HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041815 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_20041109a TO: M John Dorney Regional Contact:' J. Steenhuis Non-Discharge Branch WQ Supervisor: R_ Shiver Date: SUB E T WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Fa0i Ity Name Mandahy Bay, 1:LC? County Pender Project, Number 04 1815 County2 Recvd From DCINI Region N`'ilmin ton Rece?v?d Date 11/9/04 Recvd By Region Pro ec Type residential S/D i Certl Cates' te$ Stream Permit' Wetland' Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type (Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp. Basin Req. Req. 7% F I I()\\' U.b2-t. F__ nizigOL19n II Wetland 1 MitigationType Type Acres Feet Is We Is Miti Provi Com ;a a>l a I d Rati ion re by IR ntS: g Sheet Attached? Y O N D'id you request more info? O Y ON Have Project Changes/Conditions Been piscussed With Applicant? O Y 0 N uired? Q Y O N Repommendation: OQ Issue O Issue/Cond O Deny 'gion: Latitude (ddmmss) Longitude (ddmmss) i i cc: R egion entral office Page Number 1 ffice Facility Name Mandaly Bay-, LLC County Pender Project Number 04 1815 Regional Contact: J. Steenhuis Date: Comments (continued from page 1): ca Roglonal office Page Number `2 Central Office t Express Permit Not ember S, 2004 m MEMORANDUM: F' •O?S 15 D NOV 0 9 'IT04 TO John R. Dorney Environmental Biological Supervisor DENP, Division of Water Quality WI:m.ANw,? zvvAiLR BRANCH 1R M: Jason Dail, DCM Express Permit Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & tILL Permit Application Review Ap licant: Mandaly Bay, LLC Pro' ect Location: Off NC Highway 210,1 adjacent to Banks Channel and Stump Sound, in Surf City, Petder Co. Pros psed Project: The applicant proposes to develop a nineteen (19) lot residential subdivision ingluding: nineteen (1'9) units, access drive, utilities, retaining wall and swimming pool. Please indicate below your agency's position, or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by November 30, 2004. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Jason Dai at (910) 395-3900. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. i KDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Poastai Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Y: $I NEI) This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. T is agency approv s of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated.. See'atta hed. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina.. 28405-3845 Phone: 910-395-39001 FAX: 910-3?0-20041 Internet www.nocoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action) Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper I i i t i DMSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. AP 2. LO Cir Phi Sta 3. i' INI 4. IN' 5. ! PR 6. SI1 (A) 7. 'S NAME: Mandaly Bay, LLC c/o Jerry Brewer for Mandaly Bay Condos/Duplex TION OF PROJECT SITE: Off NC Highway 210, adjacent to Banks Channel and Stump Sound, in Surf ender County. tolIndex - 2000: 25-331; N-0, 9,10 1995: 25-314, N,O, 4,5 1989: 4-173-12, H,I, 16,17 e lane Coordinates - X': 744512 Y: 77025 Rover File: 0-082715A CAMA DURE: Dates of Site Visit - 10/28/04 Was Applicant Present - No agent ,M Application Received - 9/17/04, completed 11/3/2004 Office - Wilmington (B) (C) (E)' (F) (G) (A) Vege tated Wetlands I ' Coa stal (' Non- egetated Wetlands ( ) Othe - High ground Grade 1.4 acres (60,984 sq. ft.) 8. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 60,984 sq. ft. (1.4 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (F) Water Classification: SA Open:: Yes PROJECT SUMMA RY: The applicant proposes to develop a nineteen (19) lot residential subdivision including: ninetej n (19) units, access drive, utilities, retaining wall and swimming pool. wal Land Use Plan - Town of Surf City ' ind Classification From LUP - Developed EC(s) Involved: ES ater Dependent: No tended Use: Residential/Commercial astewater Treatment: Existing - None Planned - Municipal sewer (pe of Structures: Existing - None !, Planned - Nineteen (19) town homes, access drive, retaining wall, swimming pool and pool house.' itimated Rate of Erosion: N/A 15 rrdM? ` 1T ''DESCRIPTION# [AREA] 1 REDGED FILLED OTHER Jerry Brewer for Mandaly Bay, LLC Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: John Pierce with John Pierce and Associates, P.A., on behalf of M. andaly Bay, LLC, has requested that the attached application be processed under the Express Permit Review Pilot Program. The applicant's project is located along N.C. State Highway 210, app oximately 1.4 miles north of the intersection of N.C. Hwy 50 and N.C. Hwy 210, adjacent to Stump Sound, in Surf City, P ender County. To find the property, take Highway 17 North from Wilmington and turn right on N.C. State Highway 50 (approximately 30 miles from Wilmington). Head east on Hwy 50 and turn left onto Hwy 210 at the intersection of Hwy 210 an Hwy 50. The property is located on the western side of Hwy 210, approximately 1.4 miles from the intersection of Hwy 10 and Hwy 50. The applicant has submitted an Express CAMA Permit Application tract located between Highway 210 and the AIWW, adjacent to Stu mostly cleared of vegetation, however, several scattered patches of property. The site is relatively flat and maintains an elevation of 4.0' small stands of Southern Wax Myrtle (Merica cerifera), Yaupon' (M exist on water ward side of the site, bordering Stump Sound. The pr along Stump Sound. The high ground vegetation is bordered by I frutescens) and Grounsel-bush (Baccharus halimifolia). High coastal n roemarianus), Spike Grass (Distichlis spicata) and Sea Lavender j Meadow Grass (Spanina patens) complete the transition to the wat 11, alterniflora) is the predominant species. The shoreline in this area is