HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990983 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19990827 (2)Mr. Bob Zarzecki NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 4405 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Crabtree Overlook Dear Mr. Zarzecki, BARBARA H. MULKEY ENGINEERING, INC. February 8, 2000 Please find enclosed, for your review and comment, one copy of the Stormwater Alternatives Analysis for the above referenced project. We would enjoy the opportunity to discuss the analysis with you in the very near future. Please give me a call when you have had a chance to take a look at it so we can set up a time to get together. Also, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. r Sincerely, Warren Brackin Barbara H. Mulkey Engineering c.c. Jim Anderson, Duke-weeks Realty Corporation Brad Rhinehalt, Barbara H. Mulkey Engineering C r fG p 559 Jones Franklin Rd. Soile 164 A ? Raleigh, N( 27606 1580 * Fhnne: 919-851-1912 * F (ix. 919-851-1918 e wwvr.bhme.com STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS for =vDuke weeks REALTY CORPORATION Crabtree Overlook Raleigh, North Carolina BHME Project 99485.00 February 8, 2000 ?,a'`a??a31711i/17tE?d NA SEAL 21543 GIN let 2- -o STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The following analysis is intended to evaluate alternatives to stormwater management for an 8.32-acre site in Wake County. Located on the west side of Leadmine Road (NCSR 1820) just north of Charles Drive in Raleigh (see attached vicinity map, Exhibit 1), the proposed development will consist of a 155,000-SF office building and a 4-level parking deck. A 100-ft Neuse River Riparian Buffer borders the property on the west. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the method of stormwater management for the proposed development that best complies with City of Raleigh stormwater ordinances, incorporates the non-intrusive theme of the overall development, and minimizes the project's impact on the riparian buffer. Raleigh ordinance CR-7107 mandates that post-development stormwater flows shall not exceed the stormwater flows expected if the proposed property were developed as R-4 (4 residential lots per acre). The proposed development, including office building, parking deck, and all ground level parking, would generate an expected 2-year run-off of 22 cfs and a 10-year runoff of 28 cfs. If the same site were developed as R-4, the expected l- and 10-year runoff rates would be 20 cfs and 26 cfs, respectively (see Exhibit 1 for calculations). To satisfy the ordinance, the post-development runoff rates must be reduced by about 2 cfs via some form of stormwater detention. Four options were explored for this detention system and are discussed below. 1. Underground Detention In order to reduce the post-development runoff rates by about 2 cfs, a storage of about 7,000 cubic feet would be needed (Exhibit 1). This amount of storage would provide adequate detention for both the 2- and 10-year storm events. One logical option for this storage would be in the form of a 120' long by 20' wide by 3' deep concrete vault under the proposed parking deck. This vault, however, introduces serious public health and safety concerns due to a possible catastrophic failure under the deck. Although this would probably be a very economical choice, it could also be the most potentially dangerous. Another option for underground detention would be the storage of stormwater in an underground piping system under the proposed ground level parking. This detention system could be in the form of about 990 feet of 36-inch pipe (7,000 cubic feet of total storage). It is the corporate policy of Duke-weeks Realty Corporation, however, to not use underground piping systems for underground detention due to the long term upkeep and maintenance issues associated with such systems. Both possible forms of underground detention also pose some additional problems to those discussed above. In both proposed situations, all stormwater on the site must be routed to a single collection point and must also have a single discharge point. This consolidation of flow would cause a high volume of water to be discharged into the buffer area at a one point. This concentrated flow could still be dissipated and diffused by means of rip-rap energy dissipators and level spreaders, but it is much more effective and efficient to produce diffuse flow into the buffer at a couple of smaller pipes than at one large pipe. Avoiding a single discharge also reduces the diversion of flow across the basin. A couple of smaller discharges to the buffer more closely resemble the existing natural drainage pattern for the site. Underground detention systems also provide very little water quality benefits. The reduction of water velocity in both the piping system and the vault system would result in a small reduction in total suspended solids, but overall water quality impacts for these systems would be much less than any of the other options explored in this analysis. Finally, the underground systems would be problematic in terms of inspection, both during construction and as part of a regular inspection program, and in terms of maintenance and upkeep. Silt deposits will require that the detention systems be cleaned on a regular basis, but the storage volumes required for