North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory
Jeffrey L. Hudson, County Manager
Meadowview Road County Landfill
4024 Richlands Highway
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Dear Permittee:
Donald R. van der Vaart
August 7, 2015
AUG 07 2615
Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit
Correction to COC
Meadowview Road County Landfill
COC Number NCG120023
Onslow County
We were alerted that the receiving water shown on your Certificate of Coverage (COC) was incorrect. We have
revised our permit files and records to reflect the correction, and we are sending you a revised COC. The COC
now notes the receiving waters as "Southwest Creek, a class C;NSW stream, in the White Oak River Basin."
Previously the COC showed Blue Creek as the receiving water —a mistake carried over from when the permit
was originally issued.
On August 41h, Mr. Daniel Forbes submitted a request on your behalf to add a new stormwater discharge outfall
location for the new vehicle maintenance facility (VMF) being constructed later this year. Because the VMF is
part of the landfill site covered under your current NPDES discharge permit, there is no need to modify your
permit. Please revise all appropriate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan documents, site plans, secondary
containment records, and monitoring protocols to include discharges from the new stormwater outfall
associated with this facility, and abide by all other applicable permit conditions in General Permit NCG120000.
The effective date of renewed permit coverage (December 12, 2012) remains the same; however, this COC
reflects the date of the correction. Please replace the COC with the attached document. If you have any
questions regarding this correction, please contact me at (919) 807-6372.
Bethany g eor oulias
Environmental Engineer,
Stormwater Permitting Program
cc: DWR Central Files
Stormwater Permitting Program Files
Raleigh Regional Office
Daniel H. Forbes / CDM Smith, Inc. / 5400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400 / Raleigh, NC 27612
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Energy Section - Geological Survey Section • Land Quality Section
512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 • Internet: http_Nportal.ncdenr.org_lwebflr/
Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-92001 FAX: 919-715-8801
An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper
In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful
standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental
Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,
Onslow County
is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at
Meadowview Road County Landfill
415 Meadowview Rd
Onslow County
to receiving waters designated as Southwest Creek, a class QNSW water in the White Oak
River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other
conditions set forth in Parts 1,11, I11, and IV of General Permit No. NCG120000 as attached.
This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 7, 2015.
This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit.
Signed this 7th day of August 2015.
� �v �.. ��,
for Tracy E. DaW, P.E., CPM
Director, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
NPDES Stormwater Permit Contacts Summary
NC DEMLR has the followine contact information in our Permit Database for your permit as of 81712015.
Permit Number: NCG120023
Permit Type: Landfill Stormwater poscha[ge CO
Facility Name: Meadawvjew Road CgunlyLandfill
Facility Addressl: 415 Meadowview Rd
Facility Address2:
City, State & Zip: Jacksonville. NC 28540
Owner Information j?stam-sl
MUST submit a Change of Name/Ownership form to DEMLR to make any changes to this Owner information.
See "Miscellaneous Forms" at jigwI/oortal.ncdenr.ora/web/Ir/nodes-stormwater
Owner Name: Onslow County
Owner Type: Government - County Owner Type Group: Oroanization
*** Legally Responsible for Permit***
(Responsible corporate officer/principle executive officer or ranidng elected ofNcial/general partner or proprietor,
or any other person with delegated signatory authority from the legally responsible person.)
Owner Affiliation: Jeffrey Lee Hudson Title: Cg nty. Manager
Addressl: 4 24 RiWands Hwv
City, State & Zip: Jacksonville, NC 28540
Work Phone: 910-347-4717 Fax: 910-455-7878
Email Address: Jeff Hudson,@onslowcountvnc.aoy
Owner Contact Person(s)
Contact Name Mfg Address Phone fJu Email
Facility Contact Person(s)
Contact Name rift Address Phone E" 1010
Scott Bost Division Head 415 Meadowview Rd, Jacksonville, NC 910-989-2107 Scott_Bost@onslowc
28540 ountync.gov
Permit Contact Person(s)
Col3tact Nam rlt Add Ph4ns+ fax Email
Scott Bost Division Head 415 Meadowview Rd, Jacksonville, NC 910-989-2107 Scott_Bost@onslowc
28540 ountync.gov
Permit Billing Contact
Contact Name rig Address Phone fax Email
Scott Bost 415 Meadowview Rd, Jacksonville, NC 910-989-2107 Scott_Bost@onslowc
28540 ou ntync.gov
8/7/2015 Page
Georgoulias, Bethany
From: Georgoulias, Bethany
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 10:31 AM
To: 'Forbes, Daniel'
Cc: Alexander, Laura
Subject: RE: Onslow County Landfill - Stormwater Monitoring for New Vehicle Maintenance
Attachments: NCG120023_COC-Cove rLtr 7Aug2015.pdf
Hi Dan,
Attached is a copy of the revised Certificate of Coverage and a cover letter, addressed to Mr. Jeffrey Hudson (County
Manager, listed as the legally responsible person for this permit). If there has been a change to that, let me know so
that I can revise the letter before I send out the original signed copy to Mr. Hudson. This e-mail attachment will serve
as your copy.