approximately 45 feet landward of mean high water (MHW), along t1 type" wetlands line averages approximately 15' landward of Norma The waters of Stump Sound adjacent to the project are classified They are designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) by the N. harvest of shellfish. The subject prop rty{ is, ocated within the Hi€ 12) on the Flood Insurance Rate`Mdp!The High ]=Hazard ]Flood contiguous to the Atlantic Ocean. PROPOSED PROJECT develop approximately 1.40 acres, of a 1.49 acre np Sound. The high ground portion of the tract is ,ive Oaks (Quercus virginiana) exist throughout the to 5.0' above Mean High Water (MHW). Several c vomitoria), and Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) perry has approximately 375 linear feet of shoreline ansitional species including Sea Oxeye (Borrichia arsh vegetation including Black Needle Rush (Juncus Timonium, spp)., exist in the inter-tidal zone. Salt rs edge where Smooth Cordgrass Marsh (Spanina Dt bulk-headed. The proposed development averages e western edge of the property. The approved "404 High Water (NHW). S by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Division of Marine Fisheries, and they are open to the Hazard Flood Area, as indicated by Zone VE (elevation re (VE Zone) associated with the subject property is The applicant proposes to construct nineteen (19) two-story town-hou units would have a footprint that measures approximately 40' x 2 backside of the unit. The remaining eight (8) units would have a footl 16' covered porch, located on the backside of the unit. Additionally, the tract for utilities, as well as an access driveway. The applicant is 30') and pool house (8' x 12') along the eastern portion of the tra (landward) side of the "404 type" wetlands line. The retaining wall m for the entire project would be 1.4 acres. Individual lots sizes woul density of 13 units/acre. The applicant has indicated that the units w own only the area within the footprint of the actual unit itself. All are. and access road would be considered common area, or part of the Ho by the construction of a single road (Mandaly Court). The road woul from Highway 210. The asphalt road would run perpendicular to 1` units within the 1.49 acre tract. Eleven (11) of the ', each with an 8' x 20' covered porch on the int of approximately 40' x 16', each with an 8' x ie applicant proposes to grade and pave a portion of so proposing to construct a swimming pool (15' x , as well as a 374' retaining wall along the upland uld be constructed of vinyl. The total disturbed area range from 768 square feet to 960 square feet - a xld be privately owned and each unit owner would surrounding the units, swimming pool, pool house e Owners Assoc. Access to the lots will be provided provide the subdivision with one entrance and exit Hwy 210 and would extend from one end of the subdivision to the other. Mandaly Court would consist of a 20 foot rig t-of-way and a 18 foot paved asphalt surface with an ABC stone sub-base. The road would be constructed with curb and utter, utilizing curb breaks and vegetated swales to control stormwater. i Jer' y Brewer for Mandaly Bay, LLC Page Three An IEXVress tormwater application has been submitted to the Division of Water Quality, however, it has not yet been W, As 10. A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan (permit #-Pende-2005-005) has been issued for land disturbance s. M nicipal water would be jprovided by the Town of Surf City. A sewer permit has been issued by the Division of ZU; y under permit #WQ00?4125, which was issued on July 16, 2004. posed,' no portion of the subdivision, including but not limited to the dwellings, eaves, access roads, driveways, nd/or sidewalks would impact any portion of coastal wetlands or "404" type wetlands, nor would it extend water the 3, ' buffer. MI IPATED IMPACTS: ial; gr' ding of the property would result in the disturbance of 1.4 acres of high ground. The proposed dwellings, and vould result in the creation of approximately (34,063 sq. ft.) of impervious surface. Total impervious surface e within the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC would be 32 %. The applicant has submitted an Express State Stormwater application to the Division of Water Quality, however a permit has not yet been issued. The applicant has an ;d Se imentation and Erosion Control Plan from the Division of Land Quality under (Permit #Pende-2005-005). Recommendations for State Permit - Jerrv Br?wer for MandaIv Bay, LLC It is recommended that a permit be issued subject to the following conditions: • In order to protect water quality, runoff from the constructi' n must not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. • Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, rhea ures or structures must be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watery urses and property (e.g. silt fence, diversion swales or berms, sand fence, etc.). • A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within the shorter of 15 working or 30 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to 'btain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (910) 395-3900 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that ma y non-water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high water level. NOTE: The permittee and/or his contractor is urged to meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation. j - a 4 b C. . a. Form DCM-MP-1 Name Mandaly',Bay LLC.C/0 Jetr PO. Bob 2704 Brewer Address City Surf City State Zip 28445 Day Phone (910)M-'5257 Fax (910)328-545 Authorized Agent: Name John L. Pierce & Associates'P P.A. Address P - 0 - .Box 1685 E City Jacksonville State NC .Zip 28540 Day;phone (910)346-9$00 Fai (910) 346-1210 Project name Cif any) _ blandalay Ba '.. i NOM Pernat will:be;+= in aaire of lmidowaer(r) d/cr Prpjaa.'