HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5713_Type III CE Checklist_FINAL_07-02-2018-SIGNED Type III Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. U-5713, R-5777A & R-5777B WBS Element 50111.1.FS1, 44648.1.2 & 44648.1.3 Federal Project No. *NHPP-0070(182) [*U-5713 portion only] A. Project Description: The proposed projects would upgrade U.S. 70 to interstate standards from the Neuse River Bridge to east of Thurman Road (S.R. 1116) in Craven County, North Carolina. State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) U-5713 would construct improvements from Garner Road (S.R. 1121) to the Neuse River Bridge, a distance of approximately 2.5 miles. STIP R-5777A&B would construct improvements from east of Thurman Road to Garner Road, a distance of approximately 2.6 miles. For the purposes of this document, U-5713 and R- 5777A&B are referred to as "the project." B. Description of Need and Purpose: The project is one of several that NCDOT is working on to improve the U.S. 70/Future I-42 corridor, with the intent to improve regional mobility and provide better connectivity between Raleigh and the seaport at Morehead City, as well as to the military bases in Havelock and Goldsboro and the Global Transpark in Kinston. The 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act designated U.S. 70 from 1-40 in Garner to the port at Morehead City as a high-priority corridor and future interstate (1-42). The intent of the 1-42 designation is to benefit military interconnectivity, aid in economic development, create jobs and stimulate growth in travel and tourism. In addition, U.S. 70 is a designated hurricane evacuation route between the coast and the 1-95 interchange in Johnston County. The purpose of this project is to add additional capacity and access management improvements to the U.S. 70 corridor through James City, with the goal of providing local and regional benefits in traffic operations and economic development. In addition, the project will address local community concerns related to connectivity, access, and modal choice, including walking and biking. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: Type III D. Proposed Improvements: NCDOT Preferred Alternative — U-5713 For the U-5713 project, NCDOT proposes to add two additional travel lanes (one in each direction) along U.S. 70 from Garner Road (S.R. 1121) to the Neuse River Bridge. In addition, the project would close existing median openings and at-grade intersections, with interchanges and service road connections constructed to maintain access to the U.S. 70 corridor. The existing service roads would be extended in some locations and relocated away from the interchanges to maintain access to the side streets. The project would raise U.S. 70 over a re-connected Elder Street (S.R. 1138/S.R. 1917) and build interchanges to provide full access to U.S. 70 at Grantham Road (S.R. 1124), Airport Road, and Williams Road (S.R. 1167). The project will also provide wider paved shoulders in some areas, and wider outside travel lanes in others, to accommodate cyclists and sidewalks along several cross streets that currently lack these facilities. New sidewalks would be provided along Grantham Road (S.R. 1124), Williams Road, Airport Road and Elder Street. James City residents would see 1 Revised 4/25/17 notable change in access across U. S. 70 with the removal of the existing pedestrian bridge over U.S. 70 in conjunction with the reconnection of Elder Street under U.S. 70, which will include sidewalks. Members of the public have raised concerns about the existing pedestrian bridge since its construction due to its appearance and the fact that bridge ramps and stairs are in isolated areas not connected to sidewalks, with the result that it is not widely used. The reconnection of Elder Street will provide a more accessible route across U.S. 70 for pedestrians. The rail spur that crosses U.S. 70 at grade between Williams Road and the Neuse River Bridge will be removed as part of this improvement project. On-going coordination related to right of way acquisition will continue between NCDOT, North Carolina Railroad, Norfolk Southern, and the business that the spur line serves into the anticipated Design-Build phase of the project. NCDOT Preferred Alternative — R-5777A&B For the R-5777A&B project, no additional travel lanes would be added along U.S. 70 from Garner Road (S.R. 1121) to the eastern terminus of the R-5777A&B project; however, the proposed interchange improvements have been designed to be compatible with future widening of this section of U.S. 70. Similar to the U-5713 project, the R-5777A&B project would close existing median openings and at-grade intersections, and maintain access with new interchanges and service road connections that would be constructed to maintain access to the U.S. 70 corridor. The existing service roads that terminate at Garner Road would be extended east through the entire R-5777A&B project area to maintain access to the side streets. The project would build interchanges to provide full access to U.S. 70 at Thurman Road (S.R. 1116) and Taberna Way (S.R. 1922). The project would also construct new connecting roads to extend Taberna Way and Day Star Lane on new location between U.S. 70 and Old Cherry Point Road (S.R. 1113). Other Alternatives Evaluated In addition to the NCDOT Preferred Alternative, the following alternatives to the proposed improvements to U.S. 70 were considered: • No-Build Alternative • Alternate Modes of Transportation • Transportation Management Alternative • New Location Alternatives The No-Build Alternative would not reduce congestion along U.S. 70 nor would improve regional mobility or access management. The Alternate Modes of Transportation and Transportation Management alternatives could help reduce congestion on U.S. 70, but they would not provide the level of benefit of the Preferred Alternative nor would they improve connectivity between Raleigh and the seaport at Morehead City. New location alternatives would have substantial impacts to both the human and natural environment and would not meet the purpose and need for the project because they would not provide the additional capacity needed through this portion of the U.S. 70 corridor, nor would they move enough traffic from this corridor to the new location corridor to reduce travel delay. 2 Revised 4/25/17 Cost estimates for the Preferred Alternative are provided in Table 1. Table 1: Cost Estimates for the Preferred Alternative U-5713 R-5777 A&B Right-of-Way Cost $33,428,561 $23,615,521 I Utilities Cost $12,722,028 $ 7,685,347 Construction Cost F $113,500,000 $69,700,000 Total Costs F $159,650,589 $101,000,868 NOTES: 1. Right of Way estimates dated June 25, 2018 2. Utility estimates dated May 2, 2018(R-5777AB)and June 21, 2018(U-5713) 3. Construction Cost estimates dated June 29, 2018 3 Revised 4/25/17 Table 2: Impact Matrix for the Preferred Alternative Resources U-5713 R-5777 A&B Combined Total Preferred Preferred Preferred Alternative Alternative Alternative Length (miles) 2.5 2.6 5.1 Residential 9 8 17 I Relocations' Business 29 7 36 Non-profit 0 1 1 Total Relocations 38 16 54 Minority/ Low Income Populations (Disproportionate Impacts) 0 0 0 Historic Properties (Adverse Effects) 0 0 0 Community Facilities Impacted 0 0 0 Section 4(f) Impacts 0 0 0 Noise Receptor Impacts 30 32 62 Prime Farmland (acres) 0 0 0 Riparian Buffers (square feet) Zone 1 17,156 61,902 79,058 Zone 2 2,483 40,394 42,877 Streams (linear feet) Perennial 273 1,159 1,432 Intermittent 60 411 471 I Wetlands (acres) 0 2.3 2.3 I 100-Year Floodplain and Floodway 0.2 0 0.2 Impacts (acres)4 Federally Protected Species: Sensitive joint-vetch No Effect No Effect No Effect Atlantic sturgeon No Effect No Effect No Effect American alligator Not Required Not Required Not Required Red knot No Effect No Effect No Effect Leatherback sea turtle No Effect No Effect No Effect Red-cockaded woodpecker No Effect No Effect No Effect West Indian manatee No Effect No Effect No Effect Rough-leaved loosestrife No Effect No Effect No Effect I Northern long-eared bat MA-LAA MA-LAA MA-LAA NOTES: 4. The number of relocations shown above are conservative estimates of a worst-case scenario for each project. A smaller number of relocations are likely after the implementation of avoidance and minimization measures developed during final design. 5. Impact quantities are based on construction limits plus an additional 25 feet. 6. 100-Year Floodplain and Floodway Impacts based on project construction limits. 7. MA LAA denotes"May affect—likely to adversely affect." 4 Revised 4/25/17 E. Special Protect Information: Funding The U-5713 and R-5777A&B projects are being planned together and are scheduled to be let for construction together, although they have separate Planning & Engineering (PE) funding sources, with U-5713 using federal funds and R-5777A&B using state funds. This single federal Categorical Exclusion is being prepared to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)for U-5713 and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)for R-5777A&B. Public Involvement Summary According to early outreach on the part of the project's public involvement team, resentment in the James City community still lingers following an earlier NCDOT project that included intersection improvements along with removal/closure of several intersections for streets that previously provided local access across U.S. 70. The 2010 James City Improvements Feasibility Study (NCDOT, 2010) was being developed at approximately the same time that the intersections were being closed, which created confusion about how and why the work was done. Many citizens and members of the business community feel that they were not listened to, and that their needs were not addressed when the recommendations for the feasibility study were developed. As a result, there has been some degree of lingering mistrust on the part of the community with regard to NCDOT's intentions for improvements to U.S. 70. To help ensure ample opportunity for community input, public involvement efforts for the project included targeted outreach to the James City Community, including individual meetings and small focus group meetings in 2015, and door to door outreach in coordination with corridor-wide public meetings in October 2015 and December 2016. The purpose of the October 2015 and December 2016 corridor-wide public meetings was to provide an opportunity for citizens to come together collectively to share their thoughts and ideas regarding the projects. There were 226 participants that attended the October 2015 3- day public meetings. There were 235 participants (with 9 being repeat attendees) that attended the December 2016 3-day public meetings. Comments provided at these meetings were used to guide the development of the conceptual designs. In addition, during this outreach, residents and businesses expressed concerns that the initial project extent(limited to U-5713) did not extend to Taberna Way (S.R. 1922) and Thurman Road (S.R. 1116). This input, in consultation with local and federal officials, led to the inclusion of the R-5777A&B improvements with the construction of the U-5713 project. Two focus group meetings were held January 16, 2018, to gather input from local