HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6191205_2020.01.08 stormwater management report r3_1/9/2020Storm Water Management Report Aberdeen Training DFAC Located in Ft. Bragg Hoke County, North Carolina Prepared For: US Army Corps of Engineers Prepared By: Woolpert 11301 Carmel Commons Boulevard, Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-525-6284 08 April 2019 Rev 1 - March 2019 Rev 2 — 15 Oct 2019 Rev 3 — 8 Jan 2020 Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract...................................................................................................................... 3 ExistingConditions.................................................................................................. 3-4 ProposedDevelopments............................................................................................4-5 R2 Cntena................................................................................. 5-7 Methodology.............................................................................................................. 7-8 Computations............................................................................................................. 8-10 Conclusion.................................................................................................................10 Exhibits: A. Vicinity Map................................................................................... 3 B. Aerial Photograph........................................................................ 4 Appendices: A. Existing Conditions / Survey B. Site Plan12 C. Drainage Map — Proposed a. Catchment Areas b. Detention Areas D. Soils Map E. Precipitation Data a. NOAA b. 95t' Percentile F. Water Quality Volume Calculations R3 G. Runoff and Routing Calculations -Proposed Conditions R3 H. Catchment and Conveyance CalculatlonsR3 I. Exfiltration Trench, Underground Detention Detail and Vortsentry Detail R3 J. Temporary Sediment Trap and Rip Rap Outlet Computations K. Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Recommendations Report R3 L. Grading and Drainage Plan R3 M. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Details R2 Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 2 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina ABSTRACT A dining facility, consisting of a single -story concrete slab -on -grade building, is proposed for the Ft. Bragg Aberdeen Training Dining Facility located in Hoke County within Aberdeen, NC. In addition to the proposed building, other improvements are proposed to include a new service driveway, pedestrian access and storm water management facilities. The project site consists of approximately 1.07 acres. The site is south of Rockfish Creek on the west of King Rd and northeast of Memory Lane. The streets to the north and south are not named. The site is roughly 1.3 miles away from Lake McPhaul. A location map is included as Exhibit A below for reference. Exhibit A —Location Map 2O15 �r 2i� N21 AbEfdP Lake Park Aberdeen x,. POT- 1 Project Location EXISTING CONDITIONS An asphalt parking lot and a concrete dumpster pad surrounded by a fence exists on the site. Several utilities run through the site as well. Both the above and below grade improvements will be removed or relocated for the proposed building footprint. Un-named roads exist north and south of the proposed building. A grade break exists along the northerly side of the parking lot, leading to swale along the northerly limits of the site. An aerial photograph of the existing site is provided as Exhibit B. Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina PROPOSED CONDITIONS An overall site plan is included within the Construction Plans. The road that exists on the northern side of the building must have a section of the concrete curb removed for the proposed driveway connection. A service drive will connect to the existing road south of the proposed building. East of the existing asphalt parking lot is a concrete sidewalk which also must be removed as part of the redevelopment. The proposed building displaces the existing parking lot Runoff from the site is directed into three detention and infiltration systems. In general, the site and the storm water management system benefit from excellent hydraulic conductivity of the soils consistent with the site location. The conductivity is a key factor as both the basis of design and in meeting the requirement of the Energy and Independence Security Act. The first detention and infiltration system, located along the northerly limits of the site, consists of an infiltration area with an overflow structure connected to the existing conveyance system. Runoff from the flat, central section of the building roof will drain through a combination of rooftop drains leading to the northerly infiltration area. The sloped portion of the roof will be conveyed via downspouts to splashpads located around the building. The second detention and infiltration area is located in the northwest portion of the site, receiving runoff from the proposed service driveway via a concrete flume. This detention and infiltration area, which has significantly less capacity than the other two areas, primarily serves to capture "debris" that may unintentionally wash from the adjacent dumpster. Thus, service members and maintenance personnel may be required to periodically remove said debris from the area for aesthetic and functional purposes.' The northwest infiltration is connected via a 15" storm pipe to an underground detention and exfiltration system located within the southwest portion of the site. Runoff is also conveyed to this area via overland swales and a piped connection from the east. The underground detention Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 4 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina system consists of perforated pipe with open graded stone encapsulated in a geotextile to promote infiltration. Excess runoff is directed to an existing storm drain to the southwest of the site. A summary of the drainage areas is shown below: SUMMARY (TOTAL) OF DRAINAGE AREAS Post -developed Total Area 46,775 Sq. Ft. Post -developed Impervious Area 28,503 Sq. Ft. Post -developed Pervious Area 18,272Sq. Ft. Post -Developed Percent Impervious 60.9 % SUMMARY (BREAKDOWN) OF DRAINAGE AREAS Drainage Area 1 (North Infiltration) Total Area 22,288 Sq. Ft. Impervious Area 15,123 Sq. Ft. Pervious Area 7,165 Sq. Ft. Percent Impervious 67.8% Drainage Area 2 (Northwest Infiltration/Detention Area, leading to UG Detention') Total Area 8,700 Sq. Ft. Impervious Area 5,847 Sq. Ft. Pervious Area 2,853 Sq. Ft. Percent Impervious 67.2% Drainage Area 3 (West and Southerly to Underground Detention) Total Area 15,787 Sq. Ft. Impervious Area 7,533 Sq. Ft. Pervious Area 8,254 Sq. Ft. Percent Impervious 47.7% CRITERIA R2 The North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NC DEQ) has jurisdiction over the development for this project for storm water management as well as erosion and sediment control. For ease of reference, excerpts from the criterion are outlined below. From the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual dated January 2017 and the North Carolina Administrative Code: • A project with existing development may have the option of calculating project density as the difference of total built upon area minus the existing built upon area divided by the difference of total project area minus the existing built upon area. (Ncac 02H.1003(1)(b)) • A project shall be considered a low density if the project contains no greater than 24% built upon area. Sites with greater than 24% built upon area shall be considered high density. Accounting for the existing impervious area, the site has a built upon area of 30.2%. • When new built upon area is added to existing development or existing development is replaced with new built upon area, only the area of net increase shall be subject to the Section. (Ncac 02H.1003(3)(d)) • All stormwater control measures must meet the minimum design criteria. (Ncac 02H.1003(3)(e) • Stormwater outlets shall not cause erosion downslope of the discharge point during the peak flow from the 10-year storm event. (Ncac 02H.1003(5) Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina • The site must provide water treatment for the runoff from the first 1" of rainfall. (NCAC 02H.1017(5)) • All sites that disturb greater than '/2 acre must control the runoff from the first 1" of rainfall. (NCAC 02H.1020(h)) • The design volume for an infiltration device (or system) shall not exceed that which can be infiltrated within 72 hours. (MDC C-1, Infiltration system) • One soil test hole shall be provided per 5,000 square feet of infiltration surface area. (MDC C-1, Infiltration system) The geotechnical report provides two test areas within proximity of the infiltration areas with the site limit. Said infiltration areas total around 3,000 square feet. • Pretreatment devices shall be provided to prevent clogging. Devices may include measures such as sumps in catch basins, gravel verges, filters, filter strips, grassed swales and forebays. Rooftop drainage that is discharged to the surface of an infiltration system shall not require pretreatment. (MDC C-1, Infiltration system) • A 30-foot wide vegetation buffer must be provided for all perennial streams. NC DEQ also provides the guidance and requirements for Erosion and Sedimentation Control. Specifically, the criteria states "Erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be so planned, designed, and constructed to provide protection from the run off of that 10 year storm which produces the maximum peak rate of run off as calculated according to procedures in the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service's "National Engineering Field Manual for Conservation Practices" or according to procedures adopted by any other agency of this state or the United States or any generally recognized organization or association. " NCDEQ serves as the permitting entity and will review all applications, plans and calculations. In addition to NC DEQ requirements, the Public Works Section requires the following: • Ft. Bragg follows Session Law 2008-211 for Phase II permitting. • The measure shall discharge the treatment volume at a rate equal to or less than the pre - development discharge rate for the one year, 24-hour storm event. • All detention facilities shall be designed to maintain the pre -developed runoff rate for the 10-year 24 hour storm event. An emergency spillway shall be provided for a 100-year storm event. Show / Provide computations for the 10-Year and 100-Year 24 hour storm events. While this is above the design requirement, most designs maintain the discharge rate for the existing condition for the 10-year storm event and demonstrate safe passage of the 100 year from the site. Drawdown time from the storm water control measures shall not exceed 72 hours. • Existing impervious area can be credited or excluded for water quality purposes. From the Technical Guidance on Implementing Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act ("EISA") dated December 2009: • The intent of Section 438 is to require federal agencies to maintain or restore the pre - development site hydrology during the development or redevelopment process. Implementation can be achieved through the use of the green infrastructure/low impact development (GULID) infrastructure tools described in this guidance. • A fundamental principle of Section 438 is to employ low impact design systems and practices that mimic natural processes to infiltrate and recharge, promote evapotrans- piration and harvest/ use precipitation near to where it falls. • State and local requirements or permit requirements may make it technically infeasible to use certain GULID techniques. • Sites are encouraged to use one of two options below in implementing Section 438. • Option 1: Retain the 95t' Percentile Rainfall Event. Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina o The 95t' Percentile rainfall event is defined as 1.72 inches in 24 hours based upon historical data. o The option seeks to infiltrate or evapo-transpirate the full volume of the 951'' percentile storm. o Generally precludes extended detention. Option 2: Site -Specific Hydrologic Analysis o Designer determines the pre -developed runoff conditions based on site -specific conditions and local meteorology by using continuous simulation modeling techniques, published data, studies, or other established tools. o Design a Stormwater management system such that the post -construction rate, volume, and duration of runoff should not exceed the pre -developed rates. From a review of the criteria, some of the requirements between NC DEQ and Option 1 of Section 438 appear contradictory. Specifically, the intent of EISA Option 1 is to retain the volumetric equivalent of 1.72" of rainfall over the site. Conversely, NC DEQ explicitly stipulates minimum and maximum drawdown time requirements within detention ponds. Due to the excellent permeability of the soils found at the site, both requirements can be met through proper implementation of LID infrastructure techniques encouraged by Section 438. The application of the areas for the water quality calculation and LID infrastructure techniques are further defined in the methodology and calculation section of this report. METHODOLOGY Because this is a redevelopment project, idiosyncrasies and inherent challenges may be anticipated. The following is a catalog of the methods and the means of analysis to demonstrate compliance with the design criteria. Analyze and design the storm water storage requirement and discharge structure to regulate the rate of discharge as prescribed by NC DEQ. This portion of the analysis will be comprised of the following: a. Determine the existing drainage patterns and runoff characteristics. Included as Appendix A is the existing conditions of the site. b. Using the site plan, determine a water budget necessary to meet the retention and detention requirements for the site. c. Using a preliminary grading and drainage design, identify the drainage sub -basins within the project. The project is broken into three distinctly segregated sub -basins based upon the preliminary grading and drainage design for the site. Identification of the contributory areas to segregated detention areas will assist in the sizing and functionality of said areas. d. Once the contributory areas are determined, the detention areas and correlating discharge structures are designed. The required volume and allowable discharge rate is based upon both the existing and proposed conditions in comparing the rates of discharge for the 1-, 10- and 25-year storm events having a duration of 24 hours. 2. Integrate and design a system(s) adequate to meet the storm water quality requirements. Said requirements will incorporate a practical application of LID infrastructure techniques to meet the intent of Section 438. Said techniques will include the use of a. An underground detention area with exfiltration will be utilized to meet the water quality requirements for the site. Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina b. Infiltration systems will be incorporated into the conveyance system to assist with promoting groundwater recharge. R3 Field tested infiltration rates can vary within the site limit. One test within each of the infiltration areas was performed. Due to the proximity of the test locations, the computation for the average of the test results is: Location Area (5F) K Value (in/hr) % of Total North 1890 2 57.41/1a Northwest 300 0.207 9.1 °lo Southwest 1100 2.5 33.4°/n Total: 3290 Average: 1.569 Weighted Average: 2004 c. For ease of application, a reduced rate of 0.6 inches per hour will be used for the North and Southwest infiltration areas. Said rate represents a reduction of more than 60% from the average and 70% from the weighted average. The small basin at the Northwest area of the site will use 0.2 inches per hour as per the test value. As the area is relatively small and serves as a pretreatment area for the underground detention area in the southwest, the effect of using a low value is inconsequential. xs d. Building downspouts will drain to adjoining landscape areas where apropos. Proper dispersal from the roof drainage system will promote infiltration. The effect of retaining and infiltrating the 95t' percentile storm is included as a water quality computation. The infiltration computation is identical in form and function to the methodology prescribed by NC DEQ, excepting that the design storm will be 1.72" for the 95'h percentile storm instead of the states standard of 1.0". Because the EISA requirement exceeds that of the state, the computation for the 1.0" is wholly omitted. R2 The infiltration rate used in the computation is either 0.6 or 0.2 inches per hour (1.2 or 0.4 feet per day). According to the geo-technical report, the actual infiltration rate may be higher or lower, testing at 2.0 and 0.21 inches per hour along the North portions of the site and 2.5 inches per hour along the Southwest portion of the site.R3 While all pervious areas infiltrate, the rate is assigned to only the infiltration areas. 3. Perform routing computations using Pondpack by Haested Methods. The analysis is based on the SCS method and comparing flow rates and runoff volumes for the existing and post developed conditions. The design of the discharge structure will be dependent upon maintaining the infiltration volumes and supplementary storage requirement to meet the design discharge thresholds. R2 4. Analyze and size the catchment and conveyance system for adequacy. As with most drainage systems, runoff is conveyed using drainage inlets and piped connections. This portion of the analysis focuses on the configuration and sizing of the conveyance system. The tailwater elevation is assumed as the invert elevation of the detention area. Calculations for the hydraulic gradient of the catchment and conveyance system are included as Appendix H. COMPUTATIONS Two (2) above ground infiltration systems and one (1) underground detention system with exfiltration are proposed for this development. The bottom elevation of the infiltration systems will be set based on drainage area, runoff volume and surface area. An overflow structure will be used in each of the infiltration areas along the north of the project. The smaller infiltration basin will overflow via a pipe connection into the underground detention area located at the Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina Southwesterly portion of the site. The overflow from the larger infiltration area will outfall to the existing catchment and conveyance system. The underground detention system will outfall to the Southwest. A control structure will be used to limit the discharge rate from the underground detention system. Rz The infiltration systems and underground retention/detention will be used to accomplish the required infiltration volumes required by EISA. The infiltration rate is based upon field testing performed by the geotechnical engineer. The stage versus discharge relationship is computed in Appendix F based upon NC DEQ methodology. The SCS method was used to compute the rates of discharge and volume of attenuation required for the various storm events for each area. The time of concentration for all nodes is user defined as 10 minutes since the site is developed in both the existing and proposed condition. The computations for the existing and proposed conditions are included as Appendix G. A graphic depiction of the nodal diagram is included at the end of the Appendix. The analysis compares the pre -developed flow rates against the post -development flow rates. The analysis is done for the 95t' percentile storm, the 1-, 10-, and 25-year storm events having duration of one day. The computed rate of discharge for the post developed condition is the summation of the site components, but not including retention to be infiltrated. The routing computations include an elevation versus time analysis for the 95t' percentile storm event to demonstrate compliance with the stated drawdown requirement of no greater than 72 hours. The maximum allowable discharge rate is equal to that of the existing conditions. The comparative computation is performed using Pondpack by Haested Methods. The analysis is based on the SCS method for comparison of the existing against post developed flow rates. The allowable and summation of the computed rate of discharge is as follows: 1 Year, 1 day storm event —1.10 cfs (allowable) / 0.00 cfs (computed) 10 Year, I day storm event — 3.62 cfs (allowable) / 0.55 cfs (computed, 0.18 N, 0.37 S) 25 Year, I day storm event— 4.86 cfs (allowable) / 2.45 cfs (computed,1.33 N,1.12 S) CONCLUSION In order to meet the EISA requirements for the proposed Aberdeen Training Dining Facility two (2) infiltration areas are required along with (1) underground detention facility with exfiltration. While the EISA requirement exceeds that of NC DEQ for water quality, the sizing of these areas follows the methodology prescribed by the state. The result is a significant reduction in the site's discharge rate and volume for both the 1- and 10-year storm events having a 24-hour duration. In similar fashion, the computed rate of discharge from the site is reduced for the 25-year storm event having a 24-hour duration. R3 The design makes excellent use of the hydraulic conductivity found both in the region and specific to the site, resulting in a net reduction of the runoff from the existing site. and G:\DE\Clients\Norfolk A—E 2017\78530 — Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFAC\4.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\Stor to management report\2020.01.08 stor to management report r3.d,, Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina Appendix A Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 10 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina w 0 N H a w rn a 0 -- aZ poo - CO a rc 01 LL � z 3 3 m m m m r m E 3 m _- W LL w CD W - - W � I I I (D tt - Q I 1 h y' VI 1 3NI\tl31tlM 'X3 o-' II 1 1 �1 1 I 1 _--niN011VJ0� XOtlddtl N-----.u— y l"" I I I 1 1 ` 1 \ II I I 1 1 I 11 I \ l I 1\ I I I 1 1 1 \ \ II) / I IIIIII v"I Ill III I \ z I / 5 III IIII I a o A'ND-D Q —1 z U LL \III 110 I I I I.IP ti a I �II i`I I IIIII,,+I I llyill I �, I III�11 3NI]8'iW 1 I_Nol/moo, oad�l m e;i�ly \ IIIIIIIII v 1 I I I \ I I I I 1 z O F O D U) O O Ir O LL O z Appendix B Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina s aZ� G wo oQ m m �����a - LU - z w wCf) o - Wz LL� 0zN - - ®� LL . --- - - - w x 10.w-- w J w a U' Y 0 III o A, M Appendix C Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 12 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina ,',loll, I 111111 NII 11 I'll — _ iaae— dVN V3dV 3wNvaa E w Gn""".. aN..i nwn" Aln IWA e N N Mal N30d—ee—i- — _ laa1,00nn dVN V3dV 3wNva0 E w GnaaNlN.. aN..i nwn " Ain IWA ONN Mai-0d— OO—i- N OILVJON XOFlddtl 3N 1f131VM 4®� 3 NO 0l �l tl1 V a� O , LLQ � 0LL II , Z W O LO Z_ LL , 1 C4 � I I , I IIIIII , � a II, - — — — — — — + — — — — — — — — — — — -- --------------------- �o- w� i3 } Appendix D Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 13 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina 090IL292 O�gz« ocgZ« ozgzgec o « oDgZ« 06tL« 02�z« o « ,a= a } } \ ,a z a or ,a= a U) - ) /\ 2 0 \ . \ \\ } . \{\ ) ) ( ) � f : Q \ j Ll 00 $ _ ! \ . _ < \ i L _ ) i �k ` @0 J� \ \ o� ° \ - \ § (/ �/ _ _§ = 22 / z Q z OV9Z292 ocgz« ozgz« o« oDgZ« o6tz« 02�z« o« O U Z O CQ G O LL Z Ca G 0 Z /W V W J a O OLD 7 U O O � U y 2 U O O O) E Q O N U O C E C U) E m A Zi A O O O C-LO � " U) N N O O = U E y > L O O W C > Q O U) _0 -O U) 6 > Q N U m y E E o-a) m N 0 m EN O C N U) y U a) N E o) O E U) U C C N O US (A E (6 7 Q N N U tll N C N >> WE=0Wi O O U) O N Uy U) NLL Q U o U O (U 0 N E ( � E N -O y w -O .' 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O a) R 2 y O a -yo O L a) Q U) > CL Z U) ° J m E N m y 0 m O O a o O U) (n N > L_ O (n y 0 (n � o N U a Q * R N R � C � R 4 R5 F R m y C O y 0 .