HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041758 Ver 1_Complete File_20070831O'F W Tfi? Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary i- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource (3 , Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality November 18, 2004 DWQ# 04-1758 j Iredell County M' Dean H jnos 11 Wickfo d Ln. M 'oresville, NC 28117 S bj ct iPr perty: 112 WickfordLn. I A OVA of 401 Water Quality Certification and uthorization Certificate per the Catawba River Buffer Pr to tion ules (15A NCAC 213 .0243) with Additio al Conditions Dear Mr. H jnos: You have our approval, in accordance with th',e attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill in or o therw, se impact approximately 0.003 acre of Waters and 0.003 acre of riparian buffer for the placement of 1p rap alo g approximately 15P linear feet of shor. line on Lake Norman, as described in your application re ?I% led on November 1 2004. After reviewing yolr application, we have determined that this project is co er d by ater Quality Gener I Certification Nu ber 3373, which can be viewed on our web site at htt // 2o.e r.sta e.6c.us/ncwetla ds. The General Certification allows you to use Regional Permit No. 19 200030 nceit is issued toy .u by the U.S. Arm Corps of Engineers (USACOE).! This letter also serves as your app oved Authorization Certificate for impacts to the protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 2B .02 3; Plea ,,e notelhat you should get any other federal, state or local; permits before proceeding with your pr je 't, incl ding those required by (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and Water Supp Watershed regulatii ns. The ove noted icertificat?on will expire when the associated USACOE's 404 permit expires unless oth ise s ecified in ti a General Certification. Thi approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you de ,crilbed in your, application. If you change your pr ject, you must notify us in writing, and you may be required to end us a new application for a new cert. fication. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a cop of the Certification and approval letter; and is thereby responsible for complying with all co dit ons. If the total wetland fill:for this project (noYv or in the future) exceeds one acre, compensatory mit ga Ion mp y be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). I In ad ition to the requirements of the certifica ion, you must also comply with the following conditions: 1. Pr or to t e placement of riprap along the shoreline, ten native species trees (2 inch caliper) must be replante to replace those trees removed, without approval, from the buffer area. It is requested that photos; be; subm tted to the Mooresville Regional Office upon completion of the plantings. !. 2. $t rmwa er shall be directed as diffuse flow at n n-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers so as not to re-concentrate before discharging into t e stream (as identified in 15A NOAC 21.0243 (5)). 3. 1V trues shall be removed from the buffer, exce t for the two large trees on the south side of the pier along h Imrrl diate shoreline. 4 Upon completion of the project, the applicant/res onsible party shall; complete and; return the enclosed ile hCaro ina "Certifica a of Completion" form to the Division of Water Quality's 401 /Wetlands U6 it. N"o? dvatrura1lt? An Water Quality 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 rc.us Ne Action I rnployer - 500/61 Recycled/10% Post Consume Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Customer Service FAX (704) 663-6040 1-877-623-6748 Paper Page 2 If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certificatii n, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within'.60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition (that conforms to Chapter 1506 of the North Carolina General Sfat' tes) to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water uality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Alan Johnson in t e Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in. Raleigh at 919-733-97,21; Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AJ/aj Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Wetlands Unit- Cyndi Karoly CBC