HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025691_Instream Assessment_19880907NPDC:i DOCYNCMI' SCANNINL COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0025691 Littleton WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: September 7, 1988 Tlzis document is printed on reuse paper - ignore nay content on the reverse side Ift DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT September 7, 1988 005c* TO: Bill Kreutzberger FROM: Carla Sanderson (G THROUGH: David Vogt Trevor Clements Steve Tedder 0. d 1,5 SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for the Town of Littleton WWTP NPDES No. NCO025691 Halifax County JOC Case No. 88-09 Summary An in -stream assessment for the Town of Littleton has been completed by Technical Support. The Raleigh Regional Office is requesting a JOC since the plant cannot meet their limits for BOD5, NH3N and TSS. DEM's compliance monitoring data show Lit- tleton to be periodically in violation with their BOD5 limit (up to 50 mg/l for one monthly average), almost continuously in violation with their TSS limit (up to 56.6 mg/l for one monthly average), and one violation with their ammonia limit (6.45 mg/1 for one summer month). Although the Region is not requesting additional flow under this JOC, they are asking for an evaluation of the JOC limits with the maximum allowable flow that will not violate 67(b) criteria. Using the maximum allowable flow (design capacity of. 0.28 MGD), a Level-B analysis indicates that the recommended changes in effluent limits will not have a signifi- cant impact on dissolved oxygen levels in Butterwood Creek. Analysis & Discussion The Town of Littleton WWTP discharges into Butterwood Creek, a class "C" Creek in the Tar River Basin. The Butterwood Creek Watershed drains approximately 10.4 square miles and at the Lit- tleton discharge the drainage area is estimated to be 1.29 square miles. Actual flow data (collected on May 19, 1986 at several sites on Butterwood Creek) were compared to the USGS estimates at the discharge location. Using the actual data, the 7Q10 flow estimate for the JOC is significantly different than the USGS estimate. The actual 7Q10 flow estimate is 0.05 cfs, as opposed to the USGS 7Q10 estimate of 0.2 cfs (average flow is unchanged from the USGS estimate of 1.2 cfs). A Level-B model was run with the Raleigh Regional Office's suggested limits of 45 mg/l BOD5 and 6 mg/1 D.O. for both the previous year's monthly average wasteflow (0.1605 MGD) and the design flow (0.28 MGD) (see Table 1). An ammonia limit was added to accommodate the ammonia evident in the monitoring data (the summertime high of 7.0 mg/1 NH3-N was used). The BOD5 and NH3N parameters were entered into the model as CBOD and NBOD using multipliers of 1.5 for BOD5 and 4.5 for NH3-N. Consequently, the waste inputs for the model were 67.5 mg/1 CBOD and 31.5 mg/1 NBOD. The EMC criteria for granting a JOC states that with any increase in wasteflow, the D.O. minimum shall not decrease by more than 0.5 mg/1 and/or the distance the D.O. sags below 5.0 mg/1 will not increase by more than 0.5 mile. In this analysis, the maximum allowable flow (design flow = 0.28 MGD) .is not pre- dicted to result in violations of 67(b) criteria. CC: Chuck Wakild Kent Wiggins Steve Reid WLA File Central Files Table 1. Instream Assessment Summary for the Town of Littleton Wasteflow Assumptions Design Capacity 0.28 MGD Monthly Average Flow 0.1605 MGD (7/87-6/87) Model Input Summary Headwater Conditions: 7Q1O 0.05 of s Qavg 1.20 cfs Design Temperature 26 °C CBOD 2 mg/l NBOD 1 mg/1 DO 7.3 mg/1 Wastewater Inputs: Flow see above CBOD 67.5 mg/1 NBOD 31.5 rag / 1 DO 6.0 mg/l Model Output Sim mar DO min. (mg/1) Monthly Average Flow 3.83 (7/87-6/88) Design Flow 4.00 <5.0 mg/l (mi) 1.. 