+rama 2. OCA ROJ] d.. Is Proposevi wort` within city limits or punning juri4ction? XF Yes No. e Name of body bf water nearest project. (e.g. river, creek, sound, 'bay). Topsail Sound 3. DESCRI 'ION AND Pi.,ANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT -a: List .:aIl :development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel; marina;. bullchead, pier, and excavatign :and`lor filling activities. clearing, trradinQ building 19 townhomes contain water sewer & ?pa rkinQ 'lot h. IS the proposed activity maintenance of an misting project, new work, or both? new work ° c, Will thepmje:x be for public, private or commercial ?? . rrisratP d Give ,a brief description of.putpose, use, methods of constivcaron and daily. 'operations of proposed P J If more ;space.:is needed, ..pleas,r ,atfach aadmo 9 es °and access aitJUle. .? OF PROPOSED I ? OAST F 4 a. b. c. ti- f. g• E h. I L i 4 J• k. 1. T Revised t m DCM-MP-1 • LAND. AND RATER m. Describe existing wastewaier treatment facuities. -Surf City frPatment facilities ' ,A.CTEMTICS Sizq of entire tract___ G q arras n Describe locationand-type of. discharges to waters t of the'atate (I=o e ample, ..Surface. runoff, sanitary. Size of individual .Iot s 20'x 40 ?) wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash. downy and reiddeahai dis6h es. Approximate elevation .of. tract above W all runoff tra:storag ati d t.Z-TeT NWL 4:'S'' above Mann water line or ?. . dumped to infiltration system Soil .type(s) and texture(s) of tract o.. Describe :existipu ng Sand LT .- CitY . -biraterer:ppiy source. Vegetation on tract, si'a11 trees & : ra 's Man-made features now on tract None 5. ADDMONAL INF01t RON . What is the . CAMA Land Use plan land classification of.the site?Po,=r &e loce Lwd In addition . to -the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: Conservation Transitional Developed • A copy of the deed -77)7a- Community i (With state application :only) or Rural :Other other instrument under which:the applicant claims :title XX7esidential to the afrecie;i pro ow is the per'tes. if the applicant is not .tract zoned by local-.goyernment? claiming to be the owner of said property, then MU - mixed use residential forward a cvPy of.the deed* or other:nstrument under which the owner claims title, plus writtea.;permission the.proposed,project consistent wi.tbe applicable from the owner to carry out the ,project. :ohing7 _ Yes - No i di zoning aor?yQron?e cern _eQre, trgppfi=bk) i An accurate,:-dated work; plat (including;plan view and .doss -sectional :drawings) drawn #o scale in black oas nea.for the tract? prpfessioaaI Y .archaen]ogicaI assessment been ink on an `8 I/2' b 11 white paper, 'finer to I yes,;by:whom? -----Yes No Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J:.020y fora detailed des' cziption_) the protect located m a National Registered Please :Hate that original draw lags are eferred and nc b:strict or 61i t pr mvalve a National only.3tigt? quality copies will'be accepted.. "Bliliga etister listed or eligibleProperty? prints or other Larger .plats are a on1 Yes --- No adequate number of q 1 ,, y if an ded by VAly rovi applicant. the wetlands on sjte? XX Yes ._ No Engineers regarding!a?t agency's use of?arger Dther astal marsh (irawings.) A..site or to nltap yes, has a delineation been conducted? a requirements and it nrustl is a part of plat suffici is doaoKntmion, {f avdh;bL ' ed to guide agency personnel unfamil' to the TF IQ314S O y TO ' . ?a `oN O MPNPO .. .. Go PSG PL Form DCM-MP-I r site. Include highway or secondary. road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. A Stocrnwater. Certification, if one is necessary A`list of the names and complete addresses of the I adjacent waterfront . (riparian). -landowners : and a signed return :recdipts as proof. (fiat such owners ti have :received a copy of the application and plats a by certified rn9l. Such landowners must be advised that tlzey.have 30 days in .which. to. submit comments I on the proposed project to.the Division.of Coastal ac 'Management. Upon :signing this form, the applicant Rl further. certifies: that such notice has been provided .Cc CERTMCATTON .AND PERMISSION TO. ENTER. ON LAND . z such,program. Name Ronal A Rnm;matfi& talfe Helen A. I certify that I am auth Address 1200 Secotan Place Fuouav Var' 'gr Phone (a-? als;?_n?r,?? re Name co Address P Phone P Name if Address eens eF my d Gary, 30 27,511 :Phone.. (912)37 -9876 a A Iist.of preoious.state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A check'for:$250.rnade.payableto the Department of Environment, Health, and . Natural Resources .(DEHNR) to. cover the costs of ;processing the application. _ ?. A, signed AEC :hazard notice for. projects in oceanfront and Inlet areas. & A statement of. compliance with .6e H.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S.1.13A.7.1 to 10) If the project -involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public Ian's, attach a statement documenting compliance with the. North Carolina Environmental Policy Act Revised Milts PI pro e XX Y? dderstand that any.:permit issued in' response to .this lication-WilIillow only the development described in application. :The project will be.sdbjecf to conditi ons restrictions contained ;R the permit. rtify that. to the best of. my.;i mowledge, the proposed vity complies :wit :the.. State Of :North Carolina's roved : Coastal .. Management . Program and . will be iucted.in a.mariner consistent q+t, oozed to grant, and do m fact, t permission to representatives of state and feral iew agencies to enter. on the aforementioned lands in ection: with : evaluaing information related to this t .application and follow up monitoring ,of the j?