HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3190804_2712 - Pine Forest II Soils Report_12/19/2019+ ESP REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PINE FOREST II STATESVILLE, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Prepared For: Mattamy Carolina Corporation 2127 Ayrsley Town Boulevard Suite 201 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Prepared By: ESP Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 7030 Charlotte, North Carolina 28241 September 20, 2018 ij i ''IESP September 20, 2019 Mr. Jeremy Bunner Mattamy Carolina Corporation 2127 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 201 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Reference: REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Pine Forest II Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Dear Mr. Bunner: ESP Associates, Inc. (ESP) has completed the subsurface exploration at the above referenced site located in Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. This exploration was performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. P1-19466 dated June 13, 2019. Authorization to proceed with this study was provided via work order dated July 9, 2019, executed by Mr. Jerry Whelan of Mattamy Carolina Corporation (Mattamy), as well as, an email from Mr. Jeremy Bunner of Mattamy dated July 19, 2019. ESP appreciates the opportunity to assist you during this phase of the project. If you should have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us. .111110 rira ,.%�� CAR0 ��fr Sincerely, ������;..•. ••.. t1 ��1W. UW ESPAssociates, Inc.. %•' IF �~ w C. Tyler Wenner, PG Davri���Ia` Project Manager NC Regf4fratia�;)�Y'a. 2 +++trnurr»��� ,,%o�,� CARp,1.9� CTW/DEM/mb LICENSE NO•: Electronically submitted via email. F-1407 z k��'' % ESP Associates, Ina•. y�+1jlt11tt+N1+++�+ P.D. $ox 7030 • Charlotte. N'C I-K"_-1 t 1.500.960.7317 :NC: 704.M.4949, I'L.N 704-M.49511 • SC: 8031,02.2440. fax 803.8112.2.-,15 i.t�•u , espassociat es.cutti TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1.1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................... 1.2 PURPOSE OF SERVICES........................................................ 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES ............ 2.1 FIELD .................................................... 2.2 LABORATORY ................................... 2.3 SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS............................................................. 3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND AREA GEOLOGY ................................ 3.2 SUBSURFACE................................................................................. 3.2.1 Surface...................................................................................... 3.2.2 Fill............................................................................................. 3.2.3 Alluvium.................................................................................. 3.2.4 Residuum.................................................................................. 3.2.5 Partially Weathered Rock ........................................................ 3.3 SUBSURFACE WATER................................................................. 3.4 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ................................................. 3.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE SOILS ................................................. 3.5.1 Embankments........................................................................... 3.5.2 Detention Ponds (Clay Liner) ................................................. 3.5.3 Retaining Wall Backfill........................................................... 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL........................................................................................ 4.2 SITE DEVELOPMENT................................................................... 4.2.1 Difficult Excavations............................................................. 4.2.2 Moderate to High Plasticity Soils/Elastic Silts ..................... 4.2.3 Lower Consistency Soils ....................................................... 4.2.4 Alluvial Soils.......................................................................... 4.2.5 Existing Fill Soils................................................................... 4.2.6 Water Levels.......................................................................... 4.2.7 Seasonal High Water Table ................................................... 4.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT............................................................. 4.4 FLOOR SLABS................................................................................ 4.5 PAVEMENT AREAS...................................................................... 4.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES............................................................... 4.7 DRAINAGE...................................................................................... 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS........................................................ 5.1 SITE PREPARATION................................................................................. 5.2 PREVIOUS SITE DEVELOPMENT.......................................................... 5.3 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT .................................................... 5.4 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY ........................................... 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 6.0 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT............................................................................................ 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) APPENDIX I Field Exploration Procedures Laboratory Testing Procedures Boring Location and Site Vicinity Plan, Figure 1 Boring Location Plan — West Section, Figure 2 Boring Location Plan — East Section, Figure 3 Legend to Soil Classification and Symbols Test Boring Records (B-1 through B-42, S-1, S-4 through S-5) Table 1 — Soil Test Boring Summary Grain Size Distribution Test Results Atterberg Limits Test Results APPENDIX II Attachment: Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Soil Testing Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation Proposed SCMs, Pine Forest— Amity Hill Road, Iredell County, NC 2 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest II September 20, 2019 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The approximately 33.064-acre site, comprised of Tax Parcel Identification Nos. (PIN) 474289712 and 4742686338, is located in Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina. Refer to the attached "Boring Location and Site Vicinity Plan," Figure 1. The property is south and adjacent to Amity Hill Road and bordered by the existing Pine Forest subdivision to the east, tax PIN's 4742593105, 4742580947, and 4742582253 to the west, and 4742770327 to the south. Duck Creek crosses the southern edge of Tax PIN 474289712 and forms the southern boundary of Tax PIN 4742686338. The site slopes to the south and is currently undeveloped with the majority comprised of an open field with thick brush and small trees. The remainder of the site is heavily wooded. We understand plans are to improve the site with a single-family detached residential community, a sewer line, associated roadways and infrastructure. We anticipate the proposed structures will be lightly to moderately -loaded with shallow foundations or turned down slab -on -grade systems. No structural loading information has been provided to us at the time of this report. Soil test boring locations were selected based on plans prepared by R. Joe Harris & Associates titled "Pine Forest 11, Final Overall Erosion Plan," dated November 16, 2019 and "Pine Forest II, Final Erosion Plan 3" dated October 5, 2018 (See the attached "Boring Location and Site Vicinity Plan," Figure 1 in the Appendix). Borings within the proposed sewer easement and additional boring locations were selected by Mr. Brian Johnson of Mattamy via a June 20, 2019 email to Mr. Wenner with ESP. The elevations shown on the attached "Test Boring Records" in the Appendix, were interpolated from the previous referenced plans. 1 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 1.2 PURPOSE OF SERVICES ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 The purpose of this exploration was to evaluate the general subsurface conditions within the proposed building and pavement areas, and to assist in identifying on -site soils that could potentially be used as embankment, detention pond, and wall backfill materials during the construction phase of the project. This report presents our findings, conclusions and recommendations for general site development including foundation design, as well as construction considerations for the proposed foundations and paved areas. This report also contains a brief description of the field and laboratory testing procedures performed for this study and a discussion of the soil conditions encountered at the site. 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 2.1 FIELD Forty-six (46) soil test borings (Borings B-01 through B-42, S-1, S-4 through S-5) were performed at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. The borings were located in the field by a project manager from our office using hand held GPS technology. The soil test borings were extended to depths ranging between approximately 10 and 25 feet below the existing ground surface using a track -mounted Diedrich D-50 drill rig. Hollow -stem, continuous flight augers were used to advance the borings into the ground. Two (2) proposed borings along the proposed sewer easement were not performed as they were inaccessible to our drilling equipment due to wet soils and proximity to an existing stream. Standard Penetration Tests were performed at designated intervals in the soil test borings in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 in order to obtain data for estimating soil strength and consistency. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split -spoon soil samples were recovered for soil classification and laboratory testing. 2 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest II September 20, 2019 Water level measurements were attempted at, and up to 1 day after, the termination of drilling at all borings with the exception of Borings B-27 through B-32, and S-4 through S-6. A brief description of the field testing procedures is included in the Appendix While in the field, a representative of the geotechnical engineer visually examined each sample to evaluate the type of soil encountered, soil plasticity, moisture condition, organic content, presence of lenses and seams, colors and apparent geological origin. The results of the visual soil classifications for the borings, as well as field test results, are presented on the individual "Test Boring Records," included in the Appendix. Similar soils were grouped into strata on the logs. The strata lines represent approximate boundaries between the soil types; however, the actual transition between soil types in the field may be vary in both the horizontal and vertical directions. 2.2 LABORATORY Select samples of the on -site soils obtained during the field activities were tested in the laboratory. The tests performed included grain size distribution and Atterberg limits. The limited testing program was designed to determine select engineering properties of the on -site soils relative to their use for the project, and to assist in identifying on -site soils that could potentially be used as embankment, detention pond, and wall backfill materials. The results of the laboratory tests performed for this study are presented on the attached "Grain Size Distribution" and "Atterberg Limits' Results" sheets. A brief description of the laboratory procedures used is also included in the Appendix. 2.3 SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE EVALUATIONS ESP contracted with Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions (WMSS) to conduct Stormwater Control Measures Soil Testing at the site. A Seasonal High Water Table Evaluation was conducted at two (2) proposed stormwater control measure locations across the site, as identified on the "Pine Forest 3 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 II, Final Overall Erosion Plan," dated November 16, 2019, and were located in the field by ESP. The Stormwater Control Measures Soil Testing report is included in Appendix 11 of this report. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND AREA GEOLOGY The referenced property is located in Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina which is in the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Piedmont Province generally consists of hills and ridges which are intertwined with an established system of draws and streams. The Piedmont Province is predominately underlain by igneous rock (formed from molten material) and metamorphic rock (formed by heat, pressure and/or chemical action), which were initially formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras. The residual soils encountered in this area are the product of in -place chemical weathering of rock which was similar to the rock presently underlying the site. In areas not altered by erosion or disturbed by the activities of man, the typical residual soil profile consists of clayey soils near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone termed "partially weathered rock" is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with Standard Penetration Resistances in excess of 100 blows per foot. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints and by the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is common to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. M Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 3.2 SUBSURFACE ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Subsurface conditions as indicated by the borings generally consist of topsoil underlain by fill, alluvium or residual soils, and partially weathered rock (PWR). The generalized subsurface conditions at the site are described below. For more detailed soil descriptions and stratifications at a particular boring location, the respective "Test Boring Record" and "Table 1— Soil Test Boring Summary" in the Appendix should be reviewed. 3.2.1 Surface A topsoil layer ranging approximately 3 to 12 inches thick was encountered in Borings B-01 through B-42, S-1, and S-4 through S-6. 3.2.2 Fill: Underlying the surface layer, fill soils were encountered in Borings B-05 and S-6. The fill generally consists of stiff sandy clay. Standard Penetration Values (N-values) in the fill varied between 11 to 15 bpf. The fill soils were encountered to approximately 3.5 and 6 feet below the existing ground surface in Borings B-05 and S-6, respectively. 3.2.3 Alluvium: Underlying the surface layer, alluvial soils were encountered in Boring S-1, S- 4 and S-5. The alluvium generally consists of soft sandy clay and silty sand. N-values in the alluvium ranged from 4 to 16 bpf. The alluvial soils were encountered to depths ranging from approximately 3.5 to 13.5 feet below the existing ground surface. 3.2.4 Residuum: Underlying the fill and alluvial soils in Borings B-05, S-1, S-4 through S-6, and underlying the surface layer in the remaining soil test borings, residual soils were encountered. The residuum generally consists of very soft to very stiff sandy silt and silts, to sandy clay and clays; and loose to dense silty sand and sands. N-values in the residuum varied between 2 and 45 bpf, with the majority in excess of 7 bpf Based on laboratory testing and manual/visual classification, moderate to high plasticity clay or elastic silt residual soils were encountered at the depths indicated on Table 1: Boring Summary included in the Appendix. All Borings were terminated in the residual soils at depths between approximately 10 and 25 feet below existing ground surface, with the exception of Boring S-6. E Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest II September 20, 2019 3.25 Partially Weathered Rock: Below the residuum in Boring S-6, partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered. When sampled, the PWR generally breaks down into sand. Borings S-6 was terminated in PWR at approximately 20 feet below existing ground surface. 3.3 SUBSURFACE WATER Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling, at which time water was encountered in Borings B-22, B-25, B-29, B-32, S-1, and S-4 through S-6, all remaining borings were dry at the termination of drilling. Borings B-27 through B-32, B-34, and S-4 through S-6 were backfilled at the termination of drilling due to safety concerns. Subsequent water levels were measured after 24 hours from time of termination in the remaining borings where water levels were encountered in Borings B-20, B-22, B-25, and S-1 at depths ranging from approximately 7 to 16.8 feet below existing ground surface. All other borings remained dry. Hole cave-in depths ranged between approximately 5 and 21.6 feet below the existing ground surface. Hole cave-in depths may provide an indication of water present. Subsurface water levels tend to fluctuate with seasonal and climatic variations, as well as with some types of construction operations. Therefore, water may be encountered during construction at depths not indicated during this study. 3.4 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Laboratory tests were performed on select samples obtained from the split spoon samples. Laboratory testing consisted of Atterberg Limits and grain size testing. Typically, soils with a Plasticity Index (PI) less than 30 are considered to be low plasticity material. A summary of the laboratory test results are presented in the table below: 0 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 3.5 ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Percent Liquid Depth USCS Plasticity Sample Location Fines Limit (feet) Classification Index B-6 6-7.5 SM 29.5 NP NP B-13 1-2.5 CH 76.8 70 38 B-23 1-2.5 MH 86.0 79 40 B-32 3.5-5 MH 67.2 64 30 B-33 3.5-5 I CL 1 56.1 1 47 22 CONSTRUCTION PHASE SOILS At the request of Mattamy, ESP has provided additional laboratory testing services to assist in identifying soils that could be used as embankment, detention pond, and Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) or Segmental Retaining Wall (SRW) backfill materials during the construction phase of the project. Soil samples selected for laboratory testing were based on the previously referenced plans prepared by R. Joe Harris & Associates. 3.5.1 Embankments Based on a review of Section Embankment Fill Materials of the Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services BMP Design Manual, we understand the following soil parameters apply to materials used to construct embankments: "Borrow materials shall be classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487) as: Silts of low plasticity (ML), silts of high plasticity (MH), clays of low plasticity (CL), clays of high plasticity (CH), or any mixture of these soil types. These materials shall have a liquid limit (LL) between 40 and 60 and a plasticity index (PI) between 15 and 30 (ASTM D4318)." Based on laboratory testing and classification of select soil samples, the following soils meet above criteria: Percent Liquid Depth USCS Plasticity Sample Location Fines Limit (feet) Classification Index B-33 3.5-5 CL 1 56.1 1 47 1 22 7 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest H 3.5.2 Detention Ponds (Clay Liner) ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Based on BMP design criteria typically used by ESP for clay liner construction specifications, soils generally considered suitable for use in a clay liner for detention ponds shall have a PI greater than 20 and a permeability rate of 1 x 10' centimeters/second or slower as determined by soil permeability testing (ASTM D5084). Permeability testing was beyond the scope of our services; however, based on laboratory testing and classification of select soil samples, the following soils may be suitable for use in constructing a clay liner for on -site detention ponds, pending permeability testing to confirm permeability rate and compliance with the project specifications. Percent Liquid Depth USCS Plasticity Sample Location Fines Limit (feet) Classification Index B-13 1-2.5 CH 76.8 70 38 B-23 1-2.5 MH 86.0 79 40 B-32 3.5-5 MH 67.2 64 30 B-33 3.5-5 CL 56.1 47 22 3.5.3 Retaining Wall Backfill The backfill materials used within a MSE or SRW wall reinforced zone is generally the most selective material in MSE or SRW design and specifications. Based on the "Segmental Retaining Walls Best Practices Guide for Specification, Design, Construction and Inspection of SRW System" prepared by the National Concrete Masonry Association, the reinforced zone soils (backfill) in a SRW should have less than 35 percent fines. For MSE or SRW, it appears that the following soils may be suitable for use as MSE or SRW reinforced zone backfill material based on the above criteria. Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 Percent Liquid Depth USCS Plasticity Sample Location Fines Limit (feet) Classification Index B-6 6-7.5 SM 29.5 NP NP MSE or SRW wall design will generally require the soil parameters including, but not limited to, unit weight, total and effective soil strength parameters, Atterberg Limits, and grain size distributions for the foundation, reinforced and retained zones for the proposed walls. No detailed laboratory testing has been performed to verify all of these soil parameters on this site. We recommend that appropriate field and laboratory testing be performed to verify the soil parameters used for design and that the design includes a global stability analysis, along with confirmation testing during construction. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 GENERAL Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the project information provided and on the data obtained from the field and laboratory testing program. As the project planning and design progress and as the building locations, types, proposed grades, and structural loading information becomes available, additional exploration and/or analyses may be required in order to provide more detailed structural support options, settlement analysis and other geotechnical related design parameters. 4.2 SITE DEVELOPMENT The results of the field testing program and analyses indicate the property appears to be suitable for constructing lightly to moderately loaded structures, provided the following measures are considered. 0 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 4.2.1 Difficult Excavations ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Based on the results of the soil test borings, it appears the majority of the general excavation will be in residual soil. We anticipate the residual soils can be excavated using pans, scrapers, backhoes and front end loaders. However, PWR was encountered in Boring S-6. Based on the results of our soil test borings and site reconnaissance, bedrock, PWR, intermittent PWR or rock lenses and/or boulders should be anticipated during general site grading and excavation for the installation of utilities and foundations. It has been our past experience in this geologic area that materials having N-values of less than 50 blows per 0.4 foot can generally be excavated using pans and scrapers by first loosening with a ripper attached to a suitable sized dozer such as a Caterpillar D-8 or D-9. On earthwork projects requiring ripping, questions sometimes develop as to whether the materials can be removed by ripping or whether blasting is required. It should be noted that ripping is conditional upon finding the right combination of equipment and techniques used, as well as the operator's skill and experience. The success of the ripping operation is conditional on finding the proper combinations for the conditions encountered. Excavation of the weathered rock is typically much more difficult in confined excavations. Jackhammering or blasting is anticipated to be required for materials having N-values in excess of 50 blows per 0.2 foot. We caution against extensive overblasting (blasting below finish grades) during site grading operations, especially in structural areas. Overblasting can result in excessive fracturing or heaving of the rock from its original position. Any subsurface materials damaged by overblasting should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer and/or geologist to determine remedial requirements. Overblast materials within structural areas will likely have to be removed. 