HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191305 Ver 1_More Info Received_20191203Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highway 64 at Cherrywood Drive Highlands, North Carolina April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Prepared For: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, Alabama Prepared By: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Greenville, South Carolina April 10, 2019 The Broadway Group, LLC 216 West Side Square Huntsville, Alabama 35804 Attn: Ms. Kelly Steele, Due Diligence Coordinator P: (256) 533 7287 E: Kelly. Steele@broadwaygroup.net Re: Geotechnical Exploration Report Proposed Dollar General Store Highway 64 and Cherrywood Drive Highlands, North Carolina 1rerraeon Project No. 86195030 Dear Ms. Steele: Irerracon Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed the authorized geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced project. These services were performed in general accordance with our Proposal Number DG190043/PT2195020, dated and authorized by you on March 7, 2019. This report presents the results of the subsurface exploration and provides geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to earthwork and the design and construction of foundations, floor slabs, and pavements for the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Maggie McKenney, E.I.T. Field Geotechnical Engineer APR Review BY: Nitin Dudani, P.E. Geotechnical Department Manager Copies to: Addressee (1 via e-mail) 101Y41FIV. p`ll Morgan B. Dougherty, P.E. Staff Engineer Terracon Consultants, Inc. 72 Pointe Circle, Greenville, SC 29615 P [864] 292 2901 F [864] 292 6361 terracon.com Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................i 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION.............................................................................................2 2.1 Site Location and Description............................................................................2 2.2 Project Description.............................................................................................2 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS........................................................................................3 3.1 Site Geology.......................................................................................................3 3.2 Typical Subsurface Profile................................................................................4 3.3 Groundwater......................................................................................................4 3.4 Field Infiltration Test..........................................................................................5 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION........................................6 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations.............................................................................6 4.2 Earthwork...........................................................................................................7 4.2.1 Site Preparation......................................................................................7 4.2.2 Materials Types.......................................................................................7 4.2.3 Compaction Requirements.....................................................................8 4.2.4 Grading and Surface Drainage................................................................9 4.2.5 Earthwork Construction Considerations................................................9 4.3 Foundations.....................................................................................................10 4.3.1 Foundation Design Recommendations...............................................11 4.3.2 Foundation Construction Considerations..........................................11 4.4 Seismic Considerations..................................................................................12 4.5 Floor Slab.........................................................................................................13 4.5.1 Floor Slab Design Recommendations.................................................13 4.5.2 Floor Slab Construction Considerations............................................13 4.6 Pavements........................................................................................................14 4.6.1 Subgrade Preparation...........................................................................14 4.6.2 Pavement Design Considerations.........................................................15 4.6.3 Estimates of Minimum Pavement Thickness........................................15 4.6.4 Pavement Drainage...............................................................................17 4.6.5 Pavement Maintenance.........................................................................17 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS................................................................................................18 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 APPENDIX A— FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Exhibit A-1 Site Location Plan Exhibit A-2 Boring Location Plan Exhibit A-3 Field Exploration Description Exhibit A-4 to A-12 Borings Logs APPENDIX B — SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Exhibit B-1 General Notes Exhibit B-2 Unified Soil Classification System Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Irerracon Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 ■ Terracon Project No. 86195030 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services performed for the proposed Dollar General to be to be located at Highway 64 and Cherrywood Drive in Highlands, North Carolina. Terracon's geotechnical engineering scope of work included the advancement of nine (9) soil test borings to depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades and two (2) infiltration tests for the proposed detention pond. The following geotechnical engineering considerations were identified: Approximately 2 to 9 inches of topsoil and/or aggregate base course was encountered in the borings, which is underlain by undocumented fill to a depth of 2 to 3 feet in borings B- 2, B-3, and B-7. All other borings encountered very loose to dense and soft to medium stiff residual soils consisting of silty sands and sandy silt. Auger refusal was encountered at depths of 11 to 13 feet in borings B-1 and B-4, indicating possible bedrock. Groundwater was observed to depths of approximately 1 '/2 to 5 feet below existing site grades in the SPT borings while drilling orforthe short duration thatthe borings were allowed to remain open. Seasonal high water level was observed at a depth of 2 feet below existing site grade in boring B-9. Depending on the final subgrade elevations, Dewatering may be required during the undercutting activities. The proposed building may be supported on shallow footings bearing on the existing fill, native residual soils or engineered fill extending to residual soils. The shallow foundation may be designed with an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Due to high water table and very loose soil consistency in the upper 3 feet, the subgrade may fail the proofroll test. Subgrade repairs using undercut and backfill or use of woven geotextile may be necessary to stabilize the building and pavement subgrade. We suggest a contingency in the grading budget to address this issue during the grading phase of the project. Borings encountered high fines content and natural moisture in the upper materials and the site is susceptible to disturbance during construction or in wet conditions. The subgrade should be graded to provide positive drainage and it should be protected by keeping it dry and preventing heavy vehicles in the footprint of the proposed construction. In accordance with 2015 International Building Code (IBC), seismic site classification for this site is D. The on -site residual soils generally appear suitable for re -use as engineered fill. However, further testing should be performed during construction to assess specific soil properties. Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Irerracon Monitoring of the construction operations as discussed herein will be critical in achieving the design subgrade support and determining if the recommendations presented in this report are properly implemented. We therefore recommend that Terracon be retained to monitor this portion of the work. This summary should be used in conjunction with the entire report for design purposes. It should be recognized that details were not included or fully developed in this section, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. The section titled GENERAL COMMENTS should be read for an understanding of the report limitations. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT DOLLAR GENERAL STORE - HIGHLANDS HIGHWAY 64 AND CHERRYWOOD DRIVE HIGHLANDS, NORTH CAROLINA Terracon Project No. 86195030 April 10, 2019 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services performed for the proposed Dollar General to be located at Highway 64 and Cherrywood Drive in Highlands, North Carolina. Terracon's geotechnical engineering scope of work included the advancement of nine (9) soil test borings to depths of approximately 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades and two (2) infiltration tests for the proposed detention pond. Boring Logs along with a Site Location and Boring Location Plan are included in Appendix A of this report. The purpose of these services is to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to the proposed development and includes the following: subsurface soil conditions earthwork seismic considerations pavement design and construction Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable groundwater conditions foundation design and construction floor slab design and construction. Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Site Location and Description Item Description Site layout Refer to the Site Location and Boring Location Plans (Exhibits A-1 and A-2 in Appendix A). Approximate 2.24-acre tract of partially wooded undeveloped land Location located at Highway 64 and Cherrywood Drive in Highlands, North Carolina. Existing improvements Wooden fence at Highway 64 entrance and a ditch along eastern portion of site. Current ground cover Gravel, trees, and bushes. Existing topography The ground surface slopes downward gently towards the northeast. 2.2 Project Description Building construction An approximate 9,100-square foot (sf) building with both standard duty and heavy-duty paved parking and drive areas. Finished floor elevation FFE=4,026 feet. Columns: 20 to 50 kips Maximum loads Walls: less than 3 kips per linear foot Slabs: less than 100 pounds per linear foot Grading Traffic loading, Assumed We presume that the site will require minimal grading, on the order of approximately 5 feet of cut and fill. A stormwater detention area is planned in the southern portion of the site. Also, a primary and reserve septic field are planned in an area west of the new building. The amount of required excavation for these areas is currently unknown. Design equivalent axle loads (EAL's) over a 20-year design life On -site Pavement Standard Duty: 11,279 On -site Pavement Heavy Duty: 30,567 Should any of the above information or assumptions be inconsistent with the actual design or planned construction, please let us know so that we may make any necessary modifications to this report. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 ■ Terracon Project No. 86195030 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology The project site is located within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Ridge and Valley is bounded on the north by the Cumberland Plateau and Lookout Mountain and on the south and east by the Great Smokey Fault. The Ridge and Valley Province is comprised of folded and faulted stratified rock ranging in age from lower Cambrian to upper Pennsylvanian, or roughly 600 to 280 million years old. The rocks of the area are typically shale, limestone, dolomite and sandstone. These rocks were deposited as sediments carried by running water from the Piedmont upland on the southeast side into the Paleozoic Sea and then spread out as horizontal sheets covering the sea bottom. These loose sediments were later consolidated into the existing stratified rock which were subsequently uplifted, tilted, bent and broken. The rocks have weathered in -place to form residual over -burden soils including clays, silts and sands, some of which contain chert fragments ranging from gravel to boulder sizes. The mountains have steep or very steep side slopes and gently sloping to steep ridges. The soils are on the side slopes range from deep to shallow over hard bedrock, saprolite, or soft bedrock. This soil type is on mountain slopes and mountains, with the parent material consisting of residuum weathered from the underlying igneous and metamorphic rock. These soils are typically well drained, with a low shrink -swell potential. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store - Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 3.2 Typical Subsurface Profile Based on the results of the borings, subsurface conditions on the project site can be generalized as follows: Approximate Description Depth to Bottom Material Encountered Consistency/Density of Stratum Topsoil and/or Aggregate Base Stratum 1 2 to 9 inches N/A Course 2 to 3 in B-2, B-3, Stratum 2 and B-7 Fill - Silty SAND (SM) N/A Boring Termination Residuum - Silty SAND (SM), Very Loose to Dense, Soft Stratum 3 Depth Sandy elastic SILT (MH) to Medium Stiff Below 11 to 13 in Stratum 4 Bedrock based on auger refusal N/A B-1 and B-4 Specific conditions encountered at each boring location are indicated on the individual boring logs in the appendix. Stratification boundaries on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in -situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. 3.3 Groundwater The boreholes were observed while drilling and after completion for the presence and level of groundwater. Groundwater was observed at depths of 1 '/2 to 5 feet below existing site grades in borings while drilling or for the short duration (2 hours or less) that the borings were allowed to remain open. Due to the low permeability of the soils encountered in the borings, a relatively long time may be necessary for a groundwater level to develop and stabilize in a borehole in these materials. Longer observations in piezometers or observation wells sealed from the influence of surface water are often required to define groundwater levels in materials of this type. Groundwater level fluctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff, and other factors. The soil samples in the borings were observed for redoximorphic features of the soil profile to estimate the seasonal high water table levels in the vicinity of the proposed stormwater pond area. Redoximorphic features (a gray or bluish -gray colored soil matrix) and mottles are formed by the process of reduction, translocation, and/or oxidation of iron and manganese oxides as the water table fluctuates. A soil layer exhibiting redoximorphic features can be representative of the seasonal high water table level. Based on our observations, redoximorphic features were observed in boring B-9 at an approximate depth of 2 feet. In addition, perched water could develop in sand seams and layers overlying lower permeability clay soils following periods of heavy or prolonged precipitation. Therefore, groundwater levels Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 during construction or at other times in the life of the structures may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. 3.4 Field Infiltration Test We understand that a storm -water detention area is proposed at the southern portion of the project site. A total of two (2) infiltration tests were performed for the proposed pond at depths of 3 feet below existing grades to determine the infiltration rate of the in -situ soils. Infiltration testing was performed at the bottom of the proposed pond boring or re -drilled to the depth of approximate seasonal high-water table based on visual observations. After drilling, a 4-inch PVC pipe was placed inside the borehole and embedded into the soil. Once the augers were removed, the pipe was filled with 12 inches of filter sand and water to a height of 12 inches above the sand. The water was then allowed to soak inside the pipe for 24 hours prior to testing. After 24 hours, water was added to the boring to bring the water level back to 12 inches above the sand. The drop in the water level was monitored for 1 hour and the change in the water level was recorded. This process was repeated for a total of four times. Upon completion of the infiltration testing, the pipe and boring were backfilled with the soil cuttings from the drilling operations. The table below provides a summary of the depth of testing and infiltration rate as an average measured from the four readings. Groundwater Test depth Soil type Infiltration rate, in/hr. Sandy silt approximately 4 feet BGS 3 feet BGS and fine to 0.2 medium silty sands. Note: BGS = Below Ground Surface It should be noted that saturation levels along with other factors such as siltation may affect the infiltration rates. The actual infiltration rate may vary from the values reported here. