HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041150 Ver 1_Site Plan_20040714TION SE UENOE NARRATIVE : ROCK DAM TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP GENERAL CONSTRUC Q OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA- PIPE OUTLET TO WELL- 1. Obtain grading permit. Rock abutment 1' Min. 1 NO WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL DEFINED CHANNEL 1.5' Spillway crest elevation NCDOT #57 Stone 5' Min. 1.5' 2. Set up pre-construction conference on site with Erosion Control Inspector to discuss erosion U stream 2 min control measures. ravel facing 2 3 Rock apron 9 1 1 1800 cu.ft. acre Mm. 3. Install stone construction entrance, temporary diversions, and sediment basins. Clear only as 1' thick min ~ 5' Max. A A p ~ necessary to install said measures. ~ ~ 1.5' min ~ 2' 1 : ' ~ A A + Notes: ado do J ~ 0 3dp do 0 4. Bare slopes of sediment basins should be seeded immediately. Filter Fabric Filter Filter ------ti + Fabric 5. Begin clearing and grubbing. Fabric 0 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. Top of rock abutment 2. d=1.5 times the maximum stone 6. All slopes (over 6 feet in height) created for cut/fill sections should be seeded immediately CROSS SECTION u on com letion. 2.1 p p 2' min diameter, but not less than 12". PLAN PLAN i n n rol Spillway Design settled 3~ In awell-defined channel, extend the 7. Periodically inspect and maintain erosion control measures as directed by the eros o co t Slope foundation toP 21" Min. Overfill 6" plan. Overfill 6" apron up the channel banks to an ~ ~ for settlemei for settlement La elevation of 6" above the maximum La tailwater depth or to the top of the 8. Stabilize site as areas are brought to finish grade. ~ Filter ro;rar,QO 4' Min. ~ fabric bank, whichever is less. 9. Ground cover will be provided within 15 days after completion of any phase of grading. p~~ 5' Max. Fill 2:1 Max Emergency Emer enc b -ass 4• A filter blanket or filter fabric should 10. Rip-rap all disturbed stream banks. ° ~ 1:1 Ma . 6" below s~ 9 Y Y P 6" below settled to d be installed between the riprap and p d soil foundation. 1. All erosion control measures shall be constructed in accordance with N.C. Erosion and Gravel 1 Filter ~I of dam 1 of dam Sediment Control Design Manual, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Soil Conservation facing, v ° Fabric Natural 3' Min. Ground FILTER FILTER Service. ~ ~ o o Q ° SECTION AA BLANKET BLANKET STONE SECTION 12. The contractor shall maintain all erosion control devices and structures to minimize erosion. ~ SECTION AA The contractor shall maintain close contact with erosion control inspectors so that ° ins ections can be performed at appropriate stages of construction. o Construction: P 5' NOT TO SCALE oot mat. Remove all surfoce soil containing high amounts of II onstruction areas immediate) after f'mal radin is com leted. ~ min 1. Clear, grub and stipr the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remo 13. Permanently stabize a c y 9 9 P Flow organic matter and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable all objectionable material to the assigned disposal area. Construction: 2. Ensure that fill material for embankment is free of root, woody vegetation, or. jy vegetation, organic matter, and other objeckionable material, 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any fill ° Level Place the fill inlifts not to exceed 9 inches and machine compact it. Overfill apron pact it. Overfill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. ° ° 3. Construct the outlet section in the embankment. Protect the connection beta connection between the riprap and the soil from piping by using Spillwa filter fabric or a key-wa cutoff trench between the riprap structure and the Y Y crest ° ° ° ° ° ructure and the soil. 2. The riprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. SEEDING ~ * Place the filter fabric between the riprap and soil. Extend the fabric the si the fabric the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the dam; 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during or installation. Repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. All Rip the area to be seeded to a minimum depth of 4-6 inches. ° o *excavate a keyway trench along the centerline of the spillway foundation exte n in a the sides to the hei ht of the dam. The connecting joints should overlap a minimum of 1 ft. If the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. Y foundation exte d g p g :1 side slopes. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. trench should be at least 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide with 1:1 side slopes. Remove all loose rock, roots, etc. leaving surface smooth and uniform. ° ° 4. Clear the pond area below the elevotion of the crest of the spillway to facilitc Apply seed, agricultural lime, fertilizer, and superphosphate uniformly and spillway to facilitate sediment cleanout. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. mix with topsoil Application rates below*. Rock 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. abutment 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather-resistant and well graded. Seed on a freshly prepared seedbed and cover the seed lightly with seeding 6. Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has a minimum has a minimum bottom width of 3 feet and maximum side slopes equipment or "Cultipack" after seeding. Construction: of 1:1 that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. Mulch immediately after seeding and anchor mulch. 1. Clear the areas of the embankment and strip of roots and other objectional 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the as shown on the plans, with 2:1 sideslopes extending to the top of material. Delay clearing the resevoir area until the dam is in place. the overfilled embankment. Keep the thickness of the sides of the spillway o~ of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches. The 8. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve *Aaricultural Limestone- 2 Tons/Acre weir must be level and constructed to grade to assure design caoacity. Fertilizer- 10 10 10 at 800-1000 Lbs/Acre 2. Cover the foundation area including the abutments with extra-strength filter fabric i capacity. is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. Superphosphate- 500 Lbs./Acre of 20% Analysis Superphosphate before backfilling with rock. If a cut-off trench is required, excavate at B. Material used in the stone section should be awell-graded mixture of stone Fixture of stone with a d50 size 9 inches {Glass B Erosion Control 9. Immediately after construeiion, stabilize ail disturbed areas with vegetation. Mulch- 1.5 Tons Small Grain Straw/Acre (Approximately 60 Bales) centerline of dam, extending all the way up the earth abutments. Apply filter Stone is recommended) and a maximum stone size of 14 inches. The stone Anchor- Crirnp Straw into soil with Machine or tack with liquid Asphalt at fabric under the rockfill embankment, from the upstream edge of the dam to the worked into the voids of the larger stones. The stone should be hard, angul~ hes. The stone may be machine placed and the smaller stones I be hard, angular, and highly weather-restistant. 400 Gallons/Acre or Emulsified Asphalt at 300 Gallons/Acre downstream edge of the apron. Overlap fill material a minimum of 1 foot at all Maintenance: joints, with the upstream strip laid over the downstream. 9. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream past the to cam past the toe of the embankment until stable conditions are cam. Keep the edges of the stone outlet structure flush with the Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place or if Plants % Mixture Plantin~Rates/Acre Plantina Dates reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep the 3. Construct the embankment with well-graded rock and gravel to the size and surrounding ground and shape tge center to confine the outflow stream. ow stream. stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. Tall Fescue 80-150 Lbs/Acre Aug. 15 thru Oct. 15 dimensions shown on the drawings. It is important that rock abutments be at pass outlet so that flow will not damage the embankment. least 2 feet higher than the spillway crest and at least 1 foot higher than the 10. Direct emergency bypass to natural, stable areas, Locate bypass outlet so tt Tall Fescue 100 Lbs/Acre Feb. 15 thru May dam, all the way to the downstream toe, to prevent scour and erosion at the abutments. 11. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool an construction. >ediment pool and downstream from the trap immediately after Tall Fescue & 50 Lbs/Acre Feb. 15 thru Apr. 30 Scar. Serices Lespedeza 60 Lbs/Acre Nov, 1 thru Feb. Unscar. 4. Sediment-laden water from the construction site should be diverted into the basin 12. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to the sediment cleanout )eve resevoir at the furthest area from the dam. mark it m the field. ent cleanout level (one-half the design depth) on the plans and Tall Fescue & 60 Lbs/Acre July thru August 5. Construct the rock dam before the basin areo is cleared to minimize sediment Maintenance: Remove sediment and restore the trap to its original) dimensions Browntop Millet or 30 Lbs/Acre yield from construction of the basin. Stabilize immediately all areas disturbed during construction of the dam except the sediment pool. Inspect sediment trap after each period of significant rainfall. Remove sedimf ~ of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the Sor hum-Sudan Hybrids (Millet & Surghum must be kept at 