HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029190_wasteload allocation_19911030NPDES WASTE l PERMIT NO.: NC0029190 PERMITTEE NAME: N. C. Department of Transportation FACILITY NAME: DOT I - 77 Rest Area Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.030 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: RECEIVING STREAM: Naked Run Class: WS-III Sub -Basin: 03-07-03 Reference USGS Quad: A16SW (please attach) County: S urry Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 3/31/92 Treatment Plant Class: 1 Classification changes within three miles: No chance in three miles. Requested by: Mack Wiggins Date: 8/29/91 Prepared by: Date: Reviewed by: Date: / Lsb Cj )AD ALLOCATION !EE ate Rec. # �S Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Q10 (cfs) p. Winter 7Q10 (cfs) t (L 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC 11�� % , Acute/ oni Instream Monitoring: Y I Parameters Upstream �� �,_bstt&*Z414 atinnr,/�s.+�� Downstream / r ' tion c ems} S� d Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (m ) -5 e> NH3-N (mg/1) j D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) F. Col. (/100 ml) PH (SU) Comments: Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION NC DOT I-77 Rest Area NCO029190 Domestic - 100% Existing Renewal Naked Run WS-III 03-07-03 Surry Winston Salem Regional Office Mack Wiggins 8/29/91 A16SW t RECEIVED ' P.C. NO. kRCI) ;*"D M 3 19�f Request #-i ton -Salem �0 - Regional Office N.C. Ca=pt. NRCD 1r)s cP,-rya!v,IYl egioul Office Stream Characteristic: USGS # est 211300075 Dk4w: 1986 Drainage Area (mi2): 1.13 Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 0.3 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 0.6 Average Flow (cfs): 1.37 30Q2 (cfs): 0.7 IWC (%): 13 Cn c-) Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, co(r\respondence with region, EPA, etc.) co �y AC.; ll \..� �'V. e--..Jl.-� �1 �:%'G-✓� G� e. .b�,.� 4�[-...,.i-1.... �Of7- Al �...�/�",.:-� Special Schedule Requirements andjadditional comments from Reviewers: r[. M. Recommended by: , wk cw, 1 .-�-��- 0 Date: r • t- • I I Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Date: Lq Regional Supervisor: _ _�O . C � Date: Permits & Engineering: 0. Date: /o -415/ RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: OCT 0 8 liZj i 2 Existing Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/1): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/l): TN (mg/1): Toxicity test (P/F): CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS MonthlAverage Su m i r int r 0.030 0.030 30 30 monitor monitor 2.0 2.0 30 30 1000 1000 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 10.6 10.6 n Toxicity Test Summer Win r 0.030 0.030 30 30 monitor monitor 2.0 2.0 30 30 200 200 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 10.6 10.6 Chronic Quarterly (Ceriodaphina) Ch Vat 13%- Monthlv Average with Ammonia Limit Summer Winter 0.030 0.030 30 30 6.0 22 2.0 2.0 30 30 200 200 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0 10.6 10.6 Limits Changes Due To: Param t r s Affected Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures X Fecal Coliform, NH3-N New facility information M or EL EL WQ WQ EL EL EL WQ X Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. e" No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: 50 feet upstream of discharge point Downstream Location: 100 feet downstream of discharge bye VA DOT Rest Area discharge Parameters: DO, Fecal Coliform, Temperature; Conductivity, pH Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS AAd 4uacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No < f' If no, which parameters cannot be met? 0 . gl< ext"lf Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No Q/a. If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Condition Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name Permit # D Pipe # °O CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 1,2> % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform r r monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be rm ter rty s from the effective date of this permit during the months of ad . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final efflu di ge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q 10 e7). -3 T_ cfs Permitted Flow o . n3 o MGD IWC 1-31— % Basin & Sub -basin — o 7— o Receiving S tream County 61 Reco ended by: Date /o .2,7. 9i QCL P/F Version 9191 -Z-'27 /ie s D3-b7-m3 {� lac 4P4 =?-Z, 7q to r !. 37 Q Cad ? � �o ? p• � Ja-i>QT- Rel} 't "P �C:�,,.