Custom Shoreline Central. Files MEIlQ,BAN UM l TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Alan Johnson Non Discharge Branch WO Supervisor, Rex Gleason Date: SUB' CT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Facility Namel Dean A. $ajnos County Iredell Project Number; 04 1758 County2 Recvd Froml APP Region Mooresville Recopy d Datei 11/1/04 Recvd By Region Prate Tripe shoreline stabilization II I ' Certificates 'I Stream Permit: Wetland,] Wetland Wetland' Stream Acres ; Feet Type i Type Impact Score Index Prim. Supp: Basin Req. Req. GP30 ater & O Y ON F 11 ( 75) WS IV F F B CA 30,832. ().7 1 O0: CBR i _ ufkers t p Y0 30,832 -.0.00 F- o N ?f -- Miti Ion Wetland MItigationType Type Acres Feet Is Wetl nd Ratin Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more ,info? O Y N i . aye Project Changes/Conditions Been Giscussed With Applicant? O Y (9) N Is Mitig? ti n req fired? O Y ON Recpmmendation: O Issue p Issue/fond O Deny Provid Id by Fie !on: Latituda (ddmml ls) 80292956 Longitude (dd mss) 35.57047 Corn eats'. nrl +h. Staff ASO ---+e on November 17, 2004. Shoreline stabefizatoon. Mr 11; or of 19 as p req give 1 2. 3 4. An i t OF fW T?9 Michael F. EaSlcy. Goveni ?0 j 0? William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director f I Division of\\ater Quality November 18, 2004 DWQ# 04-1758 o ko R Iredell County ?D an 'nosNOV 2 $ 2004 U ickH for Ln. br sville, NC 28117 DENR - WATER QUALITY r ; WETLANDS ANDSTORMWATERBWa )iect Property: 112 Wickford Ln. 'ROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and Authorization Certificate per the Catawba River Buffer el?tion Riles (15A NCAC 2B.0243) with Additional Conditions r r. Ala nos: You have our approval, in accordance with the, attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill in 1 otherwise impact approxlma?ely 0.003 acre of aters and 0.003 acre of riparian buffer for the placement Drap alo g approximately 153! linear feet of shoreline on Lake Norman, as described in your application rived on ovember 1, 2004. After reviewing you application, we have determined; that this project is :rod by Water Quality General Certification Numt er 3373, which can be viewed on our web site at :Hl12o.e .state nc.us/ncwetla, ds. The General Certification allows you to use Regional Permit No. R0030 nce it is issued to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). This letter also serves Our app ved Authorization C rtificate for impact to the protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 2B •3. Plea a note that;'you shou d get any other federal, state or local permits before, proceeding with your act, including those required b (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non-Discharge, and er Suppl Watershed regulations. i `The above noted Certification will expire when the associated USACOE's 404 permit expires unless ?rv ise specified in the General Certification. Thisl approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you Sri ed, in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us in writing; and you may be Lin d to and us a new application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be n cop of the Certification and approval letter; nd is thereby responsible for complying with all Jit s. the total wetland fill for this project (no or in the future) exceeds one acre, compensatory ,a ion m y be required as described in 15A NCA 2H .0506 (h). ,In add'tion to the requirements of the Certification, you must also comply with the following conditions: :'nor to a placement of riprap along the shoreline, ten native species trees (2 inch caliper) must be -e lante to replace those trees removed, withou approval, from the buffer area. It is requested that photos De suom ed to thq Mooresville Regional Office upon completion of the plantings. 