� O Q U) a° a° N c R N Q a O` U 0 a o C C > > Q Q R R C > Q R G) R y C) fl Q 3 Q o -a w fl Q >, = 3 3 y O `O F R o O o > > (4 ° w O o CL 0 LU 2, Q _ 0 a) (n Q o `o co — 3 O T w > > a R a o U o Y o a y Q 0 0 (n (n 0 (n o o m o R m U O U c7 c7 m J 'm R J y N a O m m U) R U) o U) a o in U) U) w a R yp�pyp�� `¢ ` 11F U) Q y 00(1) T U) U Uo � U � o U ' 0 0 U Q O U m 0 (U Z Soil Map —Hoke County, North Carolina DFAC at Aberdeen Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CaB Candor sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes 1.1 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 1.1 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 5/9/2018 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 M „8b,TZ o6L 099Z292 Ob9L88c OZ9L88c OZ9L88c 069L88c 009L882 06t Z292 02bzgoc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N O N y ' m p a a) yLL U) N a) m y N � a) '6 `O m C V O 2) O N U O U p a) O ,C a) m m 0 E a) y E U) N 0) E o_ o) E m O U) C �� N o ( — U m Z E _ O O _ O N O N a U) m E O 3 N O O m O- -0 O O (0 fl- y 7 U Q ..-� C a) y E m y� a)0 U) a) (7 O N 'O Z o n V E Q y Q y a) (6 N 2i 6 O O a) U) 0� E U wEL m Q� N m o_ N m a) Q '6 Q N m U O N 0_ tl) m Z U m 0 w Q LL — a) Eyo o m a) 0) o—vim 0 >+ j p 0 a) C> N C 3 U O U .�.. 0 0 >+ a) 0 >. C� O_ y O p m O_ E E >, m y Z N -O '(6 p m L O u) O a) 2 a) ,O co: E O 7 O; y m Q a) � E a) m . C -O ���� N y 0 o n U O y m o U) `m a o N > =L2 �� Y� �Q � Q U u E U 3 J> (n (n O-'C O m— a) O i = Q y t 'O c O m E o o o m m m a) m Z E w Q o a) n a) m a) m o N o y O E C y >+ .o N N (0 a) O) (0 (6 m a) E O O) a) O_ N j, a) U (6 (6 7 ,U) '6 N Q (n .— T O -0 m Q O u) C m N y a) N E o) O a) > 3 U a) .J 2i C m N U .O Q o O N E o_ m (n O C E a) .� N 'O y E N O— (0 O C E U a O p U 0 "" '6 O> O O a) m O '6 16 O O y E m C (6 Q a) a) 7 (n (n O U 'O y U C Q a) 3 >+ U) a) E O jn O O) o 'Q a) C N 'N C U a) a) O a) O m O Mn �_ U o 7 O N m m a) H � S O W E— U U) a E �� U Q-0 Q m L'Z H o U) U) U) D v L O t H o. y O as as as T 0 Z 0 0 0 a U r CL o W O a o o a O 0 0) 0 H o > o w o O a r 0 c o w E O a) m O 0 ° � L a J N N O co)' O N ^L C Q a. o) p J 0) Z II pI II O) p Z a--d) p O) II Z W m O fn m a) u) � U J 'a Q r C C C R CQ G C _ 4y r ❑ ❑ x ❑ R O C 7 OL ❑ y0 Y fp 1 R R R Q y +51 m Z Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat)—Hoke County, North Carolina Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating (micrometers per second) Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CaB Candor sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes 92.0000 1.3 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 1.3 100.0% 92 micrometer/sec = 26.07 ft/day Description Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) refers to the ease with which pores in a saturated soil transmit water. The estimates are expressed in terms of micrometers per second. They are based on soil characteristics observed in the field, particularly structure, porosity, and texture. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is considered in the design of soil drainage systems and septic tank absorption fields. For each soil layer, this attribute is actually recorded as three separate values in the database. A low value and a high value indicate the range of this attribute for the soil component. A "representative" value indicates the expected value of this attribute for the component. For this soil property, only the representative value is used. The numeric Ksat values have been grouped according to standard Ksat class limits. Rating Options Units of Measure: micrometers per second Aggregation Method: Dominant Component Component Percent Cutoff. None Specified Tie -break Rule: Fastest Interpret Nulls as Zero: No Layer Options (Horizon Aggregation Method): Depth Range (Weighted Average) Top Depth: 1 Bottom Depth: 60 Units of Measure: Inches USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/18/2018 am Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Appendix E Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 14 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina 8/24/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Fort Bragg, North Carolina, USA* Latitude: 35.11940, Longitude:-79.36545° Elevation: 473.22 fr** source: ESRI Maps wo **source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 ��� 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5.27 6.23 7.25 8.00 8.89 9.52 10.1 .7 10 11.3 11.8 5-min (4 .80-5.82) (5.66-6.88) (6.59-8.00) (7.26-8.82) (8.03-9.78) (8.57-10.5) (9.06-11.1) (9.50-11.7) (10.0-12.4) (10.4-13.0) 4.21 4.97 5.80 6.40 7.08 7.58 8.04 8.45 8.96 9.32 10-min (3.83-4.65) 11 (4.53-5.50) 11 (5.27-6.41 (5.80-7.05) 11 (6.40-7.79) 11 (6.83-8.33) (7.20-8.83) 1 (7.54-9.28) 1 (7.91-9.85) 1 (8.17-10.2) 3.50 4.17 4.89 5.39 5.98 6.40 6.78 7.11 7.52 7.80 15-min (3.19-3.87) (3.80-4.61) (4.45-5.40) (4.89-5.94) (5.40-6.58) (5.76-7.03) (6.06-7.44) (6.34-7.81) (6.64-8.26) (6.84-8.58) 2.40 2.88 3.47 3.91 4.43 4.82 5.19 5.53 5.98 6.31 30-min (2.19-2.65) (2.62-3.18) (3.16-3.84) (3.55-4.31) (4.00-4.88) (4.34-5.30) (4.64-5.70) (4.93-6.08) (5.28-6.57) (5.54-6.94) 1.50 F 1.81 7 2.23 7 2.54 7 2.95 7 3.27 3.57 F 3.88 9 4.2 4.61 60-min (1 .36-1.66) (1.65-2.00) (2.03-2.46) (2.31-2.80) (2.66-3.25) (2.94-3.59) (3.20-3.92) (3.46-4.26) (3.79-4.72) ( 4.04-5.07) 0.878 F 1.06 F 1.33 1.53 1.80 2.02 2.23 F 2.44 F 2.73 F 2.96 2-hr (0.794-0.980) (0.962-1.19) (1.20-1.48) 11 (1.38-1.71) 11 (1.62-2.01) 11 (1.80-2.24) 1 (1.98-2.48) 1 (2.15-2.71) 1 (2.38-3.04) 1 (2.56-3.29) 0.618 0.749 0.942 1.09 1.30 1.47 1.64 1.82 2.07 2.28 3-hr (0.560-0.691) (0.679-0.837) (0.852-1.05) (0.987-1.22) (1.17-1.45) 11 (1.31-1.63) 1 (1.45-1.82) 1 (1.60-2.02) 1 (1.80-2.30) (1.95-2.53) 0.370 0.447 0.563 0.655 0.783 0.886 0.993 1.11 1.26 1.39 6-hr (0.336-0.411) (0.407-0.496) (0.511-0.623) (0.592-0.725) (0.703-0.864) (0.790-0.976) (0.879-1.09) (0.970-1.22) 1 (1.09-1.39) 1 (1.19-1.53) 0.217 0.263 0.332 0.389 0.467 0.532 0.601 0.673 0.777 0.862 12-hr (0.197-0.241) (0.238-0.292) (0.300-0.369) (0.350-0.430) (0.418-0.516) (0.472-0.586) (0.528-0.660) (0.586-0.740) (0.666-0.854) (0.728-0.946) 0.128 0.155 0.195 0.227 0.271 0.306 0.342 0.379 0.430 0.471 24-hr (0.119-0.139) (0.143-0.168) (0.181-0.212) (0.209-0.246) (0.249-0.293) (0.281-0.331) (0.313-0.370) (0.346-0.410) (0.391-0.465) 1 (0 .426- 0 . 50 9) 0.075 0.090 0.112 0.130 0.155 0.174 0.194 0.215 0.243 0.266 2-day (0.069-0.080) (0.084-0.097) (0.104-0.121) (0.121-0.140) (0.143-0.167) (0.160-0.188) (0.178-0.209) (0.197-0.232) (0.222-0.263) 1 (0 .24 1 - 0 .28 7) 0.053 0.063 0.079 0.091 0.108 0.122 0.135 0.150 0.169 0.184 3-day (0.049-0.057) (0.059-0.068) (0.074-0.085) (0.085-0.098) (0.100-0.116) (0.112-0.130) (0.125-0.145) (0.137-0.161) (0.154-0.182) 1 (0.168-0.199) 0.042 0.050 0.062 0.072 0.085 0.095 0.106 0.117 0.132 0.144 4-day (0.039-0.045) (0.047-0.054) (0.058-0.066) (0.067-0.077) (0.079-0.090) (0.088-0.102) (0.098-0.113) (0.108-0.125) (0.121-0.141) 1 (0.131-0.154) 0.028 0.033 0.040 0.046 0.054 0.061 0.067 0.074 0.083 0.091 7-day (0.026-0.030) (0.031-0.035) (0.038-0.043) (0.043-0.049) (0.050-0.058) (0.056-0.065) (0.062-0.072) (0.068-0.079) (0.076-0.089) (0.083-0.097) 0.022 0.026 0.032 0.036 0.042 0.046 0.051 0.055 0.062 0.067 10�1ay (0.021-0.024) (0.025-0.028) (0.030-0.034) (0.034-0.038) (0.039-0.044) (0.043-0.049) (0.047-0.054) (0.051-0.059) (0.057-0.066) (0.061-0.071) 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.027 0.030 0.032 0.035 0.039 0.042 20�1ay (0.014-0.016) (0.017-0.019) (0.020-0.022) (0.022-0.025) (0.025-0.028) (0.028-0.031) (0.030-0.034) (0.033-0.037) (0.036-0.041) (0.039-0.044) 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.029 0.031 30�1ay (0.012-0.013) (0.014-0.015) (0.016-0.018) (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.022) (0.022-0.024) (0.023-0.026) (0.025-0.028) (0.027-0.031) (0.029-0.033) 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.017 0.018 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.024 45�1ay (0.010-0.011) (0.012-0.013) (0.013-0.015) (0.015-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.020) (0.019-0.021) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.023-0.026) 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.020 0.021 60�1ay (0.009-0.010) (0.010-0.011) (0.012-0.013) (0.013-0.014) (0.014-0.016) (0.015-0.017) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.021) (0.019-0.022) t Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=intensity&units=english&series=pds 1/4 8/24/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server 100.000 r 10.000 c 4' c 1.000 G� c 0 001 100.000 r 10.000 G 41 c 1.000 v G ° 0.100 49 a 0.010 PDS-based intensity -duration -frequency (IDF) curves Latitude: 35.1194°, Longitude:-79.3645' A o ui ,� � rn Ln � N rn v to Duration 0.001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMTY Fri Aug 24 16:11:02 2018 Back to Top Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Average recurrence inlerral (Years) — 1 2 — 5 10 25 50 ion 200 500 1000 Duration — 5-min — 2-day — 10-min — 3-day 15-min — 4-day — 30-min — 7-day — 60-min — 10-day — 2-hr — 20-day — 3-hr — 30-day — 6fir — 45-day — 12-hr — 60-day - 244hr https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=intensity&units=english&series=pds 2/4 8/24/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Large scale terrain Winston-Salem • • Durham Greensboro • Rocky Mou Raleigh NORTH CAROLINA Gr 'Charlotte "N rIle 'Jac4 U T H C A R O L I N A wili77ington — ns� ■ &a 100km Omi Large scale map Instonsa`rlern Greensboro 4 6 rham Rocky @Soul v Raleigh Grei North Carolina arlatte I �■� F etteville I � Jack Wil — n Colurnhi i 100km rni Large scale aerial https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=intensity&units=english&series=pds 3/4 8/24/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=intensity&units=english&series=pds 4/4 7/9/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Fort Bragg, North Carolina, USA*14. '' Latitude: 35.1194', Longitude:-79.3645' Elevation: 473.22 ft** source: ESRI Maps " "source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 5-min 10-min 11 15-min 30-min 60-min 72-hr]F3-hr]F6-hrPrecipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. (0.400-0.485) (0.798-0.968) (1.09-1.33) (1.36-1.66) (1.5 00.439 0.5190.6040.667 (0.472-0.573) (0.949-1.15) (1.31-1.59) (1.65-2.00) (1.93-2.37) (0.549-0.667) (1.11-1.35) (1.58-1.92) (2.03-2.46) (2.40-2.97) (0.605-0.735) )()()()(0.638-0.775)(0.755-0.917)(0.879-1.07)(0.967-1.181.07-1.30)(1.14-1.39)(1.20-1.471.26-1.55)(1.32-1.641.36-1.71.95 (1.22-1.49) (1.77-2.15) (2.31-2.80) (2.77-3.42) 0.7410.793 (0.669-0.815) (1.35-1.65) (2.00-2.44) (2.66-3.25) (3.23-4.02) (0.714-0.872) (1.44-1.76) (2.17-2.65) (2.94-3.59) (3.60-4.49) 0.843 (0.755-0.926) (1.52-1.86) (2.32-2.85) (3.20-3.92) (3.95-4.95 ) 0.8890.944 (0.792-0.976) (1.58-1.95) (2.47-3.04) (3.46-4.26)(3.79-4.72)(4.04-5.07) ( 4.89 ) 4.31-5.43 (0.834-1.04) (1.66-2.07) (2.64-3.29) ( 5.46 ) 4.77-6.07 0.986 (0.865-1.09) (1.71-2.14) (2.77-3.47) ( 5.92 ) 5.12-6.58 1.86 2.25 2.83 3.28 3.91 4.41 4.93 5.47 6.23 6.83 (1.68-2.08) (2.04-2.51) 11 (2.56-3.16) 11 (2.96-3.66) 11 (3.50-4.35) 11 (3.93-4.91) 11 (4.36-5.47) (4.80-6.07) (5.40-6.91) (5.86-7.59) 2.21 2.68 3.37 3.92 4.69 5.31 5.95 6.62 7.57 8.34 (2.01-2.46) (2.44-2.97) (3.06-3.73) (3.55-4.34) (4.21-5.17) (4.73-5.85) (5.26-6.55) (5.81-7.28) (6.55-8.32) (7.13-9.16) 2.61 3.16 4.00 4.68 5.63 6.41 7.24 8.11 9.36 10.4 (2.37-2.90) (2.87-3.51) (3.62-4.44) (4.22-5.19) (5.03-6.21) (5.69-7.06) (6.36-7.96) (7.06-8.92) (8.02-10.3) (8.77-11.4) 3.07 3.71 4.68 5.45 6.50 7.34 8.20 9.10 10.3 11.3 (2.85-3.33) (3.44-4.03) (4.33-5.08) (5.03-5.90) (5.98-7.04) (6.73-7.94) (7.50-8.87) (8.30-9.83) (9.38-11.2) (10.2-12.2) 3.58 4.31 5.40 6.26 7.43 8.36 9.33 10.3 11.7 12.8 (3.32-3.86) (4.01-4.65) 11 (5.01-5.82) (5.80-6.75) 11 11 (6.86-8.00) 11 (7.70-9.01) (8.56-10.0) (9.44-11.1) (10.6-12.6) (11.6-13.8) 3.79 4.57 5.68 6.57 -7.7-877 -8.7-577 9.74 10.8 12.2 13.3 (3.54-4.08) (4.26-4.90) (5.29-6.10) (6.11-7.04) (7.21-8.35) (8.08-9.38) (8.97-10.5) (9.88-11.6) (11.1-13.1) (12.1-14.3) 4.01 4.82 5.97 6.88 8.14 9.13 10.2 11.2 12.7 13.8 (3.75-4.30) (4.51-5.16) (5.58-6.38) (6.42-7.34) (7.56-8.69) (8.46-9.75) (9.38-10.9) (10.3-12.0) (11.6-13.6) (12.6-14.8) 4.64 5.54 6.78 7.76 9.11 10.2 11.3 12.4 14.0 15.2 (4.33-4.96) (5.18-5.93) (6.33-7.25) (7.23-8.30) (8.47-9.74) (9.44-10.9) 11 (10.4-12.1) (11.5-13.3) (12.8-15.0) (13.9-16.3) 5.31 6.32 7.62 8.64 1-0.0-77 11.1 12.2 13.3 14.8 16.0 (5.00-5.65) (5.95-6.72) (7.16-8.09) (8.11-9.17) (9.37-10.6) 11 (10.4-11.8) 11 (11.3-13.0) (12.3-14.1) (13.7-15.8) (14.7-17.0) 7.14 8.44 10.0 11.2 12.9 14.2 15.5 16.8 18.6 20.0 (6.75-7.57) (7.98-8.95) (9.44-10.6) (10.6-11.9) (12.1-13.6) 11 (13.3-15.0) 11 (14.5-16.4) (15.7-17.8) (17.3-19.8) (18.5-21.3) 8.87 10.4 12.2 13.5 1-5.3-77 1-6.7-77 18.0 19.4 21.2 22.5 (8.39-9.38) (9.88-11.1) (11.5-12.9) (12.8-14.3) (14.4-16.2) 11 (15.7-17.6) 11 (16.9-19.1) (18.1-20.5) (19.7-22.5) (21.0-24.0) 11.2 13.2 15.1 16.6 18.5 20.0 21.4 22.8 24.6 26.0 (10.6-11.9) (12.5-13.9) (14.3-15.9) (15.7-17.5) (17.5-19.5) 11 (18.8-21.1) 11 (20.1-22.6) (21.4-24.1) (23.1-26.1) (24.3-27.6) 13.5 15.7 17.9 19.5 21.6 23.2 24.7 26.2 28.1 29.6 (12.8-14.2) (14.9-16.6) (16.9-18.8) (18.5-20.5) (20.4-22.7) (21.9-24.4) (23.3-26.0) (24.7-27.6) (26.4-29.7) (27.7-31.3) Back to Top PF graphical https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lot=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1 /4 7/9/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server PD5-based depth -duration -frequency (DDF) curves Latitude: 35.1194 Longitude:-79.3645' 25 e L 20 4' a 15 10 a 5 711 E C N A Lb Duration 30 25 e 4 20 'CL 0 15 CL 10 a 5 711 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, VaIurne 2, Version 3 Created {GMT): Mon Jul 9 19:31:54 2018 Back to Top Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Average recurrence inleNal (years) — 1 2 — 5 — 1Q 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duration — 5-min — 2-day — 1 D-min — 3-day 1"in — 4-day — 3D-min — 7-day — 60-min — 1 D-day — 2-hr — 20-day — 3-hr — 30--day — 6-hr — 45-day — 12fir — 6D-day — 2"r https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.htmI?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 2/4 7/9/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Large scale terrain Winston-Salem * . C1UI halll Greensboro • Rocky Mou Raleigh NORTH CAROLINA r Charlotte I lle (, Jab i U T H C A R O L I N A Wilmington Ba 100km Omi Large scale map COW ITIN 1 100 A Large scale aerial ou Frei ick https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 3/4 7/9/2018 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsctpfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=35.1194&Ion=-79.3645&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 4/4 National Stormwater Calculator Report Site Description Fort Bragg - Aberden SOF DFAC Parameter Current Scenario Baseline Scenario Site Area (acres) 1.5 Hydrologic Soil Group A Hydraulic Conductivity (in/hr) 4 Surface Slope (%) 5 Precip. Data Source RAEFORD Evap. Data Source RAEFORD Climate Change Scenario None • Forest 0 • Meadow 0 • Lawn 20 • Desert 0 • Impervious 80 Years Analyzed 15 Ignore Consecutive Wet Days False Wet Day Threshold (inches) 0.10 LID Control Current Scenario Baseline Scenario Disconnection 0 Rain Harvesting 0 Rain Gardens 45 / 5 Green Roofs 0 Street Planters 0 Infiltration Basins 55 / 5 Porous Pavement 0 % of impervious area treated / % of treated area used for LID US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Pagel Of 6 National Stormwater Calculator Report Summary Results Fort Bragg - Aberden SOF DFAC Statistic Current Scenario Baseline Scenario Average Annual Rainfall (inches) 46.42 Average Annual Runoff (inches) 10.24 Days per Year With Rainfall 75.48 Days per Year with Runoff 29.11 Percent of Wet Days Retained 61.43 Smallest Rainfall w/ Runoff (inches) 0.16 Largest Rainfall w/o Runoff (inches) 0.59 Max. Rainfall Retained (inches) 2.38 W Current Scenario Annual Rainfall = 46.42 inches 0 RoncH o Innl. o Ei.p. am US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Page 2 Of 6 National Stormwater Calculator Report Fort Bragg - Aberden SOF DFAC Rainfall! Runoff E ... 1, R.i.1.11 i R ... E .... d.... Frequency D.Pth (.—h-) US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Page 3 Of 6 National Stormwater Calculator Report Fort Bragg - Aberden SOF DFAC Rainfall Retention Frequency `s aely Rainfall lint aalz.o a,s 5.o y. Rnnaff Canlribetion by Rainfall Percentile Daily Rainfall Dep[h (inches) 0.12 0.10 011 m_90 1 045 1 12 nIII21 n s 1a z9 s9 a9 sa aily Raintal�l Parcm[ilo 'S 5o ss 90 99 US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Page 4 Of 6 National Stormwater Calculator Report Fort Bragg - Aberden SOF DFAC Extreme Event Rainfall! Runoff Depth 0 Rainfall t7 Runoff E ¢, ......................................... ...,.......... d L U C L Q N a 1 1 .. ........ ... .............. 0 5 14 IS:P 54 100 Extreme Event Peak Rainfall f Runoff e I- c m m 3 s 2 1 0 5 10 15 ]0 s0 100 Return Period (years) US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Page 5 Of 6 National Stormwater Calculator Report Estimate of Probable Costs Fort Ela@pi-tabG09tSOF DFAc LID Control Current Scenario Baseline Scenario Cost Difference Disconnection $ - $ Rainwater Harvesting $ - $ Rain Gardens $ 17,600 - $ 23,400 Green Roofs $ - $ Street Planters $ - $ Infiltration Basins $ 20,000 - $ 27,300 Permeable Pavement $ - $ Total $ 37,600 - $ 50,600 Maintenance Costs LID Control Current Scenario Baseline Scenario Cost Difference Disconnection $ - $ Rainwater Harvesting $ - $ Rain Gardens $ 100 - $ 2,400 Green Roofs $ - $ Street Planters $ - $ Infiltration Basins $ 100 - $ 3,200 Permeable Pavement $ - $ Total $ 200 - $ 5,600 US EPA National Stormwater Calculator - Release Page 6 Of 6 Appendix F Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 15 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data - North Infiltration Total Drainage Area (Ac.) Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Pervious Impervious 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Metho, Post Development Runoff Volume Design Storm Volume Designed: GDH Date: 24-Aug-18 (latest rev) Printed: 27-Nov-19 (latest) 0.512 AC Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) 0.164 0.25 7165 0.347 0.98 15123 Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = Runoff Coefficient Rv = 0.66067391 1 = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)*100% 1.72 (in) 95th Percentile Storm for Section 438 of EISA V = 3630 RD*Rv*A V = Volume of Runoff V = 2110.6 CF RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: Af = (WQv)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)] Where: Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W95 = 95th Percentile volume, cu ft 2110.6 Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft 2.5 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Max Depth (ft) of water at fin. elev. (try 12" max) 0.95 *or* 11.40 inches K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 1.2 *or* 0.6 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.48 Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 1234.27 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 1890 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship Bot. of Infilt --= Finish ,,h Grade Top of Curb Elevation Footprint Area (SF) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge (In Situ) Volume (af) 465 1890 0 0 0.0000 0.00000 465.5 1890 378.0 0.5 0.0053 0.00868 466 1890 756.0 1 0.0105 0.01736 466.5 1890 1134.0 1.5 0.0158 0.02603 467 1890 1512.0 2 0.0210 0.03471 467.5 1890 1890.0 2.5 0.0263 0.04339 468 2041 2872.8 3 0.0315 0.06595 468.5 2204 3934.2 3.5 0.0368 0.09032 468.9 2381 4851.3 3.9 0.0409 0.11137 1 Void Ratio in Media = 0.4 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet 3 Media depth = 2.5 G:\DE\Clients\Norfolk A-E 2017\78530 - Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFACW.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\ 2019.10.24 Fort Bragg DFAC SWM_WQ calcs.xls]N Infilt- NC Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data - North Infiltration Total Drainage Area (Ac.) Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Pervious Impervious 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Metho, Post Development Runoff Volume Design Storm Volume Designed: GDH Date: 24-Aug-18 (latest rev) Printed: 27-Nov-19 (latest) 0.512 AC Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) 0.164 0.25 7165 0.347 0.98 15123 Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = Runoff Coefficient Rv = 0.66067391 1 = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)*100% 1.00 (in) As required by NC DEQ for Water Quality V = 3630 RD*Rv*A V = Volume of Runoff V = 1227.1 CF RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: Af = (WQv)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)] Where: Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W = water quality volume, cu ft 1227.1 Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft 2.5 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Max Depth (ft) of water at fin. elev. (try 12" max) 0.95 *or* 11.40 inches K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 1.2 *or* 0.6 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.48 Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 717.60 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 1890 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship Bot. of Infilt --= Finish ,,h Grade Top of Curb Elevation Footprint Area (SF) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge (In Situ) Volume (af) 465 1890 0 0 0.0000 0.00000 465.5 1890 378.0 0.5 0.0053 0.00868 466 1890 756.0 1 0.0105 0.01736 466.5 1890 1134.0 1.5 0.0158 0.02603 467 1890 1512.0 2 0.0210 0.03471 467.5 1890 1890.0 2.5 0.0263 0.04339 468 2041 2872.8 3 0.0315 0.06595 468.5 2204 3934.2 3.5 0.0368 0.09032 468.9 2381 4851.3 3.9 0.0409 0.11137 1 Void Ratio in Media = 0.4 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet 3 Media depth = 2.5 G:\DE\Clients\Norfolk A-E 2017\78530 - Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFACW.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Devgn\ 2019.10.24 Fort Bragg DFAC SWM_WQ calc-ls]N Infilt- NC Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data - Northwest Infiltration/Detention Area Total Drainage Area (Ac.) Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Pervious Impervious 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Method Post Development 0.200 AC Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) 0.065 0.25 2853 0.134 0.98 5847 Designed: GDH Date: 8-Jan-20 (latest rev) Printed: 8-Jan-20 (latest) Runoff Volume Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = Runoff Coefficient Rv = 0.654862 1 = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)'100% Design Storm 1.72 (in) 95th Percentile Storm for Section 438 of EISA Volume V = 3630 RD'Rv'A V = Volume of Runoff V = 816.6 CF RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: Af = (WQv)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)] Where: Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W95 = 95th Percentile volume, cu ft 816.6 Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft 1 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Max Depth (ft) of water at fin. elev. (try 12" max) 0.75 'or' 9.00 inches K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 0.4 'or' 0.2 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.38 Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 1814.70 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 300 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship Bot. of Infilt --: Finish 15h Grade --: Rim Elevation - Top of Flume - Elevation Footprint Area (SF) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge n Situ Volume (af) 465.5 300 0 0 0.0000 0.0050000 465.7 300 24.0 0.2 0.0003 0.0005510 465.9 300 48.0 0.4 0.0006 0.0011019 466.1 300 72.0 0.6 0.0008 0.0016529 466.3 300 96.0 0.8 0.0011 0.0022039 466.5 300 120.0 1 0.0014 0.0027548 467 324 276.0 1.5 0.0021 0.0063361 467.25 350 360.2 1.75 0.0024 0.0082700 467.65 378 505.8 2.15 0.0030 0.0116117 1 Vold Ratio in Media = JA 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet 3 Media depth = 1 G:\DEICIients\Norfolk A-E 2017W8530- Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFAC\4.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\[2019.12.30 Fort Bragg DFAC SWIM WO caics.xis]W-S Inflt- NC Deficit 456.4 Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data - Northwest Infiltration/Detention Area Total Drainage Area (Ac.) Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Pervious Impervious 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Method Post Development 0.200 AC Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) 0.065 0.25 2853 0.134 0.98 5847 Designed: GDH Date: 8-Jan-20 (latest rev) Printed: 8-Jan-20 (latest) Runoff Volume Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = Runoff Coefficient Rv = 0.654862 1 = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)'100% Design Storm 1.00 (in) As required by NC DEQ for Water Quality Volume V = 3630 RD'Rv'A V = Volume of Runoff V = 474.8 CF RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: Af = (WQv)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)] Where: Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W = water quality volume, cu ft 474.8 Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft 1 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Max Depth (ft) of water at fin. elev. (try 12" max) 0.75 'or' 9.00 inches K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 0.4 'or' 0.2 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.38 Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 1055.06 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 300 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship Bot. of Infilt --- Finish 15h Grade - Rim Elevation --- Top of Flume --- Elevation Footprint Area (SF) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge n Situ Volume (af) 465.5 300 0 0 0.0000 0.0000000 465.7 300 24.0 0.2 0.0003 0.0005510 465.9 300 48.0 0.4 0.0006 0.0011019 466.1 300 72.0 0.6 0.0008 0.0016529 466.3 300 96.0 0.8 0.0011 0.0022039 466.5 300 120.0 1 0.0014 0.0027548 324 276.0 1.5 0.0021 0.0063361 W 350 360.2 1.75 0.0024 378 sn s R 2.15 - - - - - 0.0116117 1 Vold Ratio in Media = JA 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet 3 Media depth = 1 G:\DEICIients\Norfolk A-E 2017W8530- Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFAC\4.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\[2019.12.30 Fort Bragg DFAC SWIM WO caics.xis]W-S Inflt- NC Deficit 114.5 Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data -West and Southerly to Underground Detention Designed: GDH Date: 30-Dec-19 (latest rev) Printed: 8-Jan-20 (latest) Total Drainage Area (Ac.) 0.362 AC Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) Pervious 0.189 0.25 8254 Impervious 0.173 0.98 7533 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Method Deficit from NW Corner infiltration Volume Req'd 816.6 Volume Provided 360.2 Deficit to be included in UG Detention 456.4 Post Development for W-S Infiltration Runoff Volume Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = Runoff Coefficient Rv = 0.479448 1 = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)*100 Design Storm 1.72 (in) 95th Percentile Storm for Section 438 of EISA Volume V = 3630 RD*Rv*A + Deficit V = Volume of Runoff V = 1541.3 CF RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: At = ( °ov)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)J7 Where: Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W95 = 95th Percentile volume, cu ft 1541.3 Including deficit Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft, under pipe 1 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Height of Pipe for Infilt Volume 1.85 See Pipe Volume Calcs K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 1.2 *or* 0.6 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.93 Set at 1/2 pipe diameter Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 462.84 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 1100 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship Bot. of Infilt --- Bot of Pipe -= Top of Pipe --- Elevation Footprint Area SF ( ) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge In Situ Volume a ( f) 464 1100 0 0 0.0000 0.00000 464.5 1100 220.0 0.5 0.0076 0.00505 465 1100 440.0 1 0.0153 0.01010 465.5 1100 753.1 1.5 0.0229 0.01729 466 1100 1127.1 2 0.0306 0.02587 466.5 1100 1523.8 2.5 0.0382 0.03498 467 1188 1920.5 3 0.0458 0.04409 467.5 1283 2295.3 3.5 0.0535 0.05269 468 1386 2608.5 4 0.0611 0.05988 1 void Katio In Media = JA 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet for UG detention volume 6 Determine the elevation for the water quality volume for EISA to include deficit of 456 CF from NW (must be below elevation 467.50) Volume Required: 1997.64 CF 0.0459 Ac Ft Volume Provided: 2032.97 CF Control Elevation: 467.15 G:\DE\Clients\Norfoik A-E 2017\78530 -Ft. Bragg ATF JSOC DFAC`A.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\f2019.12.30 Fort Bragg DFAC SWM_WQ caics.xis]W-S Inflt - NC Project: Fort Bragg - DFAC Project No: 078530 Location: Aberdeen Training Facility 1 Site Data - West and Southerly to Underground Detention Total Drainage Area (Ac.) Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Pervious Impervious 2 Runoff Volume Determined by Simple Method Deficit from NW Corner infiltration Volume Req'd Volume Provided 0.362 AC Area (AC) C Value Area (SF) 0.189 0.25 8254 0.173 0.98 7533 816.6 360.2 Deficit to be included in UG Detention 456.4 Post Development for W-S Infiltration Runoff Volume Rv = 0.05 + 0.0090*1 Rv = 0.479448 Design Storm 1.00 (in) Volume V = 3630 Ro*Rv*A+ Deficit V = 1087.1 CF 3 Determine the surface area required for the infiltration system The required surface area of the infiltration system is computed as: Af = (WQv)/[(K)(Df)(Tf)] Where: Designed: GDH Date: 30-Dec-19 (latest rev) Printed: 8-Jan-20 (latest) Rv = Runoff Coefficient I = Impervious Percentage, (Imperv. Area/Total Area)*100% As required by NIC DEQ for Water Quality V = Volume of Runoff Ro = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) Af = surface area of filter bed, sq. ft. W = water quality volume, cu ft 1087.1 Including deficit Df = Infiltration bed depth, ft, under pipe 1 (used in section 5 table) Hw = Height of Pipe for Infilt Volume 1.85 See Pipe Volume Calcs K = coefficient of permeability, ft/day 1.2 *or* 0.6 inches/hour Hf = average height of water above filter bed, ft 0.93 Set at 1/2 pipe diameter Tf = design filter bed drain time, days 3 (72 hours typical max for water quality) Af = 326.46 Sq Ft (minimum area, not accounting for storage below grade) 1100 Sq Ft (plan area of design) 4 A foremay is not provided for sedimentation reduction since runoff is predominately limited to the roof drain. 5 Determine the stage, storage and infiltration rate relationship eI.7marminim Bot of Pipe --- Top of Pipe --- Elevation Footprint Area SF ( ) Volume (cf) Elev Head Stage Discharge In Situ Volume a 464 1100 0 0 0.0000 0.00000 464.5 1100 220.0 0.5 0.0076 0.00505 465 1100 440.0 1 0.0153 0.01010 465.5 1100 753.1 1.5 0.0229 0.01729 466 1100 1127.1 2 0.0306 0.02587 466.5 1100 1523.8 2.5 0.0382 0.03498 467 1188 1920.5 3 1 0.0458 0.04409 467.5 1283 2295.3 3.5 0.0535 0.05269 468 1386 2608.5 4 0.0611 0.05988 i voia Katlo In IVIema = U.4 2 Volume computation from spreadsheet for UG detention volume G:\DEICIients\Norfolk A-E 2017\78530- Ft. Bragg AT JSOC DFACW.0 Disciplines\1.0 Civil\Eng\Storm Design\ 2019.12.30 Fort Bragg DFAC SVMA_WO calcs.xls]W-S Infilt- NC Appendix G Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 16 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina Fort Bragg Aberdeen Training DFAC ********************** MASTER SUMMARY ********************** Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* Fort Bragg DFAC Design Storms ...................... 2.01 ********************** TC CALCULATIONS ********************* EXISTING CONDITI Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 NORTH INFILT.... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.03 TO NW........... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.05 TO UG........... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.07 ********************** CN CALCULATIONS ********************* EXISTING CONDITI Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 NORTH INFILT.... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.02 TO NW........... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.03 TO UG........... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.04 *********************** TIME VS.ELEV *********************** N INFILT OUT 1 Time-Elev ............................ 5.01 N INFILT OUT 95 Time-Elev ........................... 5.07 NW INFILT...... 1Time-Elev .......................... 5.10 NW INFILT....... 95 Time-Elev ....................... 5.14 UG DETENTION.... 95 Time-Elev ....................... 5.18 *********************** POND VOLUMES *********************** N INFILT........ Vol: Elev-Volume ................... 6.01 NW INFILT....... Vol: Elev-Volume ................... 6.02 UG DETENTION.... Vol: Elev-Volume ................... 6.03 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Interconnect.... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.01 N Overflow...... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.04 North Infilt.... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.07 Northwest Infilt Outlet Input Data .................. 7.09 SW Overflow..... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.11 UG Exfilt....... Outlet Input Data .................. 7.14 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Fort Bragg DFAC Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type 1 3.0700 Synthetic Curve 10 5.4500 Synthetic Curve 25 6.5000 Synthetic Curve 95 1.7200 Synthetic Curve --------------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES Target Convergence= .000 cfs +/- Max. Iterations = 35 loops ICPM Time Step = .0500 hrs Output Time Step = .0500 hrs ICPM Ending Time = ------------------------------- 35.0000 hrs UMMON TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method *Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft *EXISTING JCT 1 .072 12.0000 1.1C *EXISTING JCT 10 .220 12.0000 3.62 *EXISTING JCT 25 .296 12.0000 4.86 *EXISTING JCT 95 .015 12.0500 .14 EXISTING CONDITI AREA 1 .072 12.0000 1.1C EXISTING CONDITI AREA 10 .220 12.0000 3.62 EXISTING CONDITI AREA 25 .296 12.0000 4.86 EXISTING CONDITI AREA 95 .015 12.0500 .14 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES ------------------------------- Target Convergence= .000 cfs +/- Max. Iterations = 35 loops ICPM Time Step = .0500 hrs Output Time Step = .0500 hrs ICPM Ending Time = 35.0000 hrs ------------------------------- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft N INFILT IN POND 1 .061 12.0000 1.00 N INFILT IN POND 10 .149 12.0000 2.4C N INFILT IN POND 25 .190 12.0000 3.04 N INFILT IN POND 95 .020 12.0000 .31 +N INFILT OUT POND 1 .056 13.4000 .02 467.37 .041 +N INFILT OUT POND 10 .144 12.6500 .22 468.48 .089 +N INFILT OUT POND 25 .185 12.1500 1.37 468.57 .094 +N INFILT OUT POND 95 .015 13.5000 .01 465.76 .013 NORTH INFILT AREA 1 .061 12.0000 1.0C NORTH INFILT AREA 10 .149 12.0000 2.40 NORTH INFILT AREA 25 .190 12.0000 3.04 NORTH INFILT AREA 95 .020 12.0000 .31 *NORTH OVERFLOW JCT 1 .000 .0500 .00 *NORTH OVERFLOW JCT 10 .025 12.6500 .18 *NORTH OVERFLOW JCT 25 .063 12.1500 1.33 *NORTH OVERFLOW JCT 95 .000 .0500 .00 NW INFILT POND 1 .024 12.0000 .39 NW INFILT POND 10 .058 12.0000 .93 NW INFILT POND 25 .074 12.0000 1.18 NW INFILT POND 95 .008 12.0000 .12 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.03 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES ------------------------------- Target Convergence= .000 cfs +/- Max. Iterations = 35 loops ICPM Time Step = .0500 hrs Output Time Step = .0500 hrs ICPM Ending Time = 35.0000 hrs ------------------------------- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft +NW INFILT OUT POND 1 .018 12.1500 .21 467.28 .009 +NW INFILT OUT POND 10 .055 12.0500 .86 467.51 .010 +NW INFILT OUT POND 25 .076 12.0500 1.10 467.65 .012 +NW INFILT OUT POND 95 .004 .0500 .00 466.94 .006 *SW INFILT JCT 1 .095 13.9500 .05 *SW INFILT JCT 10 .199 12.2500 .09 *SW INFILT JCT 25 .206 12.1000 .1C *SW INFILT JCT 95 .024 13.1500 .01 *SW OVERFLOW JCT 1 .000 .0500 .00 *SW OVERFLOW JCT 10 .038 12.2500 .37 *SW OVERFLOW JCT 25 .079 12.1500 1.12 *SW OVERFLOW JCT 95 .00C .0500 .00 TO NW AREA 1 .024 12.0000 .39 TO NW AREA 10 .058 12.0000 .93 TO NW AREA 25 .074 12.0000 1.18 TO NW AREA 95 .008 12.0000 .12 TO UG AREA 1 .026 12.0000 .4C TO UG AREA 10 .077 12.0000 1.26 TO UG AREA 25 .103 12.000C 1.69 TO UG AREA 95 .006 12.0500 .06 UG DETENTION POND 1 .039 12.1000 .48 UG DETENTION POND 10 .127 12.0000 2.09 UG DETENTION POND 25 .174 12.0000 2.75 UG DETENTION POND 95 .006 12.0500 .06 +UG DETENTION OUT POND 1 .035 13.2000 .02 465.71 .021 +UG DETENTION OUT POND 10 .114 R 12.2500 .43 467.51 .053 +UG DETENTION OUT POND 25 .158 R 12.1500 1.18 467.80 .057 +UG DETENTION OUT POND 95 .005 13.4500 .00 464.25 .003 Type.... Design Storms Page 2.01 Name.... Fort Bragg DFAC File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\ Title... Project Date: 9/4/2018 Project Engineer: harnish Project Title: Fort Bragg DFAC Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Fort Bragg DFAC Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.0700 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.4500 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 25 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 25 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.5000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Storm Tag Name = 95 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 95 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 1.7200 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... EXISTING CONDITI Page 3.01 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... EXISTING CONDITI ------------------------ Total Tc: .1670 hrs ------------------------ Page 3.02 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... NORTH INFILT Page 3.03 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... NORTH INFILT ------------------------ Total Tc: .1670 hrs ------------------------ Page 3.04 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO NW Page 3.05 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO NW ------------------------ Total Tc: .1670 hrs ------------------------ Page 3.06 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO UG Page 3.07 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1670 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO UG ------------------------ Total Tc: .1670 hrs ------------------------ Page 3.08 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined ______________________________________________________ Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... EXISTING CONDITI Page 4.01 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Pervious 49 .601 49.00 Impervious 98 .473 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.074 70.58 (71) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... NORTH INFILT Page 4.02 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Pervious 49 .164 49.00 Impervious 98 .347 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .512 82.25 (82) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO NW Page 4.03 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Pervious 49 .065 49.00 Impervious 98 .134 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .199 81.99 (82) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO UG Page 4.04 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Pervious 49 .189 49.00 Impervious 98 .173 98.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .362 72.42 (72) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.01 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 9.2000 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 9.4500 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 9.7000 465.00 465.01 465.01 465.01 465.01 9.9500 465.01 465.01 465.01 465.01 465.01 10.2000 465.02 465.02 465.02 465.02 465.02 10.4500 465.03 465.03 465.03 465.03 465.04 10.7000 465.04 465.04 465.05 465.05 465.05 10.9500 465.06 465.06 465.07 465.07 465.08 11.2000 465.09 465.09 465.10 465.11 465.12 11.4500 465.13 465.14 465.15 465.16 465.19 11.7000 465.22 465.27 465.34 465.44 465.58 11.9500 465.78 466.01 466.23 466.43 466.56 12.2000 466.65 466.71 466.76 466.80 466.83 12.4500 466.86 466.89 466.92 466.94 466.96 12.7000 466.98 466.99 467.01 467.03 467.04 12.9500 467.06 467.07 467.08 467.09 467.11 13.2000 467.12 467.13 467.14 467.15 467.16 13.4500 467.17 467.17 467.18 467.19 467.20 13.7000 467.20 467.21 467.22 467.22 467.23 13.9500 467.24 467.24 467.25 467.25 467.26 14.2000 467.26 467.27 467.27 467.27 467.28 14.4500 467.28 467.29 467.29 467.29 467.30 14.7000 467.30 467.31 467.31 467.31 467.31 14.9500 467.32 467.32 467.32 467.33 467.33 15.2000 467.33 467.33 467.34 467.34 467.34 15.4500 467.34 467.34 467.35 467.35 467.35 15.7000 467.35 467.35 467.35 467.36 467.36 15.9500 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 16.2000 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 16.4500 467.36 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 16.7000 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 16.9500 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 17.2000 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 17.4500 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 467.37 17.7000 467.37 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 17.9500 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 18.2000 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 467.36 18.4500 467.36 467.35 467.35 467.35 467.35 18.7000 467.35 467.35 467.35 467.35 467.35 18.9500 467.35 467.34 467.34 467.34 467.34 19.2000 467.34 467.34 467.34 467.33 467.33 19.4500 467.33 467.33 467.33 467.33 467.33 19.7000 467.32 467.32 467.32 467.32 467.32 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.02 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 19.9500 467.31 467.31 467.31 467.31 467.31 20.2000 467.31 467.30 467.30 467.30 467.30 20.4500 467.30 467.29 467.29 467.29 467.29 20.7000 467.29 467.28 467.28 467.28 467.28 20.9500 467.28 467.27 467.27 467.27 467.27 21.2000 467.27 467.26 467.26 467.26 467.26 21.4500 467.26 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 21.7000 467.25 467.24 467.24 467.24 467.24 21.9500 467.24 467.23 467.23 467.23 467.23 22.2000 467.23 467.22 467.22 467.22 467.22 22.4500 467.22 467.21 467.21 467.21 467.21 22.7000 467.21 467.20 467.20 467.20 467.20 22.9500 467.20 467.19 467.19 467.19 467.19 23.2000 467.19 467.18 467.18 467.18 467.18 23.4500 467.17 467.17 467.17 467.17 467.17 23.7000 467.16 467.16 467.16 467.16 467.16 23.9500 467.15 467.15 467.15 467.15 467.14 24.2000 467.14 467.13 467.13 467.12 467.12 24.4500 467.11 467.11 467.10 467.10 467.09 24.7000 467.09 467.08 467.08 467.07 467.07 24.9500 467.06 467.06 467.05 467.05 467.04 25.2000 467.03 467.03 467.02 467.02 467.01 25.4500 467.01 467.00 467.00 466.99 466.99 25.7000 466.98 466.98 466.97 466.97 466.96 25.9500 466.96 466.96 466.95 466.95 466.94 26.2000 466.94 466.93 466.93 466.92 466.92 26.4500 466.91 466.91 466.90 466.90 466.89 26.7000 466.89 466.88 466.88 466.87 466.87 26.9500 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.85 466.85 27.2000 466.84 466.84 466.83 466.83 466.82 27.4500 466.82 466.81 466.81 466.80 466.80 27.7000 466.80 466.79 466.79 466.78 466.78 27.9500 466.77 466.77 466.76 466.76 466.76 28.2000 466.75 466.75 466.74 466.74 466.73 28.4500 466.73 466.73 466.72 466.72 466.71 28.7000 466.71 466.70 466.70 466.70 466.69 28.9500 466.69 466.68 466.68 466.67 466.67 29.2000 466.67 466.66 466.66 466.65 466.65 29.4500 466.65 466.64 466.64 466.63 466.63 29.7000 466.62 466.62 466.62 466.61 466.61 29.9500 466.60 466.60 466.60 466.59 466.59 30.2000 466.58 466.58 466.58 466.57 466.57 30.4500 466.56 466.56 466.56 466.55 466.55 30.7000 466.55 466.54 466.54 466.53 466.53 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.03 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 30.9500 466.53 466.52 466.52 466.51 466.51 31.2000 466.51 466.50 466.50 466.50 466.49 31.4500 466.49 466.48 466.48 466.48 466.47 31.7000 466.47 466.47 466.46 466.46 466.45 31.9500 466.45 466.45 466.44 466.44 466.44 32.2000 466.43 466.43 466.43 466.42 466.42 32.4500 466.42 466.41 466.41 466.40 466.40 32.7000 466.40 466.39 466.39 466.39 466.38 32.9500 466.38 466.38 466.37 466.37 466.37 33.2000 466.36 466.36 466.36 466.35 466.35 33.4500 466.35 466.34 466.34 466.34 466.33 33.7000 466.33 466.33 466.32 466.32 466.32 33.9500 466.31 466.31 466.31 466.30 466.30 34.2000 466.30 466.29 466.29 466.29 466.28 34.4500 466.28 466.28 466.27 466.27 466.27 34.7000 466.26 466.26 466.26 466.25 466.25 34.9500 466.25 466.25 466.24 466.24 466.24 35.2000 466.23 466.23 466.23 466.22 466.22 35.4500 466.22 466.21 466.21 466.21 466.21 35.7000 466.20 466.20 466.20 466.19 466.19 35.9500 466.19 466.18 466.18 466.18 466.18 36.2000 466.17 466.17 466.17 466.16 466.16 36.4500 466.16 466.16 466.15 466.15 466.15 36.7000 466.14 466.14 466.14 466.14 466.13 36.9500 466.13 466.13 466.12 466.12 466.12 37.2000 466.12 466.11 466.11 466.11 466.10 37.4500 466.10 466.10 466.10 466.09 466.09 37.7000 466.09 466.09 466.08 466.08 466.08 37.9500 466.07 466.07 466.07 466.07 466.06 38.2000 466.06 466.06 466.06 466.05 466.05 38.4500 466.05 466.05 466.04 466.04 466.04 38.7000 466.03 466.03 466.03 466.03 466.02 38.9500 466.02 466.02 466.02 466.01 466.01 39.2000 466.01 466.01 466.00 466.00 466.00 39.4500 466.00 465.99 465.99 465.99 465.99 39.7000 465.98 465.98 465.98 465.98 465.97 39.9500 465.97 465.97 465.97 465.96 465.96 40.2000 465.96 465.96 465.96 465.95 465.95 40.4500 465.95 465.95 465.94 465.94 465.94 40.7000 465.94 465.93 465.93 465.93 465.93 40.9500 465.92 465.92 465.92 465.92 465.92 41.2000 465.91 465.91 465.91 465.91 465.90 41.4500 465.90 465.90 465.90 465.89 465.89 41.7000 465.89 465.89 465.89 465.88 465.88 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.04 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 41.9500 465.88 465.88 465.88 465.87 465.87 42.2000 465.87 465.87 465.86 465.86 465.86 42.4500 465.86 465.86 465.85 465.85 465.85 42.7000 465.85 465.84 465.84 465.84 465.84 42.9500 465.84 465.83 465.83 465.83 465.83 43.2000 465.83 465.82 465.82 465.82 465.82 43.4500 465.82 465.81 465.81 465.81 465.81 43.7000 465.81 465.80 465.80 465.80 465.80 43.9500 465.80 465.79 465.79 465.79 465.79 44.2000 465.79 465.78 465.78 465.78 465.78 44.4500 465.78 465.77 465.77 465.77 465.77 44.7000 465.77 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 44.9500 465.76 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 45.2000 465.75 465.75 465.74 465.74 465.74 45.4500 465.74 465.74 465.73 465.73 465.73 45.7000 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.72 465.72 45.9500 465.72 465.72 465.72 465.71 465.71 46.2000 465.71 465.71 465.71 465.71 465.70 46.4500 465.70 465.70 465.70 465.70 465.69 46.7000 465.69 465.69 465.69 465.69 465.69 46.9500 465.68 465.68 465.68 465.68 465.68 47.2000 465.68 465.67 465.67 465.67 465.67 47.4500 465.67 465.67 465.66 465.66 465.66 47.7000 465.66 465.66 465.66 465.65 465.65 47.9500 465.65 465.65 465.65 465.65 465.64 48.2000 465.64 465.64 465.64 465.64 465.64 48.4500 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 48.7000 465.63 465.63 465.62 465.62 465.62 48.9500 465.62 465.62 465.62 465.61 465.61 49.2000 465.61 465.61 465.61 465.61 465.61 49.4500 465.60 465.60 465.60 465.60 465.60 49.7000 465.60 465.59 465.59 465.59 465.59 49.9500 465.59 465.59 465.59 465.58 465.58 50.2000 465.58 465.58 465.58 465.58 465.58 50.4500 465.57 465.57 465.57 465.57 465.57 50.7000 465.57 465.57 465.56 465.56 465.56 50.9500 465.56 465.56 465.56 465.56 465.55 51.2000 465.55 465.55 465.55 465.55 465.55 51.4500 465.55 465.54 465.54 465.54 465.54 51.7000 465.54 465.54 465.54 465.53 465.53 51.9500 465.53 465.53 465.53 465.53 465.53 52.2000 465.53 465.52 465.52 465.52 465.52 52.4500 465.52 465.52 465.52 465.52 465.51 52.7000 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.51 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.05 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 1 Event: 1 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 52.9500 465.51 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 53.2000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.49 53.4500 465.49 465.49 465.49 465.49 465.49 53.7000 465.49 465.49 465.48 465.48 465.48 53.9500 465.48 465.48 465.48 465.48 465.48 54.2000 465.48 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 54.4500 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.46 