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Irerracon 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 4.1 Geotechnical Considerations Borings for the proposed building encountered approximately 2 to 9 inches of topsoil and/or aggregate base course followed by residual/ native soils consisting of soft to medium stiff sandy silts and very loose to dense silty sands. Auger refusal was encountered from 11 to 13 feet in borings B-1 and B-4, indicating possible bedrock. In our opinion, the proposed buildings can be supported by a shallow, spread footing foundation system bearing on existing fill, residual soils or engineered fill extending to residual soils. A net allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf can be used in foundation design. However, there are several geotechnical recommendations which must be performed during the construction of the building. These include the following: Based on our visual observation of the soil samples we believe that the onsite soils will generally be suitable for use as engineered fill; however, further testing is recommended prior to use. Due to the presence of fines in conjunction with high natural moisture in the upper materials, the site is susceptible to disturbance during construction or in wet conditions. The subgrade should be protected by keeping it dry and preventing heavy vehicles in the footprint of the proposed construction. Reconditioning and recompaction of the upper surface soils should be anticipated since these soils will deteriorate when exposed to wet weather conditions. The reconditioning can be performed by spreading or scarifying the soils to help lower the moisture content to optimum moisture of the material. The recompaction should be performed using fill placed in thin lifts compacted to standard proctor test (ASTM D 698) density requirements provided in this report. Due to high water table and very loose soil consistency, the subgrade may not pass the proofroll tests. Subgrade repairs using undercut and backfill or use of woven geotextile may be necessary during the grading operations. Geotechnical engineering recommendations for foundation systems and other earth connected phases of the project are outlined below. The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of data presented herein, engineering analyses, and our current understanding of the proposed project. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 6 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store - Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 4.2 Earthwork The following paragraphs present recommendations for site preparation, excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of engineered fills on the project. The recommendations presented for design and construction of earth supported elements including foundations, slabs and pavements are contingent upon following the recommendations outlined in this section. Earthwork on the project should be observed and evaluated by Terracon. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fill, subgrade preparation, foundation bearing soils, and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. 4.2.1 Site Preparation We anticipate construction will be initiated by stripping vegetation, topsoil, trees, and gravel. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted off site, or used to vegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after completion of grading operations. Stripping depths between our boring locations and across the site could vary considerably as such we recommend actual stripping depths be evaluated by a representative of Terracon during construction to aid in preventing removal of excess material. After stripping, proofrolling should be performed with heavy rubber -tired construction equipment such as a fully loaded tandem -axle dump truck. A geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe proofrolling to aid in locating unstable subgrade materials. Proofrolling should be performed after a suitable period of relatively dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise acceptable subgrade and to reduce the amount of undercutting / remedial work required. Unstable materials located should be stabilized as directed by the engineer based on conditions observed during construction. Undercut and replacement and densification in- place are typical remediation methods. 4.2.2 Materials Types Engineered fill should consist of approved materials, relatively free of organic material, debris and particles larger than about 3 inches. Soils for use as engineered fill material should conform to the following specifications: Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 7 Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Fill Type' Fine Grain Soils Granular Soils USCS Classification CL, ML, SC, SM (LL<45; PI<25) SP, SM, SC, SW Irerracon Acceptable Location for Placement All locations and elevations All locations and elevations The on -site soils typically appear suitable for use as On -site soils2 Varies fill. Laboratory testing during construction will be required to confirm. 1. Controlled, compacted fill should consist of approved materials that are relatively free of organic matter and debris. Frozen material should not be used, and fill should not be placed on a frozen subgrade. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the geotechnical engineer for evaluation. 2. A minimum Proctor (ASTM D698) maximum dry density of 95 pounds per cubic foot is recommended. 4.2.3 Compaction Requirements Recommended compaction and moisture content criteria for engineered fill materials are as follows. Material Type and Location', 2 Per the Standard Proctor Test (ASTM D 698) Minimum Compaction Requirement (%) Range of Moisture Contents for Compaction Minimum Maximum Acceptable soil or approved imported fill soils: Beneath foundations and slabs: 95 -2% +3% Beneath pavements: 95 -2% +3% 12 inches directly below pavements: 98 -2% Per the Modified Proctor Test (ASTM 95 -3% +3% D 1557) +3% Aggregate base (beneath slabs) Aggregate base (beneath pavements) 98 -3% +3% 1. Engineered fill materials should be placed in horizontal, loose lifts not exceeding 9 inches in thickness and should be thoroughly compacted. Where light compaction equipment is used, as is customary within a few feet of retaining walls and in utility trenches, the lift thickness may need to be reduced to achieve the desired degree of compaction. Soils removed which will be used as engineered fill should be protected to aid in preventing an increase in moisture content due to rain. 2. We recommend that engineered fill be tested for moisture content and compaction during placement. Should the results of the in -place density tests indicate the specified moisture or compaction limits have not been met, the area represented by the test should be reworked and retested as required until the specified moisture and compaction requirements are achieved. 3. Specifically, moisture levels should be maintained low enough to allow for satisfactory compaction to be achieved without pumping when proofrolled. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 8 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 4.2.4 Grading and Surface Drainage Adequate positive drainage should be provided during construction and maintained throughout the life of the development to prevent an increase in moisture content of the foundation, pavement and backfill materials. Surface water drainage should be controlled to prevent undermining of fill slopes and structures during and after construction. Gutters and downspouts that drain water a minimum of 10 feet beyond the footprint of the proposed structures are recommended. This can be accomplished through the use of splash - blocks, downspout extensions, and flexible pipes that are designed to attach to the end of the downspout. Flexible pipe should only be used if it is daylighted in such a manner that it gravity - drains collected water. Splash -blocks should also be considered below hose bibs and water spigots. It is recommended that all exposed earth areas be seeded to provide protection against erosion as soon as possible after completion. Seeded areas should be protected until the vegetation is established. Sprinkler systems should not be installed behind or in front of walls without the approval of the civil engineer and wall designer. 4.2.5 Earthwork Construction Considerations It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can be accomplished with conventional earth -moving equipment. Upon completion of filling and grading, care should be taken to maintain the subgrade moisture content prior to construction of floor slabs and pavements. Construction traffic over the completed subgrade should be avoided to the extent practical. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or in excavations. If the subgrade should become frozen, desiccated, saturated, or disturbed, the affected material should be removed or these materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and recompacted prior to floor slab and pavement construction and observed by Terracon. Surface water should not be allowed to pond on the site and soak into the soil during construction. Construction staging should provide drainage of surface water and precipitation away from the building and pavement areas. Any water that collects over or adjacent to construction areas should be promptly removed, along with any softened or disturbed soils. Surface water control in the form of sloping surfaces, drainage ditches and trenches, and sump pits and pumps will be important to avoid ponding and associated delays due to precipitation and seepage. All excavations should be sloped or braced as required by OSHA regulations to provide stability and safe working conditions. Temporary excavations will probably be required during grading operations. The grading contractor, by his contract, is usually responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. All Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 excavations should comply with applicable local, state and federal safety regulations, including the current Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor who controls the means, methods and sequencing of construction operations. Under no circumstances shall the information provided herein be interpreted to mean that Terracon is assuming any responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility shall neither be implied or inferred. 4.3 Foundations Design recommendations for shallow foundations for the proposed structure are presented in the following paragraphs. These recommendations assumed that the foundation excavations will be observed by the geotechnical engineer, including hand auger borings and dynamic cone penetrometer tests. In the event that low consistency/unsuitable materials are encountered, repairs can be employed to undercut and replace the loose materials. In our opinion, the portion of the proposed Store building can be supported by a shallow, spread footing foundation system bearing on existing fill, residual soils and engineered fill extending to residual soils. Design recommendations for shallow foundations for the proposed structures are presented in the following paragraphs. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 10 Geotechnical Engineering Report Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 4.3.1 Foundation Design Recommendations Description Net allowable bearing pressure' Minimum dimensions Minimum embedment below finished grade for frost protection 2 Approximate total settlement 3 Estimated differential settlement 3 Ultimate coefficient of sliding friction Irerracon Column Wall 2,000 psf 2,000 psf 24 inches 18 inches 18 inches 18 inches Around 1 inch Around 1 inch Around 1/4 inch between Around 3/ inch over 40 columns feet 0.35 1. The recommended net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation. Assumes any unsuitable fill or soft soils, if encountered, will be undercut and replaced with engineered fill, compacted crushed stone, or lean concrete. 2. For frost protection and to reduce the effects of seasonal moisture variations in the subgrade soils. For perimeter footing and footings beneath unheated areas. 3. The above settlement estimates are based on empirical relationships and the information in the Project Information section of this report. The foundation settlement will depend upon the variations within the subsurface soil profile, the structural loading conditions, the embedment depth of the footings, the thickness of compacted fill, and the quality of the earthwork operations. The allowable foundation bearing pressures apply to dead loads plus design live load conditions. The design bearing pressure may be increased by one-third when considering total loads that include wind or seismic conditions. The weight of the foundation concrete below grade may be neglected in dead load computations. Interior footings should bear a minimum of 12 inches below finished grade. Finished grade is the lowest adjacent grade for perimeter footings and floor level for interior footings. Footings, foundations, and masonry walls should be reinforced as necessary to reduce the potential for distress caused by differential foundation movement. The use of joints at openings or other discontinuities in masonry walls is recommended. Soils exposed in foundation excavations should be observed and evaluated by the geotechnical engineer. If the soil conditions encountered differ from those presented in this report, supplemental recommendations will be required. 4.3.2 Foundation Construction Considerations The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil and rock prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be placed soon after excavating to reduce bearing soil disturbance. Should the soils at bearing level become excessively dry, disturbed or saturated, or frozen, the affected soil should be removed priorto placing concrete. Place a lean concrete mud - mat over the bearing soils if the excavations must remain open over night or for an extended Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 11 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 period of time. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to observe and test the soil foundation bearing materials. If unsuitable bearing soils are encountered in footing excavations, the excavations should be extended deeper to suitable soils and the footings could bear directly on these soils at the lower level or on lean concrete backfill placed in the excavations. The footings could also bear on properly compacted backfill extending down to the suitable soils. Overexcavation for compacted backfill placement below footings should extend laterally beyond all edges of the footings at least 8 inches per foot of overexcavation depth below footing base elevation. The overexcavation should then be backfilled up to the footing base elevation with well -graded granular material placed in lifts of 9 inches or less in loose thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent of the material's maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698). The overexcavation and backfill procedure is described in the figure below. Design Footing Level 0 Recommended Excavation Level 0 _ VV Design Footing Level Recommended Excavation Level 2/3D W 2/31) D LEAN CONCRETE COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL Lean Concrete Backfill Overexcavation / Backfill NOTE: Excavations in sketches shown vertical for convenience. Excavations should be sloped as necessary for safety. 