2 1.4 q DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL August 24, 1988 w- M E M O R A D U M TO Steve Tedder B' Assistant Chief Technical Services Branch FROM Bill Kreutzberger Water Quality Supervisor Raleigh Regional Office SUBJECT Instream Request Consent Judgement (JOC # 88-09) �\ Town of Littleton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCOO�i" 41 Halifax County The subject wastewater treatment plant was issued a Judicial Consent Judgment on June 16, 1988. it is not expected that the Town will request additional flow. However, it is my understanding that an instream assessment will still be required. Attached is the request form for the instream assessment. Please provide me with the maximum flow above which significant impacts are expected to occur under the JOC effluent limitations. If any additional information is needed for your review, please advise. Request Form for In -stream Assessment for JOC Name of Faciltiy: Town of LittletonSubbasin: 03:03:04 County: Halifax Design F1ow:0.280 mgd (existing) Receiving Stream: Butterwood Creek Backaround Data A. Why is JOC needed? The Town of Littleton is curren operating an antiquated wastewater treatment facili which cannot meet the permit limitations for BOD NH -N and S. The are constructinga new was ew tr atment facility consisting of an oxidation ditch clarifier. disinfection. and sludge handling facili B. History of SOC requests: none 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC? Period: 8601 - 8606 Avg: 0.2056 mgd Period: 8607 - 8706 Avg. 0.1886 mgd Period: 8707 - 8806 Avg: 0.1605 mgd 2. Previously approved SOC's: none Date: flow: mgd Date: flow: mgd Total of previously approved SOC flow: 0 mgd 3. Flows lost from plant -flow: 0 mgd (facilities off line) ^ Current JOC request flow: mqd /� laaa ucau iauyuua.o al.c c.lyc.�cu. p° Total Plant flow post-SOC 00) ( sum of original flow and i� O 2Ss SOC minus losses) flow: 0.1605 mgd - 2 - 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why or why not? No. The plant experiences months of hiah flow durina wet periods du C. A copy of the data is attached for your review (January 1986 through June 1988). CURRENT SOC REQUEST: A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combination, please specify percentages. Domestic gpd 100 % Industrial gpd % B. What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. n/a C. The region proposes the following JOC limits: JOC has been issued. BOD5 NH3 DO TSS Fecal Coliform pH other parameters D. What is the basis for these limits? can SUMMER TOTAL PLANT FLOW POST-JOC ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : TOWN OF LITTLETON-JOC Receiving Stream : BUTTERWOOD CREEK _------------ --------------------------------------------------------- The End D.O. is 7.20 mg/l. � The End CBOD is 4.29 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.86 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # .... .... .... ------ _______ (mg/l) ____ (mg/l) ____ (mg/1) __ (mgd) ----------- Segment 1 3.83 0.60 1 Reach 1 67.50 31.50 6.00 0.16050 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000O SUMMER TOTAL PLANT FLOW POST-JOC Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CPOD I NPOD I Flaw I 1 1 0.00 6.22 56.54 26.40 0.30r 1 1 0.20 4.A5 51.17 23.06 0.32 1 1 0.40 3.97 46.49 20.23 0.34 1 1 0.60 3.83 42.40 17.81 0.36 1 1 0.80 4.02 38.79 15.73 0.38 1 1 1.00 4.30 35.58 13.94 0.40 1 1 1.20 4.60 32.73 12.38 0.42 1 1 1.40 4.89 30.18 11.03 0.44 1 1 1.60 5.16 27.09 9.85 0.46 i 1 1.90 5.41 25.82 8.81 0.48 1 1 2.00 5.64 23.96 7.90 0.50 1 1 2.20 5.84 22.26 7.10 0.52 1 1 2.40 6.02 20.72 6.39 0.54 1 1 2.60 6.19 19.31 5.76 0.56 1 1 2.90 6.34 18.03 5.20 0.58 1 1 3.00 6.47 16.85 4.71 0.6:> 1 1 3.20 6.59 15.77 4.26 0.62 1 1 3.40 6.70 14.78 3.97 0.64 1 1 3.60 6.80 13.06 3.52 0.66 1 1 3.80 6.90 13.01 3.20 0.68 1 2 3.80 6.90 13.01 3.20 0.68 1 2 4.00 6.67 12.30 2.99 0.70 1 2 4.20 6.53 11.64 2.79 0.72 1 2 4.40 6.44 11.02 2.61 0.74 1 2 4.60 6.40 10.44 2.45 0.76 1 2 4.80 6.39 9.90 2.30 0.78 1 2 5.00 6.40 9.40 2.16 0.80 1 2 5.20 6.43 8.93 2.03 0.82 1 2 5.40 6.47 8.49 1.91 0.84 1 2 5.60 6.52 8.08 1.80 0.86 1 2 5.80 6.57 7.69 1.70 0.88 1 2 6.00 6.62 7.33 1.60 0.90 1 2 6.20 6.69 6.98 1.51 0.92 1 2 6.40 6.73 6.66 1.43 0.94 1 2 6.60 6.79 6.36 1.35 0.96 1 2 6.80 6.94 6.07 1.28 0.98 1 2 7.00 6.89 5.80 1.22 1.00 1 2 7.20 6.94 5.55 1.15 1.02 1 2 7.40 6.99 5.31 1.10 1.04 1 2 7.60 7.04 5.08 1.04 1.06 1 2 7.BO 7.08 4.87 0.99 1.08 1 2 6.00 7.13 4.66 0.95 1.10 1 2 8.20 7.17 4.47 0.90 1.12 1 2 8.40 7.20 4.29 0.86 1.14 Seg 0 1 Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CROD I NPOD I Flow I SUMMER - ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- ' Discharger : TOWN OF LITTLETON-JOC Receiving Stream : BUTTERWOOD CREEK ______________________________________________________________________ The End D.O. is 6.78 mg/l. The End CBOD is 7.07 mg/l. The End NBOD is 1.60 mg/l. ______________________________________________________________________ WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/1) (mg/l) (mgd) ______ _______ ____ ____ __ __________ Segment 1 4.00 0.60 1 Reach 1 67.50 31.50 6.00 0.28000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 .*.; .):_ 110DEL S 1.►t'!MAF- Y .t }i:.:)-r'Pi ii- E) i. ssr �. r ctc-_5i- a-('Li;►l ! (ll� 1_ I..r"1"1_.E:Ti �l _;J'(3t' ' �:,�zl !,) �. )') f3 y3i_)r..1. Rr"-•''c ivirice Siir'c_aul . I~+Ll"FEi W 01) f.IRED::: class'. (: S t-wi rn t .• Y l Q J. 0 }; 0. 05 ink i ri z_ e i- 7 (..1 :I. r) . (.) ,. I I LENGTH 1 SLDPE I VELOCITY I DEPTH I lid I Kd I Ka I Ka I KH I L:H 1 KKR I l;HR ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I mile I ft,'mil fps I ft Idesign! 3201 Idesign! 3201 idesign! @201 Idesign! @201 1 ! I ! I I I ! I I I I ! ! Segment 1 1 3.801 26.001 0.169 1 0.52 1 0.44 1 0.33 1 9.03 1 7.921 0.79 1 0.50 1 0.79 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I ! I I I I I ! ! I ! I ! I 1 ! I I I I 1 1 I I Segment 1 1 4.601 9.40i 0.138 1 0.73 1 0.32 1 0.24 1 2.65 1 2.331 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ! f'1.ovj I i3OOD 1 Nl3i::lD I T.).(::1. I ! C: -f' w 1 ri g !rig / 1. ! rrig iSegrneitt :1. iiceacI'1 1. ir;(a s -t e 1 0 434 1 67. fit;; 0 1 3:1.. 50C) 1 6, 00 0 1^I c. a i:i lea c . t. e r" W I 0 050, I c._ :, 000 1 1 . . L.i _ -Fr. 5. bI.I'1.z:ti-.'l 1 i•.) . 