Best regards,
Bethany Georgoulias, Envii-ownental Engineer
NCDENR / Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting Program
1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
919 / 807-6372 (phone); 919 / 807-6494 (fax)
Website: http://Portal.nedenr.org/web/Ir/stonnwater
E-mail correspondence to and from this address mqv he subject to dre North Carolina Public Records law and may he disclosed io lhlyd parties.
From: Forbes, Daniel mailto:Forbes D cdmsmith.comI
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 1:58 PM
To: Georgoulias, Bethany
Subject: RE: Onslow County Landfill - Stormwater Monitoring for New Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Blue Creek is not correct. The attached map shows Blue Creek south of the landfill parcel. The COC should be corrected
to show Southwest Creek. Outfalls 1 and 2 discharge to an unnamed tributary of Southwest Creek. Outfall 3 discharges
to a former borrow pit and that discharge never leaves the site. You can see this borrow pit immediately adjacent to
Outfall 3 in Figure 1 provided with the letter I sent. Stormwater from the VMF will be collected in the perimeter drainage
channel of the south closed unlined landfill where it will ultimately be discharged to the unnamed tributary for
Southwest Creek.
Thanks for reviewing this quickly!
From: Georgoulias, Bethany[mailto:bethany.georeoulias(@ncdenr.gov)
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 11:45 AM
To: Forbes, Daniel <ForbesD@cdmsmith.com>
Subject: RE: Onslow County Landfill - Stormwater Monitoring for New Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Hi Dan,
I pulled the permit file for this one, and I noticed that the Certificate of Coverage does not include Southwest Creek. It
lists Blue Creek (Class SC; NSW). Attached is the electronic copy of the renewal COC.
Is that correct? I can't tell for certain from the aerial, but I think you said the new VMF outfall would ultimately
discharge to the same waters as the other three active outfalls do today. Does Southwest Creek need to be added to
the COC, or does the COC need to be corrected because Blue Creek is not correct? It might be that the wrong stream is
affiliated with this permit in our database.
Belharly Georgoulias, Environmental Engineer
NCDENR / Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Stormwater Permitting Program
1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
9191807-6372 (phone); 919 1807-6494 (fax)
Website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/stonnwater
E-mail correspondence to and from this address imm be subject to the North Carolina Public Records law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Forbes, Daniel fmailto:ForbesD@)cdmsmith.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2015 4:50 PM
To: Georgoulias, Bethany
Subject: Onslow County Landfill - Stormwater Monitoring for New Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Hi Bethany,
Please find the attached letter requesting the addition of a Stormwater monitoring outfall location for the new vehicle
maintenance facility under the existing NPDES General Permit for the Subtitle D Landfill. Please review and let me know
if you have any questions.
Per our conversation yesterday, the County has to have all permits by August 141h in accordance with the requirements
of the grant received for the new vehicle maintenance facility. I know that their existing NPDES General Permit will not
be revised because of the addition of this outfall but please provide a letter or email approving the new outfall location
and associated monitoring schedule by Friday, if possible.
Thanks again for your help with this!
Daniel Forbes I Geologist I CDM Smithl 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400
Raleigh, NC 27612 1 T: 919-325-3566 1 C: 919-943-2346 1 www.edmsmith.com
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory
Jeffrey L. Hudson, County Manager
Meadowview Road County Landfill
4024 Richlands Highway
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Dear Permittee:
Donald R. van der Vaart
August 7, 2015
Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit
Correction to COC
Meadowview Road County Landfill
COC Number NCG120023
Onslow County
We were alerted that the receiving water shown on your Certificate of Coverage (COC) was incorrect We have
revised our permit files and records to reflect the correction, and we are sending you a revised COC. The COC
now notes the receiving waters as "Southwest Creek, a class QNSW stream, in the White Oak River Basin."
Previously the COC showed Blue Creek as the receiving water —a mistake carried over from when the permit
was originally issued.
On August 4th, Mr. Daniel Forbes submitted a request on your behalf to add a new stormwater discharge outfall
location for the new vehicle maintenance facility (VMF) being constructed later this year. Because the VMF is
part of the landfill site covered under your current NPDES discharge permit, there is no need to modify your
permit. Please revise all appropriate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan documents, site plans, secondary
containment records, and monitoring protocols to include discharges from the new stormwater outfall
associated with this facility, and abide by all other applicable permit conditions in General Permit NCG120000.
The effective date of renewed permit coverage (December 12, 2012) remains the same; however, this COC
reflects the date of the correction. Please replace the COC with the attached document if you have any
questions regarding this correction, please contact me at (919) 807-6372.
Bethany A, eorgoulias
Environmental Engineer,
Stormwater Permitting Program
cc: DWR Central Files
Stormwater Permitting Program Files
Raleigh Regional Office
Daniel H. Forbes / CDM Smith, Inc. / 5400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400 / Raleigh, NC 27612
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Energy Section - Geological Survey Section - Land Quality Section
512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 - Internet: http://portal,ncdenr.crg/web/ir/
Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612.919-707-9200 / FAX: 919-715-8801
An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper
In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful
standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental
Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,
Onslow County
is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at
Meadowview Road County Landfill
415 Meadowview Rd
Onslow County
to receiving waters designated as Southwest Creek, a class QNSW water in the White Oak
River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other
conditions set forth in Parts 1,1I,111, and IV of General Permit No. NCG120000 as attached.