• T-th er certify that the information provided in this Iication is truthful to the best of my.knowIedge. is ae. 30th day of June , 19 2004 t Name. nda a Bay aturL . iud Agew e indicate attachments :Pertaining to your proposed :t. DCM MP-2 ZCavatlon, and Fill Information DCII Ml?.3 Upland DeveIopmeaf , DCMfP-4 Structures Information . DCM MP;S Bruges and Cutve2s' DCM MPb triariaa Development T: Please sign and date each nt in the space provided at the orn? . QQ? O ?J o? Ole xc? O?J\S GO Form DC -MP-2 e. f Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands If yes, (mars; ), SAVs or other wetlands? (1) Amount of material to be placed in the Yes No water None (2) Dimensions of fill. area f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? i arp, Wi thin r±i 04, t- of iav pf Mandala Ct a k Y ' Yes XX No I (3) Purpose of fill p rking_ lot '& cling pad b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands 3. SH RELINE STABILIZATION (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes N No * - If yes, a Type f shoreline stabilizatiot} (1) Dimensions of fll,area XX_ Bulkhead $Uprap (2) Purpose of fill 1 b. Len 374 L. F. c. Avera ge distance waterward of MHW or NWL ti.' Maxi um distance waterwardl of MHW or NWL S. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill; material be kept on site e. Shore ine erosion during preceding 12 months and erosion controlled? Yqs, the erosion will be one to the best of my knowledgp controlled by erosion berms & silt fence (Source of information) Type f bulkhead or riprap material n 1! & wo d _ b. What type of construction; equipment will be used (for example, dragline, ;backhoe, or hydraulic Amo it of fill in cubic yard to be placed below; dredge)? water level backhoe (1) iprap N/A (2) ulkhead backfill c. Will wetlands be crssed in transporting equipment' h. j Type of fill material N/A to project site? Yes 2M No j If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. i. Sourc of fill material N!A 4. O R FILL ACTIVITIES (ExcI ding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will ll` material be brought t4 site? Yes No Revised:03/$5 Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMEN (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major h. Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed 19 townhom s ; j ng . drive and water & sewer & poo i. b. Number of lots or parcels 19 j., c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) 1.3,DD_un t , per acre k. d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. 1.4 ac g or 60,984 s.f. e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. 1. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? XX Yes No If yes, date submitted In. f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. n. Stone & asphalt g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and/or built upon surfaces, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. 321 Revised 03/95 P rojects that require a CAMA Major Development rmit may also require a Stormwater Certification. as a site development plan been submitted to the ivision.of Environmental Management for review? Yes No I, yes, date submitted June 30,' 2004 D escribe proposed method of sewage disposal. H r ave the facilities described in Item i. above eived state or local approval? has been subm: (A nach appropriate docununtation) D escribe location and type of proposed discharges to w aters of the state (for, example, surface runoff, sa nitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, " ash down" and residential discharges). .S urface runoff is to be handled b i nfiltration system D escribe proposed drinking water supply source ( .g. well, community, public system, etc.) ' public system ill water be impounded? ja- Yes No If yes, how many acres? 0 0,7 acres If the project is a oceanfront development, when w the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A Mandalay Bay LLC A plior Project Name \M) S4 r to O P 00 tted J? Form D M-MP-2 i je. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands - If yes, (mar h), SAV's or other wetla nds? (1) Amount of material to be placed in the Yes XX No water None (2) Dimensions of fill area f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? area within right- of x.,a?z of Ma„cialay C; Yes XX No (3) Purpose of fill -.pa king lot '& building' pad b. Will fill material be placed . in coastal wetlands 13. SH RELINE STABILIZATION (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes _X No If yes, a. ' Type of shoreline stabil ization (1) ` Dimensions of fill area XX_ , Bulkhead Riprap (2) Purpose of fill b. Leng1 h 374 L. F. jc. j Aver age ditstance waterward of MHW or NWL d Maxi I waterw um distanc f MHW NWL 5. GENERAL . e ard o or a. How will: excavated or fill material be kept on site e. Shor line erosion during preceding 12 months and erosion controlled? Yes, the erosion 11 be None 'to-the best of my 1<nowledgP controlled by erosion berms & silt fence' (SAarc' of information)_ If. Type of bulkhead or riprap material & wood n b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic g. Amo unt of fill in cubic yards to be placed below dredge)? water level backhoe (1) Riprap N/A. (2) Bulkhead backfill c. Will wetlands be crssed in transporting equipment h. Type of fill material N/A to project; site? Yes -2M-- No If yes, explain steps that, will be taken to lessen kA environmental impacts. J. Sourc e of fill material l < ?A 4. Fl(LL A IES t T (Exc din g Shoreline Stabili zation) Applicant or Proj O y? iy 0? a. Will ill material be brought t o site? p 3 C1 GAG Yes No _ 0 Re ' d 03 i Form DCM=MP 2 EXCAVATION 1 .AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. ' Be sure to complete all 1.' E XCAVATION " other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. A m ount of material to be excavated from below Describe below. the purpose of proposed. excavation or M HW or NWL in cubic yards, Dlaye fill activities. All values to be given in feet.