5t rmwa er shall be directed as diffuse flow at non-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers so as ;not to re-concentrate before discharging into tt?e stream (as identified in 15A Ng AC 2B .0243 (5)). Vo trees hall be removed from the buffer, except for the two large trees on the south side of the pier along kh imm diate shoreline. F n iro plet on of the projec the applicant/responsible party shall complete and return the encloped ?C rtifica a of Completion" for to the Division of Water Quality's 401/Wetlands Unit. Pats ??lina y Carolina Di sion of Water Quality 610 fast Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 6,63-1699 Customer Service itemet h2o.egrstate.nc.us FAX (704) 663-6040 1-877-623-6748 ial Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper f Page 2 If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certifica,t on, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter To ask for a hearing, send a written petition (that conforms to Chapter 15bB of the North Carolina General Statutes) to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water uality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Alan Johnson in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in the. Central Office in Raleigh at 919.733-9721. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AJ/aj Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Wetlands Unit- Cyndi Karoly CBC Custom Shoreline Central Files Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality November 18, 2004 DWQ#.04-1758 Iredell County MI 11 P Ln. NC 28117 perty: 112 Wickford Ln. of 401 Water Quality Certification and, ales! (1 5A N, CAC 2B .0243) with Additic nos: You ave our approval, in accordance with t or :o otherw se impact approximately 0.003 acre of of ,iprap alo g approximately 15$ linear feet of shoe re i ed ionj November 1, 2004. 'After reviewing yot co er d by ater Quality General Certification Nun htt /Y 2 '.e rr. state.nc.us/ncwetla' ds. The General 19 2 00 0 nce it is issued toy u by the U.S. Arm as your app' oved Authorization Certificate for impa( .0243; Plea a note that you should get any other fE project, incl ding those required by (but not limited 1 W ter Supp y Watershed regulations. The ! ove;noted ;Certification will expire wheoth ise s ecified in the Gener 'I Certification. Thi de criP ed in your application. If ou change your pi required to end us a new application for a new cell given a cop of the Certification and approval letter; conditions. If the total wetland fill for this project (nc mit1gation my be required as described in 15A NC) In ad ition to the requirements of the certifica 1. 'Prior tot a placement of riprab along the shoreli replanted to replace those tre s removed, withot be subm ted to the Mooresville Regional Office iorization Certificate per the Catawba River Buffer Conditions 3 attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill in vaters and 0.003 acre of riparian buffer for the placement 31ine on Lake Norman, as described in your application r application, we have determined that this project is ber 3373, which can be viewed on our web site at ,ertification allows you to use Regional Permit No. F Corps of Engineers (USACOE). This letter also serves is to the protected riparian buffers per 15A NCAC 213 feral, state or local, permits before proceeding with your Sediment and Erosion Control,Non-Discharge, and the associated USACOE's 404 permit expires unless approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you jest, you must notify us in writing, and you maybe ication. If the property is sold, the new owner must be nd is thereby responsible for complying with all i or in the future) exceeds one acre, compensatory 2H .0506 (h). you must also comply with the following conditions: &,, ten native species trees (2 inch caliper) must be approval, from.the buffer area. It is requested that photos )on completion of the plantings. 1-erosive velocities through the protected stream buffers so e stream (as identified in 15A NCAC 213.0243 (5)). 2. !Stormwa er shall be directed as diffuse flow at n; asjnot to re-concentrate before discharging into t? 3. { trees hall be removed from the buffer, excep h imrrl late shoreline. 