54.7000 465.46 465.46 465.46 465.46 465.46 54.9500 465.46 465.46 465.46 465.45 465.45 55.2000 465.45 465.45 465.45 465.45 465.45 55.4500 465.45 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 55.7000 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 55.9500 465.44 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.43 56.2000 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.43 56.4500 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.42 56.7000 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.41 56.9500 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.41 57.2000 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.40 57.4500 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.40 57.7000 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.39 57.9500 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.39 58.2000 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.38 58.4500 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.38 58.7000 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.37 58.9500 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 59.2000 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 59.4500 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 59.7000 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 59.9500 465.36 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 60.2000 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 60.4500 465.35 465.35 465.34 465.34 465.34 60.7000 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 60.9500 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.33 61.2000 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 61.4500 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 61.7000 465.33 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 61.9500 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 62.2000 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.31 465.31 62.4500 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 62.7000 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 62.9500 465.31 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 63.2000 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 63.4500 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.29 63.7000 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 63.9500 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 64.2000 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.28 465.28 64.4500 465.28 465.28 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.07 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.4000 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 11.6500 465.00 465.01 465.02 465.03 465.05 11.9000 465.09 465.14 465.21 465.28 465.35 12.1500 465.39 465.42 465.44 465.46 465.48 12.4000 465.49 465.50 465.51 465.52 465.53 12.6500 465.54 465.55 465.55 465.56 465.57 12.9000 465.57 465.58 465.59 465.59 465.60 13.1500 465.60 465.61 465.61 465.61 465.62 13.4000 465.62 465.63 465.63 465.64 465.64 13.6500 465.64 465.65 465.65 465.65 465.65 13.9000 465.66 465.66 465.66 465.67 465.67 14.1500 465.67 465.67 465.68 465.68 465.68 14.4000 465.68 465.68 465.69 465.69 465.69 14.6500 465.69 465.69 465.70 465.70 465.70 14.9000 465.70 465.70 465.71 465.71 465.71 15.1500 465.71 465.71 465.71 465.72 465.72 15.4000 465.72 465.72 465.72 465.72 465.72 15.6500 465.72 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 15.9000 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 16.1500 465.73 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 16.4000 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 16.6500 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.75 16.9000 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 17.1500 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 17.4000 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 17.6500 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 17.9000 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 18.1500 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 18.4000 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 18.6500 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 18.9000 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 19.1500 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 19.4000 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 19.6500 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 19.9000 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.76 20.1500 465.76 465.76 465.76 465.75 465.75 20.4000 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 20.6500 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 20.9000 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 21.1500 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 21.4000 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 21.6500 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.75 465.74 21.9000 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.08 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 22.1500 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 22.4000 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 22.6500 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 22.9000 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 465.74 23.1500 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 23.4000 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 23.6500 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 23.9000 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 465.73 24.1500 465.73 465.72 465.72 465.72 465.72 24.4000 465.72 465.72 465.71 465.71 465.71 24.6500 465.71 465.71 465.70 465.70 465.70 24.9000 465.70 465.70 465.70 465.69 465.69 25.1500 465.69 465.69 465.69 465.69 465.68 25.4000 465.68 465.68 465.68 465.68 465.68 25.6500 465.67 465.67 465.67 465.67 465.67 25.9000 465.66 465.66 465.66 465.66 465.66 26.1500 465.66 465.65 465.65 465.65 465.65 26.4000 465.65 465.65 465.65 465.64 465.64 26.6500 465.64 465.64 465.64 465.64 465.63 26.9000 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 465.63 27.1500 465.62 465.62 465.62 465.62 465.62 27.4000 465.62 465.62 465.61 465.61 465.61 27.6500 465.61 465.61 465.61 465.60 465.60 27.9000 465.60 465.60 465.60 465.60 465.60 28.1500 465.59 465.59 465.59 465.59 465.59 28.4000 465.59 465.58 465.58 465.58 465.58 28.6500 465.58 465.58 465.58 465.57 465.57 28.9000 465.57 465.57 465.57 465.57 465.57 29.1500 465.56 465.56 465.56 465.56 465.56 29.4000 465.56 465.56 465.55 465.55 465.55 29.6500 465.55 465.55 465.55 465.55 465.55 29.9000 465.54 465.54 465.54 465.54 465.54 30.1500 465.54 465.54 465.53 465.53 465.53 30.4000 465.53 465.53 465.53 465.53 465.52 30.6500 465.52 465.52 465.52 465.52 465.52 30.9000 465.52 465.52 465.51 465.51 465.51 31.1500 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.51 31.4000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 31.6500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.49 465.49 31.9000 465.49 465.49 465.49 465.49 465.49 32.1500 465.49 465.48 465.48 465.48 465.48 32.4000 465.48 465.48 465.48 465.48 465.47 32.6500 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.47 32.9000 465.47 465.47 465.47 465.46 465.46 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.09 Name.... N INFILT OUT Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 33.1500 465.46 465.46 465.46 465.46 465.46 33.4000 465.46 465.45 465.45 465.45 465.45 33.6500 465.45 465.45 465.45 465.45 465.45 33.9000 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 34.1500 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.44 465.43 34.4000 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.43 34.6500 465.43 465.43 465.43 465.42 465.42 34.9000 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.42 35.1500 465.42 465.42 465.42 465.41 465.41 35.4000 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.41 465.41 35.6500 465.41 465.41 465.40 465.40 465.40 35.9000 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.40 465.40 36.1500 465.40 465.40 465.39 465.39 465.39 36.4000 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.39 465.39 36.6500 465.39 465.39 465.38 465.38 465.38 36.9000 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.38 37.1500 465.38 465.38 465.38 465.37 465.37 37.4000 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 37.6500 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.37 465.36 37.9000 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 38.1500 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 465.36 38.4000 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 38.6500 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 465.35 38.9000 465.35 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 39.1500 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.34 39.4000 465.34 465.34 465.34 465.33 465.33 39.6500 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 39.9000 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 465.33 40.1500 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 40.4000 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 465.32 40.6500 465.32 465.32 465.31 465.31 465.31 40.9000 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 41.1500 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 465.31 41.4000 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 41.6500 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.30 41.9000 465.30 465.30 465.30 465.29 465.29 42.1500 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 42.4000 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 465.29 42.6500 465.29 465.29 465.28 465.28 465.28 Type.... 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TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.51 9.7500 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.51 465.52 10.0000 465.52 465.52 465.53 465.53 465.53 10.2500 465.54 465.54 465.55 465.55 465.56 10.5000 465.56 465.57 465.58 465.58 465.59 Type.... 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TypeII 24hr Tag: 1 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7500 465.60 465.61 465.62 465.63 465.64 11.0000 465.65 465.66 465.67 465.69 465.70 11.2500 465.72 465.74 465.76 465.78 465.80 11.5000 465.83 465.86 465.90 465.95 466.03 11.7500 466.15 466.32 466.52 466.66 466.85 12.0000 467.06 467.25 467.28 467.28 467.27 12.2500 467.27 467.27 467.26 467.26 467.26 12.5000 467.26 467.26 467.26 467.26 467.26 12.7500 467.26 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 13.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 13.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 13.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 13.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 14.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 14.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 14.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 14.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 15.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 15.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 15.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 15.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 16.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 16.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 16.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 16.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 17.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 17.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 17.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 17.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 18.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 18.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 18.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 18.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 19.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 19.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 19.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 19.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 20.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 20.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 20.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 20.7500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 21.0000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 21.2500 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 21.5000 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 467.25 Type.... 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TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 .7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 1.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 2.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 3.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 4.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 5.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 6.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 7.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 8.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 9.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 10.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 10.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 10.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 Type.... 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TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 11.0000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 11.2500 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.50 11.5000 465.50 465.50 465.50 465.51 465.52 11.7500 465.54 465.57 465.62 465.71 465.84 12.0000 466.01 466.19 466.35 466.46 466.51 12.2500 466.53 466.55 466.57 466.58 466.59 12.5000 466.60 466.61 466.62 466.63 466.63 12.7500 466.64 466.65 466.65 466.66 466.67 13.0000 466.67 466.68 466.68 466.69 466.69 13.2500 466.70 466.70 466.71 466.71 466.72 13.5000 466.72 466.72 466.73 466.73 466.74 13.7500 466.74 466.74 466.75 466.75 466.75 14.0000 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.77 14.2500 466.77 466.77 466.78 466.78 466.78 14.5000 466.78 466.79 466.79 466.79 466.79 14.7500 466.80 466.80 466.80 466.80 466.81 15.0000 466.81 466.81 466.81 466.81 466.82 15.2500 466.82 466.82 466.82 466.82 466.83 15.5000 466.83 466.83 466.83 466.83 466.84 15.7500 466.84 466.84 466.84 466.84 466.84 16.0000 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.85 16.2500 466.85 466.85 466.86 466.86 466.86 16.5000 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.86 16.7500 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.87 17.0000 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.88 466.88 17.2500 466.88 466.88 466.88 466.88 466.88 17.5000 466.88 466.88 466.89 466.89 466.89 17.7500 466.89 466.89 466.89 466.89 466.89 18.0000 466.89 466.89 466.90 466.90 466.90 18.2500 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 18.5000 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.91 18.7500 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 19.0000 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 19.2500 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.92 19.5000 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 19.7500 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 20.0000 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 20.2500 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 20.5000 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.93 20.7500 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 21.0000 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 21.2500 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 21.5000 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 Type.... 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TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 21.7500 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 22.0000 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 22.2500 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.94 22.5000 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 22.7500 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 23.0000 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 23.2500 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 23.5000 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 23.7500 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 24.0000 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 24.2500 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.94 466.93 24.5000 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 466.93 24.7500 466.93 466.93 466.92 466.92 466.92 25.0000 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 466.92 25.2500 466.92 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 25.5000 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 466.91 25.7500 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 26.0000 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.90 466.89 26.2500 466.89 466.89 466.89 466.89 466.89 26.5000 466.89 466.89 466.88 466.88 466.88 26.7500 466.88 466.88 466.88 466.88 466.88 27.0000 466.88 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.87 27.2500 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.87 466.87 27.5000 466.87 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.86 27.7500 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.86 466.86 28.0000 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.85 28.2500 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.85 466.84 28.5000 466.84 466.84 466.84 466.84 466.84 28.7500 466.84 466.84 466.84 466.83 466.83 29.0000 466.83 466.83 466.83 466.83 466.83 29.2500 466.83 466.83 466.82 466.82 466.82 29.5000 466.82 466.82 466.82 466.82 466.82 29.7500 466.82 466.82 466.81 466.81 466.81 30.0000 466.81 466.81 466.81 466.81 466.81 30.2500 466.81 466.80 466.80 466.80 466.80 30.5000 466.80 466.80 466.80 466.80 466.80 30.7500 466.80 466.79 466.79 466.79 466.79 31.0000 466.79 466.79 466.79 466.79 466.79 31.2500 466.78 466.78 466.78 466.78 466.78 31.5000 466.78 466.78 466.78 466.78 466.78 31.7500 466.77 466.77 466.77 466.77 466.77 32.0000 466.77 466.77 466.77 466.77 466.77 32.2500 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.76 32.5000 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.76 466.76 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.17 Name.... NW INFILT Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 32.7500 466.75 466.75 466.75 466.75 466.75 33.0000 466.75 466.75 466.75 466.75 466.75 33.2500 466.74 466.74 466.74 466.74 466.74 33.5000 466.74 466.74 466.74 466.74 466.74 33.7500 466.73 466.73 466.73 466.73 466.73 34.0000 466.73 466.73 466.73 466.73 466.73 34.2500 466.72 466.72 466.72 466.72 466.72 34.5000 466.72 466.72 466.72 466.72 466.72 34.7500 466.71 466.71 466.71 466.71 466.71 35.0000 466.71 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.18 Name.... UG DETENTION Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 .2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 .5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 .7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 1.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 1.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 1.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 1.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 2.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 2.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 2.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 2.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 3.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 3.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 3.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 3.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 4.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 4.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 4.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 4.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 5.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 5.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 5.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 5.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 6.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 6.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 6.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 6.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 7.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 7.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 7.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 7.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 8.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 8.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 8.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 8.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 9.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 9.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 9.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 9.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 10.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 10.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 10.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.19 Name.... UG DETENTION Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 10.