the systems do not lend themselves to a large vault or a series of large pipes. In fact, the maximum proposed height of both systems is three feet. This amount of clearance would not provide ample space or access for easy maintenance. Also, in the case of future system rehabilitation, both proposed systems would be costly and time-consuming to repair simply because of their location beneath the parking deck or under the pavement. II. Series of Small Detention Ponds The second option explored was the use of a series of small detention ponds to detain the stormwater runoff for the site. Physical characteristics of the site would probably necessitate the construction of two ponds in order to provide the 7,000 CF of storage required. The only feasible location for these ponds would be on the sloping portion of the property below the proposed parking area and above the Neuse buffer. This series of small detention ponds presents a couple of problems, however. We can assume that each pond would be required to provide half of the necessary detention for the overall site. Also assume that the ponds are located in the two existing small natural basins, as shown in Exhibit 2. If we route the necessary stormwater through pond A (see Exhibit 2), taking into account the physical characteristics of the natural basin and assuming that the pond is a dry pond, we are required to construct about an 8.5-foot high earthen dam. As shown in the exhibit, this part of the property has fairly steep existing slopes, thus requiring an 8.5-foot high dam with a 3-to-1 side slope that will end up impacting a large area. In order to construct two dams in the proposed locations, a fairly significant impact would have to be imposed on the natural buffer between the proposed parking area and the existing stream. This would be detrimental to the buffer and would not coincide with the developmental ideal of the client, which is to incorporate the riparian area into the overall development. Much expense has been incurred during design and will be incurred during construction to prevent the destruction of the natural area on the western portion of the property. A 250-foot retaining wall is being proposed west of the parking area in addition to a 380- foot wall to the east of the proposed building. The eastern wall serves to allow the building to be located as far to the east on the property as possible. The western wall serves to keep fill slopes out of the natural area along the buffer, and the combined effect of both walls is to keep the majority of land disturbing activity out of the area around the buffer. Graded slopes could have easily been proposed for the site to reduce or eliminate the need for retaining walls, and slopes could have even been graded to the edge of the riparian buffer. This, however, would have been counterproductive to the client's desire to preserve as much natural area as possible. It is for this same reason that a series of small detention ponds is an undesirable design for stormwater detention. The construction of the ponds would destroy the natural area that the client has dedicated much time and resources to preserve. In addition, there is an existing 20-foot sanitary sewer easement that runs through the property between the proposed parking area and the buffer. The proposed sanitary sewer in this area will provide sewer service for the proposed development as well as the 47- acre development to the north, and would run directly through the proposed detention areas. If the proposed sewer could somehow be relocated further uphill and closer to the proposed parking area, the detention areas might possibly fit if they were moved down the hill closer to the buffer. This option, again, would only increase undesirable impacts to the riparian area. III. Single Wet Pond The third option considered is the construction of a large wet pond in the buffer area below the proposed parking area (see Exhibit 3). This option has the added advantage of being able to provide stormwater detention for the proposed development as well as for the 16-acre development to the west. The proposed pond would have to be constructed, however, to also handle the stormwater flows from the 47-acre development to the north. Estimating stormwater flows in accordance with ordinance CR-7107 shows that we will need about 70,000 CF of storage above the normal pool stage, based on the basins physical characteristics and proposed location (Exhibit 3). The pond was routed using a riser-barrel outflow device as well as 10- and 100-year weirs. With a normal surface water elevation of 250', a wet pond in this location would require a 13-foot high, 160- foot long dam. This 13-foot high dam is close to a high hazard structure, as defined by the NCDENR Division of Land Quality - Dam Safety Section. The sustained body of water associated with the normal water surface elevation of the wet pond could be threatening to downstream property owners in the case of a failure. A sudden discharge of this water is particularly dangerous because downstream development, the Marriot Hotel and parking lot, has been constructed directly in the natural stormwater path. Stormwater relief measures to prevent flooding are in place on the Marriot property (namely a 42-inch pipe under the existing parking lot) but could not handle discharges associated