10 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest II September 20, 2019 4.2.2 Moderate to High Plasticity Soils/Elastic Silts Based on laboratory testing as well as manual/visual manipulation of soil samples, moderate to high plasticity clays and elastic silts were encountered in Borings B-01, B-02, B-04, B-06 through B-09, B-11 through B-14, B-16 through B-19, B-23, B-24, B-26, B-27 through B-34, B-36 through B-42, and extended to depths ranging between approximately 2 and 6 feet below the existing ground surface. Our experience indicates that these soils can undergo significant change in volume (shrink/swell) with changes in their moisture content. If high plasticity and/or elastic soils such as those encountered on the site become wet during or after construction, there may be an increase in their volume (swelling) and/or a reduction in their strength. In addition, if high plasticity clay soils are in -place during construction and subsequently dry out, there may be a decrease in their volume (shrinking) resulting in settlement. While swell testing was beyond the scope of our services, the presence of high plasticity clays and elastic silts within the near surface soil profile may present an increased risk of distress to the proposed foundations, slabs -on -grade or pavements due to swell or heave of these materials with variations in moisture content. Soils with plasticity indices greater than 30 should be undercut from structural areas (i.e. foundations, slabs -on -grade, pavements, etc.) to provide a minimum of 3 feet of vertical separation between any stable high plasticity clays/elastic silts and structural grades. Consideration of these materials should be given when finalizing structure and pavement design grades. Evaluation by the geotechnical engineer's representative should be performed during construction to help reduce the potential of such materials from directly underlying the structure foundations, pavements or other structures that could be affected by soil movement. Moisture sensitive soils tend to loose consistency and weaken when they become wet, especially when exposed to construction traffic. Therefore, we recommend that grading operations take place during the typically drier, warmer periods of the year, if practical. We recommend that exposed subgrades be sufficiently sloped and sealed to promote runoff and reduce infiltration. Long term drainage as discussed in subsequent sections of this report will be extremely important to the performance of these materials. 11 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 4.2.3 Lower Consistency Soils ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 The results from the soil test borings performed at the site indicate that lower consistency (N- values less than 7 bpf) residual soils are present in Borings B-03, B-06, B-10, B-12, B-14, B-19, B-29, B-32, B-35, and B-36 at depths ranging between approximately 1 to 23.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Due to the wide spacing of the soil test borings, lower consistency residual soils may be encountered during construction that were not encountered during our study. The presence of lower consistency soils may lead to excessive settlement and long term building, slab -on -grade, and/or pavement distress. Depending on final site grades, foundation loading conditions, and pavement traffic loads/volumes, alternative foundations, undercutting, reworking and/or stabilization techniques may be required. 4.2.4 Alluvial Soils Alluvial soils were encountered in Boring S-1, S-4, and S-5 on the site. Due to the low consistency or relative density of alluvial soils, partial undercut and replacement with structural fill and/or geotextile materials may be required within the alluvial soils, if encountered, during site development. 4.2.5 Existing Fill Soils Results from the soil test borings performed at the site indicate that fill soils are present in Borings B-05. The fill extends to depths approximately 3.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Based on our visual observations of the split -spoon samples recovered and the our field observations, the fill encountered in the soil test borings appeared clean of concentrated organics, debris and other deleterious materials. 12 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest II September 20, 2019 Concentrated organics, debris and other deleterious materials were not observed in the soil test borings performed by ESP. However, due to the limited testing performed and the wide spacing of the borings, the possibility of deleterious inclusions and variable density material in or under the existing fill cannot be completely ruled out. If the fill contains wood fragments, trash, organics, voids or soft lenses, excessive settlement could result causing building and slab -on -grade distress. The existing fill soils encountered were also classified as being moderate to highly plastic. As such, these fills soils will also require remediation similar to those discussed in section 4.2.3 and may include: 1) Remove the existing fill soils and replace them with compacted suitable structural fill. 2) Extend the foundation through existing fill to bear on competent low -plasticity residual soils. Additional evaluations including test pit excavations, hand auger borings with dynamic cone penetrometer tests, proofrolling and additional soil test borings could be performed to further evaluate the approximate limits, character, and continuity of the existing fill. 4.2.6 Water Levels Subsurface water was encountered in Borings B-20, B-22, B-25, B-32, S-1, and S-4 through S-6 at depths ranging between approximately 7 to 16.8 feet below ground surface. These water levels should be considered in final design grades and excavation of possible deeper utility lines. Once final site layout is complete and grading information is available, we can provide more detailed recommendations, if required. If final grades are set near water level elevations, a permanent dewatering system such as underdrains may be required in those areas. In addition, temporary dewatering during construction activities may be required in select areas. Once the site layout is complete and grading information is available, we can provide more detailed recommendations for permanent dewatering systems, if required. 13 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II 4.2.7 Seasonal High Water Table ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Wilcox and Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC (WMSS), working as a subcontractor of ESP, completed a seasonal high water table (SHWT) evaluation at the site. For information regarding the SHWT evaluation, please refer to the report titled "Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Soil Testing Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation, Pine Forest — Amity Hill Road, Iredell County, NC" prepared by WMSS, dated August 16, 2019 and included in Appendix II. 4.3 FOUNDATION SUPPORT For satisfactory performance, the foundation for any structure must satisfy two independent design criteria. First, it must have an acceptable factor of safety against bearing failure of the foundation soils under the maximum design loads. Second, the settlement of the foundations due to consolidation of the underlying soils should be within tolerable limits for the structures. The results of the soil test borings indicate that the proposed townhomes can be adequately supported on shallow foundations bearing on the low -plasticity residual soils or newly placed structural fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this report are implemented. As previously discussed, this would generally require the undercut of approximately 3 to 4 feet from existing ground surface to remove existing fill soils or moderate to high plasticity soils in a majority of the site, and replacement with suitable structural fill materials or provide adequate separation, depending on final designed site grades. In addition, low consistency soils encountered at deeper depths should be considered in cut areas. A net allowable bearing pressure of up to 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) can be used for preliminary design of the foundations bearing on low plasticity residual soils exhibiting N-values of 8 bpf or greater, or on suitable structural fill compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. Additional analysis and/or exploration should be performed once site layout, structural design information and grading plans are further developed or finalized to verify the bearing capacity of the residual soils and to calculate the anticipated settlement of the 14 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 structures. A post -tensioned slab on grade system should also be considered to allow bearing on the existing moderate to high plasticity residual soils. Should this option be selected, ESP can provide laboratory testing and develop soil parameters to assist in the design of the post tensioned slab -on -grade system, if requested. Subsurface conditions encountered at the site indicate that depending on final grades, foundation elements may bear on dissimilar, variable consistency residual soils, partially weathered rock and/or rock. If this condition is encountered within foundation excavations, it potentially increases the magnitude of differential settlements. Therefore, we recommend that the foundation subgrade conditions be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer prior to foundation installation. This is to assess their suitability for foundation support and confirm their consistency with the conditions upon which our recommendations are based. Minimum wall and column footing dimensions should be in accordance with current building code requirements. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be designed to bear below finished grade per local code requirements for frost protection Subgrade materials can be sensitive to moisture variations; therefore, foundation excavations should be opened for a minimum amount of time, particularly during inclement weather. Soils exposed to moisture variations may become highly disturbed and require undercutting prior to placing foundations. 4.4 FLOOR SLABS A slab -on -grade floor system can be designed to be supported on the low -plasticity residual soils or newly placed structural fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this report are implemented. 15 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 We recommend the floor slab design include a granular base layer and water vapor retarder beneath the floor slabs. Refer to ACI 302.1R96 "Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction" and ASTM E1643 "Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs" for additional guidance. Immediately prior to constructing the floor slabs, we recommend that the areas be proofrolled or otherwise evaluated to detect unstable areas that may have been exposed to wet weather or construction traffic. Areas that are found to be unstable or indicate pumping action during the proofrolling should be undercut and replaced with adequately compacted structural fill. The proofrolling should be observed by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. 4.5 PAVEMENT AREAS The moderate to highly plastic soil predominate across the site also present the increased risk of distress to pavements due to the swell or heave of these materials with a variation change in moisture content. Pavement sections should be separated from the moderate to highly plastic soils by a minimum of 3 feet with compacted fill. We recommend that special care be given to providing adequate drainage away from pavement areas to reduce infiltration of surface water to the base course and subgrade materials in these areas. All water should be routed away from the pavement areas and adequate slopes provided to maintain drainage off site. We recommend the pavement subgrade be thoroughly evaluated by a representative geotechnical engineer prior to structural fill and/or aggregate base course placement to detect unsuitable and/or unstable areas. The evaluation may consist of hand auger borings with DCP testing and/or hand probing with a steel probe rod. The pavement areas should also be proofrolled prior to placing structural fill and/or base course. Proofrolling procedures are outlined in subsequent sections of this report. 16 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest H 4.6 CUT AND FILL SLOPES ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 For landscaping and mowing concerns, final project slopes should be designed to be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Slopes can be designed as steep as 2 horizontal to 1 vertical; however, soil erosion, slope sloughing and slope maintenance should be expected. If designing slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical, a slope stability analysis should be performed to verify stability of the slope. The tops and bases of all slopes should be located a minimum of 5 feet from structural and pavement limits. The fill slopes should be adequately compacted as outlined below, and all slopes should be seeded and maintained after construction. At the time of this report, the information provided to us did not include site retaining walls. Therefore, the scope of services and the information contained within this report are not intended, nor sufficient, for the design of retaining walls. If retaining walls are included in the proposed construction at this site, additional subsurface exploration is required. In addition, design of the retaining walls, including global stability analyses and analyses of other design criteria must be performed by the wall designer. 