HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3190803_3538-03 Salem Leasing Delray Street Site Report of Seasonal High Water Table_12/31/2019October 8, 2019 Mr. E. Stephen (Steve) Teague Senior Vice President — Purchasing Salem Leasing Corporation P.O. Box 24788 Winston Salem, North Carolina 27114 Steve.tea ue&salemcorp.com Report of Seasonal High Water Table Salem Leasing Corporation Delray Street Site Statesville, North Carolina KEG Project No. JM18-3538-03 Mr. Teague, KESSEL 10, ENC'INEER! D R O U P Kessel Engineering Group, PLLC (KEG) is pleased to present our findings associated with the seasonal high water table at the newly constructed Salem Leasing Corporation facility located in Statesville, North Carolina. This work was performed at the request of Mr. Gerald Grant, P.E. with Jordan Grant & Associates and as authorized by Mr. Steve Teague with Salem Leasing Corporation. Field work was performed by mobilizing a B-57 truck mounted drill rig and performing an auger boring adjacent to the east side of the existing BMP pond (reference Figure 1). The test location was identified in the field by our Mr. Ron Anderson, P.E. by referencing information provided by Mr. Grant and identifiable site landmarks. The auger boring was extended to a depth sufficient enough to encounter ground -water. Measurements of the ground -water elevation were obtained at the time of drilling and after 24 hours. General soil descriptions were also noted from soils brought to the surface during the augering process. The following Table 1 provides the seasonal high water table at the auger boring location. Elevations noted in Table 1 were estimated based on topographic information shown on the provided plan sheet titled Storm Water Management Plan (Sheet C3) prepared by Jordan Grant & Associates. The seasonal high water table information provided below was based on reviewing the subsurface conditions encountered by the auger boring which included depth of ground -water and coloration and moisture condition of the soils. Table 1: Seasonal High Water Table at Bore Location Boring Existing Ground Depth of Auger Seasonal High Elevation of High # Surface Elevation Boring Water Table Water Table (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) HWT-1 817.0 30.2 21.7 795.3 Please note that ground -water levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal and rainfall variations. Normally, the highest ground -water levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our professional services to you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, essel Engineering G oup, PLL E,lo. P-0420) • 4 SEAL r• on IT erso , . 30461 Senior Engineer ' Registered, North Carolina 3046JA C'0`0/8/2019 F1 INEERING GROUP 224 ROLLING HILL ROAD, SUITE 3A I MOORESVILLE, NO 261 1 7 I P:[704) WWW.THEKES SELGROUP. COM 799-1 01 4 F:[704) 799-1 066 59 IR RF Id tiPF / \ //� 1 ' BASING ,4\" HDP Cs / QPe^ 4"ADP� � �, 4— �. V.894.78 —�\ // o QOF / /�1� Is,, per" 4 ®CBI ' ': CA, NYX CFS< �F /CB 4 OI ATER Q S ARATOR It), /� \\ \ \ \\ \ \\ \Y� \\ J iZOELLE PUMP :'BSc• :. J lO / . "�f \ \ \ \\\\ \�� 915 GR NDER, � �• 8,S Y i �,,,pp \ \ \\\ \\ \ \O \\ \\PACKA E r OAT • . FIELD EXPLORATION PLAN PROJECT NO. JM18-3538-03 DATE: 10/8/2019 FIGURE (D REPORT OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE REFERENCE: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, SHEET C3, SALEM LEASING CORPORATION DELRAY STREET SITE BYJORDAN GRANT & ASSOCIATES. STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NTS AUGER BORING LOCATION APPROXIMATE KESSEL ENGINEERING GROUP 224 ROLLING HILLS ROAD, SUITE 3A MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 P:[704] 799-1014 F:[704] 799-1086 WWW.THEKESSELGROUP.COM