businesses and residents at the south end of the project about conceptual designs. Many of the 41 business owners and 47 residents who attended the two meetings were aware of the proposed projects. Most of the concerns and questions raised were related to property access. Following the meetings, the proposed project designs were modified where feasible, to address comments received about property access. In addition to the meetings described above, newsletters were sent to residents and businesses within the project study area in Fall 2016 and Fall 2017. The newsletters described the project, provided updated information on developments subsequent to the previous opportunities for public input, and included contacts for additional information. Through this early and extensive public outreach, NCDOT was able to understand the concerns of the James City communities and businesses and, in turn, the communities and businesses understood the challenges and constraints that NCDOT had to work with in planning and developing the project. Through this collaborative process, NCDOT was able to successfully resolve the public's initial apprehension and concerns related to the proposed improvements by incorporating their input into the project development process. Because of 5 Revised 4/25/17 this, no substantial controversy or public opposition exists to the proposed project. Additional Documentation The project figures, State Historic Preservation Office effects determination forms, and Relocation Reports are appended to this document. The below technical reports and additional documentation can be found in the project file: • Natural Resources Technical Report • Public Involvement • Community Characteristics Report • Community Impact Assessment • Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report • Architectural Survey Report • Archaeological Survey Report • Hazardous Materials Report • Capacity Analysis Report • Traffic Noise Analysis Report 6 Revised 4/25/17 F. Project Impact Criteria Checklists: Type III Actions Yes No If the proposed improvement is identified as a Type III Class of Action answer all questions. • The Categorical Exclusion will require FHWA approval. • If any questions are marked "yes" then additional information will be required for those question in Section G. 1 Does the project involve potential effects on species listed with the US Fish ❑ and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries (NMFS)? 2 Does the project result in impacts subject to the conditions of the Bald and ❑ ❑X Golden Eagle Protection Act BGPA ? 3 Does the project generate substantial controversy or public opposition, for any ❑ reason, following appropriate ublic involvement? 4 Does the project cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts relative to ❑ ❑X low-income and/or minority populations? 5 Does the project involve substantial residential or commercial displacements ❑ or right of way acquisition? 6 Does the project include a determination under Section 4(f)? ❑ ❑X 7 Is a project-level analysis for direct, indirect, or cumulative effects required ❑ based on the NCDOT community studies screening tool? 8 Is a project level air quality Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) analysis ❑ 0 required? 9 Is the project located in anadromous fish spawning waters? ❑ 0 Does the project impact waters classified as Outstanding Resource Water 10 (ORW), High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supply Watershed Critical ❑X ❑ Areas, 303(d) listed impaired water bodies, buffer rules, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)? 11 Does the project impact waters of the United States in any of the designated ❑ 0 mountain trout streams? 12 Does the project require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Individual ❑X ❑ Section 404 Permit? 13 Will the project require an easement from a Federal Energy Regulatory ❑ 0 Commission FERC licensed facility? Does the project include Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 14 (NHPA) effects determination other than a no effect, including archaeological ❑X ❑ remains? Are there project commitments identified? 15 Does the project involve hazardous materials and/or landfills? ❑X ❑ Does the project require work encroaching and adversely effecting a 16 regulatory floodway or work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood) ❑ elevations of a water course or lake, pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and 23 CFR 650 subpart A? Is the project in a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) county and 17 substantially affects the coastal zone and/or any Area of Environmental ❑ ❑X Concern (AEC)? 18 Does the project require a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) permit? ❑ 0 19 Does the project involve construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a ❑ 0 designated Wild and Scenic River present within the project area? 7 Revised 4/25/17 20 Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) resources? ❑ ❑X Type III Actions (continued) Yes No 21 Does the project impact federal lands (e.g. USFS, USFWS, etc.) or Tribal ❑ Lands? 22 Does the project involve any changes in access control? Q ❑ 23 Does the project have a permanent adverse effect on local traffic patterns or ❑ 0 community cohesiveness? 24 Will maintenance of traffic cause substantial disruption? ❑X ❑ Is the project inconsistent with the STIP or the Metropolitan Planning 25 Organization's (MPO's) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (where ❑ ❑X applicable)? Does the project require the acquisition of lands under the protection of Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act, the Federal Aid in Fish 26 Restoration Act, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Tennessee Valley ❑ Authority (TVA), Tribal Lands, or other unique areas or special lands that were acquired in fee or easement with public-use money and have deed restrictions or covenants on the property? 27 Does the project involve Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ❑ buyout properties under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program HMGP ? 28 Is the project considered a Type I under the NCDOT's Noise Policy? ❑X ❑ 29 Is there prime or important farmland soil impacted by this project as defined by ❑ the Farmland Protection Policy Act FPPA ? 30 Are there other issues that arose during the project development process that ❑ ❑X effected the project decision? G. Additional Documentation as Required from Section F Response to Question 1 —Threatened and Endangered Species • Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), USACE, and NCDOT for NLEB in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Craven County, where TIP U-5713 and R-5777A&B are located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. Response to Question 5— Displacements/Right of Way Acquisition Based on preliminary designs, 17 residences and 36 businesses, and one non-profit will be displaced. Five (5) of the homes and five (5) of the businesses to be relocated are owned or occupied by minorities. The Relocation Reports are appended to this document for reference. 8 Revised 4/25/17 Sufficient right-of-way and easements will be acquired to accommodate the proposed improvements along U.S. 70 and the adjoining side roads and service roads. Additional right-of- way and easements are required along U.S. 70 to accommodate the proposed widening, with the majority of the right-of-way being acquired at the locations of the proposed interchanges and in areas where the proposed service roads will be located. Right-of-way will also be acquired between Taberna Way and Old Cherry Point Road to accommodate a new connection between U.S. 70 and Old Cherry Point Road, as well as between the service road east of the Thurman Road interchange and Old Cherry Point Road for similar purposes. The resulting impacts of residential and business displacements, although substantial, will not result in a significant impact to the community based on the proportion of residences and businesses being relocated due to the project. Response to Question 7 — Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report An Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Report was completed for the project and can be found in the project file. The following paragraphs summarize the conclusions of this report: Projects U-5713 and R-5777A&B propose to upgrade U.S. 70 to interstate standards on existing alignment, with an increase in capacity along approximately one half of the overall proposed project length. The project would convert the existing partial control of access to full control of access, with an anticipated reduction in travel time along the mainline, U.S. 70. Population and employment within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) are expected to grow, but at modest rates, and local planners anticipate that available land will be developed over time, whether or not the project is constructed. The City of New Bern and Craven County have plans and ordinances in place to effectively manage growth and development, while protecting natural resources within the FLUSA. The Indirect and Cumulative Effects Screening Tool (Table F-1) generated a score of 15 points out of 32, which indicates that a Land Use Scenario Assessment (LUSA) is not likely warranted for this project. It is anticipated that the project will not notably contribute to cumulative impacts to environmental resources in the FLUSA. The potential for the degradation of water quality also exists through erosion and stream sedimentation. Any direct natural environmental impacts by NCDOT projects would be addressed by avoidance and minimization consistent with programmatic agreements with the natural resource agencies during the Permitting process. The notable natural environmental features found within the FLUSA are provided multiple protections under State and Federal laws and local permitting ordinances as described above. With these existing regulations in place, the combination of past, current and future projects is expected to have a minor impact on notable environmental resources in the FLUSA. The cumulative effect of this project when considered in the context of other past, present, and future actions, and the resulting impact on the notable human and natural features, will not notably contribute to cumulative impacts to environmental resources in the FLUSA. Direct natural environmental impacts by NCDOT projects will be addressed by avoidance, minimization, or mitigation consistent with programmatic agreements with the natural resource agencies during the Permitting process. All future development will be required to follow local, state, and federal guidelines and permitting regulations. Response to Question 10 — Impacted Waters Streamside riparian zones within the study area are protected under provisions of the Neuse River Buffer Rules administered by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. The table below presents anticipated buffer impacts of the project and specific mitigation amounts will be determined during the permitting stage of the project. 