4.7 DRAINAGE Soil strength and settlement potential is highly dependent upon the moisture condition of the supportive soil. Soil characteristics can change dramatically when moisture conditions change. As such, building pads, roadways, structures, and surrounding grades should be properly designed and constructed to properly control water (surface and subsurface). Building pads should be designed to shed surface water prior to building construction. Grades surrounding structures should be adequately sloped away from the structure to promote positive drainage and prevent water from ponding near or against the structure. Swales and/or storm drainage structures should be constructed to collect and remove all surface water run-off. All roof drain downspouts should be connected to drain leaders that are properly daylighted or connected to storm drainage structures such that water is removed from structural areas. All interior and/or exterior foundation drains should be installed in accordance with current International Building 17 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest September 20, 2019 Code (IBC) and/or local municipal standards to properly protect foundations from changing moisture conditions. Foundation drains constructed should be properly daylighted or connected to storm drain structures to remove all water from foundation areas. Roof drain lines and foundation drain lines should always remain independent of each other. Any subsurface water that may rise near structural grades should be controlled by adequately constructed subsurface drainage. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 SITE PREPARATION The building pads and pavement areas should be stripped of all topsoil, gravel, high plasticity near surface soils, trash, debris and other organic materials to a minimum of 10 feet beyond the structural and pavement limits. Upon completion of the stripping operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic tired vehicle (minimum loaded weight of 20 tons) under the observation of a representative of the geotechnical engineer. The proofrolling procedures should consist of complete passes of the exposed areas, with half of the passes being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding ones. After excavation of the site has been completed, the exposed subgrade in cut areas should also be proofrolled as previously described. Any areas which deflect, rut or pump excessively during proofrolling or fail to improve sufficiently after successive passes should be undercut to suitable soils and replaced with structural fill. Unsuitable soils requiring undercut may be encountered between the borings during site grading or excavation for foundations that were not encountered in the borings during this exploration. The extent of any undercut required should be evaluated in the field by an experienced representative of the geotechnical engineer while monitoring construction activity. The evaluation should consist of a comprehensive proofrolling program and thorough field evaluation during construction. After the proofrolling operation has been completed and approved, final site grading should proceed immediately. IN Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 If construction progresses during wet weather, the proofrolling operation should be repeated with at least one pass in each direction immediately prior to continued fill placement. If unstable conditions are exposed during this operation, then undercutting should be performed. 5.2 PREVIOUS SITE DELVELOPMENT The site is currently undeveloped and contains a high tension powerline easement that bisects a field containing underbrush and small trees. Based on our observations and review of aerial photography dating back to 1993, it appears the field area was previously cultivated. Therefore, existing fill and disturbed near -surface soils should be anticipated. We recommend the site be thoroughly evaluated by a representative of the geotechnical at the time of construction to reduce the risk associated with such conditions. The evaluation may include test pit excavations, hand auger borings with DCP testing and/or proofrolling. Existing water supply wells, if encountered, should be properly abandoned prior to site development. 5.3 FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT Structural fill defined for use in site grading operations should consist of a clean (free of organics and debris), low plasticity soil (Plasticity Index less than 30). Structural fill should have a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test, ASTM D 698. All structural fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its Standard Proctor maximum dry density, with at least 100 percent achieved in the upper 12 inches. We recommend that field density tests, including one -point Proctor verification tests, be performed on the fill as it is being placed at a frequency determined by an experienced geotechnical engineer to measure and confirm the compaction criteria is obtained. Any fills that may be constructed greater than 15 feet in height should be evaluated with regard to long term settlement, consolidation, and slope stability. These analyses should be requested of the geotechnical engineer once grading plans are complete and available. 19 Report of Subsurface Exploration Pine Forest II ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 September 20, 2019 Based on the results of the soil test borings, laboratory testing and our past experience with similar type materials, the low plasticity on -site soils generally appear suitable for use as structural fill. Any high plasticity soils should be undercut from within a minimum of 3 feet of subgrade in any structural or pavement areas, if encountered. As with any grading operation, some moisture conditioning of the fill soils will be required. It is anticipated that shotrock will not be suitable for re -use as structural fill. 5.4 TEMPORARY EXCAVATION STABILITY Excavations greater than four feet in depth should be sloped or shored in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations, including OSHA "Construction Standard for Excavations" (29 CFR Part 1926.650-652). The contractor is usually solely responsible for the site safety. This information is provided only as a service and under no circumstances should ESP be assumed to be responsible for construction site safety. 20 Report of Subsurface Exploration ESP Project No. E4-HR32.300 Pine Forest H September 20, 2019 6.0 LINHTATIONS OF REPORT This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice with regard to the specific conditions and requirements of this site. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report were based on the applicable standards of our practice in this geographic area at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The analysis and recommendations submitted herein are based, in part, upon the data obtained from the subsurface exploration. The nature and extent of variations between the borings will not be known until construction is underway. If variations appear evident, then we request the opportunity to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. In the event that any changes in the nature, design, or location of the structures are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions modified or verified in writing by ESP. In order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented, we recommend that ESP be retained to review the final plans and specifications. Any concerns observed will be brought to our client's attention in writing. 21 FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Soil Test Boring: Forty-six (46) soil test borings were drilled at the approximate locations shown on the attached "Boring Location Plan," Figure 1. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in accordance with ASTM D 1586. The borings were advanced with hollow -stem augers and, at standard intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2-inch O.D., split -tube sampler. The sampler was first seated six (6) inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows is designated the "Standard Penetration Resistance." When properly evaluated, the Standard Penetration Resistances provide an index to soil strength, relative density, and ability to support foundations. Select portions of each soil sample were placed in sealed containers and taken to our office. The samples were examined by a representative of the geotechnical engineer for classification. Test Boring Records are attached showing the soil descriptions and Standard Penetration Resistances. LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES Grain Size Distribution: Grain size distribution tests were performed to determine the particle size and distribution of the samples tested. The grain size distribution of soils was determined by first washing them through a No. 200 sieve. The soils coarser than a No. 200 sieve were then determined by passing them through a set of nested sieves. The tests were conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 422 and D 1140. The results are presented on the attached "Grain Size Distribution" sheets. Soil Plasticity Tests (Atterberg Limits Test): Select samples were identified for Atterberg Limits testing to determine the soil's plasticity characteristics and is determined in accordance with ASTM D 4318. The Plasticity Index (PI) is representative of this characteristic and is determined utilizing the Liquid Limit (LL) and the Plastic Limit (PL). The Liquid Limit is the moisture content at which the soil will flow as a heavy viscous fluid. The Plastic Limit is the moisture content at which the soil transitions between the plastic and semi -solid states. The data obtained is presented on the attached Atterberg Limits' Results sheet. �. ` . • F I t 1 r , � 1 ,.. y L ---- 00, _ _ — St esville ,Y. 01 Sit • J" ,d n CONTpOL a^ o ",a ,Eaur :,m "rrnr nw M .am. Fri -.. INITY �, Soy rces: Esri, HERE, Garmin, RAC f, 1 „HRHI` USGS, Intermap,^"<<,a ` .°„ ,",ew °r wn`"` n..,<o'wm r+c s+t wn m. .•+rv. r,< .ar4 t,.ul" t s INCREMENT P; NRCan, Esri f � � _ �,c`, .>« vo". 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I , - - �_ _. / Intended to show approximate boring locations only Noother information is I LA Doi IGi b-, G- E-y-, E h G- ES/ it expressed or implied. gr phic Legend g BorinLabels SHEET TITLE: PROJECT No.: Approximate Boring Location Y Boring Name Designation BORING LOCATION AND SITE VICINITY PLAN FIGURE 1 SCALE: z < NTS +ESP r �' Approximate Inaccessible Area PINE FOREST 11 The reproduction, alteration, copying, or other use of this drawing without written consent is oR.N BY: 3475 Lakemont Blvd. Fort Mill, SC 29708 � J STATESVILLE, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA prohibited and any infringement will be DATE: February 7, 2018 CHECKED BY: www.espassociates.com subject to legal action. Phone: 803-802-2440 BASED1P Lkr eOp� PREPAREDB 6A R!,JOE HARRISC I 5TI , � & A PINE. FOREST Iii(IFINAU'OVERALL Efi�680NIPCk� 4f,"PTED'NOVEIVI'BER iej,'201W"AAD "PINE FOREST111, FINAL E OSION B44 - P'LAN,'XDATED bdTO1BtR 3, 2018. 1. 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Legend Boring Labels Boring Name Designation Approximate Boring Location Low Consistency Soil Depth Range (ft) Partially Weathered Rock Depth and/or Range (ft) r Approximate Inaccessible Area Water Depth (ft) Fill or Alluvium Depth (ft) q..J High Plasticity/Elastic Soil Depth Range (ft) 7- 6 to -- t7 B -42 3.� 6 B-21 t 13.5- 3.5 B7206'8 v I B- HI& HEET IS FOR,BORING 4FORVIATION PURPOSES, L ONLY . so ti 7,\ `sv) Y N 'Rea Inch ir_5 BORING LOCATION PLAN - WEST SECTION FIGURE 2 PINE FOREST It STATESVILLE, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ' is -drawing is intended to show approximate= This-drawing locations_only.'Noother information is71111111111 pressed o PROJECT NO.: z 'Nit SCALE: NTS +ESP The reproduction, alteration, copying, or other DRAWN BY: 3475 Lakernont Blvd. use of this drawing without written consent is I Fort Mill, SC 29708 prohibited and any infringement will be DATE: February 7, 2018 1 CHECKED BY: www.espassocim rn Co subject to legal action. Phone 803-802t24- 0— ■ P tw BY �' THIS SHEET IS FOR BORING TITLED INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY.' EMBER + 4.4 - A - I-_ J � i t FINAL EROSION'S ` PLAN 3vv DATED OCTOBER 3, 2018. i !"Y ' f -- r �� ` - � 14 < - I so>:ol 3SYvlecNtk 75 :-Mom.-a-.� �` � •. ` \..- j I I y♦♦♦ P _.....�_.. ti,\tillb Se` I5 1 ` S-41t12 - - % 011 -rr- iv;e y �� � � , ` /' j, I <SP� •s""-aCTTHEt AHMOAC LOPEA t' ti 4 ` w 1NG TYt.I _ OCKPi�p� t, V\ THE AL NDi{IONS R'- R u� ANR"D�T M5 YbEFO J TOP30145T _ I� I* !q �a 'e,E_ `i .......--•" KR� MEN' THE EPtA Wli'ALAIN A�2tRA N ffi�E � F �a.'fAK Gp Lg14NT un O i > 5' ,RrFA °l° �•`'''�, � � T ... �,1 T ' ..7 ,�, 0 ,'.. 1► w '. f r NQTE IUN� AB HOURS BEFGREC p GEM s �{y515LE FOR IUµ RD u QFYNYsS.... ..EMn�T , tVClPp4TTV ROR.. `�a1�y`.� N RMWAY. LLEC PIAN PAR HV TMEL RpRY I' iI `Ni Vvif" 1 .