIP will be 'self-mitigatin%' It is not anticipated that compensatory mitigation will be required for the proposed 'soft' soil bioengineering streambank stabilization measures or for the limited 'hard' stabilization measures, since completion of these activities is expected to result in reduced streambank erosion and substantial improvements to the aquatic and riparian ecosystem. It is not anticipated that mitigation will be required for the proposed culvert/riprap replacement efforts, since these activities should provide increased natural stream substrate (natural bottom culverts) and should be implemented at existing culvert locations. Additionally, the existing Sheffingdell Drive culvert will be replaced by a new natural bottom culvert that will be 28 If shorter than the existing conventional design (Attachment E, Sheet 7 of 24). Page 12 of 16 `I 1412. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at hap:/n120.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): NIA Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): NIA Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): NIA Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): NIA Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): N/A IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project, require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. F4 Page 13 of 16 u 0 Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 213 .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 213 .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify Mecklenburg County Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) buffers will be temporarily impacted by the proposed project. The proposed project will incorporate vegetative stabilization of disturbed areas. Storm-water management projects in Charlotte are exempt from SWIM buffer mitigation requirements. )? ® Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 0 3 0 2 0 1.5 0 Total 0 0 Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 213 .0242 or.0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. No significant increase in existing impervious area should result from the proposed project. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A 7 Page 14 of 16 CIS n 0 n XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). N/A n 0 /l / 0-3 AppliCaiIVAgent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) US Army Corps Of Engineers Field Offices and County Coverage Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alexander Cherokee Iredell Mitchell US Army Corps of Engineers Avery Clay Jackson Polk 151 Patton Avenue Buncombe Cleveland Lincoln Rowan Room 208 Burke Gaston Macon Rutherford Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Cabarrus Graham Madison Stanley Telephone: (828) 271-4854 Caldwell Haywood McDowell Swain Fax: (828) 271-4858 Catawba Henderson Mecklenburg Transylvania Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Alamance Durham Johnston Rockingham US Army Corps Of Engineers Alleghany Edgecombe Lee Stokes 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Ashe Franklin Nash Surry Suite 120 Caswell Forsyth Northampton Vance Raleigh, NC 27615 Chatham Granville Orange Wake Telephone: (919) 876-8441 Davidson Guilford Person Warren Fax: (919) 876-5283 Davie Halifax Randolph Wilkes Washington Regulatory Field Office Beaufort Currituck Jones Pitt US Army Corps Of Engineers Bertie Dare Lenoir Tyrrell Post Office Box 1000 Camden Gates Martin Washington Washington, NC 27889-1000 Carteret* Green Pamlico Wayne Telephone: (252) 975-1616 Chowan Hertford Pasquotank i Page 15 of 16 Union Watauga Yancey Wilson Yadkin u Fax: (252) 975-1399 Craven Hyde Perquimans *Croatan National Forest Only Field Office Wilmin ton Re ulator A D li O l g g y nson up n ns ow US Army Corps Of Engineers Bladen Harnett Pender Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 Brunswick Hoke Richmond Carteret Montgomery Robeson Telephone: (910) 251-4511 Columbus Moore Sampson Fax: (910) 251-4025 Cumberland New Hanover Scotland US Fi h d W s an ildlife Service / National Marine Fisheries Service US Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Raleigh Field Office Asheville Field Office Habitat Conservation Division Post Office Box 33726 160 Zillicoa Street Pivers Island Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone: (919) 856-4520 Asheville, NC 28801 Telephone: (828) 665-1195 Beaufort, NC 28516 Tele hone: (252) 728-5090 p North Carolina State Agencies Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality State Historic Preservation Office 401 Wetlands Unit Wetlands Restoration Program Department Of Cultural Resources 1650 Mail Service Center 1619 Mail Service Center 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 Telephone: (919) 733-1786 Telephone: (919) 733-5208 Telephone: (919) 733-4763 Fax: (919) 733-9959 Fax: (919) 733-5321 Fax: (919) 715-2671 CAMA and NC Coastal Counties l M Di i i f C anagement oasta v s on o Beaufort Chowan Hertford Pasquotank 1638 Mail Service Center Berrie Craven Hyde Pender Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Brunswick Cutrituck New Hanover Perquimans Telephone: (919) 733-2293 Camden Dare Onslow Tyrrell Fax: (919) 733-1495 Carteret Gates Pamlico Washington NCWRC and NC Trout Counties Western Piedmont Region Coordinator Alleghany Caldwell Watauga 3855 Idlewild Road Ashe Mitchell Wilkes Kernersville, NC 27284-9180 Avery Stokes Telephone: (336) 769-9453 Burke Surry Mountain Region Coordinator Buncombe Henderson Polk 20830 Great Smoky Mtn. Expressway Cherokee Jackson Rutherford Waynesville, NC 28786 Clay Macon Swain Telephone: (828) 452-2546 Graham Madison Transylvania Fax: (828) 506-1754 Haywood McDowell Yancey r 0 Page 16 of 16 0 Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 AIACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 r E n 1 F-J L u Attachment B FIGURES .? pox"", ?? r o C. m .. ! 1 , ?? r 4 1 \ It a r r 0 40" y?. ?; r. _ • et •. . « •`r ? « ? s * g !7 r a , ' + ' ? r} ? i s ., L ?' «2 S " C E v W Z D to U 0 00 L? • Yrr _ I _ ,+? ` 1,'' 9? ' ? ' ~\ ? 1•y? . 1 ?7. 1 1 - . r 14. G ? i "It U •r I? 1 - %r Y. R. it - ' ?= l i l _ o '- U U cu E o Cl) 0 cu U) > U Y s ¢ ; r cn U U) U) i t 0 B A D D e t s e N 1 1 1 2 a E I N 8 8 E 0 IL NOTES 1. JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. AND WETLANDS WERE APPROMMATED IN I d ?? w °S ' v V Q ? ? 4 ? V /? J 0 W THE FIELD BY MACTEC (FORMERLY LAW ENGINEERING k ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. (LAY). Q ° a CJ U ` Q p Q Q 9 p oy+ O < .; - SLSRGCi O JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. AND WETLAND BOUNDARIES HAVE NOT BEEN P era e, s erz l j Q / . MARKED IN THE FIELD AND HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, /g 2 MACTEC OBSERVED A 100-FOOT WIDE CORRIDOR SURROUNDING THE LABELED SUBJECT G maw ??? Cf ? ?- ? 0 O e STREAM SEGMENTS WITHIN THE PROJECT STUDY AREA (50 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE O 4 Ca (j 2 1 O CHANNELS); ADDITIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S MAY BE PRESENT WITHIN THE PROJECT STUDY AREA, y,/ 0 ? Q J I r , , Q THAT WERE NOT RENEWED BY MACTEC ! ?• Q e ?' Q / 0 Q ' ?? ° 0 0 0 o R p C 4e a ' .«., ?J? } Q o ?1 0 o a :.,? I 8 ,[rte 0 a % C7 da ' 0? ,uu utt " ,_-f. ?QC 1710 O O ?ea4 p N a o_. o ? ? ? o p 0 ? ,p? ?' .a 4 O C ? 0 a a Q o o o, OQ Q a 0 IIV'1'ER1? ?C3 .b. ,, o [ OQ . ?b? L-i F_J E{oc UNEUPORT 0 ? a a ? o o °: a o L? ©Q n p v ? SSA-1 P s¢? f` 3 0 - [ SA-4 Cy ?? Oak Z\ I PERENNIALn, U' PHOTO C PHOTO EPERENNIAL • SA-21? 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' % 500 EXPLANATION Od O ?' d ?+ a?? o °°'' _APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF Q o- q ?1 Q a q w l ;' __ APPROMUTE SCAIZ IN FEET PROJECT STUDY AREA _•„_APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUBJECT STREAM CHANNEL d p' O ?? i 0 °? a' MACTEC Q 0 , n ; Q '"' I O; ' ?' ••• ENCM£QtuJC a coHSSULTrrc tIC SA-1 STREAM ASSESSMENT' LOCATION Q 0 d Q Po ba '33 U %% Q' Oo?I QW CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA Zoo D0 1 WETLAND DATA POINT LOCATION 4 Q a? op 0 ?, ?' ; '?? q-'-- ?o •. APPROXIMATE WATERS OF THE U.S. RC o AND WETLANDS BOUNDARY MAP ® APPROXIMATE JETLLOCATION OF QO ? o b o d Q L? Q r- ?'w, Q„i ?---? ' ? pQ JD C? SILVER STREAM/WINDYBRUSH STORM DRAINAGE POTENTIAL ® O d ???? O a C,} O0 01 0 , li CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PHOTO AND DIRECTION ? • ° t L1 PYEPARED DaIE CH) CkCED ^ DATE 1-65 C6 REF: CITY OF CHARLOTTE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP N38, DATED i an n0 nC1 r9 `j i • C.. J?( ?? '0 Joe NO. 6229-03-0639 FIGURE 2 1991, M38, DATED 1997, N39 k M39, BOTH DATED 1994. i i i - m v ? c, ? N y n ? Q ?o o n N O y O N N N n u N a c o?? CD Z r h o x P rL CL N p Z u w o o V]c2002a- a 10 Q U N N- ?F V a N (D a 0 Q o' O a`??oN oN? ?tP Q u L ° A p o.? o o V' o N a co 0 N C X cc ...I 1 rr ?.y W W a M A, (D N O 2 2 m a U U . N D 41 - N P - °- a a E x LLI E > a? CL Lo 2 E EE E `° co ~e-. 28 N f0 U N O W m O O .2- m ?y U 14 'O 'O m ?-' 0 _ 2 E E? m m ?> - c V) U) m ow m ca O "E N N D C C ( N U N N N w? V U __ Y Y _ CO Y a) 0 Q) C: m UU?0lo ? cV cn C?Oo m UU¢m 0 m ? /? II Q Q ti !m L y m co 20 0 m m m ? 7 .b ? Y O ? m cla V C !? Q a 3 U m Y ? cla m Y 3 ; .. ?w Q -mac •- - __..? m w 3 m m 3 )FC m U Li m CL V m y co N 7 rn LL .M tJ ? ? l Y M 0 m N ? Y U O b Ct ct Q z z o? UttA 4 U U cn w U_ U Z ? vJ a_ m coo E z m m o U o m > U o m ? o Ln Q L za " 0 0 e e e e A e e s s e e B 1 1 e A a a 1 ]ILM, LL 1.'r• r pPola R / CIS ? C _ t ? cV T r? O U N ? CL U a ?t . N m `a o N rR S N DDDD `D Ak\ ?5. ti y?- "Ci ? c ? a? n CL r ? 4, '? U N 1141'- ? 