9 Revised 4/25/17 Buffer Impacts of Project square feet am Zone 1 Zone ,, U-5713 SA* 14,148 1,166 SA 3,008 1,317 R-5777A&B SA 29,943 197284 SI 14,694 9,712 SJ 17,265 117398 *Also located in R-5777A&B project study area Response to Question 12 — Individual Section 404 Permit The proposed project is expected to impact 2.3 acres of wetlands and 1,903 feet of streams. Under the current Section 404 permitting requirements, it is expected the project will require an Individual Permit (IP). In general, the US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District issues an IP for projects that result in 0.5 acre or more of fill to Waters of the US or 300 linear feet or more of stream impacts or if the project is considered by the agency to be a major action. This permit requires a full public interest review, including public notices and coordination with involved agencies, interested parties, and the general public. Response to Question 14— Section 106 effects determination • Historic Architecture Resources For the U-5713 and R-5777A&B projects, a comprehensive architectural survey of the project study area was conducted in March 2016 and evaluated 222 resources, of which 13 warranted further investigation (Eligibility review July 2016 by HPO and NCDOT). In July 2016, research and evaluation of these 13 resources commenced and findings were presented in a January 2017 technical report. In March of 2017, HPO concurred that the following resources were eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP): U-5713 Resources o Pilgrim Chapel Missionary Baptist Church (CV0396) o Jones Chapel AME Zion Church (CV1902) o Meadows Cemetery (CV2783) HPO also concurred that the Mt. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (CV2050) retains the elements for which it was listed in the NRHP. HPO also agreed to the established and proposed NRHP boundaries for each property R-5777A&B Resources o New Bern Battlefield Site (CV2055) A Determination of Effects Meeting was held on March 20, 2018, at which the NC-HPO, FHWA, and NCDOT concurred that the proposed projects would have the following: o Pilgrim Chapel Missionary Baptist Church (CV0396) — No Effect o Jones Chapel AME Zion Church (CV1902) — No Effect o Meadows Cemetery (CV2783) — No Effect 10 Revised 4/25/17 o Mt. Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church (CV2050) — No Effect o New Bern Battlefield Site (CV2055) — No Adverse Effect with Environmental Commitments (see Section H of this document for those commitments) • Archaeological Resources In a letter from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office, dated May 28, 2015, the U-5713 project was found to have no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on the HPO's knowledge of the area, they concluded that it was unlikely that any archaeological resources that may be eligible for inclusion in the NRHP will be affected by the project; therefore, they recommended that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. In a letter from the NCDOT Archaeological Surveys Group, dated October 23, 2017, NCDOT archaeologists stated that the study area for the R-5777A&B project was very large in order to accommodate various alternatives for the proposed interchanges at Taberna Way and Thurman Road. Much of the study area has a low to moderate potential for archaeological sites and no archaeological survey was recommended for those low- potential areas. However, there are several areas that have a higher potential requiring investigation, including the New Bern Battlefield site. In a subsequent letter from the NCDOT Archaeological Surveys Group, dated February 26, 2018, the NCDOT Archaeological Survey Group noted that the project study area had been reduced based on the refined project alternatives and made the following recommendations: Recommend survey of the level, well-drained, undeveloped areas near water (as shown on the maps below). Determine whether the New Bern Battlefield earthworks are within the A.P.E. along the east side of US 70. Based on these recommendations, and the determination that the New Bern Battlefield earthworks are located within the project A.P.E. and are anticipated to be impacted by the proposed improvements, NCDOT is conducting on-going archaeological investigations and expects to have the results of these investigations available for HPO review in July/August 2018. Commitments to continued archaeological surveys and coordination with HPO are included in Section H of this document. Response to Question 15 — Hazardous Materials Sites of concern were identified in the Geo Environmental Pre-Scoping Comments for U-5713 dated 9/12/2016, and R-5777A&B dated 10/27/2017, and are included in the project file. In the U- 5713 project study area, a total of 24 sites of concern were identified within the project study area: 20 UST facilities, 1 dry cleaner and 3 other sites (including 1 mixed use industrial site, 1 marine manufacturer and 1 autobody shop). In the R-5777A&B project study area, a total of 12 sites of concern were identified: 11 possible UST facilities and 1 Superfund site. The construction of the project is anticipated to be handled through the Design-Build process. As such, the Design-Build Team will be required to do the following: After submittal of the right of way/ 60% roadway design plans, the Design-Build Team shall hold a right of way consultation with the NCDOT's GeoEnvironmental staff, Transportation Program Management Director, and key Design-Build Team members. Sites of concern within the proposed right of way that are noted in the GeoEnvironmental Pre-Scoping Comments and 3/14/2018 Addendum, and any other sites identified by the Design-Build Team during the right of way consultation, shall be investigated by the Department. The Department shall require 90 days from the date of the consultation to investigate and provide Right of Way Recommendations. The Right of Way Consultation shall occur prior to 11 Revised 4/25/17 the Design Build Team making offers to purchase the right of way on these sites of concern. The Design-Build Team shall adhere to all Right of Way Branch procedures regarding the acquisition of contaminated property and any Right of Way Acquisition Recommendations provided by the Department. After the parcels with identified contamination and/or underground storage tanks (USTs) are acquired and cleared of all existing above ground structural improvements, the Department shall remove all USTs from the right of way within 60 days of notification that the structures have been removed. Contaminated soil shall be removed by the Department to the limits necessary to complete the construction project. All remaining contaminated soil shall be left in place and undisturbed. Response to Question 16— Floodplain There are no FEMA regulated floodplains impacted by the R-5777A&B project. The proposed U-5713 project would impact 0.20 acres of the Zone AE floodplain (i.e., 100-year floodplain) within the construction limits. The Selected Alternative would not result in substantial encroachment to regulatory floodplains and are not expected to increase the extent or level of flood hazard risk. NCDOT will coordinate with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and local authorities in the final design stage of the project to ensure compliance with applicable floodplain management ordinances. Response to Question 22 — Changes in Access Control For the R-5777A&B project, full control of access will be acquired along U.S. 70, including the ramps and intersecting roads where new interchanges are being proposed (i.e., Taberna Way and Thurman Road). The full control of access along these intersecting roads will extend from the proposed interchange to the proposed service road intersections. On the U-5713 project, the following full control of access (measured from the ramp centerlines) is proposed: Williams Road Interchange West side of U.S. 70—to service road (approx. 315 feet) East side of U.S. 70 —approx. 490 feet Airport Road Interchange West side of U.S. 70—to service roads (approx. 320 feet) East side of U.S. 70 —to Old Cherry Point Road (approx. 600 feet) Grantham Road Interchange West side of U.S. 70—to service road on south side of Grantham Road (appox. 355 feet) East side of U.S. 70 —to Old Cherry Point Road (approx. 270 feet) Response to Question 24— Maintenance of Traffic The proposed modifications to U.S. 70 would be constructed within an existing roadway network; as such, temporary delays associated with construction are anticipated. All construction operations would be scheduled to keep traffic delay minimized. All safeguards, safety devices, protective equipment, and any other actions reasonably necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job, the safety of the public, and the property connected with performance of the work would be applied. The construction of the project is anticipated to be handled through the Design-Build process. As such, the Design-Build Team will be required to maintain traffic as required in the TMP scope of work and other components of the RFP that relate to traffic maintenance. Adhering to North Carolina's standards will also be required for this project. 12 Revised 4/25/17 Response to Question 28 —Traffic Noise Based on the preliminary Traffic Noise Report (TNR), there will be 62 noise receptor impacts as a result of the proposed improvements (30 impacts associated with U-5713 and 32 impacts associated with R-5777A&B). This evaluation partially completes the highway traffic noise requirements of 23 CFR 772. The TNR, once approved, will identify areas where noise abatement is likely--- that is, where it preliminarily meets feasibility and reasonableness criteria. Upon approval of the TNR, the results of that report, including updated impacts and the likely abatement locations, will be made available via the U-5713 Project website (www.ncdot.gov/projects/US70_JamesCity/) and will also be mentioned in an upcoming project newsletter that will be sent prior to the final round of public meetings later in 2018. Additionally, hard copies of the TNR will be available for review during these public meetings and Traffic Noise experts will be in attendance to address any questions or concerns from the public. Final noise wall recommendations will be based on the analysis done during final design and reported in the Design Noise Report. The final decision on installation of noise abatement shall be made upon completion of project final design, the public involvement process, and compliance with NCDOT Policy. 