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CHANNEL B PLAN & PROFILE STA. 0+00 TO 6+13 UHANNLL ti FLAN & t K )t-ILt J IA. U+UU IV 4+3U O CLASS s drawn by GEP \ \ al \ RIP RAP GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: BAFFLES CLASS 13 \ \ \ D50 =SEE CHART 1.) ALL DISTURBED AREA(S) AND PARTICULARLY Checked GEP ` RIPRAP \ ON EROSION EXPOSED SLOPES SHALL BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION PLAN CONTROL PLAN AND MULCHED TO INSURE THAT GROUND COVER IS BAFFLE (m) 1. Grade the basin so that the bottom is level front to back and side to side. - Lt' 1 \ PROVIDED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS, FOLLOWING 2 Install posts or saw horses across the width of the sediment trap (Practice 6.62,Sediment reviewed JMK JR 1�% ape_ Irw 3e' COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING; PERMANENT Fie-). pipe GROUND COVER FOR ALL DISTURBED AREA(S) WITHIN 3. Steel posts should be driven to a depth of 24 inches, Spaced a maximum of 4 feet apart, Flaw EARTHERN ,�� date DEC 2019 Flow 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER and installed upthethe the baffles The the EMBANKMENT � than the invert of spillway. fops of ixaffles should be 2 inches lower than the lop of the ,. o 1 CHANNEL IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION berms, j BOTTOM OR DEVELOPMENT. 4. Install at Least three rows of baffles between the inlet and outlet discharge point Basins job n0. 16-2291-01 / less than 20 feet in length may use 2 baffles. INLET ZONE 2.} THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE 5. when using posts, add a support wire or rope across the top of the measure to prevent 35'X OF SURFACE AREA sagging,.. NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY b. Wrap porous material, like jute backed bymirmaterial, over asawhorse orthe top wire. ' � VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION -CONTROL hammer mbar into the sawhorse legs for anchoring. The fabric should have five to ten percent t \ u Lo DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SLOPES LEFT openings in the weave. Attach fabric to a rope and a support structure with zip ties, wire or � 4`o EXPOSED WiLL, WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION staples OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE e The bottom and sides of the fabric should be anchored n a trencher pinned with 9-inch erosion control matting staples. . ITprep tieadtml6 1' mm. 2/3 OUTLET PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, S. Do not sphcethe fabric, but useacontinuous piece across the basin I I I I I 14 heiSht Gam rpadshoulder DEVICES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. Natural GroundLTHK. =SEE CHART MAf1vTExAxCE Gam{ I� (I- I- I I= _ ON EROSION FIRST CHAMBER i I�LF ATTACHMENT DETAILS: - _T CONTROL PLAN 3.) ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL inspectbafttesatleastonceaweekandaftereachrainfall. Make any required repairs 25%OF SURFACE AREA L1� (�) I II 11= ( FILTER FABRIC REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL N.C.D.E.N.R. HAS APPROVED THEIR REMOVAL immediately. • Gather fabric at posts.d needed. `_ - EXISTING GRADE I I I Ur a zonal11 Be sure to maintain access to the baffles. Should the fabric of a baffle collapse, tear, decompose, SECOND CHAMi M 1111�11= i�ll�1 - 4.} ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL 8E orbemmeirteffective,replace itpromptly. 2gX,� SURFACE AREA e Utilize three ties per post, all within top 8" of fabric. I L5 ( 1 ( 11 I I M I 1 i CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS BUILT AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE („n _- I 1�111 11 °ne I I i�I 1 I I 1r 1. Ensure that the sub rode for the filter and rtprap follows the required lines DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS AND THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE. Remove sediment deposits when it reaches half full to provide adequate storage volume for the . Position each tie diagonally, puncturing holes vertically I , (-I' I I II I I I 1 I k and grades shown intheplan. Compact an fill required in the sub rode to the next rain and to reduce pressure on the baffles. Take cam to avoid damaging the baffles during J 1 �1 I " - ' i i� "' "" '' Nb T {(S or #57 P p y q g cleanout. Sediment depth should never exceed half the designed story de th. OUTLET, CLASS I RIPRAP OUTLET ZONE I ( 11� [ 1 a minimum of t" apart W,x. sediment Depth washed stone y s density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on 5.) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR ANY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NOT P i p 15X OF SURFACE AREA Q . I 1 I I 11- I I F . Han n each fie on post nipple and tighten securely. Riprap undisturbed sod may also be filled by increasing the riprop thickness. SHOWN ON THIS SHEET, SEE SHEET 4 OF 12• After the Contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized, remove all baffle materials � 0 1 ' : ..II � 1 - Use cable ties (50lbor soft wire. 9and unstable sediment deposits, bring the area to grade, and stabilize it. 5 C EST t Ti4 Li a)2, The riprop and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits 6.) THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE AND THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION shown on the plans. CONTAINED IN THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE ARE CONSIDERED � p0 fJ TO BE A PART OF THIS PLAN AND SHOULD BE ON SITE DURING ALL ' M Z 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly • _j F- 0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS rotected from unchin or tearin durin installation. Re air an damn e b CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. xoTE: P punching 9 g P Y g Y O rllz .5 0j removing the connecting and placing another piece of filter Both over the damaged Porous baffles shall be installed inside all temporary sediment try rock dams slimmer basin a _ 1, Clear the area of all debris that might hinder excavation and disposal of area. All connectin joints should overly so the to foyer is above the 7.) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS AND BASINS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE oro s b es p ry traps, SUPPORT ROPE SUPPORT POST W _ g. n • P a Ys or sediment basins to reduce the velocity and turbulence of the water flowing through the INRETO 2e INTO BOTTOM STAKE TO SUET n RS W ' spoil. downstream layer a minimum of 1 foot If the damage is extensive, replace. UNTIL THE SITE 1S STABILIZED WITH GROUND COVER. UPON APPROVAL measure, andfacaitatethesettli ofseaimentfmmthewaterbeforedisa,arga. Y � 0... � (D ` 2 Install the Class B or Class I riprap in a semi -circle around the pipe inlet. the entire filter cloth. FROM N.C.D.E,N.R., TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS CAN BE REMOVED. T SANG OR �LLJ 0 a -*-� The stone should be built up higher on each end where it ties into the THE SEDIMENT BASINS ARE TO REMAIN 1N PLACE AS PERMANENT Z WT�-I (D embankment. The minimum crest width of the riprap should be 3 feet, with a 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the DETENTION PONDS. „ ' / \ \ O F°+w,i� P P filter. ZONE BASIN A" BASIN C" 0 minimum bottom of 11 feet. The minimum height should be 2 feet, but 220'xO-120' 150'x23-72' Is U LI-I Lt.. also 1 foot lower than the shoulder of the embankment or diversions. } ( } Wr 5. The minimum thickness of the riprop should be 1.5 times the maximum 3. A 1 toot thick layer of NC #5 or 057 stone should be placed on the INLET 257, 43' 32' ?,` .'_4 outside slopeof the riprap. stone diameter. P P• 1st CHAMBER 25% 43' 32' O .Cn _( 4. The sediment storage area should be excavated around the outside of 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. it should be hard, 2nd CHAMBER 25743' 32' r+�the stone horseshoe 18 inches below natural grade. angular, highly weather -resistant and well graded. I� 0 1 Q___M y t- 5. When the contributing drainage area has been stabilized, fill depression OUTLET 25743' 32' COIR MESH OR SIMRAP, STAPLED OR O l 11 1 F• and establish final grading elevations compact area properly, and stabilize 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfill at the end. Make the � H INTO BOTTOM OR 11= with ground cover. top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly I I �y-� i I below it. BAFFLE DETAIL UJI I I I I 111� i I I i I i I- MAINTENANCE N.T.S. 1 I 1 I � 8. Ensure that the apron is property aligned with the receiving stream Inspect rock pipe inlet protection at least weekly and after each significant (1/2 and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site • E111=1(iL=-Itlt-1 k I 111II1-_- inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove sediment and conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. �1�1=1I��i 1�{ restore the sediment storage area to its original dimensions when the sediment I has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment g• Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation that is removed in the designated disposal area and replace the contaminated (Practices 6.10, D•arnpa,saA , Aiau&opn and 6.11, tP.wmamsnt Aavk4&q.