HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0047384_SOC (application),_201911205 M - 010 r- Clty � J North November 20, 2019 of Greensboro Carolina Water Resources Department Certified Mail 7015 0640 0006 72113612 Return Receipt Requested NC Department of Environmental Quality NPDES Compliance & Expedited Permit Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27600-1617 RE: City of Greensboro Special Order By Consent for T Z. Osborne NCDES Permit NCO047384 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed please find an original and two (2) copies of a Special Order by Consent Application package that includes: - City of Greensboro SOC Application (with narrative for Parts IV. And VI.) signed by Steven D. Drew, Water Resources Director - Hazen and Sawyer Engineers Certification (to address Part V.) signed by Aaron D. Babson, P. E. - City of Greensboro City Council Resolution authorizing the City of Greensboro to enter into a Special Order by Consent with NCDEQ/Environmental Management Commission with signatures of: Mayor, Nancy Vaughan; Mayor Pro Tern Yvonne J. Johnson; and City Attorney Charles Watts Pleas eel free to contac me if you need additional information. C Ste en D. Drew Water Resources Director cc: Mike Borchers, Water Resources Department Assistant Director (via email) Elijah Williams, Water Reclamation Manager (via email) Bradley Flynt, T. Z. Osborne ORC (via email) Martie Groome, Laboratory and Industrial Waste Section Supervisor (via email) Alicia Goots, Laboratory Coordinator, (via email) Andrew Kelly, City of Greensboro Assistant City Attorney (via email) Julie Grzyb, NCDEQ, NPDES Supervisor (via email) Lon Snider, NCDEQ, Winston Salem Regional Office Superviso Glenn Dunn, Poyner Spruill (via email) 1 N�Dir{�lD�R 21 NOV 2019 Nora -Discharge Perini ttial Unit PO Box 3136 C�r•F;�•n.sboro, NC 27402-3136 � www.greensboro-nc Gov :33-:3i,i-t%I"I'Y (2489) TTY# 333-6930 lg-07�® 31�-19 0 r RESOLUTION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (SOC) BETWEEN THE.CITY OF GREENSBORO AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WHEREAS, Water Resources requests approval to pursue and negotiate a Special Order by Consent (SOC) with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality; WHEREAS, the T. Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility has a permit to discharge treated wastewater to South Buffalo Creek, a tributary to the Haw River, classified WS-V waters of this State in the Cape Fear River Basin; WHEREAS, the. discharge is allowed under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Number NCO047384 effective July 1, 2014, and expired on June 30, 2019, and administratively extended until reissued by the state; WHEREAS, the City of Greensboro has voluntarily worked to reduce the concentrations of the unregulated constituent, 1,4-dioxane, discharged from the T. Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility; WHEREAS, the SOC will officially outline the steps that Greensboro will continue to take to further reduce concentrations of 1,4-dioxane in order to protect downstream drinking water sources; WHEREAS, the T. Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility agrees to maintain and operate the wastewater treatment system at its maximum level of efficiency, during the interim period of the Special Order by Consent and thereafter; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO: That the City is authorized to enter into a Special Order by Consent from the Environmental Management Commission and the City hereby authorizes Steven D. Drew, Water Resources Director, to sign and execute this document on behalf of the City of Greensboro. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GREENSBORO ON THE 19t DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2019 APPROVED AS TO FORM �. Z ". e- (�� DEPUTY CI CLERK �1 �Clr "I rJO-4, M�' 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (SOC) I. PERMIT RELATED INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): CITY OF GREENSBORO 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title: STEVEN D. DREW, WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR 3. Facility Name (as shown on Permit) 4. Owner Phone: 5. Owner Email 4. Application Date: T. Z. OSBORNE WWTP (336) 373-7893 (or) .Steve. dreniggreensboro-nc.gov NOVEMBER 20, 2019 5. NPDES Permit No. (if applicable) NCO047384 6. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from I.3. above): SAME II. PRE -APPLICATION MEETING: Prior to submitting this completed application form, applicants must meet with the appropriate regional office staff to discuss whether or not an SOC is appropriate for this situation. Please note the date this meeting occurred and who represented the permittec: Representative: Date: 10-23-2019 DEQ WSRO Staff: Lon Snider, Jenny Graznak DEQ Raleigh Staff. Jeff Poupart, Julie Grzyb City of Greensboro Staff: Elijah Williams, Martie Groome, Alicia Goots III. ADDITIONAL FLOW OR FLOW REALLOCATION: NOTAPPLICABLE In accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b), only facilities owned by a unit of government may request additional flow. Additional flow may be allowed under an SOC only in specific circumstances. These circumstances may include eliminating discharges that are not compliant with an NPDES or Non -discharge permit. These circumstances do not include failure to perform proper maintenance of treatment systems, collection systems or disposal systems. When requesting additional flow, the facility must include its justification and supporting documentation. •' 4 If the requested additional flow is non -domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste and dispose of residuals. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of the constituents in the proposed non -domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional flow requested: The total non -domestic additional flow requested: gallons per day. gallons per day. The total additional flow (sum of the above): gallons per day. Please attach a detailed description or project listing of the proposed allocation for additional flow, with an explanation of how flow quantities were estimated. Further, any additional flow requested must be justified by a complete analysis, by the permittee, that additional flow will not adversely impact wastewater collection/treatment facilities or surface waters. IV. NECESSITY NARRATIVE: Please attach a narrative providing a detailed explanation of the circumstances regarding the necessity of the proposed SOC. Include the following issues: • **Existing and/or unavoidable future violations(s) of permit conditions or limits(s), • The existing treatment process and any process modifications that have been.made to date to ensure optimum performance of existing facilities, NOTAPPLICABLE • Collection system rehabilitation work completed or scheduled (including dates), • **Coordination with industrial users regarding their discharges or pretreatment facilities. Identify any non -compliant significant industrial users and measure(s) proposed or already taken to bring the pretreatment facilities back into compliance. If any industrial facilities are currently under consent agreements, please attach these agreements, • **Date and outcome of last Industrial Waste Survey, "SEENARRATIVE • Whether or not the facility is acting as a regional facility receiving wastewater from other municipalities having independent pretreatment programs. NOT APPLICABLE V. CERTIFICATION: The applicant must submit a report prepared by an independent professional with expertise in wastewater treatment. This report must address the following: • An evaluation of existing treatment units, operational procedures and recommendations as to how the efficiencies of these facilities can be maximized. The person in charge of such evaluation must sign this document. • A certification that these facilities could not be operated in a manner that would achieve compliance with final permit limits. The person making such determination must sign this certification. • The effluent limits that the facility could be expected to meet if operated at their maximum efficiency during the term of the .requested SOC (be sure to consider interim construction phases). • Any other actions taken to correct problems prior to requesting the SOC. 2 VI. PREDICTED COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE: The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule should include milestone dates for beginning construction. ending construction, and achieving final compliance at a minimum. In determining the milestone dates, the following should be considered: • Time for submitting plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWR for review and approval. NOT APPLICABLE • Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to affect facility performance (units out of service, diversion of flows, etc.) to include a plan of action to minimize impacts to surface waters. NOT APPLICABLE • Infiltration/Inflow work, if necessary. NOT APPLICABLE • **Industrial users achieving compliance with their pretreatment permits if applicable. • Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TRE), if necessary. NOTAPPLICABLE VII. FUNDING SOURCES IDENTIFICATION: The applicant must list the sources of funds utilized to complete the work needed to bring the facility into compliance. Possible funding sources include but are not limited to loan commitments, bonds, letters of credit, block grants and cash reserves. The applicant must show that the funds are available, or can be secured in time to meet the schedule outlined as part of this application. If funding is not available at the beginning of the SOC process, the permittee must submit a copy of all funding applications to ensure that all efforts are being made to secure such funds. Note: A copy of the application should be sufficient to demonstrate timeliness unless regional office has reason to request all information associated with securing funding. THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. Reguired Items: a. One original and two copies of the completed and appropriately executed application form, along with all required attachments. If the SOC is for a City / Town, the person signing the SOC must be a ranking elected official or other duly authorized employee. If the SOC is for a Corporation / Company / Industry / Other, the person signing the SOC must be a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice- president, or his duly authorized representative. If the SOC is for a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the Superintendent of Schools or other duly authorized employee. 