13 Revised 4/25/17 H. Project Commitments Craven County US 70 Corridor Improvements From the Neuse River Bridge to East of Thurman Road (S.R. 1116) Federal Project No. *NHPP-0070(182) [*U-5713 portion only] WBS Nos. 50111.1.FS1, 44648.1.2 & 44648.1.3 STIP Nos. U-5713, R-5777A & R-5777B Hazardous Materials (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • Sites of concern within the proposed right of way that are noted in the GeoEnvironmental Pre-Scoping Comments and 3/14/2018 Addendum, and any other sites identified by the Design-Build Team during the right of way consultation, shall be investigated by the Department. The Department shall require 90 days from the date of the consultation to investigate and provide Right of Way Recommendations. The Right of Way Consultation shall occur prior to the Design Build Team making offers to purchase the right of way on these sites of concern. The Design-Build Team shall adhere to all Right of Way Branch procedures regarding the acquisition of contaminated property and any Right of Way Acquisition Recommendations provided by the Department. After the parcels with identified contamination and/or underground storage tanks (USTs) are acquired and cleared of all existing above ground structural improvements, the Department shall remove all USTs from the right of way within 60 days of notification that the structures have been removed. Contaminated soil shall be removed by the Department to the limits necessary to complete the construction project. All remaining contaminated soil shall be left in place and undisturbed. FEMA Floodplains and Floodways (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to a FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division will submit sealed as-built construction plans to the NCDOT Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. NC Floodplain Mapping Program (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team, NCDOT Hydraulics Unit) • NCDOT will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), the delegated state agency for administering FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program, to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Reconnection of Elder Street/Removal of Existing Pedestrian Bridge/Addition of Sidewalks (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • The designs for both projects have been developed to accommodate input from the James City Environmental Justice (EJ) community, which has been impacted by transportation projects implemented over the last several decades that separated neighborhoods. The following commitments have been incorporated into the designs to mitigate the impacts to the surrounding communities: o a new bridge on U.S. 70 over Elder Street that allows for a reconnection of Elder Street o dismantling the existing pedestrian overpass bridge o inclusion of sidewalks along both sides of the following roadways: ■ Elder Street ■ Williams Road ■ Airport Road ■ Grantham Road These designs need to be retained through the Design-Build process and into the construction phase to avoid adverse and disproportionate impacts to the James City community. Minimum Horizontal Clearance (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • To mitigate the impacts created by the proposed retaining walls and interchanges, the proposed designs will incorporate wider openings to allow for bicycles and pedestrians to pass underneath. A minimum of 14 feet from the edge of travel to the front of the barrier or end bent wall will be required under bridges for this project. The six bridges are: o Elder Street o Williams Road o Airport Road o Grantham Road o Taberna Way o Thurman Road Removal of the Norfolk Southern At-Grade Spur Line Railroad Track (NCDOT Division 2, NCDOT Rail Division, Design-Build Team) • NCDOT will continue to coordinate with the North Carolina Railroad, Norfolk Southern, and the Dixie Chemical Company regarding the removal of the at-grade rail spur that crosses U.S. 70 in the vicinity of the Neuse River Bridge. This at-grade crossing will be removed as part of the proposed project. Cultural Resources (NCDOT Archaeological Group, Division 2, Design-Build Team) • New Bern Battlefield Earthworks (CV2055) Project activities within the existing right of way on the east side of U.S. 70 will impact the earthworks, however a finding of no adverse effect will be established when the commitments detailed below are fulfilled: 1. Construction activities will not impact any land outside (east of) the existing ROW (all land within 35 meters (115 feet) of the U.S. 70 pavement). 2. Archaeological survey will be conducted within the existing ROW from the earthworks north to a small drainage valley, a distance of approximately 273 meters (900 feet). The survey will consist of the excavation of shovel tests at a 15-meter (50-foot) interval within the existing ROW. 3. A metal detector survey will be conducted within the existing ROW along the east side of U.S. 70 from the earthworks north to a small drainage valley. The metal detector survey will be followed by shovel tests placed at each positive reading. 4. The earthworks will be examined by excavation of a trench across it. The cross- section will be recorded with a measured drawing and photographs. 5. The results of the survey/testing will be provided in a report that will be reviewed by NCDOT and HPO/OSA staff. 6. No staging or storage of equipment and materials will occur within the National Register boundary and corresponding vicinity of the newly identified earthworks section. 7. Tree protection will be installed along the ROW during construction. 8. To ensure avoidance of the earthworks, protective fencing will be installed defining its boundary. A member of the NCDOT Archaeology Group (Caleb Smith,919-707- 6086) will assist with the installation of this protective fencing. • On-going Archaeological Surveys NCDOT will conduct the required archaeological survey for R-5777AB in several areas where high archaeological potential has been identified along each side of U.S. 70. Continued Coordination and Outreach (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • School Buses Because 23 school buses utilize U.S. 70 and intersecting streets, making 46 trips each school day, it is recommended that the Design Build Team coordinate with Craven County Schools (252-514-6377) prior to any construction that may result in substantial delays for school buses. • Craven Area Regional Transit It is possible that Craven Area Regional Transit (CARTS) will be operating a fixed route transit system that serves the entire New Bern Urbanized Area by the time that construction is scheduled to begin. Therefore, it is recommended that the Design Build Team contact CARTS (252-636-4917) prior to construction to determine if service is being provided within the project study area, and if so, coordinate regarding detours and construction delays that may impact service. • Business Outreach and Bike MS It is recommended that the Design Build Team coordinate with the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce (252-637-3111) regarding outreach to businesses in the project study area, and to the Bike MS organizers (FundraisingSupport(aD-nmss.org) prior to project construction. • Fire/EMS Outreach It is recommended that the Design Build Team coordinate with local emergency service providers, including No. 7 Township Fire and Rescue (252-637-2779) and Craven County Emergency Services (252-636-6608), regarding potential detour routes, and prior to any construction that may result in substantial delays for emergency vehicles. • Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point U.S. 70 is a designated STRAHNET route and serves military commuters. Because the project is expected to have temporary impacts on mobility during construction, it is recommended that the Design Build Team coordinate with the Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point (252-466-2811) prior to project construction. Traffic Noise (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build team) • Once the Traffic Noise Report is approved, the areas where noise abatement preliminarily meets feasibility and reasonableness criteria will be reported to the public by way of the U- 5713 Project website (www.ncdot.gov/projects/US70 JamesCity/) and will also be mentioned in an upcoming project newsletter that will be sent prior to the final round of public meetings later in 2018. Additionally, hard copies of the TNR will be available for review during these public meetings and Traffic Noise experts will be in attendance to address any questions or concerns from the public. Northern long-eared bat (NCDOT Division 2, Design-Build Team) • Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), USACE, and NCDOT for NLEB in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Craven County, where TIP U-5713 and R-5777A&B are located. This level of incidental take is authorized from the effective date of a final listing determination through April 30, 2020. I. Categorical Exclusion Approval STIP Project No. U-5713 and R-5777A&B WBS Element 50111.1.FS1, 44648.1.2 & 44648.1.3 Federal Project No. *NHPP-0070(182) [*U-5713 portion only] Prepared By: ocigned by: 7/2/2018 E6al; "l6" Date Craig M. Young, PE; Senior Project Manager Three Oaks Engineering, Inc. Prepared For: United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways NCDOT certifies that the proposed action qualifies as a Type III Categorical Exclusion. DocuSigned by: ,�,,}; 7/2/2018 E ^ L". 6" Sn�canFnas141c' Date John G. Conforti, REM; Senior Project Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation —Technical Services Unit FHWA Approval: DocuSigned by: 7/2/2018 naFnnnnana Date John F. Sullivan, III, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 18 Revised 4/25/17 FIGURES F J Gt 4 )J I%' i Iro [;n Bridgeton -�"�-�PAMLICO COUNTY � Bri dgr[dn1New BernA ew Bernwc.ok rTrent Woods River Bend1r-f- ,�r "' s i i 4Project Propose {� CRAVEN COUNTY '\ r ti Minnesott Beach s Rd a G.een Say` a duo � Rd paip• g o = Reyansl Aurporl gd A4rpar[R y. +� .t•„ Cherry point s; �� Rd o Havelock M p anon a or n v el o[k C°nner Groni Rtl s i Cmaran NatmM1Ji serr°o'n - ` 0 1 2 4 �co Rp 5 �r ? ,aA vr4 E 4d J6,,,' H��n �� Miles _ E r. Y tlpN°flTH Cq VICINITY MAP N I County: CRAVEN cw 9OGy NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENTS TO US 70 Figure OF TRANSPORTATION FROM SR 1121 GARNER RD Div: 2 TIP#U-5713 c DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND TO NEUSE RIVER BRIDGE WBS: 50111.1.FS1 °F TRpN ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT JAMES CITY, CRAVEN COUNTY�FNT �'Qo Date: APRIL 2015 TIP PROJECT U-5713 II / 1 t 'l� Grantsboro Bridgeton �-�- New Bern ew PA M L ICO hpni.wood.' '` ' C O U NTY � Riv tl Bend Trent Woods - River Benda_-l"\ 1 JJ 1 4 Proposed Project C RAVEN r_ C O U NTY Minnesott Beach a d r �� 2 Tic' V a is luh F-i.. h.... Tadema CIF Cherry Pant op Havelock �lrosma" Long raF-- 3 -i121iJ©.n V A oafan Havelock u p � ; o. rJatnnal Fvron Lgtl.. F ,Hsi �� .2 0 1 2 4 Al %l y rvlh l..l. Miles °F NORTH Cq VICINITY MAP County: CRAVEN y 9O�q NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT US 70 INTERCHANGES Fi R_s��� OF TRANSPORTATION Div: 2 STIP# nae gure z DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TABERNA WAY AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND E. THURMAN RD WBS:44648.1.2/44648.1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT 'OF TRpHSQc JAMES CITY, CRAVEN COUNTY STIP PROJECT R-5777 A&B Date: SEPT2017 Nof IA¢arH q w 9n p n Zr it AS. 1Ra Si ro ��•YTOF 7Rp�5Qo V 4 � C0 Cq Oz Q ti g zLL C7 u014WA r tr U z z C0 46 n d�4? z00a ualf��15 m' m S °v rr ❑ C7 w a ° a �. 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Parcels(2017) p� O Proposed Edge of Travel Proposed Utility Easement Streams-Delineated Figure Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Slopestake(Cut) Surface Waters-Delineated Proposed Concrete Barrier Proposed Slopestake(Fill) Wetlands-Delineated 0.