4. p n cc pletion of the projec?' the applicant/rest ''Certifica a of Completion" form to the Division of for the two large trees on the south side of the pier along risible party shall; complete and return the enclosed ater Quality's 40i1/Wetlands Unit. "_cpahhCarolina waturu!!b North Carolina Div sion of Water Quality 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 ;terr et: h2o.en stato.nc.us An Eq at 'pportunity, ffirmative Action Employer-500/6 Recycled/100/6 Post ConsumeriPaper Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Customer Service FAX (704) 663-6040 1-877-623-6748 Page 2 If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certificati n, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition (that conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Stat'' tes) to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water uality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Alan Johnson in t e Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721' Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. AJ/aj Attachments cc: Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office - Wetlands Unit- Cyndi Karoly CBC Custom Shoreline Central Files MEIV?ANgUM TO: John Dorney Regional Contact: Alan Johns Non-Discharge Branch WO Supervisor: Rex rleas Date: SUB E? Tp WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Faci to Names, bean A.14ajnos County Iredell Project Numbers, 04 1758 County2 Revd From, APP Region 'Mooresville Receiived Date! `11/1/04 Recvd By Region Pro?'Oc Type l shoreline stabilizadpn Certl C tes Stream Permit; Wetland' Wetland Wetland Stream Class Acres Feet Type 'Type Impact Score Index Prim. supp. Basin Req. Req. (;P 3U , rater & OO Y O N 11W 11V B cA 377 0.00 1 3.00 CBR ! uffers Q Y ON 30,832. 0.00 Y ON Mitl a lon Wetland Mitig4tionTy?e Type Acres Feet r F i Is Weti n Rating Sheet Attached? O Y ON Did you request more Jnfo? O Y Q N ave Project Changes7Conditions Been Discussed With Applicant? O Y Q N Is Mitigation req fired? O Y ON Recommendation: O Issue p Issue/fond O Deny Provid d ll?y Region: Latitude (ddmmos) [80292956 Longitude (ddmmss) ?35.57047 Corn a is j R ere cut down in the buffer (medium t6 small), Approxffio3atley 10- 16, trees need to be replan trees along the shoreline io the roghi of the p4er can be removed, No other trees I cc: a en ionai ral Off I ffice Page Number 1 ice I 1 1 Triag' Check List Date# l_ 1 141 U. -I Proje6t lame: _11QQ.An IA'. k; A' S DWQ#: C?? (^1 Sa County: j ! TO: ? ARO Kevin B ett [] WaRO Tom Steffens and Kyle Barnes 13 FRO Ken Av ritte ? WiRO Noelle Lutheran M RO Alan Johnson ? WSRO Daryl Lamb ? RRO Mike Horan 'r m: c: Telephone (919) The file attached is being forwarded to?kour for your evaluation. Please call if you need a0stance. f IA Stream lengthimpacted I. 0 Stream determination Wetland determination and distance to blue-line surface waters on USFW topo maps r21?Minmization/avoidance issues Buffer Rules (Meuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, Randleman) Pond fill 0 Mitigation Ratios 0 Ditching Are the stream And or wetland rnittigation sites available and viable? © Check drawings for accuracy ? Is the application consistent with re-application meetings? ? Cumulative impact concern i r'.. ,..,,..?.. r C . ?-, t, ... l ?, LV, C VO- L V.? a DUKE POWER LA E MANAGEMENT, ECII 2-Q P. . BOX 1006 CHARLO E, NC 28201-1006 704-382-1567 OR OLL FREE 1-800-443-5193 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO (STABILIZE THE SHORELINE' IN NORTH CAROLINA Ple 'se type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blan . PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPROPRIATE DUKE POWER FILING FEE, PAYABLE 7"O LIKE POWER, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. I. pplicant Information 041 758 Name Dean A. Hajnosl 3. Mailing Address fit v Telephone 704-892-8981 I11, Location of Proposed, Project az, Lake Norman B. Street Address 112 Wickfo NO V 0 1 2(104 C County Iredell City, Town, Community or Landmark Mooresville T ?SANOST6QWq;R8R H j Section Lot # 48$ Subdivision NIA Directions to property by road 1-7 N to Exit 33 West on Williamson Rd - Left On Brawley School - Right on McKe dree - Right 100' past Hagerty to dirt road Right on Mill House Rd - go to T will be 3'd house on left Latitude and longitude for the project site 80.92956 35.57047 Please submit a map showing the coordinates or a detailed map (USGS quad map, city map, etc.) showing the exact location of the project site. (NOTE: Latitude/longitude coordinates can be found on internet site, www.maoson s.com. Directions: Don't register, click "Maps", enter address, draw map, select "Map Clicking Will...", select "Lat/Long", click map) i I 111. Description of Project A. Length of wall 153' B. Material