000 1 P . i_)i_)i-} 1 1 . l,)i")t_) 1 7 . 3C)0 1 0. 10 } 1 2. i )i„)i) 1 :1.. ()(*'10 1 `:� . ;ii;)i ) Waste I i>.(--)C)() 000 2. (}0 (_) 1 1 . (")(--) (:) 1 `. . 3 (--)(,) •Y'• R t-t r i ri f ~r 'f' 1 o vi is. i i i • r SUMMER Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flaw I 1 1 0.00 6.13 60.73 28.35 0.48 1 1 0.20 4.66 56.59 25.75 0.50 1 1 0.40 4.10 52.80 23.42 0.52 1 1 0.60 4.00 49.34 21.34 0.54 1 1 0.90 4.10 46.17 19.47 0.56 1 1 1.00 4.28 43.27 17.79 0.59 1 1 1.20 4.51 40.59 16.27 0.60 1 1 1.40 4.73 38.13 14.90 0.62 1 1 1.60 4.96 35.85 13.67 0.64 1 1 1.80 5.16 33.75 12.54 0.66 1 1 2.00 5.36 31.79 11.53 0.68 1 1 2.20 5.54 29.98 10.60 0.70 1 1 2.40 5.71 28.30 9.76 0.72 1 1 2.60 5.86 26.73 9.00 0.74 1 1 2.80 6.00 25.27 8.30 0.76 1 1 3.00 6.13 23.90 7.66 0.78 1 1 3.20 6.25 22.63 7.08 0.80 1 1 3.40 6.37 21.44 6.54 0.92 1 1 3.60 6.47 20.32 6.06 O. B4 1 1 3.90 6.57 19.29 5.61 0.96 1 2 3.80 6.57 19.28 5.61 0.86 1 2 4.00 6.23 18.36 5.28 0.B8 1 2 4.20 6.01 17.50 4.97 0.90 1 2 4.40 5.B6 16.68 4.68 0.92 1 2 4.60 5.78 15.92 4.41 0.94 1 2 4.80 5.75 15.19 4.16 0.96 1 2 5.00 5.75 14.51 3.93 o.98 1 2 5.20 5.77 13„86 3.71 1.00 1 2 5.40 5.81 13.25 3.50 1.02 1 2 5.60 5.97 12.67 3.31 1.04 1 2 5.80 5.93 12.12 3.13 1.06 1 2 6.00 6.00 11.60 2.97 1.08 1 2 6.20 6.07 11.11 2.81 1.10 1 2 6.40 6.14 10.64 2.66 1.12 1 2 6.60 6.21 10.20 2.52 1.14 1 2 6.80 6.28 9.77 2.39 1.16 1 2 7.00 6.35 9.37 2.27 1.18 1 2 7.20 6.42 8.99 2.16 1.20 1 2 7.40 6.49 8.63 2.05 1.22 1 2 7.60 6.55 8.29 1.95 1.&A 1 2 7.80 6.61 7.96 1.85 1.26 1 2 8.00 6.67 7.65 1.76 1.28 1 2 8.20 6.73 7.35 1.68 1.30 1 2 8.40 6.78 7.07 1.60 1.32 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I cm15 g10?ql88 o3030¢ town off' L,•Vo j*pL - JOc pry ,Toc ?a5� J6c C OA= (•aynk/ 2 =1.;zc�A �ow=0.3C%3 'ne c cJ fLOAvrj Z o w-va U'ad �m ep/1606 WLA 0,,4-1 aqkvA'2 �ow=o• I C-�s ,_ (• a cis �= 3 Aou NPof� =31.s' pa_ FO,106 = d • I �bs = (� . i?o &0 FOM = 61 S5 6 7K044 6,15" Slop= c2b�prw 51j&- .q�rr- vps4,uavyt- !�a-t.� l�rnp %ri ,J"6-tij i4Yt.. / CI66L p U (1aw) `ltc. Co 1. 3 (�3) 3%'700,660 75 1 q, Sm, coo /t(Cobo.� 91 �vun�too�w %4AIP (J. U. 1 q ro Is 1?. 216 SUMMER FINDING ALLOWABLE FLOW - THE ' WLA GETS BETTER WITH MORE FLOW ---------- MODEL RESULTS ------------- Discharger : TOWN OF LITTLETON-JOC Receiving Stream : ______________________________________________________________________ ' BUTTERWOOD CREEK The End D.O. is 6.33 mg/l. The End CBOD is 10.73 mg/l. The End ______________________________________________________________________ NBOD is 2.85 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # ______ _______ (mg/l) ____ (mg/l) ____ (mg/l) __ (mgd) ----------- Segment 1 4.37 0.60 1 Reach 1 67.50 31.50 6.00 0.45000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Littleton A.T. Justification The Town of Littleton discharges to Butterwood Creek in the Tar River Basin. The proposed design flow for the facility is 0.28 mgd. No other dischargers interact along the section of Butterwood Creek impacted by Littleton. Final effluent limits f8r Littleton: Qw BOD5 NH3 DO TSS Fecal Coliform pH - Schematic: Littleton I( /--, Summer 0.28 -mgd 17 mg/l 10 mg/1 6 mg/1 30 mg/l 1000/100 ml 6-9 SU Winter 0.28 mgd 30 mg/1 4 mg/l 30 mg/l 1000/100 ml 6 - 9 SU 7-Day 10-year flow : Butterwood Creek: The U.S.G.S. estimates flow at the outfall to be Station # Drainage Area Average Streamf low 7Q10 Winter 