HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0006220_STAFF REPORT_19940331 NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: , NC0006220 Kannapohs WTP ' Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Staff Report 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: March 31, 1994 Thies doca eat is priated oa r-exam a paper-more any coateat oa the reverse side SOC PRIORITY �,PRQJE7 7T : r No To : Permits and Engineering "nit Water Quality Section rae� ` Attention: Sean Goris �'7 R ,} Q,,;. Date NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECO ENDATIONS County : . Rowan NPDES Permit No . : NCO006220 MRO No. : 94-97 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . Facility and Address : Kannapolis Water Treatment Plant Post Office Boy: 107 Kannapolis , N . C. 28082 2 . Date of Investigation: March 28 , 1994 3 . Report Prepared By : Michael L . Parker , Environ . Engr . II 4 . Person Contacted and Telephone Number : John Erickson, (704 ) 939-2503 . 5 . Directions to Site : From the jct , of west "C." Street (SR 1124 ) and SR 1109 (Pump Station Rd. ) , travel north on 5R 1109 t 0 . 3 mile . The WTP is located on the right (east ) side of SR 1109 6 . Discharge Point (s ) , List for all discharge Points : - Latitude : 35 ° 30 ' 34" Longitude : 80 ` 38 ' 48" Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point on map . USGS Quad No . : -E 16 SW 7 . Site size and expansion area consistent with application : Yes . Adequate area exists for the construction of WWT facilities , if necessary . 8 . Topography ( relationship to flood plain included) : Gently rolling, 2-8% slopes . The WTP is not located in a flood plain . 9 . Location of Nearest Dwelling : No dwelling exists within 500 feet of the WWTP site . Page Two 10 . Receiving Stream or Affected Surface Waters : Irish Buffalo creek a . Classification : C. b . River Basin and Subbasin No . : Yadkin 030712 C . Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses : The receiving stream had a well defined channel with flow observed (a water supply reservoir is located immediately upstream) . There are no other known di'schargers located within one mile downstream of this facility . PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1 . a . Volume of Wastewater : * MGD (Design Capacity) * Intermittent (see Part IV) b . What is the current nermitterd capacity : N/A C . Actual treatment capacity of current facility (current design capacity) : N/A d . Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous ATCs issued in the previous two years : N/A e . Description of existing or substantially constructed WWT facilities : There are no existing WWT facilities . f . Description of proposed WWT facilities : There are no WWT facilities_ proposed at this time . g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters : DEM studies have documented toxic impacts from WTP effluents . For this reason , the TSB should decide whether toxicity testing is necessary at this facility . h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only) : Not Needed . 2 . Residual handling and utilization/disposal scheme : Residuals (alum sludge) are being disposed by pumping to the ' Fieldcrest Cannon Plant No . 1 pretreatment facilities , which ultimately discharge into Concord 's Rocky River WWTP . 3 . Treatment Plant Classification: Less than 5 points ; no rating (include rating sheet ) . This facility does not meet the minimum criteria for a Class I facility . 4 . SIC Code(s ) : 4941 Wastewater Code(s) : 21 5 . MTU Code(s) : N/A ,f Page Three PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1 . Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved (municipals only)? No 2 . Special monitoring or limitations ( including toxicity) requests : None at this time . 3 . Important SOC/`70r or Compliance Schedule dates : N/A 4 . Alternative Analysis Evaluation a . Spray _Irrigaticn : Insufficient area available . b . Connect to regional sewer system: The City of Concord receives for treatment all wastewater generated in the City of Kannapciis . ^oncord has refused to accept the filter Dark wash water into their collection system, therefore, a discharge appears to be the best alternative at this time . C . Subs•urface : Insufficient area available . PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City of Kannapolis requests renewal of the subject Permit . There have been no changes and,/cr modifications to this facility since the Permit was last renewed. Pending receipt and approval of the WLA, it is recommended that the Permit be renewed as requested , 3 zy $ Signature 'ef Report Preparer D to /'D - /(-:-� , 6 2 S Water Quality R onal Supervisor Date