HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090576 Ver 1_Public Notice_20091105i ? 4CL newsobserve om i i ? SALLE NOTICE ,O knowing is be r ,owe, ant Office Offic -in partnership with NORTH CARGI C ?T?r TOO JOHNSTON the he ,per 29, 2( . under der and contained in 1 ge:457; a failure tc executed by B art Title Gual d pursuar of Trust, dafedOctober I 3464' Page 56 highest.b r,ithfield, North Caroler Defaulthav muucm -;..,--._.. d, includir of the note thereby secured by the said Deed Aunty of J of Trust and the undersigned, having been ollows: substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust divislon, t by an instrument duly recorded in the Office dstn',tOw' Of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County, S firms and corpora TA s jga)nsTDANIELMURR hnston County, N.C.,`Ore 0 ibit the same to the under- j ,fore December 26, 2009, or he .leaded in bar of recoy- ar 23, 30; October 7, 14, 2009 0 lot. preW con, North Carolina, and the holder of then o e evidencing said indebtedness having direct- Owner: Marlin and Dora Rojas e r, the decedent are asked to make immediate Th)523rd day of September, 2009. ment dad in Plat at the Deed ofTrusT'be foreclosed, The ed that SubstituteTrustees will offer Applicant: Dora Rojas th pay . Frank Berry Skinner, Jr., Executor, P;O: NC 27577; E.H. Bnd- Smithfield 1068 j Lane, Sri r D. Mend for sale at the Courthouse Door in Johnston County; North Carolina, at 10:011AM on e Special Use permit: To allow for operation of ,O child day care facility. , , Box ger, Attorney, 404 Farmstead Drive, Cary, cal proper 9f five Pen a highest October y1, 2009, and will sell to escribed bidder for cash the following d _ petition: to CASE 0917: Rezonl lloctated at _„-?,,, NC 27519. H; September 23,3Q; October 7, 14, 2009 y icheveri hh Ime of the property, to wit: Being all of Lot 114,. The Ga A from payn 1 on the Tr irliens, lur for Flower's Planfat/on, Phase One, 7•ko-A, as recorded in Met Book: Said property is commonly knol nob g? Sold property y p ,,,!!!??? q? n?? ?, No. 0q gp 4021 i ;{`"_' ?tl) Philip A. Glass `?/+ fie- 1? -ORECLOSURE SALE . h Ih? sale. . TFi Waterleaf Place, Clanton, NC 27, Third party purchasers must, iber 19, 2009 title to the. Y . !deposit.Rf nkrupicy excise tax, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 1 in the amount of OneDoilar($1.001 00) or d Dollars ($500 d 11 ???? ,`1 !0V 10 a.m. keC-ountyCourthouse ta Of the Trust . re Five Hun part thereof, and the Clerk of C perty: ,script,on de discret,oi pursuant to N.C.G.S. 7A•308, in It and return tt of Forty-five Cents (45) per each dred Dollars ($100.00) or fract, DENR - WATER QUALITY well }y; ieal Proper) thereof or Five Hundred Dollars hichever is greater. A depot WETLAtMAND T PANATERBRANCH i10 rt ope y may may w percent (5%) of the bid, or Seve or Arty arty is sold. parti At Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whicheve er, will be required at the time, e: 952 1992 28 rent re, ,into inatethen' and must be tendered mtheform funds. Following the expiration 9 , S.-Linear Diary: State Employees' (orated rental of a rental i to tors upset bid period, all the amounts will be immediately d; . roperty t 'tile VII of 5. of 't ing' • Sold property to be offered i )F SALE: Shouldtheprop-. ?d by a third Party, that , 20 20 ,bstitute Trus this Notice of Sale is being offer, transfer and conveyance AS IS there are no representations leor any physic Tothe ti l the tax of Forty-five Cents hundred Dollars ($100.00) a)(1). G.S. 7A•308(a) ll unpaid P il unpaid Im & Pettit, o ng re a C mental, health or safety ty condltr ' t^ ode subject a lade subject to O )r liens or eendumbrances of Trustee 7041 Pre: in, on, at, or relating tothe offered for sale. This sale is mat isments, if any, against the id any recorded leases. This all prior liens, unpaid taxes, sa ments, land transfer taxes, + SCS ,? V f to any applicable county . ?ct x and the successful third x F FORECLO encumbrances of record. To th knowledge and belief of the undi / 1t// ?? ?J ner(s) of the pro t , , /? PfS call be required to make ? such county land transfer STON COUN- ow curren Bobby Lane Vaughan. wer of Sale cot UNMARRI E PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:. possession of the properlymay be issues 1 of 5% of the purchase Price will be requireu at the time of the sale. Any will berec )ctober12,200e N gistry R pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties NOTICE PUBLIC TY Ibiddersholiberequiredtotender the full balance of the purchase price so bid