4.4 Seismic Considerations Code Used Site Classification 2015 International Building Code (IBC)D 2 1. In general accordance with the 2015 International Building Code. 2. The 2015 International Building Code (IBC) requires a site soil profile characterization extending a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. The current scope requested does not include the required 100 foot soil profile determination. Borings for the building extended to a maximum depth of approximately 20 feet and this seismic site class definition considers that medium dense silty sand extends below the maximum depth of the subsurface exploration. Additional exploration to deeper depths could be performed to confirm the conditions below the current depth of exploration. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 4.5 Floor Slab 4.5.1 Floor Slab Design Recommendations DESCRIPTION VALUE Interior floor system Slab -on -grade concrete. Minimum 12 inches of approved on -site or imported soils placed Floor slab support and compacted in accordance with Earthwork section of this report. Subbase 4-inch compacted layer of free draining, granular subbase material. 1. Floor slabs should be structurally independent of any building footings or walls to reduce possible floor slab cracking caused by differential movements between the slab and foundation. Narrower, turned -down slab -on -grade foundations may be utilized at the approval of the structural engineer. The slabs should be appropriately reinforced to support the proposed loads. 2. We recommend subgrades be maintained at the proper moisture condition until floor slabs and pavements are constructed. If the subgrade should become desiccated prior to construction of floor slabs and pavements, the affected material should be removed or the materials scarified, moistened, and recompacted. Upon completion of grading operations in the building areas, care should be taken to maintain the recommended subgrade moisture content and density prior to construction of the building floor slabs. 3. The floor slab design should include a capillary break, comprised of free -draining, compacted, granular material, at least 4 inches thick. A subgrade prepared and tested as recommended in this report should provide adequate support for lightly loaded floor slabs. Where appropriate, saw -cut control joints should be placed in the slab to help control the location and extent of cracking. For additional recommendations refer to the ACI Design Manual. Joints or any cracks in pavement areas that develop should be sealed with a water -proof, non -extruding compressible compound specifically recommended for heavy duty concrete pavement and wet environments. The use of a vapor retarder or barrier should be considered beneath concrete slabs on grade that will be covered with wood, tile, carpet or other moisture sensitive or impervious coverings, or when the slab will support equipment sensitive to moisture. When conditions warrant the use of a vapor retarder, the slab designer and slab contractor should refer to ACI 302 and ACI 360 for procedures and cautions regarding the use and placement of a vapor retarder/barrier. 4.5.2 Floor Slab Construction Considerations Site grading is generally accomplished early in the construction phase. However, as construction proceeds, the subgrade may be disturbed due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 13 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 rainfall, etc. As a result, the floor slab subgrade may not be suitable for placement of base rock and concrete and corrective action may be required. We recommend the area underlying the floor slab be rough graded and then thoroughly proofrolled with a loaded tandem axle dump truck prior to final grading and placement of base rock. Particular attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were rutted and disturbed earlier and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. Areas where unsuitable conditions are located should be repaired by removing and replacing the affected material with properly compacted fill. All floor slab subgrade areas should be moisture conditioned and properly compacted to the recommendations in this report immediately prior to placement of the base rock and concrete. 4.6 Pavements 4.6.1 Subgrade Preparation Mass grading is accomplished relatively early in the construction phase and fills are placed and compacted in a uniform manner. However, as construction proceeds, excavations are made into these areas, rainfall and surface water saturates some areas, heavy traffic from concrete trucks and other delivery vehicles disturbs the subgrade and many surface irregularities are filled in with loose soils, or compacted crushed stone, to temporarily improve subgrade conditions. As a result, the pavement subgrades, initially prepared early in the project, should be carefully evaluated as the time for pavement construction approaches. We recommend increasing the natural moisture content of these soils and re -compacting as discussed in this report. We recommend the moisture content and density of the top 12 inches of the subgrade be evaluated and the pavement subgrades be proofrolled within two days prior to commencement of actual paving operations. Areas not in compliance with the required ranges of moisture or density should be moisture conditioned and recompacted. Particular attention should be paid to high traffic areas that were rutted and disturbed earlier and to areas where backfilled trenches are located. Areas where unsuitable conditions are located should be repaired by removing and replacing the materials with properly compacted fills. If a significant precipitation event occurs after the evaluation or if the surface becomes disturbed, the subgrade should be reviewed by qualified personnel immediately prior to paving. The subgrade should be in its finished form at the time of the final review. After proofrolling and repairing subgrade deficiencies, the entire subgrade should be scarified and developed as recommended in Section 4.2 of the Earthwork section this report to provide a uniform subgrade for pavement construction. Areas that appear severely desiccated following site stripping may require further undercutting and moisture conditioning. If a significant precipitation event occurs after the evaluation or if the surface becomes disturbed, the subgrade should be reviewed by qualified personnel immediately prior to paving. The subgrade should be in its finished form at the time of the final review. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 14 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 4.6.2 Pavement Design Considerations Traffic patterns and anticipated loading conditions were not available at the time that this report was prepared. However, we anticipate that traffic loads will be produced primarily by automobile traffic and occasional delivery and trash removal trucks. The thickness of pavements subjected to heavy truck traffic should be determined using expected traffic volumes, vehicle types, and vehicle loads and should be in accordance with local, city or county ordinances. Pavement thickness can be determined using AASHTO, Asphalt Institute and/or other methods if specific wheel loads, axle configurations, frequencies, and desired pavement life are provided. Terracon can provide thickness recommendations for pavements subjected to loads other than personal vehicle and occasional delivery and trash removal truck traffic if this information is provided. Pavement performance is affected by its surroundings. In addition to providing preventive maintenance, the civil engineer should consider the following recommendations in the design and layout of pavements: Final grade adjacent to parking lots and drives should slope down from pavement edges at a minimum 2%; The subgrade and the pavement surface should have a minimum '/4 inch per foot slope to promote proper surface drainage; Crowning of the pavement subgrade should be performed to divert water from entering into the graded aggregate base materials; Install pavement drainage surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting (e.g., garden centers, wash racks); Install joint sealant and seal cracks immediately; Seal all landscaped areas in, or adjacent to pavements to reduce moisture migration to subgrade soils; Place compacted, low permeability backfill against the exterior side of curb and gutter; and Place curb, gutter and/or sidewalk directly on low permeability subgrade soils rather than on unbound granular base course materials. 4.6.3 Estimates of Minimum Pavement Thickness A quantitative pavement design was beyond the scope of our work. However, based on our past experience we offer the following pavement sections for your consideration. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 15 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Typical Pavement Section Thickness (inches) Asphalt Asphalt Graded Portland Concrete Concrete Aggregate Total Traffic Area Alternative Cement Surface Binder Concrete Base Thickness Course Course (GAB) Light Duty PCC -- -- 5 4 9 (Car Parking) AC 2 -- 6 8 Heavy Duty PCC -- -- 7 4 11 (Truck/ Bus Parking and Driveways) AC 1 1/41 3/4 -- 8 11 Trash Container Pad and Delivery PCC -- -- 6'/2 4 10'/2 Pad 2 1. 4,000 psi at 28 days with proper entrained air. PCC pavements are recommended for trash container pads and in any other areas subjected to heavy wheel loads and/or turning traffic. 2. The trash container pad should be large enough to support the container and the tipping axle of the collection truck. The graded aggregate base should be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the material's modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557, Method C) maximum dry density. Where base course thickness exceeds 6 inches, the material should be placed and compacted in two or more lifts of equal thickness. The listed pavement component thicknesses should be used as a guide for pavement systems at the site for the traffic classifications stated herein. These recommendations assume a 20-year pavement design life. If pavement frequencies or loads will be different than that specified Terracon should be contacted and allowed to review these pavement sections. Asphaltic concrete aggregates and base course materials should conform to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", Sections for Aggregate Base Course material, Hot Mix Asphalt Base Course, and Surface Course. We recommend a Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement be utilized in entrance and exit sections, dumpster pads, loading dock areas, or other areas where extensive wheel maneuvering are expected. The dumpster pad should be large enough to support the wheels of the truck which will bear the load of the dumpster. We recommend a minimum of 6'/2 inches of PCC underlain by 4 inches of GAB. Although not required for structural support, the base course layer is recommended to help reduce potentials for slab curl, shrinkage cracking, and subgrade "pumping" through joints. Proper joint spacing will also be required to prevent excessive slab curling and shrinkage cracking. All joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign material and dowelled where necessary for load transfer. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 16 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Portland cement concrete should be designed with proper air -entrainment and have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi after 28 days of laboratory curing. Adequate reinforcement and number of longitudinal and transverse control joints should be placed in the rigid pavement in accordance with ACI requirements. The joints should be sealed as soon as possible (in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions and ACI requirements) to minimize infiltration of water into the soil. 4.6.4 Pavement Drainage Pavements should be sloped to provide rapid drainage of surface water. Water allowed to pond on or adjacent to the pavements could saturate the subgrade and contribute to premature pavement deterioration. In addition, the pavement subgrade should be graded to provide positive drainage within the granular base section. We recommend drainage be included at the bottom of the GAB layer at the storm structures to aid in removing water that may enter this layer. Drainage could consist of small diameter weep holes drilled around the perimeter of the storm structures. The weepholes should be near the elevation of the GAB and soil interface. The excavation should be covered with No. 57 stone which is encompassed in Mirafi 140 NIL or approve equivalent which will aid in reducing fines from entering the storm system. 4.6.5 Pavement Maintenance The pavement sections provided in this report represent minimum recommended thicknesses and, as such, periodic maintenance should be anticipated. Therefore, preventive maintenance should be planned and provided for through an on -going pavement management program. Preventive maintenance activities are intended to slow the rate of pavement deterioration, and to preserve the pavement investment. Preventive maintenance consists of both localized maintenance (e.g., crack and joint sealing and patching, etc.) and global maintenance (e.g., surface sealing, etc.). Preventive maintenance is usually the first priority when implementing a planned pavement maintenance program and provides the highest return on investment for pavements. Prior to implementing any maintenance, additional engineering observation is recommended to determine the type and extent of preventive maintenance. Even with periodic maintenance, some movements and related cracking may still occur and repairs may be required. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 17 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 ■ Terracon Project No. 86195030 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide observation and testing services during grading, excavation, foundation construction and other earth -related construction phases of the project. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between borings, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, we should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria, etc.) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site safety, excavation support, and dewatering requirements are the responsibility of others. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes and either verifies or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 18 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION f V .� Oeer i�un-R a t. 1 ry O R. N m �° D� • JJl r / as k 02078Google?oogle Earth LEGEND: NOTES: APPROX. LOCATION 1. THE EXPLORATION POINTS WERE SELECTED SPT BORING ( ) AND LOCATED IN THE FIELD BY A TERRACON INFILTRATION TEST (APPROX. LOCATION) ENGINEER USING GPS COORDINATES OBTAINED DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES USING OVERLAY OF SITE PLAN ON GOOGLE EARTH TIV . -"�* r1'2.THE BORING LOCATION PLAN WAS PREPARED : f BASED ON PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT LOCATION f' -"'�1" -�; j•` _'" f AND LAY -OUT PROVIDED BY THE BROADWAY __ f GROUP, LLC. lt; 6.•+ ,'ill r / s s, lip fIP05fD BUILDING, I. i I.�r', , a r rr 1. k F`.f .E. 4.r I` f r1 r•' r+'' _ rr � � , � B-4 . �`_ •.woes :r. � B-3 , "_'"'" ' ; �� t �B-6 B-7 _ .?7.: '. �A.. r��.a i • r `t . j ' 11 �: - { - ' --- - 4 i i r �4,,,• {1'S' .. _ ._.- - R��-.. _ ..-.. ... � i..�. , s if ii � �� r 1I` I'I •fit.- ,�i` �{ ~J — _ _ __— yL' .ry.� �'- 1 j �r � � 'i�� _'TINF-7_6_gINF-� 1 - _-•:..�"'�.-._-yam + i � t7 � �_--r.J� - _. -_. • • _ _ '.. U dro) F� i U.S...HIGHWAY 54 J �, Project Manager: Project No. BORING LOCATION PLAN Exhibit ND 86195030 Irerracon Drawn by: Scale: MM N.T.S. Proposed Dollar General Store Checked by: File Name: Consulting Engineers & Scientists /� ND Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive /�'� —2 Approved by: Date: 72 Pointe Circle Greenville, south Carolina 29615 Highlands, North Carolina Ni4/9/2019 PH. (864)292-2901 FAX. (864)292-6361 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Field Exploration Description The subsurface exploration consisted of drilling and sampling nine (9) SPT borings (B-1 through B-9) at the site to depths of 10 to 20 feet below existing site grades and two (2) infiltration tests for the proposed detention pond. All borings were located in the field by a Terracon engineer based on the proposed structure location provided by the Broadway Group. The borings were laid out in the field using GPS coordinates obtained by overlaying the site map on Google Earth TM. The handheld GPS unit has an accuracy of +/- 30 feet on clear days. The boring depths were measured from the existing ground surface at the time of our field activities. The locations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the means and methods used to define them. Ground surface elevations were not available at the time of this report. Therefore, none are shown on the appended boring logs. The borings were drilled with a track -mounted rotary