HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG020688_MONITORING INFO_20110228STORMWATER-DIVISION CUUINGSHEET I! RESCISSIONS. PERMIT NO. o a lJ DOC TYPE LIYCOMPLETEFILE- HISTORICAL. DATE OF RESCISSION 0 aO I I YYYYMMDD "Oki -Zot(- PC-02.1 --7- CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. February 25, 2010 Ms. Linda Willis NCDENR, Div. of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: NCG020555, Garner Construction Co., Merrimon Mine Dear Ms. Willis: Please find enclosed the 2010 Annual Summary DMR's for Wastewater and Stormwater for the above referenced NPDES General Permit. As you are aware from your conversations with Mr. Morgan Garner, there has been no monitoring or reporting from this site in the past. This was due to oversight and a misunderstanding of the NPDES Permit requirements. It is the intent of Garner Construction Company to bring this permit into compliance and follow all permit requirements from this date forward. We assure you that any and all discharges from this site will be monitored as required, and all DMR's will be submitted as required, whether or not there has been any discharge. . As you may recall from your meeting with Mr. Garner, there has been no discharge Prom this site in over 3 years. All stormwater flows into the pond and is retained there until it gradually flows into the soil. There is no discharge during any storm event, and therefore, there are no Stormwater Outfalls. Water is pumped from the pond very intermittently, and therefore, discharges are somewhat rare for this site. We have prepared a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan in accordance with the requirements of the NCG020 General NPDES permit for mining. This plan is kept in a notebook in the main office of Garner Construction Company in Newport. We appreciate your assistance in bringing this site into compliance with the NPDES permit requirements. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Sincerely, James C. Izzell, Jr., PG enclosures i P.O. Box 429, GARNER, NC 27529 (91 9)779-0017 FAX: (9 1 9)779-7227 OFFICES AT 10 1 WEST MAIN STREET, GARNER, NC --r ANNUAL SUMMARY DMR -WASTEWATER I SE ND, TO CENTRAL OFFICE* I PROCESS MjNlEI DEWATIEWNO WASTEWATER GENERAL PERMIT No. NCG020000 ' Report All EYcs tewGter discharge monitoring data on this form (including No Flow and No Visc•harge and Permit Limit Violations) by :WARCH 1 of each year. If you have limit violations, you must also have turned in a Limit Violation 1)MR to your local Regional Office within 30 days of receiving sample results from a lab. CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02� 5 A5 _ � SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: — 9,00 FACILITY NAME: flXpj2' Mori Mti�1e, PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES: NIA CERTIFIED LABORATORY: N Ja _ Lab # — Lab # LIMIT VIOLATIONS? YES ❑ NO Part A: Wastewater Monitorink Requirements COUNTY: --- PHONE N0. C z52a 2_23 - 0 k � ADD TO LISTSERVE? YI 3 ❑ W60 EMAIL: INDUSTRIAL SAND'? ❑ DISCHARGING TO SA WATERS''? ❑ Outfall No.Collectedt Date Sample Total Flow — Total Suspended Solids' Turbidity' i --- Srttleable Solids --- pH Fecal Colifarins - ninoldd/yr MG Hig/i NTi3 cal!] —Standard'cullrnl '; ' A11 mines must monitor WW discharges for ?'SS. Only industrial sand mine discharges are subject to TSS limits. ` Ifan effluent limit is exceeded, the permittee is required to institute monthly monitoring for that parameter for the remaining permit term. 3 The discharge shall not cause an instantaneous measurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater streams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs, and all salt waters; 50 NTU for all other streams and surface waters. Turbidity may be monitored at the Sturmwater Discharge Outfall. Alternatively, the permittee may choose to monitor turbidity in the receiving water, directly upstream and downstream of the discharge. 'Only facilities discharging to SA waters are required to monitor for Fecal coliforms. Permit Daw 11112016-12/31/2014 last !revised 02-02-11 Part A Confinued. Wastewater MooitorinRequirements Outfall No. I Date Sample Collected rsimlctd/ r Total Fiow Mt, Total Suspended Solids' rn ' 1'urbidity-% I NTU'- Settleable Solids — MIA, pH $I�i1a2T�-� Fecal Coiiform.s ftii)iilb� I � I MAIL ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY OF THIS ANNUAL SUMMARY (INCLUDING ALL "NO FLOW", "NO DISCHARGE" & LIMIT VIOLATIONSI BY MARCH I OF EACH YEAR TO: Division of Water Quality .Alm DWQ Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, ;`forth Carolina 27699-1617 (9 i 9) 807-63 79 YO(I MUST SIGH' THIS CERTIFICATICI_N FOIL ANY INFORMATION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under nay direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information suhmitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." ure of Permittee) Z, � 2 1 ! (Date) Permit Date: i/ 1120 i 0-12i31 i20 Id List Revised 02-02-1 1 I'a�.,e 2 , MYLIAL �SUMMA �Y DMA - �►'I'C�RMWAri'E SEND TO CENTRAL OFFICE STORMdI'A ER DISCHARGE OUTFALLS (SDO) GFENFRAL PEPUMIT NO. NCGO20000 I *Reporl ,ALL STORAfiV4TF,R Monitoring Data on this form (including No Flow and No Discharge and Permit Limit Violations) by A-44RCff I cfearhyear. CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG02 o 5 5 FACILITY NAME- ���ZI�On/ �YII!J����_ PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES--�_- CERTIFIED LABORATORY N � � _ — Lab g Lab # Part A: Stormwater Monitortn Re uirements — SAMPLE COLLECTION YEAR: COUNTY PHONE NO. l Z.�s-u 2-Z3 — 461 Ab& TO LISTSFRYE? YES i' -Or' Zo 1 a EMAIL: Outfall No. Date Sample Collected (ma/ddlyr0R I NO FLOW) In Tier 2 Monthly Monitoring. (y/n) of Months in Tier Sampling, r Tote! Flow (,YIC) Total Sus tided � Solids (nigh) 'rarbidiry (NTU) — Settleable Solids (mill) Total Itainfall {in) Event Duration (rtihntes) _ lo0 ,' See Foatnoie ' - 0.15 1 --� - I 'if "NO FLOW" or "NO DISCHARGE, Enter "NO FLOW" or "ISO DISCHAP U" for each rutfall Frew and the Date Flange. , Per NCGO: Tier 2 ,%Ionthly sampling shall be done until 3 consecutive samples are beiow the benchmark or w-itbin the bcnchnw-ak range J If a value is in excess of the betchmark, or outside the benchmark range (for pH), you must impternert the Tier l or -Fier 2 response, in the Genera[ Permit. 4'TSS benchmark values we 100 m91 except in ORW,11WQ, tin.-wi. and PNA waters where they are 50 mg/l. 'rhe discharge shall not cause an instantaneous ineasurement of the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed: 10 NTU for freshwater sureams, lakes, and reservoirs designated as trout waters; 25 NTU for all lakes and reservoirs, and all salt waters; 50 NT(i for all other strea,rns and surface waters. 1 urbidity may be monitored at .be SDO. Alternatively, tire: pennMee may :house to monitor turbidity in the recciving water, directly upsircam and down-Orcaam of the SDO. Permit Date: 1/1!2010-12/31/2014 Last 1tcvised 02-02-11 Page 1 of 2 - � r 1 ` th All avera e -Part W. Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitorin rRe. uirements for lacilitles usin" > al of new rioter of TPH using method 1664A SGT HEM i - �- --; rinan 12 Total Suspended p H Total f Event } on S Solid} (tt�d�ard Rainfall Dur uies �niinutcs � - 1-- •...� i QO �•9 i Outfall No. [.late Siltnple Collected (ino/dd'yr OR No FLOW) In Tier 2 Montht? Mnni2or.3, (3'/n) # of Months in Tier 2 Sauiplif,g I New Motor i Oil Usage � _aVmauih -- -- -1� � Total Flow � (MG) HAS YOUR FACILITY HAD 4 OR MI ORE BENCHMARK IEXCFEDENC:ES AT ANY ONE OUTr: ALL (INCLUDING VEHICLE MAI-NTENANCE)? YES Q NO �- HAVE YOU CONTACTED THE REGION? VI"S El NO ❑ 1 l(O AT THE REGION HAVE YOU SPOKEN WITH? G_r/Y 0,4 C J l l<u t MAIL ORIGINAL AND ONE COPY OF THIS ANNUAL SUMMARY LNCI,1L:OfNC ALi, "NCB FLOW" "NO DrSC�rARc;E" & I,I�7b7 VIOLAT[t: NS} BY MMARCIII OF EACH YEAR TO: Division of Water Quality Attn: DWQ Central Files 1617 MaJ Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 807-6300 YOU MUST SIGN THIS CERTIFICATION FOR ANY INFORAII TION REPORTED: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is. to the best of ley knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. r .am aware that there are si%ni;icant penalties for submittipg false information, including the possibility offise_s and imprisonment for iuiowing violations." (Signattirert,f Perraittec) Po-Tmit Date: II1!2010-12/31/,0I4 _;t- ` IV It ([]ate) Cast pevl5ed 0-1-02- 11 Page 2 ,)1-'2 e�;A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Ms. Stephanie Eubanks Nall Executrix, Stephen Howard Eubanks Estate PO Box 953 Newport, NC 28570 Ms. Nall; Director July 14, 2010 Natural Resources 7RECC—EIVE Freeman Secretary L 16 2010 BY• Subject: Permit Application Return — Return #1246 Eubanks Mine — NCG020688 Carteret County An application was previously submitted for NPDES stormwater/wastewater discharge permit coverage for the above referenced facility under general permit NCG020000. In reviewing our files, it appears that this application package was never finalized by our office. Recently our Wilmington Regional Office was made aware that mining activities would not be continuing at this mine site. We also -were copied on a recent letter from the Division of Land Resources indicating that the mine has been satisfactorily reclaimed and released. Since no mining is occurring on the site our agency will not pursue issuance of the NCG02 permit coverage. We are returning the original application package. I apologize for the delay in previous action on this package. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (919) 807-6378 or.bradley.bennett@ncdenr.gov. ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY BraMR BDennettENNETT Stormwater Permitting Unit Supervisor cc: Linda Willis, DWQ WiRO r DWQ Central Files DWQ Stormwater Files — NCG020688, Return 1246 Wetlands and Stormwater Branch T� iOne 1 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 1 V orthCal ofina Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 ���tlLll����� Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Eaual Onnonarity l Affirmative Adon Emnlover REc Sgp 1 V 2007 EUBANKS MINE NEWPORT, CARTERET COUNTY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN SEPTEMBER 3, 200 OWNER: STEPHEN EUBANKS PO BOX 953 NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570 ENGINEER: STROUD ENGINEERING, PA. 7 `���jiiof?ItIIt" N CAR ''•. .`=0�.• FOSS/0ti .�0 9 • • • w 151 A HWY 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 BACKGROUND: MR. EUBANKS HAS APPLIED FOR A MINING PERMIT FOR PROPERTY HE OWNS IN THE NEWPORT TOWNSHIP OFF OF CEDAR SWAMP ROAD. IN THE PROCESS OF THIS APPLICATION, HE HAS ALSO APPLIED FOR NPDES GENERAL PERMIT NCG020000 FOR THE DISCHARGE OF STORMWATER FOR NECESSARY MINE DEWATERING. THIS PROPOSED MINE IS FOR EXTRACTION OF SAND AND IS LIMITED TO 20 DEEP EXCAVATION FROM THE SURFACE. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS OWNED BY MR, EUBANKS AND HAS BEEN EVALUATED BY THE USARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF 404 WETLANDS. CORPS REPRESENTATIVE, MR. MICKIE SUGG MADE A SITE VISIT IN 2006 AND DELINEATED THE WETLANDS IN THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED MINING ACTIVITY AND THOSE WETLANDS ARE SHOWN ON THE MINE MAP. ADDITIONAL WETLANDS POTENTIALLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY TO THE NORTH BUT THEY WERE NOT DELINEATED SINCE NO ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED IN THOSE AREAS. THE SITE CURRENTLY HAS A POND ON IT AND THIS MINING APPLICATION WOULD INCREASE THE SIZE OF THIS POND TO UPTO 3.5 ACRES. PURPOSE: THIS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN IS BEING DEVELOPED TO ENSURE SITE OPERATIONS WILL NOT IMPACT ADJACENT WETLANDS AND SURFACE WATERS. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES: EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES ARE EXPECTED TO OCCUR IN ROUGHLY THREE CYCLES PER YEAR. EACH CYCLE WOULD CONSIST OF DEWATERING THE EXISTING POND AND WOULD RANGE INITIALLY FROM APPROXIMATELY A FIVE DAY DEWATERING CYCLE, ASSUMING 1500 GPM PUMPS, TO TEN DAYS IN THE FUTURE. ONCE THE POND IS DEWATERED, EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES WOULD BEGIN AND APPROXIMATELY FOUR DAYS OF SAND MINING OCCURRING. THIS WOULD STOCKPILE APPROXIMATELY 200 LOADS OF MATERIAL PER CYCLE. THIS COULD BE REPEATED, BASED ON DEMAND UPTO THREE TIMES OR MORE PER YEAR, WITH EACH CYCLE LASTING LAST THAN TWO WEEKS. DURING THE MINING PROCESS, IT IS EXPECTED THAT SMALLER PUMPS WOULD KEEP UP WITH GROUNDWATER INFILTRATION. THESE PUMPS WOULD BE 1N THE 100 GPM RANGE. STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: NO ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED ON THIS SITE OTHER THAN SAND MINING, STOCKPILING AND HAULING OF SAND FOR SALE. DEWATERING ACTIVITIES ARE PROPOSED TO BE PUMPED INTO A SEDIMENT BASIN AS SHOWN ON THE MINE MAP. THE SEDIMENT BASIN IS 55'X35'X5' DEEP AND CONTAINS A RIPRAP LINED OUTFALL 10'X10' BEFORE DISCHARGING INTO AN EXISTING DITCH. THE OWNER SHALL IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: 1) SITE INSPECTIONS SHALL OCCUR DURING ALL MINING OPERATIONS TO INSURE THAT CONTAMINENTS DO NOT ENTER SURFACE WATERS. ADDITIONAL BERMS OR DIKES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT STORMWATER RUNOFF WILL DIRECTED BACK INTO THE MINING PIT OR THROUGH THE SEDIMENT TRAP. 2) LAND DISTURBANCE SHALL BE MINIMIZED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE. ANY SEDIMENT THAT INADVERTENTLY ACCUMULATES IN THE PROJECT DITCH SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE DITCH RE -STABILIZED. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION FROM REACHING THE OUTLET DITCH. 3) THE SEDIMENT STORAGE BASIN SHALL BE CLEANED OUT AND RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DEPTH UPON REACHING 50% OF ITS CAPACITY. 4) EQUIPMENT UTILIZED IN THE MINING OPERATION SHALL BE KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR AND INSPECTED DAILY TO ENSURE NO LEAKING OF FUELS, LUBRICANTS, COOLANTS, HYRAULIC FLUIDS OR OILS. SHOULD ANY LEAKAGE OCCUR IT SHOULD IMMEDIATELY BE CLEANUP TO PREVENT ENTRY INTO ANY SURFACE WATERS. ANALYTICAL AND QUALITATIVE MONITORING THE OWNER SHALL IMPLEMENT MONITORING ACTIVITIES AS REQUIRED BY THE GENERAL PERMIT NCG020000. PART HI SECTION A AND C APPLIES AND REQUIRES TESTING. THE OWNER SHALL SECURE APPROPRIATE TESTING PERSONNEL TO PERFORM THESE TESTS AS REQUIRED. DEWATERING CONE OF INFLUENCE- WETLANDS EXIST 50 FEET FROM THE CLOSEST MINING OPERATION. WITH THE MAXIMUM EXCAVATION -'N DEPTH OF 207 AND WITH THE MAXIMUM DEWATERING OCCURRING IN TWO WEEKS PER CYLE, IT IS NOT ANTICIPATED THAT THE HYDROLOGY OF THE WETLAND WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED, MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION- MONITORING WELLS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE TWO PROPOSED LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE MINE MAP. WATER TABLE DEPTHS SHALL BE RECORDED PRIOR TO ANY SITE DEWATERING AND DAILY DURING PUMPING OPERATIONS TO EVALUATE IMPACTS TO ADJOINERS WELLS AND TO NEARBY 404 WETLANDS. PUMPING SHALL BE TERMINATED IF EITHER ARE ADVERSELY EFFECTED. ADVERSE EFFECTS WOULD BE CONSIDERED A 30' WATER TABLE AT THE ADJOINERS WELL MONITORING WELL AND 48" WATER TABLE WITHIN THE 404 WETLANDS AREA DURING THE GROWING SEASON IF NOT RE- ESTABLISHED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF PUMPING OPERATION TO PRE -PUMPING OPERATIONS. MINE OPERATOR SHALL OBSERVE WETLANDS VEGETATION WITHIN THE WETLANDS AREA AND RECOGNIZE IF PUMPING OPERATIONS ADVERSELY EFFECT THE VEGETATION GROWTH. SHOULD THIS OCCUR, MINE OPERATOR SHALL MODIFY THE PUMPING PLAN TO PRODUCE ADDITIONAL WATER INTO THE AREA. asp _7vq v.16, 2007 17AM STROUD ENGINEERING P A No, 0268 P. 1 151-A HV 24 Mcr6head City, NC 28557 252-247.7479 none 252-247.4098 • Fax ',.Stroud Engineeiring p.A `=- To: i 'f'Y� Q h t 1 From: OR VY> tom) + L Face Pages: Phone: Date: Re: C} �Q1 �L. S ! ► r 1 CC: r, L 1i� ��-' l— o V n 0 Urgent ❑Far Review ❑ ase Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle May.16. 2007 8:17AM STROUD ENGINEERING P A No.0268 P. 2 I STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252) 247.7479 MEMORANDUM TO: NC DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION ATTN: MS. JUDITH A. WEHNER VIA FACSIMILE: 919-715-8801 n� FROM: RONALD D. CULLIPHER, P.E. ►1 6-) DATE: MAY 16 2007 SUBJECT: YOUR LETTER DATED 4/17/07 , STEVEN EUBANKS MINE CC: MS. LINDA WILLIS- WiRO VIA FACSEVME: 910-350-2004 I AM IN RECEIPT OF YOUR APRIL 17, 2007 LETTER REQUESTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE EUBANKS SAND MINE APPLICATION. THE 21.4 ACRE AREA COMPRISES THE ENTIRE BOUNDARY OWNED BY MR. EUBANKS WITH THE ADDITION OF THE ACCESS ROAD. THE MINING AREA HOWEVER IS RESTRICTED TO THE 3.91 ACRES INDENTIFIED IN THE CHART ON THE MINE MAP, MUCH OF THE REMAINING ACREAGE IS A 404 WETLAND. I WILL CONTINUE TO WORK WITH MS. WILLIS TO RESOLVE THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN REQUEST FOR THE DEWATERING PERMIT. 1 WILL PROVIDE MS. WILLIS A COPY OF THE MARCH 7, 2007 CORRESPONDENCE TO MS. GABRIELLE COOPER WHICH IDENTIFIED OUR PROPOSED OPERATIONS AS IT RELATED TO POND DEWATERING. WE APPRECIATE YOUR ASSISTANCE ON THIS PROJECT, CC: MR. STEPHEN EUBANKS 107 COMMERCE ST. SUITE B GREENVILLE, NC 27858 (252) 75&9352 102-D CINEMA DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 815.0775 HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 247-7479 May.16. 2007 8:17AM STROUD ENCINEERING P A No.0268 P. 3 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252) 247-7479 March 7, 2007 Ms. Gabrielle Cooper NC Division of Water Resources Ground Water Management Section 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1611 Re: Mining Permit Application Stephen Eubanks Eubanks Mine, Carteret County Your memo to Ms. Judy Wehmer, , NC Land Quality Section dated August 8, 2006 Dear Ms. Cooper, I appreciate your time last week to review the issues with Mr. Eubanks proposed sand mining operation and its possible effects on the local aquifer. As discussed, I apologize for the delay in responding to your request and I hope to resolve the remaining outstanding issues. i reviewed the rules under 15A- Chapter 2E and our proposed mining plan and offer the following. a) We had expected to receive an affidavit from a local well driller attesting to the potable water well depths in the area being in excess of 100 feet plus, but eventually it was determined that the affidavits were not to be obtained. It is our opinion, that the temporary dewatering of the mine area will not adversely effect the area potable wells. The applicant, Mr. Eubanks, has two residential properties adjoining the proposed well site and he is confident that potable well depths will not be effected. The maximum proposed dewatering is only 20 feet below the surface and the surrounding terrain is relatively flat. b) The current pond would be proposed to be dewatered in a relatively short period of time and the mining operation would commence to excavate approximately 100 to 200 loads of fill material and stock piled for later use and sale. The excavation of 200 loads, approximately 2400 cubic yards, could take place in three to four days. The current pond which has 63000 square feet of surface area and is approximately 20 feet deep, would result in slightly less that 10,000,000 gallons of surface water that would be dewatered for an excavation miming operation. If we assume that this water is pumped out at a rate of 1500 gpm, it would take less than 5 days to dewater the pond and another four days maximum to excavate the 2400 cubic yards of material. During the four days of material excavation, the only pumping would be from lateral groundwater movement which is expected to be handled by smaller pumps upto 100 gpm. It is expected that the pond will fill naturally over an extended period of time and would be required to be dewatered again when the next excavation activity was scheduled. We believe that the maximum number of cycles would be three per year. If the demand of material was large enough, the additional excavation would occur on the three cycles. As the operation is described above, this will be an intermittent removal of surface and ground water that would average approximately 97000 gallons per day. What should the appropriate action by Mr. 