HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC200107_ESC Approval Submitted_20200114Paul Asche
From: Steve Kaltenbach <skaltenbach@orangecountync.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2020 15:37
To: Paul Asche; Charlie Yowell
Cc: Oliver Kaija; ncr192073@nf.bohlereng.com
Subject: RE: Project Titanium - Disturbed Acreages
EXTERNAL: Use caution with attachments and links.
For your records and eNOI submission the Orange County approval that has been permitted as part of LDP19-0077
Phase II is for a total of 12.25 acres of disturbance.
Steve Kaltenbach
Orange County
Planning & Inspections
From: Paul Asche [mailto:pasche@bohlereng.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2020 12:44 PM
To: Steve Kaltenbach; Charlie Yowell
Cc: Oliver Kaija; ncr192073@nf.bohlereng.com
Subject: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] RE: Project Titanium - Disturbed Acreages
Importance: High
Thanks Steve,
For the state eNOI submission could you send us an email confirming that the recent approval for LDP19-0077 is for a
total of 12.25 AC of disturbance?
Paul Asche
Bohler Engineering NC, PLLC
Raleigh, NC 27607
P: 919-578-9000
From: Steve Kaltenbach <skaltenbach@orangecountync.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2020 9:23
To: Charlie Yowell <cyowell@bohlereng.com>
Cc: Paul Asche <pasche@bohlereng.com>; Oliver Kaija <okaija@bohlereng.com>; ncr192073@nf.bohlereng.com
Subject: RE: Project Titanium - Disturbed Acreages
EXTERNAL: Use caution with attachments and links.
The additional disturbance for the stock pile and area west of the retaining wall has been reviewed, approved and
incorporated into the LDP19-0077. See attached invoice serving as receipt as shown being paid in full.
Steve Kaltenbach
Orange County
Planning & Inspections
From: Charlie Yowell[mailto:cyowell(a)bohlereng.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2020 12:25 PM
To: Steve Kaltenbach
Cc: Paul Asche; Oliver Kaija; ncr192073()nf.bohlereng.com
Subject: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] Re: Project Titanium - Disturbed Acreages
Thanks Steve!! We'll get this submitted today to your attention.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 7, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Steve Kaltenbach<skaltenbach@orangecountync.gov> wrote:
EXTERNAL: Use caution with attachments and links.
I have reviewed the latest rendition of the plan for the additional land disturbance in the amount of
(1.36 acres) and can proceed with approval when the additional fee is submitted to Orange County in
the amount of $1,248.48 ($918 plan review and permit fee) (1.36 acres). Please send a check to my
attention and I will process ASAP.
Steve Kaltenbach
Orange County
Planning & Inspections
From: Charlie Yowell[mailto:cvowell(a)bohlerena.com]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2020 4:06 PM
To: Steve Kaltenbach
Cc: Paul Asche; Oliver Kaija; ncr192073()nf.bohlereng.com
Subject: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] Project Titanium - Disturbed Acreages
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the call earlier today. Below is a breakdown of how the disturbed area has changed
throughout the course of all our submittals and subsequent addendums. If this doesn't answer your
question, please let us know and we'll give you a call and get it ironed out. We appreciate you making
this project a priority.
Phase I (Temporary Parking Lot): 9/10 Submittal — Disturbed area: 3.51 ac
Phase I (Temporary Parking Lot): 9/13 Submittal — No change, disturbed area still 3.51 ac.
Phase IA (Parking Lot Demolition West Addendum): 10/3 Submittal — Additional 3.66 ac disturbance.
Phase II (Building Expansion): 10/11 Submittal — 10.89 ac of disturbance
Phase II (Building Expansion): 10/24 Submittal — revised pond, 10.76 ac of disturbance.
Phase II (Building Expansion): 12/16 Submittal — added stockpile to north of pond, 12.07 ac of
Phase II (Building Expansion): 1/2 Submittal — moved LOD out to west of proposed retaining wall, 12.25
ac of disturbance
Charlie Yowell, P.E. I Associate
4130 Parklake Ave, Suite 130 1 Raleigh, NC 27612
P: 919-578-9000 1 cyowellgbohlereng com
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