HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4191202_Deed_1/2/2020FILED DAVIDSON COUNTY/ NC D]AVID.T. RICKhRDr REGISTER OF DEEDS 7/7/2009 3:57:07 PM BOOK 1930 PAGE 172.8 17:30. TNSTRUMEtdT #20090b004568Z Aecordarig.$18.00 Verification:.$2.00 Excise. Tax:.$2400..00 Deputy: PPHI..PPS '��A}p I�3[�bDr9oo]a�.� I13�a:C aaLaola� F.xc6c Tax $2,400.60 Mail after recording to: Jones Day, 77 West Wacker;. Suite 3500, Chicago, IL 60601, Attention:: Adam Schaeffer, Esq.. This instrument was prepared by: Justim9ender. Paul, Hastings; lanofsky & Walker, LLP, 141 N. Wacker,.30th Floor, Chicago,1160606 Brief Description for the index NORTH CAROLINA NUN -WARRANTY DEED THIS HEED made this. 2009, by and bet%vecn GRANTOR GRANTEE B&W Metal Fabricators, a North -Carolina corporation Matcor Metal Fabrication (Welcome) Inc., a.Del aware cla. Marton industrial Group, Inc. corporation 1021 Bimhwood do Matsu Manufacturing Inc. Marton,. I I I inGis 61550 1209 East Danbro Crescent Missfssauga,.Ontario L5N 608 Fntw to ipprepriau black For each petty; acne. Adrom, and, iteppmpnatr, chautu ofcntity, ak, wq"68&pumrirhip. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, suceessdrs, and assigns, and shall include singular,. plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context: WITNESSETH, tat the Grantor, far a.valuable consideration paid by the Grantee; .the receipt of which is.hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain; sell and.convey unto the Grantee in Ilmsirtipic, all that certain Iot or parcel of land situated in the City of Welcome.Tomtship; Davidson County; North Carolina.and more particularly described as £allows:. See Exhibit A The. property hereinabov..e. described was acquired by. Granter by instrument recorded in Book 685, 44 Amap showing the above.described.prpperty is recorded in. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot ix parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple, The Grantor makes no ►varranty, express or implied, as to title to the: groperty.hereinabove descrlbed.: LEGAL _US_ E 9 818 56 152,1 �s BK: 193O PG: 1729 IN WITNESS WTUMEOP, the Grantor has. hereunto.set his hand and seal, or if cotpurate,.has caused this instrument to be signed in Us corporate name by its duly authorized officars.and its seal.to be hereunta.affsxed by authority of its Board ofDlreetm, the day and year .first above written. B&WMetal Fabricators: a North Carolina corporaDi-n Name: Rodtiey B. Harrison Its: Vice-T. cMrient and Treasurer (SEAL) SEAL•STAMP STATE DF ILLINOiS ss COUNTYOF:2i� l; the undersigned, a No Public.' for the County of in the State of Illinois,DO CERTIFY that sanalEy kno . to ft t be the. k>.edeeK/4 R rye same person whose name is subscribed io the Foregoi menG appeared before me this dayin person, and severallyaclawwledged that hefshe signed and delivered the foregoing instrument as hislher fire, and rolu rntaryact fort a uses.and pt"scs. therein set forth. Given undo my hand:and official seal, this day of 20C s1�ir.l •OFFICfAL SEAT Dietary Publiq SCOTTI E: NIE FIK HOTARy PEIEMG, STATE OF ILLIM Commission Expires:. /-�- ��� My COMIsl1SSION EXPIRES 1-0 The. foregoing Certif4cate(s)of Ware certified m he Comet. This instrument and this certificate am duly registered. at the date and. time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR COUNTY By DoputylAssistant-Register of I]eeds. .LEGALViJ N..83855152A BK: 1.930 PG: 17.30 EXHIRIT.A. LEGAL .13ESC RIt''t'ION Lyingand. being located in the Davidson County, North Carolinas, god tieing more particularly descrf had as follvwk , parcal No. k BMIN131NG at:a inn tutnent whoa the Southwestern right of way of Old Salem Road,. MC.SK 1921, intersects with the Eastern right of way of the Winsto -Salem Soutlilaousul Railroad; thence From said beghming point with the right.of way of N.C:S.R:.1a27 South 44 degees OD minutes 24 seconds.l7ast 818.45 feet. to .an iron; thence South 39 iiegimes 12 tninates 20 seconds East 283:10 feet to an iron;. thancc South 35 degrees .06 minutes 30 seconds East 674.67 fed to a monumcut on said .right of way; thence South 93 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds Enst 39.88 feet to a point in. the center of N.C.S.R 1827; thence. with. the: oenter .line of the road the following nitre (9) 'courses and distances: South 35 degrees 26 minters Fats(.239.97 feet to e point; South 34 daimcs 16 minutes East (00.00. feet to a point; South 32 degrees 07 minutes East 100,00 feet to a point; South 30 degrees.06 minutes Ust 106.06 feet to a point; South 29 siegrees,1.0 minutes Post 100.00 feat to a point; South 27 degrees 48 minutes Fast 100.00 €bet too point; South 24.degrees 27 minutes East 100.00 feot to a Poi n , South 20 dagrtits 24 minutes: East 100:00 feet to a .point; South 19 degrees 20 minutes East 32.63 feet to a point in the center of said road; theme North $3 degrees 34 minutes 10 Seconds West, crossing au iron at the right of way line Ofti.C:S.R 1927 and comer to Paul B. Fritts and continuing with the Shm of. Paul B. Fritts and F. L Brinkley s total distance of 1447.12 feet to a nmumeat, F. L. Brutkley's corner an the Eastern right of way lineof Winston Salem Southbaund Raazlxoad; thence with. said railroad right of wayNorth 16. degrees 28 minutes West .842.74 feet to an iron; thence North 16 degrees 24 minutes :10 edc-ands. West 544.62 feet to am'1ron, tknca North 16 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds West 788,53 feet to the point and place of beginning, and csmtaiuing 29.231 Wes, More or less; accardingto surrvey dated April 11,1988 by Daniel W. Donat€tan, tiegisI=W Land Surveyor No. 1,1192 and being a new survey :of Tzacts, 1, 4'and 5. described indeed recorded in Book 606,1tsge.319, Davidson County Registry. Property Andress: West Salem [toad Welcome, North Carolina 27374 L&GAL CIS R4 939561511