This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 7, 2015.
This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit.
Signed this It" day of August 2015.
for Tracy E. Dam, P.E., CPM
Director, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
�C M
5400 Glenwood Ave, Suite 400
Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
tel: 919 325-3500
fax: 919 781-5730
August 4, 2015
Ms. Bethany Georgoulias
North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699
Subject: Stormwater Monitoring for New Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Onslow County Solid Waste Facility
Dear Ms. Georgoulias:
CDM Smith Inc. (CDM Smith), on behalf of Onslow County (County), is submitting this request to add a
stormwater outfall monitoring location for the new vehicle maintenance facility (VMF) under the
existing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)'General Permit (Certificate of
Coverage Number: NCG120023) for the Subtitle D Landfill. The General Permit was issued on November
1, 2012, and will expire on October 31, 2017. A background summary of the existing NPDES monitoring
program, VMF outfall details, and an estimated monitoring schedule are detailed below.
The Onslow County Solid Waste Facility consists of two closed unlined landfills (Permit Number 67-05),
an active Subtitle D landfill (Permit Number 67-09), a materials recycling facility operated by a private
company, and administrative and vehicle/equipment maintenance buildings. Stormwater runoff from
the Subtitle D landfill is captured in a perimeter drainage ditch and channeled to three sedimentation
basins located around the landfill. The runoff is eventually discharged through outfalls (Outfalis 1
through -3) located at each sedimentation basin. Stormwater samples are collected semi-annually from
the outfalls and analyzed for chemical oxygen demand, fecal coliform, and total suspended solids in
accordance with the General Permit. A site map showing the outfall locations is provided on Figure 1.
A compliance inspection was conducted by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on January 23, 2013, to
evaluate the County's request to remove Outfall 1 from the monitoring program and to ensure
compliance with their NPDES permit. Outfall 1 discharges stormwater runoff from the partially closed
portion of the Subtitle D landfill. The partial closure, from bottom to top, consists of a minimum 12-inch
thick intermediate soil cover layer (also serving as the cap liner system subgrade), gas venting
geocomposite drainage net (CDN), textured 40-mil linear low density polyethylene geomembrane,
stormwater management CDN, a minimum 18-inch thick protective soil cover layer, and a minimum
6-inch vegetative soil cover layer to promote grass growth and help stabilize slopes. Based on the
Ms. Bethany Georgoulias
August 4, 2015
Page 2
inspection results, the County was found to be in compliance with their NPDES permit and granted
representative outfall status for Outfall 1, which eliminated collecting stormwater samples
semi-annually at this location. Qualitative monitoring continues to be performed for Outfall 1 in
accordance with the permit conditions.
Samples collected from Outfall 3 during the 2014 semi-annual sampling events had detections of fecal
coliform and chemical oxygen demand above their respective benchmark value. These benchmark
exceedances were related to washouts on the east side slope of the active portion of the Subtitle D
landfill. In response to the benchmark value exceedances, the County implemented Tier One and Two
responses. The County has been performing Tier Two monitoring (monthly) for Outfall 3 since January
2015 and will continue until three consecutive sampling events are below the benchmark values.
Vehicle Maintenance Facility Outfall
The County is preparing to construct a new VMF that will service County and landfill vehicles and
equipment. The VMF will include a new access road and parking area as shown on Figure 2. Stormwater
runoff from the new VMF will be monitored at Outfall VMF as shown on Figure 1 in accordance with the
General Permit. Stormwater samples will be collected semi-annually from the outfall and analyzed for
non -polar oil & grease using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 1664 and total suspended
solids using Standard Method 2540D. All samples will be analyzed by a North Carolina certified
laboratory. Stormwater pH will be measured during each sampling event. Sampling results, including
total precipitation as measured from an on -site rain gauge and an estimate of the volume of new motor
and hydraulic oil on -site for each sampling event, will be maintained with the operating records for the
landfill. Qualitative monitoring results will also be maintained.
Stormwater runoff from the new VMF will be collected in a drainage channel located around the
perimeter of the south closed unlined landfill as shown on Figure 3. Stormwater in the drainage channel
flows to a former borrow pit.(D_ischarge from the.former borrow pit is to an unnamed-tributary_ofi
CSouthwest Creek. Southwest,Creek is approximatelyr5;100_feet west of'the western property boundary.
Monitoring Schedule
Construction activities for the new VMF are estimated to begin in the fall or winter of 2015 and will
likely be completed in the spring or summer of 2016. Preliminary grading activities and the installation
of erosion and sedimentation control measures began in July 2015. Semi-annual sampling activities -will
begin when there is more than 55 gallons of new motor or hydraulic oil on -site when averaged over the
calendar year (660 gallons).