Rip Rap Distance from property line/shoreline Will follow existing shoreline IV.' Intended Use of Project Area Private X Commercial V. Applicant Signature Date "OZAA <.0 - PL SE NOTE E FOLLOWING: i C PY OF HE COMPLETE APPLICAT ON WITH A ROAD MAPHOWING LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: US R Y CO S' OF ENGINEERS, 151 PAT TON AVENUE, ROOM 2Q8, ASHEWLLE, NC 28801-5006 • COPY OF HE "DUKE POWER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO,STABILIZE THE SHORELINE IN NORTH CAROLINA" AND SEVEN (7) COPIES OF HE COMPLETED "NC DIVISION OF WATER QUAD PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION" MUST BE SUBMITTED H THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FEE TO: NC DMS/ON OF WATER QUALITY, ATTENTION. JOHN PORNEY, P RKWEW BLDG., 2321 CRABTREE BLVD., RALEIGH, NC 27604, PHONE. 919-733-1786 C i 401 WATER QUALITY,CERTIFICATION APPLICATION the following is an abbreviated application form for those applying for a 401 Water Quality Certification to mp ct FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the U.S. 4r y Corps of Engineers Permit GP30. This Application cannot be used for wetland or stream impacts. Pie se provide seven (7), copies of this application and supporting information as well as a non- "efu dable application fee to the Division of Water Quality of $200.00 for impacts to lake bottom of less :ha 1 acre and $475.00 for impacts to lake bottom of greater or equal to 1 acre. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WETLANDS UNIT 1650 MAIL] SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 1. pplicant Information Owner/Applicant Information ? Name I Dean A Hajnos Mailing Address 195 261 Cornelius, NC 2 2 UJ >i M'0612'E5f.)"6!C /V 1_9e</'7 Telephone Number 704-892-8981 Fax Number E-mail Address , Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for toe owner/applicant.) Name Chip Bridges Company Affiliation CBC Custom SF orelines, Inc. Mailing Address 628 Oakridge Farm Hwy Mooresville NC 28115 Telephone Number 704-660-5111 Fax Number 704-660-5969 E'-mail Address cbcseawalls a@a i.com II. roJect Information ttach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks uch as towns, rivers, and roads Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries nd development plans in relation to surrounding properties. You may use the diagram below to ake a hand sketch of your project. Also, see the example below for guidance. Both the vicinity ap and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The footprints of all buildings, impervious urfaces, or other facilities must be included. 1. Location' County Iredell Nearest Town Mooresville Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): NIA j I I Directions to site - please include read numbers, landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an adequate vicinity map is included): 1-77 North - to exit 33- West on Williamson Left on Brawley School -Right on McKendree -Right 100' past Hagerty to dirt road 4 i. Right on Millhouse Rd - go to T 3( house on left 2. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: House on lot i 3. Property size (acres): .67 4. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Norman 5. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Stabilize shoreline with Rip Rap - To stop shoreline erosion 6. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: i j By barge with long reach I 7. Amount of impact (including all backfill, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below 1' x 153' Work will be done a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward in square feet or acres: 1',x 153' j I b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 feet land-ward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): S8- i Apl (qgi f /0 intlAgent's'Signature Date signature Is valid only If an authorization letter from the applicant Is provided) 'I Lake (Full Pond) Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan (please provide dimensions for each item, such as 10 ft. x 100 ft.): 1) All proposed vegetation clearing (provide dimensions) 2) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond elevation 3) Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond elevation 4) The location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. 