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 11.0000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 11.2500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 11.5000 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 11.7500 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.00 464.01 12.0000 464.02 464.04 464.07 464.08 464.10 12.2500 464.11 464.11 464.12 464.13 464.13 12.5000 464.14 464.14 464.15 464.15 464.16 12.7500 464.16 464.16 464.17 464.17 464.17 13.0000 464.18 464.18 464.18 464.18 464.19 13.2500 464.19 464.19 464.19 464.20 464.20 13.5000 464.20 464.20 464.20 464.21 464.21 13.7500 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 14.0000 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 14.2500 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.23 14.5000 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 14.7500 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 15.0000 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 15.2500 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 15.5000 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 15.7500 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 16.0000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 16.2500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 16.5000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 16.7500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 17.0000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 17.2500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 17.5000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 17.7500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 18.0000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 18.2500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 18.5000 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 18.7500 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 464.25 19.0000 464.25 464.25 464.24 464.24 464.24 19.2500 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 19.5000 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 19.7500 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 20.0000 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 20.2500 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.24 20.5000 464.24 464.24 464.24 464.23 464.23 20.7500 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 21.0000 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 21.2500 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 21.5000 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.20 Name.... UG DETENTION Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 21.7500 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 464.23 22.0000 464.23 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 22.2500 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 22.5000 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 22.7500 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 23.0000 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 23.2500 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 464.22 23.5000 464.22 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 23.7500 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 24.0000 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.21 24.2500 464.21 464.21 464.21 464.20 464.20 24.5000 464.20 464.20 464.20 464.20 464.20 24.7500 464.20 464.19 464.19 464.19 464.19 25.0000 464.19 464.19 464.19 464.19 464.18 25.2500 464.18 464.18 464.18 464.18 464.18 25.5000 464.18 464.18 464.18 464.17 464.17 25.7500 464.17 464.17 464.17 464.17 464.17 26.0000 464.17 464.17 464.17 464.16 464.16 26.2500 464.16 464.16 464.16 464.16 464.16 26.5000 464.16 464.16 464.16 464.15 464.15 26.7500 464.15 464.15 464.15 464.15 464.15 27.0000 464.15 464.15 464.15 464.15 464.14 27.2500 464.14 464.14 464.14 464.14 464.14 27.5000 464.14 464.14 464.14 464.14 464.14 27.7500 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 28.0000 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.13 28.2500 464.13 464.13 464.13 464.12 464.12 28.5000 464.12 464.12 464.12 464.12 464.12 28.7500 464.12 464.12 464.12 464.12 464.12 29.0000 464.12 464.11 464.11 464.11 464.11 29.2500 464.11 464.11 464.11 464.11 464.11 29.5000 464.11 464.11 464.11 464.11 464.11 29.7500 464.11 464.10 464.10 464.10 464.10 30.0000 464.10 464.10 464.10 464.10 464.10 30.2500 464.10 464.10 464.10 464.10 464.10 30.5000 464.10 464.10 464.09 464.09 464.09 30.7500 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 31.0000 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 31.2500 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 464.09 31.5000 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 31.7500 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 32.0000 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 32.2500 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 464.08 32.5000 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 Type.... Time-Elev Page 5.21 Name.... UG DETENTION Tag: 95 Event: 95 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW Storm... TypeII 24hr Tag: 95 TIME vs. ELEVATION (ft) Time Output Time increment = .0500 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- 32.7500 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 33.0000 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 33.2500 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.07 33.5000 464.07 464.07 464.07 464.06 464.06 33.7500 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 34.0000 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 34.2500 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 34.5000 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 34.7500 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 464.06 35.0000 464.05 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... N INFILT Page 6.01 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) --------------------- (ac-ft) 465.00 .000 465.50 .009 466.00 .017 466.50 .026 467.00 .035 467.50 .043 468.00 .066 468.50 .090 468.90 .111 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... NW INFILT Page 6.02 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) (ac-ft) --------------------- 465.50 .000 465.70 .001 465.90 .001 466.10 .002 466.30 .002 466.50 .003 467.00 .006 467.25 .008 467.65 .012 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... UG DETENTION Page 6.03 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) --------------------- (ac-ft) 464.00 .000 465.00 .010 465.05 .011 465.10 .011 465.15 .012 465.20 .013 465.25 .013 465.30 .014 465.35 .015 465.40 .016 465.45 .017 465.50 .017 465.55 .018 465.60 .019 465.65 .020 465.70 .021 465.75 .022 465.80 .022 465.85 .023 465.90 .024 465.95 .025 466.00 .026 466.05 .027 466.10 .028 466.15 .029 466.20 .030 466.25 .030 466.30 .031 466.35 .032 466.40 .033 466.45 .034 466.50 .035 466.55 .036 466.60 .037 466.65 .038 466.70 .039 466.75 .040 466.80 .041 466.85 .041 466.90 .042 466.95 .043 467.00 .044 467.05 .045 467.10 .046 467.15 .047 467.20 .048 467.25 .049 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... UG DETENTION Page 6.04 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) --------------------- (ac-ft) 467.30 .049 467.35 .050 467.40 .051 467.45 .052 467.50 .053 467.55 .054 467.60 .054 467.65 .055 467.70 .056 467.75 .057 467.80 .057 467.85 .058 467.90 .059 467.95 .059 468.00 .060 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Interconnect Page 7.01 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 465.50 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 467.65 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Inlet Box RO ---> CO 467.250 467.650 Culvert -Circular CO ---> TW 465.320 467.650 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Interconnect Page 7.02 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 467.25 ft Orifice Area = 5.3800 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 10.16 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.130 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Interconnect Page 7.03 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert -Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 465.32 ft Dnstream Invert = 465.00 ft Horiz. Length = 65.00 ft Barrel Length = 65.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00492 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.158 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 466.77 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 466.95 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... N Overflow Page 7.04 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 465.00 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 468.90 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Inlet Box RO ---> CO 468.450 468.900 Culvert -Circular CO ---> TW 464.500 468.900 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... N Overflow Page 7.05 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 468.45 ft Orifice Area = 5.3800 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 10.16 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.130 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... N Overflow Page 7.06 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert -Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 464.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 464.00 ft Horiz. Length = 50.00 ft Barrel Length = 50.00 ft Barrel Slope = .01000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.155 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.302 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 465.94 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 466.13 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... North Infilt Page 7.07 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 465.00 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 468.90 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft User Defined Table U0 ---> TW .000 468.900 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... North Infilt Page 7.08 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = U0 Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs 465.00 .00 465.50 .01 466.00 .01 466.50 .02 467.00 .02 467.50 .03 468.00 .03 468.50 .04 468.90 .04 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Northwest Infilt Page 7.09 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 465.50 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 467.65 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft User Defined Table U0 ---> TW .000 467.650 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Northwest Infilt Page 7.10 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = U0 Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs 465.50 .00 465.70 .00 465.90 .00 466.10 .00 466.30 .00 466.50 .00 467.00 .00 467.25 .00 467.65 .00 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW Overflow Page 7.11 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 464.00 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 468.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Culvert -Circular CO ---> TW 467.150 468.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW Overflow Page 7.12 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert -Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 467.15 ft Dnstream Invert = 466.50 ft Horiz. Length = 20.00 ft Barrel Length = 20.01 ft Barrel Slope = .03250 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.144 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.291 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 468.58 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 468.76 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW Overflow Page 7.13 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... UG Exfilt Page 7.14 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 464.00 ft Increment = .05 ft Max. Elev.= 468.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) < --- > Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft User Defined Table U0 ---> TW .000 468.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... UG Exfilt Page 7.15 File.... C:\My Stuff\Surface Water Management\For Bragg DFAC\2019.11.07 BRAGG DFAC.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = U0 Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs 464.00 .00 464.50 .01 465.00 .02 465.50 .02 466.00 .03 466.50 .04 467.00 .05 467.50 .05 468.00 .06 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs i N Infilt bw to North W N Overflow North Infilt North Overflow tires NW Infift to NW W NW Infift To NW m fnfiIt To UG Det SW Overflow r To lJG UG Detention SW Overflow Existing Conditions Existing Existing Pondpack Model Diagram Appendix H Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 17 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina WOO L P E P T DESIGN I GEOSPATIAL I INFRASTRUCTURE Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) Storm Structure 3 Time of Concentration Calculations Arberdeen DFAC Fort Bragg, NC November 5, 2019 Segment ID Swale to 3 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Short Grass 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (Table 3-1) 0.150 3. Flow length, L (total L <_ 100ft) 18 ft 4. 2-year 24-hour rainfall, pz 3.71 in 5. Land slope, s 0.250 ft/ft 6. Travel Time(Tt)=(0.007(nL)A0.8)/((p2^0.5)*(s^0.4)) Compute Tt 0.01 hr 0.8 min Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID BC 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved 8. Flow length, L 71 ft 9. Watercourse slope, s 0.007 ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) 1.380 ft/s 11. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt 0.01 hr 0.9 min Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a 13. Wetted perimter, Pw 14. Hydraulic radius, r=a/Pw, compute r 15. Channel slope, s 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 17. V=(1.49*rA(2/3)*s(1/2))/n 18. Flow length, L 19. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt N/A 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6,11 & 19) 0.10 hr *[Vote: Minimum Time of Concentration per TR-55 is 0.1 Hours, or 6 minutes or 6.0 min Tim of Conteaeration and Travel Time Tednical Releaa*SS Utb2n Hydrok gy for Smsl] Watersheds A,LmrRge xmledtks for estimea;ngtravel time for shallow conoeutraded flaw 50 .02 _01 1.007 ft/ft 005 a I I I 1 1.38 fps 2 4 8 10 m Average velocity (Wsec) (214VI-TR45, Seoand Fd,Jwte 198fi) WOO L P E P T DESIGN I GEOSPATIAL I INFRASTRUCTURE Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) Storm Structure 4 Time of Concentration Calculations Arberdeen DFAC Fort Bragg, NC November 5, 2019 Segment ID Slope 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Short Grass 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (Table 3-1) 0.150 3. Flow length, L (total L <_ 100ft) 12 ft 4. 2-year 24-hour rainfall, pz 3.71 in 5. Land slope, s 1.0 ft/ft 6. Travel Time(Tt)=(0.007(nL)A0.8)/((p2^0.5)*(s^0.4)) Compute Tt 0.01 hr 0.3 min Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Swale to 4 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved 8. Flow length, L 84 ft 9. Watercourse slope, s 0.012 ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) 1.750 ft/s 11. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt 0.01 hr 0.8 min Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a 13. Wetted perimter, Pw 14. Hydraulic radius, r=a/Pw, compute r 15. Channel slope, s 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 17. V=(1.49*rA(2/3)*s(1/2))/n 18. Flow length, L 19. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt N/A 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6,11 & 19) 0.10 hr *[Vote: Minimum Time of Concentration per TR-55 is 0.1 Hours, or 6 minutes or 6.0 min Time of Concenrration and Travel Time Teehivcal P&4ea�eSS UrNin F�y� for Small Watersheds AvErags Lmlccdtiss foT estimemngtrmA time far stWluw aonommated flaw .50 .20 .02 112 ft/ft _01 .005 1 1.75 fps 2 4 B 10 20 Average valocity (Wsec) (27e-VI-TR-M, S--mrd PA,JWYe INN) WOO L P E P T DESIGN I GEOSPATIAL I INFRASTRUCTURE Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) Storm Structure 5 Time of Concentration Calculations Arberdeen DFAC Fort Bragg, NC November 5, 2019 Segment ID Swale to 5 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Short Grass 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (Table 3-1) 0.150 3. Flow length, L (total L <_ 100ft) 18 ft 4. 2-year 24-hour rainfall, pz 3.71 in 5. Land slope, s 0.056 ft/ft 6. Travel Time(Tt)=(0.007(nL)A0.8)/((p2A0.5)*(sA0.4)) Compute Tt 0.03 hr 1.5 min Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Swale to 5 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved 8. Flow length, L 56 ft 9. Watercourse slope, s 0.044 ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) 0.900 ft/s 11. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt 0.02 hr 1.0 min Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a 13. Wetted perimter, Pw 14. Hydraulic radius, r=a/Pw, compute r 15. Channel slope, s 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 17. V=(1.49*r1(2/3)*s(1/2))/n 18. Flow length, L 19. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt N/A 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6,11 & 19) 0.10 hr *[Vote: Minimum Time of Concentration per TR-55 is 0.1 Hours, or 6 minutes or 6.0 min Time of Concemeration and Travel Time Teehivcal P&4ea�eSS UrNin F�y� for Small Watersheds AvErags Lmlccdtiss foT estimemngtrmA time far stWluw aonommated flaw .50 .20 T 04 .02 _01 044 ft/ft —! 045 a I I I . 1 <1 fps 2 4 B 10 20 Average valocity (Wsec) (27e-VI-TR-M, Second PA,JWYe INN) WOO L P E P T DESIGN I GEOSPATIAL I INFRASTRUCTURE Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only) Storm Structure 6 Time of Concentration Calculations Arberdeen DFAC Fort Bragg, NC November 5, 2019 Segment ID To Inlet 6 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) Grass/Paved 2. Manning's roughness coefficient, n (Table 3-1) 0.130 3. Flow length, L (total L <_ 100ft) 37 ft 4. 2-year 24-hour rainfall, pz 3.71 in 5. Land slope, s 0.056 ft/ft 6. Travel Time(Tt)=(0.007(nL)A0.8)/((p2A0.5)*(sA0.4)) Compute Tt 0.04 hr 2.4 min Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID BC 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) Unpaved 8. Flow length, L ft 9. Watercourse slope, s 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) 1.200 ft/s 11. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt 0.00 hr 0.0 min Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a 13. Wetted perimter, Pw 14. Hydraulic radius, r=a/Pw, compute r 15. Channel slope, s 16. Manning's roughness coefficient, n 17. V=(1.49*r1(2/3)*s(1/2))/n 18. Flow length, L 19. Travel Time (Tt)=L/3600V Compute Tt N/A 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6,11 & 19) 0.10 hr *[Vote: Minimum Time of Concentration per TR-55 is 0.1 Hours, or 6 minutes or 6.0 min Time of On=entration and Travel Time Teditn+caRe4e2!3*M Urban t ydxolayr far Sresll Wmersheds Mmrage,Lmlacities for estimating Lumel time for shAlaw con entrated flaw ).056 f .5U t/ft '105 .20 .10 .06 a .04 Q� .02 _01 I. W I 2 4 13 l V [t] Average valcelty (Waso (21&V1-TRZ5, Second Ed, Jnne INN) Chapter a Sheet flow Time of Contentratiaa and Tynvel Time Technical Releaae36 Chaprer a Urban Hydtola& for Small Watemheds Sheet flow is flow over plane surfaces- It usually occurs in the headwater of streams- With sheet flow, the friction value (Manniltg's n) is an effective rough- ness coefficient that includes the effect of raindrop impact, drag over the plane surface; obstacles such as litter, crop ridges, and rocks; and erosion and trans- portation of sediment- T hesc n values are for very shallow flow depths of about 0.1 foot or so. Table 3-1 gives Mamking's n values for sheet flow for various surface conditions - Table 3-1 Mmighness coefficients (Manning`s n) for sheet flow Surface description n Y Smooth surfaces (-Le. asphalt, gravel, or bare sail) .-.--._---------------------- 0.011 Fallow (no residue}------------------------------------ 0.06 Oilbnmmd soils - Residue Dover ---------------------------- 0.09 Residue iwver >20 ---------------------------- 0.17 Grass! Short grass prairie----------------------------- 0.16 Dense grasses W.-_._-_-------------------------- 0.29 Hermudagrase --.--._--------------------------- 0.41 Range(narmmd) ------- ------------------------- ------- 0.13 wDadsA lAght underb¢ush-.------------------------.--.-- 0.40 Dense tutderbrush--------------- _----------------- _-------- O.l1D t The n vaLues are a caupoGdte of Lnforaranm campAM by Engraan (19SO- 2 htcludes spades such as weeping kATgraee. blueg buffalo- grasp Mae granua gras& and nab* gram reiwwyes. a When seleecng n , coreMer cover to a hek& of abcAA 0-1 tL This Ys the onLy parr of the pLa u raver th92 Tuft obetMU sheet flow. For sheet flow of less than "feet, use Ma nit4s kinematic solution (O4rcrtop and Meadows 1976) to compute Tt_ _ 0-4D7(nL)� Tt (F2fase.4 [eq-1 where_ Tt = travel time (hr), n = Marnung'sroughness coefficient (table 3-1) L = flow length (ft) F2 = 2-year, 24-hour rainfall (itt) s = slope of hydraulic grade line (land slope, Wit) This simplified form of the Ma aiing's kinematic solu- tion is based on the following; (1) shallow steady umiform flow, (2) constant intensity of rainfall excess (that pert of a rain available for runoff), (3) rautifall duration of 24 hours, and (4) minor effect of infiltra- tion on travel time. Rainfall depth can be obtained from appendix lEk Shallow concentrated flaw After a maximuni of 3DD feet, sheet flow usually be- comes shallow concentrated flour. The average veloc- ity for this flow can be detemwted from fiigmv 3-1, in which average velocity is a function of watercourse slope and type of channel- For slopes less than 0-M6 ftlft, use equations given in appendix F for figure 3-1- 'lnUage can affect the direction of shallow concen- trated flow. Flow may not always be directly down the watershed slope if tillage rents across the slcW- After deteradra g. average velocity in figure 3-1, use equation 3-1 to estimate travel tirne for the shallow concentrated flow segment Open channels Open channels are assumed to begin where surveyed cross section information has been obtained, where cliantiels are visible on aerial photographs, or where blue lines (indicating streams) appear on United States Geological Survey CUSG5) quadrangle sheets_ Manning's equation or water surface profile utfbma- tion can be used to es ornate a-%,cragc flow velocity - Average flow velocity is usually determined for batik - full elevation- (_} 10-MR-55, Second Ed, dune 19&bj Figure 3.1 3-, 3-2 rn 0 N S O Q M 0 - } m Q W H Z_ W' a F- W W F- LU Q S W O J Cl) 00 W (n m 2 10 0H U m m IM I H I H m m m a N � m c Z 00 d) 00 O Un O O Un (OLO O 00 O Un O O Un (O o _ O O (O o O cM N V N (O M (O N O O N O O m O O 00 O U Un O 00 O O V O M N M M O O w r O m O O OO V V `o W Q T 00 — cq A N O N � I� p I- Un (O Un O O O O H Q O N ui Cl) N Un O O Un N'7 O o L o O M N (O N o � N O r N N N (O V O 01 w 00 N O O 00 O O N O MN M O 0 (0 M Un (0 N N O 0) O O O V p N O = (O O (O O N O OM 00 Il O Cl) N O N O nUn C\l U (O Cl) O d)O00 N(O O E 00 O M O 00 - O cM OOO O (O 0- M- N (O N N O o o N I- 01 N O O O O (0 (0 Un - Un O (O Un O .- N O O V N (O O v I� N O O (O o0 N o o M r- r N � o O r r N (O 00 (O V V 0) M 0) O O O E 00 O Un O Cl) O 00 O O N Cl) O O O Un 00 O N O (O N N O 0 > o N V d) N O O O O V V V V Un (O N - N O O N (O Un I? N N Un O O N (O O V o o M_ O T7 N o N r N N (O (O It (O m It m O O O E 00 O "' I- O w O O Un M O O O Un O O Un O (O Un Un O o > o N N 0 m m o o r d) N O O O O (O (O w - - 0 N X N � M M Un (O 0) O N O O r V C O Cl) 0) O Un O O r V N V o o M N N o 00 cM 00 V r V co Un N r N r O O O O E 00 O ... t O w O 00 M M Un M LO O O co O (O N N O > 0 � � o_ N (O O � N M W a U a Q J a a z z W c a a z z Z w 0-0w0-0 z Z O O O Lu WW WO J O W W W J J Q fn fn fn fn m W U) H a cn w (n M O 0 M O?? Q j Q Q U }_}= w m W W m W Uf -f Fn -f 0 0 m 0 N H O H? S a S a z o LU � z 0 W m m 0 Q r O W Q J Q C U o `� 0 z o Z U m U a H w a O-j H Q a a W O Q W 0 S z = ''' a W Q D s= 0 Q m 0 m J Q J cn U) m a a w w a z z a< ;` a a m m 0 (9 O Q Q } F ° m j z U' � Q j O U w rr r > >0 Q cn O U W d U j r r U j r z Z z 0 a W Z W 0 r_ r_ r_LD z H Q z Q D U z wp zLu z S O F z J J U z Q Q U U a W U Q U w> Q O OW J O a a W U O J S Q U} a w} O J ? Q U Q O w H U ? a a Q Q H ? H? H a H Q S> Q U° S c7 > U w N M V N (O r o0 d) O N M V N (O r o0 d) O N N N N (M N ItUn N N (O N r N o0 N d) N Appendix I Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 18 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina 0 w LX w Ix Qz z oW w m d LLI d a_ w \ ww Z O m N Z Q = Q H p 3:Z Q W Zw }Q �w oW Wo a� O O w Z - LLI > N 0U- I O O . N Z Z O W Q m C) H J �(D 0z = Z � U) Z H U_ d N O LLI W W W W Q ~ J d Z m< N ri Rev 1 - Per NC DEQ SWM Review a W 0 ♦_ V Z W z O J x W Z J U 15" TO INL 0. 9 @ I. . 