successfu , y e ithepaymenti tt in possession by the clerk of superior court f the county in which the property is sold. , JOHNSTON COUN COMMUNITY COLLEGE: -in deed te Trustee }enders to him atim for tit b , lrock & Sco urnent duly rec and the he I! no o Any person who occupies the property pursuantto a rental agreement entered into JOHNSTON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LIBRARY u s Su ten thedPa d should sated successful b der suc fail , J of Trust be fc f or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, 'receiving lhenotice ofsale, terminate ft NORTH, CAROLINA DIVISION to pan The full balance purchase price so bid heshall remain i,ableonhisbid tt) thousedoor o er a me, attha fomary locat o 12:00PM6 one J the rental agreem notice to the landlord. The notice shall also that upon termination of a rental t t p situated in on'sPona'Suba t ' a e s agreement, that tenant is liable for rent due the rental agreement prorated to the d r aunty Rey/s ( lases, deeds of; er un effective date of the termination. ly known as 10 Nationwide Trustee Services, Inc. pst pay the excil ors ($100.00) Pu Substitute Trustee 1587 Northeast Expressway percent (5%)a is greater, will Atlanta, GA 30329 (770) 234.9181 utory upset b, Our File No.: 432.0930573NC / LMS SH: October 7, 14, 2009 IS WHERE I: iysical, environr 4perty being off, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE y unpaid land trc ase, and any 0th NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY 09 SP 663 and belief of ff Under and by virtue of a Power of sale ellers.. if the prooerty m contained in that certain Deed of Trust and e t d t the party y h h the property i, t do to James Narron, Trustee(s) Woodar 2002, and recorded in Book d November Ol ( bent entered ,n )f sale, terminati , e 2327, Page 203, Johnston County Registry, le notice shall a E t d North Carolina. Default v u able for ren ent upon 10 days' written OF WATER QUALITY, • N rth Carolina General ^41,. -+, tharphv srrured by the said Deed on cash othewfollowing tdescnii! r-, ribed I wit: of Lot 66 of Phase One. of arms Subdivision, os more Par- rown an a Plat and survey by RSTON COUN Third Party Power of Sale co excise tax, put e nr, Th of R su wn as 62 NC 27577. pay the 05-228.30, pereach The public is invited to comment in writing to the Division of Water -Quality on the above-mentioned OPPiication. Comments shall be sent to the N.C. Division of Water Quality, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC, 27604, Attn: Ian McMillan (Phone 919-715-4631, FAX: 919-733.6893). Comments must be received by DWQ by November 12, 2009. A copy of The appl icat,on )son fi le at the DWQ Central Office at 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC, 27604 (Central Office phone nor- mal business hFAX 919.733-6893) ours and maybe inspected by the public. Collen H. Sullins, Director N.C. Division of Water Quality DNS, firms and corporations novmg o,u, s against FRANK BERRY SKINNER, deceased, of Johnston County, N.C.; File No. 09 E 800, are notified to exhibit the same to the undersigned on or before December 29, 2009, or this notice will b leaded in bar of recovery. Debtors of as provided for in o Statutes Section 45.21.30 (d) and (e). This . sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. Residential real property with less than 15 rental units: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any Person who occupies the propertY Pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agree- the landlord n Up10 on atermin ion of notice a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: August 10, 2009 Posted on September 21, 2009 ATTACHMENT All of thdt flag-shaped lot shown as 'Linear Lot' according to plat recorded in Book of Maps 1992; Page212, Wake County Registry, together with right of access via Allen Drive pursuant to Boundary Line and- Access 5112, Page 699, Wake Agreement County dRegistryy. Philip A. Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell; Glass & Haskell, L.L.P. 5540 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, North Carol naS27606 16 SURE SALE 09 SP 936 NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by BRONWYN A. TUCKER AND HUSBAND, TERRENCE R. TUCKER to WILLIAM R ECHOLS, Trustee(s), which was dated April 23, 2004 and recorded on May 3, 2004 in Book 02684 at Page 0408, Johnston County Registry, North Carolina. Default having beenmadeinthepayment ofthenote thereby`seciredjbstheuaedDed f in said cou County, Norm Larrn M ,u .r yIN WA. LANGDON CEMET2 o ruccc'r)FaFr'ORDED IN