0 O C.) U C-i ?ti 1 ? U O ?. (0 r O, a? > U Peoa aa? O ?J C!] Gl. L % ? ?rs U O r- (n U) t t t 1 1 Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification AfACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 I Attachment C REQUEST FOR JURISDICTIONAL 1 DETERMINATION December 4, 2003 (Request for Jurisdictional Determination Form, Wetland Determination Form, I and Stream Assessment Forms) L? t t i 1 REQUEST FOR JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION DATE: November 21, 2003 I COUNTY Mecklenburg TOTAL ACREAGE OF TRACT(S) N/A -linear project PROJECT NAME (if applicable) Silver Stream CIP - Charlotte PROPERTY OWNER (name, address and phone): City of Charlotte - Storm Water Services 600 E 4`h Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Attn: Mr. Jarrod J. Karl. Wetlands Specialist Phone: 704.432.0966 NAME OF AGENT, ENGINEER, DEVELOPER (if applicable): MACTEC Eneineerine and Consulting, Inc. (not acting as AGE 2801 Yorkmont Drive, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Attn: Benjamin L. Leatherland, P.W.S., CPESC Senior Scientist, Phone: 704.357.8600 STATUS OF PROJECT (check one): ( ) On-going site work for development purposes (X) Development in planning stages (Type of development: N/A ( ) No specific development planned at present ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED: Check items submitted - forward as much information as is available. At a minimum, the following first two items must be forwarded. ( X ) Accurate location map (from County map, USGS quad sheet, etc.) ( X ) Survey plat of property in question (See Attachment B) ( ) Aerial photograph (from County Assessors office, or other source; property boundaries shown on the photo would be most helpful) (X) Topographic survey (X) Conceptual site plan for overall development (X) Routine On-Site Data Forms/Intermittent Channel Evaluation Form/NCDWQ Stream Classification Form (X) SCS Soil Survey Sheet(s) (Mecklenburg County) ( X ) Approximate Waters of the U.S. Boundary Map ignature of Property Owner or Authorized Agent 0 ri E u? L u r INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVA LUA T] ON FORM ACTIONID APPLICANTNAME PROPOSED CHAN`NFL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODY/RIVER I3ASIIV_ RECENTWEATHER COIMnONS_ ?? Corr h y 3p ?? COUNTYXITY P SP NP Observation Comments or Description V-1, FishlShcllfish/Crustaccans Present v C e?1 c o r $enthie Macro Invertebrates Amphibians PrescnVBrmding / Algae And/Or Fungus (wares quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) ? RifflrlPool Structurt: Stabk Suzambanks ? Chanod Substrate (i e. gravel, cobbk, rock, course sand) C?Cv.Ve lc Cov.?52 5Q? tJv(t c C?{'ci ' ?? M\? feGt?v bS.?K tr s ?/ Riparian Canopy Present (SP-h50% closutn) ??ol II o • ?. ? ti to Ce\ : Undercut Bank&1butrcam Habitat Strvctum 1r.LQA? Wn ?JCLA.X ^y q c \ t' N G? S ?ru, Flow to Channel ^7 O ? S r' (b?vN Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) persistent Poolv'Saturated Bonom (June thru Sept.) N? C?. ?SwCX?i ?U 1? to Y? Sccpv'Groundwatcr Discharge (June thru Sept.) _ Adjacent F)oodplain Prc=t Wrack Material or Drift lines Hydrophytie Vegetation inladjaeent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? y/0 v . . Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y 4 Approx. Drainage Area: L- bq6 atvV5 Determination: ? Perennial Channel (stop) ? Intermittent Channel (paced) ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) ? Ditch Through Upland (no id) ;Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials Unimportant Channel: LF (attach map indicating location of imponant/unimportant channel) Evaluator's Signature: /?i'(aw (if other than C.O.E. l5rqcci Manager) 3k\- 1 DATE k6.21- OD I uw D - D.o-, CD - C..n....lu D--# ND - Nnf r1--1 - - - 1 Project Name: S?\"w ?riRiver Basin: County: %9Z41\Q1?pN ? I`1 t4Vn KO C4 'D Star, Evaluator. "a, ? '?cv C ?? N ,'t\t 1"Q?K C • N S L i d 3 5 10` 01 z q ?t Si earest amed team: DWQ Project Number: ` at tu e: . 1 Q gnawre: 1 h*` {v`r, Date: 1 - ?' `° VO USGS QUAD:`61 J Longitude St- ?7q k Locatior?Dirations: ?F t; .. s? ,,PLEASE NOTE: If evo/uator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, Vin the best professional fudyemeni of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream--this raring slsrem should not be used" Primary Field Indicators: (Circle One Numberp rLi.) 1. Geomorpholoey Absent Wok Moderate Strone 0 11Nvdrolo y - Absent Weak Moderate Strone 1) Is There A Groundwater F1owMischaree Present? CO 1 2 3 ' PRIAIARYIJYDROLO(,YINDICATOR POINTS: 0 PRIMARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR ent Secondary Field Indicators_(circle0mNambesPrrLjne) Does JNDICATOR 0 11 Nvdrolo - Absent V1'eak Moderate Strone 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Lewiluoo \l (21"N 3 Are Wrack Lines Present? ull l t a 4) is Water In Channd And>48 Hrs. Since 5 1 13 LastXnowwRain?r•NOTErIDiirFlndYaudlne9Abo,St7 1hie5 AdrJBrbw' 0 .5 1 1 S 5) is Therc Watu In Channd During Dry r...,A.,, .,e !1. to rrnwine Season)? SECONDARY IIIDROLOGYIATICATOR V1'eak 7 is Filamentous Aleae Present? 'PA .5 1 1.5 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambcd? ?' Mostly OBL Most FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FAC) Mostly UPI. r NOTE.,/Taal Abjure OJAP Platy In S+reambed 2 1 75 .5 0 0 Ar NOIrd Above Ski Adr S,r VNLFSS SAV PrnrnP' SECONDARYBIOLOGY INDJCATORPOINTS.1 . S TOTAL POINTS (Prirno" + Secondon)= (If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Interrninent) lq•2.S 0 /'NOTE:/ bed 6 Baal C-mdB Dole ,rrcnxorru- 1 O) is A 2 Order Or Greater Ch-cl (As Indicated On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes-3 N0 PR1h1ARY GEOAIORPJIOLO'J r JJ'DICATOR POINTS:_}_L_ LEI 0 t E F INARAUTTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTJON IDAPPLICANTNAME?-?w s PROPOSED CHAI\'NEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, WATERBODY/RIVER RECENT WEATHER CONDIT] 5\\ t DATE ?O-I?'00 COUNTY/CITY P SP NP Observation Comments or DescriLCi fish/Shellfish/Crusuccans Present Benthie Macro lnvenebrata ? Amphibians Prescnt/B=ding ? Allae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) ?l• Vool Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) Rimclpool Structure SubicStroambanks O ?t?S epveee rJ? k5L --At`; G cr:. / Channel Substrate (i.e. Fravel, cobble, rock, course sand) poi Eyr S edit Zkv) i %I ??i ( •t e G c? C Ca 5 / Riparian Canopy Present (SP-h50% closure) 1 t.? - Undercut Banks/lnstrcam Habitat Structure \\ ( \ e\ ip?i ti`t?itftV Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent TolCondg. With Channel (Discontinue) v \` _'_\t persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June thru Scpt.) ` ?,v\ - Secps/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Sept) - ? Adjacent Floodplain Present ? Wrack Material or Drift litres \ _ ? _ _ Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel e? ?y?, dt?? u?.k Q?^\`?+? te. o\, : 2w Skps a ( (:2 Uhtt t) Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y)K) JJ Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y / NO Approx. Drainage Area: 4t43 Determination: ? Perennial Channel (stop) ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) ? Ditch Through Upland (no id) (L Important Channel: S? LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ? Unimponant Channel: LF (attach map indicating location of imponanLiunimponant channel) two Evaluator's Signature: (if other than C.O.E. project' anger) I D - V--, CD - C,.......1.. V---f ND - Nnt D-- f Project Name: ? River Basin: County: Evaluator. C0.,??i? mnt ? DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Strram: Latitude: ?5 A D? 59 \ Signature: A4 Date: lb- 210lib USGS QUAD: Longitude: % b . $ 0 l?l Location/Directions: • PLEASE NOTE: if evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the best professionalludgement of the evaluator,Q the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modoed natural sveam--this rating system should not be usedt Primary Field Indicators: (CirckOneNnmberPerLine) I_ t^emmnrnholoev Absent Weak Moderate Strong 0 - - - - - (•NOTE• 1/Bed d BoJ Cmtad Br Diwhl+y And N7T}10UT Srn,orlry 7ben Scorr-O*) 10) Is A 2 Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Tono Man And,'Or In Field) Present? Yes-3 NA"") 'RIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY 11VDICA II Hvdrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater 1'1n.vTierharor' Prrtrnt? 1 Z 3 a a Secondary Field Indicators: (CtrcleoorNemberPnUne) irate A SECONDARY GEOIIJORPHOLOGY 1NDIC4 TOR POINTS: 1?C II Hvdrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter _ 7 2 Is Sediment On Plants Ur Ueons LSc nr I . 3) Are Wrack Lines Prmnt? .5 1 1.5 _ 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since .5 1 1.5 Last Known Rain? (•N07Er1 Diichhrdlmrrdln M9AbowSFt Thin A10 05Bdow' S) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 13 YN}DROLOGYINDICATOR A Moderate 8) Are Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAV Mostly OBL Most ACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (- NOTE: tfToial Ahmme Of All Plantr In Srreambrd 1 1 • 5 .5 0 0 AJNalyd AbOw Stl Thir Su UhLESSSAVP"5,1,r" SECONDAR}'BIOLOGYINDICAJUR POINTS: TOTAL POINTS (Priman' + Secondory? =(if Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Scream Is At Least Intermivenl) 0 PR1AIARYHYDROLOGYINDICA7-ORPOINTS: U r? e e e i i A 1 e i H', r-1 L J D INAR AITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ?\\ -*, J ACTIONIDAPPLICANTNAME DATE 'PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODY/RIVER 1IASIN `coo, COUNTY/CITY ?.? --F 4 RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS v.1n t h S . P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Frsh/Shcllfish/Crustaccars Prsscnt Bcnthic Macro Invmcbratcs V Amphibians Pn=nVB=ding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) Rifik/Pool Structure Stable Summbanks Clwvxl Substnu (i.e. gnvel, cobble, rock, course sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP=h>50% closure) Undercut BankVlnstream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel / V Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Charnel (Discontinue) Persistent Pools/Saturated Bonom (June a- Scpt.) t t ?? 1v Sccps/Groundwatcr Discharge (June thru Sept.) V / v Adjacent Floodplain Present / Wrack Material or Drift lines Hydrophytie Vegetation inradjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /? Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? (ZY N Approx. Drainage Area: Determination. r Perennial Channel (stop) ' ? Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (anach Trap indicating location of impo=t/unimpomnt channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) NCDAVO Stream k-xissntcarton rorm Project Name: t?v?C C?vn River Basin: CA?4?l?MA County: Evaluator. `? tk it Q DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: t'\e.',nx,4,a Latitude. Signatttre: Date: %?. ?q_()3 USGSQUAD: Waz\oit.,?Wns t C Longitude. Location/Directions: *]PLEASE NOTE: If evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is nor necessary. Also, {fin the best professional judgement of the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream---this rating s)•stem should not be used" Primary Field Indicators: (C1rc1r0m VsmbrrPerLhv) n 1. Geomorphology - A 0 0 II Hvdrolo y Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater 6\ . IAfARYHYDROLOGYINDICATORPOINTS. V Absent Weak YBIOLOGY IAVILAIVIt wuria: r.. Secondary Field Indicators: _(Ctrck0mNnmber PoUna) odes 3) Does Topography Indicate A U Natural Drainaee Way? 0 .5 1.5 SECONDARY GEOAIORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. 11 Hvdrolo y Absent Weak Moderate Strong I ; LLLttt 1) is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter © 0 Present In Streambed? 1.5 1 2) Is Sediment On Planer (Or Debris) Present? 