Stormwater monitoring for the existing VMF is not performed because the volume of new motor or
hydraulic oil that is used does not average more than 55 gallons a month over the calendar year. The
County anticipates using the existing VMF for new motor and hydraulic oil storage in the fall of 2015.
r M-4
F n
MW-2 and -2a -
` M-2
MW-6 w �; M-3a
.• v � � r i r'ry
- -4a
M-6 -
Outfall 1
r �
M-4 .. ' ,. M-2a
M W-5
'� � M-5
+.. �.
MW-1s and -1
North Closed Unlined 1• M-1
M-6 Category 1 Landfill
� M-1
New VMF� a
(location approxi-m�t""`r r .
MW-s South Closed
M-8 Unlined Landfill
M-9 . ` MW-9 Proposed Outfall VMF
i I�W-6
W ,
M-14 a
SW-3 M-10 --- —•
,ry M-13
Ms. Bethany Georgoulias
August 4, 2015
Page 3
The drainage area for the existing VMF is the same as the new facility (See Figure 3). Stormwater runoff
from the existing VMF will be monitored from the same outfall (Outfall VMF) that monitors runoff from
the new VHF.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at
(919) 325-3500.
Daniel H. Forbes
CDM Smith, Inc.
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Pickle, Ken
From: Pickle, Ken
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 11:17 AM
To: Willis, Linda
Subject: 'RE: Onslow County Landfill - NPDES Monitoring Program Modification Request
Hi Linda,
Thanks for copying me. Per our discussions earlier, I think we are in the right place here with your
directions to the consultant and the County. Onslow County is requesting removal of Outfall No. 1 from
coverage under their COC, NCG120023. If you or I get any further contact on this point, I think I'd like to
clarify my thinking in preparation for that contact. Just so we are prepared. From a permitting
standpoint, I'd clarify my perspective on the several issues raised by the consultant as follows:
1. Beginning point: Federal NPDES regs require a permit for stormwater discharges from industrial
activity areas at landfills. Onslow County holds our NCG120 permit, and is obligated to monitor the
outfalls, and comply with the Tier and benchmark provisions. Onslow has asked DWQ for a
relaxation of monitoring obligations.
2. Within our General Permit NCG120 there are some provisions that allow relaxed monitoring
a. We can „grant representative outfall status if we concur that it is appropriate. Onslow
County has not requested representative outfall status in this letter.
b. We can grant relief from monthly monitoring under Tier 2 if we think continued
monitoring is not helping solve a mystery, or if continued monitoring is not moving the
permittee closer to a solution for reducing polluted discharges. Onslow County is requesting
we relieve them of monthly, and really all, sampling from Outfall 1. My perspective:
Onslow County has not done enough monitoring to solve a mystery, or to prompt them to
attempt to address the fecal discharges. The data set accumulated is small, and the
reporting of the test results is flawed (i.e., `greater than'). The consultant has just jumped
to the cause he thinks is likely, and the solution that he thinks avoids further costs: wildlife
is the cause, and his low cost solution is do nothing and stop tesj . He has asserted these
conclusions, but he has not presented.a persuasive case for these conclusions.
c. And we can eliminate the regulation of portions of landfills that are closed under
past policy of our program, under which we interpret that those closed portions of landfills
are no longer engaged in active industrial activity, and so are not under NPDES regulations
for stormwater permitting, and so are not subject to the provisions of the NCG120.
Although the argument presented by the consultant is not sharply focused, this is his best
point. But, it's not quite a strong enough point.
i. Looking at the cap system described in the letter for the Partially Closed portion:
it's 36" of soil in three layers with the top vegetated, a gas vent system, and a
shallow infiltration collection and discharge system. This is a very good (and I
presume a FINAL) cover, ie the one that DWM will require over the whole site,
eventually. So, under our implementation of the federal NPDES rules, we really
could consider that portion of the landfill as closed, and its discharges as no longer
ii. Except that these flows from the very good Partially Closed portion commingle
with the flows from the TemRorarily Closed portion, and the engineer provides
no description of the closure for the Temporarily Closed portion. Instead, he reports
that that portion is slated for future expansion. It discharges to Outfall No. 1.
Outfall No. 1 therefore is receiving flow from a portion of the facility that has not yet
received final closure. And so the discharges from Outfall No. 1 are still regulated.
iii. So, in conclusion on this point it seems to me that the argument is not quite
strong enough for us to exclude Outfall No. 1 from regulation under the permit. But
thinking a little further on this, if the permittee were to re -grade the Temporarily
Closed portion (the central plateau of the fill) and direct runoff from that portion to
Outfalls No. 2 or 3, leaving Outfall No. 1 to receive flow from the truly closed portion,
I think that would allow us to grant their request to stop sampling Outfall No. I. in
some form. But, they have not proposed that, yet.