%Rd 2 Proposed Guardrail Proposed Concrete Island Sheet 1 of 3 Source: Esri, Digital Globe,GeoEye,Earthstar Ge`ographics,CNES/Airbus D�, USDA, USG ,Aerd, I,, IGN,alnd the GIS.User Community a F pDF47ry _ � grQi oQ• �� - '� r1•� C� F,yT OF 7RP��'Q e V CO r 0a o i 4 �i Ter�I z a) i 1� e _ ,, ha/fir 0 z a V w� zz a 0 .� -- -- — CO Oww > WWI LY 0 7 +� j # U) S CO i r ti r, �wr n� (♦" �I , fir. +� Q H lY lY r •r� „ J Z m � , W � _ _�-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W O 0 W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - Zoo 7U H U) WOu7 - - - - - - - __--____- —= i _- - _ -- wo � W Q � 00 * LL a da A IL � rL ► 0 175 350 Feet r r By: �. C ROWELLS FCRAVEN untyto V ■ r � Div: STIP# Legend � � 2 U-5713 U-5713 Project Study Area Proposed Right of Way NRHP Resources ' z , Date: JUNE 2018 Proposed Roadway Bridge Proposed Construction Easement Craven Co. Parcels(2017) = F ` G) 1 m CD 0 Proposed Edge of Travel Proposed Utility Easement Streams-Delineated N r m Mich Dr Figure Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Slopestake(Cut) Surface Waters-Delineated Ap CD Proposed Concrete Barrier - - - - Proposed Slopestake(Fill) Wetlands-Delineated 2 Proposed Guardrail — Proposed Concrete Island • Sheet 2 of 3 Source. Esri, D'igitaIGl0obe,GeoEye,Earthsf Geographi'cs~CNEFS/Air ws,DS, USDA, U=G AeroGRID, IGN,and the GI' User Community L pF pDRTH�4 Qa �`MW� Or a r�FNT OF 7RPN�'QOQ' co, CO Z Q O V_ � ZaLL _ Kennedy Dr 0 z z CO ` �r �� � _ o W 0 > -Dr S z o 0 0 Airline �..MW Scott St ��' Brooks Dr Qi��i ` _ J End Project � o W z g ~ �_ Brown Dr • � � , � W z L_ WO U spud ey St __ - o z a UJ a 70 _ _ - - - - - r � 0 — — — — — — — ors A-M �'i�i � Old Cherry poin �� � •�• -.ARM , 0 175 350 vi a Feet + Nlilliams St N ► C ROWELLS County: } r CRAVEN J. I �Jai1 St Div: STIP# Legend i` �! ' _ �" 2 U-5713 >� I U-5713 Project Study Area Proposed Right of Way NRHP Resources - N-' Date: _ JUNE 2018 Proposed Roadway Bridge Proposed Construction Easement Craven Co. Parcels(2017) Proposed Edge of Travel Proposed Utility Easement Streams-Delineated Figure Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Slopestake(Cut) Surface Waters-Delineated to, Proposed Concrete Barrier Proposed Slopestake(Fill) Wetlands-Delineated 2 Proposed Guardrail - Proposed Concrete Island Sheet 3 of 3 Source. Esri, DigitalGlobe,GeoEye Earhhsfar Geographies,CNE /Airbus DS, USDA, U'G',AeroGRJD, IGN,and the GI' User Community n d pRFiTry C49 f� •L °A �r�'"V 9r��HTOF 7Rp�5Qo�� u,r:ny a�` ?� Id Ira Nore,y r py Z } �p u 0 w% r? n u 13.n 0 W Z a LL y e� Q W Cl) 0 U � zz apPo trd�4 S Q 0 OWLL > o� t' z a 0 a ay sa n Q qr - _ .frM atleps,ptrM n . 3 F7randyti a `0 AV Wral7 ❑ m - End Project 06 Q � wzQ� < 06 Begin Project T �` � w � � w � ti (0 U LLI 70 (n > - 2Q 0 W O H (� U H N 70 p � x0 z LLJ U 1 a0' w � W � 00 a of sn CV It P irod uAaa3❑,a o O Q U 0_ (n 1k, 0_ ' w a a tY 0 ~ '= U) m s LL p 3 $ r o A a o v ? s 7=1 p a S S 4 y+ a d N�oga♦fl° z A Aga PIO i d 47 Pro uyy7 Pro .. a PPy to iod Ana,* -1ok A 8 i 'S a 49 a rH „ 6 ,,�•= 0 550 1,100 = ,s op Feet _ c e Yl]+ By: ROWELLS ' n Pa Ao lxai, A antl s„as n[^ r ,u+o��ea County: S oe� r � CRAVEN Div: STIP# 2 R-5777A&B A u G "p6 Date: JUNE 2018 i1"'a m6 IO a Iv 4+,p n�a H 'POO, Figure 2 Sources:Esri, HERE,Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P,NRCan, Esri Japan,METI,Esri China(Hong Kong),Esri Korea,Esri(Thailand), Sheet Index NGCC,©OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community c J LC of IA¢FITH cq �w 9n Z y ro #"� Laura Dr G P 9 l: 9 AQ 9r��HTOF 7RPN�'QOQ• ZQ O O O _ � zau_ w p . - U CO z 0 CO Owu_ >_ z a 0 a Begin Project x. I�-w z i�i�•r _ - U) W o - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70 z w Q r rr� - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ,- - - _ j - _ -JJ1I - i `tea�� V z N /LOy ■, � d � LLJN w (W) r r• /', 0U) 0 Ct) � F LLO _ r / O/ harry Poin _ — t Legend 0 150 300 Feet R-5777AB Project Study Area Proposed Slopestake(Cut) - a By: Proposed Roadway Bridge - - - - Proposed Slopestake(Fill) C ROWELLS Proposed Edge of Pavement Proposed Slopestake(Transition) _ FCRAVEN unty Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Right of Way R-5777A&B Proposed Concrete Barrier Proposed Construction Easement � p Date: Proposed Retaining Wall Craven Co. Parcels (2017) ' i f rT JUNE 2018 Proposed Guardrail Streams-Delineated 6 Figure Proposed Asphalt Removal Surface Waters-Delineated - Proposed Concrete Island Wetlands-Delineated 2°' { NRHP Resources Sheet 1 of 3 Source: Esn. D,igitalGlobe,GeoEye;Earthsfar Geographies,C E /Airbus D'�, U:SDrA, USG AeroGRID, IGN,and the GI= User Community of pRFi7ry Cq G N y G ^ N c � q p CD _ _ - - r�FNT OF 7RPN�'QOQ• CO Z a 1= Q O 2 Z H 0 — —`` - y. _ U Z 0 F H Q CO \ OWIL > 1` z a 0 a �� QHWZQY Q � OURup M 40,4 \\ 1 A ' * S ~ a � wNL , b 2 0- Wmemo00 U-1 o- Q � � Op A' CD ' Legend �. R-5777AB Project Study Area Proposed Slopestake(Cut) Feet a _ G Proposed Roadway Bridge Proposed Slopestake(Fill) By: C ROWELLS O - Proposed Edge of Pavement Proposed Slopestake(Transition) County: Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Right of Way CRAVEN � ir ��� • T Proposed Concrete Barrier Proposed Construction Easement Div: STIP# �4i `gWee� �,� r nil 2 R-5777A&B �Q -ale Proposed Retaining Wall Craven Co. Parcels (2017) Date: Proposed Guardrail Streams-Delineated JUNE 2018 Proposed Asphalt Removal Surface Waters-Delineated Figure s ��..•� Proposed Concrete Island Wetlands-Delineated 4 � NRHP Resources 2 Sheet 2 of 3 So ree! Esri, DigitalGiobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographies;CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, ; GS„AerOGRID, IGN,and the GIS User Community r tk,x - r—�- ppft7ry n r �� Doi' c � �.r.• ,., ,�_ Nygn�Rd , �� oe 49% C rC a F� r y m ■ . _ - TOF7RP civil-4 Pkwy ;, CO rd Z Q O Z H C7 Z a a QWU) O �. U Z Z y End Project x Q O Owa �- - - 66.: 70 H p_ oZS W 2 Z j Ln 't LLJWOE ~ �? � U � X U2acm - > O � 0 < Ua � Q (0 O F m O� u_ U) LLO I Legend r 0 150 300 ti w Feet R-5777AB Project Study Area Proposed Slopestake(Cut) tP 0 By: Proposed Roadway Bridge Proposed Slopestake(Fill) ' . ► C ROWELLS m • Proposed Edge of Pavement Proposed Slopestake(Transition) - � County: CRAVEN Proposed Concrete 4in Sidewalk Proposed Right of Way " Div: STIP# 2 R-5777A&B Proposed Concrete Barrier Proposed Construction Easement - _ � � '1 Date: Proposed Retaining Wall Craven Co. Parcels (2017) ` � JUNE 2018 Proposed Guardrail Streams-Delineated ``- -- Figure Proposed Asphalt Removal Surface Waters-Delineated 'F Cherry point�Rd � It Z - Proposed Concrete Island Wetlands-Delineated �3 Did N NRHP Resources op �o Sheet 3 of 3 �4 �ry o rce. Esri, DigitalGlobe,OMMPye,Earhhe4ar Geographies,C E-/Airbus DS, USDA, U=G�,AeroGRID, IGN,and the GI' User Community APPENDIX Frajecl Tracking N&(holerrral Use) 15-08-0021 iR1 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES f � r, ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5713 County: Craven WBS No.: 50111.1.1 Document Type: Fed.Aid No: N HPP-0070(182) Funding: State X Federal Federal X Yes ❑No Permit Not specified in review request Permits : Typ e(s): Project Description: Improvements to US 70 from SR 1121 (Garner Road) to the Neuse River Bridge in James City (no off-site detour specified in review request). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW DEscRIPTIoNOFRE VIE WACTIVITIES RESULTS A"CONCLUSIONS:ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF U-5713 BEGAN AS A STANDARD TIP PROJECT, AND CAME TO BE REDEFINED UNDER THE PA. IN MARCH 2O16 NCDOT —HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE ENGAGED NEW SOUTH ASSOCIATES TO CARRY OUT A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY OF THE STUDY AREA. OF THE 222 RESOURCES RECORDED, 13 WARRANTED FURTHER INVESTIGATION (ELIGIBILITY REVIEW JULY 2016 BY HPO AND NCDOT). IN JULY 2016 NEW SOUTH COMMENCED RESEARCH AND EVALUATION AND PRESENTED FINDINGS IN A JANUARY 2017 TECHNICAL REPORT(AVAILABLE ON CONNECT NCDOT(HTTPS:IICONNECT,NCDOT.GOV). IN MARCH OF 2017, HPO CONCURRED THAT THE PILGRIM CHAPEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH (CV0396),THE JONES CHAPEL AME ZION CHURCH (CV1902),AND THE MEADOWS CEMETERY(CV2783)ARE ELIGIBLE FOR LISTING IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER AND THE MT. SHILOH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH (CV2050) RETAINS THE ELEMENTS FOR WHICH IT WAS NR-LISTED. HPO ALSO AGREED TO THE ESTABLISHED AND PROPOSED NR BOUNDARIES FOR EACH PROPERTY. AN EFFECTS CONSULTATION IS REQUIRED TO ADDRESS HOW THE PROJECT MAY AFFECT EACH OF THE FOUR PROPERTIES. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Mt. Shiloh Missionary Status: NR Baptist Church survey site No.: CV2050 PIN: 7-005-0613 Effects X No Effect ❑No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Proposed construction activities will neither physically, nor visually impact the property. Church is located just outside the northern end Of the APE; several streets and multiple properties intervene between the church and US 70. Hi.rrorrc A+chrrucnrre wid 1,andLseape-+IiFF ECY S ASSIE,'NWIiA17'foun fin AInFor 1'rcrlaparlrrrrorr l'rojecis as Quralifred in rlre 20071'rogr rr+rrrrcrrir Agrverrrenr. Page 1 of 4 List of Environmental Commitments: - FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(f): ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Pilgrim Chapel Status: DE Missionary Baptist Church Survey Site No.: CV0396 PIN.- 7-006-129 Effects X No Effect ❑ No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Proposed construction activities, including demolition of pedestrian bridge over US 70 and the Elder Street crossing improvements, will neither physically, nor visually impact the property. List of Environmental Commitments: - FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties,Pursuant to Section 4(f): ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Jones Chapel AME Zion Straus: DE Church Survey Site No.: CV1902 PIN., 7-006-019 Effects X No Effect ❑ No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Proposed construction activities, including demolition of pedestrian bridge over US 70 and the Elder Street crossing improvements, will neither physically, nor visually impact the property. Improvements to Elder street to be confined to the block east of the church, between Brown Drive and US 70. Hivoric Archiiecrrrre and Landscalvs lit TIi['7 5 A55I SSM1iNI jorrrr jnr Minor Trallsporrahon h7vjrcn as Orml ped in the 2007 Programmatic Agr omeru. Page 2 of 4 List of Environmental Commitments: - FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis"finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(0: ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Meadows Cemetery Status: DE Survey Site No.: CV2783 PIN: 7-009-IO2 Effects - - X No Effect ❑No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Proposed construction activities, including creation of a service road to the east of the cemetery, will neither physically, nor visually impact the property. Brown Drive improvements will not alter or impede access to the cemetery entrance. List offnvironmental Commitments: - FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the fallowing properties, pursuant to Section 4(f): Technical report and photographs on file NCDOT- Historic Architecture and NCHPO Historic Archaecrnre and Lanchcapes l FFEC?S ASSESSMENT form for Minor Transporlcrrion Prnjeas as Qrwlifred in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement, Page 3 of 4 FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(0: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. Photos ❑Correspondence Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Histor' Architecture and Landscapes—ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS NCDOT Architectural Historian Date :" - 3 .20- 19 State Historic Preservation Office Represen live Date Federal Agency Representative Date Hislorrc Architecture and Landseapes EF EC'n AZ SSML•NT farm forMotor Dorrsporrarior Projeem as Qualified im the 2007 Programmatic Agreement Page 4 of 4 btu.STATE,, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M.Bartos,Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Office of Archives and History Secretary Susan Kluttz Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry May 28,2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Richard W. Hancock, P.E.,Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit NCDOT Division of Highways FROM: Ramona M. Bartos P%+ '`'a_m_uo` SUBJECT: Start of Study for Improvements to US 70 from SR 1121 to Neuse River Bridge,U-5713, Craven County, ER 15-0988 Thank you for your letter of April 20, 2015, start of study letter for the above-referenced project. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area. Based on our knowledge of the area,it is unlikely that any archaeological resources that may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the project. We, therefore,recommend that no archaeological investigation be conducted in connection with this project. As there has been no architectural survey work in the study area since 2001,we recommend that NCDOT undertake an architectural survey of any properties over fifty years of age in the Area of Potential Effects. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.reviewgncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project,please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr,NCDOT,mfurr&ncdot.gov Matt Wilkerson,NCDOT,mtwilkerson(kncdot.gov Location:109 East Jones Street,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax:(919)807-6570/807-6599 Aojecl Tracking No.(Inlevaal Use) 17-09-0015 17-09-0016 U. HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES F ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM Supercedes form dated 20 March 2018 This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: R-5777A&B County: Craven WBS No.: 44648.1.1 Document Type.- Fed.Aid No: Funding: X State ❑ Federal Federal X Yes ❑ No Permit Not specified in review request Permits : Typ e(s): Proiect Description: Convent SR 1922 (Taherna Way) and SR 1116 (West and East Thurman Road)/US 70 at-grade intersections to interchanges (no off-site detour specified in review request). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW DESCRIPTION OF REVIEWACTIVITIES,RESULTS,AND CONCLUSIDNS:HPOWeb reviewed on 17 October 2017 and yielded one NR, two SS, and no DE, SL, or Li] properties in the Area of Potential Effects(APE). APE equates with the study area provided in the review request(see attached map). Northern end of study area partially overlies that of the U-5713 project. Craven County current GIs mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a mostly developed APE containing about 215 built resources, of which about 79%are residential in use and about 34% predate 1970 (viewed 17 October 2017). The pre-1970s resources are unexceptional (many altered) examples of their types. The previously recorded Service Station (CV2782) and House(CV2716)were determined ineligible for the National Register by the 2017 architectural study for the U-5713 project, a finding that remains valid. Part of the National Register-listed New Bern Battlefield Site (CV2055) lies within the study area(also within a possible permit area), and thus impacts of the project on the resource must be considered and discussed with the state historic preservation office and United States Army Corps of Engineers(see attached aerial maps). Google Maps"Street View"and other visuals confirmed the presence and relative placement of the historic architectural and landscape resources in the APE (viewed 17 October 2017). The comprehensive county architectural survey(1980-3) recorded no properties in the APE, but did reference the Battle of New Bern (Peter B.Sandbeck, The HWoricArchitecture of New Hem and Craven County,No&Carolina(New Bern:Tryon Palace Commission, 1988)). Of later studies, only that for the U-5713 project identified any resources in the APE as noted above. The A and B sections of the R-5777 project generated separate review requests, and this form is filed with each and pertains to both. This form supersedes that dated 20 March 2018 and documents the finding established at a 15 May 2018 effects consultation necessitated by the revised boundary for the New Bern Battlefield Site (CV2055). ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: New Bern Battlefield Status: NR Site Survey Site No.: CV2055 PIN: Multiple Effects ❑ No Effect X No Adverse Effect ❑Adverse Effect Historic Architecture and Lanelscapee 1 FFECEN A&V SSWN'!'form for Minor Trmtsporlalion Projects as Qualified m the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 2 lrxst ivn of Me cis Ueter►rtir�utiyn: Proper constM_*n! tied v4iil i itifi `#itys€tally nor ��.P-O-. '10: : 1 ui5ually imps .tlie;main part l: ea atianal=l is l'pmperty..fqd f s of 415- ViSua i eeonnaissae,sf the APE by AiIT-Archaeiicy3 March z :f1 west errd 4f the earthworks t15 7o to lie Wititln the existir�g,U ;7fl Rt�1N. Weil@ Icair�ed wihtri the NR boundary[s��cli liy,the diyritiguaus part of tFie NR property i t'Us- t the eligibility of the. newly identiffed,sWIon of e�fk'bwori�5!s rrpt q q scion and is cot�sidererl pad of the resource subject to :effe t5 review. V eit activity wlthir-the enistirlg i�QW m the easts�le of US 7Q will irripa tiie --ea orks. out a finding'of no adverse effect may'i�e:established if tie i rhltment�deco€led below are ysf dif ylrnrrrri ental Cnm nil ►�; aristrudion aci l l ;S�Nill oat limpact a4 iarid outside �,-.. ( st j file existing R41N(all lain. thin 35 meters(t.15 feet}-of the eUS 7.0p rrerrlerif). Arclaogloglcal:si�ruey will be rtducted within the existing iiC�VJ frpifr'iiia eertf3works north to a small curve will consist of the drainage valley,a distance:bf approximately 273:meters(900 feet),'I y excavation of syel tests at 6 .15 (50-A*)JnterVal within the; ting ROW, 3.-.A:metal detector survey:will be coed.udted.A(k the:'eAting ROW.along the east side of US 70 from the earthworks north to a$rrti li'drainage iraiiey; The:rnetal detector.suNey will be followed by shovel tests placed at each positlye iMing. 4. the earthworks will be:examined by excavation of a trench across it The cross-section will be recorded with a measured drawing and photogrh S. The results of the sunveyJtesting will ice provi lid in a re*t6. wld be reviewed by NCDOT and HPO/OSA staff, 6. No staging or storage ofequipmimt And.mAtefials will occirf WW6the NR boundary and corresponding vicinity of the newly Identified�r hworks sqC lon, 7. Tree protectlon will be Installed along the 11MV.during eta rgCtlaA. FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation CN.fi-0-concurrence as a basis for a"de minimis"finding for the.following properties;pursuant to Sect'inn-4.(t): --- SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION- - X Map(s) []Previous Survey Info. Photos --Correspondence Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC-PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture arid-Landscapes— SESSMENT OF EFFECTS ��. NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Q -- t State Historic'Preservation Office Represen ' Date. Federal Agency Representative Date Movic ArchdEclure and1,aridscapes 5AMC7SASS6SSAd!FJ�janr+for MGrdr Y}nxspm7nrran Pro�scrs Rs Qe}Ilfred at r;e7P07 Progrvnrxralic dgre�rirenr. Page 2 of 2 Grantsboro Widgeton v , , New Bern 1< � Gop C C � NTY 1 1 Rm]twoods 4 � Rlver Belxl �I I. Trent Woods 4a.- �°' River Bends'_ i, I .. Proposed Project j' C R A VEN C O � NTY'.. Minnesott Beach a ter. s �a S a 1i w,ky 1 Club ' lahewo Cir yIF7 ❑henry Pdn1 Havelock ,N 111u1maR 5�A'* I,nq Lilo . r6i L wai, !i ivelock � O �lailtl 3 Y F,• r�.,:r 1, n n 0 1 Z 4 a�.aP o n 1 a F:Ilia t,k Mlles VICINITY MAP County" CRAVEN ti NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT US 70 INTERCHANGES FI urID OF TRANSPORTATION TABERNA WAY AND Div 2 STIP# e� DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS y P PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND E. THURMAN RB WBS:44648.1.2144648.1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT Date: SEPT 2017 JAM ES CITY,CRAVEN COUNTY r OF I%" STIP PROJECT R-5777 A&B —Ty -cy,i V1 MOE;. Jq- -0e%--C)C)J5+ ---p0l b 411 . Y. .. T� V� '`�� iC9 F ir£ it �wi���._ k �.. .�: 2' �•�"try � ��+ "� �' '� E Y i. 5 �' ' ��� 2 �i. ,r•� R �K�� _ : �o,,�. � �:• ' r ;.. t .� ' Wry. Ah� iJ4' �� 2 y2���� ''f� iMA y �. - c • M ' r■ 7. SL € ' New Bern r. Battlefield Site . .. v205 (C 5j � . r Add National Register Boundary — New Bern Battlefield Site (CV2055) Please note: property contains two discontiguous sections. R-5777A&B, Craven County Base map: HPOWeb, nts NMOT—Historic Architecture October 2017 Tracking Nos. 17-09-0015 and 17-09-0016 rA C V . r ' New. Bern x ; Ba' ttlefieI4 Site r ���'��SS--�►�Bi ' .�- 17 w sr N All in R-5777A&B US 70 Intersection Improvements Craven County WBS No. 44648.1.1 Design Detail, May 2018 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 o4 "�. .. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not 6 FM , valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: R-5777a County: Craven FEDERAL CATEGORICAL WBS No: 44648.1.2 Document: EXCLUSION Federal Aid No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: Project Description: NOTE: This is an update of the Archaeological Survey Required form submitted on 10/23/2017. Convert at-grade intersection of US 70 and Taberna Way to a restricted interchange in Craven County. Area of Potential Effects (A.P.E.) is approximately 4,103 meters (13,461 ft.) long and between 100-273 meters (328-894 ft.) wide. The A.P.E. (for this project as well as R-5777B) stretches along US 70 from Garner Rd. south to a point approximately 1,719 meters (5,638 ft.) south of Thurman Rd. It encompasses possible interchanges at US 70 and Taberna Way (R- 5777A) and US 70 and Thurman Rd. (R-5777B; see PA 17-09-0016). (This A.P.E. is longer and narrower than the October 2017 study area.) The project is State-funded, may require Federal permits, and will not require easements. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES REVIEW: SURVEYREQUIRED Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The original review (October 2017) included an examination of a topographic map, the Craven County soil survey, an aerial photograph, and listings of previously recorded sites, previous archaeological surveys, and previous environmental reviews at the Office of State Archaeology (O.S.A.). US 70 is oriented approximately north-south. The topographic map (New Bern, N.C.) shows the landforms in the A.P.E. are mostly upland flats. The A.P.E. does include the headwaters of several tributary streams of Brice Creek which is located to the west of US 70. The level, well-drained uplands adjacent to the tributaries have some potential for prehistoric archaeological sites. The uplands away from water have less potential. The October 2017 review identified five areas within the large study area that had potential for archaeological sites. The current review of the Craven County soil survey shows there are eight soil types in the A.P.E. The majority of the acreage (approx. 