HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200046 Ver 1_MCDC__Pipe_301_Cabarrus_FINAL (signed)_20200108DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST The following questions provide direction in determining when the Department is required to prepare environmental documents for state -funded construction and maintenance activities. Answer questions for Parts A through C by checking either "Yes" or "No". Complete Part D of the checklist when Minimum Criteria Rule categories #8, 12(i) or #15 are used. TIP Project No.: NA State Project No.: 17BP.10.C.6 Project Location: Pipe No. 120301 over Branch of Little Bear Creek on SR 2608 (Hahn Road) in Cabarrus County. Project Description: The proposed project involves replacing Pipe No. 120301 over a Branch of Little Bear Creek on SR 2608 (Hahn Road) in Cabarrus County. Pipe No. 120301 will be replaced on the existing alignment with two (2) -10 ft by 8 ft reinforced concrete box culverts. The roadway cross section over the proposed replacement structures will include two ten -foot lanes. The proposed roadway grade at the location of the new box culverts will be approximately two (2) feet over existing. The approach roadway will extend approximately 550' southwest of proposed box culverts and approximately 350' north to SR 2453. The existing right-of-way width is 60 feet. Due to low traffic volumes and available nearby alternative routes, traffic will be detoured off -site during the construction period. The detour route includes NC 73 and SR 2453 (South Lentz Harness Shop Road), approximately 2.24 miles (see Detour Map). There are no residential or business accesses in the immediate project area. Local access to active farming in the immediate vicinity of the bridge replacement can be maintained during construction. Through traffic will be precluded. The current estimated costs of the project are: Right of Way Acquisition & Utilities = $66,000 Construction (Roadway & Structure) _ $657,000 Total Project Cost = $ 723,500 Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: Two jurisdictional streams occur in the project area. A Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 will likely be applicable. An NWT No. 33 may also apply for temporary construction activities such as stream dewatering, work bridges, or temporary causeways that are often used during bridge construction or rehabilitation. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. If a Section 404 permit is required, then a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the NCDWR will be needed. Page 1 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 Additional coordination with USFWS may be required following the completion of habitat assessment and surveys for Carolina heelsplitter. Special Project Information: Environmental Commitments: The list of project commitments (green -sheet) is located at the end of the checklist. Estimated Traffic: ADT (2017 ): 160 vpd Crash Rates: No data is available regarding crash rates in the vicinity of this pipe. Cultural Resources: This project was reviewed by NCDOT's cultural resources staff under a programmatic agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office. No potential historic architectural resources were identified, and no detailed survey was required. An archaeological survey was conducted and found no archaeological sites. Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations: There is no presence of bicycle, pedestrian, greenway, or transit facilities, therefore, no bicycle or pedestrian accommodations are proposed for the project. Structure Demolition: The existing pipe is constructed of soil cement headwalls. The replacement and demolition of this type of structure is likely to result in debris in the water based on standard demolition practices. NCDOT will ensure that the demolition process complies with environmental permit requirements. Design Exceptions: No design exceptions are anticipated for this project. Alternatives Considered: No Build — The no build alternative would result in eventually closing the road, which is anticipated to cause considerable disruption to local and regional transportation users. Rehabilitation — The substructure consists of pipe arch and soil cement headwalls. The pipe was built in 1978. The soil cement and pipe arch within the structure are reaching the end of their useful life. Rehabilitation would require replacing the pipe. Off -site Detour - An off -site detour was evaluated due to low traffic volumes served by SR 2608 (Hahn Road). The off -site detour route includes NC 73 and SR 2453 (South Lentz Harness Shop Road). On -site Detour — An on -site detour was not evaluated due to low traffic volumes served by SR 2608 (Hahn Road) and availability of a suitable off -site route. Page 2 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 Staged Construction — Staged construction was not considered because of the availability of an acceptable off -site detour. New Alignment — Given that the alignment for SR 2608 (Hahn Road) is acceptable, a new alignment was not considered as an alternative. Public Involvement: A landowner notification letter was sent to all property owners affected directly by this project, and property owners were invited to comment. No comments have been received to date. Page 3 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA Item I to be completed by the Engineer. YES 1. Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed under the Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? If the answer to number 1 is "no", then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state environmental assessment is required. If yes, under which category? 9 If either category #8, #12(i) or #15 is used complete Part D of this checklist. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS Items 2 — 4 to be completed by the Engineer. YES 2. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? 3. Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative ❑ impacts that may result in a significant adverse impact -to human health or the environment? 4. Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed ❑ activity have such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its environmental effects has been expressed to the Department? Item 5-8 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 5. Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on wetlands; ❑ surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? 6. Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the ❑ Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list? 7. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? Page 4 of 12 6/25/19 NO El YES NO 14 14 ►Z DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 8. Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on ❑ long-term recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats If any questions 2 through 8 are answered "yes", the proposed project may not qualify as a Minimum Criteria project. A state environmental assessment (EA) may be required. For assistance, contact: Manager, Environmental Analysis Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 (919) 707 — 6000 Fax: (919) 212-5785 PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS Items 9-12 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. YES NO 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its © ❑ habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent ® ❑ fill in waters of the United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of ❑ fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental ❑ Concern, as defined in the coastal Area Management Act? Items 13 —1 S to be completed by the Engineer. R 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? ❑ Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the ❑ National Register of Historic Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of ❑ way from publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? Questions in Part "C" are designed to assist the Engineer and the Division Environmental Officer in determining whether a permit or consultation with a state or federal resource agency may be required. If any questions in Part "C" are answered "yes", follow the appropriate permitting procedures prior to beginning project construction. Questions 9: As of June 27, 2018 the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists three federally protected species for Cabarrus County. The Biological Conclusion was rendered based on survey results in the study area. Page 5 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat T Unknown MA-NLAA Lasmigona decorata Carolina heelsplitter E Unknown Unresolved Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower E Yes NE E - Endangered T - Threatened MA-NLAA - May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect NE - No Effect Northern Long -Eared Bat (NLEB) Construction activities for this project will not take place until Endangered Species Act compliance is satisfied for NLEB. NCDOT Division 10 Environmental Staff will be responsible for habitat assessment for the NLEB. The criteria for the 4(d) rule has been met. Carolina Heelsplitter Construction activities for this project will not place until Endangered Species Act compliance is satisfied for the Carolina heelsplitter. NCDOT Division 10 Environmental Staff will be responsible for habitat assessment and surveys for the Carolina heelsplitter. Question 10: It is anticipated that temporary or permanent fill will be needed to construct the bridge. A Nationwide Permit (NWP) 23 will likely be applicable. An NWP No. 33 may also apply for temporary construction activities such as stream dewatering, work bridges, or temporary causeways that are often used during bridge construction or rehabilitation. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. Page 6 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 PART D:( To be completed when either category #8, 12(i) or #15 of the rules are used. Items 16- 22 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 16. Project length: 17. Right of Way width: 18. Project completion date: 19. Total acres of newly disturbed ground surface: 20. Total acres of wetland impacts: 21. Total linear feet of stream impacts: 22. Project purpose: If Part D of the checklist is completed, send a copy of the entire checklist document to: David B. Harris, PE State Roadside Environmental Engineer Mail Service Center 1557 Raleigh, NC 27699-1557 (919) 707-2925 Fax (919) 715-2554 Email: davidharris@ncdot.gov Page 7 of 12 6/25/ 19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 DocuSigned by: Prepared by: Q-"tA\l Date: Ronald (Ron) D. Allen, PE, CPM Roadway Project Manager KCI Associates of NC DocuSigned by: Reviewed by: P ouko z 40'` WOOQ Date: For J. Scott Co e, gI?887B80E4404... Division Engineer L 6/26/2019 6/27/2019 DocuSigned by: Tut%rsm Date: 6/26/2019 Larry Thompson, V. 4.9" rocs ... Division Environmental Officer Page 8 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 PROJECT COMMITMENTS Cabarrus County Pipe No. 120301 over Branch of Little Bear Creek on SR 2608 (Hahn Road) W.B.S. No. 17BP.10.C.6 TIP No. NA Hydraulics Unit The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP), to determine the status of the project with regard to the applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement, or approval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Division 10 According to Cabarrus County Public Schools Director of Transportation, school buses make 10 trips per day through the entire corridor. Consequently, any roadway closure or detours related to this project will have a moderate impact on the county school system. The County Schools Director of Transportation also requested a turnaround to be in place for school buses on both sides of the closure, as the distance to access any detour would be considerably longer. The Resident Engineer will investigate during construction and coordinate with contractor as necessary. Cabarrus County Emergency Services Director indicated that the project will cause a low impact on the EMS services. In addition, Cabarrus County planning and zoning manager mentioned that there are multiple active farms located nearby the proposed pipe replacement. It is recommended that the project team coordinate with NCDOT Engineers prior to the construction to mitigate any adverse impacts on active farming and the County Schools in the project study area and also, in the vicinity of the project. Division 10 NCDOT Division 10 Environmental Staff will be responsible for habitat assessment for the NLEB and for habitat assessment and surveys for the Carolina heelsplitter. Archaeological surveys and any required coordination will be completed prior to project letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 Vicinity Map 49 I 45 ' 41 1 60 a,l CABARRUS 66 'Mount Pleasant . .i.(... .. 73 .: %J S N LY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION' DIVISION OF HIGHMYS PROJECT DEVELOPM ENT& ENV,RONMENTALANALYSIS UNIT CABARRUS COUNTY REPLACE PIPE NO. 120301 ON SR 2608 {HAHN ROAD] VICINITY MAP Page 10 of 12 6/25/19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1F5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 RED LAMBERT i` \HAHN Detour Map LENTZ HARNESS SHOP 2608 / 1 HAFTN f Mount Pleasant/ CABARR/Us SHALLOW CREEK ,3 Page 11 of 12 6/25/19 Ridenhour I S TA N LY Almond I 0 0.25 0.5 PICKENS Mlles D@tDUP :R,,:te] NORTH NA DEPARTMENT OF AT TRANSPORTORTATIDN UTVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 8 rt ENVIRONMENTALANALYSI$ UNIT CABARRUS COUNTY REPLACE PIPE 120301 ON SR 2608 (HAHN ROAD) DETOUR MAP DocuSign Envelope ID: lF5035B3-E26B-438F-AE5B-5D70091CC1C8 Jurisdictional Features Map r� ,.' Stridy Area Pei emnal Stearn TOPI - Farid Inrzrmitteeu Stream TOB - -.... Ephemeral Ommel l'OB _ ••�` NC-C. IA .1 150 75 0 150 " Figure 3: Jurisdictional Features Flap Feet w E 2015 NC Statewide Aerial Tmiagery Replace Pipe # 120301 over September 2018 Br. of Little Bear Creek on Hahn Rd �.� Cabarrus County, North Carolina Page 12 of 12 6/25/19