with dam failure. The client does not wish to introduce the potential for the loss of life and destruction of property as well as the liability and necessary maintenance associated with a standing body of water. A wet pond in the proposed location would adequately provide stormwater detention for proposed developments on both sides of the buffer, as well as providing water quality benefits for the development. The long-term impacts on the riparian area, however, are substantial. All vegetation within the normal pool area of the pond would have to be permanently removed, a fence would have to be constructed and permanently maintained for safety measures, and the construction traffic needed to perform this clearing would impact the buffer. Again, these impacts to the buffer and the natural area around the buffer are contradictory to the time and resources invested by the client to preserve the natural area. In addition, the west bank of the riparian area has existing slopes of about 2.5-to-1. If the vegetation is removed from these slopes and the slopes are permanently under water, they may not be structurally stable. IV. Single Dry Pond The final option for stormwater detention is the construction of a large dry pond in the same location as the proposed wet pond. About 70,000 CF of storage would still need to be provided for the dry pond since the basin characteristics are the same as for the wet pond. Routing the pond with a permanent orifice at ground level for 2-year and smaller stormwater flows, and a 10- and 100-year weir for larger flows requires the construction of an 11.5-foot high, 150-foot long dam. This routing predicted a 2-year high water elevation of 252.2' and a 10-year high water elevation of 254.2'. The 10-year storm would completely pass through the dry pond in less than 90 minutes (see Exhibit 4). This means that the side slopes of the basin would not be inundated with water for long periods of time, therefore maintaining the structural integrity of the steep slopes on the west bank. This structure would be able to provide stormwater detention for both sides of the basin just like the wet pond, but would differ from the wet pond in that it would not provide the same water quality benefits. Because almost all of the riparian buffer and natural area in addition to the buffer can be maintained with this option, however, the dry pond would provide a different type of water quality benefit. And as long as sediment runoff can be controlled elsewhere on the site during construction, water quality should be adequately addressed with the dry pond option. The proposed dam would be designed and constructed such that it would impact the buffer as little as possible. An earthen berm would provide a very economical dam for the detention pond, but the 3-to-1 side slopes necessary for this type of construction would produce a significant impact on the buffer. It is for this reason that the client plans to construct a poured wall to serve as the detention dam. A poured concrete wall, although much more expensive to design and construct than an earthen dam, will result in a significant reduction in buffer impact. Minimization of the visual impact of the proposed dam has also been considered. The client plans to cover the wall with vine landscaping in order to blend the wall into the natural environment. The preservation of the buffer would also be in line with the main emphasis of the client with regards to stormwater management. The riparian area would be incorporated into the development with as little intrusion as possible and would become one of the defining attributes of the property. In addition, because the dry pond would serve as a stormwater detention measure for both sides of the basin, it will provide comparable buffer preservation benefits when the development of the neighboring property is considered. In conclusion, several reasons point to the construction of a dry pond as the optimal solution to stormwater management for the proposed development. First, the dry pond will maximize human safety. There is no underground vault to collapse, no standing water to fence, and a significant reduction in the possibility of downstream flooding in the case of a dam failure. The dry pond maximizes the amount of buffer and other natural area on the site that is left undisturbed. Disturbance to existing wetlands and riparian buffer is minimized when compared to a single wet pond. The dry pond provides for easy long-term maintenance and inspection for both the property owners and any regulatory officials. Finally, the dry pond functions as a stormwater detention device for the proposed development and provides water quality measures by allowing buffer preservation above and beyond the required guidelines. EXHIBIT 1 UNDERGROUND DETENTION 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Runoff Calculations 4. Storage Calculations i SITE fI a i VICINITY AIAP NOT TO SCALE // e CALCULATION SHEET PAGE I of ?6un 1 BCLIE?,?I„EJRINT!? -?, SUBJECT G ?3i2C_EG\.i?zcool? 7,?•=!z 'Zvl? ?a 2- Prepared By/Date 7 PROJECT No. 4?T?'? ^??"?? ?ETF.? r?r> Reviewed By Date v 2 -?f 2v ?i o (f - -j (0 -7 A = v, ?z C ?p?ER P rtl7 - 3`? H ?T - Z& ?T - ?T o,3?S T = C ioq??f ? = 2.45 IZ? FGitr cvC-R-?./ar r? FwkJ otil GPa??S? S?Z?P?LEs vSC-- a l {u?.rlPUGIZ-. L) 2 2 z,4s = 4.q0 t,4 I j LCPIAi.irlEL - V?G ? 