10-12" Max. Height) when sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. F g designated disposal area and replace the contaminated part of the gravel faa 6. Safety -Sediment basins should be considered dangerous because they attract ~f the gravel facing. Tall Fescue & 70 Lbs/Acre Nov. 1 thru Jan. children. Steep side slopes should be avoided. Fences with warning signs may be Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodicolly check th odicolly check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a minimum RyeGrain 25 Lbs/Acre needed if trespassing is likely. All state and local requiremnts must be followed. of 1.5 feet below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any sett ~tely fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above design :ed immediate) . Maintenance: grade. A~ riorao displaced from the spillway must be replaced immediately Weeping Lovegrass 5 Lbs/Acre May 1 thru June After all sediment-producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove abilized, remove the structure and all unstable sdeiment. Smooth =rly. Check sediment basins after each rainfall. Remove sediment and restore original the area to blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly. Common Bermuda Grass 8-12 Lbs/Acre Hulled) Apr. 15 thru June 30 volume when sediment accumulates to about one-half the design volume. 15-20 Lbs/Acre Unhulled) Feb. 1 thru March Check the structure for erosion, piping, and rock displacement after each significant rainstorm and repair immediately. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS SEDIMENT FEN+~E SILT FENCE IS Construction: Remove the structure and any unstable sediment immediately after the construction site has been permanently stabilized, Smooth the basin site to blend 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic with the surrounding area and stabilize, All water and sediment should be Compacted Soil filter fabrics. removed from the basin prior to dam removal. Sediment should be placed in 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18" above the ground TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EXIT designated disposal areas and not allowed to flow into streams or drainageways during structure removal. Slo a aximum P 3:1 Maximum Flow surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure Compacted fill Slope 18" Min. of the structure). Stone ConstructionEntrance 3. Construct the filter fabric form continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier Filter fabric to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only ~ ° STANDARD SILT BASIN TYPE-B ~,o - 9' Typical at a support post with overlap to the next post. Backfill min. 8" thick layer of gravel o°a oo SO 0 o F 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the upslope o,~ °o°o°o t ~~o. ~r o 0 0 o Coarse Aggregate side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or tie wires. +`y~ o0000000000000o Base of ditch ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Top of ditch slope for V-ditch Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench (see Detail). 8~, I. 0000000000'0000 0 00 3:1 Maxima Opa000opOp0 p~pOpO Var. > 3:1 Maximum 5. When a wire support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet apart. Support Extension of fabric and Slope FIOW posts should be driven into the ground a minimum of 18 inches. wire into the trench _ 4" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '~.,0 00 0 0 Slope 0 0 0 0 0000~~ ~ 00 O 0 ° 0 0 0 0 ~o 18" Min. 300 °°C°°°0°°°°°°D0°D00°°O~p~o~OC'p~p 0~0~0~0 0 .y.`. o°°° ° °0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o° 6 Inches Min. a a °o °o°0 0 0 0 0 0` v 0 0 0 0 ` 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6 foot post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to the posts. ~ 9' Typical o °o°°°eo 000000000 O~O~O~O~Oo° ~ `.`y`.`.`.`.y. .y.`.`.y.~.`.`+`.` °0°000 ~p0~0~y~~~pOp~p~p~oo °o°0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 . . . . . . . . . + . . + + . . . . ~ 00000000 00000op000 0 , . . . . . . . yr .y.~'.`.`.y N y.y.+.`.y++ 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed Filter fabric line of the posts and upslope from the barrier. 0 0 0 0 ° ~ Construction: 0 0 ~ 2-3 Course . 0 ~ Aggregate + . ` ` 1. Remove and des ose of all trees, brush, stum s o° ° P P ° m s and other ob'ectional material. 8. Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over the filter fabric . brush, stu p ~ I 14° Construction: Base of ditch for 2. Ensure that the minimum construe e cross-sec acted cross-section meets all design requirements. 9. Do Not attach filter fabric to trees. flat bottom ditch Var. 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots, and other objectionable 3. Ensure that the to of the dike is not lower at Maintenance: 8 is not lower at any point than the design elevation material and ro erl rode it. Top of ditch slope P P P Y 9 plus the specified settlement. Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any 18" Min. 2. Place the gravel to the specifia grade and dimensions shown on the plans, and in and cleanout. require repairs immediately. V-Trench 4. Provide sufficient room around diversion to perm smooth It. PLAN version to permit machine regrad g Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose, or become ineffective Extension of fabric and Pr vide draina e to carr water to a sediment tra or other suitable outlet. 5. Vegetate the ridge immediately after constructior 3 o g y P than 30 days. fter construction, unless it will remain in place less replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. wire into the trench Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume far the next 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation in locations sub ect to seepage or high water table. Maintenance: rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 1 -iii-iii-iii-i u-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-iii-u i-iii-~ i i- a week and after every rainfall. -1 I I-~ ~ ~-1 I I-1 I I-III-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-~ ~ ~-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-III-~ ~ ~-1 I I-1 I I-1 Inspect temporary diversions once a week and a1 Maintenance: Base of ditch Base of ditch Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area flow line ~II Len th Equals 2 Times Width ~ flow line Immediately remove sediment from flow area anc i in h ravel ad in a condition to revent mud or sediment from leaven the i 9 Manta t e g p p 9 m flow area and repair the diversion ridge. to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. Construction Site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2 inch stone. After each ~ ~ ~ i-~ ~ ~-i i ~ i! Carefully inspect outlets and make timely repairs :e timely repairs as needed. I i an structure used to tra sediment and clean it out as necessary. III=111=~ = =111=~ 111= =111=~ =III-~ = rainfal , nspect y p 2 Min. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public = - When the areo protected is permanently stabilize anently stabilized, remove the ridge and channel to roadways. _ _ - ~ - blend with the natural ground surface and stabile - I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-I dace and stabilize appropriately. ELEVATION ttEVrsrax~ naTe flESCRf~r1oN STREET & UTILITY DES UTILITY DESIGN APPROVED ° Knoll H2 h Approval of these water and sanitary sewer plans do not constitute approval for construction. Approval ~os~,or~, o~, ~o e s g of construction must be a formal written agreement. Failure to obtain such agreement prior to beginning Westview ?evelopment Company FIELD WORN BY.' CHECKED BY DRAWN BY.• of construction will relieve the city of any CITY ENGINEER financial participation in this project whatsoever. DATE 2631 Reynotda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 JEB RLB (336) 777-0078 City of Winston-Salem TAX b1AA PARCEL: SHEET NUMBER nEESOn EnsinEERins inc. 660874 Lot 112, Block 3252 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS Horizontal Scale 9" = 920' 'INTENDENT DATE ToWNSxIP• crTY• wiNSroN sALEM NcEZ71o1 UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT By: 2 ~ TELEPHONE: (336)-748-0071 Winston Watkertown DATE: ./OB NUMBER. COUNTY: STATE: 05/06/04 02202 Forsyth N. C. I ~ , t kV~ v k~ ~.~v~ ~i~Jm r~U'~m ~ ~ J UI ~ C O p ~ ~ > ~ o^ ^I ~~N C ~ lk O O 0 v k O .p J J 0 _ ~ - 1 of ~ q ( ~ / p p p k p ~ ,C ¢ J r ' j i ~ I i , ~ ~ > ti > • 15 9. 6 To S8 ' 5 08 ~ / /i -.nom ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SITE ~ ~ - ~ 'i° . ~ l ~ r~ r ~ 1 r ~ f ~ \ ~ ~ l ~ j A~ ~ 1~ v / ~ , list e~~. ~ i V~~ ` A ~t ~ ~ ~ \ i tip, na n. d ~ ~ N~ f a I ~ A r ~ ~ '`,'l ~ I - ~ e 1' 1 ~ 1 ~ / ~ i ~ ~ ' i I ' r r 1 _ Rock Dam ~ , . , ~ q ' yw r.--- ~ ~ - \ ~A-~~ ~ ~ ! ~ .~y ,f : N _ - , y ~ ~ - , " i ! ~ y C! ~ • ~ O ~ ! ' ~ Rock Dam ~ ~ ~~A erg a~c~ Court ~ ~ ~ ~ tia 200 Stream Buffer Area 1 ~ ~ ~ _ - - = u old "s. \ ~ i / ,1; / n. , /'S % ~ i' ~ ~ ~ ~ , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 18 RCF ' . S. on Ma Locate p 18 RCP ~ 18"RCP 18"RCP ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ / ! ~ /FES #24 /FES ;~22 ~ ~ i FES #28 24 RCP d / I F~S #26 i a f'' , 'i / % - 1 / ®=A P ~ / r 1i ~ ~ N r~ \ ~ r I Ir ~i' i ~ ~ ~ C , ~ r FE~ ES ~6 % ~`~FES FES 2~,.''.-, _ r= a i r / f / / FES #20~, ~ ~ i ~ ~ 18 RCP ~ ~ 1 - / ~ ~ ~ ` z ~ ~ j / a ~ _ ~ A. ti - r,, t 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~1 ~ A ~ 1 ~ s l / f ~ Z~ ~ ~ A . ( ~ 1'~. ' e 8'2313 IQt-- 87.0 T e 1'~ ~ ~ 17 of i ~ - I ~~Q , , /I ~ Area NOT to ~ I Area NOT to ~ ` - ~.p ! ~ \ Rock Dam ~ ~s; f - 1 ~ h be Disturbed ~'`;'s be Disturbed ..