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUIT_ B 102-D CINEMA DRIVE 151-A HWY.24 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 756-9352 (910) 815-0775 (252) 247-7479 May,16. 2007 8:17AM STROUD ENGINEERING P A No.0268 P. 4 13 Eubanks be to comply with the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area? Please review the foregoing and let me know how to proceed. ly C ,. Q-, "-X-Q Ronald D. Cullipher, Cc: Steve Eubanks'••i�ir Turfy Wenner + �•��p O • E 4.. oO�.y .F •14t40 '•...ice •�. �,,�� 0. C�iiri%!```�� 0 MINING PERMIT APPLICATION for the REVIEW FnRM_ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Project/Number: County: _&Vka_ **Due Date for Comments Back to Land Quality Section: ;C:/4 '. ! 09/2005 Will the operation, as proposed, violate standards of water quality? Watershed/Stream Name &Classification: _ C YES NPDES permit required X NPDES permit existing . (Permit # ) Nondischarge permit required Nondischarge permit existing (Permit # ) Wetlands disturbed 401 Wetland Cert. required X 401 Wetland Cert. existing (Permit # ) NO f-i n Reviewed by.- L.' -M 41- Date: Print Name: LIrt.ckca_ \°"J:�i�5 Cantral Office Reviewer: Rs�t O NORTH CAROLING MYNING PERMIT APPLICATION state of North Carolina Department of Envi ronme And Natural Resources Division of Land Resou r es Land Quality section 1612 Mail service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 733-4574 JUL 1 7 '0M Revised 412002 2 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERIMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) Name of Mine Eubanks Mine County Carteret River Basin White Oak Latitude (dd.min.ss) N34.45.55 Longitude (dd.mm.ss) W76.54.41 Name of Applicant* Stephen Eubanks Permanent address for receipt of official mail** P.O. Box 953 Newport, NC 28570 Telephone 252-223-4878 Mine Office Address P.O. Box 953 Newport. NC 28570 Telephone 252-223-48 5. Mine Manager Stephen Eubanks We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. Date Print Name Stephen Eubanks_ Title Mine Manager * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond (security) that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S. 74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 60 clays of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must he addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. on APPLICATION FOR A ]MINING PERII,IIT ■ NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered -with regards to your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding, detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE Answer all of the following that apply: 1. a. If this is an application for a NEW permit, indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit (this is the acreage that the "new permit" fee will be based upon): 21.40 Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: 21.40 Acres leased: NIA Property owner if leased: NIA b. If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: NIA Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining pennit, number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: No.: NIA Total permitted acreage: indicate the mining permit Mining Permit Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes_ No . If yes, indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification (this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): NIA Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes No . If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: NIA (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F. of this application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners). Of this acreage to be added to the permit, will any portion of this acreage be affected (disturbed, ground cover removed) by the mining operation? Yes No (if no; a "minor modification" fee of $50.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). if yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the pen -nit (the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): N/A d. If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining pennit, indicate the mining pen -nit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing pcnnit: Mining Permit No.: NIA Total permitted acreage: N/A z SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT TIME END OF THIS FORM FOR TIME PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERNUT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Sand 3. Mining method: Hydraulic Dredge Front-end Loader & Truck Shovel & Truck Dragline & Truck Self -loading Scraper Other (explain) Excavator and Truck -2- APPLICATION FOR A IMINING PERMIT 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine (feet) 20 Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) Natural Ground Level b. Expected average depth of mine (feet) 20 5. Has any area(s) at this site been mined in the past? Yes X No If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Stephen Eubanks 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested (10 years maximum): 10 B. MAPS 1. Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six (6) copies of a 7.5 minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six (6) copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each pen -nit application. 7.5 minute quadrangles may be obtained from: N.C. Geological Survey NCDENR 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 (919) 715-9718 County highway maps may be obtained from: Location Department State Highway Commission Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 (919) 733-7600 =0 PPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 2. Mine maps must b4 accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic traps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding (approximate) acreage. As a reminder, mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to clearly illustrate the following, at a minimum: a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including casements and T",Uhts-of-way. b. Existing or proposed houndaric, C. Initial and ultimate y '.: , 6.ading. ,i Outline ar: width of all buffer -ones listurbed and unexcavated). e. outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. - f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. - _ - g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or pern a,,.:.n' ovprvotu..:areas. - h. Location and acreage of all processing plants (processing plat. _::1 as .,, ation and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on -site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on -site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of 100-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map. p. Names of owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway; creek, stream, river, or other watercourse; railroad track; or utility or other public right-of-,,vay; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the !Wining pen -nit boundary, must be provided on the !nine map(s). NOTE: "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate Highway. q. Map legend: I . Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County r 5. Scale G. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-99 Acres i inch = 50 feet 100-499 Acres 1 inch = 100 feet 500-+- Acres 1 inch = 200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) -4- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds, stockpiles, wastepiles, processing area/haul roads, mine excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A table/chart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds 0.045 Stockpiles 0.11 Wastepiles 0.05 Processing Area/Haul Roads 0.25 Mine Excavation 3.50 Other 0.00 NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORTH (PLEASE A'OTE THE IT,ILICIZED QUESTIONS/STATEMENTS THROUG11OUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. -5- APPLICATION FOR A iVIINING PERMIT C. PRO'rECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed. 1) Install stone construction entrance 2) Establish buffers 3) Clear grasses and stockpile topsoil 4) Construct sediment basin 5) Dewatering 6) Excavate sand material 7) Truck sand material offsite 8) Reclaim mine site Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation (include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s) and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations shall be required when needed to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. The haul road shall be maintained by adding water during dry periods to control dust and using rock during vet periods to prevent trucks from tracking sediment offsite. Silt fencing shall installed around all stockpile and wastepile areas and along the haul road where sediment could leave the site or enter a drainage ditch. Any disturbed area that is inactive for more than 15 consecutive days shall be seeded and mulched. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste eater handling? Yes No X . If yes, briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or waste water from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the craters of the State? Yeses No . If yes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along ivith their method ofstabili7ation) on your mine map(s). The dewatering discharge is proposed to be pumped into a sediment settling basin (approx. 55' x 30' x 5'). The water from the sediment basin will then spill onto a 10' x 10' x 2' riprap apron in the existing ditch as shown on the mining map. APPLICATION FOR A i19INING PERMIT Will any part of the proposed rnine excavation(s) extend below the water table? Yes X No If yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes X No If yes, what impact, if any, will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells? Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: . Locate all existing wells on the mine nzap(s) that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statements made, including any monitoring well data, well construction data and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. Private wells within 500' of the site are shown on the mining map_ The depths of these wells range from 150'+ to 200'+, therefore the dewatering operation at the mine should have no effect on the wells. d. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality pen-nit(s) (i.e., non -discharge, Ni PDES, Stormwater, etc.) from the Division of Water Quality, Water Quality Section. In addition, the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources if the operation withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. N P DES apP)led -�o r 7ll0 j0(. 4. a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes No X If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. b_ How will dust from stockpiles, haul roads, etc., be controlled? Should dust become a problem, the mine operator shall apply water to any stockpiles and haul road as needed APPLICATION FOR A I1• WING PERIVIIT 5. a. A buffer will be required between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of- way. It may be an unexcavated buffer (no excavation, but roadways, berms and erosion & sedimentation control measures may be installed within it), an undisturbed buffer (no disturbance within the buffer whatsoever), or a combination of the two, depending upon the site conditions. Note that all buffers must be located within the mining permit boundaries. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of-way at this site? A minimum buffer of 25 feet is recommended, although a wider buffer may be needed depending on site conditions. Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). A minimum 50' wide undisturbed buffer shall be maintained along the tree line west of the proposed excavation area and around the 404 Wetlands area. A minimum 25' wide unexcavated buffer shall be maintained between the excavation area and the east property line. b. A minimum 50 foot wide undisturbed buffer will be required between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands unless smaller undisturbed buffers can be justified. Depending on site conditions, a buffer wider than 50 feet may be needed. How wide an undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any land disturbing activities within' the mining pen -nit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands at this site? Show all bzs_ffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). A minimum 50' wide undisturbed buffer shall be maintained around the 404 Wetlands area. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining permit boundaries during mining. Minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for clayey material and minimum 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for sandy material are generally required, unless technical justification can be provided to allow steeper slopes. A minimum 25' wide buffer shall be maintained between the excavation area and all permit boundaries. Also, the vertical slopes of the excavated area above the natural water table shall be 3:1. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT b. Provide a cross-section on the mine map(s)for all fill slopes (berms, wastepiles, overburden disposal areas, etc.), clearly indicating the intended side slope gradient, installation of any benches and/or slope drains (with supporting design information) if needed, and the method offtnal stabilization. See mining map c. In excavation(s) of unconsolidated (non -rock) materials, specify the angle of all cut slopes including specifications for benching and sloping. Cross -sections for all cut .slopes must be provided on the mine map(s). 3:1 or flatter vertical slopes shall be established above the natural water table d. In hardrock excavations, specify proposed bench widths and heights in feet. Provide cross -sections of the mine evcavation clearly noting the angles of the cut slopes, widths of all safety benches and mine benches, and the expected maximum depth of the excavation. No hardrock material is expected to be encountered at this site 7. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine map if they are within 300 feet of any proposed excavation. There are no dwellings located within 300 feet of the proposed excavation. The closest dwelling is approximately 350 feet away and belongs to the mine operator. S. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. A construction detail/cross-section and location of each type of barricade to be used must be indicated on the mine rnap(s). A gate for the haul road, located on the mine site shall be locked except while trucks are hauling. The site is protected on all sides by thick wooded areas, as shown by the woods line on the minim map. L� 4PPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT 9. Are acid producing minerals or soils present? Yes No X How will acid water pollution from the excavation, stockpiles and waste areas be controlled? 10. a. Describe specific plans (including a schedule of implementation) for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees, bushes or other vegetation, building berms or other measures. Shoit, the location of all visual screening on the mine map(s) and provide cross -sections through all proposed berms or proposed spacing, sizes and species for tree plantings. The site is protected on all sides by thick wooded areas, as shown by the woods line on the mining map. b. Could the operation have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area? If so, how will such effects (i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) be mitigated? There are no such facilities in the area. 11. Will explosives be used? Yes No X If yes, specify the types of explosive(s) and describe what precaution(s) will be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Depending on the mine's location to nearby structures, more detailed technical information may be required on the blasting prograrn (such as a third - party blasting study). Locate the nearest offsite occupied structure(s) to the proposed excavation(s) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excavation. 12. Will fuel tanks, solvents, or other chemical reagents be stored on -site? Yes No X If yes, describe these materials, how they will be stored and method ofcontainment in case of spill. Indicate the location(s) of all storage facilities on the mine map(s): -10- ikPPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT D. RECLAMATION PLAN Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the sequence and general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. This must include the method of reclamation of settling ponds and/or sediment control basins and the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. This information must be illustrated on a reclamation map and must correspond directly with the information provided on the mine map(s). In addition, design information, including tvpical cross -sections, of any permanent channels to be constructed as part of the reclamation plan and the location(s) of all permanent channels must be indicated on the reclamation map. Water shall be impounded in the final mined area for use by native waterfowl. The banks shall be vegetated with species waterfowl feed on. All other disturbed areas including the haul road shall be returned to their existing grades and vegetated. 2. Is an excavated or impounded body of water to be left as a part of the reclamation? Yes X No Ifyes, illustrate the location of the body(s) of water on the reclamation map and provide a scaled cross-section(s) through the proposed body(s) of water. The minimum water depth most be at least 4 feet, measured from the normal low water table elevation, unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s) of water be stocked with fish? Yes No X . If yes, specify species. 3. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent barricade will be left. Acceptable permanent barricades are appropriate fencing, large boulders placed end -to -end, etc. Construction details and locations of all permanent barricades must be shown on the reclamation map. There shall be no excavation of rock at this site. -11- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERNIIT 4. Indicate the method(s) of reclamation of overburden, refuse, spoil banks or other such on -site mine waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. Final cross -sections and locations for such areas must be provided on the reclamation neap. Any refuse material encountered in the mine area shall be disposed of offsite. Any spoils which may be stockpiled during mine excavation shall be used for sloping banks in the.excavation area during reclamation. 5. a. Describe reclamation of processing facilities, stockpile areas; and on -site roadways. There shall be no processing facilities at this site Stockpile areas shall be hauled offsite prior to site reclamation Haul roads and all disturbed areas shall be seeded during reclamation b. Will any on -site roadways be left as part of the reclamation? Yes No X . Ifyes, identify such roadways on the reclamation map and provide details on permanent ditch line stabilization. 6. Describe the method of control of contaminants and disposal of scrap metal, junk machinery, cables, or other such waste products of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971). No off -site generated_ waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and either the Division of Waste Management (DWi19) or local governing body-. If a disposal permit has been issued by DWAI for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and permanent refuse disposal areas must be -clearly delineated on the mine niap(s) and reclamation map, along with a list of items to be disposed in said areas. No such waste or contaminants are expected to be encountered in the mine area. If such refuse materials are found they shall be removed from the site and disposed of in an appropriate facility. No waste materials or contaminants shall be brought to the site for disposal. -12- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. This plan must include recommendations for ear -round seedin including the time of seeding and the amount and type of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seeding instructions for permanent revegctation and; if necessary, temporary revegetation. Revegetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. Recommendations can be sought from: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District; b. Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; e. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; f. N.C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual; g. N.C. Surface Mining Manual: A Guide for Permitting, Operation and Reclamation; h. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIJNIE - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): FERTILIZER - ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION (pounds/acre): SEED - TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR-ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): [NOTE: Include Legumes] Seed Types: See mining map Seeding Dates: Seeding Rates: MULCH -TYPE AND RATE OF APPLICATION' (pounds/acre) AND METHOD OF ANCHORING: OTHER VEGETATIVE COVERS — TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre, trees/acre, spacing of trees/shrubs, etc): Revegetatio reforestation pl approved by: SignaturDate % Print Name Ronald D. Cullipher, P.E. Title Professional Engineer Agency Stroud Engincering, PA -13- H SEAL =u 3 Grti V-ti �''�., �• CUB �181111461% APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation �vorhsheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond (based upon a range of S500 to S.5,000 per affected acre) for each permitted mine site based tipon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the mining permit. Please insert the approximate acreage, for each aspect of the mining operation, that you intend to affect during theme of this inining permit (in addition, please insert the appropriate reclamation costlacre for each cate ory f•om the Schedule of Reclamation Costs Provided with this application forms ORyoir can defer to the Department to calculate vour bond or you based upon vote- neaps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED CATEGORY ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds: 0,045 Ac. Stockpiles: 0.11 Ac. Wastepiles: 0.05 Ac. Processing Area/Haul Roads: 0.25 Ac. Mine Excavation: 3.50 Ac. Other: 0.00 Ac. TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: 3.91 Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 21.40 Ac.) RECLAMATION COST/ACRE* X S 500 /Ac. X S 1800 /Ac. X S 2000 /Ac. X S 1800 /Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. RECLAMATION COST S 22.50 S 198.00 S 100.00 $ 450.00 $ 1750,00 X $ 0 /Ac. = $ 0.00 Tetnporm & Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b) affected acres that xvill be g-aded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage 3.41 Ac. b) Positive Drainage 0.50 Ac. X S1,500.00 = $ 750.00 SUBTOTAL COST: S 3270.50 Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $_65.41µ X Permit Life (l to 10 years): 10 INFLATION COST: S 654.10 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST + INFLATION COST = $ 3924.60 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ 3900.00 (round clown to the nearest $100.00) SION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT F. NOTIFICATION OF ADJOINING LANDOWNERS The "Notice" form, or a facsimile thereof, attached to this application must be sent certified or registered mail to: (1) the chief administrative officer of each county and municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located as indicated on the mine map(s); (2) all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s); and (3) all owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and is contiguous to any highway; creek, stream, river, or other watercourse; railroad track; or utility or other public right-of-way; if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified (that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) as indicated on the mine map(s). "Highway" means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an Interstate highway. The only exception to the above method of giving notice is if another means of notice is approved in advance by the Director, Division of Land Resources. A copy of a tax map (or other alternative acceptable to the Department) must be mailed with the completed "Notice" form (the proposed overall permit boundaries and the names and locations of all owners of record of lands adjoining said boundaries must be clearly denoted on the tax map). The "Affidavit of Notification" attached to this application must be completed, notarized and submitted to the Department. with the remainder of the completed application form, before the application will be considered complete. NOTE: THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS FOR NEW MINING PERMIT'S AND ALL MODIFICATIONS OF A MINING PERMIT TO ADD LAND TO THE PERMITTED AREA, AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 74-50(bl). ® SEE THE NEXT TWO PAGES FOR THE "NOTICE" FORM AND THE "AFFIDAVIT OF NOTIFICATION" -15- APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERNIIT AFFIDAVIT OF NOTIFICATION I, Stephen Eubanks , an applicant, or an agent, or employee of an applicant, for a new Mining Permit, or a modification of an existing Mining Permit to add land to the permitted area, from the N.C. Department of Envirorunent and Natural Resources, being first duly sworn, do hereby attest that the following are all known owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary (including, where an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary) and that notice of the pending application has been caused to be mailed, by certified or registered mail, to said owners of record at their addresses shown below, such notice being given on a form provided by the Department: (Adjoining Landowner Name) (Address) See attached list (Attach additional list if necessary) I do also attest that the following individual is the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located and that notice of the pending application has been caused to be mailed; by certified or registered mail, to said office at the following address: (Chief Administrative Officer Name) [City Manager, County Manager, Mayor, etc.] Sohn J-M"daq, CounAy Mc A.,.9er �eur}}+ouSe �a_,�_�nu�or� A1�__ G .26511a (Address) The above attestation was made by me while under oath to provide proof satisfactory to the Department that a reasonable effort has been made to notify all known owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining pen -nit boundary (including, where an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract., all owners of'record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining pen -nit boundary) and the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located in compliance with N.C.G.S. 74-50(bl) and 15A NCAC 5B .0004(d). I understand that it is the responsibility of the applicant to retain the receipts of mailing showing that the above notices were caused to be mailed and to provide therm to the Department upon -request.--- _ ignature of Applicant or Agent Date If person executing Affidavit is an agent or employee of an applicant, provide the following information: (Name of applicant) (title of person executing Affidavit) 1, MGJTAt-'� L. M n nE _ a Notary Public of the County of aAyE-t� , State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that <STFE?41:--t� E U30043 appear&qk6vfmcQ,pe this day and under oath acknowledged that the above Affidavit was.made by him/her. 41iess' fr and no aria] seal, this ID7 day of --TL-16y _ 20 No My Commission expires: _('�C+ 2-1 2DD8 C) PU ® L %G :9 '•. �� -17- "' FN cnuN� •� APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT .;. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: Signature: Print Name: Stephen Eubanks Address: P.O. Box 953 Newport, NC 28570 Telephone: 252-223-4878 APPLICANT: Signature:* Print Name: Stephen Eubanks Title: + Mine Manager Company: N Mine Name: Eubanks Mine *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page 1 of this application. Six (6) copies of the completed application, sixj6) copies of all location maps, mine maps and reclamation maps, and the appropriate processinVjee (see next page for fee schedule) in the form a check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Quality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at '919) 733-4574. wiz MINING nonrefundable permit application processing fee when filing for a new mining permit, a major permit modification or a renewal permit is required as follows: TYPE ACRES NEN3t' MAJOR PERMIT MODIFICATION RENEWAL Clay I but less than 25 $500 S250 $250 25 but Iess than 50 1000 500 50o 50 or more 1500 500 500 Sand & Gravel, 1 but less than 5 150 100 l00 Gemstone, and Borrow Pits 5 but less than 25 250 100 100 25 but less than 50 500 250 500 50 or more 1000 500 500 Quarry, Industrial Minerals, I but less than 10 250 100 100 Dimension Stone 10 but less than 25 1000 250 500 25 but less than 50 1500 500 500 50 or more 2500 500 500 Peat & Phosphate 1 or more 2500 500 500 Gold (Neap Leach), Titanium & Others I or more 2500 500 500 A nonrefundable S50.00 pernit application processing fee is required for renor permit modifications. Minor pernot modifications includeow'riership transfers, name changes, bond substitutions and permit renewals where the mine is inactiveand fully stabilized, A minor permit modification also inclndes lands added to a permitted area, outside of the minimum permit buffer zone requirements, where no plans for mining related disturbance of the added lands have been approved. All other changes are considered major modifications. Acres for new permits and renewal permits means the total acreage at the site. Acres for major modification of permits means that area of [arid affected by the modification within the permitted mine area, or anyadditional land that is to be disturbed and added to an ersting permitted area, or both. 10/2000 -19- SCHEDULE OF RECLAMATION COSTS10/2000 = applicos.sch.wpd (Based upon range of $500 - $5,000 per affected acre) IMODITY CODES: SG = Sand and/or Gravel, GS = Gemstone, Borrow = Borrow/fill __rt, CS = Crushed Stone, DS = Dimension Stone, FS = Feldspar, MI = Mica, LI Lithium, PF = Pyrophyllie, OL = Olivine, KY = Kyanite/Sillimanite/Andalusite, PH Phosphate, CL = Clay/Shale, PE = Peat, AU = Gold, TI = Titanium, and OT = Other Type _ T/S Ponds S.piles W.piles T P.area/H_.R. Mine Excay. SG, GS, $500/ac.(L) $1800/ac- $2000/ac. $1800/ac. $500/ac.(L) Borrow 1500(FI) $2000(PD) CS, DS, 500(L) 1800 2000 2000 500(L) FS, MI, 1500(FI) 2500(PD) LI,, PF, OL, KY PH 1000(L) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 2500(FI) 5000(PD) CL 1000(L) 2500 5000 5000 2000(L) 2500(FI) 3700(PD) PE, AU, 1000(L) 2500 3000 3500 TI, OT 2500(FI) IT,) = reclamation to a lake and revegetating sideslopes I) = reclamation by filling in and revegetating kPD) = reclamation by grading for positive drainage & revegetating 2000 (L) 5000 (PD) AS PER NCAC 15A 5B.0003, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE BOND AMOUNT DETERMINED BY THE BOND CALCULATION WORKSHEET, YOU MAY SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE OF RECLAMATION COSTS FROM A THIRD PARTY CONTRACTOR. SAID ESTIMATE MUST BE PROVIDED WITHIN 30 DAYS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: Mining Program, Land Quality Section, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 21699-1612 ALL ESTIMATES MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING, AS A MINIMUM: - FINAL GRADING COSTS PER ACRE - LIME AND FERTILIZER COSTS PER ACRE - YEAR-ROUND SEEDING MIXTURE COSTS PER ACRE (FROM APPROVED REVEGETATION PLAN IN APPLICATION/PERMIT DOCUMENT) - MULCH AND ANCHORING COSTS PER ACRE - ANY OTHER RECLAMATION COSTS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN FOR THE SITE IN QUESTION fl YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OF THE DIRECTOR'S FINAL BOND DETERMINATION. 1,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $845.81 or $.85 per copy. 4/2002 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES - LAND QUALITY SECTION -21- ,s_`-1ffy-�F•nngs a j �=r-- , Jtc >t--U�nT6n 11 --JIIz - - —:T — ri• Iv .:I i = .._ =:/_L . 1 _1:. 1. _,�;� r t .L..f l� ' t—.L���. •1'• _I, l� I � I I / l-.�_5.. �:. �f_.�� I. -_ 4, � I � � •'4'r� ` —.r...�/ 4 { EEE 41 .� 1 \ I. ;.L,,C.L Ne D L �. -J.. .-L =y. -, .r1yT ,�v ;7�__ 1 j. - _�- •_ _ .'i/�1`' .ice j�L. >�_,Lu _;L: -,�: =uZ., I !%` Y rdl 4 �/ �• f.l l,�l Ir ti /fdr Vl _ lN� _� .I,W _o�� 1rl ;��_ 1.` / _._ �_ --� Lie -_ ,--!:. , _ ..'al',= :�?,:`�J_ _ _ _ 'FtlI�1�' �'n - _�I._-_:I: �•_��Z � ..L 1 __ .:.l. •y- •,i'; =Yt .:i: a o.l:� aL - r N.r �_`L r r N31''4b'. 7_11- = -ZIL i_.T.J._ J. _L _ J _,� i•le:: 21 J },r' ��I a _ r�e-r ;,:•— �^�^ sa :' x^ i-;t 'K-�_tU," ',� y` � %� � 1 L � `? �Y -••4 "i' �f �?+_i 4t�, :0.o9L17i ��l�!'�� t� C� -Ii el 3. BMao ! Creek I � � ba.�a I /„� s - h �n r ''� 3 •s`' u�g_ q 1•. _' �i- '1` ' � 1 ,?F s #; t 4•� t � `7 i � 4- �I r -� v '-� n t .L. 1�_ } i 7 r lit 5 x .+� 'j� h fir? �` I r�.:r ?? ` 3 d'r r '�":- a F i t i . � \ �,: �... rr � ,u .. � �-,�e1 .2'�� � +�� y t"` tr em k'�,' e L t �^^,t� ♦ �'" t - � Y, .S .may A t �3. i � ,J '3 ¢� �-. � t � r^R�� .! .�� / 1 ST 4 `a-'z� �� �_-�� $r �y.�' �� r- i#. � Y➢S"� _ f�l.,, :'v. !1':. a..�f#r A`•l�' r ` rE_ '. M - kP' r _.' SsW` =ter tf .� tk„i* ^�. € i_'Y,_ ��.2-���cn s� - n�fr-'3h �s ,� r �x C tl' •� �� fF c ',T+:7�..'r� ,•'ASS "i°4 i -�- yFrt ;'5 -. tyt j yri j f�,aCv'�. K�'{e,ii vx 4rw[SfF'tr k. �', t, 1.'�i"fis �' w - ia' —f .--� �' f',fl 15�.1 -," ,LY Yi'�1 SFY C "i 1�`• N'S,yS dvi.tS. s): - ' %' S �� 11 Sy��Si 1: 'i Y i ^ .'Y �f'i f rj�-� "ty �4 _U' . i f 1 .> I 'f _ My _ �.�1 7fi 'i•+y� � xi«' r1y ti '4 � 7Y `w dF >} .i -.� � i^^'�'�'Riw" YfY '� 1 -. v 4aJ "'. tjti sc}b 1�•"� 5y M- l i1 '1� QY�.. � r I { .� S~. �' : a 1`JxN ILF r } Y f �L t �;- .'i Y _ •Y 1 _'��. f r 3-�,y. .d3-j' r :` 5 - a' S-; ,`5. 3 D TapoQwh Ou"T%)rt (b OW DeLorum Yarn Du li, ME G1 M I—� 10M fr Scale- 1: 43,754 Detail- L O Dtatu= W S34 Name Mailing Address Catalina CLIbanks P.O.Box 647 Newport, NC 28570 Jerald S. Humphrey 148 Cedar Swarnp Rd Newport, INC 28570 United States of America 2370 Hwy 58 SwansUoro, NC 28584 Walter M. Burke III 259 Cedar Swamp Rd Newport, NC 28570 Joseph Clay Bowman 191 Cedar Swamp Rd Newport, NC 28570 Dwayne Floyd 169 Cedar Swamp Rd. Newport, NC 28570 Kristy G. Malloy 194 Point Rd. Newport, NC 28570 Randy L Wickersham 123 Cedar Swamp Rd. Newport, NC 28570 Edward K Muench 563 Gales Creek Rd. Newport, NC 28570 "i irmolily M. Pitcher 556 Gales Creels Rd Newport. NC 28570 Larry Wayne Styrcr� 5440 Hwy 70 West Morehead City, NC 28557 John T. Searles 215 Cedar Swamp Rd Newport, NC 28570 John Langdon Courthouse Sq. Beaufort, NC 28516 Carolyn Weeks Arthur 108 Cedar Swamp Rd. Newport, NC 28570 m , rN W. ARTHUR 7 PG 391 n N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS DB 9999 PG -2238 314.54 S3°44;10"E i i ' WOODS LINE i WASTE AREA i 0.050 AC PROPOSEDSILT FENCE / 25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 4 I +o m X n I" J c I i Nt" ry w (, cr N�,c -PROPOSED GATE TO REMAIN LUCKED EXCEPT DURING HAULING HOURS o lit- 10EX. HAUL ROAD 0' EX. HAUL ROAD PROPOSED SILT FENCE -(uumrlLE AREA 0.057 AC CUT SLOPE X-SECTION N. T.S. 669.50 S3044'10"E 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER PROPOSED SILT FENCE STOCKPILE AREA E52�fffl 0.057 AC EX. POND PROP OSED SED SEDIMENT SASIN PUMP INTO 112.51 2 ` � Lim, I 17 QF EXCAVATION qR QEMPORARY -SEDIMENT BASIN S1 __ a APAC55 FX'X3C'X5' N6a0 28bITCN� PROX WOODS LINE WOODS LINE 1 x ,CD n� � k v, i 55` , N/F JERALD HU DS 313 PG �-25` UNEXCAVATED BUFFER IC?`xID.'x2' RIPRAP APR' 25' a VICINITY MAP H-LdUIN STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SITE CATEGORY ACREAGE BOUNDARY AND PERMIT AREA 21.40 AC (INCLUDING HAUL ROAD) PROPOSED MINE AREA 3.50 AC (EXCAVATION AREA) PROPOSED SEDIMENT BASIN AREA 0.045 AC PROPOSED HAUL ROAD AREA 0.25 AC (FROM MINE TO CEDAR SWAMP ROAD) PROPOSED STOCKPILE AREAS 0.11 AC PROPOSED WASTE AREA 0.05 AC UNEXCAVATED BUFFER AREA 0.40 AC PROPOSED AFFECTED AREA 4.31 AC i OF EXISTING , L ROAD i l , i 1 Z co rn o N/F CAROLYN W. ARTHUR _1�!. cn DB 487 PG 394 Ln w Co PERMIT BOUNDARY m 350. 19 S3044' 10"E l scp° sue_ *0 PERMIT BOUNDARY SHEET # 1 OF 2 PROJECT #: PM1626 DESIGN FILE #: 1626/EUBANKS.DGN I cr-rn nt-n Cr- rn r nirl NOTES: 1) THE PRIVATE WELLS WITHIN 500 FEET OF EXCAVATION LIMITS ARE SHOWN ON MAP.' 2) TRACT IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE X AS CLASSIFIED AND SHOWN ON FEMA MAP 3720632700J, DATED 7/16/03 3) THE ONLY STRUCTURE WITHIN 300 FEET OF THE MINING SITE BELONGS TO OWNER AS SHOWN ON THE MAP (DB 9999, PG 2238). 4) TEMPORARY STOCKPILES AND WASTEPILES SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO RECLAMATION. ROAD WAYS AND DITCHES NOT WITHIN EXCAVATION AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND RETURNED TO EXISTING STATE. 5) EXPLOSIVES OR BLASTING ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED ON MINE SITE• 6) NO FUEL TANKS OR OTHER CHEMICAL REAGENTS SHALL BE STORED ONSITE. 