0 5 1 5 5 1 3 Are Wrack Lines Present? 0 .5 . Q 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since _ -0 _ .5 1 1.5 5) is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 SECONDAR )' H )'DR OL OGY INDI CATOR re nt Weak Moderate Stron .5 7) Is Filamentous Aleae Present? (0) 5 1 1.5 8) Arc Wetland Plants In Streambed? SAY Mostly OBL Mostly FACN M9sily FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPI. (• NOTE: t/Taal Abx,cr OfAUPIaar In Sneambed 2 1 .75 5S 0 0 AS Noted Above Ski rhit Sr VAPUM- SAV P,rxnt'• . SECONDARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: TOTAL POINTS (Ptimary + Secondary)-=(If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) a /'N'OTE: 1 Ped d bank C- d B Dirchh And WANOUT Sm,or1 Then Score-O- 10) Is A 1 Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo MapAnd/Or In Field) Present? Yes--3 1111 No4fPRIAIARY GEOAfORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: n 0 1 0 t [l INA RA9lTTENT CHANNEL EVALUAT]ON FORM ACTION ID PROPOSED CHANNEL NVORK WATERIIODY/RIVER BASIN RECENT WEATHER CONDITI( APPLICANT NAME C S W S DATE 03 .e., culvert, relocation, etc.) COUNTY/CITY &tk`evVJ P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/Shcllfish/Crustaccans Pn=t V Bcnthic Macro Invertebrates 41 / V Amphibians Prescnt/Brccding V Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) Rifik/pool Structure Stable Strzambanks (hand Substrate (i.e. gravel, b course sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP=/>50% closure) / v Undercut BanksInstmam Habitat Structure V Flow In Channel -7 Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discondnue)- Persistent Pools/Saturattd Bonom (June thm Sept.) `v Saps/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present - V - Wrack Material or Drift Lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjaam to channel important To Domestic Water Supply? Y / i) Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y / a Approx. Drainage Area: Determination: Er Perennial Channel (stop) Intermittent Channel C (p-ad) , ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) C Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ? Unimportant Channel: L.F (attach map indicating location of impormt/unimportant channel) 1 D - CD - Cr.^. 1" °?° ND - Nnt D--f NCDIN70 Stream Classification Form ^ `\\ \ Project Name: S??VtC S'lttaw` River Basin: CaNd`NA County: W.Z?4+vbv? Evaluator: DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: `mC?\?sY`? Latitude: Signature:A Date: `\A1\-M USGS QUAD: Wt to4v Longitude: Location/Directions: "PLEASE NOTE: IJevaluator and landowner agree that McJeature is a man-made ditch, then use of thisJorm is not necessary. Atic, ifin the besrprojesslonalJudyement oJtheevaluator, iheJeature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural meam-rhir rating system should not be usedh Primary Field Indicators: (Circle01wVum&rPerUne) n 0 M 0 0 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present[ w s o ('NOTE' l/ bed d B k Cm?xd By Dirchb,r And "MOUT Si-wsiry 7hrn Store-0') 10) Is A 2 Order Or Greater Channel (As lnindicated /? On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yea=3 No 2) PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 1) Hvdrology Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater ? Flow/Discharge Present? 0 U) 2 3 PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: Ni MAMMY BIOLOGY INDICATOR Secondary Field Indicators'_(crrclioo &nberP.,,u-) U- 0 0 1. Geornor bolo v Absent Weak Moderate 1 Strong 1 is There A Head Cut Present in Channel? 0 5 (1 ) 1 5 2 Is There A Grade Control Point In Chennel? 0 1 1.5---- 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way? 0 5 1 1 5 SECONDARY GEOdIORPHOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: - --11 Hvdrolo y Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter 2 Is Sediment On Plants Or Debris Present? 0 1.5 a 3 Are Wrack Lines Present? 0 1 1.5 4) Is Water In Channel And>48 M. Since 0 .5 1 1.5 Last Known Rain?(•NOTE'IDiwh110-Iedtn*9AbOwSk1 ThrsSie Ad 05 B1/-' 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1 S Conditions Or In Growin Season)? 6 Are Hvdric Soils Present in Sides Of Channel Or In He"Lut ? Yes=1.5 No 0 SECONDAR )' H)'DROLOGY INDI CA I UN POINTS: 1 .5 111. Biolo Absent Weak Moderate Stron 1) Are Fish Present? 0 S 1 1.5 5 Are Macrobenthos Present? 0 .5 1 6) Are Iron Oxidizing Bacteha/Fungus Present? 0 1 1 5 7) Is Filamentous Algae Presents LO 5 1 1 5 S) Are Wetland Plants In Sucambed? SAN' Mostly OBI. Mostly FACW Mostly FAC MpsflZ FACU Mostly UPL (' NOTE: (f Total Abxrn a OJAq Prmw In Streambed 1 1 .75 .5 0 AsNorrdAb-Ski IhieSrc UNLESSSAVPrexnr'. Q SECOA'DAR )' BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: Lic? TOTAL POINTS (Priman' + Secondary') =(If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) U 1) Is There A Riffle-Pool ',equencei w) r 1% 1. M- 1 Icrle Tnvt,tm In Streambed r I I i i rn i i? 0 E U INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ? I\ 1J ACTIONID APPL]CANTNAME `SWS DATE "O3 PROPOSED CHANNFL WORK (i.e., culvert,` relocation, etc.) n' I WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN ?a??Wbo II COUNTYXITY RacK`tAy VIPs. RECENT WEATHER COT'DITIONS_ ? ,y\ "31( P SP NP Observation Comments Or Description FsWhcllfish/Crunaccans Presort Bcnthie Macro Invenebratcs Vel' Amphibians Prescnt/Brxding Allac And/Or Fungus (water quality function) Wildlife Channel Use (i e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protcctcd Species (Discontinue) y V Riffk/Pool Structure V/ ; . Stable Strea nbanks C a W Subs (i e. ve ob course sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP-1550% closure) Undercut Banksgnstrcam Habitat Structure ? Flow In Channel Z Wetlands Adjacent To Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) . persistent Pools/Saturated Bonom (June 0- Sept.) J? ?J ScepVGroundwater Discharge (June thru Sept) V / Adjacent Floodplain Present / Wrack Material or Drift lines Hydrophytie Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y/(9) Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y C Approx. Drainage Area: Determination. Perennial Channel (Stop) Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials Intermittent Channel (pad) Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of imponant/unimpomnt channel) ? Ditch Through Upland Ino jd) 1 D - D,o-' CD - c........1" ND - Nnt P-C-1 JVLJJ I'Vl/ JIt Caa y,o ProjectName:S??JeRS?CCpe(? River Basin:Co:\ aw County: 1``2el??ge?pytq Evaluator. 7.???tMl1' DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Strum: Latitude: J Signa ?J Date' `\ • `t\* ?)J USGS QUAD: ,,O,U ??on Longitude: Location/Directions: ,I PLEASE NOTE: IJevaluator and landowner agree that thefearure is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is nor necessary. Afro, ifin the best professional judgement of the evaluator, Q the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating system should not be used* Primary Field Indicators: (Circko-&-brrpa t.) Absent Weak Moderate Strong p 0 ------- I'NOTE: l 6rd A Bank Cmurd B Dirchi And N77710UT 5'm,orl 7hrn Srorr•0• 10) Is A 2 Order Or Greats Channel (As Indicated On Topo Map An VOr In Field) Present? Ye a Nof? ) PRIAJARY GEOAIORPIIOLOGY INDIGI TOR POINTS: D 0 e PRIMARYBIOLOGY IlYUILAI Uss -U.ursv: -t Secondary Field lndicators_lclnl.on.NnmDsrPaurRl Does Topography Indicate SECONDARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 1. 5 11 Hvdrolony Absent Weak Moderate St rong 1) Is This Ycar's (Or Last's) Leaflitter Present In Streambed? 1.5 1 0 Z is Sediment On Plants Or Debris Present? 0 .5 1 I .5 1 5 3 Are Wrack Lines Present? 0 . 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Sin= 0 .5 1 1.5 Q Last ,Known Rain? /'NOTE' 1/D%?rh Ir dm rd hi *1.41 .- Skr 7h1r Sir A,d 11 Brlov 5) Is nere water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 Conditions Or In Growin Season 6 Are Hvdric Soils Present In Sides Of Channel Or In Headcut ? Yes.1.5 No Q SEC01N'DAR1'H)'DROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 1.. S ... , ._.__. Absent Weak Moderate Strong 5 Are Macrobenthos Present? 0 .5 1•? 6) Are Iron Oxidizine B6cteria/Fun¢u5 Present' 0 1 1.5 7) Is Filamentous Aleae Presents 0 1 1.5 8) Are Wetland Plante In Streambed? SAN' Mostly 0131- Mostly FACN Mostly FAC M FACU Mostly UPL (' NOTE: (?Taal Abm,xe 0JA11Plau.+ln Snea kd 2 1 .75 .5 0 - A7 NoirdAl, Ski This Sir 11NLESSS0'Prrant• SECO!\'DAR )' BIOLOGY JIN'DICATOR POINTS: . 5 TOTAL POI]?'TS rPr;man"+ Secondan'? =(If Greater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Scream Is At Least lnrerminentl z 2 , S 0 J 1 1 1 INTERMITTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM JW b ACTON ID APPLICANTNAME DATE PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert`, relocation, etc.) M WATERBODY/RIVER DASIN_ ltZiN?,J? COUNTY/CITY RECENT WEATHER CONDIT]ONS_ P SP NP Observation Comments or Description Fish/ShellfishlCrusuccan Present $cnthic Macro Invertcbrata 1.e t??5 Amphibians Prmcnt/Breeding _ _ Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) ,? Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) Rimelpool Structure ? Stable Sutambanks Channel Substrate (i.e. 6;4, (0?, rock, urse s Riparian Canopy Present (SP=J550% closure) Undercut BankOnstrcam Habitat Structure / Flow In Channel `' •. V Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Channel (Discontinue) _ Persistent Pools/Saturated Bonom (June thru Sepl.) n\ /v Sccps/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /?Ai? Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils MOPS Y ?!J Approx. Drainage Area: Determination: ? Perennial Channel (stop) ? Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials ? Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimportant channel) Ditch Through Upland (no id) Evaluator's Signature:` (if other than C.O.E. project Manager) ............... 1 D - D......, CD - h...,...1,. V--f ND - 7Jnt D--? l?l,lJ I'T V 011 eaii¦ a.eu Project Name: S.??ec ?ICCeRr? River Basin: ?o?u?abq County: ???t.?tr c? Evaluator: T. ??? er Q DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Suez= nnn VY?,t4t4. ?t . Latitude: Signature'. Dater`- USGS QUAD: We ?+?'tetn ?? Longitude: Location/Directions: "PLEASE NOTE: lfevaluator and landowner agree that ihefearare is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if In the benprefessional judgement 01he evaluator the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural sneam-this rating system should not be used.' 11LL....JJJJ Primary Field Indicators: (Circ60.NnmberPeeV.) 1. Geomornhology Ab_ent NN'eak Moderate Strong _- I-w T-..- In 8Is There A Benkfull bencn rresentr % r i 9) Is A Continuous Bed & Bank Present? 