` b. t y pe of material to be excavated NIA Average Float Existing, Project _ Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat basin Boat ramp Rock groin Rock breakwater Other (Excluding Shoreline stabilization) c. L? es the area to be excavated include coastal w ands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation Vs) or other wetlands? Yes _U_No d. I ghground excavation in cubic yards NSA 2.I, D POSAL OF EXCAVATED TERLIL a. 1.4cationof disposal area within the right 0 way of Mandalay Court b. Di ensioas of disposal area 177 , 2 x 5.67 C. you claim title to disposal area? Yes No If o, attach a letter granting; permission from the o ner. - , d. W It a disposal area be available for future m tenance? XX Yes No If es, where? on the project me owner' s - a socation h \y' 1\' Q V xd? Revised 03/95 P ?n 'I 'till t.. h'FPCE, CERTIF"r ')NAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEYMA E UNDER MA SUPERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK PAGE ETC.) (OTHER); THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOK A416 - PAGE f.y& ; THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1: THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGgNj;URE, LICENSURE NUMBER AND SEAL THIS -'V DAY OF • MT , 20%.� � C,, S RID YOR Q' S�MCENSURE NUMBER' L2r'afi Cr: SEAL OR =STAM.Pf THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS THE BOUNDARY OF THE JURISDICTION OF SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT PURSUABT TO THE 1987 CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL AS DETERMINED BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LAW OR OUR PUBLISHED REGULATIONS, THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION 404 JURISDICTION MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS FROM THIS DATE. -------------------------------------- SIGNATURE -------- _SIGNATURE OF U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OFFICAL EDGE of DOSTW. APPROXIMATE ----- CA OF CHANNEL \ \ DATE OF SIGNATURE \ \ \ \ \ \ \�\ USE 'ARBORTAPE' FOR GUYING MM OF EIOSTIN( �, \ \ ATTACH 'ARBORTAPE' TO SUPPORT POST CHANNEL 1 \ 1 POST PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATION TOPSAILND \ 50' CHANN \\\\ 1 I MEAN HIGH \WATER LINE 1 1 I AS MARKED \BY CAMA P, EIP 00?'' I Y _ - 26.74' x\ \\ \ +1 1 I ------ N51' 52.42 \4. �irM� r, ,, ' MEAN HI WATER L\II &__ \ CAMP. LINEzs4y C AS MARKED SAMA _ STAL WETLA �1S 30 ♦ 10 8 \ \ 1 \ , 1 \+ -A°. ����--------------NEL-----------------________ TREE DETAIL \ E'c°KS 1 \ --- (FOR DECIDUOUS TREES) LIMITS OJ_ p oEac c `l � 32 ry \ oXwATE NUT TO SCALE DISTURBANCE- / r U+ o 3.30 qEp° ��•;� �� F + I \ I CA of aaN*L I 0. 7 0 , X1 �\� % + 0.30\ �----_ 3 . b b \ CO,q \ \ oNI b CqM 0 015. STt141 4o * � 2 13.0_ 0o WF�N 4, s3 �I �i M7Q5iNo •o Ln ---' - --- -- r \000 S LINE/ �. ��$.�-----_r= ---- ----------- EXIST. 4- -- � \�, - - -1 -� _------------- \ R.R. ANCHOR zD o• yq�irs� a o A 1 \ T- - -- - - - -�- - - - -� \ C7 A8 _ _ +Tim ZONED -R5 DO NOT TRIM BRANCHES AT INSTALLATION) TRIM AS REQUIRED DURING MAINTENANCE PERIOD WRAP TRUNK GREATER THAN 2 IN, CALIPER WITH BURLAP OR WRAP TAPE DURING TRANSPORT) REMOVE WRAP FOR INSPECTI❑N AFTER INSTALLATION 2 T -BARS 1.5'x 1.5'x 96' LONG SET NATURAL BASE OF TRUNK V-2' HIGHER THAN EXISTING GRADE TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT MULCH TYPE AND DEPTH PER SPECIFICATIONS SOD OR SOWN GRASS CUT AND REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP FROM ROOT BALL DIG PIT TWICE DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL, SCARIFY ALL SIDES) AMEND SOIL PER SOIL TEST AND SPECIFICATIONS) JSE AS BACKFILL IN PIT AROUND ROOT BALL B & B ROOT BALL ------ E ry b \ X34 j - \ AE LIN -0.z 322 6` -_2 _ -1 - �- - -\ I C � moo• � �- � !- �s' EIP \ 3 06 01,6 3.34 L st 4/At,A \EIP .� 0.4 \ C CA N \�• A6- \ I b_ o X15 X14 qC S�A5 1 �:gB�--�..--}---�tt � �At2 AV � N A10 C2 Z 1\� X1 1 --RI I I �� 404 WE 1 NDS \ ZONED -MU II i a I �°`v=1I!=III=i = DISTD U ANCE I \ ,� y 1----- 3 g \ \ \ \ II X19 FRANK MAJEWSKI &WIFE \\ o \' O J�� .6 ��6� 1 2.50 MARTHA D. MAJEWSKI \ �i ;� a° ;�© -�' _is �___-- ----- -- 1 `XB3 \ $3 Q ry X2 < 75' AEC LINE--- II -------1 ----- D.B.1669, P.128 N. 1\I Y oAK �m`�°oma o J�� TOTk 2 3 1 1 I A\ 9 o X 01 40.0 Y r�P r� `�'�0�� O 4�' 1 {' 4 - - -� \ 2-S�pR UNIT 45 ° o 0 1 N�. \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ M I 4-BEpR P\UNGS ----------W0.°N4 7 O�OQeQ �.jto 111 \ �O 1 1 O 11 1 \ \ DIVISION OF LOT 4 o' o 3.9 ��` oo�J • '1 1 \ 1 \ /l1 \ AMOS ATKINSON LANDS 1 45�ORY NIS �� / iso, ��8a 1 0, 1 \ M.8.14, P.57 y 4-Biog000 S 1 I a 1� 1 \ 1 °N O I O 1 \ LIMITS OF / 11 Z 10 z - DISTURBANCE- -. 1 1 \ 4ao 0 0 1.49 ACRES o.o' '1 0% 0 1 \ 24" 0 1o�sooMNG \S �'o 64,9$�.6� SQ.FT. g �1� N. c 11 1� c \ 4 6E OA 0. 1 ; 5.36 \ 3.91 a.3g LIMITS (~1 i 1m 1 1 \ \ ZONED -MU 8" OA 'Q ISTD \ 1 ' a r- 1 10 -9 o SEEDING SCHEDULE OR M GS ; o �O \ °'W-4 I 1 �°'� n O OAK 2- UNT o (�rSPREAD 4' TOPS❑IL ❑VER AREAS T❑ BE SEEDED AND ESTABLISH UNIFORM 4ON PILIN g.0 ®n j \ � \ P ,� Q r rl GRADE PRIOR TO SEEDING. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER AND WORK INTO \ FRANK MAJEWSKI & WIFE OAK 40, - 160 Prn 1 1 N� 1 m\r• 1 N SEED BED, DISTRIBUTE SEED UNIFORMLY AND COVER LIGHTLY, 001 .0 16.0 o x,16.0 16.0 N D APPLY CLEAN STRAW MULCH OVER SEEDED AREA AND ANCHOR SECURELY \ MARTHA D. MAJEWSKI \\ DECD DECKS oOECK DECK DECK \ I �'\➢ 1 1 1 WITH STRAIGHT BLADE DISC IN FLAT AREAS AND WITH ASPHALT TACK D.B.1669, P.128 •PIN w -- �•.