HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Report (Appendix B)_20181113APPENDIX B A STUDY OF THE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND WATER QUALITY OF THE PIGEON RIVER (2012 Biological Assessment) Prepared for: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. Canton, NC 28716 Prepared by: University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Dr. J. Larry Wilson, PhD — Principal Investigator 244 Ellington Plant Sciences Building Knoxville, TN 37996-4563 December 2013 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................3 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................10 2. METHODS......................................................................................................11 2.1 Habitat Assessment.......................................................................14 2.2 Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring Benthic Macro -invertebrate Community Health...............................14 2.2.1 Field Methods....................................................................14 2.2.2 Laboratory Data.................................................................15 2.2.3 Data Analysis.....................................................................15 2.3 Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring Fish Community Health.....................................................................................17 3. RESULTS........................................................................................................22 3.1 Benthic Community.......................................................................22 3.1.1 Benthic Community Structure.................................23 3.1.2 Historical Comparisons........................................39 3.2 Fish Community..............................................................................48 3.2.1 Composition, Relative Abundance, and Distribution .........48 3.2.2 Condition Analysis..............................................................59 3.2.3 Biological Integrity.............................................................63 3.2.4 Life Stages and Spawning Activity.....................................68 3.2.5 Habitat Assessment.............................................................70 3.2.6 Similarity and Biodiversity Analysis ......................... 72 3.3 Other Biological Communities........................................................76 3.3.1 Mussels................................................................................77 3.3.2 Wildlife................................................................................80 3.3.3 Periphyton/Plankton.............................................................81 3.3.4 Macrophytes.........................................................................82 3.4 Physicochemical Data......................................................................84 4. REFERENCES................................................................................................86 0 A STUDY OF THE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND WATER QUALITY OF THE PIGEON RIVER (2012 Biological Assessment) University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Dr. J. Larry Wilson, PhD — Principal Investigator December 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Blue Ridge Paper Products mill in Canton, North Carolina, requires a 316(a) Thermal Variance Study. Blue Ridge Paper selected scientists with the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries of the University of Tennessee -Knoxville to perform the Thermal Variance Study including a biological assessment of the Pigeon River below the mill. Field work for the biological assessment was completed during the summer of 2012 in accordance with the Canton Mill Thermal Assessment Study Plan submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NC DWQ) on April 12, 2012, and accepted by the Department on April 24, 2012. Previous biological assessments for Canton Mill NPDES permitting were completed by EA Engineering Science and Technology, Inc. (EA) in 1995 and 2000; the 2005 biological assessment was completed by the University of Tennessee (UTK). This report documents the results of the 2012 Biological Assessment in support of the separate December 2013 Balanced and Indigenous Species Study Report [Clean Water Action 316(a) Demonstration] for the Pigeon River. A concurrent temperature monitoring and modeling study was conducted for the 316(a) Demonstration. Biological sampling studies of aquatic trophic levels were conducted in the Pigeon River in July, August and September 2012 following protocols of the Environmental Sciences Section of the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NC DENR ESS) to determine: (1) the current quality of these communities near the Blue Ridge Paper Canton Mill, and (2) whether thermal inputs from the mill disrupt or prevent balanced indigenous communities of these organisms. The sampling period was approximately two weeks longer than the sampling effort conducted in 2005. The summer period has been chosen for periodic sampling since the 1980s because stream temperatures are typically the warmest and there are likely the most severe, if any, biological impacts. In 2012, water temperatures in July, August, and September were similar to those collected at the same sites in 2005 although there were slight variations depending on when temperatures were taken. 3 The study covered an approximate 60-mile reach of the Pigeon River (PR) extending from the confluence of the forks of the Pigeon (PRM 69.5) upstream of the mill in Canton, North Carolina, to PRM 10.3 near Newport, Tennessee. Nine thermally influenced main -stem sampling stations were established within this reach from the mill to Waterville Reservoir. Four tributary locations and three Tennessee locations (not influenced by the thermal discharge) were sampled as well. The thermally influenced stations were compared to six reference stations in the East and West Forks of the Pigeon River, two locations between the confluence and the mill (one of which was sampled in 2005), and two sites in the nearby Swannanoa River. The sample sites were as near as possible to the sites sampled in 2005 (Wilson 2006), except for three new sites upstream of the mill and the Swannanoa River sites. The original HEPCO site (PRM 42.6) was eliminated in 2012 due to limited suitable substrate and difficulty in sampling, and replaced by a more suitable riverine site near the USGS gauging station at PRM 45.3. In general, most of the sampling efforts were conducted within the general proximity of previous sampling locations. The only modification was an increased area upstream of the original PRM 64.5 site (to PRM 64.9); this portion of the river offered substantially more substrate (riffles, runs) for fish and invertebrate collections. Fish samples were collected by boat, backpack, and pram electrofishing, and seine hauls where suitable habitat existed. Benthic samples were collected from specific habitat using qualitative techniques developed by the state of North Carolina and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). Overall, the 2012 Biological Assessment found a diverse and healthy aquatic community present in the Pigeon River below the Canton Mill. Measures of biological health in the river during 2012 continue to maintain or improve from the previous biological assessments conducted in 1995, 2000, and 2005. FISH Fish collections from all sampling methods produced a total of 4188 fish (3485 from main -stem and upstream tributary sample locations, and 703 from main -stem tributaries below the mill) distributed among 56 species. There were also three hybrids types (bluegill x green sunfish, bluegill x redbreast, green sunfish x redbreast) collected which accounted for six of the total number count. The additional number of species observed since 2005 is an indicator that the main -stem fish community as a whole continues to increase its diversity and maintain stability. Fish collected throughout the river were deemed in good health and the condition of fish downstream of the mill was generally comparable to that of fish upstream of the mill. Upstream of the mill, the most commonly collected species were, in order of abundance, greenfin darter (157), stoneroller (90), rock bass (56), river chub (43), mottled sculpin (41), Tuckasegee darter (29), and redbreast sunfish (27). Downstream of the mill, the most commonly collected species in the main -stem, including both North Carolina and Tennessee portions of the river, were the redbreast sunfish (537), central stoneroller (289), smallmouth bass (242), whitetail shiner (175), and rock bass (117). Several species were found only in the Tennessee portion of the river, including some associated with reservoir habitats; these included the walleye, channel catfish, white crappie, white bass, and freshwater drum. El When comparing total numbers of fish taxa collected in the North Carolina portion of the river below the Canton Mill to Waterville Reservoir (eight sites in 2005 and nine sites in 2102, PRM 63.0 — PRM 42.6), there were 29 taxa collected in 2005 and 37 taxa in 2012. This represents a 28% increase in the number of species inhabiting the river below the mill. In 2005, the PRM 42.6 site had nine species of fish; that site was not sampled in 2012 due to the influence of Waterville Reservoir. In 2012, the PRM 45.3 site replaced PRM 42.6, and there were also nine fish taxa collected there. Five of the nine species (rock bass, redbreast sunfish, smallmouth bass, whitetail shiner, and northern hogsucker) were common to both sites and collected in 2005 and 2012. When examining the 2012 fish assemblage, there were eight pollution intolerant fish species, four tolerant species, 29 intermediate species, and four species not rated by the NC DENR (NC DENR 2001). The pollution intolerant rock bass and smallmouth bass were collected at all main - stem stations (both upstream and downstream of the mill), whereas the intolerant rainbow trout occurred only at one station in the Tennessee portion of the river. Of the tolerant species, seventeen common carp were collected in the main -stem of the river downstream of the mill from PRM 63.0 to PRM 10.3, and white suckers were collected at three sites in North Carolina. Only six green sunfish were collected, one at PRM 69.5 and five at PRM 10.3 in Tennessee. Redbreast sunfish was the most common tolerant species, occurring at all stations except the most upstream site in Tennessee (PRM 24.7). When comparing the catch of rock bass relative to redbreast sunfish collections from the North Carolina portion of the river below the mill, the ratio of rock bass to redbreast has improved from of 1:10.2 in 2005 to 1:5.6 in 2012; this represents a 45% improvement in numbers of the intolerant rock bass relative to its non -indigenous competitor, redbreast sunfish. The species richness value (11) at Fiberville (PRM 63.0), the warmest station sampled, was somewhat less than the 16 species collected upstream of the mill. Fish collected at two stations immediately downstream of Fiberville, PRM 61.0 and 59.0, produced species richness values of 14 and 17, respectively. The numbers of fish species collected at 5 of 6 remaining downstream sample stations in the North Carolina portion of the river were greater in 2012 than in 2005. A principal components analysis (PCA) was conducted on a matrix of abundances of all fish species sampled at all Pigeon River sites (including East Fork and West Fork reference sites) and the Swannanoa River reference sites. The purpose of the PCA was to assess how similar each of the sample sites were to each other with respect to fish abundances (in this case total number of each species), and to assess how similar sites were from 2005 to 2012. The PCA of the fish community indicated that there was a gradient in fish species composition that produced three distinct groups of sites that were similar to each other: (1) all six reference sites, including two tributaries and two main -stem sites on the Pigeon River upstream of the mill, and both Swannanoa River sites, (2) all thermally influenced main -stem sites downstream from the mill to Waterville Reservoir, and (3) three TN sites downstream from the hydropower facility. Statistical analyses indicated no significant differences in species diversity among the three groups. Assessment of relative weight (Wr) values for the more abundant sport fish found at most of the study stations indicated that: (1) the condition of rock bass, smallmouth bass, redbreast sunfish, and bluegill from the Pigeon River is comparable to the condition of these species from other 5 areas in the Southeast, and (2) the condition of these species downstream of the Canton Mill in the thermally affected portion of the river as well as the downstream portion of the river in Tennessee were considered to be in good condition. Mean Wr scores for rock bass (93) and redbreast sunfish (99) below the mill were comparable to those upstream of the mill, and higher than mean Wr values from the same species (rock bass, 81; redbreast, 90) from the Swannanoa River reference sites. Overall, the results suggested no significant adverse impacts from the mill's thermal discharge. In summary, the 2012 fish community below the mill has not changed dramatically since 2005, although it has increased the species diversity and also improved measurably in several ways: (1) the species richness from 44 species in 2005 to 51 species in 2012, an improvement of 16% since 2005, (2) darter species, which were essentially absent downstream of the mill in 1995, increased in number from 4 in 2005 to 5 in 2012, and were found in all nine downstream North Carolina sites, (3) the catch of smallmouth bass increased almost ten -fold from 26 individuals in 2005 to 201 in 2012, and (4) the ratio of rock bass relative to redbreast sunfish was 1:5.6 in 2012 and 1:10.2 in 2005, which represented a 45% increase in the less tolerant species (rock bass). MACROINVERTEBRATES Macro -invertebrate sampling from throughout the study area (tributaries included) yielded a total of 315 taxa. This number of individual taxa is up approximately 23% from the 257 taxa collected in 2005. The numbers of the pollution -intolerant Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera complex (EPT) collected in 2012 (N=125, including 117 genera and 8 families) increased approximately 24% from the 95 EPT taxa collected in 2005. "EPT" is an abbreviation for Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera, insect groups that are generally intolerant of many kinds of pollution. All three groups increased in number of taxa, with mayflies increasing by 15, stoneflies by 1, and caddisflies by 6 taxa. The increases reflected in the 2012 collections may be in part to an increase in the number of main -stem collection sites (14 instead of 11), and the addition of three tributary stations (EFPR 3.5, WFPR 3.6, and Crabtree Creek). The total number of EPT taxa collected in 2012 from the benthic community at PRM 64.5-64.9 upstream of the mill (N=22) decreased from the numbers collected in 2005 (29) and 2000 (35). It should be noted that the decrease in taxa numbers occurred even though the sampling area was increased somewhat to include more suitable substrate. Possible reasons for the decrease noted include a severe drought in 2007-08, especially in North Carolina, and a noticeable increase in agricultural operations upstream of the sites. Turbidity levels in tributaries and at two sampling sites immediately above and below the Mill were noticeably higher after rain events. Even though the total number of EPT taxa collected in 2012 throughout the study area decreased from the numbers in 2005, there was a slight increase in the number of EPT taxa collected at the station (PRM 63.0) immediately downstream of the mill (16 taxa in 2012, and 15 taxa in 2005). When comparing total invertebrate taxa collected in the North Carolina portion of the river below the mill to Waterville Reservoir (PRM 63.0 — PRM 42.6), there were 107 taxa collected in 2005 and 149 taxa in 2012, which is an increase of 39%. The 2012 number does not include the five additional taxa found at PRM 57.7, a new site added for the 2012 study. Taxa richness in the tributary streams sampled in 2005 (Fines, Richland, and Jonathan Creeks) was essentially the same in 2012 (88) as in 2005 (87) and 2000 (86). 31 The NCBI scores ranged from 4.16 (Good) at PRM 64.5 immediately above the Canton Mill to 4.39 (Good) at PRM 24.7 in the Tennessee reach; all Tennessee reach stations received the `Good' rating. The scores at NC stations downstream from the mill ranged from 6.70 (Fair) at PRM 63.0 to 4.69 (Good) at PRM 45.3, the farthest downstream site in that portion of the river. Four of the eight NC stations rated a `Good -Fair' or `Good' score in 2012 compared to six of eight stations in 2005; the severe drought in 2007-08 is thought to have had a significant impact of macro -invertebrate populations which may have influenced the NCBI scores. MUSSELS The presence or absence of freshwater mussels at all Pigeon River main -stem sample sites was documented. There were no mussels observed at any of the sampling sites during 2012. These results are in line with NC DENR survey data in recent years which have not documented any naturally -occurring mussels in the Pigeon River. High water levels during the spring of 2013 prevented access for mussel surveys in areas other than designated sites, and especially areas where mussel re -introductions have occurred. Re -introductions of 10 native mussel species have been done, beginning with nine species in TN at three sites (PRM 17.3, PRM 13.3, and PRM 8.3) in 2000-12; the other species has been re -introduced at PRM 65.5 and PRM 55.3 in the NC portion of the river since 2010. All re -introduction sites in both North Carolina and Tennessee main -stem portions of the Pigeon River were chosen to maximize survival and growth. A recent research study involving UTK personnel investigated mussel survival and growth reared in silos in Pigeon River main -stem locations both above and below the mill (Rooney, 2010). Results indicated that mortality rates among mussels at above -mill and below -mill sites were not significantly different; however, growth rates of mussels held in downstream silos were significantly greater than for those held at upstream sites. Highest growth rates were observed at a site located approximately 18 km downstream from the mill. Several influences may have impacted growth rates, such as elevated water temperature due to heated mill effluent, as well as agricultural runoff with elevated levels of nutrients. This 2010 study documented definitive proof that mussels could survive and grow in the river below the mill, and also provided the impetus for NC DENR to begin their mussel re -introduction program in the NC portion of the river. Assessment of survival at other life stages is also needed before the full extent of potential for re- introduction of mussels to the studied reach of the Pigeon River is known. WILDLIFE Several wildlife species were observed along the main -stem, tributary, and reference waterways during instream fish and invertebrate sampling events. The majority of wildlife contact was with avian species which are usually associated with aquatic habitat. The complete list and number of locations at which they were observed are as follows: (1) Great blue heron — 3 sites, (2) Belted kingfisher — 2 sites, (3) Northern water snake — 2 sites, (4) Green heron — 1 site, (5) Blue winged teal — 1 site, (6) Black -crowned night heron, (7) Queen snake — 1 site, (8) Soft-shell turtle -1 site, (9) Bald eagle — 1 site, (10) Osprey — 1 site, (11) Beaver — 1 site. 7 Two recent research studies involving other riverine/stream wildlife included surveys of salamanders and crayfish in the Pigeon River main -stem and tributaries. The 2009 salamander study (Maxwell, 2009) documented the presence of five of eight salamander species (that historically existed in NC streams) in three of five study sites: in the Pigeon River above the mill, Jonathan Creek, and Big Creek. No salamanders were found in the NC main -stem portion of the PR; water quality and suitable substrate were cited as possible contributors to the lack of salamanders there. The crayfish study (Dunn, 2010) identified eight species in the Pigeon River system: they were collected in the river above the mill, in all nine PR tributaries, and in the main - stem in the TN portion of the river. No crayfish found in the NC main -stem below the mill; the study cited the drought of 2007-08 as a possible contributor to the lack of crayfish there. The drought may have caused crayfish to seek refugia in tributaries to escape higher levels of salinity (2X) and conductivity (IOX) in the main -stem which were due to lower water flows which concentrated the mill discharge effluents. PERIPHYTON/PLANKTON The field surveys indicated periphyton as present at all sampling stations with little correlation of abundance with proximity to the mill. The two lowest periphyton