3. The consultant has also thrown in the argument of'wildlife.' Essentially, he offers the argument
that because the fecal coliform is from wildlife, fecal measurements should not be considered
exceedances, and by extension should not be compared to benchmark values, and should not
trigger the Tiered structure as a management response to polluted discharges.
a. The consultant has made no report that the permittee has attempted g-ay remedial
measures, even on the cheapest, smallest scale; he's just asking to be excused;
b. The consultant has not offered anything other than conjecture as to the source of the fecal
concentrations being wildlife;
c. And even if he did substantiate that wildlife contributes most or all of the polluted
discharges, DWQ is not yet persuaded that landfills in general should be excused from the
potential surface water impacts of fecal contributions of wildlife at' landfill sites:
i. Consider that if the permittee was not operating a landfill, that concentration of
wildlife would not occur, and would not result in high fecal content in the stormwater
runoff. So, the presence and operation of the landfill is the roximate cause of the
fecal pollution, whatever its source;
ii. And further, consider that our brothers and sisters in DWM require the control of
vectors as a legitimate area of regulation and permit conditions, Even though the
landfill operators might raise the same issue that those vectors are "wildlife', are just
natural, and consequently the permittee should not be obligated to try to control
something clearly_ outside_ of their control. But, that doesn't happen, does it? No,
the permittees understand their obligation to control vectors under the DWM permit.
Consider that DWM requires control of vectors for exactly the same core reason that
our permit measures fecal coliform content: reduction in the risk of bacteriological
pollution. DWM's focus is on human health consequences from that pollution, while
DWQ's focus is on the aquatic environment consequences.
Linda, I think your direction to the consultant and permittee are right on the mark: they need to put
together a better case for any request; they need to step through the structure of the permit (Tier 2, Tier
3) first as laid out in the permit text; and they need to at least make some attempt to respond to the
exceedances other than an immediate request to be excused. Ultimately, it's very possible we will excuse
them: other Regional Offices have, and the Central Office SPU is fully on board with that. But only upon
some more evidence of trying to understand and solve the problem, not just asking to be excused.
Ken Pickle
Environmental Engineer
NCDENR I DWQ I Stormwater Permitting Unit
1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: (919) 807-6376
Fax: (919) 807-6494
Email: ken.pickle@ancdenr.gov
Website: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su
** Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public
Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or
other regulations.**
-----Original Message -----
From: Willis, Linda
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 8:43 AM
To: Forbes, Daniel
Cc: Pickle, Ken
Subject: RE: Onslow County Landfill - NPDES Monitoring Program Modification Request
I reviewed the monitoring data. Thanks much for sending that for our review. The data
collected in 2012 is showing an elevation of fecal concentration relative to 2010 and 2011.
The concentrations reported as greater than is a problem since the values could be anything
above the concentration reported (>2,420 on 10/2/2012). Without the proper dilutions being
made to provide accurate analyses, we have no choice at this juncture than to ask that the
County continue monitoring outfall #1. The County should instruct the laboratory to conduct
the appropriate dilutions in,order to obtain more accurate readings. DWQ cannot make a
decision based upon "greater than" values, since the actual concentrations could be
problematic for surface waters. We must have more accurate data from which to make a
decision, especially concerning the abandonment of monitoring at an outfall that is showing
an upward trend for bacteria concentrations. It is certainly possible wildlife is
influencing the bacteria data. The County will need to institute Tier 2 responses including
monthly monitoring. This is consistent with the permit. We'd like to see more data before
making a decision to eliminate an entire outfall. After we have some data to review, we can
discuss decreasing the monitoring back to semi annual monitoring. We can alleviate the
requirement for monthly monitoring even though continued exceedances occur, but we need to
pretty certain about the sources (wildlife vs pollutants associated with the landfill) and/or
the permittees intentions to resolve the issues. I will contact the county and relay this
information to them and ask them to be sure they instruct their laboratory to conduct the
appropriate dilutions when analyzing Fecal Coliform.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message -----
From: Forbes, Daniel [mailto:ForbesD@cdmsmith.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 4:42 PM
To: Willis, Linda
Cc: Pickle, Ken; Colone, Mathew
Subject: Onslow County Landfill - NPDES Monitoring
Program Modification Request
Attached is a request letter for removing Outfall No. 1 from Onslow County's NPDES monitoring
program. Fecal coliform has been detected in consecutive sampling events at Outfall No. 1
above the benchmark value. The fecal coliform detections are likely wildlife related as
stormwater runoff discharged through Outfall No. 1 is from partially closed areas of the
landfill that are constructed with a liner system. The liner system prevents leachate from
being discharged. Additionally, no other pollution sources are known. Based on a preliminary
discussion with Ken, discharge from Outfall No. 1 may not be a regulated discharge.
Additional details are provided in the letter.
Please let me know if you would like to schedule a site visit prior to making a
determination. I have a full schedule next week but could meet you at the landfill any day
after. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Daniel Forbes I Geologist I CDM Smith 1 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612
T: 919-325-3566 1 F: 919-781-5730 1 forbesd@cdmsmith.com
/%CG !2 0O 23
Pickle, Ken
Willis, Linda
Tuesday, November 20,•2012 8:43 AM
Forbes, Daniel
Pickle, Ken
RE: Onslow County Landfill - NPDES Monitoring Program Modification Request
I reviewed the monitoring data. Thanks much for sending that for our review. The data
collected in 2012 is showin� an elevation of fecal concentration relative to 2010 and 2011.