� " w - M,, w WHERE SLOPES EXCEED 4%, \ �, I z C7 1 N 1 N f: \ 6" CEDAR 0" Ci' 0 a�� � z _ .65 Z� N Z iT1 I P i APPLICATION RATE ° v 0�-' v '�$ v No o 1 Q o o c�-+� in 00 - 'off o 1a o -o��+$ 4.66 I WA E S BxY '1 z 1w zi Z$ z _ B� 36, P. 0671 SL.4� 1 600 TP❑UNDS/RACRE \ +\ ,. �• ZEB-- 0z 04 oz 1000 P❑ N- 5 A v) w o U DS/ACRE \ \ 1� � _--------- 1 16.0' �� -?- - -- ----- -- -- ---� e _ - - - --- 1 1 I \ I \ ------------------E-------�p,� - -----_ -_- ---- - 1--- 50 POUNDS/ACRE � --- --- _y---� ---- f- - �__-- ---- 10 POUNDS/ACRE �� v a E E� -- _ � -� PP � RW INSTALL APPROX. 68 L.F. OF 8" SIS 5' ONCRETE ALK ', V 1 E 5' CRETE LK \ H.1 E VW SDR35 SEWERUNE AT0.50f 4 INSTALL PPROX. 268 F. OF 8" R R/W 50 P❑UNDS/ACRE L____________________'7�'�L 20 POUNDS/ACRE - �=T=-=:-- - ----- _-__ - c 61 S`. p�QQ -- ------ --- 25 POUNDS/ACRE--_---------- o----------sa�sEEssssss�-----------7_4 CNE - -- - ---- - --- --- - w'c,► .25 N-------\--------�--=- - --5------ *Evj-- � ---------, �- W.V. � T --I---------- ----- 50 POUNDS/ACRE 2 TONS/ACRE 300 GALLONS/ACRE NOTE, OWNER MAY VARY SEEDING TO CONFORM TO LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. UNE TABLE MATERIAL a BEARING LIME w L 20% SUPERPHOSPHATE L< 2, FERTILIZER(10-10-10) A N75'26'04'E TOPSOIL 3' DEEP, TOTAL SEEDBED PREPARATION DEPTH SHALL BE 4'-6' DEEP, L45 3. APRIL - JULY d N64' 2'32"E FESCUE, KY -31 `r !n N63'32'22"E BERMUDA (HULLED) o N 0'41'58"E JANUARY - MARCH L49 4, FESCUE, KY -31 v S87*2"10"E BERMUDA (UNHULLED) 3 S8 ' :3'25"E RYE (GRAIN) o 5. SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER L53 S74 7'12"E FESCUE, KY -31 >_ 6. MULCH 3 S30'34'08"E DURING SEEDBED PREPARATION, Z5 d S60'00'06"W 15.51 L57 SS '50'1 "W ASPHALT TACK \ 6" CEDAR 0" Ci' 0 a�� � z _ .65 Z� N Z iT1 I P i APPLICATION RATE ° v 0�-' v '�$ v No o 1 Q o o c�-+� in 00 - 'off o 1a o -o��+$ 4.66 I WA E S BxY '1 z 1w zi Z$ z _ B� 36, P. 0671 SL.4� 1 600 TP❑UNDS/RACRE \ +\ ,. �• ZEB-- 0z 04 oz 1000 P❑ N- 5 A v) w o U DS/ACRE \ \ 1� � _--------- 1 16.0' �� -?- - -- ----- -- -- ---� e _ - - - --- 1 1 I \ I \ ------------------E-------�p,� - -----_ -_- ---- - 1--- 50 POUNDS/ACRE � --- --- _y---� ---- f- - �__-- ---- 10 POUNDS/ACRE �� v a E E� -- _ � -� PP � RW INSTALL APPROX. 68 L.F. OF 8" SIS 5' ONCRETE ALK ', V 1 E 5' CRETE LK \ H.1 E VW SDR35 SEWERUNE AT0.50f 4 INSTALL PPROX. 268 F. OF 8" R R/W 50 P❑UNDS/ACRE L____________________'7�'�L 20 POUNDS/ACRE - �=T=-=:-- - ----- _-__ - c 61 S`. p�QQ -- ------ --- 25 POUNDS/ACRE--_---------- o----------sa�sEEssssss�-----------7_4 CNE - -- - ---- - --- --- - w'c,► .25 N-------\--------�--=- - --5------ *Evj-- � ---------, �- W.V. � T --I---------- ----- 50 POUNDS/ACRE 2 TONS/ACRE 300 GALLONS/ACRE NOTE, OWNER MAY VARY SEEDING TO CONFORM TO LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. R ° REF: D.B.473, P.79 M.B.13, P.1 (PORTION OF) i 7.85 _ 7.80 _ N.C. HWYe-,21_ a0 _- R W V - r n7.78 - .0 «11� _1 wl ��� 4 7.681 L11� L�1, -� - 4s c� X195.0 TO EK -1---------==---- --�_----------- NTERLINE I ---- _?_03 _ \ �- -:--------------\-------J4IRS�CT19N-A1Y//1� QC9LE�1@UR� B 'E. -----------1 �I47 _ R/W ---� t'o ---- --- 7.20 I / R W - 1 iOl \\\I \ \ I 1 I M. H. - TOP - 7.11 Z \ \ \ \ \ INV. 12" PIPE = 0.63' \ \I PROPOSED \ � CAROLINA SHORES \ I ► INV. CONC. = 0.04' �I \ \ I I TRACT 4 \ TRACT 3 1 TRACT 2 I TRACT 1 \ ZONED -MU \ M.B.13, P.1 1 M.B.13, P.1 1 1 \ 1 ZONED -PUD M.8.13, P.1 M.8.13, P.1 1 11 \\1 \\ LEGEND \ 1 1 I 1 1 1 \I \I \ EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE \ \ 1 1 \ \ EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE \ \\ \ \ SIS = SET IRON STAKE \ \ I 1 I \ \ CP = COMPUTED POINT 1 \ I M.H.W.L. = MEAN HIGH WATER LINE 1� 1, R/W -RIGHT OF WAY \ I I EPK = EXISTING P.K. NAfL OWNER/ DEVELOPER c = PROPOSED TREE EVERY 20' ALONG R/W (10 TREES) 1 I I UNE TABLE SEEDBED PREPARATI❑N NOTESt LINE BEARING LENGTH m: L SURFACE WATER CONTROL MEASURES TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO PLAN. L< 2, AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE RIPPED AND SPREAD WITH AVAILABLE A N75'26'04'E TOPSOIL 3' DEEP, TOTAL SEEDBED PREPARATION DEPTH SHALL BE 4'-6' DEEP, L45 3. LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE �- N64' 2'32"E SURFACE S❑ THAT THEY WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT AND r N63'32'22"E MAINTENANCE OF VEGETATION. SURFACE FOR FINAL SEEDBED PREPARATION, L48 N 0'41'58"E AT FINISH GRADES SHOWN, SHALL BE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM, L49 4, IF NO SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, FERTILIZER AND LIME TO BE ACCORDING TO SEEDING L50 S87*2"10"E SPECIFICATIONS ABOVE, IN ADDITION, PROVIDE 15 LBS/1000 S,F, ❑F SUPER 3 S8 ' :3'25"E PHOSPHATE, L52 5. IF SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, PROVIDE LIME AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST L53 S74 7'12"E REPORT, >_ 6. LIME AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED UNIFORMLY AND MIXED WITH THE SOIL <1 S30'34'08"E DURING SEEDBED PREPARATION, R ° REF: D.B.473, P.79 M.B.13, P.1 (PORTION OF) i 7.85 _ 7.80 _ N.C. HWYe-,21_ a0 _- R W V - r n7.78 - .0 «11� _1 wl ��� 4 7.681 L11� L�1, -� - 4s c� X195.0 TO EK -1---------==---- --�_----------- NTERLINE I ---- _?