concentrations were found at PRM 55.5, Hyder Mountain Bridge (NC), and PRM 24.7, Waterville at Brown's Bridge (TN). Fiberville PRM 63.0) below the paper mill had abundant periphyton. The potamoplankton, i.e., unattached phytoplankton and zooplankton, was not sampled because of low abundance, and their sporadic appearance was dictated by river flows. Any sampling or collection of these groups at any given site could not be replicated because they were transient and continuously moving downstream. MACROPHYTES Podostemum (hornleaf riverweed) was found in three of four reference stations upstream of the mill, both stations in the reference Swannanoa River, and two of three stations in the Pigeon River in Tennessee, but not in the thermally affected reach between the mill and Waterville Reservoir. The species was not examined in previous 316(a) studies, so there is no available history of change. The low dispersal ability, due to clonal reproduction and poor seed production combined with the Pigeon River's stresses of flooding in 2004 and drought in 2007-2008, may be limiting its ability to recolonize the thermally affected reach after a history of pollution. Temperature does not appear to be a limiting factor except in the reach nearest the mill, where temperatures in summer can exceed the reported upper limit of 30 C reported in the literature. Overall, the 2012 Biological Assessment found a diverse and healthy aquatic community present in the Pigeon River below the Canton Mill. Measures of biological health in the river during 2012 continue to maintain or improve from the previous biological assessments conducted in 1995, 2000, and 2005. Major improvements include: - The ratio of rock bass relative to redbreast sunfish was 1:5.6 in 2012 and 1:10.2 in 2005, which represented a 45% increase in the less tolerant species (rock bass). N. - Fish species richness increased from 44 species in 2005 to 56 species in 2012, an improvement of 27% since 2005. - The catch of intolerant smallmouth bass increased almost ten -fold from 26 individuals in 2005 to 201 in 2012. - In 2005, only one intolerant fish species (rock bass) was collected in the thermally influenced reach of the river below the mill; in 2012, rock bass and two additional intolerant species (smallmouth bass, greenfin darter) were found in the same reach. - Similarity analyses indicated there was a gradient in fish species composition that produced three distinct groups of sites that were similar to each other. Statistical analyses including all three biodiversity indices indicated no significant differences in species diversity when comparing 2005 to 2012 numbers. - The numbers of the pollution -intolerant Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera complex collected in 2012 increased approximately 24% from the numbers taxa collected in 2005. - The number of macro -invertebrate taxa is up approximately 23% in the main -stem from 257 taxa in 2005 to 315 taxa in 2012. - Ten native mussel species have been re -introduced into the PR system. A recent study indicated that mortality rates among above- and below -mill sites were not significantly different; however, growth rates of mussels held in the downstream sites were greater than for those held at upstream sites. X A STUDY OF THE AQUATIC RESOURCES AND WATER QUALITY OF THE PIGEON RIVER (2012 Biological Assessment) University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Dr. J. Larry Wilson, PhD — Principal Investigator 1. INTRODUCTION The Blue Ridge Paper Products mill in Canton, North Carolina, requires a 316(a) Thermal Variance Study. Blue Ridge Paper selected scientists with the Department of Foresty, Wildlife and Fisheries of the University of Tennessee -Knoxville to perform the Thermal Variance Study including a biological assessment of the Pigeon River below the mill. Field work for the biological assessment was completed during the summer of 2012 in accordance with the Canton Mill Thermal Assessment Study Plan submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NC DWQ) on April 12, 2012, and accepted by the Department on April 24, 2012. Previous biological assessments for Canton Mill NPDES permitting were completed by EA Engineering Science and Technology, Inc. (EA) in 1995 and 2000, and by the University of Tennessee (UTK) in 2005. This report documents the results of the 2012 Biological Assessment in support of the separate December 2013 Balanced and Indigenous Species Study Report [Clean Water Act 316(a) Demonstration] for the Pigeon River. A biological survey of fishes and macro -invertebrates was conducted during July through September of 2012 to determine whether a balanced indigenous community was present. Late summer was chosen because this is the period when water temperatures are highest and when any adverse impacts, if there are any, would be most easy to detect. Biological sampling was conducted in accordance with standard North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR), Division of Water Quality (NC DWQ) field protocols (Standard Operating Procedures for Benthic Macro -invertebrates 2003, and Standard Operating Procedures for Biological Monitoring of Stream Fish Community Assessment and Fish Tissue 2001) with some modifications following TVA protocols (TVA Protocol for Conducting an Index of Biotic Integrity Biological Assessment, 2004) as noted in Methods section. The purpose of the surveys was to determine whether a balanced, indigenous community was present downstream of the mill. If any impairment was noted, the next step would be to determine whether it was caused by the thermal discharge from the mill. The 316(a) guidance [316(a) Technical Guidance — Thermal Discharges, US EPA 1974] requires either the demonstration of a balanced and indigenous community or if some impairment is noted, that the impairment is not thermally driven. Thus, a thermal variance can be granted even if a balanced indigenous community is not 10 found so long as the lack of balance is not the result of thermal inputs from the discharge in question. This report describes the results of the biological surveys. It presents the current results and compares them to the previous studies of the Pigeon River. It should be noted that there was an unexpected event that impacted the Pigeon River that may have influenced the 2012 biological sample collections. There was an extended drought in the Eastern U.S. in the summer of 2007; this was especially harsh at that time in western North Carolina and it extended through 2008 although to a lesser degree. The generalized drought impacts on instream communities (fish and invertebrates) as determined by comparisons of habitat scores for pre- and post -drought sampling indicated that, overall, the benthos and fish communities showed a decline in bioclassification following the extended dry period. Benthic macro -invertebrate declined in most classifications, but not as much as expected. Fish numbers collected at three stations immediately downstream of the Mill were lower in 2012 than 2005; however, the numbers of fish species collected at five of the six remaining downstream sample stations in the North Carolina portion of the river were greater in 2012 than in 2005. Overall, the 2012 Biological Assessment found a diverse and healthy aquatic community present in the Pigeon River below the Canton Mill. Measures of biological health in the river during 2012 continue to maintain or improve from the previous biological assessments conducted in 1995, 2000, and 2005. 2. METHODS To determine whether the thermal component of the Canton Mill effluent might be affecting the aquatic communities of the Pigeon River, biological sampling of all aquatic trophic levels was conducted at 22 representative sampling stations along the length of the Pigeon River and its tributaries (Table 2.1, Figure 2.1), and at two stations on the Swannanoa River reference stream (Table 2.1) during July -September 2012. The trophic levels included periphyton, macrophytes, benthic macro-invertebrates/shellfish, fish, and wildlife (encompassing the full "shellfish, fish and wildlife" criteria of Section 316 (a) of the Clean Water Act). There were 14 main -stem stations in the Pigeon River in North Carolina and Tennessee, and six tributaries all of which were in North Carolina; two stations were sampled in the Swannanoa River. The majority of these locations have been sampled periodically from 1987 through the present day. It should be noted that the river mile notation for the Brown's Bridge station, given as PRM 24.9 in the 1995, 2000, and 2005 reports, has been modified in the 2012 report to PRM 24.7 to more accurately identify the sampling site. 11 Table 2.1. Pigeon River and tributary biological sampling stations, 1987-2012.The asterisk (*) indicates new stations sampled in 2012. The (*+) indicates a new station that was substituted for the PRM 42.6 station which was sampled in 2005 but not in 2012. The six stations in italics indicates the reference stations. Upstream Tributary *Lake Logan (WFPR 6.6) *WFPR 3.6 (West Fork Pigeon River) *EFPR 3.5 (East Fork Pigeon River) Main -stem (RM) *69.5 Below confluence 64.5-64.9 Upstream mill 63.0 Fiberville, downstream mill 61.0 Thickety/DO station 59.0 Upstream Clyde *57.7 Charles St Bridge 55.5 Hyder Mountain Bridge 54.5 Waynesville WWTP 52.3 Old Rt 209 bridge/golf course 48.2 Ferguson Bridge *+45.3 HEPCO gauging station 42.6 New HEPCO Bridge 24.7 Brown's Bridge 19.3 Bluffton * 10.3 Agriculture Fields Tributary Richland Creek *Crabtree Creek Jonathan Creek Fines Creek Reference Stream Near PRM 54.9 Near PRM 49.8 At Rt 276 Panther Creek Rd *SRM 11.3 (Warren Wilson) *SRM 1.6 (I-40 Exit 60) Fish Macro -invertebrates 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Fish Macro -invertebrates 2012 87/95/99/00/05/12 87/95/99/00/0512 99/00/05/12 87/95/99/00/05/12 2012 95/00/05/12 95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 2012 87/95/00/05 87/95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 2012 87/95/00/05/12 2012 95/00/05/12 95/00/05/12 2012 2012 2012 87/95/99/00/05/12 87/95/99/00/05/12 99/00/05/12 87/95/99/00/05/12 2012 95/00/05/12 95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 2012 87/95/00/05 87/95/00/05/12 87/95/00/05/12 2012 87/95/00/05/12 2012 95/00/05/12 95/00/05/12 2012 2012 Note: The 2005 and 2012 studies were completed by the University of Tennessee; the 1995 and 2000 studies were conducted by EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Deerfield, IL. 12 Newport pg Fields (PRM 14.3) Tennessee Flow Direction Suglon (PRM 19.3) Hartford Gowns Bridge (PRM 24 7) \Cosby C reek Creek Hydmpower Waterville Tunnel Lake North Carolina Hydropower Facility (NC} Stream Monitoring Location Creek Jonathan USGS (PRM 45.3} Upstream Clyde Creek Ferguson Bridge (PRM (PRM 48.21 59 0)Thickety Golf Course (PRM 52_3 (PRM 61.0) Waynesville WAIT � Fibervil$ PRM 63.0) (PRM 54 5) Richlan Creek Canton Jonathan Creek Charles t_ Bridge Above Mill Hyder Mountain Bridge CI 57.7 de PRM Y { ) PRM 64.5 - 64.9) (PRM 55.5) Below Confluence (PRM 69.5) Richland Creek W Fork Pigeon River (WFPR 3 61 E ForkRigeon BFPR 3.5) W Fork Pigeon River (WFPR 6-6) Lake Logan East Pork Pigeon West Fork Pigeon Figure 2.1. Pigeon River study locations in North Carolina and Tennessee, 2012. 13 If there are thermal effects attributable to the mill, then one would expect those effects to be most severe just downstream of the mill (e.g., at PRM 63.0 or PRM 61.0) where temperatures are highest and decline progressively as one proceeds downstream. Thus, if thermal was a significant factor one would expect the poorest aquatic communities at PRM 63.0 and the best at PRM 45.3. Main -stem sampling locations were arranged to detect any such spatial patterns. Due to the ameliorating effects of Waterville Lake, no thermal influence would be expected in the Tennessee portion of the river. Nonetheless, three Tennessee locations were included to provide continuity with the prior studies conducted by EA. Similarly, the 2012 study included four tributary locations (Table 2.1). Sampling these locations allows a determination regarding the overall impact(s) (positive or negative) of each tributary on the biota of the Pigeon River. Similarly, such data are useful to determine whether these locations might serve as refugia during stressful main -stem conditions and/or serve as sources for re -colonization. The 2012 program consisted of four basic elements; habitat, thermal modeling, fish, macro - invertebrates, and other biological communities. The presence and estimated abundance of mussels, macrophytes, periphyton, and wildlife were also documented in the 2012 assessment. In the following sections, the methods utilized for habitat assessment (Section 2.1), benthic community analyses (Section 2.2), and fish community analyses (Section 2.3) are presented. 2.1 HABITAT ASSESSMENT During July through September 2012 (concurrent with the fish sampling), habitat at each of the 14 stations was evaluated using procedures developed by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NC DENR 2001). Parameters considered as part of the habitat assessment are channel modification, instream habitat, bottom substrate, pool variety, riffle habitat, bank stability and vegetation, light penetration and riparian vegetation zone width. A Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet was used to evaluate the various parameters and determine a score for each study location. Scores and raw data are available on request. 2.2 FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS FOR MEASURING BENTHIC MACRO -INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY HEALTH 2.2.1 Field Methods Benthic macro -invertebrate surveys were conducted at the 22 locations from 5 July to 28 September 2012 (Figure 2.1). Collection sites included 14 Pigeon River main -stem stations (eleven in North Carolina and three in Tennessee), six tributary stations (East Fork Pigeon River, West Fork Pigeon River, Richland Creek, Crabtree Creek, Jonathan Creek, and Fines Creek), and two stations in the Swannanoa River reference stream. All 22 stations were sampled according to the Standard Operating Procedures for Macro -Invertebrates (University of Tennessee, 2012) which were written and approved for UTK Lab Certification by NC DENR. The UTK SOP methodologies followed the format and content of the NC DENR Standard Operating Procedures for Collection and Analysis of Benthic Macro -invertebrates (Version 3.0) (NC DENR, 2011). 14 This approach involved the collection of organisms from seven multi -habitat qualitative samples at each site: riffles, vegetation, root wads/undercut banks, leaf pack, rocks/wood, sand, and visual search of the sampling area. Two kick net samples were collected from areas of differing velocity within a riffle using a 1-m x 1-m flat screen with a 1000-micron mesh. The kick net was held upright on the bottom while the substrate upstream was physically disturbed. Benthic organisms and debris retained on the screen were then washed into a sieve bucket. Sweep nets (D-nets) samples were used to sample root wads/undercuts banks, vegetation, and leaf packs. Selected areas were physically disturbed and then swept through using a 500-micron D-frame net. Smaller macro -invertebrates were sampled by hand -washing various rocks and woody debris into a bucket. The residue was then passed through a fine mesh (300 microns) sieve. Sand substrates were sampled using a 1.0 m x 0.5 m, 300-micron mesh bag. The bag was held open while the sandy area immediately upstream was being disturbed. Since sand was often found in small localized pockets, three or four discrete areas were usually sampled. Leaf -pack samples consisted of partially decayed leaves and sticks. Leaves and sticks were placed in a sieve bucket, rinsed, and inspected for any remaining organisms before being discarded. The final qualitative sample involved a visual inspection of large rocks and logs and open substrates for new and larger (e.g., mussels and crayfish) organisms that may have been missed by the other sampling techniques. Visual searches included all habitats within the site. Macro -invertebrates were hand-picked on -site at each station by one or two team members while remaining team members completed the seven multi -habitat qualitative sampling methods. All sample types were combined and were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol, labeled appropriately, and transported to the laboratory for taxonomic identification. Additional organisms were hand- picked in the laboratory. To complement the field collections and assist with data interpretation, various observations were made at each site. These data included location, sample time, collectors, and general field observations. This information was included on the field habitat data sheets and/or the field fish data sheets. 2.2.2 Laboratory Methods Macro -invertebrates from all samples were identified to the lowest practical taxonomic level using the most current literature available. Chironomidae larvae were cleared in 10% potassium hydroxide and mounted in CMC-10 prior to identification. All taxa identified during this survey have been retained for a voucher collection. For all samples, specimens were enumerated, coded, and recorded. 2.2.3 Data Analysis To assign a standard bioclassification to each site, data obtained from qualitative collections were used to generate the North Carolina Biotic Index (NC BI). Formerly, bioclassifications of North Carolina stream sites were based primarily upon EPT taxa richness (number taxa within the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera, insect groups that are generally intolerant 15 of many kinds of pollution) (Lenat 1988). This was the method of bioclassification used during the 1987 Pigeon River synoptic survey (EA 1988). In 1991, the NC DEHNR adopted the NC BI as an additional method of bioclassification (NC DEHNR 1995). Developed by Lenat (1993), the NC BI, in conjunction with the standard qualitative sampling protocols described above, was designed to provide a reliable and accurate method of determining water quality conditions of North Carolina streams. The index is based on values derived for individual macro -invertebrate taxa that reflect an increasing level of pollution tolerance from 0 (least tolerant) to 10 (most tolerant). The NC BI takes into account the assigned abundance values of each taxa (1 = 1-2 individuals/sample, 3 =3-9 individuals/sample, 10 = >10 individuals/sample). Preliminary bioclassifications may be assigned based solely on NC BI score or EPT taxa richness. In the present study, NC BI values for Pigeon River samples were determined using the revised guidelines for assessment of benthic macro -invertebrates (NC DENR 2003 Version 3.0, 2011). Bioclassification criteria for the NC BI differ by ecoregion (mountain, piedmont, and coastal plain) and season. All collections for this survey were made during the summer sampling period (July -September) within the mountain ecoregion. In 2012, classifications were assigned to each site based on original classification criteria for biotic index values (see below) in order to compare present macro -invertebrate assemblages to those found in previous years. Biotic Index (BI) Bioclassification Mountain Ecore_ig_on Excellent <4.05 Good 4.06-4.88 Good -Fair 4.89-5.74 Fair 5.75-7.00 Poor >7.00 EPT taxa richness was determined only for Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera taxa found at a given site. Bioclassification criteria for EPT taxa richness values for the mountain ecoregion have been developed (NC DENR 2003). For standard qualitative samples, the EPT taxa richness criteria are shown below: Classification Mountain Ecoregion (No. Taxa) Excellent >35 Good 28-35 Good -Fair 19-27 Fair 11-18 Poor 0-10 The classifications for each station downstream of the Canton Mill discharge were compared with the four upstream control sites (PRM 64.5, PRM 69.5, EFPR 3.5, and WFPR 3.6), and two sites on the reference Swannanoa River (SRM 1.6 and SRM 11.3). In addition, data from the current study were compared with data previously collected on the Pigeon River by EA (1988, 1996, and 2001) and by UTK in 2005. The following qualitative parameters were used in 16 comparisons among sites and studies: NC BI values, EPT BI values, EPT taxa richness, total taxa richness, and EPT abundance. The revised guidelines for assessment of benthic macro -invertebrates (NC DENR, Version 3, 2011) include a procedure for determining a final bioclassification for a given location using a combination of NC BI score and EPT values. The two scores are averaged and the resulting mean was rounded to the nearest whole number (round up 0.6-0.9, round down 0.0-0.4) (NC DEHNR 1997). Final bioclassifications were determined for a site by rating the mean score according to the following scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Good, 3 = Good -Fair, 2 = Fair, and 1 = Poor. If the EPT and NC BI scores differ by exactly one, the resulting average will be midway between two bioclassifications (e.g., 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5). In these cases, rounding up or down