0 1 2 3 ('NOTE'-Bed d Bank C-sed By DGchin7 And F-FMOUT Simmsiry 77xn Score-or) ]0) Is A 2 Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes--3 NAC PRIh1ARY GEOiIIORPIIOLOGY INDIC9 TOR POINTS- 11 Hvdrologv Absent Weak Moderate Strong Q 1) Is There A Groundwater Flow/Discharee Present? ] 2 3 PRIAlARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 111 Biology - Absent Weak Moderate Strt r Q Y BIOL ators:(onteo.NnmberPsrLine) Secondary Field Indic - irate A YINDIC9TOR 11. Hvdrologv Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaflitter Present In Streambed? 1.5 1 .S no 2 Is Sediment On Plants Or Debris Present? 0 1 1.5 3 Art Wrack Lines Present? .5 1 1.5 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 .5 1 1.5 Last Known Ra in? (•N07Er / Di+ch ltd m+ed 1n M9 Abow Ski N3 S+r And eJ Belo.. S) is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1 5 Y HI'DROLOGYINDICATOR Absent VI'eak Modera 7) Is tilamenious Aleac rresc'- -_ .J + 8) Arc Wetland Plants in Soeambed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostl FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (• NOTE: {/Tonal Adsr++ce Opll Plm+u /n Snemnbed 1 1 .75 0 0 As Nord A6ow Ski Thu Sn NNLESS SAYPrrsrn/'. SECONDARYBIOLOGY MICA TOR POINTS: TOTAL POINTS (Ptimart' + Secondarr-= (If Greater Thnn Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) a -I. ? 0 0 t i i A CT] ON ID, INARMITTENT CHANNEL EVA LUA TI ON FORM APPLICANT NAME C W J 5H- {- DATE 11-1- 03 PROPOSED CHANNEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) {fin WATERIIODY/RIVER BAST ? bk COUNTY/CITY Ile en?t>C . .,t t RECENT WEATHER CONDITIONS, P SP NP Observation Comments Or Description Fish/Shellfish/Crustaceans Present ?CL\ (5? ?? Z }?S? p?ScC Bend ie Macro Invencbrams ?' Amphibians Pr=nVBreeding Algae And/Or Fungus (water quality function) j ? Wildlife Channel Use (i.e. rocks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protcctcd Species (Discontinue) / V Rimelpool Structure j Stable Sntarnbanks Channd Substrate (i.e. gravel, cobble, rock, course sand) Riparian Canopy Present (SP-h50% closure) / Undercut BanksMstream Habitat Structure Flow In Channel Wetlands Adjacent To/Contig. With Charnel (Discontinue) persistent Pools/Saturated Bottom (June thru Sept.) (? \ 'v Sccps/Groundwatcr Discharge (June thru Sept.) Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift lines W 7` _ ? _ Hydrophytie Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y /R:) e Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils A9ap? ©/ N J n i Approx. Drainage Arm: Determination* ? Perennial Channel (stop) Q Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials Q"Intermittent Channel (paced) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of imponant/unimponant channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) 1 D - CD - ND - Nnt T)--t IN%_JJ VY V 09 ca _j_- --- Project Name: 5.???t S??etaw. River Basin: C4?? County: t`V2yl??fr.0 Evaluator. DWQ Project Number: Nearest Named Stream: k&` Qtrs. Z,t . Latitude: Signature J>°' j J Date: USGS QUAD: %))Av?t ?Z- Longitude: Locatiori/DDiirections: "PLEASE NOTE: if evaluator and landowner otter that thrJecture is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the besrprojessiona/judgement of the evaluator, theJeature is a man-made ditch and nor a modified natural srream-rhir radng s)•stem should not be used" Priman' Field Indicators: (CircleomNumberPerLine) 1 r:Pmmnrnhnloov Absent Weak Moderate Stronp 1)15 The7M11 flle-Yool 0 0 od 4 YBIOLOGYINDICATOR Secondary Field Indicators_(OrckOntNumber PoLine) ¦ Absent Weak Moderate St 3) Does Topography Indicate A 0 0 SECONDARY GEOAIORPt1ULUV. 1ruie.6Ju1irvirvia. -L 11 HvdroloQ Absent Weak Moderate Strong Q 1) Is This Year's (Or Last's) Leafhtter 5 0 Present In Sireambed? 1.5 . 2 Is Sediment On Plants Or Debris Present? 0 .5 1.5 3 Are Wrack Lines Present? 0 I 1.5 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. Since 0 .5 1 1.5 Q LastXnownRain? (•NOrErlff)hchh0cnrrdnre9AbowSkip TbrsSrr .UdrJBelowr 5) Is There Water In Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 SEC0I•'DARYHYDROL0GYINDICATOR POINTS: 2, S 11). Biology Abe nt Weak Noderate Stroi it Are Fish Presents .5 I I 3 7) Is Filamentous Algae Presents 0 `L? 1 LS 8) Are Wetland Plants in 5ueembed? SAV Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mos I FAC Mostly FACU Mostly UPL (• NOTf: If Total ADx)Ke OJAII planer In S rrambrd 1 1 .75 0 0 AJ Noud Abow Skip This Srr UNLCSS SAV Prrxnt` SECONDARY BIOLOGI' INDICATOR POINTS: TOTAL POINTS (Primary 4 Secondart?)-_(IjGreaier Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Stream Is At Least Intermittent) 2? .5 C3 13\ 0 0 (•A'OTfrl BrdhBonkCmrxoC uurnnr n+? ••-•••??• ???...?....??..- 10) Is A 2 Order Or Greater Channel (As Indicated On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes--3 Noptr? 10 PRIAIARY GEOh1ORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS. C] 0 JNA MUTTENT CHANNEL EVALUATION FORM ACTIONIDAPPLICANTNAME ?Cy.1S DATE 11- R-0S PROPOSED CRA)\'NEL WORK (i.e., culvert, relocation, etc.) WATERBODY/RIVER BASIN_ ?c>??..s?c>, ''ff COUNTY/CITY ZA ?b RECENTWEATIIER CONDITIONS??v W(; `??SS. P SP Observation Comments or Desc union sWCrustaccans Pruent CC l?j 1Y+cc?w S O _ acro Invertebrates t s Prtscnt/Bre eding Allac Or Fungus (water quality function) _ annel Use (i.e. tracks, feces, shells, others) Federally Protected Species (Discontinue) / v Riff c/Pool Structure V- Stable Sutambanks / _ ubstratc (i.e. cobble, k c urse sa V Riparian Canopy Present (S 50% closure) Undercut BankVinstrcam Habitat Structure 1C Flow In Channel / Wetlands Adjacent TOContig. With Charnel (Discontinue) . Persistent Pools/Saturated Bonom (Junk thru Scpl.) Steps/Groundwater Discharge (June thru Scpt.) ? Adjacent Floodplain Present Wrack Material or Drift lines Hydrophytic Vegetation in/adjacent to channel Important To Domestic Water Supply? Y/(@ Does Channel Appear On A Quad Or Soils Map? Y '?R H D i7 Approx. Drainage Area: Determination: ? Perennial Channel (stop) [Important Channel: LF PROJECT MGR. Initials [/] Intermittent Channel (proceed) ? Unimportant Channel: LF ? Ephemeral Channel (no jd) (attach map indicating location of important/unimpormnt channel) ? Ditch Through Upland (no jd) D - D.--l VD - c"'-I" D--l ND - Nnr P-C-1 jw.UWy dream 1.1:tNNlsis auuu rvrw Project Name: t\,cKorti River Basin: County: Evaluator. ?\JaC J DWQ Project `Number: Nearest Named S=m:? W t-kr-l Latitude: Signatur Date: USGSQUAD: ?.2l??ot\ Longitude: Location/Directions: "PLEASE NOTE: if evaluator and landowner agree that the feature is a man-made ditch, then use of this form is not necessary. Also, if in the benprofessiona/judgement o/the evaluator, the feature is a man-made ditch and not a modified natural stream-this rating s)•stem should not be used" Primary Field Indicators: (Circle one N-ber per Line) 1 Geomorphology Absent Weak Moderate Strong - - -.... .. -- n , ? a 11 Hvdrology Ahcent Weak Moderate Strong 1) Is There A Groundwater - --- ---- n._._..M n t 2 3 3) Does Topography Indicate A Natural Drainage Way't 0 S 1.5 --?- SECONDARY GE01110RPIIOLOGYINDICATOR POINTS: 17 II Hvdrologv Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1) is This Year's (Or Last's) Leaf litter (., n 4) Is Water In Channel And >48 Hrs. 1.5 a 0 =o 5) Is There Water ]n Channel During Dry 0 .5 1 1.5 Y H )DROLOGY INDICATOR Bi Weak 8) Are Wetland Plants In Sueambed? SAN' Mostly OBL Mostly FACW Mostly FAC Mostly FACU Most L (• NOTE. l/Taal Abm0Ke Of All Pla+tf In Saeambed 1 1 .75 .5 As No ed A6ow Skip Th's S' p v-- --4' f lA SECONDARY BIOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS: 3.5 TOTAL POINTS (Primary + Seeondan') =(IfGreater Than Or Equal To 19 Points The Scream Is At Least Intermittent) 1 -S 0 0 0 NOTE r/Bed 6 Bo ik Cm and P Ditch! P And FVMOUT Sirmoalry 7hrn Scare-0•) 10) Is A 2 Order Or GrcaG Channd (As lndtcated On Topo Map And/Or In Field) Present? Yes-3 IVM4 PRIMARY GEOMORPHOLOGY INDICATOR POINTS _ PRIMARYHYDROLOGYINDICATOR POINTS.-__I.__ Secondary Field Indicators: P ck0neNumberPuLlne) e a e e t t t t VEGETATION y -? Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant S ties Stratum Indicator 1. ?«c l ?yw. _ ? _ 9• Saaay?se ? S?,t?: ? l.J?l - E RC- 2. b,:t? 10. - 3. vn tt, S? S - 11. _ 4. "C- v*b?S _ sIS _ 112. 5. OXADT, C` I 13. _ 6. 14. 7. _ S f S _ 15. - - qt 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-), rG q - - Remarks:_____ l HYDROLOGY []Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Wetland Hydrology Indicators: []Stream, Lake, or ride Gauge Primary Indicators: []Aerial Photographs []Inundated []Other ®Saturated in Upper 12 inches ?No Recorded Data Available []Water Marks []Drift Lines []Sediment Deposits Field Observations: []Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Depth of Surface Water. (in.) Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels Upper 12 inches Depth to Free Water in Pit: (in.) []Water-Stained Leaves De th to S t d S []Local Soil Survey Data p a urate oil: 0 (in.) ?FAC-Neutral Test []Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks:----- ?h W It tv H:%CMCRAL%VVOU iCDstwmiak)rHorm.Ooc Sheet 1 of 2 a12 AM 9/12= DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Taxonomy Subgroup: Profile Description: Drainage Class: - Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yes(] NoF-1 Depth nches Horizon Matra Color 2 un II Moist Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Wunsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure etc Q _ - b C 3 l ? • ' a I e `l 2 5 f b a h - - s 2-5 2 7;S Y-3 :4 ew ? ,'. , Hydric Soil Indicators: r'?Histosol F]Concretions []Histic Epipedon []High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils F]Sulfidic Odor Organic' Streaking in Sandy Solis QAquic Moisture Regime [Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions 01-isted on National Hydric Soils List 4Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors []Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: ?