_03 _ \ �- -:--------------\-------J4IRS�CT19N-A1Y//1� QC9LE�1@UR� B 'E. -----------1 �I47 _ R/W ---� t'o ---- --- 7.20 I / R W - 1 iOl \\\I \ \ I 1 I M. H. - TOP - 7.11 Z \ \ \ \ \ INV. 12" PIPE = 0.63' \ \I PROPOSED \ � CAROLINA SHORES \ I ► INV. CONC. = 0.04' �I \ \ I I TRACT 4 \ TRACT 3 1 TRACT 2 I TRACT 1 \ ZONED -MU \ M.B.13, P.1 1 M.B.13, P.1 1 1 \ 1 ZONED -PUD M.8.13, P.1 M.8.13, P.1 1 11 \\1 \\ LEGEND \ 1 1 I 1 1 1 \I \I \ EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE \ \ 1 1 \ \ EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE \ \\ \ \ SIS = SET IRON STAKE \ \ I 1 I \ \ CP = COMPUTED POINT 1 \ I M.H.W.L. = MEAN HIGH WATER LINE 1� 1, R/W -RIGHT OF WAY \ I I EPK = EXISTING P.K. NAfL OWNER/ DEVELOPER c = PROPOSED TREE EVERY 20' ALONG R/W (10 TREES) 1 I I MANDALAY BAY LLC = EXISTING TREES \ I 1 P.O. BOX 10903 PROPOSED SHRUBS (193 SHRUBS) TRACT DATA: \ \ \ WILMINGTON, N.C. 28441 = = PROPOSED WOOD WALKWAY TOTAL AREA - 1.49 ACRES (64,927.74 SQ.FT.) TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS - 19 (8- 3 -BEDROOM UNITS) (1280 SQ.FT.) & -CHWL- = CAMA MEAN HIGH WATER LINE (MARKED BY CAMA) (11 - 4 BEDROOM UNITS) (1,600 SQ.FT.) -CWL - = COASTAL WETLANDS LINE ZONED = MU PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - 38 SPACES19 UNITS x 2 SPACES PER UNIT - 38 SPACES) - - = EXISTING PROPERTY UNE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA - 34,063 SQ.FT. (0.78 ACRES) �'r = LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE % OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE WITHIN 75' AEC UNE - 32% VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE CLEANLY PRUNE ONLY DAMAGED, DISEASED AND/OR WEAK BRANCHES FINISHED GRADE AROUND PLANT TO BE THE SAME AS ORIGINAL GRADE OF PLANT IN PDT) SET PLANT 1' ABOVE FINAL GRADE TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT 3'BARK DO NOT CREATE SAUCER AROUND SHRUB - FINISHED GRADE SHOWN SLOPING FOR CLARITY ONLY CAREFULLY REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP OR CONTAINER (IF CONTAINER IS NON-ORGANIC, - - ! REMOVE COMPLETELY) - - i_ - CUT SEVERAL SLITS IN ORGANIC CONTAINERS III=III= _! I -III- TO FACILITATE ROOT PENETRATION) REMOVE BOTTOM OF CONTAINER COMPLETELY -' SCARIFY PIT BOTTOM AND SIDES MINIMUM 6 =i Ti -I i I=III=lil=Ii-I I r- SHRUB DETAIL (POTTED, BALL & BURLAPPED OR CONTAINER) NOT TO SCALE 30 UNE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L65 N31'30'44"E 30.47 L66 N63'53'59"E 53.07 L67 N75'26'04'E 44.79 MANDALAY BAY LLC = EXISTING TREES \ I 1 P.O. BOX 10903 PROPOSED SHRUBS (193 SHRUBS) TRACT DATA: \ \ \ WILMINGTON, N.C. 28441 = = PROPOSED WOOD WALKWAY TOTAL AREA - 1.49 ACRES (64,927.74 SQ.FT.) TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS - 19 (8- 3 -BEDROOM UNITS) (1280 SQ.FT.) & -CHWL- = CAMA MEAN HIGH WATER LINE (MARKED BY CAMA) (11 - 4 BEDROOM UNITS) (1,600 SQ.FT.) -CWL - = COASTAL WETLANDS LINE ZONED = MU PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - 38 SPACES19 UNITS x 2 SPACES PER UNIT - 38 SPACES) - - = EXISTING PROPERTY UNE TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA - 34,063 SQ.FT. (0.78 ACRES) �'r = LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE % OF IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE WITHIN 75' AEC UNE - 32% VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE CLEANLY PRUNE ONLY DAMAGED, DISEASED AND/OR WEAK BRANCHES FINISHED GRADE AROUND PLANT TO BE THE SAME AS ORIGINAL GRADE OF PLANT IN PDT) SET PLANT 1' ABOVE FINAL GRADE TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT 3'BARK DO NOT CREATE SAUCER AROUND SHRUB - FINISHED GRADE SHOWN SLOPING FOR CLARITY ONLY CAREFULLY REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP OR CONTAINER (IF CONTAINER IS NON-ORGANIC, - - ! REMOVE COMPLETELY) - - i_ - CUT SEVERAL SLITS IN ORGANIC CONTAINERS III=III= _! I -III- TO FACILITATE ROOT PENETRATION) REMOVE BOTTOM OF CONTAINER COMPLETELY -' SCARIFY PIT BOTTOM AND SIDES MINIMUM 6 =i Ti -I i I=III=lil=Ii-I I r- SHRUB DETAIL (POTTED, BALL & BURLAPPED OR CONTAINER) NOT TO SCALE 30 NOTES : 1. N.C.D.O.T. REQUIRES APPROVAL OF DRIVEWAY PERMIT. 2. POOL NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED PENDER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 3. ALL AREAS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT WILL BE COMMCINOAREA OR OPEN SPACE & UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA. SITE PLAN ��F' SHOWING MANDALAY BAY PREPARED FOR MANDALAY BAY LLC TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 409 JOHNSON BLVD. JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 PHONE: 910-346-9800 DATE: APRIL 20, 2004 SCALE: 1"= 30' F.B. 712, PG. 14-18 JOB #238977 FILE NAME: PIERCE WHALEY TRACT 15 GRAPHIC SCALE RENSED: OCTOBER 12. 2004 (CHANGE LAYOUT OF BUILDINGS AND MOVE POOL) 30 MSO 120 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. SHEET 1 OF 5 VETLANDS UNE TABLE (X1 - LINE BEARING LENGTH L42 S87'57'51 "W 7.81 L43 N00' 6'08"W 17.56-- L44 N19'5 '16"W 19.34 L45 N00'46'1 16.14 L46 N64' 2'32"E 22.87 L47 N63'32'22"E 30.20 L48 N 0'41'58"E 25.26 L49 N68'42'03"E 19.77 L50 S87*2"10"E 18.46 L51 S8 ' :3'25"E 22.09 L52 S86' '4 "E 16.62 L53 S74 7'12"E 27.26 L54 N74 '58"E 14.67 L55 S30'34'08"E 16.97 L56 S60'00'06"W 15.51 L57 SS '50'1 "W 11.37 L58 S51 *41'09*E 20.42 L59 S6522'01"E 15.84 L60 N85*34'21"E 20.09 L61 S74'06' "E 16.56 L62 N61'57'16"E 16.86 L63 S88'26'1 "E 17.07 L64 S73'46'25"E 5.62 NOTES : 1. N.C.D.O.T. REQUIRES APPROVAL OF DRIVEWAY PERMIT. 2. POOL NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED PENDER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 3. ALL AREAS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT WILL BE COMMCINOAREA OR OPEN SPACE & UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA. SITE PLAN ��F' SHOWING MANDALAY BAY PREPARED FOR MANDALAY BAY LLC TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 409 JOHNSON BLVD. JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 PHONE: 910-346-9800 DATE: APRIL 20, 2004 SCALE: 1"= 30' F.B. 712, PG. 14-18 JOB #238977 FILE NAME: PIERCE WHALEY TRACT 15 GRAPHIC SCALE RENSED: OCTOBER 12. 2004 (CHANGE LAYOUT OF BUILDINGS AND MOVE POOL) 30 MSO 120 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. SHEET 1 OF 5 .=a ~ ~.S z~ . 