465.00 A\ 1 1 ' TOTAL 24"X24" GRATE OR 24" 0 GRATE FOR INLET ACCESS (SEE PLAN) 36" 36" 36" po 0 wU-) nw (- DDDOODD D0000 200 LF TOTAL, 36" 0 PERFORATED PIPE WITH EXFILTRATION TRENCH (SEE DETAIL 1 THIS SHEET) AND ACCESS OPENING INLETS 15" TO STORMCEPTOR/ STRUCTURE 7 @ I.E. 465.88 76 Lj--� 15" T I E N 8@ I. 467.15 DETENTION FA DETAIL SCALE: NTS Rev 1 - Per NC DEQ SWM Review E E F o V W w a w w � Imo �, NCJ L ¢' oy a w W �y g O Sd NF �lu `O o 3 w o n 69 ~ ocWU Boa da a o w W Y5, a� a Nmw zO �m m� =a o a w;go o g _ xz z o Q 6 _ < Z S m Z E E `� E o O w V �=2p Q ma m wu a- Vi C7 u o J ¢ w 4$�w u.l �z F-$ om QQ Q Q zzg OF x z 1 w wo z Z m zmo a1P m om?3� 2 8 8 w �E QQQ G�vi �;?ag o qj � sdQQ a 6z °LL z 2 m wn =_" ti U p°¢ z mz rN�m -. Y Q Z LL I a y C ao g �$Hu�Ez ;ov�a p za � 0a w m a; o O nwrca�� ~ o A U viz ~ i 0 �126 oajygq O c��SZV'a3 wm °wo��c� �� Yi W Q�Yi LL �— S�wwwao YwSx��wiNir o C7 o u ZFZ m a �n m F zo'�,- �F W � ��z~� ' �LUmsircrcz ¢y �° z°as~SWj�pa o�orzouUg Z_ o N�i� B S $Uw xi�zrc o=z g�oz LL o�0000��o % F $ a'az 000 uou uyu�,uu cu�uuc� '" S a c mX s z zo z of ul ,-- IL az °� m Z Wd Ba EElGd162 9MALQ'i1f6Al�MmS�NIMtlY00HtlONY15 W'SH AtllN361tl0A BLLLN3W1'tl311110tl�INOWWO:J41 Appendix J Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 19 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina Fort Bragg - Aberdeen DFAC Selection of Sediment Control Measure NW Corner of site 0.528 Total Drainage Area Okay Temporary Sediment Trap Okay Skimmer Sediment Basin Okay Temporary Sediment Basin 0.528 Disturbed Area (Acres) 2.11 Peak Flow from 10-year Storm (cfs) Quo Based on Avg Coeff = 0.5 Note: Quo for 24 hr is 5.45 per NOAA= User entry Calculated Value Intensity = 8.00 for 5 min TOC CFS & Surface Area (min) 2.111 686 compare to sizing spreadsheet A I Coeff I I JCFS ISurface per CFS* 0.531 0.51 5.41 1.42562 620 * 435 SF per CFS for Temp Sed Trap Updated to comply with NPDES Permit Conditions TGH and BRB 07/03/2012 2019.11.05 - Sed Trap.xls Fort Bragg -Aberdeen DFAC NW Corner of site Okay 0.528 Disturbed Area (Acres) 2.11 Peak Flow from 10-year Storm (cfs) 1900.826 Required Volume ft3 686 Required Surface Area ft2 18.5 Suggested Width ft 37.1 Suggested Length ft 3600 CF/Acre for Sed Trap 36 Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft size corresponds to approx. shape of area used for detention 140 Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft 3 Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 0.85 Trial Depth ft (2 to 3.5 feet above grade) 30.9 Bottom Width ft 134.9 Bottom Length ft 2084.205 Bottom Area ft2 1957 Actual Volume ft3 Okay 1956.787125 2520 Actual Surface Area ft2 Okay check coutour method/takeoff 6 Trial Weir Length ft 0.3 Trial Depth of Flow ft 3.0 Spillway Capacity cfs Okay (Source: '-Bank and channel lining procedures'_ New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction_ 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser Input Data lCalculated Value Designed By: GDH Date: Checked By: Date: Company: Woolpert Project Name: Aberdeen DFAC Project No.: 78530 Site Location (City/Town) Fort Bragg Culvert Id. 101 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute iiow velocity Vo at culvert or paved channel outlet_ Step 2) For pipe culverts Do is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paged channel outlets, Do = A. where A_ = cross -sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use Do = 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 3.45 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 0.5 (6" per plumbing code) NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", Do=Ao (Cross -sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, Do=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10% or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 1 Figure 8.06c Will apron have >/=10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 2 Figure 8.06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments ter, h 1. Use figure e06.b.3 to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 1-1 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 150 Figure 8.06e Note: Use 150 as the minimum per Figure 8.05f Step 2. Use figure 06_b.4 to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125-500 lbs. for 75% of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25-500 tbs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Manning's Min_ thickness (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 18 Medium 13 0.040 is 24 Heavv 23 0.044 30 36 (Channels) (Dissapators) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25-150 Figure 8.05f Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50-150 Figure 8.05f Appendix K Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 20 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION OLM GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT Dining Facility (DFAC), Aberdeen Training Facility (ATF), FY 18, PN82254 Fort Bragg, North Carolina By: Chris Norton, P.E., Civil Engineer Geotechnical and Dam Safety Section U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District October 2018 This report was prepared by the Wilmington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The initials or signatures and registration designation of individuals appear on these documents within the scope of their employment as required by Engineer Regulation 1110-1-8152. Date: 11 October 2018 NORTON.CHRIST NOR' NSCHRSTOPH ER.ALLEN.1458028903 OPHER.ALLEN.14 DN:c=US, 1.S. Govemm-t,,U—D,D, _ PK�,T-USA, cn-NO RON.GHR I STOPH E R.ALLE N.145802890 58028903 Wte2W810.11 121531-9490 Christopher A. Norton, P.E. Civil Engineer CESAW-ECP-EG Geotechnical and Dam Safety Section TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................... 2. QUALIFICATION OF REPORT.............................................................................................................. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................... 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PROCEDURES.............................................................................. SiteReconnaissance.......................................................................................................................... SPTand DCP Testing......................................................................................................................... SoilInfiltration Testing...................................................................................................................... 5. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS................................................................................................ SiteConditions.................................................................................................................................. Regionaland Site Geology................................................................................................................ SubsurfaceConditions...................................................................................................................... Groundwater Conditions.................................................................................................................. SeismicSite Classification................................................................................................................. 6. ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................ General............................................................................................................................................. GeotechnicalInvestigations.............................................................................................................. Excavation, Grading, and Fill............................................................................................................ Damp -proofing and Water-proofing................................................................................................ Presumptive Load -Bearing Values of Soils........................................................................................ Foundations...................................................................................................................................... ShallowFoundations......................................................................................................................... FrostSusceptibility............................................................................................................................ Liquefaction...................................................................................................................................... ATTACHMENT A: 35% Design Submittal — Site Plan ATTACHMENT B: SPT, DCP, and Infiltration Testing Location Plan ATTACHMENT C: SPT Boring Logs ATTACHMENT D: CBR Tabulations ATTACHMENT E: Seismic Site Classification SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this "Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Recommendations Report" is to present the findings and evaluation of subsurface data collected on 14 and 15 August, 2018, at the proposed Dining Facility (DFAC) site on Aberdeen Training Facility (ATF). This report provides a general overview of the site and subsurface conditions encountered within the proposed footprint of the structural components in the 35 percent design submittal. The proposed components consist of a one-story DFAC building, new asphalt driveway, and bio-retention pond. Preliminary engineering evaluations and recommendations are also provided with respect to the geotechnical design and construction of the project. 2. QUALIFICATION OF REPORT The subsurface investigation was conducted to determine soil and groundwater conditions and was not intended to serve as an assessment of site wetlands, environmental, or contaminant conditions. The Architect -Engineer's (A-E) team should include a Registered Professional Engineer, henceforth referred to as Engineer, with an appropriate amount of experience in geotechnical engineering design. The Engineer should be able to interpret this report, make a determination if a more extensive subsurface investigation is required, and develop foundation and earthwork design parameters. Any additional subsurface investigations and laboratory analyses conducted to better characterize the site and to develop the final design should be performed under the direction of an Engineer with an appropriate amount of experience in geotechnical engineering design. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed 35 percent design site layout plan can be seen in Attachment A, and consists of a single story concrete slab -on -grade building, new asphalt driveway, and bio-retention pond. The project is located in the center of ATF, just northwest of the two water towers. The proposed building footprint covers an existing asphalt parking lot, and extends beyond the asphalt to cover a large grassy area to the north. A new asphalt driveway will be constructed to tie into the street just north of the DFAC. The bio- retention pond will be located just north of the proposed building between the building and road. Please review Attachment A for more details. 4. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PROCEDURES Site Reconnaissance Before the field investigation was performed, the proposed project site(s) and surrounding areas were visually inspected, and all underground utilities were located. The observations were used in determining areas of special interest, and in relocating select borings to avoid utilities. SPT and DCP Testing Subsurface conditions within the proposed building footprint were evaluated by three Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings to 25 feet Below Ground Surface (BGS) (ATFDFAC-I8-SPT-1 through ATFDFAC-I8-SPT-3); subsurface conditions within the proposed asphalt driveway were evaluated by three Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests to approximately 4-6 feet BGS (ATFDFAC-I8-DCP-1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC through ATFDFAC-I8-DCP-3). All test locations can be reviewed in the SPT, DCP, and Infiltration Testing Location Plan (Attachment B). This plan includes a 35 percent design overlay indicating the general location of the building footprint and new asphalt driveway. SPT is conducted in accordance with ASTM D1586 (Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test and Split -Barrel Sampling of Soils). Sampling is accomplished by using a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside diameter of 2-inches and an inside diameter of 1.38-inches. The sample tube is driven into the ground by blows from a slide hammer weighing 140-pounds and falling a distance of 30-inches. The sample tube is driven a total of 18-inches, with the blow counts required for each 6-inches of penetration recorded. The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third 6-inch penetration is termed the "standard penetration resistance" or the "N-value". The N-value provides an indication of the relative density of the soil, and is used in many empirical geotechnical engineering formulae. Soil classifications from the SPT samples are shown on the SPT boring logs in Attachment C, and were determined in the field by a Registered Professional Engineer. Soil samples were classified in accordance with ASTM D2488 (Visual -Manual Procedure for Descriptions of Soils). The soil descriptions and classifications are based on visual examination only; no lab analyses were conducted. DCP testing is conducted in accordance with ASTM D6951 "Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement Applications", and consists of a 17.6-lb hammer that is dropped (free fall) a distance of 22.6 inches, impacting an anvil attached to the drive rod. The impact drives a 60' cone, attached to the end of the drive rod, into the material of interest. One impact is equivalent to one "blow count". The number of blow counts per inch of penetration is recorded (number blow counts)/(inch of penetration). The blow counts are then used to calculate the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) in percent for each inch of strata. The CBR is a comparison of the penetration resistance of a soil to the penetration into a standard crushed stone sample and is an index of the soil's strength, density, and foundation support capability, thus a high quality crushed stone material should have a CBR of 100%. It is primarily intended for, but not limited to, evaluating the strength of cohesive materials having maximum particle sizes less than 19 millimeters (0.75 inches) (AASHTO, 2000'). Equations used to calculate the CBR are described in ASTM D6951. CBR tabulations for all locations can be reviewed in Attachment D. The CBR values can be used to design asphalt and/or rigid concrete pavement and to determine subgrade improvements, if necessary. North Carolina State Plane Coordinates (NAD83 - U.S. Survey Feet) and elevations (NAVD88) of all test locations are provided in the boring logs (Attachment C) and CBR tabulation sheets (Attachment D). State Plane Coordinates were established by a Professional Land Surveyor, and were staked in the field prior to the investigation. Soil Infiltration Testing Soil infiltration testing was conducted at two locations within the proposed site, ATFDFAC-18-INF-I ATFDFAC-I8-INF-2. Testing consisted of a basic falling head test. Testing was conducted at approximately 3 feet BGS at both locations. After inserting the 4 inch diameter PVC pipe approximately 2 to 6 inches into the material at the bottom of the hole, a couple inches of pea gravel was placed at the bottom of the hole to avoid erosion when pouring water down the pipe. Hydraulic head was maintained 'Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, Twentieth Edition. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Washington, D.C. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC between 2 and 12 inches at both locations throughout testing, refilling as necessary. For each test, measurements were taken every thirty minutes for approximately 4 hours. Infiltration systems are generally not continuously saturated and therefore a 24 hour pre-soak was not conducted for these tests. Measurements were taken at both locations from the top of the water surface to the top of the pipe, and drop in water surface was recorded. For both locations, a stabilized rate of drop was observed for the various levels of head tested. A conservative estimate of saturated permeability, Ksat, was estimated using the observed measurements and associated levels of head. It was assumed that the soil at the bottom of the hole was undisturbed, and therefore the measured infiltration rates presented herein reflect those of the undisturbed soil at both locations. In reality, the soil structure was disturbed when the PVC pipe was inserted into the material at the bottom of the hole, which affected the infiltration values to some extent. This affect more than likely provides a conservative value of Ksat due to the compaction of soil granules from the pipe insertion. The tip of the pipe was considered to be in the vadose zone and did not intercept the Groundwater Table (GWT) for the tests. The depth of the existing GWT was not identified during the site investigation and it is assumed that there are no confining soil layers that restrict flow from the bottom of the hole to the GWT. 5. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Site Conditions At the time of investigation, the footprint of the proposed building was open and consisted of an asphalt parking lot and a grassy area with a chain -link barbed wire fence. Attachment B can be reviewed for a general understanding of site conditions. The area was generally flat, except for the northern portion of the building footprint, which slopes downward to the proposed bio-retention pond that is located at a low spot adjacent to an existing road. All utilities were located and marked prior to drilling, and some utilities appear to fall within the building footprint. The proposed bio-retention pond is located within the ditch just north of the proposed building and adjacent to the existing road. There were no utilities marked within this area. A chain -link barbed wire fence separates the proposed building and the proposed bio-retention pond. A significant slope exists just north of the proposed building down to the bio-retention pond. It appears that the slope required significant fill to construction, and will require significant grading and earthwork for foundation preparation. No abnormal site conditions were noted. Regional and Site Geology Fort Bragg is situated in the "sand hills" area of the Coastal Plain physiographic province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain extends westward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Fall Line, a distance of about 130 miles. The Fall Line is the boundary between the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont physiographic provinces. Geologic units in the area, ranging from oldest to youngest, include the Carolina Slate Belt rocks, which are the basement rocks, the Cape Fear Formation, and the Middendorf Formation. The Cape Fear and Middendorf Formations overlie the basement rock and are part of the generally southeastward -dipping SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC and thickening wedge of sediments that constitute the Atlantic Coastal Plain deposits. The Middendorf Formation is exposed at land surface throughout the area. The formation is composed of tan, cross - bedded, medium and fine-grained, micaceous quartz sand and clayey sand interbedded with clay or sandy clay lenses or layers. Layers of hematite -cemented sandstone occur locally throughout the Middendorf Formation as do thin layers of hard kaolin and kaolin -cemented sandstone. Below the water table, these units are generally friable or plastic. In places, the Middendorf Formation is mottled orange, gray, and tan color with streaks and laminae of red and purple hematite and manganese oxide stains. Subsurface Conditions SPT borings ATFDFAC-SPT-18-1 through ATFDFAC-18-3 indicate a stratigraphy consisting of Poorly Graded Sand (SP), Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM), Poorly Graded Sand with Clay (SP-SC), Clayey Sand (SC), and Lean Clay (CL). Fat Clay (CH) was not encountered during this investigation. SPT boring logs are located in Attachment C, and boring locations can be reviewed in Attachment B. SPT N values range from 6 to 19 within ATFDFAC-SPT-18-1, 5 to 20 within ATFDFAC-SPT-18-2, and 3 to 27 within ATFDFAC-SPT-18-3. Subsurface materials within the proposed building footprint of the dining facility appear to be relatively dense and granular. A layer of CL does exist throughout the footprint and varies in depth and thickness at each boring. Within ATFDFAC-I8-SPT-1, the CL layer is the thickest of all borings (5.8 feet) and located closest to the surface (1.5 BGS). The CL layer within ATFDFAC-18-SPT-2 is 1 foot thick, and located 5.8 feet BGS. Within ATFDFAC-I8-SPT-3, the CL layer is 1.7 feet thick and located 8.8 feet BGS. SPT N values within fine grained materials such as CL are generally considered unreliable, and empirical equations relating SPT N values acquired within fine grained materials to various engineering parameters should be used with precaution. The thickness and proximity of CL to the ground surface within ATFDFAC-18-SPT-1 is a potential settlement concern. A settlement analysis should be conducted using estimated engineering parameters of CL based on the SPT N values, and estimated load conditions of the 65% design. The settlement analysis may warrant excavation and replacement of the clay within this area. Ultimate bearing capacities were estimated for the three SPT boringS2. Three different footing widths were used in the estimations, 2, 4, and 6 feet. Table 1 indicates estimated ultimate bearing capacities, and associated equations. This estimate is based on one inch of foundation settlement. Field SPT N values were corrected for overburden pressure only. The GWT was not encountered during this investigation. These estimates are more accurate for coarse grained soils. Some layers of field classified CL were encountered, especially within ATFDFAC-I8-SPT-1; the design engineer should proceed with caution when using these estimates within this thicker CL layer. The geotechnical design engineer should verify the estimated capacities presented before proceeding with design. Table 1. Ultimate Bearing Capacities (Footing Widths (B) = 2, 4, and 6 feet); Depth of Footing (Df) = 3 feet ATF D FAC-SPT-18-1 SPT N1 B (ft) Cw1 Cw2 Df (ft) Quit (psf) 19.4 2 1 1 3 19,382 16.6 4 1 1 3 11,601 16.1 6 1 1 3 11,267 Z Muni Budhu, 2007. Foundations and earth retaining structures, Muni Budhu, p. 235. 4 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC ATF D FAC-SPT-18-2 SPT N1 B (ft) Cw1 Cw2 Df (ft) Quit (psf) 12 2 1 1 3 11,982 12 4 1 1 3 8,425 13.4 6 1 1 3 9,400 ATF D FAC-SPT-18-3 SPT N1 B (ft) Cw1 Cw2 Df (ft) Quit (psf) 19.3 2 1 1 3 19,382 18.5 4 1 1 3 18,480 18.6 6 1 1 3 18,633 Qult = 200*N1*B*(Cw1+Cw2*(Df/B)) (psf) N1 = Average SPT "N" value (corrected for overburden pressure only) to 1.513 below foundation base B = Footing width (feet) Cw1, Cw2 = GWT correction factors Df = Depth of footing (feet) DCP tests ATFDFAC-DCP-18-1 through ATFDFAC-DCP-3 indicate a range of CBRs from 1.7 to 36.8 percent as indicated in Attachment D, CBR Tabulations. DCP test locations can be reviewed in Attachment B. Lower strength material was encountered within both ATFDFAC-DCP-18-2 and ATFDFAC-DCP-18-3 starting at approximately 2 feet BGS, and extending down to 5.5 feet BGS within ATFDFAC-DCP-18-2 and 3.5 feet within ATFDFAC-DCP-18-3. The lower strength values within these locations may be indicative of inadequate subgrade compaction during previous construction efforts, and this material should be removed and replaced with select fill or excavated and re -compacted to the requirements set forth in the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-220-01. Judgment should be used when grading the site. If soft conditions are encountered by heavy equipment, the loose material should be removed and replaced with select fill or excavated and re -compacted to the requirements set forth in UFC 3-220-01. Please refer to Attachment D for a detailed profile of CBR values for all tests. Soil infiltration testing was conducted at two locations within the proposed site, ATFDFAC-18-INF-1 ATFDFAC-I8-INF-2., the locations of which can be reviewed in Attachment B. Ksat values of 2 in/hr and 2.5 in/hr were estimated for ATFDFAC-18-INF-1 and ATFDFAC-I8-INF-2, respectively. Table 4 can be reviewed for detailed infiltration testing data. Table 4. Calculations for Ksat ATF D FAC-18-INF-1 ATF D FAC-18-INF-2 Bottom of Hole to Top of Pipe = 33.25 inches Bottom of Hole to Top of Pipe = 38 inches Top of Gravel to Top of Pipe = 31.75 inches Top of Gravel to Top of Pipe = 36 Northing: 498686.77552; Easting: 1891055.73390 Northing: 498493.20777; Easting: 1890922.90441 Time (hr:min) Reading (inches) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) Time (hr:min) Reading (inches) Infiltration Rate (in/hr) 10:59 24.5 Initial Reading 11:42 31.00 Initial Reading SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC 11:34 27.0 4.29 12:15 33.75 5.00 12:09 29.3 3.94 12:43 35.00 2.68 12:09 Refill to 22 12:52 Refill to 30 12:39 24.5 5.00 13:36 32.50 4.17 13:09 26.3 3.60 14:06 34.50 4.00 13:43 28.0 3.00 14:08 Refill to 27.5 14:17 29.3 2.29 14:38 30.00 5.00 14:18 Refill to 23 15:08 31.75 3.50 14:48 24.5 3.00 Ksat = 2.5 in/hr 15:18 26.0 3.00 Ksat = 2.00 in/hr The above subsurface description is of a generalized nature to highlight the major subsurface stratification features, and material characteristics and behaviors. The SPT and infiltration boring logs should be reviewed for specific information at individual boring locations. The stratifications shown on the SPT boring logs represent the conditions at the actual boring locations only. Variations should be expected between boring locations. The stratification lines shown on the SPT boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between the subsurface materials; the actual transitions are typically more gradual. Groundwater Conditions Neither the apparent GWT nor the Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) were located at any point during this site investigation. Due to the prevalence of SC and SP-SC at the project site and the general area, perched water conditions could be encountered before, during, or after construction. A perched -water condition occurs when water seeping downward is blocked by a low permeability soil layer, such as SC or CL, and saturates the more permeable soil above it. The true GWT can be several to many feet below the perched -water level. It should be noted that the GWT may vary during periods of prolonged drought and excessive rainfall, as well as seasonally. Therefore, fluctuations in the GWT should be anticipated with changing climatic and rainfall conditions. Seismic Site Classification The Seismic Site Classification (SSC) is designated A (hard rock), B (rock), C (very dense soil and soft rock), D (stiff soil), E (soft clay soil), or F (soils requiring site response analysis) in accordance with Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-10. Chapter 20 requires a continuous 100 foot boring (or to refusal) within proximity of the proposed structure to estimate the SSC. Two Cone Penetration Tests (CPT), CPT-01 and CPT-02, were conducted to 85 feet BGS (refusal) within close proximity to the proposed structure, and values from these tests were used to acquire the SSC for the proposed building. Both CPTs were conducted in March 2016 for the addition of a Special Operations Force (SOF) Tactical Facility at ATF. Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-10 specifies 3 different methods of obtaining the SSC, shear wave velocity, SPT N value, or un-drained shear strength. All methods use a weighted average of respective values over the entire depth of the boring. To acquire our SSC, shear wave velocities were used. CPT-01 is located approximately 1200 feet to the west-northwest from the proposed building footprint, and indicates an SSC of D. CPT-02 is located approximately 350 feet to the east-southeast of the proposed building SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC footprint, and indicates an SSC of C. Based on these two CPT tests, and considering the unknowns, a SSC of D (stiff soil) is assumed for the new ATF DFAC. Attachment E should be reviewed for analysis details. 6. ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Chapters 16, 17, 18, and 33 of the International Building Code (IBC) 2012, adopted and modified by the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-220-01 of 2012, are the primary design standards referenced for these recommendations. The following evaluations and recommendations are based on the information available on the proposed structures, observations made at the project site, interpretation of the data obtained from the SPT borings and DCP testing, and previous experience with soils and subsurface conditions similar to those encountered at the site. Geotechnical Investigations A preliminary geotechnical investigation was conducted at the proposed project site by the Wilmington District, and the results are discussed in this report. This investigation may not meet all requirements set forth in Section 1803, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.3, UFC 3-220-01, and this report should be evaluated accordingly. Excavation, Grading, and Fill It is recommended that the Engineer adhere to the requirements set forth in Section 1804, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.4, UFC 3-220-01. Where shallow foundations will bear on compacted fill material, the compacted fill should comply with the criteria set forth in Section 1804.5, IBC 2012. Where shallow foundations will bear on Controlled Low -Strength Material (CLSM), the CLSM should comply with the criteria set forth in Section 1804.6, IBC 2012. Damp -proofing and Water -proofing It is recommended that the Engineer adhere to the requirements set forth in Section 1805, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.5, UFC 3-220-01. This may include additional investigation(s) to verify the depth of the GWT or SHWT per Section 1803.5.4, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.3.4 of UFC 3-220-01. Presumptive Load -Bearing Values of Soils It is recommended that the Engineer adhere to the requirements set forth in Section 1806, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.6, UFC 3-220-01. The SPT N values and subsurface conditions presented in this report should be evaluated by the Engineer to determine if the applied load will be supported, or if improvement of subgrade materials is necessary, and if so, the type of improvements needed and to what depth the improvements are needed. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC The Engineer should evaluate this geotechnical investigation report, and determine if an additional geotechnical investigation is required to confirm the load bearing values indicated in this report. The Engineer should also use the Factors of Safety (FS) shown in Tables 2-2 and 2-3, UFC 3-220-01, when developing the net allowable bearing capacities that will be used for design. Foundations It is recommended that foundations be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 1808.2 through 1808.9, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.8, UFC 3-220-01. The foundation should be designed such that the net allowable bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded, and that total and differential settlement is limited to acceptable values. The net allowable bearing capacity should be evaluated by the Engineer. Acceptable settlement values can be found in Section 2-3.8.1, UFC 3-220-01. The foundation should be designed for the most unfavorable effects due to the combinations of loads specified in Chapter 16, IBC 2012. The Engineer should also consider possible future events such as dewatering and flooding due to storms. Expansive soils are not believed to exist at the site, however, the Engineer should make this determination and adhere to Section 1808.6, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.8.4, UFC 3- 220-01, should expansive soils be determined to exist at the site. Shallow Foundations It is recommended that shallow foundations be designed and constructed in accordance with Sections 1809.2 through 1809.13, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.9, UFC 3-220-01. Shallow foundations should be built on undisturbed soil, compacted fill material, or CLSM in accordance with Section 1809.2, IBC 2012. Fill material and CLSM should meet the criteria discussed in "Excavation, Grading, and Fill" of this report. For excavations, it is recommended that the top 12 inches of finished subgrade be compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D698. For fill, it is recommended that material be placed in 6-inch lifts and compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density per ASTM D698. Fill material should not be placed over wet or frozen areas. Fill material should be placed adjacent to structures, such as footings, after the structures have been completed and accepted, and should be compacted as to avoid loading upon or against the structure. Footings should be constructed at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the finished ground surface. Spacing between footings should be at least 1.5 times the width of the larger foundation to minimize any reduction in bearing capacity due to overlapping zones of influence. The minimum width of footings should be 12 inches. Frost Susceptibility Frost susceptible soils are defined in American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 32, and consist of soil with greater than 6 percent by mass passing the #200 sieve in accordance with ASTM D422. Lab analyses of collected samples were not conducted as part of this geotechnical investigation. Due to the suspected clay content encountered in all SPT borings, it is recommended that the Engineer determine if frost 8 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC susceptible soils exist at the site, and if so, protect the foundation and other permanent supports by one or more of the following methods indicated in Section 1809.5, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2-3.9, UFC 3-220-01. Liquefaction This geotechnical investigation is inadequate to provide an assessment of liquefaction potential. It is recommended that the Engineer adhere to Section 1613, IBC 2012, adopted and modified by Section 2- 1.1, UFC 3-220-01, regarding the assessment of liquefaction potential. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT ABERDEEN TRAINING FACILITY (ATF), FT. BRAGG, NC ATTACHMENT A 35% Design Submittal — Site Plan .......... I'l- I 1 1- oll9l 1. I'll-19 o� Vaasa inamooM Need asvwvaaaswavas Ew S—NI�N3 io-00 A—sn nlnl:ma�NNmnl Naannaan ��Nna lnoa V =w U 5~ zo Qum LLLLo =33 m m IwNoo 41N11 a_LLa w �nII X n0 Oa00000NOp C7 N — K a Y w J w a rc 3 o a l l 11 /o� xo ==o 0.�4/4ej 3NI/tl31tlM 'X3 �\O'a' 69 1 9a I e 1 � / __-^,Nou'SJo/ xoaadv__,"____,- �,�. h �•o $ / m$ I I � j I I I Intl F � N III II I / p1 11111� — M LLf I l 1 1 i LLU a� oLL r to JI / I I � I Z LL OOW a- 1 I l e cl LL WOIE 11 0 NfON `2> NI lb 1- oz o II � I I ¢I n w w O o c> n o n I \ o I Sa ~ I 'I o 5 1� �zso ��a w w I� I c P I � a a 1 1x 0l o efCb _ u� - e \ 2 r. r. o I°66O1 000'l _ 1 l.t - - 00 o z o Q o v Q o v 190 Orcz Oa rvOa rvOrc } W 1'I pi _x�pm �I I Ill oh\1 I I. % �7�7i Il�la w3 0 o mm -- w3 - I �r Ill FI� OH _�� / LL i �i Ill 11 �w ERE 2 1 _ I NOILYJO� 'xpklddV 1 \ / I C I I -l• 1 1 I? },�- j �4NC-� o '.Z I I\ 3NI1O3�1tlMi^��1 LL' 'X3 O'JOl /o - aLLava-a a I �I IIIIII /1 '1 Q Orcz 0� ATTACHMENT B SPT, DCP, and Infiltration Testing Location Plan 3 co - W 5 rn w Z _— U) m � � _j Nr m W J N Q- LU I� LL 0 IWL �. a i•� a \ Ca LL 4A 0 LL a Ln fV r%4 00 z !Z � C L � 0 0 co J w � m Z O U w 0 r� c M LU W z z 0 rl z 0OF • M z 0 U O LL O z r v c o uyU Q c -0 o v= s U Y � VI v ncn 3 L � v aL v „ c 0 o v c v a � o ,o lu c a Y � v � � o v v c yL v U 0 o tU (0 Y v u o o 0 z Q a tLo Z a ATTACHMENT B ATTACHMENT C SPT Boring Logs Borina Desianation: ATFDFAC-18-SPT-1 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 South Atlantic Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC OF 2 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Dining Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 6" Fishtail (ATFDFAC) 2. LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL N 498613.549 E 1891014.2956 Mobile B-60 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE, Savannah District 13 13 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 John Varret 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER GWT Not Encountered 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING 15. BORING DATE :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL 0 INCLINED --- --- 8/14/18 8/14/18 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.01 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 472.5' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.01 1 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 94% 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR Chris Norton, P.E., Civil Engineer 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25.5' ELEV DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % CORE BOX OR REMARKS w p (feet) (feet) REC SAMPLE u? a b c d e f g pp O Z 472.5 0 SPSM Poorly Graded SAND with Silt. Brown. ° Some organics. 3 67 1 5 9 4 471.0 1.5 CL LEAN CLAY. Brown. No organics. 2 67 2 4 4 10 6 Gray and pink. 3 3 100 3 5 11 6 4 4.s 3 100 4 4 12 8 6 6 4 100 5 6 19 13 465.2 7.5 SP Poorly Graded SAND. Brown and orange. 8 100 6 2 3 6 3 Tan and orange. s 3 100 7 4 9 5 10 ' 462.0 10.5 12 12- SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Brown and orange. 6 459.5 100 13 y 4 5 6 11 CL LEAN CLAY. Tan and orange. 459.0 19 0o Drafted By. Saul Carlson Reviewed By. o0 0 o Date Drafted: 8/21 /2018 Date Checked: Wilmington District VERSION: Draft Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) AUG 2018 ATTACHMENT C SHEET 1 of 2 DRILLING LOG (Cont Sheet) PROJECT SOF Dining Facility LOCATION COORDINATES N 498613.549 E 1891014.2956 ELEV DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (feet) (feet) a b C d 14 OUFIFIS4 LJfdbI F1dLFUF1. /1I rUr/1l�- Io-Jr I- I INSTALLATION I SHEET 2 Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC IOF 2 SHEETS COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 472.5' CORE BOX OR REMARKS w p REC SAMPLE u? e f 9 m 0 Z SIP Poorly Graded SAND. White. v 4 100 10 4 8 14 6 456.0 16.5 18 18 SC CLAYEY SAND. Gray mottled orange. Lenses of lean clay mixed with poorly graded sand. 3 100 11 4 10 6 453.0 19.5 20 SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Brown - and orange. z 100 12 5 9 4 22 450.0 zz.s 24 24 SC CLAYEY SAND. Tan and orange. 3 100 13 6 12 6 447.0 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.5 ft 25.5 SOILS ARE FIELD CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM o0 Wilmington District Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) SHEET 2 of 2 AUU 2U16 ATTACHMENT C OUrirl LJG751 F1dLFUF1. /1I rUr/1l�- Io-Jr I-L DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 South Atlantic Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC OF 2 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL SOF Dining Facility State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 6" Fishtail (ATFDFAC) 2. LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL N 498617.037831 E 1891098.43116 Mobile B-60 3. DRILLING AGENCY 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED USACE, Savannah District 13 13 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 John Varret 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER GWT Not Encountered 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING 15. BORING DATE :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL 0 INCLINED --- --- 8/14/18 8/14/18 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.01 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 473.7' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.01 1 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 92% 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR Chris Norton, P.E., Civil Engineer 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25.5' ELEV DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % CORE BOX OR REMARKS w p (feet) (feet) REC SAMPLE LO a b C d e f g pp o Z 473.7 0 SPSM Poorly Graded SAND with Silt. Brown and ° gray. Organics at surface. 1 67 1 3 6 3 472.2 1.5 SP Poorly Graded SAND. Tan. Clay content increasing towards the bottom. 2 100 z 3 z 5 3 470.7 3 SP-SC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Tan and orange. 3 33 3 3 6 3 4 469.2 4.5 SC CLAYEY SAND. Tan and orange. Very cohesive clay. 3 100 4 3 7 4 467.9 6 CL LEAN CLAY. Tan and orange. 6 466.9 100 5 6.g 3 7 7 14 SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Orange. 466.2 6 7.5 SP Poorly Graded SAND. Tan and orange. 8 100 7 4 5 10 5 g 2 100 8 4 9 5 10 Small clay lense. 463.2 10.5 12 rly Graded SAND. Orange and brown. with clay. 3 100 9 5 20 Ir7 15 460.2 13.5 0o Drafted By. Saul Carlson Reviewed By. o0 0 o Date Drafted: 8/21 /2018 Date Checked: Wilmington District VERSION: Draft Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) SHEET 1 of 2 AUU 2U'16 ATTACHMENT C DRILLING LOG (Cont Sheet) PROJECT SOF Dining Facility LOCATION COORDINATES N 498617.037831 E 1891098.43116 ELEV DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (feet) (feet) a b C d 14 OUFIFIS4 LJfdbI F1dLFUF1. /1I rUr/1l�- Io-Jr I -L INSTALLATION I SHEET 2 Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC IOF 2 SHEETS COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 473.7' CORE BOX OR REMARKS w p REC SAMPLE u? e f 9 m 0 Z SC CLAYEY SAND. Orange and brown. Mottled v with clay. 3 100 10 4 6 2 16 457.2 16.5 18 18 SC CLAYEY SAND. Orange and brown. 3 100 11 6 10 4 454.2 19.5 20 . SIP Poorly Graded SAND. White and tan. 21 • 4 100 12 5 11 6 22 451.2 24 SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Tan and ` orange. 3 100 13 6 13 7 448.2 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.5 ft 25.5 SOILS ARE FIELD CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM III0i o0 Wilmington District Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) SHEET 2 of 2 AUU 2U16 ATTACHMENT C OUrirl LJG751 F1dLFUF1. /1I rUr/1l�- Io-Jr I-o DRILLING LOG DIVISION South Atlantic INSTALLATION Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS 1. PROJECT SOF Dining Facility (ATFDFAC) 9. COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 6" Fishtail 2. LOCATION COORDINATES N 498561.8931 E 1891094.9016 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Mobile B-60 3. DRILLING AGENCY USACE, Savannah District 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED 11 11 0 4. NAME OF DRILLER John Varret 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 0 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER GWT Not Encountered 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL : VERTICAL 0 INCLINED --- --- 15. BORING DATE :STARTED COMPLETED 8/14/18 8/14/18 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0 8' 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 474' 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.01 1 17. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 76% 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR Chris Norton, P.E., Civil Engineer 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 25.5' ELEV (feet) a DEPTH (feet) b LEGEND C CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS d % CORE REC e BOX OR SAMPLE f REMARKS 9 w p LO pp o Z 474.0 473.9 0 R; a'4:; :ASPHALT. 4? �" q? a..a, :: "q'::" 47 ° 1 1.5 Sample Note: Full SPT was not p preformed due to the asphalt and concrete parking lot from which it was taken. (0.8'-1.0': 2 blows; 1.0'-1.5': 3 blows) 2 3 5 CONCRETE. 473.2 SC CLAYEY SAND. Brown. Bown and orange. 1 471.0 4 100 2 4 9 I 5 SC CLAYEY SAND. Orange. Sample Note: No recovery due to 0 concrete fall -in pugging the tip of the 6 15 split spoon. 7 8 100 3 8 17 9 8 67 4 8 16 8 Orange and tan. 7.5 $ 1 67 s 1 3 2 465.2 CL LEAN CLAY. Gray. 9 6 100 6 8 23 15 1 463.5 12 SP Poorly Graded SAND. Tan and orange. 5 33 7 7 17 10 460.5 13.5 0o Drafted By: Saul Carlson Reviewed By: o0 0 o Date Drafted: 8/21 /2018 Date Checked: Wilmington District VERSION: Draft Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) SHEET 1 of 2 AUU 2U'16 ATTACHMENT C DRILLING LOG (Cont Sheet) PROJECT SOF Dining Facility LOCATION COORDINATES N 498561.8931 E 1891094.9016 ELEV DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (feet) (feet) a b C d 14 457.5 16 OUFIFIS4 LJfdbI F1dLFUF1. /1I rUr/1l�- Io-Jr I -o INSTALLATION I SHEET 2 Aberdeen Training Facility, Fort Bragg, NC IOF 2 SHEETS COORDINATE SYSTEM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL State Plane NAD83 NAVD88 ELEVATION TOP OF BORING 474' CORE BOX OR REMARKS w p REC SAMPLE u? e f 9 m 0 Z SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Orange. 7 100 8 13 27 14 18 a SIP Poorly Graded SAND. Tan and orange. Some v iron lenses. 3 100 s 4 10 6 454.5 26 SPSC Poorly Graded SAND with Clay. Tan and - orange. 3 100 10 3 9 6 22 451.5 zz.s 24 SIPPoorly Graded SAND. Tan and orange. Some 24 iron lenses. 3 100 11 5 12 7 448.5 BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE AT 25.5 ft 25.5 SOILS ARE FIELD CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM III0i o0 Wilmington District Geotechnical Section SAW FORM 1836-A (LAND -BASED SOIL BORING) SHEET 2 of 2 AUU ZU16 ATTACHMENT C ATTACHMENT D CBR Tabulations Depth Depth (in) (ft) 1 0.08 2 0.17 3 0.25 4 0.33 5 0.42 6 0.50 7 0.58 8 0.67 9 0.75 10 0.83 11 0.92 12 1.00 13 1.08 14 1.17 15 1.25 16 1.33 17 1.42 18 1.50 19 1.58 20 1.67 21 1.75 22 1.83 23 1.92 24 2.00 25 2.08 26 2.17 27 2.25 28 2.33 29 2.42 30 2.50 31 2.58 32 2.67 33 2.75 34 2.83 35 2.92 36 3.00 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18-1 TOH Elev. 467.3 Northing 498682.8020 Easting 1890956.9630 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity (ft) N (psf) 467.22 3.6 467.13 3.6 467.05 16.9 466.97 16.9 466.88 16.9 466.80 16.9 466.72 16.9 466.63 16.9 466.55 7.8 466.47 16.9 466.38 16.9 466.30 16.9 466.22 16.9 466.13 16.9 466.05 16.9 465.97 16.9 465.88 16.9 465.80 16.9 465.72 16.9 465.63 7.8 465.55 16.9 465.47 16.9 465.38 16.9 465.30 26.7 465.22 26.7 465.13 26.7 465.05 16.9 464.97 26.7 464.88 26.7 464.80 26.7 464.72 26.7 464.63 26.7 464.55 36.8 464.47 36.8 464.38 16.9 464.30 26.7 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18 TOH Elev. 471.6 Northing 498645.3373 Easting 1890929.7162 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity 471.52 3.6 471.43 3.6 471.35 7.8 471.27 7.8 471.18 7.8 471.10 7.8 471.02 7.8 470.93 7.8 470.85 16.9 470.77 7.8 470.68 7.8 470.60 16.9 470.52 7.8 470.43 7.8 470.35 7.8 470.27 16.9 470.18 7.8 470.10 7.8 470.02 7.8 469.93 7.8 469.85 5.6 469.77 5.6 469.68 5.6 469.60 7.8 469.52 3.6 469.43 3.6 469.35 3.6 469.27 3.6 469.18 1.7 469.10 1.7 469.02 1.7 468.93 1.7 468.85 1.7 468.77 1.7 468.68 1.7 468.60 1.7 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18 TOH Elev. 472.9 Northing 498623.7667 Easting 1890959.2338 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity 472.82 3.6 472.73 3.6 472.65 7.8 472.57 7.8 472.48 7.8 472.40 7.8 472.32 7.8 472.23 7.8 472.15 7.8 472.07 16.9 471.98 16.9 471.90 16.9 471.82 16.9 471.73 26.7 471.65 16.9 471.57 16.9 471.48 16.9 471.40 16.9 471.32 16.9 471.23 26.7 471.15 26.7 471.07 16.9 470.98 26.7 470.90 16.9 470.82 16.9 470.73 16.9 470.65 7.8 470.57 7.8 470.48 3.6 470.40 3.6 470.32 7.8 470.23 3.6 470.15 3.6 470.07 3.6 469.98 3.6 469.90 2.3 Notes: Top of Hole (TOH) depth is 0; Horizontal Datum is NC State Plane (US Survey Feet); Vertical Datum is NAVD88; DCP conforms to ASTM D6951; CBR per ASTM D6951 Fill ■10y:I► M01a01 Depth Depth (in) (ft) 37 3.08 38 3.17 39 3.25 40 3.33 41 3.42 42 3.50 43 3.58 44 3.67 45 3.75 46 3.83 47 3.92 48 4.00 49 4.08 50 4.17 51 4.25 52 4.33 53 4.42 54 4.50 55 4.58 56 4.67 57 4.75 58 4.83 59 4.92 60 5.00 61 5.08 62 5.17 63 5.25 64 5.33 65 5.42 66 5.50 67 5.58 68 5.67 69 5.75 70 5.83 71 5.75 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18- TOH Elev. 467.3 Northing 498682.8020 Easting 1890956.9630 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity (ft) N 464.22 16.9 464.13 16.9 464.05 26.7 463.97 26.7 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18- TOH Elev. 471.6 Northing 498645.3373 Easting 1890929.7162 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity 468.52 1.7 468.43 1.7 468.35 1.7 468.27 1.7 468.18 2.3 468.10 2.3 468.02 2.3 467.93 3.6 467.85 3.6 467.77 2.3 467.68 2.3 467.60 2.3 467.52 1.7 467.43 1.7 467.35 1.7 467.27 1.7 467.18 2.3 467.10 2.3 467.02 2.3 466.93 2.3 466.85 2.3 466.77 2.3 466.68 2.3 466.60 3.6 466.52 3.6 466.43 2.3 466.35 2.3 466.27 2.3 466.18 3.6 466.10 3.6 466.02 7.8 465.93 16.9 465.85 16.9 465.77 7.8 465.85 16.9 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18--- TOH Elev. 472.9 Northing 498623.7667 Easting 1890959.2338 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity 469.82 469.73 469.65 469.57 469.48 469.40 469.32 469.23 469.15 469.07 468.98 468.90 468.82 468.73 468.65 468.57 468.48 468.40 468.32 468.23 468.15 468.07 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 7.8 16.9 16.9 7.8 7.8 7.8 16.9 16.9 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 16.9 16.9 Notes: Top of Hole (TOH) depth is 0; Horizontal Datum is NC State Plane (US Survey Feet); Vertical Datum is NAVD88; DCP conforms to ASTM D6951; CBR per ASTM D6951 ATTACHMENT D Depth Depth (in) (ft) 72 6.00 73 6.08 74 6.17 75 6.25 76 6.33 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18- TOH Elev. 467.3 Northing 498682.8020 Easting 1890956.9630 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity (ft) M) (Psf) Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18- TOH Elev. 471.6 Northing 498645.3373 Easting 1890929.7162 NAVE 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity 465.60 26.7 465.52 16.9 465.43 16.9 465.35 16.9 465.27 26.7 Boring ID: ATFDFAC-DCP-18--- TOH Elev. 472.9 Northing 498623.7667 Easting 1890959.2338 NAVD 88 CBR Ultimate Elevation Bearing Capacity Notes: Top of Hole (TOH) depth is 0; Horizontal Datum is NC State Plane (US Survey Feet); Vertical Datum is NAVD88; DCP conforms to ASTM D6951; CBR per ASTM D6951 ATTACHMENT D ATTACHMENT E Seismic Site Classification 0 r r% W V1 W u 1!1 Q z LU V) W r" r 1-1 UU _ S7 rry - Oj ? O Gt g"�Mv�� p in a'E i2CS`�47 b ix O 3 pp C r a� J_ a Z� LU N� LU a0 F4 L z a� r- j. } {j J 1. e y �L ^ n �, LL y✓ 7 y 9) LLI W 4 = -� a E c a a i 3 ZZ A $ a h Y � ZZ n•9AA� �a *$3 aI vb 8 mY .