+ Sheet 2 of 2 8:12 AM 9/12= 0 a 0 0 b WETLAND DETERMINATION Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification AIACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 0 fl L i u I 0 t Attachment D PHOTO-DOCUMENTATION December 4, 2003 t t t Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification MACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 December 4, 2003 t t Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification AM CTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 December 4, 2003 1 Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification AMCTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 December 4, 2003 J 1 1 Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification MACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 December 4, 2003 Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification MACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 December 4, 2003 Photograph I: Channel B (intermittent, aquatically-important) channel north of Bon Rea Road (SA-8), view north. Photograph 3: Potential wetland area, east of Sweetgrass Lane and west of Swan Run Road, adjacent to Channel C (DP-1), view north. Silver Scream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification AIACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 7 H J 1 L s Attachment E CONSTRUCTION PLAN EXCERPTS December 4, 2003 r_ e 'e e 0 0 o t a B 1 1 1 Cover Sheet 1 General Notes 2 Plan & Profile 3.13 Erosion Control Plans ,14.19 Traffic Control Plam 20.22 Details 23-24 . 1.1111 11l.lJV Y Y L. ENGINEERING & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION PLANS OF PROPOSED NTS N. _Az SILVER STREAM STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER: 671-98-706 PROJECT FEATURES: REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT REINFORCED CONCREFE PIPE CULVERTS CURB AND GUTTER INLET'S SPOT CHANNEL REPAIRS U iD? a D 0 Po 01 L,_L ? ? 00, Q of ,0, d ' p n V? ?? t e'l. G U l O ? w I 0 «e `? Gr ' O • v O • ?Q? Q o ?_ ., ,.?? ?. i ? Ill I ' d Na U- WU SNC[l s S 8 7 C30 Q Q ? ??(? Q Qp D r,. h a /1 N t `?'ifi s y? '?\a 4 ?} Os SNCCS 9 V ' Lit a? yJ ? ? 4Q y _b >r1 ? oa?d? {? ?•? o d a 4 ?a b o p Q. o OD s /7 v' VO o 0 1&_0G5_TT_0= XT1W NTS .-ISAACS' - c+s noa.?vs Nsa 1w urn avKVw? .; j 8720 RED W BLVD., STE. 120 0, N.L. 28277 LMxxEO (7 PHONE (701) 527-7440 / FAX (701) 527-8355 y . f Charlotte-Meckleebuq STORM WATER Services PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION ?+ 1 "r+K fM F DNE?S?.?bb1? `S` New Property Line -- Property line or Existing RlW Line -- Existing Structures Railroad Tracks Proposed Edge of Pavement. i a Fenn Slope Stake Line ---r?- b--? Construction Easement .Permanent Easement -r- `-'- Gas Line Water Line Existing Sanitary Sewer -" ° Existing Underground Telephone._.-.- -'-'- '-'- . Existing Storm Drainage ----------- --------- ? Proposed Storm Drainage ------=--- -- =-- Water Meter 0 Water Valve S Gas Valve ev --.---no ns Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole Existing Storm Drain Manhole Proposed Storm Drain Manhole ..r.._.- 0 '' Tdrphooe M1fanhole Existing Catch Basin L? Proposed Catch Basin Light Pole Existing Utility Pole lroa Pin O Fire Hydrant xt Existing Yard Isles t5 Proposed Yard lnleL_._. _ Tree Removal -_-._... .__.__ __.._....X, Aecmible Romp ...u_® Guy Wirt r. 3 Tree protection. ?.? Proposed Hand Rail Stabilization Matting Grass Planting Strip Proposed Curb & Gutter, Cone Drive, Cont Sidewalk- Asphalt Widening Proposed Rip Rap Ditch Asphalt Driveway 7/7 D 0 Gravel Pavement Removal 20 40 60 Plan View 20 40 60 Dora Profile 2 4 6 Pert Profile 2 4 6 Cross Section ?ats;,r ? ?ss???aly*?s?apry ¦ y??pa?{q -.• 1 ? - 1 . Bid Set No. Contract Administration ; V-2 Storm Water Cnnshvrtion Manager Landscape Management Storm Water M - ' Project Manager CDOT (Design) APPROVED st CITY ENGINEER DATE 565 t e e B D D 9 1 560 555 ` IP ';1f r I I' E? 2 t 1 1 • i ' _ V.1 ` `` .\\?,\ / j/'`Tq' - sat « 1 'IP ?1 `??S 01 .\\?t?`.. 4./« 5n-oe-7a t.m Mrpc'nfi w5rn/sx[r i . , ` i r' ', IM Al ... `. `•. UEY c ? 1?\ ( u,(^nT _ \ \;?` '_' t S'? A? F Roo 4Iu. ao If Tx - i ~ 1 A' 565 560 555 550 550 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 I \ 1 _ I I 1 \ ' r I \ I 1 i ,/ ' 11 I 111-592-OS RNIESH K NAYAR II I 11 // '' i T\r 1 DEED 09130-753 _ a II ' I 1 '' I II \ 7603 MNDYRUSH ROAD ?? ? en e II I I _ f _ - II ?1C/ i I 1QI 11 L \ , 211-592-04 '? 1 l LL `s>r. I I - - - II PAUL R DICKINSON, JR. '1 ' • 211-592-02 \L ° \ 1--------` 7605 DEED 07854 * GEORGE BRAD \ - 1 I / 1 S ERIENBACK • 1 `I" 1_? DEED 07386-954 ` 1 7537 WINDYRUSH ROAD, ` i____ _ Q I TURF PEMORCDA04 MM4 L eg' SEE I ICfl. ''I I i i \ I''1`.\ CHANNEL STABILIZA w.' N•553 51 •',' 1 I I / \ PROP, TR(f/• PROP05[D ATIpeWf[D BLOCK 1 II °i M' p1f.5E1.09 1 i i I / l ............. PENCE PRDiE STABWUT 52 MTK SMCCT 77) f I y 211-592-21 ` \ I l ._.?•. ;. Itx. w - h.E•567.I5'' Ili I WALLACE W POOLE ±•q ANTED AREA I 1 i. (My B' _ S N In DEED 07597-524 C"' 55' m I 1 .'-', u'S>f TY 6r cur•55r.rO \ 1r I I 377 SEOUOW RED LANE .. , '. ` T I V I I I _.._..•...... -.`` ,' ... . IE. OVT)•551.66 ? 1 II?, 1 ? ,' ,1 111 I IIY /`?a? "W `..._i n I I E \ \,? Y e. 11 I ,' \ t I -ya' ; xr Ex .FES .5 N d E?^E .i + iij, ro°. _ 1 j,'u l l l L,r ??e`?•` \`(.? w+artsw s ,fie' /t -.t w 1 ,roll I _ 1 I I 1 ,q'' ?]?\ , \` C _ °. 11 '511 ?II - - 1 1 , tf l I `` ``.-_ A010.'ENL \ /T ,. c .. ? rco I ?? 11 V U. 7'vurK G.xS , 1 I I I 1 ""`? CIL MY ES TU BC-__? l _ :r'` o a o p. __ ' Ex. W 0w (g cum PLANS) \ /E t / o a'SL III 1 \ 1 h I I __ _CL.n565tl_,° a Y` / _ _ 11 / _ cw- I 1 , I 1 r \'" Ex. uN ro BE IRPVCED IL. (M}555 a9 `. PROP TREE i1 Px `i rn? (SEE i (oM f5c9Dcnon g 1R I \ ll _ ... 1 I - ?\ \ sEa----rw Ili 1 1 II I PROP. TREE Y !?•, \ 1 ? ? I ? "?? -t'zlYle _ _ ?RAYGRPW? \?_-__ 1 I \ `.?5 ??l '. ?' i' -i- ?` "? F`"amct: "RF J' `? ? _- - ?+ ? / ?..' ;? r?• 568. 1 1 C / ?' '- ?" E E- Ems. III a r __ r ' / (r PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE TOR CONSTRUCTION ll 0 Ifl' Fx. NN P,µtEO APLA x' 11 I 1 / 7-' .X'.\t S •r? , ' If 5: ?I q I R.E.•67052 ,,,,,,,, IQ 1 .C. LM) 5' C4T•555.70 _ _ . j1 ,.1? -??"? - 1 / J e' F I 11 m 1'1 I ? I.E.DN)11'CUY?55517 ? fi? E ,I 1/ E ? a ,,... .? / -?'Y 6•.?? '-"'"'"^ ? ____?w s Ir o 1 1Y-:(ovr)•ssxyiE -%„''?', __ E? r +? _ : - E '211-59226 I - ;11 x, CtLL'TRCl1L ' L r , , ?E! ''+'?i f4 _ 'i•.`. ? N,wcE U RDDERT P DUBOSE - C? E- DEED 09860-573 E' s ?? •ry a''S- - ,i"O "/t ,.`"" f w` 7229 ?IARD;NDiE COURT w ?ISAACS 1 ,11 - SF t ?,,,. ' -+• 'v'' f f m / E C%. FENCE TO BFY4N . ?, °. ws?u>.sw xxsM N. w° saxes u h e720 RED OAK BLVD.. stc. Azo if j 1! ?S'n I d i?l "?( L ^Y. T t - - - ?- il) e,¢jX ?y - PHONE (704) H.C. Yea7 P n 1f SI, •;?i i - i A , s (_.,? is F" (70527-Bn5D i 11 Sh 1,11 .? ' _ L=5 '?' e/ .f /E 04' I1N F'DICC TO REMAIN GRAPHIC SCA1L T?TM SILVER STREA11f STORM ° I "to x I ' 1 r ? _ c< - I ..?-; rrr ? - 1 J { m o Ip :o a YE 1 r S DRAINAGE PROJECTVEb1E11T ; Ip 11 I '1 $-,.rr MEAONYr: ' 5./°' c°o-_ ?.?\ e! E/E E ? REE MAIN CHANNEL T 1 1n . I 111 + 5t1, ?? J Eyl ,a! ESE' O IC\\ •d 1 1 PuYFARMMD MARK E KRAL_--' I" ,r te- `.l ` 1( m °Y D. fHO:E OB275-573- - I , ra t ,.. STATION WO TO ' 11 P I ' . 1' E-f?E 1 /l ,p \ 111 211-592,22 7221 JARDINIERE COURT-- 8A./w R s K. om Fn n - ?? STATION 5+60 111p ??1 x \\ DEED 06736-810 I IiJ ''fit z \ W 4333 SEOUOI? RED IANE l L.? 1 Er 'r+- '?`?v' f-fiv ms Bul 7P IP 1, ?"i 1 _ • \?:: / -1• .,:.T`` d ^wtEn'?' rev.,uueT Arwrmw T5 ? _ - - j - _T - - -- _. I M - + _ - ? - - - _ - 1 7- -- - - -- - - - -- B 6 8 D IB i9 e e B i 575 570 565 560 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 ..-_.•- oy ll`' / / \ RL 57271 ..O?r .\\, / i - [?•yy?? _ -_ - 21-1-2941-25 / $UMMEFIII PUCE//1 [E Iwl)•xt.lli __ \ 4 RONALD A?R 93-3i __ONALD-k BROWN >:. ' ?• --. __________ w\- DEED 094 -91 PL DEED 09450-943 - _________ - ou 7324 SUMMERLIN ! ISTINC BRIG( MNl `` 575 570 565 560 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 211-293-26 /?;, o?.-lu. _•?1?? RONALD A BROWN \ ar CCFD M09450CRLIN-947 S'JM PE •': !I?r(/•? ,, rC,, ? ole ?w Or• onl 774 OF BAV( oin=?AlI ( 7w (SEE DC DETAC SMFf 11) 1 ow _ 56\BPt1A ; i7??r ar ?•? .' 1l '1 -293-37 s{ `•n` n n-5s-ss-S?- I 1>±uu; ` 1 0>r , ol+ ® .419W- 55/ I I `. PROP.Iit? )r/•I????1]' I \ R`[ 772.2eC`C, ' 332 $UMMERtlN?L/ t I 11 1El7YJN I y^-? Oar, I ,? I.C. )-562.07 PROP. iPff I I f?kG ?`?SY?+g 1755 OF B47( \I.[. (M•SelA9 PRO \ 9 Y 5 0'I? III 37ABKBA1bx 07mN SflFS) 7IIlS K. MN.''?/ 5 , J 1(SCE OETA0. 91EIT 73) r -211 E Ar -293-36 9 371 RONALD A BROWN ¢/, ___ - - . [.- \ 104 Cf BNMABEpAtpN \ DIM 09450-943'• [L Sw 32 „ AND OCTK 9RIT2J) (SEE 5 - - iE.Idf11.560.10 s N I \ 328 $UMM / Ex51Ht ?aC4 Alt AND DEBRS p1T'N (BOTH S" ?J so'* Of B.WK I r" ur I ? ?? I t (I IHIIl7AilON Qp Or PROP. (sE - 17i ' r^ .t„ ?=`-5[°s-.? _ .3?" I \ ?` .......... _.. Ay, s r•r4 it[lll l I!',I .?, -e?-`---_ 1 ? --4tr \•F?y?VIi??, "1 [taSPNO CIII\SAt I , I ?•> _ J Eh^. `II Or _ 14 I `! PROP. TREE tiCl- PROTECT S ear --1- 211-293-40 ?''? ` I,?r'w1 \o""" a'aa. ICI II!III Or 1 RONALD A BROWN a? ( lion I - •e m `i _ _ DEED 09450-943 e m c? ! 7340 SLIMMERN PL ---- -------- - a_-_ - - - - - - - - 211-293-331- RONALD A BROWN ror - -o o,r •>I ( _ -------_-- _ --X450-943 ./121\,' J?` eir a. 7339 $UAI /•? :ar Ca: m Otr ----- `p.K(e ml - 1 (• --- -573- `I °Ir ins . t -"- I 1' ' or --- '•7 \\ -- ----------- 4J \\L _ ------------- ` 211-293-06 GEORGE P HOUSTON. JR. I \\ \\, ? DEED 04135-372 , , \ \ 1 3933 DON-REA DRNE I \\ \?, \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ t 1 I I 1 \ 1 \ -...;.?..._......G-::..,_,?.....a.?:.?...•,_.:?_,,....,..•,.„_...,..,,.:.,..,.....?.,_?.a,..-'..yxa>.?m.sera..?e._.•..lrisu.?.;s-?;-?.:.e+.:cs.?uos.o? - ,..;<,a._ .,... ... •,.. __. 4yi/j ? 1 NQ Dr h• \\ i ov °'ED' I dy . ?rlow?l I? V 211 --27 \ RONALD A. BROWN ay DEED 0A OBROWN 9t5q-9tJ DEED ss Ca'tt SUMMCRLJN-PL sn I ?Z: ;x 3s PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION S 1. . •, \\ \\ ds a JSAACS / \ ? ?? ? \ Q Y eiu .. : Oil ["aStruK IX9?N xD w0 SPNSi 8720 RED OkK BLVD- STE. 42i C1 LOTIE, N.C. 28717 \\ `a` PHONE (704) 527-3410 - ? P4k (704) 527-8335 t y " r SILVER STREAA9 STOR GRAPHIC SCALE a? { - '?' ae xo 0 1? 2D 40 DRAINAGE DIPROVEAll - TH - - -- - - M E + _ - - -+ - _ - - 575 570 I is 96.30 565 IE. (.)-565.57 u \33\ c 41? \ SS PRO THE OTE CC D ?? .,a t1?-i? „1111 ` ` W/:6,tJ? l app` e t Hi PROP. TIC ? ` ` :rte-. es\ r or ss\? , _ I O7r PROF. TRIM ZffCIgN \SS\ ` 111 ona,,llJo 1 \ //. 16+00 1 1 1 \ 1 t ^ 1 `I 1 1 I I \ 1 \ 1 1 ?P / 0R 1 1 l l 1 r 1 / \ CL 191 \ \ 211-293-38 t,/ 1-; I '? r °? y? /'?. :. ^?-- ' L.f7697 RONALD BROWN »w o ?.'?:, •?,cJ.:- 3w'.. w -\ ss \ SrXID um DEED 09450-943" °" `? ? C?.? \?\ \ \SS o? \\ 7335 SUNIAERLIN PL Ir y ? 4 v \ - 21\\1-295-42 \\ o,r. ? c\? \ \`: - // \\ o TIBOR A1'LUSIK \ a \ 5 ? D® 0 946 094 \ 14x (m'S \ v -660 CFCSY7LK COUHfv1 20C1 01 ----------v4--'? (SEE DETWLSSn23) 560 13+50 - 1- _1_.. - 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 2n-TRICK m cCAlj17 '\. EM. NN) 6' CU-567`. BRIAN 11293 Y. .02?? DEED 07533-718 %? ?\` \t \ E+576.11 7417 WINDYRUSH ROAD \ ? ` 37 11. M) 12• CLAY-56614 ?\ ?ss IT (OVT)•566.08 ? `\\ \ (? w1 t •1710 m 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 575 570 565 560 19+00 btl 1 ATMNUATEDana o 41 I PRELIMINARY -- ? _ mm1u.\ (s¢ DETNC srcir 21) ss+y, DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 1411 - ,-? ^/ /06 . \ ? 0 ) III 0e, `? 