� d �..�t ,' �F W •:.r' ,�wf'-... Dt OFF14E5URFS TfxC'I ANO STO At'.T1VttY 5ytHE PPPROWSi....... G. DVRtNGFD ANUT� NGYtAF� GT1VR. .a:£ ..POT TFIf•. 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IpiSTA41GN qRM pt GLL GOUNTYHy tnE ENG 1FlED. SED4M PND RPPR r� FIRST, ZEER TO AN'{ TRtN% { 6R PRFAS E5T0 TRd: 1'V AIdN 9. S'{AB{U7ATION pGPEROS40 .SRAGTtGA4 �_VtGE� N4+ EDB P` ,s!n,O ERTO GO OM GONy-TRVOR VNUMDVW F\t .T &ED1AM1EwT.\. yyHP'J inE {ON KT I RE µTROLDE DE 10 SF THEG NFA 'WWGHOLDtNgpEGTCRENT CUN FtµACY1'JLTY. SEOtMEN DONP ERGONTROL LATiON• �-' EROS ER pPi CO SµEE vAN9lME 0 GR ftR ROSIO CON tt GO ION ANG yPERiOG `'USED 16. ALL EAFORMEO ASG pND10RUA ERTMEU1Ni'T`'e FOR NUA�MEDWG4 GON55RUCT50N IN PPROAPY(S1FR 1aS CONSYRUCTLON F, 0.FAS� THEE �F THEEE 1tE,. DEV4GF�P hT PLL RFTER EA Au IR£t>£ EAOS CiOR. YO SLOPc tJN^: =TALLED tN ALt 7 -- x Fx EgDURS R .., WaS. V REAS u•i -. ,tiutEw ROF YH GN{ROL SS pVP11A81E EKLY DR Ytt,PINtAl p1EER P^D�R,I-\i iHEN pARUS. NAMES REFEMEp51TaEs JST SE \YAVM11`BLS VROVIOk`�,SRiG1M\°'ss OREMO'fE PNY LHO FAOPEREEYftQtREDGOVN4y{µ$PE OF MUD GN OF T`NEDAY 1ND1V VP $. >.... apMAJNDE RDgSDNG 5TORA'E PEGSEDW NTVNUOU54OeY ENDI GROPNCk {city StA EET Tlt•QEF OOpitROt 8F.'RfAD �y AGTIVttIE 9h tGRA`-• EUT ES SHW_ p.TV QEti. RPGptw THE ENO Ii ASPGR' OtdA"'- KARFAS FRtSA r"', Otl„rL Pl1 i' ,l.p1 1 N,AINTMNESEDIMENTSNN-44E tN nY pND GO RS DtRECTEC,{ED IN AGGRH4NG AU7 aETA41S 9N OT ERd3tON y10O yy:�A�LL�torNUCYtO W1T1 tD µFpy1G aDEr/1GES Ht ,:iE tRE tM2E{E� µp1 PT TURF AS pEpIpST NGG TEGi WOROF SttitT is MPdNTA H£MICP18` 1 'tom 3 A� 4. AUEOUPT FEANRES A4401t1GEN MSTA4('E �GON5TRU1PLgOVEµOTEO gµiwtllVIDUALI PEµMiT. DAID Fyt ANO SnOD05l001 tONPIGONNNEEN GM�J�F.TtaNT oM�.E yFROM RO�INFRASTRU NG. GENERAL OON TO PRO ppOU4LERt AOW OF <'TIONC ygw✓�'- I w0 E, GONTRUL ftACTOA 5FRtEg ndHAl\-B{yt.,55HR11 FE PNDTH OUI{+EMENTV�LOPMENTL55EGTION. THE NPDESNALINOTE Pt PD�1' *'�. _ GOwt 0.SU SU TU AE TP1 H SO NTAitOK 12. TPHh2ild (YRwss� D NEG BER£MSJ""D ON OLFEAN {p}WGCO EpW IriG GONSTRUG MARKED INYH�BE t-N CTfON.tNLET PRdTEGS. .ct. PND ONgtF'.' 5. pODitO1S^GONT{SMENNT OFAS{pHIt1APR READYHt tN TfN�':RDANGE pAll'I LOG.rON CONTREONpS FEMDVE NTURMtI SAKE CLEAR ppplN[ {NLET OYHE IONCONTR{Np44TIMES.G+iyATf+. ttIEGGNTR�UISD1t.ANO0.1J8P.EREEROAµN01V16UAtpAOVIDEDASNEEO OYµERWgE UDBE AI4'iVE PRO 0 SH4 t..l :;oMFAtJtE,� i z 6. PL j3UA4,V 5.OEPpq.:V.tzEU PE PN to . k- ED LLOT ERUS NEIACOUN{Y YX.F` E TgNESEDIM£}ft{NDpT THE APPROVED 13. VEM OBT AHD SWILIBE PR WoS. 0. O FER HHO LLNA O RE " SHAtI REMO ML SUHOM plN p(+PR pR01TGHE T1ALF 5 M... G µgJRl, I NV` HE STpSILt2- ONS 6EFlAGG£q 05P.FOOT STRUCT{ON OCKP r SITE SIiE tSHE 1NOIVIDUNEO PN O,IREV yMVSYJNvvul 3MAKE. Res;W-T a oR RMS UT4ET5. G OS ETA aAl4 ASY THEL ICON P6`R 5WJ NOTIFY �. ii.' 1 VS- / a_ DN OR4YNGY014E MptNTA ERA 14' NSTRUCT VEASiON&E O •pENN't 'AREA FFEGtEU OR tMPPGT tSUGN PS Si GES E NOI EN 3 v7 AGC OG SHAL YTHEENGIM µMI 4yN6 RGitVN1�.ME PRO 1 RYW OR SSA4LE INGWDIN µ%ED RESPO ( "t%^r ✓L_ - tLYt T.IpN❑ ppM1INW S1JP F\PHPS t t5. MPORi`,TM�AT£lW s}. WEEKTHTMG POENTiPt1Y 8EA N.SWN61GANT PORCEH7,>}.. ORHHp,LL ,..t I 1- 7 I oe gar 5. FOR INSPEC LL DAiP tAT OR LAND UIpp'tER EAC URES:. OR W' LLt1{ION PN6 DEP"tT V,�RK. CUNtRA_'ttt LINESPRIOR �- -✓' T. •� APPRbPJff D NCD 1NA OtG ,a0.P0 l m. ORP gFRE&• "t ,aI�N REPUR µi GONTROLM Gt,,, __ 1 = g t']ATtG T0. At FET OTING tlRA1NA S. ANlYL9VP1OM BE y}E LOCAT TDD-CGS OFOESiGRGUNDU t. C. T'Ylt;Cil� J� b t^ I .,p.,Y - tP. pERS TASCL µGFOttOWEMAY INC4V ANU SEP OF STABIt ATIVECOVER et>4I STABtLiZEU.p145.: u6tT PREyERN tF LD♦� AU GF P{ w Tt U 4'1��i..it SU4MV IS g£i ERNpgES. {y EROSION JN` OVER. OV4410N .N,tVEGET COUNTY ITEM`: Yi. �' µLET&t NOE4R WPTEtt MUS a0.ACT0 �'1 HOU{cS 1N VPN p. , �.. „ . .~ GONtNp1 PO5514t PERtM£CE TRPPS ROUND EdUtRE5 PR JEGT,. 1t{ZEDW E,REDEII. pNG£5 THEt GON ... jO5TORM CA 2 MA a pLVST OF ATIVNOF DIMENY :HTtNGO ;;tnPtft .ETHE PRO AHLISHEU. Lv gTAB Vpt,_BY TH D\N��PtFJ'I- LfT1E•R. pOSEO gyi Ow THE SP'E. 51 AMW{MUMUTttVTY JNE•`' 1 - - ...- .HdSTAtS T1dN CF 98�NG OF OF GµPptN YPHPSE_(. YE5t NENT t .tNSTALLA ANA ,,,RV YPNPSE .URMtG.:CPMLNC S. COVER ISF HLPS HEEN PEOt+�MA�Upp09tOPNRG TttIROt GFw 1H GDUf.9 oGIN pRK R '1 NCRht GAROWIEFlS HEIR RE`.°£CH l,: i •, / �{ -1. i ::,wd,i,\,�\•\\/•. I\ TOPk tN I \,1. .GLEPRJETIDN Of ANMFA`.aURES ppI OR D� ONP SnR£NY GROUlET.HPT 51f£GNLY <uGTHIS FF 1 `- - 1S. P�pRGPOSED USi CONTPC HG_El., YOIW ..: _� � �.. C C -CON 11ONOF ONNW N Or, E.w tJ,tt1L SUGHMTSUREETd BE USE OSI, TNM1TH -- T FE CONTRAj,IpGER GO TRAG ANSTAL'P' GtR�T PRE ,: B 34 " GgdnptEttGN OFIg[NRMW REMAI 1MDNID E�Rp51N5 AR gTOR U- 20. µDT'U1 ._....... - -- i LATWN EESTASttS'nP^" M}µ PLr+G _: .. G ,. _yNSTAL `UNT 55HAu ETC *{MM {{RDi-VNSPE :_. .+. :� • 6 ER GE ,NONE TANDn giON GGY'. GTML+` �, G _ I [ V1 EYiT N RO EN .! ,!J''r ✓wv � ,- - .` QGN GONTRO+Vt� S(PA �RILOSA SpEUECOUNTtESTOFN.4l 1 - PA IE.RD t,T `. r,,,.,�.�$28 �......T� ` t- E OT< 1NSPE ytnE tRE INAC+E ROBEEAI NENT'JEGE ` '..... i DIOR tROt 64 Nf ORA nVD �...,..: fiN OW ipiE .VE OR PL --��- . -:. „ ... ... ....... y............b ... _.. 83� •. .- ,.:.. I� 34 ~ �PI ' PY/v'1£ N' "��GF AST'.. T al e d a3"at Oe;UNG cUE{ERN t). PERb,F WIµVLG11 EV. _O .0°A \.,� ', 83 STA4141 EG( Uft Mp.. S.Gf.P {{E HA , ... .,..•.. : ,...,.. : .'�..... ...... . Vv ....... _. _ -^ ''_ .. .. � T6 Y �"^.-�� �: _. \ I �� I �u ,. � � P£' f VdY` �ETURE' 2 x7 C.D. \ ++` Ktaw`^9 aM f'V .RE-CONP1 EDIMENT a MP AREA µONCEs I // �. - . - .REMOVES EDfMENiB R@4:`1n{t0 .. . ::, ... ..-- .�..-�'•�. �r.s'-• R�gNE HU ZES OF TE ..�. .........,.. --.. __ _ .e•.•�"..--��'- �............. .N6FE 'a._ ` ... ...._ ._. � / � � }. . J !� EER EMG'f�19 §`1�� hauM9+ � ♦-StPH�� TICE ;;t F �. ......,_ ,_.... ` ....,... ' ,.C.......--''•'--=438.. 0, ...._..... _ 1 µONU RUG ! r 1 1• �}1r CLRS c. GORnta , J 5 1•t � :. I .,.E,��.. .., - .. -...- ...... - .. .Hy . iLORA ...t, ` !\ ,%' f' `'^ I/� o 1 �NIM1^n'�.�`_.'�° l � Az �r=T ...E - >✓- , �-� E i as ,SNRE�'i!f •,��, � t :. 6-13.5 so � f �l� .�.45 V tr • _ �FFER I � , ; :: + ro � _.,... , . � •' � x10'85 r ,• AFM£ crNG i 1 - ,82 8 �C' z aS'{'. `jj�i'" �. _ ,� ,'`�, y ...t-.. D 4� t_.' '•NO gstu DNEE -.... .- '--. - - _ 55 __..- ".._... 4� I .., ,.1 - -� {� 1LSTurstL. R LINEvn� ,.. i iwsTPuoRn�, �R T� . G 1. . t t .._��� � a + .\ ..��,�� � .,-+.., ♦+uzAP°, _ y� � �. - , "•... RANstsS°�, ` � I y I. � ,' .� --�: �� _� ✓-r � Ilyi .,t- e ....�•. `� C - 1 ``• 3 , B=41 � .... �..�.�-�� � . ., i�' 1 _�::--, ��. g35 , • B-16x �. B-23,,;:. � , t;=+F'�x ..r..� ., .. t' ��` � l 'i"�:�"�, � "'�' � '��,, A w 1:,1 1 •30 '� m V -�:� r'I � � This drawing is intended to show approximate 1 r - / C - `" - 1 r � .A I 'I� +� ����\ _ 1 " _.---' '' ��♦\boring locations only. No other information is p I , 6.�91... 6 . T. , .. -j-_ 21 .♦ expressed or implied �� `:. Source. Esrl•, Digit IGlobe„rGenEye, Ear1thraphlcs 'C�ir . rr Legend Boring Labels SHEETTITLE: PROJECT NO.: #ESP BoringName Designation BORING LOCATION PLAN -EAST SECTION g FIGURE 3 SCALE: NTS Approximate Boring Location Low Consistency Soil Depth Range (ft) z Partial) Weathered Rock Depth and/or Range ft The reproduction, alteration, copying, or t is DRAWN BY: 3475Lill, SC 9708 r Y P g ( ) PINE FOREST 11Fort Mill, SC 29708 'Approximate Inaccessible Area Water Depth ft Fill Or Alluvium Depth ft useottedan anyconsent J p ( ) p ( ) STATESVILLE, IREDELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA prohibited and any infringement will be DATE: February7, 2018 High Plasticity/Elastic Soil Depth Range (ft) subject to legal action. CHECKED BY: wwwone:8 3-802-2440 Phone:803-802-2440 LEGEND TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS SOIL TYPES (Shown in Graphic Log) ■ Asphalt / Concrete ❑ Organic Sandy Silt Topsoil Sandy ® Clayey Silt o. . Gravel 0 Silty Sandy Clay Sand Clayey Silty Clay HSilt Silty Sand Partially Weathered Rock Clay Clayey Sand \\� Cored Rock Clayey Gravel CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Silty Gravel STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE CONSISTENCY BLOWS / FOOT SAMPLER TYPES Very Soft 0 to 2 (Shown in Samples Column) Soft 3 to 4 Firm 5 to 8 ' Shelby Tube Stiff 9 to 15 Split Spoon Very Stiff 16 to 30 Hard 31 to 50 Rock Core Very Hard Over 50 No Recovery CONSISTENCY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS WATER LEVELS STD. PENETRATION (Shown in Water Level Column) CONSISTENCY RESISTANCE BLOWS / FOOT V = Water Level at Termination of Boring VeryLoose 0 to 4 Loose 5 to 10 i = Water Level at 1 Day Medium Dense 11 to 30 = Loss of Drilling Water Dense 31 to 50 Very Dense Over50 He = Hole Cave TERMS Standard - The Number of Blows of a 140 lb. Hammer Falling 30 in. Dynamic Cone - The Number of Blows of a 15 lb. Penetration Required to Drive a 1.4 in I.D. Split Spoon Sampler 1 Foot Penetrometer Hammer Falling 20 in. Required Resistance (N-Value) As Specified in ASTM D-1586. Test Data to Drive a Cone Point 1 3/4 in. When Properly Evaluated, it can REC - Total Length of Rock Recovered in the Core Barrel Divided be compared to the Standard by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100 (expressed Penetration Resistance. as a percentage). RQD - Total Length of Sound Rock Segments Recovered that are Longer Than or Equal to 4" (mechanical breaks included) 6ESP Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100 (expressed as a percentage). PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-01 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 860.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 10.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 8 inches FiC 855.0 850.0 845.0 840.0 835.0 830.0 12 11 12 14 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tannish Orange Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 10.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 5.0 feet. Backfil led with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_02 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 86 1. 0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 8 inches HC 856.0 851.0 846.0 841.0 836.0 831.0 17 12 10 8 7 9 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Elastic SILT, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange SILT with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Orange Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Grayish Pink Poorly Graded SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-03 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 859.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 5 inches HC 854.0 849.0 844.0 839.0 834.0 829.0 11 5 6 6 7 9 RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Orange Brown Clayey SAND, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tan Silty SAND, fine to medium, highly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tannish Gray Poorly Graded SAND, fine, moderately micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-04 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 843.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 838.0 833.0 828.0 823.0 818.0 813.0 11 15 9 8 7 9 RESIDUUM: Stiff Orange Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tannish Orange Silty SAND, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm Tan Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Tan Well Graded SAND, fine to coarse, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 15.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-05 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 857.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 6 inches HC 852.0 847.0 842.0 837.0 832.0 827.0 14 11 10 8 9 7 FILL: Stiff Red Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY with gravel, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tan Silty SAND, fine, moderately micaceous, (dry) goring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-06 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 863.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 858.0 853.0 848.0 843.0 838.0 833.0 11 13 9 5 6 8 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown High Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Orange Brown to Tan Silty SAND, fine to medium, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Grayish Tan Silty SAND, fine to coarse, moderately micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_07 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 857.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC HC 852.0 847 p 842.0 837.0 832.0 827.0 8 15 20 9 11 11 RESIDUUM: Firm To Very Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, (dry), Little recovery at approximately 6 to 7.5 feet RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry to moist), With coarse sand seam at approximately 14 feet RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tannish Orange Silty SAND, fine to medium, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.6 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_08 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 852.