drill rig using hollow stem augers to advance the boreholes. Representative soil samples were obtained by the split -barrel sampling procedure. In the split -barrel sampling procedure, the number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch O.D. split -barrel sampler the last 12 inches of the typical total 18-inch penetration by means of a 140-pound hammer with a free fall of 30 inches, is the standard penetration resistance value (N). These values are indicted on the borings logs at the depths of occurrence. This value is used to estimate the in -situ relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. The sampling depths and penetration distance, plus the standard penetration resistance values, are shown on the boring logs. The samples were sealed and taken to the laboratory for testing and classification. Field logs of each boring were prepared by the drill crew. These logs included visual classifications of the materials encountered during drilling as well as the driller's interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs included with this report represent an interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on laboratory observation and tests of the samples. The samples were classified in the laboratory based on visual observation, texture and plasticity. The descriptions of the soils indicated on the boring logs are in general accordance with the enclosed General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System. Estimated group symbols according to the Unified Soil Classification System are given on the boring logs. A brief description of this classification system is attached to this report. Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Exhibit A-3 Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Dollar General Store — Highlands Highlands, NC April 10, 2019 Terracon Project No. 86195030 Laboratory Testing As part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by experienced personnel and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the Unified Soil Classification System based on the texture and plasticity of the soils. The group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is shown in the appropriate column on the boring logs and a brief description of the classification system is included with this report in the Appendix. At that time, the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented in the boring records. The laboratory test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Selected soil samples obtained from the site were tested for the following engineering properties: In -situ Water Content Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable Exhibit A-3 BORING LOG NO. B-1 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.08714' Longitude:-83.17502' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF W U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 4 inches RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, with mica and roots, fine to medium grained, red brown and white, very loose 1-1-2 N=3 SS-1 31 with mica, fine to medium grained, gray brown and white, very loose 1-1-2 SS-2 35 N=3 5 with mica, fine to medium grained, brown and red orange, loose 1-2-2 SS-3 N=4 with mica and rock fragments, fine to coarse grained, gray brown and red orange, dense 4-4-37 SS-4 N=41 1*1 10 11.0 Auger Refusal at 11 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A4 BORING LOG NO. B-2 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O wa .-. OLatitude: 35.08739' Longitude:-83.17474' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 3 inches FILL - SILTY SAND (SM), with roots, fine to medium grained, red brown 1-2-3 SS-1 N=5 3.0 RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, highly micaceous, fine grained, red brown with white, loose 3-2-3 SS-2 N=5 5 highly micaceous, fine to medium grained, red brown and white, loose 2-2-2 SS-3 N=4 X3-3-3 SS-4 N=6 10- with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and brown, medium dense 12-10-15 SS-5 N=25 15 with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and gray brown, dense X 3-16-15 SS-6 ' N=31 : 20.0 20 Boring Terminated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-5 BORING LOG NO. B-3 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O wa .-. OLatitude: 35.08727' Longitude:-83.17458' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 4 inches FILL - SILTY SAND (SM), with clay and roots, fine to medium grained, red orange and brown 1-2-2 SS-1 N=4 3.0 _V7 RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, highly micaceous, fine grained, gray brown with white, loose 2-3-3 SS-2 N=6 5 highly micaceous, fine to medium grained, brown and white, loose 1-2-3 SS-3 N=5 highly micaceous, fine to medium grained, red brown and white, loose X 3-4-3 SS-4 N=7 10— with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and brown, medium dense 6-8-10 SS-5 N=18 15 with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and gray brown, medium dense 6-12-14 SS-6 N=26 20.0 20 Boring Terminated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-6 BORING LOG NO. B-4 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.08702' Longitude:-83.17486' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF W U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 4 inches RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, with roots, some mica, fine to medium grained, red brown, loose 1-2-2 N=4 SS-1 36 highly micaceous, fine to medium grained, gray brown and white, very loose _�7 1-2-1 SS-2 34 N=3 5 with mica, fine to medium grained, gray brown and white, very loose 1-1-2 SS-3 N=3 some mica and rock fragments, fine to coarse grained, red orange and brown, medium dense 2-4-8 SS-4 N=12 10 13.0 Auger Refusal at 13 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-7 BORING LOG NO. B-5 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O wa .-. OLatitude: 35.08721 ° Longitude:-83.17477' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 � QF �Z Qm Q LU O O DEPTH • 0.4 TOPSOIL, 5 inches RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, fine to coarse grained, red brown, loose 2-4-5 SS-1 21 N=9 with mica, fine to medium grained, red brown and white, loose 2-2-3 SS-2 26 N=5 5 with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and brown, loose 2-3-3 SS-3 N=6 with mica and trace clay, fine to medium grained, red orange and gray brown, very loose X 2-1-2 SS-4 . V.: N=3 10 with mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and white, medium dense 3-4-8 SS-5 N=12 15 some mica, fine to medium grained, red orange and white, medium dense 6-5-7 SS-6 N=12 .' •: 20.0 20 Boring Terminated at 20 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-8 BORING LOG NO. B-6 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.08698' Longitude:-83.17466' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF �ZO LU Qm Q LLI a. W U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 2 inches RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, fine to medium grained, light orange brown and white, very loose 1-1-1 SS-1 32 N=2 WOH-1-WOH SS-2 41 N=1 5 trace mica, fine to medium grained, light orange and white, very loose WOH-1-WOH SS-3 N=1 with mica, fine grained, red brown, loose 1-2-3 N=5 SS-4 10.0 10 Boring Terminated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-9 BORING LOG NO. B-7 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.08711 ° Longitude:-83.17451 ° L Q ~ W a w z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF W U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 1 inch 0.8 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, 8 inches FILL - SILTY SAND (SM), fine to coarse grained, brown 2-3-4 02.0 N=7 SS-1 RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SM), with mica, some rock fragments, fine to coarse grained, red 3.0 orange and brown, loose NO RECOVERY. Rock obstruction in spoon. X WOH-1-2 SS-2 N=3 5 17 5.5 SILTY SAND (SM), highly micaceous, fine grained, red brown, loose 2-2-3 SS-3 N=5 1-2-3 SS-4 N=5 10.0 10 Boring Terminated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are appropmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon 72 Pointe Cir Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette At completion of drilling Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-10 BORING LOG NO. B-8 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.08737' Longitude:-83.1744' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF �ZO LU Qm Q LLI a. W U DEPTH O TOPSOIL, 3 inches RESIDUAL -SILTY SAND (SMI, with mica and organics/buried trees, fine grained, dark red brown, medium dense WOH-2-8 SS-1 N=10 highly micaceous, rock fragments, fine to medium grained, red brown, loose 1-2-2 SS-2 N=4 5 highly micaceous, fine grained, red brown, loose 1-2-3 SS-3 N=5 highly micaceous, fine to medium grained, red brown and white, loose 4-4-5 N=9 SS-4 �'• 10.0 10 Boring Terminated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are appro)dmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette 72 Pointe Cir Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-11 BORING LOG NO. B-9 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Proposed Dollar General Store CLIENT: The Broadway Group, LLC Huntsville, AL SITE: Highway 64 & Cherrywood Drive Highlands, NC c7 LOCATION See Exhibit A-2 w O WW .