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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020044_Annual Performance_20200108 Town Of William ston
Wastewater Treatment Plant
P.O.Box 506
US 13 & 17 Bypass, 1801 Willow Drive
Williamston,NC 27892
Tel.252-792-4744 Fax 252-792-6449
ORC Cell#252-661-0770
January 8, 2020
To: NCDEQ PERCS Unit JAN 13 2020
Enclosed are two copies of the Town of Williamston's 2019 Pretreatment
Annual Report.
If you have questions or concerns please contact me.
41-044-e"" g-9-12-44
Hilary E. (Gene) Reed
Town Of Williamston
Wastewater Treatment Plant
P.O.Box 506
US 13& 17 Bypass, 1801 Willow Drive E C E I V E D
Williamston,NC 27892
Tel.252-792-4744 Fax 252-792-6449 JAN 13 2020
ORC Cell#252-661-0770
1 JAN 2019-31 DEC 2019
During 2019 the Town of Williamston had no operational industries and therefore did not
administer any IUPs. We choose to keep our pretreatment program active in hopes that new
industries may locate here.No STMP data was gathered this year.
Data submitted by:
Hilary E. eed
WWTP—ORC/Pretreatment Coordinator
Chapter 9, PAR Guidance
Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS)
1 Pretreatment Town Name: Williamston
2 "Primary" NPDES Number NC0020044 fhis Cohum
or office
or Non_Discharge Permit# if applicable=> use
3 PAR begin Date, please enter 01/01/yy or 07/01/yy 3.=> 1/1/2019 PSSD
4 PAR end Date, please enter 06/30/yy or 12/31/yy 4.=> 12/31/2019 PSED
5 Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5.=> 0 sius
6 Number of CIUs 6.=> 0 CIUs
7 Enter the Higher Number, either (7a)or(7b) here=> 0 NOIN
7a. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 7a._> 0
7b. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 7b.=> 0
8 Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8.=> 0 NOCM
9 Total Number of SIUs in SNC due to either IU Reporting violations or
IUP Limit violations. To avoid double counting some SIUs
Enter ( 9a+ 9b ) - 9c here=> 0 PSNC
Enter the Number of SIUs in SNC for :
9a. IU Reporting violations 9a._> 0 MSNC
9b. IUP Limit violations 9b.=> 0 SNPS
9c. Both IU Reporting & Limit violations 9c._> 0
10 Number of SIUs in SNC due to IU Reporting violations
that were not sampled or inspected by POTW 10.=> 0 SNIN
11 Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of 11.=> 0 SSNC
Compliance Schedule due dates
12 Number NOVs,NNCs,AOs, or similar assesed to SIUs 12.=> 0 FENF
13 Number Civil or Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 13.=> 0 JUDI
14 Number of SIUs included in public notice 14._> 0 svPu
15 Number of SIUs from which penalties collected 15.=> 0 IUPN
16 Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 16. => $ $0.00
17 Total Number of SIUs on a compliance schedule 17.=> 0 socs
Foot Notes: AO Administrative Order NOV Notice of Violation
CIU Categorical Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report
CO Consent Order POTW Public Operated Treatment Works
IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit SIU Significant Industrial User
NNC Notice of Non-Compliance SNC Significant Non-Compliance,formerly RNC
Pretreatment Program Info Database printed on: 12/20/2019
for Program Name Williamston Stream Information IWC%at 7010 0.26
WTP Name Town of Wllliamston
Program Approval Date 04/01/1988 7Q10 Flow cfs!mgd 1170 / 755.82
1010 Flow cfs/mgd 938.72 / 606.69
Pretreatment Status Modified
Stream Classification C
Region WARO Basin Number ROA09
County Martin Receiving Stream Name ROANOKE RIVER
NPDES Number NC0020044
NPDES Effective Date Last PAR Rec 01/16/2019 PAR Due Date 03/01/2020 mercury
02/01/2019 1631
NPDES Expire DateCurrent Fiscal required
P 05/31/2022 Year PCI Done
POTW is Primary TP TRUE Last Audit on 04/24/2018 Audit Year Next22/23 yes
Design Flow mgd 2.0000 %Design mgd is SIU permitted 0.00 Permitted SIU flow(mgd)[Pt_SIU)
VWVfP SIU's 0 Program Sills 10
date Inactive Date Next Due 04/01/2024 10/01/2024
Date Received by DWR 03/06/2019 06/03/2019 09/17/2019 09/24/2012 03/14/2013
Date Approved 04/30/2019 08/22/2019 12/09/2019 10/02/2012 03/19/2013