60%) within the A.P.E. is poorly-drained soil. Four of the soil types are described as poorly-drained, while four are described as well-drained. The soil types within the A.P.E. are: `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 Craven silt loam(14% slopes)-moderately well-drained(13%) Exum silt loam (0-2% slopes)-moderately well-drained(13%) Goldsboro loamy fine sand(0-2% slopes)-moderately well-drained(7%) Granthan silt loam-poorly-drained(13%) Leaf silt loam-poorly-drained(37%) Masontown mucky find sandy loam, frequently-flooded-very poorly-drained(1%) Rains fine sandy loam(0-2% slopes)-poorly-drained(I I%) Suffolk loamy sand(10-30% slopes)-well-drained(5%) A review of information at the O.S.A. showed no previously recorded archaeological sites within or adjacent to the large study area. The study area had not been previously surveyed for archaeological sites. There are a number of projects (ER 83-1300; ER 93-7668; ER 02-11739; ER 05-1140; ER 08-1394; ER 13-1523; ER 13-2847) within or adjacent to the study area that have been reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO). HPO did not recommend an archaeological survey for most of the projects. A survey was recommended for one project (ER 93-7668), a large development west of the A.P.E. (We could find no record that a survey had ever been conducted.) One area near the A.P.E. along the west side of US 70 and the south side of Taberna Way has been surveyed. Russ (2002) surveyed the location of the proposed Battle of New Bern Park. The survey included the future locations of a visitor's center and parking lot, and did not identify any archaeological sites. Since the time of the survey the New Bern Battlefield Park has been established as an historical park (managed by the Craven County Historical Society). It is located outside of the A.P.E., on the west side of the railroad and south of Taberna Way. Although not recorded as an archaeological site, the New Bern Battlefield Site is a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-listed site shown on the HPO web-based GIS site. The NRHP application (Brent 2001) describes it as a 98-acre site on the west side of the railroad tracks, and a narrow line of earthworks along the east side of US 70. It was listed on the NRHP in 2001. The battlefield site is located outside of the A.P.E. The southwest end of the earthworks is located within the A.P.E. The earthworks run southwest to northeast, a short distance south of and parallel with SR 1185 (Bradford Dr.). They run between US 70 at the southwest end and SR 1113 (Old Cherry Point Rd.) at the northeast end. The original study area for this project was very large in order to accommodate various alternatives for this interchange (as well as for the proposed interchange at US 70 and Thurman Road to the south [see PA 17-09-0016; R-577713]). There were several areas with archaeological potential, and these would need to be investigated if they fell within the final design. Also, the New Bern Battlefield site would be examined if the final design impacted any areas within its boundaries. The smaller A.P.E. submitted in January 2018 will impact less of the high potential areas. Most of the A.P.E. is along each side of US 70, with expanded areas at the Taberna Way and Thurman Rd. interchanges. It is likely that at least some of the areas with archaeological potential are disturbed by roadside maintenance, drainage, utilities, etc. Examination of the aerial photograph shows the one at the north end of the A.P.E. is occupied by development. However, there are five small parts of the A.P.E. that are within the archaeological potential areas, are not visibly developed or disturbed, and have well-drained soils. One of these also includes the southwest `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 end of the earthworks. As mentioned above, the NRHP-listed New Bern Battlefield site is located outside of the A.P.E. Recommend survey of the level, well-drained, undeveloped areas near water (as shown on the maps below). Determine whether the New Bern Battlefield earthworks are within the A.P.E. along the east side of US 70. References Cited Brent, Joseph E. 2001 National Register of Historic Places REgistration form for the "New Bern Battlefield Sites." Form prepared by Mudpuppy and Waterdog, Inc., Versailles, Kentucky on June 1, 2001. Russ, Terri A. 2002 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Battle of New Bern Park, Craven County,North Carolina. Report submitted to the New Bern Historical Society,New Bern, North Carolina. Phelps Archaeology Laboratory, East Carolina University, Greenville,North Carolina. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST—SURVEY REQUIRED Caleb Smith 2/26/2018 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date 5/21/2018 Proposed fieldwork completion date "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 3of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 FITT m.. ` EFAU FOwd'.0 " } AVEN PAMLICO ic,RAVEN PAMLICO T..,r woos. R n rm g J E JO 5 x.N ny CART ER ET �dlr}�.illc Mn..a JONES e CRAVEN CRAVEN .I e resod C4RTEREf ONSLO 4e Scvoes:Evi.HE MF.JP C-S,Ir*ie p in P Cad, RCAll EsrI Jayen,METI,Cn J'i.�:ypRi 9l,Esri:Thelle�d 1.h�ac yl�ae. 9treFlk i has.a name GIB Lism tarrrryrn}� - `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 4of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 TT - - - r - - - ~ - - - ' r f i , fj,., , _- Upper Broad Creek =� _ r - {: r. A.P.E. 's AM A 4 •LTlr}a•Ai ruBE�5m I ' - rpl'7977'3 rvFlc+'el L-eoprep+•ICScaebi.F `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 5of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 S � R 1 Ndarn Oeyg4 � pd `t+ 4 * S .c .v pN�n1.riC pf .IN.Roar L} � to VO P t r4 3 e v 4 6 pie 4 {} R w tli* Rpn US 70/Taberna 4 Way(R-5777A) 4gr2e .r 40 s Iri� riPir Fle�� BNLr fii.rh�in Vi NIn Yr Ji.)R4 {_ . LdT-[T S S US 70/Thurman Rd. (R-5777B) 5 F 'S Mip q ` carapo'Esri,H��CaLarno,L�SGS,7nEx noop.rvorrg7F PCarp.,NR'C71F1,�srl Jopon R+E iI,Esri CF r�no IHp Kaki,Esri fTheiLmmj. nylnd i.,a c[#`SrerrlrP mitihuna fnd i1w GIs U,--C murily `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VE Y REQ UIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 6of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 r A.P.E. Taberna Way y y• Fkww f n t �cs' • ' rS Railroad g- 0 5 73 7il ` US 70 22 w q 7. � r•XY* I + Thurman Rd. H s- I '�� lam~ -`"� ••y5 rr k •TB � 'f _ •tip nI ■ I 0 137.5275 560 825 1,100 Meters "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 7of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 A.P.E. Taberna Way w¢. US 70 r S � 1 1 4� 1 Thurman Rd. ' 0 1'�O 26C 520 780 1.040 If �Nlrl ,; "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 8of10 1' 11 ti � r a ► . t , :� -- New Bem Battlefield Ov- N earthworks / � ti �ti � � � Sr��• Y' a l ` �, sue, rr�►.'# Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0015 s 94w^ Archaeological a potential areas rr New Bern w Battlefield + r• park 45 1 New Bern "� � Battlefield _ x -_ �, 54` earthworks v F �g.t9W New Bern _ Battlefield m site g4 q + E 4� `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 10 of 10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 o4 "�. .. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not 6 FM , valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: R-5777b County: Craven FEDERAL CATEGORICAL WBS No: 44648.1.3 Document: EXCLUSION Federal Aid No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Type: Project Description: NOTE: This is an update of the Archaeological Survey Required form submitted on 10/23/2017. Convert at-grade intersection of US 70 and SR 1116 (W. Thurman Rd./E. Thurman Rd.) to a restricted interchange in Craven County. Area of Potential Effects (A.P.E.) is approximately 4,103 meters (13,461 ft.) long and between 100-273 meters (328-894 ft.) wide. The A.P.E. (for this project as well as R-5777A) stretches along US 70 from Garner Rd. south to a point approximately 1,719 meters (5,638 ft.) south of SR 1116. It encompasses possible interchanges at US 70 and Taberna Way (R-5777A; see PA 17-09-0015) and US 70 and SR 1116. (This A.P.E. is longer and narrower than the October 2017 study area.) The project is State-funded, may require Federal permits, and will not require easements. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES REVIEW: SURVEYREQUIRED Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: The original review (October 2017) included an examination of a topographic map, the Craven County soil survey, an aerial photograph, and listings of previously recorded sites, previous archaeological surveys, and previous environmental reviews at the Office of State Archaeology (O.S.A.). US 70 is oriented approximately north-south. The topographic map (New Bern, N.C.) shows the landforms in the A.P.E. are mostly upland flats. The A.P.E. does include the headwaters of several tributary streams of Brice Creek which is located to the west of US 70. The level, well-drained uplands adjacent to the tributaries have some potential for prehistoric archaeological sites. The uplands away from water have less potential. The October 2017 review identified five areas within the large study area that had potential for archaeological sites. The current review of the Craven County soil survey shows there are eight soil types in the A.P.E. The majority of the acreage (approx. 