}. part of the gravel facing. Check the structure for damage. Any riprap displaced from the stone horseshoe must be replaced immediately. MAINTENANCE RO After all the sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, rainfall riprap outlet structures weekly and after significant (J inch or greater) remove the structure and all the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend rainfall events see if any erosion around or below the needed has taken place, or if stares have been dislodged.. Immediately make all needed repairs to with the adjoining areas and provide permanent ground cover (Surface prevent further damage. Stabilization). a) o o 0 0° ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION FLARED END OUTLET PROTECTION Savo, N.T.S. NTS NOTES: V9a 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE PER STD. SILT FENCE -0 Wag DETAIL, 2. LOCATE REINFORCED OUTLET AT LOW POINTS TEMPORARY SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS (A) TEMPORARY SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS (e) TEMPORARY SEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS (c) OF SILT FENCE BARRIER. Win ter and Early Sjrrimg Summer Fall 3. PLACE RIP RAP WITH CARE. DO NOT TEAR 1. SILT FENCE FABRIC. -•:::::::.::::::.::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::;:_.....::::::::: _:.:• SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDING MIXTURE SEEDING MIXTURE •:.-..- '.%,':.':: %%'.1.:.':.:':'.:':.'.':.:':.':.':.:-:.':..:'::.':.:':.•:,::'::.`:.':::.': SPECIES RASE (rs./ACAE1 SPECIES RATE fca./AC�j MAINTENANCE NOTES: :................:........................................................ SPECIES RA,E fca./Ac�I isi:'::::i'::Iasi::::':}:i s isi::::::i:::::ii:'.:iii:,i•:E':::ii::::•i:: R rain 120 German collet 4O Rye {grain} 120 Annual {9 in the Piedmont and Mountains, a small-sternmed Sudongrass may Annul tespedeza (kobe in Piedmont 50 1. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) by substituted at a rate of 50 lb:/core. SEEDING DATES Mountains --Aug. 15-Dec. 15 PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT C: Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cove is not to SEEDING DATES Coastal Plain and piedmont --Aug. 15-Dec. 30 RAiN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE 0 extend beyond June. Mountains --May 15-Aug. 15 LA Piedmont--Maya-Aug. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS FENCE/OUTLET. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING > SEDIMENT FENCE SEEDING DATES Coastal Plain --Apr. 15-Aug. 15 Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 lb./acre ground agricultural THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUT. REMOVE & REPLACE Steel 4) Mountains --Above 2500 ft. Feb. 15-May 15 limestone and 1,000 lb./acre 10-10-10 fertilizes. STONE AS NECESSARY AS IT BECOMES CLOGGED NTH STD Silt post '- NTS Below 2500 ft. Feb,`1-May i SOIL AMENDMENTS SEDIMENT. Piedmont --Jan. I -May 1 Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 Ib./acre MULCH Fence (TYP7 Coastal Plain --Dec. i-Apr. 15 ground agriculture limestone and 750 lb./acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. 2. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE � � CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING METHOD Apply 4,000 lb./acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND $RING THE AREA TO GRADE �X )O� X Instead of excavationg a trench, planing fabric and then backfilling trench, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set pearly MATERIALS sediment fence mayh be installed using specialty designed equipment that SOIL AMENDMENTS MULCH straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tad. AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE 1. Use a synthetic filter fabric of at least 95% weightof lefins or inserts the fabric into a cut sliced in the round with a disc (Figure 6.62b . Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply ZOOO lb./acre ground Apply 4,000 lb./acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt syn trypotyo � g {F-g ) AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. XX polyester, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to agriculture limestone and 750 lb./ocre 10-10-10 fertilizer, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly MAINTENANCE X the requirements in ASTM D 6461, which is shown in art in Table 6.62b INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Repair and refertiiize damaged areas immediately. Topdress with X p MULCH 50 lb./acre of nitrogen in march. if it is necessary to extend Steel x x X is is x ff X x x 0 (Refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 1. The base of both end posts should be at least one foot higher than the 1 n t Apply 4,000 lb./acre acre straw. Anchor straw b tacking with a Notch and Fold X _ s ,Chapter 6, Section$2.2). middle of the fence. Check with a level if necessary: PP Y % Y, 9 asphalt, MAINTENANCE temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb./,acre Jaere Kobe - post netting, or a mulch anchoring tool A disk with blades set nearly Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and (Piedmont and Costal Plain) or korean (Mountains) lespedza in Fabric Over e . X if ��1t A0€ Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet inhibitors and stabilizers 2. Install posts 4 feet apart incxitical areas and 6 feet apart on standard straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. late February or early March. Horizontal Post oven Wire Fabric T X # y IV 1 Fge yn ray n P P 18 t(\ C A� t, toprovidee ur minimum ot6 months of expected usable construction life at a applications. MAINTENANCE orizontal Post $ .. .... _ ............. ............ of to 120° F. ..-.._...._,.-1-= ::..................... J temperature range 0 �%`r' ..................._ . ,.- ............... 3. Install 2 feet deep on the downstream side of the silt fence and Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch _....._.._ ..... ::....... _..::._sct. .-:::::-::::::::::.;: ..: 0 Pest P immediately following erosion or other damage. - -=:: - -- - 3 i r eel with as dose as possible to the fabric, enabling sus to support the fabric from Y 9 9 k..................._........,.............,-........ __..__.-.._.__.....__......-__..... 2: Ensure that for sediment fences are 1.33 ibfl nee fist PO 9 Po PPo 2 . X - - t:K::;::2::==:stt;-t:::t•:2:tt:- • : =z 2t:tt: 2;::>::' a c:•::: = .: ° jF • , a minimum le of 5 feet: Make sure that steel posts have projections to u stream water pressure. .,\ \ iC'" _ ----::--••....-•--.... _.._.._..._...._..... sy N t rt9th Proj P P __..................... . facilitate fastening the fabria CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 18„ �1 Siit Fence Fabric \� * v - X X ")(. . \ = E 4. Install postswith the nipplesfacing away from the silt Mbric. 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, and other lass "B" Rip Rap (TYP} %\ / / /\/ 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a objectionable material and properly grade it. \ \\ \ \I � , f ' (} 0 = minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. 5. Attach the fabric to each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8 / \/ / / /� / \/ / \/ / / \ /\\/%\ / \ ! �J\ \ c . `� (00 inches of the fabric. Attach each tie diagonally 45 degrees through the fabric, 2. Place the ravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the �\ \ \' \\ \ / `J � 9 P 9 //� / /��%( / / / /\ �/� f / F tz J CONSTRUCTION with each puncture at least l inch vertically apart Also, each tie should be plans, and Smooth it. y,\\, ,\\j/ \l.�\j�\ . / \ . Y \j�+\ \ . /\ . . . \ , A .... GI F , 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength positioned to hang on a post nipple when lightened to prevent sagging. �2" #57 24" �°� t c Al.-f +age synthetic filter fabrics. 6g A Fib � ,, 6. Wrap approximately& inches of fabric around the end posts and secure 3. outlet Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable Washed Stolle pp f f f f f 41t� 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence d�not exceed 24inches w�,3fiesREINFORCED SILT FENCE OUTLET €��tt above the ground surface. {Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) T No more than 24 inches of a 36 inch fabric is alloyed above ground 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation NTS level. in locations subject to seepage or high water table. SECTION 3. Constructthe fitter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter 8: The installation should be checked and corrected for any deviations before I NTS cloth only at a support post with 4 feet minimum overlap to the next post compaction. MAINTENANCE Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving SCHEDULE 40 ELEV.=SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to 9. Compaction is vitally important for effective results. Compact the soul the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone. PVC PiPE 6' (IN STABLE SOIL) In the upslope side of the posts. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of immediately next to the silt fence fabric with the front wheel of the tractor, After each rainfall inspect an structure used to trap sediment and clean TRASH DRAINAGE HOLES the iretich, Fasten the wire reinforcement, thenfabric on the upslope side of skid steer, or roller exerting at least 60 pounds per square inch. Compact the P Y P RACK WITH GRAVEL MIN. 0 the fence post Wire or plastic zip ties should have inminnum 50 pound tensile upstream side first, and then each side twice fora total of 4 trips. 