1 4 4 - 3 o.39s el 0 4- S. °L "-A us C-- I? r-(inl, ?z = 4.710 It+e IgALroc..r-t ?6i ? z , b = ?v . l 3 I "11+2 ? I-?t r?._ cc:? ?M I q 8 = zs.s 2- cis BARBARA M MULKEI EH4INEE RING iN( CLIENT PROJECT No SUBJECT ,Pa-- -r-- - r ,/,=-Lc P Ti i1--- t4 T-- 1;7t.cJ -l T? I?__ S I T- ?i r1 r7 A LC__, I r^-l (-D e g r O q S AIZ eA-S At= 0, la ,kc czc? Dec< A Z. = 3 l AC,2ES ?SPN?cr'T WACr?s GTL . A 3= o C? 3 Alice-.eS ZAI12 C¢ ?5 PAGE 2 OF Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date N mss ??w ?Y = 2? - '796 _ o,3af 3 3v = ? ? ?o? ?'f tr.1 ?-02_ O?r?2vM-rte Ft,o,..1 dhi ?Gfl 1 Z g Sv2?-tS `? f I ?LTI I°UC1L vF D `( TG = V, 4 ?, I , & -7 = U,& 7 N 1.4 Low D _ (bo ?a,38S / ?2 Mlrl ?rZ U?/G21+'+T?9 yak/ vti( G?/?ssl r 2 ? S u7z ? ? USA `-l u L71 tD a C.2 OF- -2,C) ri.i = I z? 1? ir1 TC, 2,d O, (,-a GNP r? nr r- -- 248 r--7 F? I ?. G TdT&L- Z 1 4- S, z4 -1- Z= 5,-7(o I ?tt2 C ?/kr CoLr? /?j8?? 1,41 ? Qz = G1P, - qs) ? S,76; )C 2,?1Z) ?,? CFA ? -7, z7) C2 .clZ = ZO,O CAS ,00 - C?? - a,qs (`I 27,E C-s CALCULATION SHEET z ne BARE RA N MULKEY ENGINEERING IN( CLIENT SUBJECT PROJECT No. CALCULATION SHEET S PAGE-3-OF -L Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date '?L = rt??( (5/tiME ?S PIZC-IroS ..Y I J 7, 21- -7 Z rte= IN / r'I "? C 1 L ? , 0,w5 ,7C,) s,?? = Co, Z2 C[-5, G -i? x,20 -7,2Z 4,0) = 7, 8C2 GrS ?CJ,20?C9 ,'77i)CS`,'? = lt'???iU CFS Q z= I (? , p t (? Z Z= 2 Z, Z Z- CF5 a ro 0 t- 7. g (9 CF-S G2 rov = Z-7,0 k- l?-sue - 57, sQ GFS Underground Vault Pre-Development and Post-Development Calculations Project Name: Crabtree Overlook operator. A. W. Brackin Job Number: 99485 Date: 1/31/00 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the basin will be calculated using the Rational Method with a computed composite runoff coefficient for all areas not directly connected to the basin (NDCIA's). Directly connected areas (DCIA's), via pipes, channels, etc., are used here also to find the peak inflow into the basin. For underground basins all inflow should be directly connected. Entire Basin Drainage Area = Area 1: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = Area 2: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = Composite Runoff Coefficient, C. = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 02 = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, Q10 = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 0100 = Peak flow, piping system 1, Q2 = Peak flow, piping system 1, 01o = Peak flow, piping system 1, Q100 = Peak flow, piping system 2, 02 = Peak flow, piping system 2, 010 = Peak flow, piping system 2, 0100 = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Qp2 = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, (?p1o = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Qploo = 8.32 acres 8.32 acres (all drainage areas pervious and impervious) 0.46 composite, see calculations 0 acres (all adjacent drainage areas) 0 composite, see calculations 0.46 22.22 cfs 2-yr storm 27.80 cfs 10-yr storm 37.50 cfs 100-yr storm 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 0.00 cis, from stormwater calculations (10-yr storm) 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 0 cis, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (10-yr storm) 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 22.22 cfs, (2-yr storm) 27.80 cfs, (10-yr storm) 37.50 cts, (100-yr storm) Compute Soil Storage, Depth of Runoff, and Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph Precipitation Intensity, I = Precipitation Depth, P = SCS Curve Number, CN = Soil Storage, S = Depth of Runoff, Q = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = Compute allowable outflow ==> 0.65 inches/hour, (for 10-yr, 6-hr storm) 3.90 inches 90 for hydrologic soil group B 1.11 inches 2.82 inches 46 min, for 2-yr storm 37 min, for 10-yr storm 27 min, for 50-yr storm Use pre-development C for runoff cooefficient Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.28 43% wooded, 57% grassed Intensity, 12 = 4.76 inches/hour Page 1 Underground Vault Intensity, 110 = Area, A = 6.13 inches/hour 8.32 acres Undetained Flow, QouT _ Undetained Flow, QouT _ Peak Allowable Outflow, 00 = Peak Allowable Outflow, Qp = Estimate Storage Needed ==> Storage Needed, S = Storage Needed, S = 0.00 cis, for 2-yr storm 0.00 cis, for 10-yr storm 19.80 cis, for 2-yr storm see calcs 25.50 cis, for 10-yr storm see caics 6683.79 CF, for 2-yr storm 5077.32 CF, for 10-yr storm Page 2 EXHIBIT 2 SERIES OF SMALL DETENTION PONDS 1. Site Plan 2. Storage Calculations 3. Routing Calculations, 2-yr Storm 4. Routing Calculations, 10-yr Storm Series of Small Detention Ponds Pre-Development and Post-Development Calculations Proied Name: Crabtree Overlook Operator. A. W. Brackin Job Number: 99485 Date: 1/31/00 Contour feet Stage feet Contour Area S Average Contour Area S Incremental Contour Volume C Accumulated Contour Volume C 266.0 0.0 442 221 268.0 2.0 820 631 1262 1262 270.0 4.0 1263 1042 2083 3345 272.0 6.0 1710 1487 2973 6318 274.0 8.0 2310 2010 4020 10338 276.0 10.0 2859 2585 5169 15507 Storage vs. Stage 18000 16000 14000 12000 3 ? 