60%) within the A.P.E. is poorly-drained soil. Four of the soil types are described as poorly-drained, while four are described as well-drained. The soil types within the A.P.E. are: `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 Craven silt loam(14% slopes)-moderately well-drained(13%) Exum silt loam (0-2% slopes)-moderately well-drained(13%) Goldsboro loamy fine sand(0-2% slopes)-moderately well-drained(7%) Granthan silt loam-poorly-drained(13%) Leaf silt loam-poorly-drained(37%) Masontown mucky find sandy loam, frequently-flooded-very poorly-drained(1%) Rains fine sandy loam(0-2% slopes)-poorly-drained(I I%) Suffolk loamy sand(10-30% slopes)-well-drained(5%) A review of information at the O.S.A. showed no previously recorded archaeological sites within or adjacent to the large study area. The study area had not been previously surveyed for archaeological sites. There are a number of projects (ER 83-1300; ER 93-7668; ER 02-11739; ER 05-1140; ER 08-1394; ER 13-1523; ER 13-2847) within or adjacent to the study area that have been reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (HPO). HPO did not recommend an archaeological survey for most of the projects. A survey was recommended for one project (ER 93-7668), a large development west of the A.P.E. (We could find no record that a survey was ever conducted.) One area near the A.P.E. along the west side of US 70 and the south side of Taberna Way has been surveyed. Russ (2002) surveyed the location of the proposed Battle of New Bern Park. The survey included the future locations of a visitor's center and parking lot, and did not identify any archaeological sites. Since the time of the survey the New Bern Battlefield Park has been established as an historical park (managed by the Craven County Historical Society). It is located outside of the A.P.E., on the west side of the railroad and south of Taberna Way. Although not recorded as an archaeological site, the New Bern Battlefield Site is a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-listed site shown on the HPO web-based GIS site. The NRHP application (Brent 2001) describes it as a 98-acre site on the west side of the railroad tracks, and a narrow line of earthworks along the east side of US 70. It was listed on the NRHP in 2001. The battlefield site is located outside of the A.P.E. The southwest end of the earthworks is located within the A.P.E. The earthworks run southwest to northeast, a short distance south of and parallel with SR 1185 (Bradford Dr.). They run between US 70 at the southwest end and SR 1113 (Old Cherry Point Rd.) at the northeast end. The original study area for this project was very large in order to accommodate various alternatives for this interchange (as well as for the proposed interchange at US 70 and Taberna Way to the north [see PA 17-09-0015; R-5777A]). There were several areas with archaeological potential, and these would need to be investigated if they fell within the final design. Also, the New Bern Battlefield site would be examined if the final design impacted any areas within its boundaries. The smaller A.P.E. submitted in January 2018 will impact less of the high potential areas. Most of the A.P.E. is along each side of US 70, with expanded areas at the Taberna Way and Thurman Rd. interchanges. It is likely that at least some of the areas with archaeological potential are disturbed by roadside maintenance, drainage, utilities, etc. Examination of the aerial photograph shows the one at the north end of the A.P.E. is occupied by development. However, there are five small parts of the A.P.E. that are within the archaeological potential areas, are not visibly developed or disturbed, and have well-drained soils. One of these also includes the southwest `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 2of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 end of the earthworks. As mentioned above, the NRHP-listed New Bern Battlefield site is located outside of the A.P.E. Recommend survey of the level, well-drained, undeveloped areas near water (as shown on the maps below). Determine whether the New Bern Battlefield earthworks are within the A.P.E. along the east side of US 70. References Cited Brent, Joseph E. 2001 National Register of Historic Places REgistration form for the "New Bern Battlefield Sites." Form prepared by Mudpuppy and Waterdog, Inc., Versailles, Kentucky on June 1, 2001. Russ, Terri A. 2002 Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Battle of New Bern Park, Craven County,North Carolina. Report submitted to the New Bern Historical Society,New Bern, North Carolina. Phelps Archaeology Laboratory, East Carolina University, Greenville,North Carolina. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST—SURVEY REQUIRED Caleb Smith 2/26/2018 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST Date 5/21/2018 Proposed fieldwork completion date "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 3of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 FITT m.. ` EFAU FOwd'.0 " } AVEN PAMLICO ic,RAVEN PAMLICO T..,r woos. R n rm g J E JO 5 x.N ny CART ER ET �dlr}�.illc Mn..a JONES e CRAVEN CRAVEN .I e resod C4RTEREf ONSLO 4e Scvoes:Evi.HE MF.JP C-S,Ir*ie p in P Cad, RCAll EsrI Jayen,METI,Cn J'i.�:ypRi 9l,Esri:Thelle�d 1.h�ac yl�ae. 9treFlk i has.a name GIB Lism tarrrryrn}� - `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 4of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 TT - - - r - - - ~ - - - ' r f i , fj,., , _- Upper Broad Creek =� _ r - {: r. A.P.E. 2. 's • I - `F- AM A 4 •LTlr}a•Ai ruBE�5m I ' - rpl'7977'3 rvFlc+'el L-eoprep+•ICScaebi.F `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 5of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 1 Ndarn Oeyq 4 pd f t rd 4 * S .c .v DN�n1�riC pf �"A C[ fir• �a I= - �o- gegy� n 4 k 1 A a E �Ro Y 4 *6 5�'p LyWa 0/Taberna(R-5777A) 40 ti ,r ' B r�arNs�xm a clMnnLl' ,va�mfno �V x US 70/ SR 1116 (R-5777B) 5 G—q. Esri,H �CaLarno,L�SGT I.N.soap.rvon•g7F PCa�p.,NR'f31F1,�sri i.,o RrETI,F—i CFnu IHo%Wog gp.F—i T�ailarcY.hl .nylne i.,cc pw&Te 1.1rp mi�bihuna fhd ih.GIs u.a{' murity `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 6of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 r t - A.P.E. Taberna Way * 40 Rum Railroad ¢� k 3 U ,t. •i i s US 70 • ,, ` •1 n i �r ti SR 1116 xP I � � ► 1. �1 g�a I t — •x 0 137.5275 550 825 1.100 Meters "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 7of10 Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 A.P.E. Tabema Way w¢. US 70 r S � 1 ,f SR 1116 0 1'�O 26C 520 780 1.040 If �Nlrl ,; "ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYREQUIRED"form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 8of10 1' 11 • ti � r a New Bem ' --, Battlefield earthworks / � ti �ti 4 � � Sr��• Y' a l ` �, sue, rr�►.'# Project Tracking No.: 17-09-0016 s 94w^ Archaeological a potential areas rr New Bern w Battlefield + r• park 45 1 New Bern "� � Battlefield _ x -_ �, 54` earthworks v F �g.t9W New Bern _ Battlefield m site g4 q + E 4� `ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUR VEYREQUIRED"formfor the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2015 Programmatic Agreement. 10 of 10 EIS RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ® E.I.S. ❑ CORRIDOR ❑ DESIGN WBS ELEMENT: 50111.1.1 1 COUNTY Craven Alternate 1 of 1 Alternate T.I.P. No.: U-5713 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Upgrade US 70 to a freeway facility from SR 1124 (Garner Rd) to the Neuse River Bridge ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities 0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 3 6 9 3 0 0 2 5 2 Businesses 18 11 29 4 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 0-20M 0 $0-150 0 0-20M 0 $0-150 1 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 3 150-250 2 Yes No Explain all"YES"answers. 40-70M 1 250-400 0 40-70M 27 260-400 5 ❑ X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 45 400-600 17 ❑ X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 up 2 600 up 6 100 up 558 600 uP 84 displacement? TOTAL 3 6 1 633 109 X ❑ 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS(Respond by Number) after project? 3-Business relocation will not cause a negative impact. 4-See Attached List X ❑ 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 6-MLS, Newspapers, Internet, Local sources indicate size,type,estimated number of 8-As required by law. employees,minorities, etc. 11-Craven County and New Bern Public Housing Authority 12-Or built if necessary 14-Same as number 6 above. ❑ X. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing(list). ❑ X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X ❑ 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? ❑ X 9. Are there large,disabled,elderly, etc. families? ❑ X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X ❑ 11. Is public housing available? ❑ X 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? ❑ X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? X ❑ 14. Are suitable business sites available(list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete RELOCATION? I 18 1 6/11/18 f Z'( hd7- Ri ht of WaX Agent Date r Relocation Coordinator Date FRM15-E List of Businesses Par. 033 James City Fuel Market—Small—4-6 Employees 033 Triple Play—Small—4-6 Employees 034 Car Wash —Small 4-6 Employees 040 Tidewater Appliance—Medium—10-12 Employees 046 McDonalds—Medium—12-16 Employees 046 Exprezit—Small—6-8 Employees 050 Waffle House—Medium—12-16 Employees 067 Craven Tires-Medium —12-16 Employees 068 Car Tunes—Small—4-6 Employees 068 Town Pawn—Small —4-6 Employees 082 Riverside Sales—Small—6-8 Employees 083 Riverside Subaru —Medium 12-16 Employees 104 Plumbing& Utility Contractors—Small —6-8 Employees 122 Neuse Forest Upholstery—Small—6-8 Employees 126 Terminex—Medium —10-12 Employees 130 Comfort Air—Small—6-8 Employees 132 Highway 55—Small—6-8 Employees 132 Vacant—Small-4-6 Employees 132 Sun Tan City—Small—6-8 Employees 132 Jersey Mikes—Small—6-8 Employees 132 Vacant—Small—6-8 Employees 132 REM Rentals—Small—6-8 Employees 135 Advance Signs & Pawn—Small—4-6 Employees 142 Hess—Small—6-8 Employees 158 Custom Marine Fabrication —Medium—12-14 Employees 167 Pamlico Marine &Trailer—Small—6-8 Employees 169 Ashley Furniture—Medium — 12-16 Employees 175 Heavy Duty Truck—Small 6-8 Employees 180 J&J Automotive—Small—6-8 Employees EIS RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ® E.I.S. ❑ CORRIDOR ❑ DESIGN WBS ELEMENT: 44648.1.2 COUNTY Craven Alternate of 1 Alternate T.I.P. No.: I R-5777A&B DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Upgrade US 70 to a freeway facility from Garner Rd to just east of E. Thurman Rd ESTIMATED DISPLACEES INCOME LEVEL Type of Displacees Owners Tenants Total Minorities 0-15M 15-25M 25-35M 35-50M 50 UP Residential 3 5 8 21 0 0 0 5 3 Businesses 5 2 7 1 VALUE OF DWELLING DSS DWELLING AVAILABLE Farms 0 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit 1 0 1 0 0-20M 0 $0-150 0 0-20m 0 $0-150 1 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 20-40M 0 150-250 0 20-40M 3 150-250 2 Yes No Explain all"YES"answers. 40-70M 0 250-400 0 40-70M 27 250-400 5 ❑ X 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 70-100M 0 400-600 0 70-100M 45 400-600 17 X ❑ 2. Will schools or churches be affected by 100 up 3 600 UP 5 100 up 558 600 uP 84 displacement? TOTAL 3 5 1 633 109 X 3. Will business services still be available REMARKS(Respond by Number) after project? 2-Brice's Creek Church—Small—200 members 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, 3-Business relocation will not cause a negative impact. 4-Garner Farms—Small 4-6 employees X ❑ Hear Me Speak—Small 4-6 employees Therapla Junction-Small 4-6 employees United Self Storage—Small—Small 4-6 employees indicate size,type, estimated number of Mallard Convenience Store—Small 4-6 employees BB&T Medium 12-15 employees employees,minorities, etc. Thermik—Small 6-8 employees ❑ x 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6- MLS, Newspapers, Internet, Local sources 6. Source for available housing(list). 8-As required by law. 7. Will additional housing programs be 11-Craven County and New Bern Public Housing Authority ❑ X needed? 12-Or built if necessary 14-Same as number 6 above. ❑ X 9. Are there large,disabled,elderly,etc. families? ❑ X 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X ❑ 11. Is public housing available? X ❑ 12. Is it felt there will be adequate DSS housing housing available during relocation period? ❑ X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? X ❑ 14. Are suitable business sites available(list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete 4,30,18 L 16SL bS�Sn 1dt$ Ri ht of Way Agent Date Relocation Coor inator Date FRM15-E