-. OLatitude: 35.087' Longitude:-83.1744' L Q ~ W a w Z ILiL w� J �U) 2 QF W U DEPTH O 0.5 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, 6 inches 9-2-2-1 SS-1 RESIDUAL -SANDY ELASTIC SILT (MH), with organics, red brown and black, soft to .11 medium stiff N=4 1-4-6-3 SS-2 3.5 N=10 SILTY SAND (SM), with clay and rock fragments, fine to coarse grained, red brown and gray, very loose 5 3-2-1-WOH SS-3 N=3 with rock fragments, fine to coarse grained, red brown, very loose WOH-1-2-3 SS-4 with rock fragments, some mica, fine to coarse grained, red brown, very loose to loose N=3 4-3-4-4 SS-5 highly micaceous, fine grained, red brown and white, loose N=7 �.10.0 10 Boring Terminated at 10 Feet Stratification lines are appropmate. In -situ, the transition may be gradual. Hammer Type: Automatic Advancement Method: See Exhibit A-3 for description of field procedures Notes: 2 1/4" Hollow Stem Auger See Appendix B for explanation of symbols and Abandonment Method: Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. abbreviations. WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS Irerracon 72 Pointe Cir Boring Started: 03-21-2019 Boring Completed: 03-21-2019 While drilling Drill Rig: Geoprobe 7822 DT Driller: B. Burnette At completion of drilling Greenville, SC Project No.: 86195030 Exhibit: A-12 /_1„=1kiIQkVq � SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS GENERAL NOTES DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONSM P DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse -grained soils are defined on the basis of their in -place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency. LOCATION AND ELEVATION NOTES Unless otherwise noted, Latitude and Longitude are approximately determined using a hand-held GPS device. The accuracy of such devices is variable. Surface elevation data annotated with +/- indicates that no actual topographical survey was conducted to confirm the surface elevation. Instead, the surface elevation was approximately determined from topographic maps of the area. RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVEL GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY Descriptive Term(s) Percent of Major Component Particle Size of other constituents Dry Weight of Sample Trace < 15 Boulders Over 12 in. (300 mm) With 15 - 29 Cobbles 12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm) Modifier > 30 Gravel 3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75 mm) Sand #4 to #200 sieve (4.75mm to 0.075mm Silt or Clay Passing #200 sieve (0.075mm) RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINES PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION Descriptive Term(s) Percent of Term Plasticity Index of other constituents Dry Weight Non -plastic 0 Trace < 5 Low 1 - 10 With 5-12 Medium 11 -30 Modifier > 12 High > 30 Irerracon Exhibit B-1 Water Initially (HP) Hand Penetrometer Encountered Auger Split Spoon Water Level After a � Specified Period of Time (T) Torvane Ue Z � a � N Shelby Tube Macro Core � Ring Sampler Rock Core J W W � � W Q ?� � Water Level After a Specified Period of Time Water levels indicated on the soil boring logs are the levels measured in the borehole at the times indicated. Groundwater level variations will occur over time. In low permeability soils, N H CO W � � J W � (b/f) Standard Penetration Test (blows per foot) (PID) Photo -Ionization Detector OVA Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) Yz accurate determination of groundwater e � levels is not possible with short term water level observations. Grab Sample No Recovery RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILS (More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve.) (50% or more passing the No. 200 sieve.) Density determined by Standard Penetration Resistance Consistency determined by laboratory shear strength testing, field Includes gravels, sands and silts. visual -manual procedures or standard penetration resistance � Descriptive Term Standard Penetration or Ring Sampler Descriptive Term Unconfined Compressive Standard Penetration or Ring Sampler � (Density) N-Value Blows/Ft. (Consistency) Strength, Qu, tsf N-Value Blows/Ft. � Blows/Ft. Blows/Ft. W F— Very Loose 0-3 0-6 Very Soft less than 0.25 0-1 < 3 2 Loose 7 - 18 Soft 2-4 ~ 4-9 0.25 to 0.50 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory Tests A Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Namea Coarse Grained Soils: More than 50% Gravels: More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on No. 4 sieve Clean Gravels: Less than 5% fines c Cu >_ 4 and 1 < Cc < 3 E GW Well -graded gravel F Cu < 4 and/or 1 > Cc > 3 E GP Poorly graded gravel F Gravels with Fines: More than 12% fines c Fines classify as ML or MH GM F,G, H Silty g ravel Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravel F,G,H retained on No. 200 sieve Sands: 50% or more of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Clean Sands: Less than 5% fines ° Cu >_ 6 and 1 < Cc < 3 E SW Well -graded sand' Cu < 6 and/or 1 > Cc > 3 E SP Poorly graded sand' Sands with Fines: More than 12% fines ° Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand G•"•' Fines Classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G•"•' Fine -Grained Soils: 50% the Silts and Clays: Liquid limit less than 50 Inorganic: PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line CL Lean clayK,L,M PI < 4 or plots below "A" line J ML Silt K,L,M Organic: Liquid limit - oven dried <0.75 OL Organic clay K,L,M,N Liquid limit - not dried KLMO Organic silt or more passes No. 200 sieve Silts and Clays: Liquid limit 50 or more Inorganic: PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayK,L,M PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K,L,M Organic: Liquid limit - oven dried < 0.75 OH Organic clayK,L,M,P Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt K,L,M,Q Highly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-in. (75-mm) sieve e If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. G Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well -graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well -graded gravel with clay, GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt, GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay. Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well -graded sand with silt, SW -SC well -graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay E Cu = D60010 Cc = (D3o )z Di. x D60 F If soil contains >_ 15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or SC-SM. 60 50 a W 40 Z 30 U 20 a 10 7 4 0 " If fines are organic, add "with organic fines" to group name. ' If soil contains >_ 15% gravel, add "with gravel' to group name. If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel," whichever is predominant. L If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy' to group name. M If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. " PI >_ 4 and plots on or above "A" line. ° PI < 4 or plots below "A" line. P PI plots on or above "A" line. c PI plots below "A" line. For classification of fine-grained ' soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse -grained soils Equation of "A" - line Horizontal at PI=4 to LL=25.5. then PI=0.73 (LL-20) ' 0� Equation of "U" - line ot Vertical at LL=16 to PI=7, G then PI=0.9 (LL-8) Al` 0-1 ' _o� CI ,% MH or OH CL - ML ML or OIL 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) 80 90 100 110 Irerracon Exhibit B-2