Adopt Date Required
Date Adopted 08/06/2012
Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date
PT_Pro Attended Attended Attended
Formal Name g.Prime Phonel ext Fax HWA Wksp IUP Wksp PAR Wksp
Mr.Gene Reed (Prim 11252-792-4744 J 1252-792-6449 II 2/11/2010 13/23/2011 11/24/2008 Wastewater ORC/Pretreatment PO Box 506 27892
jPretreatment Related NOVs from DWQ I DWR Central Office Contact Monti Hassan
2/5/1987 WQ 87 008 was penalty of$1188.89 DWR Regional Contact Robbie Bullock
Town Of William ston
Wastewater Treatment Plant
P.O.Box 506
US 13 & 17 Bypass, 1801 Willow Drive
Williamston,NC 27892
Tel.252-792-4744 Fax 252-792-6449
Town of Williamston WWTP
Waste Reduction
1. All oil drained during maintenance and repair activities is collected and recycled.
2. Aluminum, appropriate paper products and plastics are placed in a recycle
container for curbside pickup.
3. Cardboard is taken to a local recycle center.
4. All chemicals and chemical containers are disposed of in accordance with
manufacturer's guidelines and governmental regulations.
5. Public information dealing with the proper disposal of fats, oils and grease
and the problems improper disposal can cause to the sewer collection system is
provided on the town's website, comments included on water/sewer bills and in
PSAs in the local newspaper.
6. High level audio and visual alarms are present at all pumping stations. On
3/31/15 telemetry was installed on our 13 lift stations. Daily monitoring takes
place along with the required weekly checks.
Workbook Name : HWA AT 2019.xIsx, Worksheet Name: AT Printed:01/0712020,09:33:04
Page 1 of 5
Allocation Table Spreadsheet Instructions:
Headworks last approved: 04/30/19 1)Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected,password is
Allocation Table updated: 04/30/19 2)Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance,Chapter 6,Section C.
3)HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names,MAHLs,Basis,and Uncontrollable load in
Permits last modified: 06/18/18 this AT worksheet are automatically entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant names in columns
AT through BK.
W illiamston
Industry Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits
IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe of Effective Effective Permit Conc. Load Conc. Load
Count (Please lie el°hebeacy) number number Industry Date Date Expires MGD gal/day mg/I lbs/day mg/I lbs/day
6 -_
Column Totals= 0
Basis=> NPDES Design Design
MARL from HWA(lbs/day)_> NPDES Permitted Flow= 2.0000 3670 4003
Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)_> 1.2300 1138 1279
Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 0.7700 2532 2724
Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)== 0.0000 0 0
MAIL left(Ibs/day)_> 0.7700 2532 2724
Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 100.0% 100.0°ro 100.0%
Percent MAHL still available(%)_> 38.5% 69.0% 68.1
5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)= 0.1000 183 200
Revised:November 2005
Workbook Name : HWA AT 2019.xlsx, Worksheet Name: AT Printed:01/07/2020,09:33:05
Page 2 of 5
Allocation Table
Headworks last approved: 04/30/19
Allocation Table updated: 04/30/19
Permits last modified: 06/18/18
Ammonia Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide
Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits _ Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits
IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load
Count (pleeae list alphebeticy) number number m_g/l lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/I Ibs/dav m '1 lbs/day
5 .-
8I 1
Column Totals=> 0 0.00007. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Sludge Sludge AS/Nit/TF Sludge AS/Nit/TF
Basis=> Design Ceiling Ceiling inhibition Ceiling inhibition
MAHL from HWA(lbs/day) 300.24 0.0326 0.0248 4.0417 1.0698 1.0258
Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 113.25 0.0256 0.0051 0.0256 0.2411
Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)_> 186.99 0.0070 0.0197 4.0161 0.8288 #VALUE!
Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)=> 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
MAIL left(lbs/day) 186.99 0.0070 0.0197 4.0161 0.8288 #VALUE!
Percent Allow. Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)=> 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0
Percent MAHL still available(%)=> 62.3% 21.4% 79.4% 99.4% 77.5%
5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day) 15.01 0.0016 0.0012 0.2021 0.0535 0.0513
Revised:November 2005
Workbook Name : HWA AT 2019.xlsx, Worksheet Name: AT Printed:01/07/2020,09:33:05
Page 3 of 5
Allocation Table
Headworks last approved: 04/30/19
Allocation Table updated: 04/30/19
Permits last modified: 06/18/18
Ponva Williamston
Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver
Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits
IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load •
Count ( number number mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day mg/I lbs/day mg/1 lbs/day
3 4
4 1 _
Mions -
9 - _
Column Totals=> 0.0000 0.000000, 0.0000 0.0000 I 0.00001 (1.0000
Sludge Sludge
Sludge Sludge Ceiling Sludge Ceiling AS/NiUTF
Basis=> Ceiling Ceiling HASL Ceiling HASL inhibition
MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)_> 0.2697 0.018606 1.7021 0.1959 2.6303 2.5646
Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day)=> 0.0256 0.001026 0.0513 0.0513 0.0513
Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)=> 0.2441 0.017581 1.6508 0.1446 2.5790 #VALUE!
Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)_> 0.0000 0.000000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
MAIL left(lbs/day)=> 0.2441 0.017581 1.6508 0.1446 2.5790 #VALUE!
Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)_> 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Percent MARL still available(%)=> 90.5% 94.5% 97.0% 73.8% 98.1%
5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)=> 0.0135 0.000930 0.0851 0.0098 0.1315 0.1282
Revised:November 2005
Workbook Name : HWA AT 2019.xlsx, Worksheet Name: AT Printed:01/07/2020,09:33:05
Page 4 of 5
Allocation Table
Headworks last approved: 04/30/19
Allocation Table updated: 04/30/19
Permits last modified: 06/18/18
Zinc Total Nitrogen Total Phos. Oil&Grease d e
Industry Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits
IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit Pipe Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load Conc. Load
Count (please list alphxbcficly) number number mg/I lbs/day mg/I lbs/day m,g/1 Ibsiday mg/I lbs/day mg/I Ibs%day mgil lbsiday
Column Totals=> 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Basis=> Ceiling
MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)_> 2.5757
Uncontrollable Loading(lbs/day) 1.6003
Total Allowable for Industry(MAIL)(lbs/day)= 0.9754
Total Permitted to Industry(lbs/day)= 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
MAIL left(lbs/day)= 0.9754
Percent Allow.Ind.(MAIL)still available(%)= 100.0
Percent MAHL still available(%)= 37.9%
5 Percent MAHL(lbs/day)= 0.1288
Revised:November 2005
Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year=> 2019
Significant Non-Compliance Report (SNCR) -ol Authority=Program=Town Name => Williamston
WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => Williamston WWTP
SIU= Significant Industrial User NPDES # => NC0020044
SNC = Significant Non-Compliance
A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year
SNC ? (Yes /No)
IUP Pipe Industry Name Parameter for each 6-month period.
# # or "Reporting" Jan. - June July-Dec.
No Industries
Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's Sills behind this page .
Is the database correct? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years.
EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved?
REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative.
Form name: PAR,SNCR,2001
Date Revised: 1/4/2001