is based on the total of EPT abundance values for a given location relative to the expected abundance for each bioclassification in that ecoregion (NC DEHNR 1997). The associated mountain ecoregion ranges and classifications for these methods are as follows: Mountain Ecoregion Score NC BI Values EPT Values 5 <4.00 >43 4.6 4.00-4.04 42-43 4.4 4.05-4.09 40-41 4 4.10-4.83 34-39 3.6 4.84-4.88 32-33 3.4 4.89-4.93 30-31 3 4.94-5.69 24-29 2.6 5.70-5.74 22-23 2.4 5.75-5.79 20-21 2 5.80-6.95 14-19 1.6 6.96-7.00 12-13 1.4 7.01-7.05 10-11 1 >7.05 0-9 The final score is rounded up if the actual EPT abundance is equal to or higher than the given value, and rounded down if EPT abundance is less. Bioclassification (Score) Excellent (5) vs. Good (4) Good (4) vs. Good -Fair (3) Good -Fair (3) vs. Fair (2) Fair (2) vs. Poor (1) Mountain Ecoregion Minimum EPT Abundance 191 125 85 45 17 2.3 FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS FOR MEASURING FISH COMMUNITY HEALTH Fish surveys were conducted at the 22 locations from 5 July to 28 September 2012 (Figure 2.1) to determine if a balanced indigenous fish community currently exists within the study area. All 22 stations were sampled according the Standard Operating Procedures for Fish (University of Tennessee, 2012) which were written and approved for UTK Lab Certification by NC DENR. The UTK SOP methodologies followed the format and content of the NC DENR Standard Operating Procedure, Biological Monitoring, Stream Fish Community Assessment Program, 2006. NC DENR (1997) does not have standardized fish sampling methods for non -wadeable streams. In wadeable streams, they rely exclusively on backpack electrofishers, with more backpack units used as the size (width) of the stream increases. However, for a stream the size and depth of the Pigeon River (20-50 m wide and up to 4 m deep), backpack electrofishers alone are not adequate to sample the complete fish community and, as result, NC DENR does not sample fish in the main -stem Pigeon River. To adequately sample the Pigeon River fish community, an approach similar to that used on the Pigeon River by Saylor et al. (1993) and EA (1996) was followed during the current study. Saylor et al. (1993) used an electrofishing boat to sample deeper runs and pools. For such areas, the University of Tennessee (UT) used a 14-foot jon boat powered by a 5000-watt generator with the output controlled by a Smith -Root Type VI electrofisher. Saylor et al. (1993) sampled riffle and shallow run areas using a backpack electrofisher and EA sampled shoreline using a Coeffelt VVP-2C electroshocker mounted in a towed pram. UT used a similar method; a Coffelt 1.5KVA eleectrofisher powered by a Honda EU 2000i generator was incorporated into a molded fiberglass boat (Figure 2.3-1) for collecting in shoreline areas. This unit (hereinafter called a `pram'), uses a 1700-watt generator and thus has considerably more power than a backpack electrofisher, and therefore is more effective in larger wadeable streams like the Pigeon River (Ohio EPA 1989). During the current study, boat, pram, and backpacker electrofisher collections were supplemented by seining, a methodology used by TVA (2004) protocols. IN Figure 2.3-1. Shoreline fish sampling crew with pram electrofisher. The pram electrofisher was used at nine of the 22 sampling locations; and was used primarily in tributaries but was also used in main -stem areas where shoreline depths were suitable for its use. Because of its smaller size, the backpack electrofisher was used in the six tributary locations, and in main -stem locations where shoreline depths permitted. Main -stem and tributary locations were electrofished for a standard distance of 200 m to duplicate distances sampled by EA in 1995 and 2000, and by UTK in 2005. A single 200-m backpack electrofishing pass was made in three of the smaller tributaries (Richland, Fines and Crabtree Creeks) whereas multiple passes (totaling at least 200 m) were made in the other tributaries (East and West Forks Pigeon River, Jonathan Creek) and the main -stem locations. On one or two occasions, the 200-m shoreline sample was completed covering varying amounts of shoreline area (depending on the near -shore depth) that were unwadeable by the pram crew. Boat electrofishing was conducted at all remaining main - stem locations except at PRM 63.0, PRM 48.2, PRM 45.3, and PRM 24.7. PRM 63.0 was not sampled in keeping with the EA 2000 methodology, and the remaining three locations were not sampled due to alteration in access areas or changes in river morphology. Boat shocking was conducted in accordance with TVA boat shocking protocols for 40-50 minutes per location depending on the extent of pool and run habitat within a given zone. In addition, at each sample 19 site, mid -stream riffles were sampled by pram or backpack shocking into a seine in accordance with TVA protocols (2004). Seine hauls were conducted at PRM 19.3 in keeping with EA methodologies and at any other site with the appropriate habitat. At each location, all microhabitats were sampled so as to maximize the likelihood that all species present would be captured. Captured fishes were held in water -filled tubs until sampling was completed, at which time all specimens were identified, weighed, and measured, and released. Sportfish and suckers were measured (total length) and weighed, up to 20 of each species, per location. The remaining individuals were counted and batch weighed. Length ranges and/or life stages were noted for batch weighed fishes. Incidence of parasites, disease, and other morphological anomalies were also noted. Selected smaller fishes were preserved in 10 percent formalin as voucher specimens or for laboratory confirmation or identification; all other specimens were released onsite. Identification was made to the species level. In recent years, many fisheries professionals have changed from the older coefficient of condition (K) to relative weight (Wr) to measure the robustness of fish (Wege and Anderson 1978). Relative weight is calculated as: Wr = W/W, x 100 where W is the measured weight and Ws is the length -specific standard weight predicted by a weight -length regression constructed to represent the species as a whole. Length -specific standard weight functions are in the form: loglo Ws = a + b loglo L (L = total length of fish) where a and b ideally account for genetically determined shape characteristics of a species and yield Wr values of 100 at particular times of the year for fish that have been well fed (Anderson and Gutreuter 1983). Fish community data were incorporated in the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) (Karr et al. 1986) to characterize the biotic condition of the Pigeon River. The IBI includes a range of attributes of fish assemblages that can be classified into three categories: species richness and composition, trophic composition, and fish abundance and condition. TVA modified IBI metrics for the ecoregions within the Tennessee Valley geographical area and this methodology was used for their present Pigeon River survey (TVA Protocol for Conducting an Index of Biotic Integrity Biological Assessment 2004)(Table 2.3-1). The values calculated for the metrics are converted into scores on a 1, 3, 5 scale. A score of 5 represents conditions expected for undisturbed streams in the specific river basin or ecoregion, while a score of 1 indicates that the conditions vary greatly from those expected in undisturbed streams of the region. The scores for each metric are calculated to attain the overall IBI score. A comparison of the metrics used to calculate the Index of Biotic Integrity scores in the 2005 and 2012 Balanced and Indigenous Species Study for the Pigeon River is presented in Table 2.3-2. FA Table 2.3-1. TVA list of metrics used in calculating Index of Biotic Integrity* 1. Number of native species 2. Number of native darter species, or (headwater streams) Number of riffle species 3. Number of native sunfish species (less Micropterus sp.), or (headwater streams) Number of pool species 4. Number of native sucker species, or (headwater streams) Percent composition by two most dominate species 5. Number of intolerant species, or (headwater streams) Number of headwater intolerant species 6. Percentage of fish as tolerant species 7. Percentage of fish as omnivores and stoneroller species 8. Percentage of fish as specialized insectivores 9. Percentage of fish as piscivores 10. Catch rate (average number/300 ft2, or 5 minutes of boat shocking) 11. Percentage of fish as hybrids, or (headwater streams) Percentage of fish as simple lithophilic spawners 12. Percentage of fish with disease, tumors, fin damage, and other anomalies *Each is assigned a value as follows: 1-poor, 3-intermediate, 5-the best to be expected. The IBI for a given site is the sum of those values. 21 Table 2.3-2. Comparison of metrics used to calculate the Index of Biotic Integrity in the 2005 and 2012 Balanced and Indigenous Species Study for the Pigeon River. Year: 2005 2012 2005,2012 Source: NCDENHR (1995) (Modified from Karr et al., 1986) NCDEHNR (2006, version 4) (Modified from Karr et al., 1986) TVA IBI Protocol (2004) Number of species Number of species Number of nativespecies Number of darterspecies Number of darterspecies Number of native darterspecies Number of Sunfish and Salmonid species** Number of Rock Bass, Small- mouth Bass, Trout species* Number of native sunfish species (less Micropterus sp.) Number of sucker species (all members of Catostomidae) Number of species of cyprinids Number of native sucker species Number of intolerant species Number of intolerant species Number of intolerant species % of fish as tolerant species % of fish as tolerant species % of fish as tolerant species % Omnivores % Omnivores + herbivores % Omnivores and stonerollers % Insectivores and % Specialized Insectivores % Insectivores % Specialized insectivores Number of piscivorous species Number of piscivorous species % Piscivores Catch rate % Hybrids % Diseased % Diseased Number of Individuals Number of Individuals % of species with multiple age classes % of species with multiple age classes * This includes salmonid species brook, rainbow and brown trout. Stocked trout (characterized by pale colors and worn or deformed fins) are not counted. **This metric includes centrarchids of the genera Lepomis, Enneacanthus, Acantharchus, Ambloplites, and Centrarchus, as well as all species of salmonids, whether native or stocked. 3. RESULTS 3.1 BENTHIC COMMUNITY The approach used to assess the benthic community in 2012 was similar to that used by UTK in 2005. All 22 stations were sampled according the Standard Operating Procedures for Macro - Invertebrates (University of Tennessee, 2012) which were written and approved for UTK Lab Certification by NC DENR. The UTK SOP methodologies followed the format and content of the NC DENR Standard Operating Procedures for Collection and Analysis of Benthic Macro - invertebrates (NC DENR, Version 3.0, 2011). Macro -invertebrate samples were collected from the Pigeon River basin at 14 main -stem, six tributaries, and two reference stream stations from July to September 2012 (Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1). Qualitative multihabitat samples were collected at each station. Data from these collections were used to calculate the North Carolina Biotic Index (NC BI) and Ephemeroptera + Plecoptera + Trichoptera taxa richness (EPT Index) which, in turn provided a final bioclassification for each 22 station (Excellent, Good, Good -Fair, Fair, or Poor). These classifications were used as a gauge for comparisons among stations and to detect negative influences. 3.1.1 Benthic Community Structure For all stations (N=22) and sampling events combined, a total of 315 macro -invertebrate taxa were collected during 2012 (Table 3.1.1-1). The additional number of taxa (N=58) represented a 23% increase over the number collected in 2005 (257). This larger number of taxa could be attributed to the increase in the number of sampling stations from 14 in 2005 to the 22 in 2012, the latter which included three additional stations on the main -stem Pigeon River, three additional PR tributaries, and two sites on the reference stream. Table 3.1.1-1 summarizes the 2012 macro -invertebrate data for all sampling stations on the Pigeon River and tributaries. When examining the data from the 14 stations sampled in 2005, eleven main -stem (PRM 64.5-PRM 19.3) and three tributaries (Fines, Jonathan, and Richland Creeks), there were 219 total taxa collected from the main -stem stations. In 2012, there were 203 total taxa collected from those same stations, and that number represented a 7.3% decrease in taxa from 2005. One reason for the slight decrease in taxa numbers in that specific portion of the river could be due to the extended drought in North Carolina in 2007-08. There were 182 taxa collected from the three tributaries in 2012; Jonathan Creek had the highest taxa richness (97 taxa) and had one more taxon than in 2005. Richland Creek had the lowest overall taxa richness (28) and had two more taxa than in 2005. In 2012, the total taxa richness decreased at the upstream control site (PRM 64.5, 44 taxa) from 2005 numbers (87 taxa) at the same site; one factor contributing to this reduction could be a rain event on the sampling date which impacted the collection effort. This was supported by the fact that, at all seven other sites in the NC portion of the river (PRM 61.0 — PRM 45.3), total taxa numbers recorded were equal to or greater than the number collected at PRM 64.5 (44). Dipteran taxa, including chironomids, increased from 11 taxa in the main -stem above the mill (PRM 64.5) to 21 immediately below the outfall ; it fluctuated from that value to a low of 7 taxa at two NC locations, PRM 55.5 and PRM 54.5, and rebounded to 24 taxa at the furtherest downstream station in TN (PRM 10.3). Of the total of 125 EPT taxa (117 genera, 8 families) collected from the study area in 2012, there were 30 taxa that were not collected in 2005.The total EPT taxa richness represented an increase of 32% over the 2005 number, 60% increase over 2000, and 221 % over 1995 collections (Figure 3.1.1-2). The number of EPT taxa among the main -stem Pigeon River sites ranged from 31 at PRM 54.5 to 14 at PRM 48.2. There were 16 EPT taxa collected immediately downstream of the mill (PRM 63.0); that number represents an increase of one species over the 2005 collection. Among the tributary stations, EPT richness was similar to 2005 values, with relatively high numbers in Fines Creek (33 taxa) and Jonathan Creek (37 taxa), and noticeably lower numbers in Richland Creek (12). Given the fact that Richland Creek is a warm -water stream and Jonathan and Fines Creeks are cool -water streams, some differences would be expected with regard to benthic community composition. 23 Table 3.1.1-1. List of benthic macro -invertebrates collected from the Pigeon River, tributaries, and the Swannanoa River, 2012. PR River Sites by River Mile (RM) PR Tributaries SRM Taxa 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 EF WF RC CC JC FC SRl SR2 ANNELIDA (leeches) Hirundinea 11 1 12 Erpobdellidae 0- 1 1 -Erpobdella Mooreobdella I 1 Glossi honiidae 0 Helobdella 5 5 4 8 1 23 Placobdella 1 1 OLIGOCHAETA (aquatic worms) 0 Ench traeidae 0 Mesench traeus 0 Lumbricidae 2 4 4 6 1 1 3 21 1 Eiseniella tetraedra 2 1 3 Lumbriculidae 1 1 2 4 3 Me adrile 0 Megadrili 1 1 Naididae 1 2 2 1 6 Dero 1 1 Nais 4 1 5 10 Paranais 3 3 Pristina 1 1 Stephensoniana trivandrana 1 1 St laria lacustris 3 1 2 5 2 1 26 9 5 1 3 3 61 S ar ano hilidae 3 5 1 1 2 12 3 Tubificidae 1 2 13 1 17 Brachiura sowerbyi 1 1 Limnodrilus 4 1 1 5 11 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 9 9 Tubifex tubifex 2 4 4 13 2 25 Tubificinae: bifid chaetae 6 6 NEMATODA (round worms) 0 Nemata 1 1 2 NEMERTEA (ribbon worms) 1 1 PLATYHELMINTHES (flatworms) 1 2 3 24 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL EPHEMEROPTERA (mayflies) 1 1 2 Ameletidae 1 1 Ameletus I 1 Ameletus lineatus 1 1 2 4 Baetidae 4 1 112 1 1 5 3 4 131 Acentrella 1 2 138 1 16 37 92 42 13 12 3 357 Acentrella turbida complex 6 6 Acerpenna 1 1 Baetis 3 27 4 2 8 82 5 115 82 75 55 84 61 8 26 39 49 725 Baetis brunniecolor 41 41 Baetis flavistriga 1 2 2 5 Baetis intercalaris 5 9 1 32 57 104 Camelobaetidius ? 2 Centro tilum 1 1 Heterocloeon 1 1 2 20 24 Heterocloeon curiosum 1 1 2 Procloeon 2 8 10 Pseudocloeon 1 4 3 8 Baetiscidae 0 Baetisca 1 1 Caenidae 0 Caenis 1 2 1 8 5 1 2 20 E hemerellidae 3 1 1 2 7 Attenella attenuata 7 7 Danella 0 Drunella alle heniensis 4 17 1 22 Drunella comuta I 1 Drunella lata 1 1 E hemerella 3 1 11 15 Eurylophella 1 2 3 Seratella 0 Seratella deficiens 24 33 1 1 1 60 21 29 55 225 Seratella serratoides 1 1 2 25 SRM SRI SR2 9 10 7 4 1 2 3 PR River Mile Tributaries Taira EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL EPHEMEROPTERA (cont.) He to eniidae 3 3 4 7 1 34 2 8 1 63 Epeorus 2 6 8 Epeorus dis ar 1 1 2 4 Epeorus rubidus/sub allidus 5 I 1 8 8 23 He to enia mar inalis 10 I 2 4 6 23 He to enia sensa I 1 Leucrocuta 3 1 4 Leucrocuta a hrodite 4 13 4 21 Maccaffertium 24 3 2 6 24 2 1 9 71 Maccaffertium femoratum 33 23 5 1 1 4 1 5 16 13 102 Maccaffertium ithaca/modestum 25 8 1 21 17 19 1 56 12 160 Maccaffertium medio unctatum 11 5 1 1 5 26 17 30 22 7 2 8 24 3 162 Maccaffertium mexicanum 0 Maccaffertium pudicum 14 14 Maccaffertium smithae 3 3 Stenacron 3 3 4 3 7 20 Stenacron interpunctalum 0 Stenacron pallidum 1 2 3 Ison chidae 0 Ison chia 4 2 1 24 23 13 3 13 13 21 4 6 4 131 Le to hlebiidae 0 Parale to hlebia 1 2 3 Habro hlebiodes 1 1 Le tohy hidae 0 Tricorythodes 12 9 1 137 2 175 27 32 12 407 Nece hemeridae 0 Neoe hemera purpurea 5 12 17 PLECOPTERA (stoneflies) 1 1 Chloro ertidae 0 Alloperla I 1 2 Leuctridae 0 Leuctra 2 17 16 1 36 Pelto erlidae 0 Talla erla 1 1 2 26 SRM SR1 SR2 4 20 2 8 1 4 6 2 10 24 1 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL PLECOPTERA (cont.) Perlidae 1 1 Acroneuria abnormis 9 10 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 7 44 Acroneuria sensu lato 4 1 7 12 Agnetina 1 3 4 Agnetina flavescens 1 1 Hanson erla appalachia 10 1 11 Neo erla 1 5 6 Paragnetina immaz inata 1 14 29 36 80 Perlesta I 1 Perlodidae 0 Beloneuria I 4 5 Isoperla 1 Malirekus hastatus I 1 Ocono erla 4 2 6 Pteronarcyidae 0 Allonarc s biloba 3 3 Pteronarc s dorsata 2 13 1 16 TRICHOPTERA (caddisflies) 0 A ataniidae 0 A atania incerta 1 1 Brach centridae 1 1 Brach centrus appalachia 14 17 1 32 Brach centrus lateralis 2 5 34 3 44 Brachycentrus nigrosoma 7 3 10 Brach centrus numerosus 0 Micrasema 1 37 38 Micrasema barksi 1 1 Micrasema bennetti 31 31 Micrasema wata a 2 7 6 9 4 3 31 Glossosomatidae 0 A a etus 3 3 Glossosoma 11 3 14 Glossosoma nigrior 1 1 Proto tilla 3 1 5 5 2 16 27 SRM SR1 SR2 1 15 PR River Mile Tributaries Taira EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL TRICHOPTERA cont.) Hydropsychidae 7 1 4 2 7 7 11 1 3 13 11 2 6 2 77 Ceratopsyche 1 2 2 2 2 5 1 15 Cerato s the bronta 2 1 23 26 Cerato s the morosa 9 13 1 1 4 1 6 38 40 12 48 43 19 14 10 23 1 283 Cerato s ches arna 21 6 2 1 1 5 7 2 54 9 11 75 5 20 23 163 46 116 567 Cheumato s the 9 1 1 11 169 40 7 18 32 37 27 24 63 1 6 169 58 20 1 13 707 Cheumato s the pasella 1 1 Di lectrona modesta 1 2 3 H dro s the 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 H dro s the betteni/de ravata I 7 8 H dro s the franclemonti 1 15 16 H dro s the phalerata 8 3 36 20 11 1 79 Hydropsyche simulans 1 1 2 H dro s the venularis 7 22 38 18 101 12 59 67 36 29 1 1 2 9 3 24 429 Hydro tilidae 0 H dro tila 2 15 12 3 2 2 7 43 Leucotrichia pictipes 1 2 3 Le idostomatidae 0 Le idostoma 4 4 2 3 1 2 2 24 5 47 Le toceridae 1 5 1 7 M stacides 2 3 5 M stacides se ulchralis 8 3 3 14 Necto s the 0 Nectopsyche exquisita 1 1 Oecetis 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 Oecetis inconspicua 1 1 Oecetis persiniffis 1 15 16 29 5 15 2 19 5 16 5 2 57 12 3 202 Trianodes 0 Trianodes ignitus 5 2 1 8 Trianodes taenia 2 2 SRM SRI SR2 1 I 3 2 3 4 1 9 2 1 1 7 2 1 3 PR River Mile Tributaries Taira EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL TRICHOPTERA (cont.) Limne hiltidae 1 1 Goera 2 1 3 Goera calcarata 1 1 cno s the 2 1 3 cno s the guttifer 1 3 4 cno s chele ida 1 1 cno s cheluculenta 1 1 PhilopotaiWdae 0 Dolo hilodes distinctus 12 12 Phryganeidae 0 Banksiola 1 1 Pol centro odidae 0 Cerotina spicata I 1 2 Neurecli sis 1 3 4 Neureclisis cre uscularis 2 3 3 5 6 6 27 11 10 23 14 1 ill Po] centro us 1 1 1 1 2 6 Ps chow iidae 0 Lype diversa 0 Ps chom is flavida 2 2 Rh aco hilidae 0 Rh aco hila fenestra/ledra 2 2 Rh aco hila fuscula 2 2 Ueonidae 0 Neo h lax consimilis 10 10 ODONATA (dragonflies / damselflies) Aeshnidae 0 Aeshna umbrosa 10 to Basiaeschna'anata 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 13 Bo eria grafiana I 1 Bo eria vinosa 9 6 8 5 4 7 5 6 1 1 14 15 14 5 loo 29 SRM SRI SR2 1 1 1 3 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL ODONATA (cont.) Calo ter idae 0 Calo to x 2 1 3 Calo to x amata 1 1 Calopteryx maculata 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 21 2 32 Hetaerina americana 15 10 8 2 3 14 9 9 3 2 2 77 Hetaerina titia I 1 Coen rionidae 1 21 6 2 3 33 Ar is 3 3 8 2 29 2 2 10 13 5 4 6 3 90 Ar is bi unctulata 4 4 Argia sedula 3 3 Enallagma 2 9 2 6 11 1 2 33 Enallagina diva ans 12 12 Nehalennia 1 19 6 3 29 Cordule astridae 0 Cordulagaster maculata I 1 Cordullidae 1 2 3 E itheca uhleri 3 1 4 Neurocordulia 3 2 5 Neurocordulia obsoleta 1 3 4 Neurocordulia yamaskanensis 3 2 1 2 8 Somatochlora I 1 Gom hidae 1 4 2 3 2 2 8 22 Dromo om hus s inosus 2 2 Gomphus 29 29 Gom hus exilis 1 2 3 Gom hus lividus 2 1 1 4 Gom hus quadriedor 1 1 Ha emus brevist lus 3 2 2 2 9 Hylogomphus 2 2 H to om hus abbreviatis I 1 H to om hus brevis I I H to om hus parvidens 1 1 Lanthus parvulus 1 1 30 SRM SR1 SR2 5 13 2 3 4 7 1 1 1 1 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL ODONATA (cont.) O hio om hus 3 1 rt 16 2 23 O hio om hus mainensis 5 5 S to om hus albis lus 1 4 2 1 10 Stylurus s inice s 3 1 4 Macromiidae 0 Macromia 4 4 2 5 1 1 1 5 6 1 2 32 HEMH'TERA (true bugs) 0 Gerridae 0 Aquarius remi is 4 4 Hydrometridae 0 H drometra australis 0 Mesoveliidae 2 2 Mesoveba mulsanti ? 