7) EXISTING DISTURBANCE IN THE PROPOSED 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER AREA SHALL BE SEEDED AND ONLY THE PROPOSED HAUL ROAD SHALL BE USED DURING MINING ACTIVITIES. NATURAL ` FINAL DITCH STABILIZATION DETAIL N.T.S. CEDAR SWAMP PERMIT BOUNDARY---,.. N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS DB 9999 PG 2238 314.54 7744 i 10 E , WOODS LINE WASTE AREA 0.050 AC ! PROPOSED — i SILT FENCE 0 y w 0 An' R/W 12 GAUGE WIRE, MINIMUM FILTER FABRIC NCDOT 1056 TYPE 31 CLASS B COMPACTED FILL 10' MAX. WITH WIRE 6' MAX WITHOUT WIRE —pi ggkj CHRONOLOGICAL SEOUENCE OF LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITY FILTER 1.) INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FABRIC 2•) ESTABLISH BUFFERS 3.) CLEAR GRASSES AND STOCKPILE TOPSOIL, ;}_ - 4.) CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BASIN 5. )-DEWATER I NG - 6.) EXCAVATE SAND MATERIAL 7.) TRUCK SAND MATERIAL OFFSITE 8.) RECLAIM MINE SITE 9E ING sCEMULE ............1. ♦/111//1f1//1//1//11//11111..1.111...111/1.1.- / • - 1 - 1 r- ! • !- �� i- Pil III - r--------------- '--STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ! SEE DETAIL i ' 25' BUFFER MAX. SIDE SLOPE ='3:1 OR GREATER F-Ei XISTING GRADE -J,--10' EX. HAUL ROAD o MHW Z z 0 j Q = cr_ a t w PERMIT -1_ : f :• BOUNDARY I a ti: w , I PERM I T BOUNDARY PROPOSED 2" MONITORING WELL 30' DEEP PLACE A MINIMUM OF 10' FEET FROM THE PROPERTY t LINE i i PROPOSED GATE TO REMAIN LOCKED EXCEPT DURING HAULING HOURS 10' EX. HAUL ROAD 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER CUT SLOPE X-SECT ION N.T.S. 669.50 S30 44' 1 o"E EX. DISTURBANCE WITHIN BUFFER AREA SHALL BE SEEDED PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITY N/F JERALD HUMPHREY DB 373 PG 462 PROPOSED 2" MONITORING WELL 30' DEEP PLACE A MINIMUM OF 10' FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE t f -A ,t PROPOSED PROPOSED �(• •� SILT FENCE SILT FENCE \ xt r /,� STOCKPILE AREA Gtt �. • 0.057 AC i EXCAVATION AREA EX. POND !� STOCKPILE AREA 3.50 AC y� o ! o 0.057 AC t x c A �' SUMP I D #i i PROPOSED DEWATERING PUMP , ,t -� • ->200 i INTO PM �AX-1 �,55 , -'-�-� ,,� GN ,`,-) I z -- LIMIT TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN _ - -- OF EXCAVATION 0.045 AC ----____ _ AREA APPROX. 55'X30'X5' EX. DITCH --- _ 25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER N60 0' 28 "E a— WOODS LINE 101 EX. HAUL ROAD N/F USA CROATAN NATIONAL FOREST '— WOODS LINE PERMIT BOUNDARY i SEED BED PREPARATION LIME----------------------------- 2 TONS/AC. 10-10-20------------------------- 1,000 LBS./AC; 0-20-0----------------------------- 500 LBS./AC (,AFTER SEEDING) ASPHALT TACK -------------------- 200 GAL./TON OF MULCH SEEDING MIXTURE (FEBRUARY 1 -APRIL 30) TALL FESCUE---------------------- 50 LBS./AC PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS--------- 10 LBS./AC KOREAN OR KOBE LESPEDEZA (SCARIFIED)---50 LBS./AC ( MAY 1 -AUGUST 31 ) TALL FESCUE--------------------- 50 LBS./AC WEEPING LOVEGRASS------------ 5 LBS./AC KOREAN OR KOBE LESPEDEZA(SCARIFIED) ---- 50 LBS./AC, --------------- 25 LBS./AC BROWNTOP MILLET (SEPTEMBER 1 - JANUARY 31) TALL FESCUE----------------------- 60 LBS./AC KOREAN OR KOBE LESPEDEZA (UNSCARIFIED)--- 60 LBS./AC RYE (GRAIN)---------------------- 25 LBS./AC FOR SLOPES 2:1 OR STEEPER ADD 30 LBS./AC SERICEAiLESPEDEZA AND 15 LBS. WEEPING LOVEGRASS. LANDSCAPING MIXTURE (JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31) COMMON BERMUDAGRASS (UNHULLED)-----20LBS. LBS./AC (APRIL 1 - JULY 31 ) COMMON BERMUDAGRASS (HULLED) -------- 12 LBS./AC EXI N/F CATALINA EUBANKS DB 374 PG 406 FILL SLOPE X-SECTION N. T. S. PERMIT BOUNDARY 404 WETLANDS AS DELINEATED BY USACOE 71/•i• EL d7i A 95 2 r' W 10 9' A N/F USA CROATAN NATIONAL FOREST 25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 1410 SF PERMIT BOUNDARY 18737 SF R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY \--25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER LEGEND: 10' x10' x2' R I PRAP APRON PP POWER POLE ,r: , `t+stestf►►►r OE OVERHEAD EL­V CA'�N/F NOW OR FORM.••S'•••.OlA�'•� %N/000/%%1aIffQ/,m ®� .. _O ' P I L E 5 DAYS 1348.83 30 4 4' 10 "E PROPERTY EXTENDS BUT NO ACTIVITY PROPOSED IN THIS AREA 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER PERMIT BOUNDARY REVISIONS: Na BY, DATE DESCRJmovy 1 RDC� 3/28l07 11MCAMTED BUFFER 2 RDC; 5/24/07 1 ARDLiFsO�T �IND- AININU MA1-' EUBANKS MINE NEWPORT TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: STEVE EUBANKS DESIGNED: P.O. BOX 953 CP • DRAWN. ADDRESS: NEWPORT, NC 28570 CF PHONE: 252-223-4878 CHECKED: R / STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. APPROVED: 151A HIGHWAY 24 IF F MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557 DATE: 247-7479 7/1 C _ •� 5 � SCALE: ONALD D.CLfLLIP R P.E. 1 " SITE ING CAP ( IF P&SE COINNFER NEAT CEMENT PELLETIZED Of f2" OR LAROERDIA.I i sorts= 1. BOREHOLE TO BE SIX INCHES LARGER THAN OUTSIDE DIAMETER Of, CASING. CLEAN WASHED 2. ICASN BOROREHOLEAND scREEN TO BE ?CENTERED SAND OR GRAVEL 3• L%VA�f�EpA�NpLHgIGHEES�EA�SpOTNEQpDLATTEpRgBL�EVEI I q. BEtILNG EMADpiTpxT gE�D LTYPE DFICONRI)AENT I 1 WELL SCREEN y�SLIL Eg%A�RRKING IS7pAi�pD?:WITH NIgiLY 6. CMEtSTNE AFf FFORO R�EIASDNNAaGLET i , PROT �GAINST DAMAGE AFTER 1 1 , CONS i I 1 t 1 i VICINITY MAP — j - t - - I -- _ 1 ; MONITORING WELL DETAIL -- ; NO SCALE (LOCATIONS AS SHOWN ON SH 1 OF 2) { 1 I I { I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 i i s i t 1 t 1 I I i rD— I m I i 1 I 1 N/F WALTER M BURKE III c� i �,x i i I i DB 1146 PG 287 t Co I rvo , I t ► 1 N/F JOHN T SEARLES , 1 1 DB 616 PG 419 i 1 rn ��? 1 I , N/F JOSEPH CLAY BOWMAN , 7,- t -o -n t N/F DWAYNE 0 FLOYD I DB 1086 PG 49 t I 1 �'G I N/F RANDY L WICKERSHAMI N/F KRISTY G MALLOY t DB 841 PG 495 i I----_______— N/F I 0 .t.m 1 DB 589 PG 111 DB 572 PG 415 I ' ------------- ----- TIMOTHY PITCHER t 1 = , ► t I _____— DB 889 PG 603 _----------------- --�— —i 1 I I i i i ------ --- ---- __------ i N, 1 (T I 1 ------ ------ ti I i ___--------1--------------------------------------------�--- 1 1 __ _________-- —-------- , i CROATAN N, 1 t I t --�-- ---- — 1 i It----------------------- I 1 I -------------- SWAMP ROAD 60' R/W------------ PRIVATE WELL I t f i L------------------- CEDAR -------------- I I o I .- ------ -------------- ---r" --_--------------- _---- __--------------i 1 '1 -- --------------- � t N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS � I I DB 772 PG 775 ` ---------------------------------------- L+ __ �___ __-------_______---------------___------- I N/F CATAL I NA EUBANKS -- —_-- ---+ PRIVATE WELL 1 DB 374 PG 406 t ` � I I PRIVATE WELL N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS N/F JERALD HUMPHREY 1 ° DB 9999 PG 2238 I °' DB 373 PG 462 I —PRIVATE WELL I 1 1 ' off N/F CAROLYN W ARTHUR Iji1 DB 487 PG 394 I PRIVATE WELL A —APPROX. DWELLING ��'r` LAPPROX.DWELLINPER PERMIT BOUNDARY LOCATION , BOUNDARY � I i PERMIT B UNDARY ' PERMIT BOUNDARY 1348.83 I S3044' 10"E N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS 669.50PERMIT B O U N D A R Y -� DB 9999 PG 2238 S3 44 10, E 314.54 53°44,10 E co I NO ACTIVITY PROPOSED IN THIS AREA PE R M IT\\ B 0 U N D A R 1 SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS NO ACTIVITY �\ (ACD PROPOSED IN THIS AREA � r*1 350.19 S3° 44' 10 N/F LARRY STYRON DB 913 PG 399 PERMIT BOUNDARY SHEET * 2 OF 2 PROJECT * * PM 1626 DESIGN FILE *:1626/EUBANKS.DGN O / i EX. POND _LIMIT OF EXCAYATIO 0 28 E PERMIT BOUNDARY N/F USA — CROATAN NATIONAL FOREST /i 50 t 211 11 PERMIT BOUNDARY °0io N/F USA — CROATAN NATIONAL FOREST LEGEND: R/W RIGHT—OF—WAY ��`�ellfgsl+M:e�i N/F NOW OR FORMERLIe►�s�'%M Cq a �. O �......... t?;o 0R.�ESS�Q i' mow. 2� gklf w`.9a `.N e� MINING MAP - ENTIRE TRACT EUBANKS NEWPORT TOWNSHIP, CARTERET CLIENT: STEVE EUBANKS ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 953 NEWPORT. NC 28570 PHONE: 252--223-4878 !� STROUD ENGINEERING, R 151A HIGHWAY 24 MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557 XA�47-7479 k / \ cr­,w Z)-. _g jz, ONALD D. CULLIPHER - 5 ft. Min. To Width Top of Berm P Rip-Rop Overfill 6in, for Road / Adjacent o O 008 0 0 0 1.5 (t. 4 (l. Min. settlement Top of Weir o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freeboard , 21 in. Quarry Side Property Side _ �— I l,)•" OOOOOOoOo� •Ti—I U O �1h�-•r" 2 (or Flatter) O O O O O O L—_ O O U o 0 0 0 0 2 or Flatter =J11—_ ° 1.5 ft. o 5 ft. Sediment O000000000000 ( ) I Design -11�— OOo oo T MaX. 57 Slone j Side Slopes Storage I O O O O O O O O —� 1 ITI = _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o settled III o 0 0 0 0 o U 0 0 0 —1!'� 2:1 Side Emergency 2:1 typ. �� Depth 000000000000U00000000 5 (f. op 000000000 tlj°I1 slope by-pass ���� O ft O O O O O O O O O O O Max. 0000000 0 0 0 - 6in. below nni� �j/�\//0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 o Filler Il00 —)' 1:1 Side settled top 1 (l. 1L 000a 1 fabric `0,0 0 o 1_1F. slope of dom I Filter Fabric `•I— _ j 1-� 3 ft. Min. ^ I Excavate Sediment Typical Cross Section View Key in Top of Berm Storage Basin as 2 ft, Mina Natural required 2 (l. Min. ground Section Thru Weir Front View — ---_ _-- —� Details of p . i Sediment Control for Pit Water Discharge LL + — Side Slope The primary factor in sediment control for pit discharge is allowing the water to settle �9 of Berm within the mining area itself When mining is established, a large area will be established within the perimeter berm and well above the water table in the southeast corner to allow + any water encountered to settle. After the sediment has settled from the water, it will be i i pumped into the basin shown on the plan. This basin will be constructed by building a LL �, i berm 2 feet in height and sides of 2:1 or flatter, enclosing an area 30 feet in width and 50 weet in width. The bottom of this basin will be excavated at least 4 feet to allow storage of sediment. The outlet of this basin will be a rock filter structure as shown above. This + basin will further filter any other sediment, and will sufficiently slow the flow of the { j water to prevent any erosion of the discharge channel. After the water passes through the rock filter, it will flow into a Rip -rap lined channel to additionally slow the water, further protecting the area from erosion and sedimentation. The channel will be lined with a ' ;. (,013Lot t_I Pt NE minimum of 9 inches of NCDOT Class A Rip -rap, and will be at least 10 feet wide, with Typical Plan View Trees side slopes of 2:1 or flatter. 