1: 141 I .' A?F - 15'f DI BV91'?. / 1' hIIVI ?. V6 $V9117AIO11 \ O7v AND DEPJOS RFLTAL ? III 1 (SEE 011 SHM 23) ;I I 50'd Or RAW Jf W o? t 1; 1 T 2_1) USAACS01o ------ - Ox' O I: ;I pfIRL1gNy rp0'[[?6 a59I AIOIw smmc? 11 \ ow. ss ;; • `? 60• OF ESSNC O P , III ` /' -` _ / ? FENCE W/"m I I \ \ "+ 'i?^ 0 8720 RED OAK BLVD.. STE. 120 \- ?. MESH TO BE '0 III \ ii'i•'?i? { "// ,cCHARLOTTE. N.C. 28217 / F01D,'m AND REPLACED PO PHONE (704) 527-3440 FAX (704) 527-6335 a L Ar "`YYY??? // F -. \s ; . ?, 81 GRAPHIC SCALE SILVER STREAAI STORAI 40 20 20 p J? // t DRAINAGE IAH'ROVEAIENT L / artcnON a '` 6° i ?' PROJECT NL41N CHANNEL 211-295-87 11 7---?. --- _ nA - rraN-\`rckll f n..r{ '+ ,0•, ?s7A 0.35 (80.-PEA) STATION 13+50 TO r WARREN J ucDONALD - - DEED 07071-678 211-2?JSc88 - SUr4?AtpN ? 1 e/26/OS 7xs v6x orr cwu'rs ', .7?3?*'{Tl 4013 BON-REA DRIVE ANDREW DARI)m__ --? pCDDL sm 1])`ren 1?xr STATION 19+00 -_DCE411062-843 cT>ws rmu.?M- 21-295-89 -JAZHE A GNDEIERIO -OR re xT rt 4019 BON-REANE 09583-185 `?S wn 7p7/03 `y02l. E30N-REA DRIVE / A •. . 1 - --_- - -` -- -__ --I ? . ., n,-9o-1cc r-77 x/xmuoR?+zmtKvzrnsw '-_- - 2 r _? ,.. • ', loeNn. uon?n7N 5 Z4 580 1. 575 570 580 575 570 565 565 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 !/ I III 1.2, PIGS'110 is tt" e'-Y110' x 13' TWL `I` 1`7 CyLaxss oz'smA20 I !I \ 1f' .'•lJ ".. `-/ _ J!I ?1\• ` ate--n?$5,? !! / ?''' .'''-' / ?' .' c` n?ssT# ASS- . _ ?r_ ?.. Se Qf u ? _? - ,i !i `. .--- ss n- ss 1 su E.. w `" D(. MH -- -s - A'..5yp.t6 t ---------_ - y' (?W `HLSl1K-CUUR7 f" (w) I'EI [uY.57yu-'' / • ' (b rn (y! 11' u,.vo'3c I ? nav (H) 12`ascvua --- / - - - - - - - - - - - - / IRV IDM•57DD6 e? . ? W W? (oVl).571.P5 211-295-41 en,_ 211-295-42 CA' • -_ `'???` - ?AD.% - ROBERT 5 RICE PLANTED AREA WR cm.:7 c_ - ! ??'+ tt ue ` - DEED 12358-431 TIBOR PAVLUSIN RL.-578 es DIED DE946-094 i / e7:-cc:r •\ I ` IN) I2' CUr.570,67 ?l 3651 CHISWCCK COURT '- 3660 CHISWICK COURT / vaOP. m1x I Y e\ / elv A e' DP-171.16 • \ DELtJ F ` - PROM 55 J57• M'(DUO.570S9 - ___l 0913 14I' I ? s n FENCE e•,''S5 m / \ 3641 WIC URT N -_ a s>a - - - 55? . 55?6L 75'S OF 84NA S1N1fl1U 'S6? (SQ DRM SM[L7, y) - ur0R0um / Y s4,/ / i,li /4 ? ryu - 14 I i r _ ...._ ._.. _-. -._ ._ }_ -- -.._- ?_. ....Z ff-a rt swA¢ca7e>rr- ------ -! - -------------------- ---_ --- _.i lit/ 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211-295-70 •?"'.. 1'. `:! ! !'.. T ! ' RUSSELL LGROVES DIED 07156-097/' 4043.89N-R o,&P;NE 211-295-72 ADAM SAAPSON DEED 11717-239 - / I!! ! ! ! 4101 BON-REA DRIVE _ -_- ! ! ! 1 9 - 211-295-71 SIMON W NU-,7,1, DEED 05242-409 4049 BON-REA DRIVE I' I 1 I .. 1. I ?V44l? / 7 PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION 420 I vu..elner uRim,rner nrz - R/wrouo/xR6nmR•,5tt>?r s6 24 cmnlc r4n GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 p 10 40 e e i n 1 1 e t i 595 590 585 580 34+00 3 E - - 7 7 -- -- - - - ' - - __ - I - - - -- - - - - - -- - -+- - __ M§IDDftq DROP CURB 11PE I PROP. 15• p i ?` YE IX Y I pRMWAY RD PANTO STRIP' IdjE-(?f CB[T) I s o, /flILO IDSSA (2'-6' CLC) 1 `1 I ( 1 ' zp PROPOSED e21`EYlT SS RES 1 ESQ\.I /I 1 0D (1/R1( STREET DETAIL I---/, / 1 ;OETAL BEET 23) fit:. I ;1 r ' ; un"L? 34+50 35+00 35+50 36+00 36+50 37+00 37+50 38+00 -- ' - , 1 71 ?0.12A - -- 17 ----- --- --- 1 I WaN H915F7+' sAr sy7 \ e' wiroT `- -__---- fS191-455 --l ROAD ` 2I1-511-C6 AONST 1 1 . - - - - - DEID - --? -` - R6DAS MARCOn _ wATEII MITERS °? 1 - I , 1' 5®.0.5- ' 06211-595 r 1 -?- 7526 SWANS RUN ROAD „r JIM - __.1Z M '4.?; ?Sivr.; ???-- --595-- IC. (IA)-562.16 I 1 .IE (OU1)•Stl2.10 ` / 1 __?? `-59h____ 1 b2? ?i r OF IeAO }J` f - 50 " _I 1 1 OGTE ICS' OF ES e• urztstE otu plAHS) --_`_ `? RaIC4HiVE DRO CURB TYP(A STRIP ? C Ar IINIO F (7-6• G!G CRASS SWAE ms. mA CL YH?\\ ) 9{ I.Y. Of PROP. NW 55 -??• ' 19, ... ' RAL (CALLDS 1C361J/ R C.SBB 155 S.Y. OF 1. (IM "0"'- I ROM V O) NJ•58296 ?SMLL1 PlM'DJ 1 I ,LE pN •Se0J9 ?: ' , { I - _ 5+ { v -- __ au -- I: fOVY)•s o59 ?? 61 LF. or PROP' Bw, A7 TOP OF-HC"AL1 , .' ±,. ?ss Aw RELOCATE Ek SS LM 1 , , ¢.59 - - r C"PLRS } m1 Oil ._--_ ow 5P E}10-RA b? ? 11 '3??, R1 • ? i ? %?,I _ cam n e-P-Fw y? s . ORO= % TrO.Lfss . PRECI?'1 REYNIXRY ?1B•' I tt r 1 Fd 11 /~. COICF- E BO%/CDEVERIJCM?S1 IN PLACE MEAD U A4.fNtN,N'A1S: 3 I k 1 11 RC BOX FOOmCSJ70 BE CAA ' 3 IJ? I I 1 w s ? PIhLE PP((P YFL SRErS • ' ? 1 s / ?Cf FOOfMG RNAICN . 5e1.Ae 1 '` /, DOROTHY•EEATTY SMITH 1 1 II OF 16' PROP .W , I t:" '?O - -i'' ?.A111 I ! E DEED 01112-433 To BE aEMx;[n? I ;_;:5 ?? , 1cM ..7532 SWANS RUN ROAD I PLANTED AREA ?. w sc? n e J 38+50 39+00 600 595 590 585 0+00 0+50 RRCROSEO STORM SR STA 0+00 TO STA 0+92 S14ANS RUN ROAD 39+50 595 590 585 580 40+00 PRELIMINARY DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION D: GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 1? 20 ID - _ I - - - -4 - - 4 - A ?•Y -?il ww _ -Fk ? r - _J s B e 9 e a a e S X13• - - ---------- - _ F -- Ell = 1 1 I 4 T, 1?u 605 600 6VV 605 600 595 600 595 595 590 595 600 595 590 590 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 PROPOSED STORM DRAJNAGE SILVER STREAM ROAD 211-275,30 590 t\ ' i DUANC K FOURNIER - oror DEN 06130-643 .. _ _ _ . 1 0+00 0+50 1 +00 JSOS SILVER STREAM RD r PROPOSED STORM SR 'N'ANS RUN ROAD I ar / ??iY? ' / ?r• PIMRN'; ,,g5 r I ? / s1 r ` S - 1 SASS S.Y. OF IX 6' P 1 y?d w \ 1 j I I' 5782 S.Y. IX V DEEP J fF/\4 10 BE R ry' rev ' ?? / •' x / t 1 cRfrn tD et P.EP1/CElt r - 211-273-1 DROTHY Bum Sum DEN,01712-427 3301 -SILVER STR° DR 1+50 2+00 ----- - ---- ?` 11-273-29 '1350 Lr. or 2' VALLEY ' 1 FRANCCS K BCll •, "l/?' - ?LlR2R [110.$.'10.179 PROPOSED STORM SR DEED 07624-344 ?? STA 92+00 TO STA 1+90 ce S.Y. OF _X e o? .3315 SILVER S1REA4'RD ll33 j/ y o / 211 1173- H.'' GRAVEL TO a REP[1CP. \ -- ? o,r /• d i T `. WANS RUN ROAD 1.66 S.Y. TO R S UWRG CE H M SONI' _. -'' a y o A --REPE DEL?1' OJ7l-542 r -? sty PEEP- ' 3340 SJLVCR 5?RCAM ROAD pSDNC Data / 1 rolucE UEdNC ?- / . ?\ , ! Lycr _ a / 1sr. OF EYe' DEEP ---` r - 4 { - '? ?? I f ?ti: 7 /! i rr GRnva1?9``.'9??t r - -- /'zr fyy?/ S?,y ?? } s ?a !! Ir ; 1(.ajw 1 ply. f iS .{ j y ?'o« I , Ow 1 \ / j l." A-•1` /?^q? ? +/,,/ 31M SY. Of a- e' DEEP ?, >• ,\ I , r I I % f !' F I S q • CPAVM TO BE REPLACED h i 353 1 ` 1 I ! ,,? 5?[Ti D IR (BY 011#FS) I ? I \\ 1 ? 5.. . - % ,1 --- ?? o t? . Pty SS/ 222 SY. a m 6. 49 S.T. a ' DEEP 1 / {{ „o ' ? ?/ I' r r ?'n )?•?`"1"-)J ., WN TO BE FEER 11 oTi\ , 1 Asawi / TO of / { / ?/ / `• 211-273- i .NDR. mss'-x-, G-'13 DOROTHY SMITH ((ASS B R9 1 ! 'rfa? % \ /' E c11DS sm. e , ? "' a?a - ' ?• 0<712-427 6. Ir M --Q° f e 1, 1 ?.'. Y { ?/° S? SIL STREPAI ROAD k ,• , ???JJJ _? _ - _ * - '/ Io50 Y A5 LI RKEUVnvt r -"EQ RESIOQONE,S 1RQi DE DEE41 PRELIMINARY r S I RnaelE. s' p e' ,:' { (oE7AiseEEl'n) lo-SS S.Y. OF Ex e• DEEP DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION ' 1 Alp t1NE( wLq YM f' ' I ,e --_ - Co"LACIE 70 BC REPLACED ar , } / 1 t p 115' 1 _ cel-us , n 1 RQD('A¢ EX. SCYhA YlVI3lL 1 ? 1 `1/// \lV\l J\ e12 sr. OF IX e• DEEP R=- ISAAC ?} R )?„ti -• i !'. A ! r ar f 1 aufF1 70 BE REPLACED cm E- mtt. No uw, surc 211-273-32 X ?' ' PRgP, DO AD S.Y.' a 6• ?'n f GRAVEL 70,80 RERK? ! . P, l R VL DROP LDRB f BRWW DRMEYIAf NO PJNIING E11EI.S-10131(7-6'Fetr t0 CIIAF TRANS, , I 1 CHAS. 10.1 ' ? • . ? , nma nm n , ? OJINi'.[L PROP. 1Y PROP. DI 1 ?1 En5fWG DROP 4 - "LET DOROiFiY BEATTY SMITH 11 D® 04712-427 1 i .1 A X319 SILVER STREAM ROAD f % .ar'WR i' r r I I o m - V 11 r I I , 0 I or 44 PF10VL EXISfIN?. J} t1 I PROP' I 10-08 S.Y, OF p 6• DF? GRAPHIC REMOVE DOS '1" ` 1 I cccTTT111? 1 GRAVEL Y BE RERIC© CO CATCH a7 RaaCE nBSTmc '\ _2,L4s rvrs 1 I 211-273-33 20 o 5C 1o 2^ a N' R ry f` 1 DOROTHY BEAM SMITH Q 7. 2' -1p RElOUTE El LVBEE >};?J DEED 04712-427 ?, EIIC (9f GnaRS) taw sY.-a. p 6' DE p3Y.f'7 3329 SILVER STREAM ROAD 1,4 i0 BE REP x 10.71 S.Y. OF IX e• DEEP 1 GRAVEL GRAVEL TO BE REPLACED t e/x9p3 WLS PP cr COVV0,15 211-273-01 1 BRYAN D MCGAVI$ V1 1 DEED 12956-100 1601 SWANS RUN ROAD 1 -- Y -=r-- _ +- ?- ? Et-1.I:i.SFfl?.l 5?r - "RCP: t ef . b ? _ .. •-- - '? '? •' 0 ' 8720 RED OAK BLVD.• STE. 420 CHARLOTTE. N.C. 28217 PHONE (704) 527-3440 FAY (704) 527-8335 SILVER STREAM] STORAI DRAINAGE IlIIPROVEN ENT ! 1 { PROJECT SILVER STREAHI ROAD s } IAIPROVEb1ENTS ? 0 ?' ? wa 7A N ? ? eT-9e-T6 1.20 H/N'101' /?IW,pIR/91KKiR,y ?? 6 m? uon?re x 9 24 t 41 6 - FABRIC STRr MIWMN a 6- ALTB¢WTE: N LTV OF BJRYNG SKTR7. 6- Or f6 STONE WY B USED TO ANITON SKIRT GENERAL FATES: 1. FENCE FABRIC SHALL B A MINIMUM OF 32• N MOTH AE, SHALL RAVE A MINIMUI OF 6 LINE WINES WITH 12' STAY SPACING. 2. WOVEN FILTER FALNO SHALL B USED WHERE 5117 FEN'S IS TO REIMIN FOR A PERIOD OF MORE THAN 30 DAYS 3. STEEL POSTS SHALT. B W-0" N HE lOlf AND ff OF THE SELF-FASTE6R ANGLE STEEL TYPE. 4. WASHD STOW SHALL B IAED TD BURR SON WHd SILT FENCE A USED ADJACENT TO A CHANNEL CREM OR POND. 5. TV" SRI FENCE U' SLOPE AT ENDS. 6. FABRIC USED WTI WIRE MESH MAY USE IF CENTERED POSTS. MAINTENANCE NDI 1. FILTER BARRIERS SHALL B INSPECTED WWEDNTELY Hid EACH "WALL AND AT LEAST DAILY OURIHC PROLONG RAINFALL ANY REPAIRS MEMED SHILL B MADE MYEDATLY. 2. SHOULD THE FABRC DCCDMPCB OR BC]IE INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO M DID OF THE D PECTD LSABIE LIFE PC THE BARTRIEIR STILL IS NEpSSARY. THE FABRIC SHALL B REPLACED PROMPTLY. 3. SDNENI DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REAT'D AFTER EACH STORM EVEN. THEY MUST BE REMOVED WEN DLPDSIIS REACH APPROX. HALF THE HEIGHT OF M BARRIER ANY SEDIMENT DU?CSII REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER M SILT FENCE 6 REM SAIL B DPESSD TO CONFORM TO THE RASING GRADE. PREPARED AND S®D. SILT FENCE CMDS #SOD6 so' .o _It I 3 I ` TEMPORARY UNR CPASS SWALE S3. S4 AND S5 It 3 t 0' PD]AND4 UNd ?SRASS ? ALF S2 S5 D S7SWALE S2 S5 AND S7 D It 3 t.r W PERMANENT UNER OPIASS ?SN41 GRASSED SAPLE GENERAL NOTES: 1. EXCAVATE CHV6m-10 M CROSS-SECTION SHOWN. 2. APPLY UME FERTILIZER AND SEED TO THE CHANNEL AND ADJOINING AREAS IN ACCOAA. C' WITH THE SCDING SCHEDULE. 3. START LAYING THE NET FROM THE TOP OF THE WSIREAU ENO OF THE CHANNEL 6,40 UNROLL IT DOWN THE G+ALC DO NO STRETCH MATTING. 4. &JRY THE LPSCPE ENO AND STAPLE THE NET EVWf 12• ACROSS THE TOP END. EVERY 3• AROUND THE EDGES AND ACROSS THE MAT SO THAT THE STRAW 6 HELD CLOSELY ACANST M SOIL. 5. MRITNC STEPS SHOULD B "ND TOGETHER ALONG THE SIDES WITH A 3• OVERLAP AND STARED TOGETHER. 6. TO JOIN ENDS OF SWPS, INSZ 17E NEW ROLL OF NET N A TRENCH AS WITH UPS PE END 6,10 NdLAP A 16' WOH THE PREVIOUSLY LAID LPPER ROUE TURN UNDER r OF THE Ir OVERLAP AND STAPLE EVERY 12' ACROSS THE ETA. GENERAL NOTES: 1. MORTAR JOINTS 7/2'+7/8' THICK. 2. ALL CONCRETE TO B 3606, P.S.I. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 3. PRECAST STRUCTURES MAY BE SU FTTUTD AFTER APPROVAL By GOY/COUNT' ENGINEER 4. AL CATCH RASNS OVER S-r N DEPTH SHALL B PROVIDED WITH STEPS 1•-2' ON CENTERS. STEPS HALL B N ACCORDANCE WITH SCOOT SIANDAR S 5. CONCRETE BRICK MAY 1E USED N LEN OF TAUS COMMON CLAY BRIM 6. JUYB3 BRICK WILL BE PERMITTED. 