1t out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, PVC VENT ( �t-� strengthor tracked onto public roadways. i PIPE 1 TOP OF BANK M T_ usactre ►rose 1.0'MIN. SEE CHART 1' FREEBOARD MIN. 5. When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet MAINTENANCE J _ _ ars"Or L TOP OF RISER '! B.M. 1' Froeboad ekgenoY ebuehre �, r I .._.-_ ._.._.. IIIII{� EMBANKMENT STABILIZED f apart. Support posts should be driven serarretytnto the ground a minimum of inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any t _.._.._.._.._.._ ELEV. SEE CHART tr 2: i MIN. `�•+. 24 inches. required repairs immediately, % _ - - - _Sr__ COARSE iw* 1 !� • Lf W �-x - -' I - �iq \ NTH VEGETATION -_ - -- 11� 6, Extra strength fitter fabric with 6feetpost spacing does not require wire Should the fabric of sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become Z_'nJ -- - �_ - -- '°= =�--� GRAVEL w -_ ,} mesh support fence. - Securely fasten the filter fabric directly to posts. Nhre or ineffective, replace ix promptly. G � / seat - � w_e� - FlL1ER •'`�• � � v � i' n plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. �QyJ / storage �e +Arco of basin water sxrcoe at "Aw6y VC TEE a o � I's. Z 00 O Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume Q tap of Pk Wasay awwus ORIFICE 000 A �" Hill 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid GRAVEL ENTRANCE SHALL BE 50 FEET a PLATE . 11".. , itt � 11 the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier {Figure 6.62a). undermining the fence during deanout IN LENGTH AND 20 FEET IN WIDTH ,,Z SO' ry)i Pvc ' Pvc tripe PVC End \ rpvc�,0011151110011111 . w 1.1. WITH 20 FOOT RADIUS AT EXISTING n e" BOTTOM OF POND '+ "'t BARREL (SEE CHART} 4r- I Q} O r :: .. 8. Place 12 inches of the fabric along the bottom and side of the trench. Remove all a and materials and after theunstablet sediment deposits and bring the ROAD W6� .-0" MIN 4'-0" 10'-O" / -1 w°ler ELEV. SEE CHART -.} � ® r :},j„ area to grade and stabilize if after the contributing drainage area has been / tst a,/ � '7}, 9. Backfill the trench with soil placed over the filterfabnc and compact. Property stabilized. 6" / Pvc � w cV X �t e, Jp` 5 Thorough compaction of the badcfill is critical to silt fence performance. Pray VC eta ANTI-R OATATIOi+t-' �1 Hose PVC To. Pvc roe coy CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP PRINCIPAL �ky I n� 10. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. " 2500 PSI MIN SELECT FILL COLLAR PPLWAY i.i i w c E J 6 MIN. i"(` x HPipe e in (6.O'x6.0'xl.50') 2' DEEP /'° fl` FILTER FABRIC " h`I L% etad«swe (TYP.) AND COMPACTED OUTLET LO O 0 Q W c 2-3" WASHED STONE �c` l PLACED IN LAYERS CUT-OFF TRENCH BARREL COURSE AGGREGATE NOTE: SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN C HAS NO RISER AND USES 6" (RiP-RAP) s- I� Z. BARREL PIPE DIRECTLY THROUGH EMBANKMENT T_ i.L, IL J TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE i 1. Site preparations - Clear, grub and strip topsoil from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, N.T.S. SCHEDULE 40 roots, and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pool area until the dam is complete and then remove brush, PVC PIPE 61 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY trees, and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment ceanout Stockpile all topsoil or soil containing organic CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. matter for use on the outer shelf of the embankment to facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment � o PVC VENT control measures below the basin as needed. r PIPE 2. Cut -off -trench - Excavate a cut-off trench along the centerline of the earth fill embankment. Cut the trench to fife 1. Place structural stone Class B to the Imes and dimensions shown on the TOP OF BANK ( ) i' FREEBOARD MIN. stable soil material, but in no case make it less than 2 feet deep. The cut-off trench must extend into both abutments r� plan on a filter fabric foundation. The crest width of the dam should tie a SEE CHART to at least the elevation of the riser crest Make the minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of 4 L= THE DISTANCE SUCH minimum of2 feet. EMBANKMENT STABILIZED excavation and compaction equipment, but in no case less than 2 feet. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper than TRENC UPSTREAM END 2r1 MIN, 1:1. Compaction requirements are the same as those for the embankment. K the trench dry during backfili and riD a THAT A & B ARE OF l WITH VEGETATION P eq ' �P � EQUAL ELEVATION 2. Keep the center stone section at least 9 inches below the end where the OF STORM D RAI ` compaction operations. •e tAIEiR dam abuts the channel banks. 3. Embankment - Take fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans. It should be clean mineral soil, free n A �L� B 2.5.1 MiN. of roots, wood v etation, rocks, and other ob actionable material. Sca • areas on which fill is to be laced beforeCf HEIGHT OVERFLOW Y vegetation, j Scarify P 3. Place sediment control stone (#5 or on the upstream of the dam that RIFtCE C TEE placing fill. The fill material must a balm t is too moisture so rf can be formed by hand into a ball without8i crumbling. r ff water can be squeezed out of the ball, d is too wet for proper compaction. Place fill material in 6 to B inch as minimum of 1 foot thick /rcc ,tt P�� continuous !Dyers over the entire length of the fill area and compact it. Compaction may be obtained by routing the 4. Provide an apron that is 3 times the height of the dam. The apron width #s _ .: // BOTTOM OF PON BARREL construction hauling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer is traversed by at least one wheel or at least 4 feet long. Undercut the apron so that the top of the apron is flush - 1 /3 PIPE DIA. tread track of heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 10 percent up •• • • higher than the design height to allow for settling. with the surrounding grade. :: 4. Conduit spillways - Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. , -. Is . -' " Secure all connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, 5. Extend the stone at least 1.5 feet beyond the ditch bank to keep water from OAN! S \ PRINCIPAL smooth foundation of impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel or crushed stone as ball n 1.5 cutting around the ends of the check dam. SELECT FiLL SPILLWAY pipe P P Pe spillway aye pa �- PLACED IN LAYERS CUT-OFF TRENCHBARSEL PILLWAYaround the of anti -seep collars. Place the fill material around the t s 'Iiw in 4-inch layers, and compact it ai ((�( „ 2' DEEP under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be taken not to raise AND COMPACTED STABILIZED 9 6. Excavate sediment storage area to the dimensions shown on the plan: DORY BOITOM-�'� 31 4• EXT. the pipe from firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. ce 11- ...MIN.. PLYW©00 OUTLET' Place a minimum depth of 2 feet of compacted backfiti over the pipe spillway before crossing it with construction co I MAINTENANCE OF PLYWOOD (RiP-RAP) equipment Anchor the riser in place by concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In no case should the FIGURE 1: PLYWOOD PROTECTION pipe conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment is complete. ra f:aelslltucniTrl ;Plcantxvs FILTER Inspect check dams and channels at least week and after each significant 1. dear, 9 and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation any S. Emergency spillway install the emergency spillway in undisturbed soil. The achievement of planned elevations, c _ Peel IYto a Earthen ap. The - Install the f planned ap in elevations, salt to the greatest 1fBI8'l1��� ` FABRIC. (1t2 inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Clean sediment, root mat Remove m eurface soil containing high amounts of orgmk math extent possible. The wnlevement of planned elevations, grade, deatwt width, hspect dkinmer seainent nasins at least wedgy aid after each dpnaflrnnt grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel stapes are critical to the successful operation of the emergency co and stockpile. or dispose of R aro�rty. Hwi aN objectionable material to the .end entrwnce and leis channel �oPes me critical to the successful operation {one-hdf htlt or greatar} rehtdi avmit and re{wtr hanalWttly. Remove spillway. straw, limbs; or other debris That could clog the channel when needed. dedghated dtq,oad men P1ax #«nporary se�n«il oar d measures below of the spalway The speway should ba rhea an, famhated plastic or saddnent and raatore tho baebt to tte oefghd dtt creamy dinar sedbnatt 6. inlets - Discharge water into the basin in a manner to revert erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to STEEL FEhlCE ' ae n�ea innpameaWe geotextie fabric the t moat be wide and Ianq enough to akxurnulatea to one-hdf the hit of trto that balmy PuB fha akn,mer to rg P one awe that the aedinteht undeneath It cmh be exkxrvated exacvate the divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin try efficiency References: Runoff JI Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and erosion from POST cover the bottom and skies and extend onto the tap of the dam for anchorhg PPe P Pry P cY t>a Po 2 Ensure Mat fill material for the anbaictiona a free of roots. woody sediment from the entire tws&p, not Just around the aWmmer or the fist eeA. +n - h a branch. The edges may be ion the with 8-inch staples st stable The falxfc Control Measures and Outlet Protection). i i cc high flows around the edges of the dam. Correct all damage Immediately. vegetation, organk mstta and other ire compact it Over Plane the tin h must be tong enough to extend dam the elope oW act onto stile ground Make sure °t°Han growing Y the bottom of the basin does not twirl dam ) APRON LENGTH -6 In not to allow s hones, and madnhe cakhPact lr over tq the enbantanek 7. Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized. Divert surface water away from Z Z 9 , s significant erosion occurs veiween dams,thatadditionalportion measures can el taken s Inches to draw for settlement The width of the under must be one plea,, not Johea er isIsIWiest otherwise dentf I - - DAM HEIGHTX3 4 installing � � � � - water Cron get under the fabric If the teeegHr of the fabric fa inaumcient for. the R the baffles N they oro damaged. Re -manor the twines tf water is bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all _ > such as a pr tec iv protective recap liner rt that port on of the channel such as, entire t of the ghra flowing MIN. 3. shape the bavh to the specified Ung aaions Prevent the damming r or length ef' x mon(s) should a spooning the complete to nowig underneath or around man. other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after construction. {Reference: Surface tJ 1 5' installing a protective riprap liner that portion of the cmanneL prom ing a l alto the mud by eccovathg a shallow pit under the udkinmer or may w used. the upper seetthe f ric. overlap e u torn: a and to Stabilization that water cannot flow under the fabric. Secure the upper and codas ) �R providing a low snPPort under the ddinmer of atone or timber edge If the oknnmw is dogged with tray and there is water h the bash, usudiy s/ of the fabric h a trench with stapled kn pins. (Adapted from A Naond for je l an the rope will mace the dkimmor bob up and down dad kflstodge ��, Remove sediment accumulated behind the dams as needed to prevent damage •: : 4.. Place the bard (typically 4-hch schedule 40 PVC pipe) an a Tim, smooth De 1111, I11=1g aid San.). hhg :Skimmer Sea6nant Baeite. ' February, the debrta and restore flow. If this does not work, pull the akinmer ova' to 8. Safe -Sediment basins may attract children and can he dangerous. Avoid Steep side slopes, and fence and mark iii . to channel vegetation, allow the channel to drain through the stone check dam, � : - foundation of. Impervious son. Do not use pervious material such w said, t899. d5K Fatrdoth &Sax•)• flue aide of the basin and remove the dabds. Also check the ortfiae inside the cv " e9 9 Safety Y 12 (}F NCDOT NO arxi prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. Add stones to dams gravel er crushed stone an txoad0l around the Acne Place the tHi moteid skimmer to am re It is dogged it so remove the debris. basins with warning signs if trespassing is likely. Fellow all state and loco! requirements. :.. - around the pipe spillway at 4-hch layers and compact ft under and wolind 8. Inlets - Discharge ester Into the bade h a mama to provent srodan. Use co Of - as needed to maintain design height and cross section.. ' :_ the pipe to at least the. some density as the adjacent embo lonent.. core must temporary dope babe or diversions with outlet protection t divert sedgy C If the skimmer am or barrel pipe is dogged, the orifice cat be removed and OR N© 57:STONE ?` w. WASHED STONE be tdkm not to rain the pfpe Gan ilia firm contact wRn eta fohmdatlan when laden water' to the upper' aria f the pad area Imo .trap Y the obatructton daaed with h apI umbers andka or by tk,ehhg with water. Be scale . 7 ?, .L:-. compacting under the pee nwndhea (Refeenem Runoff Central Measures and Outlet Protsctksn sure and p1 �.� )• replace the orfflce before repositioning the skimmer, FILTER ACROSS !, MAINTENANCE e" CLASS $RIP RAP o W PIPE INLET II Finad a minimum depth of 2 feet of compacted tacktal over the pipe spalwoy 0. Erosion control - Construct the structure so that the disturbed crew to Check the fabric lined Ewa for damage and make dY ragukal repair NTS C before aa�itg tt with canatrucaon eptaxrxant in no case should the pia minimized. Divert srKwee water away from bye oroaa complete the with ta6rte that sw1a the fu width of the apwraX creak me anbatwnant CHECK SEDIMENT BASINS AFTER PERIODS OF SIGNIFICANT RUNOFF. REMOVE .ARDWARE conduit be instdled by outtieg a Ketch though the darn after the. embatiment mbar mpent before the rasa to dewed Statriize the emergency spillway rays, and outlet for erosion damage, and ixapect the enbanlanent for ° O t j ¢ CLOTH is complete embossment and all other disturbed arms door the crest to the principal p`�axg and settlement flake ell necessary repairs lmmediatdx Remow all SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE BASIN TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN SEDIMENT Field Book NO. i.} Q - spillway immediately after constmctlon (ReferencowStrface SialiHizatkn). trash and other debris from the skhnmer and pod areas i S. Assemble the damma' following the manufacturers instructions, or as to. Install porous baffles as apedfled h Practice s.sS Pama Baffles Freezing wmther car resort in lco fuming to the basin. Some special ACCUMULATES TO ONE HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH. NIA FIGURE 2. STONE FILTER PROTECTION precautions should be taken in H,a winter to prevent the sldmmor fin CHECK THE EMBANKMENT, SPILLWAYS, AND OUTLET FOR EROSION DAMAGE, AND "3 6. Lay the assembled skimmer on the bottom of the bash with the flexible 11. After ell the sedhnmt-probudng arms haft been permanently stabilized, ping N with toy- INSPECT THE EMBANKMENT FOR PIPING AND SETTLEMENT. MAKE ALL NECESSARY SHEET -L FILTER joint at the wet of the bard Wee. Attach the flexible joint to the band e remove the structure and an the unatmte aedlme t srmmth the mey to REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE ALL TRASH AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE RISER AND POOL AREA. /. and position the ddmmer over the excavated pit or appal Be ore to act blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly (ReferancexSurface 20171 . SECTION A -A FABRIC INLET PROTECTION FOR STORi�A DRAINAGE a rope to the skimmer and anchorft to the aide of the basin. This used st�itatfan) �} w to pun the Jammer to the ride for maintenance. �^ ROCKCHECKDAMWITHWEIRDETAiL UNDER C (� STRUCTION SEDIMENT BASIN DETAIL c. NTSS. SKIMMER, DETAIL Nile ti . EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ` 0 _'Y SIZE D T L PONDS FPER OOT ASTM S' OD A 8 1 C E F G J K MCLASS N I PLANT 15 824 8' 134 ASTM C76 14 2 161j j 17 4 2 17 � 17 213 41 I B 14 vN KN R 18 B21 8' 173 ASTM C10 IVV76 23 2 20 20 j 2 211 201 231 61 3 1 1 yRSR N 24 83 8' 268 ASTM C76 fit IV V1 30 2 1 2611 26 1 21 27 3 27 31 32 4 1 v KN SR 30 631 8' 396 ASTM C76 III IV V36 37 21 3211 33 3 34 A 33 A 3$ 2} 5 � a 1 � SR-K 84 8' 543 ASTM Cy6 111 IV 44 ¢ 39 39 M3 316 40 32 1% 46 2 6 141 218 SR-K MODIFIED TONGUE SIZD T L POUNDS � ASTM SPEC. do OD A BCC E F G PLANT 42 C51 8' 807 ASTM C76 521 44 45R 4632 4 8 4?3 46 8 SR 48 C54 $' TOTS ASTM Cy6 591 44 514 522 41% 5311 527 SR 54 C61 8' 1228 ASTM C7III IVr6 661 44 571 58 1 41% 5833 5832 `SR 80 Ca 8' 1488 ASTMMCV6 III 731 43 631i 64B 411 653 65 SR 66 V 1791 ASTM Cv6 801 5 71 71,1 516 71 1 71 B SR 72 +C73 2' 2052 AASTM C111 IV V6 872 5 77 9 7711 511 78 k 77 1 SR AND, GROOVE 8 FOOT LENGTH MORTAR OF`FLEMLE TONGUE PLASTIC TYPE JOINT AND GROOVE 6 FOOT LENGTH (66" OR 72- MAY BE 12FP) L __-__.(Et— SPECIFICATIONS: MORTAR OF FLEXIBLE T LA 76-,Es7 L „� 9 -- PLAsrIC TYPE JOINT if ACCOFAMM SPECIFICATIONS. •ITH APRICARE SPECIMTIONS ASTM C 76-LATEST NCDOT a " ` t1ET HOLES SUM" ON IV AS ALONM o VIH iPPLICABLEIN SINDFICNIONS FEE ASIM SPEMM IONS a AS HLg1ED T T PER ASTM SITAT OCS Lj U r, R jW R JW 5' 60' R/W 5} 3 UTILITY UTILITY 3 EASM'T 20' STRIP 6' VARIES 2'1 VARIES EASM'T ASPHALT SHOULDER DITCH DITCH 2" BITUMINOUS SURFACE SLOPE SLOPE --- 3.00% 3.00% 1 1 "/FT. .+axz•., .Y.'4. t. "..''n . :.� �f: :`• .re K;'-%.' .r•R:'i�. 71 _ 1.6 TYP. I 4TTdM 9� D I =t PAVEMENT TREATMENT:-ir�1r n 1.5" S9.5B Wf 8" ABC BASE OR 2" S9.513 W/8" ABC BASE (6" ABC BASE OPTIONAL W/ TESTI G} „ r OR 6 N 2" S9.5B W/9" STBC- BASE STBC OR ABC TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET DETAIL- N. T. S. *NOTE: 8" ABC STONE TO BE USED UNLESS 4q 1, SUBGRADE GEOTECHNICAL TESTING ALLOWS FOR 6" ABC STONE m- - - --- ------- INTEGRAL STRAW MAT (SEE DETAIL SHEET) StOA�- 2' TYP yCPE BOTTOM VARIES CONSTRUCTION SPECS. MAINTENANCE 1.) REMOVE ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL FROM THE FOUNDATION AREA AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, CHECK GRASS —LINED CHANNELS AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. AFTER GRASS IS ESTABLISHED, PERIODICALLY 2.) EXCAVATE THE CHANNEL AND SHAPE IT TO NEAT LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CHECK THE CHANNEL; CHECK IT AFTER EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL EVENT. PLANS PLUS A 0.2 FT. OVERCUT AROUND THE CHANNEL PERIMETER TO ALLOW FOR BULKING DURING IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. IT IS PARTICULARY IMPORTANT TO CHECK SEED BED PREPARATIONS AND SOD BUILDUP. THE CHANNEL OUTLET AND ALL ROAD CROSSINGS FOR BANK STABILITY 3.) REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS SOIL SO THAT SURFACE WATER MAY AND EVIDENCE OF PIPING OR SCOUR HOLES. REMOVE ALL SIGNIFICANT ENTER THE CHANNEL FREELY. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGNED CARRYING 4.) THE PROCEDURE USED TO ESTABLISH GRASS IN THE CHANNEL WILL DEPEND UPON THE SEVERITY CAPACITY. KEEP THE GRASS IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION AT OF THE CONDITIONS AND SELECTION OF SPECIES. PROTECT THE CHANNEL WITH A PERMANENT TURF ALL TIMES, SINCE IT IS THE PRIMARY EROSION PROTECTION FOR THE REINFORCEMENT MAT SUFFICIENT TO WITHSTAND ANTICIPATED VELOCITIES DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT CHANNEL. (PRACTICE 6.11, PERMANENT SEEDING) OF THE PERIOD. (APPED. 8.05) GRASS LINED CHANNEL SECTION NTS NOTE CHANNEL WIDTHS: 2.0 FT WIDE X 2 FT DEEP CHANNEL - ALL CHANNELS EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW 3.0 FT WIDE X 2 FT DEEP CHANNEL - CHANNEL A STA. 0+00 TO 1+98 drawn by GEP Checked GEP reviewed JMK JR date DEC 2019 job no. 16-2291-01 J F- 0 � Z Cif CL �z C) 4W ��TT 4.4gj 0 < �n Z := 0 d H CO C) Z ROAp SHOU TEMP. EXCaSM MATTING FOR SCALE SLOPES OF 1.5OXER. OR GREATSEE THIS SHEET FOR INSMCT IONS. i"pT00� a® COp� iTYP VARIES NOTED SWALEj 110H DEPTHS: 1.50 FT DfEP SIDE DIT H/SWALE TYPICAL ALONG SHAWM WOODS WAY ++SWALEJDITCH DEPTH MEASUM FROM EDGE OF ROAD SHOtm.DER BOTTOM CONSTRUCTION SPECS. TO THE FLAT BOTTOM OF THE TRAPEZOIDAL SWALE/0ITCH SECTION 1.) REMOVE ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL FROM THE FOUNDATION AREA AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. &tAINJMANCE DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, CHECK GRASS -LINED CHANNELS 2.) EXCAVATE THE CHANNEL AND SHAPE IT TO NEAT LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE AFTER EVERY RAINFALL. AFTER GRASS IS ESTABLISHED, PERIODICALLY CHECK THE CHANNEL, CHECK IT AFTER EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL EVENT. PLANS PLUS A 0.2 FT. OVERCUT AROUND THE CHANNEL PERIMETER TO ALLOW FOR BULKING DURING IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. IT IS PAR71CIJLARY IMPORTANT TO CHECK SEED BED PREPARATIONS AND SOD BUILDUP. THE CHANNEL OUTLET AND ALL ROAD CROSSINGS FOR BANK STABILITY 3.) REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS SOIL SO THAT SURFACE WATER MAY AND EVIDENCE OF PIPING OR SCOUR HOLES. REMOVE ALL SIGNIFICANT ENTER THE CHANNEL FREELY. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGNED CARRYING 4.) THE PROCEDURE USED TO ESTABLISH GRASS IN THE CHANNEL WIH DEPEND UPON THE SEVERITY CAPACITY. KEEP THE GRASS IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION AT OF THE CONDITIONS AND SELECTION OF SPECIES. PROTECT THE CHANNEL WITH A PERMANENT TURF ALL TIMES, SINCE IT IS THE PRIMARY EROSION PROTECTION FOR THE REINFORCEMENT MAT SUFFICIENT TO WITHSTAND ANTICIPATED VELOCITIES DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT CHANNEL. (PRACTICE 6.11, PERMANENT SEEDING) OF THE PERIOD. (APPED. SAS) GRASS LINED ROAD SIDE DITCH/SWALE SECTION O — O Z� q M Specifications: N.C. Deportment of Transportation ID WALL OD L A B C E F G H J K M WT 12 2 16 1 4 75 4 23 1 2 51 1 2 231 2 141 4 133 4 13 5 8 13 ' 4 13 4 13 4 722 15 2 1 4 191 2 74 a 4 7 27 1 4 471 2 30 17 s $ 16 3 4 17 161 2 2 2 1038 18 2 2 23 74 4 9 27 47 a 36 20 7 20 4 20 a 19 1 2 2 1426 24 3 30 80 9 43 37 47 a 271 271 26 3 26 1 21s 2 4 2137 30 3 1 37 77 12 54 1 2 22 1 216 60 34 33 331 32 s 3 215 2990 36 4 44 97 2 2 16 60 371 2 71 408 71 40 39 4 4 39 334 334 3960 SCALE: NTS kP OIdctie Precast ��� LE NAME: 450DPTSAFETY_DET.DWG Reinforced. Precast Concrete N.C. Products Flared End Section ISSUE DATE: January, 2002 920 Withers Road Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: 919.772.6301 Fax: 919.772.1209 TYww.OldcastleprecaSt.CO Copyright © 2002 "precw CONSTRUCTION SPECS, MAINTENANCE 1.) REMOVE ALL TREES, BRUSH, STUMPS AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, CHECK GRASS -LINED CHANNELS FROM THE FOUNDATION AREA AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. AFTER EVERY RAINFALL AFTER GRASS IS ESTABLISHED, PERIODICALLY 2.) EXCAVATE THE CHANNEL AND SHAPE IT TO NEAT LINES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE CHECK THE CHANNEL; CHECK IT AFTER EVERY HEAVY RAINFALL EVENT. PLANS PLUS A 0.2 FT. OVERCUT AROUND THE CHANNEL PERIMETER TO ALLOW FOR BULKING DURING IMMEDIATELY MAKE REPAIRS. IT IS PARTICULARY IMPORTANT TO CHECK SEED BED PREPARATIONS AND SOD BUILDUP. THE CHANNEL OUTLET AND ALL ROAD CROSSINGS FOR BANK STABILITY 3.) REMOVE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS SOIL SO THAT SURFACE WATER MAY AND EVIDENCE OF PIPING OR SCOUR HOLES. REMOVE ALL SIGNIFICANT ENTER THE CHANNEL FREELY. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS TO MAINTAIN THE DESIGNED CARRYING 4.) THE PROCEDURE USED TO ESTABLISH GRASS IN THE CHANNEL WILL DEPEND UPON THE SEVERITY CAPACITY. KEEP THE GRASS IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION AT OF THE CONDITIONS AND SELECTION OF SPECIES. PROTECT THE CHANNEL WITH A PERMANENT TURF ALL TIMES, SINCE IT IS THE PRIMARY EROSION PROTECTION FOR THE REINFORCEMENT MAT SUFFICIENT TO WITHSTAND ANTICIPATED VELOCITIES DURING THE ESTABLISHMENT CHANNEL (PRACTICE 6.11, PERMANENT SEEDING) OF THE PERIOD. (APPED. 8.05) GRASS LINED CHANNEL SECTION NOTE CHANNEL WIDTHS: 2.0 FT WIDE X 2 FT DEEP CHANNEL - ALL CHANNELS EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW 3.0 FT WIDE X 2 FT DEEP CHANNEL - CHANNEL A STA. 0+00 TO 1+98 ETLAN DS 0 0 * GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES * 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CUMBERLAND COUNTY & NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. 4. REFER TO SHEETS 12 & 13 FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL DETAILS. 1-95 NORTHBOUND LANES, R/W R/W 60' R/W Ty UTILITY I'T 20' STRIP 6' VARIES 2' VARI EASM'T ASPHALT SHOULDER DITCH DITCH 2' S9.5B BITUMINOUS SURFACE SLOPE SLOPE 00% 3.00Z 1'/ET. TYP - qI. �ew *8• ABC TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET DETAIL N.T.S. *NOTE 8' ABC STONE TO BE USED UNLESS SUBGRADE ALLOWS FOR 6' ABC STONE 16`HW'AY-BE€� F-6R-95 #/V 17�- _ _ _ _ --_ / �.B_ 79$, PG. 240 / / l� 17 _ I tl 16A N4318'03'W 52.30'SKI \ � N4314'421E 28.19' r NZ�' �,E. p9192 _ E0 q�-j9 �y \ B i' 77 \ N0427'0 1145.1618, ROCK CHECK D (DRAINS 0.18 A� .11 '; 51 . SIN MMER *Cu II 5 2 9 248 247 �'>�4 246 245 7 AY TA ILIZATI -3: N II ON SL PES & STEEPER (TIP.) I I DITCH PVC TOP BERM\ 171.02 n 7. n n X R-�X 7P�-�X �I ti *POTENTIAL STOCKPILE AREA* 7 DAY STABILIZATION REQ'D. I >Il X Y REINFORCED SILT FENCE OUTLET (DRAINS 0.95 AC) 18" CULVERT "PT' RIP RAP APRON W/ FILTER F RIC f UNDERLAYMENTFORCULVE P3 - =1� r CLASSB L=W W=10.5' 1.5'THI o fT WETLANDS BOUNDARY252 --► ! 'RUNNING FF RM1Y_ TOH PYI ?. TOP BERM 171.02 236, 4,(.SQPTigJ , \ 244 253 RIP RAP APRON W/FILTER FABRIC 'y \� . /' 236 UNDERLAYMENT FOR CULVERT P3 \ WOODS MAP BK. 19, PG. 15 18"CULVERT"I 235 ^� CLASSB L=6' W=7.5' 1.6THICK =GVv ROBESON CO. REGISTRY ,.� 234 STONE INLET 235-A (SEPTIC) ` Q� 237 y - PROTECTION / �s t•�/ / (T) ) e, �. 2 �-171- WETLANDS ?"�'ry �j ( 233 10 s/ 3035 r 66.760 255 % WETLANDS BOUNDARY l S DITCH PV1� �- TOP BERM \ �'� w SRB 170.72 a 3037 ry 3/ / T B M N422358.820 TP BERG, % 170.850 N10•34 sa a"y� r/ /E2014124.360 �� 10 72 SRB a ,231 SR N20'34'10"W ;6 256 / 3036 N 70.570 014Z12"290 NO3R1'23"E ��/ / / � � SRB � SRB N 422827.220 T B M WOODS i f ui0 2014552.920 N60'2 � � '� / i �' 257 7 DAY STABILIZATION II ON SLOPES 3:1 &STEEPER (Typ•) t N4113'16'W 39.63' s4aro7a6• • MITS OF N77'10'05"W I e 26.39' 229 \ ��11f 17.25' ` ' , , 258 ° CONSTRUCTION r, r ,E _ S '52'47-W - f/ (TYP) N67'55'22"W 3 7' 15.Br�r N' 6s.3a 1,1621231o•w SEDIMENT BAST A-3 - _. a)/fir---_. t,.39• � �, / ' S2757359'W ROCK CHECK DAM 259 (DIST. AREA 0.37 AC) N86'41'28"W_,,,-__�\.A 28.76' Oy��3j ROCK CHECK DAM CHANNEL A-3 ' (DIST. AREA 0.39 AC) WOODS C-HANNEL.,A-4 WETLANDS �,� - WETLANDS BOUNDARY' S�3jµSSRsa/� - *g• 57131' 9.9s - .