2 Ne idae 0 Ranatra 1 2 3 Ranatra brevicollis 2 2 Ranatra nigira 3 6 1 4 1 15 Veliidae 0 Rha ovelia obesa 1 1 3 1 4 12 MEGALOPTERA (hellgrammites) 0 Cor dalidae 0 Corydaluscornutus 10 1 2 9 7 9 11 6 6 10 5 2 10 3 1 6 98 Nigironia 2 2 Nigronia serricomis 4 3 2 2 1 2 1 4 19 Sialidae 0 Sialis I I 1 1 4 COLEOPTERA (beetles) 0 Ch sometidae 1 1 2 Dryo idae 0 Helichus 19 6 2 2 1 I 2 8 I 2 2 2 6 54 Helichus litho hilus I 1 31 SRM SRI SR2 3 2 1 4 1 2 1 6 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL COLEOPTERA (Cont.) Elmidae 1 1 2 Anc ron x varie atus 2 6 15 12 12 7 2 4 3 1 2 4 70 Dubira hia 1 1 Dubira hia quadrinotata 1 12 13 Macronychus glabratus 4 1 2 4 13 8 6 13 14 16 3 9 93 Micros llce us 0 Micros llce us pusillus 11 11 O tioservus 1 1 O tioservus ovalis 1 1 Oulimnius latiusculus 1 1 Promoresia ele ans 13 5 2 1 1 5 52 5 1 4 89 Promoresia tardella 3 1 2 6 Stenelmis 4 1 1 1 7 3 6 10 33 G rinidae 0 Dineutus 1 5 7 1 1 2 1 18 G rinus 2 1 1 4 Hali lidae 0 Peltod tes 2 2 6 1 11 H dro hilidae 0 Berosus 8 7 2 16 5 3 41 Berosus peregrinus 9 9 Sperchopsis tessellata 1 1 Tro istemus 1 1 Pse henidae 0 Pse henus herricld 12 2 1 1 4 2 5 2 24 8 61 DIPTERA (flies) 0 Athericidae 0 Atherix lantha 3 13 16 Ceratopogonidae 0 Atricho o an 1 1 32 SRM SR1 SR2 3 1 1 23 17 3 80 19 3 6 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL DIPTERA (cont.) Chironomidae 1 2 44 1 2 1 2 1 1 26 1 82 Chironominae 13 2 15 Chironomini 2 2 Chironomus 2 39 19 1 61 Cladotanytarsus 3 3 Cryptochironomus 2 1 13 1 1 18 Dicrotendi es 3 1 4 4 2 2 1 9 —Microtendipes Para haenocladius I 1 Paratanytarsus I 1 1 2 3 —Paratendipes Phaeno sectra 7 1 1 9 Phaeno sectra obidiens giroup 3 3 2 5 1 8 —Polypedilum Polypedilum A (Epler) 0 cf avice s 6 5 1 12 —Polypedilum flavum 1 2 284 4 1 4 1 1 1 224 8 531 —Polypedilum illinoense 4 2 2 10 1 1 20 —Polypedilum scalaenum giroup 1 8 9 —Polypedilum 1 5 1 127 1 3 1 3 1 265 408 —Rheotanytarsus Stenochironomus 1 I Sublettea 1 1 Tan tarsus 2 1 6 3 12 Trlbelos 1 1 Tribelos'ucundum 13 1 6 20 Diamesinae 0 Pa astia ortho onia 2 1 1 4 Orthocladiinae 0 Brillia I 1 Bryophaenocladius I 1 Cardiocladius 1 5 2 10 1 1 4 24 Chaetocladius 1 1 Corynoneura 0 33 SRM SRI SR2 1 I 1 3 2 22 1 6 2 3 16 1 3 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL DIPTERA — Chironomidae (cont.) Cricoto us 3 11 14 Cricoto us bicinctus 36 1 2 1 6 5 17 68 Euldefferiella devonica group1 1 Euldefferiella giracei grp. 1 1 2 Nanocladius 3 1 1 1 2 2 10 Nanocladius cf. downesi 2 1 3 Nanocladius cf. s ini lens 0 Orthocladius 2 1 104 107 Parachaetocladius 1 1 Parametriocnemus 1 1 Psectrocladius 1 2 3 Rheocricoto us 1 13 2 16 S northocladius semivirens 1 1 Thienemanniella 1 4 5 Tvetenia bavarica group 2 2 Tvetenia vitracies 1 8 1 6 1 2 76 95 Ablabesm is 0 Ablabesm ia'anta 1 1 Ablabesm is mallochi 2 4 37 1 1 1 1 47 Ablabesm is of. sim Boni I I Clinotan us 0 pinguis 1 1 —Clinotanypus Conche elo is 2 3 3 8 Labrundinia 3 1 4 Natarsia I I Pentaneuraincons icua 1 3 8 4 2 6 1 1 7 1 1 35 Procladius 23 4 2 1 1 31 1 1 2 —Rheopelopia Dixidae 0 Dixa 1 1 Dixella 2 2 Em ididae 0 Hemerodromia 2 2 4 Ptycho teridae 0 Bittacomorpha clavi es 0 34 SRM SRI SR2 3 1 5 4 1 5 1 2 1 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL DH'TERA (cont.) Simulidae 7 3 18 28 Cne hia/ Simulium 9 15 3 22 2 16 9 29 8 10 117 34 126 16 42 27 485 Prosimulium 12 111 7 130 Prosimulium mixtum 1 4 5 Ti ulidae 1 1 2 Antocha 2 1 1 1 2 2 9 1 1 20 Hexatoma 7 6 1 14 Ti ula 2 1 2 1 6 Ti ula abdominalis 1 1 GASTROPODA (snails) 0 Anc lidae (limpets) 0 Ferrissia 1 1 1 1 2 6 H drobiidae 1 1 Ph sidae 0 Physella 3 1 19 22 20 8 10 22 42 21 15 1 36 6 226 Planorbidae 1 1 2 Helisoma 1 1 2 4 Planorbella trivolis 4 1 1 3 1 16 5 2 33 Pleuroceridae 0 Elimia claveformis 3 1 4 3 I 7 19 Pleurocera uncialis 8 8 PELECYPODA (mussels) 0 Corbiculidae 0 Corbicula fluminea 1 1 5 19 2 4 4 5 23 4 8 2 3 3 83 S haeriidae 0 S haerium 8 8 35 SRM SRI SR2 32 28 I 1 PR River Mile Tributaries Taxa EF WF 69.5 64.5 63 61 59 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC TTL CRUSTACEA 0 Am hi oda (sideswimmers) 1 4 5 Gammarus 1 2 1 4 Iso oda (sow bugs) 0 Asellus 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 Collembola (springtails) I 1 Deca oda (crayfish) 0 Cambariidae 4 4 Cambarus b. bartonii I 2 1 4 Cambarus lon irostris 2 1 3 CambaruS (Puncti—b—) sp. Nov. 1 1 Cambams reburrus 0 Procambarus acutus 1 3 2 6 ARACHNOIDEA (water mites) 0 H dracarina 1 1 4 5 4 1 6 2 3 1 6 1 37 36 SRM SR1 SR2 2 3 1 Table 3. l .1-2. Summary of macro -invertebrate data from the Pigeon River, 2012. 2012 Pigeon River Upstream Pigeon River Below Papermill to Waterville Reservoir Pigeon River Pigeon River Tributaries Pigeon Swannanoa Samples of Paper Mill In Tennessee River River Main EF WF 69.5 64.5 63.0 61.0 59.0 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 RC CC JC FC PR SRI SR2 total Total Taxa 91 46 80 44 64 66 57 56 50 65 60 50 55 46 48 64 28 49 97 57 315 44 56 Total EPT 47 20 37 22 16 20 17 18 15 31 24 14 25 16 19 21 12 25 37 33 125 10 29 E 20 12 17 8 5 6 8 5 5 13 12 7 7 14 9 12 2 12 18 16 50 7 12 P 4 6 4 2 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 11 7 19 0 0 T 23 2 17 13 10 13 12 11 12 16 12 7 15 4 10 9 10 13 18 10 56 3 17 Diptera 16 20 11 11 21 13 5 10 7 7 9 9 8 7 9 24 4 5 19 7 68 19 9 NC BI 3.88 5.05 4.39 4.16 6.70 6.44 5.97 6.04 6.12 5.42 5.35 5.42 4.69 4.39 4.51 4.66 4.99 4.43 3.76 3.60 4.79 5.40 4.52 E G-F Good Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair G-F G-F G-F Good Good Good Good G-F Good E E Good G-F Good Mountain Ecoregion EPT E F G G-F F F F F F G-F G-F F G-F F F F F G-F E G E F G Values Final Bioclass- E F G G-F F F F F F G-F G-F F G-F G-F G-F G-F F G-F E G G F G ification 37 Pigeon River EPT Taxa 1995-2012 Figure 3.1.1-1. EPT taxa richness for the main -stem Pigeon River for 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2012. Total EPT taxa numbers ranged from 15 to 31 at all main -stem sites except immediately below the mill (PRM 63.0) and at PRM 45.3. The substrate at PRM 45.3 was primarily bedrock with very little sand or pebble/cobble; the situation was not suitable substrate for aquatic macro -invertebrate production. The highest values for both EPT richness and abundance were at PRM 54.5 (31 taxa) and PRM 52.3 (24 taxa), the former which may have been influenced by the Waynesville WWTP discharge. It should be noted that only two plecopterans (stoneflies) were collected at the site. Also, benthic samples were not collected at the same location (PRM 54.5) as the EA studies in 1995 and 2000. Habitat modification due to flooding in 2004 may have made that reach of the original sample site too deep and lacking any riffle habitat. Therefore, riffle habitat at a shoal above the WWTP discharge was selected for the sample site. The NC BI score was calculated for the upstream reference site (PRM 64.5); the 4.16 value rated as "Good" (Table 3.1.1-1). There was one other NC main -stem site, PRM 45.3, which had a NC BI score in the `Good' range. The sample site immediately downstream of the mill, PRM 63.0, had the highest (worse) score (6.70) on the NC main -stem Pigeon River and was rated as `Fair'. Four of eight NC main -stem sites (PRM 54.5-PRM45.3) scored NC BI values rated in the `Good' to `Good -Fair' range; the four other sites immediately below the mill (PRM 63.0 to PRM 55.5) were rated as `Fair' based on NC BI scores. In accordance with NC DENR protocols, final bioclassifications were assigned to each station based on EPT taxa richness and NC BI scores (Table 3.1.1-2). Only the uppermost main -stem station at the confluence of the East Fork Pigeon River and West Fork Pigeon River (PRM 69.5) was classified as "Good"; it scored better than the control site (PRM 64.5, "Good -Fair") upstream of the mill. Of the remaining NC downstream sites, five received bioclassifications of "Fair" and three received "Good - Fair" ratings. Bioclassifications rated Jonathan Creek as "Excellent" and Fines Creek as "Good". Richland Creek was rated "Fair", which was upgraded from a "Poor" rating in 2005. Final bioclassifications of sampling sites in 2012 were comparable to 2005 scores; in 2005, six sites rated as "Good -Fair", and two sites received a "Fair" rating. In 2012, three sites rated as "Good -Fair", and five sites were "Fair". Even with impacts of the 2007-08 drought, overall ratings indicated a similar macro -invertebrate community in the Pigeon River. Although water quality may be limiting the benthic community at PRM 63.0, it does not appear to be the only factor influencing the quality of the aquatic community in the downstream stations. For example, rip -rap used to stabilize eroded shoreline (PRM 61.0 and PRM 54.5) after the 2004 floods has caused reduced scores on habitat assessment criteria such as bank vegetation. Even with the mill effluent influencing downstream benthic communities, all eight sampling stations (PRM 63.0-PRM 45.3) recorded macro -invertebrate numbers (47-66 taxa) greater than the number of taxa observed at the upstream reference station (PRM 64.5, 43 taxa). PRM 61.0, the site downstream from the mill effluent site (PRM 63.0), produced the largest number of macro -invertebrate taxa (N=66) in the NC main -stem excpt for the confluence site (PRM 69.5, 78 taxa). These data suggest that other factors beyond habitat, such as urbanization (wastewater treatment), agriculture, and contributions from tributaries (sediment, ag run-off, etc.) are affecting the composition and quality of the downstream benthic community. 3.1.2 Historical Comparisons Overall the 2012 Pigeon River benthic community was slightly improved as compared to that observed in 2005 (Table 3.1.2-1). The highest numbers for total taxa, EPT taxa, and EPT abundance continue to be observed at the most upstream reference site in NC (78 total at PRM 69.5) and in various tributaries such as East Fork Pigeon River (91 total) and Jonathan Creek (97 total). In contrast, these same parameters continue to be lower downstream of the Canton Mill (PRM 63.0, 64 total taxa), and at Hyder Mountain Bridge (PRM 55.5, 50 total) and Ferguson Bridge (PRM 48.2, 50 total). At the reference site immediately above the mill (PRM 64.5), the total taxa number was 44; all NC main -stem stations had total taxa numbers equal to or greater than the above -mill number. Even PRM 63.0, the station immediately downstream of the mill, had 64 total taxa present. One factor that may have influenced taxa numbers at PRM 64.5 was a rain event on the sampling date which produced higher water levels and increased turbidity. Among the locations sampled previously, the NC BI remained lowest ("Good") and bioclassification highest ("Good -Fair") at PRM 64.5. Despite overall similarities to past studies, differences were observed that suggest slight to moderate improvements in the benthic community. In comparison to 1995, nearly all parameters including total taxa richness, EPT taxa richness, and NC BI improved in 2000; total taxa richness in 2012 was similar to 2005, with the exception mentioned above. EPT taxa richness also showed substantial improvement compared to recent years. Although the drought in 2007-08 may have been a factor in macro -invertebrate and fish production,the 2012 samples indicate a continuing and gradual improvement in water quality downstream of the Canton mill. 39 Table. 3.1.2-1. A comparison of macro -invertebrate taxa collected from the Pigeon River drainage in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2012. Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 PORIFERA (sponges) S on illidae S on illa 1 COELENTERATA (hydroids) H dridae H dra I PLATYHELMINTHES (Flatworms) Turbellaria I Du esiidae Du esia NEMERTEA (proboscis worms) Brachionidae Prostoma graescens I I ECTOPROCTA (br ozoans) Plumatellidae Plumatella I COLLEMBOLA POLYCHAETA ( of chaetes) Sabellidae ManayunVia s eciosa I HIRUDINEA (leeches) I ErpobdelUdae Desserobdella phalera 1 Erpobdella I Erpobdella punctata punctata 1 Mooreobdella I Glossi honiidae Helobdella 1 1 Placobdella 1 1 Placobdella parasitica 1 Piscicolidae M zobdella lugubris 1 OLIGOCHAETA (aquatic worms) I Aeolostomatidae Aeolosoma 1 Enchytraeidae Mesench traeus I Lumbricidae I I Eiseniella tetraedra 1 1 Lubriculidae 1 1 Ecli idrilus I Lubriculus varie atus 1 I Varichaetodrilus angustipenis 1 Me ascolecidae 1 Me adrile Me adrili I Naididae I Bratislavia unidentala 1 1 Dero I Dero nivea I Nais I Nais behnin i 1 1 Nais bretscheri 1 Nais communis I I Nais pardalis I Nais variabilis I I I O hidonais serpentina 1 Paranais 1 Pristina I Pristina aequiseta 1 Pristina leid i 1 Ri istes parasita 1 Slavina appendiculata 1 1 Ste hensoniana trivandrana I Stylaria lacustris 1 1 S ar ano hilidae 1 S ar an hilus tamesis 1 Tubificidae I Aulodrilus japonicus 1 Aulodrilus limnobius 1 Aulodrilus pluriseta 1 1 Branchiura sowerb i I I Limnodrilus I I Limnoddlus hoffineisted 1 1 1 I Psanunoryctides califomianus Tubifex tubifex I I 1O Imm. Tub. w/bifid chaetae 1 1 Imm. Tub. w/hair & p-onate chaerae 1 NEMATODA Nemata 1 Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 EPHEMEROPTERA (mayflies) 1 Ameletidae 1 Ameletus 1 Ameletus lineatus 1 Baetidae 1 1 1 Acentrella 1 I I 1 Acentrella alachua 1 Acentrella turbida complex I 1 Acerpenna 1 Baetis I 1 Baetis bmnniecolor 1 Baetis flavistria 1 1 1 Baetis intercalaris 1 1 I I Baetis pluto 1 1 I Baetis tricaudatus 1 Camelobaetidius 1 Centro tilum 1 Heterocloeon 1 I Heterocloeon curiosum 1 I Heterocloeon petersi 1 Procloeon 1 1 Pseudocloeon 1 I I Pseudocloeon frondale I Pseudocloeon pro in uus 1 Baetiscidae Baetisca I1 Caenidae Caenis I I I I E hemeridae Ephemera blanda 1 Ephemera gutNlata 1 E hemerellidae I Attenella attenuata 1 Danella 1 Danella simplex I Dmnella alle heniensis I 1 I I Dmnella comuta I I Dmnella lata 1 Dmnella tuberculata 1 E hemerlla I Ephemerella catawba 1 1 E hemerella dorothea 1 E hemerella se tentrionalis 1 E hemerella subvana 1 1 Eurylophella 1 1 1 Eurylophella funeralis 1 Eurylophella prudentalis 1 Seratella deficiens 1 1 1 1 Seratella molita I I Seratella serrata 1 Seratella serratoides 1 He to eniidae 1 Epeorus 1 1 Epeorus dis ar 1 E eoms mbidus/sub allidus 1 1 1 He to enia 1 He to enia mar inalis 1 1 1 He to enia sensa I Leucrocuta I 1 I Leucrocuta a hrodite 1 Leucrocuta maculi ennis 1 Maccaffertium I I I Maccaffertium femoratum I Maccaffertium ithaca 1 1 1 Maccaffertium ithaca/modestum 1 1 1 Maccaffertium medio unctatum I 1 Maccaffertium pudicum 1 1 Maccaffertium smithae 1 1 Maccaffertium terminatum 1 Pseudiron 1 Rhithro ena I Stenacron 1 I I Stenacron interpunctatum 1 1 Stenacron pallidum 1 1 Ison chidae Ison chic 1 1 1 1 Leptohyphidae Tricorythodes 1 1 1 Le to hlebiidae 1 Parale to hlebia 1 1 1 Habro hlebiodes 1 Neo hemeridae Neo hemera putpurea 1 1 Total Ephemeroptera Taxa 20 33 34 50 Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 PLECOPTERA (stoneflies) 1 Chloro erHdae 1 1 1 Allo erla 1 1 Leuctridae Leuctra I 1 1 Pelto erlidae Talla erla I I I I Perlidae I Acroneuria abnormis 1 I I I Acroneuria sensu lato 1 1 Agnetina 1 1 Agnetina flavescens I I Attaneuria I Hanson erla appalachia 1 Neo erla 1 1 1 Para entina I Para entina immar inata I I Perlesta I I I Perlodidae Beloneuria 1 Helo icus subvarians I Isoperla I Malirekus hastatus 1 1 Ocono erla 1 Pteronarc idae Allonarc s Allonarc s biloba 1 1 Allonarc s proteus 1 Pteronarc s dorsata 1 1 1 Total Pleco tera Taxa 2 9 16 19 TRICHOPTERA (caddisflies) A ataniidae A atania incerta 1 Brach centridae 1 I Brachycentms 1 Brach centrns appalachia 1 1 1 1 Brach centrns lateralis 1 1 1 Brach centrus nigrosoma I Brach centrus numerosus I Micrasema 1 1 Micrasema barksi 1 Micrasema bennetti I I 1 I Micrasema charonis I Micrasema wataga I I I I Glossosomatidae A a etus 1 Glossosoma I I I Glossosoma nigrior I 1 Proto tilla 1 H dro s chidae 1 1 Cerato s the I 1 Cerato s the bronta I I I 1 Cerato s the morosa 1 1 1 1 Cerato s the s arna 1 1 1 1 Cheumato s the 1 1 1 1 Cheumato s the pasella 1 Diplectrona I Di lectrona modesta 1 1 H dro s the 1 1 H dro s the betteni/de ravata I I 1 H dro s the franclemonti 1 1 H dro s the phalerata 1 1 1 H dro s the scalaris 1 1 H dro s the simulans 1 H dro s the venularis I I 1 1 Hydro tilidae 1 H dro tila 1 1 1 1 Leucotrichia pictipes 1 1 1 1 Le idostomatidae Le idostoma I I I I Le toceridae 1 1 M stacides 1 M stacides se hulchralus I I Necto s the I Nectopsyche exquisita I Oecetis 1 1 1 1 Oecetis cinerascens 1 Oecetis incons icus I M Oecetis persimilis 1 1 1 Triaenodes ignitus 1 1 Triaenodes taenia 1 Limne hillidae 1 Goera 1 1 1 Goera calcarata 1 1 H dato h lax argus I Neo h lax 1 Neo h lax consin lis 1 1 Neo hlax omatus 1 Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 Tricho tera — Limne hilidae (coat.) cno s the 1 1 cno s the aentilis 1 1 cno s the guttifer 1 1 Pycnopsychelepida 1 I cno s cheluculenta 1 1 Philo otamidae 1 Chimarra I I I Dolo hilodes I Dolo hilodes distinctus 1 1 Phryganeidae A nia vestita 1 Banksiola I Phryganea sayi 1 Ptilostomis 1 Pol centro odidae 1 Cerotina s icata I Neurecli sis I I I I Neurecli sis cre uscularis 1 1 N ctio h lax 1 Pol centro us 1 1 1 Ps chow iidae Lype diversa I I I Ps chom is flavida 1 1 1 Rh aco hilidae 1 Rh aco hila fenestra/ledra I Rh aco hila fuscula 1 I I Rh aco hila yuphipes 1 Ueonidae 1 Neo h lax I Neo h lax consimilis 1 I I Neophlax omatus I Total Tricho tera Taxa 18 1 36 57 1 56 ODONATA (dmgontlies/d—Iflfes) Aeshnidae Aeshna umbrosa I Basiaeschna 'anata 1 1 Bo eria grafiana 1 1 1 Bo eria vinosa I I I Calo tery idae Calopteryx 1 1 1 Calopteryx amata 1 Calopteryx maculata 1 Hetaerina I 1 1 Hetaerina americana 1 Hetaerina titia I Coena rionidae 1 Ar is I I 1 Argia bipunctulata 1 Ar is sedula 1 Enallagma 1 1 Enallagma diva ans 1 Ishnura I Nehalennia 1 Cordule astridae Cordula aster 1 Cordula aster erronea 1 Cordulagaster maculata 1 1 1 Cordullidae 1 1 E itheca (Helocordulia) uhleri 1 1 Neurocordulia 1 Neurocordulia obsoleta 1 1 Neurocordulia yarnaskanensis 1 Somatochlora 1 Gom hidae 1 Dromo om hus s inosus I Gomphus I I 1 Gom hus exilis 1 Gom hus lividus 1 1 Gom hus quadriedor 1 Gomphurus rogersi I Hagenius brevist lus 1 1 1 H to om hus 1 H yloom hus abbreviatis I 31 H to om hus brevis 1 H to om hus parvidens 1 Lanthus I Lanthus parvulus I I O hio om hus 1 1 1 1 O hio om hus mainenesis 1 Stylogomphus albistylus 1 1 1 I Stylurus I Stylurs s inice s 1 1 Macromiidae Macromia 1 1 I Year 1995 2000 2005 2012 HEMIPTERA (true bugs) Belostomatidae Belestoma flumineum 1 Gerridae Aquarius remi is 1 Limno orous 1 1 Metrobates I I Rhagovelia I Rha ovelia obesa 1 Tre obates 1 1 Mesovelidae I Mesovelia mulsanti I Ne idae Ranatra 1 1 Ranatra brevicollis I 1 Ranatra nigra I Vehlidae Microvelia 1 Rha ovelia obesa 1 MEGALOPTERA (hellgrammites) Cor dalidae 1 Corydalus cornutus 1 1 1 1 Nigironia 1 Nigironia fasciata 1 Nigronia serricornis 1 1 1 1 Sialidae Sialis 1 1 1 COLEOPTERA (beetles) Chrysomelidae I Dr o idae Helichus I 1 I Helichus litho hilus I Pelonomus obscurns I I Dytiscidae Laccophilus fasciatus I I Lacco hilus maculosus 1 Elmidae 1 Ancyronyx varie atus I 1 I Dubiraphia I 1 Dubira hia quadrinotata 1 1 Macron chus glabratus 1 1 1 1 Microc ]Ice us pusillus 1 1 O tioservus I 1 1 O tioservus ovalis 1 1 Oulimnius latiusculus 1 1 1 Promoresia 1 1 Promoresia ele ans I I I Promoresia tardella I I I Stenelmis 1 1 1 1 G rinidae Dineutus I I I I Gyrinus I Hali lidae Peltod tes 1 Peltod tes duodecim unctatus I Peltod tes len i I Peltodytes muticus 1 Peltod tes sexamaculatus 1 H dro hilidae Berosus I I I Berosus peregrinus I Enochrus 1 1 H drobius 1 Laccobius I Sperchopsis tessellata Tropistemus I I Tro istemus collaris 1 Noteridae H drocanthus iricolor 1 Pse henidae Pse hens herricki 1 1 1 1 Ptilodactylidae Anch tarsus bicolor I DIPTERA (flies) Athericidae Atherix 1 Atherix lantha I I 1 Ble hariceridae Ble haricera 1 1 Ceratopogonidae Atricho 0 on 1 Bezzia/Pal om is 1 Das helea 1 Year Tara 1995 2000 2005 2012 Di tera (cont. Chironomidae 1 1 Ablabesm ia'anta 1 1 1 Ablabesm is mallochi 1 I 1 I Ablabesm is cf. sim Boni I Brillia I I I Brundiniella eumorpha 1 Bryophaenocladius I Cardiocladius 1 I 1 I 1 Chaetocladius 1 Chironominae 1 1 Chironomini 1 Chironomus 1 1 1 1 Cryptochironomus 1 Cladopelma I Cladotan tarsus 1 1 Cladotan tarsus mancus giroup 1 Cladotanytarsus vanderwul i groupI Clinotanypus I Clinotanypus