__--~--~'}Rock Dam I / r" / i ~ ~ ~ p _ ~ ~ c. ~ ;~p i ~ ~ \ ~ ~ FES #8`~,3 FES 8',,,-,~ ~ ice L,,~La 1 oy~ c ~ , l e '1 ~,~...,.RC c, ~ ~ rr re ~ ~ A ~ ' 200 Stream Buffer Area ~ I ~ Joyce La o 'ea ~ i r t \ ` ~ ~ Tax - ~ 998; l0 32 2 ~ j FES #18 I ~ C ~ 8 1338, P ~ , s. r; I i 18"RCP ~ i ~ i I ~ Z S ~ j 1 _ ~ f` w Q j ~ ~ ~ Joyce~~ arrimor~ ~ ~ / i ~n " a ~ of ~ ax Lot 20 ,Block ~ r ',4 ` ~ o j J ce . aryl e ~ r,. . • fi o o DB 1338, ' 'I,v- / ~ ~ ~ n ~ 'Tax ~LoI` 9A, 1 325 ~ I ~ ~ Tra 8~ Tra ~ ~ l` 5 A A ~ ~ ~.v ~a ~ ~ N ' ~ I i L~B 2 36 'I r 1 ~ s w ~t i ~ ~ y j \ ~ 1 . ~rl ~ I ~ ~ r ~ ~ - i~ Area NOT to s ti A ~ be Disturbed ~ r t r ~ ~ Diversion Ditch Berm ~ ~r ? x 'i1 ~ ~ r \ e m ~ I ti ~ Area NOT to t - .A I, tJ ~ l _ i ti. Silt Fence _ _ 'ti, be Disturbed ~ ~ " I ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~y ~1f I t` i ~ ~ 18 RCP ~ Inn An el ~ Jo Ge ~ Construction Entrance i ~ , i ~ ~ ;1~ ~ ax ,E ~17C, Bl oak 3 2 , ~ _,1 ~ FES #12',, ~ ~ ~ '915 P X673 ~ - I 1 ~ Rock Dam ~ ~ ' 1 > Limits of Construction m _ , ~ _ ~ 1 ; _ - - , - - _ _ ~s i ~ iii ~ ~ ! _ ~ 9. ~ ~ _ Standard Silt Basin Type B 8 _ - r - - ~ FES #14 18r RCP -p : a. Ride 8 _ _ - - ~ FES #10 1~1"'2ve - s g _ ~ G ~ ~ iii ~T ~ / _ ~ a - - - _ ~ - ~ ~ Temporary Lining to be installed / ~ 0 ~ A j r~~ f ~ / ---y a ~ ,0 8 30 even P• Pe 2 (North American Green S75BN) _ a ~.b~. 61 Debor e ram ~ / t / ~ ~ ~ - r~ i ~ N~ Wi 536. ax 9E & 17J, Bloc 52 , " Temporary Lining to be installed ~ ~ i _ - ~ I / ; Area NOT to ~ ~ N , ~ W,, 536.77 - a - j North American Green C1256N _ V,, f be Disturbed Area NOT to ~ - - - 1 be Disturbed ~ k A. Ca e!I , ~ _ ~r _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti \ ,i Permanent Lining to be installed ~ / t ' ~ , ~ i .1 ~ Bet ,J. Cam be11 t ~ \ , ~ ~ P - o ~ - ~-`"--^~~~~~J- 1 ` ~ North American Green SC250 _ _ ~f.~_ ~ , r o ~J \ • , ~ l ~ ~ I ~ b ~ ax t 1 Block 3252 o ti. t ~ ~ ~ , ~ j 4) 4 6 ~ / r [ ~ ' \ L ~ DB 945, 2927 0 i V ~ ! p I o 0 ~ William E M rton ~ r r I -6 ~ ~ Jun C. rtQCL-._ - ~ / ~ ~ ~ LP. 3 r. ~ \ t T x of 10 & , Z; Block 32 ~ " ;~i~; / OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURES 9 r O ` 0 ~ ~ B 18 'P 2996 rp~-'- gg ` ' ~ FES INVERT La d50 ~ ~ 2 951.061 10.00 0.30 I ~ ~ ` ~ s. -~k - ~ / 4 944.591 10.00' 0.30' ~ ~t ~ / i ~ ~ - ~ co ~ ~ l ~ ; to i A - ~ ~ ~ 6 943.001 10.00 0.30' ,.t _ ~ ` rt 2 ~ i co N ' 8 922.001 20,00 0.60' , , ~ 10 932.071 10.00 0.30 ~S -1-. - ~ fES 30~ 4 RC N ~ ~ , FES #16 ~18"RCP - ,z._ F -_._.,.'1 ! iv ~ ~ r ~ , ~ ~ ~ w ~ ' .~B 12 908.621 10.00 0.30 t ~ / i ~j. 14 906.001 10.00' 0.30' ;,4 y ~ / ~ ~ 16 894.731 10.00 0.30 ~ 1 ~ x ! ' ii ~ ~ - ~ , Rock Dam ~ ~ 18 939.391 10.00 0.30 ` ' ~ ~ m ~ i / 20 935.031 10.00 0.30 ' , 1.; r 1 - G- 22 925.041 10.00' 0.30' ` ~ t / i ~ ~ > > ~ ~ 1 ~ ' O ~ ~ 24 915.691 13.00 0.40 1 ~r ~ i > ° ~ ~ 1 1 ~ r / i F- l , , ~ ~ / / ~ 26 912.01 t 10.00 0.30 i ~ i ~ i• ~ 28 902.901 10.00' 0.30' .r i~ - Trams#1 r' / ~ ~ Non Flinch m r i ~ / _l ' 30 932.001 20.00 0.60' Fllthch m! , ~ ; ~ i ~ ~ , _ , i ~ -Claude Dickerso J , , i ~ kerso J~, ;i 4 ~ / N Tax Lot 16D, ; Bfo k .325 ~Blo k ,325 ` ~ " 1 i E ~ 'y ~ ~ ~ 1 r ~ ;i~ DB 1683;` P 3~3 J I Total Disturbed Area = 49.1 Ac.± P 3~3 ~ ~ , ~~1 SEDIMENT TRAPS ROCK DAMS ,j ; ~ Rock Dame ~ f ; / , , ~ ~ ~ t / ~ ` / - No. DRAINAGE REQUIRED VOLUME PROPOSED MAX. REQUIRED SURFACE AREA PROPOSED SPILLWAY ~ ~ i Q E N89'09 41 W 1,51 ' e ~ ~ / ~ I / - f AREA VOLUME DEPTH AREA WIDTH tt ~ Q r i i~ ~ ~ , , ~ 1 23.27 Ac.t 1800 cu.ft. x 23.27 Ac. = 41890 cu.ft. 42273 cu.ft.6.00 ft.t 0.01 x 40.14 cfs = 0.40 Ac. 0.42 Ac. 44' 2 5.00 Ac.t 1800 Cu.ft. x 5.00 Ac. = 9000 cu.ft. 9874 cu.ft. 3.00 ft.1 0.01 x 8.63 cfs = 0.09 Ac. 0.09 Ac. 12 ~~ir~ / ~ ~ ( / ~ ~ ~ m drier . - ~ iv 3 7.80 Ac.1 1800 cu.ft. x 7.80 Ac. = 14040 cu.ft. 17788 cu.ft, 6.00 ft.t 0.01 X 13.46 CfS = 0.13 Ac. 0.14 Ac. 15' '3; ,1 -~rp~~trin Comer.. " r ~ ` ~ 4 7.39 Ac.1 1800 cu.ft. x 7.39 Ac. = 13302 cu.ft. 13826 cu.ft, 2.50 ft.t 0.01 x 12.75 cfs = 0.13 Ac. 0.15 Ac. 15 fni ~ ~ . ~ ta~t~3"~:Bld` .T 2528 ~ r 1 0 3 52B D 1985 P ;fid"7 ~ - ; i ' 5 12,00 Ac.t 1800 cu•ft. x 12.00 Ac. = 21600 cu.ft. 25971 cu.ft.4.00 ft.1 0.01 x 20.70 cfs = 0.21 Ac. 0.21 Ac. 24 ~ : , 6 2,16 Ac.1 1800 cu.ft. x 2.16 Ac. = 3888 cu.ft. 4709 cu.ft. 3.50 ft.t 0.01 x 3.73 cfs = 0.04 Ac. 0.04 Ac. 8 ~ f ~ ' 1 1 00 cu.ft. x 5.00 Ac. = 9000 cu.ft. 9875 cu•ft. 3.00 ft.t 0.01 x 8.63 cfs = 0.09 Ac. 0.09 Ac. 12' 7 5.00 Ac. 8 ri I ~ ` ~ ~ - 4 .ft. 4751 cu.ft. 3.50 ft.t 0,01 x 3.90 cfs = 0.04 Ac. 0.05 Ac. 8 ~ x 1 1800 cu.ft. x 2.28 Ac. - 410 cu 8 2.28 Ac. ~ - 1 01 x 1.16 cfs = 0.01 Ac. 0.01 Ac. 4 ~ W'~ ~ 9 0.67 Ac•1 1800 cu.ft. x 0.67 Ac. - 1206 cu.ft. 1396 cu.ft. 3.00 ft. 0, ~ ~ r " r " ~ ,r' ~ ~...9s new ase e / e 10 2.97 Ac•1 1800 cu.ft. x 2.97 Ac. = 5346 cu.ft. 7159 cu.ft. 3.00 ft.1 0.01 x 5.12 cfs = 0.05 Ac. 0,07 Ac. 8 ~ = 10512 