The concentrations reported'as greater than is a problem since the values could be anything
above the concentration reported (>2,420 on 10/2/2012). Without the proper dilutions being
made to provide accurate analyses, we have no choice at this juncture than to ask that the
County continue monitoring outfall #1. The County should instruct the laboratory to conduct
the appropriate dilutions in order to obtain more accurate readings. DWQ cannot make a
decision based upon "greater than" values, since the actual concentrations could be
problematic for surface waters. We must have more accurate data from which to make a
decision, especially concerning the abandonment of monitoring at an outfall that is showing
an upward trend for bacteria concentrations. It is certainly possible wildlife is
influencing the bacteria data. The County will need to institute Tier 2 responses including
monthly monitoring. This is consistent with the permit. We'd like to see more data before
making a decision to eliminate an entire outfall. After we have some data to review, we can
discuss decreasing the monitoring back to semi annual monitoring. We can alleviate the
requirement for monthly monitoring even though continued exceedances occur, but we need to
pretty certain about the sources (wildlife vs pollutants associated with the landfill) and/or
the permittees intentions to resolve the issues. I will contact the county and relay this
information to them and ask them to be sure they instruct their laboratory to conduct the
appropriate dilutions when analyzing Fecal Coliform.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message -----
From: Forbes, Daniel [mailto:ForbesD(@cdmsmith.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 4:42 PM
To: Willis, Linda
Cc: Pickle, Ken; Colone, Mathew
Subject: Onslow County Landfill - NPDES Monitoring Program Modification Request
Linda, /
Attached is a request letter for removing Outfall No. 1 from Onslow County's NPDES monitoring
program. Fecal coliform has been detected in consecutive sampling events at Outfall No. 1
above the benchmark value. The fecal coliform detections are likely wildlife related as
stormwater runoff discharged through Outfall No. 1 is from partially closed areas of the.
landfill that are constructed with a liner system. The liner system prevents leachate from
being discharged. Additionally, no other pollution sources are known. Based on a preliminary
discussion with Ken, discharge from Outfall No. 1 may not be a regulated discharge.
Additional details are provided in the letter.
Please let me know if you would like to schedule a site visit prior to making a
determination. I have a full schedule next week but could meet you at the landfall any day
after. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Daniel Forbes I Geologist I CDM Smith 1 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612
T: 919-325-3566 1 F: 919-781-5730 1 forbesd_flcdmsmith.com
5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300
Raleigh, North Carolinp 27612
tel: 919-787-5620
fax: 919.M-5730
November 10, 2012
Ms. Linda Willis
North Carolina Department of
Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
127 North Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
Subject: Outfall Removal Request
Onslow County Solid Waste Facility — NPDES Monitoring Program
Certificate of Coverage Number - NCG120023
Dear Ms. Willis:
amp Dresser McKee & Smith (CDM Smith), on behalf of Onslow County (County), is submitting this
request to remove Outfall No. Ifrom the national Pollutant Discharge Elimination.System (NPDES)
monitoring progr am. fhe request to remove Outfall No. 1 is based on a preliminary discussion with
Mr. Ken Pickle with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division
of Water Quality (DWQ) on October 31, 2012 that the discharge from Outfall No. 1 may not be a
regulated discharge. Background information about the monitoring program, details of the Subtitle D
landfill partial closure and conclusions for removing Outfall No 1 from the program are provided
The Onslow County Solid Waste Facility consists oiCtwo closed unlined landfills an active�ubtitle D
landfill)and a%naterials recycling facility)that is operated by a private company. The NPDES program
for the facility monitors stormwater runoff fro ,the active Subtitle D landfill. Stormwater runoff is
captured in a perimeter d ra inage ditch and channeled to three sedimentation basins located around
the perimeter of the landfill. The runoff is eventually discharged through outfalls located at each
sedimentation basin. The locations of Outfall No. 1, -2, and -3 and the sedimentation basins are
provided on Figure 1.
Samples collected from Outfall No. 1 during the precipitation event on October 2, 2012 had detections
of fecal coliform (greater than 2,420 colonies) above the benchmark value. This was the second
consecutive detection above the benchmark value, which requires the County to perform the Tier 2
response and repeat the required actions for the Tier 1 response.[e County is waiting for a
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November 10 2012 � lJ
Page 2 �> !�✓ � ,p�r�it /% �s c��°n %fgra�dr��
determination from the DWQ or removing Outfall No. 1 from the monitoring program prior to
implementing the Tier 2 response Note that a Tier 1 response was filed at the facility after fecal
coliform was detected (greater than 2,420 colonies) above the benchmark value in samples collected
from Outfall No. 1 during the previous monitoring period (i.e. January 1 —June 30, 2012).
Partial Closure
Phase I of the Subtitle D Landfill Partial Closure Construction Project was completed in December
2010 and resulted in the closure of approximately 13 acres on the south and west slopes. Temporary
closure of the east slope and plateau was also completed. The partially closed areas were capped with
a liner system and the temporarily closed areas were not due to future landfill expansions. The partial
and temporary closed areas of the landfill are provided on Figure 1.