10000 u 8000 a `0 6000 N 4000 2000 0 • y-410.95x'6" R= 0.9973 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Stage (feet) 1 Ks = 410.95 b = 1.5518 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the basin will be calculated using the Rational Method with a computed composite runoff coefficient for all areas not directly connected to the basin (NDCIA's). Directly connected areas (DCIA's), via pipes, channels, etc., are used here also to find the peak inflow into the basin. For underground basins all inflow should be directly connected. Entire Basin Drainage Area = Area 1: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = Area 2: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = 8.32 acres 8.32 acres (all drainage areas pervious and impervious) 0.46 composite, see calculations 0 acres (all adjacent drainage areas) 0 composite, see calculations Page 1 Series of Small Detention Ponds Composite Runoff Coefficient, C. _ Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 02 = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, C,o = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 0100 = Peak flow, piping system 1, 02 = Peak flow, piping system 1, C,o = Peak flow, piping system 1, O,oo = Peak flow, piping system 2, 02 = Peak flow, piping system 2, O,o = Peak flow, piping system 2, 0100 = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, QP2 = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Ctp,o = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Cp,oo _ 0.46 22.22 cis 2-yr storm see calcs 27.80 cis 10-yr storm see calcs 37.50 cis 100-yr storm see caics 0.00 ofs, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 0.00 cis, from stormwater calculations (10-yr storm) 0.00 cis, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 0 cis, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 0.00 cis, from stormwater calculations (10-yr storm) 0.00 cis, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 22.22 cis, (2-yr storm) 27.80 cis, (10-yr storm) 37.50 cis, (100-yr storm) Compute Soil Storage, Depth of Runoff, and Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph Precipitation Intensity, 1 = 0.65 inches/hour, (for 10-yr, 6-hr storm) Precipitation Depth, P = 3.90 inches SCS Curve Number, CN = 90 for hydrologic soil group B Soil Storage, S = 1.11 inches Depth of Runoff, a = 2.82 inches Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 46 min, for 2-yr storm Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 37 min, for 10-yr storm Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 27 min, for 50-yr storm Compute allowable outflow => Undetained Flow, 0ovT = 0.00 cfs, for 2-yr storm Undetained Flow, CouT = 0.00 cfs, for 10-yr storm Peak Allowable Outflow, (:? _ Peak Allowable Outflow, Oo = Estimate Storage Needed =-> Storage Needed, S = Storage Needed, S = 1/2 Storage Needed, s= 1/2 Storage Needed, s= 19.80 cis, for 2-yr storm see calcs 25.50 cfs, for 10-yr storm see calcs 6683.79 CF, for 2-yr storm 5077.32 CF, for 10-yr storm 3341.89 CF, for 2-yr storm 2538.66 CF, for 10-yr storm Calculation of depth required for runoff storage basin Calculations are made using the representative basin as described above using derived values for K, and b, and storage calculated for the 10-year storm. K. = 410.95 from above b = 1.5518 from above Depth of basin, d = 3.86 feet, theoretical Depth of basin, d = 4.00 feet, design Page 2 k :xsat:arpayx:?zaaxaa?xr?assLAStdb1Y13tis2t:q?t:a.-NO... wo -- 11 r? uN? .Neb4+ N?yY?NNd? .v.NV u N. N ' N- N N yy g yy yy?Yy yy yyyyyyyyy yyyy yyyyy y w -..??4?????!l?i 1?87??7?66R76?3i3 ¦NO??????;??":'lr7/y f7 t7 ? 000oooooeooooooooeooeeooooo00o Q? SS eeoeoooc ?t eases ee??e....e Eli 00oooooeeeooeoeeeoeoeeeo eoeoooo ?? 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Storage Calculations 4. Routing Calculations, 2-yr Storm 5. Routing Calculations, 10-yr Storm 6. Routing Calculations, 100-yr Storm BARBARA H MUIXEI ENGINE( RING IN( CLIENT PROJECT No. SUBJECT CALCULATION SHEET PAGE J OF 6 Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date 0SC-" jZ -f 7vr4-6F7r f7?i??? i?!? Ci?_ - -110`7 L u -/, , ?6 CD ?tovGc_?r?tr?.p = -Z8- i z g - --- _ _ _ ___ _ Cam! G2c.,e?,-?o Fi,o ?..r o ? Gnus = 2 X 2,o 2 ^ 4. C)4 A-4 o4 L c-t = C? S o ?r 3 05- r- 12-6 07)-- = Z OZ r- 57, d2-- = ? 04- ?? i =? U 5C-. -7 H 1 xj z I9 8q) `j/ f+- ?-- ?z. ' C.S? ' O , Sv )?S 3G )?-7 4L = 2?, coo GAS //x/ n,P BARBARA N MIRER ENGINEERING IN( CLIENT PROJECT No CALCULATION SHEET SUBJECT --e\/ C ter -t C-? ?? iZ PAGE 1:5;7 OF `? Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date A-0 5A? C-_-u-r- S )1?5- I4,a c , \, /&I- ??-S 9-1? . ?r2-?-s -- rzoo ?r-G P C z? 10 dv 5,82- ?co _C =C = Co.Q SV?i ( ,79 8,20 7 l , Sg C G? 00 ,I r c D Rc?. rG. atit - ?? P G2Ll c ??>? S ?-? - Ps ?, 02 C d , 20/ve?c?C-? ?L ----: -? I-l t r•.l „??( 7,oz?= 7,53 CAS Flo -C = (o,20 0z) _ „sz CFS -7,0 tL t7 Z" 4 75- 7, 5-3 = ?t q 7-6 Cry S2 8 2 +- E S 2 = (? 2 3,4 CFS CC S /6 e BARBARA H MUIItfI EMGIREE RING IN( CLIENT PROJECT No. SUBJECT CALCULATION SHEET (o G = oR C (, - o PAGE OF l Prepared By Date Reviewed By Date /kl = Z?, , I t ?c2c-s-4?r??c oz? C = ©, scs ?G-rL C2 - I o /ass u r-t(;;- T? = S M rte( T Z = S , 7 (o ?'?`l EtR Cr1AU.oc ri-? M 89 o = 7,2-7- = C?? = o,2 (-7 Z2 54, 35 = Zoq: d s C -5 GFS cq?s ?I ,-7z s9, 3s = 9-74,71 Single Wet Pond Pre-Development and Post-Development Calculations Project Name: Crabtree Overlook Operator. A. W. Brackin Job Number: 99485 Date: 1/31/00 Contour feet Stage feet Contour Area S Average Contour Area S Incremental Contour Volume C Accumulated Contour Volume C 244.0 0.0 86 43 246.0 2.0 1095 591 1181 1181 248.0 4.0 3516 2306 4611 5792 250.0 6.0 9190 6353 12706 18498 252.0 8.0 17828 13509 27018 45516 254.0 10.0 30992 24410 48820 94336 256.0 12.0 42063 36528 73055 167391 258.0 14.0 50080 46072 92143 259534 Storage vs. Stage 300000 250000 200000 Y a U 150000 y . 