pinguis 1 Conchepelopia 1 I 1 1 Corynoneura I 1 Cricoto us ] 1 Cricotopus bicinctus group I 1 I 1 Cricoto us cf. infuscatus 1 I 1 Cricoto us cf.intersectus 1 Cricoto us trifascia groupI Cricotopus cf. vieriensis I I Cryptochironomus 1 Cryptochironomus blarina giroup1 Cryplochironomus fulvus I Cryptolendipes I Deniicryptochironomus 1 Dicrotendipes 1 Dicrotendipes cf. neomodestus 1 1 1 Diamesa 1 1 Endochironomus I Eukiefferiella 1 Eukiefferiella cf. brehmi giroup1 Eukiefferiella devonica group I I I Eukiefferiella gracei group Eukiefferiella pseudomontnat group 1 1 Eukiefferiella similis giroup 1 Glyptolendipes 1 H drobaens 1 Labrundinia I Labrundinia pilosella 1 1 Lopescladius 1 Meropelopia I I Microspectra polita 1 Microtendi es 1 Microtendi es pedellus giroup1 1 Nanocladius 1 1 1 I Nanocladius cf. dowensi 1 1 1 Nanocladius cf. spiniplenus 1 1 Natarsia 1 1 Nilotanypus 1 1 Odontomesa fulva 1 1 1 Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) 1 I Orthocladius cf. dubitans 1 1 Ortbmladlus (S osimladius) lignicola 1 Orthocladius obumbratus I Pa astia I Pa astia ortho onia 1 1 Parachaetocladius 1 Parachironomus 1 Paracladopelma I Paracladopelma undine I Parametriocnemus 1 1 w Parametriocnemus lundbecldi Para haenocladius I Paratan tarsus I I I Paratendi es 1 I Pentaneura Pentaneuraincons icua I Phaeno sectra I I I Phaenopsectra obediens group I I Phaeno sectra punctipes I I Polypedilum I I Polypedilum A (E ler) I Polypedilum cf. avice s I i I Polypedilum cf ber i I Polypedilum convictum I Polypedilum fallax group I Polypedilum flavum I I I Polypedilum illinoense 1 I Polypedilum nr.braseniae I Polypedilum laetum 1 1 1 Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 Di tera - Chironomidae (cont.) Polypedilum scalaenum 1 1 1 Potthastia gaedii group 1 Procladius (Holotan us) 1 1 I Psectrocladius I Pseudochironomus 1 Rheocricoto us 1 1 1 1 Rheocricoto us robacki 1 Rheocricotopus tuberculatus 1 1 Rheo elo is 1 1 1 1 Rheotan tarsus 1 1 1 Robaclda demei'erei 1 Saetheria t lus I I Stenochironomus 1 1 1 Sublettea 1 Sublettea coffmani 1 1 1 Synorthocladius I 1 Synorthocladius semi virens 1 Tan tarsus 1 1 Tan tarsus (ant seg 2 < 1/2 se 1) 1 Tan tarsus (ant seg 2 - 1/2 se 1) 1 Tan tarsus glabrescens group I I I Thienemanniella 1 1 Tribelos 1 1 Tribelos'ucundum I I Tvetenia bavarica group 1 1 1 1 Tvetenia vitracm discoloripu group I I Culicidae 1 Culex Dbddae Dixa I Dixella 1 Dolicho odidae 1 Rha hium Em ididae I Chelifera 1 1 1 Hemerodromia 1 1 E h dridae Forci om iinae I Atrichopogon Pt cho teridae 1 Bittacomorpha clavi es Simulidae I I Cne hia mutata / Simulium I I I I Prosimulium 1 Prosimulium mixtum 1 Stratiom idae I Nemtelus Tabanidae I Chrysops 1 Tabanus Ti ulidae I I I I Antocha I 1 I Dicranota 1 Erio tera 1 Helms I Hexatoma I I L.eptotarsus I Molo hilus 1 Ormosia 1 Pedicia I Pilaria I I Pseudolimno hila 1 1 1 Ti ula 1 Ti ula abdominalis I IR GASTROPODA (snails) Anc lidae Anc lus 1 I Ferrissia 1 H drobfldae 1 L mnaeidae 1 Fossaria Physidae I I I Ph Sella 1 1 Stagnicola Planorbidae I I I Helisoma I I Planorbefla trivolis I Pleuroceridae I Elimia I Elimia claveformis I Menetus dilatatus Pleurocera uncialis 1 Year Taxa 1995 2000 2005 2012 PELECYPODA (mussels) Corbiculidae 1 Corbicula fluminea 1 1 S haeriidae I I Pisidium I I Sphaerium I CRUSTACEA Am hi oda (sideswimmers) 1 1 Gammarus I Iso oda (sow bugs) I I I Asellus I Deca oda (crayfish) 1 1 Cambariidae I Cambarus I I Cambarus bartonii 1 1 Cambarus: Hiatt mb—s longlrosais 1 1 Orconectes 1 Puncticambarus 1 Puncticambarus acutus Procambarus 1 Procambarus acutus 1 ARACHNOIDEA (water mites) H dracarina I I I I Total Taxa by Year 106 253 264 315 Improvement was also evident upon examination of EPT taxa richness from the thermally influenced main -stem stations. Since 1995, combined EPT taxa richness has more than tripled from 36 taxa in 1995, to 78 taxa in 2000, 95 in 2005, and 117 in 2012 (Figure 3.1.1-1). Twenty-six new EPT taxa, such as Attenella attenuate, Hansonoperla appalachia, and Cerotina spicata were collected for the first time during 2012 in the same portion of the river. There were five additional taxa of stoneflies collected, which is a good indicator that water quality and habitat continue to improve. NC BI scores also reflect these improvements over the years. In 2000, NC BI scores exhibited notable decreases (i.e., the community was better) relative to 1995 at four of eight sites downstream from the Mill. This trend continued in 2005 with only one of the sites, the most downstream site (PRM 42.6), having a poorer score than in 2000. This "Poor" rating could be attributed to the fall 2004 flooding which scoured the previously existing riffle areas to bedrock. In 2012, the NC BI score for the most downstream site had a final bioclassification of "Good -Fair", and these data indicate that the benthic community in the Pigeon River is healthy and continues to improve. In the tributaries in 2012, results from Jonathan and Richland Creeks were generally improved or similar; total taxa number in Fines Creek was down from 2005, but received a final bioclassification of "Excellent". In 2005, taxa richness was generally similar and EPT richness was substantially higher (+5 species) in the three tribs sampled. In 2012, only Richland Creek improved in both total taxa and EPT richness, and remained with a "Fair" bioclassification. NC BI values suggest that the quality of the benthic community in Richland Creek has not significantly improved since 2005. One item of note was an increase of agriculture operations on the tributaries, as well as the main -stem. M 3.2 FISH COMMUNITY The relative status and stability of the Pigeon River fish community was assessed in this study by examining fish abundance, species richness and diversity, fish health, and trophic composition. The method used in 2012 to assess fish community data was the Index of Biotic Integrity (Karr et al. 1986) as modified by TVA (Table 2.3-1). In previous studies, IBI metrics were used to calculate NC IBI values; however; the State of North Carolina has determined that such an IBI assessment, by itself, is insufficient for a non -wadeable stream like the Pigeon River. In the 2005 study, we used the 2005 data to calculate NC IBI scores as in 1995 and 2000; this exercise was done only to provide comparisons with previous data. An assessment of biological condition/relative health of the surveyed length of the Pigeon River was conducted through a summary and synthesis of the above mentioned community -level attributes. These methods/analyses were used in presenting a synoptic view of the Pigeon River fish community. Comparisons were made with previous studies (EA 1995, 2000; Wilson, 2006) and other recent studies within the Pigeon River or its tributaries (Progress Energy 2004, DENR-DWQ Memo 4/4/05) to determine trends and measure improvement or decline. Reproductive success of Pigeon River fish was assessed by examining the presence of young -of -the -year fish. Specific methods for the collection of fish samples and data analysis procedures were provided in the Section 2. 3.2.1 Composition, Relative Abundance, and Distribution A survey of the Pigeon River fish community was conducted at the 22 locations from 5 July to 28 September 2012 (Figure 2.1); a list of all species collected in 2012 is presented in Table 3.2.1-1. It should be noted the six species (bigeye chub, silver shiner, telescope shiner, Tennessee shiner, banded darter, gilt darter) were re-introducted into the Pigeon River downstream from PRM 64.5 after the 2005 study. Fish collection data from the portion of the river and tributaries sampled in 2005 (PRM 64.5 — PRM 19.3) and three tributaries (Richland, Jonathan, and Fines Creeks) were pulled from the individual station data summaries (Table 3.2.1-2 and Table 3.2.1-3) and used for comparisons to the 2012 data. Results from the tributary sites were not directly compared to results from the 11 Pigeon River main -stem stations, but rather were used to determine to what extent these tributaries were impacted and whether they could serve as sources of recolonization for fishes currently uncommon in the main -stem, or as refugia during high temperature episodes. Similarly, because of the long retention time in Waterville Lake, no thermal impacts would be expected at the three Tennessee main -stem stations. These stations were included in the program primarily to provide continuity with past studies of the river and verify that past improvements continue to be in place. Species composition of the Pigeon River fish community is presented in Table 3.2.1-1. Fish collections from all sampling methods produced a total of 4188 fish (3485 from main -stem and upstream tributary sample locations, and 703 from main -stem tributaries below the mill) distributed among 56 species (Tables 3.2.1-2, 3.2.1-3). The main -stem catch was composed of 18 sport fish species (one more than in 2005) and 36 non -sport and/or forage species (Table 3.2.1-2); sport fish represented 32% of the total catch. Two new species of sport fish (white bass, white crappie) were collected in 2012 along with two species (warmouth, walleye) that were first collected in 2005; the walleye, white crappie, and white bass were found only at TN sites. There were six sunfish hybrids (one bluegill x green sunfish, three bluegill x redbreast, and two green x redbreast) collected in 2012 which was the first appearance of any hybrids since the fish collections began in 1995. M. Smallmouth bass and rock bass (classed as `Intolerant') were collected at all NC stations below the Mill; the redbreast sunfish (classed as `Tolerant') was found at all but one station in the river downstream from the Mill. Redbreast densities in the PR below the Mill were the same in 2012 as in 2005 (59% of the sport fish catch). Tolerant green sunfish were found at all but two main -stem sites in 2000, and only at PRM 61.0 in 2005; there were no green sunfish collected in the NC portion of the river below the mill in 2012. Ten perch species were collected of which eight were darter species (members of the genus Etheostoma or Percina). Tuckasegee darters were found at all NC stations downstream of the Mill except PRM 61.0. Non -sport species ranked highest in numerical abundance accounting for 64% of the total catch. As in 2005, the stoneroller, river chub, whitetail shiner, and hogsuckers were among the most numerous of the non -sport catch in terms in terms of numbers (Table 3.2.1-2 and Table 3.2.1-5). The sucker family was fairly well -represented in 2012, and with six of the same species as in 2005. Two sculpin species were represented by 252 individuals (180 in 2005). Catfish (2) and trout (1) were represented by three species but only 12 individuals of the former and four individuals of the later. The remainder of the catch consisted of relatively low numbers of shad, drum, and other shiner species. In 2012, two sites on the Swannanoa River (SRM 1.6 and SRM 11.3) were sampled as a reference river site and those data (Table 3.2.1-4) were used to compare fish community composition and abundance to the Pigeon River sites impacted by the Canton Mill. There were 588 individual fish collected comprising 20 species (four sport fish and 16 non -sport species), as compared to 34 species (11 sport, 23 non -sport) in the NC main -stem PR below the mill. Sport fish were rock bass, bluegill, redbreast sunfish, and smallmouth bass, with redbreast sunfish comprising 59% of the catch, In the NC main -stem below the mill, there were nine species of sport fish (and two hybrid groups) with the redbreast (48%), smallmouth bass (20%), and the rock bass (17%) comprising 85% of the total sport fish catch. The four most abundant non -sport species in the PR main -stem, i.e., central stoneroller (485), greenfin darter (274), river chub (211), and whitetail shiner (207), were collected in the NC portion of the river below the Mill. In the reference Swannanoa River, the most abundant non -sport species were the river chub (99), fantail darter (71), redline darter (58), and Tennessee shiner (41). There were three "intolerant" fish species (Table 3.2.1-1) collected in the reference river, the rock bass, smallmouth bass, and the gilt darter. The same three species were collected in the NC main - stem Pigeon River sites below the Mill, along with an additional two "intolerant" species, the greenfin darter and the telescope shiner. Table 3.2.1-1. Fish Species Collected from the Pigeon River and Four Tributaries, 2012. Common Name Scientific Name 1. GIZZARD SHAD Dorosoma cepedianum 2. RAINBOW TROUT (I) Oncorhynchus mykiss 3. BROWN TROUT Salmo trutta 4. *BROOK TROUT (I) Salvelinus fontinalis 5. *BROOK SILVERSIDE Labidesthes sicculus 6. CENTRAL STONEROLLER Campostoma anomalum 7. WHITETAIL SHINER Cyprinella galactura 8. COMMON CARP (T) Cyprinus carpio 9. +BIGEYE CHUB Hybopsis amblops 10. WARPAINT SHINER Luxilus coccogenis 11. RIVER CHUB Nocomis micropogon 12. +TENNESSEE SHINER Notropis leuciodes 13. + SILVER SHINER (2005) (I) Notropis photogenis 14. +SAFFRON SHINER Notropis rubricroceus 49 15. +MIRROR SHINER Notropis spectrunculus 16. +TELESCOPE SHINER (I) Notropis telescopus 17. LONGNOSE DACE Rhinichthys cataractae 18. WHITE SUCKER (T) Catostomus commersoni 19. NORTHERN HOGSUCKER Hypentelium nigricans 20. SMALLMOUTH BUFFALO Ictiobus bubalus 21. SILVER REDHORSE Moxostoma anisurum 22. *RIVER REDHORSE Moxostoma carinatum 23. BLACK REDHORSE Moxostoma duquesnei 24. *SMALLMOUTH REDHORSE Moxostoma breviceps 25. *YELLOW BULLHEAD (T) Ameiurus natalis 26. *BROWN BULLHEAD (T) Ameiurus nebulosus 27. *FLAT BULLHEAD (T) Ameiurus platycephalus 28. CHANNEL CATFISH Ictalurus punctatus 29. FLATHEAD CATFISH Pylodictis olivaris 30. *WHITE BASS Morone chrysops 31. ROCK BASS (I) Ambloplites rupestris 32. REDBREAST SUNFISH (T) Lepomis auritus 33. GREEN SUNFISH (T) Lepomis cyanellus 34. *GREEN X REDBREAST HYBRID (T) L. cyanellus x L. auritus 35. BLUEGILL Lepomis macrochirus 36. *BLUEGILL X REDBREAST HYBRID(T) L. macrochirus x L. auritus 37. *BLUEGILL X GREEN HYBRID (T) L. macrochirus x L. cyanellus 38. WARMOUTH SUNFISH Lepomis gulosus 39. SMALLMOUTH BASS (I) Micropterus dolomieu 40. LARGEMOUTH BASS Micropterus salmoides 41. *WHITE CRAPPIE Pomoxis annularis 42. BLACK CRAPPIE Pomoxis nigromaculatus 43. GREENSIDE DARTER Etheostoma blennioides 44. GREENFIN DARTER (I) Etheostoma chlorobranchium 45. TUCKASEGEE DARTER Etheostoma gutselli 46. REDLINE DARTER Etheostoma rufilineatum 47. SNUBNOSE DARTER Etheostoma tennessense 48. +BANDED DARTER Etheostoma zonale 49. *YELLOW PERCH Perca flavescens 50. TANGERINE DARTER (I) Percina aurantiaca 51. *LOGPERCH Percina caprodes 52. +GILT DARTER (I) Percina evides 53. WALLEYE Sander vitreus 54. FRESHWATER DRUM Aplodinotus grunniens 55. MOTTLED SCULPIN Cottus bairdi 56. BANDED SCULPIN Cottus carolinae *Species (14) not collected in 2005 +Re -introduced native species I = intolerant species T = tolerant species 50 Table 3.2.1-2. Number/species of fish collected (by station) from the Pigeon River (main -stem and upstream tributaries), 2012. NATIVE L. Logan Channel Catfish FlatheadCatfish o©moommmoommo©oom©® ©®mmom®mmmmmmm©�om� o���000moomm�mmmmm� - - - o�mmmm�©m©om000mmm o�©000��o�oomom���m _ ono©omm©mmm�m®o�m©� :. �ommmm0mmmm®mmommm� 40TE. ' = not collected in 2005 in NC; collected in 2005 not in 2012 - Highland shiner, Blacknose dace, Olive darter, Black buffalo. Species names that are shaded were re -introduced below RM 64.5. T NATIVE: A -Always, N=Never, I=Introduced (In waters above Chattanooga, Personal communication, Charlie Saylor, TVA) 51 Table 3.2.1-3. Number and species of fish collected from the four tributary sampling locations downstream of the mill, 2012. Crabtree Creek was not sampled in 2005. 2012 Pigeon River Tributary Fish Data SPORT FISH Crabtree Creek Fines Creek Jonathan Creek Richland Creek TOTALS 1 Brook Trout` 4 3 7 2 Brown Trout 1 13 14 28 3 Rainbow Trou[ 2 6 1 8 4 Rock Bass 6 81 14 5 Blue ill 2 2 6 Redbreast Sunfish 16 4 2 18 40 7 Green X Redbreast b.* 1 1 8 Largemouth Bass 2 4 1 7 9 Smallmouth Bass 1 3 8 12 NON -SPORT FISH 1 Central Stoneroller 41 42 30 4 117 2 River Chub 21 2 50 25 98 3 Mirror Shiner* 1 1 4 Saffron Shiner* aL 2 5 Silver Shiner 6 Telescope Shiner* 5 7 8 Tennessee Shiner* Warpaint Shiner 16 26 5 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEM 11 38 58 9 Whitetail Shiner 36 1 10 47 10 Lon nose Dace 7 9 79 95 11 Northern Hog Sucker 16 5 23 10 54 12 White Sucker 2 1 167 19 13 14 15 Black Redhorse Banded Darter* Greenside Darter 41 4 6 i6 Greenfin Darter 1 2 3 17 Tuckase ee Darter 3 6 8 13 30 18 Gilt Darter* 5 5 19 Tangerine Darter 2 2 Total Fish: 215 116 250 1 122 703 Total Species:Species:1 18 11 17 1 14 Anornalles:1 1 3 1 1 2 NOTE: * = species not collected in 2005; Blacknose dace collected in 2005, not 2012. Shaded species were re -introduced. 52 Table 3.2.1-4. Number and species of fish collected from two sites on the Swannanoa River reference stream in 2012. 2012 Swannanoa River Fish Data at Reference Sites Sport Fish SRM 11.3 SRM 1.6 TOTALS Rainbow trout Brook trout Brown trout Channel catfish Flathead catfish White bass Rock bass 2 20 22 Blue ill 7 1 8 Bluegill X green Hyb. Blue ill X redbreast Hyb. Green sunfish Green X redbreast Hyb. Redbreast sunfish 31 22 53 Warmouth Largemouth bass Smallmouth bass 1 6 7 Black crappie White crappie Freshwater drum Walleye Non -Sport Fish Gizzard shad Central stoneroller 29 8 37 Common carp Brook silverside Bi eye chub 11 11 River chub 81 118 199 Mirror shiner Saffron shiner 12 12 Silver shiner Telescope shiner Tennessee shiner 41 41 Warpaint shiner 2 11 13 Whitetail shiner 17 17 Longnose dace Northern hog sucker 3 3 White sucker 2 2 Smallmouth buffalo Black redhorse River redhorse Silver redhorse Smallmouth redhorse Flat bullhead 13 13 Yellow bullhead 53 Banded darter 6 6 Greenside darter 4 4 Greenfin darter Redline darter 11 47 58 Snubnose darter Gilt darter 10 10 Tangerine darter Tuckasegee darter Logperch Yellow perch Banded sculpin Mottled sculpin Chain pickerel 1 1 Fantail darter 44 27 71 Total Fish 255 333 588 Total Species 14 15 Anomalies 1 10 Table 3.2.1-5. Ranked abundance and percent occurrence of the ten most abundant fish species collected from the main -stem Pigeon River, 2005 and 2012. 