7Q10 02.0829.3648 1.29 mi2 1.2 cfs 0.2 cfs 0.3 cfs No gages are maintained on Butterwood Creek. The estimate is based on data on Little Fishing Creek (DA = 177 mi2). At downstream sites, flow is estimated as Station # : 02.0829.3075 02.0829.300 Location : 2.4 miles below discharge At mouth, 8.5 miles at SR 1304 below outfall Drainage Area : 3.16 mi2 10.40 mi2- — Average Flow : 3.00 cfs 9.0 cfs 7Q10 : 0.6 cfs 2.0 cfs W7Q10 - 1.2 cfs 4.0 cfs On May 19, 1986, flows were measured at several sites on Butterwood Creek (memo in Appendix A). Natural Flow Location Flow (cfs) (cfs) SR - 1001 0 Above WWTP 0.015 0.015 WWTP 0.45 - 0.54 SR - 1304 0.90 0.36 - 0.45 SR - 1310 1.78 1.24 - 1.33 Natural 7Q10 flow estimates and observed natural flows are compared below: Observed (5/19/86) Estimated oP 7-r Based on this data, the following flow estimates were used for the allocation : DA = 1.29 QAVG = 1.2 . / 7Q10 = ;0.05 !� W7Q 10 0.1 WWTP \\Z Runoff Runoff was calculated as follows: DA = 3.16 QA = 3.0 7Q10 = 0.3 7Q10 : 0.3 - 0.05 / 2.4 = 0.1 cfs m-1 Average flow : 3.0 - 1.8 / 2.4 = 0.75 cfsm-1 Slope Stream Slope was estimated as follows: a. 206 i-10 Stye a, m �ainS'ttr+� ✓ B�a�c.� SIoPe Calcu �ation S ►2� 1 c d o �'� 3, z G. Ra l- �uM eI v disc sic 0 � 3 6 a s3 3 0 0 0, L�tO 19 (70 Z 3 �-( s -7 aistaAcc. Design Temperature .1. Empirical Formula T = 25.848 - 0.001088 * Elev. + 0.001232 * DA * 5.1969 * 7Q10 Yield = 25.848 - 0.001088 * 318 + 0.001232 * 1.29 * 5.1969 * 0.1 = 250C No stream monitoring temperature data are available. Velocity Reach 1 Velocity = V = (0.124 * Average Actual flow 0'75 * Slope 0-29)/Average flow 0.35 = (0.124 * 0.665 0.75 * 26.6 0.29)/2.62 0.35 = 0.166 fps Reach 2 V = (0.124 * 1.1 0.75 * 9.4 0.29)/5.89 0.35 = 0.137 fps Reach 1 K = 0.35 + Velocity n 1 Depth 0.35 + 0.166 * 0.41 0.51 = 0.48 = 0.61 @ 250C n = e (-2.85 + 0.598 . In (slope) Reach 2 Similarly K1 = 0.49 @ 250C Tsivoglou's equation was used ,TM K2 = 1.8 * Slope * Velocity (Q < 10 cfs) K2 = 8.74 @ 250C Reach 1 K2 = 2.58 @ 250C Reach 2 Allocation An ultimate BOD allocation of 70 mg/l was obtained, given these inputs. (Note that all standard Level B assumptions were used. For inputs not discussed in depth, See Appendix B). The ultimate BOD was broken down according to the equation: BOD ult = 1.5 • BOD5 + 4.5 • NH3-N Therefore, an allocation of 17 mg/l BOD5 and 10 mg/1 NH3-N was derived. Final effluent limits : Winter Qw = .280 mgd BOD5 = 17 mg/l 30 mg/l NH3N = 10 mg/1 -- D.O. = 6 mg/l 4 mg/1 Fecal Coliform = 1000/100 ml 1000/100 ml pH = 6 - 9 SU 6 - 9 SU TSS = 30 mg/1 30 mg/l . ' MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : LITTL'TON Subbasin : 030304 Receiving Stream : BUTTERWOOD CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 0.05 ' Winter 7Q10 : 0.1 Design Temperature: 25. |i[NGTH| SLOPE! VELOCITY | DE9TH| Kl | KI | K2 | K2 | KN | KN | KNR | KNR | | mile | ft/mi| fps | ft :design: @20v |design| 32O^ !design! Z201 |desigM 3201 | | < | | | | < | | | | | | Segment 1� | 3.801 26.00| 0,168 | 0.51 | 0.61 | Oi*48 | 8.74 < 7.E4| 0.00 ( 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 ( Reach 1 | ( | | | | | | ( | i | | Segment 1 | 4,70| 9.40| V.137 | O.0.49 | 0.39 | 2.58 | 2.31| 0.00 i 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Reach 2 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Flow | CBOD | ( cfs | mg/l | Segment