= M d q = yiZ pp G r i La ❑ llr [C f s rl m m m n N m m CO m M l0 l0 CO W CO N l0 CO I4 n Io Ol r, m m m Io Ol c N to m O o N N Ol m m CO N O c l0 Ol 0 m m m l0 M CO ci n n N O N N n N Ol m O I i •� Q N � o ci m ci o m m � m a N to N N c-I �n � �n m ci > w N l0 M m m m N m l0 N N N W m N m N N m� N � N� m N m m N m m� N m N CO m N N N N N c-I N -O t O ci 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O CO CO O m m rl m m m O m CO m l0 O ci rl N CO O LQ l0 N N I" m m n ci CO m l0 N LQ LQ LQ ci CO l0 I": m m rl w �T m n n ci l0 l0 0 m l0 w m m m w m ri m N Ol ci m 0 m N O m ci 0 l0 O m N m m O m � Ol O lfl Ol Ol Ol ci O O N Ol lfl � N lfl m N lfl �, � ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci ci N c-I V O U/ M m'T m ci m rl m m ci m rl m m ci O CO l0 T N O CO LQ CO Ol N LQ I" O m l0 Ol ci lz� LQ lz� n O N LQ CO ci l0 _0 rlO m r-O m rlO m wO m w wm m l0 m N l0 m N m c-I ci ci N N N m m m lfl lfl l0 l0 l0 I� n n W L i+ Q rl m m a m ci m rl m m ci m rl m m ci O CO to T N 0 Q N LQ CO Ol N LQ I" O m l0 Ol ci lz� LQ lz� n O N LQ CO ci O I- O ci ci ON N N mm m m lfl m w ww r,wr, H $ L �. 00 00 1.4 N O rq 0 U/ 0 ATTACHMENT E a cc Q F Q H W U a z W 0 {� F L -C • y }v C`1 m oLL �� a^ W - 7 C- an FLu LU0.' aU +fir •� C S7 G �� ".� t•i: _ 5 - oy C9 Y:qb r11 rj V r ua Q 2r�myo {. Q U F c- '-d— "'mom d 2 LL Z w C G r 4 E ar a= � vf" � - L c c S! a •y v C � c zz rq V to CG+ N vl 2 Z h V � �aKm� �; 8�q�❑Q�y In A •.6 V b yx Ij l 1;4 V it w 6 4i RrYl� w m 0 r- ci w N N m m m ul m m m N ci w 0 m m M ci N m O w m m N m r, w m m w^ ci N o F, o m O m O m N N M lT l0 m M m m In Cf m m m N o It O n O m l0 r, I.' n Ln Q A m A m N m m 0 r- m m O N N O 0 N m l0 IT m N w O Ln N w N 0 ci m m N N O N m N O N O m m r-lN N n N m m N � ci O� N m N m m N N N m N N N N N N N N c-I N c-I ci ci 'O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a N co N ci co a m m N co m a �n I� m ci io m m m a N N O N m c-I m I, i c m m c0 c0 ci lfl m c0 m l0 ci l0 O l0 l0 lfl m m I� m lfl lfl ci � In r, � � In m r,O w m ci m W r- m O W N W M�T c-I W�T O W N I- n O W m�T m Z \ LQ l0 N c0 m ci m O LQ m l0 l0 m � m c0 m m" LQ O m m ci n 00 m CO m m m c0 m l0 O o ci N � m 0 N � N m r,c-I 00 0 0 ci � � ci ci ci 0 ci c�T4 -I ci ci c-I o Ln m 00 ci ci � c�T-I cm -I ON N to to to to to to to to to to to to to to T m w r, m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m p m m Ii � Ln m n CO m O ci N m� m m m 0 w m n N m w m ^ lfl m ci m c-I m I, m m N 0 w w� N O N O w l0 � N O m ci a m io co ci a o t co m ci m io m N Ln co o m io m N I, Q c-I I� m to m m w m m I� r, r, r, o N N 0 m m o m I� 0 m m 0 m m m r, r, m 0n � N N N m m m a a a �n �n �n io co a a a a m m m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m a s m m m m m m m m m m m m m o mm m am m r, m m ci m I� m N o co io a N o m w w� a r, o C t co co ci m io m cy Ln co O m W m N ri a m m �- �� ci ci ci � N N om m m a a a� m�� w m m m m v W Q. r'I � M f0 Ln V M v r-I • I ob ATTACHMENT E SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE DETERMINATION AND HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING ATF Dining Facility Hoke County, North Carolina Three Oaks Job 9 19-792 Prepared For: Zachry L. Nichols, Jr., PE Wilmington District, USACE Prepared By: 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 (919) 732-1300 December 20, 2019 Evan Morgan /t10 SOIL SCr Al &T A+rp,t?. cc�, - � � t -i F 1340 �8R HwYii GP� D INTRODUCTION U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is investigating the construction of a stormwater control measure (SCM) within the Aberdeen Training Facility (ATF) Dining Facility project site located in Fort Bragg, Hoke County, NC. The SCM is being considered to collect and treat runoff from impervious surfaces. As part of the application process, a soils investigation detailing soil type, depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT), and saturated hydraulic conductivity (KsaT) testing is required. Three Oaks Engineering (Three Oaks) has been retained to perform the soils investigation. INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY The field investigation was performed on December 20, 2019, by Evan T. Morgan, LSS. The study area was a grassed Swale. One soil boring was advanced via hand -auger at a location determined by the client, to a target depth of 5-feet below the existing surface. Observations of the landscape (slope, drainage patterns, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, structure, seasonal wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) were recorded. Soil borings and profiles were described per the USDA- NRCS, Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, version 3.0. Soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. The Web Soil Survey was referenced prior to the field investigation to get an overview of the possible soil series located at the SCM location. The Candor soil series is mapped at the SCM location. Information for the soil series is listed in Table 1. Table 1. Map Unit Symbol, Soil Series, and Taxonomic Classification Map Unit Symbol Soil Series Taxonomic Class CaB Candor Sandy, kaolinitic, thermic Grossarenic Kandiudults The infiltration rate was determined by measuring the KsaT rate of the soil with a compact constant - head permeameter (Amoozemeter). KsaT test values were generated using the published calculations and formulas provided in the meter's User's Manual. The Glover solution was chosen as the most appropriate method for calculating KsaTrates. The Glover solution is recommended when the distance between the bottom of the auger hole and any impermeable layer(s) is greater than two times the head (H), or constant water level in the hole. The Glover solution is formulated by: KsAT = AQ Where: A= {sinh-i(H/r)-[(r/H)2+1] i/2+r/H} / (27CH2) And: Q is the steady-state rate of water flow from the Amoozemeter into the auger hole. To solve for A: H is the head in the hole (i.e. total water depth) and r is the radius of the hole. Values for H and r can be found on the attached KsAT data sheets. RESULTS Soil Series and SHWT Determinations A soil series determination was attempted by comparing the soil boring profile description to the NRCS Official Series Description (OSD) and the results listed in Table 2. Soil boring B1 was representative of the Candor soil series. ATF Dining Facility SHWT and KsAT Testing December 20, 2019 Three Oaks Job #19-791 1 Soil characteristics indicative of a SHWT (redox concentrations and depletions) were not observed at boring locations B 1 above the target depth (Table 2). Full soil profile descriptions are attached. The NRCS OSD for the Candor soil series is appended. Table 2. Soil Series Determination and SHWT Depth Soil Soil Series ==W SHWT Boring Determination in. below surface) Bl Candor >60 Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements KsAT tests were completed in the most restrictive soil horizon that occurs within 2-feet of the SHWT and the results are listed in Table 3 below. It should be noted that KsAT values only represent the infiltration rate within the tested soil horizon and cannot be applied to other soil horizons with differing soil properties (texture, structure, consistence, mineralogy, etc.). Table 3: Hydraulic conductivity tests results parameters Test # Soil Boring # Horizon/ Test Depth (in) Measured KsAT (in/hr) Texture 1 B1 Bt / SL 34 0.207 Texture Abbreviations: SL — Sandy Loam CONCLUSIONS The findings presented herein represent Three Oaks' professional opinion based on our soil investigation. Soil characteristics indicative of a SHWT were not observed at boring location B 1. KsAT tests were conducted at the boring location in the most restrictive soil horizon within 2-feet of the SHWT and the rate was in the anticipated range based on observed soil properties. Due to the inherent variability of soils to change over short distances, the soil profile description presented in this report may not be representative of the entire soil system of the SCM footprint. This report is provided to assist in the application for the SCMs by providing the soil information. The permitting agency must issue the final permit. Any concurrence with the findings in this report would be made at that time. ATF Dining Facility SHWT and KsAT Testing December 20, 2019 Three Oaks Job #19-791 2 .0 (1) cu Q- 0 0 0 I` 4lo PkL c x R P— CID Ld z Ln LD z cu cn Ej ry ra.. cu M c4 P- 0 w CU (n 0) 74 :;:III cu LLI La: N 0 cu rn co z P.4 cn U M 1�3 x 13 V LL 7 "D: LU LL CO 4. -4 33 a! m kD 4j '4 'Al �J g. ...... . . . . . . LD ao as as —all m 4 cu:994. z Z -4 -4 13 z —3 1 0 Ld IT, z lot L 0) 0 LL LL 0 E (1) c) CY) LLI 0 0 z 3: 1 1-0 cl 06 0 C) cu 0 (/) = - ro— U) C) z 0 Z 0 LL C) < C) U) (1) -�e 0 Cl) C SOIL EVALUATION FORM Three Oaks Engineering 324 Blackwell Street, Suite 1200 Durham, NC 27701 919.732.1300 Job:111-7%1 /)Tr- 1);,ni, f7,<,•l,;y Cou nty: +61(c- Date:IZ-10 - I y Sheet: I of 2 o = o I Structure/ Consistence/ Matrix Mottle Colors �o 41. a Texture Mineralogy Color (Quantity, Size, Contrast, Color) S+ d IOYk /3 E /t) 4A 14S Ine /So Po 7,'1`Igwq +.I n 10VE14A..L t r r no L/9 B£ -to Fe, s sP Sya (a A6 BE (oo (S Vr& /so Od 25ym' 16W G/ f ► zr 7/3 Evaluated by:._ 6-0 r F- F F- F Z w z O LL m U 5 J C Q ❑ < LL 2 W F Q C - Y C_ O O O O O O O O N N ON ON N N ON ON N Lr) Lr) l!') E E U U O T N M M N N M M N C O (O (O (O pLn N L_ O) o o O) O) o o N � (n O U l� ll� ll� l� l� ll� ll� O O O O O O O O C O .. .. .. .. .. p v N N N .. .. .. N N N J J J N 2 N L) N N N N E U E �° U In 7 7 V V 7 m U LL O O N = N O 09 0 0 F c E Lq Lq Lq O U 30 O 0] LL E F O O O O O O O O — M 7 t0 M N v LLI � w w y 7 N N M Z O U E O O O O O O O O O O U W � O O O p c0 N (i M 7 (00 m Z O O O O O O O O O O L U O) O. U f0 Cp Cp LL C N ❑ N O N (� OJ J 0 7 O O7 7O O U > > LL ~ o = 'i2 m .4 a ° ai ❑ f0 E 'N U U > O) p Z= .E (j J L f6 CO 7 M N M LOCATION CANDOR NC+SC Established Series STE-CMO/Rev. JAK 10/2008 CANDOR SERIES MLRA(s): 137--Carolina and Georgia Sand Hills, 133A--Southern Coastal Plain Depth Class: Very deep Drainage Class (Agricultural): Somewhat excessively drained Internal Free Water Occurrence: Deep or very deep, common Flooding Frequency and Duration: None Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Slowest Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Moderately high Shrink -swell Potential: Low Landscape: Sandhills, upper coastal plain Landform: Uplands, sand sheets Geomorphic Component: Interfluves, side slopes Hillslope Profile Position: Summits, shoulders, backslopes Parent Material: Marine deposits and eolian sediments Slope: 0 to 15 percent Elevation (type location) 180 meters (592 feet) Mean Annual Air Temperature (type location): 15.6 degrees C. (60 degrees F.) Mean Annual Precipitation (type location): 1190 millimeters (47 inches) TAXONOMIC CLASS: Sandy, kaolinitic, thermic Grossarenic Kandiudults TYPICAL PEDON: Candor sand --wooded. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise indicated.) A- 0 to 8 centimeters (about 0 to 3 inches); dark grayish brown (IOYR 4/2) sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; common fine and medium, and few coarse roots; extremely acid; clear smooth boundary. (5 to 30 centimeters thick) E--8 to 58 centimeters (about 3 to 23 inches); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; common fine, and few medium and coarse roots; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (20 to 90 centimeters thick) Bt--58 to 94 centimeters (about 23 to 37 inches); yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) loamy sand; weak medium granular structure; very friable; few fine and medium roots; 5 percent clay bridging between sand grains; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (15 to 50 centimeters thick) BE--94 to 112 centimeters (about 37 to 44 inches); brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) coarse sand; weak medium granular structure; very friable; few fine roots; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (0 to 25 centimeters thick) E'--112 to 145 centimeters (about 44 to 57 inches); pale yellow (2.5Y 7/4) sand; single grained; loose; 15 percent pockets of clean sand grains; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the E horizon is 15 to 90 centimeters.) B't1--145 to 160 centimeters (about 57 to 63 inches); light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) loamy sand; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; 5 percent clay bridging between sand grains; 5 percent sand coats on faces of peds; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. B't2--160 to 175 centimeters (about 63 to 69 inches); strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) sandy loam; weak coarse subangular blocky structure; friable; 10 percent clay bridging between sand grains; 10 percent medium prominent very pale brown (IOYR 7/3) iron depletions and 15 percent medium faint red (2.5YR 5/8) masses of oxidized iron; 3 percent rounded 2 to 75 millimeter quartz fragments; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary. B't3--175 to 203 centimeters (about 69 to 80 inches); strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; 5 percent clay bridging between sand grains; 10 percent medium prominent light gray (IOYR 7/2) iron depletions; 10 percent medium distinct red (2.5YR 5/8) masses of oxidized iron; red masses have weak medium platy structure and are very firm and brittle; 10 percent rounded 2 to 75 millimeter quartz fragments; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Montgomery County, North Carolina; about 3.0 miles south of Candor on U.S. Highway 220, about 4.6 miles southeast on Secondary Road 1003; about 0.7 mile north east on a field/woods road to a cable, 35 feet northeast of cable in woods, USGS Norman topographic quadrangle; lat. 35 degrees 12 minutes 13 seconds N. and long. 79 degrees 40 minutes 36 seconds W., NAD 27. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Depth to the top of the upper argillic horizon: 50 to 100 centimeters (about 20 to 40 inches) Thickness of sandy horizons: 100 to less than 200 centimeters (about 40 to 78 inches) Depth to bedrock: Greater than 200 centimeters (about 78 inches) Depth to seasonal high water table: Greater than 100 centimeters (historically, greater than about 48), December to March Rock fragment content: Less than 15 percent, by volume above 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) and below 100 centimeters, 0 to 35 percent. (Effective) Cation Exchange Capacity: 0 to 3 milli equivalents per 100 grams of soil in the A horizon; 0 to 2 in E and E' horizons, 0 to 2 in the Bt horizon, and 0 to 4 in the B't horizon Organic matter content: 0.5 to 1.0 percent in the A horizon and less than 0.5 in E, E' Bt and B't horizons Soil reaction: Extremely acid to strongly acid, except where limed Mica content: 0 to 20 percent by volume, flakes of mica Plinthite content: 0 to 10 percent below a depth of 150 centimeters (about 60 inches) Fragic soil properties: 0 to less than 30 percent below a depth of 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Other features--0 to 20 percent, by volume fine to medium bodies of white kaolin. RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL HORIZONS: A horizon or Ap horizon (where present): Color --hue of IOYR or 2.5Y, value of 3 to 5, and chroma of 2 or 3 Texture --coarse sand or sand Clay content: 1 to 4 percent E horizon: Color --hue of IOYR or 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 3 to 6 Texture --coarse sand or sand Clay content: 1 to 4 percent Bt horizon: Color --hue of 7.5YR or IOYR, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8 Texture (fine -earth fraction) --loamy coarse sand or loamy sand Clay content: 1 to 8 percent BE horizon: Color --hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine -earth fraction) --coarse sand, sand, loamy coarse sand, or loamy sand Clay content: 1 to 6 percent E' horizon: Color -hue of 7.5YR or I OYR, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 3 to 8, or it is variegated in shades of these colors Texture (fine -earth fraction) --coarse sand, sand, loamy coarse sand, or loamy sand Clay content: 1 to 4 percent EB or B/E horizons (where present): Color --hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine -earth fraction) --coarse sand, sand, loamy coarse sand, or loamy sand Clay content: 1 to 10 percent B't horizon (upper): Color --hue of 5YR to I OYR, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8 or it is variegated in shades of yellow, brown, or red Texture (fine -earth fraction) --loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, coarse sandy loam, sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or sandy clay Clay content: 3 to 12 percent Redoximorphic features (where present) --masses of oxidized iron in shades of yellow, brown, or red and below 48 inches iron depletions in shades of gray or white B't horizon (lower) or B'tx horizons (where present): Color --hue of 5YR to I OYR, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8 or is variegated in shades of yellow, brown, or red Texture (fine -earth fraction) --loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, coarse sandy loam, sandy loam, sandy clay loam, or sandy clay Clay content: 5 to 50 percent Redoximorphic features ---masses of oxidized iron in shades of yellow, brown, or red and below 48 inches iron depletions in shades of gray or white BC horizon (where present): Color --hue of 7.5YR or IOYR, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 4 to 8 Texture (fine -earth fraction) --coarse sand, sand, loamy coarse sand, or loamy sand Clay content: 1 to 15 percent Redoximorphic features (where present) --masses of oxidized iron in shades of yellow, brown, or red and below 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) iron depletions in shades of gray or white C horizon (where present): Color --hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 3 to 8 Texture (fine -earth fraction) --coarse sandy loam, sandy loam, sandy clay loam, sandy clay, or clay Clay content: 5 to 50 percent Redoximorphic features (where present) --masses of oxidized iron in shades of yellow, brown, red and iron depletions in shades of gray or white COMPETING SERIES: There are no competing series in the same family. In closely related families: Autryville soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (about 20 and 40 inches) Blanton soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Bonifay soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Eustis soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 78 inches) Kenansville soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (20 and 40 inches) Lakeland soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Molena soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 78 inches) and have mixed mineralogy Pocalla soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (20 and 40 inches) Tarboro soils --lack an argillic horizon within 200 centimeters (about 78 inches) and have mixed mineralogy Troup soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches Valdosta soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 78 inches) Wagram soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (about 30 and 40 inches) Wakulla soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 78 inches) GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Landscape: Sandhills, Upper coastal plain Landform: Uplands, sand sheets Landform Position (three-dimensional): Interfluves, side slopes Landform Position (two-dimensional): Summit, shoulder, backslope Parent Material: Marine deposits and eolian sediments Elevation: 85 to 230 meters (about 275 to 750 feet) Mean Annual Air Temperature: 14 to 21 degrees C. (about 57 to 70 degrees F.) Mean Annual Precipitation: 965 to 1300 millimeters (about 38 to 52 inches) Frost Free Period: 190 to 245 days GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: Blaney soils --have loamy argillic horizons within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Blanton soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Bonifay soils --lack an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Eustis soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 80 inches) FuquaFuquay soils --have loamy argillic horizons within 100 centimeters (about 40 inches) Gilead soils --are aquic and clayey Lakeland soils --lack an argillic horizon within 200 centimeters (about 80 inches Pelion soils --are aquic and fine -loamy Pocalla soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (about 20 and 40 inches Tarboro soils --lack an argillic horizon within 80 inches, and have mixed mineralogy Wagram soils --soils have loamy Bt horizons between 50 and 100 centimeters (about 20 and 40 inches) Wakulla soils --lack horizons that are loamy between 100 and 200 centimeters (about 40 and 80 inches) DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Drainage class (Agricultural): Somewhat excessively drained Flooding Frequency and Duration: None Ponding Frequency and Duration: None Internal Free Water Occurrence: Deep or very deep (greater than 100 centimeters); common (3 to 5 months) Index Surface Runoff. Negligible to medium Permeability: Rapid (6.0 to 20 inches per hour) in the upper part, moderate or moderately slow (0.2 to 2.0 inches per hour) in the lower part USE AND VEGETATION: Major Uses: About one-third or more of the acreage is in native vegetation and the remainder is in field and horticultural crops. Dominant Vegetation: Where wooded --blackjack oak, turkey oak, bluejack oak, post oak, longleaf pine, and occasional hickory or dogwood. Where cultivated --principal horticultural crops grown are peaches, apples, and grapes. The principal field and forage crops grown are watermelons, corn, soybeans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, tobacco, coastal bermuda, and sericea lespedeza. Longleaf pine needles are commonly harvested. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Distribution: Sandhills and upper Coastal Plain of North Carolina and South Carolina and possible Georgia Extent: Moderate MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE (MO) RESPONSIBLE: Raleigh, North Carolina SERIES ESTABLISHED: Cumberland and Hoke Counties, North Carolina; 1982. REMARKS: The Candor series is established for soils in a sandy family that have sufficient clay increase to qualify for an argillic horizon within 100 centimeters and have loamy or finer texture from 100 to 200 centimeters. Candor soils occurring on smooth to gentle landscapes on interstream divides may contain plinthite (3 to 10 percent) at depths of more than 150 centimeters. The criteria for placing this series in Kandiudults is based on the double clay bulge argillic horizon extending to 150 centimeters or more. Candor soils have been included in mapping with the Blanton series in North Carolina. Diagnostic horizons and soil characteristics recognized in this pedon: Ochric epipedon--the zone from the surface to a depth of 58 centimeters (about 23 inches); Ap and E horizons Grossarenic feature --sand and loamy sand texture in the horizons from the surface to a depth of 160 centimeters (about 63 inches); Ap, E, Bt, BE, E' and B'tl horizons Upper argillic horizon --the zone from 58 to 94 centimeters (about 23 to 37 inches); Bt horizon Lower argillic horizon --the zone from 145 to 203 centimeters (about 57 to 63 inches); B't1 horizons Kandic horizon --the zone from 160 to 203 centimeters (about 63 to 80 inches); B't2 and B't3 horizons ADDITIONAL DATA: Particle size data from 3 pedons; North Carolina State University, Department of Soils, 8/81. Characterization Data; NSSC, Pedon (S03NC123003); Project (C204USNC 115). National Cooperative Soil Survey U. S.A. Appendix L Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina OO o� va$ea vaae— Need asvwvaa a swavas - Ew vnaanll.�nlaa�.vnn��nwnN.vn n1n vlvnoay.\ulaoly �vae laoi Ilvla V =w U / a IL dz G LL o z� O®g O O^.i_ x a w • c�N III �IY000000 O a W w J � I qI1 a 00 �/ _<74 v \ \ ��Zlb- 711 ca�i -,3 4]2 -n NOILVJO� I�i \ ^7q rl I 1 I 0.ry I XI 1 _-----------r I I N II I 'I o ro q 1� / I F LLa o� I I m (n Ur II W O S E gory^�1 Z LL 0 s Vzz ♦ i I) I \ a I/ I - f � w I, I of 1 I �m o - w ' I� I I n o II 1� 12. e b / Io �I o I t � ------------------ ----- ,I -_ � NOILVJO� XOFlddtl \ � I \ � I C --3NI1f131dM � �� 1, I ICI 1, I 1 v 'X3 ENO LYJOI A, Orcz Orc Orc Appendix M Woolpert Aberdeen Training DFAC 22 08 Jan 2020 (Rev 3) Hoke County, North Carolina '-NO ... 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