138.34 " R2.0.9949 a 100000 a 50000 { 0I - -? 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Stays (feet) 1 Ks = 138.34 b = 2.8205 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the basin will be calculated using the Rational Method with a computed composite runoff coefficient for all areas not directly connected to the basin (NDCIA's). Directly connected areas (DCIA's), via pipes, channels, etc., are used here also to find the peak inflow into the basin. For underground basins all inflow should be directly connected. Entire Basin Drainage Area = 70.13 acres Overlook site and adjacent site flow, Q2 = 71.50 cfs 2-yr storm see calcs Overtook site and adjacent site flow, Q1o = 90.14 cis 10-yr storm see calcs Overlook site and adjacent site flow, Q100 = 122.00 cis 100-yr storm see calcs Flow from above road, Q2 = 162.79 cis 2-yr storm see calcs Flow from above road, Q10 = 204.05 cis 10-yr storm see calcs Flow from above road, Q1pp = 274.71 cis 100-yr storm see calcs Page 1 Single Wet Pond Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Q2 = 234.29 cis 2-yr storm see calcs Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, 0,10 = 294.19 cis 10-yr stone see calcs Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, 0p100 = 396.71 cis 100-yr storm see calcs Compute Soil Storage, Depth of Runoff, and Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph Precipitation Intensity, 1 = 0.44 inches/hour, (for 2-yr, 6-hr storm) Precipitation Depth, P = 2.64 inches Precipitation Intensity, 1 = 0.65 inches/hour, (for 10-yr, 6-hr storm) Precipitation Depth, P = 3.90 inches Precipitation Intensity, 1 = 0.96 inches/hour, (for 100-yr, 6-hr storm) Precipitation Depth, P = 5.76 inches SCS Curve Number, CN = 90 for hydrologic soil group B Soil Storage, S = 1.11 inches Depth of Runoff, Q = 1.66 inches 2-yr Depth of Runoff, 0 = 2.82 inches 10-yr Depth of Runoff, Q = 4.61 inches 100-yr Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 22 min, for 2-yr storm Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 29 min, for 10-yr storm Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = 35 min, for 100-yr stone Compute allowable outflow => Peak Allowable Outflow, 02 = 202.59 cis, for 2-yr storm see calcs Peak Allowable Outflow, 010 = 254.84 cis, for 10-yr storm see calcs Estimate Storage Needed => Storage Needed, S = 41048.37 CF, for 2-yr storm Storage Needed, S = 69190.86 CF, for 10-yr storm Calculation of depth required for runoff storage basin Calculations are made using the representative basin as described above using derived values for K. and b, and storage calculated for the 10-year storm. K, = 138.34 from above b= 2.8205 from above Depth of basin, d = 7.53 feet, theoretical Depth of basin, d = 9.00 feet, design Page 2 I aRSSpaeaa?x_???alppuxr??sseas?uYpuxaz' 11 b as.a.No :a:23G2t?Ip5S?pf69?A1A9?yIp?fN?YNp91{i80S:.o ? b? In' b.u nM. tn? Yb 11u b g `S r3??Yf??????Ba ?L^iSip?C: t i L" 8` "' 4? , ocOO lS. , , opA2i b tl ?b'8NO° "'yms' kR9L ? 11:Q?3 A G 'Y8?0'C. ?@. . odA2i-Gtl ts ?`'. Glvooo 8 w iS0lS163p@0??@?Rp009Y2335?At?RSWfY?9Y?ICi?tOt'A 'ti0 GLG ? o ?6 ? .YY:x?t?i@?3????t?t?i?iM`-pppYyt ?t ?nfABYS????r??9pl¢?3GSbt?t???? Dt ? tlyba' _R@Y?0 its s A A ht?'=A!@ss AAA .0 SA•fdA 11q !9= 0iSA0'.° S0S YN G O<a00aoovooooo0ee0o00ooso0o g? ? ppggNp tH? gy yyYY 1tt ,tl.? .tl.s E? ?PPP????p ? GIaN YG ??F ? Y Y ?p?tl. In I 12 4 s 0000000000000000000 r a* rT 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 r.. orrs Nbi ?U?3 ?boofoffo ?°73foS??p- 88@8$ 8»$8$88x88 ass 8i; al it I es:I ?9 a$8 rs 4 ?o 8e88 g E ? e B p b b b b ? L b b 8 E i if EY88g?YRB?eI:??OEYRIB?ifCI?LLSiGS?lYktli7i2tYf3?I:S:HO.s.NO abb ? F ? 1d9Nw,84'. :21d:??if36t1tSS8C8E??S`$ :I?SRyf -------------- . H . . N ? . . . N ? ? N N : W yy r!?? rg, ?yyy rr?? yy gg !!{{ rr?? !!?? ! ?? y !!?? !? g ? !? ?? y !!?? !? !? !!?? !g{ !!?? KK !!??g {{yy !!?? !!? j r yy ! ?? ; ? ? ? '??xi??'??$8$y?EBfYa.vo° 2ld12t22,R?SiS?°;l ?SflCpi ?yBG? ?gc? -u2i 1C 2` ?1dY' ?3t f y$°a Y ?goS ? -ayp '8 lI?Y d S N 3: '!G . IS $ 8$ Y `Y -QY E Sfds E?G'vi ptot?tdy;?ppq?aK(ic?rpH+y#'s'p,'zz??s,'a.'Epe's=?pxa?RS(?y5 Q H T IE 2 j # ?? nnnaa??'HrY?UM ?rRi?? ysRi3a.'sa's.'E'?°9-e?8r.'a 54 ' 1 3 7 y !` NY 8G? ?A f ': SSC! Rts ? ? §lsysla''d ht"?E E § SS u$s " 8g 64, y Ni3L1?9RS:ooo°ooo°°°°°°o°° 98??'8g8?'9$$'8$$$88$$$8$88$8$8888$8$8888$8888$8889 CLp I ?e8 will vyeE.? 8 tt $ '8 Gas II ?go I 8.$$$8$8 8v$8$$8G$$ I I I I I I I I I I ! E E BwE ? ? ? g ?. g i $ $UPON L B A e AAir. R s 5 8f138S&fRSB??:??R8YPS8fCllralSSSiGSNtbtYfd13?t2tYd2taa:No.,..»a ' 3 §Y b t'^s? bt Y sa s Lf &' - asvs sb '! ? °° +a t r a of a bsa a- a 1e- S? ? Lkty:oo 8H° r?i=Y?5p o8 ;? y? N9°R=y2? B a 1 , t t 8 t s ? ii?tLd Q8 »-LS 8aG iA a?_ qth'tytaCS?Bft??yDls?G$;sRssRRRYYf?tY?t?90'=9°?sF=?M?R='=- ?? u?SaLo???.-a ??yBRR?d?RSRssRRRR'f?¢aPaps?9?u.'a?'b?p?#-"? ? ' bt Y _IA ?1t ?' ' ?5'G ss ?Q fes _y, s ;?s- ? ses- s8's- s f yss 'OSf??98?yfs8SY698Ntee e e e e ee eeee eo eeoeoooooooooo --, ' ?4;;8 6t' A l13R? a G8 t i 8 ausRy"""eO 88888$88$$888$B$88888 t! 8 -:"?Fls$MIosK988888888888$8888 » R "ill ?8 988 it PC,M 888 ti ?gc S 8sse8 ?