The final cover for the partial closure, from bottom to top, consists of a minimum 12-inch thick
intermediate soil cover layer (also serving as the cap liner system subgrade), gas venting
geocomposite drainage net (CDN), textured 40-mil linear low density polyethylene (LDP)
geomembrane, stormwater management CDN, a minimum 18-inch thick protective soil cover layer,
and a minimum 6-inch vegetative soil cover layer to promote grass growth and to stabilize the slopes.
The Phase 1 Partial Closure Construction Project also included the installation of a landfill gas (LFG)
venting system. The gas venting system consists of the gas venting CDN, vertical LFG wells, and
surface collection piping.
Stormwater runoff in the partially and temporarily closed areas of the landfill is controlled by drainage
berms and channels that direct runoff to concrete open throat yard inlets. The yard inlets are
connected to 18-inch diameter corrugated high -density polyethylene downdrains that discharge the
runoff to the perimeter drainage channel. The plateau is graded to channel runoff to a downdrain
located on the west side of the landfill. The downdrain locations are provided on Figure 2 and the
drainage berms can be seen in the aerial photo. Precipitation that infiltrates through the protective
cover to the stormwater CDN installed in the partially closed areas of the landfill is directed to LDP
drainage flaps that discharge stormwater to the drainage channels.
Sedimentation Basin 1 collects stormwater runoff from the partially closed areas of the Subtitle D
landfill and the temporarily closed plateau that is discharged through Outfall No. 1. The drainage area
for Sedimentation Basin 1 and flow direction for the perimeter drainage channel is provided on Figure
qas venik 2. The liner system installed for the partial closure eliminates the potential for leachate to be collected
J in stormwater runoff that could be discharged though Outfall No. 1.
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40 mrl L VFf_
Ms. Linda Willis
November 10, 2012
Page 3
The fecal coliform benchmark exceedances in Outfall No. lure likely wwildlife.rel'ated.and not from Qe{- a410
leachate. The landfill is known to be used by numerous migratory birds'that perch on the side slopes J
and plateau of the partially closed"areas of the Subtitle D landfill. Additionally, ducks, geese, and 111
turtles tend to inhabit Sedimentation Pond 1.when stormwater is present. Beavers are indigenous to L ?
the area but have not been seen inhabiting the sedimentation basins. i
stormwater discharged through Outfall No. 1 is not impacted with leachate due to the capped
drainage areas of the Subtitle D landfill that channel runoff to Sedimentation Basin 1. Based on the
preliminary discussion with the DWQ, discharge through Outfall No. 1 may not be a regulated ,,ra�ld trm+l
discharge since there are no other potential.pollution sources_ other than wildlife: Therefore, Outfall 0(,'f1r6YW'�yf
No..1 should be removed from the monitoring program. �utT7i�S �S J
if you have any questions or require further explanation, do not hesitate to call me at (919) 787-5620. a��t
c o rrr44,-
Daniel H. Forbes
Project Manager
Camp Dresser Mcl<ee & Smith
cc: Scott Bost, Onslow County
Mathew Colone, CDM Smith
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Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill
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' Scale in Feet Figure 2
Sedimentation Basin 1 Drainage Area
sm OR� 11 tJ = 0 250 500 Onslow County Subtitle D Landfill
of VIA rFR Michael F. Easley
QG Governor
r William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
y North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
July 31, 2003
Dave Clark
Onslow County
415 Meadowville Rd
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Subject: NPDES COC # NCG120023
Onslow County - Meadowview Rd
Compliance Schedule Correction
Dear Dave Clark:
It recently came to the Division's attention that the compliance schedule in the NCG120000 permit is
incorrect. The compliance refers to requiring a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan which is not a
requirement of this permit. The corrected compliance language that should go under Part III, Section A: 1. is
shown below. We have also attached a new page reflecting this change for your permit file (Part III page 1 of
11). This new page should replace the current page in your permit.
Compliance Schedule
The permittee shall comply with the permit in accordance with the following schedule:
Existing Facilities: Upon the effective date of the Certificate of Coverage the permittee shall comply
with all of the conditions detailed in Part 1I, Section A: Final Limitations and Controls for Stormwater
New Facilities: Upon the beginning of discharges from the operation of the industrial activity the
permittee shall comply with all conditions detailed in Part II, Section A: Final Limitations and Controls
for Stormwater Discharges.
If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact Aisha Lau at
(919) 733-5083, ext. 578.
Alan W. Klimek, P.E.
cc: Stormwater and General Permits Unit
Wilmington Regional Office
Central Files
Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015
1 800 623-7748
w A
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
t] Y
Dear Permittee:
Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director
Division of Water Quality
August 23, 2002
Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal
COC Number NCG120023
Onslow County
In response to your renewal application for continued coverage under general permit NCG 120000, the Division of
Water Quality (DWQ) is forwarding herewith the reissued stormwater general permit. This permit is reissued
pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement
between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, dated December 6, 1983.