J. Reach 1 Waste | 0.425 ----- Headwa-t;-ers| 0.050 Tributary | 0.000 ( 0.0O0 | * Runoff < 0.100 | 2.000 � Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste Tributary * Runoff ( 0.100 | 2.000 | * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile NBOD | D.O. i mg/l | mg/l | 0.000 | 6.000 0.000 | 7.000 0.000 | 0.000 0.000 | 7560 0.000 ( 0.000 0.000 | 0.00O 0.000 | 7.560 ---------- MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LITTLETON Receiving Stream : HUTTERWOOD CREEK ----------------------------------------------- The End D.O. is 7.41 mg/1. The End CBOD is 4.15 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.00 mg/l. DO Min (mg/1) Milepaint Reach #P Segment 1 4.99 0.50 1 Reach 1 ° Reach 2 WLA CDOD (mg/1) 70 0 If WL.A WL-A NBOD DO Waste Flo (mg/1) (mg/1) imgd) O. O(( 6. 00 0. 2744 0 0.00 0.00 0.00000 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION / TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH INTENSIVE SURVEY UNIT MAY 3091986 MEMORANDUM TO: RANDY DODD �) THRU: JAY SAUBER J.}��'�' l_ FROM: VINCE SCHNEIDER �'QS SUBJECT: LITTLETON WWTP On May 19, 1986, Technical Services staff (Vince Schneider and Jim Fisher) visited the Littleton WWTP as per your request to collect BOD=5 and flow data on the treatment plant and Butterwood Creek. A slight flow was observed in Butterwood Creek above SR-1001, however there was no observable flow -at SR-1001. Flows -were estimated on Butterwood Creek just below the Robert West dairy farm and at the wastewater treatment plant using the bucket method. Discharge measurements were taken at SR-1304 and SR-1310. Location Flow Butterwood Creek Just below 0.015 cfs West Dairy Farm Littleton WWTP 0.45-0.54 cfs Butterwood Cr at SR-1304 0.903 cfs Butterwood Cr at SR-1310 1.783 cfs * estimated Upstream of the Littleton WWTP is a large dairy farm owned by a Mr. Robert West. Butterwood Creek below the dairy farm contained floating manure and straw, and was highly odoriferous. Where Butterwood Creek passes through the dairy farm property, a drainage ditch was observed, with flow, coming down from the dairy barn. It was stated by Mike Aycock, Littleton WWTP operator, that the upstream waste was from Mr West washing out his dairy barns. BOD-5 samples, along with DO, temperature and conductivity measurements were collected at four stations; 200 feet upstream of the Littleton WWTP discharge point, Littleton WWTP prior to chlorination, SR-1304, and SR-1310. Station BOD-5 DO Temp Conductivity mg/1 mg/1 °C umhos/cm IN 200ft upstream 225 0.3 22.0 550 Littleton WWTP 50 5.3 22.5 430 SR-1304 2.1 7.2 19.0 90 SR-1310 * 1.1 8.0 20.0 70 * algae, probably podostimum, was observed at this site to be quite thick particularly around the bridge area. The Raleigh Regional Office has been made aware of this problem and is in the process of planning a followup investigation. cc: Steve Tedder Meg Kerr Dave Adkins Jim Pounds • ;• � -- is ..�.�_,�..• I v ........ � i I• UPSTREAM SR-1001 ' S R-10 01 171 37 h R BERT WEST;1`4 DAIRY FARM +UPSTREAM SAMPLE POINT l LIT TLET y f' �N W;�ewage Disposal ^{ • _ .1 \ X .JJ1 31 305x. v, 193 I 1 ; ,,N Sri 7 . � is .•.�i^1�.' _' _> �olo. 1 � , 1 • j� /t 'J/7 �-•` J -, - / ` 44 _.. J :' — - / • ice. , ��~ . , % 1 Hm •Vi',-' III _ .__.: _:�-_— _ J<^S_.._.._ S R-1304 << i �_; �. I\ 1 -�P•� �r'.r• `il. _ � y�� i •1 {.X21L{��;+? 