2005 Number Percent 2012 Number Percent Central stoneroller 971 33.69 Redbreast sunfish 538 22.29 Redbreast sunfish 385 13.36 Central stoneroller 293 12.14 River chub 192 6.66 Smallmouth bass 237 9.82 Banded sculpin 148 5.16 Whitetail shiner 183 7.58 Northern ho sucker 146 5.07 Rock bass 162 6.71 Warpaint shiner 131 4.55 River chub 123 5.97 Whitetail shiner 114 3.96 Banded sculpin 120 4.97 Rock bass 111 3.85 Greenfin darter 99 4.1 *Greenside darter (gutselli) 82 2.84 Northern ho sucker 91 3.77 Mirror shiner 74 2.57 Redline darter 71 2.94 *Now the Tuckase ee darter 54 Table 3.2.1-6. Ranked abundance and percent occurrence of fish collected by electrofishing from the main -stem Pigeon River, 2012. Species Total Number Percent Occurrence Redbreast Sunfish 538 22.29 Central Stoneroller 293 12.14 Smallmouth Bass 237 9.82 Whitetail Shiner 183 7.58 Rock Bass 162 6.71 River Chub 123 5.97 Banded Scul in 120 4.97 Greenfin Darter 99 4.10 Northern Ho sucker 91 3.77 Redline Darter 71 2.94 Warpaint Shiner 61 2.52 Tuckase ee Darter 53 2.19 Black Redhorse 40 1.66 Snubnose Darter 35 1.45 Tennessee Shiner 26 1.08 Greenside Darter 23 0.95 Blue ill 21 0.87 Mottled Scul in 20 0.83 Largemouth Bass 20 0.83 Black Crappie 19 0.79 Telescope Shiner 19 0.79 Common Carp 17 0.70 Banded Darter 16 0.66 Gizzard Shad 14 0.58 Smallmouth Buffalo 13 0.54 Tangerine Darter 12 0.50 Mirror Shiner 12 0.50 Yellow Perch 11 0.46 Silver Shiner 8 0.33 Walleye 7 0.29 Channel Catfish 6 0.25 Bi e e Chub 5 0.21 Gilt Darter 4 0.17 Smallmouth Redhorse 4 0.17 White Sucker 4 0.17 Rainbow Trout 4 0.17 White Crappie 3 0.12 Flat Bullhead 3 0.12 Flathead Catfish 2 0.08 Freshwater Drum 2 0.08 Saffron Shiner 2 0.08 Lon nose Dace 2 0.08 Green X Redbreast Hybrid 2 0.08 Bluegill X Redbreast Hybrid 1 0.04 Warmouth 1 0.04 Silver Redhorse 1 0.04 Brown Bullhead 1 0.04 Logperch 1 0.04 Brook Silverside 1 0.04 Total Fish 2413 100 55 Fish species in the mainstem Pigeon River in 2005, ranked by abundance (Table 3.2.1-5), had only one intolerant species, the rock bass in eigth place. However, in 2012, not only the rock bass, but also the smallmouth bass and greenfin darter moved into the top eight based on species abundance — all three species are considered to be `intolerant'. The rock bass and smallmouth bass were collected at all thermally influenced station below the mill. The whitetail shiner increased in prominence, moving from a number seven ranking (-4%) in 2005 to number four (-8%) in 2012. This species is most abundant in fast runs, and flowing pools in clear streams with coarse, firm substrates (Etnier and Starnes, 1993). It was collected from all but of the one of the thermally influenced main -stem stations (PRM 54.5). The most abundant species in both sample years were the central stoneroller and the redbreast sunfish with 47% of the total catch in 2005, and 34% of the total catch in 2012, indicating a significant decrease in the abundance of these two tolerant species in the river below the mill. Other species in the top ten in abundance in 2012 included the river chub (123), banded sculpin (120), and northern hogsucker (91) (Table3.2.1-5). The distribution of fish species in the Pigeon River was examined for spatial patterns. Lack of definable patterns indicates a random distribution of fishes. On the other hand, well-defined spatial patterns indicate that fishes are responding differentially to physical factors (e.g., depth, substrate type, water temperature, velocity, cover, etc.) or chemical factors (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, etc.) or natural disasters (flooding/drought). Also, the presence/absence of certain species provides valuable information on impacts (or lack of same) from point or non -point source dischargers (e.g., the Canton mill, the Waynesville and Clyde WWTPs) and what factor(s) may be responsible for any differences observed. As discussed below, species distribution in the Pigeon River is driven by a variety of factors. The distribution of most species followed one of five well-defined spatial patterns: (1) fairly evenly distributed throughout the study area, (2) restricted to or noticeably more abundant upstream of the Canton Mill, (3) restricted to or noticeably more abundant downstream of Waterville Lake, or (4) most abundant in the middle two reaches, between the mill and Waterville Lake. (5) sporadic distribution throughout sample area. Forty-eight of the 53 species collected from the main -stem river followed one of these five patterns (Table 3.2.1-7). The remaining four were the brook silverside which was only found in the TN portion, and three sunfish hybrids [bluegill x green sunfish (1), bluegill x redbreast sunfish (4), and green sunfish x redbreast sunfish (2)]. Eleven species clearly followed Pattern 1 (i.e., were widely distributed throughout the study area). These included four sunfish, three minnows, two darters, and two sucker species (Table 3.2.1-7). This group of widely distributed species includes eight of the 10 most abundant species in the study area; the other three rank within the top 15 species in abundance. In 2012, there were 13 species found downstream of the mill: smallmouth bass and rock bass were found at every Pigeon River site, from PRM 69.5 at the most upstream NC site to PRM 10.3 in TN. The central stoneroller was found everywhere except PRM 63.0; whitetail shiner and hogsucker were found at every site except PRM 54.5 in NC and PRM 24.7 in TN. The warpaint shiner was found at six sitesites, the tangerine darter was found at three sites, and the mottled sculpin and greenfin darter were found at four sites. The saffron shiner, which was not collected at PRM 64.5 during the sample season in 2005, was collected at three sites above the Mill in 2012. M Even more species (16) were unique to the Tennessee portion of the study area (i.e., downstream of Walters Dam and Progress Energy power house). The most common species (>20) were banded sculpin, gizzard shad, and redline, snubnose, and greenside darters, while the other 11 species were uncommon (1-17 individuals) (Table 3.2.1-2). Table 3.2.1-7. Longitudinal distribution of fishes in the Pigeon River main -stem, 2012. Species distributed throughout the study area Species restricted to or much more abundant upstream of the Canton mill Species restricted to or much more abundant downstream of Progress Energy Hydro Plant Species restricted to or much more abundant between Waterville Lake and Canton mill Species with sporadic distribution throughout the sample area N. hogsucker Green sunfish Gizzard shad Common carp Black redhorse Central stoneroller Warmouth Greenside darter White sucker Channel catfish Whitetail shiner Mirror shiner Redline darter Brown bullhead Black crappie Redbreast sunfish Saffron shiner TN snubnose darter Bluegill Tangerine darter Smallmouth bass Mottled sculpin Telescope shiner* Largemouth bass Flat bullhead River chub Banded sculpin Yellow perch Longnose dace Rock bass Rainbow trout TN shiner* Bluegill Walleye Flathead catfish Greenfin darter White crappie Gilt darter* Tuckasegee darter River redhorse Banded darter* Black redhorse Logperch Bigeye chub* Yellow bullhead Silver shiner* Smallmouth buffalo Smallmouth redhorse Brook silverside *Re -introduced species below PRM 64.5. 57 Despite the fact that several of the species were common in Tennessee, none were collected in the North Carolina portion of the river. This pattern is not consistent with what would be expected if the thermal effluent from the Canton mill were the principal factor affecting the distribution of fishes in the Pigeon River. If the thermal component was the reason these 15 species were absent downstream of the mill, then they still should be present upstream of the mill. The fact that none of the 15 was collected upstream of the mill indicates that their absence in the middle segments is either biogeographical (i.e., they are not Blue Ridge species) or the high gradient area near the border provides a major natural faunal barrier which many species cannot pass. As opposed to the four species more common upstream of the mill which are predominantly cool water forms, the 15 species restricted to the Tennessee portion of the study area are predominantly either warmwater fishes (e.g., gizzard shad) or are fishes typically associated with larger rivers (e.g., silver redhorse, freshwater drum, walleye, white crappie, black buffalo, and smallmouth buffalo). The fact that these species are absent from the upper portion of the study area indicates that this area is simply too cool and too small for many of the species found in the Tennessee portion of the study area. Finally, there are several species (Table 3.2.1-6) that are restricted to or most abundant in the NC main -stem portion of the study area. The increased abundance of bluegill, black crappie, flathead catfish, and channel catfish in this area may be the result of emigration of individuals from Waterville Lake. The other species typically increase in response to greater food availability (i.e., benthic organisms) and, except for white sucker, prefer warm water. Thus, their higher abundance in the middle reaches is probably the result of more food being available and warmer temperatures. The bedrock substrates and higher percentage of long deep pools in the middle section also favor these species. Among the tributaries, Jonathan Creek had the widest diversity of species (16) of the tribs that were sampled in 2005 (Jonathan, Richland, Fines Creeks) and the highest numbers (N=249), including three trout, three sucker, five minnow, three sunfish, and two darter species (Table 3.3.1-3). Crabtree Creek was also sampled in 2012, and had two more species (N=18) than Jonathan Creek; five of the six re -introduced species were collected there for the first time. Fines Creek yielded moderate diversity (11 species) but the fewest individuals (Table 3.2.1-3); the central stoneroller was the most abundant species there making up 36% of the total number. Richland Creek had moderate species richness (14 species), with the second lowest number of individuals (N=122), including one sucker and five minnows species. Stoneroller, redbreast sunfish, and Tuckasegee darter were the most abundant species in the creek. Two of the tribs, Fines and Jonathan Creeks, had individuals of all three trout species; the brown (27) and brook trout (7) individuals were only collected at those two locations in 2012. Species richness varied throughout the main -stem sampling sites (Table 3.2.1-2). At most of the locations, species richness in 2012 was similar to 2005. In 2005, there were 44 fish species collected from the study area, the Pigeon River from PRM 64.5 to RM 19.3, and the three tributaries (Richland, Jonathan, and Fines Creeks). This total included 15 sport species, all of which occurred downstream of the Canton mill. In 2012, fifty species were collected from the same sampling area. The distribution of fishes documented in the study area indicates that fish are affected by a number of factors (e.g., stream size, habitat quality, water temperature, and point and non -point source dischargers) including the severe drought of 2007-08 in western NC. G: 3.2.2 Condition Analysis For a community to be balanced, most of the individuals making up that community must be in good health. This can be assessed by examining their relative robustness (relative weight Wr) or by looking for evidence of deformities or anomalies. A Wr value of 100 indicates that the weight for the fish you are assessing weighs the same as the standard weight (Wj that has been empirically determined for that species from similar geographical locations. Typically, Wr values significantly below 100 indicate problems in food or feeding conditions or recent spawning activity, while Wr values well above 100 may indicate that fish may not be making the best use of a surplus of prey (Murphy and Willis, 1996). Consequently, a range of Wr values from 85-105 would indicate fish in "good condition". When examining the data, it was found that some of the calculated Wr values for fish collected during the study fell outside that "good condition" range. Since all Wr values were used in the calculation of the mean Wr for each species at each location, it should be noted that those significanty lower or higher values may affect the mean to a greater or lesser degree. Many variables influence Wr values including sex, season of collection, geographical location, and life stage, should be considered when comparing the condition of fish populations. To reduce the influence of these and other variables, comparisons of Pigeon River Wr values involved only larger specimens, i.e., those fish equal to or longer than the minimum lengths used in the 2012 Wr calculations. The primary species selected for comparison (redbreast sunfish, rock bass, bluegill, and smallmouth bass) were chosen as a result of their overall abundance and occurrence at a variety of sampling sites. Wr values for up to 10 individuals of each species were calculated to assess relative well-being. Species with fewer than 10 individuals collected were also evaluated; however, mean Wr values were not used unless there were three scores (i.e., three fish) obtained. There were three of the target species collected upstream of the mill (rock bass, redbreast, smallmouth bass). All Wr values (except redbreast sunfish) were calculated using standard weight (WS) equations that have been proposed for various fish species along with minimum total lengths recommended for application (Murphy and Willis, 1996). The equation used to calculate Wr values for redbreast sunfish was developed from length and weight data from Georgia redbreast populations (Sandow, Jr. et al., 1974). Wr equations and minimum lengths are presented below: Black crappie log Ws = -5.618 + 3.345 log L 100 mm Bluegill log Ws = -5.374 + 3.316 log L 80 mm Channel catfish log Ws = -5.800 + 3.294 log L 70 mm Largemouth bass log Ws = -5.316 + 3.191 log L 150 mm Redbreast sunfish log Ws = -5.281 + 3.2386 log L 100 mm Rock bass log Ws = -4.883 + 3.083 log L 100 mm Smallmouth bass log Ws = -5.329 + 3.200 log L 150 mm Walleye log Ws = -5.692 + 3.180 log L 150 mm White bass log Ws = -5.066 + 3.081 log L 115 mm White crappie log Ws = -5.642 + 3.332 log L 100 mm Yellow perch log Ws = -5.386 + 3.230 log L 100 mm "Ij In 2012, mean Wr values for redbreast sunfish and rock bass were within the 85-105 "good condition" range at every NC station below the mill except for redbreast sunfish at PRM 45.3 (no redbreast were collected at that site)(Table 3.2.2-1). Redbreast were found at all six comparison reference sites (EFPR 3.5, WFPR 3.6, PRM 69.5, PRM 64.5-.9, SRM 1.6, SRM 11.3), and mean Wr values ranged from 90-110.The WFPR 3.6 location had a mean Wr of 93 with a range of 65- 125, however, only one of the six calculated Wr values for fish at that site fell in the 85-105 "good condition" range (Table 3.2.2-1). Rock bass were found at all reference locations except SR 11.3; mean Wr values for rock bass ranged from 75-87. Only one of nine fish had a Wr (90) in the "good condition" range from the Swannanoa River collections. Thirteen bluegill were collected in four of the six reference locations (none collected in the main -stem PR above the mill); the Wr value (88) for the four bluegill from the SFPR 3.5 reference location was the only value in the target range. Smallmouth bass had mean Wr values within the target range at two of three NC main -stem stations, 86 at PRM 64.5 and 91 at PRM 55.5. There were several other species with one or two individuals collected at stations throughout the mainstem NC portion of the river which exhibited Wr values indicating good condition, including yellow perch (PRM 59.0, 55.5), largemouth bass (PRM 55.5), smallmouth bass (PRM 64.5, 61.0, 55.5, 48.2, 45.3), channel catfish (PRM 54.5), and black crappie (PRM 59.0, 54.5, 52.3). The TN portion of the river (PRM 24.9-PRM 10.3) produced one or two individuals of eight species which exhibited Wr values indicating good condition: rock bass, redbreast sunfish, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, white crappie, white bass, channel catfish, and walleye. Table 4.2-1. Relative weight (Wr) of Pigeon River fish by collection site, 2012. (RCK= rock bass, RBR = redbreast sunfish, SMB = smallmouth bass, CCAT = channel catfish, BG = bluegill, LMB = largemouth bass, YPRCH = yellow perch, BLKCR = black crappie, WHTCR = white crappie, WALL = walleye) River Mile Species # Wr Mean EFPR 3.5 RBR 6 112 105 102 114 98 128 110 RCK 5 76 82 88 74 86 82 BG 4 91 57 88 86 88 WFPR 3.6 RCK 10 57 81 56 87 94 63 56 85 92 77 75 RBR 7 67 69 65 100 125 116 93 BG 2 53 90 69.5 RBR 1 100 RCK 6 81 79 81 72 97 94 F87 64.5 RBR 10 98 100 102 107 97 96 100 94 104 97RCK 10 69 86 63 89 85 82 87 84 86 104SMB 4 88 94 79 81 it 63.0 RBR 10 105 102 92 99 100 92 104 101 95 95 99 RCK 6 85 88 87 93 130 98 89 SMB 1 69 YPRCH 1 66 61.0 RBR 10 89 101 103 103 99 91 99 95 95 101 98 BG 10 92 83 86 84 107 86 78 98 94 83 89 RCK 10 84 140 98 97 98 94 94 89 87 94 93 LMB 8 74 81 78 66 84 79 60 60 79 SMB 9 82 79 77 89 81 92 78 77 86 82 BLCKCR 2 7 80 105 84 88 85 96 89 96 91 93 59.0 RCK RBR 10 110 103 114 105 99 93 113 89 110 99 104 SMB 2 77 84 BG 3 94 102 94 97 BLKCR 1 89 YPRCH 1 101 57.7 RBR 10 102 95 95 102 108 85 103 89 103 90 97 RCK 8 103 97 87 81 86 92 80 85 89 SMB 1 67 55.5 RBR 10 88 110 85 96 109 109 92 107 79 90 97 RCK 7 84 90 89 109 87 93 103 94 SMB 4 88 107 79 89 91 LMB 2 93 88 YPRCH 5 77 90 144 131 86 84 54.5 RBR 10 103 120 115 96 109 98 103 106 98 95 102 CCAT 2 95 108 SMB 1 133 RCK 9 106 97 100 110 86 95 103 102 120 100 BLKCR 10 93 84 52 72 88 85 65 88 101 93 88 M River Mile Species # Wr Mean 52.3 RBR 10 111 103 92 118 94 97 98 129 91 97 100 BG 2 93 92 RCK 9 84 94 92 114 107 103 87 91 100 85 SMB 114* BLKCR 2 85 86 48.2 RBR 4 94 93 112 92 98 RCK 2 89 95 SMB 1 87 BG 1 111 1p 45.3 RCK 1 97 SMB 1 91 24.9 RCK 4 96 87 82 114 95 19.3 RBR RCK 10 96 97 100 92 95 97 106 95 110 95 98 SMB 5 83 85 77 80 82 81 WALL 5 80 76 75 80 82 79 WHTCR 3 86 80 75 80 BLKCR 2 84 83 CCAT 1 91 10.3 RBR 10 96 110 92 106 101 112 107 105 109 97 104 RCK 5 102 83 91 67 75 84 SMB 6 81 91 84 73 82 79 82 LMB 3 94 83 102 93 WHB 2 90 84 CCAT 4 130 54 89 88 90 BLKCP 1 82 WALL 4 89 85 70 115 90 SRM 11.3 RBR 10 90 89 89 83 100 100 94 81 84 90 90 BG 6 80 79 94 73 73 82 80 Oman SRM 1.6 RBR 8 84 93 109 94 90 85 81 91 91 RCK 10 80 81 90 78 83 80 81 82 78 69 81 BG 1 80 *All young -of -year fish e Collectively, Wr values indicated that: (1) the condition of rock bass, smallmouth bass, redbreast sunfish, and bluegill from the Pigeon River is comparable to the condition of these species from other areas in the Southeast, and (2) the condition of these species downstream of the Canton Mill in the thermally affected portion of the river as well as the cooler downstream portions of the river were considered to be in good condition. Wr values for fishes from the Pigeon River were within expected ranges for this area. Furthermore, Wr values downstream of the mill were typically comparable to those upstream of the mill and that the majority of the target species are in good condition. 3.2.3 Biological Integrity The biotic condition of the surveyed length of the Pigeon River was characterized by incorporating fish community data into the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) (Karr 1981, Karr et al. 1986) as modified by TVA (2004). The IBI includes a range of attributes of fish assemblages which can be classified into three categories: species richness and composition, trophic composition, and fish abundance and condition. Scores of 5, 3, and 1 were assigned to each of 12 metrics within the three categories (Section 2). Species richness was based on specimens collected by all sampling gears combined. At all stations, similar distances (usually 200 m) were sampled with the pram electrofisher or backpack shocker, while the boat covered a broader range of distances (100-200 m), but similar amounts of time (usually about 40 min), following TVA boat shocking protocols. There is only a weak relationship between catch per unit effort (CPUE) and drainage area. Therefore, in earlier studies (1995, 2000), no adjustment was made for differences in drainage area among the study locations. However, TVA IBI metrics do reflect changes in drainage area and, therefore, our 2005 and 2012 IBI scores are calculated using drainage area. Due to concerns expressed by NC DENR, NC IBI scores were not used to rate locations (e.g., fair, poor, excellent, etc.). Instead, the index was used as a broad measure to compare among locations and to measure changes compared to 2000 (EA 2001). In conformance with TVA protocols, Metric 12 (Percent Diseased Fish) was scored with the inclusion of parasites (e.g., blackspot, leeches, etc.). External diseases encountered most frequently were lesions and leeches; deformities were included in the calculations but were rarely encountered. TVA IBI data for Pigeon River fish sites are presented Table 3.2.3-1, along with scores for each IBI metric calculated using TVA protocols (2004). IBI scores for 2005 and 2012 are presented in Figure 3.2.3-1; the maximum score for each metric is five. Six of eleven Pigeon River main -stem sties had IBI scores equal to or better than scores for the same sites in 2005; four of the other five scores were within six units of the same -site 2005 value. The IBI score in 2012 which differed more than six points from the 2005 sampling was a 34 at PRM 24.7 in the TN portion of the river; the low score was primarily due to a minimum score (1) on each of four metrics related to the presence or absence of selected species, i.e., the total number of native fish species (9), number of darter species (1), number of sunfish species (0), and the number of sucker species (0) (Table 3.2.3-1). In 2012, two sites in the middle portion (PRM 63.0-PRM54.5) of the river received IBI scores of 46; this score was the highest score recorded in the NC main -stem and slightly higher than IBI e score (44) for the reference site immediately upstream of the mill (PRM 64.5). Other scores in the NC main -stem ranged from a 26 at PRM 45.3 to 40 at four sites including PRM 61.0. The lowest score was at PRM 45.3, which as noted before, had suffered from habitat modification from the floods of 2004, as well as the 2007-08 drought; the low number of species and low densities coupled with a relatively high incidence of diseased fish produced an IBI of 26. It should be noted that sites with scores that differ by <8 IBI units are often statistically indistinguishable (i.e., differences of <8 may be due to random chance) (Fore et al. 1994). Thus, it is likely that the difference observed between the highest and lowest scores (e.g., 44 at PRM 64.5 vs. 26 at PRM 42.6) is probably real, whereas the difference of six IBI points between PRM 61.0 and PRM 55.5, may or may not have any statistical or biological significance. When evaluating our 2012 data, seven of nine NC main -stem stations (10 of 13 total stations sampled including the PR tributaries ) from PRM 64.5 to PRM 45.3) were within six IBI units. We consider any differences (either among locations or dates) of <6 IBI units to be biologically insignificant. In the tributaries including Crabtree Creek (sampled for the first time in 2012), Crabtree scored the highest (46) followed by Richland Creek (44), Jonathan Creek (42), and Fines Creek (36) (Table 3.2.3-2). Any impact on Jonathan Creek from the Maggie Valley WWTP or other development in the watershed (located further upstream) was not apparent; the IBI score improved from a score of 42 in 2005 to 46 in 2012. IBI scores in Richland Creek (44) and Fines Creek (36) remained the same as they were in 2005. The IBI in Richland Creek was 44, the same score it received in 2005. In coldwater streams, an increase in the IBI (which was developed primarily for warmwater streams) or in species richness is not necessarily good. Increases in eutrophication and species richness are often indicators of a decline in coldwater community integrity, and temperatures of around 24 C are marginal for trout and encourage the invasion of warmwater species like largemouth bass and other centrarchids.This may be the situation in 2012, as water temperature in Richland Creek was recorded at 24.5 C; there were five sunfish sunfish species (including LMB) and no trout species collected there. In the other three tributaries (Fines, Jonathan, Crabtree), there were 43 total salmonids collected including 7 brook trout, 28 brown trout, and 8 rainbow trout. We noted that water temperature in Fines Creek decreased from 24.5 C in 2005 to 18.5 C in 2012. Four cool/cold water species were collected (warpaint shiner, brown, brook, and rainbow trout): the blacknose dace found in 2005 was not collected in 2012. Thus, Fines Creek bears watching to ensure that it maintains its coldwater aquatic assemblage. :A Table 3.2.3-1. Measured values and associated TVA IBI scores (in parentheses) for the Pigeon River main -stem and Swannanoa River sampling locations, 2012. Metrics: S 11.3 S 1.6 WF 3.6 EF 3.5 69.5 64.5-.9 63.0 61.0 59.0 57.7 55.5 54.5 52.3 48.2 45.3 24.7 19.3 10.3 Total # native fish species 12 (3) 14 (3) 13 (3) 12 (3) 15 (3) 14 (3) 9 (3) 12 (3) 13 (3) 8 (1) 15 (3) 17 (3) 17 (3) 19 (3) 8 (1) 9 (1) 22 (5) 23 (5) # of darter species 2 (3) 5 (5) 2 (3) 2 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3) 1 (1) 2 (3) 2 (3) 4 (5) 4 (3) 2 (1) 4 (3) 1 (1) 2 (1) 4 (3) 4 (3) # of sunfish species 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 3 (5) 1 (3) 1 (3) 2 (5) 3 (5) 1 (3) 2 (5) 4 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 1 (3) Off) 1 (3) 5 (5) # of sucker species 2 (5) Off) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (1) 2 (3) 1(1) 2 (3) 2 (3) 1 (1) 2 (3) 2 (3) 4 (5) 1 (1) 1 (1) Off) 4 (3) 4 (3) # of intolerant spp. 2 (3) 3 (5) 2 (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (3) 1 (1) 2 (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (3) 2 (3) 1 (1) 3 (5) 1 (1) 2 (3) 3 (5) 2 (3) % tolerant species 0.8(5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0.5(5) 0 (5) 1 (5) 2.6(5) 1 (5) 0 (5) 1.5(5) 2.3(5) 2.4(5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 4 (5) 2.5(5) 7.5(5) % omnivores, stonerollers 44 (1) 38 (1) 32 (1) 43 (1) 21 (1) 27 (1) 1 (5) 4.5(5) 47 (1) 2 (5) 10 (3) 9.5(5) 8.4(5) 34 (1) 38 (1) 15 (3) 24(1) 27 (1) % specialized insectivores 27 (3) 47 (3) 36 (3) 26 (3) 51 (5) 35 (3) 6 (1) 3.2 (1) 8 (1) 10 (1) 13 (1) 15 (1) 12 (1) 22 (1) 21 (1) 35 (3) 26 (3) 2.7 (1) % piscivores 1.2 (1) 8.1(5) 15 (5) 3.3(3) 6.6(5) 27 (5) 7 (5) 29 (5) 9.6(5) 11 (5) 17 (5) 30 (5) 44 (5) 8.8(5) 22 (5) 11 (5) 10 (5) 10 (5) Catch rate 17.4(3) 24.3(5) 12.2 (1) 18.4(3) 13.7(3) 23 (5) 19 (3) 13 (3) 15 (3) 11.7(3) 13 (3) 15 (3) 21 (5) 12 (3) 6.4 (1) 11 (3) 25 (5) 17.2(5) % hybrids 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0.5(5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 1.2 (1) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (5) 0.9(3) % diseased 0.4(5) 3 (3) 0 (5) 0.04(5) 4.7(3) .003(5) 7 (1) 7.8 (1) 1 (5) 2.9(3) 1.6(5) 4.7(3) 1.4(5) 2.9(3) 5.9 (1) 3.9(3) 0.7(5) 1.2(5) IBI Score 42 46 42 40 40 44 36 40 40 36 46 40 46 40 26 34 48 44 65 Figure 3.2.3-1. TVA IBI scores of Pigeon River, Swannanoa River, and Pigeon River tributary sites, 2005 and 2012. 