cu.ft. 10657 cu.ft.4.00 ft.t 0.01 x 10.07 cfs = 0.10 Ac. 0.13 Ac. 14 11 5.84 Ac.t 1800 cu.ft. x 5.84 Ac. - _ ~ ; ~"fox Lot 19~fi; 2A~ / 3 12 4.50 Ac.t 1$00 cu,ft. x 4.50 Ac. = 8100 cu.ft. 9194 cu.ft. 3.00 ft.t 0.01 x 7.76 cfs = 0.08 Ac. 0.09 Ac. 12 13 11.25 Ac.t 1800 cu•ft. x 11.25 Ac. = 20250 cu.ft. 21358 cu.ft, 3.00 ft.t 0.01 x 19.41 cfs = 0.19 Ac. 0.19 Ac. 22 - , ~ r-- ~ ~ i ~ "~Q f' / ~ 14 1.16 AC.1 1$00 cu.ft• x 1.16 Ac. = 2088 cu.ft. 22370 cu.ft.2.75 ft.t 0.01 x 2.00 cfs = 0.02 Ac. 0.02 Ac. 6 ~ / 1 1~ j Y,ri~I.CIAI ,IA r4;., r'' ~ S ni .N I Q~ nfn n.. ,n... i , TILITY DESK TILITY DESIGN APPROVED ~ "r pti l' eevrsrov# Hare nesexr~rros STREET & U Approval of these water and sanitary sewer plans do zhKn l H ros2on on ro an ~ g not constitute approval for construction. Approval ,,ryjj I of constriction must be a formal written agreement. Failure to obtain such agreement prior to beginning I Westview Develo ment Com an FIELD WORK BY.• CHEGXED BY. DRAWN BY.• ~ P p y , of constriction will relieve the city of ¢ny CITY ENGINEER DATE 2631 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 JEB RLB ~ ~ financial participation tin this project whatsoever. ~ (336) 777-0078 ~p 100 0 100 200 City of Winston-Salem TAX MAR PA~E~ 6EE90tl EII611iEERl~6 IIIC. ~ SHEET NUMBER „ L 660874 Lot 112, Block 3252 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ~ ~ Scale: As Shown ° • 503 HIGA STREET i~ a.' UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT TENDENT DATE TOWNSHIP.• CITY.• WINSTON-SALEdf, NC 27101 SCALE Ey: 1 ~ TELEPHONE: (336748-0071 Winston Walkertawn DATE: JOB NUMBER: COUNTY.• STATE: . ~ 05/06/04 02202 ^ ~ l Forsyth N.C. 1 , , ~ ~ I ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ I i r ' ~ a,- ~ ~ 101 h i11 ~ 1111~~~~ I s i' 4, r i i f i ~'I 1~: ~ , vt I { : ~a 1 + R~ 940 ~ N- i ~ Y 3> ~~,a y I ~ F1 • 1~i Y • !e;~ w r~~~ ~ ~Jw T . i %i%,` i , ~ '';~'1 I ~ ~ '4~ ~f a' t;) ~i eS~ t K a. r r'' yfi ~ w r ~ E STNG~ rr ~ . • ,.4,, n --r E G 0~ LEGEND ,a, 930 , ~4 f a rg if n 1 } ~ ~ W TL N 1 ET AND 1 wl P a~~i 1Td~A WETLAND ~ > tib ~ k.. WETLAND IMPACT q ~ , j i I d , , W ROCK APRON '4~ •I I ~ t. ~ w1 alp fi: F 6,> C~ _ 1 ~ i .0 R C APRON `t ! y 'P `C A y ~ ~ i A_~__- r - ~ 920 ' f X11 u, F 0 100 200 ° I ' r~ ~ A Q g 4^~ ? i r s~.~ 4 0 4 8 .I , f, PB 42, PC 29 a € ~ V: v~ • a', r II-,... 40 0 40 80 H: °~i,; SCALE a~ ; 0 9 > I ~i'. ~ Pa as, ~ 2c a • 0 0 950 ~ ~ I I ~ 950 ~ , 950 ~I ~ - I ~ i I ~ ; a~ Y ~ ~ fL A i ~ ~ 1 i I ~ ~4 I I ~ 1 ~ I i 1 ; i ~a~. ~ 1 ' V~ ~ 940 ~ ' I I ~ ~ ~ , 940 L i 1-._ ~ y_.__~ _ ~ , ~ _ a 940 r j - - i I ~ ~ ~ 0 rn I r 10' Public Utilities Easement ~ ~4 •9 i ~ i ~ ~ 2or 930 930 ti _ _ _ , 930 ~ - ~ PRPSE ~ GR D E ~ ~ ~ ~;a i ; ~ ~ .t ~ o x y p r _ ~ a ~ Curve Data r~ i ~ ~ 66 F 18" CP ~1,359t ~ N 0 M ~ ~ ~ _ door x 0-28'26'43 ~ - ~ - - + ` R-250.00 I,.a I ~ " ` - ~ \ ~ T-63.36' Curve Data e ~ u ~ ti , l _ EXI TI G ~ _ ~ L=124.12' M . ~ ~ ~ ~-28 53 59 o d3 , . 4 2~ + N a d S RAE I _ _ - ~ R=200,00' ry \ ~ o ~ ~....•r ~ N ~ ~ ; V I~ ~ it ~ r-..,.._ - , ~ i ~ T=51.54' ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ Cr a 920 ~ 920 I ~ ~ I ~ ~ _ •a~, 320 ~ I L=100.88' N ~ i0 ~ ) i' ' ~ i I o .o ~ o : p~ 2ll ' 1 A ~ La ~ ubl ~ ne o /W ~ ~ ) c~ M °i Ib ~ } N I 10' Public Utilities ~ Easement ~p~7~, ~ I f 194' w ` F~F rr ~ E~ - I1 k~. 10' Public Utilities , r~ I Easement i I m. I ' I u 910 910 I ~ ~ ti~~ 310 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 1` I ~a ` ~ O N O M N N r pp M O N O t0 a0 CO ~ a0 DJ M II f~ r M M O a0 cp M ~ O ap rn N of f~ rn M O O c0 M d' M N O 01 ~ r O M M ~ ~ N M t0 r rn M ~ ~ d~ ~ ~ d' M M M M M M M M M M M M M ~ d~ O O ~ 0> O ~ ~ ~ O) 0~ W ~ 01 01 O ~ ~ m O ~ O d' . 40 0 40 80 4 0 4 8 V: . SCALE 40 0 40 80 H: SCALE 0 esvrstoxf DAra DBSCRfP190N WATER 8c SEWER DESIGN Approval of these water and sanitary sewer plans do 'ER DESIGN APPROVED ~2 h Krto ll O 9 ra not constitute approval for construction, Approval n, z ane of construction must be a formal written agreement. Failure to obtain such agreement prwr to beginning North Oaks, LLC FIELD WORK HY.• CHECXED BY.• DRAWN BY.• of eonstraetion will relieve the city of any CITY ENGINEER DATE 2631 Reynolda Road ~d~' financial parttieipattian in this project whatsoever. Winston-Sale, NC 27106 JEB RLB ~ (336) 777-0078 City of ?inston-Salem TAX NAP. PARCEL; ~ 660874 SHEET NUMBER: BEE5011 EI16111EERI~6 IIIC. Lot l12, Block 3252 Horizontal Scale As Noted ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ~ , , UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT By: NDENT DATE Vertical Scale S 603 HIGH STREET TOWNSHIP. cITY.• A Noted 10 of 14 WINSTON-SALEdf, NC 27101 r F Wanston Walkertown DATE: JOB NUMBER: TELEPHONE: (336748-0071 ~y`j ` COUNTY: STATE.• T ' 05~26~04 02202 ~Y Forsyth N.C. •T~- , V.4 s~Piw' _ "`v ..w~Mti.