7. ITN B•-0' N HEIGHT OR LEA USE r WALL OVER r-D' N HEIGHT USE 12' WALL TD V-r FROM TOP OF WALL NIA r WALL FOR THE REMAINING W-O'. & FOR dAME AND CRATE DETAIL SEE SCDOT SI"MARD DfWftNGS, 9. All PIPE N SIGN ORAAN STRUCTURE SHyL B STRUCK EVEN WITH ME MDE WALL GROUTED AND BRAINED SMOOTH. 10. WEEP HONE(S) SHALL B PLACED N BACK WALL A STORE BRAN COFSSfMC OF 1 CUBIC V007 OF NUMBER 78M STONE CONTAINED N A BAG OF PORWS FABRIC SHALL B PLACED AT WEEP HOE 11. BRICK SMALL BE BONDED WRAP FULL !FADERS E190 3 COURSES. I2' BACK OF 2- Y Y S 2'-4 ' .......: - k?p? a naW PLAN 5 G CURB AND GJrTER WITH CATCH BRAN ON STEEP GRADES r GUTTER UE ° txAT % AIA o 3I r AR w FuT c? ?[ a Am LN?E+t sWn? LINE UNE -0 -0 1 ELEVATION ELEVATION NDNMAL CURB AND GLITTER GN UGr GRADES STANDARD CURB AND GJRER ON STEEP GRADES BRICK CATCH BASIN 15' THRU 18' PIPE CX105# 20.01 a 20.02 sPXLWAr w uk] 3/3 sTwAM WmnH 15 MASH SIDE MN B1.M LfH1 OH {A _ A M1n LON61 flV. L : _ ... TOP `.C vt RIP- N I U 15 WASH STONE B o PP-RAP PLAN LTCiON B-B TEMPORARY POCK CHECK DALE OM:DS #30.10 Ar R/w E 12' TIM I1 7 ELEVATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TOP OF CURB AND FINISH GRADE AT F[ TO FINISH ERNE a FOR STONEBASE FOR HB SUBGRADE - r - Y BASE COURSE - 1• - i' n PAVTA4NT SCHUMAE © 15• S1PORPAVE SIWALE COURSE, TYPE SF-9--6, ® r SUPEPAV'E BASE CDLIILRF, TYPE B-=B-0R-6' CABC ® 2'-0• VALLEY GUTTER N= 1. THE CROWN (TRINTVESE SIDPE) FOR 7HE TYPICAL. SECTION ON THIS SHEET A 5/8• PER FOOT. RESIDENTIALREPETIDEWTIAL A?TPE DETAIN. CALLA #10.02A GENERAL NOTES: AREA 1. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMNID AND TRAP RESTORED TO GS ORONAL -ENwNS W 1 N THE SEDIMEN7 HAS AC INUATED TO 1/2 THE DES'GN DEPTH OF THE TRIP. BASIN 2 REMOVED STDMEN SHALL BC DEPOS7.ED N A SUITABLE AREA AND N SUCH A MANNER THAT R WILL NOT ERODE I THE STRUCTURE SHALL B 9u'PECTD AFTER EACH SII EVENT BY THE CONTRACTOR AND REPAIRS MADE AS NEEDED. A CDNSfRJCTON OPOUTONS SHALL B CALMED OUT N }ED SUCH A MANNER TN1T EROSION AND WATER POLLUTION SHALL B MNIM®. S THE SMIlTT TRIP MALL B RE]pIED AND THE AREA STAETLRID WHEN THE REMAINING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEET PROPJh7 Sl. IZ & SILT FENS INSTALLATION SKILL B N ACCORDANCE WAIN C.MLDS STD. NO. SDD& 7. IF IWOWARE CLOTH 6 USED THEN NEED TO 14CRE/S WASHED STOW TD MINMJY 20'. s5cnov A-A SILT FENCE STORM INLET SEDIMEI.T TRAP CHM #SO.D9 ELAN SECTION B-B SEEDBED PREPARATION NOES I. SURFACE WATER CONTROL MEASURES TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO PLAN. Z. ATREIS TO B STEREO Swll BE RIPPED AND SPREAD WITH AVAILABLE TOPSOIL 3* DEEP. TOTAL SEFDBEM PREPARATION DEPTH D-ALL BE 4' TO 6' DEEP. 3. LOOSE ROCKS. ROOTS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALT. BE RENTED FROM THE SURFACE SO 7RAT THEY RILL NCI INTER RE WITH ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF YEGETATION. SURFAJT FOR FINAL SEEDBED PREPARATION SHALL BE RIASOABY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. 4. F NO SOIL TEST 6 TAKEN. FERTILIZER AND UME To B ACCORDING TO SILO SPECIFICATIONS BELOW CLSL BID N A""•DRDAKT MINX SOIL MLR REPORT, 5. UME Nm FENT4IIEi SHILL BE APPLIED LNIFORMET ART MOED WITH THE SOL DURING SEEDBD PREPARATION. GRADED SLOPES NA FILLS - THE ANGLE FOR GRACED SLOPES AND FANS SHALL B NO d TER THAN THE ANGLE WINCH CAN B R[7NNED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEOJATE EROSION CONTROL BRACTS OR SIRURaES. N ANY EVENT. SLOPES LEFT EXPOSD SHWA WITHIN 30 WORKING ARTS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PIkSE OF CRAONG. BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH GROUND COVER, DVKES OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT 70 RESTRAIN EROSION. GROUND C - W9FHFVYR VNO OSTNPHO ACTIVITY IS UNDERTNQN ON A TRACT OF LAND COMPPISNG MORE THAN ONE ACRE, F MORE 7HAN ON[ CONGCUDLA AIDE A UNCOVERED, A GROUND COVER SUFFICIENT TO RESTR N EP.CSION MUST B PWOD OR 07HERWSE PROVIDED WITHIN 30 YORIUNG DAYS ON THAT PORTION OF THE TACT UPON WHEN FURTHER ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION 6 NOT BDNO UNDMIKEN. PROVIDED TAW TAPS SU0.4COO1 (C) SHALL NO APPLY To GEARED LIRA FICUC THE BASIN OF A RESERVOIR LATER 70 B N NO. D. ADOOIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY B REQUIRED DEPENDING ON FEND EDNORON& MUCH TO B TACKED OR MECHANICALLY TED DOWN WITHIN TWO DAYS ARER ALADH 6 SPREAD. GENTLE SLOPES STEEP SLOPES Q 3:1) M?XIDLA ED LB/ACRE a TALL FESCUE 100 US/ACRE TALL F[CUE CEA (UNS?q TIED SIERITER AAU0. 'IA 10 LETS/Apt[ KOBE LESPEDEZA FALL AUGUST 25 - OCTOBER 15 FAIL AUGUST 25 - OCTOBER 15 LATE WNRR FEBRUARY 15 - APRIL 15 LATE TINTER, FEIRUARY 15 - APRIL 15 S C TO EK7END SPRING SEEDING INTO JAM ADO TO EJCIENO SPPNC SEEDING INTO JUNE, ADO ? 15 1115/AtPE HULLED BANDACCRASS 15 LBS/ACRE NULLED 8ERMUDICW55 0VCM ONC OF KOBE LESPEDE7A EDEN TSRSEFD°K OF KOB LESPDEZA OVER FAIL-SCEDCD UAL FESCUE 6 VEY EiEC11VE FALL-S®D TALL FESCUE 6 VERY EFFECTS SLIDING APPLY ENE AND FERTILIZER PER SOL fE515. APPLY LIE AND FFRTLSR PER SOIL RESTS AMENCAENIS OR AWO LBS/ACRE LNLTONE AND TODD DR 4000 TES/ACRE LIMESTONE AN0 1000 LBS/ACRE 10-10-10 FWBLFQA LPS/ACRE 10-10-10 FENTNZQI NOTE 1 GROUND COVER - WHEREVER LAD 06FJRLWA A^TM11TY 6 U DERGNON ON A TRACT COMPNSNG MOST THAN ONE (1) ACRE. A GROUND COVER SUFFICXNl TO RESTRAIN EROSION MUST B PLANTED 0R PROVIDED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR DAYS NOTE 2 GRADED SJ AND FEES - WARN 15 WDRKI G DAYS OR 3D CALENDAR DAYS, OR CONPlL7ON OF ANY PKAsE OF GRACING. WHCHEVEN PERIOD 6 SIOiRR SCOPES SKILL B PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PRODDED WITH GROUND COrcR. DEVICES, OR STPUCNR'S SUFIOENI 10 RESTRAIN LROSOH W ° 1 PP ' I NATURAL GRACE , ?I - 71,NOTE: MINIMUM H-2/3 PIPE 'I FUB ''I1=111=i1I= -?' NGFH 0 BE RESIDED By THE ENGINEER (tO MN) LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC 1. CLASS OR MOAN 52E OF RIP RAP AND LENGTH, MOTH ANA DEPTH OF APRON 10 BE DES'ONLD Br THE DNGNEOL 2. RIPRAP SHOULD EXTEND ED BOAR SIM OF THE APRON AND AROUND THE OF THE PPE OR CULVERT ATM DISCHARGE OUTLET AT A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 21 AND A HE HT NTT LESS THAN 2/3 M PPE DIWEFER OR CULVERT MOOR. S THERE SHAT B NO OVEIWAL FROM THE DO a THE APRON TOM SURACE OF THE REO NG CHANNEL THE AREA TO BE PAVED OR 9PAAPPD SHALL BE UNDERCUT SO TFAT THE N,SM OF THE APRON SHALL BE AT THE SAME GRATE (RUSH) WTH THE SURFACE OF TIE RFC'ENLNG CHANNEL THE APRON SHALL WYE A CUTOFF DR TDE WALL AT THE DOWNSTREAM END. 4. THE WOTH Of THE END OF THE APRON OWL BE EDUAL To M BOTTOM WIDTH OF THE RECEIVING CHANNEL IWTM'UM TAPER TO RECD NG CHANNEL 5:1. 5. ALL S 9GRAOE FOR STRUCTURE TO B COJPACICD 70 95% OR CIEATETL & TFE PLACING OF FILL EITHER LOOSE OR COMPACTED N THE RECEIVING CHANNEL SHILL TIM B ALLOWED 7. NO BENS OR CURVES N THE HOPoZDNTAL ALIGNMENT OF THE APRON WILL BE PERMITTED. RIP RAP APRON FOR FLARED END SECTION CHILD'S #2013 SEEDING SCHEDULE CMILDS #30.17 1'-2* SPERFAVE EXISTING SURFACE SURFACE 56, S':_9 , COURSE TYPE 4-9 [XtSTNG ASPH&7 OR CIEC BASE I I SEE SPECIFICATIONS , TANG ASPHALT C.ABC BASE COUTAGTD EARTH ROIL 1. ALL CONCRETE AND ASPHALT PAVOFER, NCUANG DRIVEWAYS, 70 B CUT WITH A SAW. 2. -EE COHpE1E PAVEMENT IS OrEWA WITH ASPHALT, N-ENDER MAY B SLRSMUfD FOR THE CONCRETE. AS A BASE MATOLAL WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE EIGINEX 3. AL PAVEMENT REPAIRS ARE SUBJECT To APPROVAL BY CITY OF CHARLOTTE D.O.T OR N.CD.0.7 AS APPLICABLE. 4. 12-1471 MINIMUM CULT OUTSIDE TRENCH 6 ALSO REOAFCD FOR SLOPED FRENCH WALLS. PAVEMENT REPAIRS SPECIFICATIONS SILVER STREAIil STORAI DRAINAGEIlIIPROVEAMNT PRELIMINARY PLAN - • ( PROJECT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION , ' ?; 1 6/36/0] BAM IDI TTY CCWNIS i .E fT DETAILS y ,v?N A BAH S ?Y ArNm M OIIMH ' N I 6T..96-306 NTS 4.. k! NF.WIOMAOTFAW4W1? AeaFW145 ?3 ?4 L VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER i 16. AAA.) '/11' e 9 D A D e 0 0 e e e B B i 1. . A• PERORATE BACKFTC ARCH WITH WINGWALL 1.-0. HEADWALL 1'-0• HEADWALL A v i B PRIER COMPAIRE MTH URrR MA? 7/6• X 17/e• BNri ROPE lOP tr PRCTASF. 9MIRE SC4M2AP O4 CaA]¢IE TART [I-TRAP RUBBER PRECIS[ BRDGE UNIT STANDARD JOINT SEAL DETAIL IT MNGHALL CONNECTION PLATES LOATI°N PER MAMUN.7TUPER Z SPEC11CATOS 75--s. Hrc'i ! ALL H I ? I i - H . l'RLt LINE . V::?? OTBBG (MDTN NO NESS TO BE DESB]N REINFORCED CONCAETI CH CULVERT SIMPLER) WINCMAIL CONNECTION PLATES CATION PER ]AANUFACTURrR 5 TYPICAL ENO ELEVATION [GENERAL NOTES, 1. ALL MATERIAL AND NORpuNSMP SAIL BE M ACCORD IRIH STATE AND LOCAL CODES. 7. COMRACTOR/SUPRLMR G RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TESTING OF CONSTRUCRDN MATERAS q STRUCTURE ?1•? 4* PEFTOMITED 10 VERIFY COHr ORMANCE MTH SPECIrICATIOHS I 'Er I NOTES FACKFLL DRAIN SUPPLIED PRE. 5. COMRACICR/SVPRER TO VERIFY SUBSURFACE /BFARN3 CAPACITY AND REPAIR OR REPLACE REPLACE UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. 1. ALL [DROPLET[ TO BE 5600 PSL COMPRESSIVE SBDlGTH 4. CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL STRUCTURAL DESIGN INCLDNG BUT 3. TYPO Q RP[ TO BE USED 6 1-S/e• MVC 0.0. &Aat NOII LOW CARBON FTC ,. ALL JOINTS 1D wK A 1/3• FR1R L'ED AI ALL JONIS LDCATA>I TO BE DESIGNED PY RENTCRCEO CONCRETE NOT LIMITED TO ARCH CUVERT, FOOTINGS AND MBKSAUS. 5. PRECAST UNTS SHALL EE NSAI.IID M ACCORDANCE MTH MANUFACTURER . AITCR MSAUATON PINT ASSUUT MM BlAdt ALL MATNER F-"2- 5. T° BE USED AS RORRFD BY THE AFPROPRIATE CUT/COUNTY ENGINEERING DER. ARCH CUVERT SWPU[A) 6 CONCAEIE FOR FOOTN4S AND MNGWAIi$ SHALL HAYS A MMMJY COMPRESSIVE SFRENGTX OF AMID PA 7. REINFORCING SEE FOR FOOTINGS AND WImONALLS SHALL CONEORA TO ASFY A61S. . HANDPWL DETAIL AEI6 OR A617-GRADE w. aaDS t5o.a ' B','1Y DESIGN DATA ! i JE '? PRECAST PEINFOP.C© CONCREIF ARCM CUIVERi DESGN Lewwc: is zo y M1? J DC'.GN METHOD: LOAD FACTOR PER AASHTO SPECIFICATION ASSUMED N10NAB1E SOI N ' y Ae. L/ Y L OGA C 1000 PSf (NEAR ) n N• PERl0RA1[D L BRAIN SUPPLIED A• ? BACSEL DRAW WITH MWOAAU. MIN WNGTWL IL FI E?.N NET'( GFN NOTES. n L BACK E%6N GRADE'1/ 1. ALL WTLRML AO WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE N ACCORD WITH STATE NG LOCAL CODES. \ NON-Ell"i wL 1 COWRAETOR/SUPPI." IS RESI"SIBI FOR ALL TESTING O CONSTRUCT" wTIDMS J FOOTHG (METH AND SLEEVES FOR ADJACENT MAT ?N[C' TO VERIFY CONFORMANCE MM SACIFICATGHS, 5. COTRACTOR/$IRPLRA 70 VEPUT' SULKUWACE/gG411G CAPACRT AND REPAIR OR THICKNESS TO BE DESIGNED BY RENFORCEO CONCfCTE '.II REPLACE UHAMARF MATERWS. µp°p?l STRUCTURAL DESIGN INCLUDING iRff NOl LIMIT ? m ' B01I CULVERT SUPPLIER) , U 1 SIGrv DATA ` AK . F ED ro? B CI NCNALIS. 