The following information is included with your permit package:
* A new Certificate of Coverage
* A copy of General Stormwater Permit NCG120000
* A copy of the Analytical Monitoring Form (DMR)
* A copy of a Technical Bulletin for the general permit
Your coverage under this general permit is not transferable except after notice to DWQ. The Division may require
modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. This permit does not affect the legal
requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by DENR or relieve the permittee from responsibility
for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or
If you have any questions regarding this permit package please contact Aisha Lau of the Central Office Stormwater
and General Permits Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 578
Bradley Bennett, Supervisor
Stormwater and General Permits Unit
cc: Central Files
Stormwater & General Permits Unit Files
Wilmington Regional Office
N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015
Customer Service
1- 800-623-7748
In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and -
regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,
is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at
to receiving waters designated as Monroe Branch and Blue Creek, a class SC NSW stream, in the White Oak River
Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts 1,
11, 111, IV, V, and VI ol'General Permit No. NCG 120000 as attached.
This certificate of coverage shall become effective September 1, 2002,
This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit.
Signed this day August 23, 2002.
for• Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director
Division of Water Quality
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph,D,
Acting Director
Division of Water Quality
December- 27. 2001
415 MEADOWVII-,l.,la RD
Subject: NPDES Stornnvater Pcrmit Renewal
COC Nuniber NCG 120021
( )rtSIOW County
Dcar I'crniiticc:
Your facility is currently covered for stormwater discharge under General Permit NC(;120000. This permit expires
on August 3I, 2002. The Division staff is Currently in [he process of- rewriting this Pcrmit and is SChedulCd to have
the permit rCissued by hale sunirner ol'2002. Once the permit is reissued. your facility would be eligible for
ContinuCd coverage uncicr the rcissuc(I pet'n1it.
In order to assure your continued coveru,C under the'MICral I)Crnoit, you mull apply to the Division ol- Water
Qualit}' (D4VQ) Igor renewal of your per'mit coverage. To nalkc this renewal process easier. we are inlorrninly you in
advance that your perntil will he expiring. Er1CIoSCd }`on will find a General Permit Coverage Renewal
Application Form. The :application must be c01III)IC1Cd and rcturncd by March 4, 2002 in order to assure continued
Coverage under the general permit.
I :tilUr'C to request renewal within this time period may result in it civil assessnicni ol' at least $250.00. Larger
penalties nary he assessCd dCPC rtdI'll g on 1hC &IinqLie [ICY of the request. Discharge of storntwater from Vow- facility
Without coverage uncicr a vapid stormwaler NI'DES permit would constitute a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and
Could rCsuh in assessments of civil penalties of up 10 $10.000 per -day.
Please note that recent Icderal legislation has extended the "no axposurC exclusion" to all upCrators of indusu-iIl
facilities in :any of the I I calegories sit "stoma water dischargCS ISSOCklIC(I will] indusn'ial activity," (excCp(
Construction activities). If }'sw feel your I'acilily can certify a condition of "no cxpusurC". i.e. the faCilty industrial
maieriuls and operations are not exposed to siormwater, you can apply for the no exposurC exclusion. For ,additional
inliornuttion contact the Central Of'lice Storm Uff Staff naenoher listed below or check the Slornmiter 4N, General
Permits Unit Web Site at Ill II):Hh2o.cnr.s111e.rIC.uslsu/stormw:tter.1111111
If the subject storniwalcr discharge to waters ol,1hC state has hecn tcrnainated, please complCtc the Cncluscd
Rescission Request Form. Mailing irastructionS arc listed on the bottom of the form. YOU will he raotiticcl whoa the
rescission process has been completed.
]f you havC Illy questions regarding the Permit renewal proCCdures plcasC contact Fd Beck of the Wilmington
RCiTional Office at 910-395-3900 or Aish<a Lim of the Central { )ffico Siormwaicr Unit a( (919) 733-508: , ext. 578
Bradley Benractl. Supervisor
Siornawater and Gcncral Permits Unit
cc: Central }riles
Wilmington Regional Office
N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Management
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director
May 21, 1993
Lynn Huffman
Onslow County
521 Mill Avenue
Jacksonville, NC 28540
j&41 9
Subject: General Permit No. NCG120000
Onslow County Landfill
COC NCG 120023
Onslow County
Dear Mr. Huffman:
In accordance with your application for discharge permit received on September 30, 1992, we are
forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general
permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the
Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated
December 6, 1983.
If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are
unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit
application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding.
Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division
of Environmental Management. The Division of Environmental Management may require modification or
revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage.
This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the
Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area
Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required.
If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Mr. Bill Mills at telephone number 919r133-
S1argreur signed By
Coleen H. Sullins
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P. E.
Wilmington Regional Office
P.O. Box 29535. Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
► ►! ► _ sill
In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and
regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended,
Onslow County
is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at
Onslow County Landfill
Meadowview (SR 1243)
Onslow County
to receiving waters designated as Blue Creek in the White Oak River Basin
in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III
and 1V of General Permit No. NCG120000 as attached.
This Certificate of Coverage shall become effective May 21, 1993.
This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit.
Signed this day May 21, 1993.
Original Signed BY
r,oleen H. Sullins
A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director
Division of Environmental Management
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
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