HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6191101_Supplement-EZ Form_20200113SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMSLOADFD PROJECT INFORMATION 1 jProject Name SOF Combat Medic Training Facility PN 85958 2 1 Project Area ac 2.93 3 [Coastal Wetland Area ac 0 4 1 Surface Water Area ac 0.02 5 Is this. o'ect Hi h or Low Densit ? _ High 6 IDoes this project use an off -site SCM? No COMPLIANCE WITH 02H.1 003U�4 7 jWidth of vegetated setbacks provided feet 30 8 lWill the ve etated setback remain ve etated? Yes 9 lis BUA other that as listed in .1003 4 c-d out of the setback? Yes 10 Ils streambank stabilization proposed on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: 11 llnfiltration System 1 12 JBioretention Cell 0 13 Wet Pond 0 14 Stormwater Wetland 0 15 Permeable Pavement 0 16 ISand Filter 0 17 lRainwater Harvestin RWH 0 18 Green Roof 0 19 Level Spreader -Filter Strip LS-FS 0 20 Disconnected Im ervious Surface (DIS 0 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry, Pond 0 23 StormFilter Silva Cell Bayfilter Filterra 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 FORMS LOADED DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title; 28 30 1 City,State 31 Phone nun 32 Email: Jason Sesler, PE 801 Jones Franklin Rd. Suite 300 919-325-4777 Jason.Sesler@stantec.com Certification Statement: I certify, under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision; that the information provided in the form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete; and that the engineering plans, specifications, operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. 6k==ZU4--- Sig6cfre of Designer of -13 -;OAm Date DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high densityproject? Yes 2 If so, number of drainage areas/SCMs 1 3 Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule versions? No FORMS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site 1 4 Type of SCM Infiltration Basin 5 Total BUA in project (sq ft 55300 sf 27990 sf 6 New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to permitting) (sq ft 7 New BUA outside of subdivided lots (subject to ermittin s 27500 sf 24490 sf 8 Offsite -total area (sq ft 9 Offsite BUA (sq ft 10 Breakdown of new BUA outside subdivided lots: - Parking (sq ft -Sidewalk (sft 2030 sf 720 sf - Roof (sq ft 19460 sf 19460 sf - Roadway s ft 5110 sf 3700 sf - Future (sq ft - Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft 900 sf 610 sf 11 New infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided lots (sq ft 12 New infiltrating permeable pavement outside of Isubdivided lots (sq ft 13 Exisitng BUA that will remain (not subject to ermitting) (sq ft 27800 sf 3500 sf 14 Existing BUA that is already ermitted (sq ft 15 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq ft 16 Percent BUA 43% 67% 17 Desi n storm inches 1 in 1 in 18 1 Design volume of SCM cu ft 2063 cf 2273 cf 19 1 Calculation method for design volume Simple Simple ADDITIONAL INFORMATION M_ Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 20 drainage area(s): Item 10: Other impervious areas are water meter, concrete pads, concrete stoops, and pond retaining wall. Item 18: Design Volume is considered the required volume for each drainage area/the site. INFILTRATION SYSTEM H1 Drainage area number 1 2 Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 2273 cf GENERAL MDC FROM 02H .1050 3 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build -out? Yes 4 Is the SCM located away from contaminated soils? Yes 5 What are the side slopes of the SCM (H:V)? :1 6 Does the SCM have retaining walls, gabion walls or other engineered side slopes? Yes 7 Are the inlets, outlets, and receiving stream protected from erosion (10-year storm)? Yes 8 Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? Yes 9 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? Pump (preferred) 10 If applicable, will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? Yes 11 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC (8)? Yes 12 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC (9)? N/A 13 If the SCM is on a single family lot, does (will?) the plat comply with General MDC (10)? N/A Yes 14 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC (11)? 15 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC (12)? Yes 16 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? Yes 17 Was the SCM designed by an NC licensed professional? Yes INFILTRATION SYSTEM MDC FROM 02H .1051 18 Proposed slope of the subgrade surface (%) 0% 19 Are terraces or baffles provided? No 20 Type of pretreatment: Other I.snils nato 21 Was the soil investigated in the footprint and at the elevation of the infiltration system? Yes 22 SHWT elevation (fmsl) 222.25 23 Depth to SHWT per soils report (in) 81.00 24 Ground elevation at boring in soils report (fmsl) 229.00 [EFa detailed hydrogeologic study attached if the separation is between 1 and 2 feet? N/A infiltration rate (in/hr) 8.00 or of safety (FS) (2 is recommended): 2.00 i t1evanons 29 Bottom elevation (fmsl) 226.50 ft 30 IStorage elevation (fmsl) 228.00 ft 31 1 Bypass elevation (fmsl) 228.00 ft For Basins Only 32 Bottom surface area, ft2: 1800 ft 33 IStorage elevation surface area (ft) 1915. ft For Trenches Only 34 Length (ft) 35 Width (ft) 36 Perforated pipe diameter, if applicable (inches) 37 Number of laterals 38 Total length of perforated piping 39 Stone type, if applicable 40 Stone void ratio (%) 41 Is stone free of fines? 42 Is the stone wrapped in geotextile fabric? 43 Has at least one infiltration port been provided? Volumes/Drawdown 44 IDesign volume of SCM (cu ft) 2273 cf 45 ITime to drawdown (hours) 4 hrs ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the infiltration 46 system(s): Item 20, pretreatment consists of a sump inlet upstream of infilt. basin @ CB-4 with a water quality trash guard installed. Item 26, in order to be conservative in design, soil infiltration rate of 8.0 in/hr used and rate is less than geotechnical result of 16.43 in/hr. See attached O+M letter for Ft. Bragg compliance. Infiltration 3 10:49 AM 1/13/2020