5. PRECAST LINR$ SHALL BE NSAILED N ACCORDANCE MIN MANJACR1dA DESIGN LOAONG: HS 30 STASLIZATIDN MOCKS FILE DE i C) cl 0 C3 OF NS, SIGN METHOD: LOAD FACTOR PER AASHTO SPECIFICATION ASSUMED VOIDS }}AAii??TOPSOIL AND SCEp ALLOxA%E SOIL BEARING PER(SEEDNG SPECRICATg6 1000 PSf R TURN GEOTEXTIL E UP CD CD C) 6. CRET F SIRENOH O FOOTNGS AND MINCNALL6 SHALL BALK A WNMNY COMPR[}SryE 4000 PSL (VE : IFY) (I ED C C) 3 f 7 . RENFOR2G STEEL FOR FOOTINGS AND MNOAALLS SHALL ComrorM TO ASTM A615, M15 OR A617-4ADE 6O II \ I C3 C --) D - - C) V GEOfpT1E WOVEN PRECAST REINFORCED CONCpETE THREE-SIDED BOX CULV ERT 2 alb -cb3 ' cb) j? c CC) 500. BALTOLL SHALL ND FREE a CRGARC MATERIAL AND ? -? PROFILE j M o " ? OAYACTEp TO 95% CO THE -MUM DENSITY CDIMMBLE - CHANNEL B07T BASED ON THE STANDARD PROCTOR TEST t I I M/ ANCHORS MIN OUT SIFSNCIN T. I A C) nnc arnEaRn oB wT S PACED of f 2W zw es sP cm z' O.C. (SEE SKWKAIKMG) (SEE NOTE 1) "?\ O?i 1 1-LEI, 'l- l lr BLOCK STABNUTI rruFliflr ? iI- FEr r LFaT ON DETA'L , ICU33 11 ILD CD rII? , rTM9E r1? IF ClAIL / TURF REINFO wl TO END CHANNEL B1II - r_II_I4lf I'I_I??rI? II 1. PULL ON 51P.9NCIN FOR AIAlHORS G DETERMINED I? BY SOIL CONDITIONS FOR EACH STABLIUTGN AREA AND MUST DE VWFVD BY THE CONTRACTOR'S ENGINEER - SOIL BACKFLL SMALL BE FREE Of ORGANIC MATERIAL AND CWPACIED 70 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY OBTAINABLE BAS ON THE S` N PROCTOR TESTJ/ DITCH TO BE I IT BELOW CHANNEL INVERT CHANNEL BANK SIABILIZA110M 13• DIAMETER COIR FRIER ROLL USE ONLY _,..t WNE E RSAGIED OH PLANS )I.-+t 373TCY NOTCHED --STNA 0 3' D.C. ,EXISTING CHANNEL INVERE S L] DRIVE STAKE THROUGH NETTING BR'OI LEG CAS-N-PUCE FOOTING JdNi TO BE GROUTED AVER PRECAST BRIDGE PLACEMENT FOOTING OFTAA LOAGOUDLAL FABLES A ( PRELIMINARY PLAN CABO"r P? NOT EDR CONSTRUCTION eET$ YOU BG mY CON STOP 1 Rom -a BTAFI `? . p[iVB C[Mlm SIDE VIEW aaE TOR NEW EN) NEW -... _._?_?..._ ._... _:....r.:.:?.___._.._....?.... _.__Aa<eau.: .t.ii::.?c Y:rc.::.:? ? 1..::.U.:6:A ' ". <....ti:: ?r. Invr?J' '•.x fc.ar.IrwAau.u.... ?.n:a:1l..'%. -::: (WIDTH AND TO BE D[9O ED REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX CULVERT SVRLER) N• PIfiDRM BALlOL1 BRAIN IFH yJPPLABB- A 5'-0• RISE >o'_N• HEADWALL Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 AlACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 E Hill Attachment F U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) REQUEST FOR EVALUATION v u LJ i 0 G] LEI 0 0 MACTEC August 5, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Attention: Mr. Mark Cantrell U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Subject: Request for Evaluation City of Charlotte Storm Water Services Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Charlotte, North Carolina MACTEC Project 30100-0-0369 Dear Mr. Cantrell: The City of Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) has retained MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) to provide environmental services for the subject capital improvements project (CIP). It is our understanding that this project may require Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting. On behalf of CSWS, we are hereby contacting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the presence of federally protected species within the study area that may be affected by the proposed project. We are hereby requesting that you respond in writing concerning any beneficial or adverse impacts relative to the interests of your agency. The project vicinity and location are presented on the attached Figure 1. The study area is located in the McAlpine Creek watershed. As indicated on Figure 1, the study area is generally bordered by Rea Road to the north and west, Pineville-Matthews Road to the south, and Providence Road to the east. The study area includes the Olde Providence neighborhood. Waters of the U.S. located within the watershed include an unnamed tributary to McAlpine Creek. The study area contains approximately 2,900 linear feet of open stream channel with surrounding land use that is predominantly residential. Anticipated project activities may include pipe and culvert replacements, along with channel improvements. The planning study, currently underway, will assess culvert replacement needs, closed pipe system and inlet capacities, natural channel design, utility conflicts, potential detention sites, and elevating or flood-proofing flood prone structures. The USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Map that covers the project area is Weddington,. North Carolina (1988). J MACTEC Engineering and Consulting 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 • Charlotte, NC 28208 704-357-8600 • Fax: 704-357-8638 uE.,o. , Page 2 If you have any questions, please call Josh Ellinger at (704) 357-8600 extension 5554. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your cooperation with this process. Sincerely, rA- MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. Q Joshua NEllinger Staff Scientist fl JKE/RBD:jke Attachment - Figure 1, USGS Topographic Map Richard B. Darling, C.E. Principal Scientist By With Permission A cc: Mary C. Murray, Mitigation and Permit Administrator (CSWS) e A 0 4 t L . •' i l_y.Gl r f F? J 1; _ ?? ¢ • • r a t I 1 ;tea: _ t j ?J ? 't} -_ -- ._ 1 i ' • • ? _ J1 ? .' 1. '' ` -r'? 1 *.`? '? • ry? mill '?,' ? i ?„ `•= ? ' `?'?"+ . ?.?• ' ;?-;? __- ? l , ? , i . i ? -;,? "ail °' ,00 .?lve. ? 1• ?- 1• ?jt•1•, ?a-',...`_.% )•1 .•A j .? + . ~ S •?4+, ,?i. tiY r'• .,J of ''..) J. .7 r e, Ma '.l • ^ ..r. +tr'! 'i "'rte r -11- ? ? ? .;: y ` ? , ? 1 r-.l-e •f ? . ? •'1 • ? pr° .• .`?'T-{` 11 ? `., t ' C? I t fi'S ' ~• ??'.'{ •= ..•,...?t:+"t.-?.' •1'e •__ tiJ? • f ?1 .+_ - -- =? - `?tiwL •t?_rt 5 c lp, r,;I.e. `, r:-' `w •` ; ; . ice'', {:,`. _ ` , o LNV f 101 ', .q ?' L t 1 , .r`_, 11 t ; ? i . ?,..f ? O ?'' ' "? R ? ? ?', • y • F ? ? f -? .yf( a A- ? t_ 'y ? i1? 1 3•. _ I t` 1•_ v arIL 4f" ?? Y.???',; ?• ?i .' ? r ?2.. _l? e . .fi r ? n. r-?*, ?j.F? •. .f '3 .J" +"• ti ? - ..r 111 -'• , +' =,,. :A tie I ? `!1, - ? _}? f' ` r ? • , . ti fl- •_ v _ :3 cc 2! 0 C4 cn i . •? r _. I 1 f1 , a ® II rte. m ,tea :/- i _ • ri r?( f. _ b i ., ? 1. • _ •' C/] i kV +Y' t_ ? ?.• : f?. :. } fir - I _ ': i Z. ?_I f (u fn Q. Cl) m e I'D C`t O O O M a. !1 W I -I Ri U ? a U U E Z N E O O i (0 U Co O clu L U Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification December 4, 2003 AIACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 1 d n u r. U E C [1 I] E E Attachment G N.C. NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM (NCNHP) CORRESPONDENCE ?J f ?i- NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor August 6, 2003 A Mr. Josh Ellinger Mactec Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 2801 Yorlmont Road Charlotte, NC 28208 Subject: Silver Stream CIP Study Area; Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Dear Mr. Ellinger: William G. Ross Jr., Secretary The Natural Heritage Program has no record of rare species, significant natural communities, or priority natural areas at the site nor within 3/4-mile of the project area. Although our maps do not show records of such natural heritage elements in the project area, it does not necessarily mean that they are not present. It may simply mean that the area has not been surveyed. The use of Natural Heritage Program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys, particularly if the project area contains suitable habitat for rare species, significant natural communities, or priority natural areas. F'11`1? > H., E However, slightly less than a mile away, alongside NC 16 just north of Alexander Road, are locations of two rare plants. The Federally Endangered Schweinitz's sunflower (Helianthus schiveinitzii) was found in 1991 and seen until around 1995, when the population was moved to a safer location to avoid impacts at the NC 16 site. The Federal Species of Concern Carolina birdfoot-trefoil (Lotus helleri) also occurs at the NC 16 site above. Both of these species have been found at many sites in Mecklenburg County and could occur in the Silver Stream study area. Both are found along woodland borders, old fields, and open woods. If the project is to impact only streams and their immediate shorelines, then impacts to such plants would likely not occur. If, however, the project involves impacts to uplands, especially substantial acreage, then a survey might be warranted. I suggest that you contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Dale Suiter at the Raleigh office) at (919) 856-4520 to determine if any surveys should be conducted. 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 Phone: 919-733-49841 FAX: 919-715-30601 Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer -50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper You may wish to check the Natural Heritage Program database website at <www.ncsl2arks.net/nbp/search.html> for a listing of rare plants and animals and significant natural communities in the county and on the topographic quad map. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-715-8697 if you have questions or need further information. Sincerely, 2A,2 f, L'?' ?k Harry E. LeGrand, Jr., Zoologist Natural Heritage Program cc: Dale Suiter, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh office HEL/hel Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project Section 4041401 Pre-Construction Notification h1ACTEC Project 6229030639, Phase 06 n r L 0 December 4, 2003 Attachment H N.C. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES (NCDCR) CORRESPONDENCE t n r L H i J 0 H-1 0 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office David L. S. Brook, Administrator Michael F. Easley, Governor Lisbeth C. Evans, Secretary Jeffrey J. Crow, Deputy Secretary Office of Archives and History September 12, 2003 o Joshua K. Ellinger Staff Scientist r's Mactec Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28208 Division of Historical Resources Re: City of Charlotte Storm Water Services, Silver Stream Capital Improvements Project, Mecklenburg County, ER03-2108 Dear Mr. Ellinger: Thank you for your letter of August 5, 2003, concerning the above project. We have conducted a review of the proposed undertaking.and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the undertaking as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above- referenced tracking number. Sincerely, avid Brook T wwiv. h no. d c r.sta te. ne. us ADMINISTRATION RESTORATION SURVEY & PLANNING Location Mailing Address 507 N. Blount St., Raleigh NC 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 515 N. Blount St.. Raleigh NC 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 515 N. Blount St., Raleigh NC 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax (919) 733-4763 •733-8653 (919) 733-6547 •715-3801 (919) 733-6545 • 715-3801