60 ca 2U C PIGEON RIVER IBI SCORES 4848 46 42 42 2 D 0 uO uO L rl LL U- CC � OC OC OC a. � /h y a. W mm 2012 —9-2005 Table 3.2.3-2. Comparison of IBI scores for Pigeon River main -stem, tributaries, and Swannanoa River, 1995-2012. X = no data recorded. PIGEON RIVER SAMPLE SITES Scored BY TVA/NC IBI Methods 2012 - 1995 TVA TVA TVA NCDENR' NCDENR 2005* Re inrro River Mile Location 2012 l0/'08 2005 2012 2000 1995 NOTES Effect on NCII 1 WFPRM 6.6 Lake Logan* X X X X X TVA metrics unchanged from 2005. 2 WFPRM 3.6 West Fork Pigeon River* 42 42 X 38 X X 'NC metrics for' 12 used version from 2006. 3 EFPRM 3.5 East Fork Pigeon River* 40 36 X 41 X X 4 PRM 69.5 Below confluence EFLR/WFLR* 40 X 53 X X *NC metrics for'05 used version from 2000 & from 1995. 5 PRM 64.5/64.9 Upstream of mill (expanded* from 2005) 44 46 46 55 55 54 6 PRM 63.0 Fiberville, below BRRP 36 38 26 51 46 Re -intro: Silver shiner-3 +2 7 PRM 61.0 D.O. augmentation station (Thickety) 40 46 36 52 Re -intro: Silver shiner-1 8 PRM 59.0 Upstream of Clyde 40 36 38 45 44 9 PRM 57.7 Charles St Bridge/Clyde* 36 X 26 X X Re -intros: Silver shiner4 Banded darter-5 +2 10 PRM 55.5 Downstream of Clyde, Hyder Mm. Br. 46 38 (' 10) 36 48 42 52 Re -intros: Banded darter-7 Gilt darter-1 Tennessee shiner-1 +10 I I PRM Trib Richland Creek (PR confluence at PRM 54.9) 44 38 44 43 44 42 Re -intros: Banded darter-5 Gilt daroa-5 (I to —2010) +2 12 PRM 54.5 Downstream of Waynesville W WTP 40 38 43 42 42 Re -intros: Banded darter-2 Gilt darter-2 Tennessee shiner-5 +5 13 PRM 52.3 Old Rt 209/Golf Course 46 40 38 44 46 Re -intros: Banded darter-1 Tennessee shiner-3 +2 14 PRM Trib Crabtree Creek* (PRM 49.8) @ Panther Cr. Rd. 46 X 50 X X Re -intros: Banded darter-1 Tennessee shiner: 38 Telescope shiner-5 Mtrror shiner-1 Saffron shiner-2 +14 Note: Silver shiners collected upstream by NCDENR 6-27-12. 15 PRM 48.2 Ferguson Bridge (No boat 2012) 40 40 46 46 48 Re -intros: banded darter-1 Gilt darterl Tennessee shiner-17 Telescope shine,, Bigeye chub-4 +10 16 PRM Trib Jonathan Creek (PRM 46.0) @ Cove Cr. Rd. 40 34 46 41 51 52 17 PRM 45.3 HEPCO Gauging Station* 26 X 36 X X PRM 42.6 HEPCO X 34 32 X 46 42 18 PRM Trib Fines Creek (PRM 42.7) @ Exit 15, I-40 36 34 36 31 44 40 19 PRM 24.7 Waterville (TN)@Browns Bridge (No boat 2012) 34 44 38 47 48 20 PRM 19.3 Groundhog Creek -Bluffton (TN) 48 42 55 55 54 21 PRM 10.3 Below Ag Fields (IN)* 46 X 48 X X 22 SRM 11.3 lWarren Wilson College, HWY. 70 42 X 38 X X 23 SRM 1.6 1 Exit 50 at 1-40 46 X 46 X X M 3.2.4 Life Stages and Spawning Activity The structure of the Pigeon River fish community was examined further by determining the reproductive status and life stage of all fish collected. Life stage information was used as an indicator of reproductive success (presence of young -of -the -year) as well as overall community health (representation by a range/variety of life -stages). Because the study was conducted in July -September 2012, most fish were not in breeding condition and indicators of breeding condition (e.g., tubercules in males, gravid females, breeding colors) were essentially absent. Thus, assessment of reproductive success was based on the presence of YOY (young -of -the - year) fish and a wide range of sizes for a particular species (indicative of successful spawning and recruitment in previous years). Reproductive status of life stages of fishes were classified as follows: YOYs were spawned during the current calendar year, juveniles were not mature enough to reproduce, and adults were sexually mature and capable of reproduction. Common carp was represented only by medium and large individuals which is typical of the size distribution of this species, for which YOYs and small juveniles are rarely collected. In the NC portion of the main -stem, the size distribution of most species was similar, but varied somewhat depending on the method of capture, i.e., backpack and pram electrofishing in shallower portions of the river produced smaller sizes of a given species whereas boat electrofishing generally produced the larger sizes of the same species. Rock bass, redbreast sunfish, and smallmouth bass (SMB) were found at every main -stem NC station; of the 212 SMB, most were YOY (N=189) which indicated successful reproduction for that intolerant species. In addition, a substantial numer of the SMB collected in the three TN stations below the Progress Energy Hydro Plant were YOY (22 out of 40). Tuckasegee darters, northern hogsuckers, whitetail shiners, and stonerollers were found at all main -stem NC stations except one; the stonerollers and hogsuckers were not collected immediately downstream of the mill at PRM 63.0, although the Tuckasegee darters and whitetail shiners were present at that location. Other YOY species collected upstream of the Hydro Plant included rock bass, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, bluegill, redbreast, and hogsucker, while YOY largemouth bass, hogsucker, and rainbow trout were collected in the TN portion of the river. Prior to 2005, Metric 12 of the NC IBI was scored according to the number of species that were represented by multiple age classes. In 2004, TVA modified scoring metrics (see Section 3.2.3 and Table 3.2.4-1) and the multiple age class metric was removed. However, North Carolina retained the multiple age class metric in their IBI calculations. Therefore in 2012, the maximum possible metric score (5) was obtained at only two sites upstream of the mill based on NC IBI scores (Table 3.2.4-1); this fact indicates that the natural causes (floods in 2004, drought in 2007- 08) may have disrupted reproduction throughout the Pigeon River drainage. :: Table 3.2.4-1. Multiple age class scores for Pigeon River main -stem, tributary sites, and Swannanoa River sites, 2012. Reference sites are indicated by an asterisk (*). River Mile (RM) 2012 SRM 11.3* 5 SRM 1.6* 5 WFPRM 3.6* 3 EFPRM 3.5* 5 69.5* 3 64.5-.9* 5 63.0 3 61.0 3 59.0 1 55.5 3 54.5 3 52.3 3 48.2 1 45.3 5 Richland Creek 3 Crabtree Creek 3 Jonathan Creek 3 Fines Creek 3 24.7 1 19.3 5 10.3 1 Among the main -stem tributaries, none received a score of five for the multiple class metric. All the tributaries downstream of the mill received a score of three. :t 3.2.5 Habitat Assessment An evaluation of the quality of the aquatic habitat and surrounding lands is important to any assessment of aquatic ecological integrity. A high quality habitat functions as a refuge for organisms, meets their needs throughout their life cycle, moderates runoff influences, provides living space and food, and tempers alteration to channel morphology, erosion, and deposition. Therefore, the biological condition of indigenous communities is determined by the natural characteristics of the whole system. The potential of aquatic communities is dependent on the habitat quality as a primary component of their ecological requirements. The riverine habitat was assessed using the methodologies established by NC DENR (2001) using the Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet for Mountain and Piedmont Streams (Version 7). The habitat characteristics which were recorded were channel modification, in -stream habitat, bottom substrate, pool variety, riffle habitat, bank stability and vegetation, light penetration, and riparian vegetation zone width. The maximum score possible using all metrics was 100. In addition to habitat assessment, physicochemical data (temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH) were also recorded at each sampling location. Among the main -stem locations, habitat scores (Table 3.2.5-1) ranged from 35-86 and tributary scores ranged from 75-90. Main -stem scores were higher at PRM 19.3 (84), PRM 45.3 (77), PRM 48.2 (68), PRM 55.5 (61), and PRM 64.5-64.9 (83), and lower at PRM 24.7 (65), PRM 52.3 (66), PRM 54.5 (66), PRM 59 (71), PRM 61 (63), and PRM 63 (83). Of the four main -stem tributaries, Richland and Jonathan Creeks scored higher in 2012 than 2005. The highest score (90) was in the upstream headwater tributary, i.e., East Fork Pigeon River, and was the result of instream habitat and riffle habitat scores. The lowest score at PRM 63.0 was the result of poor instream habitat, substrate quality, bank stability, canopy, and riparian zone width. Scores at stations in the NC portion of the river below the mill to Walters Dam ranged from 40-80 in 2005; in 2012, the same area had scores ranging from 35-77, which indicated little change in riverine habitat between bioassessment studies. Table 3.2.5-1. Overall habitat scores for the reference stations, Pigeon River main -stem sites, and tributaries, 2005 and 2012. River Mile (RM) Habitat Scores IBI Scores 2005 2012 2005 2012 SRM 11.3 75 42 SRM 1.6 63 46 WFPRM 3.6 81 42 EFPRM 3.5 90 40 69.5 86 40 64.5/64.9 57 83 46 44 70 63.0 40 35 38 36 61.0 79 63 46 40 59.0 80 71 36 40 57.7 39 36 5S.5 34 61 36 46 54.5 68 66 38 40 52.3 71 66 40 46 48.2 62 68 40 40 45.3 77 26 42.6 67 32 Richland Creek 72 76 44 44 Crabtree Creek 75 46 Jonathan Creek 88 75 46 40 Fines Creek 74 78 36 36 24.7 83 65 44 34 19.3 68 84 42 48 10.3 55 44 *NOTE: Scores were calculated using NC DENR established methodologies, Version 6 for 2005, Version 7 for 2012. Of the habitat metrics for the NC portion of the river below the mill, channel and instream habitat showed little variation among locations. Five locations scored 4 (5 maximum) or better for the channel metric. For instream habitat, six locations scored greater than 14 out of a 20 maximum value. Canopy values ranged 2-10 with five locations scoring five or better out of maximum of 10. Substrate values ranged from 3-15 with one location (PRM 59.0) scoring the maximum 15 and six scoring 10 or better. Pool variety scores ranged from 4-10 with PRM 42.3 and PRM 52.5 receiving the maximum score (10). The range for riffle habitat was 3-12. Three locations received a score of 12 (out of a maximum 16) while two locations (PRM 63.0 and PRM 61.0) received the minimum score (3). Bank stability and vegetation ranged from 9-11 out of a maximum score of 14. In most locations, right and left bank riparian vegetation zone widths were rarely similar, with one bank scoring higher than the other bank; scores ranged from 0-8 out of a maximum 9. The lower scores were often associated with a road alongside the river. Comparison of 2012 to 2005 Total Scores (PRM 64.5-42.7). Overall the 2012 total habitat scores were similar to those in 2005; there were seven of 10 stations in NC in 2012 (including the PRM 64.5 location above the mill) that had total scores 71 better or within five units of the same locations in 2005. Some of the differences seen came from a change in metrics, such as in the 2005 protocol that combined bank stability and vegetation into a single category. At some locations, the decreases in habitat scores were due to a missing component; for example, at PRM 63.0 in 2005, bank stability was rip -rap with little to no vegetation, thus lowering the score to 5 out of a maximum of 14. One of the principal factors to be considered for effects on 2005 habitat scores was the massive flooding due to the hurricanes in the fall of 2004. With the increased flows and subsequent flooding, there was a decrease in bank stability and quality of vegetation due to these disturbances. For example, river banks at Fiberville (PRM 63.0) suffered serious erosion damage and were reconstructed with rip -rip and large boulders during the spring and early summer of 2005. Riparian vegetation damaged by the floods was removed and replanted, but was not well -established at the time of the 2005 habitat assessment. Also, the riparian zone width could have decreased due to scouring and degradation by flood -waters. In 2012, riparian areas have become reestablished and rip rap areas, while still in place, were often covered with vegetation. These factors may have contributed to differences seen in habitat scores for a given location in 2005 and the same location in 2012. Habitats were generally good in the study area and are not limiting except possibly at PRM 63.0. Stations in the downstream portions of the river, and especially the higher gradient reaches, had lower scores for the substrate metric because of a preponderance of bedrock in these segments. 3.2.6 Similarity and Biodiversity Analysis Principal components analysis A principal components analysis (PCA) was conducted on a matrix of abundances of all fish species sampled at all Pigeon River sites (including East Fork and West Fork reference sites) and the Swannanoa River reference sites. The purpose of the PCA was to assess how similar each of the sample sites were to each other with respect to fish abundances (in this case total number of each species), and to assess how similar sites were from 2005 to 2012. The matrix of fish abundances consisted of 29 sample sites and 67 species. Typically, species that occur in only 1- 5% of the samples are removed from a multivariate ordination such as PCA. This is because very rare species, or those that are sampled ineffectively by the gear, can potentially skew the analysis. Initially, rare species were removed from the PCA, which we considered those species that occurred in only one sample. However, the results were the same as when all species were included, so we kept all species for this report. Prior to analysis, the species count data were square -root transformed. This is typical for ordination techniques such as PCA to de-emphasize very small or very large counts of species, which can also potentially bias the results of a PCA. The analysis was run in CANOCO Version 4.5 software (Microcomputer Power®, Ithaca, NY). All default settings provided by the software were used for each PCA. To interpret the results of scatterplots, the closer any two samples or species are to each other, the more similar they are with respect to fish species and numbers of each species. The farther away they are from each other, the more dissimilar they are to each other. The axis scores for each scatterplot do not represent values of condition or any other benchmark that can be interpreted as a gradient in stream quality, health, condition, or integrity. The scores are simply a way for the PCA to mathematically organize samples and species in such a manner that shows how similar they are relative to each other. 72 Biodiversity comparisons To assess biodiversity at each site during 2005 and 2012, we calculated three related indices of biodiversity: 1) N1= species richness, 2) Shannon -Wiener diversity = (H'), and 3) H'/log (N) _ evenness of each sample. In short, as values of each index increases, this means samples have greater biodiversity. Comparisons of mean index values were made between 2005 and 2012 using independent samples t-tests with a Type 1 error rate of a = 0.05. All indices were calculated in CANOCO Version 4.5 software. The t-tests were conducted in Microsoft Excel® Version 2010. Sample sizes for t-tests were n=11 for 2005 and n=18 for 2012. Separate comparisons were made with and without the inclusion of Swannanoa River reference sites. PCA similarity results The PCA of the fish community indicated that there was a gradient in fish species composition that produced three distinct groups of sites that were similar to each other (Figure 3.2.6-1). Samples from PRM 24.7 and PRM 19.3 were similar in 2005 and 2012, and these were also similar to PRM 10.3 from 2012. The species that mostly defined this group (i.e., on the right side of Axis 1 in Figure 3.2.6-2) of sites had larger numbers of banded sculpin, gizzard shad, smallmouth buffalo, redline darter, and walleye compared to other sites (Figure 3.2.6-2). On the opposite side of the gradient (i.e., the left side of Axis 1 and the upper part of Axis 2), species that defined this group of sites had greater abundances of mirror shiner, mottled sculpin, river chub, greenfin darter, Tuckasegee darter, tangerine darter, and warpaint shiner relative to other sites. Sites that were similar for this gradient included PRM 64.5 (2005 and 2012), PRM 69.5, and all four reference sites which included the East Fork and West Fork Pigeon River, and SRM 11.3 and SRM 1.6. The final group of similar sites (i.e., all remaining sites in lower left of Figure 3.2.6-1) consisted of locations in the middle of the Pigeon River study area. Species that defined this group consisted of higher numbers of largemouth bass, white sucker, silver shiner, common carp, yellow perch, and redbreast sunfish compared to other sites. It must be noted that the strength of the PCA was very weak. This is because there were fewer samples than species. Typically, multivariate ordinations such as PCA require 2 to 3 times the number of samples as species in the matrix. Eigenvalues for each of the first three axes, which explained approximately 70% of the variation in the fish community data, were < 1. Generally, PCA eigenvalues should be > 1 for a statistically sound interpretation, or else the plots produced may just be no better than a random "shotgun blast" of sites and species on a square plot. Nonetheless, because the sites and species associated with this particular PCA made logical sense, based on years of experience sampling stream fish species in the Pigeon River, we decided to go ahead and interpret the PCA results. 73 LO T SAMPLES 2005 2012 RM64 05 EFPR❑RM❑64 RM69 ❑ o RM 19_05 AL M1 s121 Q RM24 05 SR11 RM24 El❑ to o . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... M48-5` RM45 RM63_0 RM48 ❑ ❑ RM54_g5 RM596 RM61_05 RM52 05 - RM59_05 - ❑ RM5i RM42_05 - r-fM52 RM55 LJ❑ A RM55_05 RM61 RMP RM63 ❑ Figure 3.2.6-1. A biplot of a principal components analysis (PCA) describing the structure of the Pigeon River fish community in 2005 and 2012. Reference sites from the Swannanoa River (SRM 1.6 and SRM 11.3) are included as well. Each symbol represents a fish community sample. Symbols closer to each other are sites that are more similar than those farther away in the biplot space. 