7l OZ =Rout t (1,~~HI) oa or oz u ~ o oz ~`I~~S ~IHddd~ lObal ,l3lbHM 30b31d ~3W'dN 311.E LL68~Z# 80f 8l-~ l 'Od 'Z lL '8'3 ,0~ l ~3lbOS 4002 'OZ llddb ~31b0 0086-94~-O16 ~3NOHd 04SSZ ON '3llUNOS~iOb~ 'O~18 NOSNHO(' 604 3~Ndeanlsla ~o sllwn ''d'd S31dI00SSd ~8 30d31d '1 NHO~ 3NIl ,lla3d0ad 9NI1SIX3 - 1,8 03db'd3ad ~Q,9 L 9 L 3NIl SON'd113M lb Sd = - ON 'J~1Nf100 a3oN3d 'dIHSNM01 ~I'dSd01 - _ 1 00 1M0-- W ~ ~ (dWdO ,l8 03~iddW) 3NIl a31b'M H91H Nd3W dWdO = -IMHO-- i z SZd 08 a0.~ 03dVd3ad ~ O ~Q. 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IJ ~S w YOaf1l~ ~NW~j n dHW d~ ~ cz h o ~ \ 0 g~ ~31~ 03 ~ ~ M H w xo~ddv NNb ~N ilk sd w - - Ny sls - -d~ 0 91 0 9~ 31Vp5 ON nOS ON ti~ 3w ~ n~S ~S ~ ' ~ IUI~I Sd0 d ~ 31ypS ON vw>d~ ,~e o3~!avw sv Ny3o Q ~e a a u oa 3NIl a31'dM H91H NV3w 3lVOS ON Q11N b ~ 1 b = ~p a aan Ana - SSp 30N3d 1lIS IIVN 'N'd 9Nt1SU(3 = Nd3 ~0 3/II~jQ ,IVM d0 1FI91a ' M/a ,0, 3ry0N 3NIl 2131VM H91H Ny3W = 'l'M'H'IY ,O,Z "ia S a 1NIOd O31f1dYVOp = d0 .a A ,0,£ 4 .c dnd 'did 'd~a as •sea;e aac;o ~'~~e u~; (TieM Z) 3daH i 'di(1 'd0a asn Aew aoaoe~~uo~ •s~~~a:e o.,,ez, a0asouoo ao .D. 3NyiS NOaI 13S ~ SIS lleydse yaeauaapur. s e t{aeauaapu~. sadld ITe zoo d10 :c ?~Z asr, i12gs ;o~oez~uo~ •I S 0 Q ~ 3HV1S NOaI ONl1SiX3 = S13 oa . p'° . . v', „ ~ ~4 ~BWON .9 ,9 3~1la 3dld NOaI 9NI1SIX3 dl3 ~ b Q z ~ ~orruc 1ialBmc Boz v-BOCu Q w lIb$dQl ON3931 n 1 puo~a<• aad D_' J ? W~AII l 08' 0=~ DNUOOJ _ , Puooa<~ aad as •a 1 - JMDJI009t ' U U w .vi 1~ :aa,~ z :aa_3 7eaut7 = d7 •u?w S°o~ '-8DO1! w JIIO.~.adla , 111! JN00 oa..~ t~o...v}~ oa = a a V~.i- re.3.3dd W H/PI OZ Oa S7 '0 '1 96.9 91 1 01Ze --xswB S'6 S ~N ~N o SZ 18'Z 5l 969 911 8.. N V/N ST ST 001 01 9Z'1 TZ'0 ZV \ i~ v V/N ES 31lS LO + ( l;U Es cfr_Z OT 9L'T 1Z'0 ,Itioc'ruM (e"U (E) (saq~uT) (53~) (saz~e) 3dId N3dD~ \ Z-NB-NO 13YM dOVO 7,d?J073A HSJN37 1A HSJfd717 3IV21~ 21SIS dVIO OTb V7? iv ac. X X ,1Z *3M '50o A*m 0 N ~ ~ s = w"i7,Tno Sd01 3lYiD 7d3LS z I HVHJ AdId IDVNIVNa 'I, JOHN L. PIERCE, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY 5UPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER ~y SUPERVISION DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BO K _T~ OTHER ~ THAT 0 PAGE ,ETC.) 9p~ 1~l THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICAT AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOK"' , Np PAGE ~ THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1, THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMENDED, WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNgTURE, ~ ~ t~0 LICENSURE NUMBER AND 5EA 9 L THIS ~,3,., DAY OF N 2~3 ~ g f .t 6 > =SURVEYOR - f i.. - . ` ~ s~ LICENSURE NUMBER' A)~AN''C y. ppt1N SCAL 0 c, ' pS+'11'IP,. NClNitt IAAP -NOT TO SCALE CP ~ TOPSAIL SOUND CP t 75' CHANNEL ~ EIP 51'~ - _ . AP O ~~52.42 ~ .~~y - - THIS CERTIFIES THAT THIS COPY OF THIS PLAT ACCURATELY DEPICTS ~ . ~ CP THE BOUNDARY OF THE JURISDICTION OF SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT PURSUABT TO THE 1987 CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLANDS r ' r , tog ~ xr o i \N ~ ~o ~ Q, DELINEATION MANUAL A5 OETERMINEO BY THE UNDERSIGNED ON THIS DATE. UNLESS THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE LAW OR OUR PUBLISHED ,~9' REGULATIONS, THIS DETERMINATION OF SECTION 404 JURISDICTION ~ 353. 0' MAY BE RELIED UPON FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS FROM THIS DATE. . X93 ,32~ ` ~ ~ SIS \ 1~ FV ~ 0 6~ 4'~ SIGNATURE OF U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OFFICAL ~0 EXIST ~ v~n,~N~s urn p \ H.W. R.R. ANCHOR o , DATE OF SIGNATURE _ . ~ ~~34;1 -x.90' ElP - ]P - > i 7 ~ _ . _ . f 1` ~ ~ 1 i ~ ~ ~ ' r L 101 WETLANDS LINE ® ~ 1 w~'~\BO ~ ~~r~; l 1 FRANK MAJEWSKI & W1FE, - ~ `~o,`~ ~ MARTHA D. MAJEWSKI Z ` NETlAN05 UNE TABLE Xt-X22 - ~ yet 4= _ _ . LINE BEARING LENGTH - .a ~ p x::~'R ~ l42 S87'S1'S1"W 7.81 L43 N00'06'08'W 17,50 N 1.49 ACRES ; ~ 64,919.91 SOFT. N ~ ~ ; _ L44 N1 'S '16"W 19,34 L45 N '46'1 ' 16.14 - _ _ _ ~ w cv _ ~ Y ` L'~ N64 2'3 'E 22.87 ~ DIVISION OF T ~ l~i iS~ L47 N 3'3 '2 ' 30.20 AM LO 4 o N ~ ~ OS ATKINSON ~ANuS u c~ u 1~ j~ l48 NB '41'58'E 25.26 M.B.14, P.57 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ A l44 N68'42'03" 19.77 ~ ~ N 'p '0 L50 58121'10" iB.46 :51 8 ' 5' :2.09 o ~ rn a ~ ~ FORMERLY L52 " ~ BCFG ASSOCMTES E' AL 586 5 4 16.62 N, ~ 0.8.681, p.220 L53 74 T1 " 27.26 p _.cF~ _ C ~ r_ M.B. 36, P. 067, SL. 498 L54 N74 5' 'E 14.67 _ ~ ~ rZn L55 S • 4' 1 _ _ 30 8 E 6.97 O Q - L56 S6 '00'06'W 15.51 L57 80'50'1 "W 11,37 FRANK MAJEWSKI do WIFE, ' L58 S51'41'09" 20.42 MARTHA D. MAJEWSKI L59 S6 2'01'E 15.84 D.6.1669, P.128 l60 N85'34' 1' 20.09 L61 S74'06'0 " 16,56 _ - . - L62 N61'57'16"E 16.86 l63 S88'26'18"E 17.07 } , L64 S73'46'25"E 5.62 Q - _ w R W E E--~ E PP ~ ~ E ------'p~ E - E _ E PP SIS Q ~'.H 3 - - _ _ _ + , _ EIS _ H. $ E - 1. T~ S 58 0 ~ W ` 201.Bt' - _ _ coNrna _ ~ . ,a - ~ - RAW RAW - , u w _ S 58'02 00 -W-- 264.12'. Y - _ G~ Q - 95.08' 1 3 ---..r______ R~E~ 95.08' TO E K IN CENTERLINE - _ - - - - - - - R~EG~QZL ~EC}(LENBllBS'r .AVE. _ _ _ _ R W -__~~a ~ r---- w _ _ _ r ~ R/W 1 a ~ ~ M.H. TOP OGRAPHICAL & a ~ ~ WETLANDS MAP ` © TRACT 4 TRACT 3 I I PREPARED FOR U TR ~ ~ ,T M.8.13, P.1 M ;;y~ t , .8,13, P.1 M.I TRACT 3 TRACT 2 TRACT 1 M.8,13, P.1 M.8.13, P.1 M. B.13, P.1 • a I TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP P N ~ L~~ ,1 . E DER COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY w 0 ~ E; JOHN L. PIERCE & A a G,<.i , ~ SSOCIATES P.A, w ,~Ai . ! ~ ~y~,. 1 409 JOHNSON BLVD. JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540 PHONE: 910-346-9800 DATE; NOVEMBER 11, 2003 v ~~'i, LEGEND SCALE: 1"= 40' F.B. 712, PG. 14-18 ~ ~ ~~9 w ~N T EIP ~ EXISTING IRON PIPE JOB #238977 FILE NAME: PIERCE WHALEY TRACT d EIS ~ EXISTING IRON STA KE S]S =SET IRON STAKE U CP =COMPUTED POINT GRAPHIC SCALE M,H.W,L. =MEAN HIGH WATER LINE ~ D 20 b eo 160 o ~~I~ ~7 . `jq R/W =RIGHT OF WAY t REF: " , ~ ~ EPK =EXISTING P.K, NAIL ~ M.B.13, P,1 (PORTION OF Rx: .c. ( n~ ) 1 inch = 40 rt, Ar~ o