�. ����� �2 '��'" ROSLIN FARMS, LLC 7Y� ~ - PRO INLET N `1 �� D.B. 7727 PG. 0779 .a, RIP RAP A R FABRIC "`-� -�'`f' ` - _ `g• CPP "-: T FOR CULVERT P5 ~ - ��'f i IN '' ' CLASSB L 1 W=20' 1.5'THICK f r_ . I NE DUAL 18" fES (TYP) I \ 0412-52-7110 \ I { -JT 16487 IN NV. 165.00 �� I ` (PART OF SECTION 3, PART 2) 228 ,o "M 'SILT FENCE (TYP) CHANNEL A-2 243 `\\ DITCH PM 238 / `�® \�� 171.03 DITCH PVI� TOP BERM 171.03 \ �9 4 i i 242 -7 DAY STABILIZATION REWD ON SLOPES 3:1 & STEEPER (TYP.) EX. IRON / o $3l �G• J % 18"CULVERT"P4" GARDNER 241 I D.B. 6089, PG. 0303 240 TBM t 0412-54-3178 t h /` EX. IRON / 3038 CHANNEL" A-1 173.130 SRB ); SRB N423799.460 E2015134.070 / STONE INLET / RIP RAP APRON W/FILTER ABRIC PROTECTION UNDERLAYMENT FOR CUL ERT P4 / CLASS L=6' W=7.5' 1.5'THICK \ u' J (TYP) l � / 1 D.B. 8266, PG. 634 1 `Yl r�cw� =J if +e as NEW D AL 18 FES I _ D18VERTS "P5" OUT INV. 164ES j J - .f NOTE: THIS AREA IS WITHIN ROSLIN FARMS WEST - SECTION 3 ORIGINALLY APPROVED UNDER PROJECT ID: CUMBE-2015-098 SEDIMENT BASIN "A" w/ RISER & SKIMMER SKIMMER BASIN "C" (SEE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS) (SEE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS) Drainage Area = 19.32 Acres Drainage Area = 8.85 Acres Disturbed Area = 4.05 Acres Disturbed Area = 1.54 Acres Required Storage Vol. = 7,290 C.F. (1800 C.F. per Ac. Disturbed) Required Storage Vol. = 2,772 C.F. (1800 C.F. per Ac. Disturbed) GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: (Q=CIA) Q10 = 27.75 CFS (FROM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS) (Q=CIA) Q10 = 15.33 CFS (FROM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS) 1. TOTAL ACREAGE DISTURBED: 8.30 Acres Req'd Surface Area (S.A.) = 12,071 S.F. (435 S.F. per CFS Q10) Req'd Surface Area (S.A.) = 4,982 S.F. (325 S.F. per CFS Q10) Actual Surface Area (S.A.) = 12,370 S.F. ® ELEV. 168.50 Actual Surface Area (S.A.) = 5,045 S.F. @ Elev. 167.00 2. ALL DISTURBED AREA(S) AND PARTICULARLY EXPOSED SLOPES SHALL BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED AND MULCHED TO INSURE THAT Actual Storage Vol. = 20,616 C.F. ® 2' DEEP Actual Storage Vol. = 8,703 C.F. ® 2' DEEP GROUND COVER IS PROVIDED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS, FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING; PERMANENT Top Embankment Elevation = 170.50 Top Embankment Elevation = 168.50 GROUND COVER FOR ALL DISTURBED AREA(S) WITHIN 14 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR DAYS (WHICHEVER IS SHORTER) Emergency Spillway Elevation = 169.50 Emergency Spillway Elevation = 167.00 FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT. Top Riser Elevation = 169.00 Surface Area Elevation = 167.00 Surface Area Elevation = 168.50 Sediment Clean Out Elevation = 165.00 3. THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE Sediment Clean Out Elevation = 166.00 Bottom of Basin Elevation = 164.00 COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION -CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SLOPES LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN Bottom of Basin Elevation = 165.00 Skimmer Orifice Size = 1.8" 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR Skimmer Orifice Size = 2.9" Skimmer Size = 2.0" PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVICES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. Skimmer Size = 3.0" Emergency Spillway Width = 15' Riser Outlet Pipe Size = 15" ® Inv. 165.00 4. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL N.C.D.E.Q. HAS APPROVED THEIR REMOVAL. Riser Diameter Size = 24" CAD 169.00 Q=(C)(L)(H)'•5 C=3.0 L=15' H=.5' Q=(3.0)(15)(0.5)'•5=15.91>15.33 OK Emergency Spillway Width = 28' --------------------------------- 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE BUILT AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS AND THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE. Q=(C)(L)(Hy-5 C=3.0 L=28' H=.5' = Q=(3.0)(28)(0.5)1•5=29.70 >27.75 OK 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR ANY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET ARE REFLECTED ON SHEET 12 OF 13. 7. THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE AND THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE CONTAINED IN THE EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE ARE CONSIDERED TO BE A PART OF THIS PLAN AND SHOULD BE ON SITE DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. RIP -RAP OUTLET PROTECTION CULVERT DATA CHART OUTLET PIPE SIZE Q VELOCITY d50 La W THK. P1 36" 35.31 7.8 FPS 8" 18' 21' 18" P2 18" 6.89 5.2 FPS 8" 9' 10.5' 18" P3 18" 5.50 4.9 FPS 4" 6' 7.5' 18" P4 18" 1 5.18 1 4.9 FPS 4" 1 6' 7.5' 18" P5 dual 18" 20.45 6.1 FPS 6" 18' 20' 18" BASIN A 15" SKIMMER 1.5 FPS 4" 5' 6.25' 9" BASIN B 15" SKIMMER 1.5 FPS 4" 5' 6.25' 1 9" INLET TOTAL Ac. PIPE SIZE P1 20.79 36" P2 2.69 18" P3 2.05 18" P4 1.93 18" P5 40.88 Itwo-18" 8. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT SKIMMER BASIN "C" AND SEDIMENT BASIN "A" W/ RISER & SKIMMER ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE SITE IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED WITH GROUND COVER. UPON INSPECTION & APPROVAL FROM N.C.D.E.Q., ALL TEMPORARY BASINS CAN BE REMOVED, BACKFILLED & APPROPRIATELY STABILIZED & VEGETATED. 9. A "SELF -INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 113A-54.1" IS AVAILABLE FOR USE. IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CON TROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE. RULE 15A NCAC 04B. 0131 STATES THAT "... DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN." GROUND STABILIZATION SITE AREA STABILIZATION EXCEPTIONS DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE SWALES, DITCHES & SLOPES HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE WATER ZONES (HOW) SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE THAN 3:1 10' OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR FLATTER SLOPES GREATER THAN 50' IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE (EXCEPT WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HQW ZONES) Pursuant to G.S.113A(3), provisions for permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be accomplished for all disturbed areas within 14 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction. EX. IRON r `/42 : 12 'fff/lllllllll�````` SITE DEVELOPMENT - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1. Obtain all necessary permits and plan approvals. 2. Preliminary staking and flagging for clearing. 3. Pre -constriction conference before work begins. 4. Grade and install gravel construction entrance or entrances. 5. Install Temp. Skimmer Sediment Basins and Diversion Berms necessary for the site. 6. Start clearing and grubbing. 7. Install silt fences as clearing and grubbing continues. 8. Grading of streets, side ditches & ditches/swales to subgrade, install rock check dams. 9. Begin storm drainage culvert pipe installation 10. Install inlet protection at culvert pipe construction. 11. Install rip -rap aprons at outlets as shown on plans. 12. Install underground electric. 13. Finish all rough grading, etc. 14. Finish ABC Stone base and fine grade. 15. Pave project. 16. Fine grade areas that will receive grass, easements, etc. 17. Grass, mulch, and stabilize any disturbed areas. 18. Inspection and final acceptance letters. 19. Remove all temporary erosion control measures with concurrence of NCDENR PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATION 1. All disturbed areas shall be dressed to typical sections and plowed to a depth of 5 inches. The top 2 Inches shall be pulverized to provide uniform seedbed. NOTE: Line should be applied with necessary equipment to give uniform distribution of these materials. The hand -bucket method is not acceptable. Lime and fertilizer should be Incorporated Into the sell prior to 2. The following are rates and kinds of these materials to be applied KIliQ RATES. Abruzzi Rye 50 lbs. Pensacola Bahlagross 50 lbs. Kentucky 31 Fescue 50 lbs. Korean Lespedeza 15 lbs. Centipedegrass 50 lbs. Common Bernudagrass 25 lbs. 10-20-20 Fertilizer 500 lbs. Agricultural Limestone 4000 lbs. 3. Seeded area shall be cultipacked to firth seedbed and to cover seed. 4. Grain straw shall be applied over seeded areas as mulch. No bare ground shall be visible in the mulched area if proper applications is achieved. Thick dumps of straw are not Pam as uniform coverage is expected. Straws shall be applied at a minimum of 4000 5. The mulched area shall be tacked with liquid asphalt sufficient too hold straw in place where directed by Engineer. 6. Ditch treatment shall be used in areas where steep grades could cause ditch erosion. Use of jute mesh, excelsior matting, or fiberglass roving Is acceptable. ditch treatment should be installed before mulching operation. 7. Builder Is to provide a Permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion on such exposed areas within /5 working days or 90 calendar days, whichever is shorter, after completion of construction or development Approved Tall Fescue Cultivars: Anthem Adventure Adventure 11 Amigo Austin Apache Apache II Arid Chapel Hill Brookstone Bonanza Bonanza 11 Crossfire II Chesapeake Chieftain Coronado Falcon Debutante Duster Falcon Genesis Flnelawn Petite Finelawn Finelawn I Jaguar Grande Guardian Houndog Monarch Jaguar III Kentucky 31 Kitty Hawk Pacer Montauk Mustang Olympic Rebel Phoenix Pixie Pyramid Safari Rebel Jr. Rebel II Renegade Tomahawk Shenandoah Tempo Titan Wolfpack Trailblazer Tribute Vegas Wrangler Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. Upon written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the some amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis. Fertilizer Topdressing: Fertilizer used for topdressing on all roadway areas except elopes 2.1 and steeper shall be 10-20-20 written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre (560kg per hectare). Upon the 1-2-2 ratio Is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the some amount of plant food as 10-20-20 analysis. Fertilizer used for topdressing on slopes 2*1 and steeper and waste and borrow areas shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre (560 kg per hectare). Upon written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8-8 analysis. Crknping Straw Mulch: Crimping will be required on these project adjacent to any section of roadway where traffic is to be maintained or allowed during constriction. In areas within six feet (2 meters) of the edge of pavement, straw is to be crimped and the Immediately tacked with asphalt tack. Crimping of straw In lieu of asphalt tack will be allowed on this project subject to the following conditions: All areas seeded and mulched shall be crimped and/or tacked with asphalt as directed by the Engineer. Crimping will be limited to slopes 4.1 or flatter unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Engineer that the steeper slopes can be negotiated without altering the typical section. Straw mulch to be of sufficient length and quality to withstand the crimping operation and provide adequate ground cover. Crimping equipment Including power source shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer providing that maximum spacing of crimper blades shall not exceed 8 inches (200 mm). MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every storm event, but In no case less than once every week. Any repairs or cleaning necessary to maintain erosion and sediment control practices shell be completed Immediately. 