4028 I �:r ..Y ,,tf' �t -v+•• �� t'`� •11 siv ,✓'/� { ! :`.:r v Cerra / ,: il' N_; •* �, i1 11 '11 z' �` J -t, 7. 27.1 4027 r. Y, W: o'er... SR-1310 .: - - •� 03 lk iQ .: "1123 i ♦:c-. - _ ._f .5 Fes; .,+, 1 it `'���.�. - �f.::t 1 l•J%' 1+.k•; �"A}'+`.1^•_ NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH TECHNICAL SUPPORT UNIT DESKTOP MODELING PROCEDURE (LEVEL B) FOR EFFLUENT LIMIT DETERMINATIONS FREE FLOWING STREAM OXYGEN CONSUMING WASTE Tn+--,4..n+i — A desktop modeling procedure is used by DEM to determine effluent limitations for dischargers of oxygen consuming waste into free flowing streams when no field data is available. The model is used to calculate limits for BODS, NH3 and DO. Input parameters are: 1. Stream Slope - calculated from a USGS 7'/z min. topo quad sheet. 2. 7 day 10 year low.flow (7Q10) - data available from the US Geological Survey. Low flow statistics are published in "Water Supply Characteristics of North Carolina Streams", USGS water supply paper 1761, US Printing Office, Washington 1963. A printout of 7Q10 statistics can also be obtained from DEM's Information Services Branch for $20-30. 3. Average flow and runoff characteristics - Available from same sources as 7Q10. 4. Drainage area - Drainage areas can be calculated from USGS ~ topo quad sheets. Total suspended solids (TSS) limits are required for all domestic dischargers (30 mg/1). Coliform limits and pH limits are required when insufficient dilution is available. They reflect the standards for the receiving stream. Dischargers to estuaries and lakes are evaluated 'on a case -by -case basis. LEVEL B WASTELOAD MODELING- DOMESTIC WASTEWATER I. Criteria The discharge of oxygen consuming waste must protect the dissolved oxygen standard in the receiving water under 7 day 10 year low flow conditions (7Q10). The dissolved oxygen criteria is 5.0 mg/1 for all classified waters except trout waters which Sust be maintained at 6.0 mg/l. II. Design Temperature for Model Summer T (°C) = 25.848 - (0.001088'* A) + (0.001232 * B) - (5.1969 * C) Winter T (°C) = 15.805 - (0.00084 * A) + (0.00036 * B) - (1.043 * C) where A = elevation at start of model (ft) B = drainage area above discharge (sq. miles) C = 7Q10 yield for __drainage above discharge (cfs / sq. mi ) Summer is defined as April 1 - October 31 Winter is November 1 - March 31 III. The Model The classical Streeter- Phelps DO equation is used to simulate BOD decay in -stream. This model assumes: a) one-dimensional system b) steady-state conditions c) advective transport only d) CBOD and NBOD lumped into ultimate BOD The integrated form of the equation is: -K2x/u K1 -K1x/u -K2x/u Lo K2 - K where: D = DO deficit at milepoint x (mg/1) Do = initial DO deficit (mg/1) K2 = reaeration rate (per day) U = velocity (ft/sec) , X = distance K1 = BOD decay rate (per day) Lo = initial BOD concentration (mg/1) The model simulates ultimate BOD which is then converted to BOD S and NH3 using the equation: BQOu = 1.5 BOD5 + 4.5 NH3 A table of typical Boo / NH3 combinations is attached. However, any combination of 8005 and NH3 that satisfies the criteria above is suitable. Long term BOD data can be used to refine this breakdown when it is available. IV. Reaction Rates ---- A. BOO decay rate, K1 (20°C, base e) K1 is calculated using a corrected bottle rate (Bosko, K., Discussion, Advances in Water Pollution Research, WPCF, Washington