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 _r//�// 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 847.0 — 842.0 837.0 832.0 827.0 822.0 19 11 10 9 11 RESIDUUM: Firm To Very Stiff Red Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, (moist) 4k8 RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist), Quartz rock fragment 6 feet to 7 feet RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Tannish Brown Silty SAND, fine to medium, (moist) goring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_09 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 845.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 10.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC HC 840.0 835.0 830.0 825.0 820.0 815.0 9 11 8 7 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tan Silty SAND, fine, slightly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 10.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 5.4 feet. Backfil led with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-10 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 826.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 10 inches HC 821.0 816.0 811.0 806.0 801.0 796.0 7 8 4 3 3 7 RESIDUUM: Firm Brown Sandy CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm Orange Tan SILT with sand, (moist) RESIDUUM: Soft Orange Tan SILT, (moist) RESIDUUM: Soft To Firm Tannish Orange to Orange Brown SILT, highly micaceous, (moist to wet), Wet at approximately 18.5 feet Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 15.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-11 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 846.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 841.0 836.0 831.0 826.0 821.0 816.0 14 11 8 9 7 10 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Orange SILT, with manganese stains, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Red Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) Bong was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.5 feet. ri Bac"lled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_12 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 839.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 25.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 834.0 829.0 824.0 819.0 814.0 809.0 9 10 8 11 6 6 7 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown to Orange SILT, (dry to moist) RESIDUUM: Firm Red to Tannish Orange SILT, with manganese stains, (moist to wet), Wet at approximately 23.5 feet Bong was terminated at 25.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 20.0 feet. ri Bac"lled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-13 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 847.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC HC 842.0 837.0 832.0 827.0 822.0 817.0 14 13 12 9 10 11 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown High Plasticity CLAY with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange SILT with sand, some rock fragments, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tan Sandy SILT, fine, highly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-14 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 852.5 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 848.0 843.0 838 0 833.0 828.0 823.0 818.0 13 14 10 12 6 12 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT, slightly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown to Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Tan to Tannish Orange SILT with sand, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 12.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-15 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 843.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 10.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 6 inches FiC 838.0 833.0 828.0 823.0 818.0 813.0 16 11 8 9 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown to Tannish Orange SILT, (dry to moist) Boring was terminated at 10.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 5.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-16 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 835.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 3 inches HC 830.0 825.0 820.0 815.0 810.0 805.0 12 7 8 13 6 8 RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm Reddish Brown SILT, with manganese stains, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tan SILT with sand, fine, slightly micaceous, with manganese stains, (dry to moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Orange Tan Silty SAND, highly micaceous, (moist) goring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.2 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_17 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 838.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 6 inches HC 833.0 828.0 823.0 818.0 813.0 808.0 20 13 13 8 11 14 RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Red Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Red Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Red to Tannish Gray SILT, moderately micaceous, few manganese stains, trace rock fragments, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_18 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 828.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches HC HC 823.0 818.0 813.0 808.0 803.0 798.0 14 11 8 13 10 10 RESIDUUM: Stiff Red Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, few manganese stains, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Gray SILT, moderately micaceous, trace manganese stains, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Reddish Tan Silty SAND, fine to coarse, some manganese stains, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.0 feet. Backfil led with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_19 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 824.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 25.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 8 inches HC 819.0 814.0 809.0 804.0 799.0 794.0 11 12 9 7 7 5 7 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, slightly micaceous, (moist), Some quartz fragments at approximately 4 feet RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Orange SILT with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm Orange Sandy SILT, with manganese stains, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Orange Brown Silty SAND, fine, with manganese stains, (wet) Boring was terminated at 25.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 21.0 feet. Backfil led with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_20 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 812.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/11/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s 16.8 feet @ 1 days _ (7 a O � J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Lu Q U) > ^ L L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 6 inches FM 807.0 802.0 797.0 792.0 787.0 782.0 7 10 12 9 7 15 RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Brown to Tannish Orange SILT, slightly micaceous, few manganese stains, (moist), Quartz fragments at approximately 20 feet ri Bong was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.4 feet. Bac"lled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_21 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 810.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches HC 805.0 800.0 795.0 790.0 785.0 780.0 10 10 8 13 13 16 RESIDUUM: Stiff Red Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, few rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Tannish Red Silty SAND, fine to medium, trace rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Tannish Brown Sandy SILT, (moist), Sand seam at 18.5 to 20.0 Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.4 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_22 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 798.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 13.5 feet @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 6 inches 793.0 788.0 783.0 778.0 773.0 768.0 11 10 14 8 7 12 RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Tannish Brown Silty SAND, fine to medium, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Grayish Brown SILT, moderately micaceous, (wet) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_23 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 818.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 4 inches HC 813.0 808.0 803.0 798.0 793.0 788.0 10 16 13 17 15 18 RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Grayish Orange Silty SAND, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Grayish Green to Gray Poorly Graded SAND, fine, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.4 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_24 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 806.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 - 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Approximately 6 inches HC x 801.0 - 796.0 791.0 786.0 781.0 776.0 7 14 9 13 10 8 9 9 14 8 RESIDUUM: Firm Red Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, few rock fragments, (moist) /// RESIDUUM: StiffTan Sandy CLAY, (moist) \ \ RESIDUUM: StiffOrange Tan Sandy SILT, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Orange Tan Silty SAND, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 16.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_25 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 791.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 14.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 10.3 feet @ TOB s 8.0 feet @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10—:RESIDUUM: 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Approximately 6 inches _ HC 786.0 781.0 776.0 771.0 766.0 761.0 12 12 9 9 7 10 12 RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy CLAY, trace rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm Tan SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) Loose To Medium Dense Silty SAND, fine to medium, slightly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 14.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 10.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_26 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 816.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 6 inches HC 811.0 806.0 801.0 796.0 791.0 786.0 14 22 14 11 11 14 RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Red Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, trace rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, trace rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Brown SILT, slightly micaceous, trace manganese stains, (moist) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tannish Brown Silty SAND, fine to medium, trace manganese stains, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.0 feet. Backfil led with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_27 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 837.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 10.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 832.0 827.0 822.0 817.0 812.0 807.0 11 11 9 11 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange SILT with sand, moderately micaceous, (dry), With white medium to coarse sand seam at approximately 9.5 to 10 feet Boring was terminated at 10.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 7.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_28 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 849.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 10.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 844.0 839.0 834.0 829.0 824.0 819.0 17 20 10 9 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown SILT, (dry) Boring was terminated at 10.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 6.5 feet. Back 'Iwith soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_29 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 840.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 17.8 feet @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches 835.0 830.0 825.0 820.0 815.0 810.0 11 10 11 6 8 7 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, highly micaceous, (dry) A RESIDUUM: Firm Orange SILT, with manganese stains, (dry to moist) Bong was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 18.2 feet. ri Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-30 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 846.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 841.0 836.0 831.0 826.0 821.0 816.0 13 20 14 11 13 12 RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange SILT with sand, (moist) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tan Silty SAND, moderately micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.6 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-31 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 856.