2 '- 3' I w A F IG+IT i - --- NOTE: Indicate tree species, height/size of plantings, and spacing intervals. Not To Scale Figure C-10. Combination Tree Plantings and Berm Detail ova° 100 It. Min. °p��p• Oho Oad •OO ♦00° -o eQ °e>OO • n�^�, ve O �� �e �p�°• o°na •n Va <oo••o�ea .e Oo 15 ft. R. NCDOT #5 OR #57 Washed Slone Notes: 1. NCDOT �5 stone is preferred . Pod to be 100 ft. L x 20 (l. W x 6in, thick (min). 2. Turning radius sufficient to accomodote large trucks. 3. Must be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or direct flow of mud onto streets. Periodic lopdressing may be necessary. Ea i S2.ikN [� Not To Scale 3;1 *,LoPIE s4op� / 2' (rntl) \ J _TJ_IT I CAL SEC1`10N `l E1fZI ME'fE2 "BC-:12M (NL)r Tb SCALS) 3•l 5LOPZiS ZoDip-11 t WILL t XTCN O SI0('C aftow -r)4• �t pNIICIPPV7IA' w►i li�i - LE'JEL fZECLAMRTibo PoN9 Ty�tc ot� Sc-C rtvl� NA IN ING ARC -a (Nb-r To Sit e) 20 ft. Min. t�o-0� , BVFFtR �►�C5 I ';_oN4 f t1ZV ll_ '60U N042-f 1 V.1(LL No? 131: USE? FoZ SL6PIN'� 'rAli- P(i WALLS psi (2'e Ct-ArnaT aA( W (L L I " U. C-owAa2os, 3T?-. v TPrI s. AWeA C3wr,409 Z`11 K , 7_ k:-rc CoN STIZW-f !t $v . No'r INLL• IN pgzmIrT AMEA �v w? H4uL 0 a°�sr tz SO 8v s5e �-� o tp ��CLAVa'Clo� t _ '2 _. � � \ V��F �4. /�- c• L715G1.1ARGG its1�l; I`3�`C NIN E2t� oP C)L\\J%A Wp.L.L.r,C.E: No2'i N L R II sm Dumpling (C) ick 9 �•.' . :� Reels apel .00 Range Lt(C) M ` Cable Ci3 i a - 1700 i �• Ranga,Lt (C) O'Range'Lt(C) �� f Antioch Ch r r / . Cndar. (C) arraway l Y / scare (C) „"`� U'r/� • ^, JC L C)C, Lots ANC V►c 1�1 �� rn� > _ofr\ U - r Project Narrative: This is a simple mining plan, with all runnoff being directed into the mining pit. A perimeter berm will be constructed to keep runnoff within mining limits. After mining begins, the deepest part of the excavation will act as a sediment basin. Any groundwater or stormwater within the pit will be collected in the pit as discharged as necessary. A 25 feet wide buffer will be maintained between adjoining properties and the mining area. As mining reaches the limit, a 3:1 slope will be maintained to prevent any instability. Reclamation Narrative: When mining is completed, the excavation will be allowed to fill with water, forming a pond. All disturbed areas above water will be graded to 3:1 slopes, and seeded according to schedule. The perimeter berm will remain as a barricade. TAILING / SEDIMENT PONDS 0 ACRES STOCKPILES 0 ACRES WASTEPILES 0 ACRES PROCESS AREA 0 ACRES MINING AREA 10 ACRES TOTAL PERMITTED ACRES (WITH BUFFER) 12.6 ACRES �2oQtR"r r_F G U rn. CPetz a rah Z I N 1S A>zEA owNcQ % GAtutaz �nNs � rt vc-cto�+ BuT Na•f Ir ifLtJ7�? L !Nc REV ISGO 12-27- t v R�vlsc� 2-ZU-ot Z"M V—L -ct�o Fe v- "ReNEW NL- 0r M ► IJ I rJ <, Pe�_7Z rnlT S t TG �LA l`l �G-GE/1�� Zd 1 D SCALE DRAWNBY CAR 1 EtZE couN l4 INIC - 1100t REVISED Gay nl>`tz cc) T�� C- T I L1/J Co . DATE !: DRAWING NUMBER CAV-0LINA, IZA -00 (�,eDW c.tC�` 1�- ZcPAti_t� 'CiY VICINITY MAP i I1 1 .4_ Vd ._. 1 7 ----------�--------------------------...-------------------------- SITE CATEGORY ACREAGE BOUNDARY AND PERMIT AREA 21.40 AC (INCLUDING HAUL ROAD) PROPOSED MINE AREA 3.50 AC (EXCAVATION AREA) PROPOSED SEDIMENT BASIN AREA 0.045 AC PROPOSED HAUL ROAD AREA 0.25 AC (FROM MINE TO CEDAR SWAMP ROAD) PROPOSED STOCKPILE AREAS 0.11 AC PROPOSED WASTE AREA 0.05 AC UNEXCAVATED BUFFER AREA 0.40 AC PROPOSED AFFECTED AREA 4.31 AC ------------------------------------� OF EXISTING L ROAD , 1 1 1 c-rrn Mr-n f`f-r-r%TAIL% / ■ , • 1 •� �!!!!!'iiS'.if ..iii5ii':iiiiicciii�ic:ii fii:rii i; _: ■ , � ■ , !I ■ow=!!! - t - - / ■ ! / / '1'f" +#•f�J••+� ++•♦�+;,♦� f . -#'+'+ ��+ ��+�f�r � � �T` � i��' 11fia++lfr ♦+♦ft fly.••P>�ff...f.f...♦♦f+f♦f♦1.++f ,♦f+f+ff, .,ffaff,♦i I,fff _R; �1d+f - •+ �❖1�f�ff•f �♦+ � � f 1♦11+�•� i•+�+�+♦i+ a � . � � � � .� +, f+ff1♦ f4flffff♦1 ffffaf,+fafafff fflfaff,{.f1+.ff+fat++ff f� I,f♦f++♦+♦ff - ii - • • • • ■ • / � ! . R - • 1♦+•: ff,f+lf+ +♦i♦� l. 1f+♦ 1♦r1♦ .1 f.♦. ♦ ,ff ff+� f�.�+�f�+� I�f�<�s'?i � �i���f�1+f�f�f�+�f�f�f�f�ffi�f�lfi�i � .t if+� f#1+ +ff77fi '+fi :'� i�.-lfiff0•i+i4fi+.fifififi � 1♦1♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#1+♦ ♦..1♦♦r1 .1♦♦r♦ +�f�f�f�����fO��� I�r�f���+��� O++i ff:fiifif+fit+•ififi I+f++lffff+ I.fiOfi4li ■ - , - / - ' - ! ! y • .Q+.+f++Q" ++f++flff+a'+fa f+f•i+afi+t�>� ♦fife+fi�a00� i�:� ++ifi4+if •f+++•i•i �f'rf : If++ffff ff+ff♦ 1 fOt•+++f+.+f++++++ff+.#f++f r+i+t f+f fifi+�,fi ��� ��f �` ��+4+�`.f�+if1+� 14+i►.O Q+f+++ f. IO,f' i wff.'+f.O+Oifi+ifi000f+ff<i+a00400+ifiOt iOf+fiO�i00+0+000fiO�i�iOf++iOfiiOfi'Oa ++lffff I++ff+ �f.+:•i+i+1+11:fifif�+�f.+#,if1 i 1 {1fi+i i++f1 Ii+f�+fJfO { / C •I:�) � f1 ♦ ♦ 1f1 ♦ ♦ t ♦++++ ++ff++ i+i �.f+faf.f ifi f i f 1�f�if1 a�i�f�f�+ :! L�ifififfff+f+fff flit fifififi+a�i�ft+++f+fflf+ffff+l+f♦f+ff+f♦f f+� Iff+f+ffff 1 1�ff+� f+�� ff#f+flff+�l f+ff�f�+off ` a ! + ff.f+ff+f +1f1.1111:�f•1+f .ff+iff+if i�f�f�+� �11 �ffa tt".fa1 •.ff f♦♦♦+r!♦++♦ ♦ a♦ rri V♦♦♦♦+.+++`i'rr•r'Y+r♦r1/1111+♦f11111♦11 ff/ffff�f+l+ff/f+f lff+f+ffffflf♦,•+#fffff fff+f+ff++ff+lffff+f+lf+ffff+f+f,+fflf++fff ill ff+i+f f+f++f+l� ♦t..f.f�i a.ff++a �fa♦ +♦1r♦+l.1ff11+ fff+,+ff♦ffflfff f f ++ff1 ■ - , f • � ! ------------------ !!! a lop ! ! � f / "i-i ! . -/,! � • ./ ! , /' 1 /' is ! 1 �' R i l 1 \i�/\fir/AA, ����V�J �A4 1� ����i� � . ■ � � ■ . , � �� • �t`i�i����ti ����11 �1\��•`' ••`1� ��`�'�.�'1��\t� `��•.1t` FINAL DITCH STABILIZATION aETAIL N.T.S. N.T.S. LANDSCAPING MIXTURE _ _ _-•----------- (J ANUARY 1 -MARCH 31 ) _------� - NOTE: RECLAIM MINED AREAS CONCURRENTLY WITH MINING OPERATIONS. ----'--'----- _ - COMMON BERMUDAGRASS (UNHULLED )-----20LBS. LBS. /AC -------------------------- EMBANKMENTS- ARE TO BE SLOPED AND SEEDED WHEN MINING (APRIL 1 - JULY 31 ) --- 6p' R/W OPERATIONS ARE DISCONTINUED FOR 15 DAYS OR MORE IN ANY COMMON BERMUDAGRASS (HULLED) -------- 12 LBS•/AC CEDAR SWAMP AD PERMIT BOUNDARY 1 } i , 4 t f t (J t i N/F STEPHEN EUBANKS STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DB 9999 PG 2238 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ! 314.54 ! I 5344^10'E 00 ' 0) ' {F+ O —� F N/F CAROLYN W. ARTHUR -' Ln i DB 487 PG 394 i uj o Ln co PERMIT BOUNDARY rTi 350.19 S30 44' 10"E ' 1 , i 4 } 1 , 1 } 1 • 0 �cp PERMIT BOUNDARY SHEET # 1 OF 2 PROJECT #: PM1626 DESIGN FILE #: 1626/EUBANKS.DGN PARTICULAR AREA. _�--STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE -' JEMPPRARSEE DETAIL i>-FTER015PDAYS , 25' BUFFER w o. MAX. SIDE SLOPE 3 :1 OR GREATER a 1 EXISTING GRADE _.�.�-----10 E X • HAUL ROAD Q LL } W L� <c �, ,. •:EXISTING GRADE h } PERMIT BOUNDARY DARY<x S FILL SLOPE X ETIO N - ..:' ............ - - . 1 N.T.S. ►83 PERMIT BOUNDARY CUT SLOPED X-SECTION i N/F CATAL INA EUBANKS 1348 PROPOSED 2" MONITORING WELL N.T.S. N/F JERALD HUMPHREY � DB 374 PG 406 S3� qg 10 E 30 DEEP PLACE A MINIMUM OF DB 373 PG 462 } 10' FEET FROM THE PROPERTY i LINE 669 . 50 53*44' 10"E PERMIT BOUNDARY -PROPOSED GATE TO REMAIN LOCKED EXCEPT DURING HAULING HOURS 10' EX. HAUL ROAD 50' UNDISTURBED F_ BUFFER EX. DISTURBANCE WITHIN BUFFER AREA SHALL BE SEEDED PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION ACTIVITY PROPOSED —� �( SILT FENCE f STOCKPILE AREA 1 } t 1 } + t WOODS } LINE i WASTE AREA i 0.050 AC i PROPOSED --- j SILT i FENCE ! , , 1 , , , O 25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 0' EX. HAUL ROAD PROPOSED SILT FENCE 0.057 AC EXCAVATION AREA EX. POND —' STOCKPILE AREA 3.50 AC 0 10 0.057 AC 1 n SUMP ID #1 PROPOSED DEWATERING PUMP -A200 } GPM MAX. INTO SEDMENT 0 , LIMIT OF EXCAVATION TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN ATION 0.045 AC ~— APPROX. 55'X30'X5' 1 12+ 51 - _ - EX. D ITCH N/F USACROATAN NATIONAL FOREST (`-'WOODS LINE PERMIT BOUNDARY 25' UNEXCAVATED BUFFER • • SF PERMIT BOUNDARY LEGEND: UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 18737 SF POINT OF DISCHARGE INTO EXISTING DITCH .! 30 ! ii 120 SCALE:.i R/W PP 0EF RIGHT-OF-WAY POWER POLE OVERHEAD E4 NOW OR FORf�£ PROPOSED 2" MONITORING WELL 30' DEEP PLACE A MINIMUM OF 10' FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE WOODS LINE 404 WETLANDS J,; AS DELINEATED BY USACOENI;- E LdPROPOSED 2" MONITORING WEL� 10' DEEP PROPERTY EXTENDS BUT NO ACTIVITY PROPOSED IN THIS AREA 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER PERMIT BOUNDARY REVISIONS: Na BY I DATE DESCRIPrM 9� °` • `tpAtucu MCA run iN1C 31Y!/OT XCAVA D BUFFER i ° 9 A2NOTE: ALL MONITORING WELLS SHALL OBTAIN WELL PERMITS 2 i:oc si24iat "D JTtoM UND.; N1 g PRIOR TO INSTALLATION AND BE INSTALLED BY PROPERLY no Iwo poRON, 3 ADC 9/3!!07 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. N/F USA CROATAN NATIONAL FOREST EUBANKS MINE NEWPORT TOWNSHIP, CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CLIENT: STEVE EUBANKS DESIGNED: CPT ADDRESS: P+O• BOX 953 DRAWN: NEWPORT, NC 28570 CPT PHONE: 252-223-4878 CHECKED: RDC / STRGUD ENGINEERING, P.A. -APPROVED: 151A HIGHWAY 24 RDC FOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557 DATE: (25 47-7479 r �% 7/10/0 " uy^'c_��, �. L3 SCALE: R NAID D. CULLIP R F.E. 1 "= 13 j e G ai%,A®��aa