2 All seeded areas will be refertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched according to the Seeding Schedule. Seeding and Mulching: The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, ferilizer, and limestone, shdl be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shill be determined by the Engineer. All rates per acre (kilograms per hectare.) March 1 - August 31 September t - February 28 50# (55kg) Tall Fescue 50# (55kg) Tell Fescue 5# 1 Centipede 5# (6kg) Centipede 25# (28kg) Bermudograss (hulled) 35# (40kg) Bernudagras (unhulled) 500# (560kg) Fertilizer 500# (560kg) Fertilizer 4000# (4500kg) Limestone 4000# (4511 Limestone Slopes 2:1 and Steeper and Waste and Borrow Locations: March 1 - August 31 September t - February 28 75# (85kg) Tall Fescue 75# (85kg) Tall Fescue 25# (28kg) Bermudagrass (hulled) 35# (40kg) Bermudagras (unhulled) 5DO# (560kg) Fertilizer 500# (560kg) Fertilizer 4000# (4500kg) Limestone 4000# (4500kg) Limestone EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR ROSLIN FARMS WEST 1, SECTION 5 A ZERO LOT LINE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPED BY ROSLIN FARMS, LLC ROCKFISH TWP. CUMBERLAND CO., N.C. SCALE: V= 100' DEC 2019 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET -100 -50 0 100 200 300 MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX (910) 484-0388 LICENSE #: F-0106 SH: 2 OF 13 c %%XM%M van mu MM R/W R/W 60' R/W 51 UTILITY I'T 20' STRIP 6' 1 VARIES 2' VARIE EASM'T ASPHALT SHOULDER DITCH DITCH 2" S9.5B BITUMINOUS SURFACE SLOPE SLOPE 3.00% 41. 3.00X 1 "/FT. 1.6' TYP 6 00 ABC TYPICAL RES112ENTlAL STREET DETAIL N. T. S. *NOTE: 8" ABC STONE TO BE USED UNLESS SUBGRADE ALLOWS FOR 6" ABC STONE NOTE: DRAINAGE AREAS MAP WITH CALCULATED 10 YEAR AND 25 YEAR RUNOFF FLOWS ARE MEANT TO CORRESPOND WITH EX. IRON THE DRAINAGE AREAS' SPREADSHEET AND THE RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS WHICH ARE REFLECTED ON THAT SPREADSHEET (SEPARATE FROM THESE PLANS). drawn by GEP checked GEP reviewed JMK JR date DEC 2019 job no. 16-2291-01 w _ U O \ LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT SITE NOTES: j � 1. TOTAL SITE'S ACREAGE = 47.88 ACRES - -� 2. SITE'S WETLANDS ACREAGE = 5.86 ACRES � �> ;, _ - // - - -- 3. SITE'S TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 7.254 ACRES Lw x LL- VICINITY MAP 4. SITE'S TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA PERCENTAGE = 17.27% - \ e TE RSTA 5. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILT UPON AREA PER LOT = 8,000 S.F. 46 �173-- �- I HWAY-DEED FOR R W ' ' -175- / _ -� \ _ / % �i l /L / / -� _ \ J 1 Z INTE _--,;11 _�- -'/ /� �� D.B. 798, PG. 240 o� \ / \ --- ---- - -- J �� -iti9u ~ -- �" 174- - �- Q J/1b/ �-�,--- R=11359.16' L�2122.58' - -__ _ _ ` - -- -�Ily 1/ -765 - EXIST: C AENCE _ - N o 3' ,� ._ 1 4 _ E LST.--C A_,FENCE -_., \ tp� N4318'03"W - 52.30' m TIE LINE) N4314'42"E R 11359.16 2a19' �y L=1087.56' 65.92' EX. R/W (N21-37'16"E) MON. (1087.14') N04'27'03"W Un _ r �Q 252 _ C=3.28AC. 10=3.57CFS I 25 = 4.12 CFS I DA-NORTH = 8.38 AC Q10 = 8.70 CFS I / Q25 = 10.01 CFS 253 MUM I N-G0. X, P: - ADm- A_.( P - 7 ,j` C`� 2" �, �. �" RS C2 =/1"11 C I RS-La AC s J off, O 3.• i 10-2.61CFS s� J� / }�� a'� s. 234 235 z \ \ woods MAP BK. 19, PG. 15 �?. �_ 254 '1. / 2.97 CFS Q25 = 2.36 CFS ��� Q F�; \ �\ �\` ROBESON CO. REGISTRY rye''ill � /� .' / 233 �5 � 235-A (SEPTIC) ry� e. G / 236 1-- �� • O ry"/rye° / �� DV' `''�?.� \fi. 243 ,3 x I DA-B2 ,3.00 A 237 �s '�' � 255 Cj ,OoQ10 = 2.$36 CFS \ .c�,V1� IiV3035 � � �Q25 = 3.29 �S / L 2,z / I , - 66.760 /� f ,� 238 ��SRB � ~�� I 3037 ` �/ , � , � � ,,� � 2561422358.820 % DA-A3 . 6.45 AC 170.850 �, TBM (� / Q (j 1 ,} +� s 24 Q10 = 4.18 CFS = o ��,� TBM E2014124.360 �-\ � � SRB l / �`� � N1034'S6"W - / / / 231 SR as.9s• � � � r D - 250 \249 248 247 246 245 Q Q FRS- F 1= S- 2 =i 1.0 AC 1.00 C Q I 0 = �.45 CIS �t10 2.37 CFS ' 0..5 _ .79C - S Q25 2.69 CFS O tU r t= 0 N 0 9` EX. IRON 1 R S S � 3036 = Q / �� IRON y '•,/Z it. 1� v ry r Q25 4.82 CFS _ , N s �� v' NG► E� N2034'10"W / i ••• / ��� i 70.570 - ` 1a i 014712.290 c'% / - 239\, J' NO3'21'23"E ySRB 3o.sx\ f .'' �� l ILI) SRB ,�,"` r' .� ,17�. �� 6' " �1 1 ' i,�p,� GARDNER 422827.220 woods I f / / j J, 241i C.) D•B04128 54P 3178 G. 03 N60'23'34"w /:: 25� / /ryry C� �� /� (p 230 2014552.920 I % 1 / DA-A�2 = 1.8 A ' �C'� BM 43.05� 2� '� w �'1r ,y ,� � a �" v `' / �1 TBM I , / Q1°6 =7� C�F 2'� EX. IRON \ LO \ � M �� 1 % / �� \ 1 " 3038 N41'13'16"W j \� Q 39.63' \258 n1 ' I / / Q25 = 2.01 CF CHANNEL A-173.130 0 / \ � '' (/ S49ro7'48" / N7T10'OS'W � t � 26.39• � � � " ! � Q �� 229 �-- � � SRB 17.2 •s2•arw /v J / / Q ti CHAN�LE.L P.- SRB N c- �-'' �I M PERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS : LO E \ p- ^/ _ �_ �---�. • i� N423799.460 dj N67'S515 81M/'� ON�502•' 3 x / / V 1 / i s.® .em :..�'��i• "` .�, - ^ E2015134.070 �} I O v`1 !�•J V .. /� 65� 11..39' t0•W �- J / 3 __ -� •�,� E jS \ N DRAINAGE AREA RS-A2 DRAINAGE AREA RS-H1 `°L59 N A \ r��(, 0 OVERALL AREA= 1.47 ACRES OVERALL AREA- 1.06 ACRESco I' Co NEC - _ / L.61 11 '" RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x ((0.67 x 2) +0.33) LOTS) + (10' LANE RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x (3xO.5) LOTS) + (10' LANE x ((STA. O Z �} O 52T5 36804 C 1 .� - LL Ld. q � x (STA. 52+08 - STA. 47+46)) = 0.463 ACRES 70+03 - STA. 66+75)) = 0.35 ACRES V N86'41'28"W�\ \ \ \ / S ' U N �.+ ' C actual = (0.411Ac. / 1.47Ac.) = 0.28 C actual = (0.35Ac. / 1.06Ac.) = 0.33 O � _ ^ I LL 26.76' S�p2,,``.� r•�l C value used = 0.4 C value used = 0.4 , ^ A-Wl Q QO�\_. f \ .. f � ~NEL A-3 v_ m 1 ,,�� w ` �' F� DRAINAGE AREA RS-62 DRAINAGE AREA RS-G2 ��/) HqN /o, I (77 • OVERALL AREA= 1.32ACRES OVERALL AREA= 1.43ACRES (0 X 0) m t I n fQ NEL q-q� ,� '® �� \ i1 RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x ((0.33 x 4)+0.1) LOTS)+ (10' LANE RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA=} OF THE TEMPORARY GRAVEL TURN AROUND F� O � !y "l t J (ii /Y;�;�V ( )) AREA =0.066ACRES L M A\ �6+ wooD - - .® / x STA. 52(08 - STA. 47+46 0.421 ACRES C actual = 66 ACRES / 1.43Ac. = 0.046 LJJ W N CD I j C actual = 0.369Ac. / 1.32Ac. = 0.28 ( ) wJ N ) W C value used = 0.4 C value used = 0.4 /11 DRAINAGE AREA RS-C1 DRAINAGE AREA RS-H2 OVERALL AREA 1.58 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 787 ACRES U .k i fix. , �� "''� • 1 RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x 0 33+ 0 67 x 3 LOTS + 10' LANE \ S71'31'48•W i 9 _ _ _ !, � � (� (� ) ) ( RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA OF THE TEMPORARY GRAVEL TURN AROUND �,r:3 _ ��`` HANN \11\ � j\ 39.93' `� S '� � CH�k \ \ � + .�� x (STA. 54+36 -STA. 52+08)) = 0.48 ACRES AREA = 0.066 ACRES � �+ �+ �+ .k �1T - - C actual = (0.066Ac. / 0.87Ac.) = 0.076 sot 3s' 72 .►/ _ _ _-_ EX�STiNG F AR I ��" R OSLI N FARMS, LLC 1 \ C actual - (0.48Ac. / 1.58Ac.) - 0.30 C value used = 0.4 7r \� ' D.B. 7727, PG. 0779 DRAIN GE REA RS-D10.4 0412-52-7110 OVEIRALLLAREA= 1 36ACRES LANEx _ DRAINAGE AREA DA-NORTH OVERALL AREA= 8.38ACRES RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x (0.2 (0.33 x 4) LOTS) (10 RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = t Q 1 ' (PART OF SECTION 3, PART 2)((STA. 54+36 - STA. 52+08)) = 0.34 ACRES y` 1 22B ` V C actual = (0.34Ac. / 1.36Ac.) = 0.25 C act S.F. x (4x0.5) LOTS) = 0.37.ACRES Q a • `1 'k \ �'- I I �,\�O ` C value used = 0.4 C values used = 0.4 / 8.38Ac.) = 0.044 w DRAINAGE AREA RS-132 DRAINAGE AREA DA-C OVERALL AREA = 1.04 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 3.28 ACRES RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x ((0.5 x 3)+ 0.3) LOTS) + (10' LANE x RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA - II / ��� 227 -`- ( I - )) .) = 0.4 ACRES C actual = (0.61Ac. / 3.28Ac.) = 0.186 pp f ((STA. 60+29 -STA. 56+72 (8000 S.F. x ((6xO.5) 0.33) LOTS) = 0.61 ACRES C value) used , 0.4 / 1.04Ac.) = 0.40 - C value used = 0.4 DRAINAGE AREA RS-C2 DRAINAGE AREA DA-A2 OVERALL AREA = 1.11 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 1.84 ACRES 'T �-�-- �- �I RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA (8000 S.F. x (0.5+0.67) LOTS) + (10' LANE x RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = • i !; I �( I ` ((STA. 60+29 - STA. 56+72)) = 0.296 ACRES (8000 S.F. x (0.4+0.5) LOTS) = 0.55 ACRES C actual = (0.296Ac. / 1.1 lAc.) = 0.27 ( C actual = O.SSAc. / 1.84Ac.)