~ ~,'i x ~ I :.kl I ~ i ~i". o. A'' i u ~ ~~V ~ i k4'~~"iv s ~ w, ~ 7~ n` § i F a. P,~ i ~ ~ i~,J y a r, u- i - a z- / - _ - - - - -I---- - I-- - I ~ _ _ ~ . . ~ X SITE x _ _ _ _ € M a v M ~ --__I M v M M / ~ ~ v M M ~ M .,,ark N ~ O M ...M ~tl ~N y > W Ne} M y m~ -0dNo, "1y y vNh °M N N N ~ >~rn il~`~ N~ ,cNv v .c .c L ,yam ay v v 3 vM~ or iM ~M o, o, N ~ M M^ Nrn o ,r•~ o,y c0 y u o u o 0: rn h o o •S ~ .c ~ .c o,y b ~ M M c o M ~ U U U 0 ° 0 yn °y y U U U U acn O W U 0 n Oi ~n ..n U 0 ~ U C Un C Y ~Om c,pm~ h ~m ~m ~ o ~ ym ~ o o ~ ~m ~ o p, ~ o u uM a~Z oM o m ° y a Eyv cN oM mNN a~Zo°i a,o ~~o ~~o a~ Ou QU ~ "1 b _ " ~ m ~ m~ » ym~ 'j m m Q; ~ ~ 00)a OdjO, ~m v 2 / ' o ~ti~ cn o~~ c~ ~ C om ~ ~ .oi ~roa ~ te~m4 ~m~ Zmroo, a rn m .ma c° c c° 3 J o ° " 1 ~ M ~ o; ~ ~ ~ " - E o~`rn v., a~..~ o~ Qnh n n Zv, Z~r v~~1 vvh v~h ~ °hN ~ v~'r: vy^ °r'i~ 4iyN~o Q1v~ °o ° E o on ° ° ~ o~ J U~ ~ ° E o E o E o o~ .c~,^ .cw~ y y~'o ~ a°,.~~ Jack H. D ins >r o x x t° Z ~ o o .o ~ :y ~ y N o ~ o n r. ~ ZQ1w~ W of 0 0~ °N1 0^+~ Cad` ' l ~ O J 0 0 C 0 0 C Qs 3~ ~ 3 m N M h 0~ kl i y 71a1 'YL. d / Tax ~ °~ou x J o 0 ~ J 2 x g x o k aJ ~ O L 0 u o ° >~~m / 0 ~0 h h ~ O h x x ~ 'Cx .Ck ,CxO J m >OJ C°J CJJ Q w w O,q pp ~wN ~1 1 C kQ J Q Q 0 Q Q ~kQ CJ CJ CJ > 0~ p~ ON ~-..-...._f 1` OO~ 0. _ 1 56.60' Tot S 9'01'23"E h h h h ~ t° 74' 79' 79' 79' 79' 79' 80' 80' ' ~ ~ 80' 80' 8T 183' 15 9. 'Tot t` ~ >~p CIO. ~ ° 0 k 0 k ~Jm Jm 4 nn ? ~ >h >tp pQ kQ 0 r~ d 170' 1 N 251' 196' 95' 5 9. ' TotblJ S88°25'08" ti t° ~ ' 100 218' ~ ~ ' uffer Area ~ 200 Stream B ~ 4"y ~ b P~ ~~s. ,~5 4e ~ • - > 61 O O O O O o p Q ~P 2• 19,856 sq, ft^ O p p Harry A Boles _ N 0 N 59 58 N 57 56 N 5 59 ~ 2 ~ Q Perennial stream with 32,701 n. N 23 ~ b Dionne M. Boles - _ Old w cv 1 ° ° ~ b ~ 1 ~ 0~ 1•ox Lot 24B, Block 3252 20 23 s . t N 50 c`0v 49 00' Small Ri arian Palustnne 13 N N \ s q ,609 sq. ft 0,609 sq. t ,609 sq. ft 0,637 sq. ft 0,609 sq. ft 0, 2 sq. , 02 sq. ft. , 02 sq. ,802 q. ft 0,802 sq. t. ,678 sq. ft. 35,301 sq. ft. ~ 98 P 20;064 aq. n. 20,052 sq. ft. 20,052 sq. ft 20,1 Emergent Packets ZZ N ~0' N R 1 ~L a a 08 1790, P 1834 1 24,618 sq. ft. 9 20,052 sq. ft. 20,162 sq. ft. 20,182 sq. R 20,051 p. ft. 20,267 sq. ft. 20,182 sq. ft. 20,937 s . ft. l 41,972 aq. ft. 9 ~ W 27 ~ ~ / I 61,75 , I u7 / / 2~' _ y Location Ma N.T. . ~9 : ~ p ~ _ . p ~ ~ -s5- cp 5' -"96'- ---96=- _ 23,511 sq. ft. N ~ V~ h ' .1~- _ 9' ~9' 0' p- , ~ ° 356' - - - - ~ 8 o . - - - - - ~ - ~ -A er -A en as Court-~ ~ 156' ~ ~ " J Haro uggins, Jr. ~ ~ - _ _ - , . - Cedelma Duggins ' - --80° - _ s-- o-._. _ ~ z8 ~ ' o ~ .T,..,..,. I~ ..gym - ~ q o ~ N _ _ _ , Ta Lot Block 3252 ~ ' p ..1 ~ `199- 159= ~ f~~ ,652 sq. fl. , B 954 88'-- .a4 ft 73 ,j: 88 0 p cf 23,82 ft 20,61 q. ft ~ N 89 ` 20,208 ji. `V m------ LEGEND 23,74213q. p ti N 233' 203' ~ 20,321 aq. n ~ ~ 115 116 117 ~ , 29 - ~0 31 32 33 ~ O QmN7 i' N ~ 0, 33 N 95 25,161 sq. f . 5,01, , ft 25,066 sq. ft 26,258 sq. ft 161' ! 22.944 sq. ft 21,200 sq, ft. 21,176 sq. ft. Z ~ A ! • . ft z6,z56 tt, ~ ! ~ ~ - - ~ ~ `J . J y , WETLAND X;~.: sY ~ ..J to N ~jZ" tU 0 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 118 ~P 20,206 . ft. ° s y ~ ~ 1i ~ 63 i ; „ 87 ~ ~ t0 21,655 sq. ft \ pR' A q M 30 M M ,439 sq. f 7~ N N 20,089 sq. fi. 22,738 sq. ft. ,C 0 ~ ~ WETLAND IMPACT J sq. ft nJ ~ 26,2 sq. ~ ~ m Ql 117 t, u0 115 N 118 N N ~ \ ~ '7 s 31 21,031 q. ft. 20,10 sq. ft ~ 118 6 ~r 'qs ` ^J rJ - ,508 dq. ft. 25,866 sq. ,0 ~ _ _ 235' ti°` 119 P 44 'F ~ 2os' ~ 90 ~ / ~ ~f d-, O I ~ 20,0 sq. ft. 20,104 sq. ft. .d 23,550 q. ft. / ?i5 j, ~„i 119 ~~\`iz 0 '200' Stream Buffer Area ~ q ?8, 95' 192' ~ o 69 i ~ . ~ ti~ 120. m', I $6 173' * ~ ~ 21,20 sq. ft. r 20,000 sq. ft. y;~;., 93 ,r; e --N88'23'13"W 287,01'Total . e J E m 1Q S? ,Q ~yNN°, 66' 80' 80' 120 ; 237 20,1 sq. ft. ~ A 21,608 sq. ft , -t~ 1 ; ^ ~ ~ 026"1 ~ v, ~ w ~ 4 tae' ~ 2zs' e , ti 121 tike a1 ao ~ 1 ~ ~ 91 ~ 2a,as9 sq. ft. 260' ~,~,1 1 6 '00' ~ o n ~ 1 p ©N Wallace L L rri ore ° o o° 0 65 • ~ ~ 2000 . n. 1>1i~ ~ 121 ° , ~ 00 ~ '11 Jo e Lars ore y h m N - ~ t0 ~ v' ,~0 Tax to ~09B, lock 3252 ~ ~ m f 85 ~ ~ 2,,697 sq. ,t. , ti°~ 122 4 ~ , 2139 s. ft. w q 1;. ,0 15 ti ~ , 300 8?, ~ ~ >,pp > '0• DB 1338, P 1 m ~ 239' 20,1 sq. ft. rn ~ E. 20,810 aq. ft. ~ 52 . TL Jack Harold ug i Jr. 1 122 ~ M ~"~t ~0 265' ~ 4_ 49 471 s . ft. 0~ W ~ v ~ ~ ~ t , • N f ~~~d. ''~_l I! e L. Larrimore~ Cedelma Dug i s ~ 210' Tax Lot 18C, !o k 3 M 92 z 1 e2• ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ a q ~o~ ~ oyce Larrimore M O 66 I 20 000 s . ft. i cb 1 ~ ~ ~ sq. ft. DB 1947, O ~ q 32,969 sq. ft. 60• 123 1`' 41 N ~ 21,809 sq. ft. 89 245' ls~l 286' -4 0 ~ J lax Lot 203, Block 3?h~2 ~ o ° N° J e arrim e ~DB 1338, Pg 1219 ~.ti 6 . 23.7 sq. ft. ! 0 241' ft. rn 80' 80' ' i , 393' ~ {1- 22,729 sq. ft , . - _ 20,26 sq. t ~ 89 80 80' 80' 64' ? . 250' I' 250' 1P , ~ 4 ~ 7 `,Tox Lot A, I 325 ! 