3 Note: Reference to signatory requirements in SOCs may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code [T15A NCAC 2H .1206(a)(3)]. b. The non-refundable Special Order by Consent (SOC) processing fee of $400.00. A check must be made payable to The Department of Environment and Natural Resources. IDEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIM c. An evaluation report prepared by an independent consultant with expertise in wastewater. (in triplicate) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: (NO MODIFICATION TO THIS CERTIFICATION IS ACCEPTABLE) I, STEVEN D. DREW , attest this application for a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this application are not completed and if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package may be returned as incomplete. (Please be advised that the return of this application does not prevent DWR from collecting all outstanding penalties upon request). Furthermore, I attest by my signature that I fully understand that an upfront penalty, which may satisfy as a full settlement of outstanding violations, may be imposed. {Note: Reference to upfront penalties in Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code [T15A NCfiC 2H .1206(c)(3)].) Date G of Signing Official STEVEND. DREW Printed Name of Signing Official THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL AND TWO COPIES OF ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NPDES COMPLIANCE & EXPEDITED PERMIT UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 IF THIS APPLICATION IS FOR A NON -DISCHARGE SYSTEM, THEN SEND TO: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 4 NARRATIVE ADDENDUM: City of Greensboro Special Order by Consent (SOC) Application - November 20, 2019 IV. NECESSITY NARRATIVE: Please attach a narrative providing a detailed explanation of the circumstances regarding the necessity of the proposed SOC. Include the following issues: • **Existing and/or unavoidable future violations(s) of permit conditions or limits(s), Although the T. Z. Osborne WWTP does not currently have an NPDES permit limit for 1,4- dioxane, the City of Greensboro seeks an SOC to provide documentation and guidance for the continued proactive voluntary activities to address and further reduce the levels of 1,4-dioxane discharged from the WWTP. Our ultimate goal is to be good stewards of the environment by protecting downstream drinking water supplied and water quality standards. • **Coordination with industrial users regarding their discharges or pretreatment facilities. Identify any non -compliant significant industrial users and measure(s) proposed or already taken to bring the pretreatment facilities back into compliance. If any industrial facilities are currently under consent agreements, please attach these agreements, The City of Greensboro developed and implemented a 1,4-dioxane investigation and reduction plan in 2015. The plan included a literature search, WWTP and collection system trunkline sampling and analyses. We also facilitated meetings, in coordination with industrial users, NCDEQ, and other WWTPs. After seven months of sampling, analyses, and data review, the investigation indicated Shamrock Environmental Corporation (Shamrock) was the significant source. When notified, Shamrock voluntarily implemented their own 1,4-dioxane investigation and reduction strategy that included source reduction and the addition of 1, 4-dioxane to their waste characterization review for each client. In addition, Shamrock has committed to explore the latest technology and pretreatment systems for 1, 4-dioxane reduction. The City of Greensboro will continue to oversee the work with Shamrock, which could include a consent agreement and/or a SIU Permit modification. • **Date and outcome of last Industrial Waste Survey, The City of Greensboro submitted an Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) to NCDEQ Pretreatment Staff on October 1, 2019. Over 768 industrial users were contacted, surveyed, and/or visited during the process. Five industrial dischargers were identified for further follow-up activities (Wastewater Permit Application submittal, on -site visits, etc.) to determine if they meet the EPA definition of Significant Industrial User. A report on the final resolutions for the five outstanding dischargers will be submitted to NCDEQ by January 1, 2020. 5 t VI. PREDICTED COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE: The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule should include milestone dates for beginning _construction. ending construction, and achieving final compliance at a minimum. In determining the milestone dates, the following should be considered: • "Industrial users achieving compliance with their pretreatment permits if applicable. SOC Year One: Review and modify, if necessary, previous monitoring plan from 2015 - Revisit trunkline monitoring (1600 miles of sewer line) at previously identified junction locations, including North Buffalo Transfer Line - Determine other minor sources of I, 4-dioxane - Investigate and determine background levels of 1, 4-dioxane - Compile data, validate results, determine findings and further actions Continue collaboration and oversight of Shamrock Environmental re: discharge of 1, 4- dioxane - Review voluntary source reduction program and slug control plan - Increase inspection of Shamrock to twice per year Contact, interview and survey identified minor sources Report all T. Z. Osborne effluent 1, 4-dioxane results by email to NCDEQ as soon as all data is received and has been validated, to allow NCDEQ to notify interested parties - Increase T.Z. Osborne 1, 4-dioxane effluent eDMR monitoring frequency to 2/month when NCDEQ Special Study ends Within 12 months of effective date of SOC, submit report to NCDEQ on Year One activities. SOC Year Two: Work with minor sources to reduce or eliminate 1, 4-dioxane discharges Based on NCDEQ Special Study