= 0.165 226 f WOODS DRAINAGE AREA RS-Ell � C value used = 0.4 1 I ` DRAINAGE AREA 3.0 OVERALL AREA = 0.88 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 3.00 ACRES RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (10' LANE x ((STA. 63+50-STA. 60+29)) = RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA - "NOTE: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILT UPON AREA FOR EACH LOT IS LIMITED TO 8,000 S.F. PER LOT -100 -50 0 100 200 300 SCALE 1" = 100' 0.074 ACRES (8000 S.F. x (0.33+0.5) LOTS) = 0.15 ACRES C actual = (0.074Ac. / 0.88Ac.) = 0.084 C actual = (0.15Ac. / 3.00Ac.) = 0.051 w C value used = 0.4 C value used = OA DRAINAGE AREA RS-F1 DRAINAGE AREA DA-A3 OVERALL AREA = 1.00 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 6.45 ACRES RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x ((0.5 x 2)+0.2) LOTS) + (10' LANE x RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = ((STA. 63+50 - STA. 60+29)) = 0.294 ACRES (8000 S.F. x(0.33+0.33+0.33+0.33+0.33+0.33+0.33+0.5) LOTS) = 0.516 ACRES C actual = (0.294Ac. / 1.00Ac.) = 0.29 C actual = (0.516Ac. / 6.45Ac.) = 0.08 C value used = 0.4 C value used = 0.4 _ DRAINAGE AREA RS-E2 DRAINAGE AREA DA-SWAMP OVERALL AREA = 0.87 ACRES OVERALL AREA = 5.82 ACRES RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x (0.5+0.67) LOTS) +(10' LANE x RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA= W Id to ((STA. 66+75 - STA. 63+50)) = 0.289 ACRES (8000 S.F. x ((0.67 x 8)+0.33) LOTS) = 1.045 ACRES C actual = (0.289Ac. / 0.87Ac.) = 0.33 C actual = (1.045Ac. / 5.82Ac.) = 0.179 C value used = 0.4 C value used = 0.4 scale DRAINAGE AREA RS-F2 OVERALL AREA= 1.05 ACRES 1" = 100' RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x 0.5 LOTS) + (10' LANE x ((STA. 66+75 - STA. 63+50)) = 0. 166 ACRES Field Book No. C actual = (0.166Ac. / 1.05Ac.) = 0.16 C value used = 0.4 N/A DRAINAGE AREA RS-G1 SHEET OVERALL AREA = 0.87 ACRES 3 13 RECEIVED IMPERVIOUS AREA = (8000 S.F. x (0.5+0.67) LOTS) + (10' LANE x O F ((STA. 70+03 - STA. 66+75)) = 0.29 ACRES C actual = (0.29Ac. / 0.87Ac.) = 0.33 C value used = 0.4 DRAINAGE AREAS M/ GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - -------------------- - - - - R/IM R/w so' R * GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES u nurr EASM T 20' STMP 6' VARIES 2' VA EASM'T ASPHALT SMOULDER DiCH DITCH 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CUMBERLAND COUNTY & NGDOT Y S9.5B MUNNOUS SURFACE SLOPE SLOPE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. s 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. ABC 3. ALL CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. TYPICAL RESIDENJIAL STREET DETAIL 4. REFER TO SHEETS 12 & 13 FOR GRADING & DRAINAGE DETAILS. N.T.S. 4'NOM a ABC STONE M BE USED UNLESS SUBGRADE ALLOWS FOR a ABC STONE 259 258 27 r- 36" FES-B E INV. 163.38 -1 STA7+75 54'-36" ,`RCP Q 0.60% (38'.-'IOE W71 -TWO-' PVI BERM €i .82, P {I m �� pixi (''�; #T -7 =-r.,. ., :... ,- ,;r..A " '..' G �,.-,,`;,. a,�. '„�' :a." s,- �. , , s - ,: ,-�- , -.. ;, - ,. � �,::. ,. � :y, z"-; �§'r, .... �.�, `.. ''sue ,_,s ��`,: �,.....,:` 18"1... .. , , ,. ... ,.' .:<;£^z%�. ..,. :,"�`�xf. ::m . _ r�' �,. •t,.'�z. ,-.. O ;;-, � ....< w-3��`"� . �, u-.*.,�...,'�:. .. ES ,. N-z �:. � az.. ,,-.. �� :.� �, : r'....,,> a- .... �:.:. 'z'� .,.: N�s� , a .�^ <: �r �xr;ae�, c�, OU INV. iU4�'' 0 � 0-^, 36" FES-A r..- A f f � INV. 163.72 .-- EWD AL18"FS` INV. 165.00 229 REPLACE CPP W°� C VDU 4'-TWRCP @ 0.50% (32' PIPE+TWO 6 FES) 0 RUNNINGFOX ROAD (009 20' STRIP ASPHALr" EMENT SID- 185 ux t* v c. C tf; u' C tf: d x f: Z r a ct u- 4 r a 'C x c n J PUBLIC R/W) SWALES 46+5 �im III� IIE � I� �E e• • • . •• • •e +s • • • • s • s • 1 .. 1i .4 . It � e• /! �� as at ae am s a ss 1 ® __ � mil'• �E� � — i ��� i �o 51 +00 51 +50 52+00 52+50 53+00 53+50 drawn by GEP checked GEP reviewed JMK JR date DEC 2019 job no. 16-2291-01 0 LO i!9 a$ W Ld � o 0- LL m m 6 AC 0 F V 'gt s K IT \\\ % /LO� V • w; (0 J Ca h Z co It I 6 u- ®y I.1.1 � �. 0. 0 r Co� U r C� LL a _t wa mc Z Z I j i Scale V: 1" = 4' —40 —20 0 40 80 120 H:1" = 4V Field Book No. SCALE 1 r r� �. NIA 54+00 54+50 55+00 SHEET of 1 RUNNING FOX ROAD PLAN & PROFILE STA. 46+50 TO STA. 55+00 R/W R/W W- W R/W 7UWU--W UTILITY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES EASM`T W STRIP 6' - I _YAMP :eIVAMU EAWr ASPHALT SHOUMER1 - DI- DITCH. Z S9.58 SITUMNOUS SUWACE SLOPE SLOPE 1 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CUMBERLAND COUNTY & NCDOT 3. 3.00X itt"j,". STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO e Ym m Im : I "r 11p1*46siaw BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. AW 3. ALL CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. TYPICAL ff2j2EN]]& STREET DETAIL N.T.S. 4. REFER TO SHEETS 12 & 13 FOR GRADING & DRAINAGE DETAILS. *NOTE. Br ABC STONE TO BE USED UNLESS SUBGRADE ALLOWS FOR 6* ABC STONE NV-- 252 go 7 So I 00 233 NIN OX ROAD (60' PUBLIC R/W) 20' STRIP ASPHALT E ENT W/ SIDE SWALES 55+ T a. ci C CY) Lu x— Z LL CD 0 (Z) + LIJ < LLJ 2i X C/) co ABM ELEV. 170.85 as ne • • II 55+00 55+50 56+00 56+50 J- 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+50 60+00 60+50 61+00 61+50 ff= drawn by GEP checked GEP reviewed JMK JR date DEC 2019 job no. 16-2291-01 0 0 (0 0 F- 0 0 + Lo UD>- m " 0 LO > CL U 0 C 0 44, d I Lj >ui LJ LL- LL- 0 z 0- co C: .2 6 C 6 lop If 44 K LO C (y) o) (D T- I > LO (0 < o I 't 0 00 T- o 0 Z t '1 0 CY) 6 u- CU x .5; 0) 2 0 (j) C . (13 Jc: CL LL 0- -1 d z Q Wit L cc z Scale V: 1"=4' H: 1"= 40' Field Book No. N/A SHEET 60F13 RUNNING FOX ROAD PLAN 8, PROFILE STA. 55+00 TO 63+00 R/W R/W * GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 60' R/W EASAI 20' STMP 6' vAMES I r VMES EASMTYr 1.- ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CUMBERLAND COUNTY & NCDOT ASPHALT '" SHOULM DITCH MTCH STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. r S9.5B BITUM OUS SUWACE SLOPE SLOPE 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO :. 7tr:'r. :. .T. ,. K-Fe3.f. BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 1.6 i ir. r .p ra> Y ... •fists. �� 3. ALL CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. AW 4. REFER TO SHEETS 12 & 13 FOR GRADING & DRAINAGE DETAILS. D21CAL RESIMMAL STREET DETAIL N.T.S. *NOTE: Ir ABC STONE TO BE USED UNLESS SUBMADE ALLOWS FOR 6• ABC STONE i t ALI 244 243 242 241 PAVEMENT ENDS STA. 70+23 ROADSIDE SWALE (TYP. DITCH P TOP BERM r- '' V .�0; �1 mm ,�•.�''� ,�° sir � . �� , - - �. �s f - 23 f ' DITCH PV 240 --' TOP BERM 238 r� f FES-F�' INV. 167.24 f 237 -3 A/ 63+50 f f� 45-18' CPC} r0.60% / (33' PIPE @6 FES) m f INV. 166.97 l t T 3038 173.130 SRB SRB N423799 i ..�E201 513i 07?1 0 -- -� ES-H ;d -4 STA. 70+03 V- 167.2 )'RCP Q 0.60% --�(-IS PIPE W/ TWO 6 FES)\ 00 a U Z GRAVEL TURN AROUND RADIUSTEMPORARY •0 . OF ABC STONIA 1 1 1 i iNv. 1 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA i' t SgsePo"�e'�G �� `�'�e \ RUNNING FOX ROAD (60' PUBLIC R/W) 70 20' STRIP ASPHALT PAVEMENT W/ SIDE SWALES 640+00 TO 71+42 1. V • • • )• • • • III • • � V { • r�i" f � • a r r■ � f 63+00 63+50 64+00 64+50 65+00 65+50 66+00 66+50 67+00 67+50 68+00 68+50 69+00 n t-- r U _L f v} WE m W drawn by GEP checked GEP reviewed JMK JR date DEC 2019 job no. 16-2291-01 N h o 0 m tJ L.1 > ice�-n a- U Y I Ri CW ;:I —!j W O Ix 0 0*6 0 LO T"' oo R 0 CO > 040 0 p � .Z "qr I O CO LL a Lf7 — r ca X '} o) W C 0 � r a Co U r' LL ob ShM �. m Z Scale V: 1" = 4' 80 120 H:1. = 40' Field Book No. SCALE 1* : 4V N/A SHEET OF 13 RUNNING FOX ROAD PLAN & PROFILE STA. 63+00 TO 71+22 ci= CHANNEL A PLAN & PROFILE STA. 0+00 TO 6+00 - ' COVER INTEGRAL STRAW MAT (SEE DETAIL SHEET * GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES �,oQE 1, ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CUMBERLAND COUNTY & NCDOT 2- T y STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO RNM a _ BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, CA CHMINEL 3. ALL CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. eo,-ronz VARIES 4. REFER. TO: SHEETS.12 & 13 FOR GRADING & DRAINAGE DETAILS. {MASS LINED CHANNEL SECTION NTs bIQX CHANNEL VAD 13% 2.0 FT WIDE X 2 _FT DEEP CHANNEL -- ALL CHANNELS EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW &0 FT WADE X 2 F1' DEEP CHANNEL - 04ANNEL A STA. 0+00 TO-1+9$ I f 1 SWALE SLOPE 0.24% FRO STA. 2+52 TO 10+94 SWALE BOTTO STA. 10+94 ELEV. CHANNEL A-3 165.76 Cn _9: r 1BM ELEV. 1 0. MATCH LINE _ _ _ _._-.171 SHEET 10 OF 13 STA 6+00 /r ff SWALE SLOPE 0.20% FRO _ 41 d/ STA. 10+94 TO 17+02 r -- _ EL A-2 4 rn '.-.+!tea„...^ l^"� � � � "� ..-_,..-.n• ..�....._. . J {9, : __185 n 180 U- C. 175 z 2 U i 170 U L -L 165 C V, L fI. c 160 r i c i r, n 155 0® SWALE gQTTO A*-/ -STA' 14+58 EV. 166.49 CHANNEL STA. 6+00 TO 17+02 FE�—C INV. 16.95 _ P-4 STA. 70+d 451T RCP C 0. _ ° (33' PIP\E, W/ TWO 6' FEE r � a SCALE 1" = 44W f i E—H IN #V. 167.25 — - ,4_ l i ■ 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11 +00 11 +50 12+ 00 12+ 50 13+ 00 13+ 50 14+ 00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 • reviewed date DEC 2019 ii no. • • r F— d + kt) (0 z V) em � , f J :2 Cd > a Lu Z �{ 0 Z �� � J F� 0 z J C>_ .Q C 0 v