DC 1967 from Eckenfelder, W., Water Quality Engineering for Practicing Engineers, Barnes Noble, Inc. @ 1970) K1 =k1 +V N where k1 = Bottle rate (0.35 day -1) V = Mean stream velocity (fps) H = Stream depth (ft) N = Coefficient of bed activity N can be determined from the following equation: N = e (-2.8501 + 0.5980 * In (slope)) N varies 'from 0.1 for stagnant or deep waters to 0.6 or higher for rapidly flowing streams. B. Reaeration rate, K2 (20°C, base e) Reaeration is determined with Or. E.C. Tsivoglou's empirical relationship: for Q < 10 cfs, K2 = 1.8 (slope) (velocity) for 10 < Q < 25, K2 = 1.3 (slope). (velocity) for Q > 25, K2 = 0.88 (slope) (velocity) where Q = stream flow at 7Q10 (cfs) a, C. Temperature corrections for rate coefficients K1 (T) = K1 (20°C) * 1.047 T-20 K2-(T) = K2 (20°C) * 1.022 T-20 V. Velocity An empirical velocity equation was developed from a cross -sectional data set of 125 stream observations of time of travel in North Carolina. 0.124 Q actual 0.75 slope 0.29 V = Q average 0.35 where Q actual = 7Q10.+ wasteflow (cfs) Q average = average stream flow (cfs) slope = stream bed gradient (fpm) V = velocity VI. Stream depth The Level B model assumes that width = 15 * depth Therefore, since V = Q (cfs) ft Q V w.idtn x deptF depth = (Q/15v)��Z VII. Background water quality For Level B analyses when no data are available, background water is assumed to be good. Dissolved oxygen is set at 90% saturation at the design temperature, BOD ultimate is set at 2 mg/l. Tributary flow, unimpacted by waste discharges,is assumed to have the same characteristics. When backgound DO and BOD data are available, representative values can be used in the model.,, _ VIII. Additional considerations A. Interacting Dischargers Multiple dischargers must be considered in an analysis if their wastes interact in -stream. Interacting dischargers will be assigned the same effluent limitations unless one facility clearly dominates the system. All facilities are modeled at their design waste flows and at 7Q10 low flows. B. Small lakes and ponds The Level B stream model is used to simulate small run -of - the -river ponds and lakes. Time -of -travel estimates are reduced to reflect waste trapping in the pond. 11 A A.. ael migim- 13535 30 134 29 20 133 29 20 132 28 20 131 27 20 130 27 20 129 26 20 128 25 20 127 25 20 126 24 20 125 23 20 124 23 20 123 22 20 122 24 19 121 24 19 120 23 19 119 22 19 118 22 19 117 21 19 116 23 18 115 23 18 114 22 18 113 21 18 112 21 18 111 20 18 110 22 17 109 22 17 108 21 17 107 20 17 106 20 17 105 19 17 104 21 16 103 21 16 102 20 16 101 19 16 100 19 16 99 18 16 98 20 15 97 20 15 96 19 15 LEVEL B ANALYSIS BODu DISAGGREGATION BODu = 1.5 BODS + 4.5 NE13—N 95 18 15 55 13 8 94 18 15 54 12 8 93 17 15 53 11 8 92 19 14 52 11 8 91 19 14 51 10 8 90 18 14 50 12 7 89 17 14 49 12 7 88 17 14 48 11 7 87 16 14 47 10 7 86 17 13 46 10 7 85 17 13 45 9 7 84 16 13 44 11 6 83 15 13 43 11 6 82 15 13 42 10 6 81 14 13 41 9 6 80 16 12 40 9 6 79 16 12 30 8 6 78 15 12 38 10 5 77 14 12 37 10 5 76 14 12 36 9 5 75 13 12 35 8 5 74 16 11 34 8 5 73 16 11 33 7 5 72 15 11 32 9 4 71 14 11 31 8 4 70 14 11 30 8 4 69 13 11 29 7 4 68 15 10 28 6 4 67 15 10 27 6 4 66 14 10 26 6 3 65 13 10 25 8 3 64 13 10 24 7 3 63 12 10 23 6 3 62 14 9 22 6 3 61 14 9 21 5 3 60 13 9 20 7 2 59 12 9 19 7 2 58 12 9 18 6 2 57 11 9 17 5 2 56 13 8 16 5 2