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 851.0 846.0 841.0 836.0 831.0 826.0 16 27 17 18 17 14 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Reddish Brown Silty SAND, fine, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Grayish Tan Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 16.3 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_32 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 800.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 16.7 feet @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches HC 795.0 790.0 785.0 780.0 775.0 770.0 11 10 6 6 12 13 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Moderate Plasticity CLAY with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy Elastic SILT RESIDUUM: Loose Orange Brown Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Orange Brown SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.9 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-33 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 806.5 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches HC 802.0 797 0 792.0 787 0 782.0 777.0 772.0 9 13 10 10 21 19 RESIDUUM: Stiff Tan Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY, trace rockfragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Tannish Orange Silty SAND, fine to medium, trace rock fragments, (moist) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Orange Brown Silty SAND, fine to coarse, trace manganese stains, (wet), Quartz fragments at approximatel 19.5 feet Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 16.8 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-34 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 810.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 6 inches HC 805.0 800.0 795.0 790.0 785.0 780.0 9 14 12 11 10 10 7 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Orange Brown Sandy Elastic SILT, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tannish Orange Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Grayish Tan Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Tan SILT, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 17.3 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-35 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 829.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 25.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 4 inches HC 824.0 819.0 814.0 809.0 804.0 799.0 2 10 7 7 5 6 8 RESIDUUM: Very Soft Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm Grayish Tan Sandy SILT, fine, highly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Firm Grayish Green and Tannish Orange SILT with sand, (moist) Bong was terminated at 25.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 19.0 feet. ri Bac"lled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-36 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 83 1. 0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 4 inches HC 826.0 821.0 816.0 811.0 806.0 801.0 11 11 6 5 8 11 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Tannish Orange to Tan SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry to moist) RESIDUUM: Stiff Grayish Tan Sandy SILT, highly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_37 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 845.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 4 inches HC 840.0 835.0 830.0 825.0 820.0 815.0 15 13 8 7 12 9 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT with sand, moderately micaceous, (dry), With quartz fragments at approximately 4.6 feet RESIDUUM: Firm Orange Brown Sandy SILT, highly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Brown Silty SAND, highly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.8 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_38 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 85 1. 0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/12/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil Grassmat, Approximately 6 inches HC 846.0 841.0 836.0 831.0 826.0 821.0 18 13 10 11 7 28 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Reddish Brown Moderate Plasticity CLAY with sand, slightly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Tannish Orange to Tan Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_39 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 854.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 849.0 844.0 839.0 834.0 829.0 824.0 14 12 8 9 8 23 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Orange Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, trace roots, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Tannish Red Silty SAND, medium, moderately micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Tannish Gray Poorly Graded SAND, fine to medium, slightly micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 14.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-40 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 865.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/14/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 860.0 855.0 850.0 845.0 840.0 835.0 16 9 7 9 9 9 RESIDUUM: Very Stiff Red Moderate Plasticity CLAY, slightly micaceous, trace roots, (dry) RESIDUUM: Firm To Stiff Reddish Orange Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, (moist) RESIDUUM: Loose Tannish Orange Silty SAND, fine to coarse, moderately micaceous, (moist) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.5 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B-41 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 863.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s N/A I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 ,i Topsoil/Grassmat, Approximately 12 inches HC 858.0 853.0 848.0 843.0 838.0 833.0 12 14 11 11 12 9 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Sandy SILT, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose To Medium Dense Purplish Brown Silty SAND, fine, highly micaceous, (dry) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 16.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD B_42 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 817.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: DATE DRILLED: 08/13/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz Dry @ TOB s Dry @ 1 days I—_ L (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) > ^ Lu L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) L a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 4 inches HC 812.0 807.0 802.0 797.0 792.0 787.0 11 17 11 25 20 11 RESIDUUM: Stiff Reddish Brown Elastic SILT, slightly micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Stiff To Very Stiff Grayish Orange Sandy SILT, slightly micaceous, trace rock fragments, (dry) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Orange and Gray Silty SAND, fine to medium, with rock fragments, (dry to wet), Difficult drilling from approximately 14 feet, sample wet at approximately 18.5 feet Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 13.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD S_1 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 784.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Creek approximately at 7 feet below boring location. DATE DRILLED: 08/15/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 7.0 feet @ TOB s 7.0 feet @ 1 days L _ (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Q U) Lu ^ L STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft)LL a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 6 inches s FiC 779.0 774.0 769.0 764.0 759.0 754.0 4 4 5 16 25 29 ALLUVIUM: Soft Reddish Brown and Gray Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, trace organics, (wet) ALLUVIUM: Loose Tannish Gray Well Graded SAND, fine to coarse, (wet) ALLUVIUM: Very StiffTannish Orange Silty SAND, (moist), with clay seams RESIDUUM: Very StiffTannish Brown SILT, slightly micaceous, trace rock fragments, trace manganese stains, trace organics, (wet) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 10.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. Pine Forest II PROJECT: Statesville, North Carolina PROJECT No.: ELEVATION: DRILLING METHOD: HR32.300 785.0 Feet Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY: BORING DEPTH: DRILL RIG: Tyler Wenner 20.0 Feet Diedrich D50 DATE DRILLED: WATER LEVEL: 08/16/19 Sz 12.0 feet @ TOB s N/A 0 Q O SOIL DESCRIPTION ry stained clay seam at approximately 4 feet 5 organ RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tan Well Graded SAND, medium to coarse, (moist) 10 RESIDUUM: Dense Grayish Tan Silty SAND, fine, trace rock fragments, (moist) 15 20 ng was 25 30 n TEST BORING RECORD S-4 AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. Creek approximately at 5 feet below boring location. w w Q W J J aLu Q > Lu w STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) LL m 10 30 50 7090 780.0 775.0 9 10 30 25 770.0 HC N� 765.0 760.0 755.0 Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES ESP 44 45 PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD S_5 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 783.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. Creek approximately at 5 feet below boring location. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 10.5 feet @ TOB s N/A _ (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Lu Q U) > ^ W STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) W a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, Approximately 10 inches HC 778.0 773.0 768.0 763.0 758.0 753.0 4 8 15 11 13 33 ALLUVIUM: Very Loose Tan Silty SAND, fine, trace rootlets, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose To Dense Grayish Tan to Tannish Gray Silty SAND, fine to coarse, moderately micaceous, with rock fragments, (moist to wet) Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 16.7 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. PROJECT: Pine Forest II Statesville, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD S_6 PROJECT No.: HR32.300 ELEVATION: 789.0 Feet DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger AUGER I.D.: 4.25 in DRILLING COMPANY: Saedacco LOGGED BY: Tyler Wenner BORING DEPTH: 20.0 Feet DRILL RIG: Diedrich D50 NOTES: Backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns. Creek approximately at 10 feet below boring location. DATE DRILLED: 08/16/19 WATER LEVEL: Sz 14.0 feet @ TOB s N/A _ (7 a O ry J (D SOIL DESCRIPTION w w > Lu J Lu Q U) > ^ W STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA (Blows/ft) W a m 10 30 50 7090 5 10 15 20 25 30 Topsoil, A proximately 4 inches HC ® 784.0 779.0 774.0 769.0 764.0 759.0 11 15 19 7 50/0.2 FILL: Stiff Orange Brown Sandy Moderate Plasticity CLAY, trace rootlets, (dry to moist) RESIDUUM: Medium Dense Tan Silty SAND, fine to coarse, moderately micaceous, (dry) RESIDUUM: Loose Tan Silty SAND, fine, moderately micaceous, (moist) PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK: When Sampled Becomes Grayish Tan Well Graded SAND, medium to coarse, with rock fragments, (dry), Unable to sample soil from 18.5 to 20 feet potentially due to distorted augers due to subsurface rocks. Boring was terminated at 20.0 feet. Cave-in depth at 15.0 feet. Backfilled with soil. Page 1 of 1 ELEVATIONS ARE DESIGNATED FOR COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY. ELEVATIONS AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM AVAILABLE SITE DATA. ELEVATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED AND ARE NOT ACCURATE. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS OF THE SOIL TYPES ENCOUNTERED AT BOREHOLE LOCATIONS. ESP DO NOT USE DEPTH MEASUREMENTS FOR DETERMINATION OF DISTANCES OR QUANTITIES. TABLE I - BORING SUMMARY Boring ID Depth of Surface (Topsoil) Layer m y ( ) Approximate Depth of Existing Fill (ft) Approximate Depth of Existing Alluvium (ft) Depth Range of Residual Soft Soils (N<7 bpf) (ft) Depth Range of Moderate to High Plasticity or Elastic Soils ft O Approximate Depth to Top of Partially Weathered Rock or Layers ft Y O Termination of Boring Water Level Measurement (ft) Termination of Boring Cave in Measurement (ft) Subsequent Water Level Measurement (ft) Subsequent Cave in Measurment (ft) Boring Termination Depth (ft) B- 01 8 0.7-3.5 Dry 5.4 Dry 5 10 B- 02 8 0.7-3.5 Dry 13.9 Dry 13.5 20 B-03 5 3.5-13.5 Dry 14.3 Dry 14 20 B- 04 12 1-6 Dry 15 Dry 15 20 B- 05 6 3.5 Dry 14.7 Dry 14.5 20 B- 06 12 8.5-18.5 1-3.5 Dry 14.7 Dry 14.5 20 B- 07 12 1-8.5 Dry 13.6 Dry 13.6 20 B- 08 12 1-6 Dry 17.3 Dry 17 20 B- 09 12 1-3.5 Dry 5.4 Dry 5.4 10 B-10 10 6-18.5 Dry 15.7 Dry 15.5 20 B-11 12 1-6 Dry 14.6 Dry 14.5 20 B-12 12 13.5-23.5 1-3.5 Dry 20.4 Dry 20 25 B-13 12 1-6 Dry 13 Dry 13 20 B-14 12 13.5-18.5 1-6 Dry 12.4 Dry 12 20 B-15 6 Dry 5.5 Dry 5 10 B-16 3 0.3-6 Dry 14.7 Dry 14.2 20 B-17 6 0.5-6 Dry 17.2 Dry 17 20 B-18 6 0.5-3.5 Dry 17 Dry 17 20 B-19 8 18.5-23.5 0.7-6 Dry 21.6 Dry 21 25 B-20 6 Dry 17.8 16.8 17.4 20 B-21 6 Dry 17.9 Dry 17.4 20 B-22 6 13.5 17.7 10 14 20 B-23 4 0.3-6 Dry 14 Dry 13.4 20 B-24 6 0.5-2 Dry 16.7 Dry 16.5 20 B-25 6 10.3 11.5 8 10 14 B-26 6 0.5-6 Dry 17.7 Dry 17 20 B-27 12 1-3.5 Dry 7.5 * * 10 B-28 12 1-6 Dry 6.5 * * 10 B-29 6 8.5-13.5 0.5-3.5 17.8 18.2 * * 20 B-30 12 1-13.5 Dry 17.6 * * 20 B-31 12 1-3.5 Dry 16.3 * * 20 B-32 6 6-13.5 0.5-3.5 16.7 17.9 * * 20 B-33 6 0.5-3.5 Dry 17 Dry 16.8 20 B-34 6 3.5-6 Dry 17.3 * * 20 B-35 4 1-3.5, 13.5-23.5 Dry 19.1 Dry 19 25 B-36 4 6-13.5 0.3-3.5 Dry 14.3 Dry 14 20 B-37 4 0.3-6 Dry 14 Dry 13.8 20 B-38 6 0.5-3.5 Dry 14.5 Dry 14 20 B-39 12 1-3.5 Dry 14.3 Dry 14 20 B-40 12 1-3.5 Dry 13.8 Dry 13.5 20 B-41 12 1-3.5 Dry 16 Dry 13 20 B-42 4 0.3-3.5 Dry 13.6 Dry 13.6 20 S-1 6 13.5 6-8.5 8.5-13.5 7 16.2 7 10 20 S-4 8 6 12 16.3 * * 20 S-5 10 3.5 1-3.5 10.5 16.7 * * 20 S-6 4 3.5 13.5 14 15 * * 20 Note: All depths are approximate and based on the associated Test Boring Record. *Boring locations were backfilled at termination of boring due to safety concerns (see associated Test Boring Record). U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER 4 2 1 1/2 3 6 10 16 30 50 100 200 100 6 1.2%. 