including City of Greensboro split sample data, determine: - Long-term achievable effectiveness of Shamrock's source reduction efforts and resulting T. Z. Osborne WWTP effluent reductions - Calculate T. Z. Osborne 1, 4-dioxane mass balance using all data (industrial, domestic, and collection system data) Within 24 months of effective date of SOC, submit report to NCDEQ on Year Two activities. SOC Year Three: Based on information generated in Years One and Two, determine, along with NCDEQ, a T. Z. Osborne WWTP effluent target that is technically based, attainable and protective. This target would also include consideration of background concentrations in incoming potable water, domestic discharges, and other uncontrollable sources. Conduct headworks analysis calculations for 1, 4-dioxane relative to target effluent luent concentration - Implement headworks analysis via Industrial User Wastewater Discharge Permits Within 36 months of effective date of SOC, submit report to NCDEQ on Year Three activities. 31 m , I. Hazen is� November 16, 2019 Technical Memorandum To: Steven D. Drew Director of Water Resources City of Greensboro, NC Water Resources Department From: Patricia Drummey Stiegel, PE Aaron D, Babson, PE cc: Elijah L. Williams, P17 Matrtie Groome Bradley Flynt Re: Certification of TZ Osborne WWTP Treatment Capabilities NPDES Permit No. N00047384 Special Order by Consent Third Party Certification of TZ Osborne WWTP Introduction The TZ Osborne WWTP is a conventional wastewater treatmentfacility that consistently complies with effluent limits. It does not have treatment processes designed to remove emerging constituents such as 1,4- Dioxane. This memorandum addresses Section V Certification of the 4pplication for a Special Order by Consent, Hazen and Sawyer • 4011 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 500 - Raleigh, NC :27607 •919.833.7152 Hazen November 16, 2019 1. Evaluation of existing treatment units, operational procedures and recommendations as to how the efficiencies of the T.Z. Osborne WWTP can be maximized The T.Z. Osborne Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 40-mgd treatment facility designed to meet all existing NPDBS permit requirements. Improvements are underway to expand the plant to 56 mgd and upgrade the secondary process to Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR). Treatment processes at the plant include preliminary, primary, secondary, and tertiary conventional wastewater treatment. Preliminary treatment includes step screens followed by influent pumping. The influent pump station has a firm capacity of 75 mgd, consisting of four 25 mgd vertical, centrifugal non -clog pumps that operate on variable frequency drives. Stirred. vortex grit removal follows the influent pump station. The T.Z. Osborne WWTP has 6 primary clarifiers, 4 rectangular and 2 circular, which receive flow from the preliminary treatment facilities, The secondary treatment facilities at the T,Z. Osborne WWTP include the following; aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, return activated sludge (RAS) and waste activated sludge (WAS) pumping and aeration equipment for providing oxygen to the biological process, There are a total of 12 aeration basins, with Basins 1-4 having twice the capacity of the other basins. The aeration basins currently operate in a two -stage process. T,Z, Osborne WWTP has a total of 10 circular secondary clarifiers, 7 with a diameter of 130 feet and 3 with a diameter of 160 feet, Tertiary treatment includes filtration and disinfection. The facility has a total of 6 traveling bridge cloth media falters, and filtration is followed by sodium hypochlorite disinfection, A total of 6 chlorine contact tams provide contact time for disinfection. Sodium bisulfate is then dosed to remove residual sodium hypochlorite before treated effluent is discharged to South Buffalo Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin. The plant is operated in an efficient manner, The T.Z, Osborne WWTP is not capable of treating 1,4- Dioxane and therefore, operational changes are not available to remove this constituent. 2. Certification T,Z. Osborne WWTP could not be operated to remove 1,4-Dioxane to achieve compliance with final permit limits IA-Dioxane is a synthetic industrial chemical_ and is often a by-product present in many goods, including paint atrippers, dyes, greasers; antifreeze and aircraft deicing fluids and in some consumer products. T,Z. Osborne WWTP operates under an existing NPDES permit that does not include 1,4-Dioxane effluent limits. The plant is not designed to remove 1,4-Dioxane and does not have the capability to treat this constituent with existing conventional treatment or after the completion of ongoing upgrades. Special Order by Consent Third Party Certification of TZ Osborne WWTP Page 2 of 3 Hazen November 16, 2019 3. The effluent limits that the facility could be expected to meet if operated at their maximum efficiency during the term of the requested SOC (be sure to consider interim construction phases). Not Applicable for this SOC 4. Any other actions taken to correct problems prior to requesting the SOC The City of Greensboro submitted a "Corrective Action plan" to NC DEQ NP®ES/Pretreatment on September 23, 2019, This document outlines activities by the City of Greensboro Industrial Waste Section in relation to locating sources of and reducing discharges of 1,4-Dioxane to the Greensboro sanitary sewer system, Special Order by Consent Third Party Certification of TZ Osborne WWTP Page 3 of 3