°oosero s?axee? a- 8°1;899 k88 8389988?88 [ If j g II I[ I ggeEE?EEEE g f b A 8 sp ip ; i i EXHIBIT 4 SINGLE DRY POND 1. Site Plan 2. Storage Calculations 3. Routing Calculations, 2-yr Storm 4. Routing Calculations, 10-yr Storm 5. Proposed Dam Cross-section Single Dry Pond Pre-Development and Post-Development Calculations Project Name: Crabtree Overlook Operator. A. W. Brackin Job Number: 99485 Date: 1/31/00 Contour feet Stage feet Contour Area S Average Contour Area S Incremental Contour Volume C Accumulated Contour Volume C 244.0 0.0 218 109 246.0 2.0 1854 1036 2072 2072 248.0 4.0 6439 4147 8293 10365 250.0 6.0 14697 10568 21136 31501 252.0 8.0 24762 19730 39459 70960 254.0 10.0 39414 32088 64176 135136 Storage vs. Stage 160000 140000 120000 Y 100000 a u 80000 U) 40000 20000 0 y . 316.14)e' R2.0.9975 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Stage (feet) 1 Ks= 316.141 b = 2.5982 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the basin will be calculated using the Rational Method with a computed composite runoff coefficient for all areas not directly connected to the basin (NDCIA's). Directly connected areas (DCIA's), via pipes, channels, etc., are used here also to find the peak inflow into the basin. For underground basins all inflow should be directly connected. Entire Basin Drainage Area = Area 1: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = Area 2: Drainage Area, A = Runoff Coefficient, C = 70.13 acres 8.32 acres (all drainage areas pervious and impervious) 0.46 composite, see calculations 15.22 acres (all adjacent drainage areas) 0.6 composite, see calculations Page 1 Single Dry Pond Composite Runoff Coefficient, C. = 0.55 Overland Length of Basin, L„,ww = 0.00 feet High Elevation of Overland Flow, E, = 0.00 feet Low Elevation of Overland Flow, E2 = 0.00 feet Slope of Overland Flow, S = 0.00 percent Time to Concentration for Overland Flow, T., = 0.0 min, (Figure 3-1) Channel Length of Basin, La,,,,,,., _ High Elevation of Channel Flow, E, _ Low Elevation of Channel Flow, E2 = Slope of Channel Flow, S = Time to Concentration for Channel Flow, To _ 0.00 feet 0.00 feet 0.00 feet 0.00 percent 0.0 min, (Figure 3-1) Time to Concentration for NDCIA's, T, _ Maximum Pipe Time to Basin Inlet, T2 = Total Time to Concentration for basin, Tc _ Rainfall Intensity, h = Rainfall Intensity, 110 = Rainfall Intensity, 6 = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 02 = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, Q,o = Non-directly Connected Areas Peak Flow, 0100 _ Peak flow, piping system 1, 02 = Peak flow, piping system 1, Q,o = Peak flow, piping system 1, Q100 _ Peak flow, piping system 2, 02 = Peak flow, piping system 2, Q,o = Peak flow, piping system 2, 0100 _ Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, opt = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Qp,o = Peak Flow for Inflow Hydrograph, Qp,oo _ 0.0 min. 0.0 min, (23.1 min for 24' RCP under road + 2.4 min pipe time) 0.0 min. 0.00 inches/hour, (for a 2-yr storm of duration Tc, Table 3-3) 0.00 inches/hour, (for a 10-yr storm of duration T., Table 3-3) 0.00 inches/hour, (for a 100-yr storm of duration Tc, Table 3-3) 71.50 cfs 2-yr storm see calcs 90.14 cfs 10-yr storm see calcs 122.00 cfs 100-yr stone see calcs 162.79 cfs, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 204.05 cis, from stormwater calculations (10-yr storm) 274.71 cts, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 0 cfs, from stormwater calculations (2-yr storm) 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (10-yr stone) 0.00 cfs, from stormwater calculations (100-yr storm) 234.29 cfs, (2-yr storm) 294.19 cis, (10-yr storm) 396.71 cfs, (100-yr storm) Compute Soil Storage, Depth of Runoff, and Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph Precipitation Intensity, I Precipitation Depth, P = SCS Curve Number, CN = Soil Storage, S = 0.65 inches/hour, (for 10-yr, 6-hr storm) 3.90 inches 90 for hydrologic soil group B 1.11 inches Depth of Runoff, Q = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, T. = Time to Peak for Inflow Hydrograph, Tp = Compute allowable outflow =_> Use pre-development C for runoff cooefficient 2.82 inches 37 min, for 2-yr storm 29 min, for 10-yr storm 22 min, for 50-yr storm Runoff Coefficient, C = 0.28 43% wooded, 57% grassed Intensity, 12 = 0.00 inches/hour Intensity, 110 = 0.00 inches/hour Area, A = 70.13 acres Page 2 Single Dry Pond Undetained Flow, QouT Undetained Flow, Ookff _ 0.00 cis, for 2-yr storm 0.00 cis, for 10-yr storm Peak Allowable Outflow, C o _ Peak Allowable Outflow, % = Estimate Storage Needed => 202.59 cis, for 2-yr storm see calcs 254.84 cis, for 10-yr storm see calcs Storage Needed, S = 69990.22 CF, for 2-yr storm Storage Needed, S = 69190.86 CF, for 10-yr storm Calculation of depth required for runoff storage basin Calculations are made using the representative basin as described above using derived values for K. and b, and storage calculated for the 10-year storm. K, _ b= 316.14 from above 2.5982 from above Depth of basin, d = Depth of basin, d = 7.99 feet, theoretical 8.00 feet, design Page 3 8Yi38g!H!J.gils99 YPSB?M6iSiGb6t5tYkii?2t:t3?3:a:wS.a.- 1 __ :$??t?tfiyS??169?Gbt8?b??r?PN??qN¢AIyBSS:,.o u . u u? wwin ln. .bww N? Y. ? M' ? b . ?? 4 pj1 Q` ! ?'