8 14 20 40 60 140 1 � 90 80 70 - ' 3 60 m 1 - cc Z 50 Z 40 ' - 1 1 � 30 ' - 1 1 20 ' - 10 - 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MM GRAVEL SAND COBBLE SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine Specimen Identification Classification LL PL PI Cc Cu ■ B-13 (1.0-2.5') Fat clay with sand CH 70 32 38 ♦ B-23 (1.0-2.5') Elastic silt MH 79 39 40 B-32 (3.5-5.0') Sandy elastic silt MH 64 34 30 • B-33 (3.5-5.0') Sandy lean clay CL 47 25 22 B-6 (6.0-7.5') Silty sand SM NP Specimen Identification D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt I %Clay ■ B-13 (1.0-2.5') 4.7 23.2 76.8 ♦ B-23 (1.0-2.5') 9.5 0.1 13.9 86.0 B-32 (3.5-5.0') 4.7 32.8 67.2 • B-33 (3.5-5.0') 19.0 0.1 1.0 42.9 56.1 B-6 (6.0-7.5') 4.7 0.3 0.1 70.5 29.5 Grainsize Requirement Limits: NA GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 3475 Lakemont Boulevard Address: Fort Mill, SC 29708 Project: Pine Forest II Number: HR32.300 Telephone: 803-802-2440 Lab Technician: aprivette Project Manager: The test results shown are specific to the specimen/sample numbers tested, as noted above. 1 of 1 60 P L A S T 40 I C 1 30 T Y I N D E 10 X CL-ML CL ML CH MH 0 40 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification LL PL PI Fines Classification B-13 (1.0-2.5') 70 32 38 76.8 Fat clay with sand CH ♦ B-23 (1.0-2.5') 79 39 40 86.0 Elastic silt MH B-32 (3.5-5.0') 64 34 30 67.2 Sandy elastic silt MH B-33 (3.5-5.0') 47 25 22 56.1 Sandy lean clay CL B-6 (6.0-7.5') NIP NIP NIP 29.5 Silty sand SM B-8 (6.0-7.5') 54 33 21 72.1 Elastic silt with sand MH Address: ESP Telephone: 3475 Lakemont Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29708 803-802-2440 ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS Project: Pine Forest II Number: HR32.300 Lab Technician: aprivette Project Manager: The test results shown are specitic to the specimen/sample numbers tested, as noted above. 1 of 1 APPENDIX II willcox&mabe SOI L SOLUTIONS August 16, 2019 ESP Associates, Inc. 3475 Lakemont Road Fort Mill, South Carolina 29708 Attention: Mr. C. Tyler Wenner, PG Reference: Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) Soil Testing Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation Proposed SCMs Pine Forest — Amity Hill Road, Iredell County, NC Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Project No. 16-06; Phase: 28 Dear Mr. Wenner: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC (WMSS) has conducted Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) Soil Testing in accordance with ESP Associates, Inc. (ESP) Subcontract Agreement dated January 11, 2019, and WMSS Subcontract Work Authorization No. 12- 19 dated June 4, 2019. The SCM Soil Testing was performed to provide information for technical assistance with the design of proposed SCMs. A soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate the soil properties at two locations being considered for possible SCMs, to determine suitability for stormwater management systems. The soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate: seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevations below existing ground surface. A "Site Plan" was provided to WMSS by ESP that identified relative site features and potential location for the proposed SCMs. PROJECT BACKGROUND The areas evaluated were located within the areas associated with planned SCMs. The SCMs are planned in conjunction with proposed site improvements associated with the Pine Forest -Amity Hill Road site (residential development) in Iredell County, North Carolina. The site is located south of Amity Hill Road, southeast of the intersection of Amity Hill Road and Moose Club Road (Figure 1). The proposed SCM locations are located within wooded areas within the proposed development site (Figure 2). Use of on -site stormwater management systems, is being considered to comply with stormwater management requirements. The use of stormwater SCMs is subject to the suitability of site soils and regulatory approval. Regulatory guidance on requirements for permitting of stormwater SCMs is provided in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) — Stormwater Design Manual (NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM), (Revised, 2017). The NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM requires that the SHWT shall be taken into consideration for the design of most SCMs. Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC / 7231 B Summerfield Road / Summerfield, NC 27358 / Rob 336.339.9128 or Martin 336.312.1396 / www.willcoxmabesoil.com SHWT Evaluation Pine Forest, Amity Hill Road WMSS Project No. 16-06; Phase: 28 August 16, 2019 WMSS conducted an evaluation of the soils through the review of drill rig borings, within areas identified by ESP which were located in the field by ESP. Maps were prepared using Arcview 10.7 a Geographic Information System (GIS). Base maps were generated using information from the ESRI Web site and maps provided by ESP (Figures 1 and 2). FINDINGS Seasonal High Water Table Evaluation The SHWT evaluation was performed on August 15, 2019 by evaluating two drill rig borings (Locations B-24 and B-25), to depths ranging from 14 to 20 feet below the existing ground surface (bgs) (Figure 2). The soils were evaluated by a NC Licensed Soil Scientist for evidence of seasonal high water table influence. This evaluation involved observing the actual moisture content in the soil and observing the matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate processes that are driven by SHWT fluctuations such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. Location B-24 was observed to consist of sandy clay loam texture in the upper soil horizon, to clay to clay loam in the subsurface horizons. Location B-24 transitioned into massive structure (parent material / saprolite) at approximately 52 inches bgs that consisted of loam texture to 240 inches bgs where the boring was terminated. No evidence of a SHWT or apparent water table (AWT) was observed to a depth of 240 inches bgs. Location B-25 was observed to consist of sandy clay loam texture in the upper soil horizon, to sandy clay loam in the subsurface horizons. Location B-25 transitioned into massive structure (parent material / saprolite) at approximately 30 inches bgs that varied from clay loam, loam to sandy loam texture to 172 inches bgs where the boring was terminated. Evidence of a SHWT was observed at 120 inches bgs and an AWT was observed at a depth of approximately 124 inches bgs. Reference attached Figure 2 for the approximate SHWT test locations, and Table 1 and the attached soil profile descriptions for the approximated SHWT and AWT depths. Please note that SHWT evaluations are based on secondary evidence and not on direct groundwater level measurements. Groundwater levels fluctuate for numerous reasons and these findings do not indicate that groundwater levels have not or will not rise above the noted depths. SHWT Evaluation Pine Forest, Amity Hill Road Table 1: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths WMSS Project No. 16-06; Phase: 28 August 16, 2019 Seasonal High Water Table Apparent Water Table Boring Location (SHWT) (AWT) (inches bgs) (inches bgs) Location B-24 >240 >240 Location B-25 120 124 CONCLUSIONS Based upon our findings associated with the locations evaluated, no SHWT or AWT was observed associated with Location B-24, and a SHWT was identified at approximately 120 inches bgs and an AWT was observed at approximately 124 inches bgs at Location B- 25. These findings should be taken into careful consideration when designing appropriate SCMs for the proposed locations. CLOSING Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions appreciates the opportunity to provide these services to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC A. -44&z6r� Martin Mabe Rob Willcox, L.S.S. Agronomist Soil Scientist Tables: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths Attachments: Figure 1 —Vicinity Map Figure 2 — Boring Location Map Boring Profile Sheets Shared\WMSS Projects\2016\16-06 ESP Associates\Phase 28 - Amity Hill Road\16-06 Pine Forest -Amity Hill Road SCM Soil Report.doc 6 LL (6 a (6 O T Q Ile All 49 Al Af Amity Hill _ I •. ww. w�i �� l . Arlo "I lC 4 1 I, r V • aye �, , - ; f� �'�I � I,. S � i ® Boring Location Property Boundary SCALE: 1 rr = 400 r DATE: 08-16-19 'r +ri' DRAWN BY: MEM " II " O &' " n'Ju SC IL SOLUTI DNS - x � E N a T t I `o � a ro REFERENCE: GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM ESRI AND IREDELL COUNTY GIS. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN, LEGAL, OR ANY OTHER USES. o THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. WMSS, PLLC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. 16 FIGURE NO. 0 N .6 U BORING LOCATION MAP (6 b 2 PINE FOREST -AMITY HILL ROAD IREDELL COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WILLCOX & MABE SOIL SOLUTIONS, PLLC SITE/SOIL EVALUATION Project No. l%D-6 b �2� Phone No. Location PINE I* ES T Pin '4M / n'l Hia ED . Proposed Facility: Bh1 P Water Supply: Described By: /Cp6 PVI[.1C01- Weather: f-b'T Antecedent Moisture Date: '? l l S % 6 County: Property Size Dells 0 On -Site Well ❑ Evaluation: Auger Boring Community ❑ Pit Public ❑ Cut 1 i Surface Water: FACTORS PROFILE - 2 4- PROFILE PROFILE S- PROFILE cn n Landscape Position % L ` 47o ` Horizon Depth I 0 _ Color Munsell 1,0ele 4 ¢ 2 Texture SC C Structure r Consistence AS J610S Boundary Horizon Depth II - 2 - A 1'2 Z Color-Munsell 7,s L 64 51g P (Srg MLd -I' Texture C_ i C Mottles _ ta/60 _ Structure y�/Sb e q55; ve e— Consistence S5 $ SS S f y*" ? 'Pyw eh&u ; ck / - SA C a Boundary Horizon Depth III r - 2 , 4 Color - Munsell S 4 M Ld 1 17. SpeS Texture 1 C Mottles — — Structure $ C /DVS S '✓e Consistence S 5 5 S S 5S S F' r1/ lkk Boundary Horizon Depth IV 36 - D - I2 v Color - Munsell17,g 4 Texture LI Mottles G 5 i C . — Structure SAC AM45 l VP Ma S SV e Consistence P ' -k /�o r Ktig Boundary Soil Wetness > ¢ rl 2D li Restrictive Horizon Saprolite LTAR Classification K/ _ I �r LEGEND LANDSCAPE POSITION R Ridge Interfluve S Shoulder L Linear Slope FS Foot Slope N Nose Slope H Head Slope Cc Concave Slope Cv Convex Slope T Terrace P Flood Plain TEXTURE s sand Is loamy sand sl sandy loam I loam si silt sil silt loam sicl silty clay loam cl clay loam scl sandy clay loam sc sandy clay sic silty clay c clay CONSISTENCE WET Ns non -sticky Ss slightly sticky S sticky Vs very sticky Np non -plastic Sp slightly plastic P plastic Vp very plastic MOIST vfr Very friable fr friable fi firm vfi Very firm STRUCTURE sg single grain m massive cr crumb gr granular sbk subangular blocky abk angular blocky PI Plat' pr prismatic Raleigh 2200 Gateway Centre Blvd. Suite 216 Morrisville, NC 27560 919.678.1070 Columbia 271 1 Alpine Rd. Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29223 803.705.2229 #)ESP ESP Corporate Office 3475 Lakemont Blvd. Fort Mill, SC 29708 803.802.2440 Mailing PO Box 7030 Charlotte, NC 28241 Greensboro Concord 701 1 Albert Pick Rd. 7144 Weddington Rd., NW Suite E Suite 1 10 Greensboro, NC 27409 Concord, NC 28027 336.334.7724 704.793.9855 Charleston Wilmington 2154 North Center St. 211 Racine Dr. Suite E-503 Suite 101 North Charleston, SC 29406 Wilmington, NC 28403 843.714.2040 910.313.6648 Lake Norman 20484 Chartwell Center Dr. Suite D Cornelius, NC 28031 704.990.9428 Indianapolis 8673 Bash St. Indianapolis, IN 46256 317.537.6979 Bradenton Nashville Pittsburgh 518 1 311 Street West 500 Wilson Pike Cir. One Williamsburg PI. Bradenton, FL 34205 Suite 310 Suite G-5, Box 13 941.345.5451 Brentwood, TN 37024 Warrendale, PA 15086 615.760.8300 878.332.2163 800.960.7317 www.espassociates.com