210' ° ~ go, HASE 2 I N ~~DD DB 2 g 38 \ 23,567 q. ft. - ~ ~ o 0 0 ~ ~ ao' 8p' - ~ , ' ~ PHASE 1 90' o ~ 129 ~ 11 ~ 303' ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ N 21, sq. ft i 83 20,4 sq. ft p ~ n.u; / ~ ~F ~ a s j' 44' rn 250' 1 ~ - ' \Q u 20,26 q. ft p , ' , Q O p I w a' oWx3 24,972 . Tt. N, rn ~ ~y,,• 210' ~ N X41 N ~ ~ ~ ~ N 321' PHASE 2 ~ ~ / , 0 6 . ; I 1db8 ~ 1~9 N 160 " , ~ ~ 125 N 111 N - 0,000 aq. ft 20,000 s ft P~ N d ~ ~ sp p O ~ ' q~ 23,667 sq. ft. 10,341 ft ~ 7 ~ 22,049 q. i ~ ~ 20,160 aq. ft, 20,160 sq. ft 20,160 sq. ft 20,0 sq. ft. N ~ O ~1 ' P HA SE 1 ~ U 0,066 sq. ft N N N 6 N ~ 24~=- ~ a ~ ~ 250 2,479 sq. ft. 0,000 sq. ft 0,000 sq. ft. p,000 sq. ft. 0,000 sq. ft. 22 479 , ft. Joe Glenn An el 1 r~ t. ' ! 25,61 ~ ax L 17C, Block 3252 20, 5 q ft. O it ~'i °q I ; ~ I I ~ ~ ~ 299' > ~ 915, Pg 873 ~i` 6 q ~ it ' 126 ~ - ~ .--~33' ~ , . , ae'-- I - 20, sq. n ~ ° - > S ~f, A•. ~ ~ srj. a ~r 23,506 sq. ft. s t~ -'a~=--- "'80' ~ ' ~ - • ,o. ~ sr2, :0 9 ? ' 8@'- - _ _1~~.0 l Rrd e r°2ve~`~_ -f--7--~-,_--t-- _ - 25 041 s .g rT ~ \ ~ q 3` 0 , _ - r_ sd J ~ ~ / S183p even P. Pegr j Jack Harold Du ins, Jr. ~ f• •~,',j e 99 ~ Cedelma Du ins 21,240 eq. ft. 1:yw1 ' 81 0° rn 96 ~I --t63' - 99 w 107 0 0 -N8T5 '52 W 536.77 .08~ Deboroh Pegram~~ v, _ TaxY~ 109E & 17J, Block~i152 Tax Lot 18Q Block 3252 ~ 251' 22,97 sq. ft. 21,188 sq. ft. li ~ rn a, N ?6S.g3, D,q 1824, Pg 2998 ' DB 954, Pg 253 ~ ~ 230' 236' (t ; ~ 2o,aso sq. ft. sq. ft. ~ i h M I 228 _°-•-.,_.--,•..230' i,.~ 3 M M S / ~ ~12g 4 , \ , ~ 71 ~ ~ ~ I (~~j ~ o Mark A. Campbell •S ~ h ° 97 N ~ Beth J. Campbell m 4q E.I.P. i 1/2. ~r z 22,552 sq. ft. ~ 80 b rn ~ ! 106 ~ ~ o ~ Tax Lot 17Y, Block 3252 U ~ °i 3>6 . e ~ i •Op a _ ~ ~ 254' ~ 20,7 sq. ft. ~ 21,209 . ft. i ~ ~ ~ 128 ~ ~ 1j~9 N A0 N N ~ DB 1945, P 2927 h m ~ ~y 20,68 aq. ft. ~ i 0 ;a , ~fi0 1~1 p 9 s 20,70 sq. ft. 4 ~ 230' 229' 234' ~ V (21,300 sq. n. 20,137 aq. it. 22,245 aq. ft~ ° ~ ~ ~lliam E. M rton Jun C. rton o a 230' ~ ~ 72 .I, o v,n LP. 3 ~ Tax Lot 10 & 7, Bbck 32~! e r~ ° j~ 20,,2 aq, ft. 79 O 9$ 'r. ~ 'ti@ o o 105 . , ° ~ x I_ DB 18 , Pg 2998 P o ~ 243 ;1, 21,25 aq. ft. m 20,652 sq. ft. r 21,81 . ft. rn ~ 129 n ~ Z S N r _ ~6` 1 90' 85' 44' ~ - 3+.5' - ~ 24,3 sq. n. ~ 219' ~ N A. ~f 73 n ~ - - ~ R N N r , , q 1 78 ~ ;,i 138 ' 225' r aD . 99 " 21,72 sq. ft. O / ~ 10 (t ° W 130 20,6 sq. ft. i 1 ~ 265' N 2Lts . ft. 2 ?4' ~ 26,88 q. ft N 1~ , , 2 , 1 sq. 74 ~ ' 1 77 175 f~ 2 241' ~ a ' 137 20,838 sq. ft ! Jl3 1~ _ 1~ ~ i i+ 23,0 sq. ft. ~ - ~ 20,4 s , ft H ~ ' ,I 7 ' 100 1. q 2 3 103 131 i i 238' M Nancy D. Flinchum 3 ~ i ~ ' 75 M 20,31 q. ft. 2427 q ft 21,88 aq, ft. ~ Claude Dickerson Jr. ~'~,io 76 ti~ 217 ' ~ u, Tax Lof 180, Block 3252 20,775 aq. n. ft ~ ti 136 DB 1883, Pg 343 ~i. E 22,63 aq ~ I 274' M ~ 23,9 ft. / ~ 40' rn N e ~ ~~a- 3 i ~Gi R, 211.96' Q~Q ~A,, N89'09'41°W 311.51'Total .~Qe 101 1 132 234. ~ m A. 1 ! A, Q 48,158 sq. 26,935 aq. ft ~ 1 (1,J ~ 'q~ %ON I k O) 52, Ri ,uN') Bill G. S Joel D, Carter t w o r7 N 0 N 50' N / RIGHT-OF-WAY ~ F ? y Mory Ann Carter as o 'y0 ~ 5 N Zoldean E. mi Tax Lot 3, Block 32528 ~ 11~ / I ~ TOX Lot 2 810 k 3 528 pp 34,738 sq. ft. % ~ DB 1985, Pg 1870 I ~ 1 a .t DB 1938, P 35 6 0 ~ 1t~9 - 6 20 6 5 ~ ~ ~ - a~.: Z O 36,843 q. ft. `v 20.673 ft. '~Q8 N N ~ ~ aQ r SHOULDER PAVEMENT SHOULDER DITCH ' ~ - e h~ 0 0 NG ~`as the fasemen'~ - '@-' 142 50 h~ e 1 /4„/FT. 1 /4=/FT. ~ Q / - Tax Lot 101, ock 3252A ~ SO / j 1 "/FT. 1 /FT. O ~ 82' o * s 50.02' ~ ~ - e 60 _ Q _ _ ,f 3:1 2:1 du z , 2:1 ' ~ _ \ ~ Jer M tin 1 ~ o h ~ QQ" v ~ Q N8 7 W i / D e F. M rtin / ~ v e rn ~ h 89. ' ~ ' ELP., PK in ~ 1~ rpo 3 o"~b a~N~ u ~ Ta of 5, ck 3252A ox o 0 o ro 3 u N `ry ? ~ fi N g y ro' W e E Phillips, Jr. € Bridge Wolf ~ P 1208 0 < ,e ~ boo, - E u / i 9 fi~ a ~ ro i ~ o o m qb' ry Ann Phillips t No rn o b ~ Ja Lot 21, Block 3252A ~ O,_6„ ~r o o ~ ~N ~ DB 1953, Pg 2287 ~ ~o o~ as«^ ~ a ~ t\ ( p p ~ X 3 ~ J ~ _ p O'. O o'er ~ O W~~ 0 O .I ~°Jm UJ~ J } m~ N { x U 0 ) ~ N U' N ~ b 0 1:1 ( N' ) ~ ~ ) i ~ { 1 1 rn~...., ~''+7 f ^ i 8"-ABC ~fl , , C ` . ~ i ~ eavlstoxf DArs D6SCk(FI'/ON WATER & SEWER DESIGN AF DESIGN APPROVED w'r' Hz h Knoll 9 v era e an ~ rv• Westvtiew Development Compa7ay FIELD WORK BY.• CHECKED BY.• DRAWN BY.~ ~ ; CITY ENGINEER DATE 2631 Reynolds Road nn`` ~ ' Winston-Salem, NC 27106 JEB RLB w ~ ' (336) 777-0078 n ` ~ W TAX MAP. PAR~E~ SHEET NUMBER: BEES011 EI16111EERIII6 IIIC. 660874 Lot 112, Block 3252 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS ~ ~ ~ 120 0 120 240 UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT DATE so3 RICH STREET u a ENT TOWNSHIB CITY.' 1 of 14 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 Winston Walkertown DATE. JOB NUMBER: TELEPHONE: (336J-748-0071 „ „ . 1.7..' COUNTY• STATE: t 05/26/04 02202 ~1""~ SCALE Forsyth N.C. ~ 3 ~ " ' prt~ „ dM J - 'i I f I