5) The location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond elevation. 6) Location of construction access corridors. Full Pond Shoreline ??'` II WIN filial Hlagl- kis -- - --ss- nt il kki$a. Co if • ? i ?? 4saV tisxsa 32833 sup--a.s? t=ItSr ?asss ... eQ T - j ..' "? CSI `? ??h ?', •N?.?, \ . 7i 4D to N? aerie g '?? ~ I y I T ? is ? r . r r . ?I I i f ? ?I DUKE POWER DIRECTIONS BY ROAD FORM. Lake Use Permit Applicants and Contractors: Ease of locating the proposed project site an have a big impact on permit processing time. Please complete this form and eturn it along with your completed permit application to: I I DUKE POWER C/O LAKE MAINAGEMENT - EC 12 Q P. 0. BOX 1006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201-1006 1-8Q0-443-5193 ?ppl I' ant's Name: Deg#A. Ha1'nos ? III Lake ame: Norman' Subd? ision Name: N/A Prop Section: Lot 483 ity: Mooresville County: Iredell tabe? NQ Zip: 28117 Type of Permit Requested "Circle": Private Facility Commercial Facility Excavation Stabilization Conveyance Miscellaneous Uses Telep one: 704-892-8981 Direc Ions (from major road or highway): I-77 North to exit 36- West on -??son Rd - Left on' Brawle School - Right on McKendree - Right 100 a '.e to dirt road - Fight on Millhou a Rd - o to T will be 3rd house on 1 ouse E *Note: I, )n lot 11 white fence, mobile i use the back of this form, if desired; to draw us a map to the site. Maps, On Us: Show Map .', a sawkie of tiwitch VdA Wh is Nearby CI to view on map _ Dinir? ` r flee Shops r estaurants r Brew Pubs r ghinese { r 1 lian r xican r p r- S afood r S1 A Recre lion & Ente inment + Corn unity Services +Shop ing & Services ,+ Trove u a Mcken re( Page 1 of 2 AAAlSS MKCriCktvS siNd k BiJSi855 MY ADDRESSES IL Draw New Mao Current Map Map Settings IMail Man I Register with ax by m ps on' us (a) 01484-2 Td Atks KAM 5Ntt!n!t d. Lsm nbJ4tt to LICENSE. s Scale (mi/in): 0.40 Map-Clicking vAll: how Long/Lat REDRAW MAP WHAT'S NEARBY? ' lain Map Operations Problems Iprinting? Get a Printable Map. { I Home I About Us I Contact Us I ://xpa sonus.switchboard.com/bin/maps-mapo I Advertise I Privagy Poles 4177271a.3b3fb.73ab.7/c= 4/fc... 10/20/2004 Topoone The Web's 'l'opograpluc Map ? rage i or i 'I v l' 1' '7-;i?L .1•e Z+1 1: J?^. *? r :"u. r N? _..li4fi' 4c•? s x?.F RI?„xa s.. ?, i ` ?; :w ,I ?; .. _,..+. Sc'•?C pF .5??'vt `' ? `t .?,."_'>+'.• "; tF_ j.;`'? 5ar°t#? -v DPW L140fil WK No yy; S F'.;''?` ,??/ ,+F?, 1 .??,• t??iyy,,f ?.., .,„af ? {r ?..?`s? ti.,+3 ,? RSA.' ?? t i? }'t'?•"FY??C? ? ?b„k"?1L tX' ?,{? Y.?>'w' ,x ? L x4, ? 7"'. ?+.. ?. tn'jy?iT ? .. A F Y e r ! rF 7 y? b...? F'r r y^ ' S IN Pik .ss. ?l' '•,,yt. 1ttf?1° ,.r^, ? ?',?y.:i.??. ? `'wfS ... ? it i t : F r? .. "?^w w E ?. .a K -. Z x,13 l'. 3 f _ i f r r? ?? f I d y k?? ?+ ?•b` i i ?'` M* 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 M 0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.8 1 mi Map center is UTM 17 506887E 39?6215N (WGS84/NAD83) La a Norman Nort quadrangle M=-7. 118 Project on is UTM Zone 1 NAD83 Datum G=O. 044 http:// .topozone.com/print.asp?z=17&n=3930215.17244672&e=506886.725384099... 10/26/2004 .?. ?_. ,r``t: f?-.. .. ,; ?? . ? =ate ? ,. ,? .. ?, ?,,, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid 111111 iISPB Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Pleas6 print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • C, NC DENR Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight Unit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 X3 1 _ -- - 3tti tit tt T fttt#itt #t #}Yt itilh,,AMA I11!Ill11 - I Complete items 1, 2; and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: Crary D. Ewer Post Office Box2733 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 DWQ# 04-1759 Carteret A Signatd' X?/(., ? Agent ? Addresse B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver 1 I Is delivery address different from Item 1? O Y4 If YES„ enter delivery address below: ? No 3. Service Type - Certified Mai[ ? Registered ? Insured Mail ? Express Mail Return Receipt for Merchandis C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ? Yes . Article Number -- -- - - 7004 1160 0002 2706 6622 (Transfer from service /abeo C Fnrm RRi 1 Fahn,nm gnnd rlnmactin Rah.m Ro,,+int 1mto5-nq-UA-;