74 0 T MIRSHIN MSY GFDART %RCHB RBAS ODART AFRON TUDART GD-gut FDART • FBULLH TUDART WPAINT• /_TA DTI RBS WAR 0 LNl BNDACE GN RB HY BG0 WTSHIN • SMREDH BNDART BRBULL WSUCK� YPERCH SLVSHN • 00 CCARP LMB BREDH CSTONE RLDART • GD_new WALL" WC FWD •SMBUF LAMP BSLSID 9 GSDAAM ,BSCULP SGAR LpERCH SNDART GSHAD PICK BECHB 0 •EDA TELESC TSHIN • GD_hyb SBMBUF RBTRT eSREDH HOG Akvur7n.y RREDH BG_RB_HY CCAT 4PFHC•BC •SMB 1.2 Figure 3.2.6-2. A biplot of a principal components analysis (PCA) describing the structure of the Pigeon River fish community in 2005 and 2012. Symbols closer to each other are more similar than symbols farther away in the biplot space. Species along each of the two axes are those that define the fish community in the previous figure. Biodiversity results On average, all three indices suggested that biodiversity was similar from 2005 to 2012 (Table 3.2.6-1; t-tests; all P>0.05 for all index comparisons between years). However, it should be recognized that some individual sites increased in biodiversity from 2005 to 2012, while others declined. For example, PRM 64.5 increased in species richness from 8 to 10, Shannon diversity from 2.12 to 2.34, and evenness from 0.78 to 0.84. In contrast, PRM 24.7 decreased in richness 75 from 10 to 6, Shannon diversity from 2.28 to 1.76, but evenness was relatively unchanged from 0.75 to 0.76. Table 3.2.6-1. Biodiversity indices for Pigeon River and Swannanoa River (SR1, SR 11) fish community. Larger values indicate greater biodiversity. Sites are river miles except for EFPR East Fork Pigeon River) and WFPR (West Fork Pigeon River). 2012 Fish Community 2005 Fish Community Site Richness Shannon' diversity (H) of samples H/log (N) evenness Site Richness Shannon' diversity (H) of samples H/log (N) evenness SR11 8 2.07 0.78 RM64 8 2.12 0.78 SR1 8 2.11 0.78 RM63 6 1.71 0.63 WFPR 8 2.08 0.79 RM61 8 2.08 0.65 EFPR 8 2.08 0.81 RM59 6 1.77 0.59 RM69 8 2.11 0.76 RM55 6 1.82 0.71 RM64 10 2.34 0.84 RM54 4 1.41 0.49 RM63 3 0.99 0.41 RM52 8 2.14 0.75 RM61 6 1.82 0.69 RM48 9 2.15 0.80 RM59 6 1.75 0.62 RM42 8 2.12 0.96 RM57 4 1.42 0.62 RM24 10 2.28 0.75 RM55 9 2.16 0.75 RM19 6 1.77 0.59 RM54 13 2.54 0.83 RM52 7 1.99 0.66 RM48 9 2.22 0.74 RM45 7 1.95 0.89 RM24 6 1.76 0.76 RM19 12 2.52 0.80 RM10 13 2.58 0.78 AVERAGE 8 2.02 0.74 7 1.94 0.70 76 3.3 OTHER BIOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES 3.3.1 Mussels The presence or absence of freshwater mussels at all Pigeon River main -stem sample sites was documented. There were no mussels observed at any of the sampling sites during 2012. These results are in line with NC DENR survey data in recents years which have not documented any naturally -occurring mussels in the Pigeon River. High water levels during the spring of 2013 prevented access for mussel surveys in areas other than designated sites, and especially areas where mussel re -introductions have occurred. Re -introductions of 10 native mussel species have been done, beginning with nine species in TN at three sites (PRM 17.3, 13.3, and 8.3) in 2000- 12. The other species has been re -introduced at one site above the mill (PRM 65.5) and one site below the mill (PRM 55.3) river since 2010 (Table 3.3.1-1). All re -introduction sites in both NC TN main -stem portions of the Pigeon River were chosen to maximize survival and growth. A recent research study investigated mussel survival and growth reared in silos in Pigeon River main -stem locations both above and below the mill (Rooney, 2010). Results indicated that mortality rates among mussels at above -mill and below -mill sites were not significantly different; however, growth rates of mussels held in downstream silos were significantly greater than for those held at upstream sites. Highest growth rates were observed at a site located approximately 18 km downstream from the mill (Figure 3.3.1-1; Rooney, 2010). Several influences may have impacted growth rates, such as elevated water temperature due to heated mill effluent, as well as agricultural runoff with elevated levels of nutrients. This study documented proof that mussels could survive and grow in the river below the mill, and also provided the impetus for NC DENR to begin a mussel re-intoduction program in the NC portion of the river. Assessment of survival at other life stages is also needed before the full extent of potential for mussel re -introductions to the studied reach of the Pigeon River is known. Figure 3.3.1-1. Above -and below -mill growth comparisons of two cohorts of mussels after 22 months in the Pigeon River. Specimens on the right-hand side of the picture are from the Marion cohort and those on the left are from Table Rock. The smaller light brown mussels at the bottom of the photo are from the above -mill site and exhibit significantly less growth. 77 Table 3.3.1-1. Mussel re -introductions into the Pigeon River in Tennessee and North Carolina, 2000-12. PIGEON RIVER MUSSEL REINTRODUCTIONS IN TN SPECIES Alasmidonta marginata COMMON NAME Elktoe SOURCE STREAM RELEASE SITE Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 # RELEASED RELEASE DATE Oct-00 Nolichucky 12 Amblema plicata Threeridge Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 5 Oct-00 Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple wartyback Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 15 Oct-00 Elliptio dilatata Spike Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 12 Oct-00 Lampsilis fasciola Wavy -rayed Lampmussel Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 14 Oct-00 Lampsilis ovata Pocketbook Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 21 Oct-00 Ptychobranchus fasciolaris Kidneyshell Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 10 Oct-00 Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 24 Oct-00 Strophitus undulatus Creeper Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 11 Oct-00 Elliptio dilatata Spike Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 3 24-Oct-03 Lampsilis fasciola Wavy -rayed Lampmussel Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 3 24-Oct-03 Ptychobranchus fasciolaris Kidneyshell Nolichucky Pigeon R.@TI, RM 8.3 1 24-Oct-03 Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple wartyback Duck R.@Milltown Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 217 18-Oct-11 Elliptio dilatata Spike Duck R.@Milltown Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 47 18-Oct-11 Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback Duck R.@Milltown Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 59 18-Oct-11 Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback TN R.@Diamond Isl. Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 132 18-Oct-11 Lampsilis fasciola Wavy -rayed Lampmussel VDGIF/Clinch stock Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 100 18-Oct-11 Villosa iris Rainbow VDGIF/Clinch stock Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 100 18-Oct-11 Medionidus conradicus Cumberland Moccasinshell Clinch R., Kyles Ford Pigeon R.@ Cosby Cr., RM 13.7 100 18-Oct-11 Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple wartyback TN R./Clinch R. Pigeon R. @ Denton, RM 17.3 457 8-Jul-12 Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback TN R./Clinch R. Pigeon R. @ Denton, RM 17.3 282 8-Jul-12 Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple wartyback TN R./Clinch R. Pigeon R. @ Denton, RM 17.3 442 7-Oct-12 Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback TN R./Clinch R. Pigeon R. @ Denton, RM 17.3 346 7-Oct-12 In PIGEON RIVER MUSSEL REINTRODUCTIONS IN NC SPFCIFS Lampsilis fasciola Lampsilis fasciola Lampsilis fasciola COMMON NAME Wavy -rayed Lampmussel Wavy -rayed Lampmussel Wavy -rayed Lampmussel SOURCE STREAM RELEASE SITE 79 Pigeon R., RM 65.5 Pigeon R., RM 55.3 Pigeon R., RM 55.3 RFI FASF # RELEASED DATE 50 19-Aug-10 58 Jun-11 148 8-Jul-12 3.3.2 Wildlife Several wildlife species were observed along the main -stem, tributary, and reference waterways during instream fish and invertebrate sampling events. The majority of wildlife contact was with avian species which are usually associated with aquatic habitat. The list and number of locations at which they were observed are as follows: (1) Great blue heron — 3 sites, (2) Belted kingfisher — 2 sites, (3) Northern water snake — 2 sites, (4) Green heron — 1 site, (5) Blue winged teal — 1 site, (6) Black -crowned night heron, (7) Queen snake — 1 site, (8) Soft-shell turtle -1 site, (9) Bald eagle — 1 site, (10) Osprey — 1 site, (11) Beaver — 1 site. The locations of the wildlife observations are presented in Table 3.3.2-1. Based on the species and locations documented below along with anecdotal information, wildlife diversity along the river was deemed essentially the same along both reference and thermally influenced sampling stations. Two recent research studies involving other riverine/stream wildlife included surveys of salamanders and crayfish in the Pigeon River main -stem and tributaries. The 2009 salamander study (Maxwell, 2009) documented the presence of five of eight salamander species (that historically existed in NC streams) in three of five study sites: in the Pigeon River above the mill, Jonathan Creek, and Big Creek. No salamanders were found in the NC main -stem portion of the PR; water quality and suitable substrate were cited as possible contributors to the lack of salamanders there. The crayfish study (Dunn, 2010) identified eight species in the Pigeon River system which were collected in the river above the mill, in all nine PR tributaries, and in the main -stem in the TN portion of the river. No crayfish found in the NC main -stem below the mill; the study cited the drought of 2007-08 as a possible contributor to the lack of crayfish there. The drought may have caused crayfish to seek refugia in tributaries to escape higher levels of salinity (2X) and conductivity (1 OX) in the main -stem which were due to lower water flows which concentrated the mill discharge effuents. Table 3.3.2-1. Wildlife observations and locations on the Pigeon River and tributaries, 2012. PRM 64.5 Great blue heron PRM 63.0 Soft-shell turtle PRM 61.0 Blue -winged teal PRM 57.7 Bald eagle (adult) PRM 52.3 Great blue heron Fines Creek Beaver Jonathan Creek Northern water snake PRM 24.7 Northern water snake PRM 19.3 Belted kingfisher, Green heron PRM 16.5 Black -crowned night heron PRM 10.3 Belted kingfisher, Osprey SRM 1.6 Queen snake, Great blue heron LOU 3.3.3 Periphyton/Plankton Periphyton, as macroalgae or microalgae, was assessed using the Field -Based Rapid Periphyton Survey developed by the EPA in their "Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for the use in Wadeable Streams" (Barbour, Gerritsen, Snyder, and Stribling, 1999). Three transects were randomly selected at each sampling site except for PRM 64.5-64.9, which had four transects. Three locations were selected on each transect (stratified random) to view the substrate with the view bucket having a 50-dot grid. The substrate areas covered by microalgae and macroalgae were determined by recording the number of dots that occurred over each type of periphyton. The larger macroalgae strands were measured in cm and microalgae were measured by the depth/thickness of the attached mass. None of the microalgae at any of the sites had a depth greater than 0.5 mm; this condition was defined as "the rock or substrate felt slimy and there was no visual accumulation". Anchored macrophytes in the viewing area were measured in cm. Every sample site had periphyton in at least one of the transects (Table 3.3.3-1). The two lowest concentrations were found at PRM 55.5, Hyder Mountain Bridge (NC), and PRM 24.7, Waterville at Browns Bridge (TN), where it was only found in one transect at each location. Fiberville (PRM 63.0) below the paper mill had periphyton in all three transects Table 3.3.3-1. Occurrence of periphyton (X) and macrophytes in Pigeon River and Swannanoa River sampling sites, 2012. Reference stations (*) and un-identified macrophytes (U) are also noted. Periphyton Macrophyte Macrophyte River Mile (RM) #1 #2 SRM 11.3* X RIVERWEED U SRM 1.6* X RIVERWEED WFPRM 3.6* X EFPRM 3.5* X RIVERWEED 69.5* X RIVERWEED 64.5/64.9* X RIVERWEED U 63.0 X U 61.0 X 59.0 X U 57.7 X U 55.5 X U 54.5 X U 52.3 X U 48.2 X 45.3 X U Richland Creek X U Crabtree Creek X RIVERWEED Jonathan Creek X Fines Creek X U 24.7 X U 19.3 X RIVERWEED 10.3 X RIVERWEED The potamoplankton, i.e., unattached phytoplankton and zooplankton, was not sampled because of low abundance, and their sporadic appearance was dictated by river flows. Any sampling or collection of these groups at any given site could not be replicated because they were transient and continuously moving downstream. 3.3.4 Macrophytes Podostemum is of special interest because it provides stable habitat for macroinvertebrates (habitat former; Hutchens et al., 2004). The hornleaf riverweed Podostemum ceratophyllum is a submerged aquatic flowering plant native to eastern and upper Midwest of North America. It is found in all North Carolina counties bordering Tennessee, including Haywood County (USDA, 2013). It thrives in open -canopy, shallow rapids attached to bedrock of rivers and streams (Hutchens et al., 2004). Riverweed forms a thick mat on stable substrates, and may also form long (>15 cm) stems during summer. The mats and stems are a substrate for epiphytic algae (periphyton) as well as macro -invertebrates. It is generally indicative of high quality, oxygenated rivers (Hill and Webster, 1984). Podostemum has been repeatedly demonstrated to be an important substrate for promoting benthic invertebrate biomass, abundance, and species richness (Hutchens et al., 2004) and to positively influence the abundance of several fish species, including the banded darter, which is found in the Pigeon River (Etnier and Starnes, 1993). Its role as a habitat former for invertebrates has been studied in the nearby Little Tennessee River (Hutchens et al., 2004). The study involved complete, partial or no removal of Podostemum from portions of four bedrock outcrops at two sites. Complete removal greatly reduced overall macro - invertebrate abundance and biomass and altered assemblage structure, but had relatively little effect on functional structure. There was a strong positive relationship between surface area of Podostemum and total macro -invertebrate abundance and biomass. They estimated that P. ceratophyllum increased surface area by 3 to 4 times over bare bedrock. A study to determine predictors of the occurrence of Podostemum, including bed sediment, light availability (canopy cover), and non -forest land use (Argentina et al., 2010) was conducted on a Southern Appalachian river, the Conasauga River, TN and GA. The study concluded, as LOM expected, that bed sediment size and measures of light availability were included in best - supported models and had similar estimated -effect sizes across models. Even though riverweed cover declined with increasing watershed size, this decrease in cover was not well -predicted by variation in land use. In 2012, Podostemum ceratophyllum (riverweed) was found in three of four reference stations upstream of the mill, both stations in the reference Swannanoa River, and two of three stations in the Pigeon River in Tennessee (Figure 3.3.4-1), but not in the thermally affected reach between the mill and Waterville Reservoir. The species was not examined in previous 316(a) studies, so there is no available history of change. The low dispersal ability due to clonal reproduction and poor seed production, combined with the Pigeon River's stresses of flooding in 2004 and drought in 2007-2008, may be limiting its ability to recolonize the thermally affected reach after a history of pollution. Temperature does not appear to be a limiting factor except in the reach nearest the mill, where temperatures in summer can exceed the reported upper limit of 30 C reported in the literature. Figure 3.3.4-1. Podostemum ceratophyllum (hornleaf riverweed) from the Pigeon River, 2012. 3.4 PHYSICOCHEMICAL DATA Physicochemical water quality data were collected concurrently with the July -September 2012 fish and macro -invertebrate sampling events at each of the main -stem, tributary, and reference stream locations (Table 3.4-1). All main -stem collections were made between 5 July and 28 September. The data recorded on each sampling date included temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and pH at each of the 14 locations; turbidity measurements were also recorded in the 14 main -stem locations. Water quality parameters were measured with a YSI Model 60 (pH) and a YSI Model 85 (dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature). Both meters were calibrated prior to use using fresh calibration solutions; the Model 85 also compensated for elevation. Turbidity was measured using a LaMotte Model 2020-E portable turbidity meter. Table 3.4-1. Physicochemical data collected during July -September 2012. Location (RM) Date Time Temp (C) DO Conductivity (mg/L) (µmhos/cm) pH Turbidity (NTU) WFPR 3.6 7/17/2012 1000 20.9 9.89 13.4 6.82 1.1 EFPR 3.5 7/18/2012 1440 20.7 8.41 15.0 5.46 1.9 69.5 8/30/2012 945 20.2 8.81 18.0 6.41 0.7 64.5/64.9 7/31/2012 1100 21.6 7.41 32.2 7.03 70* 63.0 7/5/2012 1100 29.8 7.97 979.0 7.08 60A 61.0 8/9/2012 0930 24.1 7.25 738.0 7.49 4.0 59.0 8/21/2012 0945 22.1 7.44 837.0 7.40 2.2 57.7 9/25/2012 0930 16.6 8.20 408.8 7.23 1.1 55.5 8/21/2012 1330 23.3 7.25 603.0 7.15 1.1 54.9 Richland Cr. 8/14/2012 1315 24.5 6.30 56.7 6.34 2.2 54.5 7/27/2012 1330 26.1 6.96 318.2 7.33 1.8 52.3 8/23/2012 1145 21.8 8.08 694.0 6.62 2.1 49.8 Crabtree Cr. 8/2/2012 1000 19.7 8.69 78.1 6.23 14* 48.2 9/28/2012 1030 20.5 9.73 54.6 7.25 1.6 46.0 Jonathan Cr. 7/26/2012 1015 20.0 8.30 106.4 6.75 4.8 45.3 8/20/2012 1045 21.2 8.41 305.6 7.61 3.8 42.7 Fines Cr. 8/1/2012 0915 18.5 8.32 67.3 7.13 7.9* 24.7 8/13/2012 1030 21.3 7.87 20.5 7.28 1.5 19.3 9/24/2012 1045 16.9 10.22 156.1 7.13 1.5 10.3 8/7/2012 1000 23.1 6.03 190.5 7.24 3.4 11.3 Swannanoa R. 8/29/2012 1000 22.8 8.56 60.3 7.32 2.5 1.6 Swannanoa R. 8/29/2012 1600 23.3 8.53 79.5 6.65 2.4 *Recent rain event ^Tannic color, some turbidity Main -stem water temperature was 21.6 C at the control site above the mill (PRM 64.5) on 31 July; during the collection period, water temperatures ranged from 29.8 C (PRM 63.0) on 5 July to 16.9 C (PRM 19.3) on 24 September. The differences in recorded water temperature values at the various stations may be explained, in part, by the duration of the sampling period (almost 11 weeks) and by the fact that individual stations were sampled randomly during the period based on water levels , crew availability, and travel distance to sites. Only three of the 14 main -stem sites had water temperatures greater than 2 C above the PRM 64.5 control site water temperature during the period: PRM 54.5 at 26.1 C on 7/27, PRM 61.0 at 24.1 C on 8/9, and PRM 63.0 at 29.8 C on 7/5. This could be due to higher water flows in the mainstem and also increased inflow from tributary streams. Water temperatures in the tributary creeks sampled ranged from 24.5 C on 8/14 in Richland Creek to 18.5 C on 8/1 in Fines Creek. Dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged from 10.22 mg/L at PRM 19.3 to 6.03 mg/L at PRM 10.3 along the main -stem. The lowest DO value in the NC reach of the river below the mill was 6.96 mg/L at PRM 54.5. The DO values in the tributaries ranged from 8.69 mg/L in Crabtree Creek to 6.30 mg/L in Richland Creek. Specific conductance values (conductivity) ranged from a low of 13.4 µ/s at PRM 69.5 above the mill to a high of 979 µ/s at PRM 63.0; conductance values decreased from that site to 305.6 µ/s at the lowest NC main -stem site ( PRM 45.3), and to 190.5 µ/s at the lowest TN site (PRM 10.3). Tributary values ranged from 106.4 µ/s in Jonathan Creek to 56.7 µ/s in Richland Creek. The two reference sites on the Swannanoa River were 60.3 and 79.5 µ/s at SRM 11.3 and SRM 1.6, respectively. The lowest pH value recorded in the mainstem during the sampling period was 6.41 at PRM 69.5, the most upstream site above the mill. Water pH values increased to 7.08 and 7.49 at the two sites just below the mill effluent (PRM 63.0 and PRM 61.0, respectively) and fluctuated in the in the pH 6.3-7.3 range to 7.24 at the last downstream site (PRM 10.3). The increased rainfall during July and August may have contributed to leaching and a subsequent lowering of the pH value in the river above the mill; the mill effluent may have contributed some buffering capacity to the downstream portion of the river. Values (pH) at the tributary sites ranged from 6.75 in Jonathan Creek to 6.23 in Crabtree Creek. Turbidity in main -stem locations was measured by the nephelometric method and ranged from 70.0 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) at PRM 64.5 to 0.7 NTU at the most upstream site above the mill (PRM 69.5). The unusually high value (70 NTU) at PRM 64.5 was obtained on 7/31 soon after a local rain event. Twelve of the 14 main -stem sites recorded turbidity measurements less than 4.8 NTU; Jonathan Creek (4.8) and Richland Creek (2.2 NTU) had turbidity values similar to those main -stem values. Crabtree Creek (14 NTU) and Fines Creek (7.9 NTU) were sampled after recent rain events on 8/2 and 8/1, respectively. 4. REFERENCES Adams, S. M., A. 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