+ - c11,02.MC:N '` Q `. A Ajvk �src w��S C "Soot Z m, 7 c(sc-5 )v,, II Ammonia/chlorine Worksheet II IlFacility: II ZINC DOT I-77 Rest Area Permit Number: NCO029190 II IlReceiving Stream: Modeler: njb II IlNaked Run II Date: 06-Sep-91 II II II------------------------------------- Ilsummer I -------------------------------------II I II IlNitrogen as NH3 (Residual Chlorine II II II 7Q10 (cfs): 0.300 I I 7Q10 (cfs): II 0.300 II II Design Flow (MGD): 0.030 I Design Flow (MGD): 0.030 II II Design Flow (cfs): 0.047 I Design Flow (cfs): 0.047 II II Stream STD (mg/1): 1.000 I Stream STD (ug/1): 17.000 II IlBackground level (mg/1): 0.220 (Background level (ug/1): 0.000 II II IWC ($): 13.420 1 IWC (%): 13.420 II IlAllowable concentration (Allowable concentration II II of NH3-N (mg/1): 6.032 1 of Chlorine (ug/1): 126.677 II II (Allowable concentration II 11Winter I of Chlorine (mg/1): 0.127 II IlNitrogen as NH3 I II II II 7Q10 (cfs): 0.600 I I II II II Design Flow (MGD): 0.030 I II II Design Flow (cfs): 0.047 I II II Stream STD (mg/1): 1.800 I II IlBackground level (mg/1): 0.220 I II 11 IWC (%): 7.193 1 II IlAllowable concentration I II II of NH3-N (mg/1): II---------------------------------------------------------------------------II 22.187 1 II �fUM G.n t S— LA - jLt Y VA AO l Q r 1 1, 1*1 )-[ r x be • cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes If Yes, SOC No. To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Mack Wiggins Date: December 8, 1993 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County Surry Permit No. NCO029190 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: I-77 Rest Area/Welcome Center NC Dept. of Transportation PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 2. Date of Investigation: September 22, 1993 No 3. Report Prepared by: Lee G. Spencer 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Bonnie Miles, ORC Facility # - (910)320-2292 (910)667-9111 5. Directions to Site: From Winston-Salem, take US Hwy. 52 north to Hwy. 89. Turn left and go west to I-77. Proceed north on I-77 until the first exit after the Virginia state line. Travel across the overpass and take I-77 south for -0.5 mile. The facility will be on your right immediately behind the Welcome Center. 6. Discharge Points(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 360 33' 54" Longitude: 800 44' 47" U.S.G.S. Quad No. A-16SW U.S.G.S. Quad Name CANA 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application ? x Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): WWTP located well above floodplain. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Welcome Center within _300'. a 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Naked Run a. Classification: WS-IV Tr b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-07-03 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Clear flowing stream. Mostly agricultural and very rural residential area. Part II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 0.03 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 0.03 MGD C. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? 0.03 MGD d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years. N/A e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: 30,000 GPD extended aeration package plant with bar screen; comminutor; parallel aeration basins; parallel clarifiers; a dosing tank; two surface sandfilters; tablet -type chlorinator; chlorine contact chamber; tablet type dechlorinator; and step aeration at outfall. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: None. g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: None known. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Sludge is pumped by contract hauler and taken to a municipal WWTP on a regular basis, according to Operator. 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): Class II 4. SIC Code(s): 9621 Primary 13 Secondary - Main Treatment Unit Code: 0 6 1 x 7 NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 2 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: None 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: N/A 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. Spray Irrigation: Not enough area. Connection to Regional Sewer System: Too far. Subsurface: Impractical due to volume. Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The waste water system appeared to be well operated and maintained on the day of the inspection. It was producing a clear effluent. This office does not object to the reissuance of this permit. 1 Signature of report preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Date Date Page 3 i 3: 114 C00�-,1.WW - LAT: 36033154" LONG: 80044147" RECEIVING STREAM: Naked Run USGS Quad. No. : A-16SW USGS Quad. Name: Cana 4042 , \ \• .tip �°'n 1a �`�� \ �U%