? j [yo 'pj !:H oo ' ------------ ???????????????????????eeeooeeeoooooocoooooooeooo ooooeooooo0000 ooe eooce eoeooeoooo ?? eoooeeeeooooo0oooooeeeoeoo •L e?sP'+2es?s$?D ?G" ITu:oo S Iffulf • ? ? i? Lshi Nf3? e$N?'? g p5:? P:? ?s?= [?EF895pQ:? ZIA. kl?$ $§?$$$$8 $»8$$$$?8$ PC?? &?8 t[ ?gc'Y Aewe i g g EwC ? 6 P E t g i E ?r i i ffi ltYJ9ss8YR8yy:??®SYRI81¢1?1CgaSSfG6Y1fYk{a2t2tYt32t:a::o.a.No o-8 ?:agY??i(3blN? 1S1A88b??`BN??(?yY????7?P???7????1d,9??auuo 88?88888888?0???l?S???Ti?,CIb?Z?r7?8??66A??i{?d?7?RNNoo .N. w. 888888888888 ? ' ? ?8°'g??28Gya?t&oe 1S71yt y1F8?Ept. .b 888888888888e?eeeeeceeeeeeeecoec?peeoeeeeeeoc?ee? 88888?8888?8 ooooeeoeoooooeepoooeeeoooeoeeeeeoeeoo oooooeeeooooooooooeeoeeeooo ococ eooooooooeoeooeee yp 34 iL i 0000000oooooeoaeeeeooooooeee +? 88888888888 Ayr=?:e9.??#?,,??;?"-?s-s,B?R?eayaaa ' 83 : ? ? $ g> ??: y ??y y } ply ySj yyr? yy pp L ' ???????????? " u?pooooecec?uocee eeeaeeeeeee°e.Npau? d g 000000oooooeooooeooeooeeoeeoooooe $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$88$$8$8$$$$8$8$$$$$$ •? f? i?61 w?K, QG:? P?:i' X802 i?[?8854Q? Ei88 pcr? &88 ii ip lif i S 8fs'°s? i 8u5881s88 8.888$89$$ i 111 1iiiij BYp9C8 YPSE??:??S8YR81CTfC?ffisSLGS6tStYkt82i2t:d22va:HS...»o bbbbbbbb ??E1dGi6?3=?9gy??8??P? Z•????u???? ?r+?a8?'92"'9f3:'3"dtioo ? ??,Se- s Y s° e a $8ae? ??e eoe ?? ee eooeoo 0oooooeoooooooe ? o s sY " $ S $8I8At 'x.?Y'?' $ Y y It ?? $8$80 'Ct'3YGSP?Sd16a8?98Yeooeoeeooeeeooo ? l ?? ?? btSSa:f?tRt6pooe ooooeoeeeoeooeeoeeee.? $$$8$$$$$$'a$$$$$$$$$$`-?$$$a?ssa8$s$sgs?a?s8sss°$ kSBL bo 3 5?a 8 6 pe Y °ooiofiN A. 8&88$88 8»88$88!3$$ 112 CALCULATION SHEET PAGE --L OF / BARBARAN MUIREYINGINE RANG IN( CLIENT I SUBJECT ?? F f ?? ?1/L C o OI/ Prepared By i? Date..=j-- -19" PROJECT No. 10 1i P-u r '" SFCT10 Reviewed By Date ?N N N N N ?V N N N N -+? P Q J1 Jl VIA J1 ?! ? ..? C - N IN » -tI C 4 N G? z •• N N nN 0 N I.NP' fv `? F N ?N N N 0 ?N o --c n N N N ?' N N N N N N N a p ?i 11 A Vy VI 0 RA ,n 31 a 0 •n, , ?. w . , .. , ?. \ n • ?i ?a I ? I::; ?': :... ':. \_ ! •,. •, 1 -----------\ ',. '?. '•. , i `S .?i. _'__..,_-,,_. ? •...... l ! 1 r i ` i TI / l ? ;' i Da I'? ... r i „ r i I i r' / I 'r I i „y • t. - m' I '1' / rr _-'r8E3 f J - _... !!! „ ` / IIII' / I.. 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F-n in Road 4 M, DETENTION Ral.Iph?N.C.?27606 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PONDS 1914 esi 1918 IFNq ........ .....,. 1 ??•' •'8U Q _._. ` II ?Ir I . `. , "Ile , r ? r ... li . , c .......... , ' , , ..,.. / ..... _ :I \ i ........-.... `I : .../ I M1 _ _ .... _....... ... ._.....? •A T 7. r•'y h I) I .., ... .... I it r _ ..._.._.. - • 3+30 ` r I - '• ... r :... b.5 \ .... `t'•` U \ n ?i r. i _ i ' i ! f ! .... ..-"- i? // /" I , 111 ! I ?r - . I ' r^ _ / ..?.. - - - _ .. r' ---- ..... I ' ... , ._.. _ ?' ..... __ .. ,. ....., ... ,_ Q _ - -- t I b 1 M > I I 11 r Y n ' _ 11i 4DMINE ROAD (SR 1820) _.. L6:4DMI ?. _.....: .... ROAD (....18. /3,'01,1.•x,5, .... '....... '- i rM ................... W `n m P ?' @7D p P Deeorlptton p CRABTREE -OVERLOOK I m n ro a < n F ° 0 1[ 6w.in,'/nafrw,W-„ ?' o m "p A SINGLE WET ° POND 999'sl,•Y16?4A Rid Welgh, N.C. 27606 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA (919) 891-1912 _...., , ........... ......................... , \ _._ ..... ....... / ...`.. .... saes . ' . / i • . K! , .........._.. r , \ r .......... t\ \ ... - ! \ ........... ..? i ..... i .i L I .. r r: ?/ I _.. ...... i -..; / \ ._..... ?.rNrr.r .?r r \' 1 _... ..,,?., f., r 1 1 i I I ....y ., t.. .. garlYf d! tiYilA.?71t. •,,...„ ..t..,;.... ri1 , 4. I • .. _ Ji 1 .. - I / I J r I' i n /' tl 1 1 _.. II?( .f ?... yr na,`??Pi X111 I , yk? .... . „ l _r 1 7 / '8 x j L r I. I 4_. it 4 /... -31Q ` lI ...... ...- , r a .4 ..._. - ?• ........... (._. -rt, ? •?:, /, _..__ 3201--==-N. .•? \ ? ??:`~ ..............._-....._ , ...,1 .. ---... _ ., . ....... ....._ ........ ._... .... Q b? nl T ... Jr rYf? _ ...'.... .. .. 1 k .............. ... . .. @} (_ .......... i ......, - b .. i 1 1 ...............I, __.._ .... 6 ryf,Y,? rIV.C b 1 / / / NIYOIS'lC ....... sirJrzew uJ a Zo _ ^..._....._ ...... ..... ._.. -- LEAD lmr, ROAIJ (SR [820) MINE i - - - _ ROAD 'rsg IBao) I :. 'lam a 'vt aw III OVA - O n co r d + i N + N s 0 0 v 4 Deecriptlon SINGLE DRY POND F41? ? i ..... _....? , y I?; 1 ?.... ........... A s?® CRABTREE - OVERLOOK irk 639 J.- Franklin Road sal+• 11 '1afAf1A tr_t_r_L u RALEIGHI NORTH CAROLINA - i' , , ...... _ 9U` .................. S? ^\ . Q - ........ i 9eB t1 ., s - -- - .•» \ ?...._ ...... _...._........_... ,,.. -?-- \ El e ........... dv II _., .... fir J ........I• \\ i e ' t f i ! , °t gt? ., _.....__....... I,tr \ i \ t `4•. \.. _- . r• - .r i \ \` .• `•. j....... __- __ ............. _.................I .r .... . \1 I .r i R- `. __ .. -7 I / r!l Ij ?,........ _.._ ...................._............_ ..._ ?'.'? ` 4?_ _ , ?I ! , ', ? _.. , • ,"?,• it ,` •,I 11? .................. .._ _. _.._ , 320 .......... ? ??- , 1...._.._....._...._ _ a._ . . - _.,....._.,_ ....... AW. I II• b... ... _ 77' yr _ y T, X , f 1 N/DK• ?.I?? ............ ........_ .. _.... strJrzbw 41 r. ?1IIV \ i I ? III ` LF4D,i41NF .ROAD _ _.. ? (5R 1820) rarrr ...... r, _ .. 'In. ---"?-? \?.•_ ? -._ '(sR 182 0) a? )y arm n ? N ? 4 p Desorlptlon `s vl ir v